SEM IV 21 Electronics Engineering

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Scheme of Teaching and Examination for

(Effective form Session 2020-2021 Batch), (Rev. 1.0)

SUBJECT Class Test End Semester Pass
S.No SUBJECTS Hours Assessme Total Pass
CODE Periods per (CT) Exam. (ESE) Marks
of nt (TA) Marks Marks
week Marks Marks in the
Exam Marks (A+B+C) ESE
(B) (C) Subject
Microcontroller and its
1. 2021401 03 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03

2. Consumer Electronics 2021402 04 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03

Digital Communication
3. 2021403 03 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03
Electronic Equipment
4. 2021404 04 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03
Linear Integrated
5. 2021405 03 03 10 20 70 100 28 40 03
Total : 17 350 500 15

S.No SUBJECTS Practical
Hours Pass Marks
Periods per TotalMarks(A+B
of Internal External in the Credits
week )
Exam (PA) (ESE) Subject
Microcontroller and its
6. 2021406 50% Physical 03 15 35 50 20 01
Applications Lab 50% Virtual
Digital Communication
7. 2021407 50% Physical 03 07 18 25 10 01
Systems Lab 50% Virtual
Linear Integrated Circuits
8. 2021408 50% Physical 03 07 18 25 10 01
Lab 50% Virtual
9. MATLAB 2020409 50% Physical 03 07 18 25 10 01
50% Virtual
Total: 08 125 04

S.No SUBJECTS Marks of
CODE Marks of External
Periods per Internal Total Marks Pass Marks in
Examiner Credits
week Examiner (X+Y) the Subject
(X) (Y)
Essence of Indian
10. Knowledge and Tradition 2021410 02 07 18 25 10 01
Microprocessor & its
11. 2021411 02 07 18 25 10 01
Application Lab (TW)

12. Minor Project (TW) 2021412 04 15 35 50 20 02

Block Chain through Moocs

13. 2021413 02 07 18 25 10 01
/ Swaym / Others (TW)
125 05
Total Periods per week of each duration One Hour = 35 Total Marks:750 24

Theory Credits
Subject No.of Periods PerWeek FullMarks : 100
Code20214 L T P/S ESE : 70 03
03 - - TA : 10
- - - CT : 20

Theaimofthiscourseistohelpthestudentsto attainthefollowingindustryidentified
competencythroughvarious teachinglearning experiences:


Chapter NameoftheTopic Hours

1.1 Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers, 8
Unit1 IntelMCS51familyfeatures
1.2 Microcontroller 8051: Pin-diagram,Introduction to 8051 Micro
1.3 Memory organization, Special function registers andarchitecture.
1.4 Port Operation, Memory Interfacing, I/O Interfacing.

8051instructionsetandprogramming (inassembly ssembly and C programming)

2.1 Addressingmodes.
Addressingmodes 12
Unit2 2.28051instructionset:
8051instructionset: Data Transfer,conditionalinstructions, arithmetic and
logic operations,, single bit instructions with suitable examples.
2.3 Interrupts: types of interrupts, interrupthandling.
2.4 programmable counters and timers.
2.5 Stack.
Programming ng in assembly and C
Unit3 3.1 Programming 8051 resources, interrupts. 12
3.2 Programmer’ss model of 8051, Operand types, Operand addressing,
Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logic instructions,
Control transfer instructions.
3.4 Timer & Counter Programming.
3.5 Interrupt Programming.
Interfacing with input and output devices (in assembly and C programprogram)
4.1 Keyboard, ADC, DAC, Temperature Sensors, and UART. UART 12
Unit4 4.2 Timers/counters
4.3 Stepper Motor, DC Motor.
4.4 LCD, SEVEN Segment LED LED.
S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. The 8051 Micro Controller Kenneth J. Ayala Western Carolina
architecture, programming and University

2. The8051MicroControllerandEm- Muhammad AliMazidi&Janice Eastern Company

beddedSystems GilliMazidi, R.D. Kinely Edition, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi
3 Microprocessor & Microcontroller SoumitraKumarMandal McGraw Hill Edu,
. Architecture: Programming &
Interfacing using
4 Microcontrollers:Architecture im- Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth j Tata McGraw
. plementation and Programming Hill, 2007
5 Microprocessors and interfacing: Douglas V. Hall Tata McGraw
. programming and hardware Hill, 2editon,
6 Microcontroller and Application Manish Bhargava FPH
7 “Microcontroller – Fundamentals and Valder – Perez Yeesdee
. Applications with Pic Publishers,
Tayler &
Course outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with the
above-mentioned objective:
1. Analyze architecture of microcontroller ICs.
2. Interpret the program of 8051 in assembly language for the given
3. Interpret the program by using timer interrupt and serial ports parallel
4. Interface the memory and IO devices to 8051 microcontrollers.
5. Maintain microcontroller used in different application.

Course Articulation Matrix (CAM)

Course Code: 2021401

.COnumbe CO Statement PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2

C2021401.1 Analyze architecture of microcontroller 3 1 - - - - - - -

C2021401.2 Interpret the assembly language program 2 2 3 2 - - 1 - -
by using 8051 Microcontroller for
different operations.
C2021401.3 Interpret the program by using timer 1 2 2 3 2 - 1 - -
interrupt and serial ports parallel ports.
C2021401.4 Interface the memory and IO devices to 1 2 3 1 - - 2 - -
8051 microcontrollers.
C2021401.5 Maintain microcontroller used in different - 3 3 3 2 2 3 - -
C2021401 (Average) 1.75 2 2.75 2.25 2 2 1.75 - -

Correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as:- 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) If there is no correlation, Then put “-”

Theory Credits
Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
2021402 L T P/S ESE : 70 03
04 - - TA : 10
- - - CT : 20

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:

Maintain various consumer electronic appliances/equipments.


Chapter Name of the Topic Hours

Audio Fundamentals and Devices
1.1 Basic characteristics of sound signal, Audio level metering, decibel level 09
Unit 1 in acoustic measurement.
1.2 Microphone & Types, speaker types & working principle
1.3 Sound recording principle & types.
Audio Systems
2.1 Hometheatresoundsystem,surroundsound
theatresoundsystem,surroundsound. 09
Unit 2 2.2 Digitalconsoleblock diagram, working principle, applications
2.3 FM tuner, ICs used in FM tuner TDA 7021T.
2.4 PA addresssystem.
Television Systems
3.1 Monochrome TV standards, scanning process, aspect ratio.
ratio 12
3.2 persistence of vision and flicker, interlace scanning, picture resolution,
Unit 3 Composite video signal
3.3 Colorr TV standards, color theory, hue, brightness, saturation, luminance
and chrominance..
3.4 Different types of TV camera, Transmission standards.
Television Receivers and Video Systems
4.1 PAL-D color TV receiver. 12
Unit 4 4.2 Digital TVs: - LCD, LED, PLASMA, HDTV, 3- D TV, projection TV. TV
4.3 DTH receiver, Video interface,Digital Video, SDI, HDMI Multimedia
4.4 Digital Video Interface, CD and DVD player.
Home / Office Appliances
5.1 Diagrams, operating principles and controller for FAX and 08
Unit 5 Photocopier.5.2 Microwave Oven, Washing Machine
5.3 Air conditioner and Refrigerators
5.4 Digital camera and CAM coder.
S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. Consumer Electronics Bali S.P. Pearson Education India,2010 ,
latest edition
2. Audio video systems: principle Bali R and Bali S.P. Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P)Ltd.,
practices & troubleshooting 2010Delhi , India, latest edition
3. Modern Television practices Gulati R.R. New Age
lhiYear2011, latestedition
4. Audio video systems Gupta R.G. Tata Mc graw Hill, New Delhi,
India 2010, latest
5. Mastering Digital Television Whitaker Jerry & Benson McGraw-Hill Professional, 2010,
Blair latest edition
6. Consumer Electronics Neeraj Sharma FPH (Foundation Publishing House)

7. Standard hand book of Audio Whitaker Jerry & Benson McGraw-Hill Professional, 2010,
engineering Blair latest edition.
Course outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with
theabove-mentioned objective:
1. Explain the different types of microphone and speakers.
2. Illustrate audio systems.
3. Analyze the composite video signal used in TV signal transmission.
4. Analyze the Troubleshoot color TV receiver.
5. Examine various consumer electronics appliances.
Course Articulation Matrix:
Course Code: 2021402
code.CO CO Statement PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2

Explain the Different types of

C2021402.1 3 3 2 - 1 - 1 1 1
microphone and speakers.
C2021402.2 illustrate audio system. 3 2 1 - - - 2 -

Analyze the composite video signal

C2021402.3 2 3 2 1 - 1 - 2 -
used in TV signal transmission.
Analyze the Troubleshoot color TV
C2021402.4 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Examine various consumer electronics
C2021402.5 1 2 3 3 1 - - 2 1
C2021402 (Average) 2.4 2.6 2.4 1.75 1 1 1 1.6 1

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as:- 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
If there is no correlation, Then put “-”

Theory Credits
Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
2021403 L T P/S ESE : 70 03
03 - - TA : 10
- - - CT : 20

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain basic digital communication systems


Chapter Name of the Topic Hour

1.1 Blockdiagramandsub
1.2 Sampling of low
low-pass and band-pass
pass signals, PAM, PCM, signal to
Unit 1 10
1.3 Linecodes andbandwidthconsiderations;PCMTDMhierarchies
1.4 framestructures,frame synchronization and bitstuffing.

2.1 Quantization noise analysis of DM and ADM.

2.2 DPCM and ADPCM.
2.3 Baseband transmission, matched
Unit 2 12
2.4 Intersymbolinterference(ISI), Nyquist criterion for zero ISI, sinusoidal
roll-off filtering.
2.5 correlative coding, equalizers and adaptive equalizers
2.6 Digital subscriberlines.
3.1 Geometric representation of signals, Correlation rreceiver.
3.2 Generation, detection and probability of error analysis of OOK, BPSK,
Unit 3 coherent and non-coherent
non FSK, QPSK and DPSK.
3.3 QAM, MSK and multicarrier modulation
3.4 Comparison of bandwidth and bit rate of digital modulation schemes.
4.1 Introduction to Information and Coding Theories.
4.2 Information Theory: information measures, Shannon entropy, differential
entropy,, mutual information, capacity theorem for point-to
point to point channels
with discrete and continuous alphabets.
Unit 4 4.3 Introduction to channel coding, Linear Block Codes: Encoding and 14
Syndrome Decoding.Introduction
Decoding to: Hamming Codes, Cyclic Codes, CRC
Codes, BCH Codes, Reed-Solomon
Reed Codes.
4.4 Convolutional Codes: Encoding andDecoding.
4.5 Turbo Codes: Turbo Encod
Encoding and Decoding.
4.6 Introduction to LDPC.
S. No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. Communication Systems Haykin, S 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons
2. Modern Digital and Analog Lathi, B.P. and Ding, Z Intl. 4th Ed., Oxford
Communication Systems UniversityPress.
3. Principles of Digital Communication: J. Das , S. K. New age Publisher
Signal Representation, Detection, Mullick and P.K. Chatterjee
Estimation and Information Coding
4. Digital Communications Proakis, J.G. and Saheli, M 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill
5. Digital Communication: Sklar, B., and Ray, P.K. 2nd Ed., DorlingKindersley
Fundamentals and Applications
6. Elements of Information Theory T. Cover and J. Thomas 2/e, Wiley.
7. Principles of Digital Communication R. G. Gallager Cambridge Univ. Press

8. Error Control Coding S. Lin and D. Costello 2/e, Prentice Hall.

Course Outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with the
above mentioned objective:
1. Analyze various error detection and correction codes in digital communication
2. Use various pulse code modulation techniques.
3. Maintain systems based on digital modulation techniques.
4. Select suitable digital modulation technique in different applications.
5. Use information theory to determine channel capacity various channels.
Course Code: -2021403
Course Articulation Matrix:
code.CO CO Statement PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2

Analyze various error detection and

C2021403.1 correction codes in digital
communication systems. 3 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1
Use various pulse code modulation
techniques. 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1
Maintain systems based on digital
modulation techniques. 3 3 2 1 1 - - 2 1
Select suitable digital modulation
technique in different applications. 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
Use information theory to determine
channel capacity various channels. 3 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 2
3 2.8 2 1 1 1 1 1.8 1.4

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as :- 1: Slight (Low), 2: Moderate (Medium), 3: Substantial (High), If there is no
correlation, Then put “-”

Theory Credits
Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
2021404 L T P/S ESE : 70 03
4 - - TA : 10
- - - CT : 20

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain the electronic Equipments/Gadgets/Appliance


Chapter Name of the Topic Hours

Unit 1 Fundamental Troubleshooting Procedures Inside An Electronic
1.1 Reading Drawings And Diagrams – Block Diagram, Circuit Diagram,
Wiring Diagram.
1.2 Disassembly and reassembly of equipment, Equipment Failures and
causes such as poor design, production deficiencies, careless storage
and transport, ina
inappropriate operating conditions. 11
1.3 Nature of faults, Fault location procedure, Fault finding aids – Service
and maintenance manuals and instruction manuals.
1.4 Test and Measuring instruments, special tools Troubleshooting
techniques, Approaching components for tests.
1.5 Grounding systems in Electronic Equipment, Temperature sensitive
t beattempted.
Unit 2 Passive Components and Their Testing Passive Components
2.1 Resistors, Capacitors
Capacitors, Inductors Failures in fixed resistors..
2.2 Testing
esting of resistors,variable resistors, variable resistors as
2.3 failures in potentiometers, testing of potentiometers, servicing 10
2.4 LDRs and Thermistors Types of capacitors and their performance,
Failures in capacitors.
2.5 Testing
esting of capacitors and precautions therein, variable capacitor types,
2.6 Testing of inductors and inductance measurement.
Unit 3 Testing of Semiconductor Devices
3.1 Types of semiconductor devices, Causes of failure in Semiconductor
3.2 Types of failure Test procedures for Diodes, special types of Diodes,
Bipolar Junction Transistors.
3.3 Field Effect Transistors.
3.4 Thyristors Operational Amplifiers, Fault diagnosis in op-amp
amp circuits.
Unit 4 Logic IC families
4.1 Packages in Digital ICs, IC identification, IC pin-outs, HandlingICs.
4.2 Digitaltroubleshootingmethods–typicalfaults,testingdigital ICs with 11
pulse generators.
4.3 Logic clip, Logic Probe, Logic Pulser, Logic Current Tracer, Logic
4.4 Special consideration for fault diagnosisin digital circuits Handling
precautions for ICs sensitive to static electricity.
4.5 Testing flip-flops, counters, registers, multiplexers and de- multiplexers,
encoders and decoders.
4.6 Tri-state logic.
Unit 5 5.1 Rework and Repair of Surface Mount Assemblies Surface Mount
Technology and surface mount devices.
5.2 Surface Mount Semiconductor packages – SOIC, SOT, LCCC, LGA, 9
BGA, COB, Flat packs and Quad Packs.
5.3 Cylindrical Diode Packages, Packaging of Passive Components as
5.4 Repairing Surface Mount PCBs, Rework Stations.
S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. Modern Electronic Equipment: Trouble-shooting, Khandpur TMH 2006
Repair and Maintenance
2. Electronic Instruments and Systems: Principles, R. G. Gupta Tata McGraw Hill
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Edition 2001
3. Student Reference Manual for Electronic David L Terrell Butterworth-
Instrumentation Laboratories Heinemann
4. Electronic Equipment and Maintenance Siddharth Shankar FPH
5. Electronic Testing and Fault Diagnosis G. C. Loveday, A. H Wheeler Publishing

Course Outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with the
above-mentioned objective:
1. Select maintenance policy for equipment/appliances/gadgets.
2. Select troubleshooting tools for a specified work.
3. Maintain the electronic home appliances consumer electronics products.
4. Select digital troubleshooting method.
5. Rework and Repair of Surface Mount Assemblies

Course code 2021404

Course Articulation Matrix:
Course code.CO PSO PSO
CO Statement PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7
number 1 2

Select maintenance policy for

C2021404.1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 1
Select troubleshooting tools for a
C2021404.2 1 3 2 2 - 2 2 3 2
specified work.
Maintain the electronic home
C2021404.3 appliances consumer electronics 3 2 2 1 1 - 2 2 1
Select digital troubleshooting
C2021404.4 2 3 2 2 1 1 - 1 2
Rework and Repair of Surface Mount
C2021404.5 2 1 3 3 3 - 2 3 1
C2021404 (Average) 2.2 2.2 2.6 2 1.75 1.67 2.25 2.2 1.4

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as :- 1: Slight (Low), 2: Moderate (Medium), 3: Substantial (High),

If there is no correlation, Then put “-”

Theory Credits
Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 100
2021405 03
L T P/S ESE : 70
03 - - TA : 10
- - - CT : 20

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:
1. Maintain electronics circuits consisting of Linear Integrated Circuits.


Chapter Name of the Topic Hours

Unit 1 IC Fabrication and Circuit Configuration for Linear IC
1.1 Advantages of ICs over discrete components–Manufacturing process of
monolithic ICs. 8
1.2 Construction of monolithic bipolar transistor, Monolithic diodes,
Integrated Resistors, Monolithic Capacitors and Inductors.
1.3 Current mirrors: Simple, Wilson and Widlar current mirror circuits.
Current sources as active loads.
1.4 BJT Differential amplifier.
Unit 2 Applications Of Operational Amplifiers
2.1 General operational amplifier stages and internal circuit diagrams of IC-
741. 10
2.2 DC and AC performance characteristics, slew rate, CMRR, Open and
closed loopConfigurations.
2.3 Sign Changer, Scale Changer, Linear Phase Shifter Circuits, Voltage
Follower, V-to-I and I-to-V converters.
2.4 Adder, Subtractor, Instrumentation amplifier, Integrator, Differentiator,
Logarithmic amplifier, Antilogarithmic amplifier.
2.5 Comparators, Schmitt trigger, Precision rectifier, Peak detector, Clipper,
Clamper, and Sample & Hold Circuits.
Unit 3 Analog Multiplier and Phase Lock Loop
3.1 Analog Multiplier using Emitter Coupled Transistor Pair -Gilbert
Multiplier cell–Variable transconductance technique.
3.2 analog multiplier ICs and their applications. 8
3.3 Operation of the basic PLL, Closed loop analysis, Monolithic PLL IC-
565, applications of PLL.
Unit 4 Filters and Waveform Generators
4.1 Introduction to filters: Active and Passivefilter and their ideal and
practical responses.
4.2 Standard transfer functions of Biquad (second order filters). 10
Realization of low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject and all-pass
filters using Op-Amp.
4.3 Introduction to Oscillators, Sine-wave generators: Wein Bridge, R-C
phase shift, Hartley, Colpitts, Clapp Oscillators.
4.4 Multivibrators and Square Wave Generator, Triangular wave generator,
Saw-tooth wave generator.
Unit 5 Special function ICs
5.1 IC-566 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), Timer IC-555, IC Voltage
regulators. 8
5.2 Three terminal fixed and adjustable voltage regulators–IC-723 general
purpose regulator, Monolithic switching regulator.
5.3 Frequency to Voltage and Voltage to Frequency converters.


S.No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Microelectronic Circuits (6th Edition) Adel S Sedra& Oxford
Kenneth Carless Smith

2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Robert Boylestad Pearson

3. Design with operational amplifiers and Sergio Franco Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007
analogintegrated circuits, 3rd Edition
4. Analysisand DesignofAnalog Gray and Meyer Wiley International, 2005.
Integrated Circuits
5. OP-AMP and Linear ICs Ramakant A.Gayakwad Prentice Hall / Pearson Educa-
tion, 4th Edition, 2001
6. Linear Integrated Circuits Deepak Sinha FPH (Foundation Publishing
7. System design using Integrated B.S.Sonde NewAgePub,2ndEdition,2001
Course Outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the
above mentioned objective:
1. Describe the different IC fabrication technique and use Op-Amp in Linear Integrated
2. Use various configurations of Op-Amp for different applications.
3. Troubleshoot various linear applications of Op-Amp for the given specification.
4. Maintain filters and oscillators used in various electronic circuits.
5. Troubleshoot specified applications using various linear ICs.
Course code 2021405
Course Articulation Matrix:

code.CO CO Statement PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2

Describe the different IC fabrication technique

C2021405.1 3 - - 3 - 1 1 2 -
and use Op-Amp in Linear Integrated Circuits.
Use various configurations of Op-Amp for
C2021405.2 3 - - 3 - 1 1 2 -
different applications.
Troubleshoot various linear applications of Op-
C2021405.3 3 3 2 - - - 1 3 -
Amp for the given specification.
Maintain filters and oscillators used in various
C2021405.4 3 1 - 3 - 1 1 2 -
electronic circuits.
Troubleshoot specified applications using
C2021405.5 various linear ICs. 3 - - 3 - 1 1 2 -

C2021405 (Average) 3 2 2 3 - 1 1 2.2 -

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as:- 1: Slight (Low), 2: Moderate (Medium), 3: Substantial (High),
If there is no correlation, Then put “-”

Practical Full Marks : 50 Credits

Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week ESE : 50
2021406 01
L T P/S Internal(PA) : 15
- - 02 External(ESE) : 35

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain microcontroller based systems.

S. No. Name of the Topic
1. Programming 8051 Microcontroller using ASM and C, and implementation in flash 8051
2. Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions [Assembly and C]
3. Program using constructs (Sorting an array) [Assembly and C]
4. Programming using Ports [Assembly and C]
5. Delay generation using Timer [Assembly and C]
6. Programming Interrupts [Assembly and C]
7. Implementation of standard UART communication (using hyper terminal) [Assembly and C].
8. Interfacing LCD Display [Assembly and C]
9. Interfacing with Keypad [Assembly and C]
10. Programming ADC/DAC [Assembly and C]
11. Interfacing with stepper motor [Assembly and C]
12. Pulse Width Modulation [Assembly and C]
13. Interfacing with DC motor [Assembly and C]
S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. The 8051 Micro Controller and Embedded MuhammadAliMazidi& PHI Pearson Education, 5th
Systems Janice GilliMazidi, Indian reprint
2. The 8051 Micro Controller architecture, Kenneth J. Ayala Western Carolina University
programming and applications
3. Microprocessor & Microcontroller Soumitra Kumar Mandal McGraw Hill Edu,
Architecture: Programming & Interfacing
using 8085,8086,8051
4. Microcontrollers: Architecture Tabak Daniel, Hintz Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
implementation andProgramming Kenneth j

5. Microprocessors and interfacing: Douglas V. Hall Tata McGraw Hill, 2editon,

programming andhardware 2007

6. “Microcontroller Fundamentals and Valder – Perez Yeesdee Publishers, Tayler &

Applications withPic Francis

Course outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with the above-
mentioned objective:
2. Examine architecture of microcontrollerICs.
3. Interpret the assembly language program by using 8051 Microcontroller for different operations.
4. Demonstrate the Interfacing of the memory and I/O devices to 8051 microcontroller.
5. Interpret C program using 8051 Microcontroller for interfacing ADC/DAC, UART (serial communication) and I/O
6. Maintain microcontroller used in different applications.
Course Articulation Matrix (CAM)
Course Code: 2021406
Coursecode.C CO Statement
Onumber PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2
C2021406.1 Examine the architecture of 3 1 1 - - - - - -
microcontroller ICs.
C2021406.2 Interpret the assembly language program 2 2 3 2 2 - 1 - -
by using 8051 Microcontroller for
different operations.
C2021406.3 Demonstrate the Interfacing of the 1 2 2 3 2 - 1 - -
memory and I/O devices to 8051
C2021406.4 Interpret C program using 8051 1 2 3 1 - - 2 - -
Microcontroller for interfacing
ADC/DAC, UART (serial
communication) and I/O devices.
C2021406.5 Maintain microcontroller used in different - 3 3 3 2 2 3 - -
C2021406 (Average) 1.75 2 2.4 2.25 2 2 1.75 - -

correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as :- 1: Slight (Low), 2: Moderate (Medium), 3: Substantial (High),

If there is no correlation, Then put “-”

Subject Code Practical Full Marks : 25 Credits

No. of Periods Per Week ESE : 25
L T P/S Internal(PA) : 07
- - 02 External(ESE) : 18

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain basic digital communication systems

Sl.No Name of Topic
Generation and Detection of Pulse Code Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
Generation and Detection of Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta modulation.
Simulation and Performance Analysis of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception using
3 • Amplitude ShiftKeying
• Frequency ShiftKeying
• Phase ShiftKeying.
4 Generation and Detection of QPSK signal using MATLAB

Implementation of Amplitude Shift Keying using Hardware

Implementation of Frequency Shift Keying using Hardware
Implementation off Phase Shift Keying using Hardware
8 Time Division Multiplexing: PLL ((IC-565)) based synch, clock and data extraction

9 Implement encoding and decoding

decod of Linear Block Code using MATLAB.

10 Implement encoding and decoding of Convolutional Code using MATLAB.

11 Implement encoding and decoding of Turbo Code using MATLAB

12 Implement encoding and decoding of LDPC code using MATLAB

S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. Communication Systems Haykin, S 4th Ed., John Wiley& Sons
2. Modern Digital and Analog Lathi, B.P. and Ding, Z Intl.4thEd.,OxfordUniversity
Communication Systems Press.
3. Digital Communications Proakis,J.G.andSaheli,M 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill

4. Digital Communication: Fundamentals Sklar, B., and Ray, P.K 2nd Ed., Dorling Kindersley
and Applications
5. Elements of Information Theory T. Cover and J. 2/e, Wiley.
6. Principles of Digital Communication R. G. Gallager Cambridge Univ. Press

7. A Foundation in Digital Communication A. Lapidoth Cambridge Univ. Press

8. Error Control Coding S. Lin and D. Costello 2/e, Prentice Hall.

Course Outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught
and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with the
above-mentioned objective:
7. Apply various error detection and correction codes in digital communicationsystems.
8. Examine various pulse code modulationtechniques.
9. Maintain systems based on digital modulationtechniques.
10. Investigate different shift keying methods.

Course Articulation Matrix (CAM)

Course Code: 2021407

Coursecode.C CO Statement
Onumber PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2
C2021407.1 Apply various error detection and 3 1 1 - - - - - -
correction codes in digital-communication
C2021407.2 Examine various pulse code modulation 2 2 3 2 2 - 1 - -
C2021407.3 Maintain systems based on digital 1 2 2 3 2 - 1 - -
modulation techniques.
C2021407.4 Investigate different shift keying methods. 1 2 3 1 - 1 2 - -

C2021406 (Average) 1.75 1.75 2.25 2.0 2 1 1.33 - -

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as :

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) If there is no correlation, Then put “-”
Practical Full Marks : 25 Credits
Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week ESE : 25
2021408 01
L T P/S Internal(PA) : 07
- - 02 External(ESE) : 18

Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help the students to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences:
Maintain electronics circuits consisting of Linear Integrated Circuits.

Sl .No Name of the Topic
1. a) Verify the open loop transfer characteristics of Op-Amp
Op using IC- 741. Also determine gain of b)
Inverting, c)Non-inverting
inverting and d) Buffer amplifier using IC-741onon breadboard.
2. Design Wein Bridge Oscillator using IC-741on
IC bread board and determine the frequency of
3. Design Square wave generator using IC IC-741
741 and calculate the duty cycle of the generated waveform.
4. Design an Astable Multivibrator
ultivibrator using IC-555
IC 555 Timer and calculate the duty cycle and pulse width of
the generated waveform.
5. Design aMonostable multivibrator using IC-555
IC 555 Timer and calculate the pulse width of the generated
6. Design a 2nd order active low pass filter using IC741 Op-Amp
7. Design a 2 order active high pass filter using IC741 Op-Amp.
8. Design a 2 order active band pass filter using IC741 Op-Amp
9. Design a 2 order active band reject filter using IC741 Op
10. Calculate the lock range and capture range of PLL using IC-
IC 565.
11. ConstructSample and Hold circuit using IC-741on bread board.

Course Outcomes:
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry
oriented COs associated with the
above-mentioned objective:
1. Analyze and build Op-AmpAmp circuits using IC-741
IC for linear and non-linear
linear applications.
2. Analyze the frequency response of an Op-Amp Amp in different modes of operation.
3. Analyze and design 2nd order analog filters using Op Op-Amp.
4. Analyze and design oscillators for communication systems using Op Op-Amp.
5. Select suitable linear IC and design analog circuits to perform timing operation, frequency
freq multiplication and
voltage regulation.
Learning Task 2 (Individual Task)
Formulating Psychomotor Learning Outcomes
Course Outcomes Experiment Title Lab SessionLearning Outcomes

1. Analyze and build 1-a) Verify the open loop transfer i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO.
Op-Amp circuits characteristics of Op-Amp using ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
using IC-741 for IC- 741. Also determine gain of b) iii. a) Observe the open loop transfer characteristics on CRO.
linear and non- Inverting, c)Non-inverting and d) b) Compare the input and output waveforms on CRO and
Buffer amplifier using IC-741on calculate the gain of inverting amplifier.
breadboard. c) Compare the input and output waveforms on CRO and
calculate the gain of non-inverting amplifier.
d) Compare the input and output waveforms on CRO and
2. Analyze the calculate the gain of buffer amplifier.
frequency iv. Sketch the output waveforms on butter paper from CRO
response of an screen.
Op-Amp in v. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.
different modes of 2) Design Wein Bridge Oscillator i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO.
operation. using IC-741on bread board and ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO.
determine the frequency of iii. Select appropriate values of passive components required for
3. Analyze and oscillation. condition of oscillation (CO) and frequency of oscillation
design 2nd order (FO).
analog filters iv. Connect the identified components to form Oscillator Circuit
using Op-Amp. on breadboard.
v. Observe the output waveform and find the frequency of
4. Analyze and
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.
design oscillators
systems using Op- 3) Design Square wave generator i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO.
Amp. using IC-741 and calculate the ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO.
duty cycle of the generated iii. Select appropriate values of passive components foroutput
5. Select suitable waveform. frequency.
linear IC and iv. Connect the identified components to form Square Wave
design analog generator circuit on breadboard.
circuits to perform v. Observe the output waveform and find the frequency of
timing operation, oscillation.
vi. Calculate the duty cycle of the waveform.
vii. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.
multiplication and
4) Design an Astable Multivibrator i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO.
voltage regulation. using IC-555 Timer and calculate ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO.
the duty cycle and pulse width of iii. Select appropriate values of passive components foroutput
the generated waveform. frequency.
iv. Connect the identified components to form Astable
multivibrator circuit on breadboard.
v. Observe the output waveform and find the frequency of
vi. Calculate the duty cycle and pulse width of the waveform.
vii. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.

5) Design aMonostable i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO.

multivibrator using IC-555 Timer ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO.
and calculate the pulse width of iii. Select appropriate values of passive components foroutput
the generated waveform. frequency.
iv. Connect the identified components to form monostable
multivibrator circuit on breadboard.
v. Observe the output waveform and find the frequency of
Course Outcomes Experiment Title Lab SessionLearning Outcomes

vi. Calculate the pulse width of the waveform.
vii. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.
6) Design a 2nd order active low i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO and Function
pass filter using IC741 Op- Generator.
Amp. ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
iii. Select appropriate values of passive components required for
low pass filter
iv. Connect the identified components to form low pass filter
Circuit on breadboard.
v. Plot the filter response and calculate the cut-off frequency of
the low-pass filter.
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments
7) Design a 2nd order active i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate theCRO and Function
high pass filter using IC741 Op- Generator.
Amp ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
iii. Select appropriate values of passive components required for
high pass filter
iv. Connect the identified components to form high pass filter
Circuit on breadboard.
v. Plot the filter response and calculate the cut-off frequency of
the low-pass filter.
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments
8) Design a 2nd order active i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO and Function
band pass filter using IC741 Generator.
Op-Amp. ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
iii. Select appropriate values of passive components required for
band pass filter
iv. Connect the identified components to form band pass filter
Circuit on breadboard.
v. Plot the filter response and calculate the cut-off frequency of
the low-pass filter.
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments
9) Design a 2nd order active i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO and Function
band reject filter using IC741 Generator.
Op-Amp. ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
iii. Select appropriate values of passive components required for
band reject filter
iv. Connect the identified components to form band reject filter
Circuit on breadboard.
v. Plot the filter response and calculate the cut-off frequency of
the low-pass filter.
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.
10) Calculate the lock range i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO and Function
and capture range of PLL using Generator.
IC- 565 ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
iii. Select appropriate values of passive components.
iv. Connect the identified components to IC-565 to form PLL
v. Observe the lock and capture range on CRO.
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.
11) ConstructSample and Hold
circuit using IC-741on bread i. Select appropriate settings to calibrate the CRO and Function
board. Generator.
ii. Verify the required value of power supply output using CRO
Course Outcomes Experiment Title Lab SessionLearning Outcomes

iii. Select appropriate values of passive components.

iv. Connect the identified components to IC-741 to form sample
and hold circuit on breadboard.
v. Observe the input and output waveform on the CRO.
vi. Follow safe practices while handling electronic equipments.

S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. Microelectronic Circuits (6th Adel S Sedra& Kenneth Oxford
Edition) - Carless Smith

2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Robert Boylestad Pearson

3. Analysis and Design of Analog Gray and Meyer Wiley International, 2005.
Integrated Circuits
4. OP-AMP and Linear ICs Ramakant A. Gayakwad Prentice Hall / Pearson
Education, 4th
Edition, 2001
Course Articulation Matrix (CAM)
Course Code: 2021408

Coursecode.C CO Statement
Onumber PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2
C2021408.1 Analyze and build Op-Amp circuits using 3 2 1 3 - - - - -
IC-741 for linear and non-linear
C2021408.2 Analyze the frequency response of an Op- 2 2 3 2 2 - 1 - -
Amp in different modes of operation.
C2021408.3 Analyze and design 2nd order analog filters 3 2 2 3 2 - 1 - -
using Op-Amp.
C2021408.4 Analyze and design oscillators for 2 2 3 2 - - 2 - -
communication systems using Op-Amp.
C2021408.5 Select suitable linear IC and design analog 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 - -
circuits to perform timing operation,
frequency multiplication and voltage
C2021408 (Average) 2.6 2.2 2.4 2.6 2 2 1.75 - -

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as :

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) If there is no correlation, Then put “-”

Practical Full Marks : 25 Credits

Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week ESE : 25
(2020409) 01
L T P/S Internal(PA) : 07
- - 02 External(ESE) : 18
- - - - - -

Unit-1 MATLAB Environment

1.1 Introduction, MATLAB environment, MATLAB as a calculator, MATLAB Online,
Syntax and Semantics, Help, Plotting.
1.2 Matrices and Operators: Introduction, the Colon Operator, Accessing Parts of a Matrix,
Combining and Transforming Matrices.
1.3 Arithmetic Part 1, Arithmetic Part 2, Operator Precedence.
Unit-2 Functions:
2.1 Introduction, Function I/O, Formal Definition of Functions, Sub Functions.
2.2 Scope.
2.3 Advantages of Functions, Scripts, a Problem Solving.
Unit-3 Programmer’s Toolbox:
3.1 Introduction, Matrix Building, Input-Output, Plotting, Debugging.
3.2 Selection: Selection,If– Statements, Relational and Logical Operators, Nested if–

3.3 Variable Number of Function Arguments, Robustness, Persistent Variables.

Unit-4 Loops:
4.1 For -Loops While – Loops, Break Statements, Logical Indexing.
4.2 Data Types Introduction, Strings, Structs, Cells.
Unit-5 File Input / Output:
5.1 I/O, Excel Files, Text Files, Binary Files.
5.2 Applications of MATLAB inElectrical Machine, Power system, Control System and
Power Electronics.
Unit-6 Simulink :
6.1 Getting Started, Simulink Library Browser.
6.2 Connections, Block Specification.
6.3 Toolboxes, Building Systems, Applications.

List of Practicals:
1. Basic Operations on Matrices.
2. Generate various elementary pulses (like rectangular, square, triangular, trapezoidal and sin).
2. Generation of Various Signals such as Unit impulse, unit step, square, saw tooth, triangular,
sinusoidal, ramp, sinc etc.
3. Operations on signals and sequences such as addition, multiplication, scaling, shifting,
folding,Computation of energy and average power.

4. Mesh and Nodal analysis of electrical circuits.

5. Application of network theorems such as Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition etc. to electrical networks.

6. Locating Zeroes and poles and plotting the pole-zero maps in S plane and for the given TF.
7. Simulation of DC circuits.
8. Measurement of Active power of three phase circuit for balanced loads.
9. Simulation of single-phase diode bridge rectifiers with filter for R and RL loads.

References / Text Books:

1. Books
(i) Computer Programming with MATLAB by J. Michael Fitzpatrick and AkosLedeczi
(ii) Getting Started with MATLAB : A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers by RudraPratap
2. Video Lectures (Web Links):
Course Outcomes:
1. Togeneratethe sinewaveusingMATLAB.

2. TogeneratetheimpulsesignalusingMATLAB.

3. To find the displacement andpressure using LVDT and Bellows.

4. To find the Frequency responseof capacitive Transducer
Course Articulation Matrix (CAM)
Course Code: 2020409

e.COnumb COStatement PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PSO1 PSO2

3 1 1 2 1
Togeneratethe 2
sinewaveusingMATLAB. - 1 1

Togeneratetheimpulsesignalusing 2
C2020409.2 MATLAB. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

To find the displacement and 2 1 2 2 1 2

C2020409.3 pressure using LVDT and 1 2 1

C2020409.4 To find the Frequency response of 3 2 2 1 1 - 1 2 1

capacitive Transducer.
C2020409(Average) 1 1 2 2
3 2 2 1 1

Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as :

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) If there is no correlation, Then put “-”
Term Work Credits
Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 25
2021410 01
L T P/S Internal(PA) : 07
- - 02 External(ESE) : 18
- - - - - -

Course Content:
Basic Structure of Indian Knowledge

Modern Science and Indian Knowledge

System Yoga and Holistic Health care
System: Case Studies.

S.No. Title of Book Author Publication
1. Cultural Heritage of India- V. Sivaramakrishna Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Course Material Mumbai, 5th Edition, 2014
2. Modern Physics and Vedant Swami Jitatmanand Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
3. The web of Life Fritzof Capra

4. Tao of Physics Fritzof Capra

5. Tarkasangraha of Annam Bhatta, V N Jha Chinmay International

Inernational Foundation, Velliarnad,
6. Science of Consciousness Psychotherapy R N Jha VidyanidhiPrakasham,
and YogaPractices Delhi, 2016

Term Work Credits

Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 25
(2021411) L T P/S Internal(PA) : 07 01
- - 02 External(ESE) : 18
- - - - - -


Intellectual Skills:
1. Logical development
2. Programmingskills
Motor Skills:
1. Dataentry,ErrorCorrectionandExecutionofassemblylanguageprograms
2. ConnectionSkills
List ofPractical’s:

Using microprocessor 8085 kit:

a. Demonstration and study of microprocessorkit
b. Programforadditionofandsubtractionoftwohexadecimalnumbers
c. Program for finding largest / smallestnumber
d. Programforarrangingnumbersinascending/descendingorder
e. Program for 16-bitaddition
f. Program for datamasking
g. Programformultiplicationoftwoeight-bitnumbers
h. Program using JMPInstruction
i. Two programsusing

Term Work Credits

Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 50
2021412 L T P/S Internal(PA) : 15 02
- - 04 External(ESE) : 35
- - - - - -

Term Work Credits

Subject Code No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks : 25
(2021413) L T P/S Internal (PA) : 07 01
- - 02 External(ESE) : 18
- - - - - -

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