Optimizing Design of Genomics Studies For Clonal E
Optimizing Design of Genomics Studies For Clonal E
Optimizing Design of Genomics Studies For Clonal E
Abstract. Genomic biotechnologies have seen rapid development over the past two decades, allowing
for both the inference and modification of genetic and epigenetic information at the single cell level.
While these tools present enormous potential for basic research, diagnostics, and treatment, they also
raise difficult issues of how to design research studies to deploy these tools most effectively. In designing
a study at the population or individual level, a researcher might combine several different sequencing
modalities and sampling protocols, each with different utility, costs, and other tradeoffs. The central
problem this paper attempts to address is then how one might create an optimal study design for a
genomic analysis, with particular focus on studies involving somatic variation, typically for applications
in cancer genomics. We pose the study design problem as a stochastic constrained nonlinear optimiza-
tion problem and introduce a simulation-centered optimization procedure that iteratively optimizes
the objective function using surrogate modeling combined with pattern and gradient search. Finally,
we demonstrate the use of our procedure on diverse test cases to derive resource and study design
allocations optimized for various objectives for the study of somatic cell populations.
2 Srivatsa et al.
1 Introduction
Recent developments in genomic biotechnology have allowed for increasingly precise characterization and
manipulation of genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic content at a single-cell level (Li et al., 2021). Our
growing understanding of somatic variability has paved the way for understanding biological processes – like
aging and development – and also disease conditions, like cancer (Olafsson and Anderson, 2021). Though
genomic medicine is still in its infancy, the future might involve various genome monitoring and engineering
strategies in the management of these biological processes (Das et al., 2015).
The realm of cancer biology has proven to be especially fruitful for biotechnological and genetic analyses.
Cancer is a heterogeneous disease whereby a process of somatic evolution leads to an accumulation of genetic
modifications that gradually give rise to clonal disorder and neoplasias. Cancer cells are typically imbued
with one or more of many possible hypermutation phenotypes that produce characteristic patterns of ge-
netic or epigenetic plasticity in their descendants(Loeb, 2001). Examples include the chromosome instability
(CIN) phenotypes characteristic of TP53 defects (Pino and Chung, 2010), point mutation phenotypes of
DNA polymerase defects (Barbari and Shcherbakova, 2017), or various phenotypes of DNA mismatch repair
defects (Peltomäki, 2001). Furthermore, neoplasms often contain complex scaffolds of putatively healthy and
neoplastic cells, each exhibiting varying genetic and epigenetic changes and spatial distributions within the
tumor microenvironment (Martincorena et al., 2017). The clonal evolution from a healthy cell population
to an invasive, metastatic one is still an unsolved problem – a primary challenge being the wide variability
present within each neoplasm. As such, the ushering of personalized care, where an individual patients’
neoplasias might be analyzed for mutability patterns and targeted strategically, holds great promise.
Advancing personalized cancer care will hinge in part on our ability to develop rigorous statistical and
data science frameworks for dissecting the complexity of the biology of somatic mutability, involving decision
making in the face of many complementary genomic technologies now available to us. Current statistical
and algorithmic approaches take various genetic readouts as inputs and give insights into the population
structure and dynamics of cell populations(Ding et al., 2014). Population features we might want to charac-
terize include a varying and expanding set of characteristics including: cellular phylogenetic trees, mutations
(structural, point, and copy number changes) and mutability patterns (mutational signatures), spatial dis-
tributions, epigenetic alterations, and transcriptional activity (Grody et al., 2023). Researchers seeking to
characterize such features have available to them numerous various combinations of genomic tools com-
bined with a wide variety of algorithms with which to draw inferences (Pareek et al., 2011; Schwartz and
Schäffer, 2017). We now have scalable (bio)technological tools and associated algorithms allowing us to mea-
sure changes in RNA, DNA, translation, transcription, and the epigenome. We also have tools that allow us
to modify DNA/RNA/epigenome information at the single cell level allowing for more involved and accu-
rate information collection systems (e.g., CRISPR barcoding). This wealth of options is making ever more
complicated the key question of how a researcher can design a maximally efficacious study to gather spe-
cific information about a somatic evolution process within resource constraints. This problem is especially
difficult because of the high dimensional study-design optimization space combined with arbitrarily-complex
cell populations without ground-truth data. Multiomic designs (e.g., combining various sequencing modali-
ties) may be particularly valuable for information gain but present a challenge for traditional optimization
algorithms (Mangiante et al., 2023). Working effectively and efficiently with the complex space of options
requires principled alternatives to the current practice of essentially ad hoc design.
In this paper, we aim to meet this challenge by developing tools for design of studies of somatic evolution
processes using ideas from Bayesian optimization. In doing so, we define a generalized study design allocation
problem for cancer genetics studies under experimental, simulation, and budget constraints. We then show
that our optimization procedure can find effective study designs for diverse somatic mutability analyses via
a set of case studies.
The main components of the study design problem are represented by bold text. Somatic evolution instances
and their associated genetic study designs are generated by the simulator in Srivatsa et al. (2023).
Detailed definitions of each of these variables is found in Appendix Table 4; here each of the sequencing
nc d
variables are condensed into some representative value for the study design. x ∈ R+ 0 × Zn , where nc
denotes the number of continuous variables and nd defines the number discrete variables. Many of these
variables, like coverage or read length, might be considered discrete, but have a continuous interpretation.
Discrete variables may be integer values (e.g., read length) or categorical (e.g. variant caller).
nc d +n
2. We next define a budget function f : R+ 0 × Zn → R+0 and a cost function g : R0 × Zn → R+ 0.
Informally, we think of the budget function f as assigning a monetary cost to a particular study design
and the cost function g as assigning a fraction of the maximal budget used by a particular study design.
We assume that these two functions are quickly computable for any design x. However, the functions
may lack a closed form expression and may not be continuous or differentiable.
3. Constraints for the design are given by f (x) ≤ b, where b denotes a maximum budget. One might
define these constraints by partitioning the domain into continuous and discrete sets and defining valid
subsets for each, though any other function could be used.
nc d
4. Central to the optimization framework is our loss function Lq (x). Lq : R+ 0 × Zn → R+ 0 measures
the error with which our study design returns a particular property or set of properties the somatic
system studied. There is a dependency on the biology of the somatic cells themselves, described by the q
subscript in the loss function, where a cell population is generated from a stochastic realization q ∼ Q(t).
This loss function is typically difficult to compute in a cancer study. Hence, there may only be a limited
number of real and simulated loss function evaluations that can be used in our optimization solution.
5. A regularization penalty λ ∈ R+ balances the efficacy of a study design and its resource cost.
6. The score of a study design is defined as λg(x) + Lq (x), which measures the overall efficacy of a target
study design x. Note that in our framework, lower scores imply more effective study designs.
We are then prepared to offer our formal problem statement:
The Study Design Problem Given a fixed simulation or experimental budget to iteratively generate
M datasets, {Xqj }M j
j=1 of the form Xq = {xi , Lq (xi )}i=1 corresponding to study design evaluations on a
somatic evolution process, we seek to solve the following constrained optimization problem:
Our formulation amounts to a stochastic black-box mixed-integer programming problem. The problem is
additionally challenging because our loss function is potentially discontinuous and costly to estimate, and can
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
4 Srivatsa et al.
only be sampled in batches via simulation. Various approaches have been used in the optimization literature to
solve similar problems (Liuzzi et al., 2012; Kelley, 2002). Some rely on the construction of surrogate functions
which are used as either first-pass solutions or aids in traditional iterative search methods (Gramacy, 2020).
Others estimate gradients directly from simulation calls and use these to approach minima iteratively (Spall,
2012). Yet others do not rely on gradients at all, instead employing direct search style algorithms that
iteratively explore promising points (Audet and Dennis Jr, 2001). Depending on assumptions regarding our
function and input domain, some algorithms have proveable convergence guarantees while others remain
heuristics(Sriver, 2004). More recent methods have expanded such strategies to mixed variable domain sets.
For reviews of various algorithms for related problems see Abramson (2003); Sriver (2004). The idea of using
sequentially simulated somatic evolution instances in combination with diverse biotechnology study design
instances is, to our knowledge, new to the cancer genomics literature and there is thus a dearth of methods
for the study design problem. Software for more generic optimization is poorly suited to the particulars of this
domain, failing to encapsulate the stochastic and sequential nature of our sampled points, the mixed variable
domain of our study design vector, or parallelized simulation and compute scheme. We thus develop a new
approach, borrowing effective ideas from past literature, such as mesh-search for mixed variable programming
and surrogate modeling, in designing an effective and efficient optimization method.
Our overall optimization strategy uses an iterative exploration-exploitation approach to return progressively
better solutions to the study design problem. Given the high dimension of the search space and cost per
experiment, we balance exploration of high variance regions of the search space with local exploration of
already promising points. The initial stage of the algorithm produces a sampling matrix of study designs
for both the cost function and loss function, which are then used to build initial surrogate models for the
combined cost and loss function. The algorithm proceeds by using the surrogate functions to simultaneously
explore high uncertainty regions of the sample space and perform local neighborhood search of current
high performance study designs. After each iteration, the surrogate functions are updated, and a queue of
high performance points is iterated based on our latest local and global search. During the algorithm, cost
constraints are maintained by rejecting proposed designs that are over the allowed budget. The algorithm
ends when either the simulation budget is exhausted or it fails to find a significantly better point after a fixed
number of iterations. Figure 1 provides a flowchart of the algorithm, Full pseudocode is found in Algorithm
1 in Appendix section 6.2.
Generating Experimental Designs At each iteration, the algorithm must estimate the loss function
and potentially cost function. Here, we assume that we can pick the subsequent set of study designs via
simulation. During the initial stage of the algorithm, we do not have any information about which study
designs are most effective, and therefore want a set of study designs that “fills” the domain space. We use
Latin hypercube sampling (LHS)(McKay et al., 2000) for this purpose. Instead of simply sampling from the
joint distribution, we partition each study design variable xi (the superscript is used to differentiate between
the variable and the data point number) into n0 equally-sized intervals spanning the range of the variable
(where n0 is the number of samples). We randomly sample from each interval to generate a set of n0 samples
for variable xi . This is repeated for each variable xi , and samples from each variable are concatenated in a
random permutation for each variable to generate a full matrix Xl0 of dimension n0 ×d. Here d represents the
full dimension of a single vector study design x, i.e. d = nc + nd the total number of discrete and continuous
variables. The set of samples produced by LHS in promotes variability in the sample space, however the
sample space is still exponentially large. We use the stochastic evolutionary algorithm of Jin et al. (2003)
to generate a favorable LHS sample via a maximin distance i.e., max min1≤i,j≤n0 d(xi , xj ) where d(xi , xj )
denotes the (Euclidean) distance between samples. This LHS sample is intended to maximize the minimal
distance between any two sample rows in the data matrix – thereby ensuring a more even spread in the
data. Since some of these designs may exceed the cost function budget, we reject these samples and generate
LHS matrices until the target sample size is exceeded. If the cost function is not obtainable in closed form,
we might also want to approximate this function, and would similarly draw samples for a matrix Xc0 . Data
matrices Xl0 , Xc0 are passed to the next stage of our algorithm.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
Fig. 1. A flowchart of the main algorithm is depicted above. The algorithm functions by repeatedly estimating a
surrogate functions from simulation calls and exploring promising regions of the search space.
Generating Surrogate Models Using our initial set of data Xq0 , we then set out to develop a Gaussian
\ ′
process estimator for our loss function Lq (x) ≈ E[Lq (x)] ∼ GP (µ(x), k(x, x )). The Gaussian process is
defined by a mean and covariance function estimating similarity between points in the input space (and
encouraging smoothness). Here we use the Matern 3/2 covariance function defined below.
√ √
k(x, x′ ) = σ 2 × (1 + 3θd(x, x′ ))exp(− 3θd(x, x′ )) (4)
In the above kernel, d represents some distance metric and θ represents a smoothness hyperparameter.
The mean and variance of new sample points can be estimated using a conditional distribution derived from
the definition of the Gaussian process (c.f., Rasmussen (2003)), i.e. :
−1 −1
f (x∗ )|f (X) ∼ N (k(x∗ , X)T KXX f (X), k(x∗ , x∗ ) + k(x∗ , X)T KXX k(x∗ , X)) (5)
Here X denotes the set of already observed study design vectors, KXX denotes the pairwise kernel matrix
of our X vectors, and k(x∗ , X) denotes a column vector of kernels of x∗ with each element in X. Traditional
Gaussian process models can be extended to mixed variables by adapting the kernel distance function (Saves
et al., 2023a). Generally the kernel function is factored into continuous and discrete kernels, with the overall
kernel/similarity defined as their product. We use the exponential homoscedastic hypersphere kernel for cat-
egorical variables (c.f., Saves et al. (2023a),Garrido-Merchán and Hernández-Lobato (2020)). These functions
and inferences are implemented in the Surrogate Modeling Toolbox package (Saves et al., 2023b).
If we do not have a closed form expression for our cost function g(x), we can also generate an estimator
g(x) using our dataset Xc0 . We use our Gaussian surrogate function(s) to rapidly compute our overall score
function for various study designs: T \ \
q (x) = λg(x) + Lq (x).
Exploring Additional Points A critical stage of the overall optimization strategy is the selection of a
new set of study design experiments to generate labeled loss function scores for given previous sets of data
{Xqi }j−1
i=0 . There are three main methods we use to select points: Gaussian process acquisition function selec-
tion, gradient descent iteration, and mesh search iteration. Given nj available sampling points for iteration j,
we define an exploration coefficient, ej , and generate a large number of points via an LHS strategy. The LHS
sample is winnowed via the lower confidence bound acquisition criteria for Gaussian processes. We select
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
6 Srivatsa et al.
the minimum ⌊ej nj ⌋ points of the LHS sample to generate for the next iteration via the values of the LCB
function, which is defined by the function below:
LCBT (x) = µT (x) − αv × σT (x) (6)
α represents an exploration parameter which emphasizes high variance points. This strategy ensures that we
explore “promising” points with low values and/or high variance given our current set of explored points.
The algorithm also explores in the vicinity of the current best simulated points via local search in an
“exploitation” phase. At the current iteration, the other nj − ⌊ej nj ⌋ points are explored via local search
with nm dictating the number of points explored via mesh search and ng the number of points explored
via gradient descent. The current minima is designated a “mesh center”, around which a mixed-integer
mesh is built to sample. The minimal point can be partitioned into continuous and discrete components,
x = (xc , xd ). A mesh is defined by a set of directions, D(x, j), and a “fineness” parameter ∆. D(x, j) is a
matrix of dimension nc × |D|, with the columns defining a positive spanning set of the continuous space,
Θc (informally a set of directions to continue the continuous search). The mesh is defined as:
Mj (x) = Θd × {xc + ∆j dj |dj ∈ col(Dj )} (7)
Informally, we can picture the mesh as a set of lattices surrounding the input point. Each discrete value set,
input point, and iteration may have a different lattice. Given we have a fixed simulation budget, we cannot
evaluate the entire mesh and instead probabilistically pick from the continuous neighborhood lattice of the
current point, the discrete neighbors of the current point, and, potentially, the continuous neighborhood of
the discrete neighbors – with each set defined below. :
Cj (x) = {(xc + ∆j dj , xd )|dj ∈ col(Dj )}, Dj (x) = {(xc , N (xd )}, Ej (x) = {xc + ∆j dj , N (xd )} (8)
We first randomly sample points in the continuous neighborhood lattice (Cj (x)) of our current mesh center.
We then progress to a discrete neighborhood (Dj (x)) of our current point; for categorical variables one might
define such a neighborhood by setting each variable equidistant to one another, while for integer variables
(e.g., read length) one might set a fraction of the range as a “discrete ball” surrounding a point. With
sufficient budget on the current iteration, we explore the extended continuous neighborhoods of our discrete
neighbors (Ej (x)). With a large budget one could exhaust all points in the mesh Mj (x).
At the remainder ng = nj − ⌊ej nj ⌋ − nm of the lowest value points, we perform a gradient-descent search
by estimating the gradient numerically at each of the ng points the surrogate functions. The next point
sampled is:
Tb(x + γ × ei ) − Tb(x − γ × ei )
x∗ = x − αg ∗ ∇T
\ (x) \
[∇T (x)]i = (9)
Integer constants γ and α represent a range of perturbation and movement of the gradient estimator and
step (typically both are relatively small). The ei represents a perturbation vector with a small fraction of
the domain range of variable i at the ith position.
In each of the sampling cases, care must be taken to ensure new points are feasible. In the case of points
sampled from our acquisition function, we reject points that violate cost constraints. Within our mesh search,
we do not allow for the sampling of points outside our domain hypercube. If mesh search points violate our
budget, we shrink the fineness of the mesh in hopes of finding a local neighborhood where points are feasible.
A similar procedure is implemented in each gradient descent search step, and we also maintain perturbation
parameters such that discrete variables remain integer values.
Iteration, Stopping Criterion, and Parallelization The full optimization algorithm involves iteratively
picking new data points to evaluate, evaluating sets of data via simulation, and conducting surrogate reesti-
mation of the target function. At any point after the first iteration, a full list of ranked study designs as well
as the currently trained surrogate function can be returned to the user. The iteration repeats, exploring high
variance points of the surrogate domain while simultaneously exploring points of low expected value until
the given budget is exhausted. At each iteration, the exploration parameter and iterated search parameter
can be updated (c.f., Appendix Table A1). We generally taper the gradient and mesh search parameters as
well as the exploration coefficient with each optimization round.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
3 Performance Considerations
The main factor in run time of the optimization algorithm is the evaluation of the input points via large scale
simulation or experimentation, which incurs a large fiscal, computational, and/or temporal cost. Denoting S
as the time per simulation batch, our overall run time is therefore proportional to O(M S), where M denotes
our simulation batch budget. The simulation experiments and analysis scripts are readily paralellizable across
computer processing cores and compute nodes, such that the actual run time is proportional in O( M S
YZ )
where Y and Z denote the number of cores and nodes respectively. Storage and maximum memory load per
machine must also be considered. Due to the large volume of simulated read data generated, our program
deletes the genomic data produced after each batch. Thus, the program requires O(nm Gm cm nj ) units of
disk space where nm denotes the maximal number of single cells in all samples, Gm denotes the max genome
size, cm denotes the maximum coverage, and nj is the number of samples per iteration. Given that these
simulations are resource intensive, our implementation is designed to maximally parallelize the computation
while maintaining the memory capacity for each core/node and the storage capacity of the overall cluster.
Finally, we note that the simulations themselves should mimic the target biology of the study design problem;
one can achieve this by modifying the parameters of the simulation or through data collection strategies.
4 Experimental Results
The following section demonstrates the proposed method by posing and solving various hypothetical study
design queries. A full study design query is defined by its study design, biology, cost and budget, and loss
function parameters. We summarize each use case as it is presented but provide full details in Table 1. The
best scores for each experiment are presented in Table 2. Key results are summarized for all experiments in
Figs 2-5.
We first assume that we are presented with a tumor and wish to understand its mutational spectrum, i.e., its
single nucleotide variations (SNVs) and structural variations (SVs). We assume that we have an effectively
infinite experimental budget and that our cost for any study design is thus 0. Resources are encoded here in
hard constraints on upper limits, rather than in the objective function. We define the loss function as:
SN Vrecall + SVscore SVcorrect
L= , SN Vrecall = (10)
2 SVactual
Calling the SV output locations for chromosome i, Ci = {(a, b)}, and calling our ground truth set of SV
locations, Di = {(c, d)}. The SV scoring function is then defined as:
|C + Di | X 1(|j ∩ Ci | > 0)
P i
SVscore = (11)
i i |Ci + Di | |Di |
The SV portion of the loss function measures the fraction of called structural variants that overlap with the
ground truth variant set. The overall loss function is intended to model the accuracy with which we can
correctly detect both structural and point changes in the genome.
The optimizer’s results for this query can be viewed in Table 2. Overall, the best scores tended to be near
the upper bound of the coverage parameter and to correspond to the genome sequenced with two samples
with additional single-cell draws. Error Rate seemed to have a negligible effect, which makes sense as we
were primarily testing for recall, and read length seemed to have a negative effect on scores near the lower
extremities of the search region. Visualizations of the Exome and Coverage parameters, which appeared to
be particularly significant, can be seen in Fig 2. Overall the results of the optimization procedure seemed
mostly to match intuition in this experiment. With an unconstrained and broad-set query, we expect the
upper-bounds of most information-containing parameters to be selected.
A univariate analysis of the study design space is likely to miss key subspaces that contain high (and low)
performing designs. We see clear trends in certain 2-dimensional subspaces of parameter combinations in the
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
8 Srivatsa et al.
Table 1. Experimental query settings - including biological, study design, cost function, and loss function parameters-
are described below for each performed experiment.
Experiment Study Design Parame- Biological Parameters Cost and Budget Param- Loss Function
ters eters
4.1 Study design vectors were Each sample consists of one All study designs were as- We used a loss function de-
generated with parameters stochastically generated tu- signed the same cost of 0, fined by equation 10.
from the following ranges: mor, with a (relatively) high with a lambda weight of
rl ∈ [100, 10000] rate of single nucleotide vari- 0. Our experimental budget
c ∈ [1, 50] ants, medium rate for dele- was 5 iterations of optimiza-
e ∈ [0, 0.1] tions, inversions, and copy tion with approximately 20
n ∈ [0, 1] number changes, and low samples per iteration.
P aired ∈ {0, 1} rate for large scale structural
s ∈ {1, 2} variants. Each tumor had 5
Genome ∈ {0, 1} clonal subpopulations. The
genome consists of a random
subset of each human chro-
mosome accounting for 10
percent of the total diploid
4.2 Study design vectors were Each sample consists of one All study designs were as- We used a loss function de-
generated with parameters stochastically generated tu- signed a cost generated by fined by equation 10.
from the following ranges: mor, with a (relatively) high equation 12, with a lambda
rl ∈ [500, 10000] rate of single nucleotide vari- weight of 1. Our experimen-
c ∈ [1, 100] ants, medium rate for dele- tal budget was 2 iterations
e ∈ [0, 0.1] tions, inversions, and copy of optimization with approx-
n ∈ [0, 1] number changes, and low imately 20 samples per it-
P aired ∈ {0, 1} rate for large scale structural eration. The maximal cost
s ∈ {1, 2} variants. Each tumor had 5 of any individual sampled
Genome ∈ {0, 1} clonal subpopulations. The point was set to be 100,000.
genome consists of a ran-
dom subset of each human
chromosome accounting for
5 percent of the total diploid
4.3 Study design vectors were Each sample consists of one All study designs were as- We used a loss function de-
generated with parameters stochastically generated tu- signed the same cost of 0, fined by equation 13.
from the following ranges: mor, with a (relatively) high with a lambda weight of
rl ∈ [100, 10000] rate of single nucleotide vari- 0. Our experimental budget
c ∈ [1, 50] ants, medium rate for dele- was 4 iterations of optimiza-
e ∈ [0, 0.1] tions, inversions, and copy tion with approximately 25
n ∈ [0, 1] number changes, and low samples per iteration.
P aired ∈ {1} rate for large scale structural
s ∈ {1, 2} variants. Each tumor had 5
Genome ∈ {0, 1} clonal subpopulations. The
genome consists of a ran-
dom subset of each human
chromosome accounting for
5 percent of the total diploid
4.4 Study design vectors were Each sample consists of one All study designs were as- We used a loss function de-
generated with parameters stochastically generated tu- signed a cost determined by fined by equation 14.
from the following ranges: mor, with a (relatively) high equation 12, with a lambda
rl ∈ [100, 10000] rate of single nucleotide vari- weight of 1. Our experimen-
c ∈ [1, 50] ants, medium rate for dele- tal budget was 2 iterations
e ∈ [0, 0.1] tions, inversions, and copy of optimization with approx-
n ∈ [0, 1] number changes, and low imately 30 samples per iter-
P aired ∈ {1} rate for large scale structural ation.
s ∈ {1, 2} variants. Each tumor had 5
Genome ∈ {0, 1} clonal subpopulations. The
genome consists of a subset
of each human chromosome
accounting for 5 percent of
the total diploid genome.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
Fig. 2. Visualizations for Experiment 4.1, an inquiry into mutation calling accuracy without a cost function. (a) 2-
dimensional surrogate cross section of varying parameters, showing that high coverage values tended to be favored as
expected, with read length showing a more ambiguous trend. (b) PCA plot of the points explored by the optimization
algorithm. We can see that certain regions of space had better scores than others, and that the points we explored
varied by the round of optimization. (c) two single parameter plots, namely exome sequencing and coverage. Exome
sequencing generally had a higher score than genome, as expected; increasing coverage generally had a lower score as
expected. We also see that higher coverages are explored more in later rounds than earlier rounds. (d) optimization
scores by round, which showed a generally negative trend at the minimal value, but ambiguous trend when considering
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
10 Srivatsa et al.
surrogate function in Fig 2a.; the error rate and read length combination appears to yield mostly average
performing designs with valleys and peaks interspersed. The coverage and read length combination, on the
other hand, appears to show clear areas of high and low performance along the coverage axis. Similarly, a PCA
projection of the generated points (Fig 2b) showed some structure, with higher score points sequestered to
the top and left and the lower scoring points to the bottom and right. This may indicate some combinations
of study design variables are particularly effective or ineffective. A more detailed analysis of further n-
dimensional subpsaces or hypercubes might find subregions of higher performance.
We can also view the action of the optimization algorithm in exploring the design space. Figs 2b and 2c
show that initial exploration of the entire space is fairly evenly spaced, as expected, with later rounds more
concentrated in certain regions. When viewing the coverage plot in Fig 2c, we see that the initial exploration
of the parameter is fairly even, but by the final round most of the samples occur towards the upper end of the
permissible range. We also see that in later rounds, some “under-explored” regions of the space are still being
searched due to our high exploration parameter. The optimization scores by round fluctuated considerably,
with a significant number of outlier points while both the median and lowest points significantly varied. This
might be due to noise from the underlying informatics pipeline, biological stochasticity, the high variance
sampling strategy, or the relatively low number of points generated per round.
We now make the perhaps more tenable assumption that a researcher must consider trade offs between study
efficacy and resource cost. Again, we wish to understand the overall mutational spectrum of the somatic cell
population. This time, however, we are constrained by a total budget per experiment that cannot be exceeded.
We also would prefer to use cheaper study designs that recover sufficient signal over designs with higher cost
but equivalent efficacy. To model this situation, we create a cost function that linearly and multiplicatively
scales with sequencing parameters corresponding to more depth and accuracy. This function is intended to
theoretically model how costs might scale with different biological parameters. We change the overall score
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
Fig. 3. Visualizations are depicted below for Experiment 4.2, a study design problem combining a cost function with
mutational calling accuracy. (a) 2-dimensional parameter trends in coverage and read length as well as exome and
paired tuples of surrogate points. (b) PCA projections of the optimization points. Again, we can see certain regions of
the space contain different score levels and are explored in differing fashion sequentially by the algorithm. (c) single
parameter trends, where increasing single cells lowered score and read length had no clear trend. We see that read
lengths in the middle of our range are explored more during the second round of optimization and produced lower
scores. (d) depicts that the optimization score lowered in both mean and minimum over the course of the algorithm.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
12 Srivatsa et al.
g(x) = (1.3 ∗ 1[P aired = 1] + 1[P aired = 0]) ∗ (1[Genome = 1] + 0.1 ∗ 1[Genome = 0])×
(0.03 ∗ s) ∗ (n + 1) ∗ [30 ∗ rl + 30 ∗ c + 500 ∗ (1 − q ) + 2 ∗ c ∗ n + c ∗ rl] (12)
1 + e+10 −7 − 1
The loss function for this study is identical to that defined in Eq 10. The study design constraints in this
experiment were slightly expanded to allow for increased coverage up to 100x depth, and we again replicated
independent tumors arising from a stochastic process consisting of independent draws with 5 subclones and
standard mutation rates consistent with tumor literature.
The lowest scoring results are shown in Table 2. As in Query 4.1, the coverage and genome parameters are
near their upper bounds. Unlike the prior query, however, we see that excessive usage of certain parameters
is penalized and not optimal. For example, in Fig 3a, excessively high read lengths receive high scores and
the optimal read length scores tended to be within the middle of the parameter range. The addition of single
cell samples did lower the scores (see Fig 3c), but some high performing samples also did not use single
cell sequencing. Similarly, although we would naturally expect multiple-sample study designs to perform
best, we saw that single sample study designs also performed well with respect to our overall score. This is
possibly because of the multiplicative cost trade-off associated with the additional sample. We might expect
to see lower parameter values with an increased cost function prioritization and for different parameter
combinations to be prioritized even with a repeated run of the optimization algorithm.
We can also see the surrogate has a different representation with the imposition of the cost function.
A surrogate plot (Fig 3a) of coverage and readlength shows a more oscillatory structure with respect to
coverage. Similarly, we can measure the effect of various categorical parameters. The exome parameter
appears to drive down the score but the paired parameter has a much more negligible effect. We also can
view the action of the optimization algorithm in terms of the points explored. Though there were only two
rounds of low sample optimization, we see that the points explored in Fig 3b appear to be in different parts
of the space depending on the round. With far more samples/rounds of sampling, we might expect that
alternative low cost subspaces with relatively low losses might be found. It also appears that there is a fair
amount of local structure in the points, as Fig 3b shows that nearby points tended to share the same scores.
The true optimization function might be smoother, since the cost we assigned was deterministic and smooth
and might have helped reduce noise created by the informatics calling pipeline. Similarly, the optimization
scores uniformly decreased in both median and the lower percentiles (Fig 3d).
One key hypothesis in understanding how somatic mutability influences cancer risk is the idea of hyper-
mutability processes. The aging and developing human body is constantly evolving at the genetic and epi-
genetic levels at some basal rates Li et al. (2021); Olafsson and Anderson (2021). In the case of cancers,
environmental stresses or damage to key genetic regulators can cause an aberrant somatic evolutionary pro-
cess that accumulate variations in characteristic fashion (Alexandrov et al., 2020). The most recent common
ancestor of a tumor population can potentially span back many decades, implying many rounds of selection
for clones generated via a hypermutability process (Körber et al., 2023). Given the importance of detecting
somatic evolutionary processes, we seek to find a study design that will optimally approximate the rate of
SV accumulation in a tumor. To measure this quantity, we use a loss function defined by the percentage
difference between our called and actual SV counts.
|SVC − SVA |
Lq (x) = (13)
We assume that cost is fixed at 0. We apply similar biological parameters and study design parameter ranges
as in the prior experiments.
The results shown in Table 2 demonstrate that the highest performing designs for this task generally
maximize read length. Coverage also had a positive effect but did not see nearly the same correlation as read
length. The surrogate projections (see Fig 4a) demonstrate strong negative correlation with increased read
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
Fig. 4. Visualizations are depicted for Experiment 4.3, a mutation rate recovery query with no associated cost
function. (a) 2-dimensional parameter trends in coverage and read length as well as error rate and read length of the
surrogate function; we can see a strong correlation along the read length axis. (b) optimization points explored by the
algorithm projected in a PCA space, with colors depicting score and round respectively. (c) single parameter trends
in error rate and read length colored by the round the point was explored. (d) shows a decrease in overall score by
both mean and minimum by optimization round.
length. These results align with the commonly held perception that higher read lengths are critical to the
accurate discovery of novel SVs. Values like error rate did not have a consistent effect on overall score, and
the optimizer tended to oversample both the low and high extremes for error rate (4c). There were a number
of outlier points that had extremely high mutational count differences. This raises the question of whether
these points should be considered valid for the optimization or rerun/discounted. The sampling of points
from round to round appeared to be in differing regions of the space (with the exception of the initial Latin
hypercube round). The scores for the optimization appeared to trend downwards with each round, but were
still rather noisy, which might again be due to the small sample size per round.
A common point of interest in the study of cell populations is the presence or absence of a certain feature
characteristic to a particular neoplasia. For instance, one might be interested in the frequency of an SV class
being in a certain range, the proliferation of a particular driver gene, or a measure of tumor purity. In each
of these cases, the researcher aims to test for a specific property and would want to do so at minimal study
design cost. More specifically, we now assume during the initial biopsy and sequencing of a tumor, we find
that the neoplasia contains an exceptionally high rate of SVs (deletions, inversion, chromosomal segment
rearrangements, etc.). We have now performed surgery and want to check for evidence of a potential relapse;
to do so we want to design a screen to check for SV hypermutability at minimal cost. The query we therefore
wish to answer is what is the minimal cost study design that will accurately estimate SV count/rate. We
use a similar cost function as in Experiment 4.2, with our loss function this time a hinge loss — a loss of
0 is returned if the study design recovers the structural variation count with an error of up to 65 percent,
otherwise 2 is returned. The primary goal with this loss function is to weight the overall score towards the
cost, but only if it fulfils the desired criterion, thus generating a “minimum viable design”. Study design
parameter ranges and the biological simulations are kept within standard ranges. The lost and cost functions
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
14 Srivatsa et al.
Fig. 5. Visualizations are shown below for Experiment 4.4, a query designed to detect hypermutable cancer samples
at minimal cost. Figure 4a depicts a two dimensional parameter projection of the trained surrogate points and shows
a highly variable functional structure. Figure 4b similarly depicts that the explored study design points are highly
dissimilar in the PCA projected space. Figure 4c shows a single parameter plot of error rate colored by round. Figure
4d depicts that the algorithm explored different parts of the space from round 1 to round 2.
are defined below as follows, where SVC and SVA denote the called and actual number of structural variants,
and the study design parameters are defined in Table 1.
≤ 0.65
Lq (x) = A
|SVC −SVA | (14)
2 SVA > 0.65
The best scores, as shown in Table 2, were highly dissimilar and appeared from distinct combinations
of parameter values. Exploration of our surrogate function (Fig 5d) showed various peaks, valleys, and
regions with differing score levels. Many regions of the search space and uniparameter values appeared
highly dissimilar, even for geometrically close points. This potentially implies either very high noise in the
results or a difficult query task. The hinge criterion may have been too strict for the level of biological noise
produced in the replicates, creating a noisy ground truth scoring function that is difficult to approximate. It
may also be the case that the “ground truth” scoring function for this query is complex, and to estimate such
a complex query function, many more samples/rounds of sampling may be necessary. While the algorithm
did explore different locations in rounds 1 and 2 (see Fig 5c,d), neither appeared to be significantly different
in score, perhaps due to the strict 0 versus 2 delineation of the loss function. The results of this optimization
suggest that a researcher could use the optimally produced samples in conjunction with the surrogate space
as starting point to test statistical power over replicated samples. This experiment further demonstrates how
the difficulty and structure in the query itself can affect optimization solutions.
5 Discussion
This paper seeks to address a growing problem in genomics: how to make effective use of an ever-expanding
repetoire of biotechnological and computational tools so as to balance optimally our ability to discover rel-
evant biology against resource costs. In the research world, this is a fundamental question of how to deploy
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
finite resources most effectively. We anticipate it becoming a growing concern as well for the practice of ge-
nomic medicine, where future cancer treatment will likely involve complex genetic diagnostic and therapeutic
strategies, in turn requiring design optimization strategies if they are to be used effectively. We developed a
general framework for such questions and demonstrated its versatility in a series of simulated case studies,
finding effective solutions that aligned with biological intuition in relatively few samples.
The present methods and use cases represent a first pass at developing a framework for posing and
solving such questions, which might be further developed in many ways. We might expand these queries
to complex multi-objective loss functions under complex cost constraints. The optimization procedure and
solutions might be also tested through ablation studies with modifications of the lambda cost parameter,
the exploration parameter, the cost function, the loss function, and budget parameters. We saw considerable
noise in some of the study design samples generated, making issues of statistical power also an important
area of research. Under certain conditions, provable guarantees or confidence intervals might be shown for
the optimal solutions. Another key finding was that the difficulty of identifying an optimization solution is
linked to the complexity of the biological space and the difficulty of the query itself. We saw that some query
functions might be exceptionally smooth, whereas others might be oscillatory or even discontinuous. The
importance of the query to difficulty of the optimization problem also suggests the potential of considering a
parallel problem of how to design queries, which might be an optimization problem in its own right, a matter
of education and guidance for users who might lack a sophisticated understanding of optimization, or perhaps
a human-computer interaction problem involving a human expert working with an artificial intelligence (AI)
to pose their problem most effectively to allow for its effective solution.
The broader use of optimization algorithms in biotechnology study design is relatively unexplored, with
numerous opportunities for future work. Estimation of the loss function and expectation over the biological
domain depends on appropriate data collection and sharing strategies. Information sharing – the idea that
certain sets of data might be used as informative priors in the optimization problem and the selection of
new data – could be of promise. The structure of the surrogate function is an important consideration in
both the optimization procedure as well as query analysis. Ideas from semi-supervised or federated learning
— where certain sets of data are created through a combination of labeled, un-labeled, and synthetic data
from various sources (Zhang et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2013) — may be of aid. Other algorithmic strategies,
such as Monte Carlo or variational inference to compute the expectation in equation (1), may also be of use.
Active learning — adapting a study design optimally as the study proceeds — might also prove effetive.
Experimental and clinical validation studies would provide further support for the algorithm, for example,
in continually optimizing study designs over the clinical course of a tumor’s progression.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of
the National Institutes of Health under award number R01HG010589. The content is solely the responsibility
of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.14.585055; this version posted March 15, 2024. The copyright holder for this preprint
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
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18 Srivatsa et al.
A1 Appendix
A1.1 Programming Implementation and Usage Guide
All code used for the optimization program can be found at:
github.com/CMUSchwartzLab/StudyDesignOptimization. The optimization code is stand-alone in that it
can be easily run provided the simulation code is replaced. All required packages can be installed in a conda
environment, and the parameters (e.g. budget, cost function, biological parameters, etc.) of the optimization
should be changed to best suit the user’s query. The full optimization-simulation workflow is tailored to our
compute system; as such, efficient replication of the workflow would require changes to the computer code
to best suit the user’s compute cluster. To fully generate automated results through simulation, a number of
genome aligners and variant callers need to be installed as well as modifications to the paralellization scheme
and storage containers for reference and output genomes. The simulation of clonal genomes and scientific
biotechnology was generated from a lightly modified version of a clonal evolution simulator presented in
(Srivatsa et al., 2023). The major aligners used in the experimental section were BOWTIE2 (Langmead
et al., 2009), bwa-mem (Li, 2013), and minimap (Li, 2018). The variant callers used were strelka (Saunders
et al., 2012) and dysgu (Cleal and Baird, 2022).
20 Srivatsa et al.