Wise Vs Vice

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Grade & Section: Grade 11

Date: January 16, 2024

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight

management to promote community fitness.
Performance Standards: The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the
physical activity participation of the community practices healthy eating habits that
support to become physically fit.
Learning Competency: Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to
physical activity assessment participation, and one's diet. (PEH11FH-Ig-i-6)

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson learners will be able to:

a. Define physical fitness and its components.
b. Express one’s feeling regarding importance of physically fit and
c. Perform physical fitness by doing the activity.

a. Subject Matter:
Topic: WISE vs. VICE
Sub-Topic: Physical Fitness
Reference: Quipper
Values: Discipline, Hard Work
Materials: Laptop/ PowerPoint Presentation/White board marker/Printed

b. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Heavenly father, we thank you for

A. Preparatory activities today. Thank you for ways in which you
provide for us all. Help us focus our
1. Prayer
hearts and minds on what we are about
“President of the class, kindly lead to learn. Inspire us by your holy spirit as
the opening prayer, _______.” we listen to the lesson. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more
about the world around us. We ask this
in the name of our lord. Amen.

2. Greetings
“Good morning, Ma’am Tin!”
“Good morning, Grade 11!”
“Praise be Jesus and Mary!” Now and forever. Amen

3. Checking of Attendance

“Secretary of the class, please

report to me who is absentees (Savina will report the attendance of the
today?” class.)
(The teacher will check the

4. Classroom Management (The learners will arrange the chairs

“Before we start, please make sure
and pick all the pieces of paper)
to go back to your proper places,
pick-up all the pieces of papers and
arrange your chairs properly.”

5. Review
“Class, let’s have a short recap on
what we have discussed last

“What was our topic last meeting?” (Students are raising their hand)

“Ma’am our topic last meeting is all

“Yes, Faith”
about Stress Management in Daily

“Very Good”
“Now, what is Stress?” (Students are raising their hand)

“It is an individual’s response to

“Yes, Kenneth”
unfavorable external and environmental


(Students will raise their hands)

“What are the two kinds of Stress?”
“Positive Stress/ Eustress and Negative
“Yes, Erika” Stress/Distress”

“And now, what are the 3 types of (Students will raise their hands)
“Yes, Mark?” “The types of Stress Are Acute Stress,
Cumulative Stress, and Chronic
“Thank you, Great Idea!”

“Very good class! It seems that you really

understood our previous lesson.”

B. Motivation
Let’s play a brain teaser fun game called
“Word Search. Find words from the
jumbled letters that refers to components
associated to our new lesson today.

- Balance (student’s participation)
- Body
- Vascular
- Health
- Agility
- Bones
- Flexibility
- Cardio
- Moves
- Endurance
- Muscle
- Cells
- Movement
- Skills
- Strengthen

C. Activity
Activity 1
Directions: Group yourselves into two
groups and form a circle. Create a short
drama showing the healthy and unhealthy
lifestyle. Explain your work after performing
the scenario that you have.


Scenario 1: Fast Food Frenzy

(student’s participation)
Characters: Juan, a high school
student who loves fast food, and
his friend Pedro, who prefers
home-cooked meals.

Scenario 2: Exercise Enthusiasts

Characters: Carlos, a student who
(student’s participation)
enjoys playing basketball, and his
classmate Miguel, who does not
engage in any physical activity.

D. Analysis
“Based on the activity, our topic for
today is all about Wise Vs. Vice”

“Which key elements in the scenarios (student’s participation)

relate to WISE and VICE?”

“How can the characters in the (student’s participation)

scenarios improve their health habits?”

E. Abstraction “Fitness refers to the ability of

“What is Fitness?” your body systems to work
together efficiently to allow you
to be healthy and perform
activities of daily living. Being
efficient means doing daily
activities with the least effort
possible. Fitness is also
characterized as GENERAL and

“GENERAL (Health-related
fitness HRF) is theoretically
defined as a multidimensional
construct containing the
components, muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility
and cardiovascular endurance.”

“SPECIFIC (Skill-related fitness)

consists of fitness components
that are important to success in
skillful activities and athletic
events, and may not be as
crucial to improved health.”

“Muscular Endurance – is the

ability to continue contracting a
muscle, or group of muscles,
“Health-Related Fitness (HRF) against resistance, such as
Components” weights or body weight, over a
period of time.



“Flexibility- is the ability to move

muscles and joints through a full
normal range of motion (ROM).”


(Knees – to Chest)

“Muscular Strength - is the

measure of a human's exertion
of force on physical objects.
Increasing physical strength is
the goal of strength training.”


(Lifting Weights)

“Cardiovascular Endurance -
is a measure of how well you can
do exercises that involve your
whole body at moderate to high
intensity for an extended time.”

(Mountain Climbers)

“Balance - means being able to

maintain your center of gravity
when moving or standing still.
This is also your ability to exert
control over the various parts of
your body and their movements.”
“Skill-Related Fitness Components
(SRF)” (Balance Stand)

(Balance Walking)
“Agility - relates to the ability to
rapidly change the position of the
entire body in space with speed
and accuracy.”

(Squat Out Jumps)

(Lateral Jump)

“Power - refers to the maximum

force a muscle or muscle group
can apply but in the shortest
period of time.”


“Coordination - is the ability to
execute smooth, accurate,
controlled motor responses.”

(Jumping Rope)

(Tree Pose)

“Okay class, before we proceed on our

group activity, what are the components of (Savina sharing her idea)
Health – Related Fitness and Skill –
Related Fitness? Yes, Savina?”

“Excellent! And how can you differentiate (Kyle sharing his idea)
those two types of components? Yes,

“Great Idea! Will you please give me an (Carl sharing his idea)
example exercises of Health – Related
Fitness and Skills – Related Fitness? Yes,
“That’s it, now we will have a group

F. Application
“In the same group you had earlier, we
will have a group activity.

Group 1: Perform another example

exercise of Health-Related Fitness

Group 2: Perform another example

exercise of Skill-Related Fitness.

Concept and Relevance 40%
Teamwork 30%
Execution 30%

G. Assessment
Directions: Choose the correct answer.

1. It is the ability to execute smooth, accurate, controlled motor responses.

a. Flexibility
b. Agility
c. Coordination
2. Refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to
allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living.
a. Fitness
b. Agility
c. Flexibility
3. It consists of fitness components that are important to success in skillful
activities and athletic events, and may not be as crucial to improved
a. Agility
b. Skill-Related Fitness
c. Speed

4. It is theoretically defined as a multidimensional construct containing the

components, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and
cardiovascular endurance.
a. Health-Related Fitness
b. Skill-Related Fitness
c. Components

5. It means being able to maintain your center of gravity when moving or

standing still.
a. Balance
b. Speed
c. Flexibility

1. C 4. A
2. A 5. A
3. B

IV. Assignment
Directions: Write it on Yellow Paper.

- Explain the significance of cardiovascular health.

- Highlight the benefits of building and maintaining muscle strength.
- Discuss the importance of flexibility for joint health and injury prevention.

She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her
– Proverbs 31:17

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