Construction Morphology
Construction Morphology
Construction Morphology
Construction Morphology
385 9,151
1 author:
Geert Booij
Leiden University
All content following this page was uploaded by Geert Booij on 29 November 2017.
PE: Sharanya
Construction Morphology
CE: Shantha
6 Geert Booij*
7 University of Leiden
No. of pages: 13
10 Abstract
Dispatch: 9.3.10
15 ing complex words and word forms, and provide the recipes for coining new (forms of) words. Such
16 schemas form part of a hierarchical lexicon with generalizations on different levels of abstraction,
17 they account for holistic properties of complex words that are not derivable from their constituents,
and they can be unified into complex schemas that express the co-occurrence of certain types of
word formation. The format of constructional schemas is also appropriate for phrasal lexical units
19 with word-like functions such as phrasal names, particle verbs, and periphrastic expressions.
23 1. Introduction
24 The theory of construction morphology (CM) aims at a better understanding of the
25 relation between syntax, morphology, and the lexicon, and of the semantic properties of
Manuscript No.
complex words. It provides a framework in which both the differences and the common-
27 alities of word level constructs and phrase level constructs can be accounted for.
28 There are two basic approaches to the linguistic analysis of complex words. In the
29 morpheme-based approach, which was dominant in post-Bloomfieldian American linguis-
30 tics, a complex word is seen as a concatenation of morphemes. In this approach, morpho-
31 logical analysis is conceived of as the ‘syntax of morphemes’. For instance, the English
32 word awareness can be analyzed as the concatenation of the adjectival morpheme aware
L N C 3
Journal Name
and the nominalizing suffix -ness that evokes the meaning ‘state, property’. Similarly, the
34 past tense form walked is analyzed as the concatenation of the morphemes walk and -ed.
35 This tradition of morphological analysis is manifest in the theory of Distributed Morpho-
36 logy (Harley and Noyer 1999).
37 Alternatively, we might take a word-based perspective in which words are the starting
38 points of morphological analysis. In this kind of morphological analysis, we compare sets
39 of words like the following:
41 (1) a. bald b. baldness
42 big bigness
43 black blackness
44 British Britishness
45 We then conclude to a formal difference between the words in (1a) and those in (1b)
46 that correlates systematically with a meaning difference: the words in (1b) have an addi-
47 tional sequence -ness compared to those in (1a) and denote the property or state
48 expressed by the adjectives (1a). This paradigmatic relationship between these sets of
1 words can be projected onto the word awareness in the form of word-internal morpho-
2 logical structure:
(2) [[aware]A ness]N
5 Moreover, the set of words in (1) may give rise to an abstract schema of the following
6 form in the mind of the speaker of English:
(3) [[x]A ness]N ‘the property ⁄ state of A’
9 This schema expresses a generalization about the form and meaning of existing deadjecti-
10 val nouns in -ness listed in the English lexicon, and also functions as the starting point for
11 coining new English nouns in -ness. That is, new deverbal nouns in -ness are not neces-
12 sarily coined on analogy with a specific existing word in -ness, but may be formed on the
13 basis of this abstract schema. A new word is formed by replacing the variable x in the
14 schema with a concrete adjective. For instance, the unification of the adjective [carless]A
15 with schema (3) results in the word construct [[carless]Vness]N with the meaning ‘the state
16 of being without a car’ (source: Time, October 5, 2009). That is, through unification the
17 variables in the formal structure and the semantic specification of the schema are turned
18 into constants. Unification is the basic operation, both at the word level and the phrase
19 level, to create well formed linguistic expressions.
20 The idea that word formation patterns can be seen as abstractions across sets of related
21 words is rooted in a venerable tradition. For instance, the German linguist Hermann Paul
22 wrote in his famous Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte, published in 1880, that the language
23 learner will start with learning individual words and word forms, but will gradually
24 abstract away from the concrete words (s)he has learned, and coin new words and word
25 forms according to abstract schemas. This enables the language user to be creative both in
26 word formation and in inflection (Paul 1880 [3rd edition 1898]). This tradition is contin-
27 ued in the paradigmatic approach to word formation (Schultink 1962; Van Marle 1985),
28 and in recent work in varieties of non-transformational generative grammar such as
29 Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) (Riehemann 1998, 2001).
30 As such morphological schemas depend on relationships between words, this morpho-
31 logical model has been called the network model (Bybee 1995), and the notion ‘network’
32 is indeed a proper term for conceptualizing the set of relationships between words in a
33 lexicon (Bochner 1993). Schema (3) may be said to license the individual nouns in -ness
34 in the English lexicon. Complex words, once coined, will be stored in the lexicon of a
35 language (which generalizes over the lexical memories of the individual speakers of that
36 language), if they have idiosyncratic properties and ⁄ or have become conventionalized.
37 CM assumes that complex words, i.e. the outputs of morphological operations, can be
38 listed in the lexicon. Morphological schemas therefore have two functions: they express
39 predictable properties of existing complex words and indicate how new ones can be
40 coined (Jackendoff 1975). This conception of the grammar avoids the well known rule
41 versus list fallacy (Langacker 1987), the unwarranted assumption that linguistic constructs
42 are either generated by rule or listed and that being listed excludes a linguistic construct
43 from being linked to a rule at the same time.
44 The relation between schema (3) and the individual words that conform to this schema
45 is that of ‘instantiation’: each of the nouns in -ness listed in (1) instantiate the schema in
46 (3). Schema (3) provides a direct account of the fact that -ness is a bound morpheme that
47 does not occur as a word by itself.
48 What is the implication of word-based morphology as outlined above for our concep-
49 tion of the architecture of the grammar? How does morphology fit into that architecture?
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Construction Morphology 3 1
1 My starting point is that each word is a linguistic sign, a pairing of form, and meaning.
2 The form of a word in its turn comprises two dimensions, its phonological form, and its
3 morpho-syntactic properties. Hence, each word is a pairing of three types of information.
4 Morphology affects all three dimensions of words. That is why we need a ‘tripartite
5 parallel architecture’ of the grammar (Jackendoff 2002, 2007; Culicover and Jackendoff
6 2005, 2006). In sum, a word is a complex piece of information, and morphology deals
7 with the systematic pairing of form and meaning at the word level. In the next sections, I
8 will adduce a number of observations and arguments in favor of the claim that the notion
9 ‘construction’ and the related notion of ‘hierarchical lexicon’ are indispensable for an
10 insightful analysis of complex words. In this article I will focus on the relevance of the
11 constructional approach for word formation, but it is equally relevant for inflectional
12 phenomena, as I will briefly explain at the end of this article.
2. Constructions
16 The notion construction (defined as a pairing of form and meaning) is a traditional notion
17 used in thousands of linguistic articles and books. In most cases, it refers to a syntactic
18 pattern in which particular formal properties correlate with specific semantics that is not
19 completely compositional, but yet predictable. For instance, many linguists of English
20 speak of the passive construction because sentences with passive meaning in English have
21 a specific syntactic form that correlates with a specific passive meaning.
22 A famous example of a syntactic construction is the caused motion construction exem-
23 plified by sentence (4) (Goldberg 2006):
(4) Pat sneezed the foam off the cappucino
26 In this sentence, the verb to sneeze is used as a transitive verb, although it is normally an
27 intransitive verb. Its use as a transitive verb correlates with the presence of an object that
28 moves along a path specified by a PP. The transitivity of the verb to sneeze, and the
29 meaning component that the sneezing caused the foam to move is therefore to be seen as
30 a property of this construction as a whole.
31 The notion ‘construction’ plays an important role in a number of recent linguistic mod-
32 els: Construction Grammar (Goldberg 1995, 2006; Croft 2001; Fried and Östman 2004),
33 the Simpler Syntax Model (Culicover and Jackendoff 2005, 2006), Cognitive Linguistics
34 (Langacker 1999), and HPSG (Sag et al. 2003; Sag 2007). The following features of the
35 constructional approach are of high relevance for the further articulation of CM:
(5) Pieces of syntactic structure can be listed in the lexicon with associated meanings,
just as individual words are; these are the MEANINGFUL CONSTRUCTIONS of the
Construction grammar makes no principled distinction between words and rules: a
lexical entry is more word-like to the extent that it is fully specified, and more
rule-like to the extent that it contains variables [...].
Lexical entries are arranged in an inheritance hierarchy. (Jackendoff 2008).
44 It should be clear by now that the notion ‘construction’ has relevance for the theory
45 of word structure because complex words, like syntactic constructs, are instantiations of
46 constructional schemas. The view that complex words instantiate morphological
47 constructions is also stated explicitly in Croft (2001), Goldberg (2006: 5), and Inkelas and
48 Zoll (2005). An example of a constructional analysis of prefixed words is the analysis
49 of English be-verbs in Petré and Cuyckens (2008). Yet, the investigation of the
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
4 Geert Booij
1 constructional aspects of word structure is still in its beginnings (Culicover and Jackendoff
2 2006). The next sections will present a number of arguments in favor of the construc-
3 tional approach to word formation, and its relevance for inflection will be briefly argued
4 for at the end of this article.
3. The hierarchical lexicon
8 Let us return to the schema for English deadjectival nouns in (3). This schema can be
9 qualified as a constructional idiom at the word level, that is, a word level construction
10 with one fixed position, that of the suffix. Constructional idioms are schemas in which
11 one or more positions are lexically fixed. For instance, in the English construction Ni after
12 Ni exemplified by year after year, book after book, etc. with the meaning ‘Ns in succession’
13 the preposition slot is lexically fixed as after whereas the N positions are variables. The
14 individual deadjectival nouns in -ness are morphological constructs that instantiate
15 construction schema (3). Each individual noun in -ness listed in the English lexicon is
16 dominated by this schema and inherits its predictable properties from schema (3) and
17 from its adjectival base word. Hence, if a listed complex word is completely regular, all
18 information concerning this word counts as redundant, except for the information that it
19 exists, that is, belongs to the lexical convention of English.
20 Schema (3) is a case of derivation, word formation by means of an affix. Patterns of
21 compounding, the other main type of word formation in English, can also be represented
22 straightforwardly as constructions, as illustrated in schema (6) for nominal compounds
23 which, like most English compounds, are right-headed:
(6) [[a]Xk [b]Ni]Nj M [SEMi with relation R to SEMk]j
26 This kind of notation is used in Jackendoff (2002). The double arrow symbolizes the
27 relationship between a particular form and a particular meaning. The variable X stands
28 for the major lexical categories (N, V, A, and P). The variables a and b in this schema
29 stand for arbitrary sound sequences. The variables i, j, and k stand for the lexical indexes
30 on the phonological, syntactic, and semantic (SEM) properties of words. The use of pho-
31 nological variables indicates that phonological information does not play a restrictive role
32 in this type of word formation. In (6), the meaning contribution of the compound
33 schema is specified, as morphology deals with the correlation between form and meaning
34 in sets of complex words. The nature of R, the semantic relation between the two parts
35 of a compound, is not specified in the schema but has to be determined for each individ-
36 ual compound on the basis of the meaning of the compound constituents, and encyclope-
37 dic and contextual knowledge (Downing 1977); for a discussion of the semantic
38 regularities involved, see Jackendoff (2009). Schema (6) thus specifies only the very gen-
39 eral meaning contribution of the compound construction that it establishes a semantic
40 relation of some sort between the two constituents, and also that the right constituent,
41 which is the formal head of a compound, is its semantic head as well: a towel rack, for
42 instance, is a kind of rack, not a kind of towel.
43 The following English compounds exemplify the various options defined by schema
44 (6):
(7) NN book shelf, desk top, towel rack
VN drawbridge, pull tab
AN blackbird, greenhouse
PN afterthought, overdose, inland
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Construction Morphology 5 1
1 The four patterns listed in (7) are subcases of schema (6). They differ in certain ways. For
2 instance, whereas in NN compounding the modifier N can be a compound itself, this is
3 not the case for AN compounds:
(8) NN recursive modifier: [[reference book] [shelf]],[[kitchen towel] [rack]]
AN recursive modifier: [[snow white] [book]], [light-green] [house]
7 Therefore, we need subschemas of (6) in which such specific restrictions are specified.
8 A clear advantage of this representation of English nominal compounds is that we do
9 not need a Right-hand Head Rule (Williams 1981) to express the generalization that the
10 word class of an English nominal compound is the same as that of its right constituent.
11 Schema (6) will in its turn be dominated by a more general right-headed schema for all
12 English compounds including those with a verbal or adjectival head (brain-wash, light-
13 green), in which the head position is specified as Y (Y = N, V, A). Thus, the necessity of
14 both schemas and subschemas for English compounds illustrates the importance of the
15 notion ‘hierarchical lexicon’ for morphological analysis.
4. Holistic properties of morphological constructions
19 An important argument for using the notion ‘morphological construction’ is that it
20 enables us to specify predictable semantic properties of sets of derived words that cannot
21 be deduced from the semantic properties of their constituent parts. An example is the use
22 of full reduplication for the expression of the plural meaning on nouns in Malay:
(9) ana ‘child’ ana-ana ‘children’
rumah ‘house’ rumah-rumah ‘houses’
26 In such reduplication constructions, the notion ‘plurality’ is not expressed by one of the
27 constituents of the plural noun; it is the construction as such, a configuration with two
28 identical constituents, that evokes this meaning.
29 Another example comes from Romance languages. French, Italian, and Spanish have
30 nominal compounds of the form VN such as:
(10) a. French
chauffe-eau ‘water heater’
coupe-ongles ‘nail clipper’
garde-barrière ‘gate keeper’
grille-pain ‘toaster’
b. Italian
lava-piatti ‘dish washer’
mangia-patate ‘potato eater’
porta-lettere ‘postman’
rompi-capo ‘brain teaser, puzzle’
c. Spanish
lanza-cohetes ‘rocket launcher’
come-curas ‘lit. eat priests, anti-clerical’
mata-sanes ‘lit. kill healthy people, quack doctor’
limpia-botas ‘lit. clean boots, boot black’
47 These VN compounds are all nominal compounds, consisting of a verbal stem followed
48 by a noun in either the singular or the plural form. These are exocentric compounds, as
49 the noun on the right is neither the formal nor the semantic head of the compound. For
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
6 Geert Booij
1 instance, the Italian compound word lava-piatti does not denote a certain type of piatti
2 ‘plates’, but an instrument that washes dishes. So there is no constituent to which the
3 meaning component ‘agent ⁄ instrument’ of these compounds can be assigned, even
4 though this meaning component is systematically present in these compounds. This is
5 why one finds analyses in the linguistic literature in which a nominalizing zero-suffix is
6 postulated, on analogy with overt agentive ⁄ instrumental noun-creating suffixes such as
7 English deverbal -er. The problem of such analyses is that there is no other motivation
8 for such zero-elements than the agent ⁄ instrument meaning, and the fact that the relevant
9 complex words are nouns. The position of such a zero-affix (is it a prefix or a suffix?) is
10 completely arbitrary. In a constructional analysis, the agent ⁄ instrument meaning is speci-
11 fied as a semantic property of the VN construction as a whole. Thus, the following
12 schema can be assumed for such Romance VN compounds:
15 Schema (11) represents a morphological construction in which a specific morphological
16 form (exocentric compounds of the form VN) correlates with a non-compositional, but
17 predictable meaning. An additional predictable but non-compositional property of the
18 French exocentric VN-compounds is that they have masculine gender, irrespective of the
19 gender of the N-constituent. Exocentric compounds thus provide a strong argument in
20 favor of a constructional analysis of word formation.
5. Semantic subpatterns
24 The morphological schemas introduced above form part of a hierarchical lexicon, in
25 which schemas dominate individual complex words. By default, complex words inherit
26 the information specified in a schema, but a particular piece of information may be over-
27 ruled by an individual lexical item that instantiates that schema. For instance, the Dutch
28 suffix -baar ‘-able’ attaches to transitive verbs to form adjectives with the meaning ‘can
29 be V-ed’, for instance lees-baar ‘read-able’ derived from the transitive verb lees ‘to read’.
30 Yet, there are a few adjectives in -baar attached to intransitive verbs, such as werk-baar
31 ‘work-able’ derived from the intransitive verb werk ‘to work’. By making use of the
32 notion of default inheritance (Briscoe et al. 1993; Kilbury et al. 2006), we allow for
33 exceptional properties of words to be expressed without giving up the generalizations
34 that hold for most words of that class. In the specification of werkbaar as an existing
35 adjective of Dutch, the inherited specification that its verbal base is a transitive verb is
36 overruled.
37 In the domain of compounding, we also need subschemas because certain words may
38 receive a specific interpretation when they form part of a compound that they do not
39 have when used as independent words. This is, for instance, the case for a number of
40 nouns in Dutch NA compounds that have an intensifier meaning:
(12) Intensifying lexemes in Dutch X A compounds
Noun Example
ber-e ‘bear’ bere-sterk ‘very strong’, bere-aardig ‘very kind’
bloed ‘blood’ bloed-serieus ‘very serious’, bloed-link ‘very risky’
dood ‘death’ dood-eng ‘very scary’, dood-gewoon ‘very ordinary’
kei ‘boulder’ kei-goed ‘very good’, kei-gaaf ‘very nice’
pis ‘piss’ pis-nijdig ‘very angry’, pis-woedend ‘very angry’
poep ‘shit’ poep-heet ‘very hot’, poep-lekker ‘very pleasant’
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Construction Morphology 7 1
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
8 Geert Booij
2 (16) [on A]A + [Vbaar]A = [on[[Vbaar]A]A
3 The unification of word formation templates accounts for the possibility of simultaneous
4 use of two or more word formation patterns (in the example above the formation of
5 deverbal adjectives and on-adjectives). The availability of such unified templates is the
6 result of the language user’s ability to establish a direct relation between a base word and
7 a complex word that is two or more derivational steps away from that base word. Such
8 unified schemas do not complicate the grammar, because their properties follow from the
9 unification of independently established word formation schemas. Thus, language users
10 may coin a new multiply complex negative adjective such as Dutch onbedwingbaar ‘unsup-
11 pressable’ directly from a verbal base bedwing ‘suppress’ without an intermediate step.
12 An example of the use of a unified word formation schema from English is the simul-
13 taneous attachment of the prefix de(s) and the verbalizing suffix -ate or -ize to nouns or
14 adjectives, as in:
16 (17) Noun Verb
17 caffeine de-caffein-ate
18 moral de-moral-ize
19 mythology de-mytholog-ize
20 nuclear de-nuclear-ize
21 Stalin de-stalin-ize
22 An intermediate verb like to stalinize is certainly a possible verb. Yet, we should not
23 require the existence of this verb as a necessary intermediate step in the coining of desta-
24 linization, as it is not the case that the use of the verb destalinize presupposes that the
25 object involved has first been subject to a process of stalinization. That is, we assume a
26 unified template of the following form for verbs such as destalinize:
28 (18) [de [[x]Ni ize]V]V M REMOVE PROPERTY RELATED TO SEMi
29 In sum, by representing word formation processes as constructional schemas that can be
30 unified, it is possible to express that a multiply complex word can be derived in one step
31 from a base word that is two degrees less complex.
34 7. Word-like phrasal expressions
35 The lexicon is the repository of all simplex words and of all complex words that are idio-
36 syncratic and ⁄ or conventionalized. In addition, the lexicon has to specify multi-word
37 units that are idiomatic. The unpredictable properties of a linguistic construct have to be
38 learned and memorized by the speaker. The size of idiomatic constructs may vary from
39 sentences (for instance, proverbs) to phrases consisting of two words, the minimal size for
40 lexical phrases (for instance, the NP red tape as idiom for bureaucracy, or black death for
41 ‘pest’).
42 Lexical units may be construed productively by means of syntactic principles, although
43 they are word-like. Such constructs are sometimes referred to as ‘loose compounds’. The
44 advantage of a constructional approach to the analysis of such lexical units is that the
45 similarities with complex words can be expressed, without losing sight of the fact that
46 they reflect the syntactic principles of the language involved. Such loose compounds are
47 characteristic of Romance languages. For instance, the following French phrases are all
48 used as lexical units (Fradin 2003):
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Construction Morphology 9 1
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
10 Geert Booij
1 occurs at the end of the sentence. This shows that particle verbs are phrasal in nature, in
2 accordance with the principle of Lexical Integrity that syntactic rules cannot move parts
3 of words. Hence, we have to assume phrasal constructional schemas for the various types
4 of particle verbs, in which the specific meaning contribution of each particle is specified.
5 For instance, the specific meaning of the word op ‘up’ used as a particle is that of cogni-
6 tive activation:
9 (V’ indicates a syntactic projection of V, expressing that particle verbs are minimal
10 phrases.)
11 These particle verbs function as alternatives for prefixation in the coinage of complex
12 predicates, and this explains the restricted productivity of deverbal prefixation in
13 Germanic languages: there is strong competition from particle verb formation which is a
14 functionally equivalent means of creating complex predicates. Particle verbs can thus be
15 seen as instantiations of phrasal constructional idioms, whereas prefixed verbs are instanti-
16 ations of constructional idioms at the word level. This distinction is illustrated here by
17 means of the following minimal pairs from Dutch:
(23) Particle verb Prefixed verb
over komen ‘to come over’ over-komen ‘to happen to’
door leven ‘to continue living’ door-leven ‘to live through’
22 Prefixed verbs are not split in main clauses, unlike particle verbs. Hence, the difference
23 between the following two sentences:
(24) a. Jan komt het weekend over
John comes the weekend over
‘John comes over for the weekend’
b. Jan over-kwam een ongeluk
John over-came an accident
‘An accident happened to John’
31 In sum, particle verbs are lexical, yet phrasal units, and we can do justice to their proper-
32 ties by analyzing them as being formed according to phrasal constructional schemas. By
33 using the notion ‘constructional idiom’ for the analysis of particle verbs, we can maintain
34 the boundary between phrasal and morphological constructs, and yet do justice to the
35 word-like properties of particle verbs.
8. Inflection
39 Inflectional phenomena provide strong arguments for the constructional approach. The
40 classical problem of inflectional morphology is the complicated relation between form
41 and meaning. It is often impossible to assign a specific meaning to an inflectional affix,
42 because its actual value depends on the kind of stem it combines with, and the properties
43 of that stem, unless one allows for large sets of homonymous inflectional affixes. Con-
44 sider, for instance, the paradigm of masculine and neuter nouns (declension I) in Russian
45 (Gurevich 2006: 51):
46 (25) Masculine Neuter
48 NOM stol stol-y bljud-o bljud-a
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Construction Morphology 11 1
ª 2010 The Author Language and Linguistics Compass 3/1 (2010): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00213.x
Journal Compilation ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
12 Geert Booij
1 Short Biography
Geert Booij (1947) is professor of Linguistics at the University of Leiden, where he holds
the chair for ‘Morphology and the lexicon’. His present research focuses on the structure
of the lexicon and the place of morphology in the architecture of the grammar. After his
BA and MA studies in Dutch and general linguistics at the University of Groningen (1965–
1971), he obtained his PhD degree at the University of Amsterdam (1977) where he taught
until 1981. From 1981–2005, he was professor of general linguistics at the Vrije Universi-
teit Amsterdam. He published a number of scholarly articles in linguistic journals and books
on phonology and morphology, and three books at Oxford University Press (The phonology
of Dutch, 1995; The morphology of Dutch, 2002; and the textbook The grammar of words, 2005,
20072). Together with Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan, he edited the Handbook 2
on Inflection and Word formation (2 vols, 2000 ⁄ 2004, published by De Gruyter, Berlin). He is
the founder and editor of the Yearbook of Morphology (1988–2005) and its successor, the
journal Morphology. In 2010, his monograph Construction morphology will appear at Oxford
University Press. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Letters of the Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam (1988–1991, 1998–2002) and the University of Leiden (2005–2007), and as
member and chair of the Dutch Research Council for the Humanities (1997–2004).
Homepage with downloadable publications: 3
21 Notes
22 * Correspondence address: Geert Booij, Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre of Linguistics, University
23 of Leiden, PO Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]
27 Works Cited
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