Fatigue Designfinaldraft
Fatigue Designfinaldraft
Fatigue Designfinaldraft
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All content following this page was uploaded by Russell James Hugh Wanhill on 15 April 2018.
This chapter first summarises the evolution of fatigue design requirements for aircraft structures. For metallic
(mainly aluminium alloy) structures these requirements have developed since the 1950s. Composite materials
(notably carbon fibre reinforced plastics) present a relatively new challenge. There follows a concise discussion
of the several possible methods for assessing the fatigue lives of aircraft structures. The emphasis is on
requirements, but design and operational issues are also addressed.
ANN: Artificial Neural Network LEFM: Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
ASIP: Aircraft Structural Integrity Program LOV: Limit Of Validity
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials MLB: MegaLiner Barrel
BB: Building Block MSD: Multiple Site fatigue Damage
CA: Constant Amplitude MY, MZ: vertical and horizontal bending loads
CFRP: Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic NDI: Non-Destructive Inspection
DSG: Design Service Goal NLR: Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratorium
DSTO: Defence Science and Technology Organisation NRC: National Research Council
DT: Damage Tolerance ODAT: Operational Damage Assessment Tool
EIFS: Equivalent Initial Flaw Size OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
EPFM: Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics QF: Quantitative Fractography
EPS: Equivalent Pre-crack Size QZ: ground loads
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration RAAF: Royal Australian Air Force
FCG: Fatigue Crack Growth R.H.: Right Hand
FSFT: Full-Scale Fatigue Test(ing) RUL: Remaining Useful Life
GLARE: GLAss REinforced aluminium laminates SHM: Structural Health Monitoring
HELIUM: HELIcopter Usage Monitoring database S−N: Stress versus Number of cycles
HOLSIP: HOListic Structural Integrity Process USAF: United States Air Force
HUMS: Health and Usage Monitoring System VA: Variable Amplitude
IDS: Initial Defect State WFD: Widespread Fatigue Damage
JSF: Joint Strike Fighter XWB: eXtra Wide Body
LBW: Laser Beam Welding ΔP: Pressurization differential
LCA: Light Combat Aircraft ε–N: strain versus Number of cycles
16.1. Evolution of Fatigue Requirements of complete or obvious partial failure of one
structural element.
Since the early 1930s the evolution of aircraft These Fail-Safe design principles were adopted
structural integrity has been concerned largely with in 1956, with some exceptions, notably including
the service behaviour of high-strength metallic landing gears, which are not amenable to Fail-Safe
materials, particularly aluminium alloys. Taking a design. However, as yet there was no requirement to
(very) broad view, the history of this evolution is as conduct Full-Scale Fatigue Tests, see Figure 16.1.
follows [1,2]: Although FSFT has generally or often been done
1930-1940: Development of all-metal aircraft for since the Comet accidents, the requirement for FSFT
public transport. Design and analysis emphasized became mandatory only in 1998, see the last
static strength, with little consideration of fatigue. paragraph about the ALOHA Boeing 737 accident.
1940-1956: Increasing awareness, notably for civil DAN-AIR Boeing 707: In May 1977 a Boeing 707
aircraft, of the importance of fatigue for airframe freighter lost the R.H. horizontal stabilizer owing to
safety. Materials with higher static strengths were fatigue in a supposedly Fail-Safe spar. There were
developed. However, aluminium alloys did not - and several contributing factors:
still do not - show corresponding increases in fatigue inadequate inspection for detecting partial
strength (see Chapter 2 in Volume 1 of these Source failure of the spar upper chord
Books). Design of civil aircraft became based on
inadequate residual strength after complete
both static and fatigue strengths (Safe-Life fatigue
failure of the upper chord
design) in 1956.
unanticipated high service loads
1956-today: Development of Fail-Safe and Damage stabilizer modification not checked by FSFT.
Tolerant design methods for both civil and military
This accident prompted (i) reconsidering the
aircraft. These methods recognize that airframe
problems of ageing aircraft: it became clear that
structures must withstand service loads even when
some inspection methods and schedules were
damaged or cracked. Safety should be ensured by
inadequate and required supplementary
fatigue and fracture testing and analysis of damaged
programmes; and (ii) the need for Damage
structures; pre-service and in-service inspections;
Tolerance, which replaced the Fail-Safe design
and eventual repairs, replacements or retirement.
principles in 1978.
Service failures have greatly influenced these In civil airworthiness terms, Damage Tolerance
developments. In particular, there are six case means that fatigue cracks will be detected before the
histories that may be regarded as ‘milestones’ in the safety is compromised, but unlike Fail-Safety there
aerospace industry’s approach to structural integrity is no premise that cracking will become obvious
[3−7]. By happenstance these case histories are before it reduces the residual strength below the
evenly divided between civil and military aircraft, required safety level [8].
see Figures 16.1 [2,8] and 16.2 [2,9,10]. The
significances of these accidents are discussed in ALOHA Boeing 737: In April 1988 a Boeing 737
subsections 16.1.1. and 16.1.2. suffered explosive decompression with loss of part
of the pressure cabin, subsequently landing safely.
16.1.1. Civil aircraft milestone accidents The physical manifestation of the accident was
Multiple Site fatigue Damage (MSD) along a critical
De Havilland Comets: In January and April 1954 rivet row of the upper skin lap splice. There were
two Comets suffered pressure cabin disintegration several contributing factors:
resulting from fatigue. Investigation and follow-up skin splice design relied on cold-bonding as
gave a general awareness of finite fatigue lives, the well as riveting
significance of Fail-Safety, and the usefulness of bonds susceptible to corrosion and disbonding
Full-Scale Fatigue Testing (FSFT). neglected inspections and repairs.
Fail-Safe design principles mean that major parts This accident led to recognition that Widespread
of the structure are (were) designed firstly to achieve Fatigue Damage (WFD), of which MSD is one
a satisfactory fatigue life with no significant aspect, can cause loss of Fail-Safety. It also
cracking. Secondly, the structure is (was) also prompted more actions to ensure the safety of ageing
designed to be inspectable in service and able to aircraft, and corrosion control programmes for both
sustain significant and easily detectable damage civil and military aircraft.
before safety is compromised. These latter
requirements were met mainly by structural design Other instances of WFD led eventually to
concepts having multiple load paths and established mandatory FSFT from 1998 onwards; and in 2011
residual strength (fracture) requirements in the event the Limit Of Validity (LOV) concept for aircraft
Figure 16.1. Milestone civil aircraft accidents and evolution of civil aircraft fatigue requirements [2,8]:
*LOV = Limit Of Validity.
Figure 16.2. Milestone military aircraft accidents and the evolution of military aircraft fatigue
requirements [2,9] and techniques [10]: *ASIP = Aircraft Structural Integrity Program(mes).
above 34,000 kg. The LOV concept requires FSFT Also in 1959, the U.S. Air Force (USAF)
to determine the onset of WFD [11], and as such adopted Safe-Life fatigue design principles and a
effectively sets a Safe-Life equivalent for this permanent Aircraft Structural Integrity Program
category of aircraft. (ASIP), see Figure 16.2, that included FSFT. This
became a formal requirement (mandatory) in 1969.
16.1.2. Military aircraft milestone accidents It should be noted that all ASIPs, including those
introduced by the Royal Australian Air Force
Boeing B-47s: In March and April 1958 four Boeing (RAAF) after the MB-326H accident in 1990 (see
B-47s suffered fatigue failures resulting in wing below), involve much more than fatigue issues [12].
losses. After the fourth accident a fleet recovery General Dynamics F-111: In December 1969 a
programme was initiated. This required development General Dynamics F-111A lost the left wing after
of a structural integrity programme that included only 107 airframe flight hours and at less than half
FSFT. This programme was completed in 1959. the design limit load. Failure occurred by fast
fracture after a small amount of fatigue from a large crack growth, and (ii) the possible and actual effects
manufacturing flaw in the lower plate of the L.H. of corrosion on fatigue and the combined action of
wing pivot fitting. The plate was made from a high- corrosion and fatigue.
strength steel with limited fracture toughness.
Short crack growth: When the USAF Damage
This failure and FSFT fatigue and fracture Tolerance approach was first introduced, in the early
problems led to a fracture control programme for the 1970s, there were few actual data for short crack
F-111 critical steel components [13]. Furthermore, growth. Owing to advances in QF this is no longer
the F-111 problems and early fatigue cracking and the case, particularly since the MB326H accident in
WFD in Lockheed C-5A wing boxes [14] resulted in 1990. There are now many data for early crack
the USAF abandoning the Safe-Life policy and growth in high-performance aircraft [10], including
introducing their Damage Tolerance (DT) approach the types and sizes of fatigue-initiating initial
in 1974-1975 [15,16]. This preceded the civil discontinuities [18]. Analysis methods have been
aircraft Damage Tolerance requirements by 3-4 developed to use these data for life predictions and
years, cf. Figures 16.1 and 16.2. There are some reassessments, including the use of equivalent pre-
differences, the main one being that the USAF DT crack sizes (EPS) to represent realistic initial
approach requires that initial flaws or cracks should discontinuities [10].
be assumed to be present in new structures.
Corrosion and fatigue: Since the ALOHA Boeing
However, there is no universal acceptance of the 737 accident there has been much effort to develop
USAF Damage Tolerance requirements for military life-prediction models combining corrosion and
aircraft. For example, the U.S. Navy still uses the fatigue. However, most of these models have been
Safe-Life approach. based on laboratory testing rather than service
experience, and have assumed that corrosion would
Aermacchi MB-326H: In November 1990 an
not only initiate fatigue but also accelerate it.
Aermacchi MB-326H lost the left wing owing to
fatigue failure in the wing spar at only 70% of the Evidence from military aircraft indicates that
Safe-Life derived from FSFT. Investigation showed although corrosion can initiate fatigue, the corrosion
that fatigue began from a badly drilled bolt hole. contribution is predominantly ground-based, while
fatigue occurs mainly during flight [19,20].
Further investigation revealed (i) manufacturing
flaws in many holes, (ii) fatigue cracks growing At present the question whether corrosion and
from bolt hole manufacturing flaws in spars from fatigue act in combination or independently requires
other aircraft, and (iii) fatigue cracks growing from further investigation per aircraft type and operational
normal quality holes and other structural details conditions. This is important since it can have a
[17]. major impact on service life management [19,21].
A fleet recovery programme based on teardown
16.2.2. Airframe materials
of several high-life wings, followed by Quantitative
Fractography (QF) of the growth of in-service Aluminium alloys have predominated in
fatigue cracks, showed that the original FSFT-based airframes since introduction of the Boeing 247
Safe-Life was highly unconservative and that wing (1933) and Douglas DC-2 (1934), but composites
replacements were the only feasible option. (mainly carbon fibre reinforced plastic, CFRP) and
In addition the RAAF’s structural integrity titanium alloys provide competition for certain
policy changed similarly to the USAF’s after the B- applications. It is also important to note that the
47 accidents in 1958. Since 1990 the RAAF has choices of materials for different types of aircraft
established comprehensives ASIPs for each fleet. vary greatly:
Some have included QF-based fatigue analyses. Transport aircraft: Aluminium alloys still account
for about 60% of the airframe structural weight, with
16.2. Continuing Developments the notable exceptions of the Boeing 787
Dreamliner and Airbus A350 XWB, which use
This Section highlights some developments in 50−53% composites and only 19−20% aluminium.
fatigue analyses and airframe materials that have
implications for future aircraft structural integrity Tactical aircraft: The emphasis tends to be on
requirements and ASIPs. composites and lesser percentages of titanium,
aluminium and steels. For example, the British
Aerospace/DASA/CASA/Alenia Eurofighter and
16.2.1. Fatigue analyses for conventional alloys Lockheed Martin F-35 both use 35–40% composites,
most of which are in the external skin and
Ongoing fatigue research aims to improve substructure.
structural analysis capabilities and methods for
fatigue life and crack growth predictions. Two of the There are exceptions, notably the Lockheed
main developments are (i) the study of short fatigue Martin/Boeing F-22, which uses only 24%
composites and 20% aluminium. Much of the F-22 The modern trend is to design and build hybrid
structure (42%) is titanium, which can tolerate the airframe structures, not least because of the
relatively high service temperatures, especially in availability of 3rd generation aluminium-lithium
the aft fuselage. (Al-Li) alloys. Al-Li alloys provide practical
Helicopters: Owing to the importance of weight structural efficiencies that can rival those of CFRP
savings for vertical lift aircraft, even higher composites, resulting in similar weight savings with
percentages of composites are being used: e.g. the respect to conventional aluminium alloys (see
Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey airframe consists of nearly Chapter 3 in Volume 1 of these Source Books). The
80% composites [22] and the NHIndustries NH90 Airbus A380 represents an important example of a
airframe is over 90% composites. recent hybrid airframe construction, see Figure 16.3.
Figure 16.3. Advanced materials and processing for major structural areas of the Airbus A380 [23]:
CFRP = Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic; GLARE = GLAss REinforced aluminium
laminates; AA 2XXX, 6XXX and 7XXX = conventional aluminium alloys; Al-Li =
Aluminium-Lithium alloys; LBW = Laser Beam Welding.
The evolution of fatigue requirements discussed Bannantine, J.A., Comer, J.J., and Handrock,
in Section 16.1 and illustrated by Figures 16.1 and J.L., 1998, “Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue
16.2 has meant that several fatigue lifing methods Analysis”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall,
have evolved, see Table 16.1. Some comments on Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
the methods are made here. Schijve, J., 2009, “Fatigue of Structures and
Stress – life (S–N): This method has been used Materials”, Second Edition, Springer
extensively in the Safe-Life approach. The method Netherlands, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
relies on simple cumulative damage rules to obtain Two especially relevant reports in the present
"safe" fatigue lives under constant amplitude (CA) context are:
or variable amplitude (VA) load histories. The safe
lives are then factored down using scatter factors Hu, W., Tong, Y.C., Walker, K.F., Mongru, D.,
based on engineering judgement and experience. Amaratunga, R. and Jackson, P., 2006, “A
review and assessment of current lifing
Strain – life (ε–N): This is a common method used methodologies and tools in Air Vehicles
to analyse fatigue damage in aircraft fleets, and Division”, DSTO Research Report DSTO-RR-
there are several Original Equipment Manufacturer 0321, Defence Science and Technology
(OEM) and publicly available tools for doing this. Organisation, Melbourne, Australia.
USAF Damage Tolerance (DT): This method is Molent, L., Barter, S.A. and Wanhill, R.J.H.,
used for many USAF aircraft. It has been effective 2010, “The lead crack fatigue lifing
in ensuring structural safety, whereby the assumed framework”, DSTO Research Report DSTO-
initial flaw or crack sizes (see the F-111 discussion RR-0353, Defence Science and Technology
in subsection 16.1.2.) are large enough for fracture Organisation, Melbourne, Australia.
mechanics calculations of fatigue crack growth
(FCG) using models based on well-established 16.4.1. Safe-Life estimations
macrocrack growth behaviour.
Stress − life approach: This is the traditional basis
This DT approach has been less satisfactory for
for Safe-Life fatigue analysis of aircraft structures. A
analyses of structural durability, i.e. achieving an
generic overview of the procedure is shown in
economic life based on FCG. The initial flaw sizes
Figure 16.5. Two points require elaboration:
for durability analyses (equivalent initial flaw sizes,
EIFS) were set at 0.254 mm for fastener holes (the (1) Coupon and component S−N curves are
most critical locations), with smaller sizes allowed modified into so-called working curves with
by demonstration. These initial crack sizes are well the aid of several adjustment factors that are
within the short crack regime, where until recently usually proprietary. These factors account for
Table 16.1. Survey of methods for fatigue life assessment of metallic airframe structures [10].
Stress – life (S–N)
o fatigue limits, Se; unnotched and notched (Kt ); constant amplitude (CA) data
o modifications to Se
o mean stress effects (R)
o linear damage rule, also for variable R
o scatter factors
Strain – life (ε–N)
o strain − life equation, unnotched data, R = -1
o cyclic stress – strain curve analysis
o rainflow cycle counting (closed hysteresis loops)
o stress – strain at critical location (notch analysis)
o mean stress effects (R) via equivalent strain equations, leading to equivalent strain amplitudes
o damage accumulation rule
USAF Damage Tolerance (DT)
o specified equivalent initial flaw sizes (EIFS) based on NDI capabilities
o back-extrapolation of long crack growth data to derive short crack growth
o LEFM long crack growth models (non-interaction, yield zone, crack opening, strip yield) to derive variable
amplitude (VA) crack growth from constant amplitude (CA) data
o possible use of crack opening model for short cracks (FASTRAN); differences in long and short crack
thresholds need to be included
o mainly deterministic: stochastic approach becoming accepted
DSTO approach: implemented by the RAAF
o actual initial discontinuity/flaw sizes and their equivalent pre-crack sizes (EPS)
o actual short-to-long crack growth data using Quantitative Fractography (QF)
o data compilations to establish empirical relationships describing crack growth behaviour
o deterministic (“upper bound”) estimates of lead crack growth
o scatter factors
Holistic approach: proposed
o fatigue initiation mechanisms (also as functions of notch stress concentrations, Kt )
o fatigue initiation lives (S – N and/or ε – N assessments)
o evaluation and selection of marker load strategies for Quantitative Fractography (QF) of short-to-long crack
o actual short-to-long long crack growth using marker loads and QF
o establishment, validation and choice of appropriate crack growth models and “laws”
o deterministic (“upper bound”) and stochastic approaches
o environmental effects, notably corrosion
Figure 16.4. Overview of the HOLSIP programme [29]: IDS = Initial Defect State; EPFM = Elastic
Plastic Fracture Mechanics; LEFM = Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics; MSD = Multiple
Site fatigue Damage; NDI = Non-Destructive Inspection; WFD = Widespread Fatigue
Figure 16.5. Generic procedure for estimating the fatigue Safe-Life using the stress − life approach.
various influences on service components that shown in Figure 16.7. As mentioned in Section 16.3,
are not included or experienced by coupons and this method is used for many USAF aircraft and has
components during the laboratory tests. been effective in ensuring structural safety. There
are two points particularly to note:
(2) The often-used Pålmgren-Miner cumulative
damage rule ignores load sequence effects, and (1) The FCG analyses use Linear Elastic Fracture
the damage accumulation rate is assumed Mechanics (LEFM) fatigue crack growth models.
(incorrectly) to be independent of stress These models have difficulties in predicting the
amplitude. The predicted lives can range from behaviour of short fatigue cracks, i.e. cracks with
0.3Χ to at least 3Χ the actual life [30]. The dimensions less than about 0.5 mm [32,33].
potential for unconservative life predictions
(2) Fracture toughness data and residual strength
(values > 1) is mitigated by using scatter factors
analyses and tests are required to complete the
based on engineering judgement and experience,
DT procedure. These topics are discussed in
as mentioned in Section 16.3.
Chapter 18 in this Volume.
Strain − Life approach: This is commonly used to
analyse fatigue damage in aircraft fleets. The DSTO approach: This differs importantly from the
damage (loads and accelerations) data are acquired DT approach with respect to the required input data
via strain recorders, see Chapter 22 in this Volume. and the FCG analysis methods, as may be seen from
There are several Original Equipment Manufacturer Table 16.1. The following points bear repeating with
(OEM) and publicly available tools for analysing the the addition of some important details:
(1) The DSTO FCG analyses begin with equivalent
Figure 16.6 shows a generic strain − life procedure pre-crack sizes (EPS) representing actual initial
to estimate safe fatigue lives and remaining lives discontinuity sizes (‘discontinuity’ is neutral and
from fleet data. In practice the test and service data covers a variety of fatigue-initiating features;
and cumulative damage analyses are integrated into whereas ‘flaw’ is negative and can be
a computer program that includes an algorithm for inappropriate).
cycle counting. This is usually “Rainflow” counting,
Use of actual initial discontinuity data was also
which is well-described in Bannantine et al.[31].
the original intention of the USAF DT approach
16.4.2. Damage Tolerance estimations for durability analyses, but until QF advances
since 1990 there was a lack of FCG data for
Damage Tolerance (DT) approach: A generic (very) early crack growth from initiation sites
analysis approach based on the USAF DT method is with EPS values less than about 0.25 mm.
Figure 16.6. Generic procedure for estimating the safe fatigue life and remaining fatigue life using the
strain − life approach.
Figure 16.7. Generic procedure for estimating acceptable Damage Tolerance (DT) FCG properties using
Linear Elastic fracture Mechanics (LEFM) fatigue crack growth models. This procedure is
based on the USAF DT fatigue lifing method.
Besides being important for durability analyses, Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) which use
service experience has shown the early FCG strain sensors extensively.
regime to contribute to improved safety analyses
for high-performance aircraft [10,34]. Also, the HUMS began and continues to be the basic
importance of WFD (notably in large transport system for helicopters, but it is now being used on
aircraft, see subsection 16.1.1.) is another fixed-wing aircraft, especially tactical aircraft like
motivation for QF-based analyses of early FCG the Eurofighter and Indian Light Combat Aircraft
and its development [35]. (LCA). Strain-sensing equipment installed on the
aircraft provide operational data that are usually
(2) The intransigence of the early FCG regime with
used to estimate the RUL via a Safe-Life analysis, as
respect to LEFM modelling has shown the need
shown generically in Figure 16.6.
to develop empirical relationships describing the
early FCG behaviour [10,34]. In turn, this However, it is also possible to use a HUMS
requires QF data compilations of early FCG from system in a DT analysis to calculate a safe crack
service aircraft, FSFT, and component and growth life [37−39]. One such system, developed by
coupon tests. the NLR and called ODAT (Operational Damage
Hybrid approaches: Notwithstanding the differences Assessment Tool), is shown in Figure 16.8. The
between the USAF DT and DSTO approaches, there architecture reflects the overall procedure for LEFM
is much to be said in favour of a rapprochement. modelling of FCG to determine the number of flight
hours needed to grow a fatigue crack from its
The DSTO’s position is that both LEFM and detected size to the size at which fast fracture will
empirical FCG modelling can be used where occur.
justified by data obtained from service, FSFT and
component and coupon tests. Also, the EPS concept The ODAT system requires a reliable FCG
for early crack growth has recently [36] been shown model and knowledge of the following parameters:
to be compatible with the USAF EIFS durability
concept mentioned in Section 16.3. the local structural geometry and its effect on
the crack driving force (i.e. the so-called β
16.4.3. Operational damage estimations factor in stress intensity factor solutions)
the type of material and product form and the
Much effort is being put into Structural Health associated FCG properties
Monitoring (SHM) systems for rapid damage the expected operational load history.
assessment, see Chapter 22 in Volume 2. The Several types of test, including CA and VA FCG
evolution of SHM has followed two main strategies: and monotonic and cyclic stress−strain tests, are
(1) Developing rapid NDI technologies to reduce the required for the LEFM crack growth modelling.
inspection time on the ground, often obtaining
Any desired mission history can be assembled by
help from on-board sensing systems.
selecting characteristic flights from the HELIUM
(2) Monitoring of loads or strains or damage or a database, and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
combination of these to determine the remaining derives the local stress responses from the relevant
useful life (RUL) and/or setting up inspection flight parameters. The local stress response
intervals for safe operation of the aircraft. Some sequences can then be used as input to the FCG
of these systems have evolved into Health and model.
Figure 16.8. The ODAT system architecture developed by the NLR for a helicopter fatigue life monitoring
programme: HELIUM = HELIcopter Usage Monitoring database; ANN = Artificial Neural
Network. Illustration courtesy of Marcel Bos, NLR.
16.5. Testing Requirements well as at holes and tight radii. Consequently, there
are usually many areas that need to be assessed for
Accurate and reliable estimates of the fatigue their fatigue and FCG lives, and many potential
lives of metallic airframes present many challenges, locations at which cracking may occur in service.
particularly for high-performance aircraft and
helicopters. There is always a demand for lighter Engineering fatigue design relies in the first
structures with reduced manufacturing and instance on baseline coupon tests to assess the
operating costs. This leads to relatively highly many locations identified as susceptible to
stressed and efficient designs where fatigue cracking. The coupons may be loaded by CA or
cracking can occur at features such as shallow radii representative VA load histories, and they may try
at the junction of flanges, webs and stiffeners, as to represent some feature of a built-up structure.
The results of these coupon tests are averaged to full-scale fatigue testing (FSFT) on part of the
give an indication of the structural life for a structure or even the full airframe, thereby
production aircraft. However, there are significant including the effects of component geometry and
limitations to this approach: production. (N.B: FSFT became mandatory for
military aircraft in 1969, and civil aircraft in 1998,
(1) Experience has shown that in high performance
see subsections 16.1.1. and 16.1.2.)
aircraft the components have many features
with the potential to crack, and that each of
Another way is to improve coupon testing by
these features is typical of a single type of
making the coupons optimally representative of the
"representative" coupon. Hence a component’s
most fatigue-critical details, e.g. by applying
average indicated life is equivalent to only the
surface treatments and finishes used in component
shortest average life from tests on several types
production. This may seem obvious, but it is
of coupons.
sometimes neglected or overlooked.
(2) Even when the most critical feature of a
component has been identified and assessed by
16.5.1. ‘Building Block’ testing procedure
coupon testing, the coupons are rarely fully
representative, notably with respect to the
surface treatments and finishes required for Figure 16.9 shows a schematic ‘Building Block’
production aircraft. This is important because (BB) approach for testing materials, components and
the commencement of fatigue cracking is structures as part of an aircraft certification process.
primarily surface-influenced and therefore This is adapted from a schematic for the Lockheed
greatly dependent on small surface Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), but is
discontinuities inherent to component generically valid. The BB approach may be viewed
production, as well as any surface-connected as a pyramid whose base is the initial material
discontinuities inherent to the material. evaluation. Each level of the pyramid is the
foundation for the next, and the structural
These limitations are addressed by other means. complexity and costs increase with each level up to
One way, which is mandatory for all modern the FSFT(s). The final phase of certification is
aircraft is to test actual components, and conduct ground and flight testing of the aircraft.
Figure 16.9. ‘Building Block’ fatigue test approach for materials, components and structures: after [40].
There are several points to be noted about the inserted into the fatigue load histories. The types of
testing approach and procedure: markers, and the ways in which they are added, can
be chosen to ensure negligible influences of the
Coupon testing level: This includes standard and marker loads on the overall FCG [41].
non-standard tests. Examples of standard tests are
stress – life (S–N); strain – life (ε–N); cyclic stress Element to FSFT levels: At all these levels it is
advisable to add marker loads to the fatigue load
− strain (S−ε); and LEFM FCG. The latter are used
histories. Sometimes a realistic load history will
to estimate FCG lives according to the USAF DT
result in natural crack front markers, but it is better
fatigue lifing method, see Figure 16.7. An
to make sure that they occur. There are
appropriate source for standard tests is ASTM
comprehensive guidelines for this [41].
International, see Chapter 9 in this Volume.
Crack front marking is especially relevant to QF
Non-standard coupon tests have been developed for analyses of fatigue cracks detected during FSFT
the DSTO approach to DT analysis. One type of teardowns, see Figure 16.10. Besides being used
coupon is a simple flat specimen with an array of (and required) directly for certification, the FSFT
laser-induced crack starter slots. These enable QF teardown results are important for possible design
measurements of FCG from initial discontinuities modifications, verifying structural analyses, and
less than 0.05mm in size. determining whether retrofits may be advisable or
However, QF usually requires ‘marker loads’ to be necessary.
Figure 16.10. Airframe fatigue certification and the central role of fatigue testing: see Figure 16.9 also:
original illustration courtesy of Madeleine Burchill and Simon Barter, DSTO, Melbourne.
FSFT types: It is important to note that Full-Scale testing. This is slightly more than twice the nominal
Fatigue Testing does not imply testing of the entire Design Service Goal (DSG) of 20,000 flights.
airframe. This may be done in some instances, but
FSFT requirements: As mentioned in subsection
the available space and testing equipment often
16.1.1., cases of Widespread Fatigue Damage
dictate that major parts of the airframe are tested
(WFD) in civil transport aircraft led eventually to
mandatory FSFT from 1998 onwards; and in 2011
An example of part-structure FSFT is the Airbus the Limit Of Validity (LOV) concept for aircraft
A380 MegaLiner Barrel (MLB) fatigue test, in above 34,000 kg. The LOV concept requires FSFT
which candidate fuselage skin materials were tested. to determine the onset of WFD [11].
Figure 16.11 shows (i) the MLB; (ii) the types of These changes were reflected in the FSFT
applied loads, namely fuselage pressurization (ΔP) requirements, or rather expectations. From 1998 to
and bending (MY, MZ) and ground loads (QZ); and 2011 the expectation was that an FSFT would be
(iii) the number of simulated flights applied during done to a minimum of 2 DSGs followed by specific
inspections and analyses [8]. With introduction of The USAF has followed a similar evolutionary path
the LOV concept it is recommended that the FSFT is in its Damage Tolerance (DT) approach. Thus MIL-
run to 3 DSGs, followed by residual strength testing STD-1530C [43], which predates the LOV concept,
[8]. suggests that the FSFT be extended beyond 2 DSGs
because the onset of WFD does not always occur
within the two-lifetime test period [6].
Figure 16.11. Airbus A380 MegaLiner Barrel (MLB) full-scale fatigue test ‘specimen’, the general
loading conditions, and the number of simulated flights applied during testing [42].
16.6. Summary
The fatigue requirements for aircraft structures Besides ‘final’ verification of structural integrity,
have evolved since the 1950s. However, this has not FSFT and teardowns provide references for any
been a gradual process: ‘milestone’ accidents have fatigue problems that arise during service. They are
caused paradigm shifts for both civil and military also references for investigating whether it is
aircraft, as may be seen from Figures 16.1 and 16.2. feasible to extend the service life beyond the original
design life. This is a not infrequent issue.
The requirements encompass fatigue design and
analysis, and verification using several levels of Acknowledgements
testing. The ‘final’ verification is by full-scale
fatigue testing (FSFT) and teardowns, which provide Thanks are due to Simon Barter, Lorrie Molent
checks on designs and analyses, and can reveal the and Madeleine Burchill, DSTO, Melbourne,
need for modifications and retrofits. Australia; and Marcel Bos, NLR, Emmeloord, the
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