Those Fascinating Numbers

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Those Fascinating Numbers

Jean-Marie De Koninck

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Those Fascinating Numbers
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Those Fascinating Numbers

Jean-Marie De Koninck
Translated by Jean-Marie De Koninck

Providence, Rhode Island

This work was originally published in French by ELLIPSES under the title: Ces nombres
qui nous fascinent, ©2008 Edition Marketing S.A. The present translation was created
under license for the American Mathematical Society and is published by permission.
Translated by Jean-Marie De Koninck.
Cover image by Jean-Sébastien Bérubé.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11-00, 11A05, 11A25, 11A41, 11A51,
11K65, 11N05, 11N25, 11N37, 11N56.

For additional information and updates on this book, visit

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Koninck, J.-M. de, 1948-
[Ces nombres qui nous fascinent. English]
Those fascinating numbers / Jean-Marie De Koninck ; translated by Jean-Marie De Koninck.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8218-4807-4 (alk. paper)
1. Number theory. I. Title.

.-QA241.K686 2009

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One day, in 1918, G.H. Hardy, the great English mathematician, took what he
thought was an ordinary cab ride to go visit his young protégé at the hospital, the
Indian mathematician S. Ramanujan. To break the ice, Hardy mentioned that the
number 1729 on his taxicab was a rather dull number. Ramanujan immediately
replied that, on the contrary, it was a very fascinating number since it was the
smallest positive integer which could be written as the sum of two cubes in two
distinct ways: 1729 = 12° + 13 = 10° 4 9%. This anecdote certainly shows the genius
of Ramanujan, but it also stirs our imagination. In some sense, it challenges us to
find the remarkable characteristics of other numbers.

This is precisely the task we undertake in this project. The reader will find here
“famous” numbers such as 1729, Mersenne prime numbers (those prime numbers
of the form 2? — 1, where p is itself a prime number) and perfect numbers (those
numbers equal to the sum of their proper divisors); also “less famous” numbers, but
no less fascinating, such as the following ones:

e 37, the median value of the second prime factor of an integer; thus, the prob-
ability that the second prime factor of an integer chosen at random is smaller
than 37 is approximately $3

e 277, the smallest prime number p which allows the sum

Deus ct
ala eae cle
lde at
veer cefp
(where the sum is running over all the prime numbers < p) to exceed 2;

e 378, the smallest prime number which is not a cube, but which can be written
as the sum of the cubes of its prime factors: indeed, 378 = 2:3°-7 = 22+33+73;
e 480, possibly the largest number n such that n(n + 1)...(n+ 5) has exactly
the same distinct prime factors as (n + 1)(n + 2)...(n +6); indeed,

ARMAS tan AS8 2825 117 13.23.4637072 941,

ASI ASD wane 4860 =. 2-930.507- 117-1323. 37-97. 241:

e 736, the only three digit number abc such that abc = a+b°; indeed, 736 = 74+3°;

e 1782, possibly the only integer n > 1 for which |» Se Se d;

p|n d|n

e 548 834, the only number > 1 which can be written as the sum of the sixth
powers of its digits: indeed, 548 834 = 5° + 4° + 8° + 8° + 3° + 4°;
e 11859210, the smallest number n for which P(n)4|n and P(n + 1)4|(n + 1),
where P(n) stands for the largest prime factor of n (here P(n) = 11 and
P(n +1) = 19); the second smallest known number n satisfying this property
is n = 632 127 050 601 113 666 430 (here P(n) = 2131 and P(n + 1) = 3691);

e 89460 294, the smallest number n (and the only one known) for which 6(n) =
GB(n+1) = B(n+2), where 3(n) stands for the sum of the distinct prime factors
of 7;

e 305 635 357, the smallest composite number n for which o(n + 4) = a(n) + 4,
where o(n) stands for the sum of the divisors of n;
e 612220032, the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ¥/n;

e 3262811042, possibly the only number which can be written as the sum of
the fourth powers of two prime numbers in two distinct ways: 3262811042 =
74 + 2394 = 1574 + 227%;
= ine?
e 3569 485 920, the number n at which the expression reaches its max-
imum value, namely 2.97088..., where w(n) stands for the number of distinct
prime factors of n and Q(n) stands for the number of prime factors of n counting
their multiplicity.

Various numbers also raise interesting issues. For instance, does there exist a
number which is not the square of a prime number but which can be written as the
sum of the squares of its prime factors? Given an arbitrary integer k > 2, does
there exist a number n such that P(n)*|n and P(n+1)*|(n +1)? For each integer
k > 2 which is not a multiple of 3, can one always find a prime number whose sum
of digits is equal to k? These are some of the numerous open problems stated in
this book, each of them standing for an enigma that will certainly feed the curiosity
of the reader. Actually my hope for this book is to encourage many to explore more
thoroughly some of the questions raised all along this book.

There are currently several books whose main purpose is to exhibit interesting
properties of numbers. This book is along the lines of these works but offers more
features. For instance, one will find — mainly in the footnotes — short proofs of key
results as well as statements of many new open problems.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all those who contributed to this manus-
cript. With their precious input, suggestions and ideas, this project was expansive
but enjoyable. Thanks to Jean-Lou De Carufel, Charles Cassidy, Zita De Kon-
inck, Eric Doddridge, Nicolas Doyon, Eric Drolet, David Grégoire, Bernard Hodgson,

Imre Katai, Patrick Letendre, Claude Levesque, Florian Luca, Michael Murphy, Erik
Pronovost and Jér6me Soucy.

This edition is a translation of my French book Ces nombres qui nous fascinent
published by ELLIPSES in 2008.

Anyone enjoying this book is welcome to send me suggestions and ideas which
could improve and enlighten this project.

Jean-Marie De Koninck
Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Université Laval
Québec G1V O0A6

[email protected]
i ase

In this book, unless indicated otherwise, by “number” we mean a “positive


The sequence pj, p2,p3,... stands for the sequence of prime numbers 2, 3, 5,
... Thus px stands for the k‘” prime number.
Unless indicated otherwise, the letters p and q stand for prime numbers.

By a|b, we mean that a divides b. By a Jb, we mean that a does not divide b.
Given a positive integer k, by p”||n, we mean that p*|n but that p*t! Jn.

When we write S f(p), we mean the infinite sum f(2) + f(3) + f(5) + f(7) +
...+f(p) +.... Similarly we write Se f(p) to indicate that the summation
runs over all primes p < a.

The expressions II f(p) and II f(p) are analogue to the ones mentioned just
P Px
above, except that this time they stand for products and not summations.

By Se f(d), we mean that the summation runs on all divisors d of n; by


ye f(p), we mean that the summation runs over all prime factors p of n. We
use the corresponding notations for the products, that is II f(d) and II f(p).
d|n pin

We denote by y the Euler constant, which is defined by

y= lim (>.*— log x)= 0.5772156649....

Given an integer b > 2 and a number n whose digits in base b are dj, d2,...,d;,
we sometimes use the notation n = [d;,d2,...,d;|,. If the base is not men-
tioned, it should be understood that we are working in base 10.


e The factorization of a number usually appears in the form

Ti tt Goa2 eae ar
where gi < q2 < ... < gy are the r distinct prime numbers dividing n and
where Q1,@2,...,@, are positive integers. For instance, we write

= 2°- 5-177.
It may happen that the factorization of a large number takes on a particular
form, such as
(ee 57 Pisa:
in this case, the expression P,3g stands for a (known) 136 digit prime number
which there is no need to write at length, since it can be obtained explicitly by
simply dividing 1 by 257. Another possible situation could occur, as for
instance: ;
127 + 1 = 8253953 - 295278642689 - Cos8;
in this case, the expression Co5g stands for a composite 258 digit number for
which no non trivial factorization is known.

e In order to compare the size of certain expressions in the neighborhood of infin-

ity, we use various notations, some of which have been introduced by Landau,
namely O(...) and o(...). Hence, given two functions f and g defined on [a, oo)
(where a > 0), we write:
(i) f(z) = O(g(x)) if there exist two constants M > 0 and zo for which
\(z) |)=< Mig(a) tortall a) > 263) in particulary f(z) =O) air fi@)ias
a bounded function; moreover, instead of writing f(x) = O(g(zx)), we
sometimes write f(x) < g(x); thus we have

G= O(a"); sine
= O(1)" logx
= O(c"), eee

(ii) f(x) = o(g(z)) if, for each e > 0, there exists a constant xo = ro(€) such
that |f(x)| < eg(x) for all x > xo; thus we have
2 7 Ot); sina,
= 0(2), loga =o0(z), «* =ole).

(iii) f(v) = Q(g(a)) if there exist two constants M > 0 and zo such that
|f(x)| > M|g(x)| for all x > xo; instead of writing f(r) = Q(g(zx)), we
sometimes write f(x) >> g(x); thus we have
P= 06/2), V& = O(log x), e* = (a7), eo Ses

(iv) f(z) ~ g(x) to mean that Jim a = 1; thus, as 2 — oo, we have

Sori Be vert Pe eres

z Wieg

(v) f(x) © g(x) to mean that we have both f(x) < g(x) and g(x) « f(z).
The Main Functions

[x], the largest integer < x

B= Dy ap, the sum of the prime factors of n with multiplicity

By(n) = ~ p”, the sum of the largest prime powers dividing n
P(n) = max{p : p|n}, the largest prime factor of the number n > 2

p(n) = min{p: p|n}, the smallest prime factor of the number n > 2

Bn) = S p, the sum of the distinct prime factors of n

i, (i) — YS p = B(n) — P(n), the sum of the prime factors of n except for the

sisCo) ee Se 1, the number of prime numbers < x

RC a a 1, the number of prime numbers p < z, p= (mod k)
p= (mod k)

ee eh
Lis) i ——, the logarithmic integral
9 logt
a0 = II p, the product of the prime numbers which divide n }
Ot) = II p, the product of the prime numbers which divide n exactly
d(n) = Sy 1, called the Euler ¢ function, which counts the number of numbers

m <n which are co-prime with n


AGC) — Po d, the sum of the divisors of n


CAN) = Ee d, the sum of the unitary divisors of n

d|n, (d,n/d)=1

TR) = SS d*, the sum of the k*” powers of the divisors of n


ein) = 2 d, the sum of the odd divisors of n

d\n,d oda

jsCp = SO 1, the number of divisors of n


On) = Ss 1, the number of distinct prime factors of n

OM) = a a, the number of prime factors of n counting their multiplicity
My) a= Ds 1, the number of numbers n < x such that w(n) =k

u(r), the Moebius function defined by

if a7 — |,
Ea =< 0 if p?|n for a certain prime p,
(-1)”™ otherwise

No(n) = (—1)2™, the Liouville function

An) = eee the index of composition of the number n > 2
log y(n)
un) = nin |n — m|, the index of isolation of the number n > 2, that is the dis-
tance to the nearest integer whose largest prime factor does not exceed that of n
Frequently used Theorems and Conjectures

Fermat’s Little Theorem

Let p be a prime number. Given any positive integer a co-prime with p,

a®’-+=1 (mod p).

The Prime Number Theorem

Asx — oo,
m(x) = (1 + o(1))Li(z),
x xL xL
Lia ! +...+(r—1)!—> :
(2) logrz log’x log? x ( ipa x (|
where r is any given fixed integer.

The Chinese Remainder Theorem

Let m1,™m2,...,m, be co-prime integers, and let aj, a2,...,a, be arbi-

trary integers. Then the system of congruences

n = a, (mod mz)
n = a2 (mod mz)

n = a, (mod ™m,)

has a solution given by

where m =m mM2...m, and where each b; is the solution of the congru-

ence (m/mj;)b; = 1 (mod m).


Hypothesis H (or Schinzel Hypothesis)

Let € > 1 and fi(x),.... fe(x) be irreducible polynomials with integer

coefficients and positive leading coefficient. Assume that there are no
integers > 1 dividing the product f1(n)...fe(n) for all positive integers
mn. Then there exist infinitely many positive integers m such that all
numbers f;(m),..., fe(m) are primes.
This conjecture was first stated in 1958 by A. Schinzel and W. Sierpinski [181].

The abc Conjecture

Let ¢ > 0. There exists a positive constant M = M(e) such that, given
any co-prime integers a,b,c verifying the conditions 0 < a < b < c and
a+b=c, we have

c<M.- [| 2

An equivalent statement is the following:

Let ¢ > 0. There exists a positive constant M = M(e) such that, given
any co-prime integers a,b,c satisfying a + b = c, we have

max{|a|,|d|,\el}< M-|{ |] p

The abe Conjecture was first stated in 1985 by D.W. Masser and J. Oesterlé.
Those Fascinating Numbers

the only number which divides all the others.

the only even prime number.

the prime number which appears the most often as the second prime factor of
an integer, and actually with a frequency of z (see the number 199 for the list
of those prime numbers which appear the most often as the k*” prime factor of
an integer, for any fixed k > 1).

the smallest Mersenne prime (3 = 2?—1): a prime number is called a Mersenne

prime if it is of the form 2? — 1, where p is prime (see the number 131071 for
the list of all Mersenne primes known as of May 2009);

the prime number which appears the most often as the second largest prime
factor of an integer, that is approximately (1 + log2 + 3 log 3)xz/logx times
amongst the positive integers n < x (see J.M. De Koninck [44]);

the smallest triangular number > 1: a number n is said to be triangular if there

exists a number & such that t

k(k as 1) e e e
2 e e e e

e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
in the form 2? + 73 +...+ 27, where the z;’s are non negative integers; the
problem consisting in determining if, for a given integer k > 2, there exists a
number r (depending only on k) such that equation

(*) Me es ee

has solutions for each number n, is due to the English mathematician E. Waring
who, in 1770, stated without proof that “each number is the sum of 4 squares,
of 9 cubes, of 19 fourth powers, and so on”; if we denote by g(k) the smallest
number r such that equation (*) has solutions for each number n, Lagrange
proved in 1770 that g(2) = 4, Wieferich and Kempner proved around 1910
that g(3) = 9, while R. Balasubramanian, J.M.Deshouillers & F. Dress [12]
proved in 1986 that g(4) = 19; it is conjectured that g(k) = 2* + [(3/2)*] — 2
(where [x] stands for the largest integer < x) for each integer k > 2; see L.E.
Dickson [65])'; hence by using this formula, we find that the values of g(k),
for k= 1,2,...,
20, are respectively 1, 4,°9>19,.37,, 73, 143, 279, 548, 1079;
2132, 4223, 8384, 16673, 33203, 66190, 132055, 263619, 526502, 1051899 (see
the book of Eric Weisstein [201], p. 1917).

the smallest Wilson prime: a prime number p is called a Wilson prime if it

satisfies the congruence (p — 1)! = —1 (mod p*): the only known Wilson
primes are 5, 13 and 563; K.Dilcher & C.Pomerance [68] have shown that
there are no other Wilson primes up to 5 - 108.

the smallest perfect number: a number n is said to be perfect if it is equal to

the sum of its proper divisors, that is if a(n) = 2n; the sequence of perfect
numbers starts as follows: 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, ...; a number n is
said to be k-perfect if a(n) = kn: if we let ng, stand for the smallest k-perfect
number, then ng = 6, ng = 120, nq = 30240, ns = 14182439040 and ng =
154 345 556 085 770 649 600;

the smallest unitary perfect number: a number n is said to be a unitary perfect

number if ye d = 2n, where (d, n/d) stands for the greatest common divisor
of d and n/d; only five unitary perfect numbers are known, namely 6, 60, 90,
87 360 and 146 361 946 186 458 562 560000 = 218 -3.54.7-11-13-19-37-79-
109 - 157 - 313: this last number was discovered by C.R. Wall [198] (see also
R.K. Guy [101], B3);
"In 1936, S. Pillai [161] proved that if one writes 3* = q2* +r with 0 < r < 2*, then Gls) =
2* + [(3/2)*] — 2 provided r+ q < 2°.

e the only triangular number > 1 whose square is also a triangular number
(W. Ljunggren, 1946): here 67 = 36 =1+243+...+8.

e one of the two prime numbers (the other one is 5) which appears most often as
the third prime factor of an integer (1 time in 30);

e the second Mersenne prime: 7 = 2? — 1.

e the third number n such that t(n) = ¢(n): the only numbers satisfying this
equation are 1, 3, 8, 10, 18, 24 and 30;

e the number of twin prime pairs < 100 (see the number 1 224).

e the only square which follows? a power of 2: 2? + 1 = 3?;

e the only perfect square which cannot be written as the sum of four squares
(Sierpinski [185], p. 405);

e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
as z?+23+...+23, where the z;’s are non negative integers (see the number 4).

e one of the five numbers (the others are 1, 120, 1540 and 7140) which are both
triangular and tetrahedral (see E.T. Avanesov [8]): a number n is said to be
tetrahedral if it can be written as n = ¢m(m + 1)(m + 2) for some number m:
it corresponds to the number of spheres with same radius which can be piled
up in a tetrahedron;

e the fourth number n such that t(n) = ¢(n) (see the number 8).

2Much more is known. Indeed, according to the Catalan Conjecture (first stated
by Catalan [31] in 1844), the only consecutive numbers in the sequence of powers
1, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 125,... are 8 and 9; this conjecture was recently proved
by Preda Mihailescu [135].

e the smallest prime number p such that 3?-! = 1 (mod p*): the only other
prime number p < 2°? satisfying this congruence is p = 1006003 (see Riben-
boim [169], p. 347)3;
e the smallest number n which allows the sum ) 7 to exceed 3 (see the number

e the smallest pseudo-perfect number: we say that a number is pseudo-perfect if

it can be written as the sum of some of its proper divisors: here 12 = 6+4+2;
in 1976, Erdés proved that the set of pseudo-perfect numbers is of positive
density (see R.K. Guy [101], B2);
e the smallest number m for which equation o(#) = m has exactly two solutions,
namely 6 and 11;
e the only number n > 1 such that o(7(n)) = n;
e the smallest sublime number: we say that a number n is sublime if T(n) and
a(n) are both perfect numbers: here 7(12) = 6 and o(12) = 28; this concept was
introduced by Kevin Ford; the only other known sublime number is 2!76(2°! —
1)(23+ — 1)(21® — 1)(2” — 1)(2° — 1)(2° — 1).

e the second Wilson prime (see the number 5);

e the prime number which appears the most often as the fourth prime factor of
an integer, namely 31 times in 5005 (see the number 199);
e the smallest prime number p such that 23?-! =1 (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 23” satisfying this congruence are 13, 2481757 and 13 703077 (see
Ribenboim [169], p. 347);
e the third horse number: we say that n is a horse number if it represents the
number of possible results accounting for ties, in a race in which k horses
participate; thus, if Hj is the k*” horse number, one can prove‘ that

n-£e (E39) j=0 J

the first 20 terms of the sequence (Hy),>1 are 1, 3, 13, 75, 541, 4683, 47293,
545835, 7087261, 102247563, 1622632573, 28091567595, 526858348381,
10641342970443, 230283190977853, 5315654681981355, 130370767029135901,
3385534663256845323, 92801587319328411133 and 2677687796244384203115.
3 As is the case for the Wieferich primes (see the number 1093), it is not known if this sequence
of numbers is infinite.
4A formula established by Charles Cassidy (Université Laval).

e the smallest solution® of a(n) = a(n + 1); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 14, 206, 957, 1334, 1364, 1634, 2685, 2974,
4364, 14841, 18873, 19358, 20145, 24957, 33998, 36566, 42818, 56564, 64665,
74918, 79826, 79833, 84134, 92685, ...;

e the eure Catalan number: Catalan numbers® are the numbers of the form

e the third smallest solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1); the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this equation begins as follows: 1, 3, 15, 104, 164, 194, 255, 495, 584, 975,
2204, 2625, 2834, 3255, 3705, 5186, 5187, 10604, 11715, 13365, 18315, 22935,
25945, 32864, 38804, 39524, 46215, 48704, 49215, 49335, 56864, 57584, 57645,
64004, 65535, 73124, ...: R. Baillie [10] found 391 solutions n < 2-108 ;’

e one of the three numbers n such that the polynomial 7° —x2+n can be factored:
the other two are n = 22440 and n = 2759640: here we have x° —x+15 =
(x7 +2 + 3)(x° = x? — 22 +5); see the number 22 440;

e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, a row or a column of a

3 x 3 magic square: for a k x k magic square with k > 3, the common value
is k(k* + 1)/2, which gives place to the sequence whose first terms are 15, 34,
65, 111, 175, 260, 369, 505, 671, 870, 1105, 1379, 1695, ... (see Sierpinski [185],
p. 434).

e the only number n for which there exist two distinct integers a and b such that
=a= 6") herea = 2, b=A:

e the smallest perfect square for which there exists another perfect square with
the same sum of divisors: o(16) = o(25) = 31.

5 This sequence of numbers is probably infinite, but no one has yet proved it.
6Catalan numbers appear when one wants to find in how many ways it is possible to partition a
convex polygon in triangles by drawing some of its diagonals.
TP. Erdés, C. Pomerance & A. Sark6zy [79] provide a heuristic argument which suggests that, for
each fixed € > 0, equation ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) has at least x1~* solutions n < x. However, A. Schinzel
[180] believes that it may be possible that equation ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) has only a finite number of
solutions, but he conjectures that for each even integer k > 2, equation ¢(n) = ¢(n+k) has infinitely
many solutions. Let us add that equation ¢(n) = ¢(n +k) has very few solutions when k is odd
and divisible by 3; thus by letting E, be the set of solutions n < 108 of d(n) = ¢(n +k), we have
Es = {3,5}, Eo = {9,15}, Fis = {13, 15, 17,21}, Bo: = {21,35} and E27 = {27,45,55}, while the
cardinality of each of the other sets Ex, 1 <k < 32, is at least 12.

the third Fermat prime (17 = 2 4 1), the first two being 3 and 5: a number of
the form 2?" + 1, where k is a non negative integer, is called a Fermat number
and is often denoted by Fy, (see the number 70525 124609); if such a number
is prime, we say that it is a Fermat prime;

the only prime number which is the sum of four consecutive prime numbers:
7=—2 3-0 i;
the exponent of the sixth Mersenne prime (131071 = 2'7 — 1) (Cataldi, 1588);
the smallest Stern number (see the number 137).

the largest known number z for which there exist numbers n > 3, y and gq > 2
such that (x” — 1)/(2 — 1) = y?; the only known solutions of this last equation
are given by

3-1 74-1 Teor

= 11? ————— = 9()* = 7
ee : 7a PSie-et
(see Y. Bugeaud, M. Mignotte & Y. Roy [26});
the fifth number n such that T(n) = ¢(n) (see the number 8).

the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
as e{+24+...+a4, where the z,’s are non negative integers (see the number 4);

one of the nine known numbers k such that a11...1 is prime: the others® are 2,
23, 317, 1031, 49081, 86453, 109 297 and 270 343;
the largest known prime p, such that v(p,) := II is an integer: here,
pps) = (19) = 21;
the exponent of the seventh Mersenne prime (524 287 = 2'9—1) (Cataldi, 1588).

the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n +6); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 20, 155, 182, 184, 203, 264, 621, 650, 702, 852,
893, 944, 1343, 1357, 2024, 2544, 2990, 4130, 4183, 4450, 5428, 5835, 6149,
6313, 6572, 8177, 8695, ...

8Such a number k must be a prime, for if it was not, then we would have k = ab with 1 <a<
OLUeee =
b <k, in which case —>— OCLEa eT Ogeet
106-1 9 , the product of two numbers > 1.

e the smallest integer > 1 whose sum of divisors is a fifth power: here o(21) = 2°;

e the smallest 2-hyperperfect number: a number n is said to be 2-hyperperfect

if it can be written asn=1+2 DS d, which is equivalent to the condition

20(n) = 3n+ 1; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as

follows: 21, 2133, 19521, 176661, 129127041, ...; more generally, a number
n is said to be hyperperfect if there exists a positive integer k such that

n=1+k )> d, (1)


in which case we also say that n is k-hyperperfect °; the following table contains
some k-hyperperfect numbers along with their factorization:

9A 1-hyperperfect number is simply a perfect number. It is easy to show that relation (1) is
equivalent to
ko(n) = (k+1)n+ (k—-1). (2)
Also, it is clear that a prime power p%, with a > 1, cannot be hyperperfect. Furthermore, it follows
immediately from (1) that if n is k-hyperperfect, then n =1 (mod k) and moreover that

o(n) =n+1+ 9. (3)

This last relation proves to be an excellent tool to determine if a given integer n is a hyperperfect
number and also to construct, using a computer, a list of hyperperfect numbers. Indeed, it follows
from (3) that
n is a hyperperfect number <—- ———————— is an integer.
a(n) —n-1
It also follows from (3) that the smallest prime factor of such an integer n is larger than k. Indeed,
assume that p|n with p < k. We would then have that n/p is a proper divisor of n, in which case

o(n) >mt1t 7 >n41+ 7 >nt1+———= =a(n),

a contradiction. It follows from this that a hyperperfect number which is not perfect is odd.
On the other hand, if n is a square-free k-hyperperfect number, then k must be even. Assume the
contrary, that is that k is odd. As we just saw, n must be odd, unless k = 1, in which case n would
be perfect and even. But then we would have that n = 2?—1(2? — 1) for a certain prime number
p > 3, in which case n would not be square-free. We therefore have that n is odd. Now, because of
(2), we have
yar il ——). (4)
ko(n) = 2 (~Fen+ =ors

Ifk=1 (mod 4), then it follows from (4) that

ko(n) = 2(odd + even) = 2x odd,

while if k =3 (mod 4), then

ka(n) = 2 (even + odd) =2 x odd,

which means that 2||o7(n), in which case n is prime, since n is square-free.


2-hyperperfect PA esse If
2133. = 3°: 79
19521 = 34-241
176661 =3°-727
129127041 = 38- 19681
328 256 967 373616371221 = 37! - 31381059607
3-hyperperfect 325 57-13
= |
| 4-hyperperfect 1950625. = 54-3121
1220640625 =5°-78121
186 264514 898681640625 = 5'4-30517578121
6-hyperperfect 301 = 7-43
16513) =o a0
60110701) -=177 1383 3203
1977225901 = 7°-117643
2733 834545701 = 74 - 30893 - 36857
232 630479 398401 = 78 - 40353601
10-hyperperfect 159841 = 117-1321
|11-hyperperfect 10693. = 172-37
12-hyperperfect 697 aie
2041 =13-157
1570153 = 13- 269-449
62722153 = 13% - 28549
10604156641 = 13*-371281
13544168521 = 137.2347 -34147
1792155938521 = 13°-4826797

the number of two digit prime numbers; if we let C(k) stand for the num-
ber of k digit prime numbers, then C(1) = 4, C(2) = 21, C(3) = 143,
C(4) = 1061, C(5) = 8363, C(6) = 68906, C(7) = 586081, C(8) = 5096876,
C(9) = 45086079, C(10) = 404204977, C(11) = 3663002302 and C(12) =
33 489 857 205.

the smallest Smith number: a composite number is said to be a Smith number

if the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits of its distinct prime
factors: here 22 = 2-11 and2+2=4=2+1-+1 (see U. Dudley [72)).

the prime number which appears the most often as the fifth prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199);

one of the two numbers (the other one being 239) which cannot be written as
the sum of less than nine cubes (of non negative integers): here 23 = 2-2°+7.13
(L.E. Dickson [66});

the second number n (and possibly the largest) such that n° + 1 is a powerful
number (a number is said to be powerful (or squarefull) if p|n implies that p\n);
the smallest number satisfying this property!? is n = 2;

one of the nine known numbers k such that —

11... 1 is prime (see the number 19);

the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two non square-free
numbers (see the number 933 for a more general problem).

the only number n > 1 such that 12+2?+...+n? is a perfect square (E. Lucas,
1873) (see the number 70);

the smallest number m such that equation o(2) = m has'! exactly three solu-
tions, namely 14, 15 and 23;

the sixth number n such that r(n) = ¢(n) (see the number 8);

the smallest solution of 72(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number 1079);

the smallest number with at least two digits, having all its digits different from
1 and 0, and whose sum of digits, as well as the product of its digits, divides
nm: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 24, 36,
Z2A ASIN O24 (30, 225205210, 4224,.6624,123325,32832, 33204, 34272, 34992,
42336, 42624, 43632, 73332, 82944, 83232, 92232, 93744, ...

the only odd perfect square # 1 which is not the sum of three perfect squares
# 0 (see E. Grosswald [99], Chapter 3);

the only perfect square which when increased by 2 yields a cube: 5? +2 =

the number of prime numbers < 100.

10Qne can easily prove that if the abc Conjecture is true, then there is only a finite number of
numbers satisfying this property.
11k. Ford & S. Konyagin [82] proved a conjecture of Sierpinski according to which, for each k > 2,
there exists a number m such that equation a(x) = m has exactly k solutions x. Later, K. Ford
[83] proved that this result is also valid for the Euler ¢ function; moreover, this time, the proof
also reveals that for each k > 2, there exist infinitely many m’s such that ¢(x) = m has exactly k
solutions in x.

e the smallest number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palin-
drome; a palindrome is a number which reads the same way from the left as
from the right; the first ten numbers n satisfying this property are listed below:

i A n n n
26 676 2636 6948496
264 | 69696 22865 | 522808225
307 | 94249 24846 | 617323716
836 | 698896 30693 | 942060249
2285 | 5221225 798644 | 637832238736

the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 15); it is mentioned in R.K. Guy [101],
B13, that Mientka & Vogt could only find two solutions to this equation,
namely 26 and 62: there are at least seven others, namely 20 840 574, 25 741 470,
60 765 690, 102 435 795, 277 471 467, 361 466 454 and 464 465 910.

the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have exactly three prime
factors counting their multiplicity: 27 = 3° and 28 = 2?-7 (see the number 135
for the general problem with k prime factors instead of only three).

the only even perfect number of the form a” + 6”, with n > 2 and (a,b) = 1:
in fact, 28 = 1° + 3° (T.N. Sinha [187]).

the smallest prime number p > 2 such that 41?~! = 1 (mod p?): the only
prime numbers p < 2°? satisfying this congruence are 2, 29, 1025273 and
138 200 401 (see Ribenboim [169], p. 347).

the smallest Cee Ls we say that a composite number n is a Giuga

number if See
-- lie is a positive integer: if we could find a number n which
p|n p\n
is both a Giuga number and a Carmichael number (which is most unlikely!),
we would then have found a composite number n satisfying the congruence

1S £2 (ny = 1 aod n)

(and no such number is knwon, yet!) a property which is clearly satisfied if n is

prime (see D. Borwein, J.M. Borwein, P.B. Borwein & R. Girgensohn [23]); the
smallest five Giuga numbers are

iP Oe ae
Red hd
ie it
ce ee WTR

ee 2a hel z2a 7
ete 273 "17 ” 50 66198 ~ ©
22M WEIN | 5+ 37 Toa a1 + a70e7 — 2214408306 ~
the other six known Giuga numbers are
24 423 128 562 = 2-3-7- 43-3041 - 4447,
432 749 205 173 838 = 2-3-7-59- 163 - 1381 - 775807,
14 737 133 470010574 = 2-3-7- 71-103 - 67213 - 713863,
590 843 391 309 130 318 = 2-3-7-71- 103 - 61559 - 29133437,
244 197 000 982 499 715 087 866 346 = 2-3- 11-23-31 - 47137 - 28282147
and 554079 914 617070 801 288 578 559 178
= 2-3-11- 23-31 - 47059 - 2259696343 - 110725121051;

to this day only 11 Giuga numbers have been found; it is not known if there are
infinitely many; let us mention that surprisingly for each known Giuga number
n, we have Don 5 — [pn ¢ = hh

the largest number n such that 7(n) = ¢(n) (see the number 8);
the denominator of the Bernoulli number By = — 393 the sequence of Bernoulli
numbers (By)n>o is defined implicitly by the expansion

(see E.W. Weisstein [201], p.111).

the third Mersenne prime: 31 = 2° — 1 (Euler, 1750);

the sixth prime number px such that p;p2...pzx +1 is prime (see the number
the smallest number n which allows the sum DD 7 to exceed 4 (see the number

e the exponent of the eighth Mersenne prime (2147483647 = 2°! — 1) (Euler,


e the smallest solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 28); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 32, 56, 68, 82, 112, 140, 155, 181, 193, 260,
... (see the footnote tied to the number 15).

e the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of five non zero squares:
the others are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15 and 18 (Sierpinski [185], p. 408);

e the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 2); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 33, 54, 284, 366, 834, 848, 918, 1240, 1504,
2910, ...;
e the smallest number n such that t(n) = T(n + 1) = T(n + 2); the sequence of
numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 33, 85, 93, 141, 201, 213,
217,, 230, 242, 243, 301, 374, 393, 445, 603,633, 662-.697, 902,921) 4. Iki
stands for the smallest number n such that rT(n) = T(n+1) =...=7(n+k-1),
thenins' = 14, n3 = 33) mm = 242; n5 = 11605, ng = 28374, nz = 171 893 and
ng = 1043710445 721. *

e the smallest solution of o(n) = a(n + 19); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 34, 158, 226, 266, 459, 3045, 3518, 3914, 4305,
G2 30S O0i yeoek
e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a row or of a column of
a 4 x 4 magic square (see the number 15).

e the smallest solution of ¢(a) = 24;

e the number of twin prime pairs < 1000 (see the number 1 224);

e the second solution w of the aligned houses problem: in a village, there is

only one street, all the houses are located on the same side of the street and
are numbered consecutively beginning with the number 1; the maire’s house
'2Tn 1984, Heath-Brown [109] proved that there exists infinitely many numbers n such that T(n) =
T(n +1). So far, no one knows how to prove that there exist infinitely many numbers n such that
T(n) =T(n+1) =7(n+ 2). Interestingly, J.M.De Koninck & F.Luca [58] proved that, for each
integer k > 2, one can find infinitely many numbers n such that f(n) = f(n+1) =... = f(n+k—1),
where f(n) stands for the product of the exponents in the factorization of n, which is clearly a
function very similar to the 7(n) function.

is located in such a manner that the sum of the numbers of the houses to
its left is equal to the sum of the numbers to its right: the number on the
maire’s house is therefore the solution of equation 1+2+...+(w—1) =
(w+1)+(w+2)+...+(w+s): the smallest solution is given by w = 6
and w+ s = 8, while the next six are w = 35 and w+ s = 49, w = 204 and
w+s = 288, w = 1189 and w+s = 1681, w = 6930 and w+ s = 9800,
w = 40391 and w+ s = 57121, w = 235416 and w + s = 332928; it is possible
to prove that the aligned houses problem has infinitely many solutions; on the
other hand, it is interesting to observe that there exists a connection between
this problem and the numbers n for which n and n+ 1 are powerful!?.

8(8+1) _ 2.
e the smallest triangular number > 1 which is also a perfect square: Movi» =1(5 3

the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 36, 1225,
41616, 1413721, 48024900, 55420693056, ...; there exist infinitely many such

e the largest solution n of equation >»?T(d) =n: the only solutions of this equa-
tion are 1, 3, 18 and 36.

e the median value of the second prime factor of a number: indeed, one can show
that the probability that the second prime factor of a number is < 37 is equal
to 0.500248... + 4; the median value of the third prime factor of a number is
42719, while that!> of the fourth one is 5737 850 066 077;

e the smallest irregular prime number (see the number 59);

e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
as 2? +23 +...+ 22, where the z,’s are non negative integers (Chen, 1964):
see the number 4;
13Indeed, since

it is easy to see that for any other solution (w,s) of the aligned houses problem, we have

(x) (w+ s)(w+s+1)

= 2w?.
This is why, since (w+s,w+s+1) =1, it follows from (*) that if w is odd, the numbers w +s and
w-+s-+1 must both be powerful. This explains why we find the numbers 288, 9800 and 332928
amongst the numbers n for which n and n + 1 are powerful (see the number 288).
14Indeed, this follows from the fact that the diophantine equation n(n + 1) = 2m? has a solution
m if and only if m appears in the sequence (a@n)n>o defined by ap = 1, a1 = 6 and, for n > 2, by
Qn = 6an—1 — Gn—-2.-
15In 2002, J.M. De Koninck & G. Tenenbaum [63] proved that if pj stands for the median value
of the k*” prime factor of an integer, then loglogp, = k — 6+ O(1/Vk), where b = 3 +y-
= {log (be) — i} 0.59483 (here y © 0.557215 stands for Euler’s constant); on the other
hand, they proved that if the Riemann Hypothesis is true, then pz ~ 7.887- 107e:

e the smallest number n > 1 such that n?+3 is a powerful number: here 377+3 =
2? . 73: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 37,
79 196, 177833, ...; Florian Luca proved that this sequence is infinite!®, and in
fact his argument reveals in particular two additional solutions of n?74+3=m,
where m is powerful, namely
96679390107+3 = 93469044701079780103
eT GloeM007 28511
+3 = 6374655186945935706615682630955733532
— 27.77.19? .732152605848617;
Patrick Letendre observes that more generally, one can prove that if there
exists a powerful number of the form n? +k which is not a perfect square, then
there are infinitely many of them";
e the largest solution y of the diophantine equation x? + 28 = y® (see the number
e the smallest number > 1 which is equal to the sum of the squares of the
factorials of its digits (in base 12): here 73 = [3,3, 112 = 3!? + 3!? + 1!? (see
the numbers 145 and 40465); the set of numbers satisfying this property is of
course finite and its four smallest elements are 1, 37, 613 and 519018;

e the largest known prime number which is also a convenient number; an odd
number n > 1 is said to be convenient if it has only one representation of
the form n = 2? + my?, with x,y positive and (z,my) = 1; the only known
convenient prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 and 37 (see also the number 1 848).

e the largest even number which cannot be written as the sum of two odd com-
posite numbers!®.

16Here is Luca’s argument. First consider the Fermat-Pell equation x? — 7y? = 1. It has infinitely
many solutions (tn, Yn), nm = 1,2,..., the smallest of which is (x1, y1) = (8,3). For each of these
solutions (%n, Yn), consider the numbers £ = 372%n + 98yn and y = 14%7y + 37yn. One easily verifies
that x? +3 = Ty. To complete the proof, one needs to have that y is a multiple of 7. But y = 2yn
(mod 7), so that if yn is a multiple of 7, the same will be true for y. Since it is the case for
n= 7,14, 21,..., the result follows.
17Let d be a positive integer which is not a perfect square and consider the quantities n = x2 — dy?
and m = a? — db?. One easily verifies that (x) m+n = (ax — dby)? — d(ay + bx)”. This is why,
knowing numbers x9 and yo such that a4 = dyé = 1 (it is known that there are infinitely many
of these), and starting with the known solution (t,z) of equation t? + k = z, with z powerful (4
perfect square), then let u? be the largest square divisor of z satisfying z = u? - v, where (wv) =1
and v > 1. This brings us to equation t? — vu? = —k, of which we already know by hypothesis a
solution (to, uo), which in turn allows us to generate infinitely many solutions using (*).
18The proof of this result is very simple. Indeed, let n = 2m be an even number. This number m
is necessarily of one of the three following forms: m = 3k, m = 3k+1 or m = 3k+2. In the first case,
n=2m=9+3- 2™=3 the sum of two odd composite numbers. In the second case, we can write
n = 2m = 2(3k+1) = 35+3(2k—11). In the third case, we have n = 2m = 2(3k+2) = 25+3(2k—7).
We have thus settled the case of all even numbers which are multiples of 3 and > 9+ 6 = 15, that
of each number 2m with m = 3k +1 and 2m > 35+ 3-3 = 44 and that of each number 2m with
m = 3k +2 and 2m > 25+3-3 = 34. Therefore, since 40 = 15 + 25 and since we can easily verify
that 38 is not the sum of two odd composite numbers, the result follows.

e the smallest number n such that 2” — 7 is prime (a question raised by Erdés

in 1956): using a computer, one obtains that the other numbers n < 20000
satisfying this property are 715, 1983, 2319, 2499, 3775 and 12819.9

a(n) 9
e the smallest solution of equation —— = z} the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 40, 224, 174592, 492101632, ...

e the largest odd number which is not the sum of four non zero squares (Sierpinski
[185], p. 404);

e the largest number n such that the polynomial x? + «+n is prime for each of
the numbers z = 0,1,2,...,n—2; the other numbers n satisfying this property
are n = 1, 2, 3, 5, 11 and 17 (see D. Fendel & R.A. Mollin [80]);

e the integer part of the number yo = 41.677647, that is the conjectured value
of limsup,, ..6 Felt) where 0..(n) stands for the smallest number k such that
f*(n) =1, where
1 ih Osean le
iOS eye if n is even,
3n+1 if n is odd,

f(r) = f(r), f?(n) = f(F(m)), fP(m) = f(f?(m)) and so on; according to the
Syracuse conjecture (also called the 3x +1 problem), this sequence inevitably
reaches the number 1 (see J.C. Lagarias & A. Weiss [120});

e the smallest prime number of the form (x*+y*)/2: here 41 = (34+1+*)/2: there
exist only eight prime numbers < 10000 satisfying? this property, namely 41,
313, 353, 1201, 3593, 4481, 7321 and 8521.

e the smallest number n > 1 such that o2(n) is a perfect square: the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 42, 246, 287, 728, 1434,
1673, 1880, 4264, 6237, 9799, 9855,...;

e the fifth Catalan number (see the number 14);

19While performing this search, one can ignore all even numbers n, all numbers n =1 (mod 4),
all numbers n = 7 (mod 10) as well as all numbers n = 11 (mod 12), since in these four cases,
we obtain respectively that 3, 5, 11 and 13 divide 2” — 7.
20Tt is interesting to mention that there exist other forms which generate infinitely many prime
numbers: it is the case, for instance, for the form 2? + y* as it was proved by J. Friedlander &
H. Iwaniec [85], as well as for the form x? + 2y? as was established by D.R. Heath-Brown [110] (see
also for that matter the number 3391).

the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 20); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 42, 51, 123, 141, 204, 371, 497, 708, 923, 992,
1034, 1343, 1391, 1484, 1595, 1691, 1826, 3266, 3317, 5015, 5152, 7367, 8003,
9132, 9287, 9494,...

the fourth prime number p such that 19?~! = 1 (mod p’): the only prime
numbers p < 2° satisfying this congruence are 3, 7, 13, 43, 137 and 63 061 489
(see Ribenboim [169], p. 347).

the second number n such that ¢(x) = n has exactly three solutions: the
sequence of numbers”! satisfying this property begins as follows: 2, 44, 56, 92,
10451165 140 2os

the smallest number n which allows the sum De — to exceed 1; for each

k > 2, if we let ng be the smallest integer n which allows the above sum to
exceed k, then the sequence (n;),>1 begins as follows: 44, 236, 1853, 24692,
627 2083375 1.004,...--.

the smallest number n such that r(n) > T(n + 1) > T(n + 2): here 6 > 4 > 2;
if we denote by nz the smallest number n such that tT(n) > T(n +1) >... >
tT(n+k), then n; = 4, no = 45, nz = 80, ng = ns = 28974, ng = 8489103 and
n7 = 80314575;

the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and which
is such that pln = > p+ 3|n + 3: the sequence of numbers which satisfy this
property begins as follows: 45, 147, 165, 357, 405, 567, 621, 637, 845, ... (see
the number 399).

21See the footnote tied to the number 24.

22One can estimate the size of the number nx with respect to k by using estimate 72 (3)
x: w(n) = 2} ~ a(loglogz)/(logz), which follows essentially from the Prime Number Theorem.
Indeed, by first writing the sum as a Stieltjes integral and then integrating by parts, one obtains

Th es faa _ m2(t) ne
+f silt ree
x x
loglogt | i. (log log x) 2
y += [ pS
ae a Fae 5 tlogt 2

(log logTeac
This is why the number nz, satisfies sca nx)? ad k as k — oo, which Jak
means that nz © e®

e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the eighth prime
factor of an integer: pag = 199 (see the number 199).

e the prime number which appears the most often as the sixth prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199);
e the fifth Hamilton number (see the number 923).

e the smallest number which is divisible by a square > 1 and is followed by two
other numbers with the same property: here 48 = 2+-3, 49 = 7? and 50 = 2-5?:
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 48, 98, 124,
242, 243, 342, 350, 423, 475, 548, 603, 724, 774, 844, 845, 846,...;
e the smallest number for which the product of its proper divisors is a fourth
power, that is such that Il d =a‘: here
d\n, d<n

308 416 = 487:

e the second number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)—y(n) = 1;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 8, 48, 224,
960, 65024, 261120, 1046528, 4190208, ...?3 (see the number 98).

e the smallest number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1)—4d(n) =
1, where 6(n) = Mis p; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins
as follows: 49, 1681, 18490, 23762, 39325, 57121, 182182, 453962, 656914,
S13030 ee
e the second solution w + s of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

231t is easy to see that each number n = 27+!(27—!—1), where 2”—1 and 27—! —1 are square-free,
is a solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 1. The numbers r < 200 such that 2” — 1 and 2"~1 — 1 are both
square-free are the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35,
SOOO NAAN AGU (On ol 2.nO8 Os, 09 62, 655168, 69705) 7L74.975, 16) «7, 82, 83, 86,
87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 104, 107, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129,
IZOMISIen IGA Som 42 las AG OM b 2a 53 lod. LoS. 159164) 165.166. 167, 170) Lily 72)
173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 191, 194, 195, 196 and 197. Therefore it follows
that equation y(n + 1) — y(n) = 1 has infinitely many solutions n (with u(n) = 0). But it is not
known if there exist infinitely numbers of the form 2” — 1 which are square-free. In fact, Andrew
Granville believes (private communication) that it is unlikely that one could easily prove that there
exist infinitely many square-free numbers of the form 2" — 1, since if that was the case, it would
follow that there exist infinitely many prime numbers which are not Wieferich primes, a result that
is certainly true, but that we are so far unable to prove without assuming the abc Conjecture (see
Silverman [186]).
24There exist infinitely many numbers n divisible by a square and satisfying 6(n + 1) — 6(n) = 1.
This follows from the fact that the Fermat-Pell equation 2x? — y? = 1 has infinitely many solutions.

the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in two
distinct ways: 50 = 17+77 = 57+5?; if mn; stands for the smallest number which
can be written as the sum of two squares in k distinct ways, then n2 = 50,
ng = 320, rg = 1105, ms = n6 = DoPAD, n7 = nrg = 27 625, (Me) = al 825,
N19 = 138125 and n11 = N12 = 160 225 (see also the number 1 29-3;

the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and which
is such that p|n => p+ 10|n + 10; the sequence of numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 50, 242, 245, 935, 1250, 8405, ...

the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 4); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 51, 66, 115, 220, 319, 1003, 2585, 4024, 4183,
4195, 5720, 5826, 5959, 8004, 8374, ...;
the fourth number n such that $(n)a(n) is a perfect square: here ¢(51)0(51) =
487: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 14,
30, 51, 105, 170, 194, 248, 264, 364, 405, 418, 477, 595, 679, ...; Niegel Boston
proved that this sequence is infinite (see R.K. Guy & R.J. Nowakowski [103]);
the second number n such that o(n) = o(n + 20) (see the number 42).

the fifth Bell number, namely Bs: Bell numbers B, are defined implicitly by

e7—1 _ = x”
et =)
theirst, Bell numbers are. Bo: = 1) Bi =15,.8o = 2, B3= 5, Ba 1b Bs = 52.
Be = 203,87 S801, Bs —4 14085 — 2144 Big = 115 975;
the smallest number k > 5 such that equation o(n) — n = k has no solution?®;
the largest known number?’ n such that n! ++ 1 is prime; the others are 2,
4, 6 are 10.

the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 6, from the preced-
ing and following prime numbers : pis = 47, pig = 53 and p17 = 59;
the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains two
consecutive zeros (see the sequence M4710 in N.J.A. Sloane & S. Plouffe [188]);

25Tt is natural to raise the following question: Does there exist a number ko such that np < ng41
for allk > ko?
26Interestingly, Erdés pointed out the existence of a large family of integers k for which equation
a(n) —n =k has no solution.
27 Obviously, such a number n must be such that n+ 1 is prime.

the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the tenth perfect number

the only solution n < 10° of ¢(n)a(n) = ¢(n + 1)a(n + 1) = o(n + 2)a(n + 2)
(see R.K. Guy [102]; see also the number 136);

the largest Fibonacci number with only one distinct digit, a result due to
F. Luca; the sequence of Fibonacci numbers (Fy)n>1 is defined as follows:
ie ol ahi tor each 4c:

the largest Fibonacci number which is the concatenation of two other Fibonacci
numbers (5 and 5), a result due to F. Luca & W.D. Banks [16];

the fourth and largest Fibonacci number which is triangular: the others are 1,
3 and 21 (see L. Ming [137]).

the sixth tetrahedral number (see the number 10): the sequence of tetrahedral
numbers begins as follows: 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56, 84, 120, ...;

the largest number n for which there exists a number k < n/2 such that if we
write the binomial coefficient (7°) as a product wv, where

u= II Dp et = II D;
pl(R) Pl(z)
p<k p2k

then u > v: the only other pairs (n, k) satisfying this property are (8,3), (9,4),
(LO, Sd 2e5 eal2b )os(2leS)oul 30, 7), (33,13),033414),: (36,13), (36,17) and
(56, 13) (E.F. Ecklund, R.B. Eggleton, P. Erdés & J.L. Selfridge [74]).

the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 22); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 57, 85, 213, 224, 354, 476, 568, 594, 812, 1218,
1235, 1316, 1484, 2103, 2470, 2492, 2643, 2840, 2996, 3836, 3978, 4026, 4544,
4810, 4844, 5012, 6125, 6356, 6524, 7364, 7532, 7648, 8876, 9272, 9328, ...;

the smallest number n such that >°,,<, 6(m) is a multiple of 1000 (here the
sum is equal to 1000); the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins
as follows: 57, 140, 303, 358, 862, ...

e the second Smith number (see the number 22): here 58 = 2-29 and5+8=
138 =2+2+49;

e the fourth number n such that the distance from 7” to the nearest integer is
the smallest: the sequence of these numbers n begins as follows: 1, 2, 3, 58, 81,
a, MORI cee

e the second irregular prime number (the smallest is 37): a prime number is said
to be irregular if it is not regular; a prime number p is said to be regular if p
does not divide the numerator of Bo, for 2k = 2,4,...,p — 3, where B; is the
it” Bernoulli number; one can also prove that a prime number p is regular if
and only if p? does not divide any of the numbers 1* + 2* +... + (p—1)* for
k = 2,4,...,p —3; the irregular prime numbers smaller than 1000 are 37, 59,
67, 101,103) 131, 1499 157, 233, 257, 265-271, 283,-293, 307, atl, G41, aon,
379, 389, 401, 409, 421, 433, 461, 463, 467, 491)-523, 541, 547, 557, 577, 587,
593, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 647, 653, 659, 673, 677, 683, 691, 727, 751, 757,
761, 773, 797, 809, 811, 821, 827, 839, 877, 881, 887, 929, 953 and 971; in 1915,
Jensen proved that there exist infinitely many irregular primes; but it is still
not known if there exist infinitely many regular primes.

e one of the five known unitary perfect numbers (see the number 6);

e the smallest dihedral 3-perfect number (see the number 5 472);

e the smallest number n such that Q(n)*(™ > n; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 60, 120, 210, 420, 840, 1260, 1680, 2310,
2730, 3360, 4620, 5460, 6930, 7140, 9240, ... (see the number 3569 485 920 for
more on the behavior of the quotient cE a

e the exponent of the ninth Mersenne prime 2° — 1 (Pervouchine, 1883; and

Seelhoff, 1886);

e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the ninth prime
factor of an integer : pg, = 283 (see the number 199);

e the smallest number n such that n > =, (see the number 492);?8
log Pn —
281¢ is interesting to mention that Ramanujan often used the approximation (x) + =
logx —1

the smallest prime number p such that Q(p+ 1) = 2 and Q(p + 2) = 3; if for
each positive integer k, we let q, be the smallest prime number q such that
GES F250 (G a2) 3 Og Bik)eek ed), then, g 13, g)= 61,
qg3 = 193, gg = 15121, gs = 838561 and gg = 807 905 281;

the smallest number n such that t(n) < t(n +1) < T(n + 2); it is also the
smallest number n such that t(n) < r(n +1) < T(n + 2) < T(n +83): here
2<4<6 <7 (see the numbers 11371 and 7392171).

the second solution of o(n) = 0(n +7); the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 10, 62, 188, 362, 759, 1178, 1214, 1431, 1442, 1598,
1695, 1748, 2235, 3495, 6699, 9338, 9945, ...;

the second solution of o(n) = 0(n + 15) (see the number 26).

the value of the Kaprekar constant for the two digit numbers (see the number

the smallest number n such that w(n) = 1, w(n+1) = 2 and w(n+2) = 3: here
64 = 2°, 65 = 5-13 and 66 = 2-3-11; if we denote by ng the smallest number
mosuch thatew(m) = 1), win 441) = 2,...., wim+k) = k-+1, then ng =.64,
n3 = 1867, n4 = 491851 and ns = 17681 491.

the smallest square-free number which can be written as the sum of two squares
in two distinct ways: here 65 = 8° + 1? = 7? + 4?; it is therefore the smallest
hypotenuse common to two Pythagorean triangles;

the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column of

a 5 x 5 magic square (see the number 15);

the number of possible (straight) paths one can use to move from a given point
to another inside a set E made up of six points in the cartesian plan without
going through each point of E more than once”’.

29Tn the general case, if EH contains n points, the corresponding number N of possible paths is
given by N = See ea) = (n— 2)! Rats
+ ~ e(n — 2)!; hence, for n > 3, the first terms of
the sequence are 2, 5, 16, 65, 326, 1957, ...

the denominator of the Bernoulli number Bio = ix

the smallest solution of 02(n) = 02(n + 11): the second one is 130;

the smallest solution of o(n) = a(n + 28); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 66, 159, 267, 282, 295, 328, 357, 580, 979, 1111,
1265, 2157, 2233, 2599, 2686, 2698, 2990, 3580, 3799, 3882, 4066, 4070, 4317,
A782, 5518, 7003, 7021, 7339, 7475, ...

the third prime number with at least two digits and whose digits are consecu-
tive (ascending or descending): the sequence of prime numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 23, 43, 67, 89, 101, 787, 4567, 12101, 12323, 12343,
32321, 32323, 34543, 54323, 56543, 56767, 76543, 78787, 78989,210101, 212123,
234323, 234343, 432121, 432323, 432343, 434323, 454543, 456767, 654323,
654343, 678767, 678989, 876787, 878789, 878987, 878989, 898787, 898987,
1012321 1210123) 1212121 1234543 3210101 21012211 210 21s,
Soi S23 eee

the eighth Heegner number (see the number 163);

the largest known prime number p such that 2? + 3 is prime; the other known
prime numbers p for which 2? + 3 is prime are 2, 3 and 7.

the smallest number n such that 5°, -,, 7(m) is a multiple of 100 (here the sum
is equal to 300). xi

the only number such that when we gather the digits formed by its square and
its cube, we obtain all the digits from 0 to 9 once and only once: 69? = 4761
and 69° = 328 509.

the only number whose square corresponds to the number of cannonballs one
can pile up in a pyramidale shape (70? = 1? + 2? +... + 24?) (Lucas, 1873):
for an elementary proof, see W.S. Anglin [5]°°;
30One can also solve this problem using elliptic curves. Here is the general idea. First it is clear
that we need to solve the diophantine equation

a VOs+1)
Met _ot a?
3 2

e the smallest bizarre number: we say that a number n is bizarre if it is abundant

(that is if 7(n) > 2n) and non pseudo-perfect (see the number 12): the sequence
of bizarre numbers begins as follows: 70, 836, 4030, 5830, 7192, 7912, 9272,
10430, ...

e the only prime number p < 2° such that 11-1 =1 (mod p?) (see Ribenboim
[169], p. 347);
e the second prime number q which divides the sum of all prime numbers < q
(that is q| ea): this sequence of prime numbers begins as follows: 5, 71,
369 119, 415074643, ...;

e the largest positive solution y of r(x +1)...(2+5) = y? —1: this solution is

(x,y) = (2,71) (see R.K. Guy [101], D25); in fact, P.T. Bateman [17] proved
that the only solutions of this diophantine equation, other than the trivial
solutions x = —5, —4, —3, —2,—1,0 and y = +1, are (x,y) = (—7,+71) and
(2, +71); see also the number 142;

e the largest known solution m of n! + 1 = m?, here with n = 7;

e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2" does not
contain the digit 5 nor the digit 7; indeed, using a computer, one can verify
2’? = 2361 183 241 434 822 606 848
does not contain the digit 5, nor the digit 7, while each number 2*, for k =
72, 73,...,3000, contains these two digits (see David Gale [86]) *+.
which indeed represents an elliptic curve on which we are searching for points with integer coor-
dinates. Some of these points are obvious, namely the points (0,0), (—1,0), (—4,0), (1,1) and
(1,1). With the technique used to add two points on an elliptic curve (see for instance the book
of Larry Washington [199]), we obtain

((0,0) + (1,1) +(1,)) = (5-3) + (1,1) = (24,70).

We may therefore conclude that the point (x, y) = (24, —70) is indeed a point on the elliptic curve
We = a + ee + eo As a final note, let us mention that no one has yet proved, using the theory
of elliptic curves, that it is indeed the only point with integer coordinates, except of course for the
trivial ones mentioned above.
31The largest known numbers k such that the corresponding number 2* does not contain the
digit £2, for 2= 0,1,2,...,9, are respectively 86, 91, 168, 153, 107, 71, 93, 71, 78 and 108; using a
computer, one can easily verify this statement for each number 2* with k < 3000. Moreover, from
a probabilistic point of view, it follows from this observation that the probability that there exists
a number 2* with k > 3000 not containing a given digit @ is of the order of 10—1%°. Indeed, it is
clear that the probability that a number chosen at random amongst all those numbers with r digits
8 r—1
does not contain a given digit £ € [0,9] is equal to 9 x (=) . Now, the number of powers of
log 10
2 with r digits is approximately — This is why the probability that there exists a power of 2
with r digits, r > 3000, not containing the digit @, for a certain ¢ € [0,9], is approximately

SUnieee acaeTy kamameanal


log 2 9 10

the smallest number m such that equation o(x) = m has exactly five solutions,
namely 30, 46, 51, 55 and 71;

the only solution n < 10!” of o(n) = 2n +51.

the smallest number 7 which has the property that each number can be written
in the form 2§ +2$+...+2°, where the x;’s are non negative integers (see the
number 4);

the smallest number n such that a(n) > i7A ~ ee namely the first two
og” n
terms of the asymptotic expansion of Li(n): here we have 1(73) = 21 while
Ee ae mad ~~ 20.9802; if we let nz be the smallest integer n such that
logn log? n aes

then Wi = nie np2— i/o, ne = 162% na 230838 news 12 S00 ahing —

3 736 935 913 and n7 = 330645 100273; on the other hand, by examining a
table of prime numbers, one can verify that 1018 < ng < 1029:

the smallest number > 1 which is equal to the sum of the squares of the
factorials of its digits in base 7: here 73 = [1,3,3]7 = 1!? + 3!? + 3!?; the only
numbers satisfying this property are 1, 73 and 1051783 (see also the number

the smallest solution of o(n + 7) = a(n) +7; the only other solution n < 10° is
531 434.

the fourth horse number (see the number 13).

the largest known number n such that the two corresponding numbers (n!)? +
n! +1 and (n!)? +1 are prime: these two prime numbers both have 223 digits;
the other known numbers n satisfying this property are 1, 2, 3 and 4;

the largest two digit number n which is automorphic, that is whose square ends
with n: here 76% = 5776; the automorphic numbers smaller than 107 are 25,
76, 376, 625, 9376, 90625, 109376, 890625, 2890625 and 7109376.

e the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of positive integers
whose sum of reciprocals is equal to 1; thus

tory tes
78 =2+6+8+10+4+12+40 and 5G oa x ae = 1

(R.L. Graham [95]);

the smallest champion number whose smallest prime factor is 7: we say that n
is a champion number if D(n) > D(m) for each positive integer m < n, where
D(n) = r(n!) — r((n — 1)!) (see A. Ivié & C. Pomerance [112}).

the smallest solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 13);

the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number 2 il

the number of pseudoprime numbers in base 2 smaller than 10’; we say that
an odd composite number n is a pseudoprime number in base 2 if 2”~! = 1
(mod n); see the number 245;
the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2° does not
contain the digit 8; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

28 — 302231454903657293676544

does not contain the digit 8, while each number 2", for k = 79,80,...,3000,
contains it (see the number 71);

the smallest number which cannot be written as the sum of less than 19 fourth
powers: here 79 = 15-1*+4.- 24;

the second prime number p such that 317~!' = 1 (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 2°” satisfying this congruence are 7, 79, 6451 and 2806 861 (see
Ribenboim [169], p. 347).

the smallest number n such that r(n) > 7(n +1) > T(n +2) > T(n +3): here
10 > 5 > 4 > 2 (see the number 45);
the second number for which the product of its proper divisors is a fourth
power, that is such that II d =a": here
d\n, d<n

20-40 = 40960000 = 80°;

48 is the smallest number satisfying this property.


the only number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ./n;

the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three cubes and as the
sum of four cubes: 81 = 32+ 3° + 3° = 1° + 22 4 23 4+ 4°.

the smallest number which can be written as the sum of four cubes as well as
the sum of five cubes: here 82 = 13 + 33+ 3° +3? = 19+ 194 23 + 234 4°.

the smallest number n which allows the sum es 7 to exceed 5: John V. Baxley
[19] developed a clever method to compute this number n; if nx, stands for
the smallest number n which allows the sum Ds, 7 to exceed k, we have the
following table:

| if Nk |

9 4550 4989191
10 12367 13562027
if 33617 18 | 36865412
12 | 91380 19 | 100210581
13 | 248397 20 | 272400600
14 | 675214 21 | 740461601
15 | 1835421 2012783315

the smallest number n which requires six iterations of the Euler @ function
to reach the number 2; in other words, n = 83 is the smallest number such
that ¢°(n) = 2, where ¢* stands for the k*” iteration of ¢; the sequence of the
smallest numbers n = n(k), k = 1,2,..., requiring k iterations of the ¢ function
in order to reach the number 2 begins as follows: 3, 5, 11, 17, 41, 83, 137, 257,
641, 1097, 2329, 4369, 10537, 17477, ... (see R.K. Guy [101], B41);

the number appearing (as an exponent) in the diophantine equation «2°? —

y*87 = 1, an equation which cannot be solved by applying the “Inken criteria”,
the reason being that 83487? = 1 (mod 4871”) and 48717 =1 (mod 837), an
obstacle which was bypassed by M. Mignotte in 1992.

a(n) 8
e the smallest solution of —~ = 3 (see the number 1488);

e the smallest number n > 1 which divides og(n); the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 84, 156, 204, 364, 476, 514, 1092, 1428,
2316, 2652, 2892, 6069, 6188, 6748,... 3?

e the smallest Smith number n (see the number 22) such that n — 1 is also a
Smith number.

e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2° does not
contain 0 as a digit; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

286 — 77371252455336267181195264

does not contain the digit 0, while each number 2", for k = 87,88,...,3000
contains it (see the number 71).

e the smallest solution n > 1 of o(¢(n)) = a(n); the sequence** of numbers

satisfying this equation begins as follows: 1, 87, 362, 1257, 1798, 5002, 9374,
21982, 22436, 25978, ...

e the total number of narcissistic numbers: an r digit number is said to be

narcissistic if it is the sum of the r*” powers of its digits: hence if d,,d2,...,d>
are the r digits of such a number n, then n = dj +d, +...+d"; here is the
list?+ of all narcissistic numbers:

321 is worth mentioning that it is known since Erdés that for each integer k > 2, there exist
infinitely many numbers n such that n|o,(n) (see Problem 11090, Amer. Math. Monthly 113
(2006), 372-373).
33]t would be interesting if one could prove that this equation does indeed have infinitely many
solutions. Observe on the other hand that the corresponding equation ¢(a(n)) = ¢(n) could be
proved to have infinitely many solutions if one could prove that there exist infinitely many prime
ce p = 2q—1, where q is prime: indeed, if n is of the form n = 2p with p prime and if
= 2q — 1 with q prime, q > 3, then ¢(o(n))= ¢(38(p + 1))= $(8-2-q)= 2(q — 1) while
Hea ¢(p) = p — 1 = 2(q—1). De Koninck and Luca (see [57]) have shown that the number of
integers n < x such that o(¢(n))= o(n) is < z/(log? z).
34Tn order to find the r digit narcissistic numbers (given that such numbers exist!) for a given
positive integer r < 39 (and thus construct the table below), we proceeded as follows. Let n be the
quantity a,1"+a22"+...+a99", where the a;’s are non negative integers such a aj+a2+...tag =
r. If this number n has exactly r digits and if it is equal to the sum of the r*” powers of its digits,
then it qualifies as a narcissistic number.

number of | the narcissistic numbers

(Pas Ueonaen J
153, 370, 371, 407
1634, 8208, 9474
54748, 92727, 93084
1741725, 4210818, 9800817, 9926315 a
24678050, 24678051, 88593477
146511208, 472335975, 534494836, 912985153
10 4679307774
11 32164049650, 32164049651, 40028394225,
42678290603, 44708635679, 49388550606,
82693916578, 94204591914
14 28116440335967
16 4338281769391370, 4338281769391371
17 21897142587612075, 35641594208964132,
19 1517841543307505039, 3289582984443187032,
4498128791164624869, 4929273885928088826
20 63105425988599693916
21 128468643043731391252,
23 21887696841122916288858,
™ 24 174088005938065293023722,
25 1550475334214501539088894,
121204998563613372405438066, i

number of | the narcissistic numbers

digits:) p)i 0
| (|: 186709961001538790100634132976991
eee 1122763285329372541592822900204593
37 1219167219625434121569735803609966019
38 | 12815792078366059955099770545296129367 |
39 |115132219018763992565095597973971522400,
L 115132219018763992565095597973971522401

e the smallest solution of o(n) = a(n + 30): the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 88, 161, 164, 209, 221, 275, 279, 376, 497, 581,
107, 869, 910; 913...

e the exponent of the tenth Mersenne prime 2°? — 1 (Powers, 1911);

e the smallest prime number amongst those which appear more often as the third
prime factor of an integer than as the second prime factor (in this case, when
89 appears in the factorization of a number, it is the third prime factor of that
number in 31.6% of the cases, while it is the second one in 27.9% of the cases,
the fourth in 17% of the cases, the fifth one in 6% of the cases and the sixth
one in only 1% of the cases): this result can be obtained from those published
in a paper by J.M. De Koninck & G. Tenenbaum [63];

e the only solution F;, (where F,, stands for the n*” Fibonacci number) of*°

see B.B.M. de Weger [200];

e the smallest number n > 9 satisfying n = d; + d2?+d4+...+ 2”’, where

d,,d2,...,d, stand for the digits of n; the only other eons inibes satisfying
this aoe ey is 6603;

e the fifth prime Fibonacci number: the sequence of such numbers begins as
follows 2, 3, 5, 13, 89, 233, 1597, 28657, 514229, 433 494437, 2971215073,
99 194 853 094 755 497, 1 066 340 417 491 710 595 814572 169,
35This result can be compared with that of Cohn (see the number 144) according to which
144 is the only Fibonacci number which is a perfect square. Indeed, it is easy to establish that

philcm = : for each m > 2. Thus, the propert = = a all is equivalent to

py mk+1 — m2—m-1 al 4 nes Fy 10k+1
k=0 k=0
the relation F, =m? —m-— 1, whose only solution is m = 10, Fn = 89.

19 134 702 400 093 278 081 449 423917 ....; if we let F, stand for the aie
bonacci number, and if F; is prime, then one can show that k is either 4 or a
prime number: this helps in establishing that the set of numbers k < 100000
for which F;, is prime is {3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29, 43, 47, 83, 131, 137, 359,
431, 433, 449, 509, 569, 571, 2971, 4723, 5387, 9311, 9677, 14431, 25561, 30757,
35999, 37511, 50833, 81839}; no one has yet proved that there are infinitely
many prime Fibonacci numbers;

the fourth prime number with at least two digits and whose digits are consec-
utive integers (see the number 67).

the only number < 10° which is not perfect but which is equal to the sum of
its proper deficient divisors: 90 = 1+2+3+45+9+410+ 15+ 45; a number n
is said to be deficient if o(n) < 2n;
the largest solution of ¢(x) = 24, the others being 35, 39, 45, 52, 56, 70, 72, 78
and 84;

the third unitary perfect number (see the number 6);

the only number which is equal to the sum of its digits added to the sum of the
squares of its digits.

the smallest pseudoprime in base 3: given a number a > 1, a composite number

n > aissaid to be pseudoprime in baseaifa"~' =1 (mod n); the ten smallest
pseudoprimes in base 3 are 91, 121, 286, 671, 703, 949, 1105, 1541, 1729 and

the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2° does not
contain the digit 1; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

2°! — 2475880078570760549798248448

does not contain the digit 1, while each number 2*, for k = 92,93,...,3000,
contains it (see the number 71);

the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the tenth prime
factor of an integer : po; = 467 (see the number 199).

the number of integer zeros of the function M(z) := Ne y(n) located in the
interval [1, 1000]: if we denote by m; the number of times that the function
M(«) crosses the “x” axis in the interval [1,10*], then the sequence (mx)4>1

begins as follows: 1, 6, 92, 406, 1549, 5361, 12546, 41908, 141121, ...; it is
well known that the function M(«) changes sign infinitely often as x — oo (see
E. Grosswald [98]), which implies in particular that the number m,; does indeed
exist for each k > 1.

e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2° does not
contain the digit 6; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

2°3 — 9903520314283042199192993792
does not contain the digit 6, while each number 2*, for k = 94,95,...,3000,
contains it (see the number 71);
e the smallest number > 1 whose sum of divisors is a seventh power: 7(93) = 2”.

e the seventh number whose sum of divisors is a perfect square: 7(94) = 11° the
sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 3, 22, 66, 70,
Sa lloes Oe 70, 210" 214s eee

e the smallest number n such that each number m > n can be written as the
sum of distinct elements from the set {p,, : n = 1,2,...} = {3,5,11,17,...}
(see R.E. Dressler & S.T. Packer [69]);
e the smallest number m such that equation o(z2) = m has exactly four solutions,
namely 42, 62, 69 and 77;

e the smallest number n > 1 such that y(n)?\a(n): the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 1, 96, 864, 1080, 1782, 6144, 7128, ...%°;
if nz stands for?’ the smallest number n for which o(n)/y(n)* is an integer,
then n1 = 6, nz = 96, n3 = 3538944 and n4 < 19698744770 118 549 504 (see
the number 1 782).

e the smallest prime number preceded by exactly seven consecutive composite

numbers; indeed, there are no prime numbers between 89 and 97; if q, stands for
the smallest prime number that is preceded by exactly k consecutive composite
Dumberssthenagie=—so.egs — 11, gs; = 29, dy =89i.udo = 1149) ginn = 211,
Chile) = 127, Chik = il847, Clie == 941, Cie = 907 and Opal = 1 151;

e the largest two digit prime number.

361t is easy to see that there exist infinitely many numbers satisfying this property, namely all
the numbers n = 2%3°, where a+ 1 is a multiple of 6 and 6 > 1 is odd.
387By examining the numbers of the form n = 2°38 with an appropriate choice of a and 8, one
can easily discover infinitely many numbers n for which y(n)*|o(n) for any fixed number k.

e the smallest solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 19: the only*® solutions n < 10°
of this equation are 98, 135 and 11375; in fact, below is the table of all the
solutions n < 10° of equation y(n + 1) — y(n) = k for 1 < k < 100 (observe
that this equation has no solution n < 10° for k = 5, 9, 25, 33, 35, 37, 51, 57,
61, 63, 65, 77, 81, 87 and 95):

k n < 10” such that

3 4, 49
fe |e)ale
11 | 20, 27, 288, 675, 71199
13nis 1523024
15 | 16, 28
17 | 1681, 59535, 139239, 505925
19 | 98, 135, 11375
21 | 25, 2299, 18490
23 | 75, 1215, 1647, 2624
27 | 52, 39325
29 | 171, 847, 1616, 4374
31 | 32, 36, 40, 45, 60, 1375
39 | 76, 775
41 | 50, 63000
43 | 56,84
45 | 22747, 182182
47 | 92, 1444, 250624
49 | 54, 584, 21375, 23762, 71874, 177182720
53 | 147, 315, 9152, 52479
55 | 512, 9408, 12167, 129311
59 | 324, 4239
67 | 72, 88, 132, 5576255
69 | 82075, 656914
71 | 140, 3509, 114375
73 | 872, 1274, 3249
75 | 148, 105412, 843637
79 | 81, 104, 117, 156, 343, 375, 7100, 47375, 76895
83 | 164, 275, 5967, 33124, 89375, 7870625,38850559
85 | 126, 1016, 16128, 471968, 10028976
89 | 531, 11736
91 | 96, 100, 1050624
93 | 832, 201019, 1608574
97 | 3807, 4067, 12716, 73304
99 | 112, 1975, 8575
38It seems plausible that, for each odd number k > 1, the number of solutions of equation
y(n + 1) —7(n) = & is finite. In 2003, J.M. De Koninck & F. Luca [53] proved that if the abc
Conjecture is true, then, for each odd integer k # +1, equation y(n +1) — y(n) = k has only a finite
number of solutions.

e the numerical representation adopted by the Greeks to denote the word AMEN
= apnv = 1+ 40+8+50 = 99 (see Ore [156], p. 28);

e the third solution « of the Fermat-Pell equation x2? — 2y? = 1: it is well known
that this equation has infinitely many solutions, the first nine being (x, y) =
(3,2), (17,12), (99,70), (577,408), (3363,2378), (19601,13860), (114243,80782),
(665857,470832) and (3880899,2744210).


e the only solution n < 10!” of o(n) = 2n + 17 (see the number 196);

e the largest known solution y of the problem consisting in finding a right an-
gle triangle whose sides x,y, z (all integers) represent respectively a triangu-
lar number, a perfect square and a pentagonal number: here the solution is
(x,y,z) = (105, 100, 145); the only other solution is (3,4,5) (R.K. Guy [101],


e the largest known prime number of the form 10" +1; any other prime number,
with more than three digits and of the form 10” + 1 must be such that n >
131071 (see the number 19841 for the factorization of those numbers of the
form 10? +1 for 1 <r < 12);
e the only prime number?? whose digits are 1 and 0 in alternation;

e the first member p of the second quintuple (p,p+ 2,p +6,p + 8,p +12) made
up entirely of prime numbers: the smallest quintuple satisfying this property
iene al (410523):

e the third and possibly the largest prime number whose sum of digits is equal
to 2, the other two known such numbers being 2 and 11 (see the number 389);

e the smallest odd prime number p such that p — k! is composite for 1 < k! < p
(an observation due to Felice Russo).

39The proof of this result is easy. Indeed, given a number of the form 101010...1 containing k
times the digit 1, if we multiply it by 11, we obtain the number 111...1 containing 2k times the
digit 1, in which case

ADUOLO seth Seite Tas th A eg DCM OO ese (Oi

Se Se Se
k times the digit 1 2k k

where this last number contains k — 1 times the digit 0. Thus, by multiplying the original number
by 11, we obtain the product of two numbers larger than 11, which proves that the original number
cannot be prime.


e the smallest number n such that n®4+1 is prime; if we denote by nx the smallest
number n > 2 such that n> +1 is*® prime, then ny = ne = ng = M4 = 2,
(Vs = 30, ng = OZ, iy = 130, N= 278, (Oe) = 46, nio = 824 and ni = SO:

e the smallest solution of a(n) = 02(n +17).


e the smallest prime number p such that w(p+1) = 2 and w(p+2) = 3 (see also
the number 64);

e the largest prime number p < 2°? such that 43?~! = (mod p”): the only
other prime number p < 2°” satisfying this congruence is p = 5 (see Ribenboim
[169], p. 347).


e the smallest composite number n such that a(n + 6) = a(n) +6: the only
numbers n < 10° satisfying this equation are 104, 147, 596, 1415, 4850, 5337,
370 047, 1630622, 35020303 and 120 221 396;

e the fourth solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).


e the smallest number n such that $(n) < d(n +1) < ¢(n+ 2): here 48 <
52 < 106; n = 1484 is the smallest number n such that ¢(n) < ¢(n +1) <
o(n + 2) < d(n +3); Nicolas Doyon claims (private communication) that it is
possible to prove that, for all integers k > 2, if a1, a2,...,ax is any permutation
of the integers 1,2,...,k, then there exist infinitely many integers n such that
o(n+a,) < d(n+ ag) <...< O(n
+ ax);

e the largest number n such that all odd numbers < n which are co-prime with
n are prime, namely the numbers 11, 13, 17, 19, 23,29, 31, 37, 41,43, 47, 53,
59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101 and 103 (see L. Cseh [40]);

e the largest known number n for which n — 2" is prime for each number k such
that 2* <n: in the case n = 105, we indeed have that 103, 101, 97, 89, 73 and
41 are prime numbers;

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 10” (see the number 646).

401t is not known if the sequence (nx) k>1 is well defined: indeed, it is not obvious that for each
number k, there exists n such that n2” + 1 is prime.


e the exponent of the 11°” Mersenne prime 2197 — 1 (Fauquembergue, 1913);

e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2” does not
contain the digit 4; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

2107 — 162259276829213363391578010288128

does not contain the digit 4, while each number 2*, for k = 108, 109,..., 3000,
contains it (see the number 71).


e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2° does not
contain the digit 9; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

2108 — 394518553658426726783156020576256

does not contain the digit 9, while each number 2", for k = 109,110,..., 3000,
contains it (see the number 71);

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of a cube and a square
in two distinct, ways; L08—= 2° + 107,=.3° + 97.

e the third solution of ¢(n) = y(n)?: the only solutions*! of this equation are 1,
8, 108, 250, 6174 and 41 154 (see also the number 1 782).


e the sixth number n such that (12” — 1)/11 is prime: the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 2, 3, 5, 19, 97, 109, 317, 353, 701,
9739, ...(H. Dubner [71])* ;

e the smallest three digit number 4 100, 200, 300, and whose square contains only
two distinct digits: the numbers satisfying this property are 109, 173, 212, 235
and 264 (for instance, 109? = 11881): Sin Hitotumatu has asked if, besides the
numbers 10”, 2-10” and 3-10”, there exist only a finite number of squares
containing only two distinct digits (see the numbers 3114 and 81619).

41The proof of this statement is the object of Problem #745 in the book of J.M. De Koninck &
A. Mercier [62].
421Tt is clear that such a number n must be prime, since otherwise n = ab, with 1 <a<b<n,in
which case

(oe i 12 1 129 1
7 a 7 (ee te sabe?) 108 1)

the product of two numbers > 1.



the solution c of the diophantine equation a°+b°+c>+d° = e° which, according

to Euler, had no solutions: the solution

(a,b,c, d,e) = (27, 84, 110, 135, 144)

was discovered by L. Lander & T. Parkin in 1966;

the smallest Niven number n > 9 such that n+ 1 and n+ 2 are also Niven
numbers: we say that n is a Niven number if it is divisible by the sum of its
digits; if we let*? nx, stand for the smallest Niven number n > 9 such that
n+1,n4+2,...,n+k-—1 are also Niven numbers, then ng = 20, n3 = 110,
ng = 510, ns = 131052, ng = n7 = 10000095 and ng = ng = 124324 220.


the smallest insolite number: a number > 1 is called insolite if it does not
contain the digit 0 in its decimal expansion and if it is divisible by both the sum
and the product of the squares of its digits: the sequence of insolite numbers is
infinite and begins as follows: 111, 11112) 1122412, 1111111117 122 121216,
TA 22a aa sb tO 22d G2 1 tio.
PULEVIS1 216. PTI 122 2 ina 21h 232 i Lijo kee
10 273 111232541 SIP S220 22 is 312 2 Sites ol ior
S21 III 232 22 232 S222 2 ie a2? 12.
LP St2 32254 25d eho 22a iat Oe ee 1G is:
120 S220 22a eri hilt te oe
2ATA US 22 42 w2) A 2 22a 2S Od eS bee tee
TUPI T1 103 S12, WEI 2 4 2 Od 313321 21651331611 S22 0b eee he
following table provides, for each number k < 9, the list of the smallest insolite
number n = nx containing the digit k:

431¢ has been known at least since 1997 (see Wilson [207]) that it is possible to construct a sequence
of 20 consecutive Niven numbers, but that no strings of 21 consecutive Niven numbers exist. More
recently, in 2008, De Koninck, Doyon & Katai [51] obtained, for each positive integer r < 20, an
asymptotic formula for the number of r-tuples (n,n +1,...,n+r-—1), where each n+i is a Niven
number, with n < gz.
441¢ is easy to see that any number 11...1, where k is such that k|(10* — 1), is such a number,
which is the case when k = 3, 9, 27, 81, 111, 243, 333, 729, 999, ... But this last sequence is infinite
because it contains all numbers of the form 3%, the reason being that 3% divides 10°” — 1 for each
number a > 1, a result which can easily be proved by induction. J.M. De Koninck & N. Doyon [48]
proved that if I(x) stands for the number of insolite numbers < z, then

al K 29-462,
exp {= (log log a)? + O(log log z log log log x) K I(x)

nm = Np insolite
Tu n = nx insolite
A) i oh a Ys W234 TPA?
11121114112 121111216128
|e Piri
ael le yo) Era!
We) 911131 213 824
— al
IL ial

in this table, the star (*) next to the number n; indicates that it is the smallest
known insolite number with this property;

e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column in

a 6 x 6 magic square (see the number 15).

e the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and which is
such that p|n => p+ 8|n +8; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property
begins as follows: 112, 135, 432, 532, 832, 847, 1372, 1792, 2632, 3072, 8092,
B70) ee


e the number n at which the quotient Q(n) Saw)= n/logn reaches its maximal value
(see Rosser & Schoenfeld [{178]); in fact Q(113) ~ 1.25506; moreover, it is the
only number n > 2 for which the inequality m(n) < — —" does not hold (since
4 logn
30 > 29.8791);
e the prime number which appears the most often as the seventh prime factor of
an integer (see the number 199).


e the smallest solution of a2(n) = g2(n + 19).


e the seventh number n such that n-2"—1 is prime: the only numbers n < 700000
satisfying this property, also at times called Woodall numbers, are 2, 3, 6, 30,
75, 81, 115, 123, 249, 362, 384, 462, 512, 751, 882, 5312, 7755, 9531, 12379,
15 822, 18885, 22971, 23005, 98 726, 143018, 151023 and 667 071 (a result due
to Keller).

e the tenth number n such that n!+1 is prime: the only known numbers satisfying
this property are 1, 2, 3, 11, 27, 37, 41, 73, 77, 116, 154, 320, 340, 399, 427,
872, 1477, 6380 and 26951.

e the tenth number n such that n- 10” — 1 is prime*®; the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 2, 3, 8, 11, 15, 39, 60, 72, 77, 117,
183, 252, 396, 1745, 2843, ... (see the number 363).

e the smallest possible sum common to four triplets of numbers having same
sum and same product, namely the triplets (14,50,54), (15,40,63), (18,30,70)
and (21,25,72): (Problem E2872, Amer. Math. Monthly 89 (1982), p. 499);
e the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of three powerful num-
erst iGal) <2

e the largest solution n of the diophantine equation $n(n+1) = m(m+1)(m+2):
the solutions (n,m) of this equation are (1,1), (4,3), (15,8), 55,20) and (119,

34): see the number 10;

e the eighth number > 1 whose sum of divisors is a perfect square: o(119) = 12?;

e the third number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a cube: the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 3, 119, 357, 2522, 6305, 6596, 6604,
7566, 18915, 19788, 19812, 20520,... (see the number 170);
e the smallest number n satisfying ¢(n) = 3¢(n + 1); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this equation begins as follows: 119, 527, 545, 2849, 3689, 4487, 6649,
18619, 26771, 30377, 44659, 47585, 50507, 76997, 83021, ...(see the number
e (probably) the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two co-
prime numbers each having an index of composition > 1.4 (see the number

451t is easy to prove that ifn =1 (mod 3), then the corresponding number n- 10" — 1 is not
prime since it is a multiple of 3; see the number 363 for the idea behind the proof.
46Since any number which is not of the form 4°(8k + 7), with £ > 0 and k > 1, can be written
as the sum of three squares (see Grosswald [99]), it is clear that one only needs to verify that if n
is of the form n = 8k + 7, then it can be written as the sum of three powerful numbers. The only
numbers 8k + 7 < 127 which can be written as the sum of three powerful numbers are 39, 47, 55,
63, 71, 79, 95 and 103. Moreover, if k(n) stands for the number of representations of n as the sum
of three powerful numbers, then one can prove that limn—oo k(n) = +00. Finally, if nj stands for
the largest number n having exactly j representations as the sum of three powerful numbers, then
my = 399, no = 1 263, n3 = 1335, na = 2103 and n5 = 1991.


e the smallest tri-perfect number (n is tri-perfect if a(n) = 3n): only six tri-
perfect numbers are known, namely 120, 672, 523 776, 459 818 240, 1476 304 896
and 51001180160, and it seems that there are no others (see R.K. Guy [101],

e the only number n which can be joined with the numbers 1, 3 and 8 to form the
set A = {1,3,8,n} so that ifz,y € A, x 4 y, then zy +1 is a perfect square;
this result was obtained by Euler; for a thorough analysis of this problem, see
L. Jones [113] or the more recent paper*” of Dujella [73];
e one of the five numbers (the others being 1, 10, 1540 and 7140) which are both
triangular and tetrahedral (see the number 10);

e the smallest solution of o2(n) = a2(n +10): the only solutions n < 10° of this
equation are 120, 942, 5395, 4737595, 6811195, 11151355, 74699995 and
98 600 035.


e the smallest number n > 1 which is both*® a star number and a perfect square:
a star number is a number of the form 6n(n + 1) + 1; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 121, 11881, 1164241, 114083761,
11179044361, 1095432263641, ...;

e the only known perfect square of the form 1+p+p? +p? +p*, where p is prime:
here with p = 3.


e the only known number whose square is the sum of a fourth power and a fifth
power: here 122? = 114 + 3° (see H.Darmon & A.Granville [42] as well as
the number 21 063 928); in fact it is conjectured that the only co-prime integer
solutions 2, y, z (non zero) of the equation z?+y!% = z", with ay < 1, where
exactly*? one of the numbers p,q,r is equal to 2, are those appearing in the
47 set of m positive integers {a1,a2,...,@m} is called a diophantine m-tuple if aja; +lisa
perfect square for all 1 < i < j < m. The first diophantine quadruplet, that is {1,3,8, 120},
was found by Fermat. In 1969, Baker & Davenport [11] proved that this quadruplet could not
be extended to a diophantine quintuplet. Let us mention that in 1979, Arkin, Hoggatt & Strauss
[7] proved that each diophantine triplet could be extended to a diophantine quadruplet: indeed,
if {a,b,c} is such a triplet and if ab +1 = r?, ac +1 = s? and bc+1 = ??, where 1,s,t are
positive integers, then one easily verifies that d = a+6b+ c+ 2abe + 2rst is such that {a, b,c, d}
is a diophantine quadruplet. In 2004, Dujella [73] proved that no diophantine 6-tuple exists and
that there can only exist a finite number of diophantine 5-tuples, and in fact that any element of a
diophantine 5-tuple must be smaller than 10107°. Let us add that it is easy to prove that there exist
infinitely diophantine quadruplets; indeed, one only needs to prove that there exist infinitely many
diophantine triplets and to use the result of Arkin, Hoggatt & Strauss mentioned above; one then
only needs to verify that the triplets {1, r? —1,r? + 2r}, where r = 2,3,4,..., are all diophantine.
48Qne can establish the recurrence formula EL, = 98E,_1 — Ex—2 + 24, where Ey, stands for the
kt? number which is both a star number and a perfect square.
49 According to the Beal Conjecture, there are no solutions with min(p, q,r) > 3.

relations 1?+23 = 32, 25+72 = 34, 73413? = 29, 274178 = 71, 3°+114 = 122?,
177 + 762713 = 21063 9287, 14143 + 22134592 = 65’, 9 262% + 15312283? =
1137, 438+96 2223 = 30 042 907? and 33°+1 549 034? = 15 613° (see C. Levesque


e the eighth number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).


e the only number besides 188 which cannot be written as the sum of less than
five distinct squares (R.K. Guy [101], C20);

e the second pseudoprime in base 5: the ten smallest pseudoprimes in base 5 are
A 124,217, 50l.7S81.1 041, 1729 1801) 2821eand 4123:


e the smallest Canada perfect number®®, that is a number for which the sum of
the squares of its digits is equal to the sum of its proper divisors > 1; thus
1? +2? +5? = 5425; the only numbers having this property are 125, 581, 8549
and 16999 (see J.M. De Koninck & A. Mercier [60]).

|(=2- 3-7)
e the smallest (and perhaps the only one) S-perfect number with three distinct
prime factors: a number n is said to be S-perfect (or a Granville number)
if Dudindensdes@ = n, where S is the set of integers defined by 1 € S and
2<neéS if and only if en ee ee <n (see J.M.DeKoninck & A. Ivié
[52]). ;


e the smallest prime number that is preceded by 13 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no prime numbers between 113 and 127;

e the fourth Mersenne prime: 127 = 2” — 1;

e the exponent of the 12°” Mersenne prime 2!2” — 1 (Lucas, 1876);

e the only known number n for which the corresponding number (47” — 1)/46 is
prime (see Ribenboim [169], p. 353).

50Created on the occasion of the 125%” anniversary of the Canadian Confederation.



e the largest number which is not the sum of distinct squares (see R.K. Guy [101],

e the fourth number n > 1 such that ¢(a¢(n)) = n: the only solutions n < 109
of this equation are 1, 2, 8, 12, 128, 240, 720, 6912, 32768, 142560, 712800,
1140 480, 1190410, 3345 408, 3571 200, 5702 400, 14859 936, 29 719 872,
50 319 360 and 118879 488 (see R.K. Guy [101], B42)°?.


3 il
e the smallest number n which allows the sum Ss — to exceed 4; if we let nz
o (m)

stand for the smallest number n such that Da ea > kh then na vss = 29,
Dasa nge— 2O20.o7e— 11 167.5149 372.75. = 218 295. and


e the fifth dihedral perfect number: a number n is said to be dihedral perfect if

T(n) + a(n) = 2n: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 1, 3, 14, 52, 130, 184, 656, 8648, 12008, 34688, 2118656, 33 721 216,
40 575 616, 59 376 256, 89 397016, 99 523 452, 134438 912, 150 441 856,
173 706 136, 283 417216, 537346048, 1082640256, ...: the quantity 7(n) +
a(n) represents the total number of subgroups of the group of symmetries of a
regular polygon with n sides (see S. Cavior [32]); it is not known if this sequence
of numbers is infinite;

e the second solution of o2(n) = 02(n + 11) (see the number 66).


e the smallest prime number p such that p—1 and p+ 1 each have exactly three
distinct prime factors: here 130 = 2-5-13 and 132 = 2?-3-11; if we let p = p(k)
stand for°* the smallest prime number p such that w(p— 1) = w(p+1) =k,
then p(2) = 11, p(3) = 131, p(4) = 1429, p(5) = 77141, p(6) = 3847 271 and
p(7) = 117048 931.


e the sixth Catalan number (see the number 14).

51]¢ is clear that any solution n > 1 of ¢(a(n)) =n is even, since ¢(n) is even for all n > 3.
521¢ would be interesting if one could prove that this sequence is infinite.

e the 100%” composite number; if we denote by ng, the k*” composite number,
then we have the following®® table:

Qa | N10 a 210% |
fj) dks} 8 106 091 745
Dy || exes 9 1053 422 339
By |) ine 10 | 10475 688 327
Al || Thay 11 | 104287176419
OM Sia 12 | 1039019 056 246
6 | 1084605 13 | 10358 018 863 853
7 | 10708555 14 | 103307 491 450 820

e the smallest solution of r(n + 11) = 7(n) + 11; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this equation begins as follows: 133, 2489, 3958, 4613, 5765, 8453, 9593,
13445, 16373, 21598, ...


e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have four prime factors
counting their multiplicity: 135 = 33-5 and 136 = 2° - 17; if we denote by
n, the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have k prime factors
counting their multiplicity (that is such that Q(n) = Q(n+1) =k), then ni = 2,
no = 9, nz = 27, ng = 135, ns = 944) ne — 5 204, 17 — 29888, 1g — 00624,
ng = 203391, nio = 3290624, ni, = 6082047 and ni2 = 32535 999 (see the
number 230 for the similar question with the w(n) function);

e the smallest solution of a(n) = o(n + 23); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 135, 231, 322, 682, 778, 1222, 1726, 1845, 5026,
92011, ...:
e the smallest odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 135, 891, 1521, 3375, 5733, 10935,
11907, 41067, 43875," 33;

e the second solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 19 (see the number 98).

53We obtained the values appearing in this table in the following manner. It is clear that, for
each k > 2, the number ng satisfies relation (*) nz = 1+ (np) +k. Using the Prime Number
Theorem in the form m(z) ~ z/logx+a/(log x)?, it follows from (*) that np ~ Nk
log nz log? Nk
(as k — oo), so that nz (1- cane - wah) ~ k. It follows in particular that logn, ~ logk.
il il
Combining these last two estimates, one obtains nz, ~ k/ (1= ek ae be -). Setting
Pe eee i k = 10
=— a

provides a starting point for the first approximation of niga. Indeed, using the approximation
i = lof (| L= can - rer and setting s = s(n) = 1+7(n)+k—~n, then, as long as a := s is not
equal to 0, one replaces n by n+ a.


e the fifth number n such that ¢(n — 1)o(n — 1) = @(n)o(n); the sequence
of numbers satisfying this equation begins as follows: 6, 56, 57, 124, 136,
148, 176, 305, 352, 645, 1016, 2465, 19305, 61132, 162525, 476672, 567645,
712725, 801945, 2435 489, 3346 400, 3885057, 4556000, 8085561, 8369 361,
12516693, 22702 120, 29628 801, ... (see the number 55).


e the smallest possible value of the largest prime factor of n+ +1 for n > 4: this
lower bound is reached when n = 10 (see M. Mabkhout [130] as well as the
number 239);

the second Stern number: a number n is called a Stern number if it cannot

be written as n = p+ 2a” for some prime number p and some number a: it
seems that there exist only eight Stern numbers, namely 17, 137, 227, 977,
1187, 1493, 5777 and 5993 (only these last two are not prime numbers): see
L. Hodges [111];

e one of the only two prime numbers p (the other being 73) with the property®4
that any number of the form abcdabcd is divisible by p;°°

e the smallest number n such that ¢7(n) = 2, where ¢7(n) stands for the seventh
iteration of the ¢@ function; if we consider the sequence (nz),>1 defined by
np = min{n : o*(n) = 2}, the first terms of that sequence are 3, 5, 11, 17,
41, 83, 137, 257, 641, 1097, 2329, 4369, 10537, ... (see Giblin [89], p.117 and
R.K. Guy [101], B41);

e the fifth prime number p such that 19?-!=1 (mod p”) (see the number 43);

e the largest prime factor of 123456787654321.


e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 10 is prime and such that each
number between p and p+ 10 is composite ; if q, = py stands for the smallest
prime number such that p,;+1 — pr = 10k, we have the following table:

54This simply follows from the fact that 137 - 73 = 10001.

55Other interesting properties of the number 137 are mentioned in the book of Martin Gardner

10k dk = Pr | Prti dk = Pr Pr+i

10 139 149 1 895 359 1895 479
20 887 907 5 518 687 5518 817
30 4297 4327 7621 259 7621 399
40 19 333 19 373 13 626 257 13 626 407
50 31907 31957 33 803689 | 33803849
60 43 331 43 391 27915737 | 27915907
70 173 359 173 429 17051 707 17051 887
80 542 603 542 683 142 414669 | 142414859
90 404 851 404 941 378 043979 | 378044179
100 || 396 733 396 833 20 831323 | 20831533
110 || 1468277 | 1468387 47 326693 | 47326913|

10k dk = Pr Pr+1
230 |) 607010093 607 010 323
240 || 391995 431 391 995 671
250 || 387096 133 387 096 383
260 || 944192 807 944 193 067
270 || 1391048047 | 1391048317
280 || 1855047163 | 1855047 443
290 || 1948819133 | 1948819 423
300 || 4758958741 | 4758959 041
310 || 4024713661 | 40247113971
2 300 942 549 | 2300 942 869
6 291 356009 | 6291 356 339

as for the smallest prime number p, such that p,11;—p, = 1000, see the number
22 439 962 446 379 651;

e the number of digits in the fourth prime number n whose digits are 1 and 2
in alternation, that is of the form n = 1212...121; the prime numbers of this
form, with k digits, k < 2000, are those with k = 7, 11, 43, 139, 627, 1399,
1597 and 1979 digits respectively;

e the largest known prime p such that 3? +2 is also prime; the other known prime
numbers p for which 3? + 2 is prime are 2 and 3.


e the only number n > 2 such that n? = for a certain number m, here with
m = 50; it is interesting to observe that K.Gyory [105] has established that

the only solution of n’ = a other than the ones with k = @ = 2 is the one
With 7 == 140.0 = 2° 7h = o0 and ik = 3:

e the smallest number > 1 which is not perfect or multi-perfect (we say that a
number n is multi-perfect if o(n)/n is an integer) but whose harmonic mean is

an integer: the harmonic mean of a number n, denoted by H(n), is defined by



the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 140, 270,
1638, 2970, 6200, 8190, 18600, 18620, 27846, 55860, 105664, 117800, 167400,
173600, 237510, 242060, 332640, 360360, 539400, 695520, 726180, 753480,
950976, 1089270, 1421280, 1539720, 2229500, 2290260, 2457000, 2845800,
4358600, 4713984, 4754880, 5772200, 6051500, 8506400, 8872200, ...;

e the largest number which when raised to the square becomes a tetrahedral
number (Sierpinski [185], p.87): the only numbers satisfying his property are
1, 2 and 140.


e the smallest number n > 1 such that n-2” + 1 is prime; numbers of the form
n-2” +1 are called Cullen numbers®®; it is not known if infinitely many of
these numbers are prime: the only known prime numbers of the form n-2" +1
are those with n equal to 141, 4713, 5795, 6611, 18496, 32 292, 32 469, 59 656,
90 825, 262 419, 361 275 and 481 899 (see W. Keller [{118]).


e the smallest solution of a(n) = o(n + 17); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 142, 238, 418, 429, 598, 622, 2985, 3502, ...;

e the only solution y of the diophantine equation x(a+1)(a+2)(x+3)(a+4)(a+

5) = y? —4, the solution (x, y) being (3, 142) (L.E. Mattics [132])°”.


e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
as a{+a+...t+2/, where the z;’s are non negative integers (see the number 4);

e the number of three digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

56Father Cullen first considered these numbers in 1905.

57Mattics studied the equation x(a + 1)(a + 2)(x + 3)(a@ + 4)(a@ +5) = y? —k, for |k| < 31, and
obtained that this diophantine equation has solutions for k = 4 (with (x,y) = (3,142)), k = 9
(with (x,y) = (1,27)) and k = 25 (with (x,y) = (21, 12875)); he also proved that for the positive
solutions, we must have 1 < x < max(27, (40|k| + 1)1/3).

4a (=e 37)
e the only Fibonacci number > 1 which is a perfect square (see J.H.E. Cohn
e the smallest number whose fifth power can be written as the sum of four non
zero fifth powers: 1445 = 27° + 845 + 110° + 133° (R.K. Guy [101], D1); for a
similar question with fourth powers, see the number 422 481;

e the only solution n < 10” of o(n) = 2n +115;

e the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such
that B,(n) = G(n)?: here 2* + 37 = (2 +3)?; the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 144, 1568, 3159, 5346, 8064, 56000,
123 008, 380000, 536544, 570752, 584064, 729088, 2267136, 8258048 ...;
it is clear that if there exist infinitely many Mersenne primes, then equation
B,(n) = B(n)? has infinitely many solutions??; nevertheless, J.M.De Koninck
& F. Luca [59] proved that, without any conditions, this sequence is infinite®°;

e the smallest number > 2 which is equal to the product of the factorials of its
digits in base 5: 144 = [1,0,3,4]; = 1!-0!-3!- 4!; the only known numbers
satisfying this property are 1, 2, 144, 1728, 47775744 and
27 134 923 845 424 074 797 548 044 288 (see the number 17 280 for the table of
the smallest numbers with this property in a given base).


e the smallest number > 2 which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits
(145 = 1!+4!+5!); the only other number > 2 satisfying this property is 40585
(L. Janes, 1964)°.


e the number of solutions 2 < x, < aw < Le 2 of Sos of )7—=1 (see
RK Guy [f01)) Dll);

'8Recently (in 2006), Y. Bugeaud, M. Mignotte & S. Siksek [27] proved that 1, 8 and 144 are the
only Fibonacci numbers which are powers.
°°Indeed, one can easily check that if p = 2°-2 — 1 is prime, then n = 2% -p is a solution of
Bi(n) = B(n)?.
Tn fact they proved more, namely that if A(x) stands for the number of n < z such that equation
Bi (n) = B(n)? is verified, then the following bounds hold as x — oo:
a a
< A(z) <
exp (2 / 34/3 + 0(1))\/logx log log z) exp (‘35+ 0(1))./log
xlog log x)

®llf n = [di,d2,...,d,] is a number satisfying this property, then 10"! < n < r- 9}, in which
case we must have r < 8, and this is why it is easy to verify using a computer that 145 and 40585
are the only two numbers with this property.

e the smallest solution of a(n) = o(n + 38); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 147, 246, 249, 460, 627, 715, 716, 1026, 1509,
2427, 4857, 5396, 6815, 6954, 8672, 9447, 9714, 9752,...;

e the second composite number n such that o(n +6) = a(n) +6 (see the number


e the second solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 13: the only solutions n < 10° of this
equation are 18, 152 and 3024 (see the footnote tied to the number 98).


e the second number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its digits:
153'= 1° 465° +39» the others’are 1) 370; 371 and 407;

e the smallest narcissistic number of more than one digit (see the number 88);

e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2" does not
contain the digit 3; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

21°3 — 11417981541647679048466287755595961091061972992

does not contain the digit 3, while each number 2”, for k = 154,155,..., 3000,
contains it (see the number 71);

e the value of 1! + 2!+ 3!+4!+4 5!.


e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 11%” prime
factor of an integer : pis4 = 887 (see the number 199);

e the 11°’ number n such that n! +1 is prime (see the number 116).

155 '
e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number g2? 4 i
a number whose complete factorization was obtained in 1990 (see the number
70525 124 609).


e the second number n > 1 which divides og(n) (see the number 84).

e the largest prime number p < 10000 such that (p? + 1)/(p +1) is a prime
number; the only known prime numbers satisfying this property are 3, 5, 17
and 157;

e the second prime number equally distant, by a distance of 6, from the preceding
and following prime numbers: p35 = 151, p37 = 157 and p3g = 163 (the smallest
prime number satisfying this property is 53);

e the smallest odd number which is not the sum of four non zero distinct squares
(F. Halter-Koch; see RK. Guy [101], C20);
e the smallest number n such that $(2n + 1) < ¢(2n): the sequence of numbers
satisfying this inequality begins as follows: 157, 262, 367, 412, 472, 487, 577,
O825180, 8115 O92) 90%, 997, 1207, 123-7) 1567, 1027, 169%...

e the second solution of o(n) = a(n + 19) (see the number 34).


e the smallest number n such that the Moebius function yu takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1, 0, 1, 0: the sequence of numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 159, 247, 303, 339, 411, 413, 685, 721, 849, 949,
... (see the number 3 647).


e the second solution of a(n) = o(n + 30) (see the number 88).


e the only number n < 10!” such that o(n) = 2n + 39 (see the number 196).


e the largest Heegner number: a number d is called a Heegner number if d > 0 is

square-free and if the factorization in the set Eq = {a + b\/—d : 2a, 2b € Z} is
unique up to a unit (in the cases d = 1 and d = 2, the set Eq is instead defined
by Eq = {a+ b/—d : a,b € Z}); there exist exactly nine Heegner numbers,
namely 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 19, 43, 67 and 163 (see J.H. Conway & R.K. Guy [36]);
e the only solution “SIX” of the French cryptarithm

DIX? — SIX? = SEIZE x 4,

2637 — 1637 = 10650x4
(see Michel Criton [39]);

perhaps the number n for which e7V” is the closest to an integer: indeed,
e”V163 is remarkably close to an integer, namely to 262537412640768744 since
it is equal to
262537412640768743.99999999999925007 ...

(see Rouse Ball & Coxeter [13]).


the fifth solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

[165] (=3-5-11)
the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+3|n+3: the
sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 165, 357, 1885,
2397, 3965, 9447, ...(see the number 399);

the 100%” square-free number (the 10 smallest being 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14
and 15); if we denote by nx the 10*-th square-free number®?, then nj = 15, no =
165, ns = 1639, ng = 16447, ns = 164499, ng = 1644919, nz = 16449 370,
ng = 164493 391 and ng = 1644934 082.


the 12” number n such that n!—1 is prime: the only known numbers satisfying
this property are 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 30, 32, 33, 38, 94, 166, 324, 379, 469, 546,
974, 1963, 3507, 3610, 6917, 21480 and 34790.


the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2°° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

983 _ 1 = 167- 57912614 113 275 649 087 721,

the seventh number n such that n! + 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 6 247).

62 Since the number of square-free numbers < z is asymptotic to (6/7)z as x — 00, it is interesting
to observe that the predicted values mx := ||(x?/6)10*|| (where ||y|| stands for the nearest integer
to y) differ very little from the actual values of nx: indeed, if we set dy, := ng — mx, then one will
notice that d; = —1, dz = 1, d3 = —6, d4 = —2, ds = 6, dg = —15, d7 = 29, dg = —16 and dg = 15.


e the smallest number m such that equation a(x) = m has exactly six solutions,
namely 60, 78, 92, 123, 143 and 167;

e the number of prime numbers < 1000;

e the largest known number k such that the decimal expansion of 2* does not
contain the digit 2; indeed, using a computer, one can verify that

2168 — 374144419156711147060143317175368453031918731001856

does not contain the digit 2, while each number 2”, for k = 169, 170,..., 3000,
contains it (see the number 71);
e the smallest solution of 02(n) = 02(n +14); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 108, 785, 7553, 6632633, 9535673, ...


e the smallest perfect square m% for which there exist numbers m and m2 such
that m? — (m; = 1)? = m?_, for 1 = 2,3: here 169 = 137 = 12? +57 =
12? + 4? + 3?.


e the smallest number n such that Ao(n) = Ao(n + 1) =... = Ao(n + 6) = —1,
where Xo stands for the Liouville function;

e the smallest number n > 1 such that ¢(n)o(n) is®? a fourth power: here
o(n)a(n) = 12+; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 1, 170, 595, 714, 121056, 480441, 529620, 706063, 706237, 729752,
790972, 815654, ...


e the largest known number n such that the binomial coefficient ( is not
divisible by the square of an odd prime number (R.K. Guy [101], B33): here

342 5
171 =) 25-35-1 - 17-2931 - 37 43-47 - 59- 61-67 -89 97-101

-103 - 107 -109-113-173-179-181-191-193-197-199

211 - 223 - 227 - 229 - 233 - 239 - 241 - 251 - 257 - 263 - 269
21 217 289283 293) 307- 31ll- 313 317- 33t- 337.

®3One can prove that there exist infinitely many numbers n such that o(n)o(n) is a perfect square.
In fact, Florian Luca can prove (private communication) that, for each positive integer s for which
there exist numbers no and zo such that ¢(no)o(no) = saz, equation ¢(n)o(n) = sx? has infinitely
many solutions (n, 2).


e the second three digit number 4 100, 200, 300, and whose square has only two
distinct digits: 173? = 29929 (see the number 109).


e the seventh number k for which equation aja2...a, = a; + a9 +...+ a,

has exactly;one solution (namely a; = 2, a9 = k, ay= 1-for 3 <i < k):
M. Misiurewicz [138] proved that the only numbers k < 50000 satisfying this
property are 2, 3, 4, 6, 24, 114, 174 and 444 (see also R.K. Guy [101], D24).


e the third number n > 9 such that n = 5>"_,Vik di,ay) where d),...,d, stand for the
digits of n: here 175 = 11 + 7? +53; there seems to exist only nine numbers
satisfying this property, namely 89, 135, 175, 518, 598, 1306, 1676, 2427 and
2 646 798;

e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column in

a 7 x 7 magic square (see the number 15).


e the smallest number n which allows the sum SS ——— to exceed 10: if we
denote by ng the smallest number n that allows this sum to exceed k, then it
follows from the asymptotic formula (due to H.L. Montgomery [142})

ae aay = clogn—d+0 ("8"),


(¢ stands for the Riemann Zeta Function) and

rm 5 y(n) S p(n) logn _ » ogos

ae si nen)
that ny & ni, = [e(h+4)/ °); the following table compares the effective value nx
with the predicted value nj, (which as a matter of fact turns out to be fairly

k Nk ny, k Nk ny, r|
13 || 828 828 22 || 84998 84998
14 || 1386 1386 23° || 142187 142187
154) 2318 2318 24 || 237853 237853
16 || 3879 3878 25 || 397885 397885
17 || 6489 6488 26 || 665589 665589
18 || 10854 | 10854 27 |) 1113411 | 1113410
19 || 18158 | 18157 28 || 1862534 | 1862534
20 "30375" | 30374 29 || 3115683 | 3115683
21 || 50811 | 50811 30° 5211973 152119738

e the eighth number n for which the distance from e” to the nearest integer is the
smallest, that is for which K(i) > «(n) for alli < n, where k(n) := min |e” — m|:

the sequence of these numbers n begins as follows: 1, 3, 8, 19, 45, 75, sessed alias
ZOOM O26 lool lOU (ace

e the 11" highly composite number: a number n is said to be highly composite
if t(n) > 7(m) for all numbers m < n: here 7(180) = 18; the sequence of
numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60,
120, 180, 240, 360, 720, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040, 7560, 10080, 15120, 20160,
25200, 27720, 45360, 50400, 55440, 83160, 110880, 166320, 221760, 277200,
332640, 498960, 554400, 665280, 720720, 1081080, 1441440, 2162160, 2882880,
3603600, 4324320, 6486480, 7207200, 8648640, ... (see J.L. Nicolas [150]);
e the only solution n < 109 of a(n) = 3n + 6;
e the smallest number n > 1 such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime
factors, that is such that y(a(n)) = y(o2(n)): here the common factors are 2,
3, 7 and 13; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
180, 1444, 12996, 23805, 36100, 52020, 60228, 64980, 68832, 95220, 301140,
324900, 344160, 481824, ...

e the largest integer solution x of equation x? + 7 = 2”: in 1960, Nagell (see
L.J. Mordell [144]) established that this diophantine equation has only five so-
lutions, namely (x,n) = (1,3), (3,4), (5,5), (11,7) and (181,15).

e the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 13); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 182, 782, 1965, 2486, 2678, 2685, 12141, 12441,


e the smallest Sastry number: we say that n is a Sastry number if when we

concatenate it with its successor we obtain a perfect square: here 183184 =
428; the sequence of Sastry numbers begins as follows: 183, 328, 528, 715,
6099, 13224, 40495, 106755, ...; one can prove that there exist infinitely Sastry

e the sixth dihedral perfect number (see the number 130);

e the 100° number having exactly two distinct prime factors; if nz stands for the
10*-th number having exactly two distinct prime factors, then n, = 24, no =
184, ng = 2102, ng = 26608, n5 = 322033, ng = 3741 154 and nz = 42 314023
(see the table accompanying the number 455).


e the second number n such that the Liouville function 9 takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1,—1,1,—1,1,—1; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 58, 185, 194, 274, 287, 342, 344, 382, 493,


e the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of less than five dis-
tinct squares: 124 and 188 are the only two numbers satisfying this property
(R.K. Guy [101], C20);

e the third solution of o(n) = a(n +7) (see the number 62).


e the fourth solution of o = 4; the sequence of numbers satisfying this equa-

tion begins as follows: 21, 63, 147, 189, 441, 567, 1029, 1323, 1701, ...©


e the fifth pseudoprime in base 11: the ten smallest are 10, 15, 70, 133, 190, 259,
305, 481, 645 and 703.

64In fact, one can prove that there exists a Sastry number with r digits if and only if 10" + 1 is
not a prime number (see F. Luca [126]).
65Tt is easy to prove that n is a solution of ee) = 4 if and only if n = 3* - 7 for certain integers
ke and ai


e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p+1) = 2, 2(p+2) = 3 and Q(p+3) =
4 (see the number 61);

e the smallest number n which requires seven iterations of the o;(n) function
in order to reach 1; if n, stands for the smallest number n which requires k
iterations of o7(n) in order to reach 1, then n3 = 5, n4 = 9, N5 = 17, ng = 67,
nz = iQ}, ng = 1 069, ng = 2 ID nig = ADs. ni = 34 183, AD = 205 097 and

N43 = 990 361.


e the smallest number n > 1 which divides o24(n);

e the sixth solution of 6(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).


e the smallest number n such that the Moebius function pz takes successively,
starting with n, the values —1,0,—1,0,—1,0; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 195, 1491, 1547, 2139, 2715, 2749, 2751,
DRE IA Mlves, se


e the only® solution n < 10’ of a(n) = 2n +7;

e the smallest number n which does not produce a palindrome by the following
algorithm, often called the 196-algorithm: given a number n, reverse its digits
and add the number thus obtained with n, giving, say, the number n 1; then
reverse the digits of n; and add it to n; to get, say nz, and so on until a
palindrome emerges; for example, by this process, starting with n = 19, then
nm, = 110 and nz = 121, a palindrome, and the process stops; the sequence of
numbers n which do not produce a palindrome by this algorithm, that is which
are such that the indicated process is endless, begins as follows: 196, 887, 1675,
7436, 13783, 52514, 94039, 187088, 1067869, 1075547, ...

Since here a(n) is odd, it is clear that n is necessarily a perfect square or twice a perfect
square. On the other hand, it is interesting to observe that the only odd numbers k < 100 such that
a(n) = 2n+k has a solution n < 10!” are 3, 7, 17, 19, 31, 39, 41, 51, 59, 65, 71 and 89, which makes
us tend to believe that for each odd number k, equation o(n) = 2n +k has only a finite number of


e the smallest prime number p such that the numbers 2p + 1, 4p + 1, 8p + 1,

10p + 1, 14p + 1 and 16p + 1 are all composite;

e the seventh Keith number: a number n = djd2...dx with k > 2 digits, is

called a Keith number if its associated sequence a1, a2,... contains the num-
ber n, where the sequence (a;)j;>1 is defined as follows: the k first terms are
d,,dz,...,d,, and the j*" term, 7 > k +1, is the sum of the k preceding terms,
that isn; =n;-~,+...+nj-1; thus the sequence associated with n = 197 is 1,
9, 7, 17, 33, 57, 107, 197, ...; the sequence of Keith numbers begins as follows:
14,19, 28, 47, 61, 75, 197, 742, 1104, 1537, 2208, 2580, 3684, 4788, 7385, 7647,
7909, ...; there exist only 57 Keith numbers < 10!°; it is not known if there
are infinitely many such numbers (see M. Keith [116], {117]).

e the second composite number n such that. (n) + O(n) + ¥(n)
or : :
is an integer:
20, 198 and 18486 are the only composite numbers n < 10° satisfying this


e the prime number which appears the most often as the eighth prime factor of
an integer; if p9 = po(k) stands for the prime number which appears the most
often as the k*” prime factor of an integer, we have the following table®* (here,
by the rank of a prime number, we mean its rank in the increasing sequence of
prime numbers; thus, the rank of a prime number p is equal to 7(p)):
87By this approach, an important step was made in 1823 towards the proof of the first case of
Fermat’s Last Theorem, namely by showing that if the diophantine equation xz? + y? = z?P has
positive solutions in integers 2, y, z, with p prime and not dividing xyz, then p > 197.
68Here is how one can obtain the values appearing in this table. First, given a positive integer k
and a prime number po, let A, (po) be the density of the set of numbers whose k*” prime factor is
po. One can then prove (see J.M. De Koninck & G. Tenenbaum [63]) that
it il

(po) =)= II (1= :9)Sk—1(Po),
where ;

S3(bo)= — G = 12...) j
Computing expression S,_—1(po) in (*) is made easier if one uses the recurrence relation (valid for
each fixed prime number po)
kSp = P1Sp—1 — P2Sp—2 + P3Sk—3 —--. + (—1)* Px-151 + (—1)*11 Po,
where So = 1 and ;
3 = Pj(po) = Se pany waeiso eell
Using these formulas, one easily finds the prime number po = po(k) which appears the most often
as the kt” prime factor of an integer; hence, the table.

| & |]po(k) rank | [kk || po(k) | rank k (ae rank

Loy 2 1 f( 113 30 13 || 2083 | 409
Zale 2 8 199 46 AS 20 e090
3 || 5 and 7 | 3 and 4 2 283 61 15 || 6397 | 834
4} 13 6 10 || 467 91 16 || 10343 | 1270
5 || 23 9 11 || 887 154 Laie Od Ele 3.6
6 || 47 15 12 || 1627 | 258 18 l\e24 251 (62.699

e the only solution n < 10!” of a(n) = 2n + 65 (see the number 196);
e the only number n ¥ 4 and smaller than 10/° such that n divides a(n) + 02(n).


e the smallest composite number of the form k - 10* + 1; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 201, 40001, 500001, 6000001,
70000001, 800000001, 100000000001, 1100000000001, ... (see the number


e the sixth Bell number (see the number 52).


e the total number of squares one can reproduce on a check board, namely 1 of
dimension 8 x 8, 4 of dimension 7 x 7, 9 of dimension 6 x 6, 16 of dimension
5 x 5, 25 of dimension 4 x 4, 36 of dimension 3 x 3, 49 of dimension 2 x 2, and
finally 64 of dimension 1 x 1;

e the second number (and possibly the largest!) whose square is the sum of
three consecutive cubes (204? = 23° + 243 + 253); the smallest one is 6 (6? =
13 + 23 + 33);
e the third solution w of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).


e the number of twin prime pairs < 104 (see the number 1 224).

e the second number n such that a(n) = o(n +1) (see the number 14, as well as
the numbers 1 253 and 1919).

e the ninth number n for which the distance from e” to the nearest integer is the
smallest (see the number 178).


e the largest number n for which Q2(n) = 7(n) — 7(n/2), where Q2(n) stands
for the number of representations of n as the sum of two odd prime numbers
(see J.M. Deshouillers, A. Granville, W. Narkiewicz & C.Pomerance [64]): here
Q2(210) = 19 = (210) — 7(105) = 46 — 27;
e the area common to the two smallest Pythagorean triangles with same area,
but distinct hypotenuses: these are the triangles (21, 20,29) and (35, 12,37);
see Sierpinski [185], p. 46;

e the smallest number > 1 which is both triangular and pentagonal:

oe 2002 a 2(3 121)
: a number is said to be pentagonal if it is of the
form wae the sequence of numbers which are both triangular and pentag-
onal perne as follows: 210, 40 755, 7906 276, 1533 776 805, ...


e the smallest prime number which is equally distant, by a distance of 12, from the
preceding and following prime numbers: pag = 199, paz = 211 and pag = 223;

e the fourth Euclid number; the sequence (n,)x>1 of Euclid numbers is defined
by nz = 1+pip2...px and begins as follows: 3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511,
9699691, 223092871, 6469693231, ...; the numbers nz are prime at least for
kam oe Onions ian (5, Lol l72e384) 4574616 and 6435 that is! for the
corresponding prime numbers px = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 31, 379, 1019, 1021, 2657,
3 229, 4547 and 4 787; it is not known if the sequence (n,),>1 contains infinitely
many primes.


e the third three digit number 4 100,200,300, and whose square contains no
more than two distinct digits: 212? = 44944 (see the number 109).


e the number of Niven numbers < 1000; if N(a) stands for the number of Niven
numbers < 2, then we have the following table®?
6°Tn 2003; eeM. De Koninck, N.Doyon & I. Katai [50] proved that N(x)= (1 + o(1))cx/log a,
where c = $2 log 10 = 1.19393. In 2005, C. Mauduit, C. Pomerance & A.Sark6zy [133] improved
this eaiae. by providing an error term, more precisely by establishing that N(x) = ca/logx +
O(a/log®/* 2).

£ NG) |
10’ | 806095
108 | 6954793
109 | 61574510

e the smallest number n such that 9(n) = Ao(n + 1) =... = Ao(n + 7) = 1,

where Xo stands for the Liouville function; moreover, in this case, we also have
Ao(n + 8) = 1 (see the number 1934 for the list of the smallest numbers at
which the Ag function takes the value 1 at consecutive arguments).


e the second solution of a(n) = o2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).


e the only cube which can be written as the sum of the cubes of three consecutive
numbers: 216 =6° = 3° = 4? 953:

e the tenth 3-powerful number (counting 1 as a 3-powerful number); if n, stands

for the k** 3-powerful number, then nig = 216, nio9 = 52488, niooo =
25 153 757, ni9000 = 16 720 797 973, nico 000 = 13 346 039 198 336 and
1000000 = 11 721 060 349 748 875.


e the smallest number > 1 for which the sum of its divisors is a fourth power:
o(217) = 4; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
217, 510, 642, 710, 742, 782, 795, 862, 935, ...; it is also the smallest number
n such that o(n) is an eighth power: o(217) = 2°.


e the number which, when paired with the number 284, forms the smallest ami-
cable pair: two numbers are called amicable if the sum of the proper divisors of
one of them equals the other: here o(220) — 220 = 284 and o (284) — 284 = 220.

(107 11252 4)
e the number used by Euler to show how to find its factors given that two distinct
representations of it as the sum of two squares” are known.

70Here is Euler’s method. Let n be an odd number which can be written as the sum of two squares
in two distinct ways:
n= a? +b? =c* +42,



e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2°’ — 1 (discovered by Fer-
mat), whose complete factorization is given by

227 — 2934 616318 177:

e the smallest prime number qg whose corresponding Mersenne number 22 — 1 has

exactly six prime factors; if we denote by qz the smallest prime number g such
that 27 — 1 has exactly k prime factors, then we have the following table:
| ea leoee = 1
2'* — 1 = 23-89
279 — 1 = 233 - 1103 - 2089
217 _ 1 = 852133201 - 60726444167 -1654058017289 - 2134387368610417
2° — 1 = 3391 - 23279 - 65993 - 1868569 - 1066818132868207
2723 _ 1 = (see the number 18287 for the complete factorization)
279 _ 1 = (see the number 983 for the complete factorization)
2*! _ 1 = (see the number 863 for the complete factorization)
2°°7 _ 1 = (see the
OMONaOaAKWNFH number 2383 for the complete factorization)


e the largest number which is not the sum of five distinct squares (G. Pall [158]);
where, say, a and c are odd while 6 and d are even. Then,

=e = od — bs
(a—c)(a+c) = (d—b)(d+b). (1)

Let k = (a —c,d—b), so that there exist two integers and m such that
O—ci— ke, d—b=km, Qin) =. (2)
Since a — c and d — b are even, then k is even. By substituting (2) in (1), and dividing both sides
by k, it follows that
l(a+c) =m(d+b)). (3)
Since £ and m are co-prime, a +c must be divisible by m, in which case there exists a number a
such that
a+c=ma. (4)
Substituting (4) in (3) yields

From relations (4) and (5), it follows that a is the largest common divisor of a +c and d+ b, and
is therefore even. The factorization of n is thus given by

eae alee
since this last expression is equal to
(i? ar) e") = ri((km)? + (ke)? + (am)? + (aé)?)

= 5(4-8)? + (a— 0)? + (a + 0)? + (4+0)?) = (20? +20? +20? + 2a) = jn+2n) =n.

e the smallest number n such that 6! divides 1+2+...+ 7: if we denote by nx

the smallest number such that k! divides 1+2+...+ ng, then ng = n3 = 3,
4 = 125 = ILS, ng = n7 = 224, Ne = 4095, vg = 76 544, — 512 000,
M11 = 9511424 and nji2 = 20916 224;

e the second solution of equation came (see the number 40);

e the third number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)—7y(n) =1
(see the number 48);

e the seventh Granville number (see the number 126).


e the largest solution x of the diophantine equation x? + 28 = y? (W.J. Ellison,

F. Ellison, J. Pesek, C.E. Stahl, D.S. Stall [75]): the only solutions (z, y) of this
diophantine equation are (6,4), (22,8) and (225,37); a diophantine equation
of the form x? + k = y, where k is a positive integer, is sometimes called a
Bachet equation (see the number 251).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum y — to exceed 6 (see the number

e the third Stern number (see the number 137).


e the smallest number n > 2 such that n|o4g(n); the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 228, 386, 444, 876, 1308, 2812, 5196,
5548, 6924, 7372, 8284, 8436, ...

e the second prime number p such that 44?~' = 1 (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 2°” satisfying this congruence are 3, 229 and 5851 (see Ribenboim
[169], p. 347).


e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n+ 1) = 3: here 230 = 2-5-23 and
231 =3-7-11; if n, stands for the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1
each have k distinct prime factors (that is such that w(n) = w(n +1) = k),
then n, = 2, no = 14, ng = 230, ng = 7314, ns = 254540, ng = 11243154 and

nz = 965009045; on the other hand, one can show”! that ng > 5708691 485,
while ng < n = 65893 166030 = 2-5-17-19- 23-43 -47-277 since n+1 =
3-7-11-29-31-41-71-109 (see the number 135 for the analogue problem with
the Q(n) function).

[231] (=3-7-11)
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+9|n+9 (see
the number 399).


e the sixth prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89);

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 27° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

279 _ 1 = 536870911 = 233 - 1103 - 2089;

the number 279 —1 is the smallest Mersenne number having three distinct prime
factors (see the number 223).


' ge ee Vi :
e the largest solution n < 10” of —— = ms the smallest one is n = 12.


e the fourth three digit number 4 100, 200,300, and whose square contains no
more than two distinct digits: 235? = 55225 (see the number 109).


e the number n which allows the sum y Br to exceed 2 (see the number 44).
w(m)=2 ?


e the fourth number n such that 2"~! +n is a prime number: the only numbers
n < 40000 satisfying this property are 1, 3, 7, 237 and 1885.

71Tt is clear that, for each number k > 1, (ne + 1)? > ng(n_g +1) > pipe... por, so that
Np > ./PiP2---P2k, from which it follows that ng > 5708691485, and moreover that the inequality
is strict once we verify that the number 5 708691485 does not have the required property.


e one of the two numbers (the other one is 23) which cannot be written as the
sum of eight cubes (in non negative integers) or less: 239 = 2- ASE fa3225 3.12.

e the largest number n such that P(n? +1) < 17, where P(m) stands for the
largest prime factor of m: Maurice Mignotte proved that P(n* + 1) > 17 if
n > 240, while 239? + 1 = 2-13* (R.K. Guy [101], Al); see the number 137;

e the only solution n > 1 of the diophantine equation n? + 1 = 2m4: in 1942,

W. Ljungegren proved that the only two positive integer solutions of nee 2m.
are (n,m) = (1,1) and (239,13) (R.K. Guy [101], D6);


e the 12” highly composite number (see the number 180);

e the smallest number m for which equation o(”) = m has exactly seven solutions,
namely 114, 135, 158, 177, 203, 209 and 239;

e the fifth number n > 1 such that ¢(o(n)) = n (see the number 128).


e the smallest number n such that tT(n) < T(n +1) <... < T(n +4) (as well as
the smallest such that r(n) < r(n+1) <...<7(n+5)): here2<6<6<6<
6 < 8; if we denote by nz the smallest number n such that r(n) < T(n +1) <
... <7T(n+k-—1), then we have the following table:

7 AR a es if 8
nz || 9 | 13 | 13 | 241 | 241 | 12853 | 12853|
k 9 10 GN pelle fF
nx ||234613 |376741 | 78312721
| 125938261


e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2 and n+ 3 are all divisible by
a square > 1: here 242 = 2-117, 243 = 3°, 244 = 2?. 61 and 245 = 5-72: if
we denote by n; the smallest number n such™ that u(n) = u(n+1)=...=
p(n +k-— 1) = 07 thents = 8, nai= 48, 74 = 242. ns = 844, ng = 22020,
ny = 217070; igi 1,092,747, no ‘= 8870024; nip a= DOIG 42 2aand
N12 = 47255 689915; if we denote by mz¢ the smallest number m such that

721t follows from the Chinese Remainder Theorem that Nz exists for each k > 2 and moreover
k ay to :
that np < le ps) ; Similarly, mpz,¢ exists for each k > 2 and @ > 2, and we also have that
; e
Mee = (Elis vs) :

m,m+1,m+2,...,m+k—1 are all divisible by an £“” power, here are the

values of some of the mg »:

(a star next to a number indicates that it is “most likely” the smallest with
that property)
L £=2 £=3 =4
k= 8 80 a 80
k=3 48 1375 33614
k=4 242 22.624 202 099 373
k=5 844 18 035 622 40 280 549 372
k=6 || 22020 4379 776 620 430 995 495 889 374(*)
217070 | 1204 244 328 624(*) | 77405 340617 896 874(*)

L=5 l=6
k=2 1215 16 767
k= 2590 623 26 890 623
k=4 2 146 909 373 1507545 109 375
k=5 105 636 978 090 621 777 562 026 420 218 750(*)
3 269 698 976 575 137 500(*) | 283 435 321 166 212 288 109 372(*)

76 544
2 372 890 624
390 491 792 890 623(*)
2 083 234 733 888 734 218 749(*)
18 962 123 650 219 836 035 505 781 245(*)

e the smallest number n having the same number of divisors as the three numbers
that follow it: 7(242) = 7(243) = 7(244) = 7(245) = 6; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 242, 3655, 4503, 5943, 6853,
7256, 8392, 9367, 10983, 11605, 11606, ... (see the number 33);

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains three
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

e the seventh number n such that n|2” + 1; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this property begins as follows: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 171, 243, 513, 729, 1539, )2187,
3249, 4617, 6561, 9747, 13203, 13851, 19683, 29241, 39609, 41553,...

e the number of pseudoprimes in base 2 which do not exceed 10°; if we denote
by N(x) the number of pseudoprimes in base 2 which do not exceed z, then we
have the following table:

ee ee a eon aT 8s. 9 |
Poy of 0 [3[22|78|245|750|2057 |5597|

e the smallest number which is not the sum of five non zero distinct squares
(R.K. Guy [101], C20).

e the third number n such that o2(n) is a perfect square: we indeed have
o(246) = 290? (see the number 42).

e the smallest solution of a(n) = a(n + 37); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 248, 302, 345, 518, 1142, 1298, 2108, 2174,
2505, 2678, 4604, ...

e the ninth number n such that n- 2" — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

e the fourth solution of ¢(n) = y(n)? (see the number 108).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three cubes in two
distinct ways: 251 = 13 + 53 + 53 = 23 + 33 + 6? (see the number 1 009);

e the third positive solution x of the diophantine equation x? + 999 = y? (R.

Steiner): the only positive solutions (x,y) of this diophantine equation are
(1,10), (27,12), (251, 40), (1 782, 147), (2295, 174) and (3370501,22 480).

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 10° (Poulet, 1938); see the number 646;
e the seventh solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).


e the largest known power of 2 which can be written as a sum of distinct powers
of 3: here 256 = 28 = 3° + 37 +3+1 (see R.K. Guy [101], B33).


e the fourth Fermat number: 257 = 2?° + 1; the first three are 3, 5 and 17;
e the smallest number n such that ¢°(n) = 2, where ¢°(n) stands for the eighth
iteration of the ¢ function (see the number 137).


e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 12*” prime
factor of an integer : po53 = 1627 (see the number 199).


e the only three digit number n such that 2” — n is prime (an observation due
to Meng Hsuan Wu (2002)): the only known numbers n for which the corre-
sponding number 2” — n is prime are 13, 19, 21, 55, 261, 3415, 4185, 7353 and


e the second prime number p such that 79?-' = 1 (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 2°? satisfying this congruence are 7, 263, 3037, 1012573 and
60 312 841 (see Ribenboim [169], p. 347);
e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2!%! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

_ 1 = 263 - 10350794431055162386718619237468234569.

e the smallest number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of
positive powers of its digits: 264 = 2' + 6! + 44 = 2° + 6° + 4?: the only other
number satisfying this property is 373;

e the largest three digit number 4 100,200,300, and whose square contains no
more than two distinct digits: 2647 = 69 696 (see the number 109);
e the second number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).


e the number of possible arrangements of the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with the

restriction that the integer 7 must not be in the j*” position for each j, 1 <
4 <6: more generally, the number n x of possible arrangements of the integers
1,2,...,k with the restriction that the integer 7 must not be in the jt” position
for each 7, 1 <j < k, is equal to

ete al (—1)*
H(g- gto + )),

and therefore ng = 1, ng = 2, ng = 9, n5 = 44, ng = 265, n7 = 1854,

ng = 14833, ng = 133 496, nip = 1334961 and ny, = 14684570;

e the second number n such that n2 +2 is powerful: here 265? + 2 = 70227 =

3°. 172; the six smallest numbers satisfying this property are 5, 265, 13775,
716 035, 9980583 and 37 220045.”


e the smallest prime number q such that >/,,<, Pp is divisible by 6 (= 2-3): here
this sum is equal to 6870 and it is also divisible by 30 (= 2-3-5); if we
denote by gz the smallest prime number such that Wes p divides DZ an P
then q2 = 93 = 269, qa = 3823, gs = 8539, gg = 729551, gz = 1416329,
gg = 23592 593 and gg = 1478674 861.

e the smallest number n such that (o7(n) + y(n))/n is an integer; the only num-
bers n < 10° satisfying this property are n = 270, 87750 and 217854; observe
that in each of these cases, (a7(n) + y(n))/n = 3;
e the third number which is neither perfect or multi-perfect but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140);
a(n) 8
e the second solution of —— = 3 (see the number 1 488).


e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p+ 1) = 5: here 270 =
2-33-5 and 272 = 21-17; if we denote by p(k) the smallest prime number p such
that O(p — 1) = Q(p+1) =k, then p(2) = 2, p(3) = 19, p(4) = 89, p(5) = 271,
p(6) = 1889, p(7) = 10529, (8) = 75329, (9) = 157951, p(10) = 3885569,
p(11) = 11350529, p(12) = 98690561 and p(13) = 169674 751;
e the second prime number built from the first digits of the decimal expansion of
the Euler constant e = 2.718281828...: the sequence of these prime numbers
begins as follows: 2, 271, 2718281, ...(the fourth has 84 digits);

e the smallest prime number p which is the first link of a p?+1 chain of order 4; we
say that a prime number q; > 3 is the first link of a p?+1 chain of order k > 3 if
the numbers qi, g2 = (q?+1)/2,..., gx = (@@_, +1)/2 are all primes; thus, here
Q1 = 271, ga= (2717.4 -1)/2 = 36 721,.¢3 = (367212:4+ 1)/2 = 674215.921 and
ga = (674215921? + 1)/2 = 227 283 554 064 939 121 are all primes; the smallest
prime numbers p which are the first links of a p? + 1 chain of order k, for
k = 2,3,4,5, are respectively 3, 3, 271, 169 219;

e the largest prime factor of 123454321, whose complete factorization is given by

123464320 = 4125272.

73Such a number n must be odd since otherwise 2||(n? + 2), in which case n? + 2 is not powerful.
On the other hand, it is important to mention that there exist infinitely many numbers satisfying
this property (see the footnote tied to the number 37).


e the seventh Euler number: the sequence (E,,)n>0 of Euler numbers is defined
as follows: E,, is the number of permutations of the integers 1,2,..., whose
digits are increasing, then decreasing and again increasing; thus, for n = 4, the
permutations of 1,2,3,4 which satisfy this property are 1324, 1423, 2314, 2413
and 3412, and this is why E4 = 5; setting Ey = 1, the first terms of the sequence
are Fy = il. E> = il. E3 = 2. Ey, = Qo; Es — 16, Es = 61, Ez = A. Eg = 1385,
Eo = 7936, Fig = 50521, Fy, = 353792, Fig = 2702765, E13 = 22368 256,
...; D. André proved in 1879 that the sequence of Euler numbers (FE, )n>0 can

be defined implicitly by the formula tan (= - “) = Dy Bie

2 n pa n)

e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n = > p+7|n+7 (see
the number 399).

e the number appearing in the equation

672” + 159” + 834” = 276” + 951” + 438”,

which holds when n = 1 or n = 2, even when one eliminates the first digit in
each of these terms, and even when one eliminates the second one, and finally
even when one eliminates the third digit; the same is true for each of the three

618” + 753” + 294” = 816” + 357” + 492”,

654” + 132” + 879” = 456” + 231” + 978",
852” + 174” + 639” = 258” + 471” + 936”;
these equalities go back to 3000 years and were known to the Chinese (see M.
Criton [39], p. 20).

1 ,
e the smallest prime number gq which allows the sum 3S — to exceed 2; if we
denote by gz the smallest prime number such that SS — > k, then qi = p3 = 5,
PL 4k
go = Ps9 = 277 and q3 = p3eii39 = 5195977; one can prove” that q4 ~ 10'°
(see the number 1307 for an analogue problem).

74Indeed, using inequalities

| B-
2 log? qa
< loglogqga+B+ ———
2 log? q4


e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
in the form «8 + #8 +...+.a8, where the z;’s are non negative integers (see the
number 4).

e the third solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).


e the prime number which appears the most often as the ninth prime factor of
an integer (see the number 199);

e the smallest prime number of height 5; we say that a prime number p is of height
r if the number of required iterations to reach the prime number 2 in the process
P(p—1) =q, p=q, P(p—1) =q, ..., is r; thus the height of 283 is 5 because
P(283 1) = 47, P47 V) = 23 POs 1) 11) PA — 1) aloe te
if q, stands for the smallest prime number of height k, then q2 = 7, q3 = 23,
gz = 47, ds = 283, gg = 119, 7 — 1439, Gg = 2879, Go = 34549, gig = 138 197,
qi1 = 1266 767 and qi2 = 14619 833.


e the number which, when paired with the number 220, forms the smallest pair
of amicable numbers: o(220) = 0(284) = 504.


e the fourth number n such that o2(n) is a perfect square: here o2(287) = 2907
(see the number 42).

where B = 0.261497212847643... (see J.B. Rosser & L. Schoenfeld [178]), we obtain that

1-7799-10*® < g4 < 1.8228. 107°.

If the Riemann Hypothesis is true, then

3 lo, +4 1
log log qa +B - 4 < Bee loplog@]anbr meee
87 ./q4 p 87 ./qa
(see L. Schoenfeld [182]), in which case we obtain the sharper bounds

1.8012409 -1018 < qq < 1.8012416 - 1028.



e the second powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 288 = 2°-3?
and 289 = 17”; the only numbers n < 101° satisfying this property” are 8, 288,
675, 9800, 12167, 235 224, 332.928, 465124, 1825200, 11309 768, 384199 200,
592 192 224, 4931691075, 5425069 447, 13051 463 048, 221 322 261 600,
443 365 544 448, 865 363 202 000, 8 192 480 787 000, 11 968 683 934 831,
13 325 427 460 800, 15 061 377 048 200, 28 821 995 554 247, 48 689 748 233 307 and
511643 454 094 368,;”6

e the seventh unitary hyperperfect number: a number n is said to be unitary

hyperperfect if there exists a positive integer k such that n = 1+k(o*(n)—n-—1),
where o*(n) stands for the sum of the unitary divisors of n (that is the divisors
d such that (d,n/d) = 1): it is clear that a square-free number is hyperperfect
if and only if it is unitary hyperperfect: the sequence of numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 6, 21, 40, 52, 60, 90, 288, 301, 657, 697, 1333, 1909,
2041, 2176, 3856, 3901, 5536, 6517, 15025, 24601, ...;

e the third solution w+ s of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).


e the fourth number n such that the binomial coefficient ee) is a perfect square:
here ‘en = 2047; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 2, 9, 50, 289, 1682, 9801, 57122, 332929, 1940450, ...7”


e the third self contained number: a number n is said to be self contained if it is

odd and if n|f*(n) for a certain positive integer k, where f*(n) = f(f*—1(n)),
fi(n) = f(n), and where the function f is defined by

De) eo leeit mis odd,

ia) n/2 if n is even;

the only self contained numbers < 10” are 31, 83, 293, 347, 671, 19151, 925 957
and 2025 797.

75Tt is easy to prove that there exist infinitely many numbers n such that n and n+ 1 are both
powerful. Indeed, since the Fermat-Pell equation x? — 2y? = 1 has infinitely many solutions (z, y),
then the numbers 2y? and x? are consecutive and moreover they are powerful; to see that 2y? is
powerful, first observe that x is odd (since otherwise we would have that 2|1), and that y is even,
since x2 — 1 = (x — 1)(a +1) = 2y?, which implies that 4|2y?. This observation was first made in
1970 by S.W. Golomb [92].
76Tt is interesting to observe that in this list of 25 pairs of consecutive powerful numbers, the
second member of each pair is always a perfect square, except in the case of the eighth one where
we have 465125 = 5° - 612, of the 20% where we have 11968683 934832 = 24 . 23° . 7841?, of
the 23"¢ where we have 28 821995554248 = 2° . 34. 13? - 16223 and of the 25'” where we have
511 643 454 094 368 = 22 - 79 - 13? - 43? - 337?.
77 This sequence is infinite because there exist infinitely many triangular numbers which are perfect
squares (see the number 36).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum SS wt le to exceed 11 (see the
number 177).

e the fifth number m such that >>, <,,7(n) is a perfect square: here }7,,<299 9(”) =
73 441 = 2717; if we denote by mx the k*” number such that sz = ))n<m, 7()
is a perfect square, here are the values of m,, for 1 < k < 10, with the corres-
ponding values of s,:

is Mk Sk J/8k k
LS ll ae 1 1 6 1377 1560001 1249
Zales 4 2 i 12695 132549169 11513
3 || 53 2304 | 48 8 44469 1626428241 40329
4 || 174 | 24964 | 158 9 423922 147805647025. | 384455
5 || 299 | 73441 | 271 10 || 2068248 | 3518227981636 | 1875694

e the smallest number with at least two distinct prime factors and which is di-
visible by the square of the sum of its prime factors: the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 300, 600, 900, 980, 1008, 1200, 1500,
1575, 1800, 1960, ...

e the smallest 6-hyperperfect number: we say that a number n is 6-hyperperfect
if it can be written asn =1+6 SS d (which is equivalent to the condition

6o0(n) = 7n + 5); the smallest four 6-hyperperfect numbers are 301, 16513,
60 110 701 and 1977 225 901; the number 2 733 834 545 701 is also 6-hyperperfect
and perhaps the fifth one (see the number 21).


e the ninth number k such that k|(10**1 — 1); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this property begins as follows: 1, 3, 9, 11, 33, 77, 99, 143, 303, 369, 407, 707,
959, 1001, 1111, ...

e the third number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).


e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number re ea


e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n: the only numbers n <
10'° satisfying this property are 312, 560, 588, 1400, 85632, 147492, 556 160,
569 328, 1590816, 2013 216, 3343776, 4695 456, 9745 728, 12558912,
22013 952, 23 336 172, 30002 960, 52021 242, 75007 400, 137617 728,
153 587 720, 699 117024, 904683 264, 2 468053 248 and 2834395 104 (see R.K.
Guy [102]; see also the number 23 760).


e the largest prime factor of the largest known unitary perfect number (see the
number 6);
e the second prime number of the form (x4 + y*)/2: here 313 = (5+ + 1*)/2 (see
the number 41);
e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) > ¢(n+1) > d(n+2): here 312 > 156 >
144 (see the numbers 105 and 823).

e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the 1 ath perfect number
po40 (2eh S 1).

e one of the nine known numbers & such that SS
11...1 is prime (H.C. Williams
[203]); see the number 19;
e the seventh prime number px such that pyp2...px—1 is prime: the only known
prime numbers satisfying this property are 3, 5, 11, 13, 41, 89, 317, 337, 991,
1873, 2053, 2377, 4093, 4297, 4583, 6569, 13033 and 15 877.

318 }

e the smallest number n for which the sequence n, t(n), t(t(n)), ... is not
bounded: here
tin) =n] (1+5)—n
represents the sum of the divisors d of n such that 1 < d < n and such that
n/d is square-free (Problem #10323, Amer. Math. Monthly 108, no.8, Oct.
1996, 697-698).


e the 12*” number n such that n!+ 1 is prime (see the number 116).


e the smallest Fibonacci pseudoprime : the only other one known is 377; for the
definition of a Fibonacci pseudoprime, see Ribenboim [169], pp. 126-127.


e the 13’? number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).


e the third pseudoprime in base 7: the ten smallest pseudoprimes in base 7 are
6; 25, 325,661, 703, 817, 1105, 1825, 2 10trand 2 393;

e the smallest (and possibly the only one) 3-hyperperfect number: we say that
a number n is 3-hyperperfect if it can be written asn =1+3 ds d (which is

equivalent to the condition 30(n) = 4n + 2); see the number 21;

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in three
distinct ways: 325 = 1? + 18% = 6? + 177 = 10? + 15” (see the number 50).


e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/5; if, for each integer m > 2, we set
Am = {n€N:n/z(n) =m}, one can prove that #Am > 1 for’? each m > 2;
a clever computation provides the following table:

78Here is how one can prove this result, first established in 1962 by S.W. Golomb [91]. Let as
usual p1,p2,... stand for the increasing sequence of prime numbers. Given an arbitrary integer
m > 2, one needs to show that equation San =m has at least one solution n. Since m(x) = o(z),
it follows that for all « > 0, there exists no = no(e) such that acs < ¢ for alln > no. This is why
there exists a largest prime number pz such that 7(Ped = os = 4, so that (*) py < mk. But then,
either mk < pr4i or else mk > pzii. This last case cannot occur, because one would then have
k+1 k 1 Ce ae: i } :
Peel rae 2 ;,, contradicting the minimal choice of py. Therefore, mk < px+1i, an inequality
which coupled with (*) yields p, < mk < pr4i1 —1, so that k = 1(p,) < m(mk) < m(pegi —1) =k,
which establishes that m(mk) = k. Setting n = mk, it follows that n/x(n) = m, thus providing
the required solution n. It is clear on the other hand that the result holds for an arbitrary set of
positive integers of zero density. In other words, one can also prove the following result:
Let {an} be an infinite sequence of positive integers, and let C(x) = #{an < zc}.
Assume that C(x) = o(x) when x — co. Then there exists a positive integer n such that
the set of integer values taken by the quotient n/C(n) is equal to the set {m:m > n}.
Moreover, n = 1 if and only if a; = 1.

{96, 100, 120}

{330, 335, 340, 350, 355, 360}
{1008, 1080, 1092, 1116, 1122, 1128, 1134}
{3059, 3066, 3073, 3080, 3087, 3094}
{8408, 8424, 8440, 8456, 8464, 8472}
DS {23526, 23535, 24300}

10 | {64540, 64580, 64610, 64620, 64650, 64690, 64700, 64710, 64720}

11 | {175197}
12 | {480852, 480864, 481008, 481020, 481032, 481044, 481056, 481068, 481080, 481092,
481296, 481356, 481368, 481404, 481416, 481428, 481440, 481452}
13 | {1304498, 1304511, 1304524, 1304537, 1304576, 1304589, 1304654, 1304667
1304680, 1304693, 1304719}
14 | {3523884, 3523912, 3523926, 3524122, 3524318, 3524388,
3524402, 3524430, 3524528, 3524556, 3524598, 3524654}
15 | {9557955, 9558360, 9558375, 9558510, 9558795, 9559575, 9559590, 9559695, 9559770,
9559785, 9559800, 9559845, 9559905, 9559920, 9559935, 9559950, 9560010, 9560025
9560040, 9560070, 9560100}
16 | {25874752, 25874768, 25874784}
17 | {70115412, 70115803, 70115905, 70115922, 70115956, 70116024, 70117996, 70119645,
70119934, 70119985}
18 | {189961182, 189961452, 189961920, 189961938, 189961956, 189961974, 189962010,
189962100, 189962136, 189962154, 189962190, 189962226, 189962550, 189962622,
189962964, 189962982, 189963054, 189963216, 189963234, 189963270, 189963828,
189963900, 189963918, 189964242, 189964260, 189964332, 189964368,
189968742, 189968904, 189968922, 189969282, 189969300, 189969354}
19 | {514272411, 514272449, 514272487, 514272829, 514273608, 514273627, 514273684,
514273703, 514273931, 514273950, 514274026, 514274786, 514274900, 514274919,
514275128, 514275147, 514275185, 514275204, 514275223, 514275242, 514275261,
514275546, 514275565, 514275584, 514275622, 514275641, 514277978, 514278130,
514278149, 514278168, 514278263}
20 | {1394193580, 1394194020, 1394194040, 1394194060, 1394194080, 1394194100,
1394194200, 1394194220, 1394194240, 1394194260, 1394194300, 1394194320,
1394194380, 1394194400, 1394194500, 1394194520, 1394194540, 1394194640,
1394194660, 1394194680, 1394197460, 1394197560, 1394198640, 1394198700,
1394198840, 1394198880, 1394199100, 1394199120, 1394199140, 1394199160,
1394199200, 1394199300}
21 | {3779849598, 3779849619, 3779851068, 3779851110, 3779851131, 3779851215,
3779851551, 3779851572, 3779853000, 3779853021, 3779853126, 3779853147,
3779853168, 3779853189, 3779853252, 3779853294, 3779853315, 3779853336,
3779853357, 3779853483, 3779853504, 3779856591, 3779856612, 3779856633}
22 | {10246935644, 10246935842, 10246935864, 10246935974,
10246936106, 10246936128, 10246936370, 10246936436}
23 | {27788566029, 27788566052, 27788566075, 27788568191, 27788568283,
27788568421, 27788568490, 27788568513, 27788568559, 27788573596, ;
27788573688, 27788573780, 27788573803}
24 | {75370121160, 75370121256, 75370121328, 75370121712, 75370121736,
75370121784, 75370121880, 75370121904, 75370122456, 75370122480,
75370122528, 75370122552, 75370123344, 75370124088, 75370124112,
75370124232, 75370124256, 75370124280, 75370124328, 75370124784,
75370124808, 75370124832, 75370124856, 75370124904, 75370124928,
75370125360, 75370125504, 75370125672, 75370125696, 75370125720,
75370125960, 75370126416}

25 | {204475052375, 204475052425, 204475052500, 204475052525, 204475052550, a

204475052600, 204475052625, 204475052700, 204475052725, 204475052975,
204475053025, 204475053050, 204475053075, 204475053125, 204475053175,
204475053200, 204475053325, 204475053625, 204475053750, 204475053775,
204475053850, 204475053900, 204475054050, 204475054075, 204475054100,
204475054125, 204475054400, 204475054425, 204475054450, 204475054725,
204475054750, 204475054800, 204475054825, 204475055175, 204475055200 }¥
26 | (554805820452, 554805820478, 554805820504, 554805820556 }
27 | {1505578023621, 1505578023756, 1505578023783, 1505578024809, 1505578024836,
1505578024917, 1505578024971, 1505578024998, 1505578025025, 1505578025052,
1505578025106, 1505578025457, 1505578025484, 1505578025781, 1505578026105}
28 | {4086199301996, 4086199302052, 4086199302080, 4086199302136, 4086199302248,
4086199302276, 4086199302332, 4086199302976, 4086199303004}
29 | {11091501630949, 11091501630978, 11091501631181, 11091501631210,
11091501631239, 11091501631268, 11091501631384, 11091501631413,
11091501631442, 11091501631848, 11091501632022, 11091501632312,
11091501632544, 11091501632631, 11091501633037}
30 | {30109570412400, 30109570412430, 30109570412970, 30109570413240,
30109570413270, 30109570413330, 30109570413360, 30109570419960,
30109570419990, 30109570420170, 30109570420260, 30109570420380,
30109570420440, 30109570420500, 30109570420530, 30109570420560,
30109570420590, 30109570420620, 30109570420710,30109570420770,
30109570420800, 30109570420950, 30109570420980, 30109570421010,
30109570421250, 30109570421280}
31 | {81744303089590, 81744303090117, 81744303090706, 81744303091171,
81744303091202, 81744303091264, 81744303091295, 81744303091419,
81744303091636, 81744303091760, 81744303092287, 81744303092318,
81744303092504, 81744303092535, 81744303092566, 81744303092628,
81744303092690, 81744303092721, 81744303097960, 81744303098022,
81744303098053, 81744303098766}
32 | {221945984401280, 221945984401312, 221945984401344, 221945984401440,
221945984402368, 221945984402400, 221945984403168, 221945984403840,
221945984403872, 221945984403904, 221945984404000, 221945984404064,
221945984410016, 221945984410048, 221945984410272, 221945984410336,
221945984411104, 221945984411136, 221945984411200, 221945984411232,
221945984411264, 221945984411680, 221945984411712, 221945984411744}

observe that the set Aj; contains only one element, while #A,, > 3 for
all 2 < m < 32, m 4 11; it would be interesting if one could prove that
limm—co #Am = +00 (or prove the contrary!); on the other hand, one can
prove”? that when k is large, then each n;, € Aj, satisfies

Ne = exp{(1 + o(1))(k + 1}.


e the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of six non zero distinct
squares (F.Halter-Koch): see R.K. Guy [101], C20;

e the fourth term of the sequence (n,)x>1 defined as follows: n; = 1 and for
each k > 2, nx is the smallest number n such that |sinn| < |sinng_1|, so
79Indeed, this follows essentially from the fact that, according to the Prime Number Theorem,
™(x) ~ a 8S B— OO.
logiamen logan

that |sinn;| > |sinng| >... > |sinng| > ...; the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 3, 22, 333, 355, 103993, 104348,
208 341, 312 689, 833719, 1146 408, 4272 943, 5419 351, 80 143 857, ... (see also
the number 344)°°,


e the smallest number m such that equation o(x) = m has exactly eight solutions,
namely 132, 140, 182, 188, 195, 249, 287 and 299.


e the eighth prime number px such that p;p2...pz — 1 is prime (see the number
SL ie


e the smallest number n which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in two distinct ways: 338 = 7? + 177 = 13? + 13; if nz stands
for the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in k distinct ways, then ng = 338, n3 = 2210, na = 10370,
ns = ne = 7 = nhs = 81770 and No = 110 = N11 = Ny? = 213 = 9 549 410;

e the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
p\n => p+ 12|n + 12; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins
as follows: 338, 828, 1458, 4563, 4608, 5476, 6125, 6498, 7268, 7968,...


e possibly the largest number n such that n(n + 1)(n + 2)(n +3) has exactly the
same prime factors as m(m + 1)(m+ 2)(m+ 3) for a certain number m < n:
here m = 152 and the prime factors common to these two quantities are 2, 3,
5s ll, 17%, 19 and’31, since

152 - 153 - 154-155 a8 oppo I Wows Weed ES bonea

BAD 334134210843 = aed? 84a Tell 419.31

e the 13%” number n such that n! + 1 is prime (see the number 116). ;

80The terms of the sequence (nj; )~>2 are simply the numerators of the convergents of the continued
fraction of 7, which is given by
m = [3;7,15, 1, 292, 1,1, 1,2,1,3,1,14,2,...)=3+ PAAGETEE
Lit DoeN |

wae 15+ Tee wee


the sequence of convergents being

22 333 355 103993 104348 208341 312689 833719 1146408 4272943 5419351 80143857


e the smallest pseudoprime in base 2; the ten smallest pseudoprimes in base 2

are 341, 561, 645, 1105, 1387, 1729, 1905, 2047, 2465 and 2701.


e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function Ao takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1,—1,1,—1,1,—1,1,—1 (see the number 6 185).

e the smallest solution of T(n + 16) = 7(n) + 16; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this equation begins as follows: 344, 488, 584, 704, 776, 794, 1034, 1064,
1208, 1334, ...;
e the smallest number which can be written both as the sum of two cubes and
as the sum of three cubes: 344 = 13 + 73 = 43 + 43 + 63;

e the sixth term of the sequence (nx)n>1 defined as follows: n; = 1 and for each
k > 2, nz is the smallest number n such that |cosn| < |cosnz_i|, so that
|cosn1| > |cosng| >... > |cosnz| > ...; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this property begins as follows: 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 344, 699, 1054, 1409, ... (see
also the number 333); it is interesting to observe®! that nx = nz—1 + 355 for
each 7 < k < 152, while nis3 = 260515, nis4 = 573204, ni55 = 4846 147,
and then that ng = ng_1 + 5419351 for k = 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, and
ni62 = 122 925 461.


e the smallest odd number n > 1 such that o3(n) is a perfect square: indeed,
03(345) = 65527; the numbers n < 10° such that o3(n) is a perfect square are
1, 2, 345, 690, 47196, 46 248 900, 53 262 468 and 71 315 748.

e the fourth self contained number (see the number 293);

e the smallest prime number q such that 7+ + 73+...+ > 1; if we denote

by qx the smallest prime number gq such that = 4 — +...+ : > 1, then the
sequence (qx)x>1 begins as follows: 5, 29, 109, 347, 857, 1627, 2999, 4931, 7759,
11677, ...(see the number 857 for an estimate of the size of qx with respect
e the smallest number no such that inequality m(kn) < k(n) holds for all n > no,
for any real number k > \/e (see C. Karanikolov [115]).

81 This is certainly related to the fact that the fraction 355 /113 is an excellent approximation of
m (in fact better than 22/7).

e the smallest number n such that n,n+2,n+4,n+6 are abundant (we say that
a number n is abundant if o(n) > 2n): the sequence (ng),~>1 of the smallest
numbers n = nx such that n,n+2,...,2+2k are abundant begins as follows:
18, 100, 348, 2988, 801 340, ...;
e the smallest solution of 7(n + 12) = r(n) + 12; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this equation begins as follows: 348, 492, 758, 788, 852, 898, 933, 1164,
122y lose

e the smallest number whose fourth power can be written as the sum of four
fourth powers: 3534 = 304 + 1204 + 2724 +3154 (R.Norrie, 1911): see R.K. Guy
[101], D1;
e the third prime number of the form (x* + y*)/2: here 353 = (54 + 3*)/2 (see
the number 41).

e the second square-free composite number n for which p|n => p+ 3|n + 3 (see
the number 165).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2179 _ 1, whose complete
factorization is given by
2179 _ 1 — 359 - 1433 - 1489459109360039866456940197095433721664951999121.

e the smallest number m such that equation o(x) = m has exactly nine solutions,
namely 120, 174, 184, 190, 267, 295, 319, 323 and 359;
13 Bah!
e the smallest solution of ott) = —; the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 360, 2016, 1571328, 4428914 688....;
e the 13% highly composite number (see the number 180).

e the smallest Smith number (see the number 22) which is a perfect square:
361 = 19? and 3+6+1=10=1+49;
e the number at which the function (7(x) — 0(x))/./x reaches its maximal value,
where 0(x) = Sy logpand w(x) = Ss logp (J.B. Rosser & L. Schoenfeld [178]).
pcx p™<Sr
i m>1


e the tenth number n such that n-2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115);
e the third solution of o(¢(n)) = a(n) (see the number 87).


e the fifth number n such that n- 10" + 1 is prime®?: the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 3, 9, 21, 363, 2161, 4839, ... (see
the number 117).


e the ninth number n such that f(n) > f(m) for all numbers m < n, where
iin) = srt, with the star indicating that the sum runs over all prime numbers
p <n which do not divide (eye here f(364) = 0.98744...; the only numbers
n < 20000 satisfying this property are 3, 7, 9, 10, 27, 120, 121, 255, 364, 756,
3160 and 3250; Erdés, Graham, Ruzsa & Straus [77] conjectured that there
exists a constant c such that f(n) <c for all n > 1 (see R.K. Guy [101], B33).


e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the 14°” perfect number
9606 (Dees 3 Dy


e the third prime number p such that p—k! is composite for each positive integer
k such that k! < p: the prime numbers smaller than 1000 which satisfy this
property are 101, 211, 367, 409, 419, 461, 557, 673, 709, 937 and 967; it is not
known if there exist infinitely many prime numbers satisfying this property.

82COne can prove that at least one third of the numbers of the form n10” + 1 are composite. In
fact, one can prove even more. Indeed, if S;(N) stands for the number of positive integers n < N
such that rn := n10” + 1 is composite, then

(x) S4(N) > =| 4n(N) (N> 11).

To prove (x), first observe that ifn =2 (mod 3), then 3|r,; this follows from the fact that, in this
case, n = 3k + 2 for a certain integer k > 0, so that

nl0” +1 = (3k + 2)109*+2 + 1 = 200-107 +1 =2-12*4+1=0 (mod 3).

On the other hand, it follows from Fermat’s Little Theorem that if n +1 is a prime number p > 5,
then rn is a multiple of p, since in this case n = p — 1, so that

nl0” +1=(p—1)10°-'+1=(p—1)+1=0 (mod p).

From these two observations and the fact that S;(11) = 8, inequality (*) follows.


e the second solution of a(n) = 2n + 8; the sequence of numbers satisfying

this equation begins as follows: 56, 368, 836, 11096, 17816, 45356, 77744,
91388, 128768, 254012, 388076, 2087936, 2291936, 13174976, 29 465 852,
35.021 696;40°°


e the tenth number k such that k|(10*+1 — 1) (see the number 303).


e one of the five numbers which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its
digits: 370 = 33 + 73 + 0%: the others are 1, 153, 371 and 407.


e one of the five numbers which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its
digits: 371 = 33 + 73 + 1°: the others are 1, 153, 370 and 407.


e the largest three digit number (see the number 264) which can be written in two
distinct ways as the sum of positive powers of its digits: 373 = 3! + 7° +33 =
3¢ + 7? + 3°.


e the smallest three digit automorphic number: 376? = 141376 (see the number


e the largest known Fibonacci pseudoprime; the only other one known is 323;

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains four
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

831¢ is easy to show that any number n = 2°-p, where a is a positive integer such that p = 2°+1!—9
is prime, is a solution of a(n) = 2n + 8: this is the case when a = 3, 4,8, 10,16, 20,32 (and for no
other values of a < 100); the solutions corresponding to a = 3,4,8,10 are included in the above
list. It is also possible to identify the solutions n of the form 2° - p-q, with p < q primes and a
a positive integer. This is how one obtains the solutions n = 836, 11096, 17816, 77744, 2291936,
13174976 and 35021 696 listed here.

e the smallest number which is not a cube, but which can be written as the sum
of the cubes of its prime factors: 378 = 2-3-7 = 23 + 3° + 7°; there exist at
least seven other numbers** satisfying this property, namely:
54S) = 0727713 = ey 18
9836905 = 5.7. 116532139=5 +7 +h 453 21307
AAT3671 462. = 22135179 -593- 1621 = 2° 413° +179 £593 FP 1621—
93040925705 = 5-7:167-1453-2713=5° +7 +167 + 1453 + 2713",
13579 716377989 = 19-157-173-1103 - 23857
= 19° 2157" 173° 4 1103" + 23857.
21 467 102506955 = 5-7°-313- 1439-27791 =5° +7° + 313° + 1439° + 27791",
119 429556097859 = 7-53-937- 6983-49199 = 7° +. 53° + 937° + 6983° + 49199°;

e the smallest number which is not a prime power, but which is divisible by the
sum of the cubes of its prime factors; given a positive integer k, if we denote
by nx the smallest number n such that w(n) # 1 and such that §,(n)|n, where
Cul) = ae we have the following table:

30 =2-3-5 10=2-5
46 206 = 2-37-17-151 23103= 3-217 151
378 = 963° 37
608 892570 = 2-37-5-11°- 13-17-23
292 353 065 550
= 2. 3°.5°%> 7 613-17-19-23-317
539 501 733 634012578
= 250 61113219 223-3137 41-47,

As for the value of n7, one can claim that

n7 <n = 1149039 082 866 174511 355 807 661 240,

since n = 23-3-5-77-174.23-37-43-47-53-61-67-73-79-97-103-109 and

Br) = 2°" 72 17 37-47-73 «103.
(see also the number 99 528).


e the seventh prime number p, such that p;p2...p, + 1 is prime: the only known
prime numbers satisfying this property are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 31, 379, 1019, 1021,
2657, 3229, 4547, 4787, 11549, 13649, 18523, 23 801, 24029, 42209, 145 823,
366 439 and 392113 (see R.K. Guy [101], A2 and C. Caldwell [29]; see also the
number 211);
841f Sq stands for the set of numbers which can be written as the sum of the at” powers of their
prime factors, then J.M.De Koninck & F.Luca [54] proved that the only elements of $3 having
exactly three prime factors are 378 and 2548. On the other hand, it is also possible that #Sq = 0
for each a > 2,a 43.

e the 14" number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).


e the smallest number larger than 1 and whose sum of divisors is a ninth power:
Gi 3ol = 2..

e the smallest solution of a(n) = o(n + 3); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 382, 8922, 11935, 31815, 32442, 61982, 123795,
145915, 186615, 271215, ...

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2/9! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2191 _1 = 383- 7068569257

- 39940132241
-332584516519201 - 87274497124602996457;

e the smallest prime number which can be written as the sum of a prime number p
and of the number obtained by reversing the digits of p: indeed, 241+142 = 383
(an observation due to Shyam Sunder Gupta).

e the 11" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115);
e the eighth Granville number (see the number 126).

e the smallest number n > 1 such that n|oy44(n).

e the smallest prime number whose sum of digits is 20; for each number k > 2,
not a multiple of 3, let p(k) stand for the smallest prime number whose sum of
digits is k, here are the values of p(k) for k = 2,4,5,7,8,...,83: °° '
851t is easy to prove that p(k) > (a + 1)10° — 1, where b = [k/9] and a = k — 9b. However, note
that it is not clear that p(k) is well defined for all integers k > 1 which are not a multiple of 3. On
the other hand, if 6(k) stands for the number of prime numbers whose sum of digits is equal to k,
it is easy to see that there exist infinitely many positive integers k such that G(k) > 1. It is also
possible to prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers k such that p(k) < 102". Finally,
several questions regarding the p function can be raised; here are some of them:
— does there exist infinitely many k’s such that B(k) = +00?
— is it true that 6(2) > 3?
— is it true that limz_.oo p(k)/((a + 1)10° — 1) = 1, where b = [k/9] and a= k — 9b?
for more on this problem, see J.M. De Koninck [46].

k k) ||k_| ok) |, & | alk) k_ | p(k) k_| elk)

:2 : 19 oS a 35 | 8999 | ae | 68 | 59999999 |
Zo | a 20 | 389 37 | 29989 53 989999 70 | 189997999
Bei 22 | 499 38 | 39989 |] 55 | 2998999 || 71 | 89999999
Ae 23 | 599 40 | 49999 || 56 | 2999999 || 73 | 289999999
8 NG 25) || VE 41 | 59999 58 | 4999999 74 | 389999999
I@ | We 26 | 1889 43 | 79999 59 | 6999899 76 | 689899999
i S29 28) 1999 44 | 98999 61 | 8989999 77 | 699899999
13 | 67 291-2999 46 | 199999 || 62 | 9899999 TOM 20999299
14 | 59 31 | 4999 47 | 389999 || 64 | 19999999 a3 998999999
ik || 32 | 6899 598999 || 65 | 29999999 2999899999
ily || ce 34 | 17989 599999 || 67 | 59899999 3 3999998999

[390] (=2-3-5- 13)

the fifth ideal number: an r digit number is said to be an ideal number if its
jt factor, for each 1 < j <r, is the one that appears the most often as the
jt prime factor of an integer (see the number 199): the first 20 ideal numbers
are: 2, 6, 30, 42, 390, 546, 8970, 12558, 421590, 590226, 47639670, 66695538,
9480294330, 13272412062, 682923295390, 3756092613546, 1252925178947130,
1754095250525982, 1111344633726104310 and 1555882487216546034;
the smallest number which cannot be written as the sum of seven non zero
distinct squares (R.K. Guy [101], C20).


the only solution n < 101? of o(n) = 2n +71 (see the number 196).

the third number n = [dj, d2,...,d,] such that (dj +1)-(d2+2)-...-(d,-+r) =n
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property is infinite and includes the
numbers 16, 27, 396, 117729612000, 266 744016 000, 722 905 497 600,
1234057 144 320 and 16 231012 761 600.

the 14%” number n such that n!+ 1 is prime (see the number 116);

the smallest solution of r(n +1) —7(n) = 7; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 399, 783, 2703, 3249, 4623, 11024, 15129, 16383,
17689, ...; ifn, stands for the smallest number n such that T(n+1)—T(n) =k,
then the sequence (n%)x>1 begins as follows: 1, 5, 49, 11, 35, 23, 399, 47, 1849,
59, 143, 119, 1599, 167, 575, 179, 1295, 239, 4355, 629, 2303, 359, 899, 959,
9215, 1007, 39999, 719, 20735. 839... ;

the largest number of the form 8k + 7 which can be written as the sum of
exactly three powerful numbers in only one way: here 399 = 49 + 125 + 225
(see the number 118);

e the smallest Lucas-Carmichael number: such numbers are square-free compos-

ite numbers n for which p|ln => p+ 1|n +1: the sequence of these numbers
begins as follows: 399, 935, 2015, 2915, 4991, 5719, 7055, 8855, 12719, 18095,
20705, 20999, 22847, 29315, 31535, 46079, 51359, 60059, 63503, 67199, 73535,
76751, 80189, 81719, 88559, 90287, ...; it is interesting to generalize the ques-
tion and search, for each positive integer k, for the square-free composite num-
bers n such that pln => p+k|n+k: thus, if we denote by nz the smallest
number n such that p|jn => p+k|n +k, we have the following table*®:

Uk Kaa er, [k | nz k | ne
399 Il |3445 21 | 3059 31 | 35465
598 12 |4681203 22 | 10373 32 | 543973
165 13 | 1547 23 |2737 33 | 14839
1886 14 |2821 24 | 690501 34 | 36941
715 153) 1105 25 | 1595 35 | 1885
148219 16 |21098 26 |23959 36 |4405589
273 17 |43183 27 |42653 37 | 11063
343027 18 |258482 28 | 1621007 38 | 55537
231 19 |27071 29 | 9331 39 | 19721
935 20 | 2117473 30 |4169135 40 | 207581

w Nk |k Uk k Nk
wm i 133127 55709 61 th | 71 | 228241
BSbo 1548318 143318 62 | 240157 72 | 13698613
43 14645 33337 63 | 4018237 73 |39785
44 13981 568514 64 | 8495423 74 |407851
45 370691 2465 65 | 32767 75 |323765
46 96209 2649157 | | 66 | 13188109 76 | 109649
AT 7285 16583 67 | 66263 77 | 27379
48 3318267 183251 68 | 7792402 78 |31533842
49 4991 684229 69 |109411 79 |305345
50 45136855 3398223 70 |12690146 | | 80 |2311867

948119 1078181 298699 455729

82 318643 92 | 61680733 66621453 | | 112 | 831290
83 190957 93 | 21507 200777 113 | 242767
84 38714713 94 | 1661027 2592061 114 | 512386761
85 42251 95 | 89053 6038039 115 | 34661
86 595249 96 | 12580829 1960523 116 |800299
87 481777 97 | 147323 528283 117 | 385323
88 374402 98 | 1514602 427333057 | |118 |3891581
89 454951 99 | 24211 282131 22321
81430490 100 |6022007 10193281 a
86Running through this table, one will notice that for the prime numbers k, the corresponding
number nx is relatively small, while if k is composite, the corresponding number nx is generally
large. A legitimate question is to ask if the number nx exists for each number k: we may at least
confirm that there are no numbers n < 5: 10° such that pjn => p + 120|n + 120.


e the smallest multiple of 100 for which the following 100 numbers include exactly
17 prime numbers, namely 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461,
463, 467, 479, 487, 491 and 499; the sequence of multiples of 100 satisfying this
property begins as follows: 400, 1400, 783 700, 2704900, ...

[402 | (= 2-3-
1 :
e the smallest number n which allows the sum a = to exceed 1; if nz stands

for the smallest number n which allows this sum to exceed k, then the sequence
(nx)k>1 begins as follows: 402, 19767, 1023587, ...


e the smallest number n such that 5> m<n a(m) is a multiple of 100 (here the sum
is equal to 133600).


e the number of integer zeros of the function M(z) := > y(n) located in the
interval {1, 10000] (see the number 92);
e the smallest solution of o(n) = o(n + 29); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 406, 496, 825, 934, 1215, 1755, 2265, 2685,


e the largest number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its digits:
407 = 4° + 0? + 73; the others are 1, 153, 370 and 371;
e the 11°" number k such that k|(10*+! — 1) (see the number 303).


e the fourth solution y of the Fermat-Pell equation x? — 2y? = 1: here (a, y) =

(577, 408) (see the number 99).

e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 13°” prime
factor of an integer: pao9 = 2083 (see the number 199).


; p(n) 16 Sore :
e the smallest solution of BE the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 410, 820, 1640, 2050, 3280, 4100, 6560, 8200, ...


e the smallest number n for which the Moebius function p takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1,0,1,0,1,0: it is also the smallest number n for
which the Moebius function jz takes successively, starting with n, the values
1,0,1,0,1,0,1 as well as 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 (see the number 3647).

e the smallest number not divisible by 8 and which is not the sum of four non
zero distinct squares (F.Halter-Koch): see R.K. Guy [101], C20.

e the smallest number n such that w(n),w(n + 1),w(n + 2),w(n + 3) are all
distinct, namely in this case with the values 2, 3, 1 and 4: if nx, stands for
the first of the k (k > 2) smallest consecutive numbers®’ at which the w(n)
function takes k distinct values, then ng = 5, n3 = 28, ng = 417, ns = 14322,
ne = 461890, nz = 46 908 264 and ng = 7362 724 275 (see the number 726 for
the same matter, but this time with the Q(n) function).

e the 100%” number of the form p’, where p is prime and f a positive integer; if
we denote by nx the k*” prime power, then we have the following table®*:

1295 953 22 801 415 981

419 15 474 787 252 096 675 073
GOLd, 179 390 821 2 760 723 662 941
103 511 2037 968 761 29 996 212 395 727

(see also the table appearing at number 455).


87One can establish the size of n, for all k > 2. First, it is clear that nz >> k*; indeed, using the
Prime Number Theorem, nz > pip2... pk >> et teG))Pk > e+o))klogk 55 K*. As for the upper
bound, J.M. De Koninck, J. Friedlander and F. Luca [49] proved that nx = exp{O(k? log? k)}.
88Here is how one can obtain the values appearing in the table. It is clear that, for each k > 2,

the number nx satisfies relation (*) SG: =k, where r = [lognz/log 2]. Using the Prime
j=l n
Number Theorem in the form 7(x) ~ 2/ log, it follows from (*) that ~k (as k — oo), so
log nz
that np ~ klogn, ~ klogk. Setting k = 10% provides a starting point for a first approximation of
. . if ;
nio«. Indeed, starting with the approximation n = [k-logk], set s = hae m(n/J), and thereafter
as long as a := k — s is not equal to 0, replace n by n + a.


e the largest number n such that 47(n) = ¢(n); the only solutions of this equation
are n = 34, 45, 52, 102, 140, 156, 252, 360 and 420.


e the 15" number n such that n! + 1 is prime (see the number 116).


e the seventh Catalan number (see the number 14).


e the smallest solution of a2(n) = o2(n + 4); the sequence of numbers satisfy-
ing this equation begins as follows: 430, 2158, 1895038, 2724478, 4460542,
29 879 998, 39 440014, 65018878, 91163518, 91682 494, 98873854, ... 89.


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 24% —1 (Landry, 1869), whose
complete factorization is given by

243 _ 1 = 8796093 022 207 = 431 - 9719 - 2099863.


e the smallest number n such that n! is not a Niven number; indeed, the sum of
the digits of 432! is equal to 3897 = 9 - 433, a quantity which does not divide
432!, while one can check that n! is a Niven number for each number n < 431.


e the 11° Markoff number, namely the 11°” solution z of equation 2? +y?+ 2? =
3xyz, where x < y < z: the sequence of Markoff numbers begins as follows: 1,
2, 5, 13, 29, 34, 89, 169, 194, 233, 433, 610, 985, ...(R.K. Guy [101], D12).


e the smallest composite number n such that o(n + 2) — a(n) = 2: the only
composite numbers n < 10% satisfying this equation are 434, 8575 and 8825
(see also the number 305 635 357).

89Qne can use the solutions of o2(n) = o2(n + 2) to generate the solutions of a2 (n) = o2(n+ 4);
indeed, by considering the even numbers n = 2m, with m odd, it is clear that equation o2 (2m) =
a2(2m + 4) is equivalent to equation 72(m) = o2(m + 2).


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 27° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

27° — 1 = 439 - 2298041 - 9361973132609.


e the smallest solution of T(n +9) = r(n) +9; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 441, 775, 841, 1681, 2907, 3969, 4087, ...


e the largest number k& < 50000 for which equation aja2...ay = a,+ao+...+a,
has exactly one solution (see the number 174).


e the largest number which cannot be represented as the sum of less than eight
cubes of non negative integers”?.

[455 |(=5-7-
e the 100%” number having exactly three distinct prime factors; if pi) stands for
the n*’ number having exactly k distinct prime factors, we have the following

1071/2419 184470
LOS Mew 15 617610
10* 9) 103511 67512 331674 2537964
10° || 1295953 322033 258764 510873 1980902 12580890
15474787 | 3741154 | 2677258 | 4357756 | 13757850 | 72789420
179390821 | 42314023 | 28013887 | 39780102 | 106254070 | 476495370


e the smallest number n such that f(n) = f(n +1), where f(n) = on here
459 = 3° - 17, 460 = 27- 5-23 and f(459) = f(460) = 10; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 459, 2023, 5063, 11111, 87615,
92080, 224720, 268191, 390224, 524799, 535601, 680096, 758848... .(compare
with the number 735).

90Using a computer, one easily checks that the only numbers < 1000 which cannot be written as
the sum of seven cubes (or less) of non negative integers are 15, 22, 23, 50, 114, 167, 175, 186, 212,
231, 238, 239, 303, 364, 420, 428 and 454.


e the 12” number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115);

e the smallest number which cannot be written as the sum of eight non zero
distinct squares (R.K. Guy [101], C20).


e the first term of the smallest sequence of five consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n +3 (as well as six or seven consecutive prime numbers all of the
form 4n + 3); if we denote by qx the first term of the smallest sequence of k
consecutive prime numbers all of the form 4n + 3, we have the following table:

k Vk dk k Tk
6 | 463 241 603 16 | 95949311
7 463 12 | 241603 17 | 105639091
8 | 36551 13 | 241603 18 | 341118307
9 | 39607 14 | 9177431 19 | 727334879
10 | 183091 15 | 9177431 20 | 727334879

(see the number 2593 for the similar question with 4n + 1);

e the prime number which allows one to write the number 6 as the difference
of two powerful numbers: 6 = 54 - 7? — 4632 = 214375 — 214369, a repre-
sentation discovered by W.Narkiewicz and that S.W.Golomb thought to be
impossible; Mollin & Walsh [141] proved that each integer k > 0 has infinitely
many representations as the difference of two powerful numbers.


e the third solution of a(n) = 2n +2: the list of solutions of this equation begins
as follows: 20, 104, 464, 650, 1952, 130304, 522752, 8382 464,...9!


e the prime number which appears the most often as the tenth prime factor of
an integer (see the number 199).


e the 15’" number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).

°11t is easy to show that each number n = 2“-p, where a isa positive integer such that p = 2¢+1~—3
is prime, is a solution of o(n) = 2n + 2: it is the case when a = 2,3, 4,5,8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 21, 23, 28, 93;
the solutions corresponding to a = 2,3,4,5,8,9,11 are included in the above list.


e the fifth number a such that o(n) # 2% for all numbers n; the sequence of
numbers q@ satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 4, 6, 11, 470, 475, 477,
480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496,
497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512,
DLO OLA Ole, OO ruin LS eo 195520) 522.2525. 527, Da2,, 0000


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 27°9 — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2739 __1 = 479-1913 -5737 -176383 - 134000609



e the smallest number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 481? = 124+154+20; the ten smallest numbers satisfying this property
are 481, 1924, 4329, 7696, 12025, 17316, 23569, 24961, 28721 and 30784;

e possibly the largest number n such that n(n + 1)...(m + 5) has exactly the
same prime factors as m(m+1)...(m-+5) for a certain number m <n: here
m = 480 and the prime factors common to these two quantities are 2, 3, 5, 7,
11, 13, 23, 37, 97 and 241, since

AC eed ce 48 eB en ed 128 2 D9 8 T One 2A).

AG eee
eee rt er Smal
lomo 293297 .97 224):
see the number 340.

e the fifth number n such that n? —1 is powerful: here 485? — 1 = 2°-3°-11?; the
sequence of numbers satisfying this property is infinite?? and begins as follows:
3, 17, 26, 99, 485, 577, 1351, 3363, 19601, 24335, 70226, 114243, 470449,
665 857, 930 249, 2 862 251, 3650401, 3880899, ...

e the second prime number p such that 10?~' = (mod p”): the only prime
numbers p < 2°? satisfying this congruence are 3, 487 and 56598313 (see
Ribenboim [169], p. 347).

921t is easy to prove that a(n) is a power of 2 if and only if n is the product of Mersenne primes.
93This follows from the fact that to each solution (2, y) of the Fermat-Pell equation x? — 2y? = 1,
one can associate a number n such that n? — 1 is powerful. Indeed, choosing n = z, we then have
n2 —1=22 —1 = 2y?, and since y is necessarily even, it follows that 2y” is powerful.

e the smallest prime number p such that the number of irregular pairs (p, 2k)
is equal to 3: given an irregular prime p, we say that the pair (p,2k) is an
irregular pair if 2 < 2k < p—3 and if p divides the numerator of the Bernoulli
number Box (see Ribenboim [169], p. 347);
e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n+4): here
491 > 41 > 29 > 19 > 11 (see the number 1851).


e the largest number n such that n < ees ee

log 1D = dl

hereere 492 < aee 492.03

: (see the number 61) :
log 3527 — 1

e the value of the Kaprekar constant for the three digit numbers, namely the
number that one obtains by the Kaprekar process: given a three digit number n
which is not a palindrome, consider the numbers a and b obtained respectively
by placing the digits of n in decreasing order and in increasing order, then
consider the number a — b, and repeat the process, until the number 495 is
reached, thus completing the Kaprekar algorithm; more generally, given an
arbitrary integer k > 2, applying the above algorithm to any k digit number
will eventually yield (repetitively) some number cx, which is called the Kaprekar
constant for the k digit numbers; the sequence (cx)~>2 begins as follows: 63,
495, 6174, 99954, ... (D.R. Kaprekar [114]);
e the smallest number n which allows the sum Sy —— to exceed 12 (see the
m<n (m)
number 177);
e the eighth solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).


e the third perfect number (see the number 6);

e the ninth Granville number (see the number 126).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 27°! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

9751 _1 = 503 -54217 - 178230287214063289511

-61676882198695257501367 - 12070396178249893039969681.


e the smallest number m for which equation a(x) = m has® exactly ten solutions,
namely 204, 220, 224, 246, 284, 286, 334, 415, 451 and 503.


e the smallest Niven number n > 7 such that n+ 1, n+ 2 and n+ 3 are also
Niven numbers (see the number 110).

e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to %/n: the numbers
satisfying this property are 1, 512, 4913, 5832, 17576 and 19683;

e the 13" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).


e the fourth solution of a(¢(n)) = ¢(a(n)); the sequence of numbers satisfying

this equation begins as follows: 9, 225, 242, 516, 729, 3872, 13932, 14406,
17672, 18225, 20124, 21780, 29262, 29616, 45996, 65025, ...%°


e the fourth number n > 9 such that n = Sats d‘, where d,,...,d, stand for the
digits of n: here 518 = 5! + 1? + 8 (see the number 175).


e the exponent of the 13” Mersenne prime 2°21 — 1 (Robinson, 1952).


e the only number n for which the set A := {1,8, 15,n} is a diophantine quadru-
plet, meaning that it is such that ry + 1 is a perfect square for all z,y € A,
x #y (see the number 120 as well as its footnote).

941Tt would be interesting if one could prove that the number of solutions x of a(x) = m can be
arbitrarily large.
95Tt is easy to show that if p and (3? — 1)/2 are two prime numbers, then n = 3?-1 is a solution
of (¢(n)) = ¢(a(n)) (S.W. Golomb [93]), in which case one obtains that n = 3?" is a solution for
p = 3,7,13,71, 103,541. On the other hand, to answer a question raised by Golomb in the same
paper, J.M. De Koninck & F. Luca [55] showed that, for each number u € [0, 1], the density of the
set of numbers n such that o(¢(n))/¢(a(n)) > ue?7 (log log log n)? is strictly decreasing, varies in a
continuous manner (with respect to wu) and is 0 when u= 1.


e the common value of B(n), B(n+1) and B(n +2), when n = 417 162, namely
the only number n < 10° such that B(n) = B(n +1) = B(n + 2) (see the
number 417 162).

e the fifth horse number (see the number 13);

e the 100° prime number; if as usual, p, stands for the k** prime number, then
we have the following table:

k Pk |
10 29 10° | 179424673
100 541 108 | 2038074743
1000 7919 10° | 22801763 489
10000 104 729 10! | 252097 800 623
100000 | 1299709 1011 | 2760727 302517
1000000 | 15485863 1012 | 29 996 224 275 697

e the smallest prime number which is preceded by 17 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no prime numbers between 523 and 541.


e the smallest number m for which inequality 7(2x) > (x) + 1?(./x) holds for
all x > m, a result due®® to Panaitopol [159].


e the largest number zx for which the diophantine equation x? + 3? = 2y? has a
solution in co-prime numbers x and y (Sz. Tengely, [195])9’; here (x, y,m, p) =

[546] (=2-3-7-13)
e the sixth ideal number (see the number 390);

e the 16’" number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).

°6Tn that paper, Panaitopol also proves the following three inequalities:
(i) m(a+y) < n(x) +7(y) + Bre — y) for all numbers x > y > 2;
(ii) a(a@+y) < a(x) +7(y) + 2(x(a — y)) for all numbers x > y > 2;
(iii) m(a+y) > 2?(./x) + 2?(,/y) for all numbers x > y > 2, as long as x > 3727.

°7Tn fact, Sz. Tengely proved that the only solutions of the diophantine equation x? + 32 = 2yP
are (a, y,m,p) = (13,5, 2,3), (79,5;,1,5),1(645,58,3.3):


e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
as x?+23+...+a°, where the «;’s are non negative integers (see the number 4).


e the smallest solution of a(n) = 2n + 16; the sequence of numbers satisfying

this equation begins as follows: 550, 748, 1504, 7192, 7912, 10792, 17272,
30 DO2 een


e the largest prime number n such that a(n) < —— meine namely the first
logn log n
two terms of the asymptotic expansion of Li(n): here (557) = 102 while
Fee 4 log? n wets ue 102.031.


e the second number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

[561] (=3- 11-17)

e the smallest Carmichael number: a composite number n is called a Carmichael
number if b°-! = 1 (mod n) for all numbers b: the infinite sequence (see the
number 646) of Carmichael numbers begins as follows: 561, 1105, 1729, 2465,
2821, 6601, 8911, 10585, 15841, 29341, 41041, 46657, 52633, 62745, 63973,
(ei iilleetons


e the largest known Wilson prime (Goldberg, 1953): see the number 5;

e the second prime number gq such that Te gpisa multiple of 100 (here this sum
is equal to 25 800); the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 23, 563, 937, 2099, 3371, 5407, 6977, ...; :

e the smallest number n such that 6(x2) > x(1 — 1/(2logz)) for all real numbers
a >n (here 0(x) = >)<, log p).

98It is easy to show that each number n = 2° - p, where a is a positive integer such that
p = 2+! _ 17 is prime, is a solution of o(n) = 2n +16: it is the case in particular when
a = 5,7,11,15,17,19, 21, 23, 31, 35, 41, 43,95; the solutions corresponding to a = 5 and a = 7
are included in the above list. It is also possible to identify the solutions n of the form 2% -p-q, with
p <q primes and a positive integers. We thus obtain the above solutions n = 2 tt eT = 748,
n = 23.29-41 = 7192, n = 23-23-43 = 7912, n = 23-19-71 = 10792 and
n = 23-17-127= 17 272.


e the smallest number n such that if A and B stand respectively for the set
of digits of n and of n?, then AUB = {1,2,3,...,9} and AN B = 9: here
5672 = 321 489; the only other number with this property is 854.

e the smallest number n which allows the sum en to exceed 5 (see the
m<n o(m)
number 129).


e the smallest solution of t(n + 1) — r(n) = 15 (see the number 399).

e the smallest number m such that equation o(z) = m has exactly 11 solutions,
namely 210, 282, 310, 322, 345, 357, 382, 385, 497, 517 and 527.


e the sixth number n such that n? — 1 is powerful: here 577? — 1 = 2” - 32-17?

(see the number 485).


e the second Canada perfect number: 5* +87 +1? = 7+83 (see the number 125).


e the only number > 1 which is equal to the sum of the squares of the factorials
of its digits in base 6: here 582 = [2,4,1,0]¢ = 2!? + 4!? + 1!2 + 0!? (see the
number 145).


e the ninth solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).


e the ninth number such that >7,,<, Ao(m) = 0, where Ao stands for the Liouville
function: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 2,
4, 6, 10, 16, 26, 40, 96, 586, 906 150 256, ... (see the number 906 150 256).

e the smallest number n > 2 such that 2 (n) + 2O(n) is an integer: the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 2, 588, 864, 2430,
7776, 27000, 55296, 69984, 82134, 215622, 432000, 497664, 629856, 675000,
e the third number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 14%” prime
factor of an integer: p599 = 4297 (see the number 199).

e the third number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: $(595)0(595) = 244
(see the number 170).

e the third composite number n such that a(n + 6) = o(n) + 6 (see the number

[598 |(= 2-13 - 23)

e the fifth number n > 9 such that n = 5~"_,ta di,120 where d,,...,d, stand for the
digits of n: here 598 = 51 + 9? + 8° (see the number 175);
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n = > p + 2|n 4+ 2:
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 598, 3913,
11590, 32578, 91078, 95170, 154843, 179998, 301273, 317623, ... (see the num-
ber 399).

e the smallest number n such that Q(n) = Q(n +1) = Q(n+2) = O(n +83): here
this common value is 3; if nj, stands for the smallest number n such that Q(n) =
Q(n4+1) =... = O(n+k-1), then ng = 14, ng = 33, ng = n5 = 602, ng = 2522,
n7 = 211673, ng = ng = 3405122, nig = 49799889, ni, = 202536181 and
n12 = 3195 380879 (for the analogue question with the function w(n), see the
number 44 360);
e the number of prime numbers revealed by the 1001 first values of the polynomial
2n? — 1000n — 2609 introduced by H.S. Williams (R.K. Guy [101], A17 (with an
error: one should read 1001 instead of 1000), and R.A. Mollin [140]).

99Tt is easy to show that there exist infinitely many numbers n such that
a(n) + o(n) is an integer,
namely by considering the numbers n = 32: 32"+1, r = 1,2,3,....


e the exponent of the 14‘* Mersenne prime 2°’ — 1 (Robinson, 1952).


e the fifth number n such that the corresponding triangular number T;, = a
608 - 609
is the product of three consecutive numbers: here ——_—— = 56 - 57 - 58; there
exist only six triangular numbers satisfying this property, namely 73, 715, To,
ig T608 and 79736 (N. Tzanahis & B.M.M. de Weger [197]).

o(n) 1 Ly
e the smallest solution of —— = oo the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 609, 1827, 4263, 5481, 12789, 16443, 17661, 29841,...


e the 12°" Markoff number (see the number 433).


e the rank of the 23"¢ Lucas prime number: a Lucas number is a member of the
recurrence sequence (£;)n>1 defined by @; = 1, 2 = 3 and 2,41 = 2, + fn-1
for each integer n > 2; the prime numbers belonging to this sequence are called
Lucas prime numbers; the only known numbers n such that ¢, is prime are: 2,
AO, told, 13, 16,17; 19,31, 37, 41,47, 53; 61, 71779, 113315) S50, 503,
613, 617, 863, 1097, 1361, 4787, 4793, 5851, 7741, 8467, 10691, 12251, 13963,
14449, 19469, 35449, 36779, 44507 and 51169.


e the smallest number n which allows the sum Die 7 to exceed 7 (see the number


e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number 22 + 1.



e the number of powerful numbers < 10° (we assume here that 1 is a powerful
number); if p(a) stands for the number of powerful!°° numbers < x, then we
have the following table:

ike p(x)
108 21044 68 575 557
10° 67 231 101° | 217004842
(Qe, SD) 10!” | 686552743
1011 | 680330 10°28) 2171 766332
101492158391 1019 | 6869 227 848
1013 | 6840384 102° | 21 725636 644
1014 | 21663508 1071 | 68 709 456 167


e possibly the largest number n such that n(n + 1)(n + 2) has exactly the same
prime factors as m(m + 1)(m-+ 2) for a certain number m < n: here m = 89
and the prime factors common to these two quantities are 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 and 89,

89-90-91 I Us aa iy ovfc plsnates)

23> 624502) ae eo ne 13 89

(see the number 340).


e the smallest fourth power which can be written as the sum of five fourth powers:
625= 54 = 24 + 244 34+ 44 + 44;
e the smallest three digit automorphic number: 625? = 390625 (see the number


e the number of digits in the fifth prime number whose digits are 1 and 2 in
alternation, that is a prime number of the form 1212...121 (see the number

100Tn order to compute p(x), we use the fact that each powerful number can be written in a unique
manner as m°r?, where m is square-free, so that we have

pa= > Pim= > Pom |S].

miri<a m<al/3

e the smallest number n satisfying ¢(n) = 4¢(n + 1); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 629, 1469, 85139, 100889, 139859,
154979, 168149, 304079, 396899, 838199, 1107413, 1323449, 1465463, 2088839,
2160899, 2505879, 2684879, 2693249, 2800181, 3404609, ...; if nz stands for
the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = kd(n + 1), then ny = 1, n2 = 5,
n3 = 119, ng = 629 and ns = 17907119 (for the analogue problem with
equation (n + 1) = k¢(n) for an arbitrary number k, see the number 1 260).


e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat?®! number Fs; = 9?” +1 = 641-6 700417;

e the smallest number n such that ¢°9(n) = 2, where ¢°(n) stands for the ninth
iteration of the ¢ function (see the number 137).


e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n+ 1) = w(n+ 2) = 3: indeed,

644 = 2?.7-23, 645 = 3-5- 43, 646 = 2-17-19; the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 644, 740, 804, 986, 1034, 1064, 1104,
1220, ...; see the number 37 960 to discover the smallest number n such that
w(n) =w(n+1)=...=w(n+k—1)
= 2 for any given k > 2 and £ > 2.


e the largest number n such that the sum of the numbers < n is equal to the
sum of the first m squares for a certain number m: in other words, 645 is the
largest number n such that

(+) 1424+3+...4n=17°4274374...4m? for a certain number m;

the only solutions of (*) are (n,m) = (1,1), (10,5), (13,6) and (645,85); see
R. Finkelstein & H. London [81] as well as the number 1 291 and its footnote;

e the smallest solution of o2(n) = o2(n +6): the sequence of numbers satisfy-
ing this equation begins as follows: 645, 3237, 2842557, 4086717, 6690813,
44819997, 59160021, ... 1°?

101 This factorization was obtained by Euler, who had noticed that any prime factor of a Fermat
number Fj, is necessarily of the form r- 2*+? + 1 for a certain positive integer r, here with r = 5.
102CQne can prove that if Hypothesis H is true (see page xvii for its statement), this equation has
infinitely many solutions; in fact, it is proved in J.M. De Koninck [45] that if Hypothesis H is true,
then equation o2(n) = o2(n + 2) has infinitely many solutions and the same holds for equation
o2(n) = 02(n+ 2), where £ > 4 is an even number.


e the number of Carmichael numbers < 109 (Swift, 1975); if nz, stands for the
number of Carmichael’?? numbers < 10”, then ng = Late — lO. tee AS.
m7 = 105, ng = 255, ng = 646, mio = 1547, ny. = 3605, nig = 8241,
13 = 19279, ni4 = 44706, nis = 105 212 and nig = 246 683.


e the smallest solution x of the Fermat-Pell equation 2? — 13y? = 1 (with y # 0):

this solution (x,y) is (649, 180).


e the fourth solution of o(n) = 2n + 2 (see the number 464).


e the smallest number > 1 whose sum of divisors is a tenth power: o(651) = 21°.


e the seventh dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

(= 8? - 73)
e the ninth unitary hyperperfect number (see the number 288).


e the largest known number n such that A, := n! — (n—1)!+ (n—-—2)!—...4+

(—1)"*'1! is prime: using a computer, one can check that A, is prime for n = 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 19, 41, 59, 61, 105, 160 and 661 (see R.K. Guy [101], B43).

e the third number which is equal to the sum of its digits added to the sum of
the cubes of its digits: the only numbers satisfying this property are 12, 30,
666, 870, 960 and 1998.

103 This is in accordance with the result of W.R. Alford, A. Granville & C. Pomerance [3] according
to which not only the set of Carmichael numbers is infinite, but if C(x) stands for the number of
Carmichael numbers < x, then C(x) > x?/7 for « sufficiently large; indeed, C(1011) = ni1 = 3605 >
1389.5 = (10!!)?/7. More recently, G. Harman [108] proved that, for x large enough, C(x) > a ,
where 3 > 0.33. It is conjectured that, for any e > 0, C(x) > zi—€ if ¢ > zo(e).

e the fifth self contained number (see the number 293);

e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column in

a 11 x 11 magic square (see the number 15).

(emai 2223) 21)

e the second tri-perfect number (see the number 120).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of four fourth powers as
well as five fourth powers: 674 = 34 + 34 + 44 4+ 44 = 144+ 244 244 24-45%.

e the third powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 675 = 33-5?
and 676 = 27 - 13? (see the number 288).

e the smallest number of persistence 5: we say that a number is of persistence k
if the number of iterations required in the process of multiplying the digits to
finally arrive at only one digit is k:

679 —> 378 — 168 —> 48 —> 32 — 6;

if nz, stands for the smallest number of persistence k, then n, = 11, no = 25,
Ns = 39, na = 77, Ns. = 679,.ng = 6788, n7 = 68.889, 13. = 2677889, ng =
26 888 999 and nig = 3778 888 999.

e the smallest number n such that n?+1 is a powerful!?* number: here 6822+1 =
5°-617; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 682,
1 268 860 318, 2 360 712 083 917 682, 4392 100 110 703 410 665 318,
8 171 493 471 761 113 423 918 890682, ..., and this sequence is infinite!°.

104T¢ is easy to see that such a number must be even, since otherwise 2|/n? +1 in which case n? +1
is not powerful.
5, Indeed, since each powerful number is of me form xy? for certain numbers x and y (with
u(y)= 1), we only need to show that equation n? +1 = x2y3 has infinitely many integer solutions
(ip Gene But we ance know the solution (n,z,y)= (682,61,5), meaning that the Fermat-Pell
equation n? — 125a? ==et has a solution (aamely (n, x) = (682,61)= (n1,21), say). Therefore, it
follows that equation n? — 125”? = —1 has infinitely many solutions (n2441,22k41), k = 1,2,.
given implicitly by
N2k+1 + @2n41V125 =(m+21V 225)75t4,

e the fourth number n such that o3(n) is a perfect square: indeed, o3(690) =
19656? (see the number 345).

e the second number n such that E,(n) := a(n+1) —o(n) satisfies B,(n+1) =
E,(n): here the common value of E, is —204, since o(693) = 1248, o(694) =
1044 and 0 (695) = 840; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins
as follows: 44, 693, 3768 373, 6 303 734, 15913 724, 20291270, ...

|(= 17- 41)
e the smallest 12-hyperperfect number: a number n is said to be 12-hyperperfect
ifm =1+4+12 SS d, which is equivalent to 120(n) = 13n +11: the smallest
12-hyperperfect numbers are 697, 2041, 1570153, 62722153, 10604156641
and 13544168521; the number 1792155938521 is also 12-hyperperfect (see
the number 21).

e the smallest multiple of 100 which initiates a sequence of 100 consecutive num-
bers not containing any twin prime pair.

e the largest solution x of the diophantine equation r? + 119 = 15-2”: the
solutions (z,n) of this diophantine equation are (1,3), (11,4), (19,5), (29,6),
(61,8) and (701,15): see J. Stiller [190].

e the 12*" number k such that k|(10*++ — 1) (see the number 303).

e the number of 3-powerful numbers < 10’; if N3(x) stands for the number of
3-powerful numbers < 2, then we have the following’”® table:
106 Here is how one can create such a table. First of all, observe that each 3-powerful number n
can be written in a unique way as n = s°r4m®, where y?(r) = u?(m) = 1 and (r,m) = 1. This is

Nez) = >. w(ryu(m)=

50 wm) D> wr) So 1
s8r4m5 <a m® <a r4<a/m5 s3<a/(r4m*)
(r,m)=1 (rym)=1

= Sanita (SS Seleae| 2 x


m<ai/5 r<(a/m5)1/4

k | N3(10*) ag N3(10")|
11 | 18589 45575049
12} 41136 98566055
13] 90619 213028539
14 | 198767 460160083
15 | 434572 993533517
16 | 947753 2144335391
17 | 2062437 4626664451
18 | 4480253 9980028172
19 | 9718457 21523027285
20 | 21055958 46408635232


e the largest known number n such that n(n + 1) = pipo...px for a certain k:
heres 1415 = 23 (ot ba 17:

e the ninth number n such that 3(n) = G(n +1); the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 5, 24, 49, 77, 104, 153, 369, 492, 714, 1682,
2107, 2299, 2600, 2783, 5405, 6556, 6811, 8855, 9800, ...; the numbers 714 and
715 are often called the Ruth-Aaron numbers because on April 8, 1974, Hank
Aaron broke the home run record of 714 set by the famous Babe Ruth by hitting
his own 715‘" home run; no one has yet proved that equation G(n) = B(n + 1)
has infinitely many solutions (see Pomerance [164]);
e the smallest number n such that G(n) < B(n+1) < ... < B(n +5), where
Bi) = Sa here 29 < 29 < 181 < 242 < 361 < 719; if n, stands for the
smallest number n such that G(n) < B(n+1) <... < B(n+k-— i), then we
have the following table:

TAIS[4[s[¢[7] 8
ne 4 [4|90 |PHM|9352|16575 |
ng | 617139 |721970|6449630|1303324906 |
(compare with the table given at number 46 189);

e the fifth number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: $(714)o(714) = 244
(see the number 170).

e the second number n such that 2” — 7 is a prime number (see the number 39);
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+ 5|n +5 (see
the number 399).


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 22°° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

29°991 = 719- 855857 - 778165529 - 65877330027880703


e the smallest prime number of height 6 (see the number 283).

(= 24. 3? -5)
e the 14’” highly composite number (see the number 180);

e the sixth number n > 1 such that ¢(a(n)) = n (see the number 128).


e the first of the six smallest consecutive numbers at which the Q(n) function
takes distinct values, namely here the values 4, 1, 5, 6, 3 and 2: if nz, k > 2,
stands for!°” the first of the k smallest consecutive numbers at which the Q(n)
function takes k distinct values, then ng = 3, n3 = 6, ng = 15, n5 = 60,
ne = 726, n7 = 6318, ng = 189375, ng = 755968 and nig = 683 441 871 (see
the number 417 for the same matter, but this time with the w(n) function).

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 2 is'°® a cube: here 727 + 2 = 9°;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 727, 3373,
6857, 19681, 29789, 50651, 300761, 753569, 970297, 1295027, ...;

e the third prime number of the form n!+n+1, here with n = 6 (see the number

e the fifth solution of 6(a(n)) = a((n)) (see the number 516).

e the tenth number n for which the distance from e” to the nearest integer is the
smallest (see the numbers 178 and 58).

107See the footnote tied to the number 417.

108Tt would be interesting if one could prove that this sequence is infinite. This could be a difficult
task since on the one hand it is not known if the sequence (n? — 2)n>3 contains infinitely many
prime numbers, while on the other hand the challenge could be similar to that of the twin prime

e the smallest number n such that f(n) = f(n+ 1), where f(n) = Oiny here
735 03D 17, (1o6e= 2723 and YF(730) ==) 7 (736)" ==s.1 12 thessequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 735, 2172, 3484, 6324,
6747, 6867, 7424, 7865, 14012, 14640, 35321, 39284, 42172, 47724, 57075, 60155,
63664, 89975, ... (compare with the number 459);

e the only odd number n < 101 having at least two digits, having all its digits
different from 1 and 0, and whose sum of digits as well as the product of its
digits divides n (see the numbers 24 and 111).


e the only number of the form abc such that abc = a + b°; indeed, here we have


e the second number n such that w(n) = w(n+ 1) = w(n+ 2) = 3: here 740 =
27 .5- 37, 741 =3-13-19, 742 =2-7-53 (see the number 644).


e the eighth Keith number (see the number 197).


e the sixth number n such that o(¢(n)) = n; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 1, 3, 15, 28, 255, 744, 2418, 20440, 65535,
548 856, ... (in particular, ifn = F, — 2 where Fy = 22° +1 is a Fermat prime,
then n is one of these numbers).


e the second number n such that a(n) = 2n + 16 (see the number 550).


e the number of pseudoprimes in base 2 smaller than 10’ (see the number 245).


e the 14" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).


; Z
e the third number n for which goa ( (t , 105 } = 1; the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 10, 756, 757, 3160, 3187, 3250,
7560, 7561, 7651, 20007, ...; Ron Graham offers 100$ U.S. to anyone who
proves that this sequence is infinite (see R.K. Guy {101], B33);

e the tenth number n such that f(n) > f(m) for all numbers m < n, where
ee Lae e:
CO oe with the star indicating that the sum runs over all prime numbers
p <n which do not divide (e?) (see the number 364); it is also the smallest
number n such that f(n) > 1: here f(756) = 1.07698 ....


e the largest solution « of y* = (>) + (7) + () + (4), namely (2, y) = (767, 8672)
(R.K. Guy [101], D3).


e the smallest prime factor of 123? + 1, whose complete factorization is given by

12°? + 1 = 769 - 44450180997616192602560262634753;

it is conjectured that 12” + 1 is composite!®® for each n > 2 (see the number


e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the 15%” perfect number
OM OTE) - 1


e the smallest odd number k such that k + 2” is composite!? for all n < k: the
sequence of odd numbers k with this property begins as follows: 773, 2131,
2491447125107, -.

109Tt is easy to establish that in order for 12” + 1 to be prime, one must have that n = 2” for a
certain integer m > 0, but that this condition is not sufficient.
110Here in reality, 773 + 2” is composite for all numbers n < 955. On the other hand, one can
prove that 78557 + 2” is composite for each n > 1; indeed, this follows from the fact that at least
one of the primes 3, 5, 7 13, 19, 37, 73 divides 2" + 78557 for all n > 1 (see the number 78557 for
a similar argument concerning the numbers of the form k - 2" + 1).


e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 6); if n, stands for the smallest number
n such that ¢(n) = k!, then n; = 1, no = 3, ng = 7, ng = 35, n5 = 148, ng =
779, n7 = 5183, ng = 40723, ng = 364087, nip = 3632617, ni1 = 39916801
and n12 = 479045521; Erdés observed that equation ¢(n) = k! has a solution
n for each number k > 1, while this was less obvious for a(n) = k! for each
k > 3 (see the number 1 560).


e the smallest solution of a(n) = 3n + 12: this equation has only four solutions
smaller than 10°, namely 780, 2352, 430272 and 184773 312.


e the second number n such that o(n) = o(n + 13) (see the number 182).


e one of the only two prime numbers with three digits (the other is 101) whose
digits are consecutive (see the number 67).


e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) > ¢(n+1) > (n+ 2) > d(n +3): here
822 > 408 > 400 > 348 (see the numbers 313 and 1484).


e the smallest number n which allows the sum 2 3 . to exceed 13 (see the
m<n o(m)
number 177);

e the smallest number n such that h(n) = 6, where h(n) stands for the number
of divisors d of n such that d+n/d is a perfect square; thus h(1) = 1, h(2) =0
and h(3) = 2, and obviously, for n > 1, h(n) is either 0 or an even positive
integer; if na, stands for the smallest number n such that h(n) = 2k, then we
have the following!!! table:

fact | CE IL alteta te re
Cea 3 Dae[wos [wen Be100|aTooo[araTOO Sonscoo|aR IE

1111f one could prove that for any positive integer /, there exists a number n such that h(n)= 2°,
one would automatically obtain a proof of the existence of an elliptic curve of rank 2.


the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 15*” prime
factor of an integer: pg34 = 6397 (see the number 199).


the second bizarre number (see the number 70);

the fourth number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).


the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 249 — 1.

(= 23-3 -5-7)
the largest number n such that Ss — <1: here this sum is approximately

the 15” highly composite number (see the number 180).

(= 208)
the smallest powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers 4 1 (a number n is said to be k-powerful if p|n => p*|n):
here 29? = 841 = 216 + 625 = 23 - 33 + 54; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this property begins as follows: 841, 968, 2312, 3528, 5041, 5776, 12769, 14884,
16641, 45125, 51984, ...


the smallest number n such that

f(n+1) = f(n+2) =f(n+3)=f(n+4),

where f(n) stands for the product of the exponents in the factorization of n:
here the common value of f(n+7) is 2; if for each number k > 2, we denote by
nz the smallest positive integer n such that

Gen eat (nape hy.

we then have the following table:

rom (CUE
ne | 1 [4 | 843 |74848 | 671345 |8870024

and!!? most likely,

ng = 1770019 255 373 287 038 727 484 868 192 109 228 823,

With} (is
4 1) — 0 for 7 — 1) 27 6.


e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+44 are all divisible by

a square > 1: here 844 = 27-211, 845 = 5- 137, 846 = 2-3? - 47, 847 =7- 112,
848 = 24-53 (see the number 242).


e the largest number n such that if A and B stand respectively for the set of digits
of n and of n?, then AUB = {1,2,3,...,9} and ANB = 9: here 854? = 729 316;
the only other number satisfying this property is 567.


e the smallest prime number q such that 4 + 5 ot Ase

17 ee ; > 1 (see the
number 347)!13,


e the second Giuga number (see the number 30).


e the smallest solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 8): the list of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 860, 4316, 3790076, 5448956, 8921084, ... 114

112J.M.De Koninck & F. Luca [58] proved that the number n, exists for each k > 2 while also
providing lower and upper bounds for the number np.
113 Given a large prime px, one can estimate the size of the smallest prime Qk such that ) it
PkSPL 4k
is the nearest to 1. To do so, we use the formula De 2 ‘ = loglogx+c+O (az), yielding
= ed

1 1
) | = loglog a4 ~ loglog px + 0 ( = )wt,
Pp log* pr
1 ; :
which occurs when log (ae) ~ loge, that is log q, © log py,, meaning that qx ~ pé.
14One can prove that if Hypothesis H is true (see its statement on page xvii), then this equation
has infinitely many solutions.


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2*%! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2431 __1 = 863-3449 - 36238481 - 76859369 - 558062249

4642152737 - 142850312799017452169 - Pro:

it is the smallest Mersenne number with exactly eight prime factors (see the
number 223 for the list of the smallest Mersenne numbers which require a given
number of prime factors);
e the second prime number p such that 13?~' = (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 2° satisfying this congruence are 2, 863 and 1 747591 (see Riben-
boim [169], p. 347).


e the smallest solution of o2(n) = a2(n + 12); the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 864, 1290, 6474, 5685114, 8173 434,
13:38.L626% 20422:
oO (n) + o(n)
e the second number n > 2 such that is an integer (see the number


e the smallest number which is not the square of a prime number, but which
can be written as the sum of the squares of some of its prime factors!!®: here
870 = 2:3-5-29 = 27 + 5? + 297: the only numbers smaller than 10!° satisfying
this property are 870, 188355, 298 995 972, 1152597606 and 1879 906 755; the
number 5 209 105 541 772 also satisfies this property (see also the number 378);
if nz, for k > 2, stands for the smallest number which is not a k‘” power, but
which can be written as the sum of the k‘” powers of some of its prime factors,

ny = 870=2-3-5-29=27+57 +4297,
ig = B18 28 SH oo Ee,
na = 107827277891 825604 = 27-3-7-31-67- 18121 -34105993
= 3" 4 31° +677 + 18121,
me = 178101 =3° -7-11-257=38°+7° + 11°,
1151T¢ is easy to generate these solutions using those of equation 72(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number
1089) namely by examining the numbers n = 6m with (m,6) = 1, for which we have o2(6m) =
o2(6m + 12), an equation which is equivalent to ¢2(m) = 2(m + 2).
116No one has yet been able to prove or disprove that such a number n (that is with w(n) > 2
and such that n = Yoni p”) exists. For more on this matter, see the results of J.M. De Koninck &
F. Luca [54].

ng = 594839010 =2-3-5-17- 29-37-1087 = 2° + 5° + 29°,

n7 = 275223438741 = 3-23-43 - 92761523 = 3” + 23” + 43”,
ng = 26584448 904822018 = 2-3-7-17-19- 113 - 912733109
SS a ee he
no = 40373802 =2-3*-7-35603 = 2° + 3° + 7°,
N19 = 420707 243066 850 = 2- 3? - 5? - 29 - 32238102917
= 910 Sf 510 a 9919.

e the fourth number which is equal to the sum of its digits added to the sum of
the cubes of its digits: one can easily prove that the only numbers satisfying
this property are 12, 30, 666, 870, 960 and 1998.


e the smallest number n which allows the sum AS — to exceed 2; if, given

k > 1, ng stands for the smallest number n which allows this sum to exceed k,
then the sequence (n,)x>1 begins as follows: 35, 871, 43217, 5296623, ...


e the 16" number n such that n!+ 1 is prime (see the number 116).


® the value of 14 2) -23lse Ale Slee ol


e the seventh Bell number (see the number 52).


e the number of 4 x 4 magic squares (excluding rotations and reflections); if nz

stands for the number of k x k magic squares, then nj = 1, no = 0, n3 = 1,
n4 = 880 and ns = 275305 224: this last value was obtained by R. Schroeppel
Ins LOVo:


e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) = 11, where P(n) stands
for the largest prime factor of n (see the number 4801).


e the 15% number n such that n- 2" — 1 is prime (see the number 115).


e the prime number which appears the most often as the 11'” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199);

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 20 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 20 is composite (see the number 139);
e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 244% — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2*43 _ 1 = 887 - 207818990653657 - P147;

e the second number which does not produce a palindrome by the 196-algorithm
(see the number 196).


e the second odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).

e the smallest number n such that inequality log g(m) > /mlogm holds for
all m > n: here g(m) = max (order of 7), where S,, stands for the group of
permutations of m (J.P. Massias [131]).

e the smallest prime number which is preceded by 19 consecutive composite num-
bers; indeed, there is no prime number between 887 and 907.

e the first component of the fifth pair of prime numbers {p,q} such that

p?+=1 (modq*) and q?'=1 (mod p’);

here {p, gq} = {911, 318917} (see the number 2903).

e the smallest odd number which can be written as the sum of some powers
of its prime factors: here 915 = 3-5-61 = 3°+5° +611.

117m 2005, J.M. De Koninck & F. Luca [54] studied the size of the set {n <2: w(n) > 2 andn=
Pa is pp}, where each exponent ap can vary with the prime divisor p.


e the only composite number n < 10° such that o(n + 22) — a(n) = 22.

e the smallest number whose cube is the sum of two 3-powerful numbers: indeed,
919° = 271° + 23 - 3° - 733 (see the number 776 151 559).

e the seventh Hamilton number: the sequence (hn)n>1 of Hamilton numbers can
be generated in a recursive manner by setting

h,=1, ho=2 - zie ee —j — (n = 3);

v—2 k=0

this sequence begins as follows: 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 47, 923, 409 619, 83 763 206 255.. ..


e the smallest number n such that gin) = =i the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this equation begins as follows: 930, 1860, 2790, 3720, 4650, 5580, 7440,
8370, 9300, ...


e (probably) the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two
numbers whose index of composition is > 3/2: in other words, if 933 = a+ ),
then min(A(a), A(b)) < 3/2; if n, stands for the largest number n which cannot
be written as n = a+ 6 with min(X(a), A(b)) > p, then we have the following
table (all the values are based on numerical computations and are therefore
only conjectured values)'!:

(en ea EN
Al 23 | 23 23, | 933
a[2351 |ee
8638 |62471 1109549 | ? ?

[935] (=5- 11-17)

e the second Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399);
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+ 10|n + 10
(see the number 399).

118In a related matter, V. Blomer [22] established that the number of numbers < x which can be
written as the sum of two powerful numbers (thus in particular with an index of composition > 2)
is > z/(log x)9-?53,

e the second number n such that (a(n) +7(n))/n is an integer: the only numbers
n < 10° satisfying this property are 6, 936 and 1638.

e the third prime number q such that Ie ;P is a multiple of 100: here this sum
is equal to 67400 (see the number 563).


e the second solution of o2(n) = 72(n + 10) (see the number 120).

e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have five prime factors
counting their multiplicity: 944 = 2+ -59 and 945 = 3°. 5-7 (see the number

e the smallest odd abundant number: we have 0(945) = 0(3°-5-7) = 945 +975;
the odd abundant numbers!!9 < 104 are 945, 1575, 2205, 2835, 3465, 4095,
4725, 5355, 5775, 5985, 6435, 6615, 6825, 7245, 7425, 7875, 8085, 8415, 8505,
8925, 9135, 9555 and 9765 (see also the number 5391 411 025);
e the smallest of the eight existing primitive non deficient numbers: we say that
a number n is non deficient if a(n) > 2n and we say that it is primitive non
deficient if it is non deficient and if it is not a multiple of a smaller non deficient
number (see Dickson [67], p.31): these eight numbers are 945, 1575, 2205,
7425, 78975, 131625, 342 225 and 570375.

e the fourth number n such that 2” = —2 (mod n) (Schinzel, see R.K. Guy
[101], F10): the numbers n < 10° satisfying this property are 2, 6, 66, 946,
8 646, 180 246, 199 606, 265 826 and 383 846.

e the fourth number that is equal to the sum of the third power of its digits added
to the product of its digits: the only numbers satisfying this property'*° are
31, 370, 407 and 952.

119Qbserve that the first eight terms a, of this sequence are given by a, = 945 + 630k, k =
Oi ee
120One can argue, as in the footnote tied to the number 1324, that any such number can have at
most five digits; using a computer, it is then easy to prove that 952 is the largest number with this


e the only three digit self replicating number: a number n all of whose digits are
distinct and decreasing is said to be self replicating if the process of reversing
its digits and subtracting this new number from the number n yields a number
whose digits are the same as that of n: no numbers with 1, 2, 5, 6 or 7 digits
satisfy this property; see M. Gardner [87]; the numbers 954, 7641, 98 754 210,
987 654 321 and 9876543 210 are the only ones satisfying this property.


e the third solution of o(n) = a(n +1) (see the number 14).


e the 13" number k such that k|(10**1 — 1) (see the number 303).

e the fourth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)—y(n) = 1
(see the number 48);

e the fifth number which is equal to the sum of its digits added to the sum of the
cubes of its digits: the only numbers satisfying this property are 12, 30, 666,
870, 960 and 1998.


e the only solution n < 10! of o(n) = 2n + 59 (see the number 196);
e the second powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers # 1: 968 = 343 + 625, that is 2? - 117 = 7° + 54 (see the
number 841).


e the largest irregular prime smaller than 1000 (see the number 59).


e the 17" number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).


e the tenth solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).


e the fourth Stern number (see the number 137).


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 249! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by
9491 ae || Shs
983 - 7707719 - 110097436327057 - 6976447052525718623

it is the smallest Mersenne number with exactly seven prime factors (see the
number 223 for the list of the smallest Mersenne numbers which require a given
number of prime factors).

e the 13°" Markoff number (see the number 433).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) +w(n+1)+w(n+2)+w(n+3) = 12: here
987 = 3-7-47, 988 = 27-13-19, 989 = 23-43 and 990 = 2-3?-5-11; if we denote
by nx the smallest number n such that w(n)+w(n+1)+w(n+2)+w(n+3) =k,
we have the following table:

13 803 4 289 592

18 444 12582 633
134 043 57 495 513
282 489 260 628 717
1013 724 801 621093

991 b

e the ninth prime number p, such that p;p2...pz — 1 is prime (see the number
e the largest three digit number for which each permutation of its digits provides
a prime number, namely in this case the prime numbers 991, 199 and 919; the
only other known prime numbers satisfying this property are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,
17, 31, 37, 71, 73, 79, 97 as well as all the primes of the form 11...1 (for these
last primes, see the number 19).


e the largest three digit prixae number;

e the largest known value of p(k) whose last digit is 7 (see the number 389).


e the 14*” number k such that k|(10**1 — 1) (see the number 303).


e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/6 (see the number 330).

e the smallest four digit prime number;

e the smallest prime number which can be written in the following ten manners:
x? + y?, 27 + 2y?, ..., 27 + 10y? (Problem stated by Gregory Wulcszyn and
solved by A.M. Vaidya in Amer. Math. Monthly 75 (1968), p. 193); indeed,

1009 15°98? = 197 49.187 = 91274 3-4? = 15 ed

Se ek hed 2e O58 Gi Se eel oe ea Oe
9874.9).57 = 37 +.10-107¢

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in two distinct ways: 1009 = 1° + 23 + 10° = 43 + 6° + 93; if we denote by nz
the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in k distinct ways, then

ng = 1009 =1?+2?+4 10° = 47 + 6? + 93,

ng = BLO4) Sade ae? ai] oN 09 Sa? 1G? Ome Gaia
m = 13896 = 1% +12? + 233 = 23 + 43 + 248
= (8° 0 = 910
m5 = 161568 =2?+4 16° 454% — 9° + 153 4 54% = 17% 230° 4 463
=. 18° + 19° 53° = 26" 436° 4.462,
Me = 1296378 =3° + 76° + 95° = 9° + 33° + 1087
D113 772 4949 = 319459? 102°
= 33° + 81° + 90° = 603 + 75° + 872,
n7 = 2016496 =6?+4 72% + 118° = 10° + 66? + 1202
= 19° 219-4 1962 = 47° 97° 100
= 54° + 603 + 1183 = 663 + 90° + 100°
= 83° 4+ 85° 494°,
mg = 2562624 =8?+ 363 + 136° = 83 + 643 + 1323
= 123 + 1003 + 1163 = 173 + 463 + 1353
= 303 + 1033 + 113° = 363 + 603 + 1323
= 51> + 85° 122°) 69° 72 103°

no = 14926249 = 2° + 342 + 946° = 12° + 186° + 2049

eee Sar 1G eg ee 114 87"
= 72? + 90° 4: 2403 = 752? + 1902 41973
= 90? + 1863 + 1983 = 993 + 149% + 2203
106° 150° 2187.
mio = 34012224 = 36% + 216° + 2883 = 39% + 1533 + 3123
= 41° + 1143 + 319% = 453 + 246% + 2679
= 723 + 1143 + 3183 = 100% + 192° + 2963
= 102? + 227° + 277% = 1189+ 186° + 2963
162221652710 113 2145+ 267%


e the eighth prime number p, such that pyp2...p, +1 is prime (see the number


e the ninth prime number p, such that p)p2...pz +1 is prime (see the number


e the third number n such that a(n) = o(n + 5); the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 6, 46, 1030, 2673, 4738, 4785, 10437,
14025, 20038, 20326, 23914, 28702, ...

e the fifth number k such that ey

11... 1, is prime (H.C. Williams & H. Dubner [206]);
see the number 19.

e the smallest composite Phibonacci number; we say that a number n > 3 is a

Phibonacci number if

o(n) = o(n — 1) + b(n — 2);

the only composite Phibonacci numbers < fO° rarest 037, 104) O27, 9 179,
55 387, 61133, 72581, 110177, 152651, 179297, 244967, 299651, 603461 and
619697; this notion was introduced by A. Bager [9] in 1981.

e the smallest prime number made up of four distinct digits; if q, stands for the
smallest prime number made up of k distinct digits, then q1 = 2, g2 = 18,
q3 = 103, g4 = 1039, gs = 10243, gg = 102359, g7 = 1023 467, gg = 10234589
and gg = 102345 689; it is clear that qio does not exist (see the number 9871
for the analogue question for the largest k digit prime number).

e the number of four digit prime numbers (see the number 21);

e the smallest irregular prime larger than 1000 (see the number 59).

e the smallest number n requiring eight iterations of the a;(n) function in order
to reach 1: indeed, 77(1069) = 1070, o7(1070) = 648, o7(648) = 121, o7(121) =
133, o7(133) = 160, 07 (160) = 6, o7(6) = 4 and o7(4) = 1 (see the number

e the smallest number which can be written respectively as the sum of two, three
and four distinct cubes: 1.072 = 7° + 9° = 2° + 4° + 10° = 13 + 6° 4 7° + 8.
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1072, 6 867,
6984, 8576, 9288, 9728, 10261, 10656, 10745, 10773, 10989, ...(see the
number 4802).

e the fourth solution of 02(n) = a2(n+2): the three smallest solutions are 24, 215
and 280; it is mentioned in the book of R.K. Guy [101], B13, that, according to
P. Erdos, the above equation has only a finite number of solutions; nevertheless
one can prove (see J.M. De Koninck [45]) that if Hypothesis H is true (see its
statement on page xvii), then the above equation has infinitely many solutions;
there are 24 solutions < 10°, namely 24, 215, 280, 1079, 947519, 1362239,
2 230271, 14939999, 19720007, 32509 439, 45581759, 45841 247, 49 436 927,
78 436 511, 82 842911, 101014631, 166 828031, 225622 151, 225 757 799,
250 999 559, 377 129 087, 554998 751, 619 606 439 and 846 765 431;

e the smallest number r which has the property that each number can be written
as 21° + 23° +... + 1°, where the z;’s are non negative integers (see the
number 4).

eal a)
e the smallest solution of ee (ee nae the only solutions n < 10° of this equation
are 1080, 6048, 6552, 435 708, 4713984 and 275 890 944.

e the only solution “MORE” of the first known cryptogramme (or cryptarithm)


95674-1085 = 10652,

sent by the English ludologist Henri Ernest Dudiney (1857-1945) to its editor
(see Michel Criton [39]).

e the smallest number > 9 which is a proper divisor of the number obtained
by reversing its digits: the numbers satisfying this property are 1089, 10989,
109 989, 1099 989, ... while their doubles are 2 178, 21 978, 219978, 2199978,...

e the seventh prime number p such that (3? — 1)/2 is itself a prime number; the
prime numbers p < 10000 such that (3? — 1)/2 is also prime are 3, 7, 13, 71,
103A LOO M361 wl O2104177,.90l lLand 95oL,

e thesmallest!*! Wieferich prime: a prime number p is called a Wieferich prime
if it satisfies the congruence 2?-' = 1 (mod p?); the only other known Wieferich
prime is 3511; R. Crandall, K. Dilcher & C.Pomerance [37] proved that there
are no other Wieferich primes < 4-101, while computations done by volunteers
through the Internet have established that there are no other Wieferich primes
ody ison hdgee
1211¢ is of some interest to display the complete factorization of 2199? — 1, a 329 digit number:
91082 = «34-577: 137 29: 43-53. 79-113 - 127- 157-313-337. 547-911 - 10937
1249 - 1429 - 1613 - 2731 - 3121 - 4733 - 5419 - 8191 - 14449
-21841 - 121369 - 224771 - 503413 - 1210483 - 1948129 - 22366891
-108749551 - 112901153 - 23140471537 - 25829691707
-105310750819 - 467811806281 - 4093204977277417 - 8861085190774909
- 275700717951546566946854497
- 292653113147157205779127526827

122Tn 1909, Wieferich proved that if the first case of Fermat’s Last Theorem is false for a certain
prime number p (that is if 2? +y? = z?, where p does not divide ryz), then p satisfies the congruence
2P-1=1 (mod p?). However, Meissner was the first (in 1913) to observe that the prime number
p = 1093 does indeed satisfy this property.

e the smallest number n such that ¢!°(n) = 2, where ¢/°(n) stands for the tenth
iteration of the ¢ function (see the number 137).

e the ninth Keith number (see the number 197).

1105 (= 5 13-17)
e the second Carmichael number (see the number 561);

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in four
distinct ways, namely 1105 = 4? + 33? = 92+ 32? = 12? + 31? = 23? + 24? (see
the number 50);
e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column in
a 13 x 13 magic square (see the number 15).

e the 15‘" number k such that k|(10*++ — 1) (see the number 303).

e the smallest prime number that is preceded by 21 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no prime numbers between 1129 and 1151.

(= 34?)
e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of k perfect squares
for each positive integer k < 1000 (Sierpinski [185], p.410); an example of a
representation of 34? as the sum of 1000 squares is 342 = 2-82 +2-42+4996-12.

e the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of five composite num-
bers (R.K. Guy [101], C20).

e the number which, when paired with the number 1 210, forms an amicable pair;
this pair was discovered by Paganini when he was only 16 years old (see the
number 220).


e the fifth Stern number (see the number 137).


e the fourth solution w of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).


e the 1000 composite number (see the number 133)%


e the fourth prime number of the form (x* + y*)/2: here 1201 = (14+7+)/2 (see
the number 41).

1 210

e the number which, when paired with the number 1 184, forms an amicable pair
(see the number 1 184).

e the smallest number n such that n and n+1 are both divisible by a fifth power:
1215 = 3°-5, 1216 = 26 - 19; if n;, stands for the smallest number n such that n
and n+ 1 are both divisible by a k*” power, then nz = 8, n3 = n4 = 80, ns =
1215, ng = 16 767, nz = 76544, ng = 636416, ng = 3 995 648, nyo = 24151 040
and nj, = 36315135 (for the analogue problem concerning three consecutive
integers, see the number 1 375).

p(n) =_ —;
e the smallest solution of ——- 8 the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 1218, 2436, 3654, 4872, 7308, 8526, 9744, ...; it is
easy to establish that this sequence is infinite’*°.

123 Indeed, this follows from the fact that one can easily prove that n is a solution of this equation
if and only if n = 2° - 38 .77 . 29° for certain positive integers a, 3, ¥, 6.

e the number of twin prime pairs < 10°; if 72(x) stands for the number of prime
numbers p with p+ 2 prime, we have the following table:

gq | waln)
108 | 440312
109 | 3424506
10! | 27412679
101! | 224376048
10!2 | 1870585 220
1013 | 15 834664 872
104 | 135 780 321 665


e the third triangular number which is also a perfect square: here 1225 = °°
2 =
35” (see the number 36).


e the number of prime numbers < 10000.

1 230

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function 9 takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1, —1, 1, —1, 1, —1, 1, —1, 1, —1 (see the number 6185).


e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number gee ls


e the third number n such that o(n + 1) = 20(n); the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 5, 125, 1253, 1673, 3127, 5191, 7615,
12035, 43817, 47795, 48559, 49955, 56975, 58373, 61721, 63545, 68033, 78395,
97411, ...; ifn, stands for the smallest number n such that o(n +1) = ka(n),
then n1 = 206, no = 1253, ng = 1919 and ng = 37033919; as for the value
of ns, one may at least say that ns < 14182439039, since 0(14182439040) =
50 (14182439039).


e the fourth solution of o(¢(n)) = a(n) (see the number 87).


e the smallest number n such that ¢(n + 1) = 4¢(n); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 1260, 13650, 17556, 18720, 24510,
42120, 113610, 244530, 266070, 712080, ... (see also the number 11 242770); if
nz stands for the smallest number n such that ¢(n + 1) = kd(n), then ny = 1,
ng = 2, n3 = 6, nq = 1260 and ns = 11242770 (for the analogue problem with
equation ¢(n) = kf(n + 1), see the number 629);
e the smallest vampire number: a number n with 2r digits, r > 2, is called a
vampire number if it can be written as the product of two numbers a and b (each
having r digits) and such that the set of numbers formed by joining the digits
of a and b is the same set as that of the digits of n (in this case, 1260 = 21-60);
there exist seven four digit vampire numbers, namely 1260, 1395, 1435, 1530,
1827, 2187 and 6880, while there are 155 six digit vampire numbers and 3382
eight digit vampire numbers (see E.W. Weisstein [201], p. 1894);

e the 16” highly composite number (see the number 180).

1 263

e the largest number of the form 8k + 7 which can be written as the sum of
exactly three powerful numbers in exactly two distinct ways: here 1263 =
7? +53 + 33-11? = 22.7? + 23.7? + 3. 5? (see the number 118).


e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 16” prime
factor of an integer: pi270 = 10343 (see the number 199).


e the exponent of the 15” Mersenne prime 2'?79 — 1 (Robinson, 1952).

1 290

e the second solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 12) (see the number 864).


e the largest solution n of n? —n+3 = 3m?: the only solutions (n,m) of n? —n+
3 = 3m? are (n,m) = (—1, 1), (1,1), (3,3), (11,21), (13,27) and (171,1291).124

124The interest for equation n? — n +3 = 3m? comes from the quest for the solutions (r,s) of
equation 1+2+...+r=12+2?+4+...+5?, that is of equation 3(r? +r) = s(s+1)(2s+1), which
becomes n? —n +3 = 3m? after setting m = 2r+ 1 and n = 2s+1. R. Finkelstein & H. London
[81] proved that the only integer solutions of equation n° —n+3 = 3m? are those mentioned above,
which yields the solutions (r, s) = (1,1), (10,5), (13,6) and (645,85) of 3(r? +r) = s(s +. 1)(2s + 1).

e the smallest solution of r(n +1) —7(n) = 17: the six smallest solutions? 255 are
1295, 6399, 25599, 117649, 123903 and 173055 (see the number 399).


e the largest known prime of the form 6” + 1 (here with n = 4);

e the fourth prime number of the form n*++1: the smallest ten prime numbers of
this form are 2, 17, 257, 1297, 65537, 160001, 331777, 614657, 1336337 and
4477457; no one knows how to prove that there exist infinitely many prime
numbers of this form (see M. Lal [121])!*°, or even of the form m? + 1.

e the sixth number n > 9 such that n = )>’_,712?

d', where dj,...,d, stand for the
digits of n: here 1306 = 11 + 3? + 0° + 6% (see the number 175).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Se - to exceed 3; the sequence

of the mallest numbers n = n(k) which allow this sum to exceed k begins as
follows: 4, 19, 1307, 263 215 633, ... (see the number 277).

e the smallest number n such that n, n+ 1 and n+ 2 are square-free and each
have three prime factors: here 1309 = 7-11-17, 1310 = 2-5-131 and
1311 = 3-19-23; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 1309, 1885, 2013, 2665, 3729, 5133, 6061, 6213, 6305, 6477, ...; if nz
stands for the smallest number n such that n, n+ 1 and n+ 2 are square-
free, each having k prime factors'?’, then ng = 33, n3 = 1309, ng = 203 433,
n5 = 16 467033 and ng = 1990586015.

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2®°9 — 1.

125Since 17 is odd, it is clear that n or n+1 must bea perfect square, which allows one to quickly
find the solutions.
126 However, recently, J. Friedlander & H. Iwaniec [85] proved that there exist infinitely many prime
numbers of the form a? + 64.
1271¢ is clear that such an integer n satisfies n = 1 (mod 4).

e the smallest number which is equal to the sum of the fifth powers of its digits
added to the product of its digits: the only numbers!”® satisfying this property
are 1324, 4150, 16 363, 93084 and 97 247.

e the largest known cube which contains no more than two distinct digits other
than the digit 0; the only known cubes satisfying this property are 27, 64, 343
and 1331 (see also the number 6661 661 161);

e the smallest number with an index of composition > 3 which can be written as
the sum of two numbers each with an index of composition > 3: here

1733 Weal ce Bae

these last three numbers having as index of composition 3, 4 and 3.09691 re-
spectively; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
1331, 10935, 18225, 50653, 85293, 357911, 658503, 703125, 711828, 720896,
T8688, ...

e the smallest 18-hyperperfect number: the four smallest 18-hyperperfect num-

bers are 1 333, 1909, 2469601 and 893 748 277; the number 8 992 165 119 733 is
also 18-hyperperfect (see the number 21).

e the fourth solution of o(n) = o(n + 1) (see the number 14).

e the seventh number n such that n? — 1 is powerful (see the number 485): here
Woo trad
oP ba 132:
e the 11" number n for which the distance from e” to the nearest integer is the
smallest (see the numbers 178 and 58).

128Tet nm be a number with this property and whose digits are dj, d2,...,d,. We must therefore
n=d?+d3+...+d2 +dido...dr.
Since for each n = [di,d2,...,dr] > 9, we must have n — did2...dr > 107—!, it follows that

107-1 <n—didg...dp
= +4+...4+02 <r-9°,
which does not hold if r > 7. It follows that n cannot have more than six digits and must therefore
be smaller than 10°. Using a computer, one easily finds the five numbers mentioned above.

e the only solution n < 10% of a(n) = 2n +41 (see the number 196).


e the smallest prime number that is preceded by 33 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no prime numbers between 1327 and 1361;

e the third prime number obtained by the Mills formula q, = (03"]: indeed,
Mills [136] proved that there exists a real number @ such that (03"] is a prime
number for k = 1,2,3,..., this constant being 6 = 1.30637788386308069.. .:
the first four terms of the sequence of numbers (qx)x>1 are: 2, 11, 1361 and
2521008 887.

e the fifth solution of a(n) = a(n +1) (see the number 14).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 26°? — 1;

e the eighth prime number p such that (3? — 1)/2 is itself a prime number (see
the number 1091).

e the number of ways one can fold a 3 x 3 stamp sheet: for n = 1,2,3,4,5,
the number of ways one can fold an n x n stamp sheet is 1, 8, 1368, 300 608,
186 086 600, respectively (see Sloane & Plouffe [188], sequence M4587).

e the smallest number which is the first of three consecutive numbers each being
divisible by a cube > 1771375 — 5° + 11,1376 =2" 43, 1377 = 3 ire
stands for the smallest number which is the first of three consecutive numbers
each being divisible by a k*” power, then ng = 48, n3 = 1375, ng = 33614,
ns = 2590623, ng = 26 890623 and n7 = 2372 890624;

e the largest known number n such that y(n + 1) — y(n) = 31; the only solutions
n < 10° of this equation are 32, 36, 40, 45, 60 and 1375 (see the number 98).

e the eighth Euler number (see the number 272).


e the smallest number n which allows the sum Da — to exceed 14 (see the
number 177).

e the smallest number which can be written both as the sum of three fourth
powers and as the sum of four fourth powers: 1393 = 24 + 34+ 64 = 444 444
Aa Ae

e the second vampire number; in this case, 1395 = 93-15 (see the number 1 260).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 27°° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

9733 __ 1 = 1399 - 135607 - 622577


e the fourth number n such that $(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312);
e the second multiple of 100 such that the next 100 numbers contain exactly 17
prime numbers, namely 1409, 1423, 1427, 1429, 1433, 1489, 1447, 1451, 1453,
1459, 1471, 1481, 1483, 1487, 1489, 1493 and 1499 (see the number 400).

e the fourth composite number n such that o(n + 6) = a(n) +6 (see the number

e the smallest 4-composite number n such that n+2 is also a 4-composite number:
we say that a number n is k-composite if w(n) = k: here 1428 = 27-3-7-17
and 1430 = 2-5-11-13; denoting by nz, the smallest k-composite number n
such that n + 2 is also k-composite, we have the following table:

Lak Bile
|mx ||2 | 10 | 130 | 1428 | 77140
Blip fla :
117048930 | 10326 137820

e the largest known number of the form ,/1+ here

1429 = /1+4-2-3-5-7-11-13-17; the only known numbers of this form
are 3, 5, 11, 29 and 1429;

e the smallest prime number p such that p— 1 and p+ 1 each have exactly four
distinct prime factors: here 1428 = 2? -3-7-17 and 1430 = 2-5-11- 13 (see
the number 131).

e the eighth Catalan number (see the number 14).

e the smallest prime divisor of a Mersenne number (namely 2'7?—1) which is such
that the following prime number, namely 1 439, is also a divisor of a Mersenne
number (namely 271° — 1); the only other known prime number satisfying this
property is 6079.

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 271° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

Dt le 11439 2752207
-737572843389436536903316910033561929012829990389769 - Pis7.

e the smallest number n > 2 which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its
digits in base 15: here 1441 = (6,6, 1]15 = 6! + 6! + 1!; the only numbers with
this property are 1, 2, 1441 and 1442 (see the number 145).

e the largest number which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits in
base 15: here 1442 = [6, 6, 2]15 = 6! + 6! + 2! (see the number 1 441).

(= 38”)
e the smallest four digit perfect square which has only two distinct digits: Hito-
tumatu conjectured that, besides the numbers of the form 102", 4-10?” and
9-10”, there is only a finite number of perfect squares with only two distinct
digits (R.K. Guy [101], F24);

e the second number n > 1 such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 3, 7 and 127 (see the number 180);

e the smallest perfect square whose last three digits are 444: the following!?° one
is 213 444.

e the fourth Apéry number: the sequence of Apéry numbers ao, a1, a2,... is de-
fined by

~ n\ (nt+tk\\* — ((n+k)!)?
aon ((::)Ce )) LELETCAE Me ee
and begins as follows: 1, 5, 73, 1445, 33001, 819005, 21460825, 584307 365,
16 367 912 425, 468 690 849 005, 13 657 436 403 073, ...

e the third number n such that ¢(n), (n+ 1) and ¢(n +2) have the same prime
factors, namely here 2 and 3: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property
begins as follows: 35, 36, 1458, 3456, 16921, ...(see the numbers 266 401 and

e the sixth number m such that >7,,<,, ¢(m) is a perfect square: here
Din<i4ss P(r)= 646416= 804?; if mz stands for the k*” number such that
Sk= Din<my $(n) is a perfect square, here are the values of mx, for 1 < k < 12,
along with the corresponding values s,:

10342 | 32512804
57918 | 1019652624
72432 | 1594724356
646416 | 804 134072 | 5463870724

129Qne can prove that all numbers of the form (500r + 38)?, r = 0,1,2,..., satisfy this property
(see M. Gardner [87], p. 270).

e the second number n such that ¢(n) = 4¢(n + 1) (see the number 629).

e the 17%” number n such that n! + 1 is prime (see the number 116).


e the first member p of the third 6-tuple (p,p+2,p+6,p+8,p+12,p+18) made

up entirely of prime numbers: the smallest 6-tuple satisfying this property is
(5,7,11,13,17,23) and the second is (11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29).

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) < (n+ 1) < d(n+2) < ¢(n+3): here
624 < 720 < 742 < 1486 (see the number 105).


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 274 — 1.

e the third solution of —— = 33 the sequence of numbers satisfying this equation
begins as follows: 84, 270, 1488, 1638, 24384, 100651008, ... 1°

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains five
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains six
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

130Tt is easy to prove that if n = 2% -3-p, where p = 2%+! — 1 is a Mersenne prime > 3 (that is if
n = 3m, where m is an even perfect number > 6), then n is a solution of ein) < 8; this guarantees
the existence of at least 45 solutions of this form, the first six being 84, 1488, 24384, 100651008,
25 769 607 168 and 412316 073984. In fact, the only solutions n < 5-108 which are not of this form
are 270 and 1638. Moreover, one can prove that equation a) = oe with g an odd prime, has
the solutions n = 2% - q-p, where p = 2%+1 — 1 is a Mersenne prime #q.

e the sixth Stern number (see the number 137).

e the smallest number n such that P(n +7) < /n +i, i= 0,1,2,3; if nz stands
for the smallest number n such that P(n +1) < /n+i, i =0,1,2,...,k—1,
then ng = 1518, ns = 5828, ng = 28032, n7 = ng = 290783, no = 1258500
and ni9 = 4325170; on the other hand, if m, stands for the smallest number
m such that P(m+i) < (m+i)*/*, for i = 0,1, 2, then mz = 48, m3 = 134848
anduina— 116026273.

e the only number n such that the set A := {1, 15, 24, n} is a diophantine quadru-
plet, that is such that ry + 1 is a perfect square for all x,y € A, x 4 y (see the
number 120 and its footnote, as well as the number 528).

1521) (32 71137)

e the smallest number n divisible by a perfect square > 1 such that y(n + 18) =
4(n) + 18 (and there are no others < 10°): here we have y(n + 18) — y(n) =
S103); 13 S18:

e the third odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).


e the tenth Granville number (see the number 126).


e the tenth Keith number (see the number 197).


e the number of Niven numbers < 10000 (see the number 213).


e one of the five numbers (the others are 1, 10, 120 and 7140) which are both
triangular and tetrahedral (see the number 10).

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 10!° (see the number 646).

e the number of integer zeros of the function M(z) := SS y(n) located in the

interval [1, 100000] (see the number 92).

e the smallest number n such that o(n) = 7!; if n, stands for the smallest number
n such that o(n) = k!, then n3 = 5, ng = 14, ns = 54, ng = 264, n7 = 1560,
ng = 10290, ng = 97 440, nip = 876 960, n11 = 10 263 240 and niz = 11289 564
(see the number 779 for the analogue question for equation ¢(n) = k!).

1 568 | (= 2° - 77)
e the second number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B,(n) = B(n)?: here 2° + 77 = (2 +7)? (see the number 144).

e the second of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the number

e the seventh prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89).


e the smallest solution of r(n+1)—7(n) = 13; the sequence of numbers satisfying

this property begins as follows: 1599, 2209, 2915, 5329, 6889, 7743, 9999, ...


e the second perfect square which is a Smith number (see the number 22): 1600 =
2° 5? and 1+6=7=2+5; the smallest with this property is 361.


e the second composite number n such that o(n + 8) = a(n) + 8; the sequence
of numbers satisfying this equation begins as follows: 27, 1615, 1885, 218 984,
4218475, ...(compare with the number 305 635 357).

e the integer part}3! of e®.

e the prime number which appears the most often as the 12%” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199);

e the smallest number n for which z(n) > 5Gwoe this last expression
O j
representing the first three terms of the asymptotic expansion of Li(n): here
(1627) = 258 while [p= + pla + 235| anor © 257-832 (see the number
73); a
e the ninth prime number p such that (3? — 1)/2 is itself a prime number (see
the number 1091).

e the second number which can be written as the sum of the fourth powers of its
digits: 1634 = 14 + 64 + 34 + 4?; the others are 1, 8208 and 9474;

e the sixth solution of a(n) = o(n+ 1) (see the number 206).

e the fourth number which is neither perfect nor multi-perfect but whose har-
monic mean is an integer (see the number 140);

e the fourth solution of i a s (see the number 1 488).

e the 1000 square-free number (see the number 165).

131The interest for this number stems from a number theory result according to which the k**
prime factor g,(n) of a number n is “usually” of the order of e© , in the sense that, for all « > 0
and any function €(n) which tends to +00 as n — oo,

log log qx (n) — k

sup <l1l+e
€(n)<kSw(n) \/2klogk

almost everywhere. This result was first stated by P. Erdés in 1946 (see G. Tenenbaum [193], p. 344).
Thus, g2 © 1618, g3 © 528491311 and g4 © 514843 556 263 450 564 886 528.

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Se 7 to exceed 8 (see the number

e the third number which does not produce a palindrome by the 196-algorithm
(see the number 196).

e the seventh number n > 9 such that n = 5~"_,i=1 dt,“2? where d;,...,d, stand for
the digits of n: here 1676 = 11 + 6? + 7? + 6% (see the number 175).

e the 17" highly composite number (see the number 180).

1681 | (= 417)
e the smallest composite number of the form n? +n + 41 (with n = 40);

e the smallest composite number of the form n? — 79n + 1601 (with n = 80);

e the smallest solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 17: the only solutions n < 10° are
1681, 59535, 139239 and 505 925 (see the footnote tied to the number 98);

e the second number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1)—6(n) = 1
(see the number 49);

e the fourth solution w + s of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

e the fifth number n such that the binomial coefficient te) is a perfect square:
here (*°°) = 1189? (see the number 289).

e the second number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+14) = y(n)+
14: the smallest is 49 (and there are no others < 108); here y(n + 14) — y(n) =
(1715) — y(1701) = (73 -5) — 7(3°- 7) = 35 — 21 = 14.

e the smallest composite number of the form 2n? + 29 (with n = 29).

e the smallest solution of o2(n) = a2(n + 16).

e the third Giuga number (see the number 30).

e the fourth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 5: 1728 = [2,3, 4,0, 3]5 = 2!-3!-4!-0!-3! (see the number 144).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two cubes in two dis-
tinct ways: 1729 = 12°+1% = 10°+ 93 (an observation due to Bernard Frénicle
de Bessy, 1657); a number which can be written as the sum of two cubes in
two distinct ways is sometimes called a Ramanujan number!*; the sequence of
numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1729, 4104, 13832, 20683,
32 832, 39312, 40033, 46683, 64232, 65728, 110656, 110 808, 134379, ...; if
nz stands for the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two cubes
in k distinct ways, then ng = 1729, n3 = 87539319, ng = 6963 472 309 248,
Ns = 48 988 659 276 962 496, while ng < 8 230 545 258 248 091 551 205 888; as for
the sums of squares, see the number 50; for sums of fourth powers, see the
number 635 318 657;

e the third Carmichael number (see the number 561);

e the smallest pseudoprime in bases 2, 3 and 5.

e the smallest powerful number equidistant from the preceding (1728 = 2° - 3°)
and following (1800 = 23 - 3? - 5%) powerful numbers; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1764, 7056, 729316, 1458 632,
2917 264, 11669056, 149 022 848 000, 260 102 223 752, 348 796 548 100,
697 593 096 200, 1040 408 895 008, 1 206 917 268 552, 1395 186 192 400,
2.413 834537 104, 4827 669074 208, 10 862 255 416 968, ... 1°8

132The reason for this name is that one day, as G.H. Hardy visited Srinivasa Ramanujan at the
hospital, the young Indian mathematician told his visitor that the number on the taxicab he had
just stepped down from was highly interesting since it was the smallest number expressible as the
sum of two cubes in two distinct ways: the taxicab number was 1729. This explains why Ramanujan
numbers are also called taxicab numbers.
1331¢ would be interesting if one could prove that this sequence is infinite.

(= 2-34-11)
e the smallest number n > 1 such that o(n) = y(n)*, and the only one smaller
than 10°: it is easy to see that such a number n > 1 must be even!*4 and cannot
be square-free (compare with the number 96, as well as with the number 108);

e the fourth positive solution x of the diophantine equation x? + 999 = y® (see

the number 251).

e the 11°” Granville number (see the number 126).

e the fifth solution of a(¢(n)) = a(n) (see the number 87).

e the fifth voracious number: consider the sequence (b,)~>1 defined by

Dy) =eok bi asleep

eas Or Op Once wa leas
each term of this sequence is called a voracious number; thus the first voracious
numbers are 2, 3, 7, 43, 1807, 3 263 443, 10 650 056 950 807,
113 423 713 055 421 844 361 000 443,
12 864 938 683 278 671 740 537 145 998 360 961 546 653 259 485 195 807, ...; it is
interesting to mention that es 1/b; = 1; for more on this subject, see the
recent papers of G. Myerson & J.W. Sander [146] and of J.W. Sander [179].

e the smallest number n such that >> m<n o(m) is a multiple of 1000: here the
sum is equal to 2805000.

e the largest convenient number (see the number 37); the only known convenient
mumbers’are 1) 25, a0, Oy (foo LU, Lolo, LO lo. cio eon oe ee. ASO.
33, 37, 40, 42, 45, 48, 57, 58, 60, 70, 72, 78, 85, 88, 93, 102, 105, 112, 120, 130,
133, 165, 168, 177, 190, 210, 232, 240, 253, 273, 280, 312, 330, 345, 357, 385,
408, 462, 520, 760, 840, 1320, 1365 and 1848; S. Chowla [33] proved that there
is only a finite number of convenient numbers?*°.

134Indeed, if n > 1 is odd, then y(n)? = a(n) is also odd, so that n = m? for a certain m, in which
case n < a(n) = y(n)? = y(m?)? = 7(m)? < m?, a contradiction.
135QOn the other hand, it is known that if one could find another one, there would be no others.

e the smallest solution of (n+ 1)—7(n) = 9; the sequence of numbers satisfying

this equation begins as follows: 1849, 11449, 23103, 28899, 38415, 63001, 66049,
195363, ... (see the number 399).

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n+5): here
617 > 463 > 109 > 103 > 53 > 29; if we denote by nz the smallest number n
such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n+k-—1), then we have the following

Fale o leon aaa 0 6 c 8

[ng | [13 [13 [407 [851 |aero |12721 |
jek 9 10 11 12 13
nx || 109453 | 586951 | 120797465 | 624141002 | 4044619541
(compare with the table displayed with the number 46189, this time for the
sequence of increasing P(n + 7%)).

(= 17- 109)
e the number n which allows the sum De 3 to exceed 3 (see the number 44).

e the number of possible arrangements of the integers 1,2,...,7 with the restric-
tion that the integer 7 must not be in the j-th position for each j7, 1 <j <7
(see the number 265).

e the smallest prime number p such that w(p+1) = 2, w(p+2) = 3 and w(p+3) =
4 (see the number 103).

e the tenth prime number p,; such that pip2...px — 1 is prime (see the number

e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 17%" prime
factor of an integer: pig7g = 16111 (see the number 199).

e the smallest happy number n such that n+1 and n+2 are also happy: a number
is said to be happy if the iteration process of summing the squares of its digits
leads eventually to 1 (otherwise the process leads to 4): the sequence of happy
numbers begins as follows: 1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31, 32, 44, ...(R.K. Guy
[101], E34)*%°.

e the third composite number n such that o(n + 8) = o(n) + 8 (see the number

e the fifth (and largest known) number n such that 2"~! + n is a prime number
(see the number 237).

|(= 2- 23-41)
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+4|n+4; the
sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1886, 50711,
149171, 222101, 628 421, 766931, ...(see the number 399).

e the fourth solution of a(n) = 2n + 4; the sequence of numbers satisfying this

equation begins as follows: 12, 70, 88, 1888, 4030, 5830, 32128, 521728,
1 848 964, 8378 368, ... 137

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p+1) = 6: here 1888 =
2° . 59 and 1890 = 2-3°-5-7 (see the number 271).

e the fourth Euler pseudoprime in base 2, that is an odd number n such that
gin—1)/2 = (2) (mod n) (where () stands for the Jacobi Symbol); the se-
quence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 561, 1105, 1729,
1905, 2047, 2465, 4033, 4681, 5461, 6601, 8321, 8481, 10261, 10585, 12801,
15709, 15841, 16705, 18705, ...

136A simple observation: it seems that roughly one seventh of the numbers are happy !
137It is easy to show that each number n = 2% - p, where a is a positive integer such that
p = 2°+1 _ 5 is prime, is a solution of a(n) = 2n+ 4; this is the case in particular when
a = 2,3,5,7,9, 11,17, 19, 25, 31, 35, 55,65 (and for no other values of a < 100); the solutions corre-
sponding to a = 2,3,5,7,9,11 are included in the above list.

e the 12" number n for which the distance from e” to the nearest integer is the
smallest (see the number 178).

e the second 18-hyperperfect number (see the number 1 333).

e the smallest number n > 1 such that o(n + 1) = 30(n): the only numbers
n < 10" satisfying this equation are 1919, 2759, 11219, 27089, 50039, 58 463,
100 127, 113831, 115289, 120203, 131879, 148511, 233 729, 244319, 308 039,
461099, 554063, 596447, 1406303, 1486619, 2285519, 2880989, 5138 783,
5 369 111, 5521619, 5 736 743, 6 621 383, 7 496 279, 7683 191, 8571527, 8 848619
and 9563 231 (see the numbers 206, 1 253 and 37033919).

e the second number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 1924? = 244 + 304 + 404 (see the number 481).

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function Ao takes successively,
starting with n, ten times in a row the value 1 (as well, in this case, as 11 and 12
times in a row); denoting by nx the smallest number n such that A9(n +7) = 1
for i =0,1,2,...,k —1, we have the following table:

kr eee
at 11 | 1934 21 | 8405 437
2 1-9 12 | 1934 22 | 8405 437
Shans lle) 130) 35811 23 | 8405 437
4 | 33 14 | 38405 24 | 8405 437
5 | 54 15 | 38405 25 | 68780189 }
6 | 140 16 | 200938 26 | 68780 189
Taio 17 | 200938 27 | 68780 189
8. e213 18 | 389409 28 | 68780 189
0 e213 19 | 1792209 29 | 880 346 227
10 | 1934 | 20 |5606 457 30 | 880346 227

(see the number 5 879 for the list of the smallest numbers nx such that Ao(m~ +
i) == 1tone 0 pipes. is, KES):

e the smallest solution of o2(i) = o2(n + 18).

e the smallest number n such that >> m<n T(m) is a multiple of 1000 (here the
sum is equal to 15000).

e the fifth solution of a(n) = 2n +2 (see the number 464).

(= 3?-7- 31)
e the smallest number n which allows the sum Ss — to exceed 1; the sequence

of the smallest numbers n = n(k) which allow this sum to exceed k begins as
follows: 1953, 26277, 346065, 5099011, ...

e the 18" number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).

(= 3?-7-31)
e the third number n such that 2” — 7 is prime (see the number 39).

e the sixth and largest number which is equal to the sum of its digits added to
the sum of the cubes of its digits: the only numbers with this property are 12,
30, 666, 870, 960 and 1998.

e the second prime number p such that w(p+1) = 2, w(p+2) = 3 and w(p+3) = 4
(see the number 103);

e the largest number n such that f3(n) >, where f3(n) = f3([di,de2,...,dp]) =
dj + d3 +...+3, with di, d2,...,d, standing for the digits of n.

e the sixth number n such that 2" + n? is a prime number: the only numbers
n < 30000 satisfying this property!*® are 3, 9, 15, 21, 33, 2007, 2127, 3759
and 29 355.

e the third Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).

e the second Erdés-Nicolas number, that is a number n which is not perfect, but
for which there exists a number m such that }> din, d<m@ = 7; the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 24, 2016, 8190, 42 336,
45 864, 392 448, 714240, 1571328 ...(with no others < 2-10"); see P. Erdés &
J.L. Nicolas [78];

ait ae
e the second solution of Te (see the number 360).

(a lsaloy
e the second 12-hyperperfect number (see the number 697).

e the smallest composite Mersenne number: 2047 = 21! — 1 = 23 - 89;

e the smallest strong pseudoprime in base 2: an odd composite number n, with

(a,n) = 1 and n—1 = 2°-d, d odd, is said to be a strong pseudoprime in base a
ifat?=1 (mod n) or ifa?4*=—1 (mod n) for a certain integer r € [0, s—1].

e the 11%” known prime number pz such that pip2...p~ — 1 is prime (see the
number 317).

e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column in

a 16 x 16 magic square (see the number 15).

1381 is easy to check that such a number n is necessarily of the form 6k + 3.


e the number of pseudoprimes in base 2 smaller than 10° (see the number 245).

e the smallest number n > 1 such that y(n)?|o2(n); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 2080, 2100, 6912, 16800, 18900,
21600, 34300, 52000, 64000, ...

e the prime number which appears the most often as the 13°” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199).

e the largest prime factor of the Mersenne number 279 _ 1, whose complete fac-
torization is given by
aT =" 3 391103 42089:

e the fourth prime number gq such that we pis a multiple of 100: here this sum
is equal to 305 800 (see the number 563).

(=2- 1051)
e the 1000 number having exactly two distinct prime factors (see the number

e the sixth number n such that 2” + n? is prime (see the number 2007).

e the second odd number & such that 2” + k is composite for all numbers n < k
(see the number 773); in fact the smallest number n such that 2” + 2131 is
prime (if any exists!) is larger than 4400.

[2133](=3°- 79)
e the second 2-hyperperfect number (see the number 21).

e the smallest number n requiring nine iterations of the 77(n) function in order
to reach 1 (see the number 193).

e the second solution of o2(n) = a2(n + 4) (see the number 430).

(= 2" -17)
e the 14” unitary hyperperfect number (see the number 288).

e the second number which is not a palindrome but which divides the number
obtained by reversing its digits (see the number 1 089).

e the smallest number n such that each of the numbers n + 7, 7 = 0,1,2,..., 16,
has a factor in common with the product of the other 16 (R.K. Guy [101], B28,
with an obvious error in the formulation): the sequence of numbers satisfying
this property begins as follows: 2184, 27830, 32214, 57860, 62244, 87890,
PDH ieee

e possibly the largest 3-powerful number which is the nearest (a distance of 10) to
the following 3-powerful number, namely 2197: here 2187 = 3’ and 2197 = 13°;
the next relatively small gap (this one being equal to 28) occurs with the
numbers 50625 = 34 - 54 and 50653 = 27°.

e the exponent of the 16** Mersenne prime 27703 — 1 (Robinson, 1952).

e the 11°” solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n +1) (see the number 15).

e the third of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the number

e the 11” Keith number (see the number 197).

e the smallest number n which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in three distinct ways: 2210 = 19?+43? = 9324-41? = 2974377
(see the number 338);
e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n + 1) + w(n + 2) = 10: here
2210 =2-5-13-17, 2211 = 3-11-67 and 2212 = 2? -7- 79; if n, stands for
the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n +1) +w(n+2) =k, we have the
following table:

k Nk

310 154
15 | 1042404
16 | 5617870
17 | 35515634
184 055 430


e the exponent of the 17‘" Mersenne prime 2778! — 1 (Robinson, 1952).

2 285

e the fifth number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).


e the fifth positive solution x of the diophantine equation x” + 999 = y? (see the
number 251).

2 303

e the smallest solution of r(n+1)—7(n) = 21; the sequence of numbers satisfying

this equation begins as follows: 2303, 24649, 67599, 85849, 104975, 132495,
283 023, ... (see the number 399).

e the third prime number p of the form p = ES Pea l23300 2738072 1b — 1

(see the number 317).

e the fifth prime number p of the form p = [Jj_,pp+1: 2311 =2-3-5-7-1141

(see the number 379).

e the third powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers # 1: 2312 = 125 + 2187, that is 23-17? = 53 +37 (see the
number 841).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum x — to exceed 15 (see the
m<n o(m)
number 177).

e the fourth number n such that 2” — 7 is prime (see the number 39).

e the smallest number n such that ¢1!(n) = 2, where ¢'!(n) stands for the 11%”
iteration of the ¢ function (see the number 137).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 24” — 1 (Euler, 1741), whose
complete factorization is given by

247 _ 1 = 140 737 488 355 327 = 2351 - 4513 - 13264529;

e (probably) the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two co-
prime numbers whose index of composition is > 1.6 (see the number 933).

e the second solution of a(n) = 3n + 12 (see the number 780).

e the 12" known prime number p, such that pip2...px — 1 is prime (see the
number 317).


e the fifth solution y of the Fermat-Pell equation x? — Dyt sale heve 4) =

(3363, 2378) (see the number 99).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 23°” — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2397 _1 = 2383-6353 - 50023 - 53993 - 202471 - 5877983

-1234904213576000272542841 146073
it is the smallest Mersenne number with exactly nine prime factors (see the
number 223 for the list of the smallest Mersenne numbers with a given number
of prime factors).

e the smallest number n such that P(n) < Yn and P(n+1) < Yn+1: here
P2400) = P(2®? 3-5") = 5 < 6.99... = 1/2400 and P2401) = Fig
7 = Vv 2401; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as fol-
lows: 2400, 4374, 123200, 165375, 194480, 228095, 282624, 328509, 336140,
601425, ...: one can prove that this sequence is infinite!?°; if nz stands for the
smallest number n such that max(P(n), P(n + 1)) < (n+1)”*, then ng = 8,
nz = ng = 2400, n5 = 5909 560 and ng = 1611308 699.

e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to /n: the others are
234 256, 390625, 614656 and 1679616;

e the third perfect square which is also a Smith number (see the number 22):
2401 = 74 and 2+ 4+1=7; the smallest two are 361 and 1600.

e the smallest number n such that Li?(«) < ol (=) for all x > n (see B.C.
Opals We
Berndt [21] as well as the number 38 358 837 677);
e the seventh number n such that o(¢(n)) =n (see the number 744).

'8%Indeed, A. Balog & Z. Ruzsa [14] have proved that, for each e > 0, the set {n : max(P(n), P(n+
1)) < n*} is of positive density, implying in particular that the set of numbers n such that P(n) <
Yn and P(n+1) < Yn-+1 is of positive density.

e the eighth number n > 9 such that n = Dol d‘, where d;,...,d, stand for the
digits of n: here 2427 = 2! + 4? + 23 + 7+ (see the number 175).

e the third number n > 2 such that eZ(n) + d(n)

5 is an integer (see the number

(= 5-17-29)
e the fourth Carmichael number (see the number 561);

e the value of the sum of the elements of a diagonal, of a line or of a column in

a 17 x 17 magic square (see the number 15).

e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number Vem aA

e the second number n such that }><,, p is a perfect square; the only'*? known
numbers n for which Dane? is a perfect square are 9, 2474, 6694, 7785,
709 838 and 126 789 311 423.

e the third odd number & such that 2” + k is composite for all numbers n < k
(see the number 773): in fact, 2” + 2491 is composite for each n < 3536 and
prime for n = 3536.

e the fifth number n such that 2” — 7 is prime (see the number 39).

e the fourth perfect square which is a Smith number (see the number 22): 2500 =
92.54 and 2+5=7=2-+5; the three smallest are 361, 1600 and 2401.

140F. Luca [128] proved that the set T of numbers n such that Dee oa? is a perfect square is of
zero density. He also provided a heuristic argument which suggests that T is an infinite set while
each of the sets Ty, := {n: Dc pis a k*” power}, for k > 3, is a finite set. Luca’s argument
suggests that #{n < x2: n € T} ~ 2,/logz, while numerical evidence seem to indicate that each
set T;,, for k > 3, is empty.

e the largest of the six highly composite numbers (the other five are 1, 2, 6, 12
and 60) which divide each of the larger highly composite numbers (S. Ratering
e the value of [1,2,3,...,10], that is the least common multiple of the numbers
1 to 10;

e the 18°" highly composite number (see the number 180).

e the smallest number n such that O(n) = O(n + 1) =... = Q(n +5): here this
common value is 3 (see the number 602).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum S ae to exceed 6 (see the
number 129).

e the second number which is not a cube and which can be written as the sum
of the cubes of its prime factors: 2548 = 2? - 77-13 = 23 + 73 + 13° (see the
number 378).

e the 12’ Keith number (see the number 197).

e the only number of the form abca such that abca = a >. ¢%: indeed, here we have
Od 02,

e the first term of the smallest sequence of five consecutive prime numbers all
of the form 4n + 1; denoting by q, the first term of the first sequence of k
consecutive prime numbers all of the form 4n + 1, we have the following table:

11593 766 261 12 270077

11593 3 358 169 297 387 757
11593 12 204 889 297 779 117
11593 12270077 291 C9117
373 649 12 270077 1113 443 017
(see the number 463 for the analogue problem with 4n + 3).

e the number of numbers < 10000 which are the product of two distinct prime
numbers (and thus square-free); if we denote by 7z(z) the number of numbers
< x which are the product of k distinct prime numbers (and thus square-free),
we have the following table:1+4

xz || x(z) T(x) 7™3(2) m4(Z) ial

10 || 4 2 0 0
102 ile25 30 5 0
10? || 168 288 135 16
104 || 1229 2600 1800 429
10° || 9592 23313 19919 7039
10° || 78498 209867 206964 92966
10” || 664579 1903878 2086746 1103888
10® || 5761455 17426029 20710806 12364826
10° || 50847534 160785135 203834084 133702610
101° || 455052511 1493766851 1997171674 1413227318
101! |) 4118054813 | 13959793240 | 19675145130 | 15051992868
10!” |) 37607912018 | 130330450475 | 191186911415 155488013308 |

e the eighth number n such that n! + 2" — 1 is prime (see the number 6 247).


e the 12” solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

e the sixth number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).

2 656

e the largest number n such that 2(n) — Li(n) > Ne EES provided the Riemann
Hypothesis is true (see L. Schoenfeld [182]).

141T5 construct this table, one can proceed as follows. Let x be a sufficiently large number. Given
two numbers k > 2 and r < 2!/*, denote by 7,(z,r) the number of numbers < z which are the
product of k distinct prime numbers, the smallest being larger than r. Then, use the fact that
m™1(x) = 7(x) and that, for each k > 2,

T(r) = ay Tk-1 (E.»)


e the tenth prime number p, such that p; +1 is prime (see the number

2 667
e the smallest number larger than 1 and whose sum of divisors is a sixth power:
a (2667) = 4°.

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three fourth powers in
two distinct ways: 2673 = 24 + 44+ 74 = 3+ + 64 + 64 (see the number 6578).

2 685
e the seventh solution of a(n) = a(n +1) (see the number 206).

2 687
e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 27° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

29 — 1 = 2687 - 202029703 - 1113491139767.

e the smallest prime number p such that 12?-! = 1 (mod p?): the only other
prime number p < 2°? satisfying this congruence is 123653 (see Ribenboim
[169], p. 347).

e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 18¢” prime
factor of an integer: pog99 = 24251 (see the number 199).

e the largest odd number n < 150000 which cannot be written in the form
x? + y* + 102” (see H.G. Gupta [100]).

2728 |((=23-11-31 )
e the second number n such that G(n)|n, B(n + 1)|(n +1), B(n + 2)|(n +2) and
B(n + 3)|(n + 3): indeed, here 6(2728) = 44, 6(2729) = 2729, G(2730) = 30
and 6(2731) = 2731; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins
as follows: 29, 2728, 3526, 103966, 150587, 4743197, ...

e the denominator of the Bernoulli number Bj. = — a5

e the smallest number n such that o(n) = u(n+1) =... = u(n+6) = 1; here u(n)
stands for the indez of isolation of n and is defined by u(n) = min ln — ml,
that is the distance to the nearest integer whose largest prime factor is no
larger than that of n; if n, stands for the smallest number n such that v(n) =
uUn+1)=...=l(n+k—1) =1, then we have the following table:

ime res 7 ee as 11
| me |]169 | 2737 | 26536 | 67311 | 535591 | 3021151

k 12 13 [on mers
nx ||26817437 | 74877777 | 657240658 | 785211 337

e the smallest number n for which the Moebius function jz takes successively,
starting with n, the values —1,0,—1,0,—1,0,—1, 0; if n; stands for the smallest
number n for which the Moebius function yz takes successively, starting with n,
the values —1,0,—1,0,...,—1 or 0, then ng = n3 = 3, ng = 17, n5 = ng = 195,
Se ee
k numbers
ry, = 1547, ng = 2749, no = N10 = N11 = 4011, nig = 462 649, n13 = N14 =
N15 = 580547 and nig = 74406035: one can easily prove that there are no!4?
numbers nz with k > 17 (for the sequence 1,0,1,0,..., see the number 3647).

[2821] (=7-13-31)
e the fifth Carmichael number (see the number 561).

e the 13°” solution of ¢(n) = 6(n +1) (see the number 15).

e the fourth odd abundant number (see the number 945).

142This easily follows from the fact that in any sequence of 17 consecutive numbers, the first of
which is square-free, there must be two numbers r and s both divisible by 9 and thus such that
u(r) = u(s) = 0 with r — s odd.

2 903
e the first component of the largest known Wieferich pair {p,q}, here with
p = 2903 and q = 18787; we say that two prime numbers p and q form a
Wieferich prime pair if p!-! =1 (mod q?) and q?-!=1 (mod p?); if equa-
tion 2? — yJ = +1 has a non trivial solution in integers x,y and in prime
numbers p,q larger than 3, then (p,q) satisfies the above pair of congruences,
a result established by P. Mihailescu en 2000; the only known Wieferich pairs
are {2,1093}, {3, 1006003}, {5, 1645 333507}, {83,4871}, {911, 318917} and
{2 903, 18 787}.

e the fourth Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).

e the fifth number which is not perfect or multi-perfect, but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140).

e the rank of the largest known prime Fibonacci number (that is F297) (see the
number 89; see also R.K.Guy [101], A3).


et =Fe eighth solution of a(n) = o(n + 1) (see the number 206).

2 988
e the smallest abundant number n such that n+ 2,n+4,n+6 and n+ 8 are
also abundant (see the number 348).

e the second prime number of the form k - 10* + 1; the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 11, 3001, 9000000001,
21 000 000 000 000 000 000 001, ... (see the numbers 201 and 363).


e the largest number of the form n(n + 1)(n + 2)...(n +k —1) for which there
are no prime numbers p > 3k dividing n(n + 1)(n + 2)...(n +k — 1); here
3024 =6-7-8-9 (see D. Hanson [106});
e the largest solution n < 10° of y(n +1)—7(n) = 13: the others are 18 and 152
(see the number 98).

e the smallest number n such that 1(n) = n/7 (see the number 330).


e the only four digit number (4 1000, 2000, 3000) whose square contains only two
distinct digits: 3114? = 9696 996 (see the number 109).

|(= 2-3-521)
e the fifth number!** of the form n” + 1.

e the 100%” powerful number; if n,; stands for the j*” powerful number, then we
have the following table (here 1 counts as a powerful number):

23 002 083 21348 015 504 200

2 200 079 025 2 125 390 162 618 116
203 472 215 523 459 072 212 104 218 976 916 644

3.159 |(— 3°75 13)

e the third number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B,(n) = B(n)?: here 3° + 13 = (3 + 13)? (see the number 144).

e the 11%" number n such that f(n) > f(m) for all numbers m < n, where
f(n) := X*-, where the star indicates that the sum runs through all prime
numbers p < n which do not divide (*"): here f(3160) = 1.11552... (see the
number 364).

143Qne can prove that the number n” + 1 is composite for 5 < n < 2°. Indeed, if n is odd, then
n”™+1 is even. On the other hand, if n is even but not a power of 2, let s be the largest positive integer
such that 2$||n, so that n = 25-m where m > 1 is odd; in this case, n” +1 = n2-m4 y= (n°) 41,
in which case n2° +1 is a proper divisor of n” +1, thus implying that n” +1 is composite. It remains
to consider the case where n is a power of 2. In this case, n = 2° and n™+1 = (2°)? +1 = 282° 41,
If s is not a power of 2, it is easy to see by using once more the above argument that n” + 1 is
composite. On the other hand, if s is a power of 2, there exists a positive integer r such that
n” 4+1=2?" +1= F,, that is a Fermat number, and this happens when n = 92° andr = B+28,
in which case we find
“41= Fs, 164 +1=Fe, 256%°41= Fy, (22%)? °+1= Fo, (252)? +1= Fy.
But it is known that the Fermat numbers Fg, Fi1, F20 and F37 are all composite. Hence, it follows
that n™ + 1 is composite for each 5 < n < 2%.

e the exponent of the 18’ Mersenne prime 2°71” — 1 (Riesel, 1957).

e the 11°” prime number p, such that pip2...p, +1 is prime (see the number

e the second solution of 72(n) = o2(n + 6) (see the number 645).

e the 12" number n such that f(n) > f(m) for all numbers m < n, where
f(n) := &*-, where the star indicates that the sum runs through all the prime
numbers p < n which do not divide (ea) here f(3250) = 1.17924... (see the
number 364).

e the 14” solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

e the smallest solution of a(n + 49) = a(n) + 49.

e the eighth number n such that n? — 1 is powerful (see the number 485): here
33032 1 297 292417

e the fifth prime number gq such that > p<qP is a multiple of 100 (see the number

e the fourth odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2!!% — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2113 _ 1 = 3391 - 23279 - 65993 - 1868569 - 1066818132868207,

this number being the smallest Mersenne number having exactly five prime
factors (see the number 223);

e the smallest prime number having two representations of the form «2° + 2y?:
here 3391 = 15° + 2-23 = 93 + 2-113 (see the number 41 for important
references); the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
3391, 8317, 79939, 593 209, 942199, 1229 257,...

e the second prime number of the form )>"_, i’ (here with n = 5); setting s; =
ey i’ and letting nj; stand for the k*” prime number in the sequence (s;)j;>1,
(hen — so 2? 9 = Se = Oo413. = s_—= 50 069, nai= sig =
10 405 071 317 and ns = s39; no other prime numbers of this form are known!**.

e the smallest number n = [d;,d2,...,d,] > 1 such that SS d** =n; the only
d;, #0
other number satisfying this property is n = 438 579 088.

(= 5-13-53)
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+ 11|n + 11.

e the number of solutions 2 < x1 < a2 <...< 2% of ye ai = 1 (see the number
147, as well as R.K. Guy [101], D11).

1441¢ is easy to establish that all terms s4,_1 and s4, are even, thus not prime. In 1993,
K. Soundararajan [189] proved that if A = {s1,s2,...} and if ma(z) = #{p< @:peE A}; that
og ©
is the cardinality of the set of prime numbers p < x which belong to A, then 74(r) < (Gees
; logzx
This same author conjectures that there exists a constant c > 0 such that m4(z) ~ “(leelean)2
and therefore in particular that there exist infinitely many prime numbers of the form jee o2 ee

[3 465 |(=3?-5-7-11)
e the fifth odd abundant number (see the number 945).

e the 19¢” number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).

e the second (and largest known) Wieferich prime (see the number 1093)'*°.

e the fourth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers 4 1: 3528 = 1331 + 2197, that is 23 - 32-7? = 11° + ey
(see the number 841).

e the smallest number n > 1 such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fifth power (see the numbers
51 and 170).

e the fifth prime number of the form (x* + y*)/2 (see the number 41): here
3593 = (54 + 94) /2.

1451¢ is interesting to display the almost complete factorization of 23519 — 1, a 1057 digit number:
pee tee 8-2 7d 19r Bln 73979. 131 15) e227) - 33) bal oll 2007 = tht ie o7al
-35112 - 6553 - 8191 - 10531 - 15121 - 23311 - 65521 - 86113 - 87211 - 107251
-121369 - 262657 - 348031 - 409891 - 446473 - 1024921 - 1969111 - 4633201
-7623851 - 18837001 - 22366891 - 29121769 - 409251961 - 2400314671
-7830118297 - 26959262851 - 21497866557571 - 49971617830801
-145295143558111 - 385838642647891 - 571890896913727 - 93715008807883087
-194900834792501371 - 339175003117573351 - 4242734772486358591
-85488365519409100951 - 150832426800173710177 - 1439538040790707946401
-571403921126076957182161 - 5302306226370307681801
-255375215316698521591 - 4247713303224552237738169
-43725552532343303477113703251 - 134304196845099262572814573351
-27283345360345928653392998057 12535332071
-24841125429051585062538961751269988364169 - C1g3 - C209,
where C1g3 and C2099 stand for composite numbers made up respectively of 183 and 209 digits.

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 1011 (see the number 646).

e the 20" number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).

e the smallest number n for which the Moebius function pz takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0; if we denote by nz the smallest
number n for which the Moebius function yz takes successively, starting with
nm, the values 1,0,1,0,...,1 .0, then we have no = 15, n3 = 55, ng = 159,

PG erent i ipee oar ingen OR PE 15 245. nye 113.343,

13 = M14 = N15 = 1133759 and nig = 29149139: one can easily prove that
there are no!*6 numbers nz with k > 17 (for the sequence —1,0,—1,0,..., see
the number 2749).

e the second number n such that n, n+1, n+2 and n+3 have the same number
of divisors, namely eight (see the number 242).

3675) (= 3)5427°)
e the smallest odd number n having exactly three prime factors and such that
y(n)| O(n).

e the 13" Keith number (see the number 197).

e the 15” solution of d(n) = 6(n + 1) (see the number 15).

e the seventh number such that 2” + n? is prime (see the number 2007).

146This simply follows from the fact that any sequence of 17 consecutive numbers, the first of
which is square-free, must include two numbers r and s both divisible by 9 and therefore such that
p(r) = p(s) = 0 with r — s odd.

e the smallest number n such that >> m<n o(m) is a multiple of 10000 (here the
sum is equal to 11670000).

e the sixth number n such that 2” — 7 is prime (see the number 39).

e the smallest number n such that a(n), a(n +1), o(n + 2) and a(n + 3) have
the same prime factors, namely here 2, 3, 5 and 7: the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 3777, 6044, 20154, 20155, 29 395,
29 396, ...; if nz stands for the smallest number n such that o(n), o(n+ 1),
...,0(n+k—1) have the same prime factors, then nz = 5, n3 = 33, n4 = 3777,
ms = 20154 et ng = 13.141 793.

e the smallest prime number q such that }7,,<, p is divisible by 210 (= 2-3-5-7):
here this sum is equal to 939 330 (see the number 269). ,

e the smallest number n which allows the sum MY : to exceed 16 (see the
fen O(m)
number 177).

e the smallest 30-hyperperfect number: 3901 and 28600321 are the only two
30-hyperperfect numbers < 2- 10° (see the number 21).

e the smallest number n such that n° + 1091 is a prime number, a result with a
historical importance because it was obtained by Daniel Shanks before the 60’s,
namely before the computer age (see H.C. Williams [205]); the only numbers
n < 10000 whose corresponding number n° + 1091 is prime!” are 3906, 4620,
5 376, 5460 and 8 190.

147One easily sees that in order for n® + 1091 to be prime, n must be a multiple of 2, 3 and 7.


e the second square-free composite number n such that p|n => p + 2\n + 2 (see
the numbers 598 and 399).


e the rank of the prime number which appears the most often as the 19*” prime
factor of an integer : p3994 = 37 717 (see the number 199).


e the third bizarre number (see the number 70).

4 093

e the 13" prime number p, such that p;p2...p,z — 1 is prime (see the number


e the largest triangular number of the form 2” — 1: here 4095 = 2}? —-1= wen,
there exist only four numbers satisfying this property, the other three being
21 — 1, 22-1 = 43 and 2*-1= 38;
e the smallest number n such that 8! divides 1+2+...+n (see the number 224);
e the sixth odd abundant number (see the number 945).


e the second number which can be written as the sum of two cubes in two distinct
ways: 4104 = 23 + 16% = 93 + 153 (see the number 1729).


e the eighth Bell number (see the number 52).

e the smallest number n > 1 which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers of
its digits: 4150 = 4° + 1° + 5° + 0°; the only numbers satisfying this property
are 1, 4150, 4151, 54748, 92727, 93084 and 194979; if n, stands for the
smallest number n > 1 which can be written as the sum of the k-th power of
its digits, then n3 = 153, ng = 1634, n5 = 4150, ng = 548 834, n7 = 1741725,
ng = 24678050, ng = 146511 208 and nip = 4679 307 774.

e one of the seven numbers which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers
of its digits: 4151 = 45 + 1° + 5° + 1° (see the number 4150).

e the tenth prime number p such that (3? — 1)/2 is itself a prime number (see
the number 1091).

e the smallest number n such that w(n)+w(n+1)+w(n+2)+w(n+3) = 13: here

4179 = 3-7-199, 4180 = 2? -5- 11-19, 4181 = 37-113 and 4182 = 2-3-1741
(see the number 987).

e the smallest composite Fibonacci number whose rank is prime: Fjg = 4181 =
Bf o Tile}.

e the exponent of the 19°" Mersenne prime 24759 — 1 (Hurwitz, 1961).

e the smallest number n requiring ten iterations of the o;(n) function in order
to reach 1 (see the number 193).

e the prime number which appears the most often as the 14‘” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199);

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 30 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 30 is composite (see the number 139);

e the 14°” prime number p, such that pip2...px — 1 is prime (see the number

e the second solution of 72(n) = o2(n + 8) (see the number 860).


a(n is
e the smallest solution of ka) ry, the sequence of numbers satisfying this pro-
perty begins as follows: 4320, 4680, 26 208, 20 427 264, 197064960, ...

e the third number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 4329? = 364 + 454 + 604 (see the number 481),

e the smallest solution of r(n+1)—7(n) = 19; the sequence of numbers satisfying

this property begins as follows: 4355, 4899, 6083, 12099, 12543, 12995, 16899,
...(see the number 399).

e the ninth solution of o(n) = a(n + 1) (see the number 206).

e the smallest number n such that ¢!2(n) = 2, where ¢7(n) stands for the 12°”
iteration of the ¢ function (see the number 137).


e the second number n such that P(n) < “/n and P(n+1) < Yn+1: here
PASTA P23) = See 8.13 = /4374 and*P(4375) =" P(5"> Ty = 7 <
8.13... = W4375 (see the number 2400).


e the smallest solution of a(n + 13) = o(n) + 13.

e the exponent of the 20¢” Mersenne prime 24473 — 1 (Hurwitz, 1961).

e the fourth odd number k such that 2” + k is composite for all n < k (see the
number 773): in fact, 2" + 4471 is composite for all n < 33548 and prime for
n = 33 548.


e the sixth prime number of the form (x* + y*)/2: here 4481 = (74 + 9*)/2 (see
the number 41).

34 503

e the third number n such that n, n+1,n+2 and n+3 have the same number
of divisors, in this case eight (see the number 242).

4 547

e the 12°” prime number pz such that pip2...px +1 is prime (see the number


e the smallest number n which allows the sum yr ; to exceed 9 (see the number
w SS

4 567

e the only four digit prime number, whose digits are consecutive (see the number


e the 15%" prime number p, such that pip)... pz, — 1 is prime (see the number


e the largest prime factor of 1234567654321.


e the smallest number n such that >7,,,<,,T7(m) is a multiple of 10000 (here the
sum is equal to 40000). 4

4 680 | (= 2° -3?-5-

e the second solution of Be) == :(see the number 4 320).


4 683

e the sixth horse number (see the number 13).


e the second number n > 1 such that n-2” +1 is prime (see the number 141).

AT25)) (3557-7)
e the seventh odd abundant number (see the number 945).


e the 13’ prime number p, such that pjp2...p_ +1 is prime (see the number


e the 14° Keith number (see the number 197).


e the 29%" Lucas prime number (see the number 613).


e the largest known prime number p such that P(p? — 1) < 7 and P(p? — 1) =7,
where P(n) stands for the largest prime factor of n.

4 802

e the smallest number which can be written respectively as the sum of two and
of three fourth powers: 4802 = 74+74 = 3*+5* +84 (see the number 617 057).


e the fifth composite number n such that o(n + 6) = o(n) + 6 (see the number

4 862

e the ninth Catalan number (see the number 14).


e the smallest prime number p such that 83?-! = 1 (mod p”): the only prime
numbers p < 2°2 satisfying this congruence are 4871, 13691 and 315746063
(see Ribenboim [169], p. 347);
e the second component of the fourth Wieferich prime pair {p,q}, here with
p = 83 and q = 4871 (see the number 2903).

4 900
e the only perfect square n? > 1 such that
Tee get 2 ee he
for a certain number k: here k = 24 (see the number 70).

4913 | (= 17°)
e the second number n whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number 512).


e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number 2 41.

e the fifth Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).

5 002
e the sixth solution of o(¢(n)) = a(n) (see the number 87).

5 040
e the value of 7!;
e the 19’" highly composite number (see the number 180).

e the smallest number n such that, if the Riemann Hypothesis (according to which
all complex zeros of the Riemann Zeta function have their real part equal to +)
is true, inequality o(m)/m < e7 loglogm (where ¥ is Euler’s constant) holds
for all m > n (G. Robin [176])148;
e the fifth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers # 1: 5041 = 128 + 4913, that is 712 = 27 + 173 (see the
number 841).

148Tn that paper, Robin proves that the Riemann Hypothesis is equivalent to the fact that inequality
a(n) < eYnloglogn is true for all n > 5041. :

[5 044] (= 2? 13-97)
e the smallest number n such that n,n+2,n+4,...,n+10 are all divisible by
a square > 1.

e the fifth odd number k such that 2” + k is composite for all n < k (see the
number 773): in fact, 2” +5101 is composite for each n < 5759 and prime for
a) (OU:

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in three distinct ways:

5104 = 1° + 12° + 15° = 2° + 10? + 16° = 9° + 10° + 15°

(see the number 1 009).

e the largest number k such that inequality 0(p,) > k(log k+log log k —1) (where
O(x) = >) p< logp) is false (G. Robin [175)).

e the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B(n)3|Bi(n): here (2 + 5)3|(21° + 5); the only numbers < 10° satisfying this
property are 5120, 419904, 885 735, 5315625 and 18003 384.

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 7! (see the number 779).

e the only number n < 5-109 such that ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) = ¢(n + 2): here the
common value is 2592 = 2° - 34 (see R.K. Guy [101], B36)1*9;

e the 16%” solution of ¢(n) = 6(n +1) (see the number 15).

149Observe that 5186 = 2- 2593, 5187 = 3-7-13-19, 5188 = 27-1297 and that $(2593) = 2592 =
25 . 34 and ¢(1297) = 1296 = 24 - 3+, so that each odd prime number which shows up as a factor of
the numbers n, n+ 1 and n+ 2 is of the form 2° - 3° +1. One could ask the same question about
equations o(n) = o(n + 1) = o(n + 2); note that if there is a solution, it is larger than 5 - 109.

e the 17%” solution of 6(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

e the largest solution y of the diophantine equation 2? — 17 = y°?: T. Nagel

[147] proved that this diophantine equation has exactly 16 solutions (2,y),
namely the solutions (+3, —2), (+4, —1), (+5, 2), (£9, 4), (+23, 8), (+282, 43),
(+375, 52), (+378661, 5234) (see also Sierpinski [185], p.104).

5 264

e the smallest number n such that n and n+1 each have six prime factors counting
their multiplicity: 5264 = 24-7-47 and 5 265 = 34-5-13 (see the number 135).

e the 16" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115);

e the second number n such that Eg(n) := ¢(n +1) — ¢(n) satisfies Eg(n+1) =
E4(n): here the common value of Eg is 16, since (5312) = 2624, (5313) =
2640 and ¢$(5314) = 2656; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property
begins as follows: 5186, 5312, 273524, ...

e the sixth composite number n such that o(n + 6) = o(n) + 6 (see the number

[5346] (=2-3°- 11)

e the fourth number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
By(n) = B(n)?: here 2+ 3° + 11 = (2+3-+11)? (see the number 144).

e the eighth odd abundant number (see the number 945).

e the number of integer zeros of the function M(z) := Ss u(n) located in the
interval [1, 10°] (see the number 92).

e the third solution of 2(n) = o2(n + 10) (see the number 120).

e the sixth prime number q such that Ere p is a multiple of 100: here this sum
is equal to 1776 800 (see the number 563).

e the second dihedral 3-perfect number n, that is such that T(n) +o(n) = 3n: the
only three numbers n < 10° satisfying this property are 60, 5472 and 2500 704.

(5525 (5? 13-17)

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in five
distinct ways (as well as six distinct ways), namely 5525 = 72 + 742 = 142 +
73? = 22? + 71% = 25? + 70? = 41? + 60? = 50? + 55? (see the number 50).

e the largest known!°? prime number p for which there exists an even number
n (namely here n = 389 965 026 819 938) such that n — q is composite for each
prime number q < p (see J.Richstein [171]): here we have the “Goldbach
representation” 389 965 026 819 938 = 5 569 + 389 965 026 814 369.

e the number of pseudoprimes in base 2 smaller than 10° (see the number 245).

e the smallest number n such that 6;(n) = 67(n+1) = B7(n+2), where G7(n) :=
Dpin,p>2 P: here 5694 = 2-3-13-73, 5695 = 5-17-67 and 5696 = 2°. 89, while
the common value of 3;(n +7) is 89; the second number with this property is
2463 803 977 (see also the number 89 460 294).

e the sixth Lucas-Carmichael number(see the number 399).

150T¢ is possible to prove that there exist infinitely many prime numbers p satisfying this property.

e the fifth odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).

e the smallest abundant number n such that n+1 is also abundant; the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 5775, 5984, 7424, 11024,
21735, 21944, 26144, 27404, 39375, 43064, ...

5 776
e the sixth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers 4 1: 5776 = 2401 + 3375, that is 24-19? = 12 8. 5?
(see the number 841).

e the smallest composite Stern number (see the number 137).

e the only triangular number > 3 which is also a Lucas number (L. Ming [137]).

5 795
e the third number n > 1 such that n-2"+ 1 is prime (see the number 141).

5 828
e the smallest number n such that P(n +7) < Vn+i for i = 0,1,2,3,4; the
largest prime factors of these five numbers are respectively 47, 67, 53, 17 and
3, all smaller than 5828 ~ 76 (see the number 1518).

e the fourth bizarre number (see the number 70).

e the third number n whose sum of digits is equal to {/n (see the number 512);
e the smallest cube which can be written as the sum of three cubes in two distinct
ways: 5832 = 183 = 2°+123+16% = 93+123 415%: if nz stands for the smallest
cube which can be written as the sum of three cubes in k distinct ways, we have
my = 216 = 6°, no = 5832 = 183, ng = 157464 = 543, ng = 658503 = Sie.
ms = 1259712 = 1083, ng =! n7 = 5268 024 = 1748, mg ='ng = nay =
SA 022240 324", ni = nj2 = n3 = 119095488 = 4923, 44 = 25 =
952 763 904 = 9843.

e the 30° Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function 9 takes successively,
starting with n, nine times in a row the value —1; if n, stands for the smallest
number n such that Ao(n + 7) = —1 for i = 0,1,2,...,k — 1, then we have the
following table:

1 5879
2 O02 io0
ey, 2 || Waster“ 22 | 21627159
3 lay |) tearey7fil Was || PAO SY,
4 eb | eye 24 | 38821 328
5 Itsy |) LCA Oe 25 | 41983 357
6 IAL TAO) 26 | 179376463
G 1004 646 27 | 179376463
8 1 004 646 28 | 179376463
9 1633 357 29 | 179376463
10 5 460 156 30 | 179376463

(see the number 1 934 for the list of the smallest numbers nx such that Ao(n~% +
Dl tore 082. ek 91).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the fourth powers of
two rational numbers (254 + 1494 = 5906-174), but not the sum of the fourth
powers of two integers (A. Bremner & P. Morton [24]).

e the value of 1!+2!4+...+7!.

e the fourth number n such that n, n+1,n+2 and n+3 have the same number
of divisors, namely eight (see the number 242).

e the smallest composite Wilson number; setting S(n) := I] 7, one can gen-
eralize Wilson’s Theorem by showing that S(n) =—1 (mod n) if n = 2,4,p”
or 2p’, where p is an odd prime number, and S(n) = 1 (mod n) otherwise;
Wilson numbers are therefore defined as the numbers n for which S(n) = +1
(mod n); the sequence of Wilson numbers begins as follows: 5, 13, 563, 5971,
558771, 1964215, 8121909, 12326 713, 23025 711, 26921605, 341569 806,
399 292 158 (see T. Agoh, K. Dilcher & L. Skula [2]).

5 985

e the tenth odd abundant number (see the number 945).

5 993

e the largest known Stern number (see the number 137).

6 044

e the second number n such that o(n), o(n +1), o(n+ 2) and o(n +3) have the
same prime factors, namely here 2, 3 and 7 (see the number 3777).

6 048 | (= 2° - 33 - 7)
e the second solution of a = < (see the number 1080).


e the largest known prime number which divides a Mersenne number (here 21013 —
1) and is such that the prime number that follows, namely 6 089, is also a factor
of a Mersenne number (here 27°! — 1); see the number 1 433.

6 099

e the only four digit Sastry number (see the number 183); if n, stands for the
smallest r digit Sastry number, then n3 = 183, ng = 6099, n5 = 13224,
ne = 106 755, ny = 2066115 and ng = 22 145 328.

e the 12" Granville number (see the number 126).


[e174] (=2-3?- 79)

e the value of the Kaprekar constant for the four digit numbers (see the number

e the fifth solution of ¢(n) = y(n)? (see the number 108).

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function 9 takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1, —1,1, —1,1,—1,1, —1,1, —1,1, —1; if ng stands for
the smallest number n such that Ag(n +7) = (—1)’, for i = 0,1,2,...,k —1,
theienje— _anse— ween. — 49.75 =" lg = Ty, = 56, Ne = Ng — 342,
nio = 1 230, ny =n2 = 6 185, n43 = 4 9784, ny4 = 79 800, N15 = N16 = N17 =
nig = hy9 = N20 = N21 = N22 = 99 826, n23 = 7815614, n24 = 11 435 684,
n25 = 19 370 102, ne = 39 623 Ae n27 = 46 025 769, n28 = Nag = 544 865 099
and n39 = 1075 790 572.

e the sixth number which is not perfect or multi-perfect but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140).

e the largest known number n such that n!4+2"—1 is prime; the others are n = 1,
Oe, Oe tld, 167 and-2 609:

e the first of the seven smallest consecutive numbers at which the Q(n) function
takes distinct values, namely here the values 7, 2, 6, 4, 3, 1 and 5 (see the
number 726).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2°? — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2°3 _ 1 = 6361 - 69 431 - 20394 401.

e the 18* number n such that n! +1 is prime (see the number 116); note that
6380! + 1 is a 21507 digit number.

6 397

e the prime number which appears the most often as the 15” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199).

6 399

e the second solution of r(n + 1) — r(n) = 17 (see the number 1 295).

6 435

e the 11’ odd abundant number (see the number 945).

e the
=a third prime number p such that 31?-! = 1 (mod p?) (see the number 79).

6 474
e the third solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 12) (see the number 864).

6 489
e the smallest number n which allows the sum SS Hen) to exceed 17 (see the
number 177).

6552\(] 22 3267-13)
e the third solution of ae = ~ (see the number 1080).

6 569

e the 16” prime number pz such that pip2...p,x — 1 is prime (see the number

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct fourth
powers in two distinct ways: 6578 = 1* + 24+9* = 34+ 74 + 8+ (Martin,
1876); for the case when the condition “distinct” is not required, see the num-
ber 2673; if n, stands for the smallest number n which can be written as
the sum of three distinct fourth powers in k distinct ways, then no = 6578,
n3 = 811538, ng = 5978883, n5 = ng = 292965218, n7 = 779888018 and
ng = 5745705602; for the analogue question with the fifth powers, see the
number 1375 298 099; for the sixth powers, see the number 160 426514;

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n + 1) + w(n + 2) = 11: here
6578 = 2-11-13-23, 6579 = 32-17-43 and 6580 = 2?-5-7-47 (see the number

e the sixth Carmichael number (see the number 561).

6 603

e the only known number n > 9 (besides 89) such that n = d, +d3+d$+d§+...+
d?, where d;, dz,...,d, stand for the digits of n: here 6603 = 6+62+04+38.


e the fourth number n > 1 such that n-2"-+ 1 is prime (see the number 141).

6 694

e the third number n such that 5° P<Pn p is a perfect square: here }> p<pecos ? —
14573? (see the number 2474).

6 788
e the smallest number of persistence 6 (see the number 679).

6 801
e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains seven
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

6 853
e the fifth number n such that n,n+1,n+2 and n+3 have the same number
of divisors, namely eight (see the number 242).

6 859
e the smallest number n such that P(n)3|n and P(n + 1)3|(n +1): here 6859 =
19° and 6860 = 2?-5.-7°; the sequence of numbers satisfying this proper-
ty begins as follows: 6859, 11859210, 18253460, 38331320423, 41807225999,
50788425848, ...; if nz stands for the smallest number n such that P(n)*|n
and P(n + 1)*|(n + 1), then no = 8, ng = 6859 and ng = 11859210, while
ns < 437 489 361 912 143 559 513 287 483 711 091 603 378 (for three consecutive,
see the number 1 294 298).

6 880

e the largest four digit vampire number: here 6880 = 86 - 80 (see the number
1 260).

e the
=P seventh number n > 1 such that ¢(o(n)) =n (see the number 128).

e 217* number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).

6 930

e the fifth solution w of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

e the seventh prime number q such that 5°)PS
-, p is a multiple of 100 (see the
number 563).

7 022

e the largest number n for which inequality p, < n(log n+log log n—0.9385) does
not hold: here p7922 = 70919 > 7022(log 7022 + log log 7022
—0.9385) = 70918.6
(see G. Robin [175]).

e the seventh Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).


e one of the five numbers (the others are 1, 10, 120 and 1540) which are both
triangular and tetrahedral (see the number 10).

e the fifth bizarre number (see the number 70).


e the smallest perfect square m7 for which there exist numbers mj, m2,mg such
that m? — (m; — 1)? = m?_, for i = 2,3,4: here 7225 = 85? = 842 + 132 —
84? + 12? + 5? = 84? + 12? + 4? + 3? (see the number 169).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n+1) = 4: here 7314 = 2-3-23-53
and 7315 = 5-7-11-19 (see the number 230).

e the seventh prime number of the form («* + y*)/2 (see the number 41): here
7321 = (14 + 114)/2.

e the 15" Keith number (see the number 197).

e the fourth of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the number

e the fourth number which does not produce a palindrome by the 196-algorithm
(see the number 196).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2!97 — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

22 C= (487,

e the 1000’” prime power, namely here a prime number (see the number 419).

e the largest known prime number p such that p—k? is composite for each number
k < \/p; the other known prime numbers satisfying this property are 2, 5, 13,
31, 37, 61, 127, 379, 439, 571, 829, 991, 1549 and 3319 (see also the number

7 560

e the smallest highly composite number which is not superabundant (see the
number 110880): it is the 20°" highly composite number (see the number 180).


e the only four digit self replicating number (see the number 954).

7 647

e the 16°" Keith number (see the number 197).

7 696

e the fourth number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 7 696% = 48* + 604 + 804 (see the number 481).


e the 31" Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

7 744 | (= 887)
e the largest four digit perfect square which has only two distinct digits (see the
number 1 444).


e the 17°" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

(n) + 9(n)
e the fourth number n > 2 such that Z is an integer (see the number

e the fourth number n such that >> p is a perfect square: here )>
PSPn P<pr7ss P =
17098? (see the number 2 474).

e the 17" Keith number (see the number 197).


e the sixth bizarre number (see the number 70).

e the 1000" prime number (see the number 541).

7 936
e the ninth Euler number (see the number 272).

8 042
e the largest known number which cannot be written as a sum of less than seven
cubes (of non negative integers): here 8042 = 5° +63 + 6? + 89+ 93 + 1134173
(see E.W. Weisstein [201], p. 1918).

e the fifth number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B,(n) = B(n)?: here 27 + 32 +7 = (2+3+7)? (see the number 144).

e the fourth perfect number (see the number 6);

e the 13’" Granville number (see the number 126).

e the number of twin prime pairs < 10° (see the number 1 224).

e the seventh number which is not perfect or multi-perfect but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140);
e the third Erdés-Nicolas number (see the number 2016).

e the fifth Mersenne prime: 8191 = 21° — 1;

e the smallest counter example M, = 27—1 to the statement “If M, is a Mersenne
prime, then My, is prime”; indeed, Mgig is composite since it is divisible by
338 193 759 479;
e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) < 13 and P(p?—1) = 13
(see the number 4801).

8 208

e one of the four numbers which can be written as the sum of the fourth powers
of its digits: 8208 = 84 + 24+ 04 + 8%; the others are 1, 1634 and 9 474.

8 241

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 101% (Jaeschke, 1990); see the number

8 363

e the number of five digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

8 408

e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/8 (see the number 330).

8 450

e the
=F only solution n < 10” of o(n) = 2n +119.

8 467

e the 32Ӣ Lucas prime number (see the number 613).


e the eighth prime number of the form (x* + y*)/2 (see the number 41): here
S521 (Te 11)/2.

8 539

@ Se=eesmallest prime number q such that Digs qP is divisible by 2310 (=2-3-5-

-11): here this sum is equal to 4218060 (see the number 269).

8 549 a|(= 83 - 103)


e the third Canada perfect number: 8° +5? +4? + 9? = 83 +103 (see the number


e the second composite number n such that a(n +2) —o(n) = 2 (see the number

e (probably) the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two co-
prime numbers whose index of composition is > 1.7 (see the number 933).

e the fifth number n such that 2” = —2 (mod n) (see the number 946).

8 648

e the eighth dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

8 672

e the smallest solution y of y? = (5) + (4) + (5) + (4), namely (a, y) = (767, 8672)
(see the number 767).

e the smallest solution of o(n) = a(n + 69): it is mentioned in R.K. Guy [101],
B13, that Mientka and Vogt could only find two solutions of this equation,
namely 8786 and 24885: but there are 35 more < 10’; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 8786, 24885, 205206, 274505,
414645, 554826, 622686, 724746, ...

e the third composite number n (and the largest one known) such that o(n +
2) — a(n) = 2 (see the number 434).

e the eighth Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).

(=7- 19-67)
e the seventh Carmichael number (see the number 561).

e the second solution of a(n) = a(n + 3) (see the number 382).



e the smallest solution of (n) = 2n +6; the sequence of numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 8925, 32445, 442365, ...7°?

8970 |(=2-3-5- 13-23)

e the seventh ideal number (see the number 390).

e the 11‘ prime number p such that (3? — 1)/2 is itself a prime number (see the
number 1091).

i 9091

e one of the only two prime numbers p (the other is 11) with the property that
any number of the form abcdeabcde is divisible’°? by p.

9 272

e the seventh bizarre number (see the number 70).

9 352

e the smallest number n such that B(n) < B(n+1) <... < B(n+6): here
176 < 246 < 1564 < 1876 < 2341 < 3122 < 4681 (see the number 714;
compare with the number 46 189).


e the seventh solution of o(¢(n)) = a(n) (see the number 87).


e the only four digit automorphic number: 9376? = 87909376 (see the number

151It is easy to prove that n = 2% - p, with p a prime and aa positive integer, is a solution of
o(n) = 2n+6 if and only if p = 2%+1 — 7: we thus find that the smallest solution of the form
n = 2%p is obtained when a = 38 and p = 2°+! — 7 = 549755813881, which yields the solution
nm = 151115 727 449 904501 489 664; this phenomenon repeats itself when a = 714 and not before.
152The proof of this result is trivial. Indeed, for a number n of the form abcdeabcde, we have
m = a@+10°45-10° 4 ¢-10' +d: 10° +e-10° +.0-107 +)-10° 46-107 + d-10 +e
a- 104(10° + 1) + b- 109(10° + 1) +.c- 107(10° + 1) + d- 10(10° + 1) + e(10° + 1),
and since 10° + 1 = 11- 9091, the result follows.

e the second number which can be written as the sum of two squares in six distinct
ways: 9425 = 47 + 97? = 20? + 95? = 31? + 92? = 412 + 88? = 55? + 80? =
64? + 73? (see the number 5525).

e the smallest number n such that each of the numbers n,n + 1,...,n + 20 is
divisible by one or several of the prime numbers p, with 2 < p < 13 (problem
taken in the 1986 USA and Canadian Olympiad: see Math. Mag. 59 (1986),
p. 309).

e the second number which is equal to the sum of the fourth powers of its dig-
its added to the product of its digits: the only other number satisfying this
property!°? is 8 208.

e the largest number which can be written as the sum of the fourth powers of its
digits: 9474 = 94 + 44+ 74 + 4+; the others are 1, 1634 and 8 208.

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2?!” — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2317 _1 = 9511 - 587492521482839879- 4868122671322098041565641


e the 18" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

e the 12*" and largest known prime number p such that (3? — 1)/2 is itself a
prime number (see the number 1091).

153Qne can argue, as in the footnote tied to the number 1324, that any such number can have at
most six digits; using a computer, it is then easy to prove that 9471 is the largest number with this

9 567

e the only solution “SEND” to the first known cryptogram


9567+1085 = 10652

(see the number 1 085).

e the smallest prime number that is preceded by 35 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no prime numbers between 9551 and 9587.

e the number of prime numbers < 100000.

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2783 _ 1. whose complete
factorization is given by

2783 _ 1 = 9623 - 68492481833 - Pry.

e the exponent of the 21"%* Mersenne prime 29°°9 — 1 (Gillies, 1963).

e the fourth powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful (see the number
288): here 9800 = 23 .5?- 7? and 9801 = 34 - 11?;
e the fifth solution w + s of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

e the sixth number n such that the binomial coefficient eg) is a perfect square:
here (°5”') = 6930? (see the number 289).

e the number of digits in the decimal expansion of the Fermat number 22°” + 1.


e the largest prime number with four distinct digits; if q, stands for the largest
prime number made up of exactly k distinct digits, then q, = 7, g2 = 97,
q3 = 983, qa = 9871, qs = 98731, gg = 987 631, 7 = 9876413, gg = 98 765 431
and gg = 987654 103; it is clear that qi9 does not exist (see the number 1039
for the similar question for the smallest prime number with k distinct digits).


e one of the only two prime numbers p (the other one is 101) satisfying the
property!>* that any number of the form abcde fabcdef is divisible by p.

9 941

e the exponent of the 22"¢ Mersenne prime 29°*! — 1 (Gillies, 1963).


e the largest four digit prime number.

10 007

e the smallest five digit prime number.

10 080

e the 21" highly composite number (see the number 180).

a o i) nNw

e the smallest candidate still “suspected” of being a Sierpinski number (see the
number 78 557).

10 243

e the smallest prime number made of five distinct digits (see the number, 1 039).

10 305 | (= 37. 5.- 229)

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Si ei to exceed 1; the smallest

number that allows this sum to exceed 2 is 1 799 938.

15475 obtain this result, see the footnote tied to the number 9091, observing that 1000001 =

10 343

e the prime number which appears the most often as the 16°” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199).

10 368

e the smallest number n = [dj, d2,...,d,] such that (dj +r)-(dg+r—1)-...-(dr+

1) = n; the set of numbers satisfying this property is finite and its members
are 10368, 34496, 9317179872, 2974959 187 200 and 3 942 878 404 608 000;
e the fifth number n which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 5: 10368 = [3, 1, 2, 4,3, 3]5 = 3!- 1! -2!- 4!-3!-3! (see the number 144).


e the smallest number n which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in four distinct ways: 10370 = 13? + 101? =-31? + 977 =
59? + 83% = 71? + 73? (see the number 338).

10 430

e the eighth bizarre number (see the number 70).


e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p— 1) = Q(p+1) = 7: here 10528 =
2°-7-47 and 10530 = 2-3*-5-13 (see the number 271).

10 537

e the smallest number n such that ¢13(n) = 2, where $1°(n) stands for the 13*”

iteration of the @ function (see the number 137).

10 585

e the eighth Carmichael number (see the number 561).

10 604

e the 18” solution of 6(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

10 691

e the 33"¢ Lucas prime number (see the number 613).


e the smallest 11-hyperperfect number (and the only one < 10%): a number
n is said to be 11-hyperperfect if n=1+4+ 11 ye d, which is equivalent to

llo(n) = 12n + 10 (see the number 21).

10 790

e the smallest solution of o2(n) = 02(n+ 20); the sequence of numbers satisfying
this equation begins as follows: 10790, 9475 190, 13622 390, 22302710, ...

10 854

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Me — to exceed 18 (see the
en PUM)
number 177).

10 891

e the smallest number n such that }> m<n @(m) is a multiple of 10000 (here the
sum is equal to 36060000).

10 935

e the sixth odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).

10 989
e the third number which is not a palindrome and which divides the number
obtained by reversing its digits (see the number 1 089).

e the second insolite number (see the number 111).

11 167
e the smallest number n which allows the sum Ss —— to exceed 7 (see the
fen Ohm)
number 129).

11 213

e the exponent of the 23" Mersenne prime 2!!713 — 1 (Gillies, 1963).


(= 5-7-17- 19)
e the smallest pseudoprime in base 2 with four prime factors; if nz stands for
the smallest pseudoprime in base 2 having k prime factors, then ng = 341,
n3 = 561, ng = 11305, ns = 825 265, ng = 45593065 and n7 = 370851 481.


e the smallest number n such that t(n) < T(n +1) <... < 7(n +4): it is also
the smallest number n such that r(n) < r(n +1) < ... < T(n +5): here
4<6<8< 12 < 16 < 30 (see the number 61).

(is74\(e2 11247)
e the 10000% composite number (see the number 133).

e the largest solution n < 10° of y(n +1) —7(n) = 19: the others are 98 and 135
(see the number 98).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2°7 _ 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2°7 _ 1 = 11447 - 13842607235828485645766393.

e the 14’” prime number px such that pip2...px +1 is prime (see the number

e the first term of the smallest sequence of nine consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1, namely 11593, 11597, 11617, 11621, 11633, 11657, 11677,
11681 and 11689 (see the number 2593).

e the smallest number n such that T(n) = t(n +1) = T(n +2) = 7(n +3) =
T(n +4): the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
11605, 12855, 13782, 19142, 21494, 28374, 28375, 40311, 42805, 50585, ... (see
the number 33).


e the 19*” solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

11 872

e the number of Niven numbers < 10° (see the number 213).

11 881 | (= 1097)
e the smallest five digit perfect square which has only two distinct digits (see the
number 1 444);

e the second star number > 1 which is also a perfect square (see the number
e 1) —_

11 907

e the seventh odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).


e the third solution of a(n) = a(n + 3) (see the number 382).

12 008

e the ninth dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

12 025

e the fifth number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth powers:
12025” = 604 + 754 + 100% (see the number 481).

e the smallest five digit prime number whose digits are consecutive (see the num-
ber 67).

12 167

e the fifth powerful number n such that n + 1 is also powerful (see the number
288): here 12167 = 23% and 12168 = 23 - 3? - 13?.

[ip166)(= 2° 3? 13%)
e the second powerful number n such that n — 1 is a cube, namely 237cethe
smallest number n satisfying this property is 9, and there are no others < 102°

e the largest known number n such that 2” — n is prime (see the number 261).

e the 34” Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum SS — to exceed 10 (see the number
83 a

12 379

e the 19°” number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime: in fact, it is the third prime
number n satisfying this property, the second being 751, and the first being 3
(see the number 115).

12 546

e the number of integer zeros of the function M(a) := ya y(n) in the interval
[1, 10”] (see the number 92).

[12558] (=2-3-7-13-23)
e the eighth ideal number (see the number 390).


e the ninth Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).

12 721

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n +6): for
this number n, we also have P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n+7), that is
12721 > 6361 > 4241 > 3181 > 509 > 101 > 89 > 43 (see the number 1 851).

e the largest number which is not the sum of distinct cubes (see Journal of Recre-
ational Mathematics 20 (1988), p. 316).

e the smallest powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
4-powerful numbers: 12769 = 2401 + 10368, that is 113? = 7+ + 27 - 34; there
are at least four other pairs of co-prime 4-powerful numbers {a,b} such that
a+ is powerful; these are

ae ee oe OL
Doel O aaa 7) 37° . 1579",
V@eAlOV ase eto web ale 721280338
O83 7-3 1 7 Pe 5° 31387-4969"

e the seventh powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers 4 1: 12769 = 2401 + 10368, that is 113? = 74 + 2” - 34
(see the number 841).

e the seventh number n such that 2” — 7 is prime (see the number 39).

e the smallest number n such that t(n) < tT(n +1) <... < 7(n +6) (as well as
the smallest such that t(n) < r(n +1) <...< 7(n+7)): here2<4<8<
8<8<8<8 < 12 (see the number 241).

e the only solution y of the diophantine equation z(x+1)(~+2)...(@+5) = y?—-

25: the only solution of this equation is indeed (x, y) = (21, 12875) (L.E. Mattics
[132]); see the footnote tied to the number 142.

e the third number such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors, namely
the primes 3, 7, 13 and 127 (see the number 180).

e the 17%” prime number p x such that pip2...p, — 1 is prime (see the number

13 224

e the smallest Sastry number made up of five digits (see the number 6099).

13 365

e the 20” solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n + 1) (see the number 15).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 24 — 1 (Plana, 1863), whose
complete factorization is given by

jt) — | 2 13'367- 164511 353.

13 456

e the only solution n < 10!” of a(n) = 2n +89.

13 649

e the 15’ prime number pz such that p,p2...pp +1 is prime (see the number

13 650

e the second solution of ¢(n + 1) = 4¢(n) (see the number 1 260).

e the second prime number p such that 83?~' = 1 (mod p?) (see the number

13 775

e the third number n such that n?+2 is powerful: here 13 7752+2 = 189 750627 =
3° - 11% - 241? (see the number 265).

13 783

e the fifth number which does not produce a palindrome by the 196-algorithm
(see the number 196).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n +1) +w(n +2) +w(n +3) =14:
here” 13'803°="3- 43" 107, 13804°= 22-7 17-29, 13805 ='5- 11° 251 and
13 806 = 2- 37-13-59 (see the number 987).

e the sixth solution y of the Fermat-Pell equation x? — 2y? = 1: here (x,y) =

(19601, 13860) (see the number 99).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in four distinct ways:

13 896 = 1° 4+ 12° + 23° = 2° 4 43 + 24% — 43 + 18? + 202 = 92 + 10? + 23°

(see the number 1009).

e the 35” Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains eight
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

e the smallest integer n such that w(n),w(n + 1),w(n + 2),w(n + 3), w(n + 4)
are all distinct, namely in this case with the values 5, 1, 2, 3 and 4; here,
14399 =)2.-3-7 11-31, 14323 = 14323, 14324 = 27.3581, 14325 = 3-52-1911
and 14326 = 2-13-19-29 (see the number 417).

e the 13*” Granville number (see the number 126).

e the 36%” Lucas prime number (see the number 613).


e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two distinct fourth
powers and as the sum of four distinct fourth powers: 14722 = 34+ 11* =
14 + 54 + 84 + 104; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 14722, 32657, 49297, 132722, 198577, 235552, 300577, 393026, ...

e the number of possible arrangements of the integers 1,2,...,8 with the restric-
tion that the integer 7 must not be in the j*” position for each j, 1 < 7 < 8
(see the number 265).

14 841

e the tenth solution of a(n) = a(n + 1) (see the number 206).

14 884
e the second powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
4-powerful numbers: 14884 = 243 + 14641, that is 2? - 617 = 3° + 114 (see the
number 12769);
e the eighth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers # 1: 14884 = 243 + 14641, that is 2? -617 = 3° +114 (see

the number 841).

15015 |(= 3-5-7- 11-13)

e the smallest odd square-free abundant number.

15 120

e the 22Ӣ highly composite number (see the number 180).

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p+1) = 2, O(p+2) = 3, Q(p+3) =4

and Q(p + 4) = 5 (see the number 61).


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 271! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2711_1 = 15193 - 60272956433838849161


15 243

e the smallest number n for which the Moebius function p takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1; it is also the smallest number n for
which the ys function takes successively the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 as well as
1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1 (see the number 3647).

15 376

e the only solution n < 10’? of a(n) = 2n + 31 (see the number 196).

15 613

e the only known number whose cube is the sum of a square and an eighth power:
here 156133 = 1549034? + 33° (see the number 122).

15 727

e the smallest prime number that is preceded by 43 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no primes between 15683 and 15 727.

15 822

e the 20%" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

15 841

e the ninth Carmichael number (see the number 561).

15 860

e the smallest number n > 7 such that (.(n) = 6.(n +1) = 64(n + 2), where
Ee aeep res oes A es ain B here 15860 = 2?-5-13-61, 15861 =
Se lveotlland 15862 = 2 *7 “Al - 103, so that the common value of 3,(n +7) is
20; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 15860,
46035, 101121, 167143, 414408, 526370, 593503, ...1°°; if mn, stands for the
smallest number n > 8 such that 6,(n) = 6.(n +1) =... = 6. (n+k—1),
then no = 65, n3 = 15860, ng = 2071761216, n5 < 60502 217031967 and
ng < 2393 703 338 691 891 312 (compare with the number 89 460 294).

15 872
e the 14’ Granville number (see the number 126).

155Qne can prove that if the Generalized Twin Prime Conjecture is true, then, for each integer
k > 2, equation B.(n) = Bx(n +1) =... = G«(n +k —1) has infinitely many solutions (see J.M. De
Koninck [46]).

15 877

e the 18%” (and largest known) prime number p, such that pip2...px —1 is prime
(see the number 317).


e the prime number which appears the most often as the 17%” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199).

16 363

e the third number which is equal to the sum of the fifth powers of its digits
added to the product of its digits (see the number 1 324).

16 447

e the 10000" square-free number (see the number 165).

16513ih—=w-e 33m)
e the second 6-hyperperfect number (see the number 301).


e the smallest number n such that G(n) < B(n+1) < ... < B(n+4+7); here
38 < 46 < 148 < 312 < 340 < 836 < 5530 < 8293 (see the number 714).

16 641

e the ninth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers # 1: 16641 = 2000+ 14641, that is 37-43? = 24.534 114
(see the number 841).

16 767

e the smallest number n such that n and n+1 are both divisible by a sixth power:
16 767 = 3° - 23, 16 768 = 2” - 131 (see the number 1215).

16 787

e the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 24, from the
preceding and following prime numbers: pi933 = 16763, pi939 = 16787 and
P1940 = 16811.

e the tenth Catalan number (see the number 14).

e the smallest Wolstenholme prime: a prime number p satisfying the congruence

(ee 1 )=1 (mod p’) is called a Wolstenholme prime: the only other known

Wolstenholme prime is 2 124679 (R.J. McIntosh [134])1°°.

(= 89 - 191)
e the largest Canada perfect number: 1? + 6? + 9? + 9? + 9? = 89+ 191 (see the
number 125).

e the largest number which is not the sum of the squares of distinct prime num-
bers (R.E. Dressler, L. Pigno & R. Young [70]).

e the smallest number > 2 which is equal to the product of the factorials of its
digits in base 8: 17280 = [4,1,6,0,0]g = 4!- 1!-6!-0!-0!; the only known
numbers satisfying this property are
1, 2, 17280, 348 364 800,
and 306556928000000000000000000000000000000000000; the following table re-
veals, for each base b with 5 < b < 12, the smallest number n which is equal to
the product of the factorials of its digits in base b:

156Tt is interesting to make the following observations. It follows from Wilson’s Theorem that
(ea) = 1 (mod p) for all primes p and all integers n > 1. In 1819, Babbage observed that
(eee) = 1 (mod p?) for each prime number p > 2. In 1862, Wolstenholme established that
(2a) =1 (mod p®) for each prime number p > 3.

[ Base 6 | minimal number n = [d;,d2,...,d,|p = dy! - do!---d,!

144= {1,0,3,4]5 = 1!-0!-3!-4!
= 2°-3
Dae 4, Ole et Olea eS
248 832 000 = (6,1, 1,1,0,1,5,5,0,
= 60211: 1). 102 Ole bib) Ol Al 213 3° 52
17280= (4, 1,6,0,0]g = 4!-1!-6!-O!-0! = 27-3°-5
2 264 832 171 464 196 096 000 000
=ie"1 3,4) 7,6, 3,6, 2) 1,0/4)2, 155,5,7,4, 0, 0,0, 0/0,05070],
— 936 316 56.72

(no numbers satisfying this property are known)

36= (3, 3]. = 3! - 3! = 2? - 3?
21772 800 = [7, 3, 6, 0,0,
0, O}12
=i) 3t 6! OneOle Ol Ol = 22a Ome

17 316

e the sixth number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth powers:
17316? = 724 + 907 + 1204 (see the number 481).

17 576 |(=26°)
e the fourth number n whose sum of digits is equal to @/n (see the number 512).

17 850

e the smallest solution of a(n) = 3n+ 18: the only solutions n < 10° of this
equation are 17850, 64890 and 884 730.

18 095

e the tenth Lucas-Carmichael number (see the number 399).


e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2'! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2°! — 1 = 18121 - 55871 - 165799 - 2332951 - 7289088383388253664437433.

18 158

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Se when to exceed 19 (see the
een 21M)
number 177).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 222° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

97231 = 18287 - 196687 - 1466449 - 2916841

-1469495262398780123809 - 596242599987116128415063;

it is the smallest Mersenne number with exactly six prime factors (see the num-
ber 223 for the list of the smallest numbers which require a given number of
distinct primes).


e the 21”* solution of ¢(n) = ¢(n +1) (see the number 15).

18 444

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n+1)+w(n+4+ 2) +w(n+3) = 15:

here 18444 = 27.3-29-53, 18445 = 5-7-17-31, 18446 = 2- 23-401 and
18 447 = 3-11-13. 43 (see the number 987).

18 486

e the third composite number n (and the largest < 10°) which divides the ex-
pression a(n) + $(n) + y(n) (see the number 198).

18 490

e the third number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1) —d6(n) =1
(see the number 49).

18 496

e the fifth number n > 1 such that n-2"-+ 1 is prime (see the number 141).

18 523

e the 16’” prime number p,z such that pip2...pzx +1 is prime (see the number

18 600
e the eighth number which is not perfect or multi-perfect but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140).

18 620

e the ninth number which is not perfect or multi-perfect but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140).

18 737

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares, as the
sum of two cubes and as the sum of two fourth powers and where each of the
numbers in question is distinct from the others: here 18737 = 89? + 104? =
17? + 249 = 84 4 11°.

18 787

e the second component of the largest known pair of prime numbers (p,q) such
pt '=1 (modg?) and gg? *=1 (mod 2);
here (p, qg) = (2903, 18787) (see the number 2903).

18 885

e the 21"** number n such that n- 2" — 1 is prime (see the number 115). .


e the sixth self contained number (see the number 293).

19 279

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 10% (see the number 646).

19 333

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 40 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 40 is composite (see the number 139).

19 469

e the 37°" Lucas prime number (see the number 613).


e the third 2-hyperperfect number (see the number 21).


e the ninth number n such that n? — 1 is powerful: here 19601? —1 = 2°-34-5?.

7? 11? (see the number 485).

e the smallest prime number which is preceded by 51 consecutive composite num-

bers; indeed, there are no primes between 19609 and 19661.

e the fifth (and largest) number n whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the
number 512).

[19 767] (=3- 11-599)

e the number n which allows the sum y — to exceed 2 (see the number 402).

e the smallest prime factor of 10°? + 1; if q, stands for the smallest prime factor
of 102° +1, then qg, = 101, go = 73, 93 = 17, qa = 353, gs = 19841,
ge = 1265011073, g7 = 257, g3 = 10753, gg = 1514497,
gio = 1856 104 284 667 693 057, qi1 = 106907803649 and gig = 458 924033;
here are the complete factorizations!®’ of the numbers 102° +1 when2<k<8
and their partial factorizations when k = 9, 10, 11, 12:

i a6) elonye
10° +1 = 17-5882353,
10'°+1 = 353-449-641 -1409 - 69857,
10°7+1 = 19841 - 976193 - 6187457 - 834427406578561,
10° +1 = 1265011073 - 15343168188889137818369
10178 +1 = 257-15361 -453377 - Piie,
107° +1 = 10753 - 8253953 - 9524994049 - 73171503617 - Poos,
10°27 +1 = 1514497 - 302078977 - Cagg,
1019441 = 1856104284667693057 - Cio06,
10747 +1 = 106907803649 - C2937,
10499 +1 = 458924033 - Cuogs,
157]¢ is easy to establish that each prime factor of 102" +1 is of the form j-2*+1 +1 for a certain
positive integer j.

where P,, stands for a v digit prime number, while C, is a v digit composite

19 937

e the exponent of the 24*” Mersenne prime 21999” — 1 (Tuckerman, 1971).

e the largest number n such that f4(n) >n, where f4(n) = fa([di,d2,.--,dr]) =
di + d§+...+d4, where di,d2,...,d, stand for the digits of n.

20 154

e the smallest number n such that a(n), o(n+1), o(n+2), o(n+3) and o(n + 4)
have the same prime factors, namely here 2, 3, 5 and 7: the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 20 154, 29 395, 214195, 764 392,
768 594, ... (see the number 3777).

20 160

e the 23"¢ highly composite number (see the number 180).


e the smallest number n having the property that each number > n can be
written as the sum of two abundant numbers (C.S. Ogilvy and J.T. Anderson

20 201

e the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 18, from the
preceding and following prime numbers: p2284 = 20183, poogs = 20201 and
P2236 = 20 219.

e the eighth number n such that o(¢(n)) =n (see the number 744).

e the only solution n < 10° of a(n) = 3n + 16.

158The largest known prime of the form 10” +1 is 101; one easily proves that if 10” +1 is prime, n
must be a power of 2; but since one can easily check, using a computer, that 102" +1 is composite
for 2<k < 16, it follows that 10" + 1 is composite for 3 < n < 131071 = 2!” —1.

e the fourth number which can be written as the sum of two cubes in two distinct
ways: 20683 = 10°+27% = 193 +243 (see the number 1 729); moreover, it is the
second number satisfying this property if one specifies that the representations
a® + 6? = c? + d3 are such that (a,b) = (c,d) = 1.

(89 - 233)
e the smallest composite number n such that 2”~? = 1 (mod n); the other
composite numbers n < 10° satisfying this property are 93 527, 228 727, 373 457,
540 857, 2231327, 11232 137, 15088 847, 15 235 703, 24601 943, 43 092 527,
49 891 487, 66171 767, 71429177, 137134727, 207 426 737, 209 402 327,
269 165 561, 302 357057, 383696 711 and 513013327; there are however other
such numbers, namely 73 - 48544121 and 524287 - 13264529 (R.K. Guy [101],

e the second number of the form 122° + 1 (here with k = 2); it is conjectured
that all numbers of the form 12"+1, with n > 2, are composite; since it is clear
that 12" +1 can be factored if n has an odd number, it follows that any prime
number of the form 12% + 1, with n > 2, must be of the form [Bec 1; the
following is a table of the factorizations of the numbers 122" +lforl<k<8:

127 +1 = 5-29
(24 le 20787150 233
127741 = 429981697 = 17-97 - 260753
127° 41 = 184884258895036417 = 153953 - 1200913648289
122741 = 34182189187166852111368841966125057
= 769 - 44450180997616192602560262634753
12°41 = 36097-81281 - 69619841 - 73389730593973249
(Ozu PETAL 57 EP ia6
122° 41 = 8253953 - 295278642689 - Case.

e the second prime number p such that 5?! = 1 (mod p”): the only prime
numbers p < 2°” satisfying this congruence are 2, 20771, 40487, 53471161
and 1645333507 (see Ribenboim [169], p. 347).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the squares of three
prime numbers in 17 distinct ways: 20979 = 11° + 97? + 107? = 13? + 101? +
1032 = 172437241392 = 172+897+4113? = 192+437+137? = 19°+67?+127? =

932 4+ 41? +1372 = 29? + 372 + 1372 = 312 + 97? + 1032 = 372 +. 597 + 127? =
372 4.972 +1012 = 472 + 832 + 109? — 592 + 83? + 1032 = 61? + 67? + 113? =
672 + 712 + 1072 = 712 + 732 + 103? = 73? + 79? + 972.


e the ninth Bell number (see the number 52).

21 480

e the 22”¢ number n such that n! — 1 is prime (see the number 166).


e the exponent of the 25°” Mersenne prime 27! 7°! — 1 (Noll and Nickel, 1978).


e the fourth number (which is not a palindrome) which divides the number ob-
tained by reversing its digits (see the number 1 089).

22 020

e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5 are all divisible

by a square > 1: here 22020 = 2?-3-5-367, 22021 = 197-61, 22022 = 2-7-11?-13,
22.023 = 3° - 2447, 22024 = 23 . 2753, 22025 = 5* - 881 (see the number 242).

22 073

e the second prime number q such that eee gp isa perfect square: here
p< 22073 p = 25633969 = 50637: the sequence of numbers satisfying this pro-
perty begins as follows: 23, 22073, 67187, 79427, 10729219, ...

22 434

e the largest solution x of the diophantine equation 2? + 19 = y”: J.H.E.Cohn

[35] proved that the only three solutions of this equation, with n > 2 and x > 0,
are (x,y,n) = (9,10,
2), (18,7,3) and (22 434,55,5).

e one of the three numbers n such that the polynomial 2° —x+n can be factored;
the two others are n = 15 and n = 2759640: here 2° — x + 22440 = (2? =
12% + 55)(a? + 12”? + 89a + 408) (see S. Rabinowitz [166)).

e the sixth and largest solution y of the diophantine equation x? + 999 = y? (see
the number 251).

e the smallest number n such that each of the numbers n+7, 0 < i < 3, is divisible
by areube! 917522624 = 2°. 7-101, 22625 = 5° “181, 22626 = 2 3% = 419,
22627 = 11° -17 (see the number 242).

e the largest number n such that the corresponding triangular number 7; =

a is the product of three consecutive numbers: here

22.736 - 22 737
5 = 636 - 637 - 638

(see the number 608).

e the seventh number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).

e the second number n such that ae ae for some k satisfying (k,6) = 1, here
with k = 19; the only solutions n < 10° of this equation are 18, 22932 and
14520 576.

e the 22"¢ number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115). _

e the 23™¢ number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

e the exponent of the 26” Mersenne prime 27°79 — 1 (Noll, 1979).


e the smallest number n such that 1(n) = n/9 (see the number 330).

23 569

e the seventh number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 23569? = 844 + 1054 + 140* (see the number 481).

23 760

e the smallest number n such that $(n) + a(n) = 4n; the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 23760, 59400, 153720, 4563000,
45 326 160, 113315 400, 402 831 360, 731601 000, 803 685 120, 865 950 624,
919501200, 1178491680, 3504597120, 3786686400 and 6429564000 (the
largest < 10°); F. Luca & J. Sandor [129] obtained interesting results on com-
posite numbers n for which the quotient o(n) + o(n) is an integer)? (see also
R.K. Guy [102] as well as the number 312).

23 762

e the fourth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1)—4d(n) =1
(see the number 49).

e the 17 prime number pz such that +1 is prime (see the number

23 805
e the fourth number such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 7, 13 and 79 (see the number 180).

e the 18° prime number p,; such that pip2...p, +1 is prime (see the number

1591f A stands for the set of numbers n for which AWE AGS; is an integer, then Luca and Sandor
obtained various results concerning the nature of the aie in particular, they proved that for each
k > 2, the set A contains only a finite number of numbers n with Q(n) < k, and that if n € A and
w(n) = 3, then either n = 2% -3-p with p = 2°-2 - 7 — 1 prime, or else n € {560, 588, 1400}. They
also established an upper bound for the number of elements of A not exceeding x. C.A. Nicol’s
conjecture which claims that all elements of A are even has not yet been proved.

24 251

e the prime number which appears the most often as 18°” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199).

24 335

e the tenth number n such that n? — 1 is powerful (see the number 485).

24 384

e the fifth solution of eu) = :(see the number 1 488).



e the 16%” Granville number (see the number 126).

24 692
e the smallest number n which allows the sum SS — to exceed 4 (see the

number 44).

24 846

e the eighth number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).

24 885

e the second solution of a(n) = o(n + 69) (see the number 8 786).

24 961

e the eighth number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 24961? = 604 + 65+ + 156* (see the number 481). '

e the smallest product common to four triplets of numbers having same sum
and same product, these triplets being (6,56,75), (7,40,90), (9,28,100) and
(12,20,105) (Problem E2872, Amer. Math. Monthly 89 (1982), p.499);
e the 24” highly composite number (see the number 180).

[26 208 |(= 25 - 3? - 7 - 13)

e the third solution of me a5 (see the number 4320).

[26 277 |(=3-19-

e the number n which allows the sum SE a to exceed 2 (see the number


(= 24 - 1663)
e the 10000" number having exactly two distinct prime factors (see the number

26 861

e the smallest number n for which 7(n; 4,1) > 7(n;4,3) (Leech, 1957).

e the 19%" number n (and the largest one known) such that n! + 1 is prime (see
the number 116); note that the number 26951! + 1 is a 107707 digit number.

27 000

e the fifth number n > 2 such that oe is an integer (see the number

[27 625 |(= 5° - 13 - 17)

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in seven
distinct ways (as well as in eight distinct ways), namely 27625 = 20? + 1652 =
277 +1642 = 457+ 160? = 60? +155? = 837+ 1442 = 8874141? = 10124132? =
115? + 120? (see the number 50).

e the smallest number n such that o(n) > 4n: in this case, Zin) = 4.05; the
sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 27720, 30240,
32 760, 50400, 55440, 60480, 65520, 75600, 83160, ...; moreover, if n = nz
stands for the smallest number n such that o(n) > kn, then nz = 6, n3 = 120,
ng = 27720, ns = 122522 400 and ng = 130 429 015 516 800;
e the 25" highly composite number (see the number 180).

e the second number n such that each of the numbers n+i, i = 0,1,2,...,16, has
a factor in common with the product of the other 16 (see the number 2184).

e the tenth number which is not perfect or multi-perfect but whose harmonic
mean is an integer (see the number 140).

e the smallest number n such that P(n +7) < /n +i for i = 0,1,2,3,4,5; the
largest prime factors of these six numbers are respectively 73, 97, 131, 89, 163
and 53, and thus all smaller than /28032 ~ 167 (see the number 1518).

e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = r(n + 1) = T(n + 2) = T(n +38) =
T(n+4) =7(n+5): the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as
follows: 28374, 90181, 157493, 171893, 171.894, 180965, 180966, ... (see the
number 33).

e the eighth prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89).

e the smallest Niven number n such that n+ 30 is also a Niven number, but with
no others in between; if nz, for k > 2, stands for the smallest Niven number n
such that n + k is also a Niven number, but with no others in between, then
AO) == 90, 90, = 7560, n30 = 28 680, n49 = 119 (GOR n590 = 154 876, né6éo =
297 864, nz = 968 760, ngo = 7989 168, noo = 2879 865 and n109 = 87 699 842.

e the ninth number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 28721? = 604 + 135+ + 1484 (see the number 481).

e the smallest number n such that r(n) > T(n +1) >... > T(n +4); it is also
the smallest number n such that r(n) > rT(n +1) >... > T(n +5): here
16 >12>10>8>4> 2 (see the number 45).

e the smallest pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5 and 7; it is also the smallest pseudo-

prime in bases 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11; the sequence of pseudoprimes in bases 2, 3, 5
and 7 begins as follows: 29341, 46657, 75361, 115921, 162401, ...

e the eighth number such that 2” + n? is prime (see the number 2007).

e the second number n such that o(n), o(n +1), o(n+2), o(n+3) and o(n+4)
have the same prime factors, namely here 2, 3, 5 and 7 (see the numbers 3777
and 20 154).

e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have seven prime factors
counting their multiplicity: 29888 = 2° - 467 and 29889 = 3° - 41 (see the
number 135).

e the smallest number of the form p;p2 ...p~%-+1 which is not prime: here 30031 =
223-5240 911-13 -— 1 = 69-509:

e the smallest 4-perfect number, that is a number n such that o(n) = 4n; the
list of 4-perfect numbers begins as follows: 30 240, 32 760, 2178540, 23 569 920,
45 532 800, 142 990 848, 1379 454720, 43 861 478 400, 66 433 720 320,
153 003 540 480, 403 031 236 608, ...; there seems to exist only 36 4-perfect num-
bers (see R.K. Guy [101], B2).

30 375

e the smallest number n which allows the sum De oe to exceed 20 (see the
fon Pm)
number 177).

e possibly the largest number n such that n(n + 1)(n + 2)...(n +6) and (n+
1)(n+2)...(n +7) have the same prime factors: here

20618 230619)
on. 230624 © 0b925395
57 11 290759..61
67 -113 - 173 - 251 - 271 - 457 -1531,
30619 -30620+...-30625 = 9°.
‘67-113 - 173 - 251 - 271 - 457 - 1531;

if nz, for k > 2, stands for the largest number n such that n(n + 1)(n +
2)...(n+k —1) and (n+ 1)(n+ 2)...(n +k) have the same prime factors,
then the conjectured values of the first n,’s (assuming the abc Conjecture’®°)
are No = 2, ng = 24, ng = 32, ng = 400, ng = 480, n7 = 30618, ng = 34992,
Ng = 39 366, nig = 43740 and ny1= 107 800.

30 693

e the ninth number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome
(see the number 26).

30 784

e the tenth number whose square can be written as the sum of three fourth
powers: 30784? = 964 + 1204 + 1604 (see the number 481).

31 469

e the smallest prime number which is preceded by 71 composite numbers; indeed,

there are no primes between 31397 and 31 469.

31 907

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 50 is prime and such that each
number between p and p+ 50 is composite (see the number 139).

160Tndeed, it is easy to show that if the abc Conjecture is true, then each number nx is well defined.
Indeed, let k > 2 be fixed. First observe that P(n) < k, since otherwise p|n for some prime p > k,
in which case p cannot divide any of the numbers n +7 for i = 1,2,...,k, thereby contradicting the
fact that n(n+1)...(n+k-—1) and (n+1)...(n+k) have the same prime divisors. By the same
argument, we also have P(n +k) < k. Thus, applying the abc Conjecture (with a = n, b= k and
c=n-+k), we have

nthenomineny« (TD) ,
an inequality which cannot hold if n is sufficiently large.

32 043
e the smallest number whose square uses each of the ten digits once and only
once: 87 numbers satisfy this property, namely: 32043, 32286, 33144, 35172,
35337, 35757, 35853, 37176, 37905, 38772, 39147, 39336, 40545, 42744, 43902,
44016, 45567, 45624, 46587, 48852, 49314, 49353, 50706, 53976, 54918, 55446,
55524, 55581, 55626, 56532, 57321, 58413, 58455, 58554, 59403, 60984, 61575,
61866, 62679, 62961, 63051, 63129, 65634, 65637, 66105, 66276, 67677, 68763,
68781, 69513, 71433, 72621, 75759, 76047, 76182, 77346, 78072, 78453, 80361,
80445, 81222, 81945, 83919, 84648, 85353, 85743, 85803, 86073, 87639, 88623,
89079, 89145, 89355, 89523, 90144, 90153, 90198, 91248, 91605, 92214, 94695,
95154, 96702, 97779, 98055, 98802 and 99066.1°

32 045
e the second number which can be written as the sum of two squares in eight
distinct ways: 32045 = 2? + 179? = 19? + 178? = 46? + 173? = 677 + 1667 =
74? + 163? = 862 + 157? = 109? + 142? = 122? + 131? (see the number 50).

32 214

e the third number n such that each of the numbers n +7, i = 0,1,2,...,16, has
a factor in common with the product of the other 16 (see the number 2 184).

32 292

e the sixth number n > 1 such that n-2"+ 1 is prime (see the number 141).

32 445

e the second number n such that o(n) = 2n + 6 (see the number 8 925).

32 469

e the seventh number n > 1 such that n- 2” + 1 is prime (see the number 141).

32 760

e the second number n such that a(n) = 4n (see the number 30 240).

32 768

e the eighth number n > 1 such that ¢(o(n)) =n (see the number 128).

161 Observe that none of these numbers is prime; indeed, each of them is a multiple of 3: this results
from the fact that to each such number n corresponds the number n? which is made up of the digits
0,1,2,...,9; since O+1+2+...+9 = 45 is divisible by 9, it follows that 3|n.

e the fifth Apéry number (see the number 1 445).

33 614

e the first of the three smallest consecutive numbers each divisible by a fourth
power)33 6142477, 33615 = 3* -5..83, 33616 = 2*- 14-191 (see the number

33 617

e the smallest number n which allows the sum y — to exceed 11 (see the number


e the smallest number n requiring 11 iterations of the o;(n) function in order to

reach 1, yielding the sequence 34184, 4274, 2138, 1070, 648, 121, 133, 160, 6,
4, 1 (see the number 193).

34 560

e the value of 1!-2!-3!-4!-5!.

34 688

e the tenth dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

34 790

e the 23"¢ number (and the largest one known) n such that n! —1 is prime: note
that the number 34790! — 1 is a 142891 digit number (see the number 166).

35 308

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n +1) +w(n +2) = 12: here
35 308 = 27. 7-13-97, 35309= 17-31-67 and 35310
=2-3-5-11-107 (see
the number 2 210).

35 449

e the 38°” Lucas prime number (see the number 613).


MOD ssi only solutions n < 10° of this equation
are 35640, 199584, 2142720 and 12999 168.

e the smallest prime number gq such that , <qP is a multiple of 1000: here
Die 35677 P = 63731 000; if q, stands for the omallest prime number q such that
y p<qP is a multiple of 10*, then qi = 5, g2= 23, q3= 35677, qs = 106853,
—— 632 501 and gg = 31 190879.

e the smallest five digit palindrome abcba whose square contains all ten digits
(W. Rutherford, 1835); the numbers 84648 and 97779 also have this property
(see the number 32043).

e the fifth number n such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 3, 7, 31 and 127 (see the number 180).

e the first term of the smallest sequence of eight consecutive prime numbers all
of the form 4n + 3 (see the number 463).

e the 39%” Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

(2* 32112817)
e the smallest number having more than three distinct prime factors and which
is divisible by the square of the sum of its prime factors: the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 37026, 74052, 81900, 96 250,
111078, 121380, 123930, ...; if n, stands for the smallest number with more
than three prime factors and which is divisible by the k-th power of the sum
of its prime factors, then nj = 1122, nog = 37026 and ng = 1221 858.

e the prime number which appears the most often as the 19” prime factor of an
integer (see the number 199).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n+1) = w(n+2) = 4; the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 37960, 44484, 45 694,
50 140, 51 428, 55130, 55 384, 61 334,...; if m_,2 stands for the smallest number
m such that
w(n) =w(n+1)=...=w(n+k—-1)=£,
here are the values of some of the nx 9:

(a star next to a number indicates that it is “most likely” the smallest with
that property)

- 33
3 230 644 1308
L=4 7314 37 960 134 043
C— 254 540 1042 404 21871 365
€=6 || 11243154 323567034 | 10744118 592(*)
€=7 || 965009045 | 88533549 754(*) | 29694692 454(*)
k=6 k=7 ==!
91 141
2 664 6 850 10 280
307 642 1217 250 1217 250
129 963 314 | 830692265 | 4617927894 |

Oa Se k = 10 k=11

218 972
163 459 752

(see the number 242 for the analogue problem with the function Q(n)).

e the fifth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n +1) —6(n) =1
(see the number 49).

e the first term of the smallest sequence of nine consecutive prime numbers all
of the form 4n + 3 (see the number 463).

39 999
e the smallest solution of r(n + 1) — T(n) = 27 (see the number 399).

40 001

e the third composite number of the form k - 10" + 1 (see the number 201).

40 311
e the eighth number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3 and n+4 have the same
number of divisors, namely eight (see the number 11605).

40 320
e the value of 8!.

40 369
e the second composite number n such that 2"~-4 = 1 (mod n); the only com-
posite numbers n < 10® satisfying this property are 4, 40369, 673 663, 990 409,
1697 609, 2073 127, 6 462649, 7527199, 7559479, 14421 169, 21 484129,
37 825 753 and 57 233 047.

40 391

e the sixth solution w of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

40 465
e the smallest number which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits in
base 17: here 40 465 = [8, 4, 0, 5j17 = 8! + 4! + 0! + 5! (see the numbers 145 and
40 472).

e the largest number which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits in
base 11: here 40472 = [2, 8, 4,5, 3]1; = 2! + 8!+ 4! + 5!+4 3!; the only numbers
with this property are 1, 2, 26, 48 and 40472 (see also the number 145).

e the third odd prime number p such that 5?-! =1 (mod p?) (see the number
e the smallest prime number p whose smallest primitive root modulo p (namely
here 5) is not a primitive root modulo p? (a problem stated by Neville Rob-
bins at the 1998 West Coast Number Theory Conference and solved by many

e the largest number which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits (see
the number 145).1©?

; : : 1 1 1
e most likely the number z at which the expression Na) ae xy) =e Xe)’ where

x? + y* = 2”, reaches its minimal value: here x = 3° - 149, y = 23-7? - 47,

1 1 1
B = 5°. 13,,.and
an Ma?) + a) + —— MZ) & 0.817721.

40 723

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 8! (see the number 779).

40 755

e the second number > 1 which is both triangular and pentagonal: 40755 =
Boast == eae the smallest number satisfying this property is 210.

[41 041] (=7- 11-13-41)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of four prime numbers:
it is the 11°” Carmichael number; if we denote by nx the smallest Carmichael
number having exactly k prime factors, we have the following table:
k Nk
3 | 0661=3-11:17
4 | 41041 =7-11-13-41
5 | 825265 =5-7-17-19- 73
6 321197185 = 5- 19-23-29 -37-137
7 5 394826 3801 =7-13-17-23-31-67-73
8 232 250619601 = 7-11-13-17-31-37- 73-163
9 | 9746347772161 =7-11-13-17-19-31-37-41-641
10 | 1436697 831 295 441 = 11-13-19-29-31-37-41-43- 71-127
11] 60977 817 398 996 785 = 5- 7-17-19 -23-37-53- 73-79 - 89 - 233
12 | 7156857 700 403 137 441
=i Plo l 7 19920537 *4-43 -61- 972109 - 127
13 | 1791562 810 662 585 767 521
= 11-.13-17-19-31.37-43-71-73-97-109-113- 127
14 | 87674969 936 234 821 377 601
=7-13-17-19-23-31-37-41-61-67-89-163- 193-241

162Tt is not known if there exists a number > 2 which is equal to the product of the factorials of
its digits in base 10. However, some numbers are equal to the product of their digits in other bases
(see the number 17 280).

e the eighth odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).

e the sixth and largest solution of 6(n) = y(n)? (see the number 108).

e the only number > 2 which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits in
base 9: here 41282 = [6, 2,5, 5,8]g = 6!+ 2! + 5!+5!+8! (see also the numbers
145 and 40472).

(= 2047)
e the fourth triangular number which is also a perfect square: here
41616 = *8C88+1) — 994? (see the number 36).

e the number of integer zeros of M(x) := ye u(n) which are located in the in-
terval [1, 10°] (see the number 92).

e the 19%” prime number p, such that Pip2-.-Pk +1 is prime (see the number

(=29 39.72)
e the fourth Erdés-Nicolas number (see the number 2016).

e the median value of the third prime factor of a number (see the number 37).

(=23- 1879)
e the number n which allows the sum Se on to exceed 3 (see the number 871).

e the smallest prime number p such that p + 60 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 60 is composite (see the number 139).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2!*! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2181 _1 — 43441-1164193- 7648337-7923871097285295625344647665764672671.

e the ninth odd number n > 1 such that y(n)|o(n) (see the number 135).

44 360

e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n+1) = ... = w(n+ 8), the
common value being 3; if n, stands for the smallest number n such that w(n) =
w(in+1)=...=w(n+k-—1), then ny = ng = ng = ng = 2, n5 = 54, Nog = 91,
n7 = Ng = 141, Ng = 44 360, ni9o = 48 919, ni = 218 972, ng =nN13 =—nN14 =
526 095, n15 = 17 233173 and nig = 127 890 362; for the analogue question with
the function 2Q(n), see the number 602.

44 484 |
e the second number n such that w(n) = w(n+1) = w(n+2) = 4 (see the number
37 960).

44 497

e the exponent of the 27" Mersenne prime 244497 — 1 (Nelson and Slowinski,

44 507

e the 40°” Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

44 706

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 10'* (see the number 646).

e the tenth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers 4 1: 45125 = 20 736+ 24389, that is 52 192 = 95.537 429°
(see the number 841).

e the 26” highly composite number (see the number 180).

45 864 | (=2° - 3? - 7? - 13)

e the fifth Erdés-Nicolas number (see the number 2016).

e the smallest number n such that }>,, -,,7(m) is a multiple of 100000 (here the
sum is equal to 500000). ir

e the third prime number p such that 17?-! = 1 (mod p): the only prime
numbers p < 2°” satisfying this congruence are 2, 3, 46021 and 48947 (see
Ribenboim [169], p. 347).

e the smallest number n such that P(n) < P(n+1) <... < P(n+7): here
19 < 149 < 173 < 2887 < 6559 < 7699 < 9239 < 11549; if we denote by n,z the
smallest number n such that P(n) < P(n+1)<...< P(n+k-—1), then we
have the following table:

PS ee ee 9
ne [|8 [8 |90 |168 |9352 | 46189
k 10 i 12
ng [|721970 |6440639|565062156.
(compare with the table given at number 714).

[46 206 |(= 2-3? - 17-151)

e the smallest number which is not a prime power, but which is divisible by the
sum of the squares of its prime factors: here 2? +37+17?+151? = 23103|46206;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 46 206,
72105, 73346, 92412, 96096, 97440, 98098, 99528, 113883, 117040, 127680,
134805, 138618, 143520, 146692, 150024, 165880, 165886, 184824, ...: it

seems that there does not exist any number (4 prime power) equal to the sum
of the squares of its prime factors!®?.

46 233

® the value of 1! + 2!+...+


46 657 | (= 13 - 37 - 97)

e the sixth number of the form n” + 1 (see the number 3 126);

e the second pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5 and 7 (see the number 29341).

47 196

e the fifth number n such that o3(n) is a perfect square: indeed we have o3(47 196) =
11160240? (see the number 345).

AT 293

e the seventh horse number (see the number 13).

47 616 |(= 29-3.

oot) aed
e the smallest solution of —— = ae the second solution of this equation is
134 209 536.

48 625

e the smallest number n = [d;, d2,...,d,] such that n = df” + dae +...+d%;
here 48625 = 4° + 82 + 6° + 28 + 54; the only other known number satisfying
this property is 397612: this is an observation due to Patrick De Geest.

48 947
e the fourth prime number p such that 17?! = 1 (mod p?) (see the number
46 021).

49 081
e the sixth number k such that 11...1 is prime (Granlund & Dubner, 1989); see
the number 19.

1631p fact, one can prove that if such a number exists, then it must have at least five distinct prime
factors, and moreover that if it is square-free, then it must have at least 13 prime factors.

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Se to exceed 8 (see the
number 129).

e the third prime number of the form 11 + 27 +...+ 7”, here with n = 6 (see
the number 3 413).

50 207

e the sixth term of the sequence of prime numbers (gn)n>1 built in the following
manner: set g,; = 2, and having determined qg,-1, let qn be the largest prime
factor of 1+ 4192... Qn—1; thus the first 12 terms!®* of this sequence are 2, 3, 7,
43, 139, 50207, 340999, 2365347734339, 4680225641471129, 1368845206580129,
889340324577880670089824574922371 and

e the 27° highly composite number (see the number 180).

e the tenth Euler number (see the number 272).

e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have eight prime factors
counting their multiplicity: 50624 = 2°- 7-113 and 50625 = 34 - 54 (see the
number 135).

e the only solution n < 2- 10° of f(n) = f(n+1) = f(n+2), where f(n) =
P(n) + Po(n), with P2(n) standing for the second largest prime factor of n:
here 50652 = 2? - 3°. 7-67, 50653 = 37? and 50654 = 2- 19-31-43, while the
common value of f(n +7) is 74 (compare with the number 89 460 294).

164This sequence was first considered by A.A. Mullin [145] who was asking, amongst other things,
if this sequence was increasing, which as it turned out was not since qio < gg. It is possible that the
sequence (qn)n>1 contains all the prime numbers, but no one was ever successful in proving this
(see W. Narkiewicz [148], p. 2).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Se ab to exceed 21 (see the
en 1m)
number 177).

e the 41” (and largest known) Lucas prime number (see the number 613).

(= 29? -61)
e the smallest (and possibly the only) 19-hyperperfect number.

e the 11% powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers # 1: 51984 = 1331+50653, that is 24-37-19? = 113 +373
(see the number 841).

e the sixth number n such that o(n) and a2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 7, 13 and 307 (see the number 180).

e the 100” 3-powerful number (see the number 216).

e the smallest even number n such that o7(n) = o7(n + 2); the sequence of
numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 54178, 230578, 467 458,
5058 180, 5761978, 28119 418, 34385818, 35080 502, 37 387 980, ...

e the fourth number which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers of its
digits: 54748 = 5° + 45 + 7° + 4° + 8° (see the number 4150).

e the sixth number n > 2 such that

o (n) + o(n) is an integer (see the number

e the tenth colossally abundant number: we say that a number n is colossally

abundant if there exists ¢ > 0 such that the function o(m)/m'** reaches its
maximum at n (see P.Erdés and J.L.Nicolas [78]); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 1, 2, 6, 12, 60, 120, 360, 2520, 5040,
55440, 720720, 1441440, 4324320, 21621600, 367 567 200, ...;

e the 28'" highly composite number (see the number 180).

[56 000] (= 2° - 5° -7)

e the sixth number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B,(n) = B(n)?: here 26 + 53 + 7 = (2+5+ 7)? (see the number 144).

5720 (= .2397)
e the sixth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1)—d6(n) =1
(see the number 49);

e the sixth solution w+ s of the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

57 122

e the seventh number n such that the binomial coefficient ‘) is a perfect square:
here (atoes) = 134 . 239? (see the number 289).

57 860

e the fourth number n such that each of the numbers n +7, 7 = 0,1,2,...,16, has
a factor in common with the product of the other 16 (see the number 2184).

58 786

e the 11*” Catalan number (see the number 14).

58 980

e the number of twin prime pairs < 10’ (see the number 1 224).

59 400

e the second number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 4n (see also the numbers 23 760
and 312).

59 535

e the second solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 17 (see the number 1 681).

59 656

e the eighth number n > 1 such that n- 2” +1 is prime (see the number 141).

60 228

e the seventh number n such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 13 (see the number 180).

62 244

e the fifth number n such that each of the numbers n +7, i = 0,1,2,...,16, have
a factor in common with the other 16 (see the number 2 184).

62 471

e (probably) the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two co-
prime numbers whose index of composition is > 1.8 (see the number 933).

64 210

e the smallest number n such that }°>,,<,,0(m) is a multiple of 100000 (and of

1000000): here the sum is equal to 1391000000.

64 540

e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/10 (see the number 330).

64 890

e the second solution of a(n) = 3n 4+ 18 (see the number 17 850).

64 980

e the eighth number n such that a(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 7, 13 and 127 (see the number 180).

65 024
e the fifth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)— y(n) =1
(see the number 48).

65 535
e the fifth number n such that 4(n)|(n+1); the seven smallest numbers satisfying
this property are 1, 3, 15°(=3-5), 255 (=3-5-17), 65535 (=3-5-17- 257),
83 623935 (= 3-5-17-353 - 929) and 4294967295 (= 3-5- 17 - 257 - 65537);
the number 6 992 962 672 132095 = 3-5- 17-353 - 929 - 83 623 937 also satisfies
this property (see R.K. Guy [101], B37);
e the ninth number n such that o(¢(n)) = n (see the number 744).

65 537

e the fifth Fermat number: 65537 = 22° + 1; it is the largest known Fermat
prime; the other known Fermat primes are 3, 5, 17 and 257.

66 161
e the smallest prime number p such that 6?-! = 1 (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 2°” satisfying this congruence are 66161, 534851 and 3 152573.

66 198
e the fourth Giuga number (see the number 30).

67 187
e the third prime number gq such that Does gpisa perfect square: here
yop<e67i87 P = 212372329 = 14573? (see the number 22073).

68 832
e the ninth number n such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 13 (see the number 180).

68 889
e the smallest number of persistence 7 (see the number 679).

68 906

e the number of six digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

69 623
e the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 30, from the
preceding and following prime numbers: peg995 = 69593, pegog = 69623 and
P6907 = 69 653.

e the seventh number n > 2 such that ed (n) + $(n) is an integer (see the number

e the second even number n such that n?—1 is powerful: here 70 2262—1 = 3°-5?.
177-532; the smallest such number is n = 26; the sequence of numbers satisfying
this property begins as follows: 26, 70226, 130576328, 189750 626,...and is
infinite'® (see also the number 485).

e the largest prime p such that m(p) < 2 + Q es

, namely the first
logp log’p log’ p
three terms of the asymptotic expansion of Li(p): here 7(70 841) = 7012 while

Pp me p 2p ~ 7012.77.
logp log?p —_log®p p=70841

e the largest solution n < 10° of y(n+1) —7(n) = 11: the others are 20, 27, 288
and 675 (see the number 98).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in nine
distinct ways, namely 71825 = 1? + 268% = 40? + 265? = 65? + 260? = 767 +
2572 = 104? + 247? = 1277 + 2367 = 160? + 215? = 169? + 208? = 188? + 191?
(see the number 50).

[72 105 |(=3-5-11-19-23)

e the smallest odd number which is not a prime power, but which is divisible by
the sum of the squares of its prime factors (see the number 46 206).

165Indeed, one can see, through equation x” — 27y? = 1, that the numbers z, defined by relation
(26+15/3)?"—! = zp +yrV3 are such numbers: one thus obtains the numbers x1 = 26, x2 = 70 226,
23 = 189750626 and 24 = 512 706 121 226.

e the smallest number n such that

f(n+1) = f(n+2) = f(n+3) = f(n+4) = f(n +5),

where f(n) stands for the product of the exponents in the factorization of n
(see the number 843).

e the second prime number gq such that we gp isa multiple of 1000: the se-
quence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 35677, 75 239,
SUG, Sol99, 85.031) S6613,,.95 (lines

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p+1) = 8: here 75 328 =
2°. 11-107 and 75330 = 2-3°-5-31 (see the number 271).

[75 361 |(= 11- 13-17-31)

e the third pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5 and 7 (see the number 29 341).

e the smallest number n such that 9! divides 1+2+...+n (see the number 224);

e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 are both divisible by a seventh
power: 76544 = 2° - 13-23 and 76545 = 3’ -5-7 (see the number 1215).

e the smallest composite number n such that o(n+56) = o(n)+56; the composite
numbers 472 601, 929 964, 1 644 236, 3 143 591, 21 887471 and 28 724 844 are also
solutions of this equation.

e the smallest 5-composite number n such that n+2 is also a 5-composite number:
here 77140 = 2?-5-7-19-29 and 77142 = 2-3-13-23- 43 (see the number

e the smallest prime number p such that p— 1 and p+ 1 each have exactly five
distinct prime factors: here 77 140 = 27-5-7-19-29 and 77 142 = 2-3-13-23-43
(see the number 131).

e the third prime number p such that 37?-! = 1 (mod p?): the only prime
numbers p < 2%” satisfying this congruence are 2, 3 and 77 867 (see Ribenboim
[169], p. 347).

78 498

e the number of prime numbers < 1000000.

e the smallest known Sierpinski number: an odd number k is called a Sierpinski

number if k-2”+1 is composite for each n > 1; Sierpinski proved that there exist
infinitely many such numbers k, and in particular that 201 446 503 145 165 177 is
one of these numbers; in 1962, Selfridge proved that 78557 is also a Sierpinski
number!®®, without however claiming it was the smallest Sierpinski number
(see H.C. Williams [204])'°’; see also the number 509 203.

166To prove that 78557 is a Sierpinski number, Selfridge showed that at least one of the prime
numbers 3, 5, 7, 13, 19, 37, 73 divides 78 557-2"-+-1 for all integers n > 1. More precisely he showed

nm=1 (mod 3) 7|78557 -2" +1

n=11 (mod 12) 13/7857 2" 1
n=0O (mod 2) 3|78557- 2" +1
n=1 (mod 4) 5|78557-2" +1
n=15 (mod 18) 19|78557-2" +1
n=27 (mod 36) 37|78557-2" +1
n=3 (mod 9) | 73|78557 - 27 +1.
These congruences are respectively equivalent to

= 1,4,7,10,13,
16,19, 22, 25,28, 31,34 (mod 36),
11, 23,35 (mod 36),
= 0,2,4,6,8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,34 (mod 36),
Ill 1,5,9, 13, 17,21, 25, 29,33 (mod 36),
= 15,33 (mod 36),
= 27 (mod 36),
S\S = 3,12,21,30 (mod 36).
Since these congruences cover all congruence classes modulo 36, this establishes that 78557 - 2" + 1
is composite for all integers n > 1.
167Tt is known today that the smallest number k which could possibly be a Sierpinski number
is k = 10223; in fact, as of 2008, there remains six numbers smaller than 78557 which could
possibly be Sierpinski numbers: 10223, 21181, 22699, 24737, 55 459 and 67607; one of the last
“false Sierpinski numbers”, namely 19 249, was eliminated in 2007 by K. Agafonov, who proved that
19 249 . 213018586 4 1 is prime.


e the fifth of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the number

78 989

e the largest five digit prime number whose digits are consecutive (see the number
I Nena

79 196 =

e the second number n > 1 such that n?+3 is a powerful number: here 79 196? +
3 = 7° - 19? - 37° (see the number 37).

79 427

e the fourth prime number gq such that Dine gp isa perfect square: here
> p< 79427 P= 292341604 = 17098* (see the number 22073).

79 800

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function 9 takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1, —1,1,—1,1,—1,1,—1,1,—1,1,—1,1,—1 (see the
number 6 185).


e the only number of the form abcde such that abcde = a! — b! — c! — d! + e!; here
80518 = 8! — 0! — 5! — 1!4 8! (see the number 40585).

80 782

e the seventh solution y of the Fermat-Pell equation x? — 2y? = 1, namely that

given by (x, y) = (114243, 80782) (see the number 99).

e the smallest odd abundant number which is not divisible by 5: the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 81081, 153153, 171171,
189189, 207 207, 223 839, 243243, 261261, 279279, 297297, 351351 459 459,
513513, 567567, 621621, 671517, 729729, 742203, 783783, 793611, 812889,
837 837, 891891, 908 523, 960 687, 999 999, ... (see the numbers 945 and
5 391 411 025).

e the only five digit number (4 10000, 20 000, 30000) whose square contains only
two distinct digits: 81619? = 6 661661161 (see the number 109).

e the smallest number n which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in 5 (as well as 6, 7 and 8) distinct ways: 81770 = 417 + 283? =
537 2811 ey = 07 Se 2697137? E25 121572 + 2392 = 1792 +
2237 = 193? + 211? (see the number 338).

e the eighth number n > 2 such that ad(n) + o(n)

5 is an integer (see the number

e the 29%" highly composite number (see the number 180).

(= 174)
e possibly the only fourth power b such that a+b = c, with (a,b) = 1, min(A(a), A(c)) =
3: here a = 857 375, b = 83521, c = 940 896 and

857 375 + 83521 = 940896

Sor Ga tye re Og 117

with A(a) = 3, A(b) = 4 and A(c) & 3.283.

84 998

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Ny —— to exceed 22.
See UE,

85 139

e the third number n such that ¢(n) = 4¢(n + 1) (see the number 629).

e the fifth number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

86 243

e the exponent of the 28°” Mersenne prime 2°° 743 — 1 (Slowinski, 1982).

86 453

e the seventh number k such that —

11...1 is prime (Baxter, 2000); see the num-
ber 19.

87 360

e one of the five known unitary perfect numbers (see the number 6).

87 750

e the second number n such that (o7(n) + y(n))/n is an integer (see the number

87 890

e the sixth number n such that each of the numbers n +7, 2 = 0,1,2,...,16, has
a factor in common with the product of the other 16 (see the number 2 184).

88 799

e the smallest prime factor of s;3 = 11+2?+33+...+131; in fact, s13 = 88799-

3514531963 (see the number 3413 for the list of known numbers s,, which are
prime); below is a table of the factorizations of the numbers 11+2?+3%+...+n”
for 2 <n:
<= 60:

9? . 33 . 8089
2? 13-17-41 - 487
7-19-1451 - 2099
23 . 29 - 1274641129
23 . 7. 164496735539
88799 - 3514531963
32 . 43? . 53 - 829 - 15624709
27. 32.7. 5501 - 13649 - 23747111
2? - 11-17-3907 -625111 - 10343539

(ee 732 en
17 | 3-7-17- 107-173 - 2269 - 56429700667
18 3-5-19- 73+ 1931869473647715169
19 2413-19-47? - 97 - 2383792821710269
20 2+. 7-181 - 36529 - 144326697012150473
21 5-7-1039 - 79657 - 2053857208873393249
22 3-29-31 - 128801386946535261205906957
23 2? - 53 - 43557792866047 - 2298815880166789
24 2? - 19 - 13537 - 232117 - 5673939039312810525593
25 3 - 30425450771851 - 987909828829107235349
26 7-179 - 4985069741260463336690062035661841
Pat 23 - 19 - 5323 - 22751 - 1079277061 - 22634093659572838621
28 2 - 116687 - 457409502436223 - 78679127250998984239
29 7 - 337 - 1102705107696097221939342969589966327459
30 208492413443704093346554910065262730566475781
3l 27-17-2411 - 10795483
-16607853112831 - 587791622395544611103
32 2? -3- 102013 - 112337083449466783
33 3-17-23 - 1211224557206199256901
34 17 - 131 - 239 - 49193
35 28 . 3 - 2155014787 - 14512744101817432027
36 28 .3-7-17- 3825931 - 145290941 - P37
37 5: 7561 - P54
38 61-157: P57
39 2? - 67616539334111 - 5632517974033
40 2? . 37 . 219721081506320593
Al 71 - 2900992541 - 1286613733 - 54603849375373
42 11 - 223 - 401861 - 106508216131
43 23 .3-5-7-17-47-509 - 661 - 859 - 86467 - 262314499561
-48151265010348943 - 11797858613382796096367
44 23 23 - Pry
45 11 - 43 - 1879 - 78659223588484909749344148223
46 7-19-53- 1549 - 6544487 - 62402632389208329941873
AT 2? .5 - 23 - 12239 - 40739 - Pes
48 2? . 3147065058410499238046753 - 10991692082340147001624001
49 58 . 2557 - 6602525967571 - 76979680249395901298100274349
50 | 3-5 - 422707 -165973711 - Peg

n ] 17 4+27 +33 +...4+n"

51 | 27-3-11- 154639601191 - 315009604207711754599670873
52 | 24.71 - 330719 - 390161 - 37397876028774143
-3135880594106957482397 1404439468355888575789769408711369171
53 | 32-5- 83-227 - 943891331 - 961780171211 - 2309072369999773039
54 | 32-89 - 233 - 1297 - 17781070313573787458259405149
55 | 22847 -\Cos
56 | 2? - 756667 - Poo
57 | 23 - 11003423 - 514573761161 - 45616193451775370186003
-376654681044364381912063667 - 5469384461780255260307037405181
58 | 32 - 18199 - 482387 - Coo
59 | 22-13-2531 - 4705684631115340784267 - Prs
60 23 - 7-193 - 130140589 - Cos

e the second number n such that n?+n+1 is powerful (here 88 9167 +88 916+1 =
7906 143973 = 7? - 13° - 2712); there exist infinitely many numbers satisfying
this property!®8; the only other number n < 10’ satisfying this property!® is
n = 18 (here 187+ 18+ 1=7?).

e the smallest odd number n having four prime factors and such that y(n)|¢(n)
(see the numbers 147 and 3675).

e the only five digit automorphic number: 90 625% = 8 212 890 625 (see the num-
ber 76).

e the ninth number n > 1 such that n- 2” +1 is prime (see the number 141).

168 Indeed, we only need to consider equation n?+n+1 = 343a?, that is (2n+1)? — 343(22)? = —3 >
which has infinitely many solutions (see the number 37).
169Tt is easy to see that a number n such that n? +n+1 is powerful cannot be of the form 3k ap lly
the reason being that for such a number n, we have n?+n+1=3 (mod 9), so that 3||n2+n+1.

91 380

e the smallest number n which allows the sum ss) A to exceed 12.

92 274

e the seventh number n such that each of the numbers n + i, i = 0,1,2,..., 16,
has a factor in common with the product of the other 16 (see the number 2 184).

92 378

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n + 1) + w(n + 2) = 13: here
O23 (8 2e Mle 13 lie 19492379
= 3-7 53-83 and 92380
= 27-5 -31 ~149
(see the number 2210).

92 727

e one of the seven numbers which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers
of its digits: 92727 = 9° + 2° + 7° + 2° + 7° (see the number 4150).

93 084

e one of the seven numbers which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers
of its digits: 93084 = 9° + 3° + 0° + 8° + 4° (see the number 4 150).

93 527

e the second composite number n such that 2"~? = 1 (mod n) (see the number
20 737).

95 220

e the tenth number n such that a(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 7, 13 and 79 (see the number 180).

95 428

e the number of Niven numbers < 10° (see the number 213).

95 800

e the first member of the first 4-tuple (2, y, z,t), such that 4+y*+ 24 = t*: here
x = 95800, y = 217519, z = 414560 and t = 422 481 (Elkies, 1988).

97 247
e the largest number equal to the sum of the fifth powers of its digits added to
the product of its digits (see the number 1324).

98 304
e the 16°” Granville number (see the number 126).

98 726

e the 24°” number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

98 731
e the largest prime number made up of exactly five distinct digits (see the number

9 871).

99 066
e the largest number whose square uses each of the ten digits once and only once:
87 numbers satisfy this property, the smallest being 32043 (for the complete
list, see the number 32043).

99 528
e the smallest number n which is not a prime power, but which is such that
G;(n)|n for 1 = 1,2, where G;(n) = Ds if, for each positive integer k, nz
stands for the smallest number n which is not a prime power, but which is such
that 6;(n)|n for i =1,...,k, we then have the following table!”:
n= Nk | Bi(n)
D199 528 = 0 eS timia.20

aD 199180 07 3 er 11 13-20
= 28420= 27.5.7? -.29
4 | na <n = 2078479331940068525081053440
2S oe Gal 130172296 Se or
41? .47-53-61-71-
(a 28 digit number)
5 le < b= 27 Br6 a7 ell 13223-2008 (Gite) Qede® 127,
-41-43-47-53-67-73-79-83-89-97 | Go(n)=2°-3-7-41-73
-101 - 103 - 107. 109 - 113 - 127-131 B3(n) = 2* - 7* - 13-163
-137- 151 - 163 - 167-173 - 179 Ga(n) = 2? -3-7-47- 109-173-191
-181- 191 - 199 - 211 - 223 Bs(n) = 2° -11-89-97-127-151-179
(a 70 digit number)
(see also the table given at the number 378).
179See J.M. De Koninck & F. Luca [56] for a proof that the number nx exists for each k.

99 826

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function \9 takes successively,
starting with n, the values

il, ih dh, ahah ah gle hihens

(see the number 6 185).

e the value of the Kaprekar constant for the five digit numbers (see the number

e the largest five digit prime number.

100 003

e the smallest six digit prime number.

100 823

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains nine
consecutive zeros (see the number 53).

102 359

e the smallest prime number made up of six distinct digits (see the number 1039).

102 510

e the smallest six digit vampire number (see the number 1 260).

102 564

e the smallest number which quadruples when its last digit is moved in first
position: the smallest six numbers satisfying this property are 102 564, 128 205,
153 846, 179 487, 205 128 and 230 769; one can show that there exist infinitely’”!
many such numbers, the seventh being 102 564 102 564.

17179 prove this, one only needs to observe that by performing a concatenation of each of these
numbers with itself (as long as it is required), one obtains a number with the same property; thus,
the numbers 102564102564 and 102564 102 564 102 564 are such numbers.

103 511

e the 10000 prime power, in fact here a prime (see the number 419).

104 729
e the 10000 prime number (see the number 541).

105 212

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 10!° (see the number 646).

106 755

e the smallest six digit Sastry number (see the number 6099).

106 853
e the smallest prime number q such that )> <qP is a multiple of 10000: here
yep<106 853 P= 515530000 (see the number 35 677).

109 297

e the eighth number k such that ee

11...1 is prime (discovered by Bourdelais and
Dubner in 2007); see the number 19.

109 306

e the third number which is not a cube, but which can be written as the sum of
the cubes of some of its prime factors: here 109 306 = 2-31-41-43 = 2°+31°+433
(see the number 378, as well as 870); besides the numbers which can be written
as the sum of the cubes of their prime factors (see the number 378 for a list
of eight such numbers) and besides the number 109 306, the following numbers
also satisfy this property!”?:

23391460 = 2725-23-21 241 — 2 oli? 24

173871316 = 2?.223.421- 463 = 2° + 4219 + 463°,
450843455098 = 2-6007- 6089-6163 = 2° + 60079 + 6163°.

172Tt is easy to prove that if Hypothesis H is true, then there exist infinitely many such numbers.
Indeed, this follows from the fact that under this hypothesis, there exist infinitely many even numbers
k such that the two numbers r = k? — 9k + 21 and p = k? — 7k + 13 are prime, in which case by
setting n = 2rqp, where gq = k? — 8k 4 21, it is easy to prove that n = 234 r3 +p*. This result as
well as other results on this topic can be found in De Koninck & Luca [54].

e the smallest six digit automorphic number: 109376? = 11963 109 376 (see the
number 76).

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n+8): here
109453 > 54727 > 7297 > 6841 > 4759 > 2027 > 823 > 421 > 107 (see the
number 1 851).

e the fifth number which is not a palindrome, but which divides the number
obtained by reversing its digits (see the number 1089).

|110 487| (= 3 - 13 - 2833)

e the 100000" composite number (see the number 133).

e the exponent of the 29” Mersenne prime 2!19°°3 — 1 (Colquitt and Welsch,

e the 25°” superabundant number: we say that n is superabundant if o(n)/n >

a(m)/m for each number m < n; the sequence of numbers satisfying this pro-
perty begins as follows: 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 720,
840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040, 10080, 15120, 25200, 27720, 55440, 110880,
166 320, 277 200, 332 640, 554 400, 665 280, 720720, 1441440, ...

e the smallest number n for which the Moebius function py takes successively,
starting with n, the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 (see the number 3 647).

e the 12" number n such that n?—1 is powerful: here 114 243?—1 = 23-134-239?
(see the number 485).

e the 17’” Granville number (see the number 126).


114 689

e the smallest prime factor of Fiz = TE 1, which in particular is the smallest

Fermat number for which the complete factorization is not yet known (see the
number 70525 124 609).

115 921) (= 13%37 - 241)

e the fourth pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5 and 7 (see the number 29 341).

115 975

e the tenth Bell number (see the number 52).

119 972

e the smallest Niven number n such that n+40 is also a Niven number, but with
no others in between (see the number 28 680).

120120) (=27 23-577 -11-13)

e the smallest number n such that Q(n)’\™ > 2n: here Q(n)’\™/n & 2.18235;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this inequality begins as follows: 120120,
240 240, 480480, 1021020, 2042040, ...(to discover the smallest number n
such that Q(n)“™ > n, see the number 60; as for the maximal value of the
quantity Q(n)*“™
/n, see the number 3569 485 920);

e the smallest number n such that a(n) = 21- d(n) (see the number 416 640).

121 056

e the fifth number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: (121 056)o(121 056) =
3364 (see the number 170).

e the largest known prime number p such that 12?-' = 1 (mod p?): the only
other prime number p < 2°? satisfying this property is 2693 (see Ribenboim
[169], p. 347).

e the second number which quadruples when its last digit is moved in first position
(see the number 102564).

130 304
e the sixth solution of a(n) = 2n + 2 (see the number 464).

e the smallest Niven number n > 6 such that n+1,n+2,n+3 and n+4 are
also Niven numbers (see the number 110).

e the fifth number n such that o(¢(n)) = n/2: the first four are 2, 6, 30 and 510;
the sixth one is 8589 934 590.

131 071

e the sixth Mersenne prime: 131071 = 2!” — 1: the following table provides the
list of all Mersenne primes 2? — 1 known as of May 2009:
Rank Dp | ry a |
Rank Pp ODE

(ZA 2 24 | 19937 De ee
Ze NS 7 ss 21701 g21701 _ 4
315 31 26 | 23209 223209 _ 4
eam ial 127 27 | 44497 g44497 _ 4
Be Cy pal 8191 28 | 86243 986243 __ 4
Be lh ies 131071 29 | 110503 3110005 "1
Fa |19 524 287 30 | 132049 2132049 _ 4
Se uieot 2147 483 647 31 | 216091 9216091 _ 4
9 61 DE = i 39 756 839 9756 839 _ 4
10 | 89 289 _ 1 33 | 859433 D399 433°
Lag, 107 2107 J 34 ial, U2 Sidleet POR 1
Ly) 9127, 127 _ 4 35. S898 260qal5 26928269 1
Vissi erialeee irae al Steel 20) 2 20g 22 i a20 ean
14 | 607 2607 _ 1 Of moles ODS T Maes poe en
15 Gl 270 met 27? 1 Zickes INCOR PALATE fom a eres ew
162 2.203 lee — 1 OO S466 97a 2t2 eet
17 e228 yom? 8 eS AO 71220 996 01 .1"220298 Ot Stee
iReosoe SIPING! wyWE a Ales AUSG S83 abo 5 eal
1) |ngSET hpiacees is AD 25 064 9501 2700s ee
200 4423) pees AS N30 402457 0|-2°9 02 se
21 Bla9 G89 | 42? 29 1 AAD N32.082 Goie\ede 7 1
229 OAT ieeeet t= *] Anes STL bO GOT | 2° te a
ag_|ii2is |a78—1 | |43 09
|208720 0 1|

e the sixth of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the number

e the exponent of the 30°” Mersenne prime 213?°49 — 1 (Slowinski, 1983).

e the number of possible arrangements of the integers 1,2,...,9 with the restric-
tion that the j*” integer must not be in the j"” position for each 7, 1 <j < 9
(see the number 265).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) +w(n +1) +u(n+ 2) +w(n+ 3) = 16:
here 134043 = 3-7-13-491, 134044 = 2? . 23-31-47, 134045 =5-17-19- 83
and 134046 = 2-3? - 11-677 (see the number 987).

e the smallest number n_ such that P(n +i) < Wn+i, for i = 0,1,2: here
P(134848)e=.P(2°- 72..43) = 43,< 51.98... = 4/134848, P(134849) Pa
13°23 -41)=41 < 51.28... = 7134849 and P(134850) = PQ236 57 :29«31) =
31 < 51.28... = W/134850; if nz, stands for the smallest number n such that
P(n+i) < Wn+1, fori =0,1,2,...,4—1, then no = 2400, n3 = 134848 and
n4 = 3678 723 (see the numbers 1518 and 290 783).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in ten
distinct ways, namely 138125 = 22? + 371? = 35? + 370? = 70? + 365? =
1107-43557 = 12573350? = 163° + 3347 = 1942 4 31777=) 205214 3107 =
218? + 301? = 250? + 275? (see the number 50).

e the fourth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 6:

138 240 = [2, 5,4, 4,0, 0, O]g = 2!-5!-4!-4!-O!-


the only known numbers satisfying this property are 1, 2, 24 and 138 240.

e the third solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 17 (see the number 1681).



e the number of integer zeros of the function M(z) := ye y(n) located in the
interval [1, 10°] (see the number 92).

142 560

e the ninth number n > 1 such that ¢(o(n)) = n (see the number 128).

142 857

e the smallest number which quintuples when its last digit is moved in first po-

e the first six decimals (and the period) of 1/7; indeed,

:= 0.142857 142857...

143 018

e the 25°" number n such that n-2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

145 823
e the 20°" prime number p, such that pip2...pz +1 is prime (see the number

147 492

e the sixth number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

148 219 |(= 19 - 29 - 269)

e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+6|n +6 (see
the number 399).

148 349
e the only known number n which is equal to the sum of the sub-factorials of its
digits: 148 349 =!1+!4+!8+!3+!4+19; the sub-factorial function !n is defined by
1 i i} ji
nant (1-45 —g te FUG)

173Qne can prove that there exist infinitely many numbers satisfying this property by simply
considering the sequence of numbers 142 857, 142857 142857, 142 857 142 857 142 857, and so on.

150 287

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2163 _ 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

9163 _ 1 — 150287 - 704161 - 110211473 - 27669118297 - 36230454570129675721.

151 023

e the 26%" number n such that n- 2” — 1 is prime (see the number 115).

153 720

e the third number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760 as well
as the number 312).

153 846

e the third number which quadruples when its last digit is moved to the first
position (see the number 102 564).

154 876

e the smallest Niven number n such that n+ 50 is also a Niven number, but with
no others in between (see the number 28 680).

155 863

e the smallest prime number gq for which the value of the corresponding sum
ap <q P uses each of the ten digits once and only once: here the sum is equal
to 1063254978; exactly 13 prime numbers q satisfy this property!’4: these
are the primes 155863, 207301, 260539, 289847, 309977, 322429, 334427,
356 831, 376 291, 381 631, 382 873, 416 821 and 441 461, while the 13 correspond-
ing sums are 1063254978, 1829360475, 2835410967, 3478029561, 3954061782,
4271593608, 4583260179, 5190863247, 5741092638, 5897230146, 5932401786,
6980571324 and 7803615924.

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p—1) = Q(p+1) = 9: here 157950 =
2-3°-5?-13 and 157952 = 28-617 (see the number 271).

174Tnterestingly, there are no prime numbers q for which the value of the corresponding sum
weGhs uses each of the digits 0,1,2,...,9 once and only once. In fact, one can prove that there
exist 411 prime numbers q for which 109 < dpe.2 < 101°; but each of these 411 sums has a
decimal expansion where at least one digit is repeated.

e the smallest number n such that )>,,—,,¢(m) is a multiple of 100.000; here the
sum is equal to 7697 600 000. ’

(= 1321)
e the smallest 10-hyperperfect number: we say that a number n is 10-hyper-
perfect if it can be written as n = 1+ 10 ay) d (which is equivalent to the

condition 100(n) = 11n + 9).

e the sixth prime number of the form n* + 1 (see the number 1 297).

[160 225 |(= 5? - 13-17 - 29)

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two squares in 11
distinct ways (as well as in 12 distinct ways), namely 160225 = 15? + 400? =
32? + 399? = 76? + 393? = 81? + 392? = 113? + 384? = 140? + 375? = 175? +
3607 = 183? + 3567 = 216? + 337? = 228? + 329% = 252? + 311? = 265? + 300?
(see the number 50).

161 038 |(= 2-73-1103)

e the smallest even number n such that 2” = 2 (mod n) (discovered by D.N. Leh-
mer in 1949): N.G.W.H. Berger [20] proved that there exist infinitely many even
numbers n such that 2” =2 (mod n); the sequence of numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 161038, 215326, 2568226, 3020626, 7866046,
9115 426, 49699 666, 143 742 226, 161 292 286, 196 116 194, 209 665 666,
213 388 066, 293 974 066, 336 408 382, 377 994 926, 410 857 426, 665 387 746,
667 363 522, 672655 726, 760 569 694, ...

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in five distinct ways:

161568 I 93 16° +543 = 9° 4159.4 542 = 179+ 39° + 46°

138 e 1 O85 S35 962 + 3654.46"
(see the number 1009).

401 |(= 17-
e the smallest pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13.

e the 100000*”" square-free number (see the number 165).

e the first member p of the second 7-tuple (p, p+ 2, p+ 6, p+8, p+12, p+18, p+20)
made up entirely of prime numbers: the smallest 7-tuple satisfying this property
iS sChly toni, 23; 29,5 Wa

e the smallest prime number p which is the first link of a p? + 1 chain of order 5
(see the number 271).

e the smallest number n such that t(n) = T(n +1) = T(n+ 2) = 7(n +3) =
T(n+ 4) = r(n+5) = T(n +6): here the common value is 8; the sequence
of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 171893, 180965, 647381,
1039493, 1071829, 1450261, 1563653, 1713413, ... (see the number 33).

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 70 is prime and such that each
number between p and p+ 70 is composite (see the number 139).

174 592 |(= 29-11-31)

a(n) 9
e the third solution of equation —— = T (see the number 40).

e the only number n such that (nm) = n/11 (see the number 330).

(= 3 - 258887)
e the fourth 2-hyperperfect number (see the number 21).

e the third number n > 1 such that n? +3 is a powerful number: here 177 8332 +
3 = 2?. 7? . 133. 271” (see the number 37).

e the smallest number which is not a fifth power, but which can be written as the
sum of the fifth powers of some of its prime factors: here 178101 = 3?-7-11-
257 = 3° + 7° + 11° (see the number 870); at least five other numbers satisfy
this property, namely 3077 237625, 114190363548 900, 1067 104211610690,
2 974 846 981 587 921076 and 292 100 153 292 936 484 034.

179 487

e the fourth number which quadruples when its last digit is moved in first position
(see the number 102 564).

179 951

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2°? — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2°9 _ 1 = 179951 - 3203431780337.

180 246

e the sixth number n such that 2” = —2 (mod n) (see the number 946).

182 182

e the seventh number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1)—46(n) = 1
(see the number 49).

e the first term of the smallest sequence of ten consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 3 (see the number 463).

185 527

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of three
distinct prime numbers in two distinct ways: here

185527 = 19° 4+ 31° + 53° = 13° + 43? 4. 473;

if n, stands for the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the
cubes of three distinct prime numbers in k distinct ways, then ng = 185527,
n3 = 8627527 and n4 = 999 979 163.

e the second number which is not the square of a prime number, but which
can be written as the sum of the squares of some of its prime factors: here
188 355 = 3-5- 29-433 = 5? + 29? + 4332 (see the number 870).

e the first of the smallest eight consecutive numbers at which the Q(n) function
takes distinct values, namely here the values 6, 8, 1, 7, 3, 5, 2 and 4 (see the
number 726).

194 979

e the largest number which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers of its
digits: 194979 = 1° +9° + 4° + 9° + 7° + 9° (see the number 4150).

195 556

e the only composite number n < 10° such that o(n + 10) = o(n) + 10.

197 210

e the second number which can be written as the sum of the squares of two prime
numbers in 5 distinct ways (as well as 6 and 7): 197210 = 31? + 443? = 677 +
439? = 107? + 431% = 173? + 409? = 199? + 397? = 241? + 373? = 311? + 317?
(see the number 338).

199 584

e the second solution of oes = (see the number 35 640).

199 606

e the seventh number n such that 2” =—2 (mod n) (see the number 946).

203 391

e the smallest number n such that n and n +1 each have nine prime factors
(counting their multiplicity); indeed, 203 391 = 38-31 and 203 392 = 2” -7-227
(see the number 135).

203 433

e the smallest number n such that n, n+ 1 and n + 2 are square-free and each
have four prime factors: 203433 = 3-19-43 -83, 203434 = 2-7-11- 1321,
203435 = 5 - 23-29-61 and 203436 = 5 - 23-29-61; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 203433, 214489, 225069, 258013,
294593, 313053, 315721, 352885, 389389, 409353, ... (see the number 1309).

205 097

e the smallest number n requiring 12 iterations of the o;(n) function in order to

reach 1, which gives rise to the sequence 205098, 136736, 4274, 2138, 1070, 648,
121, 133, 160, 6, 4, 1 (see the number 193).

205 128

e the fifth number which quadruples when its last digit is moved in first position
(see the number 102 564).

205 206

e the third solution of a(n) = a(n + 69) (see the number 8 786).

208 012
e the 12°’ Catalan number (see the number 14).

208 335
e the largest number which is both triangular and square pyramidal: a number
is said to be square pyramidal if it can be written as the sum of the first m
squares for some number m: here

908335 = 1e- 0 3 4645 = 17 07a 32-85:

the only numbers which are both triangular and square pyramidal are 1, 55, 91
and 208 335 (for an important reference, see the number 645).

e the smallest six digit prime number whose digits are consecutive (see the num-
ber 67).

e the smallest number n such that Q(n) = O(n +1) =... = O(n +6): here the
common value is 3 (see the number 602).

(= 3022)
e the second perfect square whose last three digits are 444 (see the number 1 444).

e the third number n such that a(n), o(n +1), a(n +2), a(n +38) and o(n + 4)
have the same prime factors, namely here 2, 3, 5, 7 and 17 (see the numbers
3777 and 20154).

(= 477-97)
e the smallest 31-hyperperfect number (see the number 21).

(= 463"
e the smallest powerful number n such that n + 6 is also powerful: here n + 6 =
54 . 73: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
214369, 744769, 715819215721, ...1”° (see the number 463).

e the second even number n such that 2” = 2 (mod n) (see the number 161 038).

e the ninth number n > 2 such that = is an integer (see the number


e the exponent of the 31"** Mersenne prime 276°! — 1 (Slowinski, 1985).

e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5 and n+6 are

all divisible by a square > 1: here 217070 = 2-5-77-443, 217071 = 32-89-271,
217012 = 27- 13567, 217 O73 11 113) 210014 = cs L1-= 13503001 WOKS
5? . 19-457 and 217076 = 2? - 54269 (see the number 242).

175 This sequence is infinite, since in 1982, W.L. Daniel [41] proved that each positive integer can
be written as the difference of two powerful numbers in infinitely many ways. Moreover, a few
years later, R.A. Mollin and P.G. Walsh [141] proved that each integer m > 0 has infinitely many
representations as m = P—Q, where P and @ are powerful numbers neither of them being a perfect

e the third number n such that (o7(n) + y(n))/n is an integer (see the number

e the smallest number n which allows the sum aS to exceed 9 (see the
m<n o(m)
number 129).

e the fourth composite number n such that o(n + 8) = a(n) + 8 (see the number

e the sixth number which is not a palindrome, but which divides the number
obtained by reversing its digits (see the number 1089).

e the number n which allows!”® the sum G(n) := Me ——~ to exceed 100: here
m<n ¥(m)
G(223232) ~ 100.000549.

e the second number n such that 6(n)|G(n + 1) and B(n + 1)|G(n + 2), where
B(n) = iain P: here we have 34/408 and 408|2448; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 24, 225 504, 944108, 10 869 375,
11 506 989, 12 792 675, 20 962 395, 25 457 760, 79 509 528, 89002914, 89 460 294,
146 767 704, ...

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2"! _ 1, whose complete
factorization is given by
271 _ 1 = 228479 - 48 544 121 - 212 885 833.

176Tyn 1962, Bruijn [43] proved that log G(x) ~ 2,/2logz/loglogx as x — oo; in 1965,
W. Schwarz [183] obtained an asymptotic formula for G(x), namely
log | as where Wieh
Q(x) = min @ Sy ae
G(z) = (1+ Mae (melee) Q(z),

228 727
e the third composite number n such that 2"~? = 1 (mod n); see the number
20 737.

229 999
e the largest number n such that fs(n) > n, where fs(n) = f((di, d2,...,dr]) =
d? +d3+...+d>, where d;,d2,...,d, stand for the digits of n.

230 387
n 2n 6n eis
e the smallest number n such that 1(n) > een eee
logn log*n log’n log'n
last expression representing the first four terms of the asymptotic expansion of
Li(n): here we have (230387) = 20474 while
E= aE en tices 2n
soem ~ 20473.9 (see the number 73).

230 578
e the second even number n such that o;(n) = o7(n+2) (see the number 54178).

e the sixth number which quadruples when its last digit is moved in first position
(see the number 102 564).

234 256 | (= 227)

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number

e the smallest number n such that t(n) < T(n+1) < ... < rT(n +8): here
12 < 12 < 12 (see the number

235 224
e the sixth powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful (see the number
288): heré 235 224.27... 3° 117. and 235925 =52 . 972.

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 11 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 3 (as well as 12 or 13 consecutive prime numbers all of the form
4n + 3); see the number 463.

e the number of Carmichael numbers < 101° (see the number 646).

e the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 42, from the pre-
ceding and following prime numbers: p21g95 = 247099, pois0g = 247141 and
P21807 = 247 183.

e the smallest number n which allows the sum ) — to exceed 13 (see the number

(= 12%
e the smallest fifth power which can be written as the sum of six fifth powers:
248 832 = 12° = 4° + 5° + 6° +7°+9°+11° (Martin, 1887).

e the 1000 powerful number (see the number 3136).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n +1) = 5; in fact, 254540 =
2? -5-11-13-89 and 254541 = 3-7-17- 23-31 (see the number 230).

e the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 36, from the pre-
ceding and following prime numbers: p22506 = 255 767, p22507 = 255803 and
295088—— 255 839.

e the sixth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)— y(n) =1
(see the number 48).

e the tenth number n > 1 such that n- 2” +1 is prime (see the number 141).

e the eighth number n such that 2” =—2 (mod n) (see the number 946).

e the second number n such that ¢(n), d(n +1), d(n+2), d(n+3) and o(n +4)
have the same prime factors, namely here 2, 3, 5 and 37: the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 35, 266401, 995402, 1299600,
2 352240, ...; if nz stands for the smallest number n such that ¢(n), d(n +1),
.., O(n +k) have the same prime factors, then nj = 3, n2 = 3, n3 = n4 = 35
and ns = 43570 803 (see also the number 3777).

270 343
e the largest known number k such that ———
11...1 is prime (discovered by Voznyy
and Budnyy in 2007); see the number 19.

271 441

e the smallest composite number n such that n|g(n), where ((n))n>0 stands for
the sequence of Perrin numbers defined by g(0) = 3, g(1) = 0, (2) = 2 and
for each n > 3 by e(n) = y(n — 2) + e(n — 3); Perrin observed in 1899 that if
n is prime, then n|g(n) (see E. Weisstein [201], p. 1351).

273 524

e the third number n such that Ey(n) := ¢(n + 1) — O(n) satisfies Eg(n + 1) =
E4(n): here the common value of Ey is —480, since 4(273524) = 125280,
$(273 525) = 124800 and (273 526) = 124320 (see the number 5312).


e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number Fy = 2? + 1 (see the number
70 525 124609).


e the fourth solution of equation a(n) = a(n + 69) (see the number 24 885).

282 489

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n +1) +w(n + 2) +w(n +3) = 17:
here 282 489 = 3-17-29-191, 282490 = 2-5-13-41-53, 282491 = 11-61- 421
and 282 492 = 2? .3?- 7-19-59 (see the number 987).

290 783

e the smallest number n such that P(n +72) < /n+i for 1 = 0,1, 2,3,4,5,6; the
largest prime factors of these seven numbers are respectively 271, 233, 311, 419,
227, 523 and 269, all smaller than 290783 ~ 539; it is also the smallest number
n such that P(n+i) < Vn +12 for i = 0,1, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, since P(290790) = 359
(see the numbers 1518 and 134 848).

293 760 |(= 27 -33-5-17)

a(n) 15
e the smallest solution of —— = —; the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 293 760, 1782144, 3 485 664, 282 977 280,
ILO (25.8320

294 001
e the smallest prime number such that if one replaces any of its digits by any
another digit, one obtains a composite number.

297 864

e the smallest Niven number n such that n+ 60 is also a Niven number, but with
no others in between (see the number 28 680).

301 140
e the 11°" number n such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 13 (see the number 180).

310 154
e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n+1)+u(n+2) = 14: here
310154 = 2-13-79-151, 310155 = 3-5- 23-29-31 and 310156 = 27-7-11-19-53
(see the number 2 210).

319 489

e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number Fi; = g2" +1, whose complete
factorization is given by

Fy, = 319489 -974849-167988556341760475137 -3560841906445833920513- Ps64.

(= 251 - 1283)
e the 100000" number having exactly two distinct prime factors (see the number

324 900

e the 12%” number n such that o(n) and a(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the prime numbers 3, 7, 13, 31 and 127; indeed,

C(t) wo tel 0 De 27
oo(n)\\ ie een eto oh a2 7
see the number 180.

326 981 |(= 79 - 4139)

e the value of 9! — 8!+ 7! — 6! +5! — 4!+ 3! — 2!4 1); setting a, := k! — (k —
1)! + (k—2)!4+...+ (—1)¥2! 4 (-1)**11], then a; = a2 = 1, a3 = 5, ag = 19,
as = 101, ag = 619, a7 = 4421, ag = 35899 and ag = 326981.

331 777

e the seventh prime number of the form n*+1, here with n = 24 (see the number

332 928
e the seventh powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here 332 928 =
27 . 32-17% and 332929 = 577? (see the number 288);
e the seventh solution w + s to the aligned houses problem (see the number 35).

332 929

e the eight number n such that the binomial coefficient (a) is a perfect square:
here (ie) = 235416? (see the number 289); it is easy to prove that this
sequence of numbers is infinite!””.

333 667

e the largest prime factor of the number 12345678987654321 = 1111111112,

whose complete factorization is given by

12345678987654321 = 3* - 37? - 3336672,

a perfect square!’®.

177Indeed one only needs to prove that equation aoe = (? has infinitely many solutions. But
this equation is equivalent to the quadratic equation n? — n — 2? = 0, whose positive solutions are
, 2
given by n = == but then such a solution n is an integer if and only if 1 + 80? = x? for
some integer xz. Now this equation can be written in the form «x? — 8é? = 1, that is a Fermat-Pell
equation which, as is well known, has infinitely many solutions.
1781t is interesting to observe that when the number 12345678987654321 is placed after itself, one

e the seventh of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the num-
ber 945).

(= 37-73
e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+ 8|n + 8.

e the 13 number n such that a(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 13 (see the number 180).

[346 065|(= 3-5 - 23071)

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Sy — to exceed 3 (see the

number 1 953).

e the 11°" Euler number (see the number 272).

e the only six digit number which can be written as the addition and/or subtrac-
tion of the factorials of its digits in two distinct ways; indeed,

357 966 = 3! + 5! — 7! + 9!4 6! — 6! = 3!4 5! — 7! + 9!-— 6!4 6);

observe also that 357941 = 3!+5!—7!+9!—4!-—1!, 361469 = 3!—6!—1!+4!-

6!+9!, 367209 = 3!—6!+7!4 2!+0!+9! and 398173 = 3!+9!48!+1!—7!+43!.

e the 11" number n > 1 such that n- 2” + 1 is prime (see the number 141).


V/1234567898765432112345678987654321 = 32 - 37 -V11133366688900000111333666889,

V 123456789876543211234567898765432112345678987654321
= 3? . 37- V/1113336668890000011133366688900000111333666889,
and so on.

362 880

e the value of 9!.

364 087

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 9! (see the number 779).

366 439

e the 217% prime number px, such that pip2...p~ +1 is prime (see the number
379 wa

369 119

e the third prime number q which divides the sum of all the prime numbers < q
(that is q| }°,<,P); see the number 71.

369 410

e the second number which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in eight distinct ways (the smallest being 81770): 369410 =
31? + 6077 = 103? + 599? = 191? + 577? = 2297 + 563? = 277? + 541? =
313? + 521? = 3477 + 499? = 389? + 467? (see the number 338).

370 047

e the seventh composite number n such that o(n+6) = a(n) +6 (see the number
104 a

370 261

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 100 consecutive com-
posite numbers (in fact, here by exactly 111 composite numbers); if q, stands
for the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 100k consecutive
composite numbers‘”?, then q; = 370261, q2 = 20831323, qx = 2300942549,
ga = 25056 082087, gs = 304599508 537, gg = 1968188556461 and g7 =
13 829 048 559 701 (see also the number 1671 800).

179The numbers g; were obtained using the table Maximal gaps between consecutive primes <
7.263 x 101% in the book of H. Riesel [173], p. 80.

371 549

e the smallest number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of two
co-prime numbers with an index!®° of composition > 5: 371549 = 284+ 135 =
310 + 2? .57, each of these last four numbers having as index of composition
8, 5, 10 and 5.49485 respectively; the sequence of numbers satisfying this pro-
perty begins as follows: 371549, 1016807, 2657333, 19592147, 143123 843,
257 400 763, 1586 054 707, 2 461 855 097, 2579 381 441, 4110 348 907, 4755 143 089,
6 866 235 461, 8 382 781 919, 9 803 235 961, ... (see the number 34 525 900 789 931).

373 457

e the fourth composite number n such that 2"~-? =1 (mod n); see the number
20 737.

373 649

e the first term of the smallest sequence of ten consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1 (see the number 2593).

378 661

e the largest solution x of the diophantine equation x? — 17 = y?, namely the one
given by (2, y) = (378661, 5234) (see the number 5 234).

383 846

e the ninth number n such that 2” = —2 (mod n) (see the number 946).

388 961

e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) < 17 and P(p*—1) = 17;
here p? — 1 = 2. 3+.5-7+-11-13-17 (see the number 4801).

389 052

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of three
distinct prime numbers and as the sum of the cubes of four distinct prime
numbers: here 389 052 = 2? + 3° + 733 = 73 + 433 + 473 + 593; the sequence of
numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 389052, 493191, 1 442 932,
19 927 270, 31867 188, 36 265069, 49 431241, 95444028, 110621861, ...

180The interest for this number comes from the fact that no one knows if there exists a number
which can be written as the sum of two fifth powers in two distinct ways. This question is however
settled for the fourth powers (see the footnote attached to the number 635 318657).

(= 58)
e the third number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to “/n (see the number

e the 22Ӣ (and the largest known) prime number p,; such that pip2...pz +1 is
prime (see the number 379).

e the sixth Erdés-Nicolas number (see the number 2016).

e the 18‘" Granville number (see the number 126).

e the smallest prime number p such that p+100 is prime and such that each num-
ber between p and p+ 100 is composite (see the numbers 370 261, 378 043 979,
4758 958 741 and 22 439 962 446 379 651, as well as the table given at the number
139 ee

e the largest known number n = (dj, d2,...,d,] such that n = dé + tees +...+
d%: here 397612 = 3 + 91 + 7° + 67 + 19 + 23: the only other known number
satisfying this property is 48625, an observation due to Patrick De Geest.

404 851

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 90 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 90 is composite (see the number 139).

409 113

® the value of b=?) 2. - 2 9Ol

e the eighth Hamilton number (see the number 923).


e the fifth solution of equation o(n) = a(n + 69) (see the number 8 786).

e the smallest number n such that o(n) = 17-¢(n): here 416 640 = 2’ -3-5-7-31,
o(416640) = 1566720 and ¢(416640) = 92160; if nz stands for the smallest
number n such that o(n) = k- d(n), then nz = 3, n3 = 2, na = 14, n5 = 56,
Vea 0,07 — see oe ge O0, Dig = 1108, 4 p92 OSUe191 =e 210,
ni3 = 630, ny4 = 420, n15 = 840, N16 = 20 790, n17 = 416 640, nig = 9 240,
nig = 291 060, n20 = 83 160, na = 120120 and no = 5 165 160.

e the only number n < 10° such that B(n) = B(n +1) = B(n +2), where
(Gy) = eon ap. here 41162 — 2-3. 251- 277, 417163 = 17 - 53 - 463.
417164 = 2?-11-19-499, and the common value of B(n +7) is 533 (see the
number 89 460 294).

[419904](= 2°.3°
e the second number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B(n)3|Bi(n): here (2 + 3)3|(2° + 3°) (see the number 5 120).

(= 2-3-5-13-23- 47)
e the ninth ideal number (see the number 390).

e the smallest number whose fourth power can be written as the sum of three
non zero fourth powers:

422.4814 = 95 8004 + 2175194 + 414560?;

this is an observation made by R. Frye around 1988; Euler believed that there
were no such numbers!*!,

e the third solution of o(n) = 3n + 12 (see the number 780).

181fyler wrote: Just as there are no non trivial solutions of equation x* + y* = z3, there are none
for equations x* + y* + 24 = ut and a> +y°+ 2° +u° =v", and so on for higher powers. For the
fifth powers, a counter example was found (see the number 144).

e the tenth number n > 2 such that

(n) + o(n)
5 is an integer (see the number

435 708 | (= 2? - 32 - 77-13 - 19)

e the fourth solution of erreur
(see the number 1080).

e the number of twin prime pairs < 10® (see the number 1 224).

e the 13°" and largest prime number q for which the value of the corresponding
sum Dene qP uses each of the digits 0,1,2,...,9 once and only once: in this case,
>» p<44i461 P = 7803 615 924 (see the number 155 863).

e the eighth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that 6(n+1)—6(n) = 1
(see the number 49).

e the smallest number which is equal to the sum of the seventh powers of its digits
added to the product of its digits: the only numbers satisfying this property
are 455 226, 3653 786, 4210818, 7774369 and 9 800 817.

e the smallest integer n such that w(n),w(n+1),...,w(n+5) are all distinct,

namely in this case with the values 6, 1, 4, 2, 3 and 5 (see the number 417).

e the eighth powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here 465 124 =
2? -11?- 31? and 465 125 = 5° - 61? (see the number 288).

465 125 |(= 5° - 617)

e the smallest powerful number n such that n — 1 is a perfect square (namely
6827): the second number satisfying this property is

1610 006 506 595 061 125 = 1 268 860 3187 + 1 = 5° - 17? - 612 - 109441?

(see the number 682).

467 458

e the third even number n such that o7(n) = o;(n + 2) (see the number 54178).

470 449

e the 13" number n such that n? — 1 is powerful: here

ATOAA97 — Ve 2°? 3°07 11 977

(see the number 485).

470 832

e the eighth solution y of the Fermat-Pell equation x” — 2y? = 1: here (zr, y) =

(665857, 470832); see the number 99.

472 601

e the second composite number n such that o(n+56) = o(n)+56 (see the number

480 441

e the sixth number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here

(480441)o (480441) = 6724 (see the number 170).

480 852

e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/12 (see the number 330).

481 824

e the 13°” number n such that o(n) and o2(n) have the same prime factors,
namely the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 13 (see the number 180).

481 899
e the 12¢” and largest known number n > 1 such that n-2” +1 is prime (see the
number 141).

485 475
e the smallest number n such that (n+ j)4+(n+j+1)4, for j = 0,1,2,3,4, are
all primes: here these primes are 111096215892626372264401,
111097131255474983589617, 111098046623980093284097,
111098961998141724650737 and 111099877377959900992481.

491 531

e the largest prime number p < 2%? such that 7?-! = 1 (mod p”): the only
other known prime number p satisfying this property is p = 5.

505 925

e the largest known solution of y(n + 1) — y(n) = 17 (see the number 1681).

507 904
@ GasBa(@) — 9** Granville number (see the number 126).

509 203

e the largest known Riesel number: an odd number k is called a Riesel number
if k - 2” — 1 is composite for each number n > 1: H.Riesel [172] proved that
k = 509 203 satisfies this property!®? (see also the number 78557).

512 000

e the smallest number n such that 10! divides 1+ 2-+...+n (see the number

514 229

e the ninth prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89).

522 752

e the seventh solution of a(n) = 2n + 2 (see the number 464).

182Riesel also proved that there exist infinitely many Riesel numbers: he did this by showing that
the numbers 509203 + 11184810r, r = 0,1, 2,..., are all Riesel numbers. As of May 2009, we know
that the smallest number k which could possibly be a Riesel number is k = 2293.

[523 776 |(= 29-3- 11-31)

e the third tri-perfect number (see the number 120).

524 160 | (= 2’ .32-5-7-13)

e the smallest solution of zl) = a


524 287 |(= 219 — 1)

e the seventh Mersenne prime.

529 620

e the seventh number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here

(529620) (529620) = 672+ (see the number 170).

531 434

e the second solution of o(n + 7) = a(n) +7 (see the number 74).

540 857

e the fifth composite number n such that 2"~-? = 1 (mod n); see the number
20 737.

542 603

e the smallest prime number p such that p + 80 is prime and such that each
number between p and p+ 80 is composite (see the number 139).

545 835

e the eighth horse number (see the number 13).

548 834
e the only number > 1 which can be written as the sum of the sixth powers of
its digits: 548 834 = 5° + 46 + 86 + 86 + 36 + 4°.

548 856

e the eighth number n such that o(¢(n)) = n (see the number 744).

556 160

e the seventh number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

e the smallest number n such that the decimal expansion of 2” contains ten
consecutive zeros, namely from the 94170*" decimal of 2” to the 94179*" (see
the number 53).

e the eighth number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

e the largest of the existing eight primitive non deficient numbers (see the number

575 119

e the smallest prime number q; such that each number q; = 3q;_1 + 2 is prime
for 1 = 2,3,...,7: such a sequence of prime numbers is in some sense similar
to the Cunningham chains (see the number 1 122 659).

e the number of seven digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n +9): here
086951 > 73369 > 21739 > 9467 >°1319 > 1193 > 1181 > 1091 S677 +29
(see the number 1851).

[590 226] (= 2-3-7- 13-23-47)

e the tenth ideal number (see the number 390).

e the smallest number n > 1 for which €(n) is an integer, where €(n) stands for

Da ee
vo ged(in)' here’®3 €(n) = 486 361; the sequence
q of numbers satisfying
satisfying thithis

property begins as follows: 614341, 618233, 1854699, 11746427, 26584019,

35 239 281, 79752057, 85393 399, 118082503, 345592 247, 354 247 509,
505 096 361, 802 597 537, 1036 776 741, 1062 742 527, 1515 289 083, 2149579 159,
2 243 567 557, 3695 178 641, 5077547629, ... 154

(= 288)
e the fourth number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number

e the eighth prime number of the form n* +1, here with n = 28 (see the number

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two and three distinct
fourth powers: 617057 = 74 + 284 = 34 + 204 + 264; the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 617057, 1957682, 3502 322,
3959 297, 6959682, 9872912, 31322912, 40127377, 46712801, 48355 137,
49 981 617,...(see the number 4802).

e the smallest number n such that G(n) < B(n+1) < ... < B(n+ 8): here
423 < 589 < 811 < 1487 < 1616 < 7026 < 41151 < 308575 < 617147 (see the
number 714).

e the second number n for which €(n) is an integer (see the number 614341).

(= 2 78401)
e the number n which allows the sum Sy — to exceed 5 (see the number 44).

183Qne can easily show that €(n) = + lias pti
1841+ would be interesting if one could show that this sequence is infinite.

629 693

e the smallest number n such that min(A(n),

A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3)) >

min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3))

~ min(1.54162, 1.78225, 1.53833, 1.35053) = 1.35053;

the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 629693,

11 121 381, 16176510, 20 188 925, 26 315 199, 82 564 351, 148 629 247, 185 966 873,
283 760 125, 1791 156975, 1972524741, 3047548 776, ...; most likely there ex-
ist infinitely many numbers n satisfying this inequality (see for that matter the
number 14018750 and its footnote).

632 501
e the smallest prime number q such that Seer gpisa multiple of 100000: here
>» p<632501 P = 15570900000 (see the number 35 677).

636 416
e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 are both divisible by an eighth
power: here 636 416 = 2°- 11-113 and 636 417 = 3° - 97 (see the number 1 215).

e the number of prime numbers < 10000000.

665 857
e the 14*” number n such that n? — 1 is powerful: here

665 857? — 1 = 2°. 3? 17? . 577?

(see the number 485).

667 071
e the 27" and largest known number n such that n- 2" — 1 is prime (see the
number 115).

671 345
e the smallest number n such that

f(n+1) = f(n+2) = f(n+3) = f(n+4) = f(n+5) = f(n +6),

where f(n) stands for the product of the exponents in the factorization of n
(see the number 843).

e the third composite number n such that 2"~4 = 1 (mod n); see the number
40 369.

; 1
e the smallest number n which allows the sum ) — to exceed 14 (see the num-
ber 83).

e the 11*” Bell number (see the number 52).

e the smallest number whose index of composition is > 4 and which can be
written as the sum of two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition
> 3: indeed,

703125 = 2197+ 700928,

B45 ee 1S 2 872
with \(3?-5") = 4.97158, \(133) = 3 and \(29 -377) ~ 3.12731; the sequence of
numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 703 125, 720896, 3418 801,
Gol 44 te

e the eighth number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here

#(706063)c (706063) = 8404 (see the number 170).

e the ninth number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here

&(706237)c (706237) = 8404 (see the number 170).

e the fifth number n such that De p is a perfect square: here we have

p<prosese P = 1916357? (see the number 2474).

185Qne can easily show that if the abc Conjecture is true, then there is only a finite number of
numbers with this property.

[rai838](= 2? 3-13
e the smallest number n whose index of composition is > 3 (namely \(711828) ~
3.09307) and which is the sum of two co-prime 3-powerful numbers: here n =
711 828 = 193 + 89°.

e the tenth number n > 1 such that ¢(a(n)) =n (see the number 128).

e the seventh Erdés-Nicolas number (see the number 2016).

e the fourth number n such that n? + 2 is powerful: here

716 0357 + 2 = 3° - 41? - 33617

(see the number 265).

e the largest number n that is divisible by each of the numbers < n!/°, namely
here the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 14 (see N. Ozeki [157]);

e the 11° colossally abundant number (see the number 55 440).

e the smallest number n such that 6(n) < B(n+1) <...< B(n+9): here 146 <
927 < 1108 < 6091 < 10955 < 28884 < 90249 < 240662 < 360991 < 721979
(see the number 714).

e the smallest prime number q such that >/,<,p is divisible by 30030 (= 2-3-
5-7-11-13): here this sum is equal to 20 488 357 890 (see the number 269).

e the tenth number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here

$(729752)0(729752) = 840% (see the number 170).

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2'7* — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by
2173 _ 1 = 730753 - 1505447 - 70084436712553223 - 155285743288572277679887.

742 900
e the 13°” Catalan number (see the number 14).

751 530
e the second number n > 1 such that the sum of the divisors of its cube is a
perfect square: 0(751530%) = 12920544007; the smallest number n > 1 with
this property is n = 7: o(7°) = 20? (Fermat, 1657).

752 694 |(= 2-3-331 - 379)

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Da — to exceed 1 (see the

number 45 848 700).

755 968
e the first of the nine smallest consecutive numbers where the (0(n) function takes
on different values, namely here the values 9, 1, 5, 2, 7, 8, 3, 4 and 6 (see the
number 726).

755 972
e the 11%" number n such that ¢(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here
$(755972)0 (755972) = 8404 (see the number 170).

e the exponent of the 32"¢ Mersenne prime 27°°®39 — 1 (Slowinski, 1992).

e the fourth number n such that a(n), o(n +1), o(n +2), o(n+3) and a(n +4)
all have the same prime factors, namely here 2, 3, 5, 7 and 13: indeed,
a(n) 237 0% Nicos
o(n+1) VEER Nass aes.
o(n+ 2) Ae ean theaee
o(n +3) DP?
abil TeaabSe
o(n+ 4) 2? 357 aie O13
see the numbers 3777 and 20 154.

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 11 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1 (see the number 2593).

768 594
e the fifth number n such that a(n), o(n + 1), o(n + 2), o(n +3) and o(n + 4)
all have the same prime factors, namely here the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 61 (see
the numbers 3777 and 20 154).

783 700
e the third multiple of 100 for which the next 100 numbers include exactly
17 prime numbers, namely 783701, 783703, 783707, 783719, 783721, 783733,
783737, 783743, 783749, 783763, 783767, 783779, 783781, 783787, 783791,
783793 and 783799 (see the number 400).

798 644

e the tenth number which is not a palindrome, but whose square is a palindrome:
here 798 644% = 637832238736 (see the number 26).

801 340

e the smallest abundant number n such that n+2,n+4,n+6,n+8 and n+10

are also abundant (see the number 348).

806 095

e the number of Niven numbers < 10’ (see the number 213).


e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct fourth
powers in three distinct ways:

811538 = 4°23" 974 = 7* 4 217-98" = 1942. 177 + 90"

a representation first obtained in 1966 by Lander & Parkin [122] (see the num-
ber 6578).

815 654

e the 12°" number n such that $(n)o(n) is a fourth power: here

$(815654)0 (815654) = 8404 (see the number 170).

(= 23 113-911)
e the seventh number of the form n” + 1 (see the number 3 126).

[825 265 |(= 5-7- 17-19-73)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of five prime numbers:
it is the 40°" Carmichael number (see the number 41041).

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p+1) = 2, Q(p+2) = 3, N(p+3) = 4,

Q(p+ 4) = 5 and Q(p+ 5) = 6 (see the number 61).

e the smallest prime number amongst those which appear more often as the fourth
prime factor of an integer than as the third prime factor; more precisely, when
846 137 appears in the prime factorization of a number, then in 24.547684% of
the cases, it is as the fourth prime factor of that number, while it is as the third
one in 24.547676% of the cases, the fifth in 17.16% of the cases and the sixth
in only 9% of the cases!*°.

e the exponent of the 33"¢ Mersenne prime 2°°° 493 — 1 (Slowinski, 1993).

e the value of 11+ 2?+...+ 7" (see the number 3413).

[874 660 |(= 2? -5- 101 - 433)

1 ’
e the smallest number n which allows the sum 3S = to exceed 1; if nz stands
By eter
for the smallest number n = nx which allows the sum De a to exceed

1, then n, = 5, no = 35, ng = 402, ng = 10305, n5 = 874660 and ng =

395 096 427.

186 This characterization of 846137 can be obtained from the results found in J.M. De Koninck &
G. Tenenbaum [63].

884 730
e the third and largest solution n < 10° of o(n) = 3n + 18 (see the number

885 735 |(= 31! - 5)

e the third number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
here (3 + 5)3|(311 +5) (see the number 5 120).

890 625

e the largest six digit automorphic number: here 890625? = 793212890625 (see
the number 76).

917 280

e the largest number n = [d,,...,d,] such that (dj + r)-...-(d- +r) =n; the
numbers satisfying this property are: 12, 24, 35, 56, 4752, 7744, 16500, 91 728
and 917 280; this is an observation due to Patrick Letendre.

917 504

e the 20" Granville number (see the number 126).

925 957

e the seventh self contained number (see the number 293).

929 964

e the third composite number n such that o(n +56) = a(n) +56 (see the number

930 249

e the 15’" number n such that n? — 1 is powerful; here

930249? — 1 = 2°. 5°. 117 - 31? . 61?
(see the number 485).

944 108

e the third number n such that 3(n)|G(n+1) and B(n+1)|G(n+2): here 555|555
and 555|4995 (see the number 225 504).


947 519

e the fifth solution of 02(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

965 177

e the smallest number n which allows the sum pe peak to exceed 10 (see the
m<n o(m)
number 129).

968 760

e the smallest Niven number n such that n+ 70 is also a Niven number, but with
no others in between (see the number 28 680).

974 849

e the second prime factor of the Fermat number Fi; = Qo) +1 (see the number
319 489).

987 631

e the largest prime number made up of exactly six distinct digits (see the number
9 871).

990 361

e the smallest number n requiring 13 iterations of the o7(n) function in order to

reach 1 (see the number 193).

990 409

e the fourth composite number n such that 2"~-4=1 (mod n); see the number
40 369.

999 983

e the largest six digit prime number.

1 000 003

e the smallest seven digit prime number.


1 006 003

e the second and largest prime number p < 2° such that 3?-' = 1 (mod p);
the smallest is p = 11 (see Ribenboim [169], p. 347); the above congruence is
sometimes called the Mirimanoff congruence.

1012 321

e the smallest seven digit prime number whose digits are consecutive (see the
number 67).

1013 724

e the smallest number n such that w(n)+w(n+1)+w(n+2)+w(n+3) = 18: here

1013 724 = 27-32-29-971, 1013.725 = 57-23 -41-43, 1013726 = 2-7- 19-37, 103
and 1013727 = 3-11-13-17-139 (see the number 987).

1 016 807

e the second number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of
two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition > 5: 1016807 =
217 4 311.5 — 7° 4+ 96 . 5° each of these last four numbers having as index of
composition 17, 5.05684, 5 and 6 respectively (see the number 371 549).

1 023 467

e the smallest prime number made up of seven distinct digits (see the number

(= 17-19 - 3169)
: 1
e the number n which allows the sum se to exceed 3 (see the number 402).

e the third prime number p such that 41?~'=1 (mod p?) (see the number 29).

1 032 256

e the only solution n < 10’? of a(n) = 2n+ 127.


1 042 404

e the smallest number n such that w(n)+w(n+1)+w(n+2) = 15: here 1042404 =

2? -3-11-53-149, 1042405 = 5-7-13-29-79 and 1042406 = 2-17-23-31-43
(see the number 2210).

1 046 528

e the seventh number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)—7(n) = 1
(see the number 48).

1051 783

e the largest number which is equal to the sum of the squares of the factorials
of its digits in base 7: here 1051783 = [1,1,6,4,0,2,6,5]7 = 1! + 1!7 + 6!? +
Al? + O!? + 2!? + 6!2 + 5!? (see the number 73).

1 063 300 | (= 2? - 57-73 - 31)

e the smallest number n > 1 which is not a perfect number and not a multiple
of 3, but which satisfies the condition y(o(n)) = y(n).

1068 701

e the first component p of the third 7-tuple (p, p+2,p+6,p+8, p+12, p+18, p+20)
made up entirely of prime numbers: the smallest 7-tuple satisfying this property
is (11, 13,17, 19, 23, 29,31), while the second is the one whose first component
is 165 701.

1 084 605 |(= 3-5 - 72307)

e the 1000000% composite number (see the number 133).

1092 747

e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5,n+6 and

n+7 are all divisible by a square > 1: here 1092747 = 3-19-1009, 1092748 =
92.273187, 1092 749 = 7?-29-769, 1092 750 = 2-3-5°-31-47, 1092 751 = 113-821,
1092 752 = 24- 163-419, 1092 753 = 32-23-5279 and 1092 754 = 2-137-53-61
(see the number 242).

1099 989

e the seventh number which is not a palindrome, but which divides the number
obtained by reversing its digits (see the number 1089).

1109 549

e (probably) the largest number which cannot be written as the sum of two co-
prime numbers whose index of composition is > 1.9 (see the number 933).


e the third insolite number (see the number 111).


e the smallest prime number q, such that each number q; = 2q;-1 + 1 is prime
for i = 2,3,...,7: such a sequence of prime numbers is called a Cunningham
chain (R.K. Guy [101], A7).

1133 759

e the smallest number n for which the pu function takes successively, starting with
n, the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1; it is also the smallest number n for which
the pz function takes successively the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 (as well
as 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1); see the number 3 647.

1140 480

e the 11°" number n > 1 such that ¢(a(n)) = n (see the number 128).

1156 000 | (= 2° - 5? - 177)

e the number, amongst those < 10°, whose index of composition is the nearest to
the Euler number e: \(1156000) + 2.71827 (see the number 93 112 129088 for
an even better approximation, and see the number 81675000 for the analogue
question with the number 7)8".

1164 241

e the third star number n > 1 which is also a perfect square (see the number

e the 12" number n > 1 such that ¢(o(n)) =n (see the number 128).

187In 2001, P. Ribenboim [170] proved that the set {A(n) : n > 1} is dense in the set of real numbers
r > 1. It follows that for each real number r > 1, there exists a sequence of positive integers nz
such that lim, _..5A(mz) =r-

e the smallest number having more than three distinct prime factors and which
is divisible by the cube of the sum of its prime factors: the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 1221858, 2406 250, 2443716,
2 457 000, 3346 110, 3622080, 3665574, ...(see the number 37026).

e the exponent of the 34°” Mersenne prime 21757787 — 1 (Slowinski, 1996).

e the smallest number n such that P(n+i) < /n +7 for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

8; the largest prime factors of these nine numbers are respectively 31, 23, 251,
971, 599, 857, 179, 367 and 1117, all smaller than 1258500 ~ 1121 (see the
number 1518).

e the smallest number n such that P(n)?|n, P(n+1)?|n+1 and P(n+2)?|n +2:
here we have 1 292298 = 2 - 61 - 1037, 1292299 = 34-19 - 29? and 1292300 =
2? .52.7-43?: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
1 294 298, 9841094, 158385 500, 1947 793550, ...

e the 100000" prime power, in fact here a prime number (see the number 419).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in six distinct ways:

1 296 378 33 4.762 +.95° = 9° + 33° + 108° = 21° + 77° + 943

=! 31° 459° + 102° = 337-4819 +907 = 607+ 75° + 87°
(see the number 1009).

e the 100000*”" prime number (see the number 541).

e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/13 (see the number 330).

1334 961

e the number of possible arrangements of the integers 1,2,...,10 with the restric-
tion that the integer 7 must not be in the j-th position for each 7, 1 < 7 < 10
(see the number 265).

1 362 239

e the sixth solution of a2(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number 1 079).

1373 653

e the smallest strong pseudoprime with respect to bases 2 and 3.

e the exponent of the 35%” Mersenne prime 2'39°7°9 — 1 (Armengaud, 1996):

G.F. Woltman wrote a programme based on the Lucas-Lehmer test and made
it accessible on the WEB (see for anyone who wants to find
the largest Mersenne prime; the 36%" (27976220 _ 1), 37¢h (23021377 _ 1) 3gth
(28 972593 _ 1); 39th Ce 477966 __ 1), 4gth (azeseee Od 1S 4yrst (274.038 583 _ {| ;
4ggnd (222 964 951_1), 43r4 (220 402 457_1), 4gth (224 582 Cola = i) 45th (23% 156 667_1)

and 46¢ (243112609 _ 1) Mersenne primes have been found by volunteers using
Woltman’s programme.

e the fifth number which is both a triangular number and a perfect square:
1413721 = S868)+1) _ 1189? (see the number 36).

e the smallest prime number q such that >/,,<, p is divisible by 510510 (=2-3-
5:7-11-13-17): here this sum is equal to 73 454 220 840 (see the number 269).

1 419 263

e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) < 19 and P(p?—1) = 19:
here 1419 263? — 1 = 2)? 3?.7-11-133-17-19 (see the number 4801).

1 441 440

e the 12‘ colossally abundant number (see the number 55 440).


1 456 728

e the smallest 6-composite number n such that n + 2 is also 6-composite: here

1456 728 = 23-3-7-13-23-29 and 1456730 = 2-5-11-17-19- 41 (see the
number | 428).

1570 153 |(= 13 - 269 - 449)

e the smallest hyperperfect number having exactly three distinct prime factors
(it is the third 12-hyperperfect number).

UST US28 (a 22 sl 3)
e the third solution of 22 = (see the number 360);
e the eighth Erdés-Nicolas number (see the number 2016).

e the ninth number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

e the eighth composite number n such that o(n + 6) = a(n) + 6 (see the number

e the 1000000 square-free number (see the number 165).

e the smallest multiple of 100 which is followed by at least 100 composite numbers
(see the number 370 261).

e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to W/n (see the number 2 401).

1741 725

e the smallest number n > 1 which can be written as the sum of the seventh
powers of its digits: the others are 4210 818, 9800817, 9926315 and 14459 929.

1747 591

e the third prime number p such that 13?-' = 1 (mod p”) (see the number

1782 144 232 7 1317)

e the second solution of le) = = (see the number 293 760).

1799 938 (=2-7-83- 1549)

e the number n which allows the sum ye — to exceed 2 (see the number

10 305).

1 825 200

e the ninth powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here 1 825 200 =
24 . 33 . 5? . 132 and 1825 201 = 7? - 193? (see the number 288).

1 835 421

e the smallest number n which allows the sum ye — to exceed 15 (see the num-
ber 83).

e the third number n for which €(n) is an integer (see the number 614341).

1 940 450

e the ninth number n such that the binomial coefficient () is a perfect square:
here ieay oo = 1372105? (see the number 289).

(= 54. 3121
e the smallest 4-hyperperfect number: we say that a number n is 4-hyperperfect
if it can be written asn=1+44 s d (which is equivalent to the condition
4o(n) = 5n + 3).

1999 999

e the largest number n = [d;, d2,...,d,] such that d;!+d2!+...+d,! > n, where
d;,d2,...,d, stand for the digits of n: here 1!+ 9!+ 9!4+ 9!4 9!4+9!49! =
2177281 > 1999999.

2013 216

e the tenth number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

2016 496

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in seven distinct ways:

2016 496 6 a7) 118° = 10° 667-4 120° = 197 oi 41296"

47> +. 97° + 100° = 54° + 60° + 118° = 66° + 90? + 1002
63° 485-194"

(see the number 1 009).

2 025 797

e the eighth self contained number (see the number 293).

2066 115

e the smallest seven digit Sastry number (see the number 6099).

2118 656

e the 11% dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).


e the second (and largest known) Wolstenholme prime (see the number 16 843).

2 142 720
e the third solution of a te (see the number 35 640).

278,540) (2229725
77 413-19)
e the third 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

2199 978

e the eighth number which is not a palindrome, but which divides the number
obtained by reversing its digits (see the number 1 089).

2 230 271

e the seventh solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

2 424 833

e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number fy = oe 1, whose complete

factorization is given by

Fo = 2424833 - 7455602825647884208337395736200454918783366342657 - Pog.

(= 197-6841)
e the third 18-hyperperfect number (see the number 1 333).

2481 757

e the second prime number p such that 23?-! = 1 (mod p”); see the number

e the third and largest known dihedral 3-perfect number (see the number 5 472).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in eight distinct ways:

2562624 = 8° +36? +136 = 8° + 64? + 1327 = 12° + 100° + 116°

= 173+ 46? + 135° = 30° + 103? + 113° = 36° + 603 + 132°
Bil? 85° 129° == 60" 2 70> 193°

(see the number 1009).

e the third even number n for which 2” =2 (mod n); see the number 161038.

2 590 623

e the first of the three smallest consecutive numbers each of which is divisible
by a fifth power: here 2590623 = 3° -7- 1523, 2590624 = 2°- 73-1109 and
2 590 625 = 5° - 829 (see the number 1375).

2 646 798

e the ninth (and possibly the largest) number n > 9 such that n = )7/_, d!, where
d,,...,d,. stand for the digits of n: here 2646 798 = 2! + 62443 464475496 +87
(see the number 175).

2 657 333

e the third number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of
two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition > 5: 2657333 =
274 3!%.5 = 5° +2" . 34, each of these last four numbers having as index of
composition 7, 5.46252, 5 and 8.25538 respectively (see the number 371549).

2674 440

e the 14°” Catalan number (see the number 14).

2677 889

e the smallest number of persistence 8 (see the number 679).

2 702 765

e the 12°” Kuler number (see the number 272).

2 704 900

e the fourth multiple of 100 such that the following 100 numbers include ex-
actly 17 prime numbers, namely 2704901, 2704903, 2704907, 2704909, 2704927,
2704931, 2704937, 2704939, 2704943, 2704957, 2704963, 2704969, 2704979,
2704981, 2704987, 2704993, 2704997 (see the number 400).

2718 281

e the third prime number built from the first digits of the decimal expansion of
the Euler number e (see the number 271).

e the ninth solution y of the Fermat-Pell equation 2? — 2y? = 1: here (a,y) =

(3880899, 2744210); see the number 99.

2 759 640

e one of the three numbers n such that the polynomial 2° — x+n can be factored:
the other two are n = 15 and n = 22440: here 2° —2+2759640 = (a7 +1224
377) (x3 + 12x? — 2332 + 7320) (see the number 22 440).

e the fourth prime number p such that 31?-' = 1 (mod p?) (see the number

e the third number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its prime
factors: 2836295 = 5-7-11-53-139 = 5° + 7° + 113 + 53? + 139° (see the
number 378).

2 879 865

e the smallest Niven number n such that n + 90 is also a Niven number, while
no others are located in between (see the number 28 680).

e the smallest seven digit automorphic number: 2890625? = 8355712890625

(see the number 76).

2914 393

e the second and largest prime number p < 2°” such that 97?-' = 1 (mod p?)
(see Ribenboim [169], p. 347): the smallest is p = 7.

e the exponent of the 36’” Mersenne prime 2297622! — 1 discovered by Spencer

in 1997 using the programme developed by G.F.Woltman (see the number
1398 269).

2 999 999

e the largest number n such that fe(n) > n, where fe(n) = fe([di, do,...,d,]) =
d§ + d§+...+d®, where d;,d2,...,d, stand for the digits of n.

3 020 626

e the fourth even number n such that 2" = 2 (mod 7); see the number 161 038.

3021 377

e the exponent of the 37” Mersenne prime 2? 97137” —1 discovered by R. Clarkson

(a 19 year old student) in 1998 using the programme developed by G. Woltman
(see the number 1 398 269).

3 263 443

e the sixth voracious number (see the number 1 807).

3 290 624

e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 each have ten prime factors
(counting their multiplicity); indeed, 3290624 = 2° - 6427 and 3290625 =
3+ - 5° - 13 (see the number 135).

3 343 776

e the 11°" number n such that 4(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

3 345 408

e the 13" number n > 1 such that ¢(o(n)) = n (see the number 128).

3 358 169

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 12 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1 (see the number 2593).

3370 501

e the sixth and largest solution x of the Bachet equation x? + 999 = y® (see the
number 251).

3 405 122
e the smallest number n such that Q(n) = Q(n+ 1) =... = Q(n +8): here the
common value is 4; it is also the smallest number n such that Q(n) = Q(n+1) =
... =Q(n+4+ 9) (see the number 602).

3 424 006

e the number of twin prime pairs < 10° (see the number 1224).

3 485 664 | (= 2° -3?- 77-13-19)

e the third solution of we) aris (see the number 293 760).

3 523 884
e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = n/14 (see the number 330).

(= 27-39)
e the smallest number n such that y(n)?|a(n) (see the number 96).

3 565 979

e the smallest prime number equally distant, by a distance of 48, from the preced-
ing and the following prime numbers: p254473 = 3565931, pos4a79 = 3565979
and P254480 = 3 066 027.

3612 703

e the only prime number p such that p|A, for all n > p, where A, := n! — (n —
1)!4+ (n—2)!—...—(—1)"1], a result established by M. Zivkovié [209].

3 628 800

e the value of 10! .

e the fourth prime number of the form n! + n+ 1, here with n = 10 (see the
number 52).

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 10! (see the number 779).

e the second number which is equal to the sum of the seventh powers of its digits
added to the product of its digits (see the number 455 226).

e the smallest number n such that P(n +7) < W/n+i, for i = 0,1,2,3: here
P(3678723) = P(3?-19- 71-101) = 101 < 3678723 ~ 154, P(3678724) =
P(2?.72-137) = 137 < */3678724 ~ 154, P(3678725) = P(5?-37-41-97) = 97 <
73678725 = 154 and P(3678726) = P(2-3-83?- 89) = 89 < 73678726 ~ 154
(see the number 134 848).

(= 2- 1870577)
e the 1000000" number having exactly two distinct prime factors (see the num-
ber 184).

e the third number n such that E,(n) := o(n +1) — o(n) satisfies E,(n +1) =
E,(n): here the common value of FE, is 1100 736, since 0(3768373) = 4560192,
0 (3768374) = 5660928 and o(3768375) = 6761664 (see the number 693).

3 847 271
e the smallest prime number p such that w(p—1) = w(p+1) = 6: here 3 847 270 =
2-5-7-17-53-61 and 3847 272 = 2° -3-11-13-19-59 (see the number 131).

3 885 569
e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p +1) = 10: here
3 885 568 = 2° - 7589 and 3885570 = 2-3°-5-13-41 (see the number 271).

3 995 648
e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 are both divisible by a ninth
power: 3995648 = 21! - 1951 and 3995 649 = 39 - 7-29 (see the number 1 215).

4037 913

e the value of 1!4+ 2!4+...+10!.

4 046 849
e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) < 23 and P(p*—1) = 23:
here p? — 1 = 215 . 3? -5?- 13-17-19 - 23? (see the number 4801).

4190 208

e the eighth number n divisible by a square > 1 and such that y(n+1)—~y(n) = 1
(see the number 48).


e the second number n > 1 which can be written as the sum of the seventh
powers of its digits (see the number 1741725).

4213 597

e the 12% Bell number (see the number 52).

4218 475

e the fifth composite number n such that a(n + 8) = a(n) + 8 (see the number
1615 —

4 233 355

e the smallest number which is equal to the sum of the ninth powers of its digits
added to the product of its digits; the only other numbers with this property!®°
are 54617522, 146511 208 and 874917 848.

4 289 592

e the smallest number n such that w(n)+w(n+1)+w(n+2)+w(n+3) = 19: here

4 289 592 = 23.3-19-23-409, 4289 593 = 7-11-17-29-113, 4289 594 = 2-31-43-1609
and 4289 595 = 3-5-37- 59-131 (see the number 987).

4 324 320

e the 13" colossally abundant number (see the number 55 440).

4325 170

e the smallest number n such that P(n+72) < /n+i for i =0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9; the largest prime factors of these 10 numbers are respectively 701, 1033,
149, 1087, 1069, 409, 181, 331, 71 and 977, all smaller than 4325179 = 2079
(see the number 1518).

188QOne can argue, as in the footnote tied to the number 1 324, that any such number can have at
most ten digits; thus using a computer, one only needs to check all numbers below 101°.

4 563 000

e the fourth number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760; see
also the number 312).

4 620 799

e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) < 31 and P(p?—1) = 31:
here p? — 1 = 210. 37.52. 72. 132 - 19? - 31 (see the number 4801).

4681 203 | (= 3 - 37- 181 - 233)

e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n => p+ 12|n+ 12
(see the number 399).

4695 456

e the 12°" number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

4713 984 | (= 29- 33-11-31)

e the fifth solution of ae = * (see the number 1080).

4729 494

e the number appearing in the famous “cattle problem” of Archimedes, namely

in the Fermat-Pell equation 2? — 4729 494 y? = 1 (see J. Stillwell [191]).

4737 595

e the fourth solution of 72(n) = a(n + 10) (see the number 120).


e the smallest number n which allows the sum ys 7 to exceed 16 (see the number

5 058 180

e the fourth even number n such that o7(n) = 0;(n+2) (see the number 54178).

5 096 876

e the number of eight digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

5 099 011 | (= 19 - 167 - 1607)

e the number n which allows the sum Se 7 to exceed 4 (see the number


e the largest number which is not the sum of distinct fourth powers (see Journal
of Recreational Mathematics 20 (1988), p. 316).

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two fifth powers and
as the sum of five fifth powers: 5153633 = 1° + 22° = 4° +. 5°+7° + 16° 421°.

e the smallest prime number q which allows the sum ss — to exceed 3 (see the
number 277).

(= 3- 1765541)
e the number n which allows the sum SS a to exceed 4 (see the number 871).

e the smallest number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
B(n)* = By(n): here (3+ 5+ 7)? = 3° +5° +7 = 3375 (see also the number
5 120).

e the smallest number n such that w(n)+w(n+1)+w(n+2) = 16: here 5617820 =

2?.5-13-17-31-41, 5617821 = 3-11-37-43-107 and 5617 822 = 2-7-29-101-137
(see the number 2210).

e the number of prime numbers < 10°.

5 761 978

e the fifth even number n such that o7(n) = o7(n + 2) (see the number 54178).

5 909 560

e the smallest number n such that P(n) < %/n and P(n+1) < W/n+1: here
P(5909560) = P(28-35-5-19) = 19 < 22.61 ~ %/5909560 and P(5909561) =
P(11? - 137-17?) = 17 < 22.61 = W/5909561; the sequence of numbers satis-
fying this property begins as follows: 5909560, 11859210, 71843750, 76271624,
80061344, 96059600, 119094299, 132663167, 133919999, 177182720,
181037024,...(see the number 2 400)1®9.

5 978 882

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct fourth
powers in four distinct ways:

5 978 882 = 34+ 404 + 434 = 8443744454 = 154+ 324 +474 = 234 +254 + 484
(see the number 6578).

6 082 047

e the smallest number n such that n and n+1 each have 11 prime factors counting
their multiplicity: 6082047 = 3!° - 103 and 6082048 = 2° - 7 - 1697 (see the
number 135).

6 197 024

e the smallest number n such that ¢(6n+1) < ¢(6n+2) (see D.J. Newman [149]).

6 303 734
e the fourth number n such that E,(n) := o(n +1) —o(n) satisfies E,(n +1) =
E,(n): here the common value of E, is 1429056, since 7(6303734) = 9656928,
a (6303735) = 11085984 and o(6303736) = 12515040 (see the number 693).

6 436 343
e the smallest fifth power which can be written as the sum of seven fifth powers:
6 436 343 = 235 = 15 + 75 + 8° + 14° + 15° + 18° + 20°.

189This sequence is infinite: see the footnote tied to the number 2 400.

6 449 639

e the smallest number n such that B(n) < B(n+1) <... < B(n +10): here
302 < 838 < 1751 < 13624 < 23151 < 27390 < 67915 < 153575 < 379408 <
403105 < 2149886 (see the number 714);

e the smallest number n such that P(n) < P(n+1) <... < P(n+ 10): here
109 < 757 < 1283 < 13381 < 23117 < 27329 < 67891 < 153563 < 379391 <
403103 < 2149883 (see the number 46 189).

6 700 417

e the largest prime factor of the Fermat number F5 = 22° +1 = 641-6 700417.


e the fifth solution of 2(n) = 02(n + 10) (see the number 120).

6 954 793

e the number of Niven numbers < 10° (see the number 213).

6 972 593

e the exponent of the 38" Mersenne prime 2°972593 — 1 discovered by Nayan

Hajratwala in 1999 using the programme developed by G. Woltman (see the
number 1398 269).

7 087 261

e the ninth horse number (see the number 13).

7109 376

e the largest seven digit automorphic number:

7 109 3767 = 50 543 227 109 376

(see the number 76).


e the smallest number n such that r(n) < r(n+1) < ... < rT(n +6): here
a= 06 — 12 <016 = 20)- 48)

7 774 369

e the fourth number which is equal to the sum of the seventh powers of its digits
added to the product of its digits (see the number 455 226).

7 860 799
e the largest known prime number p such that P(p?—1) < 37 and P(p?—1) = 37:
here p? — 1 = 2’. 37.5”. 11-179. 29-37? (see the number 4801).

7 866 046

e the fifth even number n such that 2” = 2 (mod n) (see the number 161038).

7 906 276
e the third number > 1 which is both triangular and pentagonal:
3976-3977 2296 - (3 - 2296 — 1)
7 906 OM27OW 5 5

(see the number 210).

7 989 168
e the smallest Niven number n such that n+ 80 is also a Niven number, but with
no others in between (see the number 28 680).

8 382 464
e the eighth solution of a(n) = 2n + 2 (see the number 464).

8 388 019
e the largest known regular prime (J.P. Bulher, R.E. Crandall & R.W.Sompolski

8 489 603
e the smallest number n such that tT(n) > T(n +1) > ... > T(n +6): here
48 > 20 > 16 > 12 > 8 > 6 > 4 (see the number 45).

8 595 928
e the second number n such that B(n)|B(n +1) and B(n + 1)|B(n + 2), where
Bn) = Le , op; the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins
as follows: 417162, 8595928, 11506989, 12684861, 20989800, 113188 680,
181665014, ...

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of three
distinct prime numbers in three distinct ways: here,

8607527 = 19° 1519) 1732 = 23° + 130° + 181° = 71° + 73° 199°

(see the number 185 527).

8 870 024
e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5,n+6,n+7,n+8
are all divisible by a square > 1: here 8870024 = 2° - 1108753, 8870025 =
3-52.227-521, 8870026 = 2-11? - 36653, 8870027 = 297 - 53-199, 8870028 =
D2te AT 15127. 8 810029 =F 151115398 800 030 = 2 ao ikl
8870031 = 3? - 311-3169, 8870032 = 24 - 554377 (see the number 242);

e the smallest number n such that

f(n+1) = f(n+2) = f(n+3) = f(nt+4) =f(n +5) = f(n+6) = f(n+7),

where f(n) stands for the product of the exponents in the factorization of n
(see the number 843).

$910°720))(= 27932 -5-7- 13-17)

; a(n) 9 fea
e the smallest solution of —— = -; the sequence of numbers satisfying this
equation begins as follows: 8910720, 17428 320, 8583 644 160,...

9177 431
e the first term of the smallest sequence of 14 consecutive prime numbers each
of the form 4n + 3 (as well as 15 consecutive prime numbers each of the form
An + 3); see the number 463.

e the smallest number n such that 11! divides 1+ 2+...+ n (see the number

9 549 410

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the squares of two
prime numbers in 9 (as well as of 10, 11, 12 and 13) distinct ways: 9549410 =
211? + 30837 = 263? + 3079? = 503 + 3049? = 571? + 3037? = 641? + 3023? =
857° +2969? = 9917+2927? = 13012+2803? = 1427742741? = 1637?+26212 =
1747? + 2549? = 1861? + 24672 = 1933? + 2411? (see the number 338).

9 694 845

e the 15” Catalan number (see the number 14).

9 745 728

e the 13°” number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

9 800 817

e the third number n > 1 which can be written as the sum of the seventh powers
of its digits (see the number 1741725).

9 841 094

e the second number n such that P(n)?|n, P(n+1)?|n+1 and P(n + 2)?|n +2:
here 9 841 094 = 2-67-2717, 9841095 = 3*-5-11-47? and 9 841 096 = 23-17-2697
(see the number 1 294 298).

9 876 413

e the largest prime number made up of exactly seven distinct digits (see the
number 9 871).

9 926 315

e the fourth number n > 1 which can be written as the sum of the seventh powers
of its digits (see the number 1741 725).

9 980 583

e the fifth number n such that n? + 2 is powerful: here

9 980 5832 + 2 = 99612037019891 = 11° - 273569?

(see the number 265).

9999 991

e the largest seven digit prime number.

10 000 019

e the smallest eight digit prime number.


10 000 095

e the smallest Niven number 7 > 5 such that n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4 and n+5 are
also Niven numbers (see the number 110); it is also the smallest Niven number
n > 4 such that n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5 and n+6 are also Niven numbers.

10 234 589

e the smallest prime number made up of eight distinct digits (see the number

10 708 555 | (=5-11-13-17- 881)

e the 10000000" composite number (see the number 133).

10 729 219

e the fifth prime number q such that 5), -. p is a perfect square: here

S> p= 3672424151449 = (463 - 4139)?


(see the number 22073).

10 869 375

e the fourth number n such that 6(n)|G(n+1) and B(n+1)|G(n+2), here 67|1742
and 1742|15678 (see the number 225 504).

11 242 770

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n + 1) = 5¢(n); the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 11242770, 18673201, 77805000,
117 138 840, 122 649 450, ... (see the number 1 260).

e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n +1) = 6: here 11243154 =
2-3-13-17-61-139 and 11243 155 = 5-7-11-19-29-53 (see the number 230).

11 309 768

e the tenth powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 11309 768 =
2° . 29° . 41? and 11309 769 = 3? - 19? - 59? (see the number 288).

11 350 529

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p +1) = 11: here
11350528 = 29-7 - 3167 and 11350530 = 2-38-5-173 (see the number

11 506 989

e the fifth number n such that 6(n)|G(n+1) and B(n+1)|G(n+2), here 381|1524
and 1524|12192 (see the number 225 504).

11 746 427

e the fourth number n for which €(n) is an integer (see the number 614341).

11 859 210

e the smallest number n such that P(n)*|n and P(n+1)4|n+1: here 11859210 =
2-34-5-114 and 11859211 = 7-13-194; other numbers satisfying this property
are 632 127050 601 113 666 430, 1337 735 048 956 150 266 042 387,
2 512 088 574 784 743 818 066 896 4974 823 008 148 736 705 412 779,
33 604 891 766 609 212 616 768 123 and 34 120 594 939 631 428 731 879 552 (see the
number 6 859).

12 204 889

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 13 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1 (see the number 2593).

12 270 O77

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 14 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n +1 (as well as for 15 or 16 consecutive prime numbers of the form
4n + 1) (see the number 2593).

12 558 912

e the 14°" number n such that ¢(n) + 0(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

12 582 633

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n+ 1) + w(n+4 2) +w(n +3) = 20:
here 12582633 = 3-7- 23-109 - 239, 12582 634 = 2-83 - 229 - 331, 12582635 =
5-13-17-59-193 and 12582636 = 27-3-11-19-29-173 (see the number 987).

e the sixth number n such that 3(n)|G(n +1) and B(n+1)|G(n+2): here 74/222
and 222|412698 (see the number 225 504).

e the smallest number n such that a(n Lar , this last expression
representing the first five terms of the See expansion of Li(n): here
(12870973) = 841464 while bees Ge] _soernory © 841463.3 (see the
number 73). ri

12 999 168 |(= 2° -3?- 7-13-31)

a(n) it
e the fourth solution of Kees (see the number 35 640).

e the smallest perfect square me for which there exist numbers m1, m2, m3 and
ma such that m?—(m;—1)? = m?_, for i= 2,3, 4,5: here 13 053 769 = 3613? =
3612? + 857 = 3612? + 847 + 137 = 36127 + 847 + 12? + 5? = 3612? + 842 +
12? + 4? + 32.

e the smallest number n such that a(n), o(n+1), ..., o(n +5) all have the same
prime factors, namely here the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 149 (see the number 3777).

e the exponent of the 39°" Mersenne prime 213466917 _ 1 discovered by the Cana-
dian Michael Cameron in November 2001 using the programme developed by
G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).

e the smallest number n which allows the sum es :to exceed 17 (see the number

13 631 489

e the smallest prime factor of Fig = 22" + 1, whose partial factorization is given
Fig = 13631489 - 81274690703860512587777 - C7907.

13 703 077

e the third prime number p such that 23?-1 =1 (mod p?) (see the number 13).

13 821 503

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 219° — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2°98 _ 1 = 13821503 - 61654440233248340616559 -14732265321145317331353282383.

14018 750

e the smallest number n such that

min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3), A(n + 4)) >


min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 38), A(n + 4))

& (1.64261, 1.25044, 1.2668, 1.30976, 1.4742) = 1.25044;

the list of numbers satisfying the above inequality begins as follows: 14018 750,
82 564 350, 3387574069, 10514077 440, 11 807 429 372, 17 265 859 071,
21036 065 792, ...; most likely there are infinitely many such numbers!"°.

14 459 929
e the largest number which can be written as the sum of the seventh powers of
its digits (see the number 1 741725).

14520576 | (= 2° -3-7- 37-73)

a(n) k
e the largest number n < 10° such that ser for some number k satisfying
(k,6) = 1, here with k = 19 (see the number 22932).

190Indeed, J.M.De Koninck & N.Doyon [48] proved that, for each integer k > 2, the probability
that there is only a finite number of numbers n such that
: k
min (A(n),
A(n + 1),...,A(n
+k —1)) > aT

is equal to zero.


e the number of possible arrangements of the integers 1,2,...,11 with the restric-
tion that the integer 7 must not be in the j-th position for each 7, 1 <7 < 11
(see the number 265).

14919 500

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three fifth powers and
as the sum of four fifth powers: 14919500 = 3°+225+25° = 15+8°+14°+27°;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 14919500,
31 325 350, 40 555 282, 48 960 099, 70 231 833, 83419 269, 89095 328, ...

14 926 248

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in nine distinct ways:

14926248 = 2°+4 343+ 2463 = 12? + 186° + 2043 = 15° + 33° + 246°
Bie ba 2372 2 90s 240"
= 75° + 190° + 197? = 90° + 186° + 198°
99° + 149% + 220° = 106? + 150° + 218°

(see the number 1009).

14939 999

e the eighth solution of o2(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

15 474 787

e the 1000000 prime power, in fact here a prime number (see the number 419).

15 485 863

e the 1000000‘ prime number (see the number 541).

e the first member p of the second 8-tuple (p,p + 2,p+6,p+8,p+12,p+18,p+

20, p + 26) made up entirely of prime numbers: the first 8-tuple satisfying this
property is (11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37).

15 913 724

e the fifth number n such that E,(n) := o(n + 1) — a(n) satisfies to E,(n +
1) = E,(n): here the common value of E, is —1538 208, since o(15913724) =
27849024, o(15913725) = 26310816 and o(15913726) = 24772608 (see the num-
ber 693).

16 449 370

e the 10000000" square-free number (see the number 165).

16 467 033

e the smallest number n such that n, n+1 and n+2 are square-free and each have
five distinct prime factors: 16 467 033 = 3-11-17-149-197, 16 467 034 = 2-19-23-
83-227 and 16 467035 = 5-13-37-41-167; the sequence of numbers satisfying this
property begins as follows: 16467033, 18185869, 21134553, 21374353, 21871365,
22247553, 22412533, 22721585, 24845313, 25118093, ... (see the number 1 309).

16 777 217 |(= 97 - 257 - 673)

e the eighth number of the form n” + 1 (see the number 3 126).

(= 28°)
e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n: the only
other numbers n > 1 satisfying this property are 52521875, 60466176 and
205 962 976.

e the second solution of a(n)

jae ;(see the number 8 910720).

e the value of 11+ 2? +...+ 8% (see the number 3 413).

e the smallest prime number p such that w(p+1) = 2, w(p+2) = 3, w(p+3) = 4,

w(p + 4) = 5 and w(p+ 5) = 6 (see the number 103).

e the smallest number n satisfying ¢(n) = 5¢(n + 1); the sequence of num-
bers satisfying this property begins as follows: 17907119, 18828809, 31692569,
73421039, 179467469, ... (see the number 629).

18 003 384 | (= 2° - 3° - 7°)

e the fifth number n having at least two distinct prime factors and such that
G(n)3|Bi(n): here (2+ 3 + 7)3|(23 + 38 + 73) (see the number 5120).

e the smallest of the first four consecutive numbers being each divisible by a
eube > 1; 18035622 =2-3*-11-29-349, 18035623 = 17° - 3671, 18035624 =
23 . 163 - 13831, 18035625 = 3-54-9619 and 18035626 = 2-7? - 61 - 431 (see
the number 844).

18 506 880 |(= 27 -3°-5- 7-17)

a(n) 13 é
e the smallest solution of meee Ce the only solutions n < 10° of this equation
are 18506 880, 36 197 280 and 299 980 800.

18 673 201

e the second number n such that ¢(n + 1) = 5¢(n) (see the number 11242770).

19 099 919

e the smallest prime number q; such that each number q; = 2q;-1 + 1 is prime
for 1 = 2,3,...,8: such a sequence of prime numbers is called a Cunningham
chain (see the number 1 122659).

e the fourth number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of
two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition > 5: 19592147 =
318 + 2'8 . 13° = 24.38 +117, these last four numbers having as index of
composition 13, 5.12746, 6.45259 and 7 respectively (see the number 371549).

e the ninth solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).


20 291 270

e the sixth number n such that E,(n) := o(n +1) — o(n) satisfies E,(n +1) =
E,(n): here the common value of E, is 365040, since (20291270) = 37374480,
o (20291271) = 37739520 and o (20291272) = 38104560 (see the number 693).

20 427 264 | (= 2° -3?- 11-13-31)

e the fourth solution of ee =F (see the number 4320).

20 511 392

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two fifth powers and
as the sum of four fifth powers: 20511392 = 3° + 29° = 45 + 10° + 205 + 28°.

20 831 323

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 200 consecutive compos-
ite numbers (in fact here by exactly 209 composite numbers); see the number
370 261.

20 840 574

e the third solution of o(n) = a(n + 15) (see the number 26).

20 916 224

e the smallest number n such that 12! divides 1+ 2+...+ 7 (see the number

20 996 011

e the exponent of the 40°” Mersenne prime 27°99°°!! — 1 (a 6320430 digit num-
ber) discovered by Michael Shafer on November 17, 2003 using the programme
developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).

21 063 928

e the third number whose square can be written as the sum of a cube and a
seventh power (see B. Poonen, E. Schaefer & M. Stoll [165]): here 21 063 928? =
76271° + 17°; it is indeed possible to prove that the diophantine equation x? =
y> +z" has only three solutions!?! in positive integers x, y, z with (2, y, z) = 1;
here is the table of these solutions:
1917, 1995, Henri Darmon and Andrew Granville [42] proved that if p, q, r are three positive integers
such that : + : + 4 < 1, then equation Ax? + By? = Cz", where A, B,C are non zero integers,
has only a finite number of solutions in positive integers x,y, z with (x,y,z) = 1.

21621 600

e the 14*” colossally abundant number (see the number 55 440).

21 772 800

e the smallest number > 2 which is equal to the product of the factorials of its
digits in base 12: 21772800 = [7, 3,6, 0,0, 0, O]12 = 7! - 3! - 6!-0!-0!- 0! -O!; the
only known numbers satisfying this property are 1, 2, 21772800, 2090188800,
14 497 650 943 439 560 735 142 707 200 000 000,
75 445 311 584 829 283 999 739 123 702 169 600 000 000 000,
962 493 562 543 459 590 626 671 870 630 428 672 000 000 000 000 and
45 883 517 654 351 824 863 158 584 663 538 863 253 527 461 888 000 000 000 000 000 (see
the number 17 280 for the table of the smallest numbers with this property in
a given base).

e the 15’ number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

e the smallest eight digit Sastry number (see the number 6099).

e the 13°” Euler number (see the number 272).

23 002 083 | (= 3° - 13 - 717)

e the 10000 powerful number (see the number 3 136).

e the 16" number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

23 569 920 | (= 2° -3°-5- 11-31)

e the fourth 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

23 592 593

e the smallest prime number q such that Yip<qP is divisible by 9699690 (=

2-3-5-7-11-13-17-19): here this sum is equal to 16 904658 530 760 (see the
number 269).

24 036 583

e the exponent of the 41"** Mersenne prime 274° 583 — 1 (a 7235733 digit num-
ber) discovered by Michael Shafer on May 15, 2004, using the programme
developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).


e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 are both divisible by a tenth
power: here 24151040 = 21°. 5-53-89 and 24151041 = 31° - 409 (see the
number 1 215).

24 208 144

e the largest number n such that P(n?+1) < 100: here n?+1 = 293-377-53-617-89:
this is a result due to F. Luca [127].

24 678 050

e the smallest number n > 1 which is equal to the sum of the eighth powers of
its digits: the only other numbers satisfying this property are 24678051 and
88 593 477.

24 678 051

e the second number n > 1 which is equal to the sum of the eighth powers of its
digits (see the number 24678050).

24 883 200

e the value of 1!-2!-...-6!.

25 153 757 | (= 293°)

e the 1000" 3-powerful number (see the number 216).

25 326 001
e the smallest strong pseudoprime in bases 2, 3 and 5.

25 417 732

e the smallest number > 1 which is equal to the sum of the squares of the
factorials of its digits in base 8: here 25417732 = [1,4,0,7,5,4,0,0,4]g =
112 +412 +01? + 71? +51? 4+4!? + 01? + 0!2 +.4!? (see the numbers 145 and 40585).

25 430 981

e the second number > 1 which is equal to the sum of the squares of the factorials
of its digits in base 8: here 25 430981 = [1, 4, 1,0,0,5,7,0,5]g = (eee char te
Ol? + 01? + 5!2 + 71? + Ol? + 5!? (see the number 25 417 732).

25 457 760

e the eighth number n such that 3(n)|G(n+1) and B(n+1)|G(n+2): here 164|984
and 984|1157184 (see the number 225 504).

25 658 441

e the first component p of the third 8-tuple (p,p+2,p+6,p+8,p+12,p+18,p+

20,p + 26) made up entirely of prime numbers: the smallest such 8-tuple is
(11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,37), while the second is the one whose first component
is 15 760091.

25 741 470

e the fourth solution of o(n) = a(n + 15) (see the number 26).

25 964 951

e the exponent of the 42" Mersenne prime 27° 96491 — 1 (a 7816 230 digit num-
ber) discovered by Martin Nowak (an eye surgeon) on February 18, 2005, using
the programme developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).

26 888 999

e the smallest number of persistence 9 (see the number 679).

26 890 623

e the first of the smallest three consecutive numbers each divisible by a sixth
power: 26 890 623 = 3° -36887, 26 890 624 = 27-19-11057, 26 890625 = 5®-1721
(see the number 1375).

27 412 679

e the number of twin prime pairs < 101° (see the number 1 224).

27 644 437

e the 13°” Bell number (see the number 52).


e the sixth even number n such that o7(n) = 07(n + 2) (see the number 54178).

28 600 321 | (= 31? - 29761)

e the second 30-hyperperfect number (see the number 3901).

29 149 139

e the smallest number n for which the Moebius function p takes on successively,
starting with n, the values 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 (see the number 3 647).

30 002 960

e the 17’" number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

30 042 907

e the largest known number whose square is the sum of a cube and an eighth
power: here 30042907? = 96 222% + 43° (see the number 122).

30 402 457

e the exponent of the 43"¢ Mersenne prime 29° 497 457 — 1 (a 9152052 digit num-
ber) discovered by Curtis Cooper and Steven Boone on December 15, 2005,
using the programme developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).

30 459 361 | (= 55197)

e the smallest powerful number n such that n+14 is also powerful: heren+14 =
33 . 5° - 192: the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows:
30 459 361, 717498 661, 1090122275, 185 344 887 289,... 19.

192This sequence is infinite (see the number 214369).


32 509 439
e the tenth solution of o2(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

32 535 999
e the smallest number n such that n and n+1 each have 12 prime factors counting
their multiplicity: here 32535999 = 3!° - 19-29 and 32536000 = 2° - 5° - 7? - 83
(see the number 135).

32 582 657
e the exponent of the 44*” Mersenne prime 29°87’—1 (a 9 808 358 digit number)
discovered by Curtis Cooper and Steven Boone on September 4, 2006, using
the programme developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).

32 694 619
e the smallest prime number q; such that each number q; = 3q;—1 + 2 is prime
for i = 2,3,...,8 (see the number 575119): such a sequence of prime numbers
is somewhat similar to the Cunningham chains (see the number 1 122659).

33 550 336 |(= 2!2(213 — 1))

e the fifth perfect number (the smallest four are 6, 28, 496 and 8 128).

33 721 216
e the 12‘ dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

33 757 004

e the number n which allows the sum SS a to exceed 6 (see the number 44).

34 012 224
e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ¢/n: the only other
numbers n > 1 satisfying this property are 8303765625, 24794911296 and
68 719 476 736;
e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct cubes
in ten distinct ways:
34012224 = 36° + 216° +.288° = 397 + 153° = 312°
= 41° + 114° + 319° = 45° 4 246° 4 267°
$e 12s 1149 318° 100 1 1097 00063
291027 297", HO77> = 118° 201 86> 4 296?
162° + 216° + 270° = 173° + 2148 + 2673
(see the number 1009).

34 385 818

e the seventh even number n such that o7(n) = o;(n+2) (see the number 54178).

35 020 303

e the ninth composite number n such that a(n + 6) = a(n) + 6 (see the number

35 080 502

e the eighth even number n such that o7(n) = o7(n+2) (see the number 54178).

35 357 670

e the 16°” Catalan number (see the number 14).

35 515 634

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n +1) +u(n +2) = 17: here
35515634 = 2-7-11-23- 37-271, 355156385 = 3-5-17- 41-43-79 and
35 515636 = 2? - 13-19 - 103 - 349 (see the number 2210).

36 171 409

e the largest known prime number p such that P(p*—1) < 29 and P(p*—1) = 29:
here p? —1 = 2°-3-5-73-11- 13-17-23 - 29? (see the number 4801).

36 197 180 | (= 2° -3°-5- 72-19)

e the second solution of ae mers (see the number 18 506 880).

36 315 135

e the smallest number n such that n and n+ 1 are both divisible by an eleventh
power: here 36315135 = 31! -5- 41 and 36315136 = 213 - 11-13-31 (see the
number 1 215).

36 721 681

e the smallest number n such that a(n) < o(n+1) < o(n+2) < o(n+3) <a(n+
4); it is also the smallest number n such that o(n) < o(n+1) <...< o(n +5);
here 37085364 < 55082526 < 56162808 < 64262954 < 64350720 < 76876128;
the numbers in question can be factored as follows:

36721681 = 101 - 363581,

36721682 = 2- 18360841,
36721683 = 37-17- 240011,
36721684 = 27-9180421,
36721685 = 5-7-117-13- 23-29,
36721686 = 2-3-37-53-3121;
denoting by nz the smallest number n such that o(n) < o(n+1) <... <
o(n+k—1), we have the following table:

36 721681 ?

e the smallest number n which allows the sum ; — to exceed 18 (see the number

e the smallest number n such that a(n + 1) = 40(n): observe that 37033919 =
13 - 863 - 3301 and 37033920 = 2° -3?-5-7-11- 167; the sequence of numbers
satisfying this property begins as follows: 37033919, 141162839, 264995639,
596672999, 606523679, 630777839, ...(see the number 1253 for the smallest
numbers n = nx satisfying a(n + 1) = ko(n)).

e the exponent of the 45‘” known Mersenne prime 23715667 _ 1 (a 11185272

digit number) discovered by Hans-Michael Elvenich in September 2008, using
the programme developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1 398 269).

e the ninth even number n such that o7(n) = o7(n +2) (see the number 54178).

39 916 800

e the value of 11!.

39 916 801

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 11! (see the number 779).

40 373 802

e the smallest number which is not a ninth power, but which can be written as
the sum of the ninth powers of some of its prime factors: here 40373802 =
2-3+-7-35603 = 2° + 3° + 7° (see the number 870); most likely, there exist
infinitely many numbers satisfying this property: here are some of these:

10644853492 = 27.77-13-4177729 = 2°+7° + 13°,

322728051898 = 2-7-19-1213263353 = 2° +7° + 19°,
325045665153 = 3°-11-19-57601571 = 3° + 11° + 19°,
129972344294962 = 2-13-377-503- 7259491 = 29 + 13° + 379,
529032234098026 = 2-31-43-151- 1314150311
= 2° 31 43,
3571518874033609625764 = 27-11-211- 241 - 25643 - 62248937467
a DP O14 1?
1393221691728239771756116 = 27-11- 421-463 - 2309 - 2803 - 138181 - 181639
=) 2° 4491" 1463.
7088956614339217590756132 = 27-3°-223-283-577- 47143 - 51803 - 738107
= DAR ey My ada
81640349467513249629369700 = 27-5?-29-271-757-137227669154167919
Se eT Th
49578494676262451378580166876 = 27-181-1481- 1543 - 601187 - 49845298913719
PD? ah812k 1543”

40 575 616

e the 13°” dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

42 314 023 | (= 1013 - 41771)

e the 10000000*" number having exactly two distinct prime factors (see the num-
ber 184).

43 112 609

e the exponent of the 46” known Mersenne prime 943 112609 __1 (a 12978 189 digit
number) discovered by Edson Smith in September 2008, using the programme
developed by G. Woltman (see the number 1398 269) 12°:

43 570 803

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n), ¢(n +1), ¢(n + 2), d(n + 3), O(n + 4)
and ¢(n + 5) have the same prime factors, namely here the primes 2, 3, 5, 7,
13 and 19 (see the number 266 401; see also the number 3777 for the analogue
problem for the a(n) function).

45 086 079
e the number of nine digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

45 326 160

e the fifth number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

45 532 800 | (= 2’ - 33 -5*- 17-31)

e the fifth 4-perfect number (see the number 30240): Carmichael proved that it
is the largest 4-perfect number with exactly five distinct prime factors.

45 581 759

e the 11%” solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

e the smallest prime factor of Fi9 = lt 1, whose complete factorization is

given by

Fig = 45592577
- 6487031809
-4659775785220018543264560743076778192897 - Poss.

45 593 065 |(=5-7-17-19-37- 109)

e the smallest pseudoprime in base 2 having exactly six prime factors (see the
number 11305).

193 Officially, the discoverer received a 100000$ reward. A 150000$ prize will be awarded for the
discovery of a 100 million digit prime number; and we might have to wait some time before someone
wins the 250000$ prize for the discovery of a billion digit prime number.

45 841 247

e the 12” solution of o2(n) = 2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

45 848 700 | (= 2? - 3? - 5? - 16981)

; 1
e the number n which allows the sum S — to exceed 2 (see the number
752 694 a

46 248 900

e the sixth number n such that o3(n) is a perfect square: here 03(46248900) =
343456729392? (see the number 345).

46 908 264

e the smallest integer n such that w(n),w(n + 1),...,w(n + 6) are all distinct,
namely in this case with the values 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1 and 7 (see the number 417).

47 326 700

e the smallest multiple of 100 which is followed by at least 200 consecutive com-
posite numbers.

AT 639 670 | (= 2-3-5-13-23- 47-113)

e the 11‘” ideal number (see the number 390).

AT 775 744

e the sixth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 5: 47775 744 = [4, 4, 2,1, 2,3,1,0,4,3,4]5 = 4!-4!-2!-1!-2!-3!-1!-O!-4!-3!-4!
(see the number 144).

48 024 900

e the sixth number which is both a triangular number and a perfect square:
48 024900 = UTE a.) = 6930? (see the number 36).

49 436 927

e the 13” solution of o2(n) = a(n + 2) (see the number 1079).


49 799 889

e the smallest number n such that Q(n) = O(n + 1) =... = O(n +9): here this
common value is 4 (see the number 602).

49 989 744
e the smallest Niven number which is followed by at least 100 numbers (in fact
here by 107) which are not Niven numbers.

50 847 534
e the number of prime numbers < 109.

e the smallest number n such that

min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3), A(n + 4), A(n + 5)) >


min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3), A(n + 4), A(n + 5))
~~ min(1.22783, 1.40609, 1.23092, 1.62917, 1.36986, 1.27675) = 1.22783;
the next number satisfying the above inequality is n = 25479451773; most
likely, there exist infinitely many numbers n satisfying the above inequality
(see the number 14018750, as well as J.M. De Koninck & N. Doyon [48}).

52 021 242

e the 18" number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
17 210 368).

53 262 468

e the seventh number n such that o3(n) is a perfect square: here 03(53262468) =
4236745968007 (see the number 345).

e the largest known prime number p such that 10°"! = 1 (mod p?) (see the
number 487).

57 495 513

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n+1)+w(n+2)+w(n+3) = 21:

here 57 495 513 = 3-17-53- 89-239, 57495514 = 2-31-67 -13841, 57495515 =
5-7-11-23-43-151 and 57495516 = 2?-3-13-29-71-179 (see the number

59 376 256

e the 14°” dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

60 110 701

e the third 6-hyperperfect number (see the number 301).

60 466 176 | (= 21° . 31°)

e the third number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to °/n (see the number
17 210 368).

60 765 690

e the fifth solution of o(n) = o(n+ 15) (see the number 26).


e the number of Niven numbers < 109 (see the number 213).

62 722 153 | (= 13° - 28 549)

e the fourth 12-hyperperfect number (see the number 697).

63 061 489

e the sixth prime number p such that 19?-' = 1 (mod p?) (see the number 43).

66 695 538 | (= 2-3-7-13-23- 47-113)

e the 12” ideal number (see the number 390).

e the largest number which is not the sum of distinct fifth powers (see Journal
of Recreational Mathematics 20 (1988), p. 316).

71 265 503

e the second number n such that ¢(n), ¢(n+1), d(n +2), O(n +3), d(n+4) and
o(n +5) have the same prime factors, namely here the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and
101 (see the number 43 570 803).

71315 748
e the eighth number n such that o3(n) is a perfect square: indeed,

o3(71315748) = 6564899577602
(see the number 345).

73 939 133

e the largest known right truncatable prime number: such a number has the
property that, regardless the number of digits we remove from the right, the
remaining number is still prime: thus 7393913, 739391, 73939, 7393, 739,
73 and 7 are all primes; such a number is also sometimes called a super-
prime number (see 1.0. Angell & H.J.Godwin [4], and see also the number
357 686 312 646 216 567 629 137 for the largest known left truncatable prime

75 007 400

e the 19°" number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

78 312 721

e the smallest number n such that t(n) < t(n +1) < ... < T(n + 10): here
16 < 16 < 16 < 16 (see the number

78 436 511

e the 14*” solution of o2(n) = o2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

79 509 528

e the ninth number n such that G(n)|G(n+1) and 6(n+1)|G(n+2): here 54|648
and 648|7950960 (see the number 225 504).

80 314575

e the smallest number n such that t(n) > tr(n +1) >... > T(n +7): here
48 > 40 > 24 > 20 > 16 > 12 > 8 > 4 (see the number 45).

81 675 000 | (= 23 - 33 . 5° - 127)

e the number, amongst all those < 10°, whose index of composition is the nearest
to the number 7: (81675000) ~ 3.14157 (see the number 7 826 354 460 for a
better approximation, and see the number 1156000 for the similar question
regarding the number e).

82 564 350

e the second number n such that

min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3), A(n + 4)) >


min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3), A(n + 4))

ea min(1-2817.7;1.36191, 1.36271, 14313, 1.35013) = 1.28177

(see the number 14018 750).

82 623 911

e the 15” solution of a2(n) = a2(n + 2) (see the number 1079).

83 623 935 | (= 3-5-17- 353 - 929)

e the smallest number n such that $(n)|(n + 1) and which is not exclusively the
product of Fermat primes (see the number 65 535).

85 016 574 | (= 2- 3° - 29 - 233)

e the smallest number n such!** that min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2)) > 1.72: here
with n = 85016574, we have A(n) + 1.72085, A(n+1) © 1.80738 and \(n+2) =
1.97442; see also the number 9 077 457 159 999 998.

e the smallest prime number q; such that each number gq; = 2q;-1 + 1 is prime
for i = 2,3,...,9: such a sequence of prime numbers is called a Cunningham
chain (see the number 1 122659).

194Qne can prove that if the abc Conjecture is true, then, for any fixed ¢ > 0, there is only a finite
number of numbers n such that min(A(n), A(n+1), A(n+2)) > 3+e, while one can prove without any
condition that there exist infinitely many numbers n such that min(A(n), A(n +1), A(n+2)) > 3 =e
(see J.M. De Koninck & N. Doyon [48}).

87 539 319
e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two cubes in three dis-
tinct ways: 87539319 = 167°+436° = 228° +423? = 2553+414° (Leech, 1957):
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 87539319,
119 824 488, 143 604279, 175959000, 327763000, ...; see the number 1729 as
well as R.K. Guy [101], D1.

87 699 842
e the smallest Niven number n such that n+ 100 is also a Niven number, but
with no others in between (see the number 28 680).

88 593 477
e the largest number equal to the sum of the eighth powers of its digits (see the
number 24678 050).

88 612 802
e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two, three and four
distinct fourth powers: indeed, 88612802 = 174 + 974 = 214 + 804 + 834 =
254 + 264 + 60* + 937.

89 002 914
e the tenth number n such that B(n)|G(n+1) and 3(n+1)|G(n+2), here 138|966
and 966|966 (see the number 225 504).

89 351 671
e the only prime number p < 2°? such that 66-1 =1 (mod p?) (P.L. Montgo-
mery [143]).

89 397 016
e the 15%” dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

89 460 294
e the smallest number n (and the only one < 101") such that (*) B(n) = B(n+
1) = =B(n+ 2); here n = 2-3-7-11- 23-8419, n+ 1=5- 4201 - 4259 and
n+2 = 23-31-43 - 8389, so that B(n) = B(n+1) = B(n +2) = 8465; although
n = 89460294 is the only known solution of (+), one may be lead to believe that
(*) has infinitely many solutions! (see the number 417162 for the analogue
problem when one replaces 3(n) by B(n), as well as the number 15 860 for the
similar problem when ((n) is replaced by (3,(n)).
195Tn fact, if C(x) stands for the number of solutions n < x of (*), Carl Pomerance (see J.M. De
Koninck [46]) provided a heuristic argument suggesting that not only C(x) — oo as x — oo, but
that, given any real number € > 0, C(x) > x!~* for all x sufficiently large.

91 963 648 | (= 28-7. 19-37-73)

e the second solution of 5 the smallest solution is 24.
= —:

93 625 991

e the first member p of the fourth 8-tuple (p, p+2,p+6,p+8,p+12,p+18,p+

20, p + 26) made up entirely of prime numbers: the smallest 8-tuple satisfying
this property is (11,13, 17,19, 23, 29, 31,37), while the second and third are
those beginning respectively with 15760091 and 25658 441.

95 949 311

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 16 consecutive consecutive prime

numbers all of the form 4n + 3 (see the number 463).

98 690 561

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p +1) = 12: here
98 690650 = 29- 5-19-2029 and 98690562 = 2 - 39 - 23- 109 (see the number

98 754 210

e the only eight digit self replicating number (see the number 954).

98 765 431

e the largest prime number made up of eight distinct digits (see the number
9 871).

99 523 456

e the 16%" dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

99 999 989

e the largest eight digit prime number.

100 000 007

e the smallest nine digit prime number.


100 210 581

e the smallest number n which allows the sum Sys‘ito exceed 19 (see the number

100 651 008 |(= 2!? -3- 8191)

; : a(n) 8
e the sixth solution of ert TS (see the number 1488).

102 247 563

e the tenth horse number (see the number 13).

102 345 689

e the smallest prime number made up of nine distinct digits (see the number

102 435 795

e the sixth solution of o(n) = a(n + 15) (see the number 26).

104 986 323

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three fourth powers of
prime numbers in two distinct ways: here

104 986 323 = 7* + 31% + 1014 = 614 + 734 + 89%;

the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 104 986 323,
127 104003, 127 494 003, 294 141 603, 401 979 123, 1 228 623 123, 2046 481 203...
(see also the number 185 527 for the analogue question with cubes).

105 639 091

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 17 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 3 (see the number 463).

106 091 745 |(= 3-5- 113 - 62591)

e the 100000000 composite number (see the number 133).

110 771178

e the sixth number n such that o(¢(n)) = y(n) (see the numbers 4294 967 295
and 744


e the fourth insolite number (see the number 111).

113 315 400

e the sixth number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

115 788 961 | (= 41? - 68881)

e the smallest 40-hyperperfect number.

116 026 273

e the smallest number n such that P(n+i) < Yn +1,7=0,1, 2: here 116 026 273 =
11 - 31-59 - 73 - 79, 116026274 = 2-7-137-19-29- 89 and 116026275 =
3-57-17? -53-101, while [7116026275] = 103; the sequence of numbers sa-
tisfying this property begins as follows: 116026 273, 118281800, 196512875,
333 812 500, 390 881 412, ... (see the number 134 848).

117 048 930

e the smallest 7-composite number n such that n+ 2 is also 7-composite (see the
number 1 428).

117 048 931

e the smallest prime number p such that w(p— 1) = w(p+1) = 7: here
117 048 930 = 2:3-5-19-29-73-97 and 117048 932 = 2?-7-11-13-23-31-41
(see the number 131).

120 797 465

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n +10): here
24159493 > 20132911 > 17256781 > 2745397 > 1032457 > 416543 > 146777 >
54709 > 24953 > 19927 > 18097 (see the number 1851).

122 121 216

e the fifth insolite number (see the number 111); it is the smallest insolite number
containing the digit 6.

122522 400) (= 2°. 32-5? -7- 11-13-17)

o( ~ 5.01 (see the
e the smallest number n such that a(n) > 5n: in this case, gin)
number 27 720).

124 324 220

e the smallest Niven number n > 3 such that n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5,n+6
and n + 7 are also Niven numbers (see the number 110); it also is the smallest
Niven number n > 2 such that n+ 1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5,n+6,n+7 and
n+8 are also Niven numbers.

125 938 261

e the smallest number n such that tT(n) < tT(n +1) < ... < T(n +11): here
16 < 16 < 24 (see the number 241).

|129 127 041 |(= 3° - 19681)

e the fifth 2-hyperperfect number (see the number 21).

129 438 790

e the 17" Catalan number (see the number 14).

134 209 536 |(= 2!3 . 3 - 43 - 127)

a(n) = ~ (see the number 47616).
e the second solution of ——

134 438 912

e the 17‘” dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

137 617 728

e the 20" number n such that $(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

138 200 401

e the fourth prime number p such that 41?~! = 1 (mod p?) (see the number

142 990 848 | (= 29 -3?-7-11-13-31)

e the sixth 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

143 123 843

e the fifth number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of two
co-prime numbers with an index of composition > 5: 143123843 = 21% .5° +
3° - 13° = 23° + 2? . 37. 5®, each of these last four numbers having as index
of composition 7.10721, 5.10037, 5 and 5.50783 respectively (see the number

146 511 208

e the smallest number n > 1 which is equal to the sum of the ninth powers of its
digits: the only other numbers n > 1 satisfying this property are 472 335 975,
534 494 836 and 912 985 153.

150 441 856

e the 18” dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

153 587 720

e the 21" number n such that $(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

158 385 500

e the third number n such that P(n)?|n, P(n+1)?|n +1 and P(n + 2)?|n + 2:
here 158385500 = 2?-5°- 7-13-59, 158385501 = 3? - 19? - 29- 41? and
158 385 502 = 2- 11-109 - 257? (see the number 1 294 298).

160 426 514

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct sixth
powers in two distinct ways: 160426514 = 3° + 19° + 22® = 10° + 15° + 23°;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 160 426 514,
10 267 296 896, 95 200 890 914, 116 950 928 706, 176 277 173 474, 289 824 641354,
300 620 262 890, 657 107 001 344, ... (see the number 6578).

167 772 161

e the smallest prime factor of Fh3 = 2° 4.4 (see the number 70525 124 609).

169 674 751

e the smallest prime number p such that Q(p — 1) = Q(p+1) = 13: here
169674750 = 2-36.53. 72.19 and 169674752 = 21! - 13 - 6373 (see the
number 271).

171 078 830 | (= 2-5-13-23- 29-1973)

e the smallest abundant nuinber n such that n+ 1 and n+2 are also abundant;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 171078 830,
268 005 374, 321 893 648, 336 038 624, 487 389 824, ...

173 706 136

e the 19°" dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

179 376 463

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function Xo takes successively,
starting with n, 30 times in a row, the value —1 (see the number 5 879).

179 390 821

e the 10000000 prime power, in fact here a prime number (see the number

179 424 673

e the 10000000%" prime number (see the number 541).

182 403 491

e the first member p of the second 9-tuple (p, p+ 2,p+6,p+8,p+12,p+18,p+

20, p+ 26, p+30) made up entirely of prime numbers: the first 9-tuple satisfying
this property is (11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41).

184 055 430

e the smallest number n such that w(n) + w(n + 1) + w(n + 2) = 18: here
184055 430 = 2-3-5-13-177- 23-71, 184055431 = 7-29-47-101-191 and
184055 432 = 23. 11- 19-31-53 -67 (see the number 2210).

184 773 312

e the fourth number n (and the largest one known) such that o(n) = 3n + 12;
the three smallest are 780, 2352 and 430272.

190 899 322

e the 14°” Bell number (see the number 52).


197 064 960 | (= 2° -3-5-19- 37-73)

e the fifth solution of a = ;(see the number 4320).

199 360 981

e the 14‘” Euler number (see the number 272).

202 536 181

e the smallest number n such that Q(n) = Q(n4+ 1) =... =Q(n+ 10): here the
common value is 4 (see the number 602).

205 962 976

e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
17 210 368).

208 565 280 |(= 2°. 34.5. 72-11? - 19)

a(n) = 33
e the smallest solution of ——
the second one is 240 589 440.

221 167 422

e the smallest number n such that n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5,n+6,n+7,n+

8,n+9,n-+ 10 are each divisible by a square > 1: here 221167422 = 2-3°-
7- 65011, 221 167423 = 312 - 230143, 221 167 424 = 2° - 3455741, 221 167425 =
Bete 20m 1282130221 167 406 — Jools 80111, 221 10C421,— 13° 329 -45127,
221 167 428 = 2? .3- 18430619, 221 167 429 = 7° - 19 - 33937, 221 167430 =2-5-
112-47-3889, 221 167431 = 3?-109-131-1721 and 221 167 432 = 23- 2099-13171
(see the number 242).

223 092 870| (= 2-3-5-7-11-13-17-19-23)

e the number n which allows the quantity ieetiilon ion to reach its maximal
value, namely 1.38402... (see J.L. Nicolas [151]);
e the only number n which does not satisfy inequality

< e’ log] Saar
o(n) ae oo ee vieglon |

for this inequality to hold for n = 223092 870, one must replace the fraction 2
by 2.50637 (see J.B. Rosser & L. Schoenfeld [178].

224 376 048

e the number of twin prime pairs < 10’ (see the number 1224).

240 589 440 | (= 2’ -3°-5-7-13-17)

e the second solution of ete) aie (see the number 208 565 280).

248 832 000

e the smallest number > 2 which is equal to the product of the factorials of its
digits in base 7: 248 832 000= (6, 1,1,1,0,1,5,5,0,4]7 = 6!-1!-1!-1!-O!-1!-5!.
5!-0!-4!; the only known numbers satisfying this property are 1, 2, 248 832 000,
1 433 272 329, 15 407 021 574 586 368 000,
1 831 607 359 566 125 048 834 492 989 440 000 000 000 and
273 457 513 497 334 816 890 950 735 729 000 448 000 000 000 000 (see the number
17 280 for the list of the smallest numbers with this property in different bases).

257 400 763

e the sixth number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of
two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition > 5: 257400763 =
53.77 4 25 . 136 — 212.52 + 3”. 76 each of these last four numbers having as
index of composition 5.18928, 5.78725, 5.0103 and 6.36085 respectively (see the
number 371549).

258 474 216

e the largest triangular number which is the product (Anglin [6], p.21) of three
consecutive numbers:
22 736 - 22737
258 474 216 = 636 - 637 - 638 = 5

263 215 633

e the number n which allows the sum cm to exceed 4 (see the number

272 400 600

e the smallest number n which allows the sum y to exceed 20 (see the number

275 305 224

e the number of 5 x 5 magic squares, excluding rotations and reflections (see the
number 880).

275 890 944

AG Il)
e the sixth solution of —— = a5 (see the number 1 080).

282 977 280 | (= 2/° . 33.5 - 23 - 89)

a(n) 1
e the fourth solution of ee = (see the number 293 760).

283 417 216

e the 20 dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

292 965 218

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct fourth
powers in five and in six distinct ways:

292 965 218 Doe 0g 1 to 1 ae OR ee 110" age OA toda

oA 8 807 931 40-770 + 196 = 61 66 el 27

(see the number 6 578).

297 387 757

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 17 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1 (see the number 2593).

297 779 117

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 18 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 1 (see the number 2593).

298 995 972

e the third number which is not the square of a prime number, but which can be
written as the sum of the squares of some of its prime factors: here 298 995 972 =
92 .3-11-131- 17291 = 3? + 11? + 131? + 17291? (see the number 870).

299 980 800 |(= 21! . 3° .52- 7-31)

e the third solution of aS = (see the number 18 506 880).

305 635 357 |(= 43 - 1039 - 6841)

e the smallest composite number n such that a(n + 4) = a(n) +4: indeed, since
305 635 357 = 43 - 1039 - 6841, we have

o (305635357) = 0(43) - 0(1039) - o(6841) = 44 - 1040 - 6842 = 313089920

and since 305635361 = 41 - 7454521, we have
o (305635361) = o(41) - o(7454521) = 42 - 7454522 = 313089924;
hence, 0(305635357 + 4) = 0(305635357) + 4 (see also the number 434).

315 746 063

e the third prime number p such that 83?-' = 1 (mod p) (see the number

321 197 185 | (= 5-19-23 - 29 - 37 - 137)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of six prime numbers (see
the number 41041).

333 333 331 |(= 17 - 19607843)

e the smallest composite number of the form 4(10* — 7): here k = 9 (an observa-
tion due to A. Makowski); the numbers k < 4000 for which $(10* — 7) is prime
are k = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 40, 50, 60, 78, 101, 151, 319, 382, 784, 1732 and

341 118 307

e the first term of the smallest sequence of 18 consecutive prime numbers all of
the form 4n + 3 (see the number 463).

348 364 800

e the fourth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 8: 348 364000 = [2, 4,6,0,7,2,0,0,0,0]s (see the number 17 280).

367 567 200 | (= 2° - 3? -52-7-11-

e the 15” colossally abundant number (see the number 55 440).

370 851 481 |(=7-11-13-17-19-31- 37)

e the smallest pseudoprime in base 2 having seven prime factors (see the number

378 043 979

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 200 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 200 is composite (see the number 396 733).

384 199 200

e the 11 powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 384199 200 =
2° . 34.57. 72-11% and 384199 201 = 17? - 1153? (see the number 288).

387 420 490 | (= 2-5- 73 - 530713)

e the ninth number of the form n” + 1 (see the number 3 126).

391 854 937 |(= 547 - 569 - 1259)

e the third hyperperfect number which is the product of three distinct prime
numbers: it happens to be a 228-hyperperfect number (see the number 21).

395 096 427 | (= 3° - 11 - 43 - 30937)

e the number n which allows the sum ss on to exceed 1 (see the number

874 660).

402 831 360

e the seventh number n such that ¢(n) + 0(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

404 204 977

e the number of ten digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

405 071 317

e the value of 11+ 2? +...+ 9% (see the number 3413).

407 498 958

e possibly the largest number n such that max(P(n), P(n+1), P(n + 2)) < 100:

407498958 = 2-3°-23-59-67-83,
407498959 = 7-17°-41,
407498960 = 2%*-5-11°- 43-89.

415 074 643

e the fourth prime number g which divides the sum of all the prime numbers < q
(that is q|>/,<qP); see the number 71.

427 333 057 | (= 521 - 691 - 1187)

e the smallest square-free composite number n such that p|n = > p+ 108|n + 108
(see the number 399).

|433 494 437

e the tenth prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89).

438 579 088

e the largest number n = [dj, d2,...,d,] such that n = Dae d?* (see the number


455 052 511

e the number of prime numbers < 10!°.

459 818 240 | (= 2°-5-7-19-37-73)

e the fourth tri-perfect number (see the number 120).

472 335 975

e the second number n > 1 which is equal to the sum of the ninth powers of its
digits (see the number 146 511 208).

477 638 700

e the 18” Catalan number (see the number 14).


479 045 521

e the smallest number n such that ¢(n) = 12! (see the number 779).

[492 101 632] (= 213-11 - 43-127)

e the fourth solution of ae = ,(see the number 40).

519 326 767

e the only number > 2 which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits
in base 13: here 519 326 767 = (8,3, 7,9,0, 12,5, 11]13 = 8!+ 3!+ 7!+9!+0!+
12! + 5! + 11! (see also the numbers 145 and 40472).

528 491 311

e the integer part of ef which represents the “normal” size of the third prime
factor of an integer (see the number 1618).

534 494 836

e the third number n > 1 which is equal to the sum of the ninth powers of its
digits (see the number 146511 208).

537 346 048

e the 21"** dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

565 062 156

e the smallest number n such that P(n) < P(n+1) <... < P(n+11): here
1553 < 3541 < 8377 < 19993 < 23623 < 31321 < 189491 < 752413 <
3445501 < 12556937 < 14870057 < 33238951 (see the number 46 189).

592 192 224

e the 12°” powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 592 192 224 =
925 . 32 . 132 - 238 and 592 192225 = 5” - 317 - 157? (see the number 288).

594 839 010

e the smallest number which is not a sixth power, but which can be written as
the sum of the sixth powers of some of its prime factors: here 594839010 =
2-3-5-17-29-37-1087 = 26 + 5® + 29° (see the number 870); most likely, there
are infinitely many numbers satisfying this property: here are some of them:

7 315 846 275 ve Saye SE

26 808 758 158 962 poor 13° 173"
6 590 637 381 650 115 Ee
25 071 688 922 472 930 De alge a
36 903 484 203 578 499 I 13° 101° 5 77
458 900 605 733 751 282 Da 307. 4.8 hue
8 522 729 248 500 499 604 DOT ND0G* ALAT5B1°,
924 192 866 401 605 860 540 OnE oe oF 29 agit
471 757 284 187 831 225 961 144 274 2° 13° 27001
1 403 603 924 704 633 779 104 023 266 924. 5741° 4 334615)
6 555 100 645 061 845 007 313 131 715 hee OSO7 432613
19 005 354 284 570 728 948 848 506 180 294 5° 11° 5239-6 51659".

607 323 321 |(= 37 - 11°- 419)

e the smallest number with an index of composition > 2 which can be written as
the sum of two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition > 6: we
607 323 321 = 37 11° - 419 = 2° - 5° 47990°.

MBs 419) 2 19198, d(2° - 5°) = 7.09691, A(29°) =6.

| 608 892 570 | (= 2-37-5-119- 13-17-23)

e the smallest number which is not a prime power, but which is divisible by the
sum of the fourth powers of its prime factors, a sum which here is equal to
407286 = 2-3?-11°-17 (see the number 378).

612 220 032 | (= 2” - 314)

e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to W/n: the only
other numbers n > 1 satisfying this property are 10 460 353 203, 27512614111,
52 523 350 144, 271 818611 107, 1174711 139 837, 2207984167552 and
6 722 988 818 432.

624 041 002

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n +11):
here 312070501 > 208047001 > 156035251 > 124828201 > 104023501 >
89163001 > 39008813 > 4079353 > 48647 > 3079 > 2719 > 431 (see the
number 1 851).

635 318 657

e the smallest number which can be written as!?® the sum of two co-prime fourth
powers in two distinct ways: 635318657 = 594 + 1584 = 1334 + 1344: the
sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 635318657,
3 262 811042, 8657 437 697, 68 899 596 497, 86 409 838577, 160 961 094577,
2094 447 251 857, 4231525 221 377, ...; it is known that this sequence is infi-
nite!®’; on the other hand, the sequence of numbers with two representations
as the sum of two fifth powers is most likely finite!®®.

683 441 871

e the first of the smallest ten consecutive numbers at which the Q(n) function
takes distinct values, namely here the values 6, 8, 1, 11, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 10 (see
the number 726).

699 117 024

e the 22” number n such that $(n) + a(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

196 Ruler was the first to make this observation, that is some 150 years before Ramanujan (see the
number 1729) informed G.H. Hardy that the number 1729 was a very interesting number since it
was expressible as the sum of two cubes in two distinct ways. Hardy claims he then asked Ramanujan
if he knew of any number which could be written as the sum of two fourth powers in two distinct
ways, a problem for which Ramanujan had no solution.
197Indeed, consider the expression 2(7, a,b) := a” + a°b* — 2a%b* + 3na*b° + ab®. Checking that
x*(1,a,b) + 24(—1,b,a) = 2*(—1,a,b) + x4(1,b, a), and setting 1 < a < b, one can then generate
infinitely many such representations. This result is essentially due to Euler, as was pointed out by
Jean-Marc Deshouillers.
198Tn fact, no one knows of any number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of two
fifth powers. By a heuristic argument, one can show that such a representation is unlikely. Indeed,
let x be a large number. It is clear that the number of numbers n = a° + b° < z is approximately
(x1/5)2 = x7/5_ Hence, the probability that a number n chosen at random is of the form n = a°+b®
is of the order of = ——\. Therefore, it follows that
n n3/5

mia Danie 1
= a° +b? ete=c ome +05] ee~ (2) a 76/8

This is why the expected number of numbers n € [r,2z] having two distinct representations as the
sum of two fifth powers is of the order of
1 x
Lap od senileaos © Saaay a5
ye an” | ior ut eS sane! ayer

a quantity which tends to 0 as r — oo.


731 601 000

e the eighth number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

740 461 601

e the smallest number n which allows the sum De i to exceed 21 (see the number

745 988 807

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2109 _ 1. whose complete
factorization is given by

2109 _ 1 — 745 988 807 - 870 035 986 098 720 987 332 873.

746 444 160 | (= 2” -34-5-7-11-17)

e the smallest solution of eu, = =.

776 151 559 | (= 919?)

e the smallest 3-powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-
prime 3-powerful numbers: here 919? = 2713 + 2° - 3° - 733; A.Nitaj [153]
proved a conjecture of Erdés going back to 1975 which claims that there exist
infinitely many!%? triplets of 3-powerful numbers a,b,c, with (a,b) = 1, such
that a + b =c; this by the way reveals a second 3-powerful number which can
be written as the sum of two 3-powerful numbers, namely the number

=37° - 197° - 307° =2' - 34 .5° . 7° .2287° +17? - 106219°:

however, there exist other 3-powerful numbers with such a representation, such
as the number 3518958160000, for which

3518958160000 = 2” - 54 - 353° = 34 . 293 . g9% + 73 . 113 . 1673.

199Indeed, this comes from the fact that equation (*) 2? + y? = 623 has infinitely many solutions.
To prove this, first observe that one can generate infinitely many solutions (rp, yx, z%) of (*) by
considering the sequence defined by zo = 37, yo = 17, zo = 21 and for each k > 0, by
Ce41 = Ce (Bet 2yp), Yori = —Ye(2ee + y3), ~ze41 = ze (we — 2).
In order to show that the numbers a = roe b= yp and c= 62; are adequate, that is 3-powerful for
each k > 1, it remains to prove that z; is divisible by 6 for each integer k > 1. But this is trivial.
Indeed, on the one hand, since x, and y, are odd for each k > 0, it follows that z, is even for each
k > 1. On the other hand, since 3|zo, then 3|z,, implying that all the other z;’s are also multiples
of 3.

779 888 018

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct fourth
powers in seven distinct ways:

779888018 = 34+ 1394+ 1424 = 94 + 384 + 1674 = 144 + 1334 + 1474

A3* +1144 + 1574 = 474 + 1114 4+ 1584
63° -- 98 4 161° = 737 4.80" + 162°

(see the number 6578).

803 685 120

e the ninth number n such that $(n) + o(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

807 905 281

e the smallest prime number gq such that Q(q¢ +1) = 2, O(¢+ 2) = 3, ...,
Q(q +6) = 7 (see the number 61).

817 831 056

e the second number n such that max(@(n), G(n+1), B(n+2)) —min(B(n), B(n+
1), b(n + 2)) = 1; indeed,

817831056 = 2*-3-7-23-97-1091 and (817831056) = 1223,

817831057 = 31-89-461-643 and (817831057) = 1224,
817831058 = 2-11-1917-1019 and (817831058) = 1223;

the smallest number satisfying this property is 152; the numbers 5 270 522 504,
13 169 880 703, 59769918 258, 103 663 433 874 and 475 534 465 837 also satisfy
this property; see the number 89 460 294 for three consecutive numbers with
the same sum of prime factors.

825 753 601

e the smallest prime factor of F\g = 2? +1, whose partial factorization? 0 is

given by

Fi¢ = 825753601 - 188981757975021318420037633 - Cyg¢94.

200 Fisenstein had conjectured that all numbers of the form 2?" +1 were prime. In 1953, Selfridge
proved that this conjecture was false by establishing that F'16 (a 19729 digit number) was composite,
its smallest prime factor being 825 753 601.

852 133 201

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2157 _ 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2157 _ 1 — 859133201 - 60726444167 - 1654058017289 - 2134387368610417;

it is the smallest Mersenne number with four prime factors (see the number

865 950 624

e the tenth number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

880 346 227

e the smallest number n such that Ao(n) = Ao(n +1) =... = Ao(n + 28) = 1,
where Ap stands for the Liouville function; moreover, for this n, we also have
Ao(n + 29) = Ao(n + 30) = 1 (see the number 1934).

893 648 277 | (= 19° - 130303)

e the fourth 18-hyperperfect number (see the number 1 333).

904 683 264

e the 23"¢ number n such that ¢(n) + 0(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

906 150 256

e the tenth number z such that >>,-, Ao(n) = 0 (M. Tanaka [192]), where Xo
stands for the Liouville function. —

906 150 257

e the smallest number x > 1 such that $>,—,,Ao(n) > 0, where Ao stands for the
Liouville function (Pélya believed that 57,—,,Ao(n) < 0 for all numbers zx > 1):
here /,.<906150257
> 0(”) = 1 (see R.S. Lehman [123]).

912 985 153

e the largest number equal to the sum of the ninth powers of its digits (see the
number 146511 208).

919 501 200

e the 11" number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

965 009 045

e the smallest number n such that w(n) = w(n +1) = 7; in fact, 965009045 =
5: 7-11-13-23-83-101 and 965009046
= 2-3-17-29-41-73-109 (see the
number 230).

987 654 103

e the largest prime number made up of exactly nine distinct digits (see the num-
ber 9871).

987 654 321

e the only nine digit self replicating number (see the number 954).

999 979 163

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of three
distinct prime numbers in four distinct ways:

999979163 = 8324757? + 827° = 107° + 677° + 883°

197° + 5233 + 9473 = 281° + 419% + 967%
(see the number 185 527).

999 999 937

e the largest nine digit prime number.

1 000 000 007

e the smallest ten digit prime number.

1 053 422 339 | (= 19- 73-179 - 4243)

e the 1000000000" composite number (see the number 133).

1075 790 572

e the smallest number n such that the Liouville function Ao takes on successively,
starting with n, the values 1,—1,...,1,—1 (see the number 6 185).
Se eee
30 numbers in all

1 082 640 256

e the 22Ӣ dihedral perfect number (see the number 130).

e the sixth insolite number (see the number 111).

[1111 211 136 |

e the seventh insolite number (see the number 111).

1116 122112

e the eighth insolite number (see the number 111).

1152 597 606

e the fourth number which is not the square of a prime number, but which
can be written as the sum of the squares of some of its prime factors: here
1152597606 = 2-3-5741 - 33461 = 2? + 5741? + 33461? (see the number 870).

1178 491 680

e the 12’” number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

1 211162112

e the ninth insolite number (see the number 111).

1 214 251 009

e the smallest prime factor of Fis = QP 4 1, whose partial factorization is given

Fis = 1214251009 - 2327042503868417
1687688170295 16972383024127016961 - Cogos.

1 220 640 625 | (= 5° - 78121)

e the second 4-hyperperfect number (see the number 1 950 625).

1 268 860 318

e the second number n such that n? + 1 is powerful (see the number 682): here
1 268 860 318? + 1 = 53 - 17? - 61? - 1094412.

1 303 324 906

e the smallest number n such that G(n) < B(n+1) <... < B(n+ 11): here
1198 < 3190 < 5844 < 91691 < 753547 < 766221 < 4287274 < 118484094 <
217220824 < 260664988 < 325831231 < 434441642 (see the number 714).

1 375 298 099

e the smallest number which can be written as a sum of three distinct fifth powers
in two distinct ways: 1375 298 099 = 24° + 28° + 67° = 3° + 54° + 62° (for the
sum of fourth powers, see the number 2673; for the sum of distinct fourth
powers, see the number 5978 883; see also the number 6578).

454 720| (= 22-3-5-7-19-37-
e the seventh 4-perfect number (see the number 30240): this number can be
obtained using the tri-perfect number 459818240 by observing that if n is
tri-perfect and (n,3) = 1, then 3n is 4-perfect.

1 382 958 545

e the 15‘” Bell number (see the number 52).

1 419 138 368

e the second number which can be written as the sum of the fifth powers of three
numbers in two distinct ways:

1419 138 368 = 13° +515 + 64° = 18° + 44° + 66°

(see the number 1375 298 099).

1 433 272 320

e the fourth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 7: 1433 272 320= [5, 0, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 0, 3, 3, 4]7 = 5!-0!-3!-4!-2!-4!-2!-0!-3!-3!-4!
(see the number 248 832000).

1 459 956 960 | (= 2°-34-5-7?- 117-19)

e the second solution of ce) acre (see the number 746 444 160).

1 476 304 896 | (= 213 - 3-11-43 - 127)

e the fifth tri-perfect number (see the number 120): Carmichael proved that it is
the only tri-perfect number with exactly five distinct prime factors.

1 478 674 861

e the smallest prime number q such that >7,<,p is divisible by I1,<23P: here
this sum is equal to 53064 863 142 321 030 (see the number 269).

1 479 604 544

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of four fifth powers in
three distinct ways: 1479 604544 = 3°+48°+525+61° = 13°+36°+51°+64° =
18° + 36° + 44° + 66°.

1 480 028 171

e the prime number p located at the center of a 3 x 3 magic square made up

entirely of prime numbers (the other eight elements of this magic square being
p+12, p+18, p+30 and p+ 42) and discovered by H. Nelson (R.K. Guy [101],

1533 776 805

e the fourth number > 1 which is both triangular and pentagonal:

55385 - 55386 31977(3 - 31977 — 1)

533 776 805 oe 5 5

(see the number 210).

1611 308 699

e the smallest number n such that P(n) < /n and P(n+1) < Yn+1: here
P(1611308699) = P(7*- 11-137. 197) = 19 < 34.23 = ¥/1611308699 and
J2(1611308700) = P(27- 3°52 23-317) = 81 < 34.93 = 4/ 1611308700 (see the
number 2 400)?.

1 622 632 573

e the 11*” horse number (see the number 13).

1631 432 881

e the seventh number which is both a triangular number and a perfect square:
1631432881 = S21067121+1) _ 493912 (see the number 36)

201 One can prove that this sequence is infinite: see the footnote tied to the number 2 400.

1 684 126 080 | (= 2’ -3°-5- 72-13-17)

: : 19
e the third solution of ss =Ie¥ (see the number 746 444 160).

1 716 728 832) (= 21° .3?- 7-11-13

-23 -89)

e the fifth solution of zg) = = (see the number 293 760).


1 767 263 190

e the 19’ Catalan number (see the number 14).

1 870 585 220

e the number of twin prime pairs < 101? (see the number 1 224).

1 879 906 755

e the fifth number which is not the square of a prime number, but which can be
written as the sum of the squares of some of its prime factors: here 1 879 906 755 =
3-5-2897 - 43261 = 5? + 28977 + 43261? (see the number 870).

1 903 757 312

e the 15*” Euler number (see the number 272).

1 934 917 632

e the smallest fifth power which can be written as the sum of five fifth powers:
1934 917632 = 72° = 19° + 43° + 46° + 47° + 67° (Lander and Parkin, 1967).

1977 225 901 | (= 7° - 117643)

e the fourth 6-hyperperfect number (see the number 301).

2 012 783 315

e the smallest number n which allows the sum SD 7 to exceed 22 (see the number

2 027 651 281

e the number used by Fermat to illustrate the factorization method which bears
his name:

2027 651 281 = (45041 + 1020)(45 041 — 1020) = 46061 - 44021.

2 037 968 761

e the 100000000 prime power, in fact here a prime number (see the number

2 038 074 743

e the 100000000" prime number (see the number 541).

2071 761 216

e the smallest number n such that 3,(n) = 6.(n +1) = B.(n + 2) = 6(n + 3):
here the common value is 31, since

2071761216 = 2°.3-.7-19-81131 —» 6,(n) =31,

2071761217 = 31-66831007 — G,(n +1) = 31,
2071761218 = 2-29-35720021 — @,(n+ 2) = 31,
2071761219 = 3*-11-17- 136777 — 6,(n+3) =31;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 2071761216,
2242927773, 3038038626, 3757781352, 4450857765, 4920655947, 7341730097,
8236135395, 8489884267, ...

2 090 188 800

e the fourth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 12: 2090 188 800 = [4, 10, 4,0, 0, 0,0,0, O]12 = 4!-10!- 4!-0!-0!-0!-0!-0!-0!
(see the number 21772800).

2 147 483 647

e the eighth Mersenne prime: 2 147 483 647 = 23! — 1.

2 200 079 025 | (= 3? - 5? - 53? - 59?)

e the 100000" powerful number (see the number 3 136).

2 214 408 306 | (= 2-3-11-23-31- 47057)

e the fifth Giuga number: the smallest four are 30, 858, 1722 and 66 198.

2 300 942 549

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 300 consecutive compos-
ite numbers (in fact here by exactly 319 composite numbers); see the number

2 372 890 624

e the smallest number which is the first of three consecutive numbers each being
divisible by a seventh power: here 2372 890 624 = 2!*-13-44563, 2372 890625 =
5’. 7- 4339 and 2372 890626 = 2 - 3° - 67 - 2699 (see the number 1375).

2 463 803 977

e the second number n such that @7(n) = B7(n +1) = G7(n + 2), where G7(n) :=
Dla paa mere

2463803977 = 97-4817-5273
2463803978 = 2-233-563-9391
2463803979 = 3-7-13- 983-9181,

so that the common value of 37(n +7) is 10187 (see the number 5694).

2 468 053 248

e the 24” number n such that ¢(n) + o(n) = 3n (see the number 312).

2 550 183 799

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2!°? — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2103 _ 1 = 2550 183 799 - 3976 656 429 941 438 590 393.

2971 215 073

e the 16% prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89).

3 195 380 868

e the smallest number n such that Q(n) = O(n+1) =... =Q(n+11): here the
common value is 4 (see the number 602).

3 215 031 751 |

e the smallest strong pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5 and 7.

|3 262 811 042

e the smallest number (and possibly the only one*°?) which can be written as
the sum of the fourth powers of two prime numbers in two distinct ways:
3 262811042 = 74 + 2394 = 1574 + 227+ (see the numbers 635318657 and
6 058 655 748).

3 387 574 069

e the second number n such that

min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n +38), A(n + 4)) >


min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 3), A(n + 4))

= min(1.30231, 1.25716, 1.25552, 1.29489, 1.30511) = 1.25552;

(see the number 14018 750).

246 929
e the third powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime 4-
powerful numbers: 3 413 246 929 = 4170 27243 409 076 657, that is 377-1579? =
2°. 194 + 74-17° (see the number 12 769).

597 120]
e the 13°" number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

202Here is the heuristic argument in favor of the fact that 3 262 811 042 is possibly the only number
satisfying this property. Indeed, first of all it is clear that the number of numbers n < z of the form
RUaNee Bete
pi+q* is» = —,—: This is why one can claim that the probability that a number
log x eg ae
n chosen at random is of the form n = p* + q* is

a login 1
fy n ~ nl/2 Jog? n’

It follows that Prob[n = pjAes

+ qj = p5Ayia
+ 95] © 1
WD 4 = 1 7~, so that the expected
n1/2 log? n nlog* n
number of integers n such that r <n < x having two such representations is

~) y
1 aoe i 1 1
Tae att 0 ( 5 )+0( )=0( Z i
nlog* n , blog’? log? x log? r log?r

which tends to 0 as r becomes large.


3 569 485 920 | (= 2°-3-5-7-11-13-17-19-


Q(n)e™ ad
e the number n for which the expression (n) reaches its maximal value??3,
namely 2.97088 (see the numbers 60 and 120120).

3 663 002 302 |

e the number of 11 digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

3 736 935 913

e the smallest number n such that a(n) > Ss (j-1)In , this last expression
log’ n
representing the first six terms of the asymptotic expansion of Li(n): here
1(3 736 935 913) = 178 046 624, while
6 |e
iar G=1)! vaeoan aig ef© 178046 623.82 (see the number 73).

3 778 888 999

e the smallest number of persistence 10 (see the number 679).

3 786 686 400

e the 14°” number n such that ¢(n) + 0(n) = 4n (see the number 23 760).

4044619 541

e the smallest number n such that P(n) > P(n+1) >... > P(n+ 12): here
4044619541 > 674103257 > 19168813 > 10317907 > 5737049 > 1447609 >
465809 > 451207 > 199429 > 162109 > 115399 > 82021 > 1913 (see the
number 1 851).

4118 054 813

e the number of prime numbers < 10!!.

2031¢ is easy to establish that this number n is of the form n = 2°11 for certain positive
integers a and k; one can then prove that the optimal choice is obtained by setting a= 5 andk=9.

4 294 967 295

e the largest known number n such that o(¢(n)) = y(n); the known numbers
satisfying this equation are

3 = 3,
15 96 5;
955 ("93-5 17,
OA eo es
65535 SS SMM Te D57,
LORS = 2 ee 119-127 1003,
4294967295 = 3-5-17-257- 65537
(see also the number 744).

4 294 967 297 |(= 2?’ + 1 = 641-6 700417)

e the sixth Fermat number, and the smallest composite one.

4 428 914 688 |(= 2! . 32-11-43 - 127)

e the fourth solution of ae = * (see the number 360).

4473 671 462

e the fourth number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its prime

WATB6T1AG2 = 213-179 - 5903" 1621 = 2°" 18° 179° 4 503° 16212

(see the number 378).

4679 307 774

e the smallest number which is equal to the sum of the tenth powers of its digits.

4 700 063 497 | (= 19 - 47 - 5 263 229)

e the smallest solution of 2” =3 (mod n) (see R.K. Guy [101], F10).

4758 958 741

e the smallest prime number p such that p + 300 is prime and such that each
number between p and p + 300 is composite (see the number 396 733).

4 931 691 075

e the 13" powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 4931691075 =
3° . 5%. 17? . 53? and 4931691076 = 2? - 13? - 37? - 73? (see the number 288).

15991 411 025 |(=5?-7-11-

13-17-19 -23- 29)
e the smallest odd abundant number which is not a multiple of 3.

5 394 826 801 | (= 7- 13-17-23

-31- 67-73)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of seven prime numbers
(see the number 41 041).

5 425 069 447

e the 14°” powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 5 425 069 447 =
7° - 41? -97? and 5425 069 448 = 23 - 26041? (see the number 288).

[5471 312310]
e the smallest number n which allows the sum Ss — to exceed 23 (see the number

5 745 705 602

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of three distinct fourth
powers in eight distinct ways:

5 745 705602 = BoE 2302 42233 = 95= 218" 4 243"

A3= + 207° + 250° = 58* + 197% + 255"
Sh 77 4 202 90° 4 173° 263.
1027 42163" <- 265- = 1224 41452 967-

(see the number 6 578).

6 058 655 748

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of two prime
numbers in two distinct ways: 6058655 748 = 61° + 1823? = 1049° + 16993;
the sequence of numbers satisfying this property begins as follows: 6058655748,
6507811154, 12906787894, 20593712932, 140253191624, 293833825922, ... (for
fourth powers, see the number 3 262 811 042)

6 210 001 000

e the only self descriptive number, that is whose k‘” digit starting with the left
(for k = 1,2,...,10) indicates the number of times that the digit k — 1 appears
in its decimal expansion (see Pickover [160], pp. 217-219).

6 329 788 416

e the smallest number not containing the digit 0, divisible both by the product
of its digits and by the sum of its digits, and containing the maximum possible
number of distinct digits, namely the digits 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 (compare with the
number 711813411914 121 216).

6 564 120 420

e the 20" Catalan number (see the number 14).

6 661 661 161

e the largest known perfect square containing only two distinct digits excluding
0; the only known perfect squares satisfying this property are 16, 25, 36, 49,
64, 81, 121, 144, 225, 441, 484, 676, 1444, 7744, 11881, 29929, 44944, 55225,
69696, 9696996 and 6661661161.

6 983 776 800 | (= 2° - 3° -5?-7-11-13-17-19)

] log |
e the number n at which the expression ce iieeloay reaches its maximal
log 2 log n
value, namely 1.537939861 ... (J.L. Nicolas & G. Robin [152]).

7 362 724 275

e the smallest integer n such that w(n),w(n + 1),...,w(n +7) are all distinct,
namely in this case with the values 4, 7, 1, 8, 2, 5, 6 and 3 (see the number

7 725 038 629

e the smallest number x which contradicts the von Sterneck Conjecture accord-
ing to which |M(zx)| < $./x (where M(x) := Yin<2H(n)) for « > 200 (see
Ribenboim [169], p. 231): here M(7725 038 629) = 43947 > 1/7725 038 629 ~

[7 826 354 460 |(= 2? - 311.5. 47?)

e the number amongst those < 1011, whose index of composition is the nearest
to m: here (7826354460) ~ 3.14159213 (see the number 93 112 129088 for the
analogue situation with the Euler number e, as well as the method used to
obtain this type of result).

8 303 765 625

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
34012 224).

8 583 644 160| (= 21° . 3? -5-7-13-

23 -89)
; a(n) &9
e the third solution of oe Po (see the number 8 910 720).

8 589 869 056 |(= 21°(2!7 — 1))

e the sixth perfect number.

[8 589 934 590| (= 2-3-5- 17-257 - 65537)

e the sixth number n such that o(¢(n)) = n/2: the first five are 2, 6, 30, 510 and

8 657 437 697

e the third number having two representations as the sum of two fourth powers:

8 657 437 697 = 193* + 292* = 256* + 257%

(see the number 635 318 657).

9 000 000 001

e the third prime number of the form k-10* +1 (see the numbers 3001 and 201).

9 480 294 330 | (= 2-3-5-13-23-47- 113-199)

e the 13°” ideal number (see the number 390).

9 876 543 210

e the only ten digit self replicating number (see the number 954).

|9 999 999 967 |

e the largest ten digit prime number.

10 000 000 001 | (= 101 - 3541 - 27961)

e the tenth number of the form n” +1 (see the number 3 126).

|10 000 000 019 |

e the smallest eleven digit prime number.

[10 267 296 896 |

e the second number which can be written as the sum of three sixth powers in
two distinct ways: 10267296 896 = 6° + 38° + 4° = 20° + 30® + 46° (see the
number 160 426514).

10 326 137 820 |

e the smallest 8-composite number n such that n+ 2 is also an 8-composite
number: here 10326 137 820 = 27-3-5-31-41-43-47-67 and 10326 137 822 =
2-7-117-13-19- 23-29-37 (see the number 1 428).

10 405 071 317

e the fourth prime number of the form 11+ 2?+...+n”, here with n = 10 (see
the number 3 413).

10 460 353 203

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ¥/n (see the number
612 220 032).

10 475 688 327 | (= 3-13 - 479 - 560767)

e the 10000000000" composite number (see the number 133).

10 480 142 147

e the 16°” Bell number (see the number 52).

10 604 156 641 | (= 134 - 371281)

e the fifth 12-hyperperfect number (see the number 697).

[11111 113 116

e the tenth insolite number (see the number 111).

11111121 216

e the 11‘” insolite number (see the number iff).

11112 122112

e the 12‘" insolite number (see the number 111).


e the 13°” insolite number (see the number 111); it is the smallest insolite number

containing the digit 4.

11 132 111 232

e the 14‘” insolite number (see the number 111).

11133 122 112

e the 15” insolite number (see the number 111).

11 146 309 947

e the largest number which is not the sum of six distinct powers (see J. of Rec.
Math. 20 (1988), p. 316).

11 213 111 232

e the 16” insolite number (see the number 111).

11 311 322 112

e the 17°” insolite number (see the number 111).

12 111 213 312

e the 18°” insolite number (see the number 111).


12 973 363 226

e the only number > 2 which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits
in base 14: here 12973 363 226 = [8, 11,0, 13, 13,.4,0, 9, 12]14 = 8! + 11! +O) +
13! + 13! + 4! + 0! + 9! + 12! (see also the numbers 145 and 40 472).

13 051 463 048

e the 15°" powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 13 051 463 048 =
23 . 134 . 239? and 13051 463 049 = 3? - 113? - 337? (see the number 288).

13272 412062 )\(= 2-3-7 13-23-47

=113- 199)

e the 14” ideal number (see the number 390).

13 544 168 521 | (= 13? - 2347 - 34147)

e the sixth 12-hyperperfect number (see the number 697).

|14 182 439 040] (= 27. 34-5-7-11?-

e the smallest 5-perfect number: n is 5-perfect if o(n) = 5n; the second one is
31 998 395 520; many believe that there exist only 65 5-perfect numbers (see
R.K. Guy [104], B2).

14 872 568 831

e the smallest number n which allows the sum y — to exceed 24 (see the number

14 924 714 400 | (= 2° - 33 - 5? . 312 - 719)

e the largest known number n such that ¢(n) + a(n) = 4n (see the number
23 760).

15 527 402 881

e the smallest fourth power which can be written as the sum of four fourth powers:
15 527 402 881 = 353* = 304 + 1204 + 272+ + 3154.

15 834 664 872

e the number of twin prime pairs < 101° (see the number 1 224).

16 720 797 973 |(= 115 - 47°)

e the 10000 3-powerful number (see the number 216).

[19 391 512 145 |

e the 16" Euler number (see the number 272).

21111 311 232

e the 19%” insolite number (see the number 111).

22 801 415 981

e the 1000000000‘ prime power, in fact here a prime number (see the number

22 801 763 489

e the 1000000000" prime number (see the number 541).

23 040 925 705

e the fifth number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its prime

23 040 925 705 = 5-7-167- 1453-2713 = 5° + 73 + 1673 + 1453? + 27133

(see the number 378).

24 423 128 562 | (= 2-3-7- 43-3041 - 4447)

e the sixth Giuga number (see the number 30).

24 749 911 296

e the third number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
34012 224).

25 056 082 087

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 400 consecutive compos-
ite numbers (in fact here by exactly 455 composite numbers); see the number
370 261.

25 479 451 773

e the second number n such that

min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n +. 3), A(n + 4), A(n + 5)) >


min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2), A(n + 8), A(n + 4), A(n + 5))

~ min(1.29744, 1.27631, 1.32039, 1.21002, 1.30973, 1,21811)=1.21002;

see the number 51 767 910.


e the third number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to (/n (see the number
612 220 032).

28 091 567 595

e the 12" horse number (see the number 13).

31111 221 312

e the 20°” insolite number (see the number 111).

[31 998 395 520 |(= 27. 3° .5-72-13-17-19)

e the second 5-perfect number (see the number 14 182 439 040).

32111111 232

e the 21"* insolite number (see the number 111); it is the smallest insolite number
whose first two digits are different from 1.

33 489 857 205

e the number of 12 digit prime numbers (see the number 21).

37 607 912 018

e the number of prime numbers < 10!”.


38 358 837 677

e the smallest known prime number p for which inequality

ro) < 2x ()
does not hold; Ramanujan proved that this inequality holds for p sufficiently
large (see B.C. Berndt [21], as well as the number 2418).

43 861 478 400 | (= 21° . 33 - 5? - 23 - 31 - 89)

e the eighth 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

44 496 177 152

e the smallest number with an index of composition > 2 which can be written as
the sum of two co-prime numbers each with an index of composition > 7: we
44 496 177 152 = 2"! .7* 9049 = 198 + 31’,
KO 9049) =~ 2.08679, A 19°) =8, ABI= 7%
(see the number 607 323 321).

51 001 180 160 | (=2'4-5-7-19-31- 151)

e the sixth tri-perfect number and the largest one known (see the number 120).

52 523 350 144 | (= 34”)

e the fourth number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ¥/n (see the number
612 220 032).

55 420 693 056

e the seventh number which is both triangular and a perfect square: 55 420 693 056 =
Bae = 235416? (see the number 36).

61 917 364 224

e the smallest fifth power which can be written as the sum of four fifth powers:
61917 364224 = 1445 = 27° + 84° + 110° + 133° (Lander & Parkin [122]).

63927 525 575)(=3 05 1 23)

A(n + 1)) reaches its

e most likely the number n at which Q2(n) := min(A(n),
maximum value, namely 2.65551: we have

n = 63927525375 = 3°-5°-77-23 = with = A(n) & 3.19419

n+ 1 = 63927525376 = 28 .114-13-41 with A(n+1) © 2.65551

66.433 720 320) (= 2)*- 3% 5-11-43 - 127)

e the ninth 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

68 719 476 736

e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to ¢/n (see the number
34012 224).

68 899 596 497

e the fourth number having two representations as the sum of two co-prime fourth
68 899 596 497 = 5024 + 2714 = 4974 + 2984

(see the number 635 318 657).

70 525 124 609

e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number Fg = yas 1; the table below
reveals the status of the factorizations?°* of the Fermat numbers F,, = 22” + 1
for 0 <n < 24 as of May 2009.

204Several mathematicians believe that the largest Fermat prime is Fy = 65537. Hardy & Wright
use in their book [107] a probabilistic argument to show that the number of Fermat primes is
probably finite. Here are the highlights: it follows from the Prime Number Theorem that the
probability that a number m is prime is approximately 1/ log m, implying that the expectation for
the number of Fermat primes is

i 1
a2 = O(1
at +1) 42"
2” log2 log 2 (2),

that is a finite number.


n | the factors of F,, Zz

O | 3 (prime)
5 (prime)
17 (prime)
257 (prime)
65537 (prime)
641 - 6700417
274177 - 67280421310721
59649589127497217 - 57044689200685129054721
1238926361552897 - Peo

-7455602825647884208337395736200454918783366342657 - Pog
10 | 45592577 - 6487031809 - P49 - Pos52
11 | 319489 - 974849 - 167988556341760475137
-3560841906445833920513 - Ps64
12 | 114689 - 26017793 - 63766529 - 190274191361
-1256132134125569 - C1187
13 | 2710954639361 - 2663848877152141313
-3603109844542291969 - 319546020820551643220672513 - C2391
14 | C4933
15 | 1214251009 - 2327042503868417
-168768817029516972383024127016961 - Cogog
16 | 825753601 - 188981757975021318420037633 - C9694
17 | 31065037602817 - C’39444
18 | 13631489 - 81274690703860512587777 - Czg907
19 | 70525124609 - 646730219521 - Cy57804
20 | C315653
21 | 4485296422913 - Cé3i294
22 | C1262612
23 | 167772161 - Co525015

82 864 869 804

e the 17°" Bell number (see the number 52).

83 763 206 255

e the ninth Hamilton number (see the number 923).

86 409 838 577

e the fifth number having two representations as the sum of two co-prime fourth
86 409 838577 = 5424 + 1034 = 5144 + 3594
(see the number 635 318 657).

93 112 129 088 | (= 2° - 11? - 17 - 29*)

e the number, amongst all those < 10!!, whose index of composition is the near-
est2°5 to the number e: here A(93112129088) ~ 2.7182833 (see the number
7 826 354 460 for the analogue problem with the number 7).

99 999 999 977

e the largest 11 digit prime number.

100 000 000 003

e the smallest 12 digit prime number.

102 564 102 564

e the seventh number which quadruples when its last digit is moved in first po-
sition (see the number 102 564).

104 287 176 419 | (= 1201 - 86833619)

e the 100000000000" composite number (see the number 133).

111 122 111 232

e the 22” insolite number (see the number 111).

111 132 122112

e the 23” insolite number (see the number 111).

111 211 322112

e the 24°" insolite number (see the number 111).

111 312 122 112

e the 25’ insolite number (see the number 111).

205To obtain this result, we proceed as follows. Our focus is the set {n<a@:e-—e< Xn) <ete}
for a given a (here « = 10") and a certain precision ¢ > 0 (say ¢ = 1076). It is clear that this set
is equal to A(xz,e — €) \ A(x,e +), where A(z, z) = {n < x: X(n) > z}. But clearly each element
n € A(z, z) is of the form n = ms, where m is powerful, s is square-free, (m, 8s) =1 and X\(ms) > z,
where this last condition is equivalent to s < (m/7(m)?)1/(@-),

[112 111 322 112|

e the 26°” insolite number (see the number ibys

113d 2022472)
e the 27‘” insolite number (see the number 111).

[121 111 216 128 |

e the 28*" insolite number (see the number 111); it is the smallest insolite number
containing the digit 8.

121 111 322 112

e the 29" insolite number (see the number 111).


e the 30°” insolite number (see the number 111).

125 411 328 001

e the third prime number of the form 1! 2!-...-r!+1, here with r = 7; the
only known prime numbers of this form are 1! -2!+1=83, 1!-2!-3!+1=18,
tthe Sls diet deandel Dl aols 2. Abt 1,

126 789 311 423

e the sixth number n (and the largest one known) such that BA. p is a perfect
square: here >7 =) serecasssae = 4687267137347: it was discovered by Giovanni
Resta in 2003 (see the number 2474).


e the 31"* insolite number (see the number 111).


e the 32Ӣ insolite number (see the number 111).

135 780 321 665

e the number of twin prime pairs < 1014 (see the number 1 224).

137 438 691 328|(= 218(21° — 1))

e the seventh perfect numbei.

142 857 142 857

e the second number which quintuples when its last digit is moved in first position
(see the number 142 857).

[153 003 540 480 |(= 2!4-3-5-7-19-31-

e the tenth 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

160 961 094 577

e the sixth number having two representations as the sum of two co-prime fourth
160 961 094577 = 6314 + 222* = 558% + 5034
(see the number 635 318 657).

198 585 576 189

e the number which would be a perfect number if only the number 22021 was a
prime number (but it is not since 22021 = 19? - 61): this observation is due to
Descartes?°6 (see Banks, GiiloGlu, Nevans & Saidak [15] for a thorough study
of this number).

200 560 490 131

e the sixth prime number of the form pip2...px +1 (see the number 379): here

200 560 490 131 = 2-3-5-...-31+1.

209 865 342 976

e the 17°” Euler number (see the number 272).

206Indeed, in a letter sent to Mersenne on the 16¢” of November 1638, René Descartes wrote
“...Mais je pense pouvoir démontrer qu’il n’y en a point de pairs qui soient parfaits, excepté ceux
d’Euclide; & qu’il n’y en a point aussi d’impairs, si ce n’est qu’ils soient composés d’un seul nombre
premier, multiplié par un carré dont la racine soit composée de plusieurs autres nombres premiers.
Mais je ne vois rien qui empéche qu’il ne s’en trouve quelques uns de cette sorte: car, par exemple,
si 22021 était nombre premier, en le multipliant par 9018009, qui est un carré dont la racine est
composée des nombres premiers 3, 7, 11 & 13, on aurait 198585576189, qui serait nombre parfait...”.


e the 33” insolite number (see the number 111),

e the 34*” insolite number (see the number 111).

215 523 459 072 | (= 27° . 33 . 3497)

e the 1000000 powerful number (see the number 3 136).

221 322 261 600

e the 16" powerful number n such that n+1 is also powerful: here 221 322 261 600 =
2°. 3°. 52-112. 97 and 221 322 261601 = 74 - 9601? (see the number 288).

232 250 619 601 | (=7-11-13-17-31.-37- 73-163)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of eight prime numbers
(see the number 41041).

250 330 350 875 | (= 5° - 117 - 194 - 127)

e (possibly) the only number whose index of composition is > 2.2 and which can
be written as the sum of two co-prime numbers whose index of composition is
> 6: indeed,

250330350875 = 5° 117 919% . 127 3" = 7% 4278 319,


XS 117 192127) = 2.225, \(3'" . 7*)-s 6.52594, A(27* 531°) 635898:

four other numbers < 161° with an index of composition > 2 can be written
as the sum of two numbers whose index of composition?°” is > 6: these are
607 323 321, 398 656 076 841, 44 496177 152 and 1625 169 742 057.

252 096 675 073

e the 10000000000" prime power, in fact here a prime number (see the number

207One can easily show that assuming the abc Conjecture, there can only be finitely many such

252 097 800 623

e the 10000000000 prime number (see the number 541).

271 818 611 107 | (= 43’)

e the fifth number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ¥/n (see the number
612 220 032).

275 223 438 741

e the smallest number which is not a seventh power, but which can be writ-
ten as the sum of the seventh powers of some of its prime factors: here
275 223 438 741 = 3 - 23 - 43 - 92761523 = 3” + 23” + 43” (see the number 870);
at least five other numbers satisfy this property, namely 4561072096211306682,
6777869034345885139001456808449377853222864558972446987604 and

285 311670 612 |(= 2? -3 - 23-89 - 199 - 58367)

e the 11" number of the form n” + 1 (see the number 3126).

292/353 065.550) (= 2.371526

70 13,1%-19.23..312)

e the smallest number which is not a prime power, but which is divisible by
the sum of the fifth powers of its prime factors, a sum which here is equal to
39352950 = 2-32 -52-7-13-31? (see the number 378).

304 599 508 537

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 500 consecutive compos-
ite numbers (here in fact by 513 composite numbers); see the number 370 261.

308 457 624 821

e the number of 13 digit prime numbers.

311 112 122112

e the 35” insolite number (see the number 111).


|330 645 100 273 |

} — 1)!
e the smallest number n such that 7(n) > Ae iy this last expression rep-
A log’ n
resenting the first seven terms of the asymptotic expansion of Li(n): here
(330 645 100 273) = 12975900861 while
pe yan |n=330 645 100 273 = 12.975 900 860.904 (see the number 73).

|403 031 236 608 |(= 213 .3?-7- 11-13-43

e the 11°” 4-perfect number (see the number 30 240).

443 365 544 448

e the 17"” powerful number n such that n-+1 is also powerful: here 443 365 544 448 =
2° . 32-172 -577? and 443 365 544 449 = 665857? (see the number 288).

526 858 348 381

e the 13" horse number (see the number 13).

554 688 278 429

e the first term of the longest known Cunningham chain, namely of length 12; a
sequence of prime numbers qi < q2 < ... < qx is called?°° a Cunningham chain
of length k if q; = 2q;-1 +1 for i = 2,3,...,k; in this example, the Cunning-
ham chain is 554688278429, 1109376556859, 2218753113719, 4437506227439,
8875012454879, 17750024909759, 35500049819519, 71000099639039,
142000199278079, 284000398556159, 568000797112319 and 1136001594224639.

608 981 813 029

e the smallest number n for which 7(n; 3,1) > 7(n;3,2), where m(n;k, 2) stands
for the number of prime numbers p < n such that p= (mod k) (see C. Bays
& R.H. Hudson [18}).

682 076 806 159

e the 18” Bell number (see the number 52).

682 923 295 390

e the 15” ideal number (see the number 390).

2081¢ is not known if there exist arbitrarily long Cunningham chains.


824 633 702 441

e the first member of the twin prime pair which initiated the discovery in 1994
of a bug in the INTEL chip; indeed, while computing the value of the Brun?°9

| eseySinat\ff a eee
dle al
DpSpa aa
= 1°902160577783278...,

working with a computer using this INTEL chip, Nicely observed that the values
of the reciprocals of the prime numbers 824 633 702 441 and 824 633 702 443 were
wrong starting with the tenth decimal (see James Glanz [90]).

865 363 202 000

e the 18°" powerful number n such that n +1 is also powerful: here

865.363.202.000 = 2° .5°- 117. 317 61? and-865 363202001 = 3-41-2521"

(see the number 288).

911131 213 824

e the 36” insolite number (see the number 111); it is the smallest insolite number
containing the digit 9.

999 999 999 989

e the largest 12 digit prime number.

[1 000 000 000 039 |

e the smallest 13 digit prime number.

976 683 725 | (= 3° -5?-77-11-13-17-19-
e the smallest odd number n such that o(n) > 3n; note that n = 945 is the
smallest odd number such that a(n) > 2n.

1 039 019 056 246 | (= 2 - 317 -1381 - 1186699)

e the 1000000000 000%" composite number (see the number 133).

209This is only the conjectured value of the Brun constant. Indeed, Carl Pomerance observed that
no one has even yet proved that this constant is smaller than 2.

| 1043 710 445 721 |

e the smallest number n such that 7(n) = tT(n + 1) =... = T(n + 7); here the
common value is 24, and in fact

1043710445721 = 3-43?-11273- 16691,

1043710445722 = 2-7%-127-83859107,
VO4S (10445 723" = 11°" 957 1867 — 17977;
1043710445724 = 27-3-13883 - 6264919,
1043710445725 = 5%-37-577-41955521,
1043710445726 = 2-137 -1039- 2971993,
1043710445727 = 3°-61-179- 10620737,
1043710445728 = 2° - 108587 - 300367,

a result due to Jud McCranie.

1111111113 312

e the 37°” insolite number (see the number 111).

|1111121114112 |
e the 38” insolite number (see the number 111).

1121 313 321 216

e the 39°” insolite number (see the number 111).

1174711 139 837 | (= 53")

e the sixth number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to V/n (see the number
612 220 032).

1331 611 322 112

e the 40” insolite number (see the number 111).

1 792 155 938 521 | (= 13° - 4826 797)

e a 12-hyperperfect number, possibly the seventh (see the number 697).

1 882 672 131 025

e the ninth number which is both a triangular number and a perfect square (see
the number 1 225).

1 968 188 556 461 |

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 600 consecutive compos-
ite numbers (in fact here by exactly 601 composite numbers); see the number
370 261.

2 094 447 251 857

e the seventh number having two representations as the sum of two co-prime
fourth powers:

2.094 447 251 857 = 12034 + 764 = 11764 + 6534

(see the number 635 318 657).

2 152 302 898 747

e the smallest strong pseudoprime in bases 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11 (Riesel [173], p. 91).

2 207 984 167 552 | (= 58”)

e the seventh number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ¥/n (see the number
612 220 032).

2 404 879 675 441

e the 18” Euler number (see the number 272).

2 615 428 934 649

e the only number > 2 which is equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits
in base 16: here 2615 428 934649 = [2, 6,0, 15,3,11, 6,6, 11, 15, 9]16 = 2! + 6! +
O! + 15! + 3!+ 11!+6!+6!+11!+15!+4 9! (see also the numbers 145 and 40 472).

2 682 923 295 390 | (= 2-3-5-13-23-47-113

- 199 -283)

e the 15%" ideal number (see the number 390).

2 710 954 639 361

e the smallest prime factor of F,3 = 2? +1 (see the number 70525 124 609).

2 733 834545 701 | (= 7* - 30893 - 36857)

e a 6-hyperperfect number, possibly the fifth (see the number 301).

[2760 723 662 941 |

e the 100000000 000%” prime power, in fact here a prime (see the number 419).

|2 760 727 302 517 |

e the 100000000000 prime number (see the number 541).

2 858 876 213 963

e the number of 14 digit prime numbers.

3 204 941 750 802

e the number of prime numbers < 10!4.

3 518 958 160 000

e the second 3-powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
3-powerful numbers; here

3.518 958 160000 = 2” - 54 - 353° = 34 - 293 . 89° + 73. 113 . 167°

(see the number 776 151 559).

3 756 092 613 546 | (= 2-3-7-13-23-47-

113-199 - 283)

e the 16" ideal number (see the number 390).

4 231 525 221 377

e the eighth number having two representations as the sum of two co-prime fourth
4231 525 221377 = 13814 + 8784 = 13424 + 9974
(see the number 635 318 657).

4737 417 786 721

e the fourth powerful number which can be written as the sum of two co-prime
4-powerful numbers: here

A787 AT 786 (21 = 175 128033" =7 167+ 2 235 1°

(see the number 12769).


5 209 105 541 772

e the sixth number which is not the square of a prime number, but which can be
written as the sum of the squares of some of its prime factors: indeed,
5200 105 541 772 = 22 - 3-11 - 17291 - 2280081 = 9° 4 11741729 198998 ie
(see the number 870).

5 737 850 066 077 |

e the median value of the fourth prime factor of an integer (see the number 37);
this value was obtained by David Grégoire using an algorithm programmed in
C language.

|5 832 742 205 057

e the 19%” Bell number (see the number 52).

|6 722 988 818 432 |

e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to ¥/n
(see the number
220 032).

|6 963 472 309 248 |

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of two cubes in four
distinct ways:
6 963 472 309 248 2421? + 19083° = 5436° + 18948°
10200? + 18072° = 13322? + 16630°
(E. Rosenstiel, J.A. Dardis & C.R. Rosenstiel [177]); see the number 1729.

7 432 339 208 719

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2'°! — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by
2101 _ 1 — 7432 339 208 719 - 341 117531 003 194 129.

8 192 480 787 000

e the 19" powerful number n such that n +1 is also powerful: here

8 192 480 787 000 = 2° -37-5°- 433-1072 and 8192 480 787001 = 77-412 - 99732
(see the number 288).

8 992 165 119 733

e an 18-hyperperfect number, possibly the fifth one (see the number 1 333).

[9 746 347 772 161 |(= 7-11-13-17-19-31-37-41-

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of nine prime numbers
(see the number 41041).

|9 999 999 999 971 |

e the largest 13 digit prime number.

10 000 000 000 037
e the smallest 14 digit prime number.

10 358 018 863 853 | (= 8837 - 1172119369)

e the 10000000 000000 composite number (see the number 133).

10 641 342 970 443

e the 14*” horse number (see the number 13).

10 650 056 950 807

e the seventh voracious number (see the number 1 807).


e the 41"* insolite number (see the number 111).

11 410 337 850 553

e the first term of an arithmetic progression of prime numbers of length 22;

indeed, the numbers

11 410 337 850 553 + 4609 098 694 200-k, with k =0,1,2,...,21,

represent a sequence of 22 prime numbers in arithmetic progression (obtained

by Pritchard and al. in 1993); the sequence of numbers

376 859 931 192 959 + 18 549 279 769 020-k, with k =0,1,2,...,21

(obtained by M. Frind in 2003) is also a sequence of 22 prime numbers in arith-

metic progression?’?.

210Recently, Ben Green and Terence Tao [97] proved that there are arbitrarily long sequences of
prime numbers in arithmetic progression; it is an existence proof and not a proof by construction.

11 968 683 934 831|

e the 20°" powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here

11 968 683 934 831 = 132 - 793 - 3792 and 11968683 934 832 = 24 - 23° - 7841?

(see the number 288).

13 325 427 460 800

e the 21"** powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here

13 325 427, 460 800 = 2°-3°-5?-7?-137-193? and 13325 427 460 801 = 977-376337

(see the number 288).

13 346 039 198 336 | (= 2” - 13° - 83°)

e the 100000" 3-powerful number (see the number 216).

13 829 048 560 701

e the smallest prime number which is followed by at least 700 consecutive compos-
ite numbers (in fact here by exactly 715 composite numbers); see the number
370 261.

15 061 377 048 200

e the 22” powerful number n such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here

15 061 377 048 200 = 2?-5?-77-1977-1992 and 15061377048 201 = 3°-11?-73?-1797

(see the number 288).

16 547 533 489 305

e the largest known Wieferich number (see T. Agoh, K. Dilcher & L. Skula [2]);
we say that n is a Wieferich number if 2°) = 1 (mod n?); here is the list
of the 104 known Wieferich numbers: 1093, 3279, 3511, 7651, 10533, 14209,
17555, 22953, 31599, 42627, 45643, 52665, 68859, 94797, 99463, 127881, 136929,
157995, 228215, 298389, 410787, 473985, 684645, 895167, 1232361, 2053935,
2685501, 3697083, 3837523, 6161805, 11512569, 18485415, 19187615, 26862661,
34537707, 49887799, 57562845, 80587983, 103613121, 134313305, 149663397,
172688535, 241763949, 249438995, 310839363, 349214593, 402939915, 448990191,
518065605, 648541387, 725291847, 748316985, 1047643779, 1208819745,
1346970573, 1554196815, 1746072965, 1945624161, 2175875541, 2244950955,
3142931337, 3242706935, 3626459235, 4040911719, 4539789709, 5238218895,
5836872483, 6527626623, 6734852865, 9428794011, 9728120805, 10879377705,

12122735157, 13619369127, 15714656685, 17510617449, 20204558595,

22698948545, 28286382033, 29184362415, 32638133115, 40858107381,
47143970055, 52531852347, 60613675785, 68096845635, 84859146099,
87553087245, 122574322143, 141431910165, 157595557041, 204290536905,
254577438297, 262659261735, 367722966429, 424295730495, 612871610715,
787977785205, 1103168899287, 1272887191485, 1838614832145, 3309506697861,
5915844496435 and 16547533489305.

|20 047 612 231 936 |(= 46°)

e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to §/n: the only other
numbers n > 1 satisfying this property are 72 301 961 339 136 and
248 155 780 267 521.

21 348 015 504 200 | (= 2° - 5? - 7? . 11? - 42437)

e the 10000000 powerful number (see the number 3 136).

21 467 102 506 955

e the sixth number which can be written as the sum of the cubes of its prime

21 467 102 506 955 = 5- 7° - 313 - 1439 - 27791 = 5° + 7° + 313° + 1439° + 27791°

(see the number 378).

26 639 628 671 867

e the number of 15 digit prime numbers.

28 116 440 335 967

e the smallest narcissistic prime number with more than one digit (see the num-
ber 153); the other two narcissistic primes with more than one digit are:

449 177 399 146038697307 and 35452590 104031691 935943. »

28 821 995 554 247

e the 23"¢ powerful number n such that n +1 is also powerful: here

28821995554247 — 77-172 - 233-409? and 28821995554248 = 23.34.13? - 16223?

(see the number 288).


29 844 570 422 669

e the number of prime numbers < 10).

29 996 224 275 697

e the 1000000000000" prime number (see the number 541).

31 065 037 602 817

e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number F}7 Gece 4) (see the number
70 525 124609).

[34 525 900 789 931|

e the smallest number which can be written in two distinct ways as the sum of
two numbers each with index of composition larger than 6: indeed,

34525 900789931 = 24.3!%.5%+41113

ou aise 3 19

where A(2* 73°° » 5°) = 6.43087, A(1L°*) = lo, Al b° alo = Oe roland

d(3'4 - 19°) = 7.44556 (see the number 371549).

42 600 227 803 225

e the smallest perfect square m2 for which there exist numbers m1, m2, m3, M4
and ms such that m? — (m; — 1)? = m?_, for i = 2,3,4,5,6: here

42 600 227 803225 = 65268857

= 6526884? + 3613?
= 65268847 + 361274 857
= 6526884" 113612? 64-7137
= 6526884" +3612? 4 6f 12 45"
=» 65268847 4936127eh 84? 197 4n47 4 32,

48 689 748 233 307

e the 24% powerful number n such that n +1 is also powerful: here

48689748233307 = 3°- 1397-96617 and 48689748233308 = 22-73.132- 432.3372

(see the number 288).


51724 158 235 372 |

e the 20” Bell number (see the number 52).

[57 030 382 702 475 |

e possibly the largest number n such that max(P(n), P(n + 1)) < 73: here

57 030382702475 = 5°-7*-13-29? . 43? - 47,

57 030382702476 = 27.37-19-31?- 67-737.

60 502 217 031 967

e possibly the smallest number n such that se = 19. (cee fee tte
Bx(n + 3) = B.(n +4), where .(n) = B(n) (n) = DS p: indeed,

60 502 217031967 = 43- 1407028303069,

60 502217031968 = 2°-41 - 46114494689,
60 502 217031969 = 3-17-23-51579042653,
60 502217031970 = 2-5-7-29- 29804047799,
60502 217031971 = 11-13-19 - 22268022463,

so that the common value of 3,(n +72) is 43 (see the number 15 860).

72 301 961 339 136 |(= 548)

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to */n (see the number
20 047 612 231 936).

99 999 999 999 973

e the largest 14 digit prime number.

100 000 000 000 031

e the smallest 15 digit prime number.

103 307 491 450 820 | (= 2? -5- 31-61-97 - 28160383)

e the 100000000 000000" composite number (see the number 133).


119 429 556 097 859

e the eighth number (and the largest one known) which can be written as the
sum of the cubes of its prime factors:

119 429556097859 = 7-53-937- 6983-49199

7? + 53° + 9373 + 6983° + 49199°

(see the number 378).

130 429 015 516 800 | (= 2” -3°.5?-7?-11-13-17-19- 23-29)

e the smallest number n such that a(n) > 6n: here o(n)/n = 6.017... (see the
number 27 720).

170 824 677 031 250

e possibly the number n at which the quantity Q4(n) := min(A(n), A(n+1), A(n+
2), \(n+3)) reaches its maximal value, namely approximately 1.41419: indeed,
we have

Q4(170824677031250) * min(1.41776, 1.41419, 1.44547, 1.42225)

if, for each number k > 2, nz stands for the number n at which the quantity

Qz(n) := min(A(n), An + 1),...,A(m +k —-1))

reaches its maximal value, the following table gives the conjectured values of
Ve for 2k <7:

ible ee ear eit)

63 927 525375 2.65551
85016574 1.72085
170 824 677 031 250 1.41419
82.564 350 1.28177
51 767 910 1.22783
244 294 249 389 674 423 328 124 |1.66671
no number n for which Qg(n) > 8/7 is known, although common sense indicates
that there are infinitely many such numbers (see the footnote tied to the number
14018 750).

171 160 044 505 600 | (= 21! . 34.5? 77. 11-13-19-31)

e the smallest solution of A = =


230 283 190 977 853

e the 15*” horse number (see the number 13).

[232 630 479 398 401 |(= 78 - 40353601)

e a 6-hyperperfect number, possibly the sixth one (see the number 301).

248 155 780 267 521 |
e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
20 047 612 231 936).

249 393 770 611 256

e the number of 16 digit prime numbers.

250 058 907 189 001

e the smallest sixth power which can be written as the sum of eight sixth powers:
250 058 907 189 001 = 251° = 8° + 12° + 30° + 788 + 102° + 138° + 165° + 246°.

274 859 381 237 761 | (= 31 -61- 73-109 - 991 - 18433)

e the smallest value of X such that C(X) > X1/3, where C(X) stands for the
number of Carmichael numbers < X: here C'(274 859 381 237 761) = 65019 >
274 859 381 237 7611/3 = 65018.48... (see R.G.E. Pinch [162] as well as the
number 646).

279 238 341 033 925

e the number of prime numbers < 10!°.

323 113 121114112

e the 69* insolite number (see the number 111); it is the smallest insolite number
whose first three digits are different from 1.

432 749 205 173 838 | (= 2-3-7-59- 163 - 1381 - 775 807)
e the seventh Giuga number (see the number 30).

443 372 888 629 441 | (= 17- 31-41-43 - 89-97 - 167 - 331)
e the smallest known Carmichael number n such that pln => p? — 1\n —-1
(R. Pinch; see R.K. Guy [101], A13).

511 643 454 094 368

e the 25" powerful number 7 such that n+ 1 is also powerful: here

511 643454094368 = 2°.32 192.297 414.592

511643 454094369 = 177-2417.5521

(see the number 288).

999 999 999 999 989

e the largest 15 digit prime number.

1 000 000 000 000 037

e the smallest 16 digit prime number.


e the 38*” insolite number (see the number 111).

1 238 926 361 552 897

e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number Fg = g2° 4 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

Fg = 1238926361552897

[1 436 697 831 295 441 |(= 11-13-19-29-31-37-41-43-71-

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of ten prime numbers
(see the number 41041).

2 056 364 173 794 800

e the smallest number which can be written as the sum of four seventh powers
in two distinct ways, namely

2 056 364 173 794 800 = 107 + 147 + 123” + 1497 = 157 +. 907 + 1297 + 1467.

2 125 390 162 618 116 |(= 2? - 3? - 491? - 156497)

e the 100000000 powerful number (see the number 3 136).

2 346 318 816 620 308 |

e the number of 17 digit prime numbers.

|2 360 712 083 917 682|

e the third number n such that n? + 1 is powerful: here

2 360 712 083 917 6827 + 1 = 5° - 612 - 3001? - 2306865012

(see the number 682).

| 2623 557 157 654 233

e the number of prime numbers < 101”.

3 904 305 912 313 344 | (= 54°)

e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n: the only
other numbers n > 1 satisfying this property are 45848 500718 449031 and
150 094 635 296 999 121.

5 056 584 744 960 000

e the value of 1!-2!-...-8!.

5 315 654 681 981 355

e the 16’” horse number (see the number 13).

6 992 962 672 132 095 | (= 3-5- 17-353 - 929 - 83 623 937)

e the largest known number n for which ¢(n)|(n + 1) (see the number 65 535).

8 314 460 009 856 000

e the smallest number n = [d;, d2,...,d,] such that (dj +7) -(d2+7)-...-(d-+
7) =n; Patrick Letendre established, for 1 < ¢ < 9, the following solutions of
(dy +t)- (dp +t)-...-(dp
+t) =n:

18 (one can prove that it is the only solution)
12, 24, 35, 56
(no known solution)
120, 315, 4752, 7744, 24960, 57915, 3386 880
Ft 50, 210, 450, 780, 1500, 3920, 16500, 91728, 269 500, 493 920,
1 293 600, 266 378 112, 317 447 424, 1277337600,
14 948 388 000, 48 697 248 600, 379 748 636 467 200
6 | 90, 840, 4320, 59 400, 60 480, 917 280, 2 419 200,
34 992 000, 3714984000, 460 522 782 720,
896 168 448 000, 2 194 698 240 000, 39 109 522 636 800,
229 419 122 688 000, 239 446 056 960 000, 650 997 662 515 200,
3 954 407 288 832 000, 182 279 345 504 256 000,
883 270 791 696 384 000
7 | 8314460 009 856 000, 31 746 120 037 632 000,
92 632 873 013 093 597 184000 000,
1 108 240 107 492 643 314 063 114 240 000
8 | (no known solution)
9 | (no known solution)

9 077 457 159 999 998

e possibly the second number n such that min(A(n), A(n + 1), A(n + 2)) > 1.7;
here we have

min(A(n), \(n + 1), A(n + 2)) © min(1.83944, 1.73736, 1.70566) = 1.70566;

see the number 85016574 for the smallest number n satisfying the above in-

|9 999 999 999 999 937 |

e the largest 16 digit prime number.

10 000 000 000 000 061

e the smallest 17 digit prime number.

11111 731111111113

e the smallest odd insolite number whose digits are not only 1’s; the smallest five
numbers satisfying this property?! are 11111731 111111113,
LE DISTT AIL SEL 110, UP US1127 TALIS 4111, IST a ian
LAL TIS ISL iat i.

211One can prove that, except for these five numbers, any other number satisfying this property is
larger than 10?!.

[11117 311111311111]
e the second odd insolite number which is not of the form 11...1.

RIS Plies ety

e the third odd insolite number which is not of the form 11...1.

|11 721 060 349 748 875|(= 5° - 1813 - 2513)

e the 1000000" 3-powerful number (see the number 216).

12 345 678 987 654 321|

e the square of 111111111.

[13 111 131117111111 |

e the fourth odd insolite number which is not of the form 11... 1.

14 737 133 470 010 574 | (= 2-3-7-71- 103 - 67213 - 713 863)

e the eighth Giuga number (see the number 30).

17 111 113131111111

e the fifth odd insolite number which is not of the form 11... 1.

22 114 397 130 086 627

e the number of 18 digit prime numbers.

22 439 962 446 379 651

e the smallest prime number p such that p+ 1000 is prime and such that each
number between p and p+ 1000 is composite (see the number 396733): this
prime number p was discovered in 2003 by Nyman & Nicely [154].

26 584 448 904 822 018

e the smallest number which is not an eighth power, but which can be written
as the sum of the eighth powers of some of its prime factors: here

26 584 448 904 822018 = 2-3-7-17-19- 113 - 912733109 = 2° + 178 + 113°

(see the number 870); at least one more number satisfies this property, namely

|45 848 500 718 449 031 |(= 71°)

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
3 904 305 912 313 344).

48 988 659 276 962 496 |

e the smallest number n which can be written as the sum of two cubes in five
distinct ways:
48 988 659 276962496 = 387879 + 365757? = 107839° + 362753°
— 2052923 + 342952° = 2214243 + 3365883
931518° 4331954"
(D.W. Wilson [208]; see the number 1729).

59 649 589 127 497 217

e the smallest prime factor of the Fermat number F7 = gz" 4 1, whose complete
factorization is given by
F, = 59649589127497217 - 57044689200685129054721.

60 977 817 398 996 785 | (=5-7-17-19-23-37- 53-73-79 - 89 - 233)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of 11 prime numbers (see
the number 41 041).

99 194 853 094 755 497

e the 12’" prime Fibonacci number (see the number 89).

99 999 999 999 999 997

e the largest 17 digit prime number.

100 000 000 000 000 003

e the smallest 18 digit prime number.

107 827 277 891 825 604

e the smallest number which is not a fourth power, but which can be written as
the sum of the fourth powers of some of its prime factors: here
107 827 277 891 825 604 2? .3-7-31-67- 18121 - 34105993
3* + 314 +67 + 181214;
at least three other numbers satisfy this property, namely
48 698 490 414 981 559 698, 93 310 754811 505 006 990 350 670 730
and 3137 163 227 263 018 301 981 160 710 533 087 044 (see the number 870).

130 370 767 029 135 901 |

e the 17‘" horse number (see the number 13).

150 094 635 296 999 121 |(= 81°)
e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to ~/n (see the number
3 904 305 912 313 344).

[201 446 503 145 165 177]

e the first Sierpinski number to have been discovered (by Sierpinski in 1960): a
number k such that k - 2” + 1 is composite for each number n > 1 is called a
Sierpinski number; see the number 78 557.

209 317 712 988 603 747

e the number of 19 digit prime numbers.

212 104 218 976 916 644 | (= 2? - 7? - 1109? - 296637)

e the 1000000000" powerful number (see the number 3 136).

234 057 667 276 344 607

e the number of prime numbers < 1019 (an estimate due to Marc Deléglise).

539 501 733 634 012 578 | (= 2-3" - 11-13-19? -23-31-37-41- 477)

e the smallest number which is not a prime power, but which is divisible by
the sum of the sixth powers of its prime factors, namely by 19184230593 =
37-11-19. 47? (see the number 378); at least three other numbers satisfy?!”
this property, namely 280 128 388 470 016 293 362 568 270,
560 320 704 841 008 416 047 743 000 and
20 497 203 366 427 937 245 153 868 828 160.

550 843 391 309 130 318 | (= 2-3-7-71- 103 - 61559 - 29 133 437)

e the ninth Giuga number (see the number 30).

212T> obtain these numbers, one can proceed as follows. For each number n1 which is the product
of a combination of the first 25 prime numbers, set s = y(m), where m = Ae, p®, and examine
if s|n1; if such is the case, one can conclude that the number n = n1 - m/s is such that oie.
divides n.

|711 813 411 914 121 216 |

e the smallest insolite number containing the maximum possible number of dis-
tinct digits, namely the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (see the number 111).

999 999 999 999 999 989

e the largest 18 digit prime number.

1 000 000 000 000 000 003

e the smallest 19 digit prime number.


e the second prime number of the form 11...1 (see the number 19).

1 610 006 506 595 061 125 | (= 5° - 17? - 61? - 1094417)

e the second powerful number n such that n — 1 is a perfect square, namely
1 268 860 318” (see the number 682).

[1 986 761 935 284 574 233 |

e the number of 20 digit prime numbers.

2 206 550 475 483 180 841

e the smallest sixth power which can be written as the sum of seven sixth powers:
2 206 550 475 483 180 841 = 1141° = 74°+234°+402°+474°
+702° +894°+1077°.

2 220 819 602 560 918 840

e the number of prime numbers < 107° (an estimate due to Marc Deléglise).

2 305 843 008 139 952 128 | (= 2°°(231 — 1))

e the eight perfect number.

2 305 843 009 213 693 951

e the ninth Mersenne prime, namely 2°! — 1.


|2393 703 338 691 891 312|

e the smallest knownnumber n for which @,(n) = Pinel) p, (PZ) =
B.(n +3) = B.(n +4) = B.(n +5), where 6,(n) = 6B (n) = P(n) => one: p<P(n)

2 393 703 338691891312 = 2*.37-19-37-23645718139441,

2 393 703 338 691 891313 = 61 -39241038339211333,
2 393 703 338 691891314 = 2-11-17-31-206460526021381,
2393 703 338691891315 = 3-5-53-3010947595838857,
2 393 703 338 691891316 = 27-59 -10142810757169031,
2 393 703 338 691 891317 = 7-13-41 -641571519349207,

so that the common value of 6,(n + 7), for i = 0,1,2,3,4,5, is 61 (see the
number 15 860).

3 385 534 663 256 845 323

e the 18" horse number (see the number 13).

[4 185 296 581 467 695 669|

e the 100 000000 000 000 000" prime number (an estimate due to Marc Deléglise).

5 317 378 991 792 784 000

e the second known 3-powerful number which can be written as the sum of two
co-prime 3-powerful numbers:

BP l1OG eat 8 1 228re 1e 106219°

(see the number 776 151 559).

7 156 857 700 403 137 441 | (=11-13-17-19- 29-37-41 -43-61-97- 109-127)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of 12 prime numbers (see
the number 41 041).

[9 999 999 999 999 999 989 |

e the largest 19 digit prime number.

[10 000 000 000 000 000 051 |

e the smallest 20 digit prime number.

[13 744 803 133 596 058 624 |(= 821°)

e the smallest number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to */n: the only other
numbers satisfying this property are 19 687 440 434072 265 625,
53 861 511 409 489 970 176, 73 742 412 689 492 826 049,
179 084 769 654 285 362 176 and 480 682 838 924 478 847 449.

15 407 021 574 586 368 000

e the fifth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 7:

15407021 574 586.3608 000:— {3,6,4,0,4)2,4,0,3.3,0,3,2,451,6,0,3,2)2,0, lati

(see the number 248 832000).

18 446 744 073 709 551 617

e the smallest composite Fermat number; its factorization is

2?° +1 = 18 446 744 073 709 551617 = 274177 - 67280421310721.

19 687 440 434 072 265 625 | (= 851°)

e the second number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to /n (see the number
13 744 803 133 596 058 624).

19 698 744 770 118 549 504 | (= 2°3 - 37)

e perhaps the smallest number n such that y(n)*|o(n) (see the number 96).

21 127 269 486 018 731 928

e the number of prime numbers < 10?!.

32 032 215 596 496 435 569

e the smallest prime factor of the Mersenne number 2!%” — 1, whose complete
factorization is given by

2137 _ 1 — 32032215596496435569 - 5439042183600204290159.

43 252 003 274 489 856 000 | (= a )

e the number of possible permutations of the Rubik cube (3 x 3 x 3), a result

obtained by E.C. Turner & K.F. Gold [196].

|48 698 490 414 981 559 698 |

e the second number which is not a fourth power, but which can be written as
the sum of the fourth powers of some of its prime factors: here

48 698 490 414 981 559 698 Ne ecb oalyfe May pctes RY eo iE Sale pS
Dade Via ooo

the smallest number satisfying this property is 107 827 277 891 825 604 (see the
number 870).

53 861 511 409 489 970 176 | (= 941°)

e the third number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to \/n (see the number
13 744 803 133 596 058 624).

73 742 412 689 492 826 049 | (= 971°)

e the fourth number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to \/n (see the number
13 744 803 133 596 058 624).

89 726 156 799 336 363 541

e the largest left truncatable prime number whose last digit is 1 (Gerry Myerson,
West Coast Number Theory Problems, 1999); see the number 73 939 133.

92 801 587 319 328 411 133

e the 19%" horse number (see the number 13).

99 999 999 999 999 999 989

e the largest 20 digit prime number.

100 000 000 000 000 000 039

e the smallest 21 digit prime number.

154 345 556 085 770 649 600 |(= 2)° .3°-5?-72-11-13-17-19-31- 43 - 257)
e the smallest 6-perfect number, that is a number n such that a(n) = 6n (see the
number 6); it is believed that there are no more than 245 such numbers (see
R.K. Guy [104]).

179 084 769 654 285 362 176 |(= 106'°)

e the fifth number n > 1 whose sum of digits is equal to ‘V/n (see the number
13 744 803 133 596 058 624).

[186 264 514 898 681 640 625 |(= 54 - 30517578 121)
e a 4-hyperperfect number, possibly the third one (see the number 1 950 625).

|201 467 286 689 315 906 290 |

e the number of prime numbers < 1072.

295 147 905 179 352 825 856|(= 2°)

e the smallest power of 2 which uses all the digits from 0 to 9.

328 256 967 373 616 371 221 | (= 37! - 31381059607)

e a 2-hyperperfect number, possibly the sixth one (see the number 21).

|449 177 399 146 038 697 307 |

e the second narcissistic prime with more than one digit (see the number
28 116 440 335 967).

480 682 838 924 478 847 449 | (= 117!°)

e the largest number n whose sum of digits is equal to /n (see the number
13 744 803 133 596 058 624).

632 127 050 601 113 666 430 |

e possibly the second number n such that P(n)*|n and P(n + 1)4|\n + 1: here

632 127050601 113666430 = 2-3°-5- 13-41-71 -2lel

632 127 050601 113666431 = 7-193-2521-3691%:

(see the number 11859 210).

999 999 999 999 999 999 899

e the largest 21 digit prime number.


| 1000 000 000 000 000 000 117 |

e the smallest 22 digit prime number.

|1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 |

e the largest known number n of the form n = 2* for which the sum of the digits
is equal to k: here 27° = 1180591620717 411 303 424; the only other known
number of this type is 32 = 2°.

1357 913 579 135 791 357 913 |

e the second prime number of the form 1357913579135..., that is whose digits
are the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, repeated: the smallest is 13.

[1791 562 810 662 585 767 521 |(= 11-13-17-19-31-37-43-71-73-97-109-113-127)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of 13 prime numbers (see
the number 41041).

|1 834 933 472 251 084 800 000

e the value of 1!-2!-...-9!.

[2 361 183 241 434 822 606 848 | (= 27!)

e the largest known power of 2 which does not contain the digit 7 in its decimal
expansion (see David Gale [86]; see also the footnote tied to the number 71).

2 677 687 796 244 384 203 115 |

e the 20°” horse number (see the number 13).

[3 508 125 906 290 858 798 171 |

e the tenth Hamilton number (see the number 923).

E 551 349 655 007 944 406 147

e the smallest prime number of the form n® + 1091, here with n = 3906 (see the
number 3906).

9 999 999 999 999 999 999 973

e the largest 22 digit prime number.


[10 000 000 000 000 000 000 009|

e the smallest 23 digit prime number.

11111 111111111111111111 |
e the third prime number of the form 11...1 (see the number 19).

11111111111 111111122112
e an insolite number (see the number 111).

21 000 000 000 000 000 000 001

e the fourth prime number of the form k- 10* + 1 (see the numbers 3001 and

35 452 590 104 031 691 935 943|

e the largest narcissistic prime number: there exist only three narcissistic prime
numbers (see the number 28 116 440 335 967).

87 674 969 936 234 821 377 601 | (= 7-13-17-19-23-31-37-41-61-67-89-163-193-241)

e the smallest Carmichael number which is the product of 14 prime numbers (see
the number 41041).

99 999 999 999 999 999 999 977

e the largest 23 digit prime number.

100 000 000 000 000 000 000 117

e the smallest 24 digit prime number.

146 361 946 186 458 562 560 000 | (= 218 .3-54-7-11-13-19-37-79- 109-157-313)
e the largest known unitary perfect number (see the number 6); the other four
are 6, 60, 90 and 87 360.

244 294 249 389 674 423 328 124

e possibly the smallest number n such that

Qr(n) = min(A(n), (m+ 1),...,A(n +6) > :


Q7(n) 2 min(1.32585, 1.17568, 1.20547, 1.19621, 1.23233, 1.16671, 1.16896)


|357 686 312 646 216 567 629 137 |

e the largest known left truncatable prime number (see the number 73 939 133).

|514 843 556 263 457 213 182 265 |

e the integer part of ee, that is the expected size of the fourth prime factor of
an integer (see the number 1618).

[1 337 735 048 956 150 266 042 387 |

e possibly the third number n for which P(n)*|n and P(n + 1)4|(n +1): here
1337 735 048 956 150 266 042387 = 3-13-109- 157-359-619 - 17334,
1 337 735 048 956 150 266042388 = 27-37-53-97-193-557- 20117;
see the number 11 859 210.

2 264 832 171 464 196 096 000 000

e the smallest number > 2 which is equal to the product of the factorials of its
digits in base 9:
2 264 832 171 464 196 096 000 000
Loot OnoOwom NOamen. 5.1. 4G). 0,0)0, 0, 0,019;
the only other number satisfying this property is
(see the number 17 280 for the list of the smallest numbers with this property
in a given base).

2 512 088 574 784 743 818 066 896

e possibly the fourth number n for which P(n)*|n and P(n + 1)*|n + 1: here
2512 088 574 784 743 818 066 896 Detigael 1 = 119% 107e Did
2512088 574 784 743 818066897 = 193-197-269 -389 -397 -11237;
see the number 11 859 210.

8 230 545 258 248 091 551 205 888

e the smallest known number (found by D.W. Wilson [{208]) which can be written
as the sum of two cubes in six distinct ways:
8 230 545 258 248 091 551 205 888 11 239 317° + 201 891 435°
17 781 264? + 201 857 064?
63 273 192° + 199 810 080°
= 85970916? + 196567 548?
= 125436328° + 184269296°
= 159363450° + 161127942°
(see the number 1729).

113 423 713 055 421 844 361 000 443

e the eighth voracious number (see the number 1 807).

244 197 000 982 499 715 087 866 346 |(= 2-311 2331547137228 282147)

e the tenth Giuga number (see the number 30).

|453 694 852 221 687 377 444 001 769 |

e the smallest perfect square which can be written as the sum of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
7 squares:

453 694 852 221 687 377 444 001 769

= 21300 113 901 6137
= 21300 113 901 612? + 6526 8857
= 21300 113901 612? + 6 526 884” + 3613?
= 21300113 901 612? + 6526 884? + 3612? + 857
= 21300 113 901 6127 + 6526 884? + 36127 + 84? + 13?
= 21 300 113 901 612? + 6526 8847 + 36127 + 84? 4+ 127 + 5?
= 21300 143.901.0612" + 6526 884~ + 36124 S47 1 27 as ae

618 970 019 642 690 137 449 562 111

e the tenth Mersenne prime, namely 2°° — 1.

6 658 606 584 104 736 522 240 000 000

e the value of 1!-2!-...-10!.

[27 134 923 845 424 074 797 548 044 288 |
e the seventh (and possibly the largest) number which is equal to the product of
the factorials of its digits in base 5:
27 134 923 845 424 074 797 548 044 288
=| 2A 2A 68) 2525 1, 0)2, SyOpoyayAnSetls 0/8 53, 485 N24 aeOnos)
4,2,4,4,4,0,4,1,2,3]5 (see the number 144).

34111 227 434 420 791 224 041 472 000| (= 2?” .3°.53.7-11-132-19-29-31-
AB 6 lia e127)
e the second 6-perfect number: n is 6-perfect if o(n) = 6n (see R.K. Guy [104],

|93 310 754 811 505 006 990 350 670 730|
e the third number which is not a fourth power, but which can be written as the
sum of the fourth powers of some of its prime factors: here

93 310 754 811 505 006 990 350 670 730

ee Ole 3,- le Of LOS =.37311 93,2.8609
-2045107145539 - 2218209705651794191
= 2* + 1034 + 3734 + 11934 + 2045107145539;
the smallest number satisfying this property is 107 827 277 891 825 604 (see the
number 870).

241 573 142 393 627 673 576 957 439 049

e the smallest prime factor of the number SS

11...1; indeed, we have
71 times

7 = 241573142393627673576957439049

a factorization first obtained by Davis and Holdridge in 1984, using the quadratic
sieve due to Pomerance.

554 079 914 617 070 801 288 578 559 178 |(= 2-3-11-23-31-47 059-2 259 696 349-
110 725 121051)
e the 11%” (and largest known) Guiga number (see the number 30).

162 259 276 829 213 363 391 578 010 288 127

e the 11°” Mersenne prime, namely 2!9 — 1.

14 497 650 943 439 560 735 142 707 200 000 000

e the fifth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 12: ’
14 497 650 943 439 560 735 142 707 200 000 000 =
[5, 1,0, 10, 8, 9,9, 9,6, 4,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, OJ12
(see the number 21772 800).

130 547 383 608 518 581 304 037 589 860 381 057

e the smallest known number n such that Sry divides n (see the number

[2 658 455 991 569 831 744 654 692 615 953 842 176 |(= 2°(2' — 1))
e the ninth even perfect number.

|3 137 163 227 263 018 301 981 160 710 533 087 044|

e the fourth number which is not a fourth power but which can be written as the
sum of the fourth powers of some of its prime factors: here

3 137 163 227 263 018 301 981 160 710 533 087 044
— 2?.32.7.11-191 - 283 - 7541 - 1330865843 - 2086223663996743
= 344+ 74 +1914 + 1330865843+:
the smallest number satisfying this property is 107 827 277 891 825 604.

|115 132 219 018 763 992 565 095 597 973 971 522 401

e the largest narcissistic number (D. Winter, 1985); see the number 88.

|170 141 183 460 469 231 731 687 303 715 884 105 727 |

e the 12*” Mersenne prime, namely 2!27 — 1.

[340 282 366 920 938 463 463 374 607 431 768 211 457 |(=2? +1)
e the eighth Fermat number: its factorization was obtained in 1974 by Morrison
and Brillhart:

2?" + 1 = 59649589 127 497 217 - 5 704 689 200 685 129 054721.

437 489 361 912 143 559 513 287 483 711 091 603 378

e the smallest known number n such that P(n)°|n and P(n + 1)°|(n +1): here

437 489 361 912 143 559 513 287 483 711 091 603 378
= 2-39.77. 11? - 67-1151 - 1439 - 1609 - 2557 - 4957°,
437 489 361 912 143 559 513 287 483 711 091 603 379
= 43 - 61-107 - 269 - 421 - 617 - 653 - 2689 - 6619°:
the numbers 4402074374845013694517762402276831087215,
227489926 15102631934745928628382078239867,
506676284977787252656476827071452300208916227 and
4556139057327711835147225814446398763593460517 also satisfy this property
(see the number 6 859).

[1770 019 255 373 287 038 727 484 868 192 109 228 823

e possibly the smallest number n such that

f(n +1) = f(n+2) =...=f(n +8),

where f(n) stands for the product of the exponents in the factorization of n:
here the common value of f(n +7) is 6 (see the number 843).

|1 831 607 359 566 125 048 834 492 989 440 000 000 000 |

e the sixth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 7:
1831 607 359 566 125 048 834 492 989 440 000 000 000
=A OOM oe wl eO. lyase dua03,0,2, dn0,0: 10,2, 1.2, 1. 253;-55 25
4,0, 4, 4, 5, 6,0, 6, 2,0, 0,2, 2,3, 4]7 (see the number 248 832 000).

6 153 473 687 096 578 758 448 522 809 275 077 520 433 167

e the 11’” Hamilton number (see the number 923).

20 988 936 657 440 586 486 151 264 256 610 222 593 863 921 |(= (2!48 + 1)/17)
e the largest known prime found before the computer era (some times called the
Ferrier number), namely in 1952 by A. Ferrier (see H.C. Williams [204]).

75 445 311 584 829 283 999 739 123 702 169 600 000 000 000 |

e the sixth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits in
base 12:
75 445 311 584 829 283 999 739 123 702 169 600 000 000 000 =
[Bibel 2, Oslo OneS,0,4,11, 11.4.1, 2.2.8,0,0,0,.0; 0,0,0,,0,.0,.0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]12 (see the number 21772800).

208 492 413 443 704 093 346 554 910 065 262 730 566 475 781
e the fifth (and largest known) prime of the form 11 + 2? +...+n”, here with
n = 30 (see the number 3413).

273 457 513 497 334 816 890 950 735 729 000 448 000 000 000 000
e the seventh number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 7:
273 457 513 497 334 816 890 950 735 729 000 448 000 000 000 000 =
(1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0,3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1,0, 1,0, 5, 1, 1, 4, 2,6, 5,6, 3, 4, 4,
6024620, 0n0etl non0920223, 004,050 Oro. 1, 4|7
(see the number 248 832000).

962 493 562 543 459 590 626 671 870 630 428 672 000 000 000 000 |
e the seventh number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 12:
962 493 562 543 459 590 626 671 870 630 428 672 000 000 000 000
=o ie OvOnte ll. ls: ti. 7, 6,1,.0) 902,070,050, 0,0; 0,.0;,0, 0,0,0705.0;
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0]12 (see the number 21772800).

12 864 938 683 278 671 740 537 145 998 360 961 546 653 259 485 195 807 |
e the ninth voracious number (see the number 1 807).

[191 561 942 608 236 107 294 793 378 084 303 638 130 997 321 548 169 216 |
(= 25(27 — 1)
e the tenth perfect number.

27 418 521 963 671 501 273 905 190 135 082 692 041 730 405 303 870 249
023 209

(23 ee hls de lye ale Ag A Ads 00" a)

e the smallest cube whose sum of divisors is also a cube (Rubin):
= 65400948817364742403487616930512213536407552000000000000000
= 40289760243532800000°.

45 883 517 654 351 824 863 158 584 663 538 863 253 527 461 888 000 000
000 000 000
e the eighth number which is equal to the product of the factorials of its digits
in base 12:
45 883 517 654 351 824 863 158 584 663 538 863 253 527 461 888 000 000 000 000 000
==) LA 10s 70.651, O14, 6. 4,0, t,o, Sls UL, Or ort, o.6,0 ONOgOs 0, Unni. 0.
0;,0;:0;0; 0;,0,0,,,0;/0,.0;.0;,
0, 0,,0,,0, 0,0; 0,'0;,0;,0,
0,0,,0;.0,, 0)15
(see the number 21772800).

210 913 096 528 905 026 899 530 575 850 386 805 453 832 507 856 329 770
499 303 938
(=2-3-7-11-17-19-37- 243871 - 61732369
e the largest known number which is not an eighth power, but which can be
written as the sum of the eighth powers of some of its prime factors: indeed,
210913096528905026899530575850386805453832507 8563297
= 2° + 17° + 61732369°
(see the number 870).

eeu 1) |

e the 11" perfect number, a 65 digit number.

69 113 789 582 492 712 943 486 800 506 462 734 562 847 413 501 952 000
000 000 000 001

e the largest known prime of the form 1!-2!-3!-...-r!+1, here with r = 14 (see
the number 125 411328001).


e the largest known prime of the form n!+n-+ 1, in this case a 68 digit number;
the only known numbers n such that n!+n-+1 is prime are n = 2, 4, 6, 10 and
52 (see the number 52).

37 032 592 805 942 775 592 027 297 064 629 098 681 015 432 812 873 314
981 288 646 788 880 382 401

e the largest prime factor of 7979 + 1, whose complete factorization?! is given

797° 41 = 2*.5.34919- 188021 - 45780868646549
-918150595356645610443476284621975471619075398615249 - Pra.

6 086 555 670 238 378 989 670 371 734 243 169 622 657 830 773 351 885
970 528 324 860 512 791 691 264

e the largest known sublime number: this number is sublime because n = 2!2°(2°!—
1)(29+ — 1)(219 — 1)(2" — 1)(2° — 1)(23 — 1), and therefore one can easily check
that t(n) = 26(27 — 1) and o(n) = 2176(2127 — 1) are both perfect: the only
other known sublime number is 12.

Dize (Qtet — 1)

e the 12%” perfect number, a 77 digit number.

213T 9 obtain this factorization, one can use a technique that allows to factor numbers of the form
n”™ +1 when n = 3 (mod 4), which is indeed the case for n = 79. Indeed, using MATHEMATICA
and the feature Factor[((n * x7)” + 1)/(n * 2? + 1)], one obtains two polynomials (in x) both of
degree n — 1. Then, setting 2 = 1, two non trivial factors of n™ + 1 appear. In the case n = 79, the
second of these factors is precisely the largest prime factor of 7979 +1. When n=2 (mod 4), the
same approach works, but this time by writing Factor [((n* x2)” + 1)/(n? x4 +1)], in which case
one gets two polynomials of degree n — 2.

gq 44
e the ninth Fermat number, a 78 digit number; it is a composite number, whose
factorization was obtained in 1980 by Brent and Pollard:

2° 44 = 1238926361552897
.9346163971535797776916355819960689658405 1237541638188580280321.

398 075 086 424 064 937 397 125 500 550 386 491 199 064 362 342 526
708 406 385 189 575 946 388 957 261 768 583 317

e the smallest prime factor of the RSA-576 number, a 174 digit number which
no one could factor, until December 2003; this number was finally factored by
Jens Franke, who obtained that the number
188198812920607963838697239461650439807 1635633794173827007633
564229888597 152346654853 190606065047430453173880113033967161
is the product of the two prime numbers
38518957594638895 7261768583317

e the tenth Fermat number, a 155 digit number: it is a composite number, and
its smallest prime factor (found by Western in 1903) is

2.424 833 = 37-216 +1.

e the 13” Mersenne prime, a 157 digit number.

e the 14” Mersenne prime, a 183 digit number.

208 eA

e the 11°" Fermat number, a 309 digit number: it is a composite number, whose
smallest prime factor, namely

45592577 — hls etale


was obtained by Selfridge in 1953, while the factor

6 487 031 809 = 395 937-2144 1,

was obtained by Brillhart in 1962 (see the number 70525 124 609).

2520 (2521 _ 4) |

e the 13”” even perfect number, a 314 digit number.

e the fourth prime number all of whose digits are 1 (see the number 19).

2606 Caw 2, 1)

e the 14°” even perfect number, a 366 digit number.

e the 15” Mersenne prime, a 386 digit number.

e the 12” Fermat number, a 617 digit number; it is a composite number, for
which two of its prime factors, namely

319489 = 39-241 and 974849=119-2'3+41,

were obtained by Cunningham in 1899 (see the number 70 525 124609).

e the 16°” Mersenne prime, a 664 digit number.

e the 17°” Mersenne prime, a 687 digit number.

91 ih) pte 279 _- 1)

e the 15*” even perfect number, a 770 digit number.


e the 18°” Mersenne prime, a 969 digit number.

ues ah

e the fifth prime number all of whose digits are 1 (see the number 19).

e the 13°” Fermat number, a 1234 digit number; it is a composite number for
which four of its prime factors are

q, = 114689 = 7-214 +1, g2 = 26017793 = 397 - 2°° + 1,

g3 = 63766529 = 973-21 +1 and q4 = 190274191361 = 11613415 -2'4 +1;
q1 was obtained by Pervouchine and Lucas in 1877, gz and q3 were obtained
by Western in 1903, while qs was discovered by Hallyburton and Brillhart in
1974, so that

27° +1=q1- 42°93"

94° C1202,
where C} 292 is a composite 1 202 digit number (see the number 70525 124 609).

e the 19%” Mersenne prime, a 1 281 digit number.

22 202 (22 203 _ 1)

e the 16” even perfect number, a 1327 digit number.

e the 20’” Mersenne prime, a 1 332 digit number.

22 280 (Oe Pfeil 1)

e the 17°” even perfect number, a 1373 digit number.

23 216 ey 217 _ 1)

e the 18” even perfect number, a 1937 digit number.


? ae aa

e the 14°” Fermat number, a 2467 digit number; it is a composite number, whose
smallest prime factor, namely

2710 954 639 361 = 41 365 885 - 276 + 1,

was obtained by Hallyburton and Brillhart in 1963
(see the number 70 525 124 609).

24 252 (26 253 1)

e the 19” even perfect number, a 2561 digit number.

24 A22 (23 423 __ 1)

e the 20” even perfect number, a 2663 digit number.

29 689 1

e the 21"%* Mersenne prime, a 2917 digit number.

99941 _ 4

e the 22Ӣ Mersenne prime, a 2993 digit number.

gil 213 _ 1

e the 23” Mersenne prime, a 3376 digit number.

22° as 1

e the 15*” Fermat number, a 4933 digit number; it is a composite number (Self-
ridge and Hurwitz, 1963), of which no prime factor is known as of today.

29 688 (29689 _ 1) |
e the 217** even perfect number, a 5834 digit number.

29940 (99941 _ 1)|

e the 22”% even perfect number, a 5985 digit number.


e the 24*” Mersenne prime, a 6002 digit number.

921701 _ 4

e the 25’” Mersenne prime, a 6533 digit number.

gil 212 (2*1 213 _ 1)

e the 237¢ even perfect number, a 6751 digit number.

e the 26" Mersenne prime, a 6 987 digit number.

Pid ere A

e the 16" Fermat number, a 9 865 digit number; it is a composite number, whose
smallest prime factor, namely

1214251009 = 579-271 +1,

was obtained by Kraitchik in 1925 (see the number 70525 124609).

219936 (919937 _ 4)

e the 24°” even perfect number, a 12003 digit number.

221 700(221701 _ 4)

e the 25’” even perfect number, a 13066 digit number.

e the 27°" Mersenne prime, a 13395 digit number.

228 208 (923 209 _ 1)

e the 26" even perfect number, a 13973 digit number.


7 ae

e the 17’" Fermat number, a 19729 digit number; it is a composite number,

whose smallest prime factor

825 753601 = 1575-219 +1

was obtained by Selfridge in 1953;

e the smallest counter example to the conjecture of F. Eisenstein (1823-1852)

according to which each number of the form

oe ta
is prime: observe that the four smallest numbers of this form are 2+ 1 = 3,
2741=5, 27 4+1=17 and 2” +1 = 65537 (see the number 70525 124 609).

e the 28°" Mersenne prime, a 25962 digit number.

244 496 (244497 _ 4)

e the 27°" even perfect number, a 26790 digit number.

318 032 361 - 2107001 _ 4

e the first member of the largest known twin prime pair (Underbakke & Carmody,
2001): it is a 32220 digit number.

gii0 503 __ 1

e the 29°” Mersenne prime, a 33 265 digit number.

e the 18%? Fermat number, a 39457 digit number; it is composite and its smallest
prime factor,
31 065 037 602 817 = 59251 857- 2'9 + 1,
was found by Gostin in 1980 (see the number 70 525 124 609).

9132 049 _ 1

e the 30¢” Mersenne prime, a 39 751 digit number.


lL §sol
49 081

e the sixth prime number whose digits are only 1’s (see the number 19).

286 242 (ee 243 1)

e the 28'” even perfect number, a 51924 digit number.

9216091 _ 4

e the 31”%* Mersenne prime, a 65050 digit number.

9110 502 (2ai0 503 _ 1)

e the 29% even perfect number, a 66530 digit number.


e the 19” Fermat number, a 78914 digit number; it is composite and its smallest
prime factor, discovered by Western in 1903, is 5242881 = 5-279 +1 (see the
number 70525 124609).

26241927024 ed
e the largest known Cullen prime number, a 79002 digit number (Darren Smith,
1998) (see the number 141).

2132 Des (2132 049 _ 1)

e the 30%" even perfect number, a 79502 digit number.

i Gara
86 453

e the seventh prime number whose digits are only 1’s (see the number 19).

Ove 2303 093 ao

e the largest known prime of the form k - 2” + 1, a 91241 digit number (Jeffrey
Young, 1998).?14

214These numbers are very useful in the search for prime factors of Fermat numbers, because it is
well known (since Euler) that each prime factor of 22” + 1 is of the form k- 2'+2 + 1.

109 297

e the eighth prime number whose digits are only 1’s (see the number 19).

2216 0902216091 _ 1)|

e the 31%’ even perfect number, a 130100 digit number.

22° ve i

e the 20°" Fermat number, a 157827 digit number; it is a composite number,

two of its prime factors are known, namely 70525124609 = 33629-27441
(discovered by Riesel in 1962) and 646 730 219521 = 308 385-27! +1 (discovered
by Wrathall in 1963); see the number 70 525 124 609.

9756839 _ 7

e the 32”4 Mersenne prime, a 227 832 digit number.

9859 433 __ 1

e the 33% Mersenne prime, a 258 716 digit number.

1G eH!
270 343

e the ninth prime number whose digits are only 1’s (see the number 19).

a =

e the 217% Fermat number, a 315653 digit number; it is a composite number

(see the number 70525 124 609).

Qi 257 787 __

e the 34¢” Mersenne prime, a 378 632 digit number.

pa 398 269 _

e the 35¢” Mersenne prime, a 420921 digit number (see the number 1 398 269).

eae 838 (2756 839 _ 4)

e the 322 even perfect number, a 455663 digit number.

9859 A32 (eee A433 __ 1)

e the 337% even perfect number, a 517430 digit number.

227? A: 1

e the 22Ӣ Fermat number, a 631 306 digit number; it is composite and its smallest
prime factor, discovered by Wrathall in 1963, is

4 485 296 422 913 = 534689 - 27341

(see the number 70525 124609).

a91 257 786 (21 257787 __ 1) |

e the 34°” even perfect number, a 757 263 digit number.

Qi 398 283 (24 398 269 _ i)

e the 35*” even perfect number, a 841 842 digit number.

22 976221 _ 1

e the 36%” Mersenne prime, a 895 932 digit number (see the number 2976 221).

93 021377 _ 1

e the 37°" Mersenne prime, a 909525 digit number (see the number 3021 3a)

22”? ‘i 1

e the 2374 Fermat number, a 1 262612 digit number; it was proven to be compos-
ite by Crandall, Doenias, Norrie and Young in 1995 (see the number 70525 124 609)

22 976 220 (22 976221 _ 1)

e the 36” even perfect number, a 1791864 digit number.


93021 376 (23021 S 7a 1) |

e the 37" even perfect number, a 1819050 digit number.

96972593 _ 4

e the 38°" Mersenne prime, a 2098 960 digit number (see the number 6 972593).

Dan 44

e the 24'" Fermat number, a 2525 223 digit number; it is composite and its largest
prime factor, discovered by Pervouchine in 1878, is 167772 161 = 5-27°+1 (see
the number 70525 124609).

913466917 _

e the 39” Mersenne prime, a 4053 946 digit number (see the number 13 466 917).

26 972 592 (oe 972593 _ 1)

e the 38” even perfect number, a 4197919 digit number.

2am aL

e the 25” Fermat number, a 5050446 digit number; it was established in 1999
that it was a composite number (see the number 70525 124609).

220996011 _

e the 40°” Mersenne prime, a 6320 430 digit number (see the number 20 996 011).

924036183 _

e the 417% Mersenne prime, a 7 235 733 digit number (see the number 24 036 183).

225 964951 _ 1

e the 42”4¢ Mersenne prime, a 7 816 230 digit number (see the number 25 964 951).

gis 466 216(248 466917 _ 1)

e the 39°” even perfect number, a 8107891 digit number.


930 402457 _ 1

e the 43™¢ Mersenne prime, a 9 152052 digit number (see the number 30 402 457).

232 582657 _ 1

e the 44*” Mersenne prime, a 9 808 358 digit number (see the number 32 582657).

237 156667 __ 1

e the 45%” Mersenne prime, a 11 185 272 digit number (see the number 37 156 667).

220 996 SEES 996011 _ 1)

e the 40°” even perfect number, a 12640858 digit number.

243 112609 _ 1

e the 46°” Mersenne prime, a 12 978 189 digit number (see the number 43 112 609).

924 036 2821224 036183 _ 1)

e the 417%’ even perfect number, a 14471 465 digit number.

225 964 950 (22 964951 _ 1)

e the 42Ӣ even perfect number, a 15632458 digit number.

930 402 456 (220 402457 _ 1)

e the 43"¢ even perfect number, a 18304 103 digit number.

932 582 656 (222 582657 _ 1)

e the 44‘” even perfect number, a 19616714 digit number.

937 156 666 (238 156667 _ 1)

e the 45" even perfect number, a 22370543 digit number.


Be 112.608 (43112609 _ 4) |

e the 46" even perfect number, a 25956 377 digit number.

3 . 2402653211 _ 3

e the number of steps required for the Goodstein sequence starting at 4 to reach
0: this is a 121210695 digit number; in 1944, the English logician R.L. Good-
stein introduced an algorithm to generate sequences of positive integers which,
contrary to what we may think, converge to 0; to describe the process put forth
by Goodstein, we introduce the notion of “complete representation” of a posi-
tive integer in base 6: first write this number as a sum of multiples of powers
of b, and then do the same with the exponents found in this sum, then the ex-
ponents of these exponents, and so on, until the representation becomes stable;
for example, the complete representation in base 2 of 266 (= 28 + 2° + 2!) is
g2rt 4 9241 +21; thus, the Goodstein process for the number 3 is the following:

a) ok a pe
a eee eae 1
— 1-44-1=3=3.4°
= 3.-5°9-1=2=2-5°
— 2-6°9-1=1=1-6°
==S lls Sap

Goodstein [94] proved in 1944 that every Goodstein sequence converges to 0;

this fact is somewhat counter intuitive. Indeed, although the sequence obtained
by beginning with 3 converges rapidly to 0 (in only five steps), a very different
situation occurs by starting at 4, since the number k of steps required by the
Goodstein process to bring 4 down to 0 is k = 3 - 240763211 _ 3 (L. Kirby and
Jo Paris (119))2*")


e the Skewes number; this number occupies an important place in the history
of the function 7(a#): indeed, in 1933, assuming the Riemann Hypothesis,
Skewes proved that the smallest number zo for which m(x%9) > Li(xo) satis-
fies Zp < 191. this result was at that time very significant, since many
great mathematicians, Gauss and Riemann being two of them, believed that
n(x) < Li(z) for all x > 2, an inequality which can be verified for all x < 10*°,
but which is not always true; indeed, Littlewood proved in 1923 that the differ-
ence 7(x) —Li(a) changes signs infinitely often; in fact, he proved more, namely
that there exists an increasing sequence of real numbers 20,71, %2,... tending

215Kirby and Paris established that the very slow convergence of the Goodstein sequences to 0 is
related to the Goodstein Theorem which cannot be proved within the setup of elementary arithmetic.

to™--oovand' such that for 1 = 0,1, 2, 2...

: log log log an41

—Li(tang1) > 23, ———
log Lan41
: log log log Zan
(Xan)oe — Li(tan)
< yt) Pee
2a, a OES

the smallest number x = x, for which 7(x) > Li(a) is not known; interestingly,
these past years, the size of x, has been gradually narrowed down:

il in 1933, Skewes shows that, assuming the Riemann Hypothesis,

910 ;
Ge, SA
in 1955, Skewes shows that, without any hypothesis, z,<e° , a much
larger number;
. in 1966, Lehman shows that z, < 1.65- 101°;
4. in 1986, te Riele shows that between 6.62 -10?”° and 6.69-10°”°, there are
more than 1 9180 successive integers x such that 7(x) > Li(z);
. in 2000, C. Carter & R.H. Hudson [30] show that 2(ax) > Li(z) for a certain
number z close to 1.39 - 10?!®.

The prime numbers < 10000

2 3 5 ic 11 13 17 19 23 29
31 37 Al 43 AT 53 59 61 67 71
73 io 83 89 o7 101 103 107 109 113
127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
179 181 191 193 LO 199 211 223 221 229
233 239 241 251 257 263 269 2A 200 281
283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349
353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 AQ] 409
419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463
467 479 A487 49] 499 503 509 521 523 541
547 507 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601
607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659
661 673 677 683 691 701 709 (aes) 727 733
739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809
811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863
877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941
947 953 967 971 LE 983 991 997 1009 1013
1019 1021 1031 1033 1039 1049 1051 1061 1063 1069
1087 1091 1093 1097 1103 1109 ey 1123 1129 1151
1153 1163 rel 1181 1187 1193 1201 1213 1217 1223
1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291
1297 1301 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 1361 1367 1373
1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451
1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511
1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583
1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657
1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733
1741 1747 1753 1759 ALArarg 1783 1787 1789 1801 1811
1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889
1901 1907 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 1987
1993 1997 1999 2003 2011 2017 2027 2029 2039 2053
2063 2069 2081 2083 2087 2089 2099 PaaS 2113 2129
2131 2137 2141 2143 2153 2161 2179 2203 2207 2213
2221 2237 2239 2243 2251 2267 2269 2273 2281 2287,
2293 2297 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 2357
2371 2377 2381 2383 2389 2393 2399 2411 2417 2423
2437 2441 2447 2459 2467 2473 2477 2503 2521 2531
2539 2543 2549 2551 2057 2579 2591 2593 2609 2617
2621 2633 2647 2657 2659 2663 2671 2677 2683 2687

2689 2693 2699 2707 Page 2713 2719 2129 2731 2741
2749 2753 2767 INTE 2789 2091 21 G 2801 2803 2819
2833 2837 2843 2851 2857 2861 2879 2887 2897 2903
2909 297 2927 2939 2953 2957 2963 2969 2971 2999
3001 3011 3019 3023 3037 3041 3049 3061 3067 3079
3083 3089 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 3181
3187 3191 3203 3209 3217 3221 3229 3251 3253 3257
3259 3271 3299 3301 3307 3313 3319 3323 3329 3331
3343 3347 3359 3361 3371 3373 3389 3391 3407 3413
3433 3449 3457 3461 3463 3467 3469 3491 3499 doll
3017 3027 3529 3533 3939 3041 3547 3557 3559 3071
3581 3083 3093 3607 3613 3617 3623 3631 3637 3643
3659 3671 3673 3677 3691 3697 3701 3709 3719 3120
3733 3739 3761 3767 3769 3779 3793 3797 3803 3821
3823 3833 3847 3851 3853 3863 3877 3881 3889 3907
3911 3917 3919 3923 3929 3931 3943 3947 3967 3989
4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 A051 4057
4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 A111 4127 4129 4133 4139
4153 4157 4159 A177 4201 A211 4217 4219 4229 4231
A241 A243 4253 4259 A261 4271 4273 4283 A289 A297
4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409
4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493
4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583
4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657
4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 A721 4723 4729 4733 A751
A759 4783 A787 4789 A793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831
4861 A871 A877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937
4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 5003
5009 5011 5021 5023 5039 5051 5059 5077 5081 5087
5099 5101 5107 5113 5119 5147 5153 5167 5171 5179
5189 5197 5209 5227 5231 5233 5237 5261 5273 5279
5281 5297 5303 5309 5323 5333 5347 5351 5381 5387
5393 5399 5407 5413 5417 5419 5431 5437 5441 5443
5449 5471 5477 5479 5483 5501 5503 5507 5519 5521
5027 5031 5057 5063 5569 5973 5581 5091 5623 5639
5641 5647 5651 5653 5657 5659 5669 5683 5689 5693
5701 OTL 5717 5737 5741 5743 5749 5779 5783 oot
5801 5807 5813 5821 5827 5839 5843 5849 5851 5857
5861 5867 5869 5879 5881 5897 5903 5923 5927 5939
5953 5981 5987 6007 6011 6029 6037 6043 6047 6053
6067 6073 6079 6089 6091 6101 6113 6121 6131 6133

6143 6151 6163 6173 6197 6199 6203 6211 6217 6221
6229 6247 6257 6263 6269 6271 6277 6287 6299 6301
6311 6317 6323 6329 6337 6343 6353 6359 6361 6367
6373 6379 6389 6397 6421 6427 6449 6451 6469 6473
6481 6491 6521 6529 6547 6551 6553 6563 6569 6571
6577 6581 6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 6661 6673
6679 6689 6691 6701 6703 6709 6719 6733 6737 6761
6763 6779 6781 6791 6793 6803 6823 6827 6829 6833
6841 6857 6863 6869 6871 6883 6899 6907 6911 6917
6947 6949 6959 6961 6967 6971 6977 6983 6991 6997
7001 7013 7019 7027 7039 7043 7057 7069 7079 7103
1109 7121 2% 7129 7151 (key) (awe 7187 7193 7207
(211 7213 7219 1229 7237 7243 7247 7253 7283 7297
7307 7309 7321 7331 7333 7349 7351 7369 7393 7411
7417 7433 7451 7457 7459 TAT7 7481 7487 7489 7499
7907 7517 7523 7529 7537 7541 7547 7549 7559 7561
7973 OMG 7583 7589 7591 7603 7607 7621 7639 7643
7649 7669 7673 7681 7687 7691 7699 7703 TLE 7723
C27 7741 7753 7757 7759 7789 7793 7817 7823 7829
7841 7853 7867 7873 (3 7879 7883 7901 7907 7919
7927 7933 7937 7949 7951 7963 7993 8009 8011 8017
8039 8053 8059 8069 8081 8087 8089 8093 8101 8111
8117 8123 8147 8161 8167 8171 8179 8191 8209 8219
8221 8231 8233 8237 8243 8263 8269 8273 8287 8291
8293 8297 8311 8317 8329 8353 8363 8369 8377 8387
8389 8419 8423 8429 8431 8443 8447 8461 8467 8501
8513 8521 8527 8537 8539 8543 8563 8573 8581 8597
8599 8609 8623 8627 8629 8641 8647 8663 8669 8677
8681 8689 8693 8699 8707 8713 8719 8731 8737 8741
8747 8753 8761 8779 8783 8803 8807 8819 8821 8831
8837 8839 8849 8861 8863 8867 8887 8893 8923 8929
8933 8941 8951 8963 8969 8971 8999 9001 9007 9011
9013 9029 9041 9043 9049 9059 9067 9091 9103 9109
9127 9133 9137 9151 9157 9161 9173 9181 9187 9199
9203 9209 9221 9227 9239 9241 9257 9277 9281 9283
9293 9311 9319 9323 9337 9341 9343 9349 9371 9377
9391 9397 9403 9413 9419 9421 9431 9433 9437 9439
9461 9463 9467 9473 9479 9491 9497 9511 9521 9533 ,
9539 9547 9551 9587 9601 9613 9619 9623 9629 9631
9643 9649 9661 9677 9679 9689 9697 9719 9721 9733
9739 9743 9749 9767 9769 9781 9787 ROM 9803 9811
9817 9829 9833 9839 9851 9857 9859 9871 9883 9887
9901 9907 9923 9929 9931 9941 9949 9967 9973
i? Sy ks wi4r &@ re -

= ua ad 443 ite a .

Tia? tno
Ne oy Hi
Gr Abe. wins
a Js pe 5 - z hd rs _
air ink kb al Cres «bet 4 d
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(Unless indicated otherwise, the number champion, 77
at the end of each line is the one where colossally abundant, 55 440
the definition can be found in the text.) convenient, 37
Cullen, 141
deficient, 90
196-algorithm, 196
dihedral-perfect, 130
dihedral 3-perfect, 5472
abc Conjecture, page xvii
Erddés-Nicolas, 2016
Bachet Equation, 225 Euclid, 211
Beal Conjecture, 122 Euler, 272
Fermat, 17
Catalan Conjecture, 9 Fibonacci, 55
Chain Giuga, 30
Cunningham, 1 122659 Goodstein! 3>.249? 83:21 23
p? +1, 271 Granville, 126
Chinese Remainder Theorem, page xvii Hamilton, 923
happy, 1880
harmonic, 140
Euler Constant, page xiii Heegner, 163
Euler pseudoprime, 1 905 highly composite, 180
horse, 13
Fermat’s Last Theorem, page 55 ideal, 390
Fermat’s Little Theorem, page xvii insolite, 111
Keith, 197
Height of a prime number, 283 k-composite, 1428
Hypothesis H, page xvii k-hyperperfect, 21
k-perfect, 6
Index of composition, 629 693
k-powerful, 841
Index of isolation, 2737
Lucas, 613
Kaprechar Constant, 495 Lucas-Carmichael, 399
Markoff, 433
Median value, 37 multi-perfect, 140
Mirimanoff Congruence, 1 006003 narcissistic, 88
Niven, 110
Number non deficient primitive, 945
abundant, 348 palindrome, 26
Amicable, 220 pentagonal, 210
Apéry, 1445 perfect, 6
automorphic, 76 perfect Canada, 125
Bell, 52 Perrin, 271 441
Bernoulli, 30 persistence k, 679
bizarre, 70 Phibonacci, 1037
Canada perfect, 125 powerful, 23
Carmichael, 561 prime, 2
Catalan, 14 pseudo-perfect, 12


Ramanujan, | 729 Strong pseudoprime, 2047

Ruth-Aaron, 714 Sub-factorial function, 148 349
Sastry, 183 Syracuse Conjecture, 41
self contained, 293
self described, 6 210 001 000 von Sterneck Conjecture, 7 725 038 629
self replicating, 954
Waring Problem, 4
Sierpinski, 78 557
Smith, 22
Wieferich prime pair, 2903
S-perfect, 126
squarefull, 23
square pyramidal, 208 335
Stern, 137
sublime, 12
superabundant, 110 880
super-prime, 73 939 133
symmetric, 35853
tetrahedral, 10
triangular, 3
trimorphic, 491
tri-perfect, 120
vampire, 1260
voracious, 1807
unitary hyperperfect, 288
unitary perfect, 6
Wieferich, 16 547 533 489 305
Wilson, 5971
Woodall, 115

Palindrome (see palindrome number)

Euler pseudoprime, 1905
Fermat, 17
Fibonacci pseudoprime, 323
irregular, 59
Lucas, 613
Mersenne, 3
regular (see irregular prime)
twin, 35
Wieferich, 1093
Wilson, 5
Wolstenholme, 16 843
Prime Number Theorem, page xvii
Pseudoprime in base a, 91

Riemann Hypothesis, 5041

Riemann Zeta Function, 177

Schinzel Hypothesis (see Hypothesis H)

— — — +
Franklin Pierce Universit




rs 077 alee

Who would have thought that listing the posi-
tive integers along with their most remarkable
properties could end up being such an engaging
and stimulating adventure? The author uses this
approach to explore elementary and advanced
topics in classical number theory. A large variety
of numbers are contemplated: Fermat numbers,
Mersenne primes, powerful numbers, sublime
numbers, Wieferich primes, insolite numbers,
Sastry numbers, voracious numbers, to name only Photo

a few. The author also presents short proofs of miscellaneous results and
constantly challenges the reader with a variety of old and new number
theory conjectures.

This book becomes a platform for exploring new concepts such as the index
of composition and the index of isolation of an integer. In addition, the
book displays several tables of particular families of numbers, including the
list of all 88 narcissistic numbers and the list of the eight known numbers
which are not prime powers but which can be written as the sum of the
cubes of their prime factors, and in each case with the algorithm used to

ISBN 978-0-8218-4807-4


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