Apache Spark Interview Questions and Answers PDF
Apache Spark Interview Questions and Answers PDF
Apache Spark Interview Questions and Answers PDF
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Spark Architecture is a widely used big data processing engine that enables fast and
efficient data processing in distributed environments. The commonly asked interview
questions and answers are listed below to help you prepare and confidently showcase
your expertise in Spark Architecture.
Three different cluster managers are available on Apache Spark. These are:
The Spark Ecosystem comprises several critical libraries that offer various
functionalities. These libraries include:
● Spark MLib - This machine learning library is built within Spark and offers
commonly used learning algorithms like clustering, regression, classification,
etc. Spark MLib enables developers to integrate machine learning pipelines
into Spark applications and perform various tasks like data preparation,
model training, and prediction.
● Spark Streaming - This library is designed to process real-time streaming
data. Spark Streaming allows developers to process data in small batches or
micro-batches, enabling real-time streaming data processing. Spark
applications can handle high-volume data streams with low latency with this
● Spark GraphX - This library provides a robust API for parallel graph
computations. It offers basic operators like subgraph, joinVertices,
aggregateMessages, etc., that help developers build graph computations on
top of Spark. With GraphX, developers can quickly build complex
graph-based applications, including recommendation systems, social
network analysis, and fraud detection.
● Spark SQL - This library enables developers to execute SQL-like queries on
Spark data using standard visualization or BI tools. Spark SQL offers a rich
3. What are the key features of Apache Spark that you like? ●
● Stream processing,
● Interactive data analytics, and processing.
● Iterative machine learning.
● Sensor data processing
It has all the basic functionalities of Spark, like - memory management, fault
recovery, interacting with storage systems, scheduling tasks, etc.
7. How can you remove the elements with a key present in any other RDD?
Spark has a web-based user interface for monitoring the cluster in standalone
mode that shows the cluster and job statistics. The log output for each job is
written to the working directory of the slave nodes.
Spark uses Akka basically for scheduling. All the workers request a task from the
master after registering, and the master assigns the task. Here Spark uses Akka
for messaging between the workers and masters.
12. How does Apache Spark uses replication to achieve fault tolerance?
Apache Spark achieves fault tolerance by using RDDs as the data storage
model. RDDs maintain lineage information, which enables them to rebuild lost
partitions using information from other datasets. Therefore, if a partition of an
RDD is lost due to a failure, only that specific partition needs to be rebuilt using
lineage information.
● Driver- The process that runs the main () method of the program to create RDDs
and perform transformations and actions on them.
● Executor – The worker processes that run the individual tasks of a Spark job.
● Cluster Manager- A pluggable component in Spark to launch Executors and
Drivers. The cluster manager allows Spark to run on top of other external managers
like Apache Mesos or YARN.
● Both map() and flatMap() transformations are narrow, meaning they do not
result in the shuffling of data in Spark.
● flatMap() is a one-to-many transformation function that returns more rows than
the current DataFrame. Map() returns the same number of records as in the
input DataFrame.
● flatMap() can give a result that contains redundant data in some columns.
● flatMap() can flatten a column that contains arrays or lists. It can be used to
flatten any other nested collection too.
19. Can spark be used to analyze and access the data stored in Cassandra
Yes, it is possible to use Spark Cassandra Connector. It enables you to connect
your Spark cluster to a Cassandra database, allowing efficient data transfer and
analysis between the two technologies.
● Parquet file
BlinkDB is an approximate query engine built on top of Hive and Spark. Its
purpose is to allow users to trade off query accuracy for a shorter response time
and, in the process, enable interactive queries on the data.
In Spark SQL, Scalar functions are those functions that return a single value for
each row. Scalar functions include built-in functions, including array functions
and map functions. Aggregate functions return a single value for a group of rows.
Some of the built-in aggregate functions include min(), max(), count(),
countDistinct(), avg(). Users can also create their own scalar and aggregate
27. Differentiate between the temp and global temp view on Spark SQL.
Temp views in Spark SQL are tied to the Spark session that created the view
and will no longer be available upon the termination of the Spark session.
Global temp views in Spark SQL are not tied to a particular Spark session but
can be shared across multiple Spark sessions. They are linked to a system
database and can only be created and accessed using the qualified name
"global_temp." Global temporary views remain available until the Spark session
is terminated.
28. What is Spark Streaming, and how is it different from batch processing?
On the other hand, batch processing processes a large amount of data at once
in a batch. It is typically used for processing historical data or offline data
processing. Batch processing frameworks such as Apache Hadoop and Apache
Spark batch mode process data in a distributed manner and store the results in
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or other file systems.
Sliding Window is an operation that plays an important role in managing the flow
of data packets between computer networks. It allows for efficient data
processing by dividing it into smaller, manageable chunks. The Spark Streaming
library also uses Sliding Window by providing a way to perform computations on
data within a specific time frame or window. As the window slides forward, the
library combines and operates on the data to produce new results. This enables
continuous processing of data streams and efficient analysis of real-time data.
On the other hand, stateful transformations rely on the intermediary results of the
previous batch for processing the current batch. These transformations are
typically associated with sliding windows, which consider a window of data
instead of individual batches.
32. Name some sources from where Spark streaming component can process
real-time data.
33. What is the bottom layer of abstraction in the Spark Streaming API?
Receivers are unique entities in Spark Streaming that consume data from
various data sources and move them to Apache Spark. Receivers are usually
created by streaming contexts as long-running tasks on different executors and
scheduled to operate round-robin, with each receiver taking a single core.
35. How will you calculate the executors required for real-time processing using
Apache Spark? What factors must be considered to decide the number of
nodes for real-time processing?
The number of nodes can be decided by benchmarking the hardware and
considering multiple factors such as optimal throughput (network speed),
memory usage, the execution frameworks being used (YARN, Standalone, or
Mesos), and considering the other jobs that are running within those execution
frameworks along with a spark.
Spark Streaming supports caching via the underlying Spark engine's caching
mechanism. It allows you to cache data in memory to make it faster to access
and reuse in subsequent operations.
To use caching in Spark Streaming, you can call the cache() method on a
DStream or RDD to cache the data in memory. When you perform operations on
the cached data, Spark Streaming will use the cached data instead of
recomputing it from scratch.
If you're preparing for a Spark MLib interview, you must have a strong understanding of
machine learning concepts, Spark's distributed computing architecture, and the usage
of MLib APIs. Here is a list of frequently asked Spark MLib interview questions and
answers to help you prepare and demonstrate your proficiency in Spark MLib.
38. What is Spark MLlib, and what are its key features?
39. How does Spark MLlib differ from machine learning libraries like Scikit-Learn
or TensorFlow?
Spark MLlib is designed for distributed computing, which means it can handle
large datasets that are too big for a single machine. Scikit-Learn, on the other
hand, is intended for single-machine environments and needs to be better suited
for big data. TensorFlow is a deep learning library focusing on neural networks
and requires specialized hardware, such as GPUs, for efficient computation.
Spark MLlib supports a broader range of machine learning algorithms than
TensorFlow and integrates better with Spark's distributed computing
40. What are the types of machine learning algorithms supported by Spark
Spark MLlib supports various machine learning algorithms, including
classification, regression, clustering, collaborative filtering, dimensionality
reduction, and feature extraction. It also includes tools for evaluation, model
selection, and tuning.
41. State the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning and
provide examples of each type of algorithm?
Supervised learning involves labeled data, and the algorithm learns to make
predictions based on that labeled data. Examples of supervised learning
algorithms include classification algorithms.
43. What is the difference between L1 and L2 regularization, and how are they
implemented in Spark MLlib?
L1 and L2 regularization are techniques for preventing overfitting in machine
learning models. L1 regularization adds a penalty term proportional to the
absolute value of the model coefficients, while L2 regularization adds a penalty
44. How does Spark MLlib handle large datasets, and what are some best
practices for working with big data?
Spark MLlib handles large datasets by distributing the computation across
multiple nodes in a cluster. This allows it to process data that is too big for a
single machine. Some best practices for working with big data in Spark MLlib
include partitioning the data for efficient processing, caching frequently used
data, and using the appropriate data storage format for the application.
Employers may ask questions about GraphX during a Spark interview. It is a powerful
graph processing library built on top of Apache Spark, enabling efficient processing and
analysis of large-scale graphs. Check out the list of essential interview questions
45. What is Spark's GraphX, and how does it differ from other graph processing
46. What are the various kinds of operators provided by Spark GraphX?
Spark GraphX comes with its own set of built-in graph algorithms, which can
help with graph processing and analytics tasks involving the graphs. The
algorithms are available in a library package called 'org.apache.spark.graphx.lib'.
These algorithms have to be called methods in the Graph class and can just be
reused rather than having to write our implementation of these algorithms. Some
of the algorithms provided by the GraphX library package are:
● PageRank
● Connected components
● Label propagation
● SVD++
● Strongly connected components
● Triangle count
● Single-Source-Shortest-Paths
● Community Detection
48.What is Shark?
Most data users know only SQL and need to improve at programming. Shark is
a tool developed for people from a database background - to access Scala MLib
capabilities through a Hive-like SQL interface. Shark tool helps data users run
Hive on Spark - offering compatibility with Hive metastore, queries, and data.
The RDDs in Spark depend on one or more other RDDs. The representation of
dependencies between RDDs is known as the lineage graph. Lineage graph
information is used to compute each RDD on demand so the lost data can be
recovered using the lineage graph information whenever a part of persistent
RDD is lost.
A shuffle is a stage in a Spark job where data is redistributed across the worker
nodes of a cluster. It is typically used to group or aggregate data.
53. What is the difference between local and cluster modes in Spark?
In local mode, Spark runs on a single machine, while in cluster mode, it runs on
a distributed cluster of machines. Cluster mode is typically used for processing
large datasets, while the local mode is used for testing and development.
In Spark, a partition refers to a logical division of input data into smaller subsets
or chunks that can be processed in parallel across different nodes in a cluster.
The input data is divided into partitions based on a partitioning scheme, such as
hash partitioning or range partitioning, which determines how the data is
distributed across the nodes.
Hadoop and Spark are the most popular open-source big data processing frameworks
today. Many organizations use Hadoop and Spark to perform various big data
Memory Does not leverage the memory of the Let's save data on memory with
Hadoop cluster to the maximum. the use of RDD's.
61. List some use cases where Spark outperforms Hadoop in processing.
63. How can you launch Spark jobs inside Hadoop MapReduce?
Using SIMR (Spark in MapReduce), users can run any spark job inside
MapReduce without requiring any admin rights.
Yes, it is possible to run Spark and Mesos with Hadoop by launching each
service on the machines. Mesos acts as a unified scheduler that assigns tasks to
either Spark or Hadoop.
65. When running Spark applications, is it necessary to install Spark on all the
nodes of the YARN cluster?
Spark need not be installed when running a job under YARN or Mesos because
Spark can execute on top of YARN or Mesos clusters without affecting any
change to the cluster.
66. How can you compare Hadoop and Spark in terms of ease of use?
Spark has its cluster management computation and mainly uses Hadoop for
68. Which one will you choose for a project – Hadoop MapReduce or Apache
69. Explain the disadvantages of using Apache Spark over Hadoop MapReduce?
Apache Spark may not scale as efficiently for compute-intensive jobs and can
consume significant system resources. Additionally, the in-memory capability of
Spark can sometimes pose challenges for cost-efficient big data processing.
Also, Spark lacks a file management system, which means it must be integrated
with other cloud-based data platforms or Apache Hadoop. This can add
complexity to the deployment and management of Spark applications.
70. Is it necessary to install spark on all the nodes of a YARN cluster while
running Apache Spark on YARN?
72.What are the languages supported by Apache Spark for developing big data
Scala, Java, Python, R and Clojure
73. Suppose that there is an RDD named ProjectPrordd that contains a huge list
of numbers. The following spark code is written to calculate the average -
return (x+y)/2.0;
avg = ProjectPrordd.reduce(ProjectProAvg);
What is wrong with the above code, and how will you correct it?
The average function is neither commutative nor associative. The best way to
compute the average is first to sum it and then divide it by count as shown below
def sum(x, y):
return x+y;
total =ProjectPrordd.reduce(sum);
avg = total / ProjectPrordd.count();
cnt = ProjectPrordd.count();
def divideByCnt(x):
return x/cnt;
myrdd1 = ProjectPrordd.map(divideByCnt);
avg = ProjectPrordd.reduce(sum);
77. How can PySpark be integrated with other big data tools like Hadoop or
PySpark can be integrated with other big data tools through connectors and
libraries. For example, PySpark can be combined with Hadoop through the
Hadoop InputFormat and OutputFormat classes or with Kafka through the Spark
Streaming Kafka Integration library.
There are several techniques you can use to optimize Spark performance, such
Minimizing data transfers and avoiding shuffling helps write spark programs that
run quickly and reliably. The various ways in which data transfers can be
minimized when working with Apache Spark are:
persist () allows the user to specify the storage level, whereas cache () uses the
default one.
Apache Spark automatically persists the intermediary data from various shuffle
operations, however, it is often suggested that users call persist () method on the
RDD if they reuse it. Spark has various persistence levels to store the RDDs on
disk or in memory, or as a combination of both with different replication levels.
If the user does not explicitly specify, then the number of partitions is considered
the default level of parallelism in Apache Spark.
85. What are the common mistakes developers make when running Spark
89. Why is there a need for broadcast variables when working with Apache
90. Which spark library allows reliable file sharing at memory speed across
different cluster frameworks?
91. How will you identify whether a given operation is Transformation or Action
in a spark program?
● The operation is transformed if the return type is the same as the RDD.
val rdd = sc.textFile("path/to/file.txt")
96. How can you trigger automatic clean-ups in Spark to handle accumulated
97. What advantages does utilizing Spark with Apache Mesos offer?
It enables the scalable distribution of tasks across multiple instances of Spark
and allows for dynamic resource allocation between Spark and other big data
No. Apache Spark works well only for simple machine-learning algorithms like
clustering, regression, and classification.
100. What makes Apache Spark good at low-latency workloads like graph
processing and machine learning?
Apache Spark stores data in memory for faster model building and training.
Machine learning algorithms require multiple iterations to generate a resulting
optimal model, and similarly, graph algorithms traverse all the nodes and edges.
These low-latency workloads that need multiple iterations can lead to increased
performance. Less disk access and controlled network traffic make a huge
difference when there is a lot of data to be processed.
102. What are some best practices for developing Spark applications?
Some best practices for developing Spark applications include: