Roostapour Dy KCo SMC08
Roostapour Dy KCo SMC08
Roostapour Dy KCo SMC08
Amir Yahyavi Laleh Roostapour Roohollah Aslanzadeh Nasser Yazdani
ECE Department, CEIT Department, CEIT Department ECE Department,
University of Tehran Amirkabir University of Amirkabir University of University of Tehran
Tehran, Iran. Technology, Tehran, Iran Technology, Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Abstract— In Wireless Sensor Networks maintaining Several scheduling schemes have been suggested to
complete coverage over an area is one of the fundamental minimize the effect of sleeping nodes on the desired parameter
problems. The network must be able to provide the requested (delay, connectivity, etc) in the network [7], [8], [9]. Coverage
coverage while maximizing the network lifetime through is one of the important parameters that is affected by the
scheduling sleep for extraneous nodes. The network should also scheduling scheme.
be able to configure itself to provide different levels of coverage
for different applications. In this paper we present DyKCo, a How well an area is covered can be considered as a
probabilistic method to provide dynamic k-coverage on the area measure of Quality of Service (QoS) and is subject to a wide
of an event. Our proposed method creates 1-coverage on the range of interpretation due to large variety of sensor networks’
whole sensing area and creates k-coverage on the area of a applications [10].
detected event. Our simulations show that we can achieve very
high energy savings and high coverage which result in longer In surveillance and monitoring applications, it is usually
network lifetime and higher accuracy. Due to probabilistic nature required to have at least k sensors cover each point in the
of our approach it needs much less communication than similar surveillance zone (k-Coverage). In dense networks [11] where
methods to provide k-coverage. there are more than k sensors in each area, putting sensors to
low duty cycle for energy saving, raises the question of which
Keywords— k-Coverage, Wireless Sensor networks, Sleep nodes should be active in order to maintain the same
Scheduling, Intelligent Sensor coverage[4], [12]. It means that we need a coordination
function [13] between neighbor nodes to determine the state of
I. INTRODUCTION each node in each cycle in a way that the total number of
Use of Wireless Sensor Networks with large number of sensors to cover the neighborhood is approximately k.
low-power, short-lived, unreliable sensors for a wide-range of
Reasons for requiring k-coverage [4] include:
potential applications such as battlefield surveillance, machine
failure diagnosis, biological detection, home security, smart Classification of an intruder (person, solider, vehicle),
spaces, inventory tracking, etc [1], [2], [3] has attracted a great making sure that the alarm messages reach the base station
deal of research attention. These nodes usually have a low- (considering high packet loss probability in wireless sensor
bandwidth wireless radio for communication. networks[14]), detection of false alarms due to natural
phenomena or an internal error in the sensor [15], and more
Sensor nodes usually work with small low power batteries
accuracy in estimation of target location and velocity by a
as the source of energy. Individual motes [4] can last only 100-
120 hours on a pair of AA batteries in the active mode[26] and factor of √ .
Battery capabilities are only doubled every 35 years [11]; The need for a mechanism to dynamically configure the
therefore, power efficiency is the main challenge in sensor coverage provided according to the needs of the application is
network applications. mentioned in [9]. Dynamic configuration of sensor network
Putting sensors to periodic sleep in dense sensor networks helps the network to adapt to different applications’
has been suggested as a way to increase the network requirements and maximizes the energy efficiency.
longevity[25]. Sensor nodes in the sleep mode consume only In this paper we present a probabilistic approach for
0.1% of the energy consumed in the active mode [4]. creating dynamic k-Coverage. DyKCo creates coverage (1-
Several methods for putting nodes into low duty cycle have covergae) over all the surveillance zone and k-coverage only on
been proposed [5], [6]. But inactive nodes cause higher delay, the event(s).
lower coverage and connectivity in exchange for power DyKCo saves a lot of energy since generally it wakes only
efficiency. Nodes in the sleep mode are unable to detect events 1 node instead of k-nodes in each area (in case of a detection
in their sensing range and are unable to receive or forward any this number is increased to k nodes in that area). Also
packets (in case only the transmission device is turned off computational and messaging overhead of this approach for
detection is possible). Sleep scheduling addresses this problem.
SMC 2008
receiving and transmission modes [13][15]. We assume that awakening in the nodes. All nodes should have the distribution
nodes do not have any location information. Also nodes do not type and number of the deployed sensor nodes in order to be
have any information about their neighbor’s locations or states. able to calculate the wakeup probability for 1-coverage. To
Sensing range of the all nodes is the same and communication calculate the required wakeup probability to achieve k-
range is equal or more than sensing range. Moreover, we coverage the required k should be also flooded in network.
assume if an intruder is in sensing range of an active sensor it These parameters should be flooded in the network only once
will definitely be detected. after it has been deployed. In case there is a change in these
parameters, for example, if the required k or the number of
We propose a method to provide 1-coverage over the entire deployed nodes is changed (using the same distribution) we
surveillance zone. Number of nodes that cover an area is need to re-flood these parameters in the network. All nodes
increased to k in case an event is detected by the only active after receiving these parameters calculate the sleep probability
sensor in that area. Since we don’t want to use any location required for 1-coverage and k-coverage and store them.
information or control messages to provide 1-coverage we use
a probabilistic approach to locally set the state of each node in All nodes primarily set their sleep probability to 1-coverage
each cycle. To determine the sleep probability of each node we level; therefore, since the surveillance zone is 1-covered when
use the equations presented in [4]. an intruder enters the area, it is detected by at least one sensor.
The node that has detected the intruder waits until the end of
Consider that a function is slowly growing if it is the sleep period of its neighbors and sends a broadcast message
monotonically increasing and log log , and goes to alerting others about the intruder.
infinity as ∞. Let
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All active nodes in this cycle that detect the intruder send a
broadcast message at the beginning of the next cycle. In case an
active node with wakeup probability level k-coverage doesn’t
detect an intruder it reduces its probability level to 1-coverage
(Fig. 3).
C. Misplaced k-Coverage Problem
Since only nodes that are in the communication range of the
first node which has detected the intruder can hear its broadcast
message and set their wakeup probability to k-coverage level,
we may have less than k sensors cover the intruder (As shown
in Fig. 2 we have 4 nodes cover the intruder instead of 5).
All the nodes that should set their wakeup probability to k-
coverage level are not able to hear the broadcast message (Fig.
3). Also the intruder may move before the beginning of the Figure 5. Solution to misplaced k-coverage problem, The intruder is covered
next cycle; therefore even less sensors may cover the intruder. by 6 sensors.
We call this problem the misplaced k-coverage problem.
D. MAC Support for our Method
The area that will have k-coverage in the next cycle
Our approach needs support from the MAC layer. MAC
layer should support energy saving modes (Active/Sleep
The area that
modes). S-MAC [5] and T-MAC [6] support such modes. The
should have
The area that should have k-
duty cycle of S-MAC is shown in Fig. 6.
k-coverage in
coverage in the next cycle
the next cycle Listen
if the intruder
doesn’t move
Sync RTS CTS Sleep
Figure 6. S-MAC Duty Cycle
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the intruder. The first reason this is not desirable is energy 8
efficiency. We only need to provide requested coverage from
our application. More coverage is considered as a source of
information unlike [9],[16],[17] to provide the requested 1400
coverage. This approach can be considered stealthy [25]. Also
DyKCo is compatible with current popular MAC protocols in
wireless sensor networks. 1000
In our simulations we deploy sensors in an area of size DyKCo (n/2)
150m x 150m. Sensors’ sensing and communication radius is 400
4m. If nodes have higher communication range than sensing 200 Static K-Coverage
range the number of nodes that wake up in case an intruder is 0
detected, will be higher which results in higher coverage and
15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
lower energy efficiency. Number of Deployed Sensors
Static k-coverage calculates the probability needed to Figure 8. Avergae number of active nodes in each cycle
achieve k-coverage according to [4]. All nodes have the same
probability of waking. We compare this method to our method The number of active nodes in the dynamic method is
in minimum coverage, and average coverage provided over the nearly half the number of active nodes in the static method.
intruder. We also compare average number of active nodes in
each cycle between these methods. We use the boundary Average coverage on the intruder in 10 runs of the
conditions (1) and (2) for our dynamic method in two ways, in simulation for each method with different number of sensors is
the first one (DyKCo) we use the original number of deployed presented in Fig. 9. Average coverage provided is much higher
nodes and in the second one (DyKCo with /2) we use half than the requested coverage. This shows that assuming that
that number to calculate wakeup probability. nearly half the nodes in the effective area of the intruder are
unable to hear the ALERT message is a pessimistic guess.
The average minimum coverage achieved in 10 runs for
each deployment of the sensor network for each method is
shown in Fig. 7. The requested coverage was 8-coverage.
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[9] X. Wang, G. Xing, Y. Zhang, C. Lu, R. Pless, , and C. Gill, "Integrated
18 coverage and connectivity configuration in wireless sensor networks,"
16 Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Embedded networked
Average Coverage on Target
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