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Current and Savings Account User Guide

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking


Part No. F20443-01

June 2020
Current and Savings Account
Oracle Financial Services Software Limited
Oracle Park

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1. Preface ...................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Audience.................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Documentation Accessibility.................................................................................... 1-1
1.4 Organization ............................................................................................................ 1-1
1.5 Related Documents ................................................................................................. 1-2
1.6 Glossary of Icons..................................................................................................... 1-3
2. CASA - An Overview ................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Major Features ........................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Major Functions ....................................................................................................... 2-2
3. Maintaining Account Class ..................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Account Class Maintenance .................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Maintaining Account Classes ..................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Invoking Account Class Maintenance Screen ............................................ 3-2
3.1.3 Statement Parameters Tab ...................................................................... 3-10
3.1.4 Preferences Tab ....................................................................................... 3-16
3.1.5 GL Lines Button........................................................................................ 3-22
3.1.6 Auto Deposits Button................................................................................ 3-24
3.1.7 Status Rule Button.................................................................................... 3-26
3.1.8 Amount Block Button ................................................................................ 3-31
3.1.9 Restriction Button ..................................................................................... 3-33
3.1.10 Statement Button...................................................................................... 3-33
3.1.11 REG Button .............................................................................................. 3-38
3.1.12 Branches/Currencies Button..................................................................... 3-39
3.1.13 Customer Categories Button .................................................................... 3-42
3.1.14 Notice Button ............................................................................................ 3-44
3.1.15 Banking Channels Button ......................................................................... 3-45
3.1.16 Default Limits............................................................................................ 3-46
3.1.17 Dormancy Button...................................................................................... 3-48
3.2 Account Class Restriction Maintenance ................................................................ 3-49
3.2.1 Maintaining Branch Preferences .............................................................. 3-49
3.2.2 Maintaining Currency Preferences ........................................................... 3-50
3.2.3 Customer Categories Button .................................................................... 3-53
3.3 Account Class Denomination Deposit ................................................................... 3-55
3.4 Account Class Group Maintenance ....................................................................... 3-56
3.4.1 Maintaining Account Class Group ............................................................ 3-56
3.4.2 Viewing Account Class Group .................................................................. 3-57
3.5 Account Class Provisioning Maintenance ............................................................. 3-58
3.5.1 Maintaining Account Class Provisioning................................................... 3-58
3.6 Account Class Transfer ......................................................................................... 3-61
3.6.1 Maintaining Account Class Transfer ......................................................... 3-61
3.6.2 Main Tab................................................................................................... 3-61
3.6.3 Auxiliary Tab............................................................................................. 3-63
3.6.4 Processing Account Class Transfer ......................................................... 3-76
3.6.5 Viewing Account Class Transfer............................................................... 3-77
3.7 Account Class Value Date Maintenance ............................................................... 3-78
3.7.1 Maintaining Account Class Value Dates................................................... 3-79
3.8 Manual Status Change Input ................................................................................. 3-80
3.8.1 Modifying Account Status Manually.......................................................... 3-80
3.9 Maintaining Turnover Limits .................................................................................. 3-83
4. Customer Accounts ................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Customer Account Maintenance ............................................................................. 4-2
4.1.1 Opening Customer Accounts...................................................................... 4-3
4.1.2 Main Tab..................................................................................................... 4-6
4.1.3 Auxiliary Tab............................................................................................. 4-15
4.1.4 Nominee Tab ............................................................................................ 4-28
4.1.5 Checklist Tab............................................................................................ 4-29
4.1.6 Capturing Additional Details ..................................................................... 4-31
4.1.7 Interest Button .......................................................................................... 4-33
4.1.8 Charge Button .......................................................................................... 4-39
4.1.9 Consolidated Charge Button .................................................................... 4-40
4.1.10 BIC Button ................................................................................................ 4-41
4.1.11 Instructions Button.................................................................................... 4-42
4.1.12 Standing Instructions Button..................................................................... 4-43
4.1.13 Linked Entities Button............................................................................... 4-44
4.1.14 REG Button .............................................................................................. 4-45
4.1.15 Account Status Button .............................................................................. 4-46
4.1.16 Restriction Button ..................................................................................... 4-47
4.1.17 Currency Limits Button ............................................................................. 4-50
4.1.18 MIS Button................................................................................................ 4-51
4.1.19 Statement Button...................................................................................... 4-53
4.1.20 Limits Button............................................................................................. 4-59
4.1.21 Documents Tab ........................................................................................ 4-63
4.1.22 Banking Channels Tab ............................................................................. 4-64
4.1.23 Joint Holder Button ................................................................................... 4-65
4.1.24 Fields Button............................................................................................. 4-67
4.1.25 Deposits Instructions Button..................................................................... 4-67
4.1.26 Billing Parameters Button ......................................................................... 4-69
4.1.27 Account Signatory Button ......................................................................... 4-71
4.1.28 Interim Transactions Report Button.......................................................... 4-75
4.1.29 Notice Preferences Button........................................................................ 4-80
4.1.30 Cards Tab................................................................................................. 4-81
4.1.31 Statistics Button........................................................................................ 4-83
4.1.32 Change Log Tab....................................................................................... 4-83
4.1.33 Cheque Book Request Button .................................................................. 4-83
4.1.34 Debit Card Request Button....................................................................... 4-85
4.1.35 Sweep In Setup Button............................................................................. 4-86
4.1.36 Closure Details ......................................................................................... 4-90
4.1.37 Generating Alert for Secure Overdraft Utilization ..................................... 4-90
4.1.38 Viewing Customer Accounts Details......................................................... 4-93
4.1.39 Viewing Customer Accounts..................................................................... 4-94
4.1.40 Viewing Customer Account Sweep History Details .................................. 4-95
4.1.41 Creating FI Customer and Customer Accounts........................................ 4-97
4.1.42 Viewing FI Customer Account Creation Details...................................... 4-108
4.1.43 Signature Details .................................................................................... 4-109
4.2 Multi Currency Account Maintenance.................................................................. 4-111
4.2.1 Opening Multi Currency Account............................................................ 4-111
4.3 Multi Currency Account Query............................................................................. 4-113
4.3.1 Opening Multi Currency Account query.................................................. 4-113
4.4 CASA Branch Parameter Maintenance ............................................................... 4-115
4.5 Address Code Maintenance ................................................................................ 4-115
4.5.1 Maintaining Address Code ..................................................................... 4-116
4.5.2 Viewing Address Code Maintenance...................................................... 4-116
4.6 Company Code Maintenance .............................................................................. 4-117
4.6.1 Maintaining Company Code ................................................................... 4-118
4.6.2 Viewing Company Code Maintenance ................................................... 4-119
4.7 Primary Party Change Maintenance.................................................................... 4-120
4.7.1 Changing Primary Party of an Account .................................................. 4-120
4.7.2 Linked Entities Button............................................................................. 4-121
4.7.3 Account Signatory Button ....................................................................... 4-122
4.7.4 Customer Change Button ....................................................................... 4-122
4.7.5 Viewing Primary Party Change Summary .............................................. 4-126
4.8 Maintaining Customer De-duplication.................................................................. 4-127
4.9 Joint Holder Maintenance.................................................................................... 4-129
4.9.1 Maintaining Joint Holder Details ............................................................. 4-129
4.9.2 Viewing Joint Holder Details................................................................... 4-131
4.10 Reserve Account Creation................................................................................... 4-132
4.11 Reconciliation of MT110 with Incoming Cheque Transactions............................ 4-133
4.11.1 Processing MT110 Incoming Message .................................................. 4-133
4.11.2 Processing Inward Cheque Clearing Transaction .................................. 4-133
4.12 Sweep-In Transactions........................................................................................ 4-134
4.12.1 Processing Escrow Sweeps ................................................................... 4-134
4.12.2 Processing Sweep-In from Linked Accounts .......................................... 4-135
4.12.3 System validations for Sweep-in at Account and Account Class Level.. 4-135
4.12.4 Sweep in and Reverse Sweep in Sequence .......................................... 4-138
4.12.5 Reversal of Sweep in Transaction .......................................................... 4-139
4.12.6 De-linking Accounts................................................................................ 4-140
4.12.7 Handling Batch Closure of Auto Deposits with Zero Balance................. 4-140
4.13 Levying Penalty Interest on Notice Accounts ...................................................... 4-140
4.14 Maintaining Notice Period for Withdrawal............................................................ 4-141
4.14.1 Withdrawal of Funds without Penalty ..................................................... 4-142
4.15 Recording Details of Lodgment Book Requests.................................................. 4-142
4.16 Quick Account Opening....................................................................................... 4-144
4.16.1 Opening CASA Account Quickly ............................................................ 4-144
4.16.2 Main Tab................................................................................................. 4-147
4.16.3 Check List Tab........................................................................................ 4-151
4.16.4 MIS Button.............................................................................................. 4-152
4.16.5 UDF Button............................................................................................. 4-152
4.16.6 Cheque Book Request Button ................................................................ 4-152
4.16.7 Debit Card Request Button..................................................................... 4-153
4.16.8 Change Log Button................................................................................. 4-153
4.16.9 Viewing Quick Customer Account Summary.......................................... 4-153
4.17 Maintaining Customer Account Limit ................................................................... 4-154
4.18 Transaction Limit Code Maintenance .................................................................. 4-155
4.18.1 Maintaining Transaction Count Limit Code............................................. 4-156
4.18.2 Viewing Transaction Count Limit ............................................................ 4-158
4.18.3 Maintaining Transaction Count Limit Code Mapping.............................. 4-158
4.18.4 Viewing Transaction Count Limit Code Mapping.................................... 4-160
4.19 Generating Notifications ...................................................................................... 4-161
4.20 Query Operation .................................................................................................. 4-161
4.20.1 Querying for Account Statistics .............................................................. 4-162
4.20.2 Querying for Month-Wise Customer Account Statistics.......................... 4-163
4.20.3 Querying Account Details ....................................................................... 4-165
4.20.4 Querying Account Transactions ............................................................. 4-168
4.20.5 Querying Accounting Reconciliation....................................................... 4-169
4.21 View Operation .................................................................................................... 4-171
4.21.1 Viewing Month-Wise Customer Account Statistics................................. 4-172
4.21.2 Viewing Customer Account Balance ...................................................... 4-173
4.21.3 Viewing Utilization of Free Amounts....................................................... 4-179
4.21.4 Viewing Dummy Numbers Associated with CIF Number ....................... 4-180
4.22 Bulk Account Status Change............................................................................... 4-181
4.22.1 Maintaining Bulk Account Status Changes............................................. 4-181
4.22.2 Viewing Bulk Account Status Change .................................................... 4-183
4.23 Closing Account................................................................................................... 4-184
4.24 Special Range/Number Maintenance.................................................................. 4-185
4.25 Releasing Track Receivable Details.................................................................... 4-187
4.26 Viewing Release of Track Receivable Summary................................................. 4-189
4.27 Deleting Track Receivable Details....................................................................... 4-190
4.28 Viewing of Deletion of Track Receivable Summary............................................. 4-193
4.29 Account Netting Structure Maintenance .............................................................. 4-193
4.29.1 Maintaining Account Netting Structure ................................................... 4-194
4.29.2 Viewing Account Netting Structure Details ............................................. 4-195
5. Customer Account Tax Allowance Maintenance .................................. 5-1
5.1 Maintaining Customer Tax Allowance ..................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Maintaining Customer Account Tax Allowance ....................................................... 5-2
6. Stamp Duty Taxation ............................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Maintaining Stamp Duty Taxation............................................................................ 6-1
7. Maintaining Passbook ............................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Passbook Compressed Transactions...................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Invoking Passbook Compressed Transactions Screen .............................. 7-1
7.2 Passbook Reports ................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Invoking Passbook Reports........................................................................ 7-3
8. Maintaining Cheque Book Details .......................................................... 8-1
8.1 Cheque Book Maintenance ..................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Maintaining Cheque Book Details .............................................................. 8-1
8.1.2 Fields Button............................................................................................... 8-5
8.1.3 View Cheque Status Button........................................................................ 8-5
8.1.4 Charge Button ............................................................................................ 8-7
8.1.5 Events Button ............................................................................................. 8-8
8.2 Cheque Details Maintenance .................................................................................. 8-9
8.2.1 Maintaining Cheque Details...................................................................... 8-10
8.2.2 Retrieving Cheque Details........................................................................ 8-12
8.3 Cheque Book Archive............................................................................................ 8-13
8.3.1 Archiving Cheque Book ............................................................................ 8-13
8.3.2 Viewing Archived Cheque Books ............................................................. 8-14
8.3.3 Querying Archived Cheque Details .......................................................... 8-16
9. Maintaining Account Structure .............................................................. 9-1
9.1 Defining Account Structure...................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Debiting Transaction into the Primary Account ....................................................... 9-1
9.2.1 Processing Amount Block........................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Maintaining Account Structure................................................................................. 9-2
9.4 Viewing Account Structure Maintenance Summary ................................................ 9-2
9.5 Pre-Advised Credit/Debit ......................................................................................... 9-3
9.5.1 Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Input ................................................................... 9-3
9.5.2 Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Summary............................................................ 9-6
10. Account Switching Service ................................................................... 10-1
10.1 Full Switch Service Process .................................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Partial Switch Service Process.............................................................................. 10-2
10.3 Processing Account Switch Service ...................................................................... 10-2
10.3.1 Maintaining Account Switching Service Parameters ................................ 10-3
10.3.2 Viewing Account Switching Service Parameter Details............................ 10-4
10.3.3 Maintaining Outgoing Information Request for Account Switching........... 10-5
10.3.4 Account Switching Service Outgoing Message Browser........................ 10-11
10.3.5 Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser........................ 10-12
10.3.6 Incoming Information Request and Response Operations..................... 10-13
10.3.7 Incoming Request Workflow................................................................... 10-18
10.3.8 Outgoing Request Workflow................................................................... 10-19
10.3.9 Redirecting the Requests ....................................................................... 10-19
10.3.10 Outgoing Balance Transfer Request and Response ............................. 10-21
10.3.11 Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response ............................. 10-24
10.3.12 Notify Switch Completion....................................................................... 10-26
10.3.13 Switch Termination ................................................................................ 10-27
10.3.14 Cancelling Payment Arrangements ....................................................... 10-28
10.3.15 Auto Completion for Partial Switch ........................................................ 10-30
10.3.16 Authorizing Account Switching Service ................................................. 10-31
10.3.17 Completing Account Switching Service ................................................. 10-31
11. Maintaining Amount Blocks ................................................................. 11-1
11.1 Hold Code Maintenance ........................................................................................ 11-1
11.1.1 Maintaining Hold Codes ........................................................................... 11-1
11.1.2 Viewing Hold Codes ................................................................................. 11-3
11.2 Amount Block Maintenance................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.1 Maintaining Individual Amount Blocks ...................................................... 11-4
11.2.2 Viewing Amount Block.............................................................................. 11-7
11.2.3 Maintaining Consolidated Amount Block Details ...................................... 11-9
11.3 Processing Amount Block Request from Channels............................................. 11-11
11.3.1 Debit or Credit Transactions Upload ...................................................... 11-11
11.3.2 Amount Block Request ........................................................................... 11-12
11.3.3 Amount Block Modification ..................................................................... 11-12
11.3.4 Release of Amount Block ....................................................................... 11-12
12. Maintaining Stop Payment Details ....................................................... 12-1
12.1 Stop Payment Maintenance .................................................................................. 12-1
12.1.1 Maintaining Stop Payment Orders............................................................ 12-2
13. Generating Account Statements .......................................................... 13-1
13.1 Account Statement Generation ............................................................................. 13-1
13.1.1 Maintaining Advice Formats ..................................................................... 13-1
13.1.2 Maintaining Account Statement Format for Account Classes .................. 13-6
13.1.3 Maintaining Message Types..................................................................... 13-7
13.1.4 Maintaining Customer Address ................................................................ 13-8
13.1.5 Maintaining Statement Generation Batch................................................. 13-8
13.1.6 Maintaining Ad Hoc Statement Requests............................................... 13-10
13.1.7 Viewing Adhoc Consolidated Statement Request Summary.................. 13-12
13.1.8 Maintaining Automatic Consolidated Statement Requests..................... 13-13
13.1.9 Viewing Automatic Consolidated Statement Request Summary............ 13-15
13.1.10 Maintaining Combined Statements........................................................ 13-17
13.1.11 Viewing Combined Statement Details ................................................... 13-19
13.1.12 Periodic Charges for Combined Statement ........................................... 13-20
13.2 Statement of Fees Generation ............................................................................ 13-21
13.2.1 Maintaining Statement of Fees............................................................... 13-22
13.2.2 Contents of the Report ........................................................................... 13-23
14. Processing Post Dated Cheques ......................................................... 14-1
14.1 Post Dated Cheque Maintenance.......................................................................... 14-1
14.1.1 Drawer Maintenance ................................................................................ 14-1
14.1.2 Post Dated Cheque Reject Code Maintenance........................................ 14-5
14.1.3 Customer Cheque Discount Details Maintenance.................................... 14-6
14.2 PDC Products........................................................................................................ 14-9
14.2.1 Maintaining PDC Products ....................................................................... 14-9
14.2.2 Accounting Roles Button ........................................................................ 14-12
14.2.3 Events button.......................................................................................... 14-12
14.2.4 Preferences Button................................................................................. 14-13
14.3 Post Dated Cheque Transaction ......................................................................... 14-16
14.3.1 Entering Details of Post Dated Cheques ................................................ 14-16
14.3.2 Viewing Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input summary .................... 14-21
14.3.3 Accounting Entries Button ...................................................................... 14-24
14.3.4 ICCF Details Button................................................................................ 14-24
14.3.5 Limits Button........................................................................................... 14-26
14.3.6 Viewing Summary of Post Dated Cheques Transaction......................... 14-27
14.3.7 Bulk Input of Post Dated Cheques ......................................................... 14-29
14.3.8 Project Details Button ............................................................................. 14-32
14.3.9 Viewing Post Dated Cheques Bulk Input Summary ............................... 14-33
14.4 Other Operations on PDCs.................................................................................. 14-34
14.4.1 Cancellation and Reversal of PDCs ....................................................... 14-34
14.4.2 Liquidation of PDCs................................................................................ 14-37
14.4.3 Return of Post Dated Cheque ................................................................ 14-42
14.4.4 Re-Presentation of Post Dated Cheque ................................................. 14-42
14.5 Events and Accounting Roles.............................................................................. 14-42
14.5.1 Events..................................................................................................... 14-43
14.5.2 Amount Tags .......................................................................................... 14-43
14.5.3 Accounting Roles.................................................................................... 14-44
14.5.4 Event-wise Accounting Entries ............................................................... 14-45
14.5.5 Discounted cheque, Advance Charge collection, with Accrual............... 14-48
14.5.6 Discounted, Advance charge collection, without Accrual ....................... 14-50
14.5.7 Discounted, Arrear charge collection, with Accrual ................................ 14-51
14.5.8 Discounted, Arrear charge collection, without Accrual ........................... 14-52
14.5.9 Purchase ................................................................................................ 14-54
15. Instrument Details ............................................................................... 15-1
15.1 Maintaining Instrument Types for Other Banks ..................................................... 15-1
15.2 Message Generation for Instruments .................................................................... 15-2
15.2.1 MT110 and MT111 Generation ................................................................ 15-2
15.2.2 Processing MT110 and MT111 ................................................................ 15-2
15.2.3 Mapping between Common Payment Gateway Fields and Instruments.. 15-3
15.3 Uncollected Funds on Payment Instruments......................................................... 15-6
15.3.1 Manual Processing for Uncollected Funds ............................................... 15-6
15.3.2 Operations that you can Perform.............................................................. 15-7
15.3.3 Intra-day Release of Uncollected Funds .................................................. 15-8
15.3.4 Querying for Details on Overdrawn Accounts ........................................ 15-10
16. Delinquency Maintenance ..................................................................... 16-1
16.1 DQ Product Definition............................................................................................ 16-1
16.1.1 Maintaining DQ Product Details ............................................................... 16-1
16.1.2 Specifying the Accounting Role Details.................................................... 16-2
16.1.3 Specifying the Preferences Details........................................................... 16-3
16.1.4 Specifying the Events Details ................................................................... 16-5
16.1.5 Viewing DQ Product Summary................................................................. 16-5
16.2 DQ Ad hoc Liquidation........................................................................................... 16-6
16.2.1 Maintaining DQ Ad hoc Liquidation .......................................................... 16-6
16.2.2 Viewing DQ Ad hoc Liquidation Summary................................................ 16-7
16.3 DQ Online Liquidation ........................................................................................... 16-8
16.3.1 Capturing DQ Online Liquidation Details.................................................. 16-8
16.3.2 Viewing DQ Online Liquidation Summary ................................................ 16-9
16.4 DQ General Parameter Maintenance .................................................................. 16-10
16.4.1 Maintaining DQ General Parameters ..................................................... 16-10
16.4.2 Viewing DQ General Parameter Maintenance Summary ....................... 16-12
16.5 DQ Transaction Amendment ............................................................................... 16-13
16.5.1 Capturing DQ Transaction Amendment Details ..................................... 16-13
16.5.2 Viewing DQ Transaction Amendment Summary .................................... 16-14
16.6 DQ Product - Penality Rate Maintenance............................................................ 16-15
16.6.1 Maintaining Penality Rate for DQ Product.............................................. 16-15
16.6.2 Viewing DQ Product - Penality Rate Summary ...................................... 16-16
16.7 Delinquency Processing ...................................................................................... 16-17
17. Annual Percentage Yield for CASA Accounts .................................... 17-1
17.1 Specifying the APY Basis ...................................................................................... 17-1
18. Batch Processing .................................................................................. 18-1
18.1 Batch Processes.................................................................................................... 18-1
18.1.1 Batch Process for Liquidating PDC Linked Schedules............................. 18-1
18.1.2 Processing of Customer De-duplication Batch ......................................... 18-2
18.1.3 Processing Message Generation for Combined Statement ..................... 18-2
18.1.4 Sweep In and Sweep Out Batch Processing............................................ 18-2
18.1.5 DQDBDLQD ............................................................................................. 18-3
18.1.6 DQDBPLQD ............................................................................................. 18-3
19. Reports ................................................................................................... 19-1
19.1 Maintaining Printing Options for Reports............................................................... 19-2
19.2 Account Cheque Details Report ............................................................................ 19-3
19.2.1 Generating Account Cheque Details Report ............................................ 19-3
19.2.2 Selection Options ..................................................................................... 19-3
19.2.3 Contents of the report............................................................................... 19-4
19.3 CASA Stop Payment Report ................................................................................. 19-4
19.3.1 Generating CASA Stop Payment Report.................................................. 19-5
19.3.2 Selection Options ..................................................................................... 19-5
19.3.3 Contents of the report............................................................................... 19-5
19.3.4 Customer Statistics Report....................................................................... 19-6
19.4 Account Statement Reports................................................................................... 19-8
19.4.1 Generating Account Statement Reports................................................... 19-8
19.4.2 Contents of the report............................................................................. 19-13
19.4.3 Viewing Charge Details .......................................................................... 19-15
19.4.4 Viewing Events ....................................................................................... 19-16
19.5 PDC Summary Report......................................................................................... 19-16
19.5.1 Generating PDC Summary Report ......................................................... 19-16
19.5.2 Contents of the report............................................................................. 19-17
19.6 Cheque Cancellation Report ............................................................................... 19-18
19.6.1 Generating Cheque Cancellation Report................................................ 19-18
19.6.2 Contents of the Report ........................................................................... 19-18
19.7 Interest Statement Report ................................................................................... 19-19
19.7.1 Generating Interest Statement Report.................................................... 19-19
19.7.2 Contents of the Report ........................................................................... 19-20
19.8 Dormant Activated Report ................................................................................... 19-22
19.8.1 Generating Dormant Activated Report ................................................... 19-22
19.8.2 Contents of the Report ........................................................................... 19-22
19.9 Stop Cheques Maintained Report ....................................................................... 19-23
19.9.1 Generating Stop Cheques Maintained Report........................................ 19-24
19.9.2 Contents of the Report ........................................................................... 19-24
19.10 Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report ............................................................. 19-25
19.10.1 Generating Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report ............................ 19-25
19.10.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-26
19.11 Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report .................................................... 19-27
19.11.1 Generating Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report.................... 19-27
19.11.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-28
19.12 Account Status Movement Report....................................................................... 19-29
19.12.1 Generating Account Status Movement Report ...................................... 19-29
19.12.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-30
19.13 Variances Maintained Today Report ................................................................... 19-31
19.13.1 Generating Variances Maintained Today Report .................................. 19-31
19.13.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-31
19.14 Operating Instructions Not Captured Report ....................................................... 19-32
19.14.1 Generating Operating Instructions Not Captured Report ...................... 19-32
19.14.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-33
19.15 Minor Customer Details Report ........................................................................... 19-34
19.15.1 Generating Minor Customer Details Report .......................................... 19-35
19.15.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-35
19.16 CASA-Overdraft Report....................................................................................... 19-36
19.16.1 Generating CASA-Overdraft Report ...................................................... 19-36
19.16.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-37
19.17 Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report ................................................... 19-38
19.17.1 Generating Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report .................. 19-38
19.17.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-39
19.18 CRR Movement Report ....................................................................................... 19-40
19.18.1 Generating CRR Movement Report ...................................................... 19-40
19.18.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-41
19.19 VAT Deduction Report......................................................................................... 19-42
19.19.1 Generating VAT Deduction Report........................................................ 19-43
19.19.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-43
19.20 Customer De-duplication Report ......................................................................... 19-44
19.20.1 Generating Customer De-duplication Report ........................................ 19-44
19.20.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-44
19.21 Account Opened and Activated Report ............................................................... 19-45
19.21.1 Generating Account Opened and Activated Report .............................. 19-45
19.21.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-46
19.22 Account Block and Reason Report...................................................................... 19-47
19.22.1 Generating Account Block and Reason Report..................................... 19-47
19.22.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-48
19.23 Account Closure and Reason Report .................................................................. 19-49
19.23.1 Generating Account Closure and Reason Report ................................. 19-49
19.23.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-49
19.23.3 Account Open or Close Report.............................................................. 19-50
19.23.4 Generating Account Open or Close Report........................................... 19-51
19.23.5 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-51
19.24 Passbook Details Report ..................................................................................... 19-52
19.24.1 Generating Passbook Details Report .................................................... 19-52
19.24.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-53
19.25 Account Balance List Report ............................................................................... 19-53
19.25.1 Generating Account Balance List Report .............................................. 19-54
19.25.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-54
19.26 Customer Limit Position Tracking Report ............................................................ 19-55
19.26.1 Generating Customer Limit Position Tracking Report ........................... 19-55
19.26.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-56
19.27 All Dormant Account Report ................................................................................ 19-57
19.27.1 Generating All Dormant Account Report ............................................... 19-57
19.27.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-57
19.28 Debit Card Issued Report .................................................................................... 19-58
19.28.1 Generating Debit Card Issued Report ................................................... 19-59
19.28.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-59
19.29 New Minor Account Report.................................................................................. 19-60
19.29.1 Generating New Minor Account Report................................................. 19-60
19.29.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-61
19.29.3 Non Resident Account Report ............................................................... 19-62
19.29.4 Generating Non Resident Account Report ............................................ 19-62
19.29.5 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-62
19.30 Document Checklist Report................................................................................. 19-63
19.30.1 Generating Document Checklist Report ................................................ 19-64
19.30.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-64
19.31 Customer Account Branch Transfer Report ........................................................ 19-65
19.31.1 Generating Customer Account Branch Transfer Report........................ 19-65
19.31.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-66
19.32 Customer Cheque Discounting Report................................................................ 19-67
19.32.1 Generating Customer Cheque Discounting Report ............................... 19-67
19.32.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-67
19.33 Cancelled or Rejected Report ............................................................................. 19-68
19.33.1 Generating Cancelled or Rejected Report............................................. 19-68
19.33.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-68
19.34 Large Debit Balance Report ................................................................................ 19-69
19.34.1 Generating Large Debit Balance Report ............................................... 19-69
19.34.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-69
19.35 Ad-Hoc Combined Statement.............................................................................. 19-70
19.35.1 Generating Ad-Hoc Combined Statement ............................................. 19-71
19.35.2 Charge Details....................................................................................... 19-72
19.36 Combined Statement Generation Report ............................................................ 19-73
19.36.1 Generating Combined Statement Generation Report ........................... 19-73
19.36.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-73
19.37 Customer Change Report.................................................................................... 19-74
19.37.1 Generating Customer Change Report................................................... 19-74
19.37.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-75
19.38 Passbook Issued Report ..................................................................................... 19-75
19.38.1 Invoking Passbook Issued Report Screen............................................. 19-75
19.38.2 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 19-77
20. Glossary ................................................................................................. 20-1
20.1 Important Terms .................................................................................................... 20-1
21. Annexure A ............................................................................................. 21-1
21.1 Format of PD_PDC_CAN Message Type ............................................................. 21-1
22. Annexure B - Accounting Entries ........................................................ 22-1
22.1 Accounting Entries and Advices for CASA ............................................................ 22-1
22.2 Events.................................................................................................................... 22-1
22.3 Amount Tags ......................................................................................................... 22-1
22.4 Accounting Roles................................................................................................... 22-2
22.5 Event-wise Accounting Entries for Products.......................................................... 22-4
22.5.1 Accounting Entries for Interest Products .................................................. 22-5
22.5.2 Accounting Entries for Discounted Cheques .......................................... 22-14
23. Annexure C - IC Rule Set-up ................................................................. 23-1
23.1 IC Rule Maintenance ............................................................................................. 23-1
23.1.1 Maintaining IC Rule .................................................................................. 23-1
23.1.2 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer........ 23-2
23.1.3 Debit Interest on Current Accounts .......................................................... 23-6
23.1.4 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer ............................... 23-8
23.1.5 Charge as Dr Interest when the Balance is Less than
Minimum Average Balance..................................................................... 23-15
23.1.6 Dormancy Charge .................................................................................. 23-18
23.2 UDE Value Maintenance ..................................................................................... 23-19
23.2.1 Maintaining UDE Value .......................................................................... 23-19
23.2.2 Interest on Saving and current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer ..... 23-20
23.2.3 Debit Interest on Current Accounts ........................................................ 23-21
23.2.4 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer ............................. 23-21
23.2.5 Interest on Liqd Before Month End on Saving and Current
Bank Accounts For Retail Customer ...................................................... 23-21
23.2.6 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts For Retail Customer .... 23-21
23.2.7 Charge On Less Average Balance ......................................................... 23-21
23.2.8 Stamp Duty Taxation .............................................................................. 23-23
23.3 IC Rates Maintenance ......................................................................................... 23-24
24. Annexure D - Tags ................................................................................. 24-1
24.1 Account Statement Tags ....................................................................................... 24-1
25. Annexure E - Functions Supporting Financial Inclusion .................. 25-1
26. Function ID Glossary ............................................................................. 26-1
1. Preface
1.1 Introduction
This manual is designed to help you quickly get acquainted with the Current and Savings
Account sub-module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

It provides an overview to the module, and provides information on using the Current and
Savings Account sub-module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Besides this User Manual, you can obtain information specific to a particular field by placing
the cursor on the relevant field and striking <F1> on the keyboard.

1.2 Audience
This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:

Role Function

Back office clerk Input functions for contracts

Back office managers/officers Authorization functions

Product Managers Product definition and authorization

End of day operators Processing during end of day/ beginning of day

Financial Controller / Product Managers Generation of reports

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

1.4 Organization
This manual is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter Description

Chapter 1 Preface gives information on the intended audience. It also lists

the various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Chapter 2 CASA - an Overview is a snapshot of the features that the module


Chapter 3 Maintaining Account Class talks on how to maintain account

classes for a customer account.

Chapter 4 Maintaining Customer Accounts explains how you can maintain

accounts in your bank for customers

Chapter 5 Maintaining Tax Allowance Limit explains how you can maintain
tax-free allowance limit at the customer account level

Chapter 6 Maintaining Stamp Duty Taxation explains the workflow of Stamp
Duty Taxation, and the options to define the same.

Chapter 7 Maintaining Passbook describes the information required for issu-

ance of passbook to customers.

Chapter 8 Maintaining Cheque Book Details gives information pertaining to

the maintenance of Cheque books issued to customers.

Chapter 9 Maintaining Account Structure explains the account structure sup-

ported in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 10 Account Switching Service explains about account switch services

supported by Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 11 Maintaining Amount Blocks gives details on maintaining amount

blocks placed on customer accounts.

Chapter 12 Maintaining Stop Payment Details explains how you maintain

details of stop payment instructions on Cheques issued by cus-

Chapter 13 Generating Account Statements explains the maintenances for

account statement generation.

Chapter 14 Processing Post Dated Cheques describes how Oracle FLEX-

CUBE processes post dated Cheques.

Chapter 15 Instrument Details explains how the reference information needed

for entry of instrument-based transactions in the Oracle FLEX-
CUBE Branch system can be maintained.

Chapter 16 Annual Percentage Yield for CASA accounts explains how Annual
Percentage Yield (APY) on customer accounts is processed in

Chapter 17 Batch Processing describes the various batch operations done in

this module which are required for batch processing.

Chapter 18 Reports gives the list of reports that can be generated for this
module in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Chapter 19 Glossary gives a list of important terms used in the manual.

Chapter 20 Annexure A details format of ‘PD_PDC_CAN’ message.

Chapter 21 Annexure B - Accounting Entries gives the event-wise accounting

entries for CASA module.

Chapter 22 Annexure C – IC Rule Set-up gives the IC rule set-up for CASA

Chapter 23 Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen

IDs used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Related Documents

 The Procedures User Manual
 The Settlements User Manual

1.6 Glossary of Icons
This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.

Icons Function


Add row

Delete row

Option List

2. CASA - An Overview
Current Account and Savings Account, commonly referred to as CASA, is one of the modular
sub-systems in the Oracle FLEXCUBE system. Through this system your bank can execute
the following functions:
 Create a customer account
 Capture details of a Cheque book issued to a customer
 For each Cheque book, the details of which you have maintained, the system generates
a status matrix. This matrix stores the status of each leaf of the Cheque book. When no
transaction has taken place the status of the Cheque is stored as ‘unused’. Whenever
a Cheque based transaction is initiated by Data Entry modules the status of this Cheque
moves from ‘unused’ to ‘used’ in this matrix. Subsequently, if a Cheque is canceled or
rejected the status can be updated in the status matrix.
 Apart from this, tracking and upholding a stop payment instruction against Cheques, is
also a function that this sub-system supports. These stop payment instructions,
normally coming from a customer against a Cheque or a series of Cheque or an amount
for which a Cheque was issued; are applicable for a period or indefinitely.

Yet another feature supported by CASA is the facility to define amount blocks for accounts
(as per a customer’s instruction or the instruction of the bank). The system processes the
expiry of such blocks automatically.

To put it briefly in the CASA sub-system you maintain the following details:
 Cheque books issued to customers
 Amount blocks enforced against accounts
 Stop payment instructions issued by customers

These details are maintained in what are called data tables and are called forth for interface
during a Cheque processing by the Data Entry system. These tables are:
 ‘Cheque Book Details’, ‘Cheque Status’ and ‘Cheque Details’ where you maintain
Cheque book details
 ‘Amount block maintenance’ where you maintain amount blocks against particular
 ‘Stop Payment’ where you maintain stop payment instructions issued against a Cheque
or range of Cheques

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 2.1, "Major Features"
 Section 2.2, "Major Functions"

2.1 Major Features

There are three major features this system provides:
 A service which returns the status of the Cheque
 A service which updates the status of the Cheque
 A service which will process initiation and expiry of stop payment instructions and
amount blocks

2.2 Major Functions
The major functions, which the system provides, are the following:

Function Details

Maintenance It provides for maintenance of Cheque books issued for a customer

account, with a provision to track and update the status of each
Cheque leaf in the book
Maintenance of stop payment instructions issued by customers based
on, either, Cheque numbers, or, the amount for which the Cheque, or
Cheques, were issued
A facility to maintain amount blocks on customer accounts

Processing Whenever a Cheque-based transaction is initiated, the system will alert

the user about the status of the Cheque
In case of a stop payment instruction enforced against that account
number, the system will verify whether the details of the Cheque and
the stop payment instructions match. It will warn the user accordingly,
and ask for an override
In case of amount blocks, the system takes care of the minimum bal-
ance to be maintained in the account while monitoring Limits.
The system allows the debit transactions initiated from branch over the
counter or through inward clearing to utilize the uncollected funds when
the transaction amount exceeds the account balance by doing a force
debit against the uncollected funds.

Reports Two types of reports can be generated:

Details of all Cheques processed along with their status.
Details of stop payment instructions enforced against various accounts.
Details of records that have been purged.

Purge The user has the facility to purge old records which are no longer being

3. Maintaining Account Class
While defining CIF records and Customer Accounts, you would have noticed that many of the
fields have option lists positioned next to them. While some option lists contain pre-defined
values for some option lists to be populated you need to capture data through separate
screens. For instance, while maintaining CIF records you need to associate each customer
with a customer category. For this purpose you will need to maintain customer categories
before you begin to maintain CIF records. Similarly, each customer account needs to be
associated with an account class. Therefore, you will need to maintain account classes before
you start defining customer accounts.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 3.1, "Account Class Maintenance"
 Section 3.2, "Account Class Restriction Maintenance"
 Section 3.3, "Account Class Denomination Deposit"
 Section 3.4, "Account Class Group Maintenance"
 Section 3.5, "Account Class Provisioning Maintenance"
 Section 3.6, "Account Class Transfer"
 Section 3.7, "Account Class Value Date Maintenance"
 Section 3.8, "Manual Status Change Input"
 Section 3.9, "Maintaining Turnover Limits"

3.1 Account Class Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 3.1.1, "Maintaining Account Classes"
 Section 3.1.2, "Invoking Account Class Maintenance Screen"
 Section 3.1.3, "Statement Parameters Tab"
 Section 3.1.4, "Preferences Tab"
 Section 3.1.5, "GL Lines Button"
 Section 3.1.6, "Auto Deposits Button"
 Section 3.1.7, "Status Rule Button"
 Section 3.1.8, "Amount Block Button"
 Section 3.1.9, "Restriction Button"
 Section 3.1.10, "Statement Button"
 Section 3.1.11, "REG Button"
 Section 3.1.12, "Branches/Currencies Button"
 Section 3.1.13, "Customer Categories Button"
 Section 3.1.14, "Notice Button"
 Section 3.1.15, "Banking Channels Button"
 Section 3.1.16, "Default Limits"
 Section 3.1.17, "Dormancy Button"

3.1.1 Maintaining Account Classes

In the Oracle FLEXCUBE system, you can classify the customer accounts of your bank into
different groups and assign each an identifying code. For instance, you may define a group

called INDSB to represent savings accounts held by individuals, SB-INS to comprise
institutional savings accounts, COR-CU for corporate current accounts.

Each group is referred to as an Account Class and is maintained in the ‘Account Class’
screen. For each class, you also define certain common attributes applicable to all accounts
in this class, such as, the General Ledger lines to which the accounts in this class report to,
facilities granted to the account holders (pass book, check book, ATM etc.).

In the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen, where you open accounts for the customers
of your bank, each customer account is linked to an account class, and the attributes defined
for the account class are by default applicable to the customer account. For instance, if the
frequency of account statement generation has been defined as daily for an account class
CU-COR, the system generates statements for all accounts under this class on a daily basis.
However, some of the parameters defined for the account class, can be revised at the account
level for any of the accounts linked to the class. Account level parameters will supersede
those defined for the account class.

While defining the account classes you should also keep in mind that the interest rate
structure is also specified for an account class (in the Interest and Charges module).

The account class table is maintained at the Bank Level by the Head Office branch

3.1.2 Invoking Account Class Maintenance Screen

You can invoke the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDACCLS’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Defining an Account Class includes the maintenance of the following parameters:

Assigning a unique Code to the Account Class and associating an appropriate description
with the class

Indicating the type of account for which account class is being maintained

Specifying the period after which accounts in this class should become dormant if no
customer transaction is posted into the account.

Indicating the date from when new accounts can be created under the account class.

Indicating the end date after which the new accounts cannot be created for the account class.

Maintaining the different statuses applicable to the accounts for which the account class is
being defined. This would be used for tracking NPA’s on current and savings accounts.

Maintaining status-wise GLs for provisioning

Identifying the reporting lines (GL Line, Central Bank Lines and the Head Office Lines) for
each status.

Maintaining account statement details like the type of statement that is to be generated, the
frequency at which statements should be generated for all accounts under a class.

Indicating the preferences unique to an account class like the check book, passbook or ATM
facilities to be given to account holders under this account class; whether overdraft facility
should be allowed for accounts linked to this class; whether the credit limit should be checked
for all accounts under the class; interest and charges to be computed for accounts under this

Specifying preferences regarding account holder facilities, interest computation etc.

Indicating whether status change for all accounts belonging to the account class should be
automatic or manual.

Identifying and assigning preferred branches, currencies and customers to the account class.

Specifying whether receivables should be tracked for the account class. This specification will
default to all accounts that are linked to this account class.

Specifying whether reordering of Cheque Books for all accounts linked to this account class
should be triggered automatically or not. If yes, the parameters for the same.

Specifying liquidation preferences for debit interest and charges, to notify your customers
through a Debit Interest Notification message (in the case of charges, a Charge Notification
message) before debiting the customer’s personal current account for debit interest or

Maintaining initial funding details for new accounts.

Indicating whether Escrow transfer is applicable or not for new accounts

Each of the parameters has been discussed in detail in the subsequent sections

Account Class and Description

The account class code is a unique 6-character code, which identifies the class. Along with
the class code you need to assign an appropriate description to the account class.

For instance, let us assume you are defining a class for savings account of individuals. You
could associate the code SB IND with it. Similarly, the description that you associate with it
could be something like this – ‘Savings accounts of individuals’.

Multi Currency Accounts

The multi-currency account class Flag is applicable only for current and savings account.

Account Type
The six different types of accounts that you can maintain are:
 Nostro account - your bank’s accounts with another bank
 Miscellaneous Debit - Each transaction is entered with a reference number. In the
miscellaneous debit account a single debit transaction is matched subsequently with
credits against the same reference number.

While posting transactions into this account, if the first entry is a debit, the subsequent
reconciling entries should be all credits.

The system gives you a break-up of the balance by the reference number
 Miscellaneous Credit - as in miscellaneous debit account, in the miscellaneous credit
accounts you post each transaction with a reference number. In a miscellaneous credit
account a single credit entry is matched subsequently with debit entries with the same
reference number.

The system gives you a break-up of the balance by reference numbers

 Savings Account
 Current Account

Account Code
As per your bank’s requirement you can choose to classify account classes into different
account codes. The bank can decide the manner in which the account classes are to be
assigned to different account codes. An account code can consist of a maximum of four

Depending on the customer account mask maintained, the value in the account code field
would be used during the generation of customer account numbers through the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

If you have decided to include account code as part of the customer account number (in the
account number mask), then at the time of creating a new customer account number, you will
need to select the account class for the account number being generated. In the option-list
provided, the account class is displayed along with the associated account code. When the
account number gets populated, it is the account code that forms a part of the customer
account number.

IBAN Account Type

Specify the IBAN account type if BBAN format has an account type.
Start Date
Specify the date from which the account class should become active, using the adjoining
calendar. You will be able to create accounts under this account class from this date.

End Date
You can also specify the life span of the account class by indicating the end date.

The end date for an account class refers to the termination date after which, creation of new
account under the account class is disallowed.

Consequently, the option list for Account Class in all further transactions screen in Oracle
FLEXCUBE, will not display the ‘expired’ account class as of the system date. However, the
existing accounts for the account class will be active even after the end date.

If you do not specify an End Date for the account class, the account is taken to be an open-
ended account class.

Dormancy Days
You have to indicate the period after which an account in an account class becomes inactive
or dormant if customer transactions are not posted into the account. The system allows only
three numeric characters for Dormancy Days.

However, while maintaining transaction codes, if you have checked the Consider for Ac-
count Activity field, all transactions posted to any account under this account class linked
to the particular transaction code will become active from dormant irrespective of the dor-
mancy period. If a customer-initiated transaction is posted into the account with the
dormant status the account status will be updated to Active from Dormant since the Trans-
action Code associated with the account has the Consider for Account Activity option en-

Dormancy Parameters
As stated above, if Transaction Code associated with the account has the Consider for
Account Activity option enabled, the dormant status of the account will be updated to Active.
Apart from this, you can specify the parameter that is required for re activating the account.
To indicate the re activation parameters for the dormant account choose any from the
following options:
 Debit
 Credit
 Any
 Manual

In case of a transaction, the system will check for the parameter you have specified here and
accordingly change the status of the account. However, the parameter maintained at the
account level will super cede the parameter you have specified here.

Account Statement Format

Specify the format in which account statement should be generated. The adjoining option list
displays all valid formats maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Display IBAN in Advices

For an account class you can indicate whether the IBAN number of the customers involving
the accounts within the class should be printed on advices sent to the customer. If you would
like to print the IBAN number of the customers on advices sent to the customers involving the
account class, you can enable the Display IBAN in Advices option by checking it.

Your specification will be made applicable to all customers linked to the account class. You
will be allowed to change this option for a specific account.

IBAN Account numbers for specific customers can be captured while defining a specific
account through the IBAN Sub-screen of the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen.

Dual Ccy Deposit
Check this box to enable the account class for Dual Currency Deposit (DCD) type.

Dual Currency Deposit (DCD) is a short-term currency-linked deposit that allows you to earn
a higher interest rate than regular time deposits.

You will be allowed to check this field only for ‘Deposit’ Account Type. If this box is checked
for other Account types, system throws an error.

Natural GL
The reporting of all turnovers of the particular account class will be directed to the GL that you
identify as the natural GL. Based on the characteristic of the account balance; you can specify
whether the turnover is to be posted to the Debit GL or to the Credit GL. For instance, if the
account class is for overdrafts, the balance is normally a debit whereas current accounts
normally do not have a debit balance.

Applicable Customer Status

Specify the applicable customer status from the drop-down list. The available options are:
 Major
 Minor
 Both
 Not Applicable

– By default ‘Not applicable’ option would be selected when a new account class is
– If you select ‘Minor’ option at the CIF level and ‘Applicable customer status’ as
‘Major’ at the account class level then the system displays an error message as
“The A/c class you selected is for major customer.”
– Similarly if you uncheck ‘Minor’ option at the CIF level and select ‘Applicable cus-
tomer status’ as ‘Minor’ at the account class level then the system displays an error
messages as “The A/c class you selected is for minor customer”

Specifying Liquidation Preferences for Debit Interest and Charges

You must specify the liquidation preferences for debit interest and charges, for those accounts
classes where interest/charge has to be debited from a Receivable GL before actually
debiting the customer account. This feature is applicable only for the debit interest and any
charges on the account calculated through the IC module. The preferences that you need to
specify are:
 Liquidate Using Receivable - Indicates whether receivable tracking is required for IC
Debit interest and IC charges
 Debit Notice – enabling this option indicates that a notification needs to be sent to
customers before debiting the customer account for the interest / charge calculated for
the period.
 Liquidation Days – specifies the number of working days from the actual liquidation date
before the interest/charge can be liquidated into the customer account. Working days
are calculated on the basis of the Local Holiday Calendar.

 Liquidation Mode – debit interest or charges can be liquidated either Manually or
Automatically. If you choose the automatic mode of liquidation, debit interest or charges
are liquidated automatically as part of the BOD process on the liquidation date.
However, after having specified Auto as the mode of liquidation, if you wish to liquidate
them manually for a specific account, the System intimates you with an override
message. Manual interest liquidation can be triggered through the ‘Debit Interest
Liquidation’ screen. Manual liquidation is recommended during Account Closure.
 Verify Funds –enabling this option indicates that an available balance check should be
performed for receivable tracking. As a result, the System performs the available
balance check before debiting the account. The available balance also includes the limit
amount. Verification of funds is applicable only in the case of Auto-Liquidation. If you
leave this option unchecked, the System performs a ‘force-liquidation’ regardless of
whether the account has sufficient funds or not.

– You will not be allowed to change these preferences at the account level. However
in the Amounts and Dates section of the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen,
both the total debit interest due as well as the charges due, are displayed.
– If there is any outstanding interest or charges on the account, the outstanding
amount is displayed as an override while saving the transaction involving the
– While closing an account closure, the System verifies whether there is any out-
standing debit interest or charges on the account. You will need to liquidate these
before Account Closure.

An error log is created to store the error details of accounts for which liquidation could not be
performed due to the following reasons:
 The Verify Funds option is enabled and partial liquidation is performed
 The Verify Funds option is enabled and the account has insufficient funds
 Accounting entries do not get passed successfully irrespective of whether the Verify
Funds option is set or not.

Refer the End of Day processing for Debiting Receivable GLs section in the Daily Processing
of IC chapter of the IC User Manual for details on end of day processes on Auto and Manual

Maintaining Details for Free Banking

For account classes for which a free banking period is being provided, you can indicate the
free banking parameters. These include:
 The number of days after the account opening date, for which no charges would be
levied on the account. This is the free banking period. Charging for the account would
commence when the free banking period has elapsed.
 Whether an advice (charge start advice) is to be sent to the customer, indicating the
commencement of charging on the account
 The number of days before the charge start date, the charge start advice is to be sent
to the customer, indicating the commencement of charging on the account.

Specifying Initial Funding Preferences

You need to specify the following details pertaining to initial funding for opening accounts
under the account class.

Event Class Code
Specify the event class code maintained for initial funding process for the module code ‘DE’.
This adjoining option list displays all valid event class codes maintained in the system. You
can choose the appropriate one.

Charge Role to Head Code

Specify the class code that you wish to use for posting charge-related accounting entries for
initial funding. This adjoining option list displays all valid class codes maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Event Class for Account Initial Funding’ in the chapter titled
‘Creating Classes’ under Modularity User Manual for further details about the event class

Maintaining Provisioning Details

When you define an account class, you can specify whether provisioning is applicable for
accounts using the class. You can make the following specifications in the Provisioning
Details section in the ‘Account Classes’ screen:
 Auto Provisioning Required - Check this box if provisioning is applicable
 Provision Frequency - Frequency at which the provisioning would be done, either daily
or monthly

The frequency you define here is only applicable if you have indicated individual account-
wise status processing for accounts in the Branch Parameters. If you have indicated status
processing at Group/CIF level, then the provisioning batch process executes at the fre-
quency maintained in the ‘Branch Parameters’ screen for your branch, and not at the fre-
quency maintained in the Account Classes screen.

 The currency in which the provisioning amount must be calculated – either account
currency or local currency
 Default exposure category for accounts using the account class
 Event class for which the provisioning accounting entries would be defined

The specifications you make here are inherited by any account that uses the account class.

In addition to these preferences, you must also indicate:

 The accounting roles and heads representing the GLs to which the accounting entries
for provisioning must be passed, for each account status
 Whether provisioning entries for an account must be rebooked when provisioning is
done after an automatic status change for the account

You can maintain these details for each account status in the ‘Status Details’ screen.

Maintaining Escrow Details

The following Escrow details can be maintained for the account class:

Escrow Transfer Applicable

Check this box to enable Escrow transfer for the accounts belonging to the selected account

Transaction Code
Select the Transaction Code to be used for Escrow transfer from the adjoining option list. The
option list displays only those transaction codes which are not enabled for Escrow processing
at the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen.

This is a mandatory input if Escrow transfer is enabled for the account class.

Transaction Code for Reversal

Select the transaction code to be used for Escrow Reversal transactions from the adjoining
option-list. The option list displays only those transaction codes which are not enabled for
Escrow processing at the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen.

During account class amendment, the system does not allow you to disable Escrow pro-
cess for an account class if a Project account has been created using that account class.

Cash Deposit Limit on Trust Account

If you have checked the box ‘Escrow Transfer Applicable’, you will have to specify the
maximum cash that can be deposited in the Trust accounts under this account class.

Maintaining Required Sweeps

Sweep in can be initiated for a CASA account if the balance is insufficient. This sweep in
process is applicable for all modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE and Channel which initiated the
debit transaction on the CASA account.

Enable Sweep in
Check this box to enable sweep in.

Enable Reverse Sweep in

Check this box to enable reverse sweep in. You can check this box only if the ‘Enable Sweep
in’ check box is checked. If the check box is checked without checking ‘Enable Sweep in’, the
system disable saving, current account class creation and amendment of the account class.

The system defaults these values at account level and are not modifiable for auto deposit
accounts. However, the vice verse is applicable.

You can modify these check boxes at CASA and Term Deposit Account Class levels as part
of Account class amendment, only if no active accounts are available under that account
class. If active accounts are available, the system will disable modification of ‘Enable Sweep
in’ and ‘Enable Reverse Sweep in’ check boxes at account class level.

Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep

Check this box to consider primary account minimum balance for sweep.

If you modify or save an account class maintenance with ‘Enable Sweep in’ as unchecked and
‘Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep' as checked, then the system
displays an error message as ‘Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep can
be enabled only if Enable Sweep in flag is checked’.

During a debit transaction if the available balance for the primary account is below the
minimum balance and ‘Consider Primary Account for Minimum Balance Sweep’ is checked at
account class level then the system does the cover account sweeps as follows:

 The amount to be swept is arrived at considering the minimum balance requirement of
the primary account.
 The system transfers the shortfall from the cover accounts without considering the
minimum balance requirement of cover accounts.
 If the primary account or cover account is below minimum balance, then the system
displays override message.

Considering the minimum balance requirement of primary account will remain at the cover
account sweep level and will not be applicable for sweep from auto deposits or term deposits.

If ‘Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep’ is checked, reverse sweep for all
linked accounts considers eligible amount for reverse sweep after keeping the minimum
balance of primary account.

Real Time Liquidity

Account Class Maintenance screen has Real Time Liquidity Enabled Flags. Check this box to

The following feature cannot be enabled for the account class at the same time:
 ‘Enables Sweep’ and ‘Real Time Liquidity’
 Defer the Balance Update and Real Time Liquidity
 Integrated Liquidity Management and Real Time Liquidity

Real Time Liquidity can be enabled only for saving and current account types.

3.1.3 Statement Parameters Tab

For each account class that you maintain you have the option of generating account
statement details, periodically, for all customer accounts associated with the account class.

If you need to generate account statements that would need to be sent across multiple media,
generated at different frequencies, you can define up to three different frequencies at which
the statements could be generated, with a primary, secondary and tertiary frequency.

Click ‘Statement Parameters’ tab to invoke the screen for maintaining these details. The
screen is displayed below:

As part of specifying the account statement preferences you can indicate the following for
each of the statements, whether primary, secondary or tertiary:

The first preference that you specify for each account class is to indicate whether the periodic
generation an account statement is required. If the generation of an account statement is
necessary, you have to specify the format in which it is to be generated. The options available
 Detailed – indicating that the statement should be a detailed account of all the customer
transactions within the account class.
 Summary - indicating that only a summary of the transaction details is enough.
 None – indicating that neither a summary nor a detailed account of transactions is

The system generates the account statement details at a frequency that you specify. The
frequency can be:
 Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily

If you indicate that the statement generation frequency is weekly, you should also indicate the
day of the week on which the account statement is due. Similarly, for a monthly statement you
should indicate the day of the month.

To specify the frequency for a monthly statement you can specify a number between 1 and
31 (corresponding to the system date). If you set the statement date to 30, then account
statements will be generated on:
 The last working day for months with < 30 days.
 For months with 30 days on the 30th; if 30th is a holiday on the next working day.

If you set the statement date to 31, then account statements will be generated on:
 The 31st, for month with 31 days; if 31st is a holiday on the next working day.
 The last working day for months < 31 days.

For all other cycles, account statement would be generated on the last day of that cycle.

Offline Limit
This is the limiting amount till which transactions will be carried out between account(s) for the
account class you are defining here, between branches when the database connectivity is not

Enter the off-line limit here.

– If you are defining primary, secondary and tertiary statements, the frequency for
each must be different and unique; for instance, if you define a monthly primary
statement, you cannot define a secondary or tertiary statement with a monthly
– Offline limit is maintained only for primary level.

Document List

Specify the following details:

Document Type
Specify the document type. The adjoining option list displays all the document types that are
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Customer Type
Specify the customer type. The adjoining option list displays all the customer types that are
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Select from the list to indicate that the document specified here is mandatory.

The document list is defaulted in the account based on the customer type. If any document
is mandatory at the account class, then that document is captured and checked in the ‘Ac-
count Class Maintenance’ screen otherwise the system does not allow saving the account.

Document Notification Details

Send Notification
Check this box to indicate whether to send notifications or reminders for not submitting the
mandatory documents.

Frequency (Notification)
Specify the frequency of notification to be sent from the adjoining drop-down list. The
frequency can be one of the following:
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Half yearly
 Yearly

Days (Reminder)
Specify the number of days left for the expiry or submission due date of the documents for
sending the reminder.

CAMT052 Statement Parameters

Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. The following
options are available:
 Hourly
 Daily

Hourly Frequency
Select the Hourly Frequency.

Daily Fixed Time

Specify the Daily Fixed Time.

Statement of Fees Parameters

Statement of Fees Required
Check this box if a statement of fees is required for the account class.

The cycle of statement generation. Select the value from the drop-down list. The options are:
 Semi Annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily
 Annual

Select the day of statement generation from the dropdown list.

Delivery Channel
The various delivery methods for the statement. Select the value from the dropdown list
 Postal
 Deliver to Branch
 Internet Banking

 No Printing

Package of Services Description

The description for package of services

Maintaining Cheque Book Preferences

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides you with the facility to automatically trigger the reorder of
Cheque Books for all accounts reporting to a specific account class. However, you have the
option of changing your preferences at the account level also.

To facilitate automatic reordering of Cheque Books, you have to maintain the following details:

Cheque Book
To indicate that automatic reordering of cheque books should be allowed and for specifying
the details for the same, you have to check this option. If not selected, you will not be able to
maintain the automatic reordering preferences for the account class.

Auto Reorder of Cheque Book

You have to select this option to specify that automatic reordering of Cheque Books is
required for all accounts reporting to this account class. This field will be enabled only if you
have checked the ‘Cheque Book’ option explained above.

Reorder Level
Here, you have to indicate the level at which the reordering of Cheque Book should happen.
Automatic reordering will be set off by the system when the unused number of cheque leaves
becomes equal to or less than the re-order level that you maintain here. This field will be
enabled only if you have indicated that automatic reordering of Cheque Books is required i.e.
the ‘Auto Reorder of Cheque Book’ option is checked.

Reorder No of Leaves
In this field you have to specify the number of leaves that should be ordered for the new
Cheque Book. This field will be enabled only if you have checked the ‘Auto Reorder of Cheque
Book’ option.

Max No. of Cheque Rejections

Specify the maximum number of cheque rejections that can be allowed for an account. Processing Automatic Reordering of Cheque Books

The automatic reordering of Cheque Books is processed at EOD by executing a batch


The following conditions should be satisfied for initiation of automatic reordering:

 The ‘Auto Reorder of Cheque Book’ option is turned on at the account level
 The number of unused check leaves for the account is less than or equal to the reorder
level maintained at the account level. The system will pick up the number of leaves to
be reordered from the field ‘Reorder Number of Leaves’ maintained for the account.

The numbering of cheque leaves for the new Cheque Book will depend on the ‘Cheque
Number Unique for Branch’ option in the ‘Bank Parameters’ screen. If this option is checked,
the numbering will begin from the Last Number + 1 of the Cheque Book that was delivered
last to any account. If you do not select this option, the number will start from the Last Number
+1 of the Cheque Book delivered to the same account previously.

The value of ‘Include for Cheque Book Printing’ and ‘Cheque Type’ (specifications defined in
the ‘Cheque Book Details’ screen) will be defaulted from the previous order of the Cheque

Capturing Details about Specially Designated Nationals

Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) are those customers with whom you need to refrain
from trading in any form. The US government publishes a list of such nationals and circulates
this list among banks and other financial organizations. You can to maintain the details of
SDNs in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

The details of Specially Designated Nationals are updated and published by the US
government on a regular basis. You could download these details from their web site. You
have two options to replicate the contents of this file into Oracle FLEXCUBE. They are:

Upload the file into Oracle FLEXCUBE through the SDN Upload screen.

Maintain the details of each SDN manually.

Both these options have been elaborated upon in the subsequent sections. Maintaining SDN Details Manually

Through the ‘Specially Designated Nationals’ screen you can capture the details of SDN
customers manually. Invoke this screen, by typing ‘STDSDNMN’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

The following details have to be captured:

 Name of the Specially Designated National (SDN)
 Date of Birth of the SDN: Specify the Date of Birth of the SDN in YYYYMMDD format
 Country of Origin: You can specify the SDN’s country of origin by selecting the same
from the option list provided
 Remarks: You can specify any additional remarks, if required
 Alias Names of the SDN: You can specify a maximum of fifteen alias names
 Addresses of the SDN: You can specify a maximum of fifteen addresses (of address line
1 to address line 4) for a SDN

3.1.4 Preferences Tab

Preferences are the options or attributes that uniquely distinguish an account class. You can
specify the preferences of an account class in the ‘Preference’ screen. To invoke this screen,
click ‘Preferences’ button in ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.

The screen is as shown below:

The following are the preferences that you can specify for an account class:
 Limit Check – you can check this box to indicate that a limit check for sufficient
availability of funds in the account will be made for all accounts belonging to the account
 Overdraft Facility – if checked indicates that all accounts belonging to this class would
be allowed an overdraft facility (facility to draw a specified amount over and above the
balance in the account)
 Component-wise Tracking Required for Overdraft - check this box to indicate if
Component-wise tracking is required or not. If component wise tracking required for
overdraft is checked and no appropriation sequence is maintained in status rule, then
the system displays an error message on save. You cannot modify this once the
account class is authorized.
 Interest Charges – if checked indicates that for interest and charges computation the
Interest and Charges module will process accounts linked to this class.
 Track Accrued IC – if checked, indicates whether accrued interest in the Interest and
Charges module on an account linked to this class, would be considered while
computing credit utilization for the account.
 Passbook Facility – if checked, indicates that accounts linked to the account class are
issued passbooks.
 ATM Facility – if checked, indicates that accounts linked to the class will avail the ATM
 Direct Banking Facility - if checked, indicates that accounts linked to the class will avail
Direct banking facility.
 Project Account - Check this box to track the working capital of the project.
 Daylight Limit – if checked indicates that you can specify daylight overdraft limit for all
the accounts belonging to this account class. While modifying the maintenance, if you

uncheck this box, the daylight overdraft limit will be made zero for all the accounts
belonging to this account class.
 Debit/Credit Advices – If checked, indicates that for all accounts belonging to this class,
the system will generate a debit/credit advices on interest liquidation. The advices are
generated during end of day processing in SWIFT or/and MAIL format. You can also
specify this preference through the ‘Special Conditions’ screen.
 Track Receivable – if checked, you can choose to block the subsequent credit that
happens to the settlement account (linked to this account class) of a loan contract or
retail teller contract, if the system detects insufficient funds in the account, during
liquidation. In other words, the system will track the account for receivables (credits). As
and when a credit happens, the funds will be allocated to the loan or the retail teller
contract for liquidation.
 Posting Allowed – This check box is checked by default. Uncheck this check box to
setup Monetary Accounts for the selected Account Class.
This check box is provided to handle IRA Monetary Accounts. Using this facility, you can
avoid posting into the IRA Monetary Accounts from Teller/Journal screens and ensure
that the details are computed only through IRA subscriptions.

Uncheck this checkbox only for specific Inter-Branch Accounts.

 Available Balance Check Required – Check this box to enable the system to check for
the available of funds before posting a debit entry to a customer account.
 Referral Required - enabling this option indicates whether a referral check should be
performed on accounts belonging to the account class. Consequently, the system
checks the available balance (not the current balance) while performing the referral
checks for all transactions involving the account. If a transaction involving the account
results in the account moving to overdraft, the account and transaction details will be
sent to the Referral Queue.
 Lodgement Book - If you wish to allow orders of lodgement books for all accounts that
use an account class, you can indicate so, in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen,
by selecting the Lodgement Book option.
 Back Period Entry Allowed – if checked, indicates that back-valued entries can be
posted to account belonging to the class as long as the account is open. You will be
allowed to change this specification for a specific account.
 IBAN Required - Check this box if IBAN is required for the account class.

IBAN Required is restricted for TD and Nostro account class. The system displays an error
message if user defines IBAN Required for Nostro or TD account.

 For Financial Inclusion Account - Check this box to indicate that the account class is for
FI customers. The system allows only savings account type for FI customer account
 Large Debit Balance Tracking Required – Check this if you require large debit balance
tracking for the account class.
 Defer the Balance Update - Check this box to defer the balance update. If ‘Defer the
Balance Update’ is checked, then the balance will be updated during EOD.

While posting back-valued transactions, the System verifies whether the Back Period Entry
Allowed option has been enabled for the account class. If the option has not been enabled an

error message is displayed. This check is also performed while uploading journal entry

Replicate Customer Signature

Check this box to indicate that customer signature should be replicated. On checking this
option, the signature of the customer gets defaulted to account level.

Spend Analysis
Spend analysis classifies the debit transactions from an account under different spend
classes. Check this box to enable spend analysis for the accounts that are associated with
this account class.

If you check this box, the system allows you to enable spend analysis at the account level.
However, you can disable spend analysis for individual accounts by unchecking the checkbox
‘Spend Analysis’ at the account level.

If you do not check this box, the system disables spend analysis for all accounts associated
with this account class. In that case, you cannot enable spend analysis at the account level.

You can modify the status of this checkbox. While modifying this, the system verifies
whether spend analysis is enabled for any customer account associated with this account
class. If spend analysis is enabled for a customer account, the system will not allow you
to modify this option. In that case, you need to disable it at the account level first and then
modify the status for the account class.

No. of Days For Salary Block

Specify the number of days for salary block. At the time of salary credit in to a customer
account, the system will place an amount block for the number of days specified here from
the date of salary credit. The amount blocked will be equal to the loan instalments due during
this period.

No of days for Closing Unauthorized Accounts with No Activity

Specify the number of days after which the unauthorized accounts without any activity should
be automatically closed.

No of days for Closing Authorized Accounts with No Activity

Specify the number of days after which the authorized accounts without any activity should
be automatically closed. This is applicable for Term Deposits as well.

No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity

Specify the number of days after which a notification needs to be sent to the channels if the
account is inactive. If the account is inactive for the particular period of time as mentioned in
this field, then the account is closed by the system and the funds will be transferred as per the
maturity instructions.

Select the frequency at which notifications need to be sent from the drop down list. The field
needs to be mandatorily updated if a value has been entered in the ‘No. of Days after which
Notification is to be sent if No Activity’ field. The list of values provided are as follows:
 Once
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly

 Yearly

This field needs to be mandatorily updated if the ‘No. of Days after which Notification is to be
sent if No Activity’ field is updated with a value. If a value has been provided in the ‘Frequency’
field and no value is provided in the ‘No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No
Activity’ field, then an error is displayed which states that a value needs to be in the No. of
Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity’ field.

If these two fields have been updated, then a notification is sent to the channels only when a
TD account is created with the ‘Goal Reference Number’.

Minimum ECA Block Amount

Specify minimum ECA block amount.

RT-Charge Product For Passbook Issue

Specify the RT product from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the active RT
products. You can select the appropriate one.

Enabling Printing of Account Statistics

You can enable printing statistics in respect of accounts using an account class, either period
code-wise or financial year-wise, for the following customer information:
 Low and High Balance for a period–The lowest and highest current balances for the
 Average credit and debit balance for a period–This is computed as the sum of credit/
(debit) current balances in a period, divided by the number of days of credit/(debit)
balance during the period.
 Credit and debit days–The number of days the account was in credit/(debit) balance in
the period.
 Credit and Debit Turnover–The credit/(debit) turnover for the period.
 Excess days in debit balance–The number of days in a month when the account
exceeded the overdraft limits.
 Overdraft Limit–This is computed by summing the temporary overdraft limit and the sub-
limit of the account. For each month, this would represent the limit on the last date of
the month.
 Credit grade of the Customer–This would be the prevalent rating on the last day of the
period. For the current period, this information is provided up to the previous working

To enable printing of this information for all accounts using an account class, you must enable
the Account Statistics option in the Account Class Maintenance.

For each account class for which account statistics has been enabled, an accounting End of
Day (EOD) process updates the statistics table both period-wise and according to financial
years. The book-dated balances are used for computation of statistics, and the balances are
maintained according to accounting periods.

For information about viewing the period-wise account statistics, refer the section Querying
on Account Statistics, found earlier in this chapter.

Status Change Automatic

If you check this option, the status of the account will be changed automatically by the system
as per the conditions maintained in the ‘Status Rule Definition’ screen. If you do not select this
option, you have to change the status manually through the ‘Manual Status Change’ screen.
These screens are discussed in detail in the subsequent sections of this document. This
specification will be defaulted to all the accounts reporting to this account class.

Exclude Same Day Reversal transaction from Statement
If you do not wish transactions booked and reversed on the same day to be reflected in the
account statement, you can specify the preference here. This feature is applicable only for the
customer account legs and not for the related GL legs. Also, reversals made through the DE
module will not be considered for exclusion.

Your specification for this at the account class level defaults to all accounts involving the
class. You can change it for a specific account.

For comparing transactions the System will look for similarity of reference number and date.

Consolidation for Inward Clearing

You need to indicate whether or not consolidation is required for inward clearing transactions
in a batch at the Account Class level. The indication for this option is carried forward to the
‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen. If this option is unchecked here, it cannot be
checked in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance screen’. Processing for Consolidation of Inward Clearing

During the Inward Clearing process, the consolidated entry for clearing will be passed
according to the following grouping:
 Remitter’s Account
 Clearing Product
 Instrument Currency
 Remitter’s branch
 End point

A consolidated clearing entry will be passed using a separate Transaction Code maintained
in the ‘Clearing Product Preferences’ screen. This Transaction Code should be set with
Cheque Mandatory option as No in the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen.

One consolidated clearing entry will be passed for each of the above groups. Entries will be
passed against a common reference no. generated for each of the groups. After the
consolidated entry has been passed, each individual instrument will be processed separately
to pass charge entries (if applicable) at the transaction level.

Specifying Turnover Limit Preferences

You can specify turnover limits for an account class and thereby monitor the turnover in all
accounts linked to the account class.

Turnover Limit Code

Specify a turnover limit code that should be linked to the account class. The adjoining option
list displays all valid turnover limit codes maintained in the system using the ‘Turnover Limit
Maintenance’ screen. You can choose the appropriate one.

Passbook Compression Preferences

Compression Required
Check this box to specify that transaction compression is applicable to the accounts under the
particular account class.

Limit for Unprinted Transactions

Specify the maximum limit for unprinted transactions that can be printed without compression.

Transaction Code
Specify the Transaction code to be used for printing the description for compressed entry on
passbook. Alternatively, you can select the transaction code from the option list. The list
displays all valid transaction code maintained in the system.

The ‘Limit for Unprinted Transactions’ and ‘Transaction Code’ fields will be enabled only if
‘Compression Required’ field is checked.

If ‘Compression Required’ field is checked, it is mandatory to maintain the values in ‘Limit for
Unprinted Transactions’ and ‘Transaction Code’ fields, else the system will display an
appropriate error message.

Collateral Linkage
Allow Collateral Linkage
Check this box to allow collateral linkage.

3.1.5 GL Lines Button

Current and Savings accounts that have not generated any interest over a specific period or
have remained inactive with interest overdue may be identified as ‘NPAs’ (Non-Performing
Asset). In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can assign different status codes to an account class,
which will be applicable to all the accounts under it. The accounts will move from one status
to the other based on the number of days they have remained inactive in the system. The
status of an account will determine whether the account should be marked as an NPA or not.

Further, you can also specify the reporting lines (for GL, Central Bank, and Head Office) to
which accounting entries should be passed when an account moves from one status to the
other. You can post all debit and credit balances of one account class to a single General
Ledger account. Conversely, you also have the option of posting debits and credits to
separate GLs.

The status codes and the reporting lines for each status may be defined in the ‘Status Details’
screen. Click the ‘GL Lines’ button in the ‘Account Classes’ screen to invoke it.

The screen is as shown below:

You can specify the following details in this screen:

You can select the different status codes applicable to the account class, in this field. Use the
Add icon to define each status and the attributes for the same. You can use the navigation
icons to move from one status to the other.

Only status codes with status type ‘Account’ will be available in the option-list if the Status
Processing Basis is defined as ‘Contract/Account’ for all branches, in the Branch Parameters.
If the Status Processing Basis is defined as ‘Group/CIF’ level for any branch, then the
statuses of type ‘Both’ are available. In this case, it is mandatory to link all the statuses

On selection of the status, the associated description will be displayed alongside.

Specifying Reporting line Details

Dr and Cr GL Lines
Select the debit GL account, to which all debit balances within a specific account class will
report to, when it moves to the status being defined. You can identify the debit GL from the
list of existing GLs. Likewise, all credits within a particular account class will report to the GL
account that you have identified to track credits.

Dr and Cr Central Bank Lines

Select the Central Bank Debit line to which all debit accounts belonging to an account class
should report to when it moves to the selected status. You have maintained Central Bank
Debit lines in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen. You can select the appropriate CB
Debit Line from the available option-list.

Similarly, all accounts belonging to an account class, if in credit should report to a Central
Bank Credit Line for the selected status. You can identify the CB Credit Line that should be
associated with the status from the option-list available.

Dr and Cr Head Office Lines

This is the Debit Head Office GL maintained in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen to
which all accounts belonging to this class will report, if they move to the status being defined.

Similarly, select the Credit Head Office GL maintained in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’
screen to which all accounts belonging to this class will report to, when they move to the status
being defined.

As a mandatory requirement, you have to associate the status ‘NORM’ (Normal) when
maintaining status codes for an account class.

Accounting Roles and Heads for Provisioning

In addition to the provisioning preferences that you specify for an account class, you must also
maintain the accounting roles and heads representing the GLs to which the accounting entries
for provisioning must be passed, for each account status. You can maintain this information
in the ‘Status Details’ screen, when you define each of the status codes.

Rebook Provisioning on Status Change

In the ‘Status Details’ screen, you can indicate whether provisioning entries for an account
must be rebooked when provisioning is done after an automatic status change for the
account. Rebooking essentially means that fresh provisioning is done, after writing back the
previous provisioning amount.

The provisioning batch process, when executed, not only computes the provisioning amount;
it also records the current status of the account and checks whether the current status is
different from the status that was prevalent when the process was previously executed. If so,
the old provisioning amount is reversed (if the Rebook Provision option has been set in the
Status Details), and the entries for the new provisioning amount are booked into the
provisioning and write back GLs maintained for the current status in the Status Details.

If the Rebook Provision has not been set, there is no reversal of the old provisioning amount,
and the differential provisioning entries are passed, as usual, into the GLs maintained for the
new status.

3.1.6 Auto Deposits Button

Auto deposits are the linked deposit accounts to the savings accounts. These accounts are
created once the threshold balance exceeds in the customer accounts. You can maintain
these accounts using ‘Auto Deposits’ screen. Click the button ‘Auto Deposit’ in the ‘Account
Class Maintenance’ screen to invoke it.

The screen is as shown below:

You have to specify the following fields in this screen.

Default Auto Deposit Account Class

Specify the deposit type of account class for the auto deposit account.

Transaction Code
Specify the transaction code (DPN - New deposit account) for the book event to trigger at the
time of creation of auto deposit account.

Specify the currency in which the deposit account has to created.

Minimum Required Balance

Specify the balance that is required to be maintained at the linked savings account. If any
balance exists beyond this balance in the account then the system creates an auto deposit
account as part of batch process.

Cluster Identification
The system displays the cluster ID linked with the deposit account class linked to the saving
account class.

Def Rate Code

Select the code of the differential rate; whether ‘Mid’ or ‘Standard’.

Def Rate Type

Select the type of differential rate code; whether ‘Mid’ or ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’

Sweep Mode
Select the mode of sweep from the following options.
 Automatic - For the deposit to be created as part of the batch
 Manual - For the deposit to be created manually

Break Method
Select the method in which the break of auto deposit should happen, from the following
 MAXB - The system breaks the maximum valued deposit account or the deposit account
having the maximum balance in order of descending amount.
 MINB - The system breaks the deposit account having minimum balance in order of
ascending amount.
 FIFO - The system breaks the deposit account in order of chronological account
creation date.
 LIFO - The system breaks the deposit account in order of reverse chronological account
creation date (the latest created deposit account breaks first).

Provide Interest On Broken Deposit

Check this field to indicate the system to calculate interest on the deposits. This is done when
the attached account class is mapped to the IC product.

Break Deposits First

Check this field to indicate the system to break the deposit accounts created and transfer the
proceedings to the savings account. The system breaks the deposits when the savings
account does not have sufficient balance to withdraw the amount.

In this case the system breaks the auto deposit account and restores the savings account with
balance to allow withdrawing the money.

For example, the customer has the total balance in the account for $5675 including $650 as
auto deposit. He withdraws $5500 from an ATM. As part of intraday batch (DESWPBAT), the
system breaks the auto deposit account of $650 and restores the balance amount to savings.
So his current standings would be $175 in his savings account and he does not hold any auto
deposit account.

Deposit Account Class Restriction Details

You can set restrictions to the selected account class here:

Deposit Account Class

Select restriction type for the selected deposit account from the options. The following options
are available for selection:
 Allowed – Select to allow account classes specified under ‘Deposit Account Class’

 Disallowed Select to disallow account classes specified under ‘Deposit Account Class’

While saving account class, the system validates if the Default Deposit Account Class
mentioned in the Auto Deposit sub screen is part of the allowed list of Deposit Account
classes. If the default deposit account class is not part of the allowed list, then the system will
show an error message as “The Auto deposit account class is not part of the allowed list of
Deposit Account Class".

Specifying Deposit Account Class

You can maintain the deposit account class details:

Account Class
Specify the account class for which you need to set the restrictions. The adjoining option list
displays account classes which are active and authorized. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the selected account class. Handling Batches for AD Creation

The following batches are available in the system to handle batches for AD creation:
 DEDEPBAT – If AD instruction is maintained at account level, then the batch creates
AD. If instruction is not maintained at the account level, then the batch creates AD based
on account class level maintenance. Batch is maintained in DE module in the ‘End of
Txn Input’ stage.
 DEAUTDEP – The system will create AD only if account level instructions are main-
tained. If not maintained, then AD will not be created for that account. Batch is main-
tained in IC module in the ‘End of Txn Input’ stage
 DESWPBAT – Intra day batch for AD creation.

3.1.7 Status Rule Button

If you have opted for automatic status change for all accounts belonging to an account class,
you have to maintain the criteria based on which the system will bring about the status change

You can define the different criteria in the ‘Status Rule Definition’ screen. Click the button
‘Status Rule’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen to invoke it.

The screen is as shown below:

In this screen, you can define five conditions for each status applicable to an account class.
An account will be said to be in a specific status if any one of the five conditions associated
with the status holds true for an account. Conversely, if all the conditions are false, the
account will automatically move to the next available status for which the condition is true.

A user defined status INTR is used for both OD and Loan accounts. When a loan is in
adversity status and the customer pays the entire overdue amount, the status of the loan
changes to a user defined account status ‘INTR’ rather than ‘NORM’, so would the other OD
and loan accounts of the same customer across branches.

Only backward movement of any other status to INTR is applicable. The account status
cannot change from NORM to INTR. The status sequence of INTR is maintained as the
immediate sequence number next to NORM.

The following elements are available based on which you can build a condition for automatic
status change. You can associate each of these elements with an account, in the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

The set of elements are as follows:

 Frozen
 Dormant
 No Debits
 No Credits
 Stop Payment
 Current Status

In addition, the following elements will also be available for processing:

 OD (overdraft) Days
 Inactive Days
 Overline Days
 TOD (Temporary Overdraft) Days
 Customer Classification
 Due Count

 Overdue Days
 Customer Credit Ranking
 Debit Interest Overdue Days
 Overdue Limit Breach Days
 Overdue Expiry Days
 Overdue No Credit days
 Principal Overdue Days
 Principal Overdue Amount
 Principal Overdue Local Currency Equivalent Amount
 Interest Overdue Days
 Interest Overdue Amount
 Interest Overdue Local Currency Equivalent Amount
 Charge Overdue Days
 Charge Overdue Amount
 Charge Overdue Local Currency Equivalent Amount
 Account Interim Days

Appropriation Preference

You can define the appropriation sequence for overdraft accounts for each account status.

Appropriation sequence maintenance is mandatory if the ‘Component-wise Tracking for

Overdraft’ is checked.The appropriation preference sequence can be modified anytime and
this will be applicable for the existing accounts also.This modification will effect only for future
credits and appropriation.

Component with priority 1

Select the component with first priority from the adjoining drop-down list. The options
available are:
 Principal
 Interest
 Charge

Component with priority 2

Select the component with second priority from the adjoining drop-down list. The options
available are:
 Principal
 Interest
 Charge

Component with priority 3

Select the component with third priority from the adjoining drop-down list. The options
available are:
 Principal
 Interest
 Charge

Status Change for Overdraft Accounts

Oracle FLEXCUBE processes the status change for overdraft accounts based on the
following rules:
 Debit Interest OD Days
 OD Limit Breach Days
 OD Expiry Days
 No Credit days
 Account Interim Days

Debit Interest OD Days

The system processes the status change on overdraft account, if the customer fails to pay the
debit interest of the overdraft account for specified number of days.

For example,

OD Utilization date: 01-Jan-2011

Days after which Status Change should happen: 90 Days

Debit interest due date: 01-Feb-2011

In this example, the system modifies the customer account status based on the status rule
maintenance, if the customer fails to pay the debit interest by 02-May-2011.

OD Limit Breach Days

The system processes the status change on OD account, if the OD limit of the overdraft
account is breached for a specified number of days. The system tracks the overdraft limit
breach days based on the utilizations done at the line level.

OD Expiry Days
The system processes the status change on overdraft account, if the OD utilization of the
overdraft account is not settled beyond the expiry date.

No Credit Days
The system processes the status change on OD account if there is no credit transaction into
the overdraft account for a specified number of days.

Logical Operators
Logical Operators are indicators of certain conditions that you specify while building a rule.
These operators are used in combination with the elements discussed earlier. The following
is a list of logical operators that you would require to build a status rule:

Operator Description

AND The conjunction ‘and’

OR The conjunction ‘or’

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to (please note that there is no space between
the two symbols)

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to (please note that there is no space between the
two symbols)

<> Not equal to (please note that there is no space between the two

= Equal to

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows data store for tracking of SOD debit interest due. During Interest
liquidation for debit interest, the system populates the SOD Debit Interest Due Data Store with
the Amount Due as debit interest for the SOD utilized amount and the due date of payment
for the interest amount.

The debit interest due amount is adjusted in the SOD utilized amount and the system checks
for any credit entries for the SOD corresponding to the debit interest. During EOD, if any credit
entry exists for the account, then the system does adjustments on the amount due for the
SOD debit interest due data store. The system also adjusts the debit interest payment against
the oldest available debit interest due amount, and so on.

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides SDEs for ‘SOD Due Count’ and ‘SOD Overdue Days’ for status
rule generation. During EOD while running the status update batch, the system calculates
SDE ‘SOD Due Count’ value as the count of the records having due amount not equal to zero
from the SOD debit interest due data store. The system updates the ‘SOD Overdue Days’ with
the number of days since the last debit interest payment done for the account.

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides an account status called ‘DIDF’ for an SOD account, which is
available as part of ‘Status Rule Screen’. If the ‘SOD Due Count ’or ‘SOD Overdue Days’
satisfies the condition specified in the status change rule, then the system changes the status
for the account to ‘DIDF’.

While running the status change batch, the system updates the ‘No Debit’ flag as ‘Y’ for ‘DIDF’
status account. If payment for the debit interest happens on the SOD account against the
utilized amount, and if on recalculation the value of SDE ‘SOD Due Count’, or ‘SOD Overdue
Days’ is not met, the status batch changes the status of the OD account from ‘DIDF’ to the
previous account status and updates the ‘No Debit’ flag as ‘N’.

Account Interim Days

The system processes the OD status change based on the account interim days when the
INTR status is maintained at the account class level. The SDE Account Interim Days
(ACCOUNT_INTR_DAYS) holds the number of days (the difference between the last date on
which the account has changed to INTR status and the application date) the account is in
intermediate (INTR) status. The account status changes to INTR based on the formula
maintained at the rule level.

– Amount block is not considered because of the possibilities of simultaneous
utilizations of the SOD.
– Any credit transaction towards the SOD account is tracked under interest due for
the SOD.
– Any impact on account status after the execution of account status change batch
for the day, gets reflected in the next EOD execution.

3.1.8 Amount Block Button

The allocation of funds will occur as per the product sequence you maintain in the ‘Product
Maintenance’ screen invoked from the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. Click the ‘Amt
Block’ button to access this screen.

The screen is as shown below:

In this screen, you will specify the sequence of products based on which funds will be made
available when a credit is posted to an account with a track receivable option. The sequence
number is automatically generated by the system. All authorized products of your bank will be
available in the option-list. On selection of the product, the product description will appear

Whenever a credit happens to an account with a track receivable option, the system will check
if the account has any receivable being tracked against it. If yes, the amount is blocked as a
receivable and this process continues until the amount needed for liquidation becomes fully

The batch process run as part of EOD/BOD will liquidate the loan contract or retail teller

If the amount received is not sufficient for full liquidation, then depending on the minimum
amount required for liquidation, the system would initiate a partial liquidation for loans but for
retail teller contracts liquidation will be initiated only when full amount is available.

The following example illustrates the manner in which the system will use the sequence for
allocation of funds:

Assume that you have maintained the following product sequence for funds allocation:

Sequence No. Product




The liquidation schedule dates for the various loan contracts are as follows:

Contract Liq. Schedule Dt. Liqd. Amt. (in USD)

LDBD001 1st January 2002 1000

LDBD002 1st January 2002 500

ADBN001 2nd January 2002 1000

ABCD001 2nd January 2002 500

Further, all contracts are marked for auto liquidation and the settlement account for all
contracts is A1. The balance in account A1 as on 1st January 2002 is 500 USD.

Action Details

Batch liquidation Liquidation does not occur as the system detects

run as part of BOD/ insufficient funds in A1 (only 400 USD). The
EOD on 1st Jan. account is marked for receivable tracking and a
block is placed on 400 USD.

A credit of 500 The total amount blocked gets updated to 1000

USD to A1 on 2nd USD. Since we have two contracts involving the
Jan. same product (LDBD) maturing on the same date,
funds will be allocated to the first contract,
LDBD001 (based on the Contract Reference Num-
ber). Subsequent credits to the account will be
used towards loan LDBD002.
Since contracts with LDBD have earlier schedule
dates, funds will be allocated to them though, as
per the product sequence, contracts with ADBN
should receive the funds first. The liquidation
schedule date takes precedence in this case.
Further credits to account, A1 will be allocated
against the contract ADBN001 followed by the con-
tract ABCD001. This will be based on the product
sequence number since both contracts have the
same schedule dates.
Within a contract, allocation of funds towards the
various components like interest, penalty interest
etc. will be determined by the ‘Liquidation Order’
maintained for the loan product.
To sum up, the schedule date of the loan contract
takes precedence followed by the product
sequence and finally the liquidation order.

If insufficient funds are detected in an account with a receivable tracking, the system will
trigger the event ‘LBLK’ indicating that enough funds are not available and that subsequent
credits made to the account will be blocked as a receivable.

3.1.9 Restriction Button

You can place restrictions on transactions involving customer accounts, at the account class
level. As discussed earlier (for customer account), these restrictions get defaulted to all
accounts that are linked to the account class. But you are allowed to change these restrictions
for individual accounts as well.

To maintain the restrictions click the ‘Restriction’ button in the ‘Account Classes’ screen. The
‘Product and Transaction Codes Restriction’ screen is displayed

The restrictions can be based on:

 Products: Choose from the provided options - Allowed or Disallowed
 Transaction Codes: Choose from the provided options - Allowed or Disallowed
 Other Restrictions: Select the appropriate from the below available options.
– Branch Restrictions: Choose from the provided options - Allowed or Disallowed
– Currency Restrictions: Choose from the provided options - Allowed or Disallowed
– Category Restrictions: Choose from the provided options - Allowed or Disallowed

Validation of Restrictions
During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted
transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account
class used by the specified account is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the
debit/credit transaction type. If so, an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

3.1.10 Statement Button

To receive the details of account balances you need to capture the relevant information in the
MT 941/MT942 message. The account balance details can be linked to the message by
employing the statement screen. To invoke this screen click on the ‘Statement’ button, in the
‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. You need to specify the details for an MT 941/MT942

The screen is as shown below:

This screen contains the details necessary for the account generation parameters. The
message details the balance of an account or group of accounts under a particular account
class. The account balances indicate the condition of the account for an identified time period.

Specifying Interim Transactions Report

Generate Message
Check this box to indicate that the accounts belonging to the account class are to be
considered for periodic interim statement generation i.e., MT942.

Generate Message Only On Movement

Check this box to indicate that the interim statement needs to be generated only if additional
entries have been posted subsequent to the previous interim statement generation.

Report Transaction Since

This is a list of all the transactions the accounts under a class have undergone, on basis of
which the transactions would be reported in the interim account statement. You can choose
the appropriate values applicable:
 Previous MT942: This indicates that all transactions posted and authorized since
previous MT942 would be sent in the current interim statement
 Previous MT940/MT950: This indicates that all transactions posted and authorized
since previous MT940/MT950 would be sent in the current interim statement. If this
option is selected, user will have to specify the cycle of account statement to be

Minimum Debit (Debit and Credit) Amount and Currency

Specify the minimum transaction amount for the debit transaction, which is eligible for
reporting in the interim statement. This amount should be qualified by a currency. The amount
for the corresponding account currency will be defaulted from here while opening the account.

If you do not specify the minimum credit amount, the system will consider the minimum debit
amount specified here for reporting the credit transactions also.

Minimum Credit Amount and Currency
Specify the minimum transaction amount for the credit transaction, which is eligible for
reporting in the interim statement. This amount should be qualified by a currency. The amount
for the corresponding account currency will be defaulted from here while opening the account.

Generate Balance
To indicate that accounts under certain account classes are to be considered for generation
of their balance messages, check this box. The valid values for this action are Y and N.

Select the mode of message for balance generation form the option list

Report Transaction Since

This is a list of all the transactions the accounts under a class have undergone, in the interval
of balance messages generated for the accounts under the respective classes. You can
choose the appropriate values applicable:
 Previous MT940: This indicates all transactions posted and authorized since the issue
of a previous MT 940 in the current balance report.
 Previous MT941: This indicates all transactions posted and authorized since the issue
of a previous MT 941 in the current balance report.
 Previous MT950: This indicates all transactions posted and authorized since the issue
of a previous MT 950 in the current balance report.

You can synchronize the time instance by hours for generation of balance messages by
clicking the ‘Times’ button.

This screen is employed to indicate the the time instance in hours for the generation of the
balance reports.

Message Generation Time

Specify the timing for generation of the MT 941/MT942 messages. You can specify the time
interval in hours only.

A new message type is created for the balance report process which can be run as part of a
scheduled task. This message type is ACST_BALANCE and ACST_INT_DTL.

3-35 Balance Statement Handoff

The balance statement can be handed off as part of scheduled task under Oracle. You need
to assign its frequency in hours. This process is initiated for all accounts requiring a balance
account statement. As discussed previously the time for generation of the statement is
determined and specified. In case of no subsequent transactions reports, the statement is not
generated. Assigning Balance Statement as Job

The balance statement can be facilitated to run as part of a scheduled job as part of the Oracle
jobs initiated during processing.

The ‘Jobs Browser’ screen of the application provides you the facility to run the balance
statement as a synchronized task, subject to specified time intervals in hours.

Invoke the ‘Jobs Browser’ screen from the application typing ‘CSSJOBBR’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Job Module
 Status
 Process

Select the option ‘Generate Balance Report’ from the Process option list. All associated
accounts of the particular branch that have been marked for generation of balance statements
are procured by Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

 Job Module
 Process
 Process Sequence Number
 Status

The debit and credit accounts considered since the previous issue of an MT 941 are picked
for the current processing. The previous messages are based on the parameters maintained
for each account. This processing produces details of the statement generation. Generation of Ad hoc Reports

Balance reports for each account under an account class can be generated on an ad hoc
basis. The Ad Hoc report generation screen is used for capturing details of a balance report
sent ad hoc. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ACDADREP’ in the upper right corner of
the application toolbar, and clicking the arrow adjacent it.

Branch Code
The branch to which the account marked for balance report generation belongs is displayed;
you cannot change or modify this value.

Select the account which has been identified for generation of a balance statement, from the
option list. The account balance of this account is generated as an outgoing statement.

Swift Message Type

Select the type of message required to be sent. As the message is a balance statement,
select MT941/MT942.

Click on the ‘Generate Statement’ button to initiate the generation of balance statement for
the account you have selected. This process would pick up the entire debit and credit
component accounts created since the issue of a previous MT941, MT942, MT950 or MT940
are included in the generated statement.

You can examine the details of the generated message, to ensure that all details entered are
correct. Click on the ‘View’ button, to observe the outgoing message.

You can examine the message for ensuring the information entered is complete. You can only
view the details of the message; no input of additional information is supported at this stage.

3.1.11 REG Button

For an account class, you can define whether the Regulation D limits are applicable, and the
period over which the limits would be applicable. In the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen,
click the ‘REG’ button to invoke the ‘Reg Details’ screen. You can specify the Regulation D
applicability details in this screen.

If you indicate the periodicity of Regulation D applicability as ‘Statement Cycle’, the restricted
transactions would be counted over the primary statement cycle defined for the account class.

The Regulation D applicability details specified for an account class would default to all
accounts using the class.However, you can make changes to these details when you set up
a customer account that uses the account class.

3.1.12 Branches/Currencies Button

In addition to what you have specified in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen you have
the option of specifying the following for an accounts class:
 List of allowed or disallowed branches and allowed or disallowed currencies
 List of allowed and disallowed customer categories and allowed and disallowed

You can specify the branch and currency preferences through the ‘Account Class – Branch
and Currency Preferences’ screen.

Click ‘Branches/Currencies’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. The ‘Account Class
– Branch and Currency Preferences’ screen will be displayed.

The screen is as shown below:

In this screen you can specify the following for an account class:
 Those branches to which all parameters defined for this account class should be
 Those currencies in which all customer accounts linked to this account class can
operate Maintaining Branch Preferences

Customer accounts maintained in any branch can be linked to any account class. However,
you have the option of restricting the linkage of customer accounts in a particular branch or
branches to an account class.

For example, your bank has a total of 25 branches. Branch 001 and 004 handles only
Corporate Customers. For an account class, say, SAV-IND (savings accounts of individuals)
you would like to disallow linkage of all customer accounts of branch 001 and 004.

To specify this, click on disallowed since the disallowed branch list is smaller than the allowed
branch list. From the list of Available Branches select 001 and click the adjoining arrow.
Repeat the procedure for 004. 001 and 004 will be listed under disallowed branches.

For specifying the allowed list of branches, first click on allowed. You will notice that the
list title changes accordingly to allowed and vice versa. You should select allowed or dis-
allowed depending upon the length of the list. Maintaining Currency Preferences

For all accounts under this account class you have the option of specifying currencies in which
transactions are allowed/disallowed.

For example, you want to restrict all account level transactions under the account class
Corporations for corporate type accounts to four important currencies only, say - USD, GBP,
JPY, and DEM. You can specify the same.

To do this, click the ‘Currency Preference’ button. The ‘Account Class - Currency Preferences’
screen will be displayed.

All the allowed currencies you have defined for this account class will be displayed in the
option list adjoining the ‘Currency Code’ field. You can specify charges that should be levied
against each currency for opening a customer account. You can also maintain the maximum
number of ATM transactions that can be carried out on every currency. Similarly, you can
maintain the maximum cash that can be withdrawn from an ATM for every currency. If the box
‘Escrow Transfer Applicable’ is checked for the account class, you can capture currency-wise
cash deposit limit for the Trust accounts linked to the account class.

If ‘Large Debit Balance Tracking Required’ check box is checked at the preferences level,
then you have to maintain threshold amount for large debit balance. If the threshold amount
is not maintained for large debit balance and the ‘Large Debit Balance Tracking Required’
check box is checked, then the system displays an error message. Maintaining Minimum Balance

You can maintain minimum balance and minimum opening balance for a CASA account
based on the account facilities in the Minimum Balance screen. You can also maintain the

minimum balance for each currency. Click ‘Minimum Balance’ button under Currency Details
tab of ‘Branch and Currency Restriction’ sub-screen to invoke Minimum Balance screen.

Currency Code
Specify the currency code of the account. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from
the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes maintained in the system.

Default Minimum Balance

Specify the default minimum balance to be maintained for the account.

Default Minimum Opening Balance

Specify the default minimum opening balance to be maintained for the account. Default
minimum opening balance amount should not be less than default minimum balance amount.

Facilities Based Minimum Balance

You can maintain minimum balance based on account facilities in this block

Check this box if passbook facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Cheque Book
Check this box if cheque book facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Check this box if ATM facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Direct Banking
Check this box if direct banking facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Minimum Balance
Specify the minimum balance for facility combination for a currency. You can maintain the
minimum balance based on the multiple facility combinations.

Minimum Opening Balance

Specify the minimum opening balance for facility combination for a currency. The minimum
opening balance should not be less than the minimum balance.

Based on the account facilities availed at account level, the system looks for a matching
record of account facilities at account class level for an account currency. The minimum
balance and minimum opening balance that is maintained for the matching record will be
considered for validating minimum balance and minimum opening balance respectively. If
none of the records are matching, then default minimum balance and default minimum
opening balance maintained for that currency is considered for minimum balance and
minimum opening balance validation.

For each records maintained in ‘Facilities Based Minimum Balance’ section, the criteria
combination should be unique. For instance, for a USD currency, if one record is main-
tained with the value as ‘Y’ for all the facilities, then another record of USD currency should
not have value as ‘Y’ for all facilities.
If the minimum balance is maintained for currencies that are disallowed or restricted for an
account class, then the system displays an error message.
If ‘Allowed’ option is selected in Branch and Currencies Restriction sub screen and if the
currency for which minimum balance details is maintained are not available in the list of
allowed currencies, then the system displays an error message.

3.1.13 Customer Categories Button

Instead of linking each customer account to an account class, a customer category is linked
to the class.

For an account class you should specify the category that should be linked to it and also
specify if all customers under each of the categories are to be linked to the account class. In
the ‘Account Class - Customer List’ screen you have the option of specifying the categories
that should be linked to this account class and within a category you can also restrict individual
customers to be linked to the class.

To indicate allowed customer categories click the ‘Customer/Categories’ button. The ‘Account
Class - Customer List’ screen will be invoked.

In this screen you define the following:

 A list of allowed or disallowed customer categories
 A list of disallowed customers (if any) under the allowed category

For an account class you need to specify the customer categories that should be linked to it
and also customers within a category who should not be allowed to be linked to this account

For example,

You are capturing the features of a Nostro account class called NostroLCY, you would like to:
 Associate the customer category called Banks with NostroLCY
 Disallow a customer called Midas-Bank associated with the customer category called
Banks from using the features of this class
 Grant your customer Morgan Stanley linked to the customer category called Financial
Institutions all rights associated with NostroLCY

In the Selection Indicator field click on Allowed (since your allowed list is smaller and therefore
easier to indicate).
1. Highlight and select the Customer Categories called Banks and Financial Institutions in
the Available Categories list and click the adjoining arrow.
2. Next, highlight Financial Institutions and click adjoining arrow against Customers. It will
display the entire list of customer accounts maintained under the customer category
Financial Institutions
3. Select Morgan Stanley. It will be listed in the first row. To allow this customer the
parameters assigned to this account class check the small square box alongside
4. To add a row, click the Add icon. To delete an extra row, click the Delete icon
5. To disallow Midas Bank, click on Banks under available categories. Click the adjoining
arrow against Customers, to display a list of all the customers under this category. Select
Midas Bank. Since you would like to disallow this customer do not check the square box
against it

Check the square box to allow a customer the parameters assigned to this account class.
Leave the box unchecked to disallow a customer from being assigned to this account

3.1.14 Notice Button

You can specify the notice preferences for the withdrawal of amount through the ‘Notice
Preferences’ screen. Click ‘Notice’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.

The ‘Notice Preferences’ screen is displayed as follows:

The following fields are displayed in this screen:

 Account Class – The unique code assigned to the account class is displayed
 Description – A short description of the account class is displayed

The following are the notice preferences that you can specify for an account class:

Advance Interest
Check this field to levy the advance interest on the account class.

– The customer of the account class is liable to pay this interest in case he/she fails
to provide the required notice to the bank.
– The system deducts the advance interest from the credit Interest earned by the cus-
tomer of the account class on his/her credit balance in the account.

Monthly Free Amount

Specify the amount that a customer of the account class can withdraw per calendar month
from his/her savings account without being liable to pay advance interest.

Notice Days
Specify the number of days before which a customer of the account class should notify the
bank if he/she wants to withdraw an amount more than the ‘Free Amount’ from his/her

Validity Period
Specify the notice validity period in number of days. During this period, a customer of the
account class can do the withdrawal of the amount for which he/she notified the bank.

3.1.15 Banking Channels Button

You can capture the information of channels like Internet Banking, Interactive Voice
Response, Mobile, ATM, and Credit Card at customer level. These channel details can be
maintained in ‘Static Type Maintenance’ (CODTYPES) screen.

Click ‘Banking Channels’ button to specify the details relating to channels.

Specify the following details:

Banking Channels
Specify the banking channels code. Alternatively, you can select the list of channels from the
option list. The list displays the channels maintained in the system.

Banking Channel Name

The system displays the name of the banking channel.

– While populating the channels to the Customer Account screen, the system
populates only the channels which are allowed in primary CIF and Account Class.
The system defaults the remarks maintained at customer level to the account. You
can modify it.
– You can delete the channels which need not be allowed at the customer account
level, but you cannot add the channels which are disallowed at the customer or
account class level. The system will display only those channels which are available
in both CIF and account class levels.
– You can add channels which are mapped at both CIF and Account Class levels.
You cannot delete a channel at CIF/Account Class level, which is already mapped
to accounts (authorized or unauthorized) belonging to the CIF/Account Class. The

system checks only for active accounts. You can delete the channels from
customer/account class level only if the account is closed. During reopen of the
account, the system validates whether the account is modified after reopening.
– When an account is created automatically from Customer Creation screen, the
channels maintained at both Customer and Account Class is defaulted to the
account. If no maintenance is performed at CIF/account class levels for channels,
the system does not populate any channels at account.
– When account class transfer happens during batch, the system deletes the existing
channels attached to the account and repopulates from the new Account Class and

During authorization of the account, the system does not repopulate the channel details.
While authorizing primary party change, the system defaults the existing channels which are
attached to the account and repopulates from the new Customer and Account Class. You can
modify the channel information from the main screen for Customer Account Creation.

During save, the system defaults the channel details from Customer and Account Class of the
account. You can modify the details in the Account Creation screen (STDCUSAC).

3.1.16 Default Limits

You can define fund utilization sequence and default interest parameters for various account
level OD through the ‘Default Limits’ screen. Click ‘Default Limits’ in the ‘Account Class
Maintenance’ screen to invoke the following screen.

You maintain the following details in this screen:

Margin on Advance Against Uncollected Funds

Specify the margin in percentage terms that will be held on the uncollected funds while
offering AUF limit to account. AUF margin should be within 0 - 100.

Fund Utilization Sequence

Default Sequence
Select the default fund utilization sequence for accounts from the drop-down list. The list
displays the following values:


The following are the component in sequence considered for utilization at account level:

Component in

B - Balance Balance refers to clear balance available for debits at


S - Sweep in Funds Funds available as a result of sweep in setup including cover

account, auto deposit and term deposit linkages.

D - Daylight Limit Limit is primarily meant for intraday consumption. Only one
active limit is allowed at any point of time.

O - OD Limit Will apply to account level OD limits. Multiple limits of this

category can be active simultaneously.
Limits captured under Limit Details section under Limits But-
ton of Customer Account Maintenance (STDCUSAC) screen
will be considered for this component.

A - AUF limit Limit granted against uncollected funds available in the

account. Only one active limit allowed at any point of time.

T - Temporary OD Temporary OD granted at the account.

L- Local Limit Facility refers to local facility.

Limits captured under Line Linkage Details section under
Limits Button of Customer Account Maintenance (STD-
CUSAC) screen will be considered for this component.

V - Overline Overline refers to the overline utilization.

The utilization sequence will be defaulted to all accounts opened under the account class to
Limits sub screen of Customer Accounts Maintenance screen.

Source Code
Specify the source code to define channel specific sequence. Alternatively, you can select the
source code from the option list. The list displays all valid source codes maintained in the

Select the sequence applicable for the selected source code from the drop-down list. The list
displays the following values:

If ‘Source Code’ specific sequence is not selected, the default sequence will be applicable
for the channel. If transaction amount is greater than the supported components as per
sequence, the transaction will be disallowed, displaying a message as ‘Transaction cannot
be processed due to insufficient funds in the account’ based on the error code mainte-

CASA OD Interest Parameters

Limit Type
The system displays the account level OD limit type.

Rate Code
Specify the IC rate code. Alternatively, you can select the IC rate code from the option list.
The list displays all valid rate codes maintained in the system.

Rate Value
Specify the interest rate.

Min Rate
Specify the minimum interest rate applicable on the limit type.

Max Rate
Specify the maximum interest rate applicable on the limit type.

3.1.17 Dormancy Button

Click 'Dormancy' button to invoke the 'Dormancy Parameters' screen, where you can capture
the parameters like the GL status, status, movement rule, dormancy period params,
dormancy movement parameters for a product and module.

AT EOD, when the system executes the 'STDORMAC' batch, the system will automatically
move the balances of customer account to different dormancy status GL's depending on the
dormancy parameter maintained in this screen.

The system will maintain balances for each dormancy status of the account separately.

For more information on the ‘Dormancy Parameters’ screen refer to the section ‘Instrument
Product Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

3.2 Account Class Restriction Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 3.2.1, "Maintaining Branch Preferences"
 Section 3.2.2, "Maintaining Currency Preferences"
 Section 3.2.3, "Customer Categories Button"

You can invoke the ‘Account Class Restriction Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDACRES’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow

In this screen user can maintain Account Class Restrictions for all authorized and non Is-
lamic Account Classes from Account Class screen (STDACCLS).
There are four types of Restrictions that can be maintained in each of the four tabs :
– "Branch Details
– "Currency Details
– "Category
– "Customer
Also user can set Minimum Balance and Currency Preferences for an Account class

3.2.1 Maintaining Branch Preferences

Customer accounts maintained in any branch can be linked to any account class. However,
you have the option of restricting the linkage of customer accounts in a particular branch or
branches to an account class.

For example, your bank has a total of 25 branches. Branch 001 and 004 handles only

Corporate Customers. For an account class, say, SAV-IND (savings accounts of individuals)
you would like to disallow linkage of all customer accounts of branch 001 and 004.

To specify this, click on disallowed since the disallowed branch list is smaller than the allowed
branch list. From the list of Available Branches select 001 and click the adjoining arrow.

Repeat the procedure for 004. 001 and 004 will be listed under disallowed branches.

For specifying the allowed list of branches, first click on allowed. You will notice that the
list title changes accordingly to allowed and vice versa. You should select allowed or dis-
allowed depending upon the length of the list.

3.2.2 Maintaining Currency Preferences

For all accounts under this account class you have the option of specifying currencies in which
transactions are allowed/disallowed.

For example, you want to restrict all account level transactions under the account class

Corporations for corporate type accounts to four important currencies only, say - USD, GBP,
JPY, and DEM. You can specify the same.

To do this, click the 'Currency Preferences' button. The 'Currency Preferences' screen will be

All the allowed currencies you have defined for this account class will be displayed in the
option list adjoining the 'Currency Code' field. You can specify charges that should be levied
against each currency for opening a customer account. You can also maintain the maximum
number of ATM transactions that can be carried out on every currency. Similarly, you can
maintain the maximum cash that can be withdrawn from an ATM for every currency. If the box

'Escrow Transfer Applicable' is checked for the account class, you can capture currency-wise
cash deposit limit for the Trust accounts linked to the account class.

If 'Large Debit Balance Tracking Required' check box is checked at the 'Account Class-
preferences' level, then you have to maintain threshold amount for large debit balance. If the
threshold amount is not maintained for large debit balance and the 'Large Debit Balance
Tracking Required' check box is checked, then the system displays an error message.

Maintaining Minimum Balance

You can maintain minimum balance and minimum opening balance for a CASA account
based on the account facilities in the Minimum Balance screen. You can also maintain the
minimum balance for each currency. Click 'Minimum Balance' button under Currency Details
tab to invoke Minimum Balance screen.

Currency Code
Specify the currency code of the account. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from
the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes maintained in the system.

Default Minimum Balance

Specify the default minimum balance to be maintained for the account.

Default Minimum Opening Balance

Specify the default minimum opening balance to be maintained for the account. Default
minimum opening balance amount should not be less than default minimum balance amount.

Facilities Based Minimum Balance

You can maintain minimum balance based on account facilities in this block

Check this box if passbook facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Cheque Book
Check this box if cheque book facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Check this box if ATM facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Direct Banking
Check this box if direct banking facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Minimum Balance
Specify the minimum balance for facility combination for a currency. You can maintain the
minimum balance based on the multiple facility combinations.

Minimum Opening Balance

Specify the minimum opening balance for facility combination for a currency. The minimum
opening balance should not be less than the minimum balance.

Based on the account facilities availed at account level, the system looks for a matching
record of account facilities at account class level for an account currency. The minimum
balance and minimum opening balance that is maintained for the matching record will be
considered for validating minimum balance and minimum opening balance respectively. If
none of the records are matching, then default minimum balance and default minimum
opening balance maintained for that currency is considered for minimum balance and
minimum opening balance validation.

For each records maintained in ‘Facilities Based Minimum Balance’ section, the criteria
combination should be unique. For instance, for a USD currency, if one record is main-
tained with the value as ‘Y’ for all the facilities, then another record of USD currency should
not have value as ‘Y’ for all facilities.
If the minimum balance is maintained for currencies that are disallowed or restricted for an
account class, then the system displays an error message.
If ‘Allowed’ option is selected in Branch and Currencies Restriction sub screen and if the
currency for which minimum balance details is maintained are not available in the list of
allowed currencies, then the system displays an error message.

3.2.3 Customer Categories Button

Instead of linking each customer account to an account class, a customer category is linked
to the class.

For an account class you should specify the category that should be linked to it and also
specify if all customers under each of the categories are to be linked to the account class. In
the 'Category' tab you have the option of specifying the categories that should be linked to this
account class and within a category you can also restrict individual customers to be linked to
the class.

To indicate allowed customer click the 'Customer tab.

The 'Customers' screen will be invoked.

In this screen you define the following:

A list of disallowed customers (if any) under the allowed category

 Check the square box to allow a customer the parameters assigned to this account
 Leave the box unchecked to disallow a customer from being assigned to this account
 class.
 For an account class you need to specify the customer categories that should be linked
to it
 and also customers within a category who should not be allowed to be linked to this
 class.

For example,


You are capturing the features of a Nostro account class called NostroLCY, you would like to:
 Associate the customer category called Banks with NostroLCY
 Disallow a customer called Midas-Bank associated with the customer category called
 Banks from using the features of this class
 Grant your customer Morgan Stanley linked to the customer category called Financial
 Institutions all rights associated with NostroLCY


In the Selection Indicator field click on Allowed (since your allowed list is smaller and therefore

easier to indicate).
– Highlight and select the Customer Categories called Banks and Financial
Institutions in the Available Categories list and click the adjoining arrow.
– Next, highlight Financial Institutions and click adjoining arrow against Customers. It
will display the entire list of customer accounts maintained under the customer
category Financial Institutions
– Select Morgan Stanley. It will be listed in the first row. To allow this customer the
parameters assigned to this account class check the small square box alongside
– To add a row, click the Add icon. To delete an extra row, click the Delete icon
– To disallow Midas Bank, click on Banks under available categories. Click the
adjoining arrow against Customers, to display a list of all the customers under this
category. Select Midas Bank. Since you would like to disallow this customer do not
check the square box against it
– To add a row, click the Add icon. To delete an extra row, click the Delete icon
– To disallow Midas Bank, click on Banks under available categories. Click the
adjoining arrow against Customers, to display a list of all the customers under this
category. Select Midas Bank. Since you would like to disallow this customer do not
check the square box against it.

3.3 Account Class Denomination Deposit

You can invoke the ‘Account Class Denomination Deposit’ screen by typing ‘STDACCDD’ in
the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow

3.4 Account Class Group Maintenance
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 3.4.1, "Maintaining Account Class Group"
 Section 3.4.2, "Viewing Account Class Group"

3.4.1 Maintaining Account Class Group

You can group different account classes under a single account class group in ‘Account Class
Group Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDACLGP’ in the field at the top

right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following here:

Account Class Group

Specify the account class group.

Specify a brief description on the account class group.

A given account class cannot be part of more than one account class group

Account Class
Select the account class from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the description on the account class selected.

3.4.2 Viewing Account Class Group

You can view the account class group details maintained in the 'Account Class Group
Maintenance' screen using the 'Account Class Group Summary' screen. You can invoke this

screen by typing 'STSACLGP' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Account Class Group

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

3.5 Account Class Provisioning Maintenance

This section contains the following topics
 Section 3.5.1, "Maintaining Account Class Provisioning"

3.5.1 Maintaining Account Class Provisioning

You can display the ‘Account Provisioning Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDPRVRL’ in the
field at the top right corner of the application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You need to enter the following details:

Account Class
The account class for which you want to create the provisioning rule

Rule Number
Enter a numeric value for the rule you want to create.

Enter the condition of the rule.

The expected result for the rule.

Select element based on which you need to build the condition for maintaining account class
provisioning. The drop-down list displays the following elements:
 Outstanding Balance ACY
 Outstanding Balance LCY
 Receivable Interest
 Accrued Interest
 Account Status
 Exposure Category
 Risk-Free Exposure Amount
 Provision Percent
 Loss Percent
 Status Sequence
 Receivable Interest LCY
 Accrued Interest LCY
 Risk-Free Exp Amt LCY

 Bank Guarantee: The SDE BANK_GUARANTEE_is used for provisioning component
formula definition. BANK_GUARANTEE_AMT returns the value of linked amount in
case if the linked collateral is of type ‘Bank Guarantee’. Based on the rule and formula.
the same amount is used for provisioning computation. The
BANK_GUARANTEE_AMT will be zero if the linked Bank Guarantee or Stand by LC
has expired during provisioning computation.

The mathematical functions used for the rule. The drop-down list displays the following
 Absolute
 Greatest
 Least
 Round
 Truncate
 Floor
 Ceiling
 Power
 Modular

Select the operator for building a condition for automatic status change. You can use multiple
elements, in conjunction with the functions and arithmetic operators. The drop-down list
displays the following operators:
 + (add)
 - (subtract)
 * (multiply)
 / (divide)

Logical Operators
The logical operators to define the conditions for your rule. The drop-down list displays the
following logical operators:

Operator Description

AND The conjunction ‘and’

OR The conjunction ‘or’

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to (please note that there is no space between
the two symbols)

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to (please note that there is no space between the
two symbols)

<> Not equal to (please note that there is no space between the two

= Equal to

3.6 Account Class Transfer

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 3.6.1, "Maintaining Account Class Transfer"
 Section 3.6.2, "Main Tab"
 Section 3.6.3, "Auxiliary Tab"
 Section 3.6.4, "Processing Account Class Transfer"
 Section 3.6.5, "Viewing Account Class Transfer"

3.6.1 Maintaining Account Class Transfer

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates the change of account class at the customer account level
without changing the customer account number. Depending on the destination account class,
system defaults the reporting GL lines and IC related values. The account class transfer can
be initiated through the ‘Account Class Transfer Maintenance’ screen.

3.6.2 Main Tab

You can invoke the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen by typing ‘STDACTFR’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are maintained here:

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted here.

Select the account number which requires an account class transfer, from the adjoining option
list. This adjoining option list displays all valid accounts maintained at the account class level.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Old Account Class
The account class to which the selected customer account belongs is defaulted here.

The currency of the selected customer account is defaulted here.

Account Class
Select the new account class to which the customer account has to be transferred, from the
adjoining option list. This adjoining option list displays all valid account class. When the
account class is selected, the system checks whether the new account class is a valid one or

Click the ‘Default’ button to generate default parameters.

If the old and new account class are of different type, then the system will display the error
message as “Old and new A/c class belongs to different a/c class types Failed to Process the

Click ‘Ok’ to reset Account Class parameters.

If the old and new account class are of same type, then the system will display the override
message as “Provisioning details should be manually modified, if required.”

Click ‘Accept’ if you wish to continue. The system will display the Information Message as
“Request Successfully Processed.”

Click ‘Ok’ to continue. The following GL details are defaulted based on the values maintained
at the Account Class level:
 Status
 Credit
 Debit

Effective Date

The effective date of account class transfer can be based on either next liquidation cycle or
effective value date.

Next Liquidation Cycle

Check this box to indicate that the account class transfer should be effective from the earliest
liquidation date of the products mapped to the account.

Effective Date
Select the effective date for account class transfer from the adjoining calendar.

System displays an error message in the following conditions:
– If the specified date coincides with a holiday
– If the effective date is not provided and the transfer is based on actual date
– If the selected customer account has an unprocessed record

GL Details
The reporting GL details of the account selected is defaulted here when you click ‘Default’

For successful account class transfer, the CB and HO lines of both the account classes
must be same.


The system defaults the following account facility preferences from account class level. You
can modify the values.

Cheque Book
Check this box if you need a cheque book to be issued for your account.

Check this box if you need a passbook to be issued for your account.

Check this box if you need to avail an ATM facility for your account.

Direct Banking
Check this box to avail direct banking facility.

By availing direct banking facility, you can only view the minimum balance of the account. You
cannot perform any other transactions with this facility.

Status Change Automatic

Check this box if you need automatic status change for your account.

3.6.3 Auxiliary Tab

Specify the auxiliary details by clicking ‘Auxiliary’ tab in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen.

Cheque Book Preferences

Maintain the following cheque book preferences if you have opted for a cheque book for your
account in the ‘Main’ tab.

Auto Re-order Cheque Required
Check this box to automatically reorder cheque books for all accounts belonging to this
account class.

Reorder Cheque Level

Specify the level at which you need a cheque book for the account.

Reorder Number Of Leaves

Specify the number of cheque leaves you need in the reordered cheque book.

Cheque Book Name 1

Specify the name used for opening savings account A1. This name will be printed on the
cheque book and will be used for all cheque transactions.

Cheque Book Name 2

Specify the name if you need to enter the name of the joint account holder on the cheque
book, if the customer account is joint operations account.

ATM Preference

You can maintain the following parameter if the ATM box is checked in the Main screen.

Atm Account No
Specify the valid ATM account number that should be linked to the new account class.

Daily Amount Limit

Specify the daily limit for the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM.

Daily Amount Count

Specify the daily count for the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM.


You can maintain the following parameters for your account here.

Lodgement Book
Check this box if you need a lodgement book to be issued for the account.

Consolidated Cert. Reqd

Check this box if you need a consolidated certificate to be issued for the account.

Back Period Entry Allowed

Check this box if you need back period entries for the account.

Referral Required
Check this box if you need a referral check for your account.

Track Receivable
Check this box if you prefer to track the receivables for the account.

Specify the reason for the account class change.

Processed Status
System displays the status of account class transfer here. The drop-down list displays the
following options:
 Unprocessed–This status is defaulted till the account class transfer is effective.

 Processed–This status is defaulted when the account class transfer is effective. Interest Button

You can maintain the interest and consolidated charges of the account class in the ‘IC Special
Conditions Maintenance’ screen. The system would generate the details by default. You can
manually maintain the products if IC special condition is applicable for this account-account
class combination.

Click ‘Interest’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘IC Special Conditions
Maintenance’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Branch Code
The current branch code is defaulted here.

Calculation Account
Select the valid customer account number for calculation from the adjoining option list.

Interest Booking Account

Select the valid customer account number from the adjoining option list.

Interest Start Date

Select to indicate the effective date to generate interest from the adjoining calendar.

Interest Booking Branch

Select to indicate valid Branch for calculating the interest from the adjoining option list.

Interest Statement
Check this box to generate the interest statement.

Charge Booking Account
Select the valid customer account number for booking the charge from the adjoining option

Charge Start Date

Specify to indicate the effective date to generate charges from the adjoining calendar.

Charge Booking Branch

Select to indicate the valid Branch from the option list, for calculating the charge.

Dr Cr Advices
Check this box to generate debit and credit related advices.

Consolidated Account
Select the valid account number from the adjoining option list.

Consolidated charge bank

Select the valid bank from the adjoining option list.

Product Details

You can specify product details for your account here.

Product Code
Select the valid product code from the adjoining option list.

UDE Currency
The system generates the user defined currency type maintained at ‘Interest Product
Preference’ level.

Check this box if you need to waive of interest or charges defined for the selected interest
product at the Interest Product Preference level.

Generate UDE Change Advice

Check this box if you need to generate advice for change in values of the User Data elements
for the account.

Check this box if you need to apply the selected interest product for the account.

3-66 Charges Button

Click ‘Charges’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Account level charges
conditions’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Account Details

You can maintain the account details here.

Branch Code
The current branch code is defaulted here.

The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class

Product Detail

You can specify the parameters related to product here.

Product Code
Select a valid product code from the adjoining option list.

UDE Currency
The system generates the user defined currency type defined for the selected charges

Specify the minimum charge that can be applied for the account.
Specify the maximum charge that can be applied for the account.

Free Items
Specify to indicate the number of items on which the charges are not levied.

Waive Charges
Check this box if you need to waive the charges defined for the selected charges product at
the account level.

Check this box if you need to apply the selected charges product for the account.

Slab Amount

You can specify the parameters related to slab amount here. You can add additional rows by
clicking the ‘+’ button and delete rows by clicking ‘-’ button.

Slab Amount
Specify an amount slab for the charges maintained at the account level. Rate will be applied
for the amounts less than or equal to the amount slab.

Charge Amount
Specify the charge amount applied for the selected product at the account.

Specify the rate to be applied for the charges maintained at the account level. Consolidated Charges Button

Click ‘Consolidated Charges’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Account
Level Consolidated Charges Conditions’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Account Details

You can maintain the account details for an account here.

Branch Code
The current branch code is defaulted here.

The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class

Product Details

You can specify product details for your account here.

Product Code
Select a valid product code from the adjoining option list.

The system generates the user defined currency type defined for the selected consolidated
charges product.

Specify the minimum consolidated charges that can be applied for the account.

Specify the maximum consolidated charges that can be applied for the account.

Check this box if you need to apply the selected consolidated charges product for the account.

Waive Charges
Check this box if you need to waive the consolidated charges defined for the selected
consolidated charges product.


You can specify discount details for the consolidated charges applied for the account.

Discount Percentage
Specify percentage of the amount to be discounted from the computed consolidated charges.

Discount Amount
Specify a flat amount to be discounted from the computed consolidated charges.

3-69 Statement Button

Click ‘Statement’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Statement’ screen.

Specify the following parameters for each of the valid account type.

Primary A/c Statement

You can generate account statement periodically for primary account type.

Select the statement type to be generated from the options. The following values are available
for selection:
 None–Select this option if you do not need an account statement.
 Summary–Select this option if you need a brief account statement.
 Detailed–Select this option if you need a detailed account statement.

Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:
 Annual–Select this option if you need to generate the statement annually.
 Semi Annual–Select this option if you need to generate the statement half yearly.
 Quarterly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement quarterly.
 Monthly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement monthly.
 Fortnightly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement fortnightly.
 Weekly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement weekly.
 Daily–Select this option if you need to generate the statement daily.

Select a month, a date or a day to generate statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The
drop-down list displays following values:
 Displays names of the months when Annual, Semi Annual, and Quarterly are selected
at the ‘Cycle’ level
 Displays numbers from 1 to 31 when Monthly is selected at the ‘Cycle’ level
 Displays names of the week days when Fortnightly and Weekly are selected at the
‘Cycle’ level
 Displays a blank list when Daily is selected at the ‘Cycle’ level

Secondary A/c Statement

You can generate account statement periodically for secondary account type.

Select the statement type to be generated from the options. The following values are available
for selection:
 None–Select this option if you do not need an account statement.
 Summary–Select this option if you need a brief account statement.
 Detailed–Select this option if you need a detailed account statement.

Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:
 Annual–Select this option if you need to generate the statement annually.
 Semi Annual–Select this option if you need to generate the statement half yearly.
 Quarterly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement quarterly.
 Monthly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement monthly.
 Fortnightly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement fortnightly.
 Weekly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement weekly.
 Daily–Select this option if you need to generate the statement daily.
Select a month, a date or a day to generate statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The
drop-down list displays following values:
 Displays names of the months when Annual, Semi Annual, and Quarterly are selected
at the ‘Cycle’ level
 Displays numbers from 1 to 31 when Monthly is selected at the ‘Cycle’ level
 Displays names of the week days when Fortnightly and Weekly are selected at the
‘Cycle’ level
 Displays a blank list when Daily is selected at the ‘Cycle’ level

Tertiary A/c Statement

You can generate account statement periodically for tertiary account type.

Select the statement type to be generated from the options. The following values are available
for selection:
 None–Select this option if you do not need an account statement.

 Summary–Select this option if you need a brief account statement.
 Detailed–Select this option if you need a detailed account statement.

Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:
 Annual–Select this option if you need to generate the statement annually.
 Semi Annual–Select this option if you need to generate the statement half yearly.
 Quarterly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement quarterly.
 Monthly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement monthly.
 Fortnightly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement fortnightly.
 Weekly–Select this option if you need to generate the statement weekly.
 Daily–Select this option if you need to generate the statement daily.

Select a month, a date or a day to generate statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The
drop-down list displays following values:
 Displays names of the months when Annual, Semi Annual, and Quarterly are selected
at the ‘Cycle’ level
 Displays numbers from 1 to 31 when Monthly is selected at the ‘Cycle’ level
 Displays names of the week days when Fortnightly and Weekly are selected at the
‘Cycle’ level
 Displays a blank list when Daily is selected at the ‘Cycle’ level

Exclude Same Day Reversal trns from stmt

Check this box to exclude details of the transactions reversed on the same day from the
generated statement. Maintaining MIS Details

Click ‘MIS’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Management Information
System’ screen.

The screen is as shown below:

All the parameters are defaulted here. You can change the values if needed. The following
parameters are maintained:

Branch Code
The current branch code is defaulted here.

Account No
The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class

MIS Group
Select a valid MIS group from the adjoining option list.

Link to Group
Check this box if you need to link MIS group to the account. Any changes to the MIS group
would be automatically applied to the linked account.

Ref Rate Code

Specify a valid reference rate code for the account.

Calculation Method
Select a method to calculate the rate from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the
following values:
 30-Euro/360
 30-US/360
 Actual/360
 30-Euro/363
 30-US/365
 Actual/365

Ref Rate Code
Select a valid reference type from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following
 Fixed–Select this option if you need a fixed reference rate for the account.
 Floating Automatic–Select this option if you need to apply the reference rate maintained
at the account level.

Ref Spread
Specify the reference spread for the account.

Rate Flag
Select a valid rate flag from the options. The following values are available for selection:
 Pool Code–Select this option if you need to apply the rate maintained for the pool to
which the account belongs.
 Contract Level– Select this option if you need to apply the rate maintained at contract

Pool Code
Select a valid pool code to which the account class belongs, from the adjoining option list.

Reference Rate
Select a valid reference rate from the adjoining option list.

Transaction MIS Code

The system generates transaction type of MIS code from the Account Class level. You can
select a valid MIS code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

Composite MIS Codes

The system generates composite type of MIS code from the Customer Maintenance level.
You can select a valid MIS code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

Cost Codes
The system generates cost codes from the Account Class level. You can select a valid cost
code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

3-74 Account Status Button

Click ‘Account Status’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Account Status’

All the parameters are defaulted here. You can change the values, if needed. The following
parameters are maintained


You can maintain account details for your account here.

Branch Code
The current branch code is defaulted here.

The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class

Account Status

You can maintain account status details for your account here.

The current account status is defaulted here. You can select a valid account status from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

Account class transfer is processed only if the account status is ‘NORM’.

The description of the account status is defaulted here.

GL Lines

You can maintain the credit and debit details of the general ledger reporting lines for your
account here.

The GL code related to credit is defaulted here. You can select a valid GL code from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

The GL code related to debit is defaulted here. You can select a valid GL code from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

HO Lines

You can maintain the credit and debit details of the Head Office reporting lines for your
account here.

The line code related to credit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

The line code related to debit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

CB Lines

You can maintain the credit and debit details of the Central Bank reporting lines for your
account here.

The line code related to credit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

The line code related to debit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the
adjoining option list, if needed.

3.6.4 Processing Account Class Transfer

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates the change of account class at the customer level without
changing the customer account number. Depending on the destination account class, system
defaults reports the reporting GL lines and IC related values. Processing EOD Batch

During IC EOD process, system considers interest accrual for the back value dated
transactions carried out prior to account class transfer, and computes the interest from the
effective date of transfer based on new account class values. If the value date of the back
value transaction is before the effective date of transfer, then the system does not compute
interest for the period between value date and effective date.

System does not process IC calculation of back valued UDE change, back value dated
transaction, CIF type change and bulk change of the old account class.

3-76 Processing BOD Batch

During BOD process, system initiates the IC online liquidation of interest accrued on various
products for all the customer accounts in the account class, till the effective date of account
class transfer. Using gateway infrastructure, system authorizes and changes the account
class based on the parameters maintained at the account class transfer level. However, GL
balance of the accounts processed for account class transfer would be considered for the next
day EOC.

– Transfer of the account class would be effective only after the liquidation of
customer accounts.
– Error log is written for the customer account which has failed in the account class

When account class transfer maintenance is saved, the system will enforce restriction and
display an error message in following conditions:
 If one of the mask components of the customer account is Account class
 If dual-currency is enabled for the old account class
 If the account is already linked in ILM structure
 If the old account class is deposit type
 If the new account class has customer or currency restriction on the selected customer
and account currency respectively

3.6.5 Viewing Account Class Transfer

You can view a summary of Account Class Transfer maintained at the ‘Account Class
Transfer’ level using ‘Account Class Transfer’ summary screen. You can invoke the ‘Account
Class Transfer’ summary screen by typing ‘STSACTFR’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status

 Record Status
 Branch Code
 Account Class
 Old Account Class
 Account
 Next Liquidation Cycle

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch Code
 Account Class
 Old Account Class
 Account
 Next Liquidation Cycle
 Effective Date

3.7 Account Class Value Date Maintenance

Based on the bank’s policy all financial transactions that affect the customer account will
move the effective date of the transaction for a predefined days. The day on which the
transaction will be effective is known as Value Date.

The calculation of value dates are different for Current, Savings account:
 Current Account: For current account the float days would be added/subtracted directly
to value date to arrive the treated value date.
 Savings Account: For Savings account the float days would be added depending on the
date of transaction it originated.

The value data calculation is also different for credit and debit transactions:
 Credit Transactions: For credit transactions the value date is moved ahead for
predefined dates.
Such as, for credit transactions, that happened between 1st day of the month until 15th
day of the month, the treated value date would be 16th of the month and if transactions
are between 16th to last day of the month, then the treated value date would be 1st day
of the immediate next month
 Debit Transactions: For debit transactions the value date is moved back for predefined
Such as debit transactions that happened between first day of the month until 15th day
of the month, the treated value date would be 1st of the month and if transactions are
between 16th to last day of the month, then the treated value date would be 16th of the

This section contains the following topic:

 Section 3.7.1, "Maintaining Account Class Value Dates"

3.7.1 Maintaining Account Class Value Dates

You can invoke the Account Class Value Date Maintenance screen by typing ‘STDACCVD’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow

Defining an Account Class Value Date includes the maintenance of the following parameters:

Account Class
The Account Class for which Value Date treatment is maintained. You can select any open
and active current and savings account classes.

The description of the account class.

Account Class Type

The type of account class, such as Savings, Current, and so on.

Holiday Treatment
Indicates the type of Holiday treatment needed. The values are null value, Next working day,
and Previous working day.

When you select null value for Holiday Treatment holiday treatment is not considered for
transactions. When ‘Next working day’ is selected as Holiday Treatment, the value date
moves to the next working day, if the system calculated value date falls on a holiday. When
you select ‘Previous working day’, the value date will moves to the previous working day if the
system calculated value date falls on a holiday

Dr/Cr Indicator
The type of transaction. The values are Credit and Debit.

Offset Days
The offset days or value date

From Day
Enter the start day of the slab.

The From Day cannot be greater than the To day.

To Day
The end day of the slab.

There should be no overlap in the dates selected in the date slab.

Offset From
The date from which the value date treatment should be considered.

Offset Treatment
The type of value date treatment should be done. The available options are Move Forward
and Move Backward.

If you select Move Forward as the offset treatment for debit transactions or Move Backward
for credit transactions a configurable display message is displayed.

Value Date application depends on the options you select in the Offset From and Offset
Treatment fields.
 When you select To Date, offset days are added or subtracted from To Date.
 When you select From Date, offset days are added or subtracted from From Date.
 When you select Value Date, offset days are added or subtracted from Value Date.

If the computed value date is less than the account opening date or interest start date (in case
of migrated accounts), the computed value date is adjusted such that it is equal to either the
account opening date or the interest start date whichever is greater.

3.8 Manual Status Change Input

This section contains the following topic:
 Section 3.8.1, "Modifying Account Status Manually"

3.8.1 Modifying Account Status Manually

You can use the ‘Manual Status Change’ screen for status movements that have to be
performed manually on a customer account. You can invoke this screen, by typing
‘STDSTCHN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

Click the new button on the Application toolbar.

Provide the following details in this screen to facilitate a manual status change:

Account No
Select the customer account for which you are marking a manual status change, from the
option-list provided.

On selection of the account, the system will display the current status of the account as well
as the date on which the account moved to the current status.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details
maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

New Status
Specify the new status of the account. You can select the appropriate status from this list.

If Status Processing Basis specified in the Branch Parameters for all the branches is
‘Contract/Account’, only status codes maintained with status type ‘Account’ (in the ‘Status
Codes Maintenance’ screen) will be available in the option-list. If Status Processing Basis for
even one of the branches is specified as ‘Group/CIF’ level, then the only statuses available
will be of type ‘Both’.

Current Status Attributes

In addition to the new status, you can also mark the account with any one of the following
statuses, if required:
 No Credit – if checked, no credit movement will be allowed on the account

 No Debit – the system will not allow debit movements on the account if you select this
 Frozen – if selected, no activity will be allowed on the account
 Posting Allowed – if checked, posting of accounting entries will be allowed in the
 Status Change Automatic - You can select this option if you want the subsequent status
change for the account to be performed automatically by the system. After the account
moves to the new status specified here, all subsequent status movements will be
triggered automatically, during the EOD run for the branch. However, the changes will
come into effect only upon authorization of the details maintained here. At a later date,
you can switch back to the manual mode by unchecking this option and having the same
authorized.The manual status movement that you specify in this screen has to be
authorized for the new status of the account to come into effect.
 Debit Override - Check this box to selectively allow or restrict debit transactions from an
 Credit Override - Check this box to selectively allow or restrict credit transactions to an
 Central Bank Dormant - If the account is in Central Bank Dormant status, then this is
checked. As Central Bank Dormant and Dormant both goes together so both the
statuses will be checked.
 Bancontrol - You can select this option if you want to check the accounts that have
bancontrol status or status that requires referrals approval to the Approval Queue.
 Bancontrol Reason - Specify the reason for the bancontrol status. Bancontrol Indicator
will be captured at the Account Level with the reason for moving to bancontrol.
 Description - Specify a brief description associated with the bancontrol reason.

On authorization of the manual status change operation, the new statuses will be reflected in
the customer account and will be effective immediately

When the account status is modified from the Manual Status Change screen (STDTCHN),
system will display a configurable override message: "The Account has an active amount
block”, if there is an active amount block created from the amount block input screen

Maintaining Status Change Processing

For accounts marked with automatic status change, you can execute a batch process at EOD
to trigger the status movement and other associated changes. Use the ‘Account Status
Update Processing’ screen available in the Application Browser to begin the batch process.

At EOD, if the Central Bank Dormancy Days <= (Current Date – Dormancy Date) then the
account moves to ‘Central Bank Dormant’ status. This would be the last status of the account
in dormancy movement.

If the Status Processing Basis defined for the branch is ‘Group/CIF’ level, the worst status for
all loans and overdrafts accounts is calculated for a Group/CIF level. This status is displayed
in the respective Group/CIF screens as well as at the respective account and contract
screens. The individual status of each account and contract is also displayed in the accounts
screen as ‘Account Derived Status’.

Refer the ‘Products’ chapter of the Interest and Charges user manual for more details.

3.9 Maintaining Turnover Limits
You can maintain turnover limits for a given period of time using the ‘Turnover Limit
Maintenance’ screen. You can attach these limits to an account class and thereby track the
turnover on all accounts under the account class.

You can invoke the ‘Turnover Limit Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDTOLMT’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Here, you need to specify the following details.

Limit Code
Specify a unique code used to identify turnover limit.

Specify a brief description associated with the turnover limit.

Period Details

You can specify the following details pertaining to the period for limit application.

Period Code
Specify a unique code to identify the financial period for which you wish to maintain turnover

Start Date
Specify the start date of the financial period, using the adjoining calendar.

End Date
Specify the end date of the financial period, using the adjoining calendar.

You can maintain multiple period codes. However, the periods cannot overlap.

Limit Amount Details

You can specify the following details pertaining limits applicable on the period code.

Limit Currency
Specify the currency of the limit amount. This adjoining option list displays all valid currency
codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Limit Amount
Specify the limit amount applicable of the financial period.

– You can increase or decrease the maximum turnover limit as part of record
modification. The modified limits will be applicable only for subsequent transactions.
– Unutilized limit amount does not get carried forward to the next period.

4. Customer Accounts
You can define customer accounts for all the customers of your bank through the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Each account that you define is identified with an account number. The structure of the
account number is based on the Account Mask you have maintained through the Account
Parameters sub-screen of the Bank-wide Parameters screen.

The Account Number can be combination of the CIF Number, the Account Class, Currency,
and any other alphabet/s or number/s of the account or currency as defined.

For an account number, you also need to define (in this screen) other parameters like: the
account class; the type of account - joint or single; the reporting lines for the account; the
currency in which transactions can be passed to this account; the customer’s account limit;
the check book/passbook/ATM facility, the various statuses applicable to the account and so

Every account created or modified in Oracle FLEXCUBE needs to be authorized to become

effective. Whenever a new customer account is created or an existing record is modified, the
system generates a notification message on the record authorization. This notification
message can be sent to any external system if required.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 4.1, "Customer Account Maintenance"
 Section 4.2, "Multi Currency Account Maintenance"
 Section 4.3, "Multi Currency Account Query"
 Section 4.4, "CASA Branch Parameter Maintenance"
 Section 4.5, "Address Code Maintenance"
 Section 4.6, "Company Code Maintenance"
 Section 4.7, "Primary Party Change Maintenance"
 Section 4.8, "Maintaining Customer De-duplication"
 Section 4.9, "Joint Holder Maintenance"
 Section 4.10, "Reserve Account Creation"
 Section 4.11, "Reconciliation of MT110 with Incoming Cheque Transactions"
 Section 4.12, "Sweep-In Transactions"
 Section 4.13, "Levying Penalty Interest on Notice Accounts"
 Section 4.14, "Maintaining Notice Period for Withdrawal"
 Section 4.15, "Recording Details of Lodgment Book Requests"
 Section 4.16, "Quick Account Opening"
 Section 4.17, "Maintaining Customer Account Limit"
 Section 4.18, "Transaction Limit Code Maintenance"
 Section 4.19, "Generating Notifications"
 Section 4.20, "Query Operation"
 Section 4.21, "View Operation"
 Section 4.22, "Bulk Account Status Change"
 Section 4.23, "Closing Account"
 Section 4.24, "Special Range/Number Maintenance"

 Section 4.25, "Releasing Track Receivable Details"
 Section 4.26, "Viewing Release of Track Receivable Summary"
 Section 4.27, "Deleting Track Receivable Details"
 Section 4.28, "Viewing of Deletion of Track Receivable Summary"

4.1 Customer Account Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.1.1, "Opening Customer Accounts"
 Section 4.1.2, "Main Tab"
 Section 4.1.3, "Auxiliary Tab"
 Section 4.1.4, "Nominee Tab"
 Section 4.1.5, "Checklist Tab"
 Section 4.1.6, "Capturing Additional Details"
 Section 4.1.7, "Interest Button"
 Section 4.1.8, "Charge Button"
 Section 4.1.9, "Consolidated Charge Button"
 Section 4.1.10, "BIC Button"
 Section 4.1.11, "Instructions Button"
 Section 4.1.12, "Standing Instructions Button"
 Section 4.1.13, "Linked Entities Button"
 Section 4.1.14, "REG Button"
 Section 4.1.15, "Account Status Button"
 Section 4.1.16, "Restriction Button"
 Section 4.1.17, "Currency Limits Button"
 Section 4.1.18, "MIS Button"
 Section 4.1.19, "Statement Button"
 Section 4.1.20, "Limits Button"
 Section 4.1.21, "Documents Tab"
 Section 4.1.22, "Banking Channels Tab"
 Section 4.1.23, "Joint Holder Button"
 Section 4.1.24, "Fields Button"
 Section 4.1.25, "Deposits Instructions Button"
 Section 4.1.26, "Billing Parameters Button"
 Section 4.1.27, "Account Signatory Button"
 Section 4.1.28, "Interim Transactions Report Button"
 Section 4.1.29, "Notice Preferences Button"
 Section 4.1.30, "Cards Tab"
 Section 4.1.31, "Statistics Button"
 Section 4.1.32, "Change Log Tab"
 Section 4.1.33, "Cheque Book Request Button"
 Section 4.1.34, "Debit Card Request Button"
 Section 4.1.35, "Sweep In Setup Button"
 Section 4.1.36, "Closure Details"

 Section 4.1.37, "Generating Alert for Secure Overdraft Utilization"
 Section 4.1.38, "Viewing Customer Accounts Details"
 Section 4.1.39, "Viewing Customer Accounts"
 Section 4.1.40, "Viewing Customer Account Sweep History Details"

4.1.1 Opening Customer Accounts

Invoke the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDCUSAC’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click the
new button on the toolbar.

You can query or modify the account details of the customers whose accounts are permit-
ted to you for the query/modification in the ‘Group Code Restriction’ screen

The ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance - Main’ screen is displayed by default when you invoke
the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen. The Branch Code of the sign-on branch is on

Customer Number
To create an account, you need to input the CIF number of the customer for whom the account
is to be created. The adjoining option list displays all the valid customer codes. You can select
the appropriate one.

If the CIF number is a part of the account mask, the specified CIF should be as part of the
account number as per the length of CIF in the mask.

If you have included the CIF Number of the customer as part of the Account Mask, the system
automatically defaults the CIF code of the customer in the respective field. You can modify
this code.

However, while defining the Account Mask in the Account Parameters section of the Bank-
wide Parameters screen, if you have specified that the CIF Number should not be a part of
the account mask you will have to specify the customer code manually. A list of all the valid
customer codes is displayed in the available option list. You can select the appropriate.

Customer Name
The name of the customer is displayed based on the CIF ID that you have mentioned in
‘Customer No’ field.

You have to identify the currency of the customer account. A list of all the currencies
maintained in the system will be displayed in the available list. You can select the currency of
transaction for the respective account. If the currency of the account is not defined for the
current period in the ‘Turnover Limit Maintenance’ screen, you will not be able to save the

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Turnover Limits’ in the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Mandatory
Information’ in this User Manual for details about the ‘Turnover Limit Maintenance’ screen.

You can indicate the account number of the customer. One customer can have any number
of accounts.

The structure of the account number is defined in the customer account mask maintained in
the Account Parameters sub-screen of the Branch-wide parameters screen. The account
number can be a combination of the account class, customer code (CIF Number), serial
number or currency as defined in the customer account mask.

The last constituent of the account number is always a system generated check digit (it could
be alphabetical or numeric depending upon the mask defined).

You cannot alter the relative position of the constituents of customer account (as defined in
the mask) while maintaining actual customer accounts.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the sign on branch. If the you have Multi Branch
Access Rights, system allows you to select the branch where the account is to be created.

The branch selection option list will display all the active branches, to which the user has

Account Class
In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can classify the customer accounts of your bank into different
groups. Each group is referred to as an account class and is maintained in the ‘Account Class
Maintenance’ screen. For each class, you have to define certain common attributes
applicable to all accounts in the particular class.

While maintaining a specific account you have to identify the class to which the particular
account belongs. You can select the appropriate account class from the list of all the valid
account classes maintained in the system. Account classes that have surpassed their end
date (expired) will not be displayed in the option list.

Refer the chapter ‘Maintaining Mandatory Information’ in the Core Entities User Manual for
details about maintaining account classes.

Fetch button is used to fetch the account number. The system will fetch the account number
if the following ways:
 If the Auto Account Generate option is enabled in branch parameter, the system will
default the auto-generated account number.
 If the Auto Account Generate option is disabled in branch parameter, the system will
popup the account window. You can specify the account number and it will be defaulted
in the main screen.

Special Account No Generation

Check this box to generate a special account number in the ‘Account’ field.

– If the customer creation is manual, you should enter the desired customer number
complying with the mask having the special number in the ‘Account’ field. On click
of ‘Ok’ button, the system validates whether the special number entered is an
unused and a valid number.
– This field is disabled after generating account number in the ‘Account’ field.

Reserved Account
Specify the reserved account of the Customer. Alternatively, you can select the reserved
account from the option list. The list displays all valid reserved accounts maintained in the

SD User Reference
The system displays the SD user reference for the account; however, this is not applicable for

Multi Currency Account

The system generates Multi Currency Account (MCA) number and customer account number
when account class is enabled for Multi currency account else it generates only customer
account number.

The system validates the mask maintained at Branch level on save. Bank level mask is
referred when branch level mask is not available.

– The first account opened under MCA account class is considered as primary
account of the customer.
– The system displays an error when another account is opened for the customer in
the same account class through this screen.

This field displays only the multi currency account number for accounts opened under MCA
account class as follows:

 Primary account creation and query
 Sub accounts opened during query.

Private Customer
The system defaults whether the customer is private or not from the customer screen. You
cannot modify this field.

Details maintained in this screen are classified into four broad tabs and are discussed in detail
in the subsequent sections:

Tab Remarks

Main Here you maintain the main attributes of each customer account like
the account number, customer code, the account class, account cur-
rency, type of account - single or joint, account status, other statuses
applicable, Cheque Book preferences etc.

Auxiliary Under Auxiliary you can view other details like provisioning etc.

Nominee Nominee details are maintained under Nominee head.

Check List Document details like document type, expiry date, expected date of
submission and so on are maintained under Check List.

4.1.2 Main Tab

Account Description
The system displays the customer’s complete name. However, you can modify it, if required.
Here you can enter the nature of the account like current, savings, overdraft, etc. If a customer
has two or more accounts under one account class, you can specify the purpose of that

It is mandatory to enter the account description. If the full name is not maintained at cus-
tomer level or account description is not entered, the system will display an error message.

Account Type
You have to indicate whether the account is to be opened only by the account holder or
whether it can be jointly operated.

Mode of Operation
Select the mode of operation from the following options:
 Single
 Jointly
 Either Anyone or Survivor
 Former or Survivor
 Mandate Holder

Account Open Date

The system displays the current branch date. However, you need to specify the date on which
the account was opened.

Address Code
Specify the address code from the adjoining option list.

Address 1–4
Specify the address of the customer.

An address for a customer account is based on the ‘Location’ and ‘Media’ combination.
Location codes maintained through the ‘Account Address Location Type Maintenance’ screen
are made available against this field. The address maintained here is always the primary or
the default address. Each customer can have several addresses for a particular media. To
distinguish between one address of a customer from another for a given media, it is essential
for you to specify a unique location for each address. Also, if you are amending an address
here, the same gets updated in the ‘Customer Account Address - Detailed’ table after the
validations are through.

Indicate the media for which the charge should be levied. Select one of the following options
from the option list:
 Mail
 Telex
 Fax
 ISO

Country Code
Specify the country of the customer. This adjoining option list displays all valid country codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

The country information is captured to enable Mantas to analyse the transactions for pos-
sible money laundering activities.

Account Facilities

As part of specifying the account facilities, you can indicate whether the account holder can
avail he following facilities:.
 A chequebook facility
 A passbook facility
 A CAS account facility
 An ATM facility
 A Direct Banking facility

You can indicate that the account holder can avail of a Chequebook, Passbook, ATM facility,
Direct Banking facility by checking the box positioned next to each of these fields. The system
displays a configurable override message if the defaulted values are modified.

If you have indicated that the account holder needs to be provided with the check book facility,
you can also specify whether automatic reordering of cheque books should be allowed for the
account. In addition, you will have to maintain the check book details through the respective
screen. Similarly, you can choose to indicate that the account holder needs to be provided
with a Passbook, ATM and Direct Banking facility.

Although these specifications are defaulted from the account class screen, where you had
maintained these specifications for all accounts belonging to a class, the options specified
at the account level will supersede that specified for the account class.

System checks the box by default if you have selected the option for availing cheque book
facility in account class screen.

System checks the box by default if you have selected the option for availing passbook facility
in account class screen.

This shall be defaulted from the account class screen, where you had defined this facility for
all accounts belonging to a class. The option specified at the account level will supersede that
specified for the account class.

CAS Account
Check this box if you wish to have CAS account facility.

System checks the box by default if you have selected the option for availing ATM facility in
account class screen.

Direct Banking
The system checks this box by default, if you have selected the option for availing direct
banking facility in account class screen. You are allowed to modify it.

By availing direct banking facility you can only view the minimum balance of the account. The
system does not allow you to perform any other transactions with this facility.

Initial Funding

You can maintain the following details here:

Account Opening Amount
Specify the amount being deposited to open a customer account. While saving the record, the
system checks whether this amount is equal to or greater than the minimum limit maintained
for the linked account class. If the amount is less than the applicable limit, the system will
display an error message. If it is equal to or greater than the limit amount, the system will
proceed with saving.

Input to this field will be mandatory if limit amount has been maintained for the linked account

Pay-In Option
Select the method for initial funding during account creation. Choose one of the following
 Pay In By Account
 Pay In By GL

Offset Branch
Specify the branch code of the account for redemption.

Offset Account
Specify the offset Account. If you have chosen ‘Pay In By Account’, as the pay-in option,
specify the customer account that should be debited while posting accounting entries. The
adjoining option list displays all valid customer accounts and customer GLs maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

If you choose ‘Pay In By GL’, the system will display the offset GL maintained for the branch
in the ‘Term Deposit Payin Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Waive Account Opening Charges

Check this box to indicate that account opening charges should be waived for individual
customer account. Specifying Other Options

Replicate Customer Signature
The signature of the customer gets defaulted from the linked CIF (customer) level to account.
This value will be defaulted only if the customer type is individual with single or joint mode of

Salary Account
Check this box to indicate the salary account which should be selected for loan recovery on
salary credit. By default this option is unchecked.

IBAN Required
Check this box to capture the details of the IBAN account for a specific customer. ‘IBAN
Required’ is enabled by default if:
 ‘IBAN Required’ at account class level is checked
 ‘IBAN Check Required’ in the country code maintenance (STDCNMNT) is checked.

IBAN Account Number

Specify the IBAN Account Number. If IBAN details are maintained for the branch and 'IBAN
Required' is checked for the account, then the system will generate the IBAN number on
saving the account.

The IBAN consist of 34 alphanumeric characters out of which first two letters are the country
code, next two characters being check digits followed by a country specific Basic Bank
Account Number (BBAN).For Nostro accounts, you have to provide the IBAN after checking
'IBAN Required' flag.

IBAN Multi Currency Account

Specify the IBAN Multi Currency Account Number. This is generated only for primary Account
of Multi Currency Account and not the sub accounts. This gets generated when 'IBAN
Required' and 'Multi Currency Accounts' are enabled at Account Class. When this number is
entered, system validates it. It follows same generation and validation logic like IBAN Account

Alternate Account Number

You have to define an alternate account number for the account you are defining. The
alternate account number that you specify should be unique for each customer. You can
capture the old account numbers used by your bank before installing the Oracle FLEXCUBE
system. The old account numbers would be mapped with the new account numbers. This
would facilitate quick tracking of the account and generating queries.

In the Data Entry Module, you can input a transaction using the alternate account number
instead of the actual account number.

Clearing Bank Code

Specify the external bank’s code that should be used for clearing maintenance. The adjoining
option list displays the valid banks maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate

Clearing Account Number

The clearing account number for the customer account is generated automatically if you have
opted for auto generation in the Branch parameters. The account number is created
according to the account mask you have maintained for the branch. This will be mandatory,
and has to comply with length of 9 characters and MOD 11 validation, if the value of the UDF
‘Clearing A/C Mandatory’ is maintained as YES in the Field Name to Value Definition screen.

However, you can choose to change this number here and the system validates this number
with the account mask you have maintained for the branch. Viewing Details of Amounts and Dates

In the Customer Accounts Maintenance - Amounts and Dates screen you can view all
financial details of this customer’s account along with the details of the previous debit or credit
activities. However, access to all financial information of an account can be restricted for any
user. The financial details of an account include the account balance, the sweep eligible
balance, the uncleared debit and credit balances, the debit and credit turnover, and the
interest details. The turnover limit details of an account include the current financial period,
currency, utilized and unutilized limit balances.

Click ‘Amounts and Dates’ button in the Customer Accounts Maintenance screen. Viewing Total Available Balance Details

The total available balance displayed by the system includes the initial funding amount and
unutilized line amount (in case the customer enjoys an OD limit).

In the Amounts and Dates screen, you can view the outstanding debit interest and/or charges
due on the account, as on the current date.

You can also view the amount that can be withdrawn against uncollected funds, on the

The System computes and displays the following

 Allowable amount based on the Withdrawable Uncollected Funds Basis option specified
in the Branch Parameters Preferences screen.
 Passbook Balance
 Sweep Eligible balance which is sum of Available balance of Cover accounts, Available
Linked amount of Auto Deposits & Available linked amount of Term Deposits. The
available amount that can be swept from the cover account will be derived based on the
Sweep limit and Retain Minimum Balance field values. For more information on how this
field is derived, refer to the table in Cover Account Details section in this User Manual.
Click ‘F11’ to compute sweep eligible balance. Based on the available balance, an
authorizer in a bank authorizes debit transaction on primary source CASA account
which has sweeps arrangement in place. Click ‘Details’ button to view the details
 If Charge tracking preference is selected as ‘Part track’ or ‘Full track’ then, once the
amount for tracking has been calculated, the system will do the following validations in
IC module:
– W ill create an internal amount block for the amount to be tracked against the charge
– The tracked amount will be updated in receivable amount in the CASA account
upfront during tracking
– Once the receivable amount is updated, the available balance will get affected. The
receivable amount is deducted from current balance while arriving at the available
 The receivable amount will be displayed in the Amounts and dates tab of customer
account screen. Viewing Interest details

Accrued interest (Dr/Cr) shows the amount accrued till date on the account.

System displays the outstanding interest due & charge due in these fields. If the check box
Liquidation Using Receivable is checked at the account class level and if the account has
insufficient balance, then system debits interest and charges from the receivable GL and the
same will be displayed in these fields. Viewing Unposted Entries

When this branch is under EOD processing, the inter-branch transactions originated from
other branches are tanked. The funds are made available automatically after BOD and till
such time they are treated as unposted items. Viewing Turnover Limit Details

You can view the account balance status with respect to the turnover balance limit set for the
financial period. You can view the financial period, currency, total deposited amount and the
permissible limit for deposits. The period and limit details are inherited from the limit code
associated with the parent account class.

During every credit transaction on the account, the system updates the limit utilization and
checks the balance amount against the permissible threshold. On account of a transaction, if
the balance breaches the limit threshold, the system will display an override message. Viewing Component-wise Breakup for Overdraft

You can view the component-wise outstanding amounts in ACY and the component-wise
oldest outstanding dates for overdraft accounts.

4-12 Viewing Turnover Amounts

In the Customer Account - Turnover Amounts screen you can view the total turnover of this
customer account from the first date of this month to the current day’s system date. Also, you
can view the accumulated interest associated with debit or credit transactions after the last

To view the turnovers for the account, click the ‘Turnover’ button. The Customer Accounts -
Turnover Amounts screen is displayed.

After maintaining the required details, you can return to the Amounts and dates screen.

Status Details
The account status reflects the status of the account. The account may have a No Credit or
No Debit order issued against it or a Stop Payment order or it may have been frozen for some
reason and therefore dormant.

While posting transactions to the customer account, the system checks the status of the
account before the entry is processed. If the status of the account is dormant, then the system
will display an override message indicating the same.

NSF Blacklist Status (Non Sufficient Fund)

NSF Blacklist Status indicates that the customer account is blacklisted due to NSF rejection.

If cheque is rejected or returned due to NSF, the blacklisted formula is executed to get the
new NSF level of the customer. If the new NSF level is a blacklisted level, then the customer
account will be marked as a blacklisted and check book facility of all the customer’s accounts
will be revoked.

In case the new NSF level is not a blacklisted level, then the customer is marked as a non-
blacklisted customer and check book facility will be enabled for that customer account.

For Joint account:

 If cheque is rejected due to NSF in a joint account, all of the customer’s NSF level will
be changed from Level 1 to Level 2 and so on.

Corporate or individual accounts:

 If the blacklisted customer, is an authorized signatory in a corporate account, then the
corporate account will not be frozen.

 If a corporate customer is blacklisted due to cheque return, then the authorized
signatories are not blacklisted and their individual accounts will not be blacklisted.

NSF blacklist status is an indicator in the account to indicate the blacklist status. System
will continue to support the credit or debit transaction of the account. Specifying Nominees

First Nominee
You can nominate two persons who would have the right to the balances in your account after
the account holder’s demise

Subsequent to the account holder, the first nominee is called to claim the balances in the
account. If the first nominee is no more or is missing then the second nominee is called upon
to claim the balances in the account.

Second Nominee
You can nominate two persons who would have the right to the balances in your account after
the account holder’s demise.

Subsequent to the account holder, the first nominee is called to claim the balances in the
account. If the first nominee is no more or is missing then the second nominee is called upon
to claim the balances in the account.

4.1.3 Auxiliary Tab

Click on the ‘Auxiliary’ tab to invoke the following screen. Capturing Cheque Book Preferences

Auto Reorder of Cheque Book
Check this box to automatically generate a reorder for chequebook, based on the number of
leaves outstanding. This field will be enabled only if you have checked the ‘Cheque Book’
Check box.

Reorder Cheque Level

This field specifies the level at which the re-order of cheque book happens. Re-ordering of the
check book is possible, only if the unused cheque leaves is equal or less than the re-order
level. This field will be enabled only if you have checked the 'Auto Re-order of Cheque book'
check box.

Reorder No of Leaves
This field specifies the number of leaves, which should be ordered for the new cheque book
. This field will be enabled only if you have checked the ‘Auto Re-order of Cheque book’ check

Cheque Book Name1 & Cheque Book Name 2

Specify the name mentioned in the cheque book, while printing the cheque leaf.

It is mandatory to specify cheque Book Name1 if the cheque book box is enabled in main

Maximum Number of Cheque Rejections

The system defaults the value of maximum number of cheque rejections that can be allowed
for an account from the account class. However, you can modify it at the account level.

– If ‘Maximum Number of Cheque Rejections’ is not maintained at customer account
maintenance, system will not mark the cheque facility to ‘N’ for any number of
cheque rejections.
– If the bank resets the check book facility to ‘Y’ which was earlier updated to ‘N’ by
the system because of violation of maximum number of check rejections, the
cheque rejection count will be taken by the system freshly.
– An override message is displayed when the user manually updates the cheque
book facility from ‘N’ to ‘Y’.

Auto Cheque Book Request

Check this box if you want the system to create a request for the cheque book automatically,
for the account during account creation.

When you check this box, the system allows you to capture cheque book request details in
the Cheque Book Request screen, as part of account creation. Capturing ATM Details

Specify the branch code of the account.

ATM Account Number

Specify the ATM account number in this field only if you have opted for the ATM facility for
that account. The ATM account number which is a numeric value will be used only for
information purpose and no further processing will be done based on this field.

Daily Amount Limit

Specify the daily limit of the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM.

Daily Count Limit

Specify the maximum number of times the customer is allowed to use ATM facility in a day.

Auto Debit Card Request

Check this box, if you want the system to create a request for the debit card automatically, for
the account during account creation.

When you check this box, the system allows you to capture debit card request details in the
Debit Card Request Details screen, as part of account creation. Specifying Other Options

Euro Cheques
Euro chequebook can be issued to a customer whose account has checked for 'Euro
cheques' option in the customer account maintenance screen the account should be a
account with EUR currency only.

MT210 Required
Notice to Receive message (MT210) is an advance notification to your account servicing
institution that it will be receiving funds that are to be credited to your bank’s account with that

For a Nostro account, you can specify whether the Nostro agent (your account servicing
institution) prefers to receive a Notice to Receive SWIFT message (i.e., MT 210) when it is
debited in the case of a funds transfer. To indicate that the message MT 210 is to be

generated by default whenever the Nostro account is the debit account for a funds transfer,
select the 'MT 210 Required?' check box in the Customer Accounts Maintenance screen, for
the relevant Nostro account.

If you indicate so, an MT 210 is generated by default whenever this Nostro account is being
debited during the posting of accounting entries in any transaction. This preference (to
generate an MT 210 by default) can be over-ridden when you enter a contract involving a debit
to the Nostro account.

Once you have specified this preference for a Nostro account, you can change it whenever
necessary. For instance, if you have not specified that an MT 210 be generated, you can
unlock the record and specify the generation of MT 210. Conversely, if you have specified that
MT 210 generation is applicable, you can unlock the record and specify that it is no longer

Lodgement Book (Deposit Slip Book)

If you have allowed the use of lodgment books for an account class, this specification is
defaulted for all customer accounts that use such a class. You can change the Account Class
default and make the required specification.

If you wish to allow orders of Lodgment books for individual customer accounts, you can
indicate so, in the Customer Account Maintenance screen, by selecting the Lodgment Book

Consolidated Certificate Required

You need to indicate whether consolidation for inward clearing is required at the Customer
Account level. This option gets defaulted from the Account Class Maintenance screen. If this
option is unchecked in the Account Class Maintenance screen, then it cannot be enabled

This option will process a consolidated entry for all the transactions for a customer in an
inward clearing batch.

Please refer Clearing user manual for more information.

Back Period Entry Allowed

You can choose to allow the posting of back-valued entries into the account by enabling the
Back Period Entry Allowed option. If you choose not to restrict back period entries, you will be
allowed to post journal entry transactions to past periods as long as the account is open.

This specification is defaulted from the account class linked to the account. You can choose
to change it for a specific account.

While posting back-valued transactions, the System verifies whether the Back Period En-
try Allowed option has been enabled for the account. If the option has not been enabled
an error message is displayed. This check is also performed while uploading journal entry

CRS Statement Required

Check this box to indicate that CRS statement is required.

MT110 Reconciliation Required

Check this box to indicate that the MT110 reconciliation is required for the cheques received
for the account.

If the ‘Positive Pay’ option is selected, then MT110 reconciliation is not applicable.

To know more details about MT110 reconciliation, refer heading ‘Processing MT110 Incoming
Message’ in this chapter.

Default Waiver
This field allows default waiver of charges for clearing related transactions.

Track Receivable
During liquidation of loan contracts as well as processing of retail teller contracts, if the system
detects insufficient funds in the settlement account, then you can choose to block the
subsequent credit that happens to the settlement account. In other words, the system will
track the account for receivables (credits). As and when a credit happens, the funds will be
allocated to the loan or retail teller contract, for liquidation. If the track receivable option is
checked for the account, the system will track the receivables for the account if sufficient
funds are not available in the account.

The allocation of funds will happen in a sequence that you specify at the account class level.
This is explained in the section titled ‘Maintaining Account Classes’.

Referral Required
Referral refers to the process of handling customer transactions, which force the accounts
involved in such a transaction to exceed the overdraft limit. Examples of typical transactions,
which force an account to move into overdraft, are Standing Instructions or Clearing
transactions. Note that you should have checked the box ‘Referral Required’ in the product
preferences screen of the aforesaid modules and the Clearing product applicable to them.
The ‘Referral Required’ option is defaulted from the account class linked to the account. You
can change it for a specific account. If an account is marked for referral, the details of
transactions resulting in the account moving into Overdraft will be sent to the referral queue.
Note that charge, fee or interest debited to the customer account will not be referred to the
Referral Queue. You can view referral transactions in the ‘Referral Queue Summary’ screen

For further details on Referrals refer to the Processing Referrals in Oracle FLEXCUBE
chapter of the Core Entities User Manual.

Project Account
Check this box to track the working capital of the project.

This account will have a temporary overdraft line attached and banks will use this feature to
fund working capital. The system will calculate the interest based on the T-OD used in the
commitment contract.

Whenever project account is credited or debited, utilization transaction will be triggered in

limits based on the limit with lowest interest bearing. If no interest rate is available, it will use
the first available line.

This transaction will cascade to joint venture holder limits tracking which will utilize respective
lines to the ratio of their share.

Spend Analysis
Check this box to enable spend analysis for the account. If you check this box, the system will
consider all debit transactions from this account for spend analysis. If you do not check this,
the system will not consider the transactions for spend analysis.

Allow Collateral Linkage

Check this box to allow collateral linkage.

4-18 Specifying Statuses
No Debits
No debits can be posted to the account. For example, Silas Marner, a customer of your bank,
going abroad for a year instructs you not to debits his account till his return. You can execute
this instruction by checking this box.

No Credits
No credits can be posted to the customer account by enabling the check box positioned next
to this field.

Debit Override
Check this box to selectively allow or restrict debit transactions from a particular account. This
check box is disabled once the account is authorized. You can further modify the debit
override status from 'Manual Status Change' screen or 'Bulk Account Status Change' screen.

If an account is updated with both 'No Debit' and 'Debit Override' status, the system will
consider the functionality of No Debit status over Debit Override status.

Credit Override
Check this box to selectively allow or restrict credit transactions to a particular account. This
check box is disabled once the account is authorized. You can further modify the credit
override status from 'Manual Status Change' screen or 'Bulk Account Status Change' screen.

If an account is updated with both 'No Credit' and 'Credit Override' status, the system will
consider the functionality of No Credit status over Credit Override status.

Stop Payments
If a stop payment instruction is issued (for a cheque or an amount) against the account
number, the system will automatically check the ‘Stop Payment’ box. When the stop payment
instruction is withdrawn, the status gets updated accordingly. If a customer has requested for
stop payment of multiple cheques, the ‘Stop Payment’ option will continue to remain checked
till the last request is also cancelled. After cancellation of the last stop payment instruction,
the option gets updated (unchecked) immediately.

The system updates this status for an account based on the dormancy days specified in the
Account Class Maintenance screen

If you have frozen a customer account in the ‘Customer Information Maintenance – Basic’
screen the accounts gets frozen. For instance, at the behest of a court order, the status of the
account is reflected here in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Posting Allowed
The system checks or unchecks this check box based on the value maintained at Account
Class level.

This check box facilitates Inter-branch Accounting through Entity/Accounts instead of GLs.
The accounts maintained for these Inter-Branch transactions are used only for posting system
generated Inter-Branch entries and not for any direct posting using ‘Journal Entry’ or Teller
Transaction screens.

Status Change Automatic

This specification will be defaulted from the account class to which the account belongs.
However, you have the option of changing it at the customer account level. If you check this
option, the status of the account will be changed automatically by the system as per the
conditions maintained in the ‘Status Rule Definition’ screen (invoked from the Account Class

Maintenance screen). If you do not select this option, you have to change the status manually
through the ‘Manual Status Change’ screen.

For details on conditions maintained in the ‘Status Rule Definition’ screen, refer the chapter
‘Maintaining Mandatory Information’ in the Core Entities user manual.

The system displays a check in the check box if the customer account has overdraft facility.
The system checks or un-checks the check box based on the information available in Account
Class Maintenance.

Central Bank Dormant

This status shows that the account is in Central Bank Dormant. A ‘Central Bank Dormant
account’ cannot become ‘Active’ automatically by system. It is activated manually using the
Status Change screen (STDSTCHN) and Dormancy Parameter screen (STDSTDOR).

Based on the option selected in the ‘Manual Status Change Input’, the Bancontrol check box
enabled or disabled here.

Bancontrol Reason
Based on the reason mentioned in the ‘Manual Status Change Input’, the bancontrol reason
displayed here.

Based on the description mentioned in the ‘Manual Status Change Input’, the bancontrol
description is displayed here.

Sanction Check Status

The system displays the sanction check status. The drop-down list displays the following
 Not required
 Pending
 Approved
 Rejected

Click the ‘Fetch’ button to retrieve the latest status of the sanction check.

If you want to amend any of above statuses, you can do only via 'Manual Status Input'
screen. Specifying Status Details

At the time of maintaining a customer account for the first time, the account status will be
‘NORM’ (Normal) by default. The ‘Status Since’ field will display the current system date i.e.
the date on which the account is maintained in the system. The system will update the status
whenever a status change occurs. Therefore, at any point of time, this field will display the
current status of the account. The ‘Since’ field will reflect the date on which the account moves
to the current status.

Subsequently, the system will default the value of CIF Status as available in the ‘Customer
Maintenance’ screen. This status is the worst status among all the loans, savings accounts
and current accounts for the customer in the current branch.

This is done if you have opted for status processing at the ‘Group/CIF’ level as part of your
branch preferences.

The date on which the status of the account is changed to the current status is displayed here

Propagate Reporting Details

This field indicates whether the reporting lines defined for status movement, for the account
class that this account reports to, must also be applicable to it.

The following GL’s are defined in the Account Class Maintenance for posting account
balances when a status movement occurs on any accounts belonging to the account class:
 The Debit and Credit GL’s to which account balances must be posted, for movement to
each status
 The Central Bank Reporting Debit and Credit GL’s
 Head Office Reporting Debit and Credit GL’s

When you select this option, the GL’s maintained for the account class will be applicable to
the customer account you are defining in this screen. The reporting lines will be propagated
to the account whenever a status change occurs.

If you do not want the account class details to be propagated to the account as well, you have
the option of maintaining the status codes and the reporting lines exclusively for an account.
You can achieve this through the ‘Status Details’ screen. Click the ‘Account Status’ button in
the Customer Accounts Maintenance screen to invoke it.

Account Auto Closed

The system checks this box to indicate that the account has been closed automatically
through the auto account closure feature. You will not be allowed to modify this.
Account Derived Status
The system displays the current status of the account here. This is applicable for CASA
accounts (current accounts and savings accounts)

Dormancy Parameters
If Transaction Code associated with the account has the Consider for Account Activity option
enabled, the dormant status of the account will be updated to Active. Apart from this, you can
specify the parameter that is required for re-activating the account. Choose from the following
options to indicate the re-activation parameters for the dormant account.
 Debit – If you do any debit transaction the dormant check box will be unchecked
 Credit – If you do any credit transaction the dormant check box will be unchecked
 Any – If you do any credit/debit transaction, the dormant check box will be unchecked
 Manual – The dormant check box needs to be unchecked manually from the 'Manual
Status Change' screen

In case of a transaction, the system will check for the parameter you have specified here and
accordingly change the status of the account. The parameter you specify here will supercede
the parameter you have maintained at the account class level.

4-21 Specifying Intermediary Options
Intermediary Required
Check this box to link Intermediaries with CASA.
Intermediary Code
Specify the intermediary code from the adjoining option list.

Intermediary Description
The system gives a brief description about intermediary code.

Intermediary Ratio
Specify the ratio of individual intermediary contribution against the CASA account. Capturing Escrow Transfer Details

Escrow transfer processing refers to transfer of certain percentage of credit amount that
comes to project account (Trust account) to the designated account (Escrow account). This
is based on defined transaction codes and cut-off time defined for the account currency.
Transactions with the transaction code and credit account for which the box ‘Escrow
Processing’ is checked in the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen are considered for the
Escrow sweeps. The system computes percentage of credit amount and places an amount
block on project account.

You can view the details of such system generated Escrow amount blocks using the ‘Amount
Block Maintenance’ screen (CADAMBLK) wherein the field ‘Amount Block Type’ will display

Escrow Transfer Applicable

This box is checked by default if the customer account belongs to an account class for which
Escrow transfer is enabled.

This box should be checked for Project/Trusted account(s) only.

Branch Code
Select the branch code in which the Escrow account has to be created from the adjoining

Escrow Account
Select a valid account to be used as an Escrow account from the adjoining option-list. The list
displays all valid accounts based on the selected Escrow branch and the currency of the
project account.

The system does not allow the circular linkage of Project account and Escrow accounts.

Escrow Percentage
Specify the percentage of the credited amount, which has to be transferred to the Escrow

The Escrow percentage specified here will be same for all transactions and will not vary
for different credits like cash, cheque, draft etc.

Source Code
The source from which the amount block has been initiated is displayed. When an amount
block is created through a source code, the same can be modified or released by the same
source code.

Verify Available Balance

Check this box to enable creation of amount block only when sufficient funds are available. Capturing Provisioning Details

An account inherits the provisioning parameters defined for the account class it uses. You can
change the defaulted parameters and make the following specifications, as required, in the
Provision Details section of the Customer Account Maintenance screen:

Auto Provisioning Required

You can indicate whether the provisioning for bad loans in corporate loans and deposits
module is applicable for the account. If you indicate so, the provisioning batch, when
executed, picks up the account for provisioning.

Exposure Category
If the logic for deriving the exposure category of the CIF or customer group to which the
customer belongs, based on the total exposure, has been maintained in the Exposure Type
Category Linkage maintenance, then the exposure category of the account is identified. If no
logic has been maintained, you can specify the exposure category in the Customer Account
Maintenance screen.

Risk Free Exposure Amount

You can indicate the risk-free collateral amount that would be used in computing the
provisioning amount for the account.

Provisioning Currency
You can indicate the currency in which the provisioning amount must be calculated – either
account currency or local currency. This specification is defaulted from the preferences for the
account class used by the account, and you can alter it if necessary.

In addition to the provisioning preferences listed above, you must also indicate the applicable
provisioning percentage and the discount percentage details in the Provision Percentages
screen that you can invoke by clicking on the ‘Provisioning Percentage’ button in the
Provisioning Details section of the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen.

Account Number
The system displays the customer account number

Specify the status of the account for which you are maintaining provisioning percentages. The
adjoining option list displays all valid status codes maintained in the system. Select the
appropriate one.
Provision Percent
If you wish to indicate a specific provisioning percentage to be applicable for the account, you
can specify it in the Provisioning Percentage screen.

If you do not specify any provisioning percentage, the provisioning batch picks up the
applicable provisioning percentage from the Exposure Provisioning Percentage Maintenance,
for the exposure category of the account and the account status.

Discount Percentage
If you wish to indicate a specific discount percentage to be applicable for the account, you can
specify it in the Provisioning Percentage screen.

If you do not specify any discount percentage, the provisioning batch picks up the applicable
discount percentage from the Exposure Provisioning Percentage Maintenance, for the
exposure category of the account and the account status. Capturing Positive Pay

Positive Pay
For the account you are maintaining, you can specify whether you want positive pay facility
for the account or not. When a check comes in for payment, the system validates for any

unpaid record only for those accounts that are under positive pay. For all the other accounts
that are not specified for positive pay, the system does not do any validation before making
payments for the checks.

If you enable ‘Funding’, accounting entries will be posted by the Positive Pay maintenance/
upload table for the positive pay transaction. You have to enable ‘Positive Pay’ to make use
of ‘Funding’ functionality. If ‘Positive Pay’ is not enabled, ‘Funding’ option will not be

If ‘Funding’ is not selected, accounting entries will not be passed for positive pay transactions.

You cannot enable both ‘Deferred Reconciliation’ and ‘Funding’ functionalities. You have
to choose between either of them for a particular account.

Mod 9 Validation Required

You can enable Mod 9 Validation for positive pay accounts only. Only if positive pay enabled
then Mod 9 Validation will be active.

In the case of inward clearing of Positive Pay files, if Modulo 9 is enabled for the product, the
system performs a Modulo 9 Validation on any new cheque. If the cheque fails modulo 9
validations the system will display an error message on save. In case of check replacement
the Modulo 9 Validation is done for the new check number while in case of alphanumeric
checks, the system throws an error message if modulo 9 validation is checked.

When uploading a positive pay cheque the system will perform a Modulo 9 Validation if
Modulo 9 validation is enabled for the product. If the validation fails, this particular check will
not be uploaded. The same will be valid in case of Cheque Replacement while for
alphanumeric checks, system will skip the check and display an error.

Stale Days
If you have specified a positive pay facility for the account you are maintaining, then you have
to indicate the number of stale days for the transaction. If the date of processing happens after
the specified stale date then the transaction gives an exception error. You have to do an
override for this exception.

Fund Branch
Click on the adjoining option list to choose from the list of branches maintained. The positive
pay parking account will be picked from this branch.

Deferred Reconciliation
Enabling this check box indicates whether or not the Positive Pay account has the Deferred
Reconciliation facility. Deferred Reconciliation is the facility wherein a Positive pay cheque,
which is free of any disparity, is cleared by the bank even in the absence of any instruction
from the drawer of the cheque. The instruction can be deferred. Deferred Reconciliation
function goes hand-in-hand with the Positive Pay described above and Deferred
Reconciliation is applicable only for Positive Pay Accounts
 If Positive Pay = No and Deferred Reconciliation = No, the cheque is subjected to the
usual validations and is Rejected if:
– There is any discrepancy in the instrument
– There is a Stop payment instruction issued against the instrument
 If Positive Pay = Yes and Deferred Reconciliation = No, Cheque is subject to the usual
validations and processing

 If Positive Pay = Yes and Deferred Reconciliation = Yes, and if any one or more of the
three fields viz. Branch, Account No., Cheque No. , does not match with the Positive Pay
instruction, the cheque will be put under Deferred Reconciliation as Unreconciled
 If this unreconciled cheque comes in for clearing once again with the same set of
parameters, it is Rejected
 If Positive Pay instruction is received for an Unreconciled cheque, it is marked
Reconciled and the cheque status is marked Liquidated
 If Positive Pay = Yes and Deferred Reconciliation = Yes, and the Amount field does not
match with the Positive Pay instruction, the check is Rejected outright

All data pertaining to reconciled and unreconciled cheques are maintained and information
regarding account no., cheque no., amount and status of the instrument [reconciled or
unreconciled] can be retrieved if needed.

An EOD batch function will purge all reconciled cheques as part of the clearing batch process.

During the upload process, validation is done against all the positive pay, the deferred
reconciliation flags combinations, and all Unreconciled Positive Pay Instructions are marked
as Reconciled and liquidated.

Deferred reconciliation will be overridden by a stop payment instruction if any. An error

message (or an override) will be shown if a Cheque that comes in for clearing has a stop pay
instruction against it but has no positive pay instruction.

Funding Account
Click on the adjoining option list to choose the account into which funds have to be transferred
on receipt of a positive pay instruction. The accounts that satisfy the following conditions will
be available in the list of ‘Positive Pay Parking Account’:
 Both accounts belong to the same customer
 The currency of both the accounts is the same

Validation Digit
Validation digit will be having values only 0 and 9. If validation digit is 9, then 9 - mod 9
remainder for the check number (Excluding the check digit) should be equal to the check digit
for the check to be passed else the check is rejected.

The check digit is the last digits of the check i.e. if check number is 1800 then check digit is
0. The mod 9 remainder of the check number should be equal to the check digit for the check
to be passed if validation digit in customer accounts maintenance is 0 else the check is
rejected. Capturing Sweep

Enable Sweep In
The system checks or unchecks the check box based on the status maintained at Account
Class Maintenance level.

Enable Reverse Sweep in

The system checks or unchecks the check box based on the status maintained at Account
Class Maintenance level. Viewing Passbook Details

System displays the passbook details here,

Passbook Number
The system displays the latest passbook number. You cannot modify the value.

Passbook Status
The system displays the current status of the passbook. You cannot modify the value

Passbook details get populated once the passbook is issued for the customer account with
the latest status and latest passbook number issued. Specifying Turnover Limit Preferences

The account inherits the turnover limit code linked to the parent account class.

Turnover Limit Code

The system displays the turnover limit code applicable to the account. Specifying Other Options

Default Waiver for Maintenance Screen
The system checks this box by default, to indicate that maintenance charge is waived. Real Time Liquidity

Customer Account Maintenance screen has real Time Liquidity Enabled Flags. Only the
accounts which have this flag enabled can be used for requesting an Amount block or Credit
from OBLM and below are it’s key features:.
 Enable Sweep in and RTL cannot be enabled for an account if ‘Enable Real Time
Liquidity’ flag is checked.
 ‘Enable Real Time Liquidity’ Flag will be defaulted at Account level from account class
level and can be modified.
 'Enable Real Time Liquidity' flag cannot be enabled at account level if it is disabled at
account class level.

User cannot close an account when it has an active RTL block present. Specifying Debit Interest Liquidation Preference

Authorization Status
Select the Authorization Status. The options are as follows:
 Approved
 Denied
 No Response

Authorization Expiry Date

Specify the Authorization Expiry Date.

4.1.4 Nominee Tab

Click ‘Nominee’ tab in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen in order to capture
nominee details for the account.

Specify the following details:

Specify the name of the nominee of the account.

Date of Birth
Specify the date of birth of the account nominee.

Specify the relationship that the nominee shares with the primary account holder.

Address 1 – 4
Specify the address of the nominee.

Check this box to indicate that the nominee is a minor (less than 18 years old).

Guardian Name
In case the nominee is a minor, specify the name of the nominee’s guardian.

Specify the relationship that the nominee shares with the guardian.

Address Code
Specify the address code from the adjoining option list.

Address 1 – 4
Specify the guardian’s address.

The postal code of the nominee.

4.1.5 Checklist Tab

Click the ‘Check List’ tab from the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen to capture the
details of document types that are to be maintained.

Specify the following details:

Document Type
Specify the document type. The adjoining option list displays all the document types that are
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Check this box to indicate that the document specified here is mandatory.

Expiry Date
Specify the expiry date of the document provided by the customer.

Expiry date will always be greater than ‘Expected Date of Submission’ and ‘Actual Sub-
mission Date’.
Expected Date of Submission will always be greater than current date.

Expected Date of Submission

Specify the expected date on which the customer is accepted to submit the required

Actual Date of Submission
System displays the actual date on which customer has submitted the required documents.

Document Reference
System defaults the document reference here.

Check this box to indicate that the received documents are acknowledged.

You cannot save and authorize an account if the mandatory documents are not confirmed
as ‘Checked’.

Click on this button to upload the selected document type.

Click on this button to delete the selected document.

Click on this button to view the selected document.

Document Notification Details

System defaults notification details from the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.

Send Notification
This check box indicates whether to send notifications or reminders for not submitting the
mandatory documents.

Reminder Frequency (Notification)

System defaults the frequency of notification to be sent. The frequency can be one of the
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Half yearly
 Yearly

– Notification will be sent only if,
The check box ‘Send Notification’ is checked in Account Class Maintenance’
The account status is active and authorized.
The mandatory documents are not submitted.
– Notifications will be sent based on the frequency specified.
– First notification will be sent on the expected date of submission or expiry date

– If notification date falls on a holiday then system will send the notification on next
working day.

Days (Reminder)
System defaults the number of days left for the expiry or submission due date of the
documents for sending the reminder.

System will send the following reminders:

 Reminder prior to the submission due date of the document.
 Reminder prior to the expiry date of the document.
 Overdue notifications after the due date if the document is not submitted based on the
 Notifications after the expiry date if the document is not submitted after the expiry date.

– Reminder will be sent only if,
The mandatory documents are not submitted.
The account status is active and authorized.
– Reminder will be sent only once.
– If reminder date falls on a holiday then system will send the notification on next
working day.
– Reminder will be sent prior the number of days specified at the account level from
expected date of submission or the expiry date.

If there are more than one notifications or reminders of the same message type for which the
notification schedule date falls on the same day for the same account, a single notification will
be sent which will have the details of all the related documents.

Remarks 1 to 10
Specify the additional information, if required.

4.1.6 Capturing Additional Details

You can capture additional details for the account by clicking the following buttons in the
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen:

Button Function

Interest This invokes the ‘IC Special Conditions Mainte-

nance’ screen.

Charges This invokes the ‘Account level charges conditions’


Consolidated This invokes the ‘Account Level Consolidated

Charges Charges Conditions’ screen.

BIC This invokes the ‘Authorized SWIFT BICs for Cus-

tomer Account’ screen.

Button Function

Instructions This invokes the ‘Account Operating Instructions

Maintenance’ screen.

Standing Instructions This invokes the ‘Instruction Diary Summary’


Linked Entities This invokes the ‘Linked Entities’ screen.

REG This invokes the ‘REG Details’ screen.

Account Status This invokes the ‘Status Details’ screen.

Restrictions This invokes the ‘Products and Transaction Codes

Restriction’ screen.

Currency Limits This invokes the ‘Limits’ screen.

MIS This invokes the ‘Management Information System’


Statement This invokes the ‘Statement Details’ screen.

Limits This invokes the ‘Account Limits’ screen.

Joint Holders This invokes the ‘Joint Holder screen.

Fields This invokes the ‘UDF’ screen.

Deposits Instruction This invokes the ‘Deposits Instruction’ screen.

Billing Parameters This invokes the ‘Billing Parameters’ screen.

Account Signatory This invokes the ‘Signatory Details’ screen.

Interim Transactions This invokes the ‘Interim Transactions Report’

Report screen.

Notice This invokes the ‘Notice Preferences’ screen

Cards This invokes the ‘Cards Summary’ screen.

Button Function

Statistics This invokes the ‘Account Statistics’ screen.

Cheque Book This invokes the ‘Cheque Book Request’ screen.


Debit Card Request This invokes the ‘Debit Card Details’ screen.

Sweep In Setup This invokes the ‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’


Documents This invokes the ‘Document Upload’ screen

Banking Channels This invokes the ‘Banking Channel’ screen

Closure Details This invokes the 'Closure Details' screen.

This button is visible only if Customer Account is
waiting for Closure Authorization screen.

Change Log This invokes the ‘Customer Address Change Log’


4.1.7 Interest Button

You can capture details of interest for the account, using the ‘IC Special Conditions
Maintenance’ screen. Click the ‘Interest’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’
screen to invoke this screen.

Specify the following details:

Interest Booking Branch

By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed in this screen (in the
Interest/Charge Booking Account and Interest/Charge Booking Branch fields). However, you
have the option of booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch
also. You can select the Interest/Charge Booking Branch from the option-list available. The

accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the option-list
provided for Interest/Charge Booking Account. You can select the account from this list.
Interest/Charge will be liquidated into the selected account.

Interest Booking Account

You can select the accounts for booking interests on transactions processed at your bank.

At the time of creating an IC product, if you have maintained the booking account type as
Interest (in the ‘Interest and Charges – Product Definition’ screen), the Interest will be
liquidated into the Interest Booking account. By default, the customer’s account in the current
branch will be displayed in this screen (in the ‘Interest Booking Account’ field). However, you
have the option of booking interest to a different account belonging to another branch also.
The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the adjoining
option list. You can select the appropriate account. Interest will then be liquidated into the
selected account.

Calculation account
Specify the calculation account. When you specify a calculation account, then all balances
and turnovers for the specified account are clubbed with the balances and turnovers for the
combined account for calculation purposes.

Charge Booking Branch

By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed in this screen (in the
Interest/Charge Booking Account and Interest/Charge Booking Branch fields). However, you
have the option of booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch
also. You can select the Interest/Charge Booking Branch from the option-list available. The
accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the option-list
provided for Interest/Charge Booking Account. You can select the account from this list.
Interest/Charge will be liquidated into the selected account.

Charge Booking Account

You can select the accounts for booking charges on transactions processed at your bank

At the time of creating an IC product, if you have maintained the booking account type as
Charge (in the ‘Interest and Charges – Product Definition’ screen), the charge will be
liquidated into the Charge Booking account. By default, the customer’s account in the current
branch will be displayed in this screen (in the ‘Charge Booking Account’ field). However, you
have the option of booking charge to a different account belonging to another branch also.
The accounts maintained in the selected Charge Booking Branch will be available in the
adjoining option list. You can select the appropriate account. Charges will then be liquidated
into the selected account.

Interest Statement
You can also indicate if you would like to generate an interest statement for the account. The
Interest Statement will furnish the values of the SDEs and UDEs and the interest rule that
applies on the account.

Consolidated Charge Branch

By default it will be same as the current branch. However you can select the branch of the
consolidated charge account from the adjoining option list.

Consolidated Charge Account

The consolidated charge will be a group of charge products that are linked to one IC product.
Select the account that is identified as the master account for collecting the consolidated Fall
Below Fee.

The Fall Below Fee is a kind of fee that is charged if sum of average monthly balance of all
the accounts is less than the minimum required balance.

– The master account should be in the same currency as of the other account
– For the master account, the field should be left blank. This master account is
maintained as consolidated charge account on the other set of accounts.
– All the accounts should be belonging to the same customer.
– The Fall Below Fee is waived if the master account or any one of the account has
overdraft facility.

Dr Cr Advices
You can indicate whether you want to generate an interest liquidation advice for a customer
account. Check the ‘Debit/Credit Advices’ box to indicate that the system must generate
payment advices when interest liquidation happens on an account. The advices are
generated in the existing SWIFT or/and MAIL format. No advices will be generated if you
leave this box unchecked.

The preference you have made in the Customer Account Class screen will be defaulted here.
However, you can choose to change your preference to generate or suppress these Advices.

Interest Start Date

For the account for which you are defining special conditions, you must specify the date from
which you would like to apply interest. Interest for this account will be calculated according to
the special conditions that you define subsequently.

Charge Start Date

For the account for which you are defining special conditions, you must specify the date from
which you would like to apply charges. Charges for this account will be calculated according
to the special conditions that you define subsequently.

By default, charges on an account would be applied when the free banking period (if any)
elapses. This means that the Charge Start Date is arrived at by the System by adding the Free
Banking Period days (if any, specified for the account class used by the account) to the
Account Opening Date. If no Free Period has been indicated for the account class used by
the account, the Charge Start Date is defaulted to the Account Opening Date (that is, charges
on the account would be applied right from the account opening date) and displayed in the
Special Conditions Maintenance screen.

You can override the default Charge Start Date and specify the desired start date for charge

To calculate interest for an account, you must apply an interest product on the account. To
recall, every interest product that you create is linked to an interest rule. The logic to calculate
interest is built into an interest rule. When you apply an interest product on the account,
interest for the account will be calculated according to the interest rule definition.

For the account for which you are defining special conditions choose the product(s) that you
wish to apply. To recall, you can define a Special Condition for an account only if the account
class of the account has a General Condition defined for the product. Thus, the picklist from
where you select the product for which you want to define a Special Condition will contain
products that satisfy one of the following conditions:
 a General Condition has been defined for the product and account class combination
 the product has been defined as a special conditions only product

The interest rule that is linked to the product(s) will determine the interest that is applied on
the account.

You may want to apply more than one interest product on an account. For example, you may
want to pay credit interest on the credit balance maintained in a current account and levy a
debit interest if the account lapses into a debit balance. In order to achieve this, you would
have to apply two products (one defined for credit interest and another defined for debit
interest). In this screen, you can choose the interest products that you want to apply on an

The UDE currency, defined for the product (in the Interest Product Preferences screen)
that you apply on the account, is displayed. Note that the UDE values that you specify for
the account subsequently will be taken to be in this currency.

You can opt to generate an advice, for the benefit of the customer, when the values of the
UDEs defined for the interest rule change.

Generate Rate Change Advice

Check the box ‘Generate UDE change advice’ at account level, to indicate that interest rate
change advice has to be generated for the account at EOD. System generates interest rate
change advices for Customer Accounts and Savings accounts when the interest rate changes
as part of EOD. For those accounts, when interest rate changes the details are handed off for
rate change advice generation and the same is generated in the pre determined swift format
as per MT 935.

The advice tag used for interest rate change is RTCHG_ADVICE.

The advice format for interest rate change as per MT935 is given below:

Status Tag Field Name Remarks

M 20 Transaction Refer- 16x Unique Transaction

ence Number Reference Number
generated by system

O 23 Further Identification 16x Specifies the kind of

interest rate
Field 23 populated
as per account class
IF Class Type is S or
Tag will be populated
with Cur-
If Class Type is C
Tag will be populated
with Currency+CUR-

Status Tag Field Name Remarks

O 25 Account Identification 35x Customer Account

Number for which
advice is generated

M 30 Effective Date of New 6!n Effective date of New

Rate interest rate in YYM-
MDD format

M 37H New Interest Rate 1/12d Indicator (C or D

depending on
whether new inter-
est rate is a credit or
debit rate) & New
interest rate in deci-
mal comma format.

O 72 Sender to Receiver 35x


M = Mandatory, O = Optional

A rule identifies the method in which interest or charge is to be calculated. An interest rule
consists of System Data Elements and User Data Elements.

When you apply a product on an account (while defining special conditions for it), interest for
the account will be calculated according to the interest rule that you have linked to the product.
That is, you merely define the following:
 how the principal should be picked up from the account
 the period for which you want to apply interest
 the type of rate (not the numeric value) that should apply

You now have to specify the numeric values of all the UDEs that you identified for the interest
rule. The value that you specify here will be used to calculate interest for the account.

All the UDEs that you have identified for the rule (to which the product is linked) will be
displayed here. The UDEs that are displayed here can be of four types. They are:
 Credit Rate
 Debit Rate
 Amount
 Number

The interest that you charge on a debit balance is an example of a debit rate. The interest that
you charge on a credit balance is an example of a credit rate.

A User Data Element will be an amount under the following circumstances:

 In the case of a tier structure, the upper and lower limit of a tier or a tier amount
 In the case of a charge, when it is indicated as a flat amount
 Any amount that can be used in the definition of formula(e)

When building an interest rule you may have indicated the UDE to be a number if the interest
or charge is based on the number of transactions or the number of account statements. A

UDE under this category can also be used to store a numerical value that may be used in a

Now, for each of the UDEs that are displayed, you must specify the values individually. If the
type of UDE that you have identified for the rule is a ‘Rate’ element, you can either specify a
Rate Code or enter a “value” for the Rate element.

If you specify a Rate Code for the UDE, the value that you have maintained for the rate code
will be picked up while calculating interest. However, if you choose to enter a “spread” for the
Rate Code, the appropriate value will be computed. (A “Spread” is a positive or negative value
that you add or deduct to the value specified for the Rate Code). If you do not specify a
spread, the rate maintained for the Rate Code will be picked up.

If the type of UDE is an amount, the value that you enter will be in the currency that you
specified in the UDE Amounts Currency field (in the Interest Product Preferences screen). If
you specified the UDE amounts currency as the local currency and the account is in a foreign
currency, the currency conversions will be on the basis of the mid rate for the day.

The UDE values that you specify here will only be applied to this account.

The ‘Customer Credit Rating’ field at the Customer level will be used as a SDE
CUSTOMER_CREDIT_RATING for defining status change rules. This will also be available
for provision rule definition at the CL product level.

Waive Product
Check this box if you want to waive of a particular interest or charge product that has been

More than one product may be applicable on an account class at the same time. You can
temporarily stop applying a product on an account class by ‘closing’ it

You can achieve this by un-checking the box ‘Open’. The product will cease to be applied on
the account class. You can make the product applicable again by checking the ‘Open’ box.

External Pricing
The system enables or disables this check box based on the interest product and account
class configured.

If this check box is checked for an account creation under an account class that is signified
as 'Special Condition Only', then you can fetch pricing details of UDEs for selected interest
product from external pricing and billing system.

Effective Date
The ‘Effective Date’ of a record is the date from which a record takes effect. You can maintain
different values for a UDE, for different effective dates, for an account. When interest is
calculated on a particular day for an account with special conditions applicable, the value of
the UDE corresponding to the date will be picked up.

Typically, you would want to open records with different Effective Dates if the values of UDEs
vary within the same liquidation period.

UDE Values


Specify the variance in the interest rate. This is the variance alone. This value can be modified
at any point of time.

4.1.8 Charge Button

You can capture details of charges for the account, using the ‘Account level charges
conditions’ screen. To invoke this screen, click the ‘Charge’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen.

Branch Code
The Branch Code to which the account belongs (for which you are defining special conditions)
is displayed in this field.

The Account number of customer (for which you are defining special conditions) is displayed
in this field.

You can click the ‘Default’ button to default the Charge Products and the corresponding
details applicable for the account. You can then modify these values to define the special
conditions. Specifying Product Details

Specify the following details:

The system defaults a product when you click the ‘Default’ button at the time of account
creation. You must modify it to identify the Charge product using which the applicable charges
would be collected.

The charges would be collected in the currency defined for the selected charge product, and
this currency is displayed on the screen.

Minimum and Maximum

You must indicate the charge amount range, representing the minimum and maximum charge
that can be applied for the account.

Free Items
You must indicate the number of free items for which the customer will not be charged. The
number of free items is derived based on the charge basis defined for the charge product in
the IC module.

By default, each charge consolidation charge setup that you set up is enabled and active.
You can also disable the setup by checking the ‘Open’ box.

Waive Charges
You can choose to waive charges for an account.

4.1.9 Consolidated Charge Button

You can capture details of consolidated charges for the account, using the ‘Account Level
Consolidated Charges Conditions’ screen. To invoke this screen, click the ‘Consolidated
Charge’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

The Branch Code to which the account belongs (for which you are defining special conditions)
is displayed in this field.

You must identify the consolidated charge product using which the applicable charges would
be consolidated. The charges would be consolidated in the currency defined for the selected
consolidated charge product, and this currency is displayed on the screen.

When you opt for a consolidated charge product, all the consolidated charge parameters
defined for the selected product are defaulted to the account for which the product has been
linked. You can change the default in respect of the following parameters:
 Minimum and maximum charge
 Discount percentage and discount amount

The charges would be consolidated in the currency defined for the selected consolidated
charge product, and this currency is displayed on the screen.

You must indicate the minimum charge that can be applied for the account.

You must indicate the maximum charge that can be applied for the account.

By default, each charge consolidation charge setup that you set up is enabled and active. You
can also disable the setup by checking the Open box.

Waive Charges
You can choose to waive consolidated charges for an account.

Discount Amount
In this field, you can indicate the flat discount amount, if any, which would be applicable for
the consolidated charge calculated for the account. After the discounting has been applied,
the Maximum and Minimum validations are performed.

Alternatively, the discount, if any, which is applicable, can be specified as a percentage of the
calculated consolidated charge amount.

Discount Percentage
You can indicate the discount percentage, if any, which would need to be applied to the
calculated charge. After the discounting has been applied, the Maximum and Minimum
validations are performed.

The discount, if any, which is applicable, can also be specified as a flat discount amount.

4.1.10 BIC Button

You can capture details of all SWIFT BIC that should be allowed for a customer account, using
the ‘Authorized SWIFT BICs for Customer Account’ screen.

To invoke this screen, click ‘BIC’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Account Number
The system defaults the account number of the customer in this field.
BIC Code
Specify the BIC here. You can choose any valid BIC maintained in the ‘BIC Code
Maintenance’ screen.

The system displays the description for the corresponding BIC that you have specified.

4.1.11 Instructions Button

You can capture details for operating the account, using the ‘Account Operating Instructions
Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Instructions’ button in the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

The screen is shown below:

Date of Last Maintenance

The current system date is also displayed

Specify the instructions to be borne in mind when operating a customer account

You can maintain the instructions using the above screen during the account opening. The
maintained instructions can be viewed from the 'Account Maintenance' screen invoked from
Signature Verification screen.

For more details on 'Signature Verification' screen refer chapter Verification of Signatures in
'Sign Verify' module.

4.1.12 Standing Instructions Button

You can capture details of standing instructions for the account, using the ‘Instruction Diary
Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen click the ‘Standing Instructions’ button in the
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can view the following details:

 Authorization status
 Record status
 Instruction number
 Unit type
 Unit value
 Instruction
 Instruction type
 Execution days
 Execution months
 Execution years
 Month end flag
 Holiday rule
 First due date
 Next due date
 Next execution date
 Condition elements

 Operator
 Condition value
 Account officer
 Special instruction type
 Expiry date
 Special instruction

4.1.13 Linked Entities Button

You can capture details of linked entities for the account, using the ‘Linked Entities’ screen.
To invoke this screen; click the ‘Linked Entities’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen.

Select the customer from the option list with whom you want to establish the relationship with
the customer account that you are maintaining.

In this field, the system displays the name of customer that you have selected in the previous
field. You cannot change the description.

You have to choose a relationship code to establish a relationship between the customer
being selected and the customer account you are maintaining.

By default, the system will select the customer of the account as the Primary Holder. This is
a pre-shipped relationship and you will not be allowed to change the relationship.

Applicable for Signature

Check this box to indicate that the customer is applicable for signature verification.


If you check the field ‘Applicable for Signature’ in ‘Linked Entities’ sub screen then the system
will display the 'Customer Number' in ‘Mandatory Signature Customers’ in ‘Mandatory
signature’ sub screen of ‘Customer Account’ screen. And also it will display the signature
details in ‘Signature details’ sub screen of 'Transaction' screens.

Relationship linked to this customer is considered for allowed/disallowed product verification
at customer account level during amendment operation of already existing customer.

4.1.14 REG Button

Reserve Requirements for Depository Institutions (Regulation D) is a US Federal Reserve

Board regulation that limits the number of preauthorized withdrawals and transfers from a
savings account or money market account. The regulation applies to all United States banking
institutions offering such accounts. In consumer banking, ‘Regulation D’ often refers to
§204.2(d)(2) of the regulation, which places a limit of six withdrawals or outgoing transfers per
month from savings or money market accounts via several transaction methods.

The Expedited Funds Availability Act (EFA or EFAA) was enacted in 1987 by the United
States Congress in order to standardise hold periods on deposits made to commercial banks
and to regulate institutions' use of deposit holds. It is called as Regulation CC or Reg CC after
the Federal Reserve regulation that implemented the act. Regulation CC stipulates four types
of holds that a bank may place on a cheque deposit, at its discretion.

You can capture limited Regulation D and regulation CC details for the customer account,
using the ‘REG Details’ screen. To invoke this screen, click the ‘REG’ button in the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance’ screen.The screen is shown below:

Reg CC Availability
Check this box if the check deposits into this account should be considered for Regulation CC

Reg D Period

Specify the following details.

Reg D Applicable
Indicate whether the Regulation D limits are applicable for the account

If you indicate the periodicity of Regulation D applicability as ‘Statement Cycle’, the restricted
transactions would be counted over the primary statement cycle defined for the customer

Start Date
The start date for Regulation D applicability is first set to be the date on which you mark the
availability option in this screen. Subsequent to the first period, the EOD process would
update the start date according to the periodicity defined.

End Date
Subsequent to the first period, the EOD process would update the end date according to the
periodicity defined.

4.1.15 Account Status Button

You can specify status details for the account, using the ‘Status Details’ screen. To invoke this
screen, click the ‘Account Status’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can capture the following details:

The system defaults the code of the current branch

Account Number
The system defaults the account number from the main screen

You can select the different status codes applicable to the account, in this field. Use the Add
icon to define each status and the attributes for the same. You can use the navigation icons
to move from one status to the other.

On selection of the status, the associated description will be displayed alongside

Dr and Cr GL Line
Select the debit GL account, to which all debit balances within a specific account class will
report to, when it moves to the status being defined. You can identify the debit GL from the
list of existing GLs. Likewise, all credits within a particular account class will report to the GL
account that you have identified to track credits.

Dr Central Bank Line
Specify the Central Bank line to which this account will report to, if it is in debit. This line is
maintained in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen.

Cr Central Bank Line

Specify the Central Bank line to which this account will report to, if it is in credit. This central
bank line is maintained in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen.

Dr Head Office Line

Specify the Debit Head Office GL to which the account will report, if they are in a debit

Cr Head Office Line

Specify the Credit Head Office GL to which this account will report, if it is running in credit.

4.1.16 Restriction Button

You can specify restrictions for the account, using the ‘Products and Transaction Codes
Restriction’ screen. To invoke this screen, click the ‘Restriction’ button in the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

4-47 Specifying Product Restriction
Special Condition
By default, the restrictions maintained at the account class level will be displayed here. When
you define transaction code or product restriction attributes for an account itself, rather than
for the account class to which it belongs, it is referred to as a Special Condition. You can apply
special conditions by selecting the option ‘Special Condition Applicable’ at the account level.
If you opt to define special conditions for an account the ‘restrictions’ defined for the Account
Class, to which the account belongs, will NOT apply to this account. If you wish to continue
with the account class restrictions, opt for ‘Special Condition Not Applicable’.

Restriction Type
Specify the restriction type here. The options available are:
 Allowed – If you select this, the products entered in the multi entry block will be allowed
for that customer account
 Disallowed – If you select this option, the products entered in the multi entry block will
be disallowed

Product Code
You can select the products and specify the type of transaction (Dr, Cr or both) that you would
like to allow/disallow for each product. In contracts involving the selected products, the
accounts would be used for processing the selected type of transaction. For instance, assume
that for the account A1, you have allowed ‘Dr’ for the product ABCD. This would mean that if
a Dr entry for the product ABCD is passed to the account, A1, it would go through but in case
a Cr entry is passed for this product, then the system will display a message indicating that
the transaction is restricted for the account.

The system displays the description for the product code that which you have specified

During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on
the account based on either product and/or transaction code. If you have indicated to allow
Dr Transactions for the product ABCD, and attempt to post a credit entry, the system will seek
an override. You can continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing
appropriate reasons for the same.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted
transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account
is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so,
an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on
the account based on either product and/or transaction code. If you have indicated to allow
Dr transactions for the product ABCD, and attempt to post a credit entry, the system will seek
an override. You can continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing
appropriate reasons for the same.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted
transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account
is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so,
an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

4-48 Specifying Transaction Restriction
Special Condition
By default, the restrictions maintained at the account class level will be displayed here. When
you define transaction code or product restriction attributes for an account itself, rather than
for the account class to which it belongs, it is referred to as a Special Condition. You can apply
special conditions by selecting the option ‘Special Condition Applicable’ at the account level.
If you opt to define special conditions for an account the ‘restrictions’ defined for the Account
Class, to which the account belongs, will NOT apply to this account. If you wish to continue
with the account class restrictions, opt for ‘Special Condition Not Applicable’.

Restriction Type
Specify the restriction type here. The options available are:
 Allowed – If you select this, the transaction code entered in the multi entry block will be
allowed for that customer account
 Disallowed – If you select this option, the transaction code entered in the multi entry
block will be disallowed

Transaction Code
Likewise, you can maintain restrictions for transaction codes as well

The system displays the description for the transaction code that you have specified

During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on
the account based on either product and/or transaction code. If you have indicated to allow
debit transactions for the product ABCD, and attempt to post a credit entry, the system will
seek an override. You can continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing
appropriate reasons for the same.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted
transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account
is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so,
an override is sought when such contracts are saved.
During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on
the account based on either product and/or transaction code. If you have indicated to allow
debit transactions for the product ABCD, and attempt to post a credit entry, the system will
seek an override. You can continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing
appropriate reasons for the same.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted
transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account
is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so,
an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

4-49 Product Restriction

You can specify Product Restrictions by using the ‘Product Restriction’ screen. To invoke the
screen, type ‘CSDPRDRS’ to maintain the branch and currency restrictions.

4.1.17 Currency Limits Button

You can specify restrictions for the account, using the ‘Currency Limits Details’ screen. To
invoke this screen, click the ‘Currency Limits’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’

Account Number
The system displays the customer account for which currency limits are being maintained

Specify the currency in which the auto exchange limits should be maintained. The adjoining
option list displays the currency codes maintained in the system. You can choose the
appropriate one.

Cr Lmt Amt
Specify the credit limit amount in the chosen currency.

Dr Lmt Amt
Specify the debit limit amount in the chosen currency.

4.1.18 MIS Button

You can capture Management Information System details for the account, using the
‘Management Information System’ screen. To invoke this screen; click the ‘MIS’ button in the
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

The current logged-in branch code is displayed here

MIS Group
For an account, the transaction type of MIS class will be picked up from the account class

Rate Code
Specify the rate code. Select the appropriate one from the adjoining option list, which displays
all valid rate codes maintained in the system

Link to Group
If an MIS Group is linked, you can indicate whether the linkage with the group should always
be maintained. If yes, any change to the MIS Group will automatically apply to the customer
to whom the MIS Group is linked. If not, the entities defaulted for the customer will continue,
even if they are changed subsequently for the group.

Calculation Method
System displays the calculation method.

Rate type
If you have indicated that rates maintained for the individual account should be picked up for
MIS refinancing you have to specify the Rate Type that is to be used. The options available
 Fixed
 Floating – Automatic – indicating that the system should pick up the refinancing rate
associated with the account. Since the account number is linked to a Rate Code the
system picks up the rate code associated with the account when the EOD processes
are run to refresh the various rates.

Select the appropriate.

Pool Code/Account Level

The Pool Code/Account Level to which the account class or product belongs should be

Pool Code
For an account, the pool code will be picked up from the account class.

Transaction MIS Group

For an account, the transaction type of MIS class will be picked up from the account class.

Composite MIS Group

The composite type of MIS class will be defaulted from those defined for the customer.

Cost Code
For an account, the cost codes will be picked up from the account class. Specifying Transfer log details

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Number
This is the account number of the deposit. If you specify an account that is disallowed for your
user id and move to the next field the system will throw up an error/override. The restricted
accounts for users ids are maintained in the ‘User Account Class Restrictions’ screen. The
system will perform this validation for default settlement pick up also.

4.1.19 Statement Button

You can specify restrictions for the account, using the ‘Statement Details’ screen. To invoke
this screen, click the ‘Statement’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Account Number
The system displays the account number for which you are setting the statement details

Primary A/c Statement

This refers to the type of statement to be generated periodically by the system, for this
account. You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not
want a statement for this account at all.

You can specify the frequency for generating the account statements. To specify the
frequency of the statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list is
 Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily

For a weekly statement you specify the day of the week on which account statements should
be generated and for fortnightly and monthly statements the dates of the month. To specify
for weekly statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list of days will be
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday
 Saturday

 Sunday

To specify for monthly statements enter a number between 1 and 31 (corresponding to the
system date)

If you set the statement date to 30, then account statements will be generated on:
 The last working day for months with < 30 days
 For months with 30 days on the 30th; if 30th is a holiday on the next working day

If you set the statement date to 31, then account statements will be generated on:
 The 31st for month with 31 days; if 31st is a holiday on the next working day
 The last working day for months < 31 days

For a fortnightly statement you could specify 1 and 15

For all other cycles, account statement will be generated on the last day of that cycle

Generate Stat. Only On Movement

You can indicate that an account statement should be generated for the customer’s account
only when there has been a movement of funds into the account or when funds have been
transferred out of the account.

For instance, let us assume that on the August 21, 2001, you have set the account statement
generation frequency as Daily for the account LI020804. On the September 5, 2001, there has
been no movement of funds in the particular account. If you have opted for the Generate Only
on Movement option, the system will not generate a statement message for September 5,

If you choose not to enable this option, account statements will be generated regardless of
whether there has been a movement of funds or not.

Display IBAN in Advices

If you would like to print the IBAN number of the customer on advices sent to the customer,
you can enable the Display IBAN in Advices option by checking it. This specification will be
defaulted from the account class linked to the customer account. You will be allowed to
change it for a specific account.

You can choose to print the IBAN Number in advices that are sent to the customer by enabling
the check box positioned next to the Display IBAN on Advices field. If the Display IBAN on
Advices check box is disabled, you can enable this option by checking the box. Consequently,
the IBAN Account Number will be printed on all customer correspondence (Debit/Credit
advices) involving the particular account.

Because of choosing to print IBAN numbers in the correspondence sent to the customer, the
Oracle FLEXCUBE account number will be replaced by the IBAN number. The lists of SWIFT
messages that will include IBAN account numbers are as follows:
 MT940 – Customer Statement Message
 MT950 – Statement Message
 MT900 – Confirmation of debit
 MT910 – Confirmation of Credit

While processing incoming payments, the system checks to see whether the account in-
volved is an IBAN account. If the account is an IBAN account, it will be processed with the
corresponding Oracle FLEXCUBE account number.

Secondary A/c Statement

This refers to the type of statement to be generated periodically by the system, for this
account. You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not
want a statement for this account at all.

You can specify the frequency for generating the account statements. To specify the
frequency of the statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list is
 Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily

For a weekly statement you specify the day of the week on which account statements should
be generated and for fortnightly and monthly statements the dates of the month. To specify
for weekly statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list of days will be
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday
 Saturday
 Sunday

To specify for monthly statements enter a number between 1 and 31 (corresponding to the
system date).

If you set the statement date to 30, then account statements will be generated on:
 The last working day for months with < 30 days
 For months with 30 days on the 30th; if 30th is a holiday on the next working day

If you set the statement date to 31, then account statements will be generated on:
 The 31st for month with 31 days; if 31st is a holiday on the next working day
 The last working day for months < 31 days

For a fortnightly statement, you could specify 1 and 15

For all other cycles, account statement will be generated on the last day of that cycle

Generate Statement Only On Movement
You can indicate that an account statement should be generated for the customer’s account
only when there has been a movement of funds into the account or when funds have been
transferred out of the account.

For instance, let us assume that on the August 21, 2001, you have set the account statement
generation frequency as Daily for the account LI020804. On September 5, 2001, there has
been no movement of funds in the particular account. If you have opted for the Generate Only
on Movement option, the system will not generate a statement message for September 5,

If you choose not to enable this option, account statements will be generated regardless of
whether there has been a movement of funds or not.

Tertiary A/c Statement

This refers to the type of statement to be generated periodically by the system, for this
account. You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not
want a statement for this account at all.

You can specify the frequency for generating the account statements. To specify the
frequency of the statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list is
 Annual
 Semi-annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily

For a weekly statement you specify the day of the week on which account statements should
be generated and for fortnightly and monthly statements the dates of the month. To specify
for weekly statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list of days will be
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday
 Saturday
 Sunday

To specify for monthly statements enter a number between 1 and 31 (corresponding to the
system date).

If you set the statement date to 30, then account statements will be generated on:
 The last working day for months with < 30 days
 For months with 30 days on the 30th; if 30th is a holiday on the next working day

If you set the statement date to 31, then account statements will be generated on:

 The 31st for month with 31 days; if 31st is a holiday on the next working day
 The last working day for months < 31 days

For a fortnightly statement, you could specify 1 and 15

For all other cycles, account statement will be generated on the last day of that cycle

Generate Statement Only On Movement

You can indicate that an account statement should be generated for the customer’s account
only when there has been a movement of funds into the account or when funds have been
transferred out of the account.

For instance, let us assume that on the August 21, 2001, you have set the account statement
generation frequency as Daily for the account LI020804. On September 5, 2001, there has
been no movement of funds in the particular account. If you have opted for the Generate Only
on Movement option the system will not generate a statement message for September 5,

If you choose not to enable this option, account statements will be generated regardless of
whether there has been a movement of funds or not.

Exclude Same Day Reversal Transactions from Statement

If you do not wish transactions booked and reversed on the same day to be reflected in the
account statement, you can specify the preference here. This feature is applicable only for the
customer account legs and not for the related GL legs. Also, reversals made through the DE
module will not be considered for exclusion.

This specification is defaulted from the account class linked to the account. You can change
it for a specific account.

Statement Account
A customer may have two or more accounts with your bank but may desire to receive a single
consolidated account statement.

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to link accounts. For the particular account whose statement
preferences you are defining you can indicate the parent account to which the account should
be linked for statement generation purposes.

The statement account is applicable for all type of account statements (Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary). If the statement account has been specified, you cannot enter other statement

If the statement account is not specified for a particular account then the account can be a
statement account for other accounts. If statement accounts have been maintained, during
EOD, the account statement will not be individually generated for the child accounts. Instead
a consolidated account statement would be generated based on the frequency specified for
the parent account.

While closing a parent account, a message will be shown requesting removal of the parent-
child account linkage.

To view the details of loan instalment recovery and charge recovery details in the Account
Statement Report following tags will be included:

Statement of Fees Parameter
Statement of Fees Required
Check this box if a statement of fees is required for the account.

The cycle of statement generation. Select the value from the drop-down list. The options are:
 Semi Annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily
 Annual

Select the day of statement generation from the drop-down list.

Delivery Channel
Select the various delivery methods for the statement from the drop-down list. The available
options are:
 Postal
 Deliver to Branch
 Internet banking
 No printing

Previous Statement Details

Last generation date
The last statement generation date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Last Statement No
The last statement generation reference number.

CAMT052 Statement Parameters

Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. The following
options are available:
 Hourly
 Daily

Hourly Frequency
Select the Hourly Frequency.

Daily Fixed Time

Specify the Daily Fixed Time.

4.1.20 Limits Button

You can capture details of account limits, using the ‘Account Limits’ screen. Click the ‘Limits’
button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen to invoke this screen.

Limit Currency
The system displays the limit currency.

Offline Limit
This is the limiting amount till which transactions will be carried out between account(s) for the
account class you are defining here, between branches when the database connectivity is not

Credit Start Date

This is the date from which this monitoring comes into effect. The check will be performed for
all entries to customer accounts with transaction (booking) date greater than or equal to the
start date.

Credit Rev Date

This is the date on which you would wish to revise this limit. The limit check will continue
irrespective of the date maintained here. The revision date must be greater than the start date
and can be left blank.

Cr Transaction Limit
This is the limit for credit transactions in the account currency. When a transaction exceeds
this limit, an override is displayed. The override requires a dual authorization to save the

Advance against Uncollected Funds

AUF Limit
Specify the AUF limit.

The withdraw able uncollected fund for an account will be either the AUF limit or the
uncollected fund (after applying margin) whichever is lesser.

At any point the applicable AUF limit i.e. 'Withdraw able Uncollected Funds' for an account will
be calculated as Minimum of auf limit or uncollected funded after applying margin whichever

Start Date
Select the AUF start date from the adjoining calendar.

End Date
Select the AUF end date from the adjoining calendar.

Temp. OD Limit
The temporary OD limit is the limit upto, which any overdraft is allowed, for a specified time
period, over and above the limit set for this account.

This limit is independent of any credit line linked to this account. This is mostly used for short
term overdrawing.

Temp. OD Start and End Date

The start and end dates represent the dates from which the temporary overdraft limit becomes
effective upto the date on which it should ceases to be effective.

Renew TOD
Check this box if you want to renew TOD. Renewal of TOD will be done as part of casapks
batch process.

Renew Frequency
Specify the renew frequency from the drop-down list. The available options are:
 Days
 Months
 Years

Renew Units
Specify the renew units.

The following validations need to be done for the frequency:

 If ‘Renew Frequency’ chosen is ‘Days’ then ‘Renew Units’ cannot be greater than 366
 If ‘Renew Frequency’ chosen is ‘Months’ then ‘Renew Units’ cannot be greater than 12
 If ‘Renew Frequency’ chosen is ‘Years’ then ‘Renew Units’ can be given in terms of

Next Renewal Limit

Specify the TOD amount that can be renewed in next cycle.

Daylight Limit
The daylight limit is the limit up to which an overdraft is allowed for the business day. The
daylight limit will be added to temporary overdraft to calculate the available balance if EOD is
not in progress. Daylight limit is not considered during EOD.

You can specify the daylight limit only if ‘Daylight Limit’ option is checked in linked ‘Account
Class - Preferences’ screen. By default, the system will display the value as zero. You can
however change it.

Utilization Sequence
The system displays the utilization sequence from the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.
You can also select the utilization sequence from the drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:


Netting Required
To process linked accounts, which are marked for referral, you will need to enable the Netting
Required option. This option is defaulted from the Credit Line associated with the customer
account. If you change the default option, the system displays an override message. Specifying Limit Details

You can capture the following here:

Limit Type
Select the limit type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:
 Term Deposit - System creates an amount block for TD based on the linked amount.
 Local Collateral - System creates an amount block for local collateral based on the
linked amount
 Unsecured - Clean unsecured limit of the customer

Total linked amount will be added as OD limit for the customer.

Linkage Reference
Specify the linkage reference. Alternatively, you can select the linkage reference from the
option list. The list displays all valid values maintained in the system.

The system displays the branch code.

Available Linkage Amount

The system displays the available linkage amount.

Linkage Currency
The system displays the linkage currency.

Available Amount (ACY)

The system displays the available amount.

Linked Amount (ACY)

The system displays the linked amount.

Linkage Percentage
Specify the percentage of TD to be linked to the limit.

The limit amount will be updated based on linkage percentage, for TD redemption, top-up and
maturity processing.

The system allows you to provide either Linked Amount or Linkage Percentage. You cannot
maintain both Linked Amount and Linkage Percentage.

Start Date
Select the start date for the limit from the adjoining calendar.

End Date
Select the end date for the limit from the adjoining calendar.

Rate Code
The system displays the rate code based on the maintenance at the account class. You can
modify this value.

Rate Value
The system displays the rate value based on the maintenance at the account class. You can
modify this value.

You can specify either rate code or rate value.

Specify the spread to be applied on the limit.

Final Rate
The system displays the final rate based on the variance. Specifying Line Linkage

Here you can specify the following:

Customer Number
Specify the customer number to link the credit line. You can link customer of the account or
customers linked as a part of joint venture.

Effective Date
Specify the effective date for the linked line. The system defaults the application date if the
effective date is left blank. Effective Date can be past or current date but cannot be a future

Effective Date should not be earlier than the:
– start date of the linked limits
– booking date of CASA account.
If multiple lines are attached to an OD account then the:
– SDE for line amount returns the sum of the line amount of the attached facilities till
the current day. But the percentage mentioned while linking the line is not
The interest is recalculated if the effective date or limit amount is changed.
If the effective date is within the current period, then the interest is recalculated from the
period start date and the accrual entry is passed.
If the effective date is earlier than the current liquidation period, then interest recalculated
for the period prior to the current liquidation period is posted as adjustment entries.
Effective date is applicable only for the linkage type ‘Lines’. You cannot attach a line which
was active on past date and inactive on the system date. The option for facility displays
the facilities active on application date and not for the effective date.
You can delink the unutilized lines. The date of delinking is stored in an internal data store.
From the effective date till the date of delinking the line will be considered as linked.
Any modification of the facility amount is also stored in internal data store to get the effec-
tive line amount for a specific date.

For interest calculation, the existing SDE , LINE_AMOUNT will be used to give the total
limit amount available on that effective date.
If back valued line is attached or an expired line is renewed from a back value date, then
you can recompute the interest considering the line which is available from back value ef-
fective date or from the old expiry date.
On the expiry date of a particular line, it is considered for the interest calculation.
LINE_AMOUNT SDE will return the line amount on the date of expiry and will return to zero
after the expiry date

Linkage Type
System allows you to select the linkage type as ‘Lines’.

Linkage Reference Number

Specify the linkage reference number based on the type of linkage. If you have selected
linkage type as ‘Facility’ then you have to enter facility code in the Linkage reference number.

Limit Amount
Specify the limit amount. The limit amount will be updated based on linkage percentage, for
TD redemption, top-up and maturity processing.

Ear Marked Amount

Specify the ear marked amount.

4.1.21 Documents Tab

You can store the customer related documents in central content management repository
through the ‘Document Upload’ screen. Click the ‘Documents’ tab and update the following

Document Category
Specify the category of the document to be uploaded.

Document Type
Specify the type of document that is to be uploaded.

Document Reference
The system generates and displays a unique identifier for document reference.

Specify the additional information, if any.

Click ‘Upload’ button to open the ‘Document Upload’ screen. In the ‘Document Upload’ dialog
box, enter the corresponding document path and click the ‘Submit’ button. Once the
document is uploaded through the upload button, the system displays the document

Click ‘View’ to view the document uploaded.

4.1.22 Banking Channels Tab

You can capture the information of channels like Internet Banking, Interactive Voice
Response, Mobile, ATM, and Credit Card at customer account level. Click ‘Banking Channels’
button to specify the details relating to channels.

Specify the following details:

Banking Channels
Specify the banking channels code. Alternatively, you can select the list of channels from the
option list. The list displays the channels maintained in the system.

Banking Channel Name

The system displays the name of the banking channel.

Specify remarks for the banking channel subscription.

– While populating the channels to the Customer Account screen, the system
populates only the channels which are allowed in primary CIF and Account Class.
The system defaults the remarks maintained at customer level to the account. You
can modify it.
– You can delete the channels which need not be allowed at the customer account
level, but you cannot add the channels which are disallowed at the customer or
account class level. The system will display only those channels which are available
in both CIF and account class levels.
– You can add channels which are mapped at both CIF and Account Class levels.
You cannot delete a channel at CIF/Account Class level, which is already mapped
to accounts (authorized or unauthorized) belonging to the CIF/Account Class. The
system checks only for active accounts. You can delete the channels from
customer/account class level only if the account is closed. During reopen of the
account, the system validates whether the account is modified after reopening.
– When an account is created automatically from Customer Creation screen, the
channels maintained at both Customer and Account Class is defaulted to the
account. If no maintenance is performed at CIF/account class levels for channels,
the system does not populate any channels at account.

– When account class transfer happens during batch, the system deletes the existing
channels attached to the account and repopulates from the new Account Class and

During authorization of the account, the system does not repopulate the channel details.
While authorizing primary party change, the system defaults the existing channels which are
attached to the account and repopulates from the new Customer and Account Class. You can
modify the channel information from the main screen for Customer Account Creation.

During save, the system defaults the channel details from Customer and Account Class of the
account. You can modify the details in the Account Creation screen (STDCUSAC).

4.1.23 Joint Holder Button

You can capture details of joint holders of the account, using the ‘Joint Holders’ screen. Click
the ‘Joint Holders’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen to invoke this

Account Number
The system displays the account number here.

Customer Number
The system defaults the customer number based on the selected account number.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the current branch.

List of Joint Holders

You can add the joint holder details in this section if the selected account type is ‘Joint’.
Maintain the following details:

Customer Number
Specify the customer Id for the joint holder. The adjoining option list displays the list of all valid
customer numbers. Select the appropriate one.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name based on the selected customer number.

Joint Holder Type
Specify the type of authority. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down menu. The
options are:
 Authorized Signatory
 Customer Contact Person
 Guardian
 Custodian
 Developer
 Guarantor
 Joint and First
 Joint and Other
 Joint or First
 Joint or Other
 Nominee
 Related for Enquiry
 Solicitor
 Sole Owner
 Third Party
 Trustee
 Valuer
 Power of Attorney

Start Date and End Date

The Start Date and End Date display the validity of the joint holder of the account. This is for
information purpose only.

– After the Joint holder expires the corresponding signature details of the joint holder
will be deleted in the account signatory details and the same will be reflected in the
Account Signatory History screen
– If the end date expires, the system does not allow you to save the customer account
in case of amendment in the joint holder details.
– If you modify a joint holder record from ‘STDJHMNT’ screen and s not authorized
yet, the system will not allow you to modify the joint holder details from ‘STDCUSAC’
screen and vice-versa, until it is authorized. However, you can modify the account
details other than joint holder details.
– You can enter the joint holder details only if 'Account Type' is 'Joint'. If the account
type is ‘Joint’ then it is mandatory to specify the details of at least one joint holder.

4.1.24 Fields Button

You can capture User Defined Fields for the account, using the ‘UDF’ screen. To invoke this
screen; click the ‘Fields’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.'

4.1.25 Deposits Instructions Button

The system defaults the latest modified /sequence number record from ‘Deposit Instruction’
screen. This latest modified /sequence number is applicable for creation of new Auto Deposit

Every modification at Account level reflects at ‘Deposit Instruction’ screen, based on the
sequence number.

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to create auto deposits from a savings account if the balance
in the account exceeds a certain limit. You can capture details for creation of auto deposits,
using the ‘Deposits Instruction’ screen. To invoke this screen, click the ‘Deposits Instruction’
button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can capture the following details:
 Branch - The branch code of the branch which is to be associated with the account
 Account Number - Specify the account number of the customer. Select the account
number from the adjoining option list
 Deposit Account Class - The system defaults the default Auto Deposit account class
specified in CASA Account class. However, you can modify, if needed. The adjoining
option list displays all active, authorized and allowed list of auto deposit account classes
specified in CASA account class. Select the appropriate one. If you need to restrict auto
deposit at account level, remove the default Auto Deposit account class and save the
 Customer - The customer for whom you are maintaining the deposit instructions
 Account Currency - Specify the currency of the particular account. The adjoining option
list displays valid currencies of the selected auto deposit account classes which are
active and authorized.
 Sweep Branch - Indicate the branch to which the sweep is carried out
 Deposit Currency - The currency in which the deposit is made
 Sweep To Account - Indicate the account to which the sweep is carried out
 Amount - The amount to be swept to Sweep to account.
 Minimum Required Balance - The minimum balance indicates that only the amounts
above this limit will be used for auto creating deposits
 Source Code - The code assigned for the sweep
 External Reference Number
 Sequence Number - The system generated sequence number for the instruction you
are maintaining
 Deposit Currency - The currency in which the deposit is made
 Tenor - Tenor for the deposits that are opened under an account class, in terms of
years, months and days
 Sweep Multiple Of - The sweep can only be in multiples of the sweep specified
 Retry Till Date - The instructions specified will be invalid after this date Any failed
sweeps after this date will not be picked up for processing the next day

While saving auto deposit instructions of customer account;

 If auto deposit accounts already exist for the Account. then the system displays an error
message as "Active Auto Deposits are already exist. Cannot modify the Account Class/
 The system will validate if the auto deposit currency is part of the Interest & Charges
Product's account class and currency combination of the Auto Deposit Account class. If
it is not then the system displays an error message as “The Auto deposit Currency is
not part of the Interest and Charges Product's account class and currency combination". Handling Batches for AD Creation

The following batches are available in the system to handle batches for AD creation:
 DEDEPBAT – If AD instruction is maintained at account level, then the batch creates
AD. If instruction is not maintained at the account level, then the batch creates AD based
on account class level maintenance. Batch is maintained in DE module in the ‘End of
Txn Input’ stage.
 DEAUTDEP – The system will create AD only if account level instructions are
maintained. If not maintained, then AD will not be created for that account. Batch is
maintained in IC module in the ‘End of Txn Input’ stage

 DESWPBAT – Intra day batch for AD creation.

4.1.26 Billing Parameters Button

You can capture billing parameters for the account, using the ‘Billing Parameters’ screen. To
invoke this screen; click the ‘Billing Parameters’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen.

You will have to maintain a set of parameters for the billing module. While settling or
liquidating the bill, the default parameters that you have maintained for the account involved
in this module will be used.

The screen also displays the Product Code and Description of all Billing Products applicable
to the account.

Consolidating Account
You can specify a consolidating account for the given account. From the option list you can
 A different account number if you want to consolidate the charge under this account to
a different account. The Consolidation account selected for this account should be in
the same currency as this account. It also has to belong to the same branch as the
specified account.
 The same account to indicate that there is no consolidation and an individual billing
invoice is to be raised on this account

Billing Liquidation
You have two modes of liquidation i.e. Auto or Manual. The preference you have maintained
for the billing product will be defaulted here. You can choose to change the mode for the
specified account under the following scenarios:

 If Auto is chosen, then you have to specify whether the settlement is through a
settlement account or through Direct Debit Instruction
 In case you want to raise Direct Debit instruction for the billing invoice amount,
irrespective of whether the liquidation mode is Auto or Manual, you have to maintain the
details for Direct Debit details viz. Direct Debit Bank Code, Account, Name and
Agreement ID fields.
 If you choose Manual option, then manual liquidation is possible only under the following
four modes:
– By Cash – through retail teller product
– By Clearing – through outward clearing product
– By Transfer – debit account in CASA moduleIf the consolidation account is different
from the present account, then the system uses the liquidation parameters specified
at the consolidation account level and liquidation parameters specified, if any, at this
account level is ignored.

Settlement Account
As mentioned above, you need to specify the settlement account to enable automatic
liquidation of billing.

For liquidating the billing amount and also for collecting the bill amount, the system makes use
of the account specified here.

Maintaining direct debit details

If you have maintained the mode of settlement for auto liquidation of bills as Direct Debit
instructions, you need to specify the following details:
 Bank Code – Choose the bank code from the option list. This indicates the bank code
of the settlement account
 Account Number – Specify the account number for the settlement account
 Name – Specify the name of the debtor
 Agreement ID – Specify the agreement id on which the DD is to be generated

During liquidation, the direct debit contract is uploaded into the system in case you have
maintained the settlement mode as direct debit transaction. The upload happens for both
automatic liquidation and manual liquidation. Closure of accounts with outstanding Billing Invoices

In the event of account closure, the system allows closure only after all invoice are generated
and payment of outstanding bill amount is made.

Before closing the account, you need to:

 Manually liquidate the billing amount through the Manual Liquidation screen in case the
payment is yet to be done. The system displays a message for the unpaid amount.
 Generate the pending invoices for all Billing Products applicable to that account, using
the Account Based Invoice Generation screen, and also liquidate the bill amounts under
each of the Billing Products manually.
 Refund the amount if the overdue amount is in negative Initiating Manual Liquidation for Bills

All the components of a bill can be liquidated automatically or manually. In the Product
Preferences screen, you can indicate whether the mode of liquidation of bills is to be
automatic or manual. The system automatically liquidates those bills marked for auto

liquidation. If the bills are marked for manual liquidation, you have to liquidate them through
the Billing Liquidation screen.

The liquidation is triggered differently for each of the following scenarios:

 Account Based
 Adhoc Based
 Batch Based

Refer the section ‘Defining parameters for settlement/liquidation of bill for an account’ in
Billing User Manual under Modularity for details about this screen.

4.1.27 Account Signatory Button

You can capture details of signatories for the account, using the ‘Signatory Details’ screen.
To invoke this screen, click the ‘Account Signatory’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Branch
The system defaults the current branch here.

Account Number
This system displays the account number to which signatories are to being linked.

Account Description
The system displays the description for the account selected.

Account Currency
The system displays the account currency.

Minimum Number of Signatories

Specify the minimum number of signatories necessary to endorse an instrument involving the

If the linked or replicated signatories are less than the specified minimum number then the
system displays an error message.

Account Message
Specify a brief description about particular signatories. It can be related to the name, number
and the type of signatory of your customer. You can specify a maximum of 4000 characters
as account message length.

For instance you can capture a message like - "This signatory is a joint account holder with
rights to sign instruments only up US 8000". Account Signatory Details Tab

You can maintain account signatory details for different customers using this tab.Click on
‘Account Signatory Details’ tab to invoke the following screen

Customer ID
Specify the customer signatory you want to link to the account.

You can link a customer signatory to an account either by:

 Click on the option list next to the Signatory Number. A list of customer signatory
numbers, whose details have been captured will be displayed, along with their names.
Pick up the signatory whom you want to make an account signatory for the account
 Keying-in the customer Signatory Number and Name directly, if the signatory number
has not been maintained through the Customer Signatory details screen
 If the check box 'Replicate Signature' is checked in account level the signature details
will be defaulted from the customer maintenance; however you are allowed to add/
remove signatories manually.

If the signatory ID that you specify has not been maintained, the system will generate an
error and you will not be able to create an account. ".

Relation Type
The system displays the relation type of the customer.

Signatory ID
Specify the signatory ID of the customer. Alternatively, you can select the ID from the option
list. The list displays values maintained in CIF signatory for the customer number.

Signatory Name
The system displays the corresponding name of the signatory number specified.

Signature Type
Specify the signatory type of the customer. Alternatively, you can select the type from the
option list. The list displays signatory types maintained for the customer number.

Approval Limit
Specify the amount up to which the account signatory can approve for debits.

Signatory Message
Specify additional signatory message details in this field. You can enter a maximum of 4000
characters, alphanumeric.

Solo Sufficient
Check this box to indicate whether one signatory detail is sufficient. Amount Based Signatory Instruction Tab

You can maintain account signatory instructions for different amount slabs in this tab.Click on
‘Amount Based Signatory Instruction, tab to invoke the following screen:

Amount Slab Details

To Amount
Specify the slabs by setting a ‘To Amount’. The amount slab will start from zero and the first
value entered sets the slab from zero to that amount. The amounts are arranged in ascending
order. For next slab, an amount above the previous ‘To Amount’ is considered as the ‘From’

For example, If the ‘To Amount’ entered are as below

To Amount




Then the maintenance will indicate the below amount slabs:

From Amount To Amount

0 10,000

Above 10,000 100,000

Above 100,000 1,000,000

Account Signatory Instruction Options

You can define different conditions for the amount slabs in this section.

Condition Id
Specify a unique Id for condition to be set.

Give a brief description for the condition id.

Required Signatories

You can provide the required signatories for the conditions set in this section.

Signature Type
Select the signature type required from the option list. The list displays the signature types
maintained in static type maintenance screen.

The signature type cannot be repeated for a condition.

Required No. of Signatories

Specify the number of signatories for each signatory type.This number should be less than or
equal to the total number of signatories maintained under the signatory type.

The Amount Based Signatory Instructions tab will be enabled in the following RT screens
only if the value of param ‘AMOUNT_BASED_SV’ is Y in CSTM_BRANCH_LOC_PAR-
– TC Sale against Account (1009)
– Bill Payment Against account (1075)

4-74 All Signatures/Images button

Click ‘All Signatures/Images’ button to view ‘Customer Signature/Image Consolidated View’


The following details will be displayed in the above screen

 Account Number
 Account Branch
 Account Description
 Account Currency
 Customer Number
 Signature Id
 Signature Name

The ‘Signature/Image’ tab displays nine signatures/Images for a signature id in a single pane
with three signatures/Images in a row.

If there is more than one signature id linked to a customer account, then they would be
displayed in different pages.

Each image is provided with the following buttons:

 Zoom In
 Zoom Out
 Rotate Clockwise
 Rotate Anticlockwise
 Flip Horizontal
 Flip Vertical

4.1.28 Interim Transactions Report Button

The Customer accounts maintenance provides you with the facility to generate balance
reports for the customer account. These details are defaulted from the account class
maintenance performed for the account class category the customer account comes under.
You can however, alter these details utilizing the Customer account maintenance screen.

To invoke this screen click the ‘Interim Transactions Report’ button, in the customer account
maintenance screen. You need to specify the details for an MT 941 message.

This screen contains the details necessary for the account generation parameters. The
message details the balance of the customer account that is under a particular account class.
The account balances indicate the condition of the customer account for an identified time
period. Specifying Interim Transactions Report

Generate Message
Check this box to indicate that the periodic interim statement (MT942) generation is required
for the account. This will be defaulted from ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. However,
you can modify it. The ‘Consolidated Statement’ and ‘Generate Message’ are mutually

Generate Message Only on Movement

Check this box to indicate that the interim statement generation is required, only if additional
entries have been posted subsequent to the previous interim statement generation. This will
be defaulted from ‘Account Class’ screen, however you can modify it.

Report Transaction Since

This section lists all the transactions of the interim account statement, which are supposed to
be reported. This will be defaulted from ‘Account Class’ screen, however you can modify it.
You can choose the appropriate values applicable:
 Previous MT942 – This indicates that all transactions posted and authorized since
previous MT942 would be sent in the current interim statement.
 Previous MT940: This indicates that all transactions posted and authorized since
previous MT940 will be sent in the current interim statement. If this option is selected,
you will have to specify the cycle of account statement to be considered.

Debit (Dr and Cr) Amount

Specify the minimum transaction amount for the debit transaction to be eligible for reporting
in the interim statement. The corresponding amount for the account currency will be
defaulted. However, you can modify the amount defaulted. If the amounts are not defined at
the account class for the currency in which the account is being created, no defaulting of
amounts shall be done.

If you do not specify the minimum credit amount, the system will consider the amount
specified in this field for reporting the eligible credit transactions also.

Credit Amount
Specify the minimum transaction amount for the credit transaction to be eligible for reporting
in the interim statement. However, you can modify the amount defaulted. If the amounts are
not defined at the account class for the currency in which the account is being created, no
defaulting of amounts shall be done.

Daily Statement Count

Specify the count of interim statement generated during the day. In case a statement is
scheduled to generate, but is not generated because there is no movement, the counter will
not be incremented. The counter will be reset at End of Day.

Year to Date Statement Count

Specify the count of interim statement generated for the account since start of the financial
year. The financial year will be as defined in the Accounting Period maintenance. This counter
would be set at the end of year.

Generate Balance Report

To indicate that the customer account is considered for generation of its balance message,
check this box

Select the mode of message for balance generation from the option list

Report Transaction Since

This section lists all the transactions the customer account has undergone, in the interval of
balance messages generated for the account. You can choose the appropriate values
 Previous MT940: This indicates all transactions posted and authorized since the issue
of a previous MT 940 in the current balance report
 Previous MT941: This indicates all transactions posted and authorized since the issue
of a previous MT 941 in the current balance report
 Previous MT950: This indicates all transactions posted and authorized since the issue
of a previous MT 950 in the current balance report

You can synchronize the time instance by hours for generation of the balance message by
clicking the ‘Times’ button.

This screen is employed to indicate the the time instance in hours for the generation of the
balance report.

Message generation time

Specify the timing for generation of the MT 941/ MT942 message. You can specify the time
interval in hours only.

The details for issuing the balance reports are discussed in the chapter ‘Maintaining
Mandatory information, for different accounts under a particular class. The details involved in
generation of a balance report for a specific customer account correspond with those
discussed for account classes. Balance Statement Handoff

The balance statement can be handed off as part of scheduled task under Oracle
FLEXCUBE. You need to assign its frequency in hours. This process is initiated for all
accounts requiring a balance account statement. As discussed previously the time for
generation of the statement is determined and specified. In case of no subsequent
transactions reports, the statement is not generated. Assigning Balance Statement as Job

The balance statement can be facilitated to run as part of a scheduled job as part of the Oracle
jobs initiated during processing. The Jobs Browser screen of the application provides you the
facility to run the balance statement as a synchronized task, subject to specified time intervals
in hours.

Invoke the ‘Jobs Browser’ screen from the application typing ‘CSSJOBBR’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

Select the option ‘Generate Balance Report’ from the Process option list. All associated
accounts of the particular branch that have been marked for generation of balance statements
are procured by Oracle FLEXCUBE

The debit and credit accounts considered since the previous issue of an MT941/MT942, are
picked up for the current processing. The previous messages are based on the parameters
maintained for each account. This processing produces details of the statement generation. Generation of Ad hoc Reports

Balance reports for each account under an account class can be generated on an ad hoc
basis. The Ad Hoc report generation screen is used for capturing details of a balance report
sent ad hoc.

You can invoke this screen by selecting Messages in the application browser. Hereafter select
‘Detailed’ under ‘Account Balance and Interim Report’.

Alternatively, you can invoke this screen by typing ‘ACDADREP’ in the upper right corner of
the application toolbar, and clicking the arrow adjacent it.

Branch Code
The branch to which the account marked for balance report generation belongs is displayed;
you cannot change or modify this value.

Select the account, which has been identified for generation of a balance statement, from the
option list. The account balance of this account is generated as an outgoing statement.

Swift Message Type

Select the type of message required to be sent. As the message is a balance statement,
select MT941/ MT942.

Click on the ‘Generate Statement’ to initiate the generation of balance statement for the
account you have selected. This process would pick up the entire debit and credit component
accounts created since the issue of a previous MT941, MT942, MT950 or MT940 are included
in the generated statement.

You can examine the details of the generated message, to ensure that all details entered are
correct. Click on the ‘View’ button, to observe the outgoing message.

You can examine the message for ensuring the information entered is complete. You can only
view the details of the message; no input of additional information is supported at this stage.

4.1.29 Notice Preferences Button

You can view and modify the notice preferences maintained at the account class level for the
withdrawal of amount from savings account through the ‘Notice Preferences’ screen. Click
‘Notice’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen. The ‘Notice Preferences’
screen is displayed as follows:

This screen is applicable only for saving type of account

The following field is displayed in this screen:

The following details are defaulted from the account class maintenance level. However, at the
account level you are allowed to modify this.

Advance Interest
Check this field to levy the advance interest on the account

The customer is liable to pay this advance interest in case he/she fails to provide the re-
quired notice to the bank
The system deducts the advance interest from the credit Interest earned by the customer
on his/her credit balance in the account

Monthly Free Amount

Specify the amount that the customer can withdraw per calendar month from his/her savings
account without being liable to pay advance interest.

Notice Days
Specify the number of days before which the customer should notify the bank if he/she wants
to withdraw an amount more than the ‘Free Amount’ from his/her account.

Validity Period
Specify the validity period in number of days. During this period, the customer can do the
withdrawal of the amount for which he/she notified the bank.

For more details on ‘Notice Accounts’ refer the following section ‘Levying penalty interest on
notice accounts’.

4.1.30 Cards Tab

Click ‘Cards’ button to view details about debit cards issued against the account.

Here, you can view the following details.

Authorisation Status
Indicate the authorisation status of the debit card by selecting one of the following values:
 Authorised

 Unauthorised

Record Status
Indicate the record status of the debit card by selecting one of the following values:
 Open
 Closed

Branch Code
The branch code is displayed from the main ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Request Reference Number

The system displays the request reference number of the card issuance record.

Card Number
The system displays the debit card number of the card holder.

Customer Number
The customer identification code (CIF) of the account holder is displayed from the main
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

Account Number
The account number is displayed from the main ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen..

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code where the debit card has been issued.

Multiple cards can be issued to a customer.

Card Products
The system displays the card products.

Primary Card
the system displays the primary card.

Name on Card
The name printed on the card.

Owner Id number
The system displays the owner ID number.

Card Issued Date

The date on which the card is issued.

Card Expiry Date

The date till which the card is valid.

Card Status
The system displays the card status.

Card BIN
The system displays the card BIN.

4.1.31 Statistics Button

Click ‘Statistics’ button to view the details on Highest Debit Balance for the last 12 months
including the current month.

You can view the following details here:

 Branch Code
 Customer Number
 Account Number
 Currency
 Month
 Highest Outstanding Balance

4.1.32 Change Log Tab

Click on the ‘Change Log’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to display
the Change Log screen

The current logged-in branch code is displayed here.

4.1.33 Cheque Book Request Button

Click on the ‘Cheque Book Request’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to
invoke the Cheque Book Request screen.

You will be able to invoke this screen, only if you have checked the ‘Auto Cheque Book
Request’ check box in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen.

The branch detail gets defaulted from the account branch.

Select the account number to which a cheque book needs to be issued. The adjoining option
list displays all the accounts which are enabled for the cheque book issuance.

First Check Number

Specify the number of the first cheque leaf of the cheque book. If the cheque book number is
auto generated, you need not specify.

Check Leaves
Specify the number of cheque leaves in the cheque book.

Cheque Book Type

Specify the cheque book type. The adjoining option list displays the cheque types maintained
in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

You need to specify the cheque book type if the cheque book is generated with inventory

Order Date
The order date gets defaulted as the current date. However you can change the same.

Order Details
Specify the order details.

Language Code
Specify the code of the language. The adjoining option list displays all valid language codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Request Status
The value of this will be defaulted to ‘Requested’ status.

Click ‘Ok’ to save the cheque book request details.

4.1.34 Debit Card Request Button

Click on the ‘Debit Card Request’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to
invoke the Debit Card Request Details screen.

You will be able to invoke this screen, only if you have checked the ‘Auto Debit Card Request’
check box in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen.

Branch Code
The branch detail gets defaulted from the account branch.

Request Reference Number

The reference number of the request is auto generated and populated, when you click on the
‘Default’ button.

Customer Number
The customer number of the account gets defaulted.
Account Number
The account number gets defaulted from account details.

Card Products
Specify the card products. The adjoining option list displays the card products maintained in
the system. You can select the appropriate ones.

Card Bin
Specify the card bin. The adjoining option list displays the card bins maintained for the
specified card product. You can choose the appropriate one.

Name on Card
Specify the customer name that is to be printed on card.

Card Number
Specify the debit card number to be requested. The adjoining option list displays the valid
debit card numbers maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Card Application Date

The card application date would be defaulted as the current date of the branch. However you
can change the same.

Primary Card
The primary card check box remains checked by default.

Card Status
The status of the card will be defaulted to ‘Requested’

Click ‘Ok’ to save the Debit card request details.

4.1.35 Sweep In Setup Button

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates linking cover accounts and TD accounts. Based on the
customer requirements, you can link Cover accounts / Auto Deposits / Term Deposits to a
Primary Account. You can setup cover accounts for a primary account and use them during
Sweep in and Reverse Sweep in process. You can also perform an enquiry for the linkage
details of Auto Deposits and Term Deposits along with cover account details. Click ‘Sweep In
Setup’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to invoke the ‘Sweep Structure
Maintenance’ screen.

The system defaults the following details from the main screen:
 Branch Code
 Account Number

You can also maintain the linkage details for the following:
 Cover Account
 Auto Deposit
 Term Deposit Cover Account Details

You can maintain the following cover account details:

Sequence Number
The system defaults the sequence number of the specified parent cover account, when you
save the sweep structure record. This number is used to identify the preference level of the
cover account.

Cover Account
Specify the cover account that should be linked with the specified sequence number. The
adjoining option list displays a list of valid accounts maintained in the system. Select the
appropriate one.

Once you specify the cover account, the system defaults the following details:
 Cover Account Currency
 Cover Account Branch
 Utilized Amount

Retain Minimum Balance

Check this box to maintain minimum balance in the cover account.

If you check this box, the amount that can be swept from the cover account will be the
difference between the available balance in the cover account and the minimum balance
maintained for the cover account.

During a transaction if account balance goes below the minimum balance then system will
consider the minimum balance of the cover account while deriving the amount to be swept
from the cover account.

If AC-OVD05 is configured as an error then Retain minimum balance field should be
checked else the system will display an error message.

Sweep Limit
Specify the maximum amount to be swept from the cover account.

Limit Frequency

Select the frequency of the sweep limit from the drop-down list. This list displays the following
 Per Transaction-To validate that the amount maintained at the sweep limit for the cover
account is more than the amount swept from the cover amount for every transaction.
 Daily-To validate that the sum of total amount swept from the cover account for a day is
not more than the maximum sweep amount of the cover account.

Limit Utilization for daily sweep limit will be reset to zero everyday, as part of mark Begin-
ning of Day (BOD) process

If Sweep Limit is maintained and Sweep Limit frequency is not maintained or vice versa, the
system displays an error message “Either the Sweep Limit or Sweep Limit Frequency is not

When the sweep limit is maintained and the Retain minimum balance field is checked, then
amount available for sweep from the cover account will be calculated as follows.

Retain Minimum
Case Balance for Frequency Sweep Amount
Cover Accounts

1 Y Per Transaction Least of (Available bal-

ance-Minimum Bal-
ance) or Sweep Limit
amount will be availa-
ble for sweep from the
cover account.

2 Y Daily Least of (Available bal-

ance-Minimum Bal-
ance) or Available
Sweep Limit amount
will be available for
sweep from the cover

3 N Per Transaction Least of the available

balance or sweep limit
amount will be availa-
ble for sweep from the
cover account.

4 N Daily Least of the available

balance or sweep limit
amount will be availa-
ble for sweep from the
cover account. Auto Deposits Tab

Click ‘Auto Deposits’ tab in the ‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’ screen to verify auto deposit

1. If both Primary Account and Auto Deposit account classes are enabled for Sweep in, then
the system by default includes auto deposits of a primary account in Sweep structure
maintained for the primary CASA account and allocates 100% of Auto Deposit amount as
Linked Amount.

2. If Auto Deposit account class or CASA account class is not enabled for Sweeps, then
when linked CASA account balance falls below minimum balance the system breaks Auto
Deposits. However, only when ‘Sweeps’ check box is checked at both CASA and Auto
Deposit Account class level, the Auto Deposits are part of sweep structure.
3. Once automatic linkage is established by the system, the system disables modification of
linkage percentage/linked amount irrespective of whether there is utilization or not. The
system also disabled de-linking of the Auto Deposit from Primary CASA account. Term Deposit Tab

Click ‘Term Deposits’ tab in the ‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’ screen to maintain auto
deposit details.

You can maintain the following deposit account details:

Linkage Order
The system defaults the linkage order of the specified parent deposit account, when you save
the sweep structure record. This number is used to identify the preference level of the deposit

Deposit Account
Specify the deposit account that should be linked with the specified linkage order. The
adjoining option list displays a list of valid accounts maintained in the system. Select the
appropriate one.

Once you specify the deposit account, the system defaults the following details:
 Deposit Branch
 Maturity Date
 Original Deposit Amount
 Available Amount
 Utilized Amount

Linkage Percent
Specify the linkage percent for the linked deposit account.

Linked Amount
Specify the linkage amount. The linked amount should not be greater that the available
collateral amount.

Specify the Linkage percentage /Linked amount only during new operation. You cannot
maintain both Linked amount and Linkage percentage of the deposit amount during new
linkage of Deposit.

4.1.36 Closure Details

In Customer Account Maintenance screen (STDCUSAC), a new button "Closure Details" is

introduced.This button is visible only if Customer Account is waiting for Closure Authorization
Clicking it opens "Closure Details" sub-screen (STCACLOS) as seen below.

You will be able to invoke this screen, only if the account is closed in the 'Customer Account
Maintenance' screen.

On closing the Customer Account from Customer Account Maintenance screen

(STDCUSAC), this screen opens up automatically, where Maker can now enter the Maker

4.1.37 Generating Alert for Secure Overdraft Utilization

Secure Overdraft (SOD) facility is given against collaterals for an account. Oracle FLEXCUBE
facilitates generation of alert when SOD utilization is closer towards the consolidated limit
amount of the collaterals.

Oracle FLEXCUBE runs a batch process to identify such breached SOD accounts and
generates alerts as per the maintained percentage parameter at SOD account level and
decides the breach limit for every account. The system sends the generated alerts as ADVICE
format (email) or ASCII flat file. It defines the message format for email and captures the
following key information to send these alerts to OD customer:
 Email ID
 Mobile number

The system runs a CASA batch adding the following process ‘SODALERT’:
 Identify the SOD accounts to be processed
 Read the percentage for breach calculation
 Identify if the breach happened
 Generate the alert to intermediate data store
 Generate the MSG hand-off in case the medium is mail
 Complete the message generation if the medium is mail
 Update the dispatch flag as processed. Creating a Message Advice Format

You need to create a message advice format through the ‘Advice Format Maintenance’
screen with the format named ‘SOD_CR_UTIL’. You should also create an outgoing generic
interface to generate ASCII file where in the component details for the generic interface are
the elements from the new data store. You need to schedule this generic interface to be
executed during EOD through ‘GIDPRSIF’ batch.

The system processes alerts only if the email address and mobile number are maintained
for a customer.

You can know the Limit Utilization Breach for the account by the application of the following

‘(Utilized limit amount) ≥ (SOD Amount *SOD notification percentage) / 100’

The Intermediate data store consists of the following details:

 DCN
 BRN
 Customer Account Number
 Customer Number
 Customer Mail
 Customer Mobile Number
 Utilized Amount
 Overdraft Amount
 Dispatch Flag

You need to maintain the following message advice format through the ‘Advice Format
Maintenance’ screen.



Date: _DATE_

Bank Name: _BANK-NAME_

Branch Address: _BRANCH-ADDR_

Customer Name: _CUST-NAME1_

Customer ID: _CUSTOMER_

Account Number: _ACCOUNT-NO_

OD Amount: _OD_AMOUNT_

Utilised Amount: _UTIL_AMOUNT_





Your Account with Account Number _ACCOUNT-NO_ has reached the limit of the OD.



Your Account with Account Number _ACCOUNT-NO_ has breached the limit of the









For more information on Advice Format, refer ‘Maintaining Advice Format’ chapter under
‘Messaging System’ User Manual.

For multiple collaterals you need to consider consolidated limit amount for deriving the
breach limit amount.
The process of sending of the SMS alert messages is handled by the third party system.
The system re-uses the following key information for alert generation:
– Email ID – from customer personal maintenance
– Mobile number – from CIF – personal information

4.1.38 Viewing Customer Accounts Details

You can view the customer accounts details maintained in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen using the ‘Customer Accounts Summary’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘STSCUSAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Branch Code
 Record Status
 Account

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

You can query or modify the account details of the customers whose accounts are permit-
ted to you for the query/modification in the ‘Group Code Restriction’ screen.

If you are allowed to query customer information, then system displays the following details
pertaining to the fetched records:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch
 Account
 Account Description
 Customer Number
 Currency
 Account Class
 No Debits
 No Credits
 Account Number

 Alternate Account Number
 ATM
 Cheque Book
 Pass Book
 IBAN Account Number
 MT110 Reconciliation Required
 Frozen
 Project Account
 Account Class Type
 Stop Payments
 Account Open date
 ATM Account Number
 Dormant
 Function ID
 Multi Currency Account

4.1.39 Viewing Customer Accounts

You can view the details of all accounts maintained for a specific customer using ‘Customer
Account’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDACCDT’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Customer Number
Specify the customer number. On search, the system displays the following details pertaining
to all the accounts held by this customer.
 Account Number
 Account Description
 Branch Code
 Customer Name
 Account type
 Currency Current Balance
 Account Status: displays the status as open or closed.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

4.1.40 Viewing Customer Account Sweep History Details

The system computes the Sweep history details when Cover Accounts / Auto Deposits / Term
Deposits are linked to the primary CASA account in ‘Sweep in Structure’ screen at customer
account level.

You can view Customer Account Sweep details in the Customer Account Sweep History
Details screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDSWHIS’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on following parameters and fetch records:
 Branch Code
 Account Number

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

If you are allowed to query sweep details for the account, then system displays the details
pertaining to the Sweep and Sweep History:

Sweep Details
 Order of Linkage
 Branch
 Account Number
 Account Type
 Linked Percentage
 Linked Amount
 Available Amount
 Utilized Amount
 Account Structure

Sweep History for the customer account:

 Branch
 Account Number
 Account Type – Displays the linked account types(Cover/Auto deposit/Term Deposit)
 Operation – Displays the process of the transaction (Sweep in /Sweep out)
 Transaction Date
 Transfer AmountFinancial Inclusion Customer Account Creation

This section contains the following topics:

 Section 4.1.41, "Creating FI Customer and Customer Accounts"
 Section 4.1.42, "Viewing FI Customer Account Creation Details"

4.1.41 Creating FI Customer and Customer Accounts

You can create a financial inclusion customer and customer account using ‘FI Customer
Account Creation’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDFIACC’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following in this screen:

Customer Number
Specify the customer number.

Customer Category
Select the category under which a particular customer has to be categorized.

Full Name
Specify the full name of the customer.

Short Name
Specify the customer’s unique abbreviated name or a short name.

Specify the code of the corresponding branch.

Specify the currency of the account.

Account Class
Specify the account class.

Specify the customer account number.

4-97 Personal Tab

Basic Details
Name Prefix
Specify the title prefixed to the name of the customer.

Specify the First name of the customer.

Specify the Middle name of the customer.

Specify the Last name of the customer.

Work Phone ISD+

Specify a valid international dialing code for the work telephone number of the customer. The
adjoining option list displays all valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the
appropriate one.

Work Phone
Specify the work telephone number of the customer.

Home Phone ISD+

Specify a valid international dialling code for the home telephone number of the customer.
The adjoining option list displays all valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the
appropriate one.

Home Phone
Specify the home telephone number of the customer.

Mobile ISD Code+

Specify the international dialling code for the mobile number of the customer. The adjoining
option list displays valid ISD codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Mobile Number
Specify the mobile number of the customer.

Email ID
Specify the email address of the customer.

Sanction Check Status

The system displays the status of the sanction check request .

By default the ‘Sanction Check Status’ is updated as ‘Not Required’. When the request for
sanction check is send, then the status is updated as ‘Pending’. If the sanction check status
of the record is ‘Pending’, then the records cannot be reopened, modified or authorized.

Based on the final status received from the external system, the status is updated as
'Approved' or 'Rejected'.

Communication Mode
Indicate the mode of communication to be used to intimate the customer about the beneficiary
account credit. You can select one of the following options:
 Mobile
 Email ID

Select the gender of the customer. The following options are available for selection:
 Male
 Female
 Other
 Prefer Not to Disclose

National ID
Specify the national identification number or national social security number of the customer.

Date of Birth
Specify the date of birth of the customer.

Resident Status
Choose the resident status of the customer. This indicates whether the customer is a
recognized resident of the country in which the particular branch of your bank operates or not.
Choose one of the following options:
 Resident
 Non Resident

Select the location where the account holder resides from the adjoining option list or type in
the same. The option list displays Location codes maintained through the `Account Address
Location Type Maintenance’ screen.

Each customer can have several addresses for a particular media. To distinguish between
one address of a customer from another for a given media, it is essential for you to specify a
unique location for each address.

Specify the language in which your customer wants the statements and advices to be
generated while sending periodic updates. Alternatively, you can also choose the language
from the option list.

Specify the medium of communication.


Address for Correspondence

Specify the name of the customer. The customer will be addressed by this name in all
correspondences sent from the bank.

Address Code
Specify the address code.

Address 1- 4
Specify the mailing address of the customer in the four rows that are provided.

Specify pincode of the address specified.

Specify the country. Alternatively, you can select the country code from the option list. The list
displays all valid country codes.

Specify the nationality of the customer. The list of country codes are available in the option-
list positioned next to this field. You can select the appropriate.

Permanent Address
Same as Correspondence Address
Select the check box if the ‘Address For Correspondence’ is same as “Permanent Address’.
If the permanent is same as the address for correspondence, you need not provide the details
of the permanent address.

Address Code
Specify the address code.

Address 1-4
Specify the permanent address of the customer.

Specify pincode of the address specified.

Specify the country of permanent residence of the customer.

Additional Details
KYC Status
Select the KYC status of the customer.

KYC Reference
Specify the KYC Reference Number. The option list displays all valid KYC reference numbers
generated. Choose the appropriate one.

Specify the unique identifier name.

Specify the unique identifier value.

Specify the social security number.

4-100 Account Tab

Click ‘Account’ tab in the ‘FI Customer Account Creation’ screen to capture account details
for the customer.

Account Description
Give a brief description on the account.

Account Open Date

Specify the account opening date from the adjoining calendar.

Alternate Account Number

Specify the alternate account number.

Initial Funding
Account Opening Amount
Specify the amount funded to open the account.

Pay in Option
Specify the pay in option. You can pay in by account or by GL.

Offset Branch
Specify the offset branch for initial funding.

Offset Account
Specify the offset account for initial funding.

Account Facilities
Check this box if the account requires a passbook.

Passbook Number
The system displays the generated passbook number.

Passbook Status
The system displays the status of the passbook.

Nominee Details
Specify the name of the nominee.

Date of Birth
Specify the date of birth of the nominee.

Specify the customer’s relationship with the nominee.

Address Code
Specify the address code.

Address 1-4
Specify the address of the nominee.

Indicate if the nominee is a minor.

Guardian Name
Specify nominee’s guardian name.

Specify guardian’s relationship with the nominee.

Address Code
Specify the address code.

Address 1-4
Specify the address of nominee’s guardian.

Specify the pincode of address provided.

Temporary OD
Limit Currency
Specify the limit currency.

Temporary Overdraft Start

Specify the start date from when the temporary overdraft limit becomes effective.

Temporary Overdraft End

Specify the end date from when temporary overdraft limit ceases to be effective.

Temporary Overdraft Limit

Specify the temporary overdraft limit amount.

TOD Renewal
Renew TOD
Check this box to indicate if temporary overdraft renewal is required.

Renew Frequency
Select the frequency of TOD renewal.

Renew Unit
Specify the TOD renew unit.

Next Renewal Limit

Specify the next renewal limit. Checklist Tab

Click the ‘Check List’ tab from the ‘FI Customer Account Creation’ screen to capture the
details of document types that are to be maintained.

Document Type
Specify the type of document.

Check this box to indicate that the document specified here is mandatory.

Expiry Date
Specify the expiry date of the document.

Expected Date of Submission

Specify the expected date of submission of the document.

Actual Date of Submission

Specify the actual date of submission of the document.

Document Reference
The system displays the reference number of the uploaded document.

Check this box to indicate that the received documents are checked.

Specify remarks, if any.

You can upload, delete and view the document details by clicking ‘Upload’, ‘Delete’ and ‘View’
button in the Checklist tab of ‘FI Customer Account Creation’ screen. Customer MIS Button

Click ‘Customer MIS’ button to invoke MIS screen.

Specify the following in this screen:

The system displays the customer code.
MIS Group
Specify the MIS Group to which the customer should be linked.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

Link to Group
Check this box to link the customer to MIS group.

The details of the customer and composite class of entities are defaulted under Customer MIS
and Composite MIS sections.

4-104 Account MIS Tab

Click ‘Account MIS’ button to invoke MIS screen.

Specify the following in this screen:

The system displays the branch code of the customer.

The system displays the customer account.

MIS Group
The system displays the MIS group.

Link to Group
Check this box to link the customer to MIS group.

Rate Code
Specify the rate code.

Calc Method
Select the calculation method from the drop-down list.

Rate Type
Select the rate type from the drop-down list.

Specify the spread for the account.

Pool Code
Select the pool code to apply the rate maintained for the pool to which the account belongs to.

Account Level
Select ‘Account Level’ to apply the rate maintained at account level.

Reference Rate
Specify the reference rate.

System displays Transaction MIS Codes and Cost Code Codes.

4-105 Fields Button

You can capture User Defined Fields for the customer account, using the ‘UDF’ screen.'

FI Customer and Customer Account Validations

 The system will not allow any operations in STDCIF, STDCIFAD, STDCUSAC and
STDCASAC screens for FI customers and customer accounts.
 For ‘Close’ operation in STDFIACC:
– If the close mode is CASH, the user can close the customer account only from 1301
(Close out Withdrawal) screen. The customer record will also get closed during this
– If the close mode is anything other than CASH, then user should close the record
from STDFIACC screen.
 You cannot transfer FI account class to normal account class and normal to FI account
class using Account Class Transfer (STDACTFR) screen. You can transfer the account
class only if both old and new account classes are FI Account classes.
 An FI account class and currency cannot be mapped to more than one IC product with
booking account type as ‘Interest’. The system allows you to map FI account class to
multiple charge products.
 You cannot enable ‘Special Conditions Only’ flag in IC Product Maintenance
(ICDPRMNT) screen if FI account class is mapped to it.
 If an FI account class is mapped to an IC product, then the IC rule that is mapped should
not have more than one debit and one credit type formula.
 Signature verification process will be skipped for FI customer accounts during branch
transaction input.
 A user role ‘FIROLES’ will be mapped to the FI related users and this role will be
restricted from accessing other function IDs other than the allowed functions.

Details on allowed set of functions are available in the Annexure chapter of this user manual. Closure Details Button

Click 'Closure Details' button to invoke Closure Details subscreen (STCACLOS). You will be
able to invoke this screen, only if the account is closed.

Specify the following in this screen:

The system displays the branch code of the customer.

The system displays the customer account.

Account Balance
The system displays the account balance.
The system displays applicable interest.

Closing Date
The system displays Account Closing Date

Sequence Number
The system displays Sequence Number.

Offset Branch
The system displays Offset Branch details.

The system displays Account details.

Account Currency
The system displays Account currency.

Close Mode Details

The system displays the below:
 Close Mode

 Linked Product
 Remarks - If balance is 0, enter the Remarks and close. If user has any balance, give
the Offset account details, for money transfer and then enter Remarks

Instrument Details
The system displays Instrument details entry like - Number, Stationary Number, Beneficiary
Number, Branch, Instrument Type, Status, Expiry Date, Issuing Bank, Beneficiary Address -
1, Beneficiary Address - 2, Beneficiary Address -3 & Beneficiary Address - 4

Other Details
The system displays Type 1, Details 1 until Type 3 and Details 3.

The systems displays Charges.

4.1.42 Viewing FI Customer Account Creation Details

You can view the FI customer account creation details maintained in the ‘FI Customer
Account Creation’ screen using the ‘FI Customer Account Creation Summary’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSFIACC’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Branch
 Record Status
 Customer Number
 Full Name
 Short Name
 Account
 Currency

 Account Class

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The system
displays the following records meeting the selected criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch
 Customer No
 Full Name
 Short Name
 Account
 Currency
 Account Class
 Account Open Date
 Account Description
 SSN
 Address 1
 Nationality
 Country
 Customer Category

4.1.43 Signature Details

Click on the ‘Signature Details’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to
invoke the Signature Details screen.

Specify the following details:

Product Code
Specify the product code. The adjoining option list displays all valid product codes maintained
in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Transaction Limit
Specify the limit of the transaction amount for which signature verification is required in local

Minimum Number of Signatures
Specify the total number of customer signatures required for transaction process.

Number of Mandatory Signatures

Specify the number of signatures mandatory for transaction process.

Specify the remarks.

 If ‘Number of Mandatory Signature’ is greater than ‘Minimum Number of Signatures’ of
customers, then an appropriate error message will be displayed.
 If the ‘Product Code’ in ‘Signature details’ sub screen is not in allowed list of the relation
then the system will display the error message during saving the customer account. If
multiple relations exists for a customer then the system will check whether ‘Product
Code’ is allowed for all the relations of the mandatory signature customers. If not
allowed for all mandatory signature customer relations, then the system will display an
error message during saving the customer account. Specifying the Mandatory Signature

Click on the ‘Mandatory Signature’ button in the ‘Signature Details’ screen to invoke the
Mandatory Signature screen.

Specify the following details:

Customer Number
Specify the customer number. The adjoining option list displays all valid customer numbers
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

The system will display the following details:

 Last Name
 First Name
 Customer Name

 ‘Customer No’ in ‘Mandatory Signature’ sub screen at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’
screen will display the customer numbers linked at both CIF as well as at the account
level and the field ‘Applicable for Signature’ should be checked.
 During creation of new customer account, if relationships are added in ‘Linked Entities’
sub screen, then in ‘Mandatory Signature’ screen the ‘Customer No’ will display only the

customer number linked at the ‘Linked Entities’ sub screen of ‘Customer Maintenance’
screen and you should check the field ‘Applicable for Signature’. At this stage linked
entities at account level will not be considered for displaying the mandatory signature
 During amendment operation at account level if customers relationships linkages are
already exists at account level with the field ‘Applicable for Signature’ being checked,
then those customer numbers will be considered to display in ‘Mandatory Signature
Customer’ along with the linked customers at CIF level.
 You should enter the customer number manually. The system will validate whether the
entered customer number exists in ‘Linked Entities’ at ‘Customer’ and ‘Customer
Account’ screen and the field ‘Applicable for Signature’ is checked or not during saving
the record. If not exists then an appropriate error message will be displayed.
 The system will allow you to maintain more number of customers in ‘Mandatory
Signature’ sub screen than ‘Number of Mandatory Signature’ value for each record.

4.2 Multi Currency Account Maintenance

This section contain the following topic:
 Section 4.2.1, "Opening Multi Currency Account"

4.2.1 Opening Multi Currency Account

Invoke the ‘Multi Currency Account Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDMCYAC ’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click
the new button on the toolbar.

Multi Currency Account Number

Select the Multi Currency Account Number of the customer. Select one of the following value
from the option list.

The system allows you to select multi currency account number if multi currency is enabled.
The account number option list of the following screens will fetch the multi currency accounts

Function ID Function Description

DEDTRONL Single entry

DEDJNLON Journal entry Online

DEDMJONL Journal multi offset entry

ISDINSTN Settlement Instruction Mainte-


ISCTRSTL Settlement

CSCTRSPT Split Settlement

CLDACCNT Account Detail

CLDACCVM Value Dated Amendments

CLDCMTMT Commitment Account


CLDMNDSB Manual disbursement

CLDPYMNT Payment Input

CLDMROL Rollover Input

SIDTRONL Standing Instruction Online


Customer Number
The system displays the customer number.

IBAN Multi Currency Account

The system displays the IBAN multi currency account number of the multi currency account.

Branch Code
The system defaults the branch code when MCA number has been selected.

Account Class
The system displays the value of account class.

Main Account Number

The system displays the main account number of the customer.

Primary Currency
The system defaults the primary account currency of the customer.

The other account currencies under MCA account class are opened in this screen when the
primary account is authorized.The primary account number and CASA are able to identify the
MCA account.

It is not possible to open accounts in different branch using multi currency account class for
the same customer.The Account Branch number for all the assigned CASA accounts is same
as that of the primary account created.

Only multi currency accounts opened in user logged in branch will be available for creating
sub accounts in this screen. This screen will support multi-branch access.

It is possible to operate on each of the sub-account as per current support in FCUBS.

The cheque book and pass book details and other facilities are supported at the sub- account
level and not at multi currency account level.

The account dormancy and inactive status related validations will be tracked only at the
primary account level. However, other transaction restrictions can be marked at any sub-
account (no debit, no credit, frozen).

Hotkeys will work based on the primary account if the account input is an multi currency
account. The existing account description field displays description of the primary account,
whenever multi currency account is selected across FCUBS screens.

4.3 Multi Currency Account Query

This section contains the following topic:
 Section 4.3.1, "Opening Multi Currency Account query"

4.3.1 Opening Multi Currency Account query

Invoke the ‘Multi Currency Account query’ screen by typing ‘STDMCYQY’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Click the new
button on the toolbar.

The Multi currency Account Details will provide the following:
 The sub-account and primary account are part of MCA account class are listed along
with current and available balances.
 The consolidated account available balance is shown in the primary account currency.

Multi Currency Account Number

Specify the Multi Currency Account Number of the customer. Select one of the following
options from the option list.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the customer.

IBAN Multi Currency Account

The system displays the IBAN multi currency account number of the customer.

Customer Number
The system displays the customer number.

Total Current Balance

The system displays total current balance in Primary Currency.

Total Available Balance

The system displays the total available balance in primary currency.

Transactions in Multiple Currency Account Opening
 If the account number is maintained as MCA, then the system checks for the transaction
currency based on the screen. On tab out of transaction currency field, system updates
the respective sub account of the MCA in the ‘Account Number’ field
 Transaction is internally routed to the appropriate sub account based on user selection.
The respective sub account is also internally stored in the system.
 The following details are maintained separately for each account:
– Interest/Charge calculation and application.
– Account statements and Passbook.
– Account activity in the entire life cycle of an account (till account closure).
 Only the primary account re-opens when closed primary account is re-opened.

4.4 CASA Branch Parameter Maintenance

You can maintain CASA related branch parameters in the ‘Current and Savings Account
Branch Parameter’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘CADBRMNT’ in the field at the top
right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters:

Branch Code
Specify the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Sweep Transaction Code

Specify the sweep transaction code from the adjoining option list.

Branch Name
System displays the branch name.

4.5 Address Code Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

 Section 4.5.1, "Maintaining Address Code"
 Section 4.5.2, "Viewing Address Code Maintenance"

4.5.1 Maintaining Address Code

You can maintain CASA related address code parameters in the ‘Current and Savings
Account Branch Parameter’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDADMNT’ in the field at the
top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters:

Address Code
Specify the address code from the adjoining option list.

Address Line 1 - 4
Specify the mailing address of the customer.

Specify pincode of the mailing address specified.

Specify the country as given in the address of correspondence of the customer. You can
select the appropriate country from the adjoining option list.

4.5.2 Viewing Address Code Maintenance

You can view the address code details maintained in the ‘Address Code Maintenance’ screen
using the ‘Address code Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘STSADMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following paramteres and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Address Code
 Record Status
 Country

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

The system displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:
 Authorization Status
 Address Code
 Address Line 1
 Address Line 2
 Address Line 3
 Address Line 4
 Record Status
 Pincode
 Country

4.6 Company Code Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.6.1, "Maintaining Company Code"
 Section 4.6.2, "Viewing Company Code Maintenance"

4.6.1 Maintaining Company Code

You can maintain CASA related company code parameters in the ‘Current and Savings
Account Branch Parameter’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDCPMNT’ in the field at the
top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters:

Company Code
Specify the company code from the adjoining option list.

Company Name
Specify the company name as an Registered address of the organization.

Address Code
Specify the address code from the adjoining option list.

Address Line 1 - 4
Specify the mailing address of the customer.

Specify pincode of the mailing address specified.

Specify the country as given in the address of correspondence of the customer. You can
select the appropriate country from the adjoining option list.

Specify the date on which the customer’s company was registered as an organization.

Specify the country of registration of the office of the corporate.

Company Category
Specify the company category

Company Status
Specify the company status.

4.6.2 Viewing Company Code Maintenance

You can view the address code details maintained in the ‘Company Code Maintenance’
screen using the ‘Company code Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘STSCPMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following paramteres and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Company Code
 Company Name
 Pincode

 Country

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

The system displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Company Code
 Company Name
 Address Line 1
 Pincode
 Country

4.7 Primary Party Change Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.7.1, "Changing Primary Party of an Account"
 Section 4.7.2, "Linked Entities Button"
 Section 4.7.3, "Account Signatory Button"
 Section 4.7.4, "Customer Change Button"
 Section 4.7.5, "Viewing Primary Party Change Summary"

4.7.1 Changing Primary Party of an Account

You can change the primary customer of a specific account using ‘Primary Party Change
Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDCUSCH’ in the field at the top right
corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Specify the account number for which you need to change the primary customer. The option
list displays all valid active and open accounts under the current branch. Unauthorized and
tanked accounts will not be available for selection.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Select the appropriate account number.

Based on the account selected, the system displays the account description.

Branch Code
The system displays the current branch code.

The system displays the currency associated with the selected account.

Customer Number
The system displays the customer number of the primary customer of the account.

You can modify this and specify the customer number as per requirement. The option list
displays all valid active and open customer numbers. Select the appropriate one.

The customer number that you select here must be different from the customer number
displayed on selection of the account number.

Once you have selected the customer number, click ‘Populate’ button. The system will update
the ‘Account Signatory’ and ‘Linked Entities’ details based on the changed customer number.
If you do not click the ‘Populate’ button, on saving the record, the system will display an error

Customer Name
Based on the customer number, the system displays the name of the customer.

Account Class
The system displays the account class to which the selected account belongs.

Specify your remarks related to the change of primary customer.

4.7.2 Linked Entities Button

Click ‘Linked Entities’ button to view the linked entities.

When you click ‘Populate’ button after selecting the customer account, the system will update
the changed customer as the primary account holder in ‘Linked Entities’ screen. The other
details will remain the same. However, you can modify the details.

For further details on the ‘Linked Entities’ screen, refer to the section ‘Specifying Linked
Entities’ in this chapter.

4.7.3 Account Signatory Button

Click ‘Account Signatory’ button to view the account signatory details.

When you click ‘Populate’ button after selecting the customer account, the system will update
the account signatory details based on the changed customer.

The amount based signatures will be defaulted from the account level. In case modifications
are done on these, system will reflect in the changes in STDCUSAC after authorization.

If you have checked the box ‘Replicate Customer Signature’, then the system clears the
signatures maintained for the old customer in the ‘Account Signatory’ sub-screen and displays
the rest of the signatures. This may include signatures of the joint holders. The system will
also default the signature maintained for the changed primary account holder.

If you have not checked the option ‘Replicate Customer Signature’, then the system clears the
signatures maintained for the old customer.

For further details on the ‘Account Signatory’ details, refer to the section ‘Specifying Account
Signatory Details’ in this chapter.

4.7.4 Customer Change Button

Click ‘Customer Change Details’ button to view the details of primary customer changes.

You can view the following details:

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

The system displays the account number for which the primary account has been changed, Validate Tab

From the ‘Validate’ tab, you can validate the customer changes and view the error/override
messages. Click ‘Validate’ button. The system will displays the following details if there is a
possible error or override during the process.

Error Code
This is the error code for the error\ override message.

This indicates whether the message was an error message or an override message.

This field displays the details of the error/ override message.

The list will contain the details of possible errors in the beginning, followed by the possible

You can generate a report of the error/ override messages using the ‘Report’ button. Once
you click this button, the system will display the ‘Report Options’ screen. Select the
appropriate options and click ‘OK’ button to generate the report.

You can view the following details in the report:

Under the Header, you can view the following details:
 Branch code
 Account Number
 New Customer Number
 Old Customer Number
 Remarks
 Date and Time
 Maker Id

Under detailed section, you can view the following details:
 Error Code
 Error Type
 Error Message

Based on the possible error information received, you can resolve such issues and proceed
to save the customer change.

4-123 Customer Change Log Tab

Under this tab, you can see the history of all customer changes that has happened for the
selected account.

In this tab, you can view the history of all customer changes happened on a given account.
Against each customer change information, you can view all the overrides triggered during
the change process.

This screen will display the details of unauthorized customer changes, if any. The authorizer
can view the overrides and take a decision whether to authorize the change or not.

For each primary party change, you can view the following details:
 Date of change
 Old customer number
 New customer number
 Remarks entered by the user
 The user ID of the maker
 The user ID of the checker/authorizer
 The user ID of the verifier
 Whether the change has been authorised or not

For every selected change record, you can view the following details of the errors/ overrides:
 Error code
 The error/ override message

Once you have captured and verified all the details, save the record. If the new customer
number is not different from the old one, then the system will display an error message.

– Multi branch access is not supported for this operation.
– This operation is considered as a customer account amendment. External
notifications that exist for the customer account modification will continue to work
for this.

– If there is any unauthorized primary party change record, then the system will not
allow amendment of that customer account.

The primary party change will be effected and updated in the customer account records only
after authorization. During authorization, the system will repeat the validations. If there is any
error, then you will not be allowed to authorize the record.

You need to manually handle the following situations:

 Any correction in the relationships maintained at customer account level using ‘Primary
Party Change’ screen
 Modification of address at the account level
 Re-submission of mandatory documents as part of customer change
 Change in the ICCF product, rule or charge
 Change in the joint holders list or list of signatories required because of the customer
 Customer spread
 Deactivation of ATM cards and debit cards
 Changes in the status of the customer or account due to primary party change
 Checking uninitiated transaction (transactions in external channels), upload tables,
workflow stages. Validation of transaction in referral queue, ELCM queue
 Validation of user defined status of account
 Issuance of new card to the new customer
 Validation of existing track receivables in the account
 Records for customer and account combination in the Service Request Screen

You need to operationally handle the following changes:

 Joint holders
 Notice preference
 Escrow transfer details
 Currency limit details
 Document checklist
 Interest and charge subsystems
 Address details, location, media, country code, cheque book name
 Deposit instructions and other instructions
 Nominee details
 Restriction details
 Memo instructions
 Service request
 Statement details
 Interim transaction report details
 UDF details
 ATM details such as name on card
 KYC status
 Customer account tax allowance limit
 Check book re-order details

 Dormancy parameter details (STDSTDOR)
 Salary account flag
 Home branch of old and new customers
 Gender, resident status, staff, minor status
 Stop payment request maintained
 New cheque book requests, debit card requests, Debit card activation requests

– Through relationship pricing it is possible to define different rates based on the
eligibility criteria of the customer. After the customer change has been effected, the
system evaluates the eligibility criteria and applies benefit plan. At this point, the
system considers the relationships maintained for the new customer.
– After the primary party change, AML tracking for online/daily TOV/monthly TOV for
the customer group associated with the new customer takes place. On the same
day, customer account entries will report to two customer numbers.
– In case of back dated transactions in the account after primary party change, the
system considers the new customer while passing accounting entries.
– The system does not validate the origination accounts during primary party change.
– The changes made using ‘Primary Party Change’ screen will not reflect in the
change log of the customer account screen.

4.7.5 Viewing Primary Party Change Summary

You can view a summary of primary party changes made in the system using ‘Primary Party
Change Maintenance Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STSCUSCH’ in the field
at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:
 Authorization status
 Record status
 Branch code
 Account number

Once you have specified the parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the
following details of all records that match the search criteria.
 Authorization status
 Record status
 Branch code
 Account number
 Account description
 Account class
 Customer number

Following are some additional information related to primary party change.
– The system does not validate the usage of the account in the any retail transactions.
Retail transactions includes following modules RT, UP, CG, IS and DE.
– If the account is used in corporate transactions, the system validates whether the
account is maintained as a settlement account in any of the authorized or
unauthorized contracts. If it is used, the system displays an override message listing
the transaction reference numbers. Corporate transactions include the transactions
from the modules other than those mentioned above.
– After the primary party change, the customer balance report to the MIS codes of the
new customer. For existing transactions, the related customer or customer in MIS
will not change.

4.8 Maintaining Customer De-duplication

You can frame the rule to avoid the duplicate the customer data using ‘Customer Dedup
Maintenance’ screen. Also, you can modify the existing the De-duplication rule condition. You

can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDDEDUP’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details:

Bank Code
Specify the unique bank code from the adjoining option list.

Bank Description
System defaults the bank name depending on the bank code selected.

Deduplication Rule
Sequence Number
System generates a new sequence number for each column whenever a parameter is

Select the field name for the de-duplication check from the adjoining drop-down list. System
displays all the fields of the below tabs in the customer creation screen.
 Main
 Auxiliary
 Personal
 Corporate

System will check the data duplication for the selected fields.

System performs the de-duplication check for all existing customers against the latest
available de-duplication condition maintained at the bank level.
System performs the de-duplication check for the new customers during customer creation
and for existing customer during customer reopening as well as if the de-duplication rules
are updated.

System performs de-duplication check for customers uploaded through Excel and also for
customers created through BPEL.
System allows modifying the de-duplication rule condition if and whenever required.

4.9 Joint Holder Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.9.1, "Maintaining Joint Holder Details"
 Section 4.9.2, "Viewing Joint Holder Details"

4.9.1 Maintaining Joint Holder Details

You can maintain joint holders details using ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ screen.You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘STDJHMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Account Number
Specify the account number for which you want to enquire about the joint holder details. The
adjoining option list displays the list of all valid account numbers. Select the appropriate one.

Based on the account number selected, the system defaults the following details:
 Account Description
 Account Branch
 Account Currency
 Customer Number
 Customer Name
 Account Type

 Mode of Operation

List of Joint Holders

You can add the joint holder details in this section if the selected account type is ‘Joint’.
Maintain the following details:

Customer Number
Specify the customer Id for the joint holder. The adjoining option list displays the list of all valid
customer numbers. Select the appropriate one.

You cannot specify the primary customer number here.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name based on the customer number selected.

Joint Holder Type

Specify the type of a joint account, a type of authority. Select the appropriate one from the
adjoining drop-down menu. The options are:
 Authorized Signatory
 Customer Contact Person
 Guardian
 Custodian
 Developer
 Guarantor
 Joint and First
 Joint and Other
 Joint or First
 Joint or Other
 Nominee
 Related for Enquiry
 Solicitor
 Sole Owner
 Third Party
 Trustee
 Valuer
 Power of Attorney

One joint holder can have only one joint holder type of relation with the account. For ex-
ample, if a customer is added as an ‘Authorized Signatory’ for the account, the same cus-
tomer cannot be added as any other joint holder type.
You cannot modify the primary holder in this maintenance.

Start Date
Specify the starting date or valid from of the joint account.

End Date
Specify the date on which the joint account has ended.

The system validates the specified details and saves the record.

4.9.2 Viewing Joint Holder Details

You can view the joint holder details maintained in ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ screen using
the ‘Joint Holder Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSJHMNT’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Account Number
 Account Type
 Branch Code
 Customer Number

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Account Number
 Account Description
 Customer Number
 Customer Name
 Account Type
 Branch Code

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at
the account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The sys-
tem displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

4.10 Reserve Account Creation

You can create Reserve Account details using ‘Reserve Account Creation’ screen.You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘STDRESAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

Reserved Customer Account would be activated from Customer Account screen (STDCUSAC).

Specify the follow details in the screen:

Customer Number
Specify the Customer Number.

On clicking new, the Branch field displays the Transaction Branch Code as default.

Account Class
Specify the Account Class. Alternatively, you can select the Account Class from the option list.

Fetch Button
On click of Fetch button:
 A. Few Validations are done
– If Account mask has Customer Number, then it would mandate user to enter the
Customer Number. Similarly, it would do so for Account Class and Currency.
 B. If Validations are a success and if:

– (i) Manual 'Account Number Generation' screen is opened, then the user can enter
Reserved Account Number and click OK.
– (ii) It’s Auto 'Account Number Generation' screen, then Account Number is
generated automatically with filled in Account Number

Specify the Currency type. Alternatively, you can select the Currency from the option list.

The system displays the Account on clicking the Fetch Button and confirming OK.

Account Description
Specify the required Account Description.

Account Status as Reserved

The system displays the Account Status as ‘Reserved’. Once the account is created from the
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ (STDCUSAC) screen, status will change from Reserved
to Active

4.11 Reconciliation of MT110 with Incoming Cheque Trans-

MT110 Message is received by the drawee bank from the correspondent bank, as a
confirmation of the cheque issuance. When the cheque is received in the drawee bank,
system reconciles the message with the inward clearing transaction in the system.

This section contains the following topics:

 Section 4.11.1, "Processing MT110 Incoming Message"
 Section 4.11.2, "Processing Inward Cheque Clearing Transaction"

4.11.1 Processing MT110 Incoming Message

After receiving the MT110 message, system stores the message details in a data store, with
the status as ‘U’ and tries to resolve the payment account from the Sender’s Correspondent/
Receiver’s Correspondent (field 53a or 54a) if present.

If the ‘MT110 Reconciliation required’ flag is chosen for the account, then the system stores
the message details for reconciliation in a data store and the below reconciliation process is

System tries to resolve the cheque and it’s clearing transaction with the below details of the
 Cheque number (field 21),
 Instrument Amount (field 32a)
 Resolved payment account number.

If the inward clearing transaction for the cheque is found, then the transaction is updated with
the MT110 message reference number and the status of the message and the instrument
transaction is marked as ‘R’ (‘Reconciled’).

4.11.2 Processing Inward Cheque Clearing Transaction

After the receipt of the cheque, if the MT110 Reconciliation required flag is chosen for the
remitter account, then the system does the below reconciliation process:

 System tries to resolve the MT110 received for the instrument. If the message is
identified, then the clearing transaction gets updated with the MT110 message
reference number and the status of the message and the instrument transaction would
be marked as ‘R’ (‘Reconciled’).
 If the message is not identified, then the status of the Instrument transaction gets
marked as ‘U’ (Un-Reconciled)

Else the Reconciliation status gets updated as ‘N‘(Not Applicable).

Refer heading ‘Specifying Clearing/Cheque Details’ in the Utility Payments Manual for further
details on ‘Clearing Transaction Query’ screen.

4.12 Sweep-In Transactions

The sections contains the following topics:
 Section 4.12.1, "Processing Escrow Sweeps"
 Section 4.12.2, "Processing Sweep-In from Linked Accounts"
 Section 4.12.3, "System validations for Sweep-in at Account and Account Class Level"
 Section 4.12.4, "Sweep in and Reverse Sweep in Sequence"
 Section 4.12.5, "Reversal of Sweep in Transaction"
 Section 4.12.6, "De-linking Accounts"
 Section 4.12.7, "Handling Batch Closure of Auto Deposits with Zero Balance"

4.12.1 Processing Escrow Sweeps

Escrow Sweep is a process in which the system automatically transfers a predefined

percentage of amount that is credited to project account to the Escrow account maintained at
the Customer Account Maintenance level.

When a transaction is saved at the Customer Account Maintenance level, the system verifies
for the following at different levels:
 Escrow Processing enabled at the Transaction Code Maintenance level
 Escrow Process enabled for the Credit account

If Escrow Process is enabled for Transaction code and Credit account, then the system
calculates the value of the amount to be blocked for Escrow transfer, based on the
Percentage maintained at the Customer Account level. The system then saves these amount
blocks as Escrow type Amount Blocks, with an unique, original transaction reference number.

On modifications transaction, the block amount would be recomputed accordingly.

During EOD batch process (CASABAT), Escrow amount blocks with block expiry date on or
before the application date are transferred to the Escrow account, maintained at the customer
account level with the transaction code maintained at account class level.

The Amount blocks are placed based on the following conditions:

 For Future dated transaction, the Amount Block will be placed with the block expiry date
as effective date of transaction.
 For current dated transaction, the Amount Block will be placed with the block expiry date
as application date.

 If the transaction is saved after the currency cut off time, then the Amount Block will be
placed with the block expiry date as next day and system processes Escrow transfer on
the next day.

Cut off time is applicable only for transaction entry and not for authorization of transaction.

Reversal of transaction happens based on the following conditions

 If the Reversal of transaction is done on same day, the amount block that is placed due
to the escrow transaction will be removed.
 If the transaction is reversed on next day after escrow amount block is processed, then
the system reverts the amount from the Escrow account. The negative entries will be
posted with the reversal transaction code maintained at account class level.

4.12.2 Processing Sweep-In from Linked Accounts

The linked cover accounts, Auto Deposits and Term Deposits are debited online or real time
and Primary CASA account is funded immediately to ensure that primary CASA account is
not moved into debit balance due to Sweep in before EOD batch processing and complete
the Debit Transaction.When a Sweep in transaction is initiated due to shortfall in Primary
CASA account, the system will identify the linked accounts and the amount to be debited
during sweep in.The system will post two sets of accounting entries in a single transaction to
complete the debit transaction. This debit transaction involves online funding of Primary
CASA account and then debiting of Primary CASA account.

The following accounting entries are posted:

Set 1:
Debit Linked Accounts (To the extent of shortfall amount)

Credit CASA Account (To the extent of shortfall amount)

Set 2:
Debit CASA account (Transaction amount)

Credit Target account (Transaction amount)

Both sets of accounting entries are passed in a single transaction, so that the amount swept
in to primary account will be utilized to honour the debit transaction.When the TD account is
linked in sweep in structure, the system imposes amount block on linked TD accounts to the
extent of linked amount.If the available balance is not sufficient to meet the shortfall in Primary
CASA account, then the system will only consider available balance of cover account and
proceed with next linked account.

4.12.3 System validations for Sweep-in at Account and Account Class Level

The system performs few validations for sweep in at account level and account class level.

The following validations are performed for sweep in at account class level:
 If Sweep in & Reverse Sweep in check boxes are not checked at Auto Deposit Account
Class level, then the system will not allow you to check these check boxes at Auto
Deposit Account level.

 If Sweep in & Reverse Sweep check boxes are checked at Auto Deposit Account Class
level, then the system will not allow you to uncheck these check boxes at Auto Deposit
Account level.

The account level validations and process for CASA, Cover, Auto Deposit and TD accounts
are detailed below:

CASA Account
 If ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is unchecked while creating a CASA account and is
checked during life cycle based on customer request, then the existing auto deposits
will be part of sweep in structure, provided the account class of Auto Deposit is enabled
for sweeps.
 You can uncheck ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box at Primary CASA account level, only if
cover accounts and term deposits are de-linked. However, you need to de-link the cover
accounts and term deposits before disabling Sweep in feature at primary CASA
account. Also, since de-linking is disabled for auto deposits, the system will
automatically de-link auto deposits once ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is unchecked at
primary CASA account level.
 During account opening/ account amendment, you can uncheck both the check boxes,
even if they are checked at Account class level.
 While closing CASA account, the system by default de-links the linked Cover accounts
and Term deposits and displays the information message notifying the de-linking of
linked account.
 If any Auto deposit exists while closing the CASA account, the system will display the
error message as “Account has slave accounts”.

Cover Account
 When you specify cover accounts for a primary account,
– The system validates if the cover account is frozen / dormant / debit restricted. If
yes, then the system displays an appropriate override/error message as “The cover
account is frozen/dormant/debit restricted”.
– The system validates if holding patterns of cover account and primary account are
same. If not equal, then displays the override/error message as “Holding Pattern
This validation is enable only during linkage of cover accounts.
If there is a change in holding pattern of primary/cover accounts after the linkage of
cover account, then the system will not validate during the process of changing the
holding pattern. This process needs to be handled manually.
– The system validates if primary customer number of cover account and primary
account are same. If not equal, then displays the override/error message as
"Customer Number Mismatch".
This validation is enable only during linkage of cover accounts.
If there is a change in primary customer of primary/cover accounts after the linkage
of cover account, then the system will not validate during the process of changing
the primary customer. This process needs to be handled manually.
– If you modify or save a CASA account linking an overdraft account as a cover
account, then the system displays an error message as ‘Overdraft account is linked
as a cover account’.
 You can configure the message as either override or error depending. If it is configured
as error, then the system will disable saving of cover account linkage operation if the
cover account is frozen / dormant / debit restricted. If it is configured as override, then
the system will enable linkage; however, during sweep in process, the cover account

will be skipped if the status is frozen / dormant/debit restricted. So that the system need
not track it for replenishment.
 You can disable sweep in feature for a cover account only after de-linking it from sweep
structure. Else, the system will display an error message.
 You can disable reverse sweep in feature for a cover account even after utilization.
However, the utilization due to sweep in will not become zero. Also, the system will not
consider the cover account for reverse sweep in, since the ‘Reverse Sweep In’ field is
disabled, when the funds are available in primary CASA account. After disabling the
‘Reverse Sweep In’ field at cover account level, if you re-enable ‘Reverse Sweep In’
field, then the system triggers reverse sweep in whenever there are funds in primary
CASA account, considering the old utilization amount.

– Though disabling reverse sweep in flag and again enabling it after some time is not
a generic business scenario, we will handle this in design to avoid any future issues.

 While linking cover accounts to a Primary CASA account, the system will validate that
‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is checked for the cover account at account level. Else,
the system will not allow linking the cover account to the Primary CASA account.
 If ‘Enable Reverse Sweep in’ check box is not checked at Cover account level, then the
system will not trigger reverse sweep in of funds from Primary CASA account when
Primary CASA account is credited.
 You cannot check the ‘Enable Sweep in’ and ‘Enable Reverse Sweep in’ check boxes
at Cover account level, if these check boxes are not enabled at Account class level.
However, if the check boxes are checked at Account class level, the same can be
disabled at Account level during account opening/ account amendment.
 If a Cover account is enabled with No credits, then the system skips that account during
reverse sweep in process. However, the system tracks the Sweep in amount and credits
once ‘No Credits’ check box is unchecked.

Auto and TD Accounts

The following are the validations and processes for auto deposits on specified deposit
 When you create an Auto deposit using surplus funds from a primary CASA account,
The system will validate if ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is checked at the primary CASA
account level and at the Auto Deposit Account class level.
 If ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is checked at both places, then the system will create
automatic linkage of Auto deposits with primary CASA account as part of ‘Sweep
Structure Maintenance’ screen. The latest deposit is placed on the top and linkage
percentage is by default maintained as 100% and the auto deposit amount is maintained
as linkage amount.
The order of linkage of auto deposits at ‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’ level does not
influence the order in which auto deposits are broken for sweeping out funds from auto
deposits to primary CASA account.

The following are the validations and processes for term deposits on specified deposit
 The system validates if holding patterns of term deposit account and primary CASA
account are same. If not equal, then displays the override/error message as “Holding
Pattern Mismatch".

 The system validates if primary customer number of term deposit account and primary
account are same. If not equal, then displays the override/error message as "Customer
Number Mismatch".
 When you link a TD account in Deposit Linkage section of Primary CASA account, the
system validates if the TD account is linked as collateral. If it is already linked as a
collateral, then the system validates if the available amount of the TD account is equal
or greater than the linked amount you entered. If the available amount is less than the
linked amount, then the system displays an error message and stops the process of
 When you try to maintain a TD account linked to a CASA account as collateral for a Loan
account / OD account, then the system validates if the available amount of the TD
account alone is maintained as collateral linkage amount. This validation is based on
the inked amount towards sweeps and any other amount block on TD account.
 If TD Account Class is enabled for Sweeps, then during TD account creation or
amendment, you can modify sweep in features at account level by disabling or enabling
sweep in. However, you can perform this action before linking it to Primary CASA
 If TD Account Class is disabled for Sweeps, then during TD account creation or
amendment, you will not be able to enable sweeps feature at account level during.
Because, the concerned TD Account Class is not eligible for sweeps feature.
 If you need to disable sweep in feature for a Term Deposit account, then you need to
ensure that the Term deposit account is de-linked from primary account in ‘Term
deposits’ section of ‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’ screen at Customer Account
Maintenance level. If not de-linked, then the system displays an error message alerting
you to de-link the account from sweep structure.
 Term Deposit currency and CASA account currency must be similar. The system
disables the linkage of Term deposit accounts in sweep structure with different

4.12.4 Sweep in and Reverse Sweep in Sequence

During Sweep in and Reverse Sweep in process, the system sequences processing of linked
accounts. Cover, auto deposits and term deposits are utilized in the defined order of
Sweep in Sequence
The sequence followed for sweep in is:
1. Cover Accounts
2. Auto Deposit Accounts
3. Term Deposit Accounts

If there are multiple cover accounts, then the system follows the sequence of linkage in
‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’ screen at Primary account level.

If there are multiple auto deposits, then the system follows the value selected for ‘Break
Method’ parameter in Auto Deposit section of CASA account class.

If there are multiple term deposits, then the system follows the linkage sequence in ‘Sweep
Structure Maintenance’ at Primary account level.

Reverse Sweep in Sequence

The sequence followed for sweep in is:
1. Term Deposit Accounts

2. Auto Deposit Accounts
3. Cover Accounts

If there are multiple Cover accounts, Auto Deposits and Term Deposits, then the system uses
the sweep in sequence of utilization to replenish the funds.

4.12.5 Reversal of Sweep in Transaction

Oracle FLEXCUBE supports reversal of the Sweep in transactions, irrespective of whether

the reversal is attempted on same day or subsequently. This will be supported for all types of
transactions for which reversal is allowed. Reversal will be allowed even for back value dated
debit transactions involving sweep in of funds.

Reversal of sweep in will not restore the original position, however, it is treated as credit to
linked accounts. Similarly, reversal of reverse sweep in would be treated as debit to linked
accounts. Online Reverse Sweep in

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates online reverse sweep in. When a Primary CASA account
receives credit after sweep in transaction and before EOD batch processing, the system will
reverse sweep in funds to linked accounts immediately without waiting for EOD batch
process. Credit can either be partial or full. Based on the credit criteria, the system process
the online reverse sweep in.

Partial Credit to Primary CASA account

During the day, if CASA account is partially credited, then the system debits the CASA
account and credits the linked accounts in the reverse order of original utilization sequence
followed during Sweep in. The system will also keep track of remaining amounts to be
replenished in linked accounts.

The following accounting entries are posted:

 Debit CASA account (Partial Credit amount)
 Credit Linked Accounts (Partial credit amount)

The system will not handle accounting/amount block during EOD batch, as the linked
accounts were debited online during Sweep in. Remaining amount is tracked as ‘Amount to
be reverse swept’ and the same is adjusted next time when funds are credited.

Full Credit to Primary CASA account

During the day, if CASA account is credited with sufficient amount to cover the amount swept
in, then the system debits the CASA account and credits the linked accounts in the reverse
order of original utilization sequence followed during Sweep in.

The following accounting entries are posted:

 Debit CASA account (Sweep in amount)
 Credit Linked Accounts (Sweep in amount)

The system will not handle accounting/amount block during EOD batch, as the linked
accounts were debited online during Sweep in. Only after complete replenishing of swept in
funds, the system will create Auto Deposits. However, only if there are surplus funds available
in Primary CASA account.

4.12.6 De-linking Accounts
De-linking Cover Account
The cover account can be de-linked from sweep in structure any time during the life cycle,
after utilization. Once the cover account is de-linked, the system reverses sweep in amount
stored against the cover account and updates as zero.

De-linking Auto Deposits from Primary CASA account

If ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is unchecked for Primary CASA account as part of account
amendment, then the system will de-link the existing Auto deposits from Sweep structure.
These de-linked Auto deposits and new auto deposits created after the change are broken
whenever CASA account balance goes below minimum balance.

De-linking Term Deposit from Sweep In Structure

The system facilitates you to de-link the term deposit utilized as part of sweep in, from Sweep
in structure. The moment Term deposit is de-linked, the system reverses sweep in amount
stored against the term deposit account and updates as zero. So that the system need not
track it for replenishment.

4.12.7 Handling Batch Closure of Auto Deposits with Zero Balance

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates batch closure of auto deposits with zero balance if any or all of
the following criteria are satisfied:
 If ‘Enable Reverse Sweep in’ is unchecked for Primary CASA account
 If ‘Enable Reverse Sweep in’ is unchecked for Auto Deposit account. If the Auto Deposit
account is completely utilized, then the system closes it online.
 Sweep in Sequence

4.13 Levying Penalty Interest on Notice Accounts

The ‘Notice Account’ is a savings account for which the bank levies ‘Advance Interest’ if the
account holder withdraws an amount more than the ‘Free Amount’. The free amount is the
amount that a customer can withdraw per calendar month from his/her savings account
without providing any notice to the bank and without being liable to pay advance interest.

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates the setting up of a ‘Notice Account’ using the ‘Customer
Accounts Maintenance – Notice Preferences’ screen by enabling the option, ‘Advance
Interest’. You can also configure an account class for advance interest by enabling the option,
‘Advance Interest’ at the ‘Account Class Maintenance – Notice Preferences’ screen.

For more details on the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance – Notice Preferences’ screen, refer
to the preceding section titled, ’Maintaining Notice Preferences for Withdrawal’.

For more details on the ‘Account Class Maintenance – Notice Preferences’ screen, refer to
the section, ‘Maintaining Notice Preferences’ in the chapter, ‘Maintaining Mandatory
Information’ of this User Manual.

These Notice Accounts are linked to the ‘Notice Period’ maintained at Account Class/
Customer Account level for the withdrawal of amount from the account. The account holder
should provide a notice of specified days/months to the bank to withdraw an amount more
than the ‘Free Amount’. Once the notice period is crossed, the notice becomes active and the
customer can withdraw the noticed amount during the validity period of the notice. For
example, if the Notice Period is 3 months then the customer should inform the Bank 3 months
in advance about the amount the customer wants to withdraw from his account.

The noticed amount can be withdrawn at one go or in several installments within the notice
validity period window. After the validity period expires, the status of the notice remains

The system deducts the advance interest from the credit Interest earned by the customer
on his credit balance in the account
If the customer does not withdraw his free amount during any month he is not allowed to
carry forward the same in the subsequent month

You have to maintain an SDE for advance interest calculation on the amount withdrawn from
the customer account. The system takes up all accounts belonging to a product, for which the
option ‘Advance Interest’ in ‘Notice Preferences’ screen is enabled, for calculating the
Advance Interest.

For more details on maintaining this SDE refer to the section, ‘Maintaining SDEs for
Computing Advance Interest’ in the chapter, ‘Maintaining System Data Elements’ of the
‘Interest and Charges’ User Manual.

4.14 Maintaining Notice Period for Withdrawal

You can specify the notice for withdrawal of amount from the accounts using ‘Notice Period
Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘‘STDNPMNT’ at the top right
corner of the application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are captured in this screen.

Branch Code
The current branch code is defaulted here.

Account Number
Specify the account number for which you wish to maintain the notice period.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Initiation Date
Specify the date on which the notice is initiated.

After specifying the initiation date click ‘Default’ to display the Notice Id, Activation Date,
Validity Period, End Date and Notice Amount. The system defaults the following fields
based on the Notice Preferences you maintain at the Customer Account level.

Activation Date
The activation date gets defaulted based on the account number and initiation date
entered.This is the date from which the notice period becomes active. However, you can
modify this date.

Validity Period
The validity period of the notice as maintained in the ‘Notice Preferences’ screen at the
account level gets defaulted here. However, you can modify this period

Notice Amount
Specify the amount to be withdrawn within the Notice Period. The amount you specify here
should be in account currency.

The following fields are displayed in this screen:

 Branch Code – The branch code of the current branch
 Notice Id – The identification of the notice
 End Date – The end date of the notice period

You can unlock the record and modify details but you cannot make retrospective changes.
You can modify only the inactive notices (i.e. only when application date is less than acti-
vation date of the notice).
You can close and reopen the Maintenance.

4.14.1 Withdrawal of Funds without Penalty

No early withdrawal penalty is charged for the first six days from a time deposit account. For
this, you must maintain an Interest and Charges (IC) period system data element (SDE),
‘Days from Start’ which will indicate the number of days from deposit initiation to withdrawal
date. While maintaining the penalty formula, you can specify a condition to charge penalty
only if the value of the ‘Days from Start’ SDE is greater than 6 days.

4.15 Recording Details of Lodgment Book Requests

For a customer account, you can record details of lodgment book requests, provided the use
of lodgment books is allowed for the account. You can capture these details in the ‘Lodgment

Book Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CADLDGBK’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

For each request, you need to capture the following details:

Account Number
You can specify the account number of the customer account in respect of which the request
for the lodgment book was received.

Start Number for the Lodgment Book

You can specify the start number for the leaves in the lodgment book. This depends upon your
specification in the Bank Wide Parameters, in respect of uniqueness of lodgment book

For Example, In the Bank Wide Parameters, you have specified that lodgment book numbers
must be unique for the branch. This means that lodgment numbers need to be unique across
all accounts of that branch. For instance, if a book is maintained with the Start Number as 1,
and containing 25 leaves, you cannot start another book in respect of any other account, with
these numbers. If you have specified that lodgment book numbers must be unique to
accounts in the branch, and a book is maintained with the Start Number as 1, and containing
25 leaves, you cannot start another book in respect of the same account, with these numbers.
However, you can start a book with the same numbers in respect of another account in the

Number of Leaves
You can specify the number of leaves that the lodgment book is to have

Order Date and Issue Date

By default, the order date and the issue date of the lodgment book is considered to be the
application date; you can change the dates and specify them as required.

Order Details
You can specify order details as required for the lodgment book.

Order Details for Lodgment Printing
If you wish the order details to be sent to the lodgment book-printing agent, you can indicate
so. If you indicate this by checking the Include for Lodgment Printing box, the issue date for
the lodgment book will be updated by the printing interface.

4.16 Quick Account Opening

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.16.1, "Opening CASA Account Quickly"
 Section 4.16.2, "Main Tab"
 Section 4.16.3, "Check List Tab"
 Section 4.16.4, "MIS Button"
 Section 4.16.5, "UDF Button"
 Section 4.16.6, "Cheque Book Request Button"
 Section 4.16.7, "Debit Card Request Button"
 Section 4.16.8, "Change Log Button"
 Section 4.16.9, "Viewing Quick Customer Account Summary"

4.16.1 Opening CASA Account Quickly

You can open a quick CASA account using the ‘Quick Customer Account Opening’ screen.
The ‘Quick Customer Account Opening’ screen will support the new and authorization
operations. Any additional modifications need to be updated in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Quick Customer Account Opening’ screen by typing ‘STDCASAC’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.
Click the ‘New’ button on Oracle FLEXCUBE to create a new CASA account.

You need to specify the following information:

Customer Number
Specify the customer identification number allotted by the bank. It is a mandatory field.

Customer Name
Specify the customer’s name.

The system defaults the local currency as the account currency. However, you can change
the currency, if required.

By default, the system displays the account number.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Account Class
Specify the account class of the customer.

Click ‘Fetch’ button to fetch the account number. The system will fetch the account number in
the following ways:
 If the Auto Account Generate option is enabled in branch parameter, the system will
default the auto-generated account number.
 If the Auto Account Generate option is disabled in branch parameter, the system will
popup the account window. You can specify the account number and it will be defaulted
in the main screen.

– If the customer creation is manual, you should enter the desired customer number
complying with the mask having the special number in the ‘Account’ field. On click
of ‘Ok’ button, the system validates whether the special number entered is unused
number and valid number.
– This field is disabled after generating account number in the ‘Account’ field.

Branch Code
The system defaults the local branch as the account branch.

SD User Reference
The system displays the SD user reference for the account.

Private Customer
The system displays a check in the box if the customer is a private customer.

4.16.2 Main Tab

In the ‘Main’ tab, the system provides some information and you also need to specify few

The system displays the following basic details of the customer:

Account Description
The system displays the customer’s complete name. You can modify it, if required.

Account Type
The system displays the account type as either ‘Single’ or ‘Joint’. If the account type is ‘Joint’,
the system allows specifying the joint holder’s information.

Mode of Operation
Select the mode of operation.

Account Open Date

The system displays the current branch date.

Sanction Check Status

The system displays the status of the sanction check request

Address Code
The code for the address.

The postal code.

List of Joint Holders

List of Joint Holders contains the joint holder’s information. You need to specify the following

Customer Number
Specify the customer Id for the joint holder. The adjoining option list displays the list of all valid
customer numbers. Select the appropriate one.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name based on the selected customer number.

Joint Holder Type

Specify the type of the joint account.

Start Date
Specify the starting date of the joint account.

End Date
Specify the date on which the joint account has ended.

Nominee Details

It contains the nominee’s details. You need to specify the following details:

Specify the nominee’s complete name.

Date of Birth
Specify the nominee’s date of birth.

Specify the customer’s relationship with the nominee.

Address Code
Specify the address code from the adjoining option list.

Address 1 – 4
Specify the complete address of the nominee.

Check the box, if the nominee is a minor.

Guardian Name
Specify the complete name of nominee’s guardian.

Specify the nominee’s relationship with the guardian.

Address Code
Specify the address code from the adjoining option list.

Address 1 – 4
Specify the complete address of the guardian.


Options consist of the additional preferences that you would like to opt for. You can select the
following facilities, if required:

Replicate Customer Signature

The system will select the Replicate Customer Signature, by default. However, you can
uncheck it, if required.

Salary Account
Check the box if the account is a salary account.

Account Facilities

Account Facilities consists of the facilities provided for the corresponding account. You need
to specify the following information. The system displays a configurable override message if
the defaulted values are modified.

Cheque Book
Check the box to avail the facilities of a cheque book.

Check the box to avail the facilities of a passbook.

Check the box to avail the facilities of an Anytime Teller Machine (ATM).

Direct Banking
The system checks this box by default, if you have selected the option for availing direct
banking facility in account class screen. However, you can modify it.

By availing direct banking facility you can only view the minimum balance of the account. The
system does not allow you to perform any other transactions with this facility.

Alternate Account Number

Specify an alternate account number, if any.

More Preferences

More Preferences consists of the additional facilities provided by the bank. You need to
specify the following facilities that you prefer:

Auto Debit Card Request

Check the box to raise a request for debit card. If the ‘Auto Debit Card Request’ check box is
selected, the system will invoke the ‘Debit Card Details’ sub-screen. You need to specify the
required details in that screen.

Auto Cheque Book Request

Check the box to raise a request for cheque book. If the ‘Auto Cheque Book Request’ check
box is selected, the system will invoke the ‘Cheque Book Request’ sub-screen. You need to
specify the required details in that screen.

Cheque Book Name 1

Specify the name that needs to be displayed in the cheque book.

Cheque Book Name 2

Specify an alternative name that needs to be displayed in the cheque book.

ATM Account Number
Specify the account number associated with the ATM card.

Initial Funding

Initial Funding consist of the information on initial funding of the account. Specify the following
account information:

Account Opening Amount

Specify the opening amount of the account. The amount should not be less than the limit
specified in the account class currency preferences level.

Pay In Option
Select the Pay In Option for the account. The options provided are:
 Pay In By Account
 Pay In By GL – This should be maintained in the 'Term Deposit Pay in Parameters
Maintenance' screen with Branch code

Offset Branch
Specify the branch code of the account for redemption.

Offset Account
Specify the offset account.

Waive Account Opening Charges

Check the box to waive off the opening charges of the corresponding account.

If the Initial funding details maintained at the account class level, then on account level the
same is mandatory.

4.16.3 Check List Tab

Check List is an optional tab based on the workflow of the bank.

In the Check List tab, you need to specify the following details:

Document List

Document List contains the information about the documents submitted to the bank for
various purposes. You need to specify the following details:

Document Type
You can select the documents that are maintained in the account class.

Check the box if the document is mandatory.

Check the box if the document is checked.

Check list will be defaulted from the account class document list, based on the customer
type. If any of the documents is mandatory at account class, then the same should be cap-
tured in the account screen and it should be marked as checked, otherwise, system will
not allow saving the account.


‘Remarks’ contains the additional information of the document notifications. You need to
specify the following details:

Specify the additional information of the document notifications, if any.

After providing the necessary information, click the ‘Save’ button to save the information
provided. The information is saved differently in the following scenarios:
 If the auto-authorize is enabled for the corresponding account, the system will save and
authorize the account.
 If the auto-authorize is disabled for the corresponding account, the account will be
saved in unauthorized status. The authorizer will query the newly created account in
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen to authorize the same.

4.16.4 MIS Button

You can capture Management Information System details for the account, using the
‘Management Information System’ screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘MIS’ button in the
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

For more details on the ‘Management Information System’ screen, refer to the section 3.1.17
in this chapter.

4.16.5 UDF Button

You can capture user defined field values for the account, using the ‘User Defined Fields’
screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Fields’ button in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’

A newly created user defined field cannot be directly mapped to the Quick Customer Addition
(STDCASAC) screen. The following error message is displayed if a user defined field is
mapped to the Function ID STDCASAC in the ‘User Defined Fields Function Field Mapping
Maintenance’ screen:

“UDF Maintenance is not allowed for STDCASAC. Maintenance done for STDCUSAC will be
applicable for STDCASAC also.”

Therefore, the User Defined Fields which are mapped to the Customer Account Maintenance
(STDCUSAC) screen are automatically mapped to the Quick Customer Account
(STDCASAC) screen and appears in the ‘Fields’ button of the ‘Quick Customer Account’

The value for a newly created user defined field can be entered or modified in the ‘Fields’
button of the STDCASAC or the STDCUSAC screens, as the same value updated in one
screen is reflects in the other screen.

For more details on the ‘User Defined Fields’ screen, refer to the section 3.1.23 in this chapter.

4.16.6 Cheque Book Request Button

Click on the ‘Cheque Book Request’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to
invoke the Cheque Book Request screen.

For more details on the ‘Cheque Book Request’ screen, refer to the section 3.1.32 in this

4.16.7 Debit Card Request Button

Click on the ‘Card Request’ button in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen to invoke
the Debit Card Request Details screen.

For more details on the ‘Debit Card Details’ screen, refer to the section 3.1.33 of this chapter.

4.16.8 Change Log Button

You can capture the audit history details for the operations performed on that customer and
the account using the ‘Change Log’ screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Change Log’ button
in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

For more details on the ‘Change Log’ screen, refer to the section ‘"Example" on page
124 in this chapter.

4.16.9 Viewing Quick Customer Account Summary

You can view the summary details of the quick customer account in the ‘Quick Customer
Account Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STSCASAC’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch Code
 Account

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays
the following information:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch Code
 Account
 Account Description
 Customer No

 Currency
 Account Class
 No Debits
 No Credits
 Stop Payments
 Dormant
 Account Open Date
 Alternate Account Number
 Cheque Book
 Passbook
 ATM Account Number
 Account Type
 Frozen
 MT110 Reconciliation Required

4.17 Maintaining Customer Account Limit

You can capture the details of account limits of the customer in the ‘Customer Account Limits’
screen. Based on the user rights only, you can invoke the ‘Customer Account Limits’ screen
by typing ‘LMDCUSLT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button. Based on the access given, the user can access this screen.

You need to specify the following details:

Branch Code
Specify the branch code of the branch in which you are maintaining the customer account
limits. The adjoining option list displays all valid branches that are maintained in the system.
You can choose the appropriate one.

Specify the account of the customer. The adjoining option list displays all valid accounts that
are maintained in the selected transaction branch. You can choose the appropriate one.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

The system displays the customer account’s currency. You cannot modify it.

Customer Number
The system displays the customer number based on the customer account number selected.
You cannot modify it.

Account Class
The system displays the account class based on the customer account number selected. You
cannot modify it.

You can also capture the account limits in the ‘Account Limits’ of the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ screen.

Daylight Limit
Specify the daylight limit amount.

TOD Renewal
Renew TOD
Check this box to indicate that TOD is renewed.

Renew Frequency
Specify the renew frequency.

Renew Unit
Specify the unit of renew.

Next Renewal limit

Specify the next renewal limit.

For more information on maintaining account limits for customer, refer the section ‘Specifying
Account Limits’ in this chapter.

4.18 Transaction Limit Code Maintenance

This section contains the following topic:
 Section 4.18.1, "Maintaining Transaction Count Limit Code"
 Section 4.18.2, "Viewing Transaction Count Limit"
 Section 4.18.3, "Maintaining Transaction Count Limit Code Mapping"
 Section 4.18.4, "Viewing Transaction Count Limit Code Mapping"

4.18.1 Maintaining Transaction Count Limit Code

In the ‘Transaction Count Limit Code Maintenance’ screen the transaction count limits can be
maintained. This screen is used to capture the different restriction types based on the nature
of the transaction. The type of transaction is recognized by the transaction code used for
passing accounting entries for the transaction. Restrictions can be maintained for a single
transaction code or for a group transaction codes.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDTCLMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the
application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. The screen appears as shown

Specify the following details:

Limit Code
Specify a unique identifier to identify group of transaction types and the respective

For a Limit Code, there can be multiple transaction restriction maintenances, that is, mul-
tiple restriction IDs can be maintained. Example: For Limit code “SBACCLS1”, cash de-
posit is allowed 10 times in a month whereas cash withdrawal is allowed only twice in a

Specify the description of the limit code.

Restriction ID
Specify an identifier to identify the type of restriction. This is an eight character identifier. Limit
Code and Restriction ID combination is unique in the system.

Calendar Period
Select the period for which restriction is applicable from the drop down list. The options
available will be Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually and annually.

Period Description

Daily Each Calendar Day

Weekly Sunday to Saturday

Fortnightly 1st of month to 15th of month, 16th of month to End of month

Monthly Each Calendar Month

Quarterly January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December

Semi-Annually January-June, July-December

Annually January- December

Transaction Codes
Specify the transaction code or codes for which the restriction is applicable. The number of
transactions allowed is applicable cumulatively for all the transaction codes maintained in this
section. This is a multiple entry field where the transaction code(s) for which the restriction is
applicable can be captured. At least one transaction code has to be maintained for a
restriction ID.

If for a limit code and transaction code combination, no restriction is maintained, this will
signify that no restriction is required for the given transaction code for the said limit code.
Also, a given transaction code can’t be a part of multiple restriction ids under the same
Limit code. If a transaction count limit code is modified, the changes will be effective from
the modification date onwards.
If a restriction ID is added to a limit code, then the same needs to be added in the trans-
action count limit code mapping screen manually, if required. If a restriction ID needs to be
deleted from a limit code, then the same needs to be deleted first from all the transaction
count limit code mappings, manually. If restriction ID is attached to any of the account
class/ account, then the same will not be allowed to be deleted from Transaction Count
Limit Code Maintenance screen.

4.18.2 Viewing Transaction Count Limit

You can view a summary of transaction count limit in the ‘Transaction Count Limit Summary’
screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STSTCLMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the
application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for records based on one or more of the following parameters:
 Limit Code
 Authorization Status
 Record Status

Once you have specified the parameters, click the Search button. The system displays the
following details of all records that match the specified criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Limit Code
 Description

4.18.3 Maintaining Transaction Count Limit Code Mapping

The ‘Transaction Count Limit Code mapping’ screen enables you to map a limit code to an
account class or account number. This screen is used to capture the number of transactions
allowed for the restriction IDs linked to the limit code. You can invoke this screen, by typing

‘STDTCLMM’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the
adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters:

Account Class
Select the account class to which the limit code needs to be linked from the adjoining option
list. All active account classes as maintained in the system are displayed in the list of values.

Account Number
Select the account number to which the limit code needs to be linked, from the adjoining
option list. This can be selected in special cases where account level restrictions are different
from account class level. All accounts maintained for the given account class and
corresponding account branch code is displayed in the list of values.

In this field, you also have an option of selecting ‘All’ account numbers. Mapping for ‘All’
accounts can be maintained at the head office level only. Mapping for specific accounts can
be maintained only in the home branch of the account.

Account Branch
The branch code of the selected account number is displayed. If “ALL” is selected in the
account number field, “ALL” is displayed in this field as well.

Limit Code
Select the limit code that needs to be linked to the account class or account number, from the
adjoining option list. All limit codes as maintained in the ‘Transaction Count Limit Code
Maintenance’ screen is displayed in the list of values.

Restriction ID
Select the Restriction ID for which the restriction needs to be applied from the adjoining option
list. All restriction IDs maintained under the given limit ID is displayed in the list of values.

Transaction Allowed
Specify the number of transaction allowed for the selected Restriction ID.

If the “Transaction Counter” value is greater than or equal to the “Transactions Allowed” value,
then the system will not allow the transaction to proceed. An error message “This transaction

is exceeding the number of transactions (Number) for the restriction code (Restriction Code)
allowed for the (Period )” will be displayed.


Only a single limit ID can be attached to an account class, account number, and account
branch. Also, if for a given customer account restriction is not required, as an exception,
(whereas the corresponding account class to which it belongs to has restrictions), a
mapping can be maintained without any restriction ID. This will signify that no restriction is
applicable for the given customer account.
If a transaction count limit code mapping is modified, the changes will be effective from the
modification date onwards. When specific account mapping is closed, the transaction
counter will not be reset till the period end. However, comparisons are done with the al-
lowed number of transaction maintained for “ALL” accounts for the account class.

A feature ID “ACCTRNLIMIT” is provided to indicate if the transaction restriction is required

for a branch or not. If this feature ID is set to “Y” for a branch, then the system will consider
transaction count limit as per the process described in this section. If this feature ID is not
maintained for branch, then the system will proceed further without considering transaction
count limit.

4.18.4 Viewing Transaction Count Limit Code Mapping

You can view a summary of transaction count limit code mapping in the ‘Transaction Count
Limit Code Mapping Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STSTCLM’ in the field at
the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for records based on one or more of the following parameters:
 Authorization Status

 Record Status
 Account Class
 Limit Code
 Account Branch
 Account Number

Once you have specified the parameters, click the Search button. The system displays the
following details of all records that match the specified criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Account Class
 Limit Code
 Account Branch
 Account Number

4.19 Generating Notifications

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to insert notification of transactions done through the
CASA module in the notification table. The list of fields that are sent in the notification for a
transaction done in the CASA module are as follows
 Transaction Module Code
 Transaction User ID (to identify the originating channel)
 Debit or Credit
 Indicator.
 Account Branch
 Account Number
 Account Currency
 Transaction branch Code
 Transaction branch name
 Transaction reference number
 Transaction Code
 Transaction Code description
 Event Code (To differentiate reversals)
 Transaction Amount
 Transaction currency
 Transaction date with Timestamp
 Transaction Value date
 Account current balance after transaction
 .Account available balance after transaction
 Additional Narrative
 Amount Tag

4.20 Query Operation

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.20.1, "Querying for Account Statistics"

 Section 4.20.2, "Querying for Month-Wise Customer Account Statistics"
 Section 4.20.3, "Querying Account Details"
 Section 4.20.4, "Querying Account Transactions"
 Section 4.20.5, "Querying Accounting Reconciliation"

4.20.1 Querying for Account Statistics

You can view period-wise statistics for an account in the ‘Customer Account Statistics Query’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ACDASTQY’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Check Linked Customer and provide Account Number and click Query button to view all
Account Numbers of the customers and its linked customers in Linked Customer Details. To
query on any account displayed, select the account and click ‘Fetch’ button. A query operation
is performed on the selected customer and the details are displayed. The displayed values
are based on the query parameters provided.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

The details displayed are as follows:

 Low and High Balance for a period

The lowest and highest current balances for the period

 Average credit and debit balance for a period

This is computed as the sum of credit/(debit) current balances in a period, divided by the
number of days of credit/(debit) balance during the period
 Credit and debit days

The number of days the account was in credit/(debit) balance in the period
 Credit and Debit Turnover

The credit/ (debit) turnover for the period
 Excess days in debit balance

The number of days in a month when the account exceeded the overdraft limits
 Overdraft Limit

This is computed by summing the temporary overdraft limit and the sub-limit of the account.
For each month, this would represent the limit on the last date of the month
 Credit grade of the Customer

This would be the prevalent rating on the last day of the period. For the current period, this
information is provided up to the previous working day.

Printing of this information for an account is only possible if the Account Statistics option has
been enabled in the Account Class Maintenance for the account class used by the account.

If account statistics has been enabled, an accounting End of Day (EOD) process updates the
statistics table both period-wise and according to financial years. The book-dated balances
are used for computation of statistics, and the balances are maintained according to
accounting periods.

4.20.2 Querying for Month-Wise Customer Account Statistics

You can query for month-wise statistics for an account in the ‘Monthly Account Statistics’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDACSTA’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following fields:

Customer Number
Specify the customer number.

Customer Account Number

Specify the customer account number.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Customer Acc No field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code.

Cumulative Account Statistics

You can view the following cumulative account statistics of the account:
 Total Balance
 Monthly Average
 Simple Average Balance
 Maximum Balance
 Minimum Balance
 Number of Debit Transaction
 Number of Credit Transaction
 Number of Returned Cheques
 Number of Overdrafts
 Monthly Credit Average
 Debit Average
 Credit Average
 Days in Debt
 Days in Credit
 Monthly Debit Average

Monthly Account Statistics

You can view the following monthly account statistics of the account:
 Run Date
 Customer Number
 Account Number
 Branch code
 Customer Name
 Total Balance
 Maximum Balance
 Minimum Balance
 Simple Average Balance
 Debit Average
 Credit Average
 Excess OD Average
 Currency
 Number of Returned Cheques
 Number of Debit Transaction

 Number of Credit Transaction
 Closing Balance
 Debit Interest
 Non Sufficient Funds
 Charges Amount
 Debit Check Returned
 Visa Debit Details
 Last Debit Transactions
 Last Credit Transactions
 Last Overdraft Transaction
 Days in Debt
 Monthly Debit Average
 Days in Excess OD
 Monthly Average
 Number of Overdrafts
 Days in Credit
 Monthly Credit Average

4.20.3 Querying Account Details

You can query and view the account details using ‘Transaction Enquiry’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘STDBLINQ’ at the top right corner of the application tool bar and
clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Account Number
Specify the customer account number into which the cash needs to be deposited. Upon
keying the account number, the system will default the Account Number, Account Branch and

Account Currency for the corresponding account. In case of multiple accounts with the same
account number, the system will pop-up a list of account numbers with account branches to

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Branch Code
The system displays branch code based on the specified account number.

Account Description
The system describes the account for the specified account number here.

Statement Period
Select the statement period to limit the number of transactions to be listed. By default,
‘Transaction’ option is selected as the statement period. Therefore, only last five transactions
will be listed.

If you specified statement period is less than 6 months, then system will display an error
You need to have rights for that particular branch otherwise; you cannot query the account

Start Date
Specify the statement period start date of current statement period.

End Date
Specify the statement period end date of current statement period.

After specifying the search parameters press ‘F7’ to enter query and ‘F8’ to execute query;
in order to view the account details.

Account Details

System displays the following details under ‘Account Details’ section:

 Customer Number
 Name
 Currency
 Product
 Status
 Sweep in Enabled

Account Purchase Line

System displays the following details under ‘Account Purchase Line’ section:
 Limit Currency
 Counterparty Limit
 Utilized Counterparty Limit
 Limit Expiry Date

Balance Details

System displays the following details under ‘Balance Details’ section:

 Available Balance
 Available Balance with Limits
 Passbook Balance
 Last Statement Date
 Last Statement Balance
 Opening Balance
 Net Balance

The system calculates the net balance using the following formula:
– Net balance = (Available Limit from Credit Line + Available Balance + TOD Limit +
Day light limit + Utilized Line Amount of the Account +Withdraw able Uncollected
funds) - (Minimum Balance)
Minimum Balance will be considered only if it is lesser than the available balance. If the
available balance is greater than zero and less than the minimum balance, then the sys-
tem considers available balance as zero.
As the unauthorized debits and amount block are already considered for calculating the
available balance, the unauthorized debits and amount block are not included in the for-
mula for new net balance.
The net balance will be in the account currency.
Net balance is not applicable and will be empty if a valid non revolving line is linked to the
customer account.


System displays the transactions depending on the ‘Statement Period’ selected, and displays
the following details under ‘Transactions’ section:
 Transaction Date
 Value Date
 Description
 Instrument Code
 Branch
 Debit
 Credit
 Running Balance

System displays the following details:
 Transaction Initiation Date
 User ID
 Authorization Id
 Batch Number
 Transaction Code
 Description
 Local Currency
 Exchange Rate
 LCY Amount


System displays the following details under ‘Summary’ section:

 Total Debit Amount
 Total Credit Amount
 Debit Count
 Credit Count

4.20.4 Querying Account Transactions

You can view account transactions in the ‘Account Transaction’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘ACDACTRN’ in the field on the top right corner of the application toolbar and
clicking the arrow button.

The current support of defining the mask at the branch level which takes precedence over
the mask provided at the bank level. Using this screen, you can search for account trans-
actions based on one or more of the following parameters:

Select the account number from the adjoining option list. All accounts as maintained in the
system are displayed here.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Number of Transactions
Specify the number of transactions in this field.

4.20.5 Querying Accounting Reconciliation

You can query accounting reconciliation through 'Accounting Reconciliation Query' screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing 'ACDRECNC' in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Account or GL
Indicate if you would like to view reconciliation details for an account or GL.

Account Number
Specify the account number.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Account Currency
Specify the currency of the account.

Specify the date.

View Criteria
Indicate, by clicking on the appropriate radio button, if you would like to retrieve reconciliation
details for a GL according to the following criteria:
 Unreconciled amounts
 Reconciled amounts
 Both

GL Code
Specify the General Ledger Code.

General Ledger Currency

Specify the currency of general ledger.

Specify the date

General Ledger Type

Select the type of general ledger from the following:
 Internal General Ledger
 Customer General Ledger

General Ledger Details

Reconciliation Number
Specify the reconciliation number.

Reference Number
Specify the reference number.

Specify the Amount

Unreconciled Amount
Specify the unreconciled amount.

Specify the date

Reference Number
Specify the reference number.

Specify the Amount

Reconciliation Number
Specify the reconciliation number.

Specify the date..

Account Details

Reconciliation Number
Specify the reconciliation number.

Reference Number
Specify the reference number.

Specify the Amount

Unreconciled Amount
Specify the unreconciled amount.

Specify the date

Reference Number
Specify the reference number.

Specify the Amount

Reconciliation Number
Specify the reconciliation number.

Specify the date.

4.21 View Operation

This sections contains the following topics:
 Section 4.21.1, "Viewing Month-Wise Customer Account Statistics"
 Section 4.21.2, "Viewing Customer Account Balance"
 Section 4.21.3, "Viewing Utilization of Free Amounts"

 Section 4.21.4, "Viewing Dummy Numbers Associated with CIF Number"

4.21.1 Viewing Month-Wise Customer Account Statistics

You can view month-wise statistics for an account in the ‘Monthly Account Statistics’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSACSTA’ at the top right corner of the application
tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Using this screen, you can search for month-wise account details based on one or more of
the following parameters:
 Customer number
 Currency
 Branch code
 Customer account number
 Customer name

Click ‘Search’ button. Based on the search criteria, the system displays the following month-
wise account details:
 Customer number
 Customer account number
 Currency
 Customer name
 Branch code
 Simple average balance
 Minimum balance
 Maximum balance
 Number of debit transactions
 Number of credit transactions
 Debit average
 Credit average

4.21.2 Viewing Customer Account Balance

You can view the balance and account status of a customer account from any customer
account field of any screen in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

To view the balance and account status you need to select the customer account and press

For e.g. to view the account balance information and account status of the credit account that
you have selected in the ‘Funds Transfer Contract Input’ screen, place your cursor in the
credit account field and press F11.

The system will open the ‘Customer Balance View’ screen containing the brief information
about the credit account selected.

The ‘Customer Balance View’ screen would contain the following information:
 Branch Code
 Customer Account
 Customer ID
 Account Current Balance
 Account Available Balance
 Local Currency Current Balance

Click the ‘Details’ button on the ‘Customer’s Balance View’ screen to open the ‘Customer
Account Balance’ screen. This screen consists of detailed information on customer’s balance.
The system displays the detailed balance information of the selected customer account if it is

a valid customer. You can also invoke this screen by typing ‘STDCUSBL’ at the top right
corner of the application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button..

Basic Details

The system displays the following details under ‘Account Details’ section:
 Account Number
 Account Description
 Branch Code
 Account Class
 Currency
 Customer Number
 Account Open Date
 Customer Name
 Ownership
 Mode of Operation

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Memo Details

The system displays the following details:

 Instruction Id
 Instruction Description
 Instruction Date
 Instruction Expiry Date
 Display Type


The system displays the following details under ‘Balance Details’ section:
 Current Balance
 Uncollected
 Blocked
 Available
 Total Available
 Book Balance
 Sweep Eligible Balance
 ILM Sweep Eligible Balance
 Temporary Overdraft Limit
 Net Balance
 Passbook Balance

You can enquire the last printed passbook balance while doing transaction by placing the
cursor at account number field and pressing F11 hot key. The system will open a new screen
and display the last printed passbook balance along with the other details.

The system will display the Passbook Balance and current balance upon pressing F11 key.
However it will not mandate the teller to verify passbook balance and current balance, which
needs to be controlled operationally.

The system calculates the net balance using the following formula:
– Net balance = (Available Limit from Credit Line + Available Balance + TOD Limit +
Day light limit + Utilized Line Amount of the Account +Withdraw able Uncollected
funds) - (Minimum Balance)
– Minimum Balance will be considered only if it is lesser than the available balance.
If the available balance is greater than zero and less than the minimum balance,
then the system considers available balance as zero.
– As the unauthorized debits and amount block are already considered for calculating
the available balance, the unauthorized debits and amount block are not included
in the formula for new net balance.

– The net balance will be in the account currency.
– Net balance is not applicable and will be empty if a valid non revolving line is linked
to the customer account.
– The available amount that can be swept from the cover account will be derived
based on the Sweep limit and Retain Minimum Balance field values. “Sweep Eligi-
ble Balance” field in the ‘Amounts and Dates’ screen will be derived based on this
value. For more information on how this field is derived, refer to the table in Cover
Account Details section in this User Manual.


The system displays the following details under ‘Status’ section:

 Posting Allowed
 Blocked
 Dormant
 Stop Payment
 Frozen
 Status Change Automatic
 No Credits
 Overdraft
 No Debits
 Debit Override
 Credit Override


The system displays the following details under ‘Sweeps’ section:

 Sweep in Enabled

The system will capture the required information from the ‘Transaction Enquiry’ screen and
defaults the same information in transaction details.

Turnover Details

The system displays the following details under ‘Balance Details’ section:
 Opening
 Daily Turnover (Cr)
 Daily Turnover (Dr)

 Currency (ACY)

Additional Details

The system displays the following details under ‘Balance Details’ section:
 Accrued Interest (Dr)
 Accrued Interest (Cr)
 Interest Due
 Charges Due
 Last Interest Debit
 Last Interest Credit
 Last DR Activity
 Last CR Activity

System displays the transactions depending on the ‘Statement Period’ selected, and displays
the following details under ‘Transactions’ section:
 Transaction Date
 Value Date
 Description
 Branch
 Credit
 Debit

4.21.3 Viewing Utilization of Free Amounts

You can view the utilization of free amounts with respect to advance interest for the accounts
using ‘Notice Utilization Query’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ’STDNTUTL’ at the top right corner of the application
tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can query the records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Branch Code

 Account Number
 Year
 Month

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed. The system displays the following details
pertaining to the fetched records:
 Currency
 Year
 Month
 Free Amount
 Free Amount Utilized
 Free Amount Available
 Notice Amount

4.21.4 Viewing Dummy Numbers Associated with CIF Number

To recall, in the Branch Parameters screen, you can specify a number range based on which
the customers of your bank will be assigned CIF numbers for identification. You can also
maintain a dummy CIF number range for a branch. The dummy CIF range will be used for
account number generation.

Refer the Core Services User Manual for details on maintaining dummy CIF number range
and its usage for customer account number generation.

You can view all the dummy CIF numbers linked to a customer in the ‘Dummy Customer
Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSMAINT’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can view the CIF number that is associated with each dummy number.

4.22 Bulk Account Status Change

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.22.1, "Maintaining Bulk Account Status Changes"
 Section 4.22.2, "Viewing Bulk Account Status Change"

4.22.1 Maintaining Bulk Account Status Changes

You can change debit and credit override status for multiple or all accounts of a given
customer through Bulk Account Status Change screen. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘STDBSTCH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Reference Number
The system generates a unique reference number on save.

Customer ID
Specify the customer ID for whom the Debit or Credit Override should be placed or revoked.
Alternatively, you can select the customer ID from the option list. The list displays all active
and authorized customer IDs.

Customer Name
The system displays the name of the customer.

Account Class
Specify the account class. Alternatively, you can select the account class from the option list.
The list displays all open and authorized CASA account classes available in the system. The
system defaults the account class as ‘ALL’ signifying all account classes.

Account Currency
Specify the account currency. Alternatively, you can select the account currency from the
option list. The list displays all valid currency codes. By default the system defaults the
account currency as ‘ALL’.Specify the account currency. Alternatively, you can select the

account currency from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes. By default the
system defaults the account currency as ‘*.*’.

Select the action to be taken on debit and credit override status. The options are as follows:
 Place Restriction
 Revoke Restriction

If ‘Place Restriction’ is selected, the system checks the required account statuses in the
customer accounts multi-grid and if Revoke Restriction is selected, the system will uncheck
those account statuses from the customer account multi-grid based on the restriction type.

Restriction Type
Select the restriction type from the drop down list. The list displays the following values:
 Debit Override
 Credit Override
 Both

Click ‘P’ button to populate all the open and authorized accounts of the selected customer
based on account class and account currency filters. If any unauthorized account is found
during the search criteria, system displays an information message as “One or more accounts
selected for status change operation is/are in unauthorized status”.

The system displays the following details in Customer Accounts section pertaining to the
selected criteria:
 Branch
 Account Class
 Account Currency
 Account
 Account Description

The system triggers account status change for all individual accounts once the bulk account
status change operation is authorized.

While triggering status change for individual accounts, system will not validate the existing
Debit/Credit Override statuses of the accounts. The accounts will be marked with the new
intended status.

4.22.2 Viewing Bulk Account Status Change

You can view the bulk status change records in the ‘View Bulk Status Change’ summary
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSBSTCH’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Reference Number
 Customer ID
 Account Class
 Account Currency
 Authorization Status
 Record Status

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Reference Number
 Customer ID
 Account Class
 Account Currency

4.23 Closing Account
When you close an account, the system will check whether an IC product linked to the account
is pending liquidation. If an IC Product is pending liquidation, you will be prompted to perform
the liquidation before closing the account.

If any provisioning has been done in respect of the account, the relevant amount is written
back to the GL as specified in the maintenance, on Closure. If the account does not have any
IC products pending liquidation the system will display list of ‘Close Out’ modes in the Account
Closure Details screen.

In this screen (STCACLOS) you can select the Close Mode, which is to be used to close the
account. The option list positioned next to this field contains a list of all the Close Modes
maintained in the Customer Account Closing Modes screen. The product linked to the close
mode will be defaulted. Remarks field has been newly introduced. If balance is 0, enter the
Remarks and close. If user has remaining balance, give the Offset account details for money
transfer and then enter Remarks accordingly.Some of the close out modes may require
additional details to complete the transaction. These additional details can pertain to either of
the following:
 The Offset Account
 The Instrument (when the Close Out is through an Instrument) with which you payoff the
balance in the account

Thus, based on the mode selected the withdrawal entries are booked against the appropriate
product. The balance of the account will drop down to zero. Subsequently, the account is
marked as closed.

You can view this offset account, instrument details, etc.,and authorize the record. Ac-
count will be closed only on Authorization.

If this customer is a corporate customer, then you will not be able to close the customer
account record if the following conditions are met:
 The account belongs to a savings or current account class.
 The account is a member of a netting group and there are any non-netted transactions
of the netting group awaiting netting under the netting batch.

Click on the ‘Charge’ button to display the calculated charges of the retail teller charge

In the charge details screen, the system arrives at the final payout amount to the customer
after deducting the calculated charge amount. If the charge amount is waived off, then it will
not be deducted from the final payout amount.

If the account balance is not sufficient to cover the charge then the system displays
appropriate error message.

If any other charges are linked to the close out product, the same will be deducted from
the final payout amount

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Netting Group’ in the chapter ‘Accounts for Inter-Branch
Transactions’ in the Core Services User Manual for further details about netting.

For detailed information on the Customer Account Closing Mode Maintenance screen, you
can refer the Maintaining Customer Account Closing Modes sub-heading in this manual.

4.24 Special Range/Number Maintenance

You can maintain branch wise CIF and CASA range for specific customers. A range can also
be maintained for the special number generation. The input range for mask character is ‘n’.

An example of maintaining branch wise CIF range for specific customers are as follows:

If the mask of the customer is ‘bbbnnnnn ‘, you can maintain the range/number for the mask
character ‘n’. You can input the start and end range as 10000 to 20000 or can reserve specific
numbers for example, 77777 for a specific branch.

The number of digits in the range can be less than the number of ‘n’s available in the mask,
but not greater. For example, if the range maintained is 2000 to 3000, the customer number
for ‘000’ branch for a special customer can be given as 00002222.

An example of maintaining branch wise CASA range for specific customers are as follows:

If the mask for the customer account is ‘bbbnnnnnnSSd’, you can maintain range for the mask
character ‘n’. You can input the start and end range as 200000 to 400000 or you can reserve
any specific numbers for a specific branch.

You can maintain branch wise CIF and CASA range for specific customers through ‘Special
Range Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDSPLRN’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Branch code
Specify the branch code where the special range is applicable. Alternatively, you can select
the branch code from the option list. The list displays all the valid branch codes maintained in
the system.

Select the type of customer to maintain the special range. The options are as follows:
 Customer - To maintain range for the all the branches
 Customer Accounts - To maintain range for specific customer accounts

– For the Type ‘Customer’, you can select the option ‘All’ as Branch Code and system
applies the range maintained across all branches.
– If you select the option ‘All’ you cannot maintain range for individual branches,
– If you maintain range for individual branches for customer, then you cannot maintain
record for ‘All’ branches.

Special Number Maintenance

Start Range
Specify the start number of the special range to be maintained. If user wants to maintain
individual numbers as special number, then the user should input the number in both start
range and end range fields.

End Range
Specify the end number of the special range to be maintained. If user wants to maintain
individual numbers as special number, then the user should input the number in both start
range and end range fields.

The system performs the following validations during special range maintenance:
 The customer/customer account mask should be maintained for each branch and you
can input the range for mask character having ‘n’.
 The start and end range should be within the start and end customer/ account range
maintained at the branch parameter level.
 On updating the start and end account number maintained at branch parameter level,
the system validates whether the special customer/account range is within the start and
end account number.
 Start Range and End Range cannot be null.
 End range should always be greater than or equal to start range.
 There should not be any overlapping between ranges maintained for a branch.

4.25 Releasing Track Receivable Details

Release of track receivable enables you to release the amount which is marked as available
in the track receivable record. This increases the available balance in the account since the
amount is released. The available amount in the account is updated only upon the
authorization of the record

Allowing the release of available amount in a track receivable record enables the customer to
utilize the amount for other priority transactions.

Track Receivable is supported for modules like ‘IC’, ‘RT’,’CL’, ‘MO’, ‘LE’ and ‘CI’.

For the same contract reference number and component combination, the latest records must
be released first. Also, there should not be any gap between the released records.


Contract reference number - 000SAND110040001

Component - PRINCIPAL

Payment is due for 3 months. On 20/6/2014 there is a credit of 43433.34. Refer the table:

# Component Book Date Amount Due Available Amount

1 Principal 11/4/2014 16666.670x 16666.670

2 CHARGE 11/04/2014 100 100

3 PRINCIPAL 11/05/2014 166670.670 166670.670

4 PRINCIPAL 11/06/2014 166670.670 10000

5 CHARGE 11/04/2014 50 0

Example for Valid Cases

In the above case release of the track receivable records given in the below cases are valid
 4,3,1 & 2
 4,3 & 2
 4&2

Example for Invalid Cases

Below cases are invalid

 3, 1
 1
 4, 1

The records that are not to be released must be removed manually from the screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDTRKRL’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

The system displays the active accounts of the current branch that has some track receivable
records with the available amount being greater than zero.

Account Description

The system automatically displays the account description upon the selection of the account.

Booking Date

The system displays the date on which the record is created.


The system displays the module code of the track receivable record.


The system displays the component code of the track receivable record.

Contract Reference Number

The system displays the contract reference number of the track receivable record.


The system displays the Product code of the contract reference number.

Receivable Amount

The system displays the amount which is marked as receivable in the account for the

– The system displays an error message if there are no records available for releasing
the track receivable. Hence, you must maintain at least one track receivable record
before clicking the Save icon.
– The system displays an error message if the latest records for contract reference
number and component are not released. Hence, you should release in the reverse
order of booking date for the same contract reference number and component.
– The system displays an error message if there is an unauthorized track receivable
release record available for a customer account. Hence, you must delete the
unauthorised record.
– The system displays an error message if the record has been updated after clicking
the Save icon. Hence you must repopulate the account.

4.26 Viewing Release of Track Receivable Summary

You can view the release of track receivables details maintained in the Release of Track
Receivable Summary screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSTRKRL’ in the field

in the top right hand corner of the application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any of the following parameters and fetch
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch
 Account
 Track Receivable Release Date
 Reference Number

Select any or all of the parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting
the selected criteria are displayed.

4.27 Deleting Track Receivable Details

The Delete Track Receivable screen allows you to manually delete track receivable records.
Delete Track Receivable is supported only for modules like ‘CL’, ‘CI’, ‘MO’ and ‘LE’. These
modules will be modified to fetch records in RT, CG, DD, UP and IC modules. The first level
of authorisation for deletion of Track Receivable must be done through STDTRKDL function

For the same contract reference number and component combination, the latest records must
be deleted first. Also, there should not be any gap between the deleted records.

For RT module track receivable is marked on the main transaction amount. The system
throws an override when the user tries to delete the track receivable record marked for the
main RT transactions.

For other modules track receivable is marked on the charge components and corresponding
records are fetched. Deleting the track receivable marked on these components are also


Contract reference number - 000SAND110040001

Component - PRINCIPAL

Payment is due for 3 months. On 20/6/2014 there is a credit of 43433.34. Refer the table:

# Component Book Date Amount Due Available Amount

1 Principal 11/4/2014 16666.670x 16666.670

2 CHARGE 11/04/2014 100 100

3 PRINCIPAL 11/05/2014 166670.670 166670.670

4 PRINCIPAL 11/06/2014 166670.670 10000

5 CHARGE 11/04/2014 50 0

Example for Valid Cases

In the above case, deletion of the track receivable records given in the below cases are valid:
 4,3,1 & 2
 4,3 & 2
 4&2

Example for Invalid Cases

Below cases are invalid

 3, 1
 1
 4, 1

– The records that are not to be deleted must be removed manually from the screen.
– The system displays an error mesaage configurable override when the user tries to
delete the track receivable marked on any of these modules RT, CG, DD, UP or IC
are deleted.
– These modules track the charges which are due from customer and which is not
tracked anywhere else.
– By deleting the track receivable record is waiving of the charges.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDTRKDL’ in the field at the top right corner of the
application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Displays the active accounts of the current branch that has some track receivable records with
the available amount being greater than zero.

Account Description
This gets automatically displayed upon the selection of the account.

Booking Date
The system indicates the date on which the record is created.

The system displays the module code of the track receivable record.

The system displays the component code of the track receivable record.

Contract Reference Number

The system displays the contract reference number of the track receivable record.

The system displays the product code of the contract reference number.

Receivable Amount
The system displays the amount which is marked as receivable in the account for the

– The system displays an error message if there are no records available for deleting
the track receivable. Hence, you must maintain at least one track receivable record
before clicking the Save icon.
– The system displays an error message if the latest records for contract reference
number and component are not deleted. Hence, you should delete in the reverse
order of booking date for the same contract reference number and component.

– The system displays an error message if there is an unauthorized track receivable
release record available for a customer account. Hence, you must delete the
unauthorised record.
– The system displays an error message if the record has been updated after clicking
the Save icon. Hence you must repopulate the account.

4.28 Viewing of Deletion of Track Receivable Summary

You can view the deletion of track receivables details maintained in the Deletion of Track
Receivable Summary screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSTRKDL’ in the field
in the top right hand corner of the application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any of the following parameters and fetch
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch
 Account
 Track Receivable Release Date
 Reference Number

Select any or all of the parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting
the selected criteria are displayed.

4.29 Account Netting Structure Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 4.29.1, "Maintaining Account Netting Structure"
 Section 4.29.2, "Viewing Account Netting Structure Details"

4.29.1 Maintaining Account Netting Structure

You can view this screen for maintaining the list of accounts for which the balance is to be
netted. Additionally, TOD and a local facility can also be attached to this structure. The ‘limits
check’ during accounting will look at the collective balance across all accounts.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDACNET’ in the field in the top right hand corner of
the application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following details in the screen:

Reference Number
Specify the netting reference number.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list.
The list displays the netting branches.

Specify the netting currency. Alternatively, you can select the Netting currency from the option list.The
list displays all valid currency maintained in the system.

Customer Number
Specify the customer number. Alternatively, you can select the customer number from the
option list. The list displays the customer number for whom this netting structure is

Account Netted
You can maintain the following details in the screen:

Account Number
Specify the account number. Alternatively, you can select the relevant indicator from the
option list which indicates accounts with netting required flag.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code. Alternatively, you can select the branch code from the option list.

Limit Linkages
Linkage Type
Select the linkage Type from the drop-down list. The options available are:
 Temporary Overdraft (TOD)
 Facility

Linked Reference Number

Specify the linked reference number.

Limit Amount
Specify the limit amount.

Effective Date
Specify the effective start date.

End Date
Specify the end date

Total Available Balance: TOD/Facility linkage is not mandatory. If those limits are linked at
the netting structure level, it will be added with the netted balance.

4.29.2 Viewing Account Netting Structure Details

You can view the account netting structure details in the ‘Account Netting Structure Summary’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSACNET’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch the required records:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Reference Number
 Customer Number

 Currency

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The records
meeting the selected criteria will be displayed.

5. Customer Account Tax Allowance Maintenance
You can maintain customer account tax allowance at the customer account level. The tax
allowance maintenance at the account level will be used only for Interest computed on the

This chapter contains the following section:

 Section 5.1, "Maintaining Customer Tax Allowance"
 Section 5.2, "Maintaining Customer Account Tax Allowance"

5.1 Maintaining Customer Tax Allowance

You can access this screen by typing ‘STDCULMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. The screen appears as shown

Specify the following details.

Tax Category
Specify the Tax Category for which you wish to maintain tax allowance limit at the customer
account level. The description appears displayed alongside.

Customer Number
You need to specify the Customer Number for which the Customer Account Tax allowance
Limit is being defined.

Customer Name
The customer name will be displayed alongside.

From Date
You need to specify the date from which the customer account tax allowance limit is effective

To Date
You need to specify the date up to which the customer account tax allowance limit will be
applicable. The End Date should be greater than or equal to the Start Date. You can also
leave the End Date blank which would indicate that the maintenance is open ended.

Limit Amount
You need to specify the allowance amount for the customer account. Any interest earned by
the customer, exceeding this amount will be liable for tax deduction. The utilization of the
allowance would be tracked against the customers and the minimum allowance available at
the account level.

The sum of limit amount specified in all the accounts of the customer should not exceed
this limit amount.

Limit Currency
This indicates the currency of the tax allowance amount for the selected customer account.
The currency appears by default from the Customer Tax Allowance screen and cannot be

You may specify any comments you wish to record pertaining to this screen.

5.2 Maintaining Customer Account Tax Allowance

You can access this screen by typing ‘STDACTXM’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. The screen appears as shown

Specify the following details.

Specify the branch code.

Specify the Account or Contract Number. Alternatively, you can select the customer account
or contract number from the adjoining option list.

The tax allowance details is maintained for a customer account or a contract.

You can view the customer account or contract description once you have selected the
appropriate account/contract option.

Tax Category
Specify the tax category for which you wish to maintain tax allowance limit at the customer
account level.

You can view the tax category description once you have selected the tax category.

Start Date
You need to specify the date from which the customer account tax allowance limit will be

The system defaults to a start date when you select the customer account number.

End Date
You need to specify the end date up to which the customer account tax allowance limit will be
applicable. The end date should be greater than or equal to the start date. You can also leave
the end date blank which would indicate that the maintenance is open ended.

Customer - Tax Association

Sequence Number
The system automatically generates a running sequence number for each record to update
the tax free allowance limit. You cannot modify it.

Customer Number
You need to specify the customer number for which the customer account tax allowance
maintenance is being defined.

You need to specify the allowance amount for the customer account. Any interest earned by
the customer, exceeding this amount will be liable for tax deduction. The utilization of the
allowance would be tracked against the customers and the minimum allowance available at
the account level.

The sum of the allowances specified in all the accounts of the customer should not exceed
the customer’s limit amount maintained for the tax group in Customer’s tax allowance (ST-

This indicates the currency of the tax allowance amount for the selected customer account.
The currency appears by default from the Customer Tax Allowance Maintenance screen and
cannot be changed.

You may specify any comments you wish to record pertaining to this screen.

6. Stamp Duty Taxation
6.1 Maintaining Stamp Duty Taxation
You can collect stamp duty from the customers on the closing debit balance of the current
accounts at the end of every quarter. Each branch maintains this amount in their GL and then
transfers the amount to the HO. The HO consolidates the amount received from all branches
and pays it manually to the government.

– You need to uncheck the option ‘Available Balance Check Required’ in the Trans-
action Code Maintenance Screen [STDTRNCD], to force debit the stamp duty
amount for the transaction code used in the accounting entries.
– The System Data Element, CURRENT_BAL, is used to obtain the closing balance
of an account.
– The User Data Element, STAMP_DUTY, is used to define the for stamp duty rate
for an account.

Using the above SDE and UDE you need to create a formula and link it to the accounts.

For details on the interest rule, refer the chapter, Annexure C - IC Rule Set-up.

7. Maintaining Passbook
You can maintain all the details needed for the issuance of passbook at the Bank parameter
and account class level. The details maintained at the Bank parameter and account class
level will be used for computing and issuing all on the account.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 7.1, "Passbook Compressed Transactions"
 Section 7.2, "Passbook Reports"

7.1 Passbook Compressed Transactions

This section contains the following topic:
 Section 7.1.1, "Invoking Passbook Compressed Transactions Screen"

7.1.1 Invoking Passbook Compressed Transactions Screen

You can view the details of transactions which are compressed/consolidated as part of
compressed entry using ‘Passbook Compressed Transactions’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘ACDCMPTR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details:

Query Criteria
Account Number
Specify the CASA Account number for which compressed entry to be enquired. Alternatively,
you can select the account number from the option list. The list displays all valid account
numbers maintained in the system.

Account Description
The system displays the description for the selected account number,

Compression Ref Number

Specify compression reference number which is to be enquired.

Account Branch
The system displays the branch code for the selected account number.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency details for the selected account number,

Clicking ‘Execute Query’ button after entering the necessary values, the system displays the
following details:

Compression Details
 Number of Credit Transactions which are compressed under that particular compres-
sion reference number
 Number of debit transactions which are compressed under that particular compression
reference number
 User ID of user who has compressed the transactions
 Total amount of amount deposited under that particular compression reference number
 Total amount withdrawn under that particular compression reference number
 Date on which compression was done

Transaction Details
 Date of Transaction which is compressed under that particular Compression Reference
 Transaction Reference number of transaction which is compressed under that particular
Compression Reference Number
 Transaction Code
 Description of transaction code
 Withdrawals
 Deposits

7.2 Passbook Reports

This section contains the following topic:
 Section 7.2.1, "Invoking Passbook Reports"

7.2.1 Invoking Passbook Reports

You can invoke the ‘Passbook details’ screen by typing ‘CARPASBK’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
 The system defaults the branch code as current branch code.

 Select the account from the adjoining option list .It displays all active account numbers
for which at least one passbook has been issued.
 Based on the selected account following details get displayed:
 Account Description
 Passbook Number
 Status
 To create report the following report related parameters need to be selected:
 Report Format
 Report Output
 PrinterAt
 Printer

Click Ok to generate the passbook report based on the given parameters.

8. Maintaining Cheque Book Details
In the ‘Cheque book details’ table you can maintain details of Cheque books issued to your
customers. In addition, you can view the status of each Cheque  whether used, cancelled,
rejected, or if a stop payment has been issued against it.

When Cheque-based transactions are initiated in the Data Entry module, the system updates
the amount and date of the transaction in this table. If a Cheque has been cancelled by the
customer, or has been returned unpaid by you, this event can also be captured with the ‘Stop
payment’ table, where you maintain your customers’ instructions for stop payment.

For each Cheque, the system maintains a history of the Cheque status. For instance, a
customer requests a stop payment, revokes it, and subsequently this Cheque is paid by you
over clearing. You can view the three events on this Cheque in the Cheque Details table.

The Cheque book details table is maintained by the individual branches.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 8.1, "Cheque Book Maintenance"
 Section 8.2, "Cheque Details Maintenance"
 Section 8.3, "Cheque Book Archive"

8.1 Cheque Book Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 8.1.1, "Maintaining Cheque Book Details"
 Section 8.1.2, "Fields Button"
 Section 8.1.3, "View Cheque Status Button"
 Section 8.1.4, "Charge Button"
 Section 8.1.5, "Events Button"

8.1.1 Maintaining Cheque Book Details

In the ‘Cheque Book Maintenance’ screen, you can maintain the following details for a
Cheque book issued to a customer:
 Branch Code
 Customer account number
 First Cheque number of the Cheque book
 The total number of Cheque leaves in the book
 The Kind of Cheque (whether Euro or Commercial)
 The date on which the order was placed for the book
 The date on which the Cheque book was issued
 Any other order related detail

You can query the other branch transactions only from the summary screen.

You can invoke the ‘Cheque Book Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘CADCHBOO’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.
Click new button on the Application toolbar.

The following details need to be maintained for a Cheque book:

Account Branch
The system displays the selected Account's branch code.This is a read-only field defaulted
on selecting Account.Account Specify the account number of the customer to whom you are
issuing a Cheque book in the Account Number field. The adjoining option list displays all
customer account numbers maintained across all branches which are enabled for cheque
book issuance.

You can choose the appropriate one.Highlight the customer’s account number, and click ‘Ok’
button to select.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the ‘Account Number’ field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Issuing Branch

It is a read-only field and is defaulted to the logged in Branch.Cheque Leaves

Specify the total number of leaves in the Cheque book you are issuing the customer.

First Cheque Number

When issuing a Cheque book, you have to capture the number of the first leaf of the Cheque

You need not specify the first cheque number if cheque book number is auto generated.

If you specify the First Cheque Number, the system displays an error message as ‘Input of
First check number is not allowed for automatic cheque numbering scheme”.

If the number of check leaves and the first check number is specified for manual cheque
numbering scheme, the system will issue the cheque book as per the requested series,

If the number of check leaves is specified and the ‘First Cheque Number’ is left blank, then
the system displays an override message as “First Check Number has not been input, do you
want system to auto-generate the First cheque Number?” You can select “YES” or “No”. If
“YES”, the system will generate the “First Check Number” based on the auto-generation logic
without cheque sum and will save the maintenance. If “No” is selected for the override, you
can manually input the First Cheque Number and save.

Cheque Book Type

If the cheque book is generated with inventory tracking, then specify the inventory by selecting
it from the adjoining option list.

Kind Of Cheque book

A cheque book for customer can be of two types; commercial and Euro. A radio button is
provided by which you can make your choice, as displayed on the screen. You can issue the
Euro cheque book to a customer, whose account specifies for a ‘Euro Cheques’ option in the
customer account maintenance screen.
Order Date
This is the date on which the customer placed a request for a new Cheque book.

If order date is not provided then the system defaults the system current date on save.

Incrementing Alpha-numeric Cheque Numbers

f the cheque mask is defined as alpha-numeric, the numeric characters will be incremented
by adding the number of leaves requested to the last issued cheque number in case of auto-
numbering scheme and auto re-order of cheque books during EOD.

If the numeric characters reach its maximum, the immediately preceding alpha character will
be incremented to the next alphabet and the numeric serial will start from the minimum.

If an alpha character reaches the maximum, i.e. Z, the immediately preceding alpha character
will be incremented to the next alphabet.

Issue Date
This is the date on which the Cheque book was issued to the customer.

Order Details
Against ‘order details’, you can enter any detail such as the name of the person who has
collected the book on the customer’s behalf, or the details of any special request for additional
number of leaves in the Cheque book, and so on.

After having made the required mandatory entries and having saved your work, your user ID
will be displayed at the made by field at the bottom of the screen, the date and time at which
you saved the product will be populated. However, the authorization status will remain blank,
which means that your entries have not been authorized by a user other than you. Status
remains open or closed depending upon the status of the record.

Request Status
Select the status of the cheque book request from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:

 Requested
 Generated
 Delivered
 Destroyed

Request Mode
The system displays the mode by which the cheque book request was made. This list displays
the following values:
 Oracle FLEXCUBE
 Any other external system

Sanction Check Status

The system displays the status of the sanction check.

Language Code
Select the language code from the adjoining option. It displays all the language code in the

Delivery Mode
Select the mode of delivery of the cheque book from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:
 Courier
 Branch

If the delivery mode is ‘Courier’, then you will need to specify the delivery address.

Delivery Address 1
Specify the address to which the cheque book should be delivered. From the adjoining option
list, You can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.
Delivery Address 2- 4
Specify the address to which the cheque book should be delivered.

Apply Charge
Check this box to indicate that Online service charge is applied on new (issue)/modify/auth of
the cheque book against customer account.

Include for Cheque Book Printing

When processing automatic reordering of cheque books for your branch, a file will be
generated which will include the details of cheque books marked for automatic reorder. This
file will then be sent to the Cheque Book printer. If you select the ‘Include for Cheque Book
Printing’ option, then the system will include the details of manually reordered Cheque Books
as well in the file to be sent to the printer.

Automatic reordering of Cheque Books will be triggered based on your specifications

maintained for an account in the Customer Accounts Maintenance screen.

Refer the ‘Core Entities’ User Manual for more details on the maintenances required for the

Specifying the value of the UDF ‘Cheque Type’
When maintaining Cheque Book reordering parameters, you also have to specify the type of
cheque that you would like to order. This is captured in the field Cheque Type, which is
maintained as an UDF.

Refer to the ‘User Defined Fields’ User Manual for details on defining UDFs.


You can query other branch transactions only from the summary screen.

8.1.2 Fields Button

Click ‘Fields’ button in the Cheque Book Details screen toolbar to invoke the ‘User Defined
Fields' screen.

The UDF ‘Cheque Type’ will be displayed in this screen. Select the appropriate value from the
option list provided. The possible values are:
 J: 20 page x 3.5’ Personal
 K: 40 page x 3.5’ Business
 P: 40 page x 3.5’ Business
 L: 40 page x 3.5’ (2 Part)
 R: 80 page x 3.5’ Business

8.1.3 View Cheque Status Button

For each cheque book issued to a customer the system maintains the status of each leaf in
the book.

The status of a cheque leaf can be one of the following:

Symbol Status Significance

N Not Used This cheque has not been used

Symbol Status Significance

U Used This cheque has been used

R Rejected This cheque has been returned without clearance

S Stopped A stop payment has been issued for this cheque

C Can- This cheque has been cancelled


To view the status of a Cheque book the details of which are on display, click ‘View Cheque
Status’ button, on the ‘Cheque Book Maintenance’ table. The ‘View Cheque Status’ table is

Here you can view the status of all the leaves in this Cheque book. The ‘Cheque Number’ on
display is the number of the first leaf on this Cheque book and is defaulted from the ‘Cheque
Book Details’ screen.

The Cheque leaf status can be viewed in a matrix form. The column number should be
suffixed to the row number to arrive at the Cheque number whose status you want to view.
For example, in the matrix above the second row number - 000000000000001 when suffixed
with 0 would give the status of the Cheque number 0000000000000010, which is under a stop
payment order.

To move up and down the matrix, click on the upward and downward arrow respectively on
the side of the matrix.

You have the option of manually changing the status of any of the Cheque leaves; except a
Cheque, which has been ‘used’ or a Cheque under a stopped payment order. The stop
payment order can be for a Cheque or a series of Cheques and is maintained in the ‘stop
payment’ table from where it gets updated in the status table. Viewing Details of a Cheque and changing its Status

To change the status of any leaf in a book, go to that leaf’s status block in the status matrix,
and double click on the block. You will be returned to the ‘Cheque Details’ table. The ‘Cheque
Details' table is invoked from the Application Browser.

8.1.4 Charge Button

You can view all the charge related details in the ‘Charge Details’ screen. Click on ‘Charges’
button to invoke ‘Charge Details’ screen.

Contract Reference
System displays the contract reference number here.

Charge Liquidation

System displays the following details under this section:

 ESN – Event sequence number
 Component – Charge component name
 Charge Description – Description of the charge account
 Charge Currency – Charge currency
 Charge Amount – Computed charge amount
 Waiver – If this box is checked, then charge will be waived.

Check this box to waive the charge.

Charge Amount
System displays the calculated charge amount here. You can amend this, if required.

8.1.5 Events Button

You can view all the events in the ‘Events’ screen. Click on ‘Events’ button to invoke ‘Events’

Reference Number
System displays the reference number.


System displays the following details under this section:

 Event Number - Event sequence number
 Event Date- Date of the event
 Event Code - The event code of the transaction
 Account Description - The description of the event code

8-8 Accounting Entries Button

You can view accounting entries in the ‘Events’ screen. Click on ‘Accounting Entries’ button
to invoke ‘Accounting Entries’ screen.

Reference Number
System displays the transaction reference number here.

System displays the event code of the transaction here.

Accounting Entries

System displays the following details under this section:

 Branch - Account branch code
 Account - Account number
 Dr/Cr - ‘C’ Indicates ‘Credit’ and ‘D’ indicates ‘Debit’
 Amount Tag - Amount Tag of the transaction
 Currency - Account currency
 Foreign Currency Amount - Amount in foreign currency
 Local Currency Amount - Amount in local currency
 Date - Date of the transaction
 Value Date - Value date of the transaction
 Code - Transaction code

8.2 Cheque Details Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 8.2.1, "Maintaining Cheque Details"
 Section 8.2.2, "Retrieving Cheque Details"

8.2.1 Maintaining Cheque Details

You can invoke the ‘Cheque Details Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘CADCHKDT’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
Specify code of the branch where the account for which you need to maintain the cheque
details exists, from the adjoining option list.

If you have invoked this screen by double clicking on the Cheque status, all details related to
the Cheque would be displayed in the ‘cheque details’ screen.

If the screen has been invoked from the Application Browser, then click on the account
number (a display field), press F7 and enter the account number of this customer, whose
Cheque status you want to view. Then press F8. The details of a Cheque leaf would be
displayed. Move to the concerned ‘Cheque number’ record by using the arrow buttons on the
toolbar or the <down arrow> key of your keyboard. You can also invoke the Cheque details
by inputting the Cheque number, the details of which you want to view. The ‘Amount’,
‘Beneficiary’, ‘Presented On’, ‘Date on Cheque’ are populated from the concerned module
from where the Cheque transaction took place. You can change any of the details.

In this screen the following details are updated from the front-end modules  Data Entry for a
Cheque issued to a customer:
 Amount for which the Cheque is drawn
 Status of the Cheque
 Date on which the Cheque was presented for encashment Partial cheque payment fea-
ture is available for all accounts created under a branch that have ‘PARTCHKPAY’ fea-
ture id. If the original claim amount is more than the transaction amount, then the
cheque will be partially paid. In such cases the cheque status should be marked as ‘Part
Used’. A cheque can be partially paid multiple times.

If ‘PARTCHKPAY’ feature id is not available for the branch and an user tries to modify the
status to ‘Part Used’, the system displays an error message “Partial cheque utilization feature
is not allowed for account branch”.

For more information on Feature Id, refer to the section ‘Feature ID Maintenance’ in the Core
Services User Manual.

To modify a status detail, click unlock icon in the Application toolbar. Make the desired
changes. Remember, the following points while modifying:
 A ‘used’ status cannot be changed
 For cheques that are stopped from payment, the ‘Stopped’ box is checked and 'Status'
of the cheque is set to 'Unused'.
 ‘Not used’ status can be changed to rejected/cancelled.
 A ‘Canceled’ status cannot be changed
 ‘Rejected’ status can be changed to ‘used’
 ‘Part Used’ status can only be ‘Cancelled’ or ‘Rejected’

A Cheque may have passed through a series of status changes. The modification number
moves up serially, each time you change the status of a Cheque. If a cheque is partially paid
more than once, the account details and the presented date will be available for each payment
with different modification numbers. To view the status, click the arrow button under
Modification Number. This arrow will take you through the modifications.

To view the modification history of a Cheque, click ‘History’ button ,to display the ‘Cheque
Details - History’ screen.

This screen lists all details pertaining to a .The amount for which the Cheque was issued, the
presentation date, the value date and the Claim Amount of the Cheque are also displayed.
The serial number represents the modification number.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

To exit from the ‘Cheque Details - History’ screen, click ‘Exit’ or ‘Cancel’ button. If you have
invoked the table from the Application Browser you would be returned to the Browser. If you
have invoked this table from the ‘Cheque Status’ screen you would be returned to the ‘Cheque
Status’ table.

8.2.2 Retrieving Cheque Details

You can view, modify, or authorize details related to cheques using ‘Cheque Details
Summary’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Cheque Details Summary’ screen by typing
‘CASCHKDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

You can query based on any or all of the following criteria:

 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch Code
 Account Number
 Cheque Number

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch
 Account Number
 Cheque Number
 Amount
 Presented On
 Mod Number

You can acquire access rights to operate in multiple branches by checking the ‘Multi Branch
Operational’ check box at ‘User Maintenance’ level. When the record is selected, the system
validates your access rights of the branch and function.

If you do not have appropriate rights on the branch, then the system displays an error
message. If the branch is a valid branch, then the system updates the same as transaction
branch and then queries it in the maintenance screen.

8.3 Cheque Book Archive

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 8.3.1, "Archiving Cheque Book"
 Section 8.3.2, "Viewing Archived Cheque Books"
 Section 8.3.3, "Querying Archived Cheque Details"

8.3.1 Archiving Cheque Book

You can archive the used and cancelled cheques for all accounts of the selected branch by
using the Archive Cheque Book screen. To invoke this screen type ‘CADCHARC’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following in this screen:

Archival Reference Number

The system displays the archival reference number.

All Accounts
Select ‘All Accounts’ to archive the cheque books of all accounts of selected branch.

Specific Accounts
Select ‘Specific Accounts’ to archive cheque books of specific account/accounts. You can
specify the specific account numbers under Account Number.

You will have to select the accounts either as ‘All’ or ‘Specific’. If ‘All’ is selected then cheque
issued against all the accounts for the selected branch will be considered. If ‘Specific’ is
selected, you have to specify the account for the selected branch.

On authorization all the cheques satisfying the query are considered for archival and the
actual archival process will get triggered.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

The system defaults the branch code here. However you can modify it by selecting the branch
code from the adjoining option list.

Issued Before Date

Specify the date until which all the issued cheques should be considered for archival.

All the cheques issued to the account before the ‘Issued Before Date’ will be considered for
archival process.

Presented Before Date

Specify the date until which the used cheques, presented for payment, should be considered
for archiving.

All the used cheques presented for payment for the account before the ‘Presented Before
Date’ will be considered for archival process.

Start Cheque Number

Specify the starting cheque number of the cheque series.

End Cheque Number

Specify the ending cheque number of the cheque series,

The system archives those cheques which are in Used (U) status and Cancelled (C) status.

If inventory is enabled, then reissue of the same cheque number will not be possible for
cheque archival.

The cheques that do not conform to the archival branch's cheque mask will not be considered
for archival.

If the cheques are not archived, the system displays the information message as ‘No Cheques
are archived for selected criteria’ a authorization level.

A new cheque book is created in the cheque book maintenance for the cheque numbers
which are not archived.The number of leaves in the cheque book will be one if these cheques
(for an account) are not in sequence, otherwise the number of leaves will be equal to the
number of such cheques which are in a sequence. The cheque details for individual cheques
will also be updated with the new cheque book numbers.

8.3.2 Viewing Archived Cheque Books

You can view the archived cheque book details maintained in the 'Archive Cheque Book'
screen using the 'Archive Cheque Book Summary' screen. You can invoke this screen by

typing 'CASCHARC' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Branch Code
 Record Status
 Archival Reference Status

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch
 Archival Reference Number
 Issued Before Date
 Presented Before Date
 Start Cheque Number
 End Cheque number

8.3.3 Querying Archived Cheque Details

You can query all the archived cheque details for a customer account in the ‘Archive Cheque
Details Query’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘CADCHARQ’ n the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can base your queries on any of the following parameters:

 Branch Code
 Archival From Date
 Account Number
 Archival To Date

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Execute Query' button. The
records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.
 Archival Date
 Branch
 Account Number
 Cheque Book Serial Number
 Archived Quantity

Select a record and click on ‘Details’ button to view the following details of the archived
 Cheque Number
 Status
 Presented On
 Amount

 Remarks

9. Maintaining Account Structure
Oracle FLEXCUBE repays loan from multiple accounts. In Oracle FLEXCUBE, the loan
account is the primary account and all the other accounts linked to it are cover accounts.
While paying the settlement if the primary account has insufficient amount, the system will
check the cover accounts for the remaining amount according to the preference.

In case of single account structure, the primary account will have only one cover account and
the cover account will have only one primary account for making the account structure free of
duplicate accounts. Every account has its own account structure. While closing an account
under an account structure, you need to remove that account from the account structure
manually else the system will not allow the closure of the account. If you want to amend an
account structure, the system will check whether any amount block is open on the account
structure. If any amount block is opened, then the system will throw an error. You can also
configure the error code.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 9.1, "Defining Account Structure"
 Section 9.2, "Debiting Transaction into the Primary Account"
 Section 9.3, "Maintaining Account Structure"
 Section 9.4, "Viewing Account Structure Maintenance Summary"

9.1 Defining Account Structure

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to have a primary account and secondary account and then
link these two accounts.

If you amend an account structure, then the system will check if the status of any amount
block created due to the account structure is open. If one or more amount block is open, then
the system will display an error message. If a customer account is element of some account
structure, then before closing that account, you should remove that account from the account
structure manually; else the system will not allow you to close the account.

9.2 Debiting Transaction into the Primary Account

During settlement, if there is no sufficient balance in the primary account to cover up the debit/
cheque amount, then the system will check for the balance in the cover account from the
account structure and processes as follows:
 The system will do the partial transaction using the available amount in the primary ac-
 If the settlement is not done fully in the previous level, then the system will check for the
balance in the cover account to complete the transaction. If there is sufficient balance,
then the system will place an amount block on the cover account for the settled amount.
 If the primary account and cover account, for which the amount block is created, are of
different currency, the system will create an amount block in the cover account currency.
The system will then debit the settlement amount from the primary account.

The system uses the ‘Mid Rate’ for currency conversion.

In case there is a stop payment on the cheque, the validation of stop payment will precede
and the settlement will not go through.

9.2.1 Processing Amount Block

The system will use the primary account and cover account amount block to identify the
amount block which is created due to debit transaction processing in primary account. This
process is configured either at post EOTI level or at BOD level. The system will process as
 Remove the amount block from cover account
 Debit the cover account for the amount of ‘Amount Block’
 Credit the parent account for the amount of ‘Amount Block

9.3 Maintaining Account Structure

You can specify the account structure in the ‘Sweep Structure Maintenance’ screen. You can
invoke the screen by clicking ‘Sweep In Setup‘ in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’

For Further details on maintaining the details for Cover Account, refer ‘Maintaining Sweep
Structure’ in Maintaining Customer Accounts’ chapter of this module.

9.4 Viewing Account Structure Maintenance Summary

You can view the summary details of the account structure in the ‘Account Structure
Maintenance Summary’ screen.

To invoke this screen, type ‘CASSTRUC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Structure Group
 Record Status
 Description

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Structure Group
 Record Status
 Description

9.5 Pre-Advised Credit/Debit

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 9.5.1, "Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Input"
 Section 9.5.2, "Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Summary"

9.5.1 Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Input

You can specify the Pre-Advised Credit/Debit on the customer accounts using the ‘Pre-
Advised Credit/Debit Input’ screen. You can invoke this’ screen by typing ‘CADPCRDR’ in the

field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.
Click the new button on the toolbar.

Specify the following details:

Input Type
Indicate the type of account you wish to maintain for the customer. By default, the 'Pre-
Advised Debit' option is selected. However, you can select any one of the following options:
– Pre-Advised Debit
– Pre-Advised Credit

Specify the customer account for which the Pre-Advised Credit or Debit is to be maintained.
The adjoining option list displays all the valid open and

Specify the amount in terms of account currency for which the Pre-Advised Credit or Debit to
be maintained.

For Pre-Advised Debit, the system will check if the specified amount is greater than the
current available balance of the customer account. If yes, the system will display an
appropriate error message. The system will allow a Pre-Advised Debit to be booked only till
the extent of the current available balance of the account.

Specify any additional informations, if any.

Expiry Date
Specify the date up to which the pre-advised credit or debit booking is applicable. The expiry
date should be greater than the Effective Date value. Otherwise, the system displays an error

Beyond this date, the booked pre-advised credit or debit will be removed from the account.

Indicate the type of pre-advised credit or debit account you wish to maintain for the customer.
By default, the 'Certain' option is selected. However, you can select any one of the following
 Certain

 Uncertain

Transaction Code
Specify the transaction branch code in which the customer accounts belongs to. The adjoining
option list displays all the valid open and authorized transaction codes maintained in the
system. You can select the appropriate one.

The system displays the following details:

 Branch
 Currency
 Reference Number
 Source Code
 Effective Date

Operations Allowed

The following operations are allowed in this screen:

 New
 Unlock
 Save
 Authorize
 Query
 Close


The system will perform the following validations:.

On saving and authorization of a Pre-Advised Credit/Debit, the system will validate the Pre-
Advised Credit/Debit as follows:
 If the Pre-Advised Credit/Debit is Certain credit, the system will check the value of the
'Consider Certain Credit for Avl Balance' option at the bank parameters level. If this box
is checked, then the system will increase the available balance of the customer account
by an amount equal to the amount specified in this screen. Otherwise, the system will
not change the available balance of the account. In this case, the input Pre-Advised
Credit will not have any effect on the customer account and will only be a data capture.
 If the Pre-Advised Credit/Debit is an Uncertain credit, the system will check the value of
the 'Consider Uncertain Credit for Avl Balance' option at the bank parameters level. If
this box is checked, then the system will increase the available balance of the customer
account by an amount equal to the amount specified in this screen. Otherwise, the sys-
tem will not change the available balance of the account. In this case, the input Pre-Ad-
vised Credit will not have any effect on the customer account and will only be a data
 If the Pre-Advised Credit/Debit is Certain debit, the system will check the value of the
'Consider Certain Debit for Avl Balance' option at the bank parameters level. If this box
is checked, then the system will decrease the available balance of the customer account
by an amount equal to the amount specified in this screen. Otherwise, the system will
not change the available balance of the account. In this case, the input Pre-Advised
Debit will not have any effect on the customer account and will only be a data capture.
 If the Pre-Advised Credit/Debit is an Uncertain debit, the system will check the value of
the 'Consider Uncertain Debit for Avl Balance' option at the bank parameters level. If this
box is checked, then the system will decrease the available balance of the customer ac-

count by an amount equal to the amount specified in this screen. Otherwise, the system
will not change the available balance of the account. In this case, the input Pre-Advised
Debit will not have any effect on the customer account and will only be a data capture.

There will not be any effect on the value dated balance of the customer account and the
accounting entries will not be passed

Unlock operation will be allowed only if the Pre-Advised Credit or debit is not in Closed sta-
tus. Else, on click of Unlock, the system will display an appropriate error message.

The Pre-Advised Credit/ Debit details can be manually removed by using the 'Close' toolbar
action on the screen. When you click on ‘Close', the system will remove the input Pre-Advised
Credit/ Debit details. If it is a Pre-Advised Credit closure, the system will decrease the
available balance of the customer account by an amount equal to the 'Amount' entered (if
system had increased the available balance) and Vice Versa.

The Close operation will be allowed only on the following Pre-Advised Credits/ Debits
 Authorized
 Open
 Those whose Expiry Date is greater than or equal to current system date
 Pre-Advised Credits/ Debits that have been input from the logged in branch.

If the Pre-Advised Credits/ Debits are not manually removed , the system will remove the
corresponding Pre-Advised Credit/ Debit input on the 'Expiry Date' in the Post Beginning of
Day stage of End Of Cycle operations (in the branch where the Pre-Advised Credit/ Debit was

9.5.2 Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Summary

You can maintain the details of Pre-Advised Credit/Debit on the customer accounts using the
‘Pre-Advised Credit/Debit Input’ screen. You can invoke this’ screen by typing ‘CASPCRDR’

in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow
button. Click the new button on the toolbar.

You can query on records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Input Type
 Account Number
 Reference Number
 Effective Date
 Expiry Date

 Source Code
 Type

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Input Type
 Account Number
 Reference Number
 Effective Date
 Expiry Date
 Source Code
 Type

10. Account Switching Service
Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to switch from your old account to a new or a different account.
You can either transfer the services fully or partially to your new current or savings account
using this Account Switching Service. You can initiate the switch service once you have
passed all the necessary ID checks with your new bank. The new bank will intimate whether
the switch is in progress or if it is rejected.

The following are the two types of account switches:

Full Switch Service - This service also known as Current Account Switch Service (CASS)
allows you to transfer all balances and payment arrangements to the new bank and closes
the existing account. Any payments that should be made to, or collected from the old account
will be redirected to the customer’s new account.

Partial Switch Service - This service allows you to switch selective payment arrangements
from old bank. Partial switch service does not include closing of the existing account or
transferring all payment arrangements to the new account.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 10.1, "Full Switch Service Process"
 Section 10.2, "Partial Switch Service Process"
 Section 10.3, "Processing Account Switch Service"

10.1 Full Switch Service Process

The following are the steps to process Full Switch service:
 The new bank captures and initiates the account switch information request message.
 The old bank receives and uploads the incoming information request message.
 The old bank performs response action on the incoming request and initiates Informa-
tion Response message. This can be accept or reject response based on the status.
 The new bank receives and uploads the incoming Information Response message. In
case of rejection, the new bank may choose to terminate the request and initiate Termi-
nate message. In case of acceptance, the new bank initiates Request Redirection mes-
 The new bank initiates Balance Transfer Request to the old bank on the previous day
of the switch date.
 The old bank receives and uploads Balance Transfer Request message.
 On the switch date, the old bank acts on the Balance Transfer Request message to ac-
knowledge the message by calculating the closing balance
 The old bank responds to the balance transfer request through Acknowledge Balance
 The old bank initiates the positive balance payment.
 The new bank receives the acknowledge balance transfer message.
 If the closing balance is negative then the new bank initiates the payment to the old
 The new bank sends Switch Complete message.

10.2 Partial Switch Service Process
The following are the steps to process Partial Switch service:
 The new bank captures and initiates the account switch Information Request message
indicating the switch type as PARTIAL.
 The old bank receives and uploads the incoming Information Request message.
 The old bank then provides the response along with payment arrangements (Direct
Debit and Standing Orders) in the response message.
 The new bank will select the payments to be cancelled by the old bank and initiates can-
cel payment arrangement message.
 The old bank will receive and upload the incoming cancel payment arrangements mes-

10.3 Processing Account Switch Service

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 10.3.1, "Maintaining Account Switching Service Parameters"
 Section 10.3.2, "Viewing Account Switching Service Parameter Details"
 Section 10.3.3, "Maintaining Outgoing Information Request for Account Switching"
 Section 10.3.4, "Account Switching Service Outgoing Message Browser"
 Section 10.3.5, "Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser"
 Section 10.3.6, "Incoming Information Request and Response Operations"
 Section 10.3.7, "Incoming Request Workflow"
 Section 10.3.8, "Outgoing Request Workflow"
 Section 10.3.9, "Redirecting the Requests"
 Section 10.3.10, "Outgoing Balance Transfer Request and Response"
 Section 10.3.11, "Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response"
 Section 10.3.12, "Notify Switch Completion"
 Section 10.3.13, "Switch Termination"
 Section 10.3.14, "Cancelling Payment Arrangements"
 Section 10.3.15, "Auto Completion for Partial Switch"

10.3.1 Maintaining Account Switching Service Parameters

You can maintain account switching parameters in Account Switching Service Parameter
screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STDASPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following in this screen:

Bank Code
The system displays the bank code

Service User Name

Specify the service user name. This is a 6 digit service user number allocated by Bacs
member bank for current account switching.

Time Lines from the Request Date

Switch Days
Specify the number of branch working days within which the switch process should be
completed for full switch service.The system calculates the switch date by adding the switch
days to request booking date.

Information Response Days

Specify the number of branch working days within which the bank should respond to the
information request. Information response days should be less than redirection request days

Redirection Request Days

Specify the number of branch working days on which the new bank should send redirection
request to the Account Switching Service. Redirection request days should be less than
balance transfer request days but greater than information response days.

Balance Transfer Request Days
Specify the number of branch working days on which the balance transfer request should be
raised by the new bank. Balance transfer request days should be less than switch days but
greater than redirection request days.

Auto Completion for Partial Switch

Specify the number of months on which the system will automatically process the action on
partial switch request.

10.3.2 Viewing Account Switching Service Parameter Details

You can view the account switching parameter details maintained in the Account Switching
Service Parameter screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSASPRM’ in the field in
the top right hand corner of the application toolbar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any of the following parameters and fetch
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Bank Code
 Service User Number
 Switch Days
 Information Response Days
 Redirection Request Days
 Balance Transfer Request Days
 Auto Completion for Partial Switch in Months

Select any or all of the parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting
the selected criteria are displayed.

10.3.3 Maintaining Outgoing Information Request for Account Switching

You can capture the data required for sending the Information Request message in ‘Account
Switching Service - Outgoing Information Request and Response’ screen. To invoke this
screen type ‘STDASORQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following in this screen:

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

Account Number
Select the account number to which account switching from old account is required.
Alternatively, you can select the account number from the option list. The list displays all valid
account numbers maintained in the system.

Switch Type
Select the account switching service type from the drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:
 FULL - Full Switch Service
 PARTIAL - Partial Switch Service

Click ‘Populate’ to display the following details:

 Unique Reference Number
 Routing Unique Reference No
 Account Name
 Service User Number
 Booking Date
 Switch Date
 Balance Transfer Request Date
 Original Switch Date
 Customer Type
 Switch Action
 Info Response Date

 Received Date Time
 Switch Service Status Info Request Tab

The system displays the following details based on the values maintained in Customer
Maintenance (STDCIF) screen:

Account Party Details

 Prefix
 Surname
 Given Name
 Middle Name
 Date of Birth
 Nationality
 Resident Status

If the account is a joint account then the details of all the account holders will be defaulted in
the account party details.

Postal Address
 Address Type
 Address 1 - 4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Other Details
Specify the code. Alternatively, you can select the code from the option list. The list displays
all valid options.

Specify the information. Alternatively, you can select the information from the option list. The
list displays all valid options.

Organizational Details
Full Legal Name
The system defaults the full legal name based on Customer Maintenance screen.

Legal Status
Select the legal status from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:
 IAPS - Industrial and Provident Society
 PCLS - Private company limited by shares (Ltd.)
 PCLG - Private company limited by guarantee (Ltd.)
 PCLC - Public limited company (Plc.)
 GENP - General partnership
 LLPP - Limited liability partnership (LLP)
 LIMP - Limited partnership (LP)

 UNLC - Unlimited company
 UNLT - Unlimited trust
 CICC - Community Interest Company (CIC)
 CIOC - Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
 SOLE - Sole proprietorship/Sole trader
 CHAR – Charity

Board Resolution Indicator

Select the board resolution indicator from the drop-down list. The list displays the following
 Yes
 No

The system displays the following details based on the Customer Maintenance screen:

Business Address/Operational Address

 Address 1-4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Legal Address
 Address Line 1 - 4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Old Account Details

Account Number
Specify the account number of the old bank that you want to switch.

Account Name
Specify the name as in the old account.

Financial Institution Member ID

Specify the member ID of the financial institution. Alternatively, you can select the member ID
from the option list. The list displays all valid bank codes maintained in the Bank Directory
Maintenance (PCDBNKMT) screen.

The system displays an error message if the ‘Account Switch Participant’ check box in Bank
Directory Maintenance screen is not enabled for the selected financial institution member ID.

Funding Limit
Specify the amount that new bank covers for the negative balance of the old account.

Funding Limit Currency

The system displays the currency of the funding limit amount.

Balance Transfer Window
Specify the processing window in which the balance transfer will be processed on the switch

Message Details

The details about the message.

Technical Rejection Details

Response Code
The system displays the response code for technical rejection.

Additional Information
The system displays additional information, if any, on the response code. Info Response Tab

Information response message from the old bank is uploaded and displayed in the Info
response tab of Account Switching Outgoing Information Request Input (STDASORQ)
screen. Click ‘Info Response’ tab of Account Switching Outgoing Information Request screen
to view the below screen.

The system displays the following details in Info Response tab:

Response Code Details

 Code
 Description

Credit Transaction Details

 Type
 ID
 Transferable
 Tax Rt Marker
 Credit Account

 Credit Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID
 Other Details Code
 Other Details Description

Frequency Details
 Sequence
 Start Date
 No of Payments
 Last Payment Date
 Required Freq Pattern
 Amount
 Currency

Direct Debit Details

 Mandate ID
 Automated DD Instruction
 Transferable
 Name
 Organisation ID
 Message ID
 Last Collection Date
 Last Collection Amount
 Last Collection Currency
 Other Details Code
 Other Details Description
 Creation Date Time

10-9 Switch Complete Tab

The switch complete notification message will be displayed in the switch complete tab. Click
‘Switch Complete’ tab in the Account Switching Outgoing Information Request Input screen
to view the following screen.

The system displays the following details in this screen:

 Message ID
 Creation Date Time

Technical Rejection Details

 Response Code
 Additional Information

The system uploads the technical rejection on outgoing information request based on the
unique reference number with switch action as TRJT. Once the request is marked as TRJT,
then further actions are not allowed in this request. You need to create a new request with
new unique reference number. Outgoing Information Request Messaging

You can generate the outgoing information request message by configuring intra day or end
of day batch. All the authorized outgoing information request records with ‘Switch Action’ as
REQS will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Information Request Message it is 01
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number

10-10 Uploading Incoming Information Response Message

The incoming information message from the old bank is processed from Account Switching
Service Incoming Message Browser. This message is uploaded to Account Switching Service
Incoming Information Request (STDASORQ) of the account branch.

During the upload if a response code W401 is generated and if switch date is modified, then
system updates the switch date as in the message.

10.3.4 Account Switching Service Outgoing Message Browser

You can view the outgoing messages and its status in ‘Account Switching Service Outgoing
Message Browser’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASIMS’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following in this screen:

Unique Reference Number

Select the unique reference number of the account switch request.

Account Number
Select the account number for which account switching is initiated.

Generated Status
Select the status of the message.

Message Type
Select the message type from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:
 Acmt.027
 Acmt.028
 Acmt.029
 Acmt.030

 Acmt.031
 Acmt.032
 Acmt.033
 Acmt.036
 Acmt.037

Select any of the above parameters. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.
 Unique reference Number
 Message ID
 Message Type
 Account Number
 Status
 Message
 Error Reason

10.3.5 Account Switching Service Incoming Message Browser

You can view and upload the incoming account switching service in the ‘Account Switch -
Incoming Message Browser’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASIMS’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

Processing Date
The system displays the date on which the message is picked for processing.

The system displays the following details depending upon the file name and processing date:
 Message ID
 Unique Reference Number

 Message

10.3.6 Incoming Information Request and Response Operations

You can view and respond to the information request details received from the new bank
through Account Switching Service - Incoming Information Request and Response screen.
You can opt to accept or reject an incoming information request. To invoke this screen type
‘STDASIRQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining
arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

Account Number
The system displays the account number from which account switching is required.

Account Name
The system displays the account name.

Switch Type
The system displays the account switching service type.

Unique Reference Number

The system displays the unique reference number.

Routing Unique Ref No.

The system displays the routing unique reference number.

Switch Date
The system displays the date on which the switch process will be completed.

Booking Date
The system displays the booking date.

Original Switch Date

The system displays the original switch date.

Switch Action
The system displays the action code during the course of full switch workflow process.

Response by
The system displays the date on which the response to the information request is expected.

Received Date Time

The system displays the message received date and time.

Switch Service Status

The system displays the switch status. Info Request Tab

New Account Details

Account Number
Specify the account number of the old bank that has to be switched.

Account Name
Specify the account name as in the old bank.

Financial Institution Member ID

Specify the bank code of the old bank.

Funding Limit
Specify the amount that the new bank covers for the negative balance of the old account.

The system displays the following details in this tab:

 Funding Limit Currency
 Balance Transfer Window

Account Party Details

 Prefix
 Surname
 Given Name
 Middle Name
 Date of Birth
 Nationality

Postal Address
 Address Type
 Address 1- 4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Other Details (2)

 Code
 Information

Organization Details
 Legal Name
 Legal Status

Business Address
 Address Line 1 - 4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Operational Address
 Address Line 1 - 4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Legal Address
 Address Line 1- 4
 Pin Code
 Country Code

Message Details
 ID
 Creation Date Time Info Response Tab

You can Click ‘Info Response’ tab to view the following screen.

Response Code Details

Specify account switching service response code. Alternatively, you can select the response
code from the option list. The list displays all valid response codes in the system.

The system displays the account switching service response code description.

Click ‘Fetch’ to fetch the credit transaction and direct debit details from the system for the
account number.

Credit Transaction Details

You can view the following details in this section:

 Type
 ID
 Credit Account
 Credit Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID

Check this box to transfer the credit payment arrangement.

Tax Rate Maker

Specify the tax rate marker.

Other Details Code

Specify the details of non-transferable credit payment arrangement.

Other Details Description

Specify the details of non-transferable credit payment arrangement

Frequency Details
Specify the sequence number.

Start Date
Specify the date of the first payment to be made for this payment schedule as defined by the
Schedule Code (PSC070) and its associated parameters.

No of Payments
The system displays the number of patterns.

Last Payment Date

The system displays the last payment date.

Required Freq Pattern

Specify the required frequency pattern.

The system displays the payment amount.

The system displays the payment currency.

Direct Debit Details

Mandate ID
The system displays the mandate ID.

Automated DD Instruction
Indicate if the Direct Debit Instructions are automated or not. The options are ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Check this box to transfer the direct debit instruction.

Specify the counter party name from Debtor Direct Debit Details.

Organization ID
Specify the organization ID.

Message ID
The system displays the message ID.

Last Collection Date

The system displays the date of the most recent collection.

Last Collection Amount

The system displays the most recent collection amount.

Last Collection Currency

The system displays the most recent collection currency.

Other Details Code

Specify the details of the non-transferable direct debit instruction.

Other Details Info

Specify the details of the non-transferable direct debit instruction.

Creation Date Time

The system displays the message creation date and time.

Technical Rejection Details

The system displays the following technical rejection details:

 Response Code
 Additional Information

The system uploads the technical rejection based on the unique reference number with switch
action as TRJT. The response action ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ is allowed again when the
information response is marked as TRJT. Outgoing Information Response Message

You can generate the outgoing information response message by configuring intra day or end
of day batch. All the authorized outgoing information response records with ‘Switch Action’ as
ACCT or REJT will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Information Response Message it is 02

 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number

10.3.7 Incoming Request Workflow

You can query records, view the details of a record, accept, reject or acknowledge balance
transfer actions through ‘Account Switching Incoming Request Workflow’ screen. To invoke
this screen type ‘STSASIRW’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and
click the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Unique Reference Number
 Account Number
 Account Name
 Switch Type
 Switch Date
 Switch Status

The system displays the following details depending upon the selection criteria:
 Unique Reference Number
 Account Number
 Switch Type
 Switch Status
 Previous Switch Action
 Next Action Due

10.3.8 Outgoing Request Workflow

You can query and process or terminate an outgoing request through Account Switching
Outgoing Request Workflow screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STSASORW’ in the field at
the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records::
 Unique Reference Number
 Account Number
 Account Name
 Switch Type
 Switch Date
 Switch Status

The system displays the following details depending upon the selection criteria:
 Unique Reference Number
 Account Number
 Switch Type
 Switch Status
 Previous Switch Action
 Next Action Due

10.3.9 Redirecting the Requests

You can redirect a request through Account Switching Redirection Request screen. To invoke
this screen type ‘STDASRDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and
click the adjoining arrow button. The request can be redirected from Outgoing Workflow

screen. If the Switch Status of a record is ACCT or TRJT, then the next action is request

You can view the following details in this screen:

 Unique Reference Number
 Routing Unique Ref No
 Switch Type
 Switch Date
 Service User Number
 Switch Action

New Account Details

 Account Number
 Account Name
 Account Branch BIC
 Financial Institution Member ID

The system allows you to modify the defaulted account number.

Old Account Details

 Account Number
 Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID

Account Branch BIC

Specify the BIC of the old account.

Message Details
 ID
 Creation Date Time

Technical Rejection Details

 Response Code

 Additional Information

The system uploads the technical rejection based in the unique reference number and switch
action ‘TRJT’. The next action as Request Redirection will be allowed again when the
previous redirection request is marked as TRJT. Request Redirection Message

You can generate the outgoing request redirection message by configuring it as intra day or
end of day batch. All the authorized redirection request records with ‘Switch Action’ as REDT
will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Information Request Message it is 04
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number

10.3.10 Outgoing Balance Transfer Request and Response

You can initiate the balance transfer request to the old bank through ‘Account Switching
Balance Transfer Request’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STDASOBQ’ in the field at the
top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in the Balance Transfer Request message:
 Unique Reference Number
 Routing Unique Ref No
 Balance Transfer Reference
 Account Number
 Account Name
 Switch Date

 Service User Number
 Switch Type
 Switch Action Request Tab

Original Funding Limit
The system displays the original funding limit based on Account Switching Outgoing
Information Request and Response screen.

Original Funding Limit Currency

The system displays the original funding limit currency.

Funding Limit
The system displays the funding limit. You can modify this. Funding limit cannot be less than
the original funding limit.

Balance Transfer Window

The system displays the balance transfer window.

Ultimate Creditor Details

Account Number
The system displays the account number. You can modify it.

The system displays the following details:

 Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID
 Message ID
 Creation Date Time Response Tab

The incoming acknowledge balance transfer message will be processed from the Account
Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. The message will be decomposed and
uploaded into the Account Switching Outgoing Balance Transfer Request and Response of

the account branch. You can view the message data in the response tab. Click ‘Response’
tab in the Account Switching Balance Transfer Request and Response screen.

You can view the following details:

 Closing Balance
 Credit Debit Indicator
 Ultimate Creditor for Debit Balance
 Account Number
 Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID
 Payment Reference Number
 Message ID
 Creation Date Time

Technical Rejection Details

 Response Code
 Additional Information

The system uploads the technical rejection based on the unique reference number and switch
action TRJT. The next action as Balance Transfer Request will be allowed again when the
Balance Transfer Request is marked as TRJT. You can then resubmit the balance Transfer
request. Outgoing Balance Transfer Message

You can generate the outgoing balance transfer request by configuring intra day or end of day
batch. All the authorized balance transfer records with ‘Switch Action’ as BTRQ will be
generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year

 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Information Request Message it is 05
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number

10.3.11 Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response

You can initiate acknowledgement response for Balance Transfer Request through Account
Switching Incoming Balance Transfer request and Response. To invoke this screen type
‘STDASIBQ’ in the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow

Acknowledge Balance Transfer is allowed for only FULL switch type and for previous switch
actions like BTRQ and TRJT. The Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response screen
will be opened in unlock mode with switch action as BTRS. The system performs the existing
account closure checks for the account number.if acknowledge balance transfer is not as part
of the switch action TRJT.

You can view the following incoming balance transfer request details in this screen:
 Unique Reference Number
 Routing Unique Ref No
 Balance Transfer Reference
 Account Number
 Account Name
 Switch Date
 Service User Number
 Switch Type
 Switch Action Request Tab

The incoming balance transfer request message is processed from the Account Switching
Service Incoming Message Browser. The message will be decomposed and uploaded into the
Account Switching Incoming Balance Transfer Request and Response of the account branch.

You can view the following message data in the Request tab of Account Switching Incoming
Balance Transfer Request and Response screen.
 Original Funding Limit
 Original Funding Limit Currency
 Funding Limit
 Balance Transfer Window

Ultimate Creditor for Positive Balance

 Account Number
 Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID
 Message ID
 Creation Date Time Response Tab

Click ‘Response’ tab in the Account Switching Incoming Balance Transfer Request and
Response screen.

You can view the following details:

 Closing Balance
 Closing Balance Currency
 Credit Debit Indicator
 Initiate Payment

Ultimate Creditor for Debit Balance

 Account Number
 Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID
 Payment Reference Number
 Message ID
 Creation Date Time

Technical Rejection Details
 Response Code
 Additional Information

The system uploads the technical rejection on acknowledge balance transfer message based
on the unique reference number and switch action ‘TRJT’. To resubmit the acknowledge
balance transfer, the response action Acknowledge Balance Transfer will be allowed again
when the previous acknowledge response is marked as TRJT. Acknowledge Balance Transfer Message

You can generate the outgoing acknowledge balance transfer message by configuring intra
day or end of day batch. All the authorized balance transfer response records with ‘Switch
Action’ as BTRQ will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Acknowledge Balance transfer Mes-
sage it is 06
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number

10.3.12 Notify Switch Completion

You can complete the switch action from Account Switching Outgoing Request Workflow if
the switch actions are ‘BTRS’ and ‘TRJT’.Switch complete action can be performed only after
receiving the payment or initiating the payment. You have to update the switch action as
‘COMP’ in Account Switching Outgoing Information Request and Response (STDASORQ)
screen to complete the switch action. Outgoing Switch Complete Message

You can generate the outgoing switch complete message by configuring it as intra day or end
of day batch. All the authorized records with ‘Switch Action’ as COMP will be generated
through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Switch Complete Message it is 07
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number

10-26 Technical rejection on Switch Complete Message

The system uploads technical rejection on Switch Complete message based on the unique
reference number and switch action TRJT. To resubmit the switch complete message, the
next action Switch Complete will be allowed again when the Switch Complete is marked as

10.3.13 Switch Termination

You can terminate a switch anytime after the Information Request input. If switch termination
action is done before generating the Information Request message, then the system
populates the switch action as ‘CANC’ indicating that the Information Request is cancelled.

If the switch termination action is done after generation of Information Request, then the
system populates the switch action as ‘TERM’ and will open the Account Switching
Termination screen to capture the response code. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘STDASTRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the
adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:

 Unique Reference Number
 Routing Unique Ref No.
 Switch Date
 Service User Number
 Switch Type
 Old Account Number
 Old Account Name
 Switch
 New Account Number
 New Account Name
 Response Code
 Description
 Message ID
 Creation Date Time

Technical Rejection Details
 Response Code
 Additional Information

The system uploads technical rejection on Switch Terminate message based on the unique
reference number and switch action TRJT. To resubmit the switch terminate message, you
can mark the info response as TRJT. Outgoing Switch Terminate Message

You can generate the outgoing switch terminate message by configuring it as intra day or end
of day batch. All the authorized switch termination records with ‘Switch Action’ as TERM will
be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Switch Termination Message it is 010
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number Uploading Incoming Switch Terminate Message

The incoming switch terminate message is processed from the Account Switching Service
Incoming Message Browser. This message is then decomposed and uploaded to Account
Switching Terminate of the account branch.

10.3.14 Cancelling Payment Arrangements

You can cancel the payment arrangements of a partial switch service through ‘Account
Switching Cancel Payments’ screen.To invoke the screen type ‘STDASCNP’ in the field at top
right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the following details in this screen:
 Unique Reference Number
 Routing Unique Reference Number
 Switch Type
 Switch Date
 Service User Number
 Switch Action
 New Account Number
 New Account Name
 Old Account Number
 Old Account Name

Credit Transaction Details

The system displays the following credit transaction details:

 ID
 Credit Account
 Credit Account Name
 Financial Institution Member ID

Other Details Code

Specify the other details code for outgoing request. For incoming request, the system displays
the other details code from incoming payment cancel message.

Check this box if the payment should be cancelled by the old bank.

Direct Debit Details

The system displays the following direct debit details:

 Mandate ID
 Name
 Organization ID
 Last Collection Date

Check this box to cancel the direct debit by the old bank.

Message ID
The system displays the message ID.

Creation Date Time

The system displays the message creation date and time.

Technical Rejection Details

The system displays the following technical rejection details:

 Response Code
 Additional Information

The system uploads technical rejection on Cancel Payment Arrangement message based on
the unique reference number and switch action TRJT. To resubmit the cancel of payment
arrangement message, you can mark the info response as TRJT. Outgoing Cancel Payment Arrangements Message

You can generate the outgoing cancel payment arrangement message by configuring intra
day or end of day batch process. All the authorized cancelled payments, cancel parameter
enabled records with ‘Switch Action’ as CNCP will be generated through this batch process.

A message ID in the following format is generated and stored in the Account Switching
Outgoing Message Browser:
 Position1 to 6 - Service User Number
 Position 7 to 8 - 2 digits year
 Position 9 to 11 - 3 digits day of year (001 to 366)
 Position 12 to 13 - 2 digits Message number. For Switch Termination Message it is 03
 Position 14 to 28 - 15 characters. Unique Reference Number by stripping the SWI and
having only F or P as the first character.
 Position 29 to 35 - 6 digits running sequence number Uploading Incoming Cancel Payment Arrangements

The incoming cancel payment arrangements message is processed from the Account
Switching Service Incoming Message Browser. The message is decomposed and then
uploaded to Account Switching Cancel Payments of the account branch.

10.3.15 Auto Completion for Partial Switch

The system processes the partial switch requests which are not marked for completion based
on the auto completion months at the Account Switching Service bank parameters. The
switch action of the request will be COMP. The switch complete message will not be
generated for these requests because the Account Switching Service will automatically mark
the request as completed, at the end of EOTI, on reaching the date.

10.3.16 Authorizing Account Switching Service

You can authorise account switching service through Account Switching - Authorization’
screen. You can invoke the screen by typing ‘STDASAUT’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application toolbar and clinking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following in this screen:

Unique Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number.

Switch Action
The system displays the action of the selected unique reference number.

Switch Status
The system displays the status of the selected unique reference number.

Click ‘Authorize’ to authorize the switch service.

10.3.17 Completing Account Switching Service

You can query a unique reference number applicable for outgoing switch workflow and notify
the account switch completion status through Account Switch Completion screen. You can

invoke this screen by typing ‘STDASCMP’ in the field at the top right corner of the application
toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following in this screen:

Unique Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number.

Switch Action
The system displays the action of the selected unique reference number.

Switch Status
The system displays the status of the selected unique reference number.

Click ‘Complete’ to mark the switch service as completed.

The switch action will be updated as ‘COMP’ and the switch complete message will be
generated once ‘Complete’ button is clicked on the queried unique reference number.

11. Maintaining Amount Blocks
An amount block is that part of the balance in a customer’s account, which you wish to reserve
for a specific purpose. It can be specified for an account either on the directions of the
customer or at the behest of the bank.

When an amount block is set for an account, the balance available for withdrawal is the
current balance of the account minus the blocked amount. On expiry of the period for which
the amount block is defined the system automatically updates the amount block Cheque in
the ‘Customer Accounts’ table. Amount blocks are maintained in the ‘Amount Block
Maintenance’ table.

For Example, If the balance in an account is 1000 currency units and the amount block
defined is 500 currency units, the actual funds available for withdrawal is only 500 units. An
override will be required if the customer withdraws a higher amount.

When a debit to a customer account is made, where the transaction amount exceeds the
available balance in the account, the system asks for an ‘override’.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 11.1, "Hold Code Maintenance"
 Section 11.2, "Amount Block Maintenance"
 Section 11.3, "Processing Amount Block Request from Channels"

11.1 Hold Code Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 11.1.1, "Maintaining Hold Codes"
 Section 11.1.2, "Viewing Hold Codes"

11.1.1 Maintaining Hold Codes

Whenever you impose an amount block (hold) on customer accounts, a valid reason can be
assigned for having effected the hold. You can define these reasons using the ‘Hold
Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CODHOLDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following details here:

Hold Code
Specify a code for the amount block reason you are maintaining in the system.

The Hold Code can be a maximum of 15 characters (alphanumeric type) in length.

Hold Description
Provide a brief description of the hold code.

Hold Type
In case you are defining amount hold reasons for automated system hold, select the hold type
from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:
 Salary Hold
 Overdue Hold
 Guarantor Recovery Hold
 External Deal Hold
 None
 Discounted TD

Except ‘None’, for all other Hold Types mentioned above, only one Hold Code each can
be maintained in the system.

11.1.2 Viewing Hold Codes

You can view a summary of Hold Codes maintained in the system using the ‘Hold Summary’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘COSHOLDT’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Hold Code
 Record Status
 Hold Type

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Hold Code
 Hold Description
 Hold Type

11.2 Amount Block Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 11.2.1, "Maintaining Individual Amount Blocks"
 Section 11.2.2, "Viewing Amount Block"
 Section 11.2.3, "Maintaining Consolidated Amount Block Details"

11.2.1 Maintaining Individual Amount Blocks

You can maintain amount blocks on individual accounts of a customer using the ‘Amount
Block Input’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CADAMBLK’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following details here:

Account Number
Specify a valid account number of the customer for which you wish to maintain an amount
block. The adjoining option list displays all valid customer accounts maintained in the selected
transaction branch. You can select the appropriate one.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays
the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Sequence Number
The system automatically displays the amount block sequence number.

Specify the amount which has to be blocked.

– If the block amount is greater than the available balance, then the system displays
an override message as “Block amount greater than available balance”.
– Interest calculations is not considered for negatively blocked amount.
– The Linked Line will not be utilized if the available balance becomes less than zero
because of a amount block.

Effective Date
Specify the date from which the amount block is effective.

For CASA amount block type, the effective date is the branch current date.

Expiry Date
Specify the date on which the amount block is released, so that it is available for withdrawal
to the customer. You cannot modify the amount block after the expiry date

For CASA amount block type, there is no expiry date.

Amount Block Type

Select the amount block type from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:
 Switch
 PreAuth
 Escrow
 System
 CASA - indicates an amount block that is created due to debit transaction processing in
Primary Accounts.
 Bulk Salary
 P2P

The option ‘System’ indicates a system generated amount block, equivalent to the external
deal amount maintained in the system. You cannot modify a ‘System’ type of amount
During debit transaction processing, Oracle FLEXCUBE will use ‘Mid Rate’, if the primary
account currency and cover account currency are different.

– When an amount block is created and the account status is ‘No Debit’, ‘No Credit’,
‘Dormant’ or ‘Frozen’ then the system displays an override message with the ac-
count status.
– When an amount block is created and the customer status is ‘Frozen’, ‘Deceased’
or ‘Whereabouts Unknown’ then the system displays an override message with the
customer status.
– If the account status is moved to 'Dormant' or 'No Debit' or 'No Debit' or 'Frozen',
then the system displays an override message as 'The Account has active amount
– If the account status is moved to 'Dormant' or 'No Debit' or 'No Debit' or 'Frozen',
then the system displays an override message as 'The Account has active amount

If the amount block type is P2P, then the following transaction data is logged into ‘P2P
Payment Beneficiary Registration Queue’ to track the beneficiary registration till the end
– Amount Block Number
– Branch Code
– Account Number
– END Date
– Beneficiary’s Email ID
– Beneficiary’s Telephone
– Beneficiary’s Facebook ID
– Status

While processing an amount block, the amount block on the sender’s account is released and

the amount is debited from the senders account and credited to the clearing suspense GL.


Specify remarks about the amount block, if any.

For structured deposit, the subscription amount will be blocked from the given CASA ac-
count automatically and this system generated block is updated with SD contract refer-
ence number in remarks field.

Reference No
The system generates a unique reference number upon saving the record.

– For system generated amount blocks corresponding to external deals, Oracle FL-
EXCUBE Reference number automatically generated in External Deal linkage
screen gets defaulted here.
– The system generated Escrow amount blocks, are identified with an unique original
transaction Reference No.
– The amount block can be released by the same source that has created the amount
– You are not allowed to modify or close Escrow Amount Blocks.
– System displays the consolidated blocked amount of the particular account in
‘Amounts and Dates’ details of the customer account.

System will not allow to closing the respective customer account unless existing active
amount blocks are closed.

Hold Code
Specify a valid hold code. The adjoining option list displays all valid hold codes maintained in
the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Hold Description
The system displays the hold code description.

For system generated amount blocks corresponding to external deals, the description
maintained at Hold Code Maintenance screen for Hold Code Type ‘External Deal’ gets dis-
played here.

Source Code
The source from which the amount block has been initiated is displayed. When an amount
block is created through a source code, the same can be modified or released by the same
source code.

Verify Available Balance

Check this box to enable creation of amount block only when sufficient funds are available.For
more details related to external deal maintenance, refer Core Services User Manual.

11.2.2 Viewing Amount Block

You can view a summary of Amount Blocks maintained at the ‘Amount Block Input’ level using
‘Amount Block Summary’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Amount Block Summary’ screen by typing ‘CASAMBLK’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can view records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status

 Account Number
 Sequence Number
 Amount
 Effective Date
 Expiry Date
 Reference No

The system generated original transaction Reference No of Escrow amount blocks will
also be displayed.

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Account Number
 Sequence Number
 Amount
 Effective Date
 Expiry Date
 Reference No

11.2.3 Maintaining Consolidated Amount Block Details

You can invoke the ‘Consolidated Amount Block Input’ screen by typing ‘CADCAMBL’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

In this table, you maintain all amount block details enforced for a customer account. Any
number of amount blocks can be enforced for an account.

The following information will be available in this screen:

 All the accounts maintained for the customer
 The available balance in each account
 Active amount blocks, if any
 Whether the account is marked for no-debit (‘Full Amount Block’ option is Cheques)
 The user defined fields (UDFs) associated with the Customer (i.e. the UDFs mapped to
the function id ‘STDCIF’)
 You can also do a query based on the UDFs
 In addition to viewing the amount block details for an account, you can also define new
blocks or modify the details pertaining to existing amount blocks, if any. You can also
use this screen to mark the account for no-debits.
 You can specify the following for a new amount block:
 Amount for which the block has been enforced

 Period for which this block should remain effective
 Any remark applicable to this amount block. It could be the purpose for which the block
has been enforced.

If you are maintaining consolidated amount blocks for the first time for a customer account,
you need to select the name of the customer from the option-list provided. On selection of the
customer, all accounts maintained for the customer that are available in the current branch
will be displayed in the middle section of the screen along with existing amount block details,
if any. Select an account to view all the individual amount blocks for the selected account in
the lower half of the screen.

To create a new amount block, click add icon. The sequence number for each amount block
will be automatically created by the system.

Maintain the following parameters for the amount block:

Specify the amount that you would like to block in the account. When an amount block is set
for an account, the balance available for transaction would be the current balance of the
account minus the blocked amount.

Whenever a customer account is debited of an amount that exceeds the available balance in
the account, the system asks for an ‘override’. Note that the available funds in a blocked
account will always be shown to be the current balance less the amount block.

The ‘Blocked Amount’ field in the middle section of the screen will display the sum of all the
amount blocks placed on the account.

You can raise the blocked amount for an account. On authorization, the ‘Customer Accounts’
table will be updated with the modified blocked amount.

Effective Date
When defining amount blocks for an account, specify the date on which the amount block
comes into effect. A future-dated amount block comes into effect when the Beginning of Day
process is executed for the day (on which the amount block becomes effective).

Expiry Date
This is the day on which the amount block expires. An amount block is effective till the EOD
is run on the expiry date. On expiry of an amount block, the block amount status in the
‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ table gets updated (if no other amount block is enforced
on this account). The balance available for transaction is also updated.

Here you can enter any remark specific to this amount block. For example, you can capture
the purpose for which a block has been affected.

No Debit
When defining amount blocks, you can choose to completely block the account from any kind
of debits made to the account. To do this, select the option ‘No Debit’. At a later point, you can
UN Cheque this option to release the full block and define partial blocks if required.

As stated earlier, the amount block will remain active from the effective date till the expiry date.
However, you can release a block before the expiry date. Select the ‘Close’ option to affect a
forceful closure of the amount block. If you do not select this option, the amount block will be
released as part of the EOD batch process executed on the expiry date.

11.3 Processing Amount Block Request from Channels
A file upload facility has been provided from the external channels to the FCUBS system. The
Generic Interface (GI) facility is utilized for this purpose. This facility is applicable for the
following activities:
 Debit or Credit Transactions
 Amount Block Request
 Amount Block Modification
 Release of Amount Blocks

This section contains the following topics:

 Section 11.3.1, "Debit or Credit Transactions Upload"
 Section 11.3.2, "Amount Block Request"
 Section 11.3.3, "Amount Block Modification"
 Section 11.3.4, "Release of Amount Block"

11.3.1 Debit or Credit Transactions Upload

To debit or credit transactions for specific customer accounts in the FCUBS system, a file
upload facility has been provided through the interface code ‘IFIEXENT (for incoming) and
IFOEXENT (outgoing)’. The outgoing file is linked to the incoming file and generated as per
the data set provided in the incoming file.

For a failed transaction, that is, when a transaction leg in the ‘Transaction Reference Number’
fails, then the entire set of entries mapped to the transaction reference number is rolled back
(including the amount block). A list of failed transactions and the status of each transactions
is provided by the FCUBS system to the external channels.

The amount block reference numbers can be provided only for debit transactions. If the
amount block reference number has been provided for a credit transaction, then that
particular amount block will not be released. However, the credit transaction will be
processed.When the “Amount Block Number” field is “Null” then there is no action taken by
the system while processing the uploaded file.If the amount block reference number is
provided in this field for a CASA/GL debit transaction during file upload or in the web service
then on processing the transaction the following actions occur:
 If the “Amount Block Number” is valid then the amount block will be released.
Transaction entries will be posted in the respective accounts. The validations that are
applicable for the amount block release will be applied during releasing of the amount
block through the file upload facility.
 If the “Amount Block Number” provided is invalid, then the all transaction legs under that
particular Transaction Reference Number will be rolled back.
 If the “Amount Block Number” provided is not pertaining to the corresponding debit
account number, the particular “Amount Block Number” will be released and processing
of the corresponding debit transaction will continue.
 If “Amount Block Number” has been provided for a debit transaction and the release of
amount block fails due to any reason, then the entire set of transactions will be rolled

Balancing of Settlement File Received from External Channels

The settlement file is sent in the transaction currency by the external channels. In case the
external channel does not send the local currency equivalent amount, then the Oracle

FLEXCUBE UBS system converts the transaction amounts into the local currency by applying
the applicable conversion rates. The process flow of the transaction is as follows:
 The required field level details will be provided by the channels.
 If the transaction received from the channel is balanced in local currency (LCY) amount
then Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS system processes that transaction.
 If the transaction received from the channel has not provided the currency equivalent
amount, then that transaction will be processed as mentioned below.
– The debit/credit amount provided will be converted into LCY amount using the
applicable conversion rates.
– The transaction pair will be identified using the “AMOUNTTAG” value provided by
the channels.
– The average LCY amount of the transaction pair will be taken into account for
processing the transaction.
– Once the transaction is balanced the accounting entries will be posted into the
respective account.
– If the transaction is fails, further reconciliation needs to be done manually.

11.3.2 Amount Block Request

To create an amount block request using the GI facility, the AMIBLKNW (incoming) has been
provided. To provide a response for the incoming files which are received from external
channels an interface code AMOBLKST (outgoing) has been provided. The status of the file
upload is identified by the error code provided in the outgoing file. The outgoing file would be
linked to incoming file and generated in the context of the incoming file data set. The interface
code formats provided for incoming and outgoing are the sample formats. Channels can copy
this format and create new GI interface codes. Amount block no. should be compulsorily sent
in the GI request otherwise outgoing file will not have the amount block number.

11.3.3 Amount Block Modification

To modify amount using the GI facility, the interface code AMIBLKMD (incoming) and
AMOBLKST (outgoing) has been provided. The following fields can be modified in the amount
block record:
 Amount
 Hold Code
 Expiry Date
 Remarks

The status of the amount block can be identified through the error code provided in the
outgoing file. The outgoing file is linked to the incoming file and generated in the context of
the incoming file data set. The amount block number that has to be modified should be
provided by the channels. The validations that are applicable for the amount block
modification is applied during modification of the amount block through upload facility also. If
the modification (increasing/decreasing the amount of block) request has failed for any reason
then the original amount of the block is retained. The interface code formats provided for
incoming and outgoing are the sample formats. Channels can copy this format and create
new GI interface codes

11.3.4 Release of Amount Block

To release an amount block using the GI facility, the interface code AMIBLKCL (incoming)
and AMOBLKST (outgoing) is provided. The outgoing file is linked to the incoming file and
generated in the context of the incoming file data set. The status of the upload is identified

thought the Status Code field. Amount block number that has to be closed should be provided
by the channels. The validations that are applicable for the amount block release will be
applied during releasing of the amount block through upload facility also.

12. Maintaining Stop Payment Details
A Stop Payment maintained in the ‘stop payment’ table is an instruction given by a customer
to his bank directing it to stop payment against a Cheque. This instruction can be based on
any of the following:
 A single Cheque number
 A range of Cheque numbers
 The amount for which the Cheque is drawn

When a stop payment is affected, the stop payment status in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ table gets updated to indicate the presence of a stop payment instruction for the
customer account. Whenever a Cheque based transaction is initiated through Data Entry the
system validates if any stop payment instruction has been issued against it. Payment against
a Cheque is stopped if a stop payment instruction exists for that Cheque.

Stop payment for a Cheque can be specified for a defined period. You can also maintain a
stop payment bearing no expiry date i.e., the instruction remains effective until revoked.

This chapter contains the following section:

 Section 12.1, "Stop Payment Maintenance"

12.1 Stop Payment Maintenance

This section contains the following topic:
 Section 12.1.1, "Maintaining Stop Payment Orders"

12.1.1 Maintaining Stop Payment Orders

You can invoke the ‘Stop Payment Input’ screen by typing ‘CADSPMNT’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. Click the
new button on the Application toolbar.

In this table you maintain all stop payment orders enforced for a customer account. The
sequence number of the present stop payment instruction is displayed in the field ‘Stop
Payment No’.

Here you define the following:

 Account number on which you are enforcing a stop payment
 Whether stop payment is being defined against Cheque/Cheques or an amount
 If stop payment is based on Cheque then the start and end Cheque numbers
 If stop payment is based on amount then the Cheque amount
 Amount for which the stop payment has been enforced
 Period for which this stop payment should remain effective
 Any reason applicable to this stop payment. It could be the purpose for which it has been

Any number of stop payment instructions can be maintained for an account. With each stop
payment instruction enforced on an account, the system displays the stop payment number.
This number denotes the number of the current stop payment records being maintained for
this account.

For maintaining details of stop payment instruction, the following parameters need to be

Account Number
Specify the account number of the account for which you wish to enforce a stop payment. The
adjoining option list displays the list of account numbers maintained in the selected

transaction branch. Highlight the customer’s account number for whom you are entering

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details
maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Stop Payment type

This is either an amount or a cheque, on which the Stop Payment instruction is based.

If the instruction is cheque-based, the customer would give you the number of that Cheque.
If the instruction pertains to a range of Cheques, the customer would give you the number of
the first Cheque and the last Cheque in the range.

Start Cheque Number

This is the first cheque of the range. If the instruction is specified for a range of Cheques, the
number of the first and the last Cheque of the range should be specified by the customer.

If the instruction is to withhold payment for one Cheque alone, enter the same Cheque
number in both the ‘start Cheque number’ and the ‘end Cheque number’ fields.

This is not mandatory if the stop payment type is an ‘amount’.

End Cheque Number

This is the last cheque of the range. If the instruction is specified for a range of Cheques, the
number of the first and the last Cheque of the range should be specified by the customer.

This is not mandatory if the stop payment type is an ‘amount’.

Cheque Amount
If the stop payment type is ‘amount’, the Cheque amount represents the amount for which the
Cheque was drawn.

Confirmation Status
The confirmation status indicates whether you have confirmed the stop payment instruction
issued by the customer.

Effective Date
This is the date on which the stop payment comes into effect. A future-dated stop payment is
affected after the Beginning of Day process has been executed for the day (the effective date
of the stop payment).

Expiry Date
The stop payment expires on this day. A stop payment is effective till the End of Day is run on
the expiry date. On expiry of a stop payment, the status in the ‘Customer Accounts
Maintenance’ table gets updated (if no other stop payment is enforced on this account).

If you do not specify an expiry date, the stop payment will remain effective till it is revoked.

Here, you can enter information specific to the stop payment that you are capturing. For
example, you can indicate the purpose for which the stop payment has been issued.

After having made the required mandatory entries, and having saved your work, your user ID
will be displayed at the ‘Made By’ field at the bottom of the screen, the Date and the Time at
which you saved the product will be populated.

Another user, with the requisite rights, should authorize any operation that you perform,
before the End of Day process is executed for the day.

Customer Document Reference

User would be able to view the document which is sent by the customer to stop payment.

Apply Charge
Check this box to indicate that online service charge will be applied on stopping payment

Advice Required
Check this box to indicate a mail advice is required to acknowledge the account on the stop
payment request.

Once you check this box the system will generate the stop payment request message during

A Message type STOP_PMNT_ACK will be used. This will be a MAIL Message and it will be
sent to the account customer.

The following tags will be used for STOP_PMNT_ACK message:

Advice tag Description

_CUSTNAME_ Customer name

_ADD1_ Customer address line 1

_ADD2_ Customer address line 2

_ADD3_ Customer address line 3

_ADD4_ Customer address line 4

_ACCOUNT_ Account

_ACCOUNTBRN_ Account Branch

_STOPPAYNO_ Stop Payment no

_XREF_ External reference

_STOPTYPE_ Stop Payment type

_STARTCHECKNO_ Start check No


_AMOUNT_ Amount

_EFFECTDT_ Effective date

Advice tag Description

_EXPIRYDT_ Expiry date

_REMARKS_ Remarks

_AUTHDT_ Authorization Date Time

For further details on Charge and Event button, refer the sections ‘Viewing Charge Details
‘and ‘Viewing Event Details’ in the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Cheque Book Details’ in this
User Manual.

13. Generating Account Statements
An account statement is the record of transactions and their effect on account balances over
a specified period of time for a given account. An account statement lists the debits and
credits that have taken place over a time period.

A detailed statement gives minute details of the transactions that have occurred on a given
account, including the order of details, ultimate beneficiary, payment method etc. On the other
hand a summary statement shows all transactions but gives only limited details of individual
transactions like the reference number, date and the amount with a debit/credit indicator.

SWIFT account statements are statements generated for NOSTRO type of accounts, i.e., for
a bank type of a customer. MT940 is generated for an account with its primary statement as
detailed and a MT950 is generated for an account with its primary statement as summary.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 13.1, "Account Statement Generation"
 Section 13.2, "Statement of Fees Generation"

13.1 Account Statement Generation

You need to maintain a basic set-up at the following levels to generate account statements:
 Advice Formats
 Account Class
 Message Type
 Customer Address
 Batch EOD Inputs

This section contains the following topic:

 Section 13.1.1, "Maintaining Advice Formats"
 Section 13.1.2, "Maintaining Account Statement Format for Account Classes"
 Section 13.1.3, "Maintaining Message Types"
 Section 13.1.4, "Maintaining Customer Address"
 Section 13.1.5, "Maintaining Statement Generation Batch"
 Section 13.1.6, "Maintaining Ad Hoc Statement Requests"
 Section 13.1.7, "Viewing Adhoc Consolidated Statement Request Summary"
 Section 13.1.8, "Maintaining Automatic Consolidated Statement Requests"
 Section 13.1.9, "Viewing Automatic Consolidated Statement Request Summary"
 Section 13.1.10, "Maintaining Combined Statements"
 Section 13.1.11, "Viewing Combined Statement Details"
 Section 13.1.12, "Periodic Charges for Combined Statement"

13.1.1 Maintaining Advice Formats

Oracle FLEXCUBE offers you a format, on the basis of which you can maintain a layout for
account statements to be generated. The maintenance form shown below offers you the
flexibility of maintaining format details – like the lines per page and columns per page –
according to your requirements, as also to maintain the tags required for populating the

details. The system generates account statements, including ad hoc account statements,
according to the maintenance provided by you.

You can invoke the ‘Advice Format Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘MSDADVFM’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to maintain two advice formats – one for Savings accounts and the other for Nostro
accounts viz ‘ACST_DETAILED’ and ‘SWIFT’ respectively as shown below. ACST_DETAILED

You need to maintain details as shown in the screen below.

Format Text
Specify the following format.





Account Branch :BRNAME


Branch Address :BRADDR1








Account Desc. :ACCOUNTDESC

Account Class :ACLASSNAME

Account Currency :ACYNAME


Statement From: FROMDATE



Account Open Date : OPENDATE





Statement From: FROMDATE



Trn Code/NarrativeREFERENCEBook DateValue DateWithdrawalDepositClosing Balance
















----------------------- …………………………………










*** End Of Statement ***

If the trust account credit transaction is from any other module, the system will show the
following details as part of ‘TRNCODEDESC’:
 Deposit Slip Number
 Unit ID SWIFT

You need to maintain details as shown in the screen below.

Format Text
Specify the following format.






13.1.2 Maintaining Account Statement Format for Account Classes

You need to specify the account statement format for Savings and Nostro types of account
classes in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Account Class
Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDACCLS’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You need to maintain the following details.

Account Type
You need to maintain two records – for one choose ‘Savings’ and for the other choose

Account Statement Format

Choose ‘ACST_DETAILED’ for Savings type of account class and Nostro type of account

13.1.3 Maintaining Message Types

You can invoke the ‘Message Type Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘MSDMSTYM’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You need to maintain eight records with details given below.

Sr. SWIFT Message Consolidation

Module Message Type
No Type Message Type









For further details, refer the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Messaging Branch Preferences’ in the
Messaging System User Manual.

13.1.4 Maintaining Customer Address

You can invoke the ‘Customer Address Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘MSDCUSAD’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

Here you need to maintain three records with the following details.

Sr. No Branch Module Message Type Format




For further details, refer the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Addresses for Customer’ in the
Messaging System User Manual.

13.1.5 Maintaining Statement Generation Batch

You can have the statement generation happen automatically as part of the automated End
Of Day cycle, using the ‘Batch EOD Function Input’ screen. You can invoke this screen by

typing ‘BADEODFE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details.

Function Identification
Specify ‘ACSTHAND’ or select this value from the adjoining option list.

End Of Cycle Group

Choose the option ‘Transaction Input’.

For further details, refer the chapter titled ‘Automated End of Cycle Operations’ in the
Automated End of Day User Manual.

Given below is a sample account statement:

Sample account statement

13.1.6 Maintaining Ad Hoc Statement Requests

You can maintain ad hoc requests for consolidated statements raised by customers using the
‘Adhoc Consolidated Statement Request Statement’ screen. You can invoke this screen by

typing ‘STDCRSMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following details here:

Reference Number
Specify a 16-digit unique code to identify the record with. You can leave the field blank to have
the system generate it automatically upon saving the record.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

Customer No
Specify a valid customer number who has raised an ad hoc request for statement. The
adjoining option list displays all valid customer numbers maintained in the system. You can
select the appropriate one.

Customer Name
The name of the customer for the specified customer number is displayed.

Request Type
Select the request type from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:
 Consolidated
 Corporate Loans

From Date
Specify the start date of the statement.

To Date
Specify the end date of the statement.

Request Date
Specify the date on which the request is raised by the customer.

Note that ‘To Date’ must be less than or equal to ‘Request Date’.

Process Status
The system displays the status denoted by a single letter as below:
 U: When the customer requests for the statement, this status is displayed
 P: For statements processed successfully, this status is displayed
 E: For statements that encounter error during processing, this status is displayed

Using the Generic Interface, you can maintain the statement format and generate the

Process Status Details

The system gives the description of the single letter Process Status displayed above.

Check this box to indicate that E-Statement is required.

Charge Account Branch

Specify the account branch from which charge is deducted for the E-Statement.

Charge Account
Specify the charge account. The adjoining option list displays all the valid account numbers
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Charge Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Charge Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified charge account number based on the
details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

13.1.7 Viewing Adhoc Consolidated Statement Request Summary

You can view a summary of adhoc consolidated statement requests using the ‘Adhoc
Consolidated Statement Request Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing

‘STSCRSMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Reference Number
 Customer Number
 Branch Code
 Process Status

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Reference Number
 Customer Number
 Branch Code
 Request Type
 From Date
 To Date
 Request Date
 Process Date
 Process Status

13.1.8 Maintaining Automatic Consolidated Statement Requests

You can maintain statement requests of customers who would require consolidated
statements on an automatic basis using the ‘Automatic Consolidated Request Statement

Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDACRST’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following details here:

Reference Number
Specify a 16-digit unique code to identify the record with. You can leave the field blank to have
the system generate it automatically upon saving the record.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

Customer No
Specify a valid customer number for whom you wish to maintain a request for automatic
consolidated statements. The adjoining option list displays all valid customer numbers
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Customer Name
The system displays the name of the specified customer ID based on the details maintained
at ‘Customer Maintenance’ level.

Charge Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified charge account number based on the
details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Effective Date
Specify the date on which the statement is requested.

Select the frequency of the statement requested from the adjoining drop-down list. The
available options are:
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Semi Annual

 Annually

Start Month
Select the starting month of the requested statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The
available options are:
 January
 February
 March
 April
 May
 June
 July
 August
 September
 October
 November
 December

Start On
Specify which day of the month the statement should begin from.

Last Executed Date

The system displays the date on which the statement request was last executed, if any.

Check this box to indicate that E-Statement is required.

Charge Account Branch

Specify the account branch from which charge is deducted for the E-Statement.

Charge Account
Specify the charge account. The adjoining option list displays all the valid account numbers
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

13.1.9 Viewing Automatic Consolidated Statement Request Summary

You can view a summary of automatic consolidated statement requests using the ‘Automatic
Consolidated Request Statement Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing

‘STSACRST’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any or all of the following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Reference Number
 Branch Code
 Customer No

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Reference Number
 Branch Code
 Customer No
 Effective Date
 Frequency
 Start Month
 Start On
 Last Executed Date

13.1.10 Maintaining Combined Statements

You can generate a combined statement for all accounts through the ‘Combined Statement
Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STDCDSTM’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click. the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Statement ID
Specify the statement plan identification.

Customer No
Select the customer number from the adjoining option list.

All Accounts/Loans
Check this box to generate statement for all accounts and loans of the customer.

Click ‘Populate’ button to default all the accounts, deposits and loans belonging to the

If ‘All Accounts/Loans’ is unchecked then the ‘Populate’ button will be disabled. You will have
to manually specify the details in this case.

CASA Details

The system displays the following CASA details of the customer:

 Account No - The system displays all the open and closed CASA accounts based on
the customer selected.
 Account Description
 Branch Code
 Multi currency account - Generates statement of multi currency account level for re-
quired set of accounts of the customer.

Deposit Details

The system displays the following deposit details of the customer:

 Account No - The system displays all the open and closed deposit accounts based on
the customer selected.
 Account Description
 Branch Code

Loan details

The system displays the following loan details of the customer:

 Account No - The system displays all the open and closed loan accounts based on the
customer selected.
 Branch Code

Select the statement format from the adjoining option list.

Frequency Cycle
Select the frequency at which the combined statement should be generated from the
adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:
 Annual
 Semi Annual
 Quarterly
 Monthly
 Fortnightly
 Weekly
 Daily

Statement Day
Select the day on which combined statement should be generated from the adjoining drop-
down list. If value for Statement Day is not selected, then the system defaults the values
based on the frequency cycle selected. The statement gets generated on the month end of
the defaulted values.

The statement displays the balance for CASA and TD accounts based on book dated or value
dated balance. This will be parameterized at the bank level.

For the parameter COMBINED_STATEMENT, the system defaults the value as


Charge Account
Apply Charge
Check this box to apply charge during the EOD batch process.

Charge Account
Select the charge account from the adjoining option list. Charge Account is mandatory if
‘Apply Charge’ is checked.

Charge Branch
The system displays the branch of the selected charge account.

Charge Currency
The system displays the currency of the selected charge account

Previous Statement Date

The system displays the last combined statement generation date.

No Previous Statement
The system displays the number of combined statement generated till date.

– You can modify the combined statement plan during any stage of the maintenance.
– You have to maintain atleast one account or loan to generate the combined state-
– If ‘Apply Charge’ is checked and the ‘Charge Account’ is not maintained, then the
system displays an error message as “Apply charge is checked, Please map
Charge Account for the statement plan <Plan ID>”.
– If the charge basis NUM-COMB-STMTS is not mapped to the IC product of the
charge account, then the system displays an override message as “Charge Basis
not mapped for the charge account”.
– If different charge accounts are mapped to different plan IDs of the same customer
then the system displays an override message as ‘Different charge account is
mapped for the plan id/ids , <plan id name>’.
– If any closed accounts are maintained in the statement plan the system displays an
override message. You can manually delete the records of the closed accounts.
– Charge accounts can be changed during any stage. The charges applicable for the
existing charge account will be liquidated during its IC liquidation cycle.
– You cannot close an account if it is mapped as charge account for the statement
– If ‘All accounts/Loans’ is selected then you cannot delete or add any records in the
CASA, TD or Loan Details block.
– If 'All accounts/Loans' is selected for one plan ID, then the system will display an
override message on selecting the same for another plan id

13.1.11 Viewing Combined Statement Details

You can view the combined statement details maintained in the ‘Combined Statement
Maintenance’ screen using the ‘Combined Statement Maintenance Summary’ screen. You

can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSCDSTM’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Authorization Status
 Customer No
 Record Status
 Statement ID

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The system
displays the following records meeting the selected criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Statement ID
 Customer No
 All Accounts/Loans
 Format
 Frequency
 Statement Day
 Apply Charge
 Charge Account
 Charge Branch
 Charge Currency
 Previous Statement Date
 No of Previous Statements

13.1.12 Periodic Charges for Combined Statement

Periodic charges are applied to the charge account maintained in the combined statement
plan. The charges are computed based on the slab details maintained and the number of

combined statement generated. The account class mapped to charge basis ‘NUM-COMB-
STMTS' returns the number of combined statements generated. The counter for the charge
basis are COMB_STMNT_FMT is reset after the charges are collected during IC liquidation.

13.2 Statement of Fees Generation

The statement of fees contains the information about fees which have been levied on an
account and the interest earned/paid on the account.

The statement of fees is generated as per the following rules:

 Data about statement of fees is dumped into a table through a batch process, STBST-
FEE, annually on a specific date, currently 18th June, covering transactions from the
18th of June of the previous year up to the 17th June of the current year.
The EOD batch collects all the required details on the daily basis based on the trans-
action code maintained at the STDTRNCH level to print the statement of fees and
stores into dump tables.
Then the user can run the report job from BIP to generate the Statement of fees. This
report referred in the report job internally refers to these dump tables.
The user can also run the report job on STRSTFEE to generate the report.
 The user can change the date as per their requirement and generate an ad-hoc state-
ment of fees.
The user can generate the statement of fees online ( through STROSTFE). In this case
the statement of fees covers the period from the last statement of fees issued to the date
when the ad-hoc statement is being printed.
 The statement of Interest will be a part of the Statement of fees. It will display the Total
Interest paid, Total Interest Earned, and Comprehensive cost for the account.
 You can re-generate an old statement of fees.
 The statement of fees is generated for all payments (CASA) accounts on FLEXCUBE,
but not for or Loan and Term accounts.
 The list of account classes for which a statement of fees is not required is stored para-
 You can select the delivery method for the statement of fees at account level.
 Transactions that are reversed on the same day are not mentioned in the statement of

13.2.1 Maintaining Statement of Fees

You can invoke the ‘Statement of Fees and Interest ’ screen by typing ‘STROSTFE’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You have to specify the following details to generate the statement of fees and interests:

Account Number
The account number for which you want to generate the statement of fees and interests.

Branch Code
The branch code for the account.

Account Description
The description of the account.

From Date

The start date for the statement. It should always be lesser than the To Date.

It can’t be lesser than account open date

To Date
The end date for the statement. To Date cannot be greater than current date

Report Format

Select the format for the statement from the drop-down list. The list displays the following
 PDF
 Excel
 RTF.

Report View
Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the drop-down list. The list
displays the following values:
 Print – Select to print the report.
 View – Select to view the report.

 Spool – Select to spool the report to a specified folder so that you can print it later.

Printer At
Select location where you wish to print the report from the drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:
 Client – Select if you need to print at the client location.
 Server – Select if you need to print at the server location

Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the option list.

13.2.2 Contents of the Report

The statement of fees contains the following fields:

 Details of the branch where the account is held
 Customer Correspondence Address
 Statement Reference – i.e. a unique reference no
 Account Number
 Account Identification
 Summary section: This section lists a summary of fees posted and interest accumulated
within the statement period.
– Total fees paid denominated in the account currency. (Any refund of fees are to be
set off from the total fees paid figure)
– Total Interest paid denominated in the account currency. (Any reversal of interest
paid is to be set off from the total interest paid figure).
– Total interest earned denominated in the account currency. (Any reversal of interest
received is to be set off from the total interest received paid)
– Comprehensive cost indicator. This is computed by deducting the third item from
the sum of the first two items (from above).

In case the account does not pay interest, the statement should state that ‘Interest not

14. Processing Post Dated Cheques
Oracle FLEXCUBE supports processing of post dated Cheques (PDCs) both at Branch and
Host levels.

PDCs have four events in their life cycle:

 Booking (Entry) of PDCs, where details of the PDC are entered in Oracle FLEXCUBE
 Initiation of PDCs, where the PDC is authorized and becomes active. Contingent en-
tries, if required, are passed for the PDC during initiation
 Liquidation of PDCs, where the PDC becomes a normal Cheque to be sent through
 If the discounted cheque is returned from the clearing, then the system will process the
debit from the past due account or create loan based on the parameters captured in the
‘Post Dated Cheque product preference’ screen.
 On re-presentation of PDC, the system will process the debit from the past due account
maintained at ‘Customer Cheque Discounting Maintenance’ screen.
 During return of PDC, if the limits are maintained at any of the levels, utilization will be
 Cancellation, when the PDC is cancelled before liquidation. It is also possible to reverse
a PDC after liquidation

For processing PDCs, you will first have to create PDC products in Oracle FLEXCUBE and
then process individual PDCs as contracts under the products that you create.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 14.1, "Post Dated Cheque Maintenance"
 Section 14.2, "PDC Products"
 Section 14.3, "Post Dated Cheque Transaction"
 Section 14.4, "Other Operations on PDCs"
 Section 14.5, "Events and Accounting Roles"

14.1 Post Dated Cheque Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 14.1.1, "Drawer Maintenance"
 Section 14.1.2, "Post Dated Cheque Reject Code Maintenance"
 Section 14.1.3, "Customer Cheque Discount Details Maintenance"

14.1.1 Drawer Maintenance

You can maintain the drawer status details using ‘Drawer Status Maintenance’ screen.

14-1 Maintaining Drawer Status Details

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘PDDDWRST’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can enter the following details:

Drawer Status Code

Specify a unique drawer status code here.

Enter a brief description about the status code.

Default Status
Check this box to indicate the whether to default the status or not.

14-2 Maintaining Drawer Details

You can maintain the drawer details using ‘Drawer Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘PDDDWRMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can enter the following details:

Drawer Identification
Specify a unique drawer Id here.

Customer Identification
Specify the customer Id if the drawer belongs to the same bank. This adjoining option list
displays all valid customer ids maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.
This is a mandatory field.

Liability Identification
The system displays the liability Id if the drawer is a bank customer. However you can specify
the liability Id for a drawer, when a cheque discounting transaction is input, the limit utilization
for the drawer will be tracked against this liability.

Drawer Status
Specify the drawer status. This adjoining option list displays all valid drawer statuses
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Drawer Name
Enter the drawer name. However If drawer is bank’s customer, then the name will get
defaulted here.

Drawer Black Listed

The system defaults this field. The drawer will be blacklisted based on the number of times
the cheque gets returned. The cheque return count will be maintained at ‘Bank parameters’
screen. If the number of cheque returns is greater than or equal to the count then drawer will
be marked as blacklisted.

Enter the drawer address. However If drawer is bank’s customer, then the address will get
defaulted here.

Cheque Return Count

The system displays the number of cheque returns for a drawer.

Specify any additional information.

Drawer Bank Details

Bank Code
Specify bank code. You can link multiple bank codes to one drawer.

Bank Name
Specify the bank name of the drawer.

Account Number
Specify the account number of drawer bank. This adjoining option list displays all valid
account numbers maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Specify the drawer status against each drawer bank. This adjoining option list displays all
valid drawer statuses maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Date Of Change
The system displays the date of update for each bank.

Enter any comments you wish to record pertaining to this screen.

Cheque Details
Cheque Status
The system displays the status of cheque. On realization, the status will be updated as ‘Used’
and upon return the status will be updated as ‘Return’.

Cheque Amount
The system displays the amount on the cheque.

Discounted Date
The system displays the date of discounting.

Cheque Date
The system displays the date of cheque clearing.

14-4 Viewing Drawer Summary

You can query, view the drawer details of the post dated cheques in the ‘Drawer Summary’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘PDSDWRMT’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button

Here, you can query on drawer details based on any one or all of the following criteria:
 Drawer Identification
 Drawer Name
 Drawer Status
 Customer Number

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them.
 Authorization status
 Record status
 Drawer Identification
 Drawer Name
 Drawer Status
 Customer Number
 Drawer Blacklisted

14.1.2 Post Dated Cheque Reject Code Maintenance

You can maintain reject codes that are applicable to the rejection of post dated cheques using
‘Post Dated Cheque Reject Code Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, type

PDDRJCOD’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining
arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Reject Code
Specify a unique reject code. This code can be used to identify the reason for rejecting or
cancelling a post dated cheque.

Enter the reject reason. Once you have captured the details, save the maintenance.

14.1.3 Customer Cheque Discount Details Maintenance

You can maintain the customer cheque discounting details using ‘Customer Cheque
Discounting Detail’ screen.

14-6 Maintaining Customer Cheque Discount Details

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘PDDCHDMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can enter the following details:

Customer Details
Customer Identification
Specify the customer identification. This adjoining option list displays all valid customer ids
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one. This is a mandatory field.

Customer Name
On selecting customer Id, the system displays the corresponding customer name.

Account Details
Liability Account Branch
Specify the customer liability account branch code. This adjoining option list displays all valid
branch codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Liability Account
Specify the customer liability account/PDC settlement account. This adjoining option list
displays all valid customer accounts maintained in the system. You can choose the
appropriate one. This is a mandatory field.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Liability Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Liability Account Currency
Specify liability account currency.

Total Available Amount

The system displays the total available balance inclusive of limit amount, for the selected

Past Due Account Branch

Specify the past due account branch code. This adjoining option list displays all valid branch
codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Past Due Account

Specify the customer past due account. This adjoining option list displays all valid customer
accounts maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one. This is a mandatory

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Past Due Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Past Due Account Currency

Specify the past due account currency.

Available Amount
The system displays the available balance for the selected account.

Drawer Details
Drawer Identification
Specify the drawer identification. This adjoining option list displays all valid drawer Ids
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one. You can as well attach
multiple drawer identification.

Drawer Name
The system displays the drawer name.

Customer – Drawee Line ID

Specify the limit line for customer and drawer combination. This adjoining option list displays
all valid limit lines maintained for the liability Id. You can choose the appropriate one. Viewing Customer Cheque Discount Summary

You can query, view the customer cheque discount details of the post dated cheques in the
‘Customer Cheque Discounting Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing

‘PDSCHDMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can query on customer cheque discounting details based on any one or all of the
following criteria:
 Customer Number
 Liability Account/ PDC settlement account
 Past Due account

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them.
 Authorization status
 Record status
 Customer Number
 Liability Account/ PDC settlement account
 Past Due account

14.2 PDC Products

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 14.2.1, "Maintaining PDC Products"
 Section 14.2.2, "Accounting Roles Button"
 Section 14.2.3, "Events button"
 Section 14.2.4, "Preferences Button"

14.2.1 Maintaining PDC Products

You will have to create a product for PDCs and define attributes specific to it.

You can invoke the ‘Post Dated Cheques Product Definition’ screen by typing ‘PDDPRMNT’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow
button. In this screen, you can enter basic information relating to a PDC product such as
Product Code, Description, and so forth.

For any product you create in Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can define generic attributes, such as
accounting roles, events, MIS details, etc., by clicking on the appropriate icon in the horizontal
array of icons in this screen. For a post dated Cheques product, in addition to these generic
attributes, you can specifically define other attributes. These attributes are discussed in detail
in this section.

You can define the attributes specific to a PDC product in the PD Product Definition Main
screen and the PDC Product Preferences screen. In these screens, you can specify the
product type and set the product preferences respectively.

For further information on the generic attributes that you can define for a product, please refer
the following Oracle FLEXCUBE User Manuals:
 Products
 Interest
 Charges and Fees
 Tax
 User Defined Fields
 Settlements

In the Product Definition screen, you can also enter the following:

Product Code
Specify the code for the product. This is a code for the specific PDC product that you are

Product Description
Specify a brief description for the product code.

Product Type
Select the type for the product from the option list provided. The first attribute that you define
for a product is its type. For a PDC product, the product type is PD.

Specify a brief description for the product type.

Select a slogan, or a marketing punch line, for the product.

Product Group
Select the product group to which you wish to assign the PDC product. Products can be
categorized into groups based on the common elements that they share. Associating a
product with a group will facilitate retrieval of information of a class of products at one stroke.
You can maintain Product Groups in the Product Group Definition screen, invoked from the
Application Browser.

Start Date / End Date

The period during which you wish the PDC product to be current – you specify this by entering
a Start and an End Date.

Enter any additional remarks about the product.

Exchange Rate Variance (in %)

Exchange Rate Variance particulars for any currency conversion is involved – the extent of
variance that will be allowed without requiring an override, the extent beyond which the
transaction will not be allowed, the rate code and the rate type.

You can invoke the required product fields by typing ‘CSDPDUDF’ at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.These will specify the
required product Field number and field names.

14.2.2 Accounting Roles Button

Click ‘Accounting Roles’ button to invoke the ‘Accounting Roles’ screen.

You can capture all the accounting role details related to individual post dated cheque in this

14.2.3 Events button

Click ‘Events’ button to invoke the ‘Events’ screen.

You can capture all event related details pertaining to post dated cheque.

14.2.4 Preferences Button

Click ‘Preferences’ button to invoke the ‘Post Dated Cheques Product Preference’ screen.

Product Code
Specify the code for the Product.
Linked Product
Select the Clearing product to be used when the product matures and the cheque is sent for
outward clearing. This is only applicable to External PDCs.

Post Dated Cheque Type

Oracle FLEXCUBE processes the following types of PDCs :
 Own account: PDCs issued against the customer’s account
 External PDC: PDCs from other banks deposited in the customer’s account
 Bank-issued PDC: PDCs issued against the bank’s Nostro accounts

Track Drawer Limits

Check this box to track the drawer limits at the PDC transaction. The Drawer limits will be
tracked at the PDC transaction only if this checkbox is checked.

Pass Contingent
Cheque this box if you wish contingent entries to be passed during PDC initiation. Depending
on the type of PDC, the following contingent entries should be defined:

When a customer deposits PDC into own account

Accounting Role / Dr / Cr
Amount Tag
Head Indicator

Contingent Asset PDC_RECEV Dr

Contingent Liability PDC_RECEV_CONTRA Cr

Bank Issues PDC

Accounting Role / Head Amount Tag Dr / Cr Indicator

Contingent Asset PDC_ISSUE_CONTRA Dr

Contingent Liability PDC_ISSUE Cr

Discount / Purchase
Check this box, to allow discounting/purchasing for the PDC instrument.

Discounting/purchasing will be allowed for the PDC instrument, only if the product is defined
for this change of operation,

Bulk Input Allowed

Cheque this box to indicate that this product can be used for bulk inputs. If this box is not
checked, this product is available only for single online contracts. Oracle FLEXCUBE
supports bulk input of PDCs, where a single contract is entered for multiple PDCs.

If you allow bulk input, you can indicate the default instrument number and frequency of the
PDCs. This value defaults to bulk input contracts, but can be changed while entering the bulk
input contract.

Holiday Treatment
If the liquidation event for a PDC falls on a holiday, you may wish that event to take effect
either on the previous or on the following day. Select either Backward or Forward to indicate
your preference. You may also desire that the schedule for bulk upload of PDCs gets modified
according to the holiday treatment that you specify. That is, if a particular schedule day, falling
on a holiday, is shifted backward / forward, then you may wish the subsequent schedule days
also to move
 Forward
 Backward by the same number of days

Accrual Frequency
Specify the frequency in which the interest components are to be collected .The frequency
can be Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual.

Accrual start month

Specify the month when the accrual should happen, if the frequency is selected as “Quarterly”
or above.

Accrual start date

Specify the date of the month when the accrual should happen, if the frequency is selected
as “Monthly” or above.

Charge to be collected in
Specify the option for collecting the charges from the adjoining drop-down list. The available
options are:
 Advance- The charge defined can be collected in advance.
 Arrears- The charge defined can be collected in arrears. The overdue charge compo-
nent is always collected in arrears irrespective of preferences defined.

Frequency & Cascade Scheduling

Cheque the Cascade scheduling option if you wish subsequent schedule days to be
recalculated when a particular schedule day is shifted. If you do not select this option, then

the original schedule is maintained. This Cheque box is enabled only if you have chosen to
allow bulk input of PDCs.

PDC Realization
Select the type of PDC realization from the following options:
 Auto- Select this option for the automatic “movement of funds to collected” as a batch
on the Customer Float day.
 Manual- Select this option for the manual “movement of funds to collected”.

Product Restrictions
Branch and Currency restriction preference can be defined on Post Dated Cheques Product
Definition (Preferences sub-screen) with a new tab "Product Restrictions”
 Branch Restriction: From the provided options, select Disallowed or Allowed.
 Currency Restriction: From the provided options, select Disallowed or Allowed.

Loan Details
Create Loan
Check this box to create a loan automatically. When a financed PDC check is returned from
clearing, a loan will be created based on the loan product and parameters captured at PDC

If ‘Create Loan’ field is checked and if PDC type is not External PDC, then the system displays
an error message as ‘Create Loan option should be selected only for External PDC’.

While saving the PDC product, if ‘Create Loan’ field is checked and PDC type is External PDC
but change of operations is not selected, the system displays an error message as ‘Create
Loan option should be selected for External PDC and Discount / Purchase Operation’.

Loan Product
Specify the loan product. Alternatively, you can select the loan product from the option list.
The list displays all valid bearing type loan products maintained in the system.

If the loan product value is captured when ‘Create Loan’ field is not checked, the system
displays an error message as ‘Loan Product should not be captured when create loan is not

If ‘Create Loan’ field is checked but loan product value is not captured, the system displays
an error message as ‘Loan product is mandatory if create loan flag is selected’.

Check Available Balance

Select the balance availability check that you want to perform. The options are as follows:
 Verify Balance-To verify the available balance of the customer
 Without Verify Balance - To create a loan for finance outstanding amount without veri-
fying the customer balance

If create loan is not checked but verify balance is selected, the system displays an error
message as ‘Verify Balance option to be chosen if create loan flag is selected’.

Loan Amount
Select the loan amount. The options are as follows:
 Instrument Amount- To create loan for instrument amount
 Total Outstanding Amount-To create loan for total outstanding amount (Instrument
amount + any other charges)

14.3 Post Dated Cheque Transaction
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 14.3.1, "Entering Details of Post Dated Cheques"
 Section 14.3.2, "Viewing Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input summary"
 Section 14.3.3, "Accounting Entries Button"
 Section 14.3.4, "ICCF Details Button"
 Section 14.3.5, "Limits Button"
 Section 14.3.6, "Viewing Summary of Post Dated Cheques Transaction"
 Section 14.3.7, "Bulk Input of Post Dated Cheques"
 Section 14.3.8, "Project Details Button"
 Section 14.3.9, "Viewing Post Dated Cheques Bulk Input Summary"

14.3.1 Entering Details of Post Dated Cheques

You can invoke the ‘Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input’ screen by typing ‘PDDTRONL’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

Transaction Reference Number

Specify the Transaction Reference Number of the post dated cheque.

Product Code
From the option list of product codes that you have created in the Product Definition screen,
specify the PDC product code that has to be used for the Cheque.

Remitter Account Number

This is the account which has to be debited for clearing the Cheque. Depending on the PDC
type, you will have to select the following values for the remitter account:
 If the PDC type is ‘Own A/c PDC’, the remitter account should be a valid customer ac-
 If the PDC type is ‘PDC issued by the bank’, the remitter account can either be a GL or
Nostro account
 If the PDC type is ‘External PDC’, the remitter account should be a valid GL

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Remitter Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Branch Code
Specify the code for the branch that has issued the post dated cheques. Alternatively, you can
select the branch code from the option list. The list displays all valid branch codes maintained
in the system i.e both current branch code and other branch codes.

Beneficiary Account Number

Specify the Beneficiary account number in favour of which the PDC is drawn. Alternatively you
can select the beneficiary account number from the option list. The list displays all valid
beneficiary account number maintained in the system for the specified branch code

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Beneficiary Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Amount and Currency

From the option list, select the currency in which the PDC is denominated. Also specify the
amount of the PDC.
Value Date
Specify the date on which the PDC was deposited.

Cheque Date
Specify the date on which the cheque is issued.

Financing Account
Specify the financing account number linked to the PDC. Alternatively, you can select the
financing account from the option list. The list displays all valid financing account maintained
in the system for the current branch..

For this loan account, if the customer pays an advance instalment or makes an early
settlement, the system will delete the outstanding cheques. A report of such cancelled
cheques is generated on a daily basis.

Drawer Identification
Specify the unique drawer Id here.

Beneficiary Name
The system displays the name of the specified beneficiary based on the details maintained at
‘Customer Maintenance’ level.

Specify the reason for cancellation of post dated cheque.

Event Sequence Number

Specify the event sequence number for processing a post dated cheque.

Source Code
User Reference
Specify the user reference number. This is a mandatory field.

External Reference Number

Specify the external reference number while processing a post dated cheque.

Instrument Number
This is the PDC number. If PDC type is External, this number should be unique for the given
clearing branch & bank.

Clearing Details

In the fields provided, enter / select the:

Clearing product
Select the product that is ready for clearing.

Issuer Branch
Select the branch that is issuing the post dated Cheques.

Clearing Bank
Select the bank that is clearing the post dated Cheques issued.

Clearing Branch
Select the branch that is clearing the post dated Cheques issued.

Sector Code
Select the code of the sector that is processing the post dated Cheques,

Issuer Bank
Select the bank that is issuing the post dated Cheques.

Bulk Transaction Reference Number

Specify the bulk transaction number that is used in transactions.

For detailed field explanation on End Point & Routing Number, refer to the Clearing User

The clearing details are needed only for External type PDCs.

Discount/Purchase details
Select the operation from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:
 Purchase- Select this option if the Activation date is current date and when selected,
CPUR event will be fired.
 Discount - Select this option if the Activation date is future date and when selected, the
event CDIS will be fired.

A validation will be done for the operations while saving the PDC transaction.

Specify the Purchase / discount amount. The full amount of the PDC will be the discount

Cheque Status
Select the status of the cheque from the adjoining drop-down list.

The available options are:

 Normal – This is a normal cheque which is not discounted / purchased. For this you
should choose the ‘null’ option.
 Discounted – This status is set to Discounted, when the operation is selected as Dis-
 Purchased - This status is set to Purchased, when the operation is selected as Pur-
 Collection – When a normal cheque launched for collection (Activation of PDC)
 Collection after Discount - When a Discounted cheque launched for collection (Activa-
tion of PDC)
 Collection after Purchase - When a Purchased cheque launched for collection (Activa-
tion of PDC)
 Returned – When the cheque is dishonored/rejected, the status of the PDC would be
updated to ‘Returned ‘
 Passed - When the status of the funds is marked as collected, the status of the PDC will
be updated as ‘Passed’.
 Pullback – When the pullback operation is performed the cheque status will be Pullback.

Interest Computation Dates

Select the appropriate dates for interest computation from the adjoining list.

From date
Select the date from which the interest computation has to start, from the adjoining calendar
button. These details are allowed only for the CDIS/CPUR event.

To date
Select the date till which the interest should be collected for discount, from the adjoining
calendar button .It is arrived by adding the days from the date of discounting till the activation
date + number of float days of customer value date defined in the ARC maintenance for the
clearing product defined for a PDC product.

Charge Payable Details

You need to enter the following details for the processing of charges for the PDC:

Charge Branch
Select the branch in which the charge payable account is maintained.

Indicate the current status of the PDC by selecting from the following values:
 U : Unprocessed
 A : Active (Initiated)
 V : Reversed
 L: Liquidated
 C : Cancelled

Charge Account Number

The account which is to be debited for the charge – this is necessary for passing accounting
entries for the charge calculated for any of the events associated with a PDC.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Charge Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Charge Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified charge account number based on the
details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

You have the option of specifying the purpose for which the PDC is issued. This is for
information only.

Specify the currency in which the charge should be calculated.

Activation Date
Enter the date on which the PDC becomes a normal Cheque, that is, the maturity date of the
PDC or the loan linked to PDC. Therefore, this can also be viewed as the value date of the
normal Cheque. The value that you enter here is validated as per the holiday treatment
maintained at the PDC product level. This date should be greater than or equal the current
date & less than the end date specified for this PDC product.

Location of Cheque
Specify the location where the PDCs are held till activation. This is for reporting purposes only.

Actions allowed in the PDC Online screen

 Add: Entering details of a new PDC
 Unlock: Changing details of an unprocessed PDC. You can only modify an unauthor-
ized and unprocessed PDC. If, during modification, you change the amount, activation
date, currency, remitter account number or charge payable details, then the contingent
entries passed during initiation gets deleted and new entries are passed based on the
modification done.
 Delete: Deleting a PDC prior to its first authorization
 Reverse: Reversing a PDC that has been liquidated. Contingent entries passed for the
PDC are reversed.
 Cancellation: Cancelling a PDC that is active but has not been liquidated. The account-
ing entries specified for the cancellation event are passed.

Limits Tracking
Limits Tracking required
If Limits tracking is enabled at product level then this box will be displayed as checked. This
is defaulted from the product and you are allowed to change it. For Discounted and Purchase
operations limits tracking should be checked.

The system will perform the following validations for limit tracking while saving the PDC
 If operation is discount and beneficiary belongs to other branch and Limit tracking is not
selected, the system displays an override message as ‘Limit tracking is not selected. Is
it ok?’.

 If operation is discount and beneficiary belongs to the same branch and Limit tracking
is not selected, the system displays an override message as ‘Limit tracking is not select-
ed. Is it ok?’.

Limit utilization will get updated at liability level, Drawer level and for drawer + customer
Limit tracking for customer will be tracked against limit line captured in ‘Customer Cheque
Discounting’ screen.
Limit tracking for drawer would be tracked against the overall limit for the Liability id cap-
tured at ‘Drawer Maintenance’ screen.
Limit tracking for drawer +customer combination is tracked against the line id captured at
‘Customer Cheque Discounting’ screen.

14.3.2 Viewing Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input summary

You can invoke the ‘Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input’ summary screen by typing
‘PDSTRONL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and
fetch records:
 Transaction reference
 Branch Code
 Instrument Number
 Financing Account
 Authorization Status
 Schedule Date
 Product Code
 Remitter Account Number

 Issuer Bank
 Cheque Status
 Status

Specify the Beneficiary account branch in the branch code field.

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records
meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

 Transaction reference
 Branch Code
 Instrument Number
 Financing Account
 Authorization Status
 Schedule Date
 Product Code
 Remitter Account Number
 Issuer Bank
 Cheque Status
 Event Sequence Number
 Source Code
 External Reference Number
 Clearing Product
 Routing Number
 End Point
 Issuer Branch
 Purpose
 Remarks
 Status Charges Button

Charge parameters specified for a particular product default for the individual PDCs entered
under that product.

You can view these charges for individual PDCs. Click ‘Charges’ button in the ‘Post Dated
Cheques Transaction Input’ screen to invoke the ‘Charge Details’ sub-screen.

14.3.3 Accounting Entries Button

Click ‘Accounting Entries’ button in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input’ screen to
invoke the ‘Accounting Entries’ sub-screen. You can view the accounting entries and
overrides specified for the individual PDCs.

14.3.4 ICCF Details Button

Click the ‘ICCF Details button in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input’ screen to invoke
the ‘ICCF Details’ sunscreen.

The following fields are displayed here:
 Grace Period
 Contract Reference Number
 Component
 Currency
 Event
 Rate Type
 Maximum Rate
 Minimum Rate
 Customer Margin
 Interest Periods
 Fixed Rate
 Rate Code
 Description
 Interest Amount
 Spread

14.3.5 Limits Button

Click the ‘Limits’ button in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input’ screen to invoke the
‘Linkage Details’ screen. You can capture multiple credit lines in this screen.

Specify the following details:

Customer Number
Specify the customer number. The adjoining option list displays all the valid customer names
maintained in the screen. You can choose the appropriate one.

Linkage Type
Specify the linkage type from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the following
 Facility (credit line)
 Pool
 Collateral

Linked Reference
Specify the linkage reference number based on the type of linkage. You can specify the
 If you have selected linkage type as ‘Facility’ then you have to enter facility code in the
Linkage reference number.
 If you have selected linkage type as ‘Pool’ then you have to enter collateral pool code
in the Linkage reference number field.
 If you have selected linkage type as ‘Collateral’ then you have to enter collateral code
in the Linkage reference number field.

Linkage Percentage
Specify the percentage of contribution that needs to be tracked for each Credit Line or
Collateral Pool.

The total sum of ‘Percentage of Contribution’ should be equal to 100%, excluding the line
for joint venture customers. If the total sum is not equal to 100%, then the system will raise
an error message as “‘Sum total of Limits Percentage should be 100”.

Linkage Amount
The system displays the amount contributed for the credit line.

14.3.6 Viewing Summary of Post Dated Cheques Transaction

You can query, view and delete the transaction details of the post dated cheques in the ‘Post
Dated Cheques Transaction Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘PDSONLIN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can query on post dated cheques based on any one or all of the following criteria:
 Transaction Reference Number
 Branch Code
 Instrument Number
 Loan Account Number
 Product Code
 Remitter Account Number
 Issuer Bank
 Cheque Status
 Schedule Due Date

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:

 Transaction Reference Number
 Event Sequence Number
 Source Code
 External Reference
 Product Code
 Branch Code
 Remitter Account Number
 Beneficiary Account Number
 Instrument Number
 Currency
 Amount
 Value Date
 Clearing Product
 Routing Number
 End Point
 Issuer Bank
 Issuer Branch
 Purpose
 Activation Date
 Location of Cheque
 Record Status
 Status
 Loan Account Number
 Remarks

14.3.7 Bulk Input of Post Dated Cheques

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows bulk inputs of PDCs with different due dates. You can invoke the
‘Post Dated Cheques Bulk Input’ screen by typing ‘PDDBLKIN’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The fields in this screen are the same as those in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Transaction Input’
screen mentioned above. Additionally, you have to specify the number of instruments, the
instrument number frequency and the activation date frequency, i.e., the frequency with which
the PDCs fall due - in days, months and years.

Check in Series
Check this box to enable bulk input of post dated cheques. If this box is not checked, you have
to enter the individual details of the cheque for the same clearing product and currency. If you
check this box, you can specify project details in the ‘Project Details’ screen.

Check in series is supported only when instrument number mask is maintained as numer-

Refer the section ‘Specifying Project Details’ in this User Manual for details about the ‘Project
Details’ screen.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Remitter Account Number or Beneficiary Account
Number field or Charge Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Bulk Input Details

You can input bulk number of cheques even if it is drawn on different accounts and different
amounts here.

The following details are captured here:

Select the operation from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:
 Purchase- Select this option if the Activation date is current date and when selected,
CPUR event will be fired.
 Discount - Select this option if the Activation date is future date and when selected, the
event CDIS will be fired.

A validation will be done for the operations while saving the PDC transaction

Account Description
The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details
maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Branch Code
Specify the code for the branch that has issued the post dated cheques. Alternatively, you can
select the branch code from the option list. The list displays all valid branch codes maintained
in the system i.e both current branch code and other branch codes.

Beneficiary Account Number

Specify the Beneficiary account number in favour of which the PDC is drawn. Alternatively you
can select the beneficiary account number from the option list. The list displays all valid
beneficiary account number maintained in the system for the specified branch code .

Beneficiary Name
The system displays the name of the specified beneficiary based on the details maintained at
‘Customer Maintenance’ level.

Instrument Number
Specify the PDC number. If PDC type is External, this number should be unique for the given
clearing branch and bank.

Specify the amount of the PDC.

Account Number
Specify the loan account number linked to the PDC. The adjoining option list displays all valid
account numbers maintained in CL, MO and LE modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can
choose the appropriate one.

For this loan account, if the customer pays an advance instalment or makes an early
settlement, the system will delete the outstanding cheques. A report of such cancelled
cheques is generated on a daily basis.

Specify the reason for cancellation of post dated cheque.

DP amount
Specify the discount amount. The full amount of the PDC will be the discount amount.

Issuer Bank
Specify the name of the bank of the issuer.

Issuer Branch
Select the branch that is issuing the post dated Cheques.

Activation Date
Specify the date of activation of PDC.

Specify the purpose for which the PDC is issued. This is for information only.

Location of Cheque
Specify the location where the PDCs are held till activation. This is for reporting purposes only.

Charge Branch
Select the branch in which the charge payable account is maintained.

Charge Account Number

The account which is to be debited for the charge – this is necessary for passing accounting
entries for the charge calculated for any of the events associated with a PDC.

Charge Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified charge account number based on the
details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Charge Currency
Specify the currency in which the charge should be calculated.

User Reference
Specify the user reference number. This is a mandatory field.

Cheque Value Date

Specify the value date on which the cheque is issued.

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

If you specify the Unit ID, the system will display the corresponding project name here.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Schedule Date
Select the due date of the schedule from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the future
dated unpaid schedule of the loan account for which the debit settlement mode of the
component is PDC.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

If you enter the fields, instrument number frequency, no of entries for a bulk input where the
check in series flag is not selected, an error would be thrown on saving.

You will be able to upload bulk cheque transactions using file upload.

Once you have entered all the details and saved the contract, individual PDC contracts are
created based on the activation date and instrument number frequency you have specified for
the bulk input. The individual contracts become active when you authorize the bulk input, and
can be viewed through the PDC contract online screen.

The actions allowed in this screen are Add and Delete. Delete is allowed only before
authorization. Other actions are performed on individual PDCs through the PDC Online
screen as explained above.

14.3.8 Project Details Button

Click the ‘Project Details’ button in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Bulk Input’ screen to invoke the
‘Project Details’ screen. You will have to capture project details in this screen only if the
beneficiary account is a Trust account.

Specify the following details:

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

If you specify the Unit ID, the system will display the corresponding project name here.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

14.3.9 Viewing Post Dated Cheques Bulk Input Summary

You can query, view and delete the transaction details of the post dated cheques bulk inputs
in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Bulk Input Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by
typing ‘PDSBULKI’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can query on post dated cheques transaction details based on any one or all of the
following criteria:
 Authorization Status
 Transaction Reference Number
 Record Status

 Loan Account Number

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them.
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Transaction Reference Number
 Sector Code
 External Reference
 Number of Entries
 Product Code
 Branch Code
 Remitter Account Number
 Beneficiary Account Number
 Instrument Number
 Currency
 Issuer Bank
 Issuer Branch
 Charge Branch
 Charge Account Number
 Charge Currency
 Account Number
 Remarks
 Processing of PDCs that you have entered

Oracle FLEXCUBE initiates unprocessed PDCs as per product definition on authorization.

The status for the PDCs is set to ‘Active’ and contingent entries are passed.

14.4 Other Operations on PDCs

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 14.4.1, "Cancellation and Reversal of PDCs"
 Section 14.4.2, "Liquidation of PDCs"
 Section 14.4.3, "Return of Post Dated Cheque"
 Section 14.4.4, "Re-Presentation of Post Dated Cheque"

14.4.1 Cancellation and Reversal of PDCs

An active PDC can be cancelled before liquidation. You can cancel a post dated cheque using
‘Post Dated Cheques Reject’ screen. Invoke ‘Post Dated Cheque Reject Summary’ screen by

typing ‘PDSONREJ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

You can set the required parameters and search the records. Select the record that you wish
to reverse or cancel. Further, click ‘Cancel or Reverse’ button.

You can specify the following details:

Contract Reference
The system displays the reference number of the post dated cheque transaction.

Reject Code
Specify the code that identifies the reason for cheque rejection/ cancellation. The option list
displays all valid reject codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Reject Reason
Based on the reject code selected, the system displays the reason for rejection/ cancellation.

To cancel the cheque, click ‘Cancel’ button. To reverse the cheque, click ‘Reverse’ button.

On cancellation, the accounting entries you defined for the CANL event are passed.

After the PDC has been liquidated, you also have the option to reverse it, by selecting
‘Reverse’ from the Actions menu in the Application toolbar or clicking reverse icon. All
accounting entries passed for the PDC will be reversed.

Oracle FLEXCUBE cancels the outstanding PDCs that are linked to loan after the prepayment
of the loan. If you want to cancel the PDC after the partial prepayment, you will have to cancel
manually through the ‘Post Dated Cheque Transaction Input’ screen. If you want to reverse
the prepayment and authorization, you will have to manually link the cancelled loan payment
through ‘Post Dated Cheque Transaction Input’ screen.

The system will generate advices when the PDC is cancelled. This advice contains the
message type ‘PD_PDC_CAN’ with ‘PD’ module. Bulk Cancellation of PDCs

The system can cancel all the post dated cheques of the loan account whose Schedule due
date is greater than the Schedule date entered in the screen and which are yet to be sent for
collection. You can cancel the PDCs using the ‘Loan Account PDC – Bulk Cancellation’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘PDDBULKC’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Reference No
The system displays the Reference Number of the transaction.

Customer Id
Select the Customer Id from the adjoining option list.

Customer Name
The system displays the Customer Name of the selected customer id.

Schedule Date
Specify the Schedule date.

Account No
Select the Account Number from the adjoining option list.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account No field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays
the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

14.4.2 Liquidation of PDCs

PDCs that have reached or are past their activation date are liquidated as part of beginning-
of-day batch process in Oracle FLEXCUBE. For PDCs with ‘Active’ status, the system
performs the following actions on liquidation:
 Reverse contingent entries if any were passed
 Update status to Liquidated
 Log the instrument with Clearing, if necessary
 Call Accounts Rates Charge (ARC) upload to create a Cheque deposit transaction as
per the ARC product set up for the PDC.
 Failed transactions are logged as exceptions

An active PDC can also be manually liquidated, on or after its activation date. To manually
liquidate a PDC, select ‘Liquidate’ in the Application toolbar or click liquidate icon. Manual Realization of PDCs

There are two possible ways of PDC realization based on the product setup:
 Auto Realization
 Manual Realization – For early/late realization

You can invoke the ‘Post Dated Cheques Manual Realization’ screen by typing ‘PDDMNLIQ’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow
button. PDC Manual Realization is query screen where you can enter the ‘Reference number’
of the clearing transaction.

You can initiate the movement of funds to collect manually and can enter the ‘Reference
number’ of the clearing transaction.

Transaction Reference Number

Specify the Transaction Reference Number of the post dated cheque.

Product Code
From the option list of product codes that you have created in the Product Definition screen,
specify the PDC product code that has to be used for the Cheque.

Remitter Account Number

This is the account which has to be debited for clearing the Cheque. Depending on the PDC
type, you can select the following values for the remitter account:
 If the PDC type is ‘Own A/c PDC’, the remitter account should be a valid customer ac-
 If the PDC type is ‘PDC issued by the bank’, the remitter account can either be a GL or
Nostro account
 If the PDC type is ‘External PDC’, the remitter account should be a valid GL

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Remitter Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Beneficiary Account Number

This is the number of the account, in favor of which the PDC is drawn. If the customer draws
a PDC on his account for depositing into another account held in your bank, then you can
enter the beneficiary account number here. The beneficiary account can either be a valid
customer account or a valid GL.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Beneficiary Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Amount and Currency

From the option list, select the currency in which the PDC is denominated. Also specify the
amount of the PDC.

Value Date
Specify the date on which the PDC was deposited.

Loan Account Number

Specify the unique loan account number. Alternatively, you can select the loan account
number from the option list. The list displays all valid loan account number for the current

Drawer Identification
Specify a drawer Id here.

Cheque Date
Specify the date on which the cheque is issued.

User Reference
Specify the user reference number. This is a mandatory field.

Specify the explanation for the cancellation of post dated cheque.

Event Sequence Number

Specify the event sequence number for processing a post dated cheque.

Source Code
Specify the source code for processing a post dated cheque.

Branch Code
Specify the code for the branch that has issued the post dated cheques. Alternatively, you can
select the branch code from the option list. The list displays all valid branch codes maintained
in the system i.e both current branch code and other branch codes

External Reference Number

Specify the external reference number while processing a post dated cheque.

Instrument Number
This is the PDC number. If PDC type is External, this number should be unique for the given
clearing branch & bank.

Clearing Details

In the fields provided, enter / select the:

Clearing product
Select the product that is ready for clearing.

Issuer Branch
Select the branch that is issuing the post dated Cheques.

Clearing Bank
Select the bank that is clearing the post dated Cheques issued.

Clearing Branch
Select the branch that is clearing the post dated Cheques issued.

Sector Code
Select the code of the sector that is processing the post dated Cheques,

Issuer Bank
Select the bank that is issuing the post dated Cheques.

Bulk Transaction Reference Number

Specify the bulk transaction number that is used in transactions.

For detailed field explanation on End Point & Routing Number, refer to the Clearing User

The clearing details are needed only for External type PDCs.

Charge Payable Details

You need to enter the following details for the processing of charges for the PDC:

Charge Branch
Select the branch in which the charge payable account is maintained.

Indicate the current status of the PDC by selecting from the following values:
 U - Unprocessed
 A - Active (Initiated)
 V - Reversed
 L - Liquidated
 C - Cancelled

Charge Account Number

The account which is to be debited for the charge – this is necessary for passing accounting
entries for the charge calculated for any of the events associated with a PDC.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Charge Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The
system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

You have the option of specifying the purpose for which the PDC is issued. This is for
information only.

Specify the currency in which the charge should be calculated.

Move funds to be collected

Check this box to trigger the realization of funds to customer account manually.

Check this box only when the funds are not in collected stage and when the cheque status is
not rejected. Checking this field in any other scenarios, will throw an error while saving.

Drawer ID
Specify the drawer Id. This adjoining option list displays all valid drawer Ids maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Also if you enter the fields, instrument number frequency, no of entries for a bulk input where
the check in series box is not selected, an error will be thrown while saving.

The following operations are also allowed for this screen after the query operation.
 Unlock
 Save
 Authorization
 Unlock: Changing details of an unprocessed PDC. You can only modify an unauthorized
and unprocessed PDC. If, during modification, you change the amount, activation date,
currency, remitter account number or charge payable details, then the contingent en-
tries passed during initiation gets deleted and new entries are passed based on the
modification done.

14-40 Limits Button

Click the ‘Limits’ button in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Manual Liquidation’ screen to invoke the
‘Linkage Details’ screen. You can capture multiple credit lines in this screen.

Specify the following details:

Customer Number
Specify the customer number. The adjoining option list displays all the valid customer names
maintained in the screen. You can choose the appropriate one.

Linkage Type
Specify the linkage type from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the following
 Facility (credit line)
 Pool
 Collateral
Linked Reference
Specify the linkage reference number based on the type of linkage. You can specify the
 If you have selected linkage type as ‘Facility’ then you have to enter facility code in the
Linkage reference number.
 If you have selected linkage type as ‘Pool’ then you has to enter collateral pool code in
the Linkage reference number field.
 If you have selected linkage type as ‘Collateral’ then you have to enter collateral code
in the Linkage reference number field.

Linkage Percentage
Specify the percentage of contribution that needs to be tracked for each Credit Line or
Collateral Pool.

The total sum of ‘Percentage of Contribution’ should be equal to 100%, excluding the line
for joint venture customers. If the total sum is not equal to 100%, then the system will raise
an error message as “Sum total of Limits Percentage should be 100”.

Linkage Amount
The system displays the amount contributed for the credit line.

14.4.3 Return of Post Dated Cheque

When a financed PDC cheque is returned from clearing, the system will trigger ‘RETN’ event
at PDC. When Create loan field in the ‘Post Dated Cheques Product Preference’ screen is not
checked, then when a cheque is returned from the clearing, the system will process the debit
from the past due account maintained in the ‘Customer cheque Discounting Maintenance
Screen’. During return if limits are maintained then utilization will be updated.

When Create loan field is checked, and when a financed PDC cheque is returned from
clearing then the cheque status will be updated as ‘Returned’ and system will create loan.

Following validations will be performed if Create loan field is checked:

 If Verify balance option is selected and Loan amount option is selected as Instrument
amount, then the system will verify the available balance of the customer to the extent
of instrument amount. And if the available balance is sufficient, the system will not cre-
ate loan and debits the customer account to recover the instrument amount. If the avail-
able balance is not sufficient, then the system will debit the customer account to the
extent of available balance and will create loan for the remaining Instrument amount.
 If verify balance option is selected and Loan amount is selected as total outstanding
amount, then the system will verify the available balance of the customer to the extent
of total outstanding amount. And if the available balance is sufficient, the system will not
create loan and debits the customer account to recover the total outstanding amount. If
the available balance is not sufficient, then the system will debit the customer account
to the extent of available balance and will create loan for the remaining Total outstand-
ing amount.
 If without verify option is selected and Loan amount option is selected as Instrument
amount, then the system will create loan for instrument amount without verifying the
available balance.
 If without verify option is selected and Loan amount option is selected as Total outstand-
ing amount, then the system will create loan for Total outstanding amount without veri-
fying the available balance.

During Loan creation:

 The system will pass ‘PDE Account’ as debit settlement account to the loan module.
This will be used as settlement account during loan repayment.
 The system will pass ‘BRIDGE GL’ as credit settlement account to the loan module. This
will be used as credit account during loan disbursement.

14.4.4 Re-Presentation of Post Dated Cheque

User can re-present a post dated cheque that is returned or bounced. The system supports
re-presentation of cheques when returned.

14.5 Events and Accounting Roles

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 14.5.1, "Events"
 Section 14.5.2, "Amount Tags"
 Section 14.5.3, "Accounting Roles"
 Section 14.5.4, "Event-wise Accounting Entries"

 Section 14.5.5, "Discounted cheque, Advance Charge collection, with Accrual"
 Section 14.5.5, "Discounted cheque, Advance Charge collection, with Accrual"
 Section 14.5.6, "Discounted, Advance charge collection, without Accrual"
 Section 14.5.7, "Discounted, Arrear charge collection, with Accrual"
 Section 14.5.8, "Discounted, Arrear charge collection, without Accrual"
 Section 14.5.9, "Purchase"

This section has event-wise accounting entries for PDC module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

14.5.1 Events

The following is an exhaustive list of events that can take place during the lifecycle of a PDC.
In the subsequent paragraphs we shall examine the accounting entries for the various events
listed below:

Module Event Code

PD ACCR Accrual of

PD CANL Cancellation
of PDC

PD CDIS Discounting
of PDC.

PD CPUR Purchase of

PD INIT Initiation of

PD LIQN Liquidation
of PDC

PD PULL Pull back of


PD RADJ Relalization
of PDC

PD RETN Returning of

14.5.2 Amount Tags

Representative set of amount tags are listed below:

Module Amount Tags Description

PD PD_TAG Instrument Amount

PD PD_LIQN PDC Liquidation

PD PD_CAN PDC Cancellation Amount Tag for


PD PD_CHG_TAG PDC Amount Tag for Charges

PD PD_LOAN_TAG Loan Amount

PD PD_RETN_TAG PDC Return Amount






PD PDCHG1 Exec Fees











14.5.3 Accounting Roles

Representative set of accounting roles are listed below:

Accounting Role Description

BRIDGE_GL Bridge GL between PDC and Loan

CHECK DISCOUNTING Check discounting Asset

CLG BRIDGE GL Clearing Bridge Suspense GL


PDC_BEN Beneficiary

PDC_CANCELCHG PDC Charges for Cancellation - Bank


PDC_CANLCHGCUST PDC Charges for Cancellation - Cus-

tomer Expense

PDC_CHARGE Charge Income GL

PDC_CHG_CUST Charge Account

PDC_ISSUE Contingent Liability

PDC_ISSUE_CONTR Contingent Asset

PDC_RECEV Contingent Asset

PDC_RECEV_CONTR Contingent Liability

PDC_REM Remitter

14.5.4 Event-wise Accounting Entries

Accounting entries for various events are mentioned in the below table:

Event Code: INIT








Event Code: CDIS






PDC_BEN <Component>_LIQD D

<Component>RIA <Component>_LIQD C

Event Code: CPUR







Event Code: ACCR


<Component>REC <Component>_ACCR D

<Component>INC <Component>_ACCR C

<Component>INC <Component>_ACCR C

<Component>RIA <Component>_ACCR D

Event Code: CANL





<Component>RIA PD_TAG D



Event Code: LIQN










Event Code: PULL








<Component>INC <Component>_LIQD C

<Component>RIA <Component>_LIQD D

PDC_BEN <Component>_REF C

<Component>RIA <Component>_REF D



Event Code: RADJ


PDC_BEN <Component>_LIQD D

<Component>RIA <Component>_LIQD C

<Component>INC <Component>_LIQD C

<Component>RIA <Component>_LIQD D

Event Code: RETN








<Component>INC <Component>_LIQD C

14.5.5 Discounted cheque, Advance Charge collection, with Accrual

Event: CDIS

Check discounted PD_TAG Dr

Customer PD_TAG Cr

Customer <Interest comp>_LIQD Dr

RIA <Interest comp>_LIQD Cr

Event: PULL


Customer PD_TAG Dr

Income <Interest comp> _LIQD Cr


Customer <Interest comp> _LIQD    Cr



Customer PD_CHG_TAG Dr


Event: RETN

Customer PD_TAG Dr

Cheque discounted PD_TAG Cr

RIA <interest comp>_Adj Dr

Income <interest comp>_Adj Cr

Event: ACCR

RIA <Interest comp> _ACCR Dr

Income <Interest comp> _ACCR Cr

14.5.6 Discounted, Advance charge collection, without Accrual

Event: CDIS

Check discounted PD_TAG Dr

Customer PD_TAG Cr

Customer <Interest comp>_LIQD Dr

RIA <Interest comp>_LIQD Cr

Event: PULL

Cheque discounted PD_TAG                      Cr

Customer PD_TAG                      Dr

RIA <interest comp>_Ref Dr

Customer <interest comp>_Ref Cr

Customer PD_CHG_TAG            Dr

RIA <interest comp>_LIQD Dr

PD_PULLINC   PD_CHG_TAG            Cr

PDC_ISSUE           PD_TAG                       Cr

PDC_ISSUE_CONTR   PD_TAG                       Dr

Income <interest comp>_LIQD Cr

RIA <interest comp>_LIQD Dr

Event: RETN

Customer PD_TAG Dr

Cheque discounted PD_TAG Cr

RIA <interest comp>_LIQD Dr

Income <interest comp>_LIQD Cr

Event: RADJ

RIA <Interest comp> _LIQD Dr

Income <Interest comp> _LIQD Cr

14.5.7 Discounted, Arrear charge collection, with Accrual

Event: CDIS

Cheque discounted PD_TAG Dr

Customer PD_TAG Cr

Event: PULL

Cheque Discounting    PD_TAG CR

Customer PD_TAG                           DR

Income <Interest comp> _LIQD     CR

Customer   <Interest comp> _LIQD    CR

PDC_ISSUE PD_TAG                           CR

PDC_ISSUE_CONTR PD_TAG                           DR

Customer PD_CHG_TAG                 DR

PD_PULLINC PD_CHG_TAG                 CR

Event: RETN

Customer PD_TAG Dr

Cheque discounted PD_TAG Cr

Customer <Interest comp> _LIQD Dr

Interest Receivable <Interest comp> _LIQD Cr

Event: ACCR

Income <Interest comp> _ACCR Dr

Interest Receivable <Interest comp> _ACCR Dr

Event: RADJ

Customer    <Interest comp> _LIQD Dr

Interest Receivable <Interest comp> _LIQD Cr

14.5.8 Discounted, Arrear charge collection, without Accrual

Event: CDIS

Cheque Discounted PD_TAG Dr

Customer PD_TAG Cr

Event: PULL

Cheque Discounting PD_TAG Cr

Customer PD_TAG Dr

Income <Interest comp> _LIQD     CR

Customer                      <Interest comp> _LIQD     CR

PDC_ISSUE                     PD_TAG CR


Customer PD_CHG_TAG                  DR

PD_PULLINC                   PD_CHG_TAG                  CR

Event: RETN

Customer PD_TAG Dr

Cheque discounted PD_TAG Cr

Customer <Interest comp> _LIQD Dr

Income <Interest comp> _LIQD Cr

Event: RADJ

Customer <Interest comp> _LIQD Dr

Income <Interest comp> _LIQD Cr

14.5.9 Purchase
Event: CPUR

Cheque Discounted PD_TAG Dr

Customer PD_TAG Cr

Event: RETN

Customer PD_TAG Dr

Cheque discounted PD_TAG Cr

Event: RADJ

Customer <Charge comp> _LIQD Dr

<Charge_comp>_REC <Charge comp> _LIQD Cr

15. Instrument Details
Instrument transactions entered through an Oracle FLEXCUBE branch are stored in the host
Oracle FLEXCUBE database through the Instrument details screen.

The Instruments module of Oracle FLEXCUBE provides for the maintenance of appropriate
reference information, which would enable entry of instrument transactions from an Oracle
FLEXCUBE, and also enable you to view and enrich transactions that have been entered
through a Branch.

The accounting and charges details for combinations of product, customer, branch and
currency, that will be applicable for instruments transactions, must be maintained in the host
Oracle FLEXCUBE installation, through the ARC Maintenance.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 15.1, "Maintaining Instrument Types for Other Banks"
 Section 15.2, "Message Generation for Instruments"
 Section 15.3, "Uncollected Funds on Payment Instruments"

15.1 Maintaining Instrument Types for Other Banks

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates maintenance of issuance performed by other banks. For
maintaining instruments types on behalf of other banks, invoke the Banker Cheques/Demand
Drafts – Issuer Banks Details screen from the Application Browser. You can invoke the
‘Banker Cheques/Demand Drafts – Issuer Banks Details’ screen by typing ‘DEDDRISB’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

In this screen you can enter certain basic details of the instrument. They are:
 The Bank Code and the description of the bank
 The Currency in which the instrument is being issued
 The instrument type

 The DAO (Draft Advice Outstanding) branch where the instrument is being issued from.
 The DAO account which will get credited for the instrument issued as per the currency
and DAO branch.
 The parameters for the instruments issued by another bank:
– The code for the branch issuing the instrument
– The description for the branch
– The DAO branch where the instrument is being issued from
– The DAO account which will get credited for the instrument issued as per the cur-
rency and DAO branch.
– The payable limit for the instrument issued on behalf of another bank. You can set
a limit for each instrument type. In case the instrument issued for the issuer bank
exceeds this limit, the system displays an error message ‘Transaction amount is
more than the payable limit’.

– For the Instrument Type, Telegraph Transfer, you can liquidate it in Payable branch
only, whereas refund and cancel operation can be performed in any branch.
– For the Instrument Type, Demand Draft and Banker’s Cheque, you can refund, can-
cel and liquidation in any branch.

15.2 Message Generation for Instruments

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 15.2.1, "MT110 and MT111 Generation"
 Section 15.2.2, "Processing MT110 and MT111"
 Section 15.2.3, "Mapping between Common Payment Gateway Fields and Instruments"

15.2.1 MT110 and MT111 Generation

MT110 and MT111 will be generated from Instruments module.

 MT110 is generated whenever a foreign currency draft is issued from Instruments mod-
ule and the message is sent to the bank on which the draft is drawn.
 MT111 is generated whenever a foreign currency draft is marked for stop payment and
is sent to the bank where the draft is payable

15.2.2 Processing MT110 and MT111

Message type DD_ISSUE will be used to generate MT110 and DD_STOP_PMNT for MT111.
You can link these message types to products in the DD status maintenance. In the DD status
maintenance these message types will be input across the INIT and the STOP statuses. If
DD_ISSUE is linked to an INIT product the existing message DEMDRAFT also will get printed
along with MT110. Since this messages are going to be generated only for DD’s issued in
currencies other that USD and CAD separate instrument type has to be maintained for issuing
DD’s in other currency. This is because the message and product linkage is in the DD status
maintenance. The receiver of the message will be the BIC code for the customer of the
NOSTRO account / Credit Account.

The receiver will be obtained in the following way.

 The credit account specified as the DAO account would be picked as the receiver. The
offset account is credited along with the debit of remitter account

 A DAO account needs to be maintained in the Teller-> Demand draft details for each
bank +branch +currency combination
 The related customer of the credit account thus obtained will be determined
 The Swift address / BIC code for the customer will be obtained from the customer ad-
dress/BIC directory

MT 110 and MT 111 generated will not have any funding advice. The fields 53A and 54A will
not be populated for these messages.

The population of the tags of MT110 and MT111 will be as follows.

MT110 –
The receiver of MT110 will be the BIC for the customer corresponding to the Nostro a/c of the
Liquidation product’s ARC setup.

Message Text Message Contents

Transaction Reference Number 20: Contract Reference Number of the DD transaction

Number of the cheque 21: Instrument Number from the DD transaction

Date the cheque was issued 30: Instrument Date from DD transaction

Currency and Amount of Cheque 32B: Instrument Currency, Instrument Amount

Payee of the cheque 59. Beneficiary Name

The receiver of the MT111 will be the BIC for the customer corresponding to the Nostro a/c of
the liquidation product’s ARC setup.

Message Text Message Contents

Transaction Reference Number 20: Contract Reference Number of the DD transaction

Number of the cheque 21: Instrument Number from the DD transaction

Date the cheque was issued 30: Instrument date from DD transaction

Currency and amount of cheque 32B: Instrument Currency, Instrument Amount

Payee of the cheque 59: Beneficiary Name

15.2.3 Mapping between Common Payment Gateway Fields and Instruments

The following table gives the mapping between the common payment gateway fields and the
fields supported by Instruments. This mapping is maintained in the system using the message
type – product category / product mapping screen.

Common Payment Gateway Field Instruments Field

Source Reference External Reference

Source Code Source Code

Queue Not mapped

Amount Instrument Amount

Common Payment Gateway Field Instruments Field

Value Date Instrument Date

Currency Instrument Currency

Status Not mapped

Error Reason Not mapped

Contract Reference Number Not mapped (Generated upon upload)

Customer Account Number Account Number

Customer Account Currency Account Currency

Customer Amount Amount in Account Currency

Customer Value Date Not mapped

Counterparty Account Number Beneficiary Account

Counterparty Currency Beneficiary Account Currency

Counterparty Amount Offset Amount

Counterparty Value Date Not mapped

Exchange Rate Exchange Rate

By Order Of (5 Columns) Not mapped

Our Correspondent (5 Columns) Not mapped

Receiver’s Correspondent (5 Columns) Not mapped

Intermediary (5 Columns) Not mapped

Account With Institution (5 Columns) Not mapped

Beneficiary Institution1 Beneficiary Name

Beneficiary Institution 2 Beneficiary Address Line 1

Beneficiary Institution 3 Beneficiary Address Line 2

Beneficiary Institution 4 Beneficiary Address Line 3

Beneficiary Institution 5 Beneficiary Address Line 4

Payment Details (5 Columns) Not mapped

Sender to Receiver Information (5 Columns) Not mapped

Bank Operation Code Not mapped

Instruction Code Not mapped

Related Reference Number Not mapped

Reject Code Not mapped

Common Payment Gateway Field Instruments Field

Reject Details Not mapped

UDF_1 Instrument Number

UDF_2 DD MICR Number

UDF_3 Instrument Status

UDF_4 Identifier Name 1

UDF_5 Identifier Value 1

UDF_6 Identifier Name 2

UDF_7 Identifier Value 2

UDF_8 Identifier Name 3

UDF_9 Identifier Value 3

UDF_10 Identifier Name 4

UDF_11 Identifier Value 4

UDF_12 Identifier Name 5

UDF_13 Identifier Value 5

UDF_14 Identifier Name 6

UDF_15 Identifier Value 6

UDF_16 Charge Account

UDF_17 Expiry Date

Modification Number Modification Number


UDF_19 Reissued Flag

UDF_20 Original Draft Number

UDF_21 Reissue Remarks

UDF_22 Reissued Draft Number

UDF_23 Transaction Date

UDF_24 Beneficiary Customer Number

UDF_25 Print Status

UDF_26 Payable Bank

UDF_27 Copy of instrument printed

UDF_28 Offset Account

Common Payment Gateway Field Instruments Field

UDF_29 Offset Currency

UDF_30 Narrative

Maker Id Maker Id

Maker Date Stamp Maker Date Stamp

Authorizer Id Authorizer Id

Chequeer Date Stamp Chequeer Date Stamp

Record Status Record Status

Authorization Status Authorization Status

Authorized Once flag Authorized Once flag

Message Type Not mapped

Branch Code Payable Branch

Version Number Version Number

Latest Version Number Not mapped

Customer Account Branch Account Branch

Counterparty Account Branch Offset Branch

15.3 Uncollected Funds on Payment Instruments

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 15.3.1, "Manual Processing for Uncollected Funds"
 Section 15.3.2, "Operations that you can Perform"
 Section 15.3.3, "Intra-day Release of Uncollected Funds"
 Section 15.3.4, "Querying for Details on Overdrawn Accounts"

15.3.1 Manual Processing for Uncollected Funds

Typically, uncollected funds on a payment instrument will be actually cleared after a specified
time interval, depending upon the type of instrument. This is referred to as the ‘availability
information’ for uncollected funds. The availability information is maintained for each kind of
transaction in your bank, represented by transaction codes in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can
manually make available (or release) uncollected funds, before the available date, for credit

You can invoke the ‘Uncollected Funds Release’ screen by typing ‘ACDUNFDR’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the Uncollected Funds Release screen, you can choose to:

 Release the uncollected funds for a credit transaction for which manual release has
been specified, or for which a float period has been specified. You can release the funds
before the available date is reached. The release can be automatic or manual. If auto-
matic, you can specify a To Date, and any transactions whose available date falls be-
tween the application date and specified To Date can be released.
 Specify a new available date for a credit transaction
 Authorize any previous release of uncollected funds for a transaction
 View any credit transactions for which manual release has been specified, or a float pe-
riod has been specified, or in respect of which funds have been previously released and
the release is pending authorization.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the
‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

15.3.2 Operations that you can Perform

The operation you select here is used both to retrieve the transaction in this screen, and for
application of the operation when you select a transaction from the retrieved transaction list.
Once a record is released, the system internally stores the user ID of the person who released
the funds along with the release time. Retrieving a Transaction

To perform any of these operations on a credit transaction, you must first retrieve the
transaction in this screen. To do so, you can employ any of the following means:
 Select the operation you want to perform, by selecting the appropriate radio button in
the Fund Selection section

 Select the release option, either Automatic or Manual, in the Option section. If you spec-
ify an automatic release option, specify a To Date Selecting a Transaction for an Operation

After you have retrieved the transaction, the following details of the transaction are displayed:
 The Available Date
 The Account pertaining to the specified Uncollected Fund
 Reference Number
 Amount of the transaction
 Release details, such as the user that released the transaction, and time of the release

In the list, Cheque the ‘Select’ box in the row of the transaction for which you want to perform
the selected operation, and then click ‘Exit’ button. Making uncollected Funds available before the Available Date

You can use the Uncollected Funds Manual Release screen to indicate that uncollected funds
must be made available before the available date. In this screen, you must first display the
record of the transaction with uncollected funds, unlock it, and make funds available on the
application date, in the manner described above. The system sets the available date for such
a transaction as the application date, thereby ensuring the release of funds. Changing the Available Date for a Transaction with uncollected Funds

In the Uncollected Funds Manual Release screen, you can also choose to change the
available date for a transaction with uncollected funds. To do this, you must first display the
record of the transaction with uncollected funds, unlock it, and specify a new available date in
the Available Date field. The system sets the available date for such a transaction as the new
date you have specified.

You can only specify a future date when you are changing the available date for a transaction
with uncollected funds.

15.3.3 Intra-day Release of Uncollected Funds

During the course of a business day, you can manually release uncollected funds for
transactions that have been posted using a transaction code for which the Intraday Release
option has been enabled, and are due for release on or before the current date. You can do
this by executing the Intraday Funds Release batch process, in the Intraday Funds Release

You can invoke the ‘Intra Day Batch Start’ screen by typing ‘BABIDBAT’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The Beginning of Day process skips the release of uncollected funds in respect of
transactions posted using a transaction code for which the Intraday Release option has been

During the End of Day batch process, uncollected funds for transactions that have been
posted using a transaction code for which the Intraday Release option has been enabled, and
are due for release on or before the current date, are released. This takes place after all the
End of Transaction Input (EOTI) validations are performed.

The EOD batch processing ensures that, if the Intraday Release batch is not run, or the
transactions are posted after the Intraday Release batch is run, and the funds are due to be
released, the same is done. This is done just after performing all pre EOTI validations.

15.3.4 Querying for Details on Overdrawn Accounts

You can query for details of accounts that are overdrawn over limits through the ‘Overdrawn
Accounts Query’ screen.

You can view the following information in this screen:

 Customer Number
 Account Branch
 Account Number
 Account Currency
 Facility Identifier
 Line ID
 Liability Number
 Payable Balance: This is the available balance after taking limits into account. This is
the sum of the temporary overdraft and the minimum of the available amount for the line
and the sub limit.
 Uncollected Funds- the funds which are pending collection on the customer account.
 Uncollected Funds Limit
 Withdrawable Uncollected Funds - this is the uncollected funds that will be released ei-
ther today or with a value date lesser than today. This is determined by your specifica-
tion for the Withdrawable Uncollected Funds Basis at the branch level, subject to
uncollected funds limit at the account level.

– If, for a branch, you have specified the Uncollected Funds Basis as ‘Uncollected’,
then the total of uncollected funds is treated as uncollected funds. If your specifica-
tion is ‘Uncollected funds Avl same day’, then only that amount of uncollected funds
which is available for the current day or any previous day is treated as uncollected
– Overdrawn balance: The sum of payable balance including limits and the with-
drawable uncollected funds subject to uncollected funds limits. The overdrawn bal-
ance should be negative.

– Intraday uncollected fund release batch status

16. Delinquency Maintenance
This chapter contains the following sections:
 Section 16.1, "DQ Product Definition"
 Section 16.2, "DQ Ad hoc Liquidation"
 Section 16.3, "DQ Online Liquidation"
 Section 16.4, "DQ General Parameter Maintenance"
 Section 16.5, "DQ Transaction Amendment"
 Section 16.6, "DQ Product - Penality Rate Maintenance"
 Section 16.7, "Delinquency Processing"

16.1 DQ Product Definition

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 16.1.1, "Maintaining DQ Product Details"
 Section 16.1.2, "Specifying the Accounting Role Details"
 Section 16.1.3, "Specifying the Preferences Details"
 Section 16.1.4, "Specifying the Events Details"
 Section 16.1.5, "Viewing DQ Product Summary"

16.1.1 Maintaining DQ Product Details

You can maintain the DQ product using ‘DQ Product Definition’ screen. Invoke this screen by
typing ‘DQDPRMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Product Code
Specify the product code.

Product Type
Specify the product type. The adjoining option list displays all the product types maintained in
the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Product Slogan
Specify the product slogan.

Product Group
Specify the product group. The adjoining option list displays all the product groups maintained
in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Start Date
Specify the start date.

End date
Specify the end date.

Product Remarks
Specify the product remarks.

The system displays the following details:

 Product Description

16.1.2 Specifying the Accounting Role Details

Click the 'Accounting Role' button in the 'DQ Product Definition' screen. You can maintain role
to head mapping for all the required accounting roles in this screen.

Specify the following details:

Accounting Role
Specify the accounting role. The adjoining option list displays all the accounting roles
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Account Head
Specify the account head. The adjoining option list displays all the account heads maintained
in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

The system displays the following details:
 Product Code
 Product Description

Class Details
 Class Code
 Class Description
 Default From Class

 Role Description
 GL Description

16.1.3 Specifying the Preferences Details

Click the 'Preferences' button in the 'DQ Product Definition' screen.You can specify product
preferences details in this screen.Specify the following details:

Balance Basis
Select the type of balance basis from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:
 Available Balance Limit
 Available Balance

Liquidation Details
Partial Liquidation Required
Check this box to indicate that the partial liquidation of delinquency transaction up to the
available amount will be processed.

Minimum Amount
Specify the minimum amount for partial liquidation.

Minimum Amount Currency
Specify the currency of the minimum amount being maintained. The adjoining option list
displays all the currencies of the minimum amount maintained in the system. You can choose
the appropriate one.

Amount Block Details

Amount Block Required
Check this box to indicate that the amount block should to be created during a credit into the
overdraft account having an amount due.

Receivable Preferences
Receivable Tracking Required
Check this box to indicate that the the customer debit leg of the transaction should be posted
to receivable GL maintained at 'DQ Preference' screen at DQ product. It will be liquidated only
when the funds are available in the customer account.

Receivable Transaction Code

Specify the transaction code used for posting accounting entries during liquidating the
receivable GL. The adjoining option list displays all the transaction codes maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Penalty Preferences
Penalty Required
Check this box to indicate that the penalty should be calculated on amount due.

Penalty Accrual Required

Check this box to indicate that the accrual is required on penalty interest.

Penalty Accrual Frequency

Select the penalty accrual frequency from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:
 Monthly
 Daily

The system displays the following details:

 Product Code
 Product Description

16.1.4 Specifying the Events Details

Click ‘Events’ button in the 'DQ Product Definition' screen.You can specify events details in
this screen.

16.1.5 Viewing DQ Product Summary

You can query and view the DQ product details using ‘DQ Product Summary’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘DQSPRMNT’ in the field in the top right corner of the Application
toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify any combination of the following details and click the ‘Search’ button:
 Authorization Status
 Product Code
 Start Date
 Record Status
 Product Group
 End date

The system displays the following details for the records matching the parameters specified:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Product Code
 Product Description
 Product Group
 Start Date
 End date

If you do not specify any parameter for the query before clicking the ‘Search’ button, the
system displays all the records available for the maintenance.

16.2 DQ Ad hoc Liquidation

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 16.2.1, "Maintaining DQ Ad hoc Liquidation"
 Section 16.2.2, "Viewing DQ Ad hoc Liquidation Summary"

16.2.1 Maintaining DQ Ad hoc Liquidation

You can liquidate/settle the dues manually of a particular DQ record related to IC and DE
modules using ‘DQ Adhoc Liquidation’ screen. Invoke this screen by typing ‘DQDADLIQ’ in
the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow

Specify the following details:

Delinquency Reference
Specify the delinquency reference. The adjoining option list displays all the active DQ records
related to DE and IC module of the current branch. You can choose the appropriate one.

Component / Amount Tag

Specify the component or amount tag. The adjoining option list displays all the components
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Transaction Reference
Specify the original transaction reference number of the contract.

The system displays the following details in this screen:
 Delinquency Product
 Account Branch
 Account Number
 Account Description
 Due date
 Amount
 Transaction Code
 Transaction Code Description
 Narrative


The following validations are performed in this screen:

Upon authorization of the IC ad hoc liquidation record, the system verifies the debit interest
preferences of the settlement account in the customer account maintenance screen. If the
authorization status is ‘Approved’ then the account will be force debited. If the authorization
status is denied or no response, then the system validates the balance and displays
appropriate error in case of insufficient balance.

On selecting the contract reference, the system liquidates the DQ when sufficient balance is
available in customer account. If settlement account of the transaction is GL code, then it will
not verify the GL balance for processing the record from DQ.

16.2.2 Viewing DQ Ad hoc Liquidation Summary

You can query and view the liquidated/settled DQ records using ‘DQ Adhoc Liquidation
Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DQSADLIQ’ in the field in the top
right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify any combination of the following details and click the ‘Search’ button:
 Delinquency Reference
 Contract Reference

 Amount Tag
 Authorization Status

The system displays the following details for the records matching the parameters specified:
 Delinquency Reference
 Amount Tag
 Delinquency Product
 Customer Account Branch
 Account No
 Due date
 Due Amount
 Transaction Code
 Contract Reference
 Narrative
 Authorization Status

If you do not specify any parameter for the query before clicking the ‘Search’ button, the
system displays all the records available for the maintenance.

16.3 DQ Online Liquidation

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 16.3.1, "Capturing DQ Online Liquidation Details"
 Section 16.3.2, "Viewing DQ Online Liquidation Summary"

16.3.1 Capturing DQ Online Liquidation Details

You can liquidate/settle the dues online of all DQ records related to IC and DE modules of a
customer account using ‘DQ Online Liquidation’ screen. Invoke this screen by typing
‘DQDONLIQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Specify the branch code. The adjoining option list displays all the valid branch codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Specify the account number. The adjoining option list displays all the valid customer account
numbers of the branch code along with GL codes maintained in the system. You can choose
the appropriate one.

The system displays the following details:

 Currency
 Account Description


The following validations are performed in this screen:

The system will not display any error upon save or authorization of online liquidation record
in case of insufficient balance in the account. It allows you to save and authorize the online
liquidation record and will process the liquidation only if sufficient balance is available in the
account. If there is insufficient balance, it will not liquidate the transactions.

On selecting the contract reference, the system liquidates the DQ when sufficient balance is
available in customer account. If settlement account of the transaction is GL code, then it will
not verify the GL balance for processing the record from DQ.

16.3.2 Viewing DQ Online Liquidation Summary

You can query and view liquidated/settled the dues online of all DQ records using ‘DQ Online
Liquidation Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DQSONLIQ’ in the field
in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify any combination of the following details and click the ‘Search’ button:
 Account
 Branch

The system displays the following details for the records matching the parameters specified:

 Account
 Branch
 Currency
 Account Description
 Maker ID
 Release Time
 Checker Date Stamp
 Checker ID
 Authorization Status

If you do not specify any parameter for the query before clicking the ‘Search’ button, the
system displays all the records available for the maintenance.

16.4 DQ General Parameter Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 16.4.1, "Maintaining DQ General Parameters"
 Section 16.4.2, "Viewing DQ General Parameter Maintenance Summary"

16.4.1 Maintaining DQ General Parameters

You can maintain delinquency bank level parameters using ‘DQ General Parameter
Maintenance’ screen. Invoke this screen by typing ‘DQDBKPRM’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Specify the module. The adjoining option list displays all the module codes maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Product Code
Specify the product code. The adjoining option list displays all the open and authorized
products of the modules selected in 'Module' field. You can choose the appropriate one.

Delinquency Product
Specify the delinquency product. The adjoining option list displays all the deliquency products
maintained in the 'Delinquency Product Definition' screen. You can choose the appropriate

Receivable GL
Specify the receivable GL. The adjoining option list displays all the open and authorized GL
codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Specify the priority for auto settlement of transactions from DQ.

Suspended Item Liquidation Mode

Indicate the suspended item liquidation mode that you are maintaining. You can select one of
the following options:
 Auto
 Manual

IC Debit Interest Delinquency Preferences

Postpone Debit Interest Liquidation
Check this box to indicate that the debit interest liquidation on current account related to the
product should be postponed to future date.

Liquidation Based On
Indicate on which the new debit interest liquidation date will be derived. You can select one
of the following options:
 Date
 Days

First Liquidation Date

Specify the value of this field in DD-MON format. The system considers the next immediate
year for the due date calculation.

Specify the calendar days which the system needs to add to original liquidation date to derive
the new debit interest liquidation date on current account for every liquidation cycle.


The system performs certain validations in this screen:

It displays appropriate error message while saving if the following validations fail:
 ‘Partial Liquidation Required’ field is not applicable for product codes related to PC mod-
 Priority will be applicable only if Suspended Liquidation Mode is specified as ‘Auto’.
 ‘Amount Block required’ field at DQ product level will be applicable only for ‘Auto’ liqui-
dation mode of DQ records.
 Product code ‘DEMDQ’ is applicable only for Manual liquidation and Product code
‘DEADQ’ is applicable only for Auto liquidation. One of the above two products should
be linked to DQ product.
 ‘Postpone Debit Interest Liquidation’ field will be applicable only for ‘Interest’ type of IC

 First Liquidation Date will be applicable only if ‘Liquidation Based On’ radio button value
specified as ‘Date’.
 ‘Days’ field will be applicable only if ‘Liquidation Based On’ radio button value specified
as ‘Days’.
 Format of ‘First Liquidation Date’ field should be specified as ‘DD-MON’.

The penalty preferences section at DQ product level will not be applicable for PC and CL

16.4.2 Viewing DQ General Parameter Maintenance Summary

You can query and view the delinquency bank level parameters using ‘DQ General Parameter
Maintenance Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DQSBKPRM’ in the
field in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify any combination of the following details and click the ‘Search’ button:
 Authorization Status
 Module
 Delinquency Product
 Record Status
 Product Code

The system displays the following details for the records matching the parameters specified:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Module
 Product Code
 Delinquency Product
 Suspended Item Liquidation Mode
 Postpone Debit Interest Liquidation

 First Liquidation Date
 Days
 Priority
 Receivable GL

If you do not specify any parameter for the query before clicking the ‘Search’ button, the
system displays all the records available for the maintenance.

16.5 DQ Transaction Amendment

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 16.5.1, "Capturing DQ Transaction Amendment Details"
 Section 16.5.2, "Viewing DQ Transaction Amendment Summary"

16.5.1 Capturing DQ Transaction Amendment Details

You can maintain suspended item details and modify the status of the suspended item using
‘DQ Transaction Amendment’ screen. Invoke this screen by typing ‘DQDTRNAM’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Delinquency Reference
Specify the delinquency reference. The adjoining option list displays all the DQ contract
reference numbers of the transaction held in DQ. You can choose the appropriate one.

Component/Amount Tag
Specify the component or amount tag. The adjoining option list displays all the components
or amount tags of record in DQ. You can choose the appropriate one.

Account Number
Specify the account number. The adjoining option list displays all the valid account numbers
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Delinquency Status
Select the type of delinquency status from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:

 Active
 Inactive

The system displays the following details in this screen:

 Delinquency Product
 Module
 Account Branch
 Account Description
 Due date
 Amount Due
 Priority
 Transaction Code
 Transaction Code Description
 Narrative
 Transaction Reference Number

It allows you to change field 'Delinquency Status' from 'Active' to 'Inactive' for transactions
related to PC and CL modules. It displays an appropriate error message if you try to change
the status of DQ transactions of any other modules/if you try to change the status from and to
any other status. It allows you to change settlement account of the delinquent record related
to 'DE' and 'IC' module.

16.5.2 Viewing DQ Transaction Amendment Summary

You can query and view the suspended item details using ‘DQ Transaction Amendment
Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DQSTRNAM’ in the field in the top
right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify any combination of the following details and click the ‘Search’ button:
 Delinquency Reference
 Customer Account Branch
 Authorization Status
 Component/Amount Tag

 Account No
 Transaction Reference Number

The system displays the following details for the records matching the parameters specified:
 Delinquency Reference
 Component/Amount Tag
 Delinquency Product
 Module
 Due Amount
 Customer Account Branch
 Priority
 Delinquency Status
 Account No
 Authorization Status
 Transaction Reference Number

If you do not specify any parameter for the query before clicking the ‘Search’ button, the
system displays all the records available for the maintenance.

16.6 DQ Product - Penality Rate Maintenance

This section contains the following topics;
 Section 16.6.1, "Maintaining Penality Rate for DQ Product"
 Section 16.6.2, "Viewing DQ Product - Penality Rate Summary"

16.6.1 Maintaining Penality Rate for DQ Product

You can maintain the penality rates for branch, currency and delinquency product
combination using ‘DQ Product - Penality Rate Maintenance’ screen. Invoke this screen by
typing ‘DQDPRPNL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Delinquency Product
Specify the delinquency product. The adjoining option list displays all the open and authorized
DQ product codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code. The adjoining option list displays all the branch codes maintained in
the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Currency Code
Specify the currency code. The adjoining option list displays all the open and authorized
currencies maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Calculation Method
Select the calculation method from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the following
 30(Euro)/360
 30(US)/360
 Actual/360
 30(Euro)/365
 30(US)/365
 Actual/365
 30(Euro)/Actual
 30(US)/Actual
 Actual/Actual

Penalty Rate Preferences

Effective Date
Specify the effective date of penalty rates.

Penalty Rate
Specify the penalty rate applicable for delinquency product.

It displays an override message if the penalty rates for all branch/all currency is not
maintained for DQ product while saving. It maintains the penalty rates for branch, delinquency
product, currency code and effective date combination. It picks up the latest available rate for
penalty calculation.

Back dated rate changes are effective only for active delinquency entries. If a back dated rate
is changed, then the system will process the same rate change for all the records with
effective dates greater than the modified record.

16.6.2 Viewing DQ Product - Penality Rate Summary

You can query and view the penalty rates for branch, currency and delinquency product
combination using ‘DQ Product - Penality Rate Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen

by typing ‘DQSPRPNL’ in the field in the top right corner of the Application toolbar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

Specify any combination of the following details and click the ‘Search’ button:
 Authorization Status
 Branch Code
 Deliquency Product
 Record Status
 Currency Code

The system displays the following details for the records matching the parameters specified:
 Authorization Status
 Record Status
 Branch Code
 Currency Code
 Deliquency Product
 Calculation Method

If you do not specify any parameter for the query before clicking the ‘Search’ button, the
system displays all the records available for the maintenance.

16.7 Delinquency Processing

The system performs following processing:

If the balance in customer account is not sufficient to process the transaction then the
respective transaction will be marked for delinquency tracking under the following conditions
at the time of transaction posting:
 Product code of the transaction should be marked for delinquency tracking.

The system posts transaction to the receivable GL instead of the customer account when
‘Receivable Tracking Required’ field is checked for the associated delinquency product. The
receivable GL will be picked from ‘Delinquency parameter maintenance’ screen of the
delinquency product and ‘Receivable Tracking Required’ field will be applicable only for DQ

products which will be linked to DE and IC products. If ‘Amount Block Required’ field is
checked, then the system blocks the amount to the extent of credit amount or DQ amount due
when there is a credit on settlement account of the record tracked by delinquency.

During EOD, the system checks if ‘Auto liquidation’ is allowed for the associated delinquent
product. If allowed, it will release the amount block of settlement account associated with DQ
record and auto liquidates the delinquent item based on the maintained priority. You need to
liquidate the record manually in ‘DQ Adhoc Liquidation’ screen if Liquidation Mode is ‘Manual’
for the delinquent product. Only the transactions which are marked for ‘Full liquidation’ can be
settled. DQ item will be liquidated when there is a suspended item which is marked for manual
liquidation and if the underlying event is already liquidated in the respective module by
debiting receivable. When the underlying event is not liquidated in the respective module,
then the item should be manually liquidated in the respective module itself.

The system liquidates the delinquent item partially by releasing the partial amount block if
‘Partial Liquidation Required’ field is checked at delinquent product else it will not release the
amount block and does not liquidate the record till full amount is available on customer
account and the same should be blocked. If Liquidation mode is ‘Auto’ for the delinquent
product related to PC and CL modules and if manual liquidation is required to be done on
those items, then you need to change the ‘Delinquency Status’ of those suspended items from
‘Active’ to ‘Inactive’ in ‘DQ Transaction Details’ screen.

The system releases the amount block on the customer account for a particular transaction
during status change and will not allow you to perform manual liquidation on suspended items
marked for ‘Auto’ liquidation if ‘Delinquency Status’ is not ‘Inactive’. Once status is changed,
you can liquidate the transaction in their respective module screens.

When any of suspended items related to DE and IC modules are marked for auto liquidation
and if manual liquidation is required, then you can perform liquidation in ‘DQ Adhoc
Liquidation’ screen. It changes the delinquency status to ‘Liquidated’ once liquidation of
record from DQ is successful. You can liquidated/settled one or more DQ records related to
same settlement account based on priority using ‘DQ Online Liquidation’ screen. If multiple
transaction exists in DQ with same priority, then the system considers the due date and
timestamp of the transaction for liquidation. DQ records related to DE and IC modules can
also be settled in this screen.

You need to perform the following operations if delinquency items related to DE and IC
modules has to be settled through cash payments:
 Debit the cash GL and post it to Intermediary GL.
 Change settlement account of DQ item in ‘DQ transaction amendment’ screen for a con-
tract reference number. The system releases the amount block on customer settlement
account of a particular DQ item.
 Perform Manual Liquidation in ‘DQ Adhoc liquidation’ screen or perform Online liquida-
tion in ‘DQ Online Liquidation’ screen by selecting relevant DQ record or GL code.

The system will not validate the GL balance during liquidation of DQ record if settlement
account is a GL code. Hence you need to debit cash GL and credit intermediary GL before
changing settlement account and perform manual liquidation on DQ item. ‘Track Receivable’
field should be unchecked at the customer account level for all the customer accounts.
Customer account closure will be allowed only if account does not have any delinquency or
penalty to be liquidated. The system checks whether delinquency or penalty is pending is to
be liquidated. In such a case, you need to liquidate using online delinquency function. The
system processes the DQ records till next working day – 1 in EOD if due date of DQ record
falls on holiday.

Suspension Management

Delinquency processing will be applicable in case of insufficient funds on customer accounts

for a transaction related to the DE, CL,IC and PC modules.

DQ Penalty Processing

The system will perform the following processes as part of this batch process for all active
delinquency transactions that require penalty interest processing:

It calculates the penalty interest if due date of the original delinquency transaction is
backdated. It creates a penalty interest record using the same delinquency product when
there is no penalty interest record. Priority of the penalty record will be same as priority of main
record. It also creates an amount block in case if amount block is required for the delinquency
product. These records exist as independent delinquency records and the liquidation of them
will be processed as part of the delinquency batch process. For such records, it creates PLIQ
event. During liquidation, if accruals are required and not completed, then the system will
complete the pending accruals.

The system updates the amount due with the recomputed penalty interest amount when the
penalty interest record is already available for the original delinquency transaction. It will also
increase the amount block.

The system creates PACR event for accruals and penalty accruals will happen at frequency
maintained at delinquency product level.

Accounting Entries:

Accounting Role to Head Mapping at DQ product level for penalty processing:

Following accounting roles will be maintained for delinquency penalty processing.

Accounting Role Role Description

PENINTINC Penalty Interest Income

PENINTREC Penalty Interest Receivable

When penalty interest is with accruals, then you need to maintain the following accounting

Event Code Dr/Cr Amount Tag









When penalty interest is without accruals, then you need to maintain the following accounting

Event Code Dr/Cr Amount Tag





Delinquency Tracking on Scheduled payment liquidations – ALIQ

The system maintains same settlement account to track delinquency for scheduled payments
of lending module for all the components of loan account. Delinquency tracking will be
processed against the single settlement account. If the loan product is associated with
delinquency product, then only overdue schedules/payments during auto liquidation of loan
account will be tracked under delinquency. It tracks the overdues against a single settlement
account maintained at loan account level. When currency of any of the component is different
from principal component currency, then the amount due of the components will be converted
into principal component currency using STANDARD MID rate and sum of all components
amount dues will be tracked in delinquency.

The system updates the amount due of multiple schedules overdues to the same DQ record
and there will be only one record in DQ for a loan account. It will not consider the exchange
rate for tracking of amount due when there is a change in the exchange rate post conversion
of overdues and in case of additional records into DQ.

The system uploads manual payment for settlement of loan installment dues based on priority
if settlement account has sufficient balance during EOD. Order of settlement of dues of each
component will be as per liquidation order maintained at loan product level. Manual liquidation
(MLIQ) will not allowed on the loan account if there is an overdue component of the
installments of loan account which is already being tracked through delinquency and
delinquency status should be ‘Active’. Due to exchange rate for conversation of overdues
from component currency to principal component currency, there could be a very small
difference in amount due of DQ record in comparison with actual component overdues.

Delinquency Tracking on Manual Data Entry (DE)

The system debits the receivable GL to the extent of DE transaction amount and posting will
be completed provided product code is associated with DQ product whenever data entry is
specified through ‘Journal Single Entry Input’ screen or uploaded from CreateExtAccEntries
interface gateway having module code ‘DE’ with insufficient balance in customer account. It
links the product code to DQ product in case of manual liquidation is required for DE entries
and a different product code in case of auto liquidation is required for DE entry transactions.
It tracks the suspended item in delinquency against a particular account with amount due
equal to DE transaction amount.

The system debits customer account and credits to receivable. It liquidates the DE record
related to product code from delinquency based on priority when the customer account has
sufficient balance during EOD.

All DE entry records which are marked for manual liquidations should be liquidated in ‘DQ
Adhoc Liquidation’ Screen. Following are the account entries maintained:

Account Dr/Cr Indicator

Customer Debit

Receivable GL Credit

Delinquency Tracking for Transactions from OBPM

Existing ECA / RTL has been enhanced to handle delinquency.
The system performs account balance check and validations for the debit transaction. Debit
transactions from external system will be processed through ECA. The amount requested for
debit will be blocked in the account and the response will be send to the external system. If
the account does not have sufficient balance, after ECA and RTL checks, delinquency is
tracked. In the request,
 When referral_allowed is Y and partial_release_allowed is N, real_time_liquidity (RTL)
enabled flags are checked at account level. With RTL enabled, system calls OBLM to
satisfy the ECA block.
 If RTL is N, referral_flag is N, partial_block_allowed is N, system picks the delinquency
product maintenance for the source_code <OBPM> from the product table for neces-
sary delinquency processing. If source_code_preference is <G> (GL), system makes
the fund available in the customer account by debiting the receivable GL and crediting
the customer account. Deliquency_tracking is done and a ECA block is placed. Rest
of the handling is done through ECA block.
 In case of reversal of ECA block, system will reverse the accounting entries passed to
the receivable GL and account and remove the delinquency tracking.

Delinquency Tracking on Debit Interest Liquidations of CASA accounts

The system debits the receivable GL to the extent of debit interest amount and complete the
ILIQ process on CASA account if IC product is associated with delinquency product during
debit interest liquidation on year end. Receivable GL maintained at ‘Delinquency parameter’
screen is used for debiting the debit interest amount.

The system tracks the suspended item in DQ against customer account with amount due
equal to Debit interest liquidation amount and due date equal to the following:

Derived debit interest liquidation date based on parameterization at IC product preference

level when ‘Postpone Debit Interest Liquidation’ field is checked at IC product level associated
with customer account.

Original debit interest liquidation date when ‘Postpone Debit Interest Liquidation’ field is
unchecked at IC product level associated with customer account.

The system verifies the value of ‘Authorization Status’ field based on parameterization done
in DQ batch during EOD. Following are the processing done:

It liquidates the delinquency record based on priority by debiting the customer account when
the value is ‘Approved’ and when the ‘Authorization Expiry Date’ field is greater than current
system date. Account will be force debited to the extent of debit interest liquidation amount if
there is an insufficient balance.

It skips the DQ record liquidation for current day and process the penalty on liquidation
amount when value is ‘No Response’. When ‘Authorization status’ is changed to ‘Approved’,
then system liquidates the DQ record by force debiting the customer account to the extent of
liquidation amount and tracks penalty on customer account. Penalty will be liquidated if
balance is available for penalty amount liquidation.

In case value is not changed, it tracks both debit interest and penalty on customer account till
you change the radio button value at customer account level.

All IC Debit interest DQ records which are marked for manual liquidations should be liquidated
in ‘DQ Adhoc Liquidation’ Screen.

Available Balance Calculation for Transaction Processing

During processing of any transactions, the system considers delinquent claims of all the
accounts of the customer to derive the available balance of account when ‘Include customer
delinquent claims in available balance calculation’ is checked at the ‘Bank Parameter
Maintenance’ screen if debit leg of the transaction is customer’s CASA account.

Derived available balance of an account = Available balance of an account – Pending

Delinquent claims of all CASA accounts of the customer.

The system allows the transaction to process when the derived available balance of account
is greater than or equal to transaction amount. Else, it displays appropriate error message. It
considers the derived available balance of an account and adds the transaction into
delinquency tracking when the product code of the transaction is linked to DQ product. During
processing of transaction, derived available balance will be calculated and validated against
transaction amount.

The system converts delinquent claims of other accounts to account currency for which
available balance will be derived and followed by the final available balance if the currency of
customer accounts /delinquency is different from the account for which available balance is
being derived. It considers settlement accounts available balance for liquidating the
transaction during settlement/liquidating of record from delinquency processing.

17. Annual Percentage Yield for CASA Accounts
Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to calculate the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on customer
accounts and display the APY on account statements, so as to enable your customer to
compare interest rates offered by different banks.

In order to enable the system to compute APY on CASA accounts, you need to:
 Maintain a non-booked formula for APY as part of the interest formula in the Interest and
Charges rule used. It must be remembered that only one APY formula may be main-
tained for an interest rule.
 In the Regulation Parameters Maintenance screen, specify the non-booked APY formu-
la defined involving the interest formula in the interest rule for the product as an APY
type formula. You must also specify the basis (average balance or daily balance) upon
which the APY must be calculated.

This chapter contains the following topics:

 Section 17.1, "Specifying the APY Basis"

17.1 Specifying the APY Basis

When you identify the APY formula, you must also specify the basis upon which the interest
used for APY computation will be computed. You can choose either the average balance
basis (i.e., the interest is computed based on average balance, and APY is computed up to
the latest interest liquidation) or a daily balance basis (interest is computed based on daily
balance, and APY calculation takes into account the interest accrued till the current statement

If the interest is computed on an average balance basis, specify ‘LIQD’ as the APY basis; or
if the interest is computed on a daily balance basis, specify ‘ACCR’ as the APY basis.

For an IC deposit, you must specify the APY basis as ‘ACCR’.

The different scenarios that could arise upon choosing these options are shown below:

Basis Case APY Logic

Average Statement frequency is asynchronous Interest used for APY calculation

Balance with liquidation frequency, for instance, if will be the interest liquidated for the
interest is calculated on the average previous period, and you must
daily balance for the calendar month and maintain the APY basis as ‘LIQD’.
account statement is provided from 16th
of one month to the 15th of next month.

Average Statement frequency is lesser than liqui- APY is printed only when the inter-
Balance dation frequency, for instance, if interest est is liquidated, i.e., the account
is paid on a quarterly basis for the quar- statement for first two months of
ter and account statements are provided the quarter does not print APY, and
monthly APY is printed in the account state-
ment only for the third month. For
such cases, you must maintain the
APY basis as ‘LIQD’.

Basis Case APY Logic

Average Statement frequency is more than liqui- APY calculation is based on the lat-
Balance dation frequency, for instance, if interest est interest liquidation that
is paid on a monthly basis and account occurred within the statement
statements are provided annually period. For such cases, you must
maintain the APY basis as ‘LIQD’

Daily Statement frequency is less than liquida- APY calculation includes the inter-
Balance tion frequency, for instance, interest is est accrued till the current state-
calculated using the daily balance ment date. For such cases, you
method, applied annually, and monthly must maintain the APY basis as
statement is provided. ‘ACCR’

Daily Statement frequency is more than liqui- APY calculation includes the inter-
Balance dation frequency; as well and Statement est accrued till the current state-
frequency not in sync with liquidation fre- ment date. For such cases, you
quency must maintain the APY basis as

Deposit Certificate Printing

You can have deposit certificates displaying the computed APY printed either as part of the
EOD process or ad-hoc (printed from the menu).

For Example to compute APY, Your pays $30.37 in interest on a $1,000 six-month certificate
of deposit (where the six-month period used by your bank contains 182 days), the annual
percentage yield would be:

APY=100[(1+30.37/1,000) ^(365/182) -1] = 6.18%

To ensure the APY computation in the system, you must:

1. Define interest formula (say FORMULA1)
2. Define a system defined element (SDE) for Balance
3. Define a SDE for Days (number of days in the period, say DAYS)
4. Define a SDE for number of days in year (say YEAR)
5. Define a non-booked formula FORMULA2 as 1 + (FORMULA1/ Balance)
6. Define a non-booked formula FORMULA3 as YEAR/DAYS
7. Define a non-booked formula FORMULA4 as FORMULA2 ^ FORMULA3
8. Define a non-booked formula FORMULA5 as 100 * (FORMULA4 – 1), which will be the
computed APY. If rounding is required, specify rounding at formula level.
9. In the Regulation Parameters Maintenance screen, specify PROD-RULE-FORMULA5 as
APY type

18. Batch Processing
The events that are to take place automatically are triggered off during what is called the
Batch Process. The batch process is an automatic function that is run as a mandatory
Beginning of Day (BOD) and/or End of Day (EOD) process. During EOD, the batch process
should be run after end-of-transaction-input (EOTI) has been marked for the day, and before
end-of-financial-input (EOFI) has been marked for the day. This chapter details the various
batch operations that are done in this module.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 18.1, "Batch Processes"

18.1 Batch Processes

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 18.1.1, "Batch Process for Liquidating PDC Linked Schedules"
 Section 18.1.2, "Processing of Customer De-duplication Batch"
 Section 18.1.3, "Processing Message Generation for Combined Statement"
 Section 18.1.4, "Sweep In and Sweep Out Batch Processing"
 Section 18.1.5, "DQDBDLQD"
 Section 18.1.6, "DQDBPLQD"

18.1.1 Batch Process for Liquidating PDC Linked Schedules

You can configure the batch process for liquidating PDC linked schedules to process the
payment of loan account components if the debit settlement mode is opted as PDC. This
batch ‘PDDLNLIQ is run either as EOD or as an intraday batch. The batch processes the
liquidation of all accounts for which the schedule date or PDC activation date and customer
value date is less than the application date.

On the cheque date the clearing transaction triggers the following accounting entries:

Debit/Credit Amount Accounting Role Description

Debit Cheque Amount CLRNG_ACCOUNT Clearing Account

Credit Cheque Amount CLRNG_OFS_ACCOUNT Beneficiary Account

During liquidation the beneficiary account of the PDC contract is used as Debit Settlement
Bridge. The system passes accounting entries fro MLIQ as follows:

Debit/Credit Amount Tag Accounting Role

Debit PRINCIPAL_LIQD Beneficiary Account of PDC contract

Credit PRINCIPAL_LIQD Loan Account

Debit MAIN_INT_LIQD Beneficiary Account of PDC contract

Credit MAIN_INT_LIQD Main Interest Receivable

If a PDC is returned or bounced due to any reason then you can represent the same PDC
for payment again.

18.1.2 Processing of Customer De-duplication Batch

You can use this screen in case of a rule change and the reports need to be taken for the list
of duplicate customers. You can invoke the ‘Intra Day Batch Start’ screen by typing
‘BABIDBAT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

Specify the De-duplication batch function id ‘DEDUPEOD’ to run the customer de-duplication

Only open customer accounts will be considered for the de-duplication check.

System initiates the de-duplication process based on the status maintained for deduplication
check at head office with the status ‘U’ (Unprocessed). and ‘P’ (Processed).internally.

18.1.3 Processing Message Generation for Combined Statement

An EOD batch STCDSMT is run to process the message generation based on the statement
cycle maintained in the ‘Combined Statement Maintenance’ screen.You can generate the
message from the outgoing message browser once the EOD batch is processed. If the
customer account in the statement plan belongs to different branches then the statement plan
will display the account balance from the customer local branch. During EOD, combined
statement will be generated monthly, whereas system applies charges to charge account
based on the IC liquidation frequency.

18.1.4 Sweep In and Sweep Out Batch Processing

The Sweep In and Sweep Out process is handled by an EOD batch STSWEEP. All the utilized
deposit accounts in a day are fetched by the batch STSWEEP due to CASA linkage. The
amount block is then released to the CASA account by breaking the deposit.

Sweep In Process

During Sweep In Process the system:

 Releases the amount blocked for the deposit accounts for the utilized amount.
 Transfers the amount to relevant CASA account.
 Updates the deposit account balance.

Other deposits are considered only after utilizing cover account created for account.

Sweep Out Process

During Sweep Out process the system:

 Check for the credit balance in the CASA account.
 Transfer the credit balance or the linked amount to the relevant deposit account.
 Updates the utilized amount for the transferred amount.

Other deposits are considered only after utilizing cover account created for account.


You need to maintain delinquency batches DQDBDLQD as part of EOD processing in

‘Mandatory Batch Program Maintenance’ screen as daily batches in PEOTI stage. This batch
performs the following actions:
 The DQ processing is based on the priority of the accounts having balances resulting
from the credits into the account.
 Performs partial or full liquidation of DQ dues.
 The system picks up the next delinquency record based on priority and due date if the
account does not have sufficient available balance to process a delinquency record.
Else, it will skip the delinquency process for the account.


You need to maintain delinquency batches DQDBPLQD as part of EOD processing in

‘Mandatory Batch Program Maintenance’ screen as daily batches in PEOTI stage. This batch
performs the following action:
 It processes the penalty on active DQ items after due date.

19. Reports
During the day, or at the end of the day, you may want to retrieve information on any of the
several operations that were performed during the day in your bank. You can generate this
information in the form of reports in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

For every module you can generate reports, which give you data about the various events in
the life of a specific contract, or across contracts, at a specific point in time. You can have
analysis reports, daily reports, exception reports (reports on events that ought to have taken
place on the contract but have not, due to various reasons), and history reports and so on.

From the Application Browser, select the Reports option. A list of all the modules to which you
have access rights are displayed in the screen. When you click on a module, all the reports
for which you have access rights under the selected module are displayed. Click on the report
you want to generate. You will be given a selection Criteria based on which the report would
be generated.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 19.1, "Maintaining Printing Options for Reports"
 Section 19.2, "Account Cheque Details Report"
 Section 19.3, "CASA Stop Payment Report"
 Section 19.4, "Account Statement Reports"
 Section 19.5, "PDC Summary Report"
 Section 19.6, "Cheque Cancellation Report"
 Section 19.7, "Interest Statement Report"
 Section 19.8, "Dormant Activated Report"
 Section 19.9, "Stop Cheques Maintained Report"
 Section 19.10, "Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report"
 Section 19.11, "Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report"
 Section 19.12, "Account Status Movement Report"
 Section 19.13, "Variances Maintained Today Report"
 Section 19.14, "Operating Instructions Not Captured Report"
 Section 19.15, "Minor Customer Details Report"
 Section 19.16, "CASA-Overdraft Report"
 Section 19.17, "Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report"
 Section 19.18, "CRR Movement Report"
 Section 19.19, "VAT Deduction Report"
 Section 19.20, "Customer De-duplication Report"
 Section 19.21, "Account Opened and Activated Report"
 Section 19.22, "Account Block and Reason Report"
 Section 19.23, "Account Closure and Reason Report"
 Section 19.24, "Passbook Details Report"
 Section 19.25, "Account Balance List Report"
 Section 19.26, "Customer Limit Position Tracking Report"
 Section 19.27, "All Dormant Account Report"
 Section 19.28, "Debit Card Issued Report"
 Section 19.29, "New Minor Account Report"

 Section 19.30, "Document Checklist Report"
 Section 19.31, "Customer Account Branch Transfer Report"
 Section 19.32, "Customer Cheque Discounting Report"
 Section 19.33, "Cancelled or Rejected Report"
 Section 19.34, "Large Debit Balance Report"
 Section 19.35, "Ad-Hoc Combined Statement"
 Section 19.36, "Combined Statement Generation Report"
 Section 19.37, "Customer Change Report"
 Section 19.38, "Passbook Issued Report"

19.1 Maintaining Printing Options for Reports

You can indicate preferences to print a report, while generating a report; however, the
preferences are general.

The following are the common preferences you can maintain to print a report:
Select the format in which you want the report to be generated from the options provided in
the drop-down list. The following options are available:
 RTF
 PDF
 Excel

Select the output for the report from the options provided. The following options are available:
 Print – select this option if you wish to print the report
 View – select this option if you wish to view the contents of the report
 Spool – select this option if you wish to spool the report for further use

Printer At
Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:

 Client – Select if you need to print at the client location.
 Server – Select if you need to print at the server location

Specify the name of the printer or select it from the option list provided. All the configured
printers are displayed in the list.

This is applicable only if you have specified the output as ‘Print’.

You can query or modify the account details of the customers whose accounts are permit-
ted to you for the query/modification in the ‘Group Code Restriction’ screen.

19.2 Account Cheque Details Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.2.1, "Generating Account Cheque Details Report"
 Section 19.2.2, "Selection Options"
 Section 19.2.3, "Contents of the report"

19.2.1 Generating Account Cheque Details Report

This report gives details of the Cheques used, cancelled and rejected for an account. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPCKDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

19.2.2 Selection Options

You can indicate the following preferences for generating the report:

Report For
Select the option ‘Selected Account’ if you want to generate the cheque book details report
for a selected account. Select the option ‘All Accounts’ if you want to generate reports for all

If you have selected the option ‘Selected Account’ select the account for which the cheque
detail report has to be generated from the adjoining option list.

19.2.3 Contents of the report

The options that you specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the Cheque Book Details Report are discussed under the following

The Header carries the title of the Report, information on the branch code, branch date, the
date and time of report generation, the user-ID of the user generating the report, module,
page and the event date.

Body of the report

Field Description

Account The account number of the customer

Description The description of the account

Check Number The Cheque leaf number

Status The status of the cheque

Amount The amount for which the cheque is issued

Presented On The date on which the cheque is presented in the bank

Date on Cheque The date as given on the cheque

Beneficiary The name of the person in whose name the cheque is issued

19.3 CASA Stop Payment Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.3.1, "Generating CASA Stop Payment Report"
 Section 19.3.2, "Selection Options"
 Section 19.3.3, "Contents of the report"

19.3.1 Generating CASA Stop Payment Report

This report gives details of the stop payment details issued on a cheque. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘CARPSPMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

19.3.2 Selection Options

You can indicate the following preferences for generating the report:

Report For
Select the option ‘Selected Account’ if you want to generate the cheque book details report
for a selected account. Select the option ‘All Accounts’ if you want to generate reports for all

If you have selected the option ‘Selected Account’ select the account for which the cheque
detail report has to be generated from the adjoining option list.

19.3.3 Contents of the report

The options that you specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the

The contents of the Stop Payment Report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the Report, information on the branch code, branch date, the
date and time of report generation, the user-ID of the user generating the report, module,
page and the event date.

Body of the report

Field Description

Account The account number of the customer

Description The description of the account

Stop Payment No The stop payment instruction number

Type The stop payment can be issued either on an amount or on


Start Check No The starting cheque leaf number

End Cheque No The ending cheque leaf number

Amount The amount for which stop payment is done

Effective Date The date from which the stop payment is effective

Expiry Date The date on which the stop payment validity will expire

19.3.4 Customer Statistics Report

The table below displays customer statistics for the last six months.

Body of the report

Field Description

Customer Number FLEXCUBE Customer Number

Account No FLEXCUBE Account Number

Acc Currency Account Currency

Cust. Name Customer name

Acc Branch The branch in which the account was created

Last Debit Last debit amount on the account for the month

Last Credit Last credit amount on the account for the month

Last Over Draft Last overdraft amount on the account for the month

Simple Average Balance Simple Average balance of the account for the month

Minimum Balance Minimum balance of the account for the month

Maximum balance Maximum balance of the account for the month

No of Dr transactions Number of debit transactions for that month

No of Cr Transactions Number of credit transactions for that month

Closing Balance Month end closing balance of that account

Total Balance The balance of account (including the limit + uncleared /

uncollected funds)

No of Returned Cheques Total number of cheques returned on the account for that

Debit Interest Month END IC (Debit interest liquidated for that account
only will be considered)

N.S.F Number of transactions which could not be completed

owing to Insufficient Balance in the account for the month

CHG'BLE TR Number of chargeable transactions for the month

DB.CHK.RTD Number of cheques returned for the month

Debit AVG Debit average for the month

Days in Debit Number of days in debit for the month

Monthly Debit AVG Debit average for the month

Credit AVG Credit average

Days in Credit Number of days in Credit for the month

Monthly Credit AVG Monthly credit average

XOD AVG Excess overdraft average for the month

DAYS XOD Number of days in excess overdraft for the month

MNTH AV Excess overdraft average

Number of times gone into Number of times the account went into overdraft for the
Overdraft month

The balance is shown in terms of the account currency.

19.4 Account Statement Reports

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.4.1, "Generating Account Statement Reports"
 Section 19.4.2, "Contents of the report"
 Section 19.4.3, "Viewing Charge Details"
 Section 19.4.4, "Viewing Events"

19.4.1 Generating Account Statement Reports

You can get the details of the account statement reports using ‘Account Statement Reports’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ACDOPTN’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can indicate the following preferences for generating the report:

Account Type
Select the type of account you want to view. The types of accounts that can be selected are
as follows:
 Normal Account: This option can be selected if a statement needs to be generated for
physical accounts.

Account Selection Type
You have to indicate the account selection type of the customer. The options available are:
 One Account
 Multiple Account
 Range

Statement Type
You have to indicate the statement type of the customer. The options available are:
 Brief
 Detailed

Date Range

You can indicate the following:

From Date
Specify the date from when you are generating this report.

To Date
Specify the date till when you are generating this report.

Single Account
Account Number
Specify the account number. The option list displays all valid account numbers. Choose the
appropriate one.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the
account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system
displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder
Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

The system displays the branch code of the selected account number.

Account Currency
Specify the account currency. The option list displays all valid account currencies. Choose the
appropriate one.

You have to indicate the type of charges. The options available are:
 Null - Select this option If statement needs to be generated devoid of charge
 Fixed Charge - Select this option If statement needs to be generated with a fixed amount
of charge
 Based on date Range - Select this option of statement needs to be generated and the
charge for the same will be based on the duration of the period selected. (Difference be-
tween the from date and the to-date)
 Online Charge – Select this option if the statement needs to be generated and online
charge is included.

Show Linked A/C Details

Check this box if you wish to show linked account details. Dates

You have to indicate the type of dates. The options available are:
 Booking Dated
 Value Dated

Select Multiple Accounts

Account Number
Specify the account number. The option list displays all valid account numbers. Choose the
appropriate one.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the selected account number.

Specify the currency of the account.

Range Account
From Account Number
Specify the account number from which the report needs to be generated. You can select the
appropriate number from the adjoining option list that displays all the accounts maintained in
the system.

To Account Number
Specify the account number to which the report needs to be generated. You can select the
appropriate number from the adjoining option list that displays all the accounts maintained in
the system.

From Account Branch

The system displays the branch code of the selected account number.

To Account Branch
The system displays the branch code of the selected account number.

From Account Currency

Specify the account currency from which the report needs to be generated. You can select
the appropriate currency from the adjoining option list that displays all the currencies
maintained in the system.

To Account Currency
Specify the account currency to which the report needs to be generated. You can select the
appropriate currency from the adjoining option list that displays all the currencies maintained
in the system.

Print Options
You have to indicate the type of print options. The options available are:
 View - Select this option to view the content of account statement.

– For Single Account, on click of ‘OK’ button, the following ‘Message’ screen is in-

– For Multiple Accounts or Range of Accounts, on click of ‘OK’ button, the system in-
vokes the following Account Statement Report with Multiple Account DCN list

– On double click of each account in the multi grid the ‘Message’ screen is invoked.

 Server Spool - Select this option to spool the account statement for further use.
 Print - Select this option to print the account statement.
 Report - Select this option to get the account statement as a report.
– For ‘Single Account’, on click of ‘OK’ button the system invokes the following Report

– Click ‘OK’ from this screen to generate the account statement in the report format
– For Multiple Accounts and Range of Accounts, on click of 'OK' button the following
Multiple account DCN list screen is invoked.

– On click of 'OK' button in the above screen the system invokes the Account State-
ment Report screen.

– From the report screen on click of 'OK' button a single account statement for all the
multiple accounts in the 'Report Format' chosen is generated.

19.4.2 Contents of the report

The options that you specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the

The contents of the Account Statement Report are discussed under the following heads:

An Account Statement is the record of transactions and their effect on account balances over
a specified period of time for a given account. An Account Statement lists the debits and
credits that took place over a time period.

The Header carries the title of the Report, information on the Account Number of the user
generating the report.

Body of the report

Field Description

Branch Name This is the branch where the account resides.

Branch Address 1 This is the address of the branch.

Branch Address 2 This is the address of the branch.

Branch Address 3 This is the address of the branch.

Account Number Details about customer account Number.

From date This is from date.

To date This is to date.

Page Number This is the page number.

As of Date As of date.

Customer Number This is the customer number.

Customer Name This is the customer name.

Customer Address 1 This is the address of the customer.

Customer Address 2 This is the address of the customer.

Customer Address 3 This is the address of the customer.

Customer Address 4 This is the address of the customer.

Opening Balance This is the opening balance of the customer.

Transaction code Description This is the description of the transaction code.

Transaction reference Number This is the reference number of the account for which
transaction details is being reported

Opening Date The opening date of the account.

Previous Date Gives the date of the previous statement.

Transaction Booking Date This is the transaction booking date.

Transaction Amount This is the transaction amount.

Additional Information Gives some additional information.

Debit-Credit Indicator This indicates the nature of the transaction – debit or


Closing Balance This indicates the closing balance.

Available Balance This indicates the available balance.

Blocked Balance This indicates the blocked balance.

Uncollected Balance This indicates the uncollected balance.

Number of Debits Indicates the number of debit transactions.

Number of Credits Indicates the number of credit transactions.

Total Debit Value Indicates the total debit value.

Total Credit Value Indicates the total credit value.

Current Average Monthly Balance Indicates the current average monthly balance.

Previous Average Monthly Bal- Indicates the previous average monthly balance.

Current Average Quarterly Bal- Indicates the average quarterly balance.


Previous Average Quarterly Bal- Indicates the previous average quarterly balance.

The month end job ACBCSTAT batch runs in EOFI to compute account statistics and
ACSTHAND batch runs at EOTI with daily frequency.


For book dated statement, tags CURAVGMTHLYBAL and PREVAVGMTHLYBAL will

compute the book dated current and previous average monthly balance.
For value dated statement, tags CURAVGMTHLYBAL and PREVAVGMTHLYBAL will
compute the value dated current and previous average monthly balance.

Click ’OK’ button when you have specified your preferences in the ‘Account Statement
Reports’ screen. The ‘Print Options’ screen gets displayed, where you can specify the
preferences for printing the report.

19.4.3 Viewing Charge Details

You can view the charges for online statement generation in the ‘Charge Details’ screen. Click
on ‘Charges’ button to invoke ‘Charge Details’ screen.

Contract Reference
System displays the contract reference number here.

Charge Liquidation

System displays the following details under this section:

 ESN - Event sequence number
 Component - Charge component name
 Charge Currency - Charge currency
 Charge Amount - Computed charge amount
 Waiver - If this box is checked, then charge will be waived.

Check this box to waive the charge.

Charge Amount
System displays the calculated charge amount here. You can amend this, if required.

19.4.4 Viewing Events

Click on ‘Events’ button to invoke ‘Events’ screen.’

Reference Number
System displays the reference number here.


System displays the following details under this section:

 Event Number - Event sequence number
 Event Date- Date of the event
 Event Code - event code of the transaction
 Description - event code description

19.5 PDC Summary Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.5.1, "Generating PDC Summary Report"
 Section 19.5.2, "Contents of the report"

19.5.1 Generating PDC Summary Report

PDC Summary report displays the details of all the cheques discounted for an account.You
can generate report for post dated cheque details using ‘Customer Cheque Discounting

Report’ screen by typing ‘PDRCHDRF’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details here:

Beneficiary Account
Specify the beneficiary account. The adjoining option list displays the list of all the valid
beneficiary accounts maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Value Date
From Date
Enter the date from when you are generating this report.

To Date
Enter the date till when you are generating this report.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. Click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

19.5.2 Contents of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Field Name Field Description

Account No./Deposit No. This indicates the TD account Number

Product code This indicates the product code

Product description This indicates the product description

Customer ID This indicates the customer Id

Customer Name This indicates the customer name

Cheque number This indicates the cheque number

Discounted date This indicates the discounted date

Cheque date This indicates the cheque date

Field Name Field Description

Cheque CCY This indicates the cheque currency

Cheque amount This indicates the cheque amount

Cheque Status This indicates the cheque status

Drawer identification This indicates the drawer identification

Drawer Name This indicates the drawer name

Drawer bank code (for the This indicates the drawer bank code for the
cheque) cheque

Aggregation Fields

Field Name Field Description

Total cheque amount This indicates the total cheque amount

Total Number of cheque This indicates the total number of cheque

19.6 Cheque Cancellation Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.6.1, "Generating Cheque Cancellation Report"
 Section 19.6.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.6.1 Generating Cheque Cancellation Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE generates a report that contains the details of cheques that are cancelled
and revised on a daily basis. This report is generated everyday during end of day operations.

19.6.2 Contents of the Report

The report contains the following details:


Field Name Field Description

Report Name Report name

Bank Code / Bank Name Bank code and bank name

Branch Code / Branch Name Current branch code and branch name

Op ID Current user

Report Run Date Current system date

Report Run Time Current system time


Field Name Field Description

Product Code PDC Product

Account Number Beneficiary account number

Account Name Beneficiary account description

Cheque Purchase Number Transaction reference number

Cheque Number Instrument Number

Purchase Amount Cheque amount; Purchase/discount will be done for

the entire amount

Currency Currency of the instrument

Interest Amount Interest Amount

(Interest will be applicable for cheques discounted only.
Interest will be computed from the purchase date till
the liquidation date)

SC Amount Service charge amount

Clearing Transaction Refer- Outward clearing transaction reference number for pdc
ence Number purchased

Teller ID Maker ID of the transaction

Authorizer ID Checker ID of the transaction

Status Cheque status

Reject Code Reject code for cancellation

Reject Reason Reject reason for cancellation

19.7 Interest Statement Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.7.1, "Generating Interest Statement Report"
 Section 19.7.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.7.1 Generating Interest Statement Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates generation of the Interest Statement Report for Customer
Accounts without liquidating the Customer Accounts.

You can generate Interest Statement Report for Customer Accounts using ‘Customer
Account Interest Statement’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARINSTM’ in the

field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid branch code in which the customer has an account. The adjoining option list
displays all valid and authorized Branch codes. You can select the appropriate one.

Customer Number
Specify a valid customer identification number. The adjoining option list displays all valid and
authorized customer identification numbers. You can select the appropriate one.

Account Number
Specify a valid customer account number for which you wish to generate the interest
statement report. The adjoining option list displays all valid, authorized savings and current
account numbers. You can select the appropriate one.
From Date
Specify the date from when you wish to generate the interest statement report for the
specified customer account, from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Enter the date till when you wish to generate the interest statement report for the specified
customer account, from the adjoining calendar.

‘To Date’ cannot be a future date

19.7.2 Contents of the Report

The report contains the following details:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Report name

Bank Code / Bank Name Bank code and bank name

Branch Code / Branch Name Current branch code and branch name

Op ID Current user

Report Run Date Current system date

Report Run Time Current system time

Body of the Report
The generated report will provide the following information:

Field Name Field Description

Customer Number Indicates the customer number

Account Number Indicates the account number

Currency Indicates the currency of the transaction

Name Indicates the name of the customer

Product Indicates the product for which the credit and debit
details are displayed

From Date This indicates date from when the interest is computed

To Date This indicates date till when the interest is computed

Interest Balance Indicates the interest balance

Number of Days This indicates number of days for which the interest is

Interest Rate This indicates interest rate based on which the interest
is computed

Amount This indicates calculated interest amount

Total Credit Capitalized Indicates the total credit capitalized

Total Debit Capitalized Indicates the total debit capitalized

Total Tax Amount This indicates the total tax amount over the interest
amount in the specified period

If the customer account is linked to multiple products or formulae, then the interest state-
ment displays the credit and debit interest details separately for that customer account.

19.8 Dormant Activated Report
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.8.1, "Generating Dormant Activated Report"
 Section 19.8.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.8.1 Generating Dormant Activated Report

An account is moved to Dormancy state in the absence of any customer initiated transaction,
in that account, for a period maintained at ‘Account Class Maintenance’ level. After a specific
period, the status will be changed to unclaimed deposit.

These accounts are activated, once the customer initiates a transaction. At the end of the
Dormant Activity, you can generate ‘Dormant Activated Report’ as part of EOD, which
summarizes the transaction in the dormant accounts. It is a report of dormant accounts which
were activated on that day. The accounts in this report are grouped based on the account
class and currency type of the account.

You can invoke ‘Dormant Activated Report’ screen by typing ‘STRDAEOD’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code for the Branch in which the customer has an account from the adjoining
option list.

Activated Date
Specify a valid date, when the dormant account was activated, from the adjoining calendar.

19.8.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The other content displayed in the Dormant Activated Report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Module The module from which the report was generated

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

Run Time The time at which the report was generated

User ID Indicates User ID of the user who generated the report

Page No The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report, grouped by the product
code and currency:

Field Name Field Description

Product Code Indicates Account Class

Currency Indicates Currency of the Account

The dormant details for each account class and currency are displayed in the report

Account Indicates Customer Account

Account Name Indicates Account Description

Day’s Credit Amount Indicates Sum of Transaction Credit Amount for today in
Account Currency

Day’s Debit Amount Indicates Sum of Transaction Debit Amount for today in
Account Currency

Book Balance Indicates Book Balance

Dormancy Start Date Indicates Dormancy Start Day

Dormant Days Indicates Number of Dormant Days

Maker ID Indicates Maker id of the Transaction

Checker ID Indicates Checked Id of the transaction

Txn code Indicates Transaction code of the Transaction

Txn Description Indicates Transaction Description of the Transaction.

19.9 Stop Cheques Maintained Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.9.1, "Generating Stop Cheques Maintained Report"
 Section 19.9.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.9.1 Generating Stop Cheques Maintained Report

When a customer losses cheque leaf issued for a Savings or Current Accounts, the same is
informed to the respective branch. The corresponding branch updates these details in the
system to avoid paying-out of these cheques.

During EOD, you can generate ‘Stop Cheques Maintained Report’, which lists out all the stop
payment instruction carried out on that day. Stop cheques in this report are grouped based
on the account type.

You can invoke ‘Stop Cheques Maintained Report’ screen by typing ‘STRSPEOD’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code for the Branch in which the customer has an account from the adjoining
option list.

From Date
Specify a valid date, from when the report is generated, from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date, till when the report is generated, from the adjoining calendar.

Stop Payment Type

Select stop payment type for which you wish to generate the report from the adjoining drop-
down list. This list displays the following values:
 Cheque
 Amount

19.9.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The other content displayed in the Stop Cheques Maintained Report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Date Indicates the branch date

Branch Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User ID Indicates User ID

Module Indicates the module code

Run Time Indicates the time on which the report is generated

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates Customer Account Number

Account Desc Indicates Account description

Customer Id Indicates Customer Id

Customer Name Indicates Customer Short Name

Currency Indicates Currency of the Account

Stop Payment Type Indicates Stop Payment Type

Chq St No. Indicates Cheque Start Number

Chq End No. Indicates Cheque End Number

Amount Indicates Cheque Amount

Stop Chq Date Indicates Stop Cheque Date

Reason Indicates Reason for Stop Payment

19.10 Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.10.1, "Generating Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report"
 Section 19.9.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.10.1 Generating Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report

Branches collect PDC to ensure recovery and credit the customer accounts on the scheduled
date. These cheques are presented in the outward clearing on the agreed due date.

During EOD, you can generate ‘Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report’, which lists details
of all the PDC that were due and were cleared on that day. Transactions in this report are

grouped based on the Instrument and clearing type of the cheques. Report also provides a
Branch-wise presentation of cheques.

You can invoke the ‘Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report’ screen by typing ‘PDRDTTOD’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code for the Branch in which the customer has an account from the adjoining
option list.

19.10.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The other content displayed in the Post Dated Cheques Due Today Report is as

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current Branch Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current Branch Time

Branch Date Indicates the date of Branch in which report is taken.

Page No Displays Page No out of total No of pages in report.

Body of the Report
The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Instrument Type Indicates PDC Type

Clearing Type Indicates Clearing Product description of the PDC

Account No Indicates Account Number (Beneficiary Account Number)

Acct. Name Indicates Description of the Account if it is FCUBS

account. If it is not, then it is left blank

Bank Code Indicates Bank Code of the Issuer

Cheque No Indicates Cheque number

CCY Indicates the Currency of the Transaction

Cheque Amount Indicates Cheque Amount

Transaction Seq No. Indicates Transaction Sequence No.

Deposit Date Indicates Cheque Deposit Date

Instr. Date Indicates Activation Date

Value Date Indicates Value Date of the Cheque

Total Amount Indicates the total amount


19.11 Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.11.1, "Generating Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report"
 Section 19.11.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.11.1 Generating Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides customers a facility to open an account in the branch of their
choice. You can generate ‘Inter Branch Accounts Opened Today Report’ to enable the
branch, to have a control over all the accounts opened on other branches. This report lists the
accounts created by the Bank Staff, who have Multiple Branch Operational Rights. However,
the account branch and the Maker’s home branch should not be the same.

You can invoke the ‘Inter-Branch Accounts Opened Today Report’ screen by typing
‘STRIBRAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated from the adjoining option

Specify the date for which you wish to generate the report, from the adjoining calendar.

19.11.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Inter Branch Accounts Opened Today Report is as

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

Run Time Indicates the time on which the report is generated

Module The module from which the report is generated

User ID Indicates User ID

Page No The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Code Indicates Branch code of the Account

Field Name Field Description

Customer ID Indicates Customer ID

Customer Short Name Indicates Customer Short name

Account Class Indicates Account Class of the Account

Account No Indicates Account Number

Account Desc Indicates Account description

Account Opening Date Indicates Account Opening Date

19.12 Account Status Movement Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.12.1, "Generating Account Status Movement Report"
 Section 19.12.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.12.1 Generating Account Status Movement Report

You can maintain Account Status Movement conditions at the ‘Account Class’ level, based on
the conditions decided by your Bank and the compliance requirements of the Central Bank.
During EOD, based on these and the conduct of accounts, system automatically classifies the
assets on the daily basis. Based on this classification, system recognizes and provisions the

You can generate ‘Account Status Movement Report’ to enable the branches to follow-up the
accounts so that the status of the accounts does not change to NPL status. This report lists
CASA accounts that have moved to status based on the Account Class type of the account.

You can invoke the ‘Account Status Movement Report’ screen by typing ‘STRCASTM’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated from the adjoining option

Account Number
Specify the account number for which the report has to be generated, from the adjoining
option list.

Account Status
Specify the status of the Account number from the adjoining option list.

19.12.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Inter Account Status Movement Report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Date Indicates the branch date

Branch Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User ID Indicates User ID

Module Indicates the module code

Run Time Indicates the time on which the report is generated

Page No The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Class Indicates Account Class of the Account

Account Number Indicates Account Number

Customer Id Indicates Customer Number

Customer Indicates Customer Short Name

Checker ID Indicates Checker ID

No. of Days Indicates Number of Days the account is in the current status

Account Status Indicates Account Status

From Status Indicates the Status from which the account moved to the current

19.13 Variances Maintained Today Report
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.13.1, "Generating Variances Maintained Today Report"
 Section 19.13.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.13.1 Generating Variances Maintained Today Report

When a customer opens an account, the system updates interest rates based on those
maintained at the Product level. However; branches can have an account level variance.

You can generate ‘Variances Maintained Today Report’ to inform branches about the
variances maintained for that day. This report lists details of CASA and TD accounts for which
the interest variances are maintained for the day. You can invoke the ‘Variances Maintained
Today Report’ screen by typing ‘STRSPCON’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated from the adjoining option

19.13.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Variances Maintained Today Report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Date Indicates the branch date

Branch Indicates Branch Code and Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User ID Indicates User ID

Module Indicates the module code

Run Time Indicates the time on which the report is generated

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates Account Number

Customer Id Indicates Customer Number

Customer Name Indicates Customer Short Name

Account Class Indicates Account Class of the account

Product Indicates Product used for account

Effective Date Indicates Effective Date of new UDE values

UDE Value Indicates new values of UDE

Variance maintained for the TD accounts is displayed for the current day.
If the account is a CASA account, system will not display the variance maintained for the
current day. A back dated value has to provided as input parameter to view the variance
report for CASA accounts

19.14 Operating Instructions Not Captured Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.14.1, "Generating Operating Instructions Not Captured Report"
 Section 19.14.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.14.1 Generating Operating Instructions Not Captured Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates maintenance of operating instructions for a customer account.

If an operating instruction is maintained for an account, then while processing transactions
pertaining to that account the system validates the instructions.

You can generate ‘Operating Instructions Not Captured Report’ to list the accounts for which
the following operating instructions are not maintained:
 Mode of operation
 Account signatory details
 Nominee details
 Minor and guarantor details

You can invoke the ‘Operating Instructions Not Captured Report’ screen by typing
‘CAROPICT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated from the adjoining option

Customer Type
Select customer type of the account for which you need to generate the report from the
adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:
 Individual – Select if the customer type is individual.
 Corporate-Select if the customer type is Corporate
 Bank-Select if the customer type is Bank
 All

Customer Category
Specify a valid category of the customer for whose account you wish to generate a report,
from the adjoining option list.

Account Number
Specify a valid account number for which you wish to generate a report, from the adjoining
option list.

19.14.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Operating Instructions Not Captured Report is as

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Bank Code Indicates Bank Code

Field Name Field Description

Bank Name Indicates Bank Name

Branch Code Indicates Branch code

Branch Indicates Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User ID Indicates User ID

Run Time Indicates the time on which the report is


Body of the Report

The following details related to every customer are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Customer Number Indicates Customer Identification ID

Account Details

Account Number Indicates Account Number

Account Description Indicates Account Details

Account Open date Indicates Account Opening Date

Mode of Operation Indicates Operation Details

Signatory Details Maintained Indicates Account Signature

Account Status

Status code Indicates Status Code

Status description Indicates Status Description

Minor Details

Is Minor Indicates Customer Minor status

Guardian Name Indicates Guardian Name

Nominee Name Indicates Nominee Name

Maker ID Indicates Maker ID

19.15 Minor Customer Details Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.15.1, "Generating Minor Customer Details Report"
 Section 19.15.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.15.1 Generating Minor Customer Details Report

Customer documentation standards for Minor Account are different from a regular Account.
Minor accounts are also restricted to certain classes of transactions based on the set-up
maintained at ‘Bank Parameters’ level.

You can generate ‘Minor Customer Details Report’ to view list of minor customers, which aid
the Bank while auditing and controlling the account. This report lists details of all Minor
Accounts available in the system for a given branch code, maturity type, days to attain age
and date of attaining the age.

You can invoke the ‘Minor Customer Details Report’ screen by typing ‘CARMICUS’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated from the adjoining option

No. of Days to Attain Maturity

Specify the number of days within which the Minor Account attains maturity.

19.15.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Minor Customer Details Report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Bank Indicates Bank Name

Branch Indicates Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User Id Indicates Operator ID

Field Name Field Description

Run Time Indicates Run Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Customer ID Indicates Customer ID

Customer Name Indicates Customer Name

Date of Birth Indicates Date of Birth

Date of Maturity Indicates Date of Maturity

Legal Guardian Indicates Name of the guardian

Contact No Indicates Contact Number

Status Indicates Customer status

No of Days for maturity Indicates the number of days for maturity

19.16 CASA-Overdraft Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.16.1, "Generating CASA-Overdraft Report"
 Section 19.16.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.16.1 Generating CASA-Overdraft Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates to view the overdraft accounts details in the system. The
overdraft account can be a current or saving account, which will have the limits attached.
Each limit will have the Limit amount, limit start and end date. You can generate ‘CASA-
Overdraft Report’ to view the operative overdraft limit and current outstanding for each
account. This report lists customer accounts which have the overdraft facility and limits that
are associated to them.

The transaction details are grouped based on the Account Class. You can invoke ‘CASA-
Overdraft Report’ screen by typing ‘CAROVDFT’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining
option list.
Account Number
Specify a valid account number maintained in the specified Branch for which you wish to
generate report, from the adjoining option list.

19.16.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the CASA-Overdraft Report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Bank Indicates Bank Name

Branch Indicates Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User Id Indicates Operator ID

Run Time Indicates Run Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Code Indicates the branch code

Field Name Field Description

Account Class Indicates the account class

Customer ID Indicates the customer identification number

Customer Name Indicates the name of the customer

Account Number Indicates Customer Account Number

Account Currency Indicates the account currency

Book Balance Indicates Account current balance

Line details for each account

Line Start Date Indicates the line start date

Line Expiry Date Indicates the line expiry date

Line Currency Indicates Line Currency

Line Amount Indicates Line Amount

Overdraft Start date Indicates Temporary Over draft limit start date

Overdraft End Date Indicates Temporary Over draft limit expiry date

OD Currency Indicates Over draft currency

OD Limit Indicates Temporary Over draft Limit in LCY

Latest Debit Date Indicates Latest debit transaction date

Latest Credit Date Indicates Latest credit transaction date

Latest Debit Txn Indicates Latest debit transaction amount

Latest Credit Txn Indicates Latest credit transaction amount

19.17 Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report

 Section 19.17.1, "Generating Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report"
 Section 19.17.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.17.1 Generating Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report

If there are no customer initiated transactions for the period set at the product level, the CASA
account status will be changed to dormancy. After a specific period in the dormancy status,
the money is transferred to the unclaimed General Ledger account as decided by the bank. If
any of the accounts have a credit balance that is less than the amount specified in the dormant
status, then you can view details of these accounts in Insignificant Balance Dormant Account
Report. This report will generate a list of dormant accounts which have credit balances less
than the minimum amount.

This is a nil Balance Dormant Account Report for CASA Accounts. Accounts are grouped
based on the product type. You can invoke ‘Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report’
screen by typing ‘CARDORAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

Insignificant Amount
Specify the insignificant amount balance available in the account for which the report is being

19.17.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Insignificant Balance Dormant Account Report is as

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Bank Indicates Bank Name

Branch Indicates Branch Name

Run Date Indicates Date on which report is generated

User Id Indicates Operator ID

Run Time Indicates Run Time

Body of the Report
The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Product Indicates the product

Account Number Indicates the account number

Customer No Indicates the customer number

Customer Name Indicates Customer Name

Maker Id Indicates Maker Id

Dormancy Date Indicates Account dormant date

Dormant Days Indicates Dormancy days

Available balance Indicates Account available balance

19.18 CRR Movement Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.18.1, "Generating CRR Movement Report"
 Section 19.18.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.18.1 Generating CRR Movement Report

Credit Risk Rating (CRR) is analysed by Oracle FLEXCUBE Retail, to determine whether an
asset is a performing asset or not. The bank can be track either at customer level or at account
level based on preferences maintained by the system. You can generate ‘CRR Movement
Report’ with details of status change.

You can invoke ‘CRR Movement Report’ screen by typing ‘ACRSTMOV’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Select Branch code for which you want to generate the report from the options. The following
options are available for selection:
 All – Select if you want to generate the report for all the branch codes.
 Specific – Select if you want to generate the report for a specific code.
If you have selected specific, specify a valid branch code for which you want to generate
the report, from the adjoining option list.

Select status for which you want to generate the report from the options. The following options
are available for selection:
 All – Select if you want to generate the report for all status types.
 Specific – Select if you want to generate the report for a specific status.
If you have selected specific, specify a valid transaction code for which you want to gen-
erate the report, from the adjoining option list.

Status Change Type

Select a valid type of status change for which you want to generate the report, from the
adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:
 CASA – Select if you want to generate report for CASA accounts.
 Loans – Select if you want to generate report for Loan accounts.
 All – Select if you want to generate report for Loan accounts.

From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the
adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the interest accrual report from the
adjoining calendar.

19.18.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the ‘CRR Movement Report’ is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Bank Code / Bank Name Indicates Bank code and Bank Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

Report Run Date Indicates Current Branch Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current Branch Time

Op Id Indicates Logged in user

From Date Indicates Date captured as start date

To Date Indicates Date captured as end date

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Module Indicates ‘ST’ for CASA Accounts, ‘CL’ for Loan Accounts,
‘CI’ for Islamic Financing, ‘LE’ for leasing, and ‘MO’ for Mort-

Customer Number Indicates Customer Number

Customer Name Indicates Customer Name

Account Number Indicates CASA Loan Account Number

Customer Previous CRR Indicates Previous CIF Status

Customer Current CRR Indicates Current CIF Status

Account Previous Status Indicates,

 Previous Account status for CASA accounts
 Previous loan status for Loan accounts

Account Current Status Indicates,

 Current Account status for CASA accounts
 Current loan status for loan accounts

Status Change Date Indicates,

 Status change date for CASA accounts
 Effective date for Loan accounts

Available Balance/Out- Indicates,

standing Balance
 Available Balance in case of CASA ac-
 Outstanding balance in case of Loan ac-

CCY Indicates,
 Account currency for CASA Accounts
 Loan currency for Loan Accounts

19.19 VAT Deduction Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.19.1, "Generating VAT Deduction Report"
 Section 19.19.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.19.1 Generating VAT Deduction Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE generates a report that contains the details of VAT deduction from CASA
account for every branch on a monthly basis. For generating this report, the following
conditions should be met:
 ‘Charge 1’ needs to be defined as service charge and ‘Charge 2’ as VAT.
 If VAT needs to be computed based on the service charge, ‘Charge 1’ must be the basis
for ‘Charge 2’.
 If ‘Charge 3’ is defined as another service charge and VAT needs to be computed on
this charge, then ‘Charge 4’ must be defined as VAT with ‘Charge 3’ as the basis.

You can use the UDF ‘TRNCODE_TYPE’ to define the type of charge vs. VAT, service charge
or other charge.

The VAT deduction report is generated during end of day operations at the month end, based
on the following parameters.
 Branch Code
 VAT Deducted Date

Based on the above details, the system generates the report.

19.19.2 Contents of the Report

The report contains the following details:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Report name

Bank Code / Bank Name Bank code and bank name

Branch Code / Branch Name Current branch code and branch name

Report Run Date Current branch date

Report Run Time Current branch time

Field Name Field Description

Product Code Product code

Product Name Product description

Currency Account currency

Account Number Account number

Customer Name Customer short name

SC - Basis Service charge rule method will be provided

[Percentage / Fixed Amount] Fixed Amount or Rate

Field Name Field Description

SC - Applicable Percentage or fixed amount applicable for service

[Percentage / Fixed Amount]

Service Charge Service charge in local currency

VAT - Basis VAT Rule Method will be provided

[Percentage / Fixed Amount] Fixed Amount or Rate

VAT - Applicable Percentage or Fixed Amount applicable

[Percentage / Fixed Amount]

VAT Deducted VAT in local currency

Transaction Reference Number Reference number of the transaction

19.20 Customer De-duplication Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.20.1, "Generating Customer De-duplication Report"
 Section 19.20.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.20.1 Generating Customer De-duplication Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE generates a report that contains the details of the duplicate Customers
based on De-duplication rule condition maintained in the system. To invoke ‘Duplicate
Customer List’ screen, type ‘STRPDEDP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code for which you want to generate the report of the duplicate customers.

19.20.2 Contents of the Report

The report contains the following details.

Field Name Field Description

Branch Code / Branch Branch Code, All option can be selected if the report needs to
Name be for all the branches

Dedup Rule Condition Parameter based on which the de-duplication validation is


Field Name Field Description

Customer Number Customer Id of the duplicate customers

Customer Type Type of the customer for the which the duplicate id is found

Short Name Short name

SSN Social Security Number of the customer

Full Name Full name

19.21 Account Opened and Activated Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.21.1, "Generating Account Opened and Activated Report"
 Section 19.21.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.21.1 Generating Account Opened and Activated Report

You can generate Account Activated Report using ‘Account Opened and Activated Report’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPAACC’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate
the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:

 All – If you choose this, the system will generate the report for all the branches.
 Single – If you choose this, you need to specify the branch code for which the report
should be generated. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the
system. Choose the appropriate one.

Date Range
From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.21.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates the time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Category Indicates the category

Branch Code Indicates the branch code

Branch Name Indicates the name of the branch

Customer Account Indicates customer account

Customer Name Indicates customer name

Account Open Date Indicates the date when the account was opened

Account Type Indicates the type of account

Currency Indicates the account currency

RM Code Indicates the relationship manager code

Passport/Licence Number Indicates the passport or license number

Maker Indicates the name of the maker of the record

Maker Date Indicates the date when the record was created

Checker Indicates the name of the checker who authorized the


Checker Date Indicates the date on which the record was authorized

19.22 Account Block and Reason Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.22.1, "Generating Account Block and Reason Report"
 Section 19.22.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.22.1 Generating Account Block and Reason Report

You can generate Account Blocked Report using ‘Account Block and Reason Report’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPACCB’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate
the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:
 All – If you choose this, the system will generate the report for all the branches.
 Single – If you choose this, you need to specify the branch code for which the report
should be generated. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the
system. Choose the appropriate one.

Hold Code
The system allows to generate the amount block report based on hold code criteria.

Date Range
From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.22.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates the report generation time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Indicates the branch code

Branch Name Indicates the name of the branch

Account Number Indicates the customer account number

Currency Indicates the account currency

Amount Block Indicates the amount block number


Hold Code Indicates the hold code

Customer Name Indicates the name of the customer

Maker Indicates the maker ID of the record

Maker Date Indicates the date when the record was created

Checker Indicates the checker ID of the record

Checker Date Indicates the date on which the record was authorized

Blocked Date Indicates the blocked date

Expiry Date Indicates the date of expiry of Block

Amount Indicates the blocked amount

Reason Indicates the reason of Block

19.23 Account Closure and Reason Report
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.21.1, "Generating Account Opened and Activated Report"
 Section 19.23.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.23.1 Generating Account Closure and Reason Report

You can generate Account Closure Report using ‘Account Closure and Reason Report’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPACCL’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate
the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:
 All – If you choose this, the system will generate the report for all the branches.
 Single – If you choose this, you need to specify the branch code for which the report
should be generated. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the
system. Choose the appropriate one.

Date Range
From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.23.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Code Indicates the branch code

Branch Name Indicates the name of the branch

Closure Date Indicates the closure date of the Account

Account Number Indicates the customer account number

Account Currency Indicates the account currency

Customer Name Indicates the name of the customer

Accrued Profit Amount Indicates the accrued profit amount

Account Current Balance Indicates the current account balance

Reason Indicates the reason of the closure

Approved By Indicates by whom the account closure is approved

Maker ID Indicates the Maker ID of the record

Checker ID Indicates the Checker ID who authorized the record

19.23.3 Account Open or Close Report

This section contains the following topics:

 Section 19.23.4, "Generating Account Open or Close Report"
 Section 19.23.5, "Contents of the Report"

19.23.4 Generating Account Open or Close Report

You can generate Account Open or Closure Report using ‘Account Open or Close Report’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPAOCR’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

19.23.5 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates the time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates the customer account number

Short Name Indicates the short name of the customer

Full Name Indicates the full name of the customer

Currency Indicates the account currency

Current Balance Indicates the current account balance

Account Officer Code Indicates the code of the account officer

Maker ID Indicates the identification of the maker of the record

Maker Date Stamp Indicates the date and time when the record was created

Checker ID Indicates the identification of the checker who authorized the


Checker Date Stamp Indicates the date and time on which the record was authorized

19.24 Passbook Details Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.24.1, "Generating Passbook Details Report"
 Section 19.24.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.24.1 Generating Passbook Details Report

You can generate Passbook Details Report using ‘Passport Details’ screen. You can invoke
this screen by typing ‘CARPASBK’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the branch of the account.

Specify the account number.

Account Description
Give a brief description on the account.

Passbook Number
Specify the passbook number.

Specify the status of the passbook.

19.24.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates the customer account number

Account Description Gives a brief description on the account

Passbook Number Indicates the number of the passbook

Passbook Status Indicates the status of the passbook

Issue date Indicates the date when passbook was issued

Status Indicates the status of the passbook

Status Change Date Indicates the status change date

Charge Component Indicates the charge component

Charge Amount Indicates the charge amount

Charge Currency Indicates the charge currency

Charge Amount in Local Currency Indicates the charge amount in local currency

Exchange Rate Used Indicates the exchange rate used

19.25 Account Balance List Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.25.1, "Generating Account Balance List Report"
 Section 19.25.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.25.1 Generating Account Balance List Report

You can generate Account Balance Report using ‘Account Balance List Report’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPBALC’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate
the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:
 All – If you choose this, the system will generate the report for all the branches.
 Single – If you choose this, you need to specify the branch code for which the report
should be generated. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the
system. Choose the appropriate one.

19.25.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Date Indicates the branch open date

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates time of report generation

Body of the Report
The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates the account number

Short Name Indicates the short name of the customer

Full Name Indicates the full name of the customer

Currency Indicates the account currency

Current Balance Indicates the currenct balance

Unclear balance Indicates the unclear balance of the account

Hold Indicates the amount on hold

Available balance Indicates the available balance of the account

19.26 Customer Limit Position Tracking Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.26.1, "Generating Customer Limit Position Tracking Report"
 Section 19.26.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.26.1 Generating Customer Limit Position Tracking Report

You can generate Customer Limit Position Report using ‘Customer Limit Position Tracking
Report’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPCSLM’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Liability ID Option
Select the liability Id from the following options:
 All
 Single

Liability Number
Select the liability number from the adjoining option list, if the liability id option is selected as

19.26.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

Branch Date Indicates the branch open date

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was gener-

Report Run Time Indicates the time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Level Indicates the level of the record

Liability ID Indicates the liability ID

Line ID Indicates the Line ID

Main Line Indicates the Main Line

Group Name Indicates the name of the group

Availability Flag Indicates whether the line is available or not

Line Currency Indicates the currency of the line

Limit Amount Indicates the limit amount of the line

Start Date Indicates the start date of the line

Available Amount Indicates the amount available for the line

Expiry Date Indicates the expiry date of the line

Utilization Amount Indicates the amount utilized from the line

19.27 All Dormant Account Report
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.27.1, "Generating All Dormant Account Report"
 Section 19.27.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.27.1 Generating All Dormant Account Report

You can generate Dormant Account Report using ‘All Dormant Account Report’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPDACC’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate
the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:
 All – If you choose this, the system will generate the report for all the branches.
 Single – If you choose this, you need to specify the branch code for which the report
should be generated. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the
system. Choose the appropriate one.

Date Range
From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.27.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates the time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Indicates the branch code

Branch Name Indicates the name of the branch

RM Code Indicates the relationship manager code

Account Number Indicates customer number

Currency Indicates the account currency

Full Name Indicates the full name of the customer

Passport Indicates the passport

Dormancy Date Indicates the date of dormancy of the account

Dormancy Status Indicates the status of dormancy

Account Opened Date Indicates the date when the account was opened

Last Dr Activity Indicates the last debit activity date

Last Cr Activity Indicates the last credit activity date

19.28 Debit Card Issued Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.28.1, "Generating Debit Card Issued Report"
 Section 19.28.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.28.1 Generating Debit Card Issued Report

You can generate Debit Card Issuance Report using ‘Debit Card issued Report’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPDCRD’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

19.28.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates the customer account number

Full Name Indicates the full name of the customer

Currency Indicates the account currency

Name on the Card Indicates the name on the card

Expiry Date Indicates the expiry date of the card

MIS Code Indicates the MIS Code

Maker ID Indicates the identification of the maker of the record

Maker Date Stamp Indicates the date and time when the record was created

Checker ID Indicates the identification of the checker who authorized the


Checker Date Stamp Indicates the date and time when the record was authorized

19.29 New Minor Account Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.29.1, "Generating New Minor Account Report"
 Section 19.29.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.29.1 Generating New Minor Account Report

You can generate New Minor Account Report using ‘New Minor Account Report’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPMACC’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for all the branches or a single branch alone. You can indicate
the branch for which the report is being generated using the following options:
 All – If you choose this, the system will generate the report for all the branches.
 Single – If you choose this, you need to specify the branch code for which the report
should be generated. The option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the
system. Choose the appropriate one.

Date Range
From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.29.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates the date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates time of generation of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Indicates the branch code

Branch Name Indicates the name of the branch

CIF Number Indicates the customer number

Account Number Indicates account number

Account Type Indicates the type of account

Account Currency Indicates the account currency

Customer Name Indicates customer name

Account Open Indicates the date when the account was opened

Customer DOB Indicates the date of birth of the customer

Maker Indicates the Identification of the maker of the


Maker Date Indicates the date when the record was created

Field Name Field Description

Checker Indicates the Identification of the checker who

authorized the record

Checker Date Indicates the date on which the record was author-

19.29.3 Non Resident Account Report

This section contains the following topics:

 Section 19.29.4, "Generating Non Resident Account Report"
 Section 19.29.5, "Contents of the Report"

19.29.4 Generating Non Resident Account Report

You can generate Non Resident Account Report using ‘Non Resident Account Report’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CARPNRAC’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code from the adjoining option list.

From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.29.5 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates date on which the report was generated

Report Run Time Indicates time of report generation

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Code Indicates the branch code

Branch Name Indicates the name of the branch

Account Number Indicates the account number

Account Open Date Indicates the date when the account was opened

Account Type Indicates the type of account

Account Currency Indicates the account currency

Customer Name and RM Code Indicates customer name and Relationship Manager

Nationality Indicates the nationality of the customer

Residing Country Indicates the country where the customer resides

Customer Identification and Indicates the customer identification and detials


Maker ID & Date Indicates the Identification of the maker and date of
creation of the record

Checker Id & Time Indicates the Identification of the checker who author-
ized the record and date of authorization

19.30 Document Checklist Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.30.1, "Generating Document Checklist Report"
 Section 19.30.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.30.1 Generating Document Checklist Report

You can generate a report of document checklist using ‘Document Checklist’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘STRDOCL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
Specify the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Document Status
Select the status of the document from the adjoining drop down list.

From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.30.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

Page No The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Branch Code Indicates the branch code

Customer Number Indicates the customer number

Customer Name Indicates customer name

Customer Account Number Indicates the account number of the customer

Document Type Indicates the type of document

Expiry Date Indicates the expiry date

Expected Date Submission Indicates the expected date of submission

Actual Submission Date Indicates the actual submission date

19.31 Customer Account Branch Transfer Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.31.1, "Generating Customer Account Branch Transfer Report"
 Section 19.31.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.31.1 Generating Customer Account Branch Transfer Report

You can generate CASA branch transfer report using ‘CASA Branch Transfer Report’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STRFRCAS’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Previous Branch Code

Specify the previous branch code from the adjoining option list.

Current Branch Code
Specify the current branch code from the adjoining option list.

Transferred Date
Specify the date of transfer of the branch.

Account Class
Specify the account class from the adjoining option list.

Customer No
Specify the customer number from the adjoining option list.

Customer Account No
Specify the customer account number from the adjoining option list.

19.31.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

Page No The page number of the report

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Customer Account Number Indicates the account number of the customer

Current Branch Indicates the current branch code

Previous Branch Indicates the previous branch

Transferred Date Indicates the transferred date

Account Class Indicates the account class

Customer Number Indicates the customer number

Customer Name Indicates customer name

19.32 Customer Cheque Discounting Report
This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.32.1, "Generating Customer Cheque Discounting Report"
 Section 19.32.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.32.1 Generating Customer Cheque Discounting Report

You can generate Cheque Discounting Report using ‘Customer Cheque Discounting Report’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘PDRCHDRF’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Beneficiary Account
Specify the beneficiary account from the adjoining option list.

Date Range
From Date
Specify a valid date from when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Specify a valid date till when you wish to generate the report from the adjoining calendar.

19.32.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

19.33 Cancelled or Rejected Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.33.1, "Generating Cancelled or Rejected Report"
 Section 19.33.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.33.1 Generating Cancelled or Rejected Report

You can generate Cancelled or Rejected Report using ‘Cancelled or Rejected Report’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CORRJDD’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Report Date
Specify the report date from the adjoining calendar

19.33.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Branch Date Indicates the date of Branch in which report is taken

Page No Displays Page No out of total No of pages in report

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Number of Cheques Cancelled Indicates the number of cheques cancelled

MC Number Indicates the MC Number

Date of Booking Indicates the date of booking

Amount Indicates the amount

Customer Name Indicates customer name

Beneficiary Name Indicates the name of the beneficiary

Branch Code Indicates the branch code

Processor ID Indicates the processor identification number

Authorizer ID Indicates the authorizer ID

19.34 Large Debit Balance Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.34.1, "Generating Large Debit Balance Report"
 Section 19.34.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.34.1 Generating Large Debit Balance Report

You can generate this EOD Report at branch level for all CASA accounts with large debit
balances. The report enlists all CASA accounts that have debit balance equal to or more than
the threshold value maintained. The Report also displays the currency wise threshold value
maintained for the account class of the CASA account.

For further details on report parameter and batch maintenances, refer to the Reports User

19.34.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Branch Date Indicates the date of Branch in which report is taken

Page No Displays Page No out of total No of pages in report

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Class Indicates the account class

Currency Indicates the currency of the transaction

Threshold Amount Indicates the threshold amount

Account Number Indicates the account number

Account Name Indicates the account name

Customer ID Indicates the customer ID

Customer Name Indicates the name of the customer

Customer Telephone No Indicates the customer telephone number

Available Balance Indicates the available balance

19.35 Ad-Hoc Combined Statement

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.35.1, "Generating Ad-Hoc Combined Statement"
 Section 19.35.2, "Charge Details"

19.35.1 Generating Ad-Hoc Combined Statement

You can generate ad-hoc combined statement through ‘Ad-Hoc Combined Statement’
screen.You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDCDSMT’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Customer No
Select the customer number from the adjoining option list.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name.

Statement ID
Select the statement ID from the adjoining option list.

You can select the balance to view based on the book date or value date.

Based on Date Range

From Date
Specify the from date for the combined statement generation.

To Date
Specify the to date for combined statement generation.

Print Options
You can print, view or spool the statement.

Apply Online Charges

Check this box to indicate that the charges needs to be applied to generate the ad-hoc
account statement.

Send to Customer
Check this box to send the statement to the customer.

Processing Ad-Hoc Combined Statement

You can process the ad-hoc combined statement by doing the following:
 Select the customer for which ad-hoc account statement needs to be generated..

 Select the plan ID maintained for the customer.
 Specify the date range. If date range is not specified then the system generates report
for the current date only.
 Check ‘Send to Customer’, if the statement should be sent to the customer. You can
view, print or spool the message based on the option selected.
 If the 'Send to Customer' is not checked, then the generated statement can only be
viewed, spooled or printed. The message will not be available in outgoing browser.
 Specify if charge needs to be applied on the statement generation. The actual account-
ing entries for the charge is processed only on the click of OK button of the Ad hoc
 ‘Reports’ button is provided for processing the reports.
 Statement is generated for all the accounts maintained in the statement plan.

19.35.2 Charge Details

You can view the online charges computed for the generation of the combined statement
through the Charges screen. If the charge needs to be waived, 'Apply Online Charge' in the
main screen should be unchecked You can invoke this screen by clicking ‘Charges’ on the
‘Ad-Hoc Combined Statement’ screen.

The system displays the following details in the charges screen:

 Reference No
 Event Sequence Number
 Component
 Charge Account
 Account Description
 Amount
 Currency
 Waiver

The following maintenances are necessary for the online charge calculation:
– Create an RT product.
– Map the RT product to the ARC maintenance screen.

– Maintain the combination in Online Charge Product Maintenance screen.

19.36 Combined Statement Generation Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.36.1, "Generating Combined Statement Generation Report"
 Section 19.36.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.36.1 Generating Combined Statement Generation Report

You can generate Combined Statement Report using ‘Combined Statement Report’ screen.

Customer No
The system displays the customer number.

Statement ID
The system displays the statement ID.

19.36.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the report is as follows:

The following details are displayed in the header section:

Field Name Field Description

Report Name Indicates Report Name

Branch Code / Branch Name Indicates Current Branch code and Branch Name

User ID Indicates the Identification of the User

Branch Date Indicates the date of Branch in which report is taken

Page No Displays Page No out of total No of pages in report

Module Indicates the Module of the Report

Report Run Date Indicates Current System Date

Report Run Time Indicates Current System Time

Customer Name Indicates the name of the customer

Customer Address Indicates the address of the customer

Account Summary Details Indicates the summary details for CASA, TD and CL

Body of the Report

The body of the report displays:
 Current And Savings Account Activity Summary
 Deposit Account Activity Summary
 Loan Accounts Activity Summary
 Detailed CASA Account Activity Statement
 Detailed Deposit Account Activity Statement
 Detailed Loan Accounts Activity Statement

19.37 Customer Change Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.37.1, "Generating Customer Change Report"
 Section 19.37.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.37.1 Generating Customer Change Report

You can generate a report that contains the details of primary party changes made in the
system using ‘Customer Change Report’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STRCUSCH’ in
the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Branch Code
Specify the branch code for which you need to generate the report. The report will contain the
details of the customer changes specific to the selected branch.

if you do not specify the branch code, the report will contain primary party changes happened
in the system across all branches.

Specify the account number whose details should be available in the report. The report will
contain details pertaining to the customer changes happened on the selected account. If you
do not specify the account number, the report will contain the details of the primary party
changes happened in all the accounts in the selected branch.

Account Description
The system displays the account description based on the account selected.

From Date
Specify the start date of the report period. This can be the ‘To date’ or a date prior to that. By
default, the system displays the current date.

To Date
Specify the end date of the report period. This can be the ‘From date’ or a date later than that.
By default, the system displays the current date.

19.37.2 Contents of the Report

The report contains the following details:

 Branch
 Account
 Account Description
 Old Customer Id
 Old Customer Name
 New Customer Id
 New Customer Name
 Remarks
 Maker Id
 Checker Id
 Checker Date Stamp
 Verifier Id

19.38 Passbook Issued Report

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 19.38.1, "Invoking Passbook Issued Report Screen"
 Section 19.38.2, "Contents of the Report"

19.38.1 Invoking Passbook Issued Report Screen

You can generate passbook Issued Report to show date wise details of passbooks issued to
various accounts.You can invoke the ‘Passbook Issued Report’ screen by typing ‘CARPBISU’

in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

You can specify the following details:

Select if single or all branch details needs to be generated. The list displays the following
 All
 Single

After selecting the required option, specify the branch code. Alternatively, you can select
branch code from the option list. The list displays all valid branch code maintained in the

Select if single or all user details needs to be generated. The list displays the following
 All
 Single

After selecting the required option, specify the user details. Alternatively, you can select user
code from the option list. The list displays all valid user code maintained in the system.

Date Range
From Date
Select the date from which the reports need to be generated from the adjoining calendar.

To Date
Select the date till which the reports need to be generated from the adjoining calendar.

Report Format
Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the drop-down list. The list
displays the following values:
 HTML – Select to generate report in HTML format.

 RTF – Select to generate report in RTF format.
 PDF – Select to generate report in PDF format.
 EXCEL – Select to generate report in EXCEL format.

Report Output
Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the drop-down list. The list
displays the following values:
 Print – Select to print the report.
 View – Select to view the report.
 Spool – Select to spool the report to a specified folder so that you can print it later.

Printer At
Select location where you wish to print the report from the drop-down list. The list displays the
following values:
 Client – Select if you need to print at the client location.
 Server – Select if you need to print at the server location

Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the option list.

19.38.2 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in ‘Passbook Issued Report’ is as follows:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Sl. No Field Name Information

1 Issue Branch Branch Code From which passbook is issued

2 Date of Issue Date on which Passbook is issued

3 Account Branch Account branch of the account to which passbook

is issued

4 Account Number Account No. for which passbook is issued

5 Account Description Account Description

6 Passbook Type Type of Passbook

7 Passbook Number Passbook Number

8 Passbook Status Status of Passbook (e.g. Active, Re-issue &


9 Maker Id User id who issued the passbook

10 Checker Id Authorizer who authorized the issue of passbook

20. Glossary
20.1 Important Terms
Amount Block
It refers to the portion of the balances of a customer account that is designated to be set apart
for specific purposes, and cannot be withdrawn. The ‘blocking’ can be set up either on request
from either the customer or the bank.

Check Book
It is one of the means that the bank provides to the customer for withdrawal of balances from
the account. It consists of a specified number of leaves, against each of which a specified
amount can be drawn from the account balance.

Effective Date
It is the date on and following which an amount block on a customer account becomes

End Check Number

It is the number of the last check in a range of checks against which a customer directs the
bank to stop payment.

Modification Number
It is the serial number of a check status modification. It is incremented serially each time the
status of a check is modified.

Start Check Number

It is the number of the first check in a range of checks against which a customer directs the
bank to stop payment.

Stop Payment Instruction

A directive from a customer to the bank instructing that payment against a check must be
stopped. The directive could specify an amount in respect of a check, a single check or a
range of checks.

21. Annexure A
This chapter contains the following sections:
 Section 21.1, "Format of PD_PDC_CAN Message Type"

21.1 Format of PD_PDC_CAN Message Type

The following is the format of ‘PD_PDC_CAN’ message type:


Drawee Bank:Citi Bank

Branch:M G Road

Customer Account Number:123456789

Cancellation details:

Cheque NoStatus







‘The above said Cheques has been cancelled’

22. Annexure B - Accounting Entries
This chapter contains the following sections:
 Section 22.1, "Accounting Entries and Advices for CASA"
 Section 22.2, "Events"
 Section 22.3, "Amount Tags"
 Section 22.4, "Accounting Roles"
 Section 22.5, "Event-wise Accounting Entries for Products"

22.1 Accounting Entries and Advices for CASA

This Annexure lists the suggested event-wise accounting entries that can be set up, for the
Interest and Charge product applicable for the CASA module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

22.2 Events
You need to set up the following events for an Interest product:

Event Code Event Description

ILIQ Interest Liquidation

IACR Interest Accruals

UDCH UDE Values Change

CDIS Cheque Discount

You need to set up the following events for a Charge product:

Event Code Event Description

CLIQ Charge Liquidation

22.3 Amount Tags

The following amount tags are available:

Amount Tags Description

IACR Interest Accrued

CHARGE Charge Accrued


IACR_ADJ Interest Accrual Adjustment

ILIQ Interest liquidation

TAX Tax Accrual

TAX_ADJ Tax Adjustment

22.4 Accounting Roles
Accounting roles for CASA are defaulted by FLEXCUBE in a following manner:

‘SAXX’ - ‘accounting role type’ – ‘X’

SAXX represents the IC rule ID you have maintained and attached to the particular IC
product. This is based on your own convention. Accounting role type is for example the
accrual, P/L, or tax payment. For creation of role type system uses standard abbreviations
across FLEXCUBE. ‘X’ is a number which is the number of the formula for which the
accounting role is created.

If you have maintained more than one formula at rule level FLEXCUBE will default accounting
roles for each of your accounting roles

For Example, SAAB-ACCR-1 = accounting role for accrual pertaining to SAAB product,
formula #1. (for example credit interest accrual which was defined in formula 1.) SAAB-PNL-
2 = accounting role for income or expense booking pertaining to SAAB product, formula #2.
(for example debit interest posting against income GL). You should select the appropriate
accounting role on the “Role to head mapping” tab. Note: SAXX-BOOK-X represents the
settlement account where the amount is credited or debited against P/L account. This role cannot
attached to any GL on “Role to head mapping” screen but it is used while event-wise entries are

Accounting roles for Sample IC Product with rule ID like CHAV are given below:

The following accounting roles are available:

Accounting Role Description
















Accounting Role Description































Accounting Role Description






















CLG_BRIDGE_GL Clearing Suspense GL

22.5 Event-wise Accounting Entries for Products

You can set up various IC products for handling customer accounts. Some representative
products are listed below:

 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer
 Debit Interest on Current Accounts
 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer
 Interest Liquidation before month end on Saving and Current Bank Accounts For Retail
 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

 Charge on Less Average balance
 Dormancy Charge On Accounts

 Ad-Hoc Statement Charge
 Cheque Book Charges
 Cheques Returned
 Credit Turnover
 Debit Card Blocked
 Debit Card Issued
 Debit Turnover
 Number of Transactions
 No of Account Statements
 Stop Cheque Charges
 Turnover
 YTD-Cr-Turnover
 YTD - Debit Turnover
 Year End Transfer
 Year to date No. of Transactions

22.5.1 Accounting Entries for Interest Products

You can set up accounting entries as given below. Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator









Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator











IOSR-BOOK-3 TAX_ADJ Debit Debit Interest on Current Accounts

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator









Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator









22-7 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator









Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator












IOCC-BOOK-3 TAX_ADJ Debit Interest Liquidation before month end on Saving and Current Bank Accounts
for Retail Customer

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator









Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator













22-9 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator









Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator








IOCM-BOOK-2 IACQUIRED Debit Charge on Less Average balance

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator






Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator



CHAV-BOOK-2 TAX_ADJ Debit Dormancy Charge On Accounts

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator




DORM-PNL_ADJ-1 IACQUIRED Credit Ad-Hoc Statement Charge

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Cheque Book Charges

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Cheques Returned

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator



22-11 Credit Turnover

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Debit Card Blocked

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Debit Card Issued

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Debit Turnover

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Number of Transactions

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator



22-12 No of Account Statements

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_BOOK CHARGE Credit Stop Cheque Charges

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_BOOK CHARGE Credit Turnover

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator



Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit YTD - Debit Turnover

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator



22-13 Year End Transfer

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator


CHG_INCOME CHARGE Credit Year to Date No. of Transactions

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator



22.5.2 Accounting Entries for Discounted Cheques On Discounting

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator

Liability a/c* PD_TAG Debit

PDC Beneficiary PD_TAG Credit On Activation

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator

Clearing Suspense PD_TAG Debit


Liability a/c* PD_TAG Credit On Rejection

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator

Past Due Account PD_TAG Debit

Clearing Suspense PD_TAG Credit


22-14 On Re-Presentation

Accounting Entries
Accounting Role Amount Tag Debit/Credit Indicator

Clearing Suspense PD_TAG Debit


Past Due Account PD_TAG Credit

23. Annexure C - IC Rule Set-up
This Annexure lists the Interest and Charge (IC) rules that need to be maintained for the
CASA module of Oracle FLEXCUBE. It also gives the UDEs and rates for which values need
to be maintained.

This chapter contains the following sections:

 Section 23.1, "IC Rule Maintenance"
 Section 23.2, "UDE Value Maintenance"
 Section 23.3, "IC Rates Maintenance"

23.1 IC Rule Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 23.1.2, "Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer"
 Section 23.1.3, "Debit Interest on Current Accounts"
 Section 23.1.4, "Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer"
 Section 23.1.5, "Charge as Dr Interest when the Balance is Less than Minimum Average
 Section 23.1.6, "Dormancy Charge"

23.1.1 Maintaining IC Rule

The components required to calculate interest (the principal, period, and rate) are broadly
referred to as ‘Data Elements’. Data elements are of two types:
 System Data Elements (SDEs)
 User Data Elements (UDEs)

In addition to specifying how the SDEs and UDEs are connected through the formulae, you
also define certain other attributes for a rule using the ‘Interest & Charges Rule Maintenance’

screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘‘ICDURUMNT’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

For details about the screen, refer the chapter ‘Maintaining Interest Rules’ in the Interest and
Charges User Manual.

You can maintain rules for the following:

 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer
 Debit Interest on Current Accounts
 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer
 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer
 Charge as Dr Interest when the balance is Less than minimum average balance
 Dormancy Charge

23.1.2 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month

Check this box.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

User Defined





AMOUNT1 Amount

AMOUNT2 Amount

AMOUNT3 Amount

TAX1 Rate

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen.

You need to maintain two booked formulae and one tax formula.

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Credit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen.

In this screen, specify the following expressions:

Case Result





Formula 2

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result



Formula 3

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Tax’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Leave this box unchecked.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result



23.1.3 Debit Interest on Current Accounts

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month

Check this box.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Rate’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen. You need to maintain two booked
formulae and one non-booked formula.

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Credit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expression:

Case Result


Formula 2

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Non-Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expression:

Case Result


Formula 3

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box if rounding is required.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result



23.1.4 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month

Check this box.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

User Defined

RATE1 Rate

RATE2 Rate

AMOUNT1 Amount

AMOUNT2 Amount

TAX1 Rate

TAX2 Rate

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen. You need to maintain two booked
formulae and one tax formula.

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Interest Method Default From Currency Definition

Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expression:

Case Result


Formula 2

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Credit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expression:

Case Result


Formula 3

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Tax’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Leave the box unchecked.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result



FORMULA2>AMOUNT2 TRUNC((FORMULA2*TAX2)/100) Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month

Check this box.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

User Defined





AMOUNT1 Amount

AMOUNT2 Amount

AMOUNT3 Amount

TAX1 Rate

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen. You need to maintain two booked
formulae and one tax formula.

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Credit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box..

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen you
need to maintain the following expressions.

Case Result





Formula 2

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result

>=AMOUNT3 (YEAR*100)


Formula 3

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Tax’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Leave this box unchecked.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result


(FORMULA1 < AMOUNT1 0 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month

Leave this box unchecked.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

User Defined





AMOUNT2 Amount

AMOUNT3 Amount

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen. You need to maintain two booked

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Credit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result




Formula 2

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Check this box.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result



23.1.5 Charge as Dr Interest when the Balance is Less than Minimum Average

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month
Check this box.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

User Defined






CHGAMT1 Amount

CHGAMT2 Amount

CHGAMT3 Amount

CHGAMT4 Amount

CHGAMT5 Amount

TAX3 Rate

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen. You need to maintain one booked
formula and one tax formula.

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Leave this box unchecked.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result







Formula 2

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Tax’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Periodic’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘365’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Leave this box unchecked.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expression:

Case Result


23.1.6 Dormancy Charge

Specify the following details:

On Account Opening Month

Check this box.

On Account Closure Month

Check this box.

Maintain the following SDEs:

Maintain the following UDEs:

For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Amount’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Get Latest
For each of the UDEs, select the option ‘Use Effective’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Click ‘Formulas’ button and invoke the ‘Formulas’ screen. You need to maintain one booked

Formula 1

Specify the following details:

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Daily’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Select ‘Debit’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Month
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Days in a Year
Select ‘Actuals’ from the adjoining drop-down list.

Accrual Required
Leave this box unchecked.

Rounding Required
Check this box.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expressions:

Case Result





23.2 UDE Value Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:
 Section 23.2.1, "Maintaining UDE Value"
 Section 23.2.2, "Interest on Saving and current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer"
 Section 23.2.3, "Debit Interest on Current Accounts"
 Section 23.2.4, "Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer"
 Section 23.2.5, "Interest on Liqd Before Month End on Saving and Current Bank
Accounts For Retail Customer"
 Section 23.2.6, "Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts For Retail Customer"
 Section 23.2.7, "Charge On Less Average Balance"
 Section 23.2.8, "Stamp Duty Taxation"

23.2.1 Maintaining UDE Value

You can maintain UDE values for the rules using the ‘Interest and Charges User Data
Element Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Interest and Charges User Data Element

Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘ICDUDVAL’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

For details about the screen, refer the chapter ‘Giving UDE Values for Condition’ in the
Interest and Charges User Manual.

In this screen, you need to maintain the following UDEs for the different IC products. Assume
that you have maintained the following interest products:
 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer
 Debit Interest on Current Accounts
 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer
 Interest Liquidation before month end on Saving and Current Bank Accounts For Retail
 Interest On Saving and Current Bank Accounts For Retail Customer
 Charge On Less Average Balance

23.2.2 Interest on Saving and current Bank Accounts for Retail Customer

You need to maintain values for the following UDEs under this product:

 TAX1

23.2.3 Debit Interest on Current Accounts

You need to maintain values for the following UDEs under this product:

23.2.4 Interest on Current account for Corporate Customer

You need to maintain values for the following UDEs under this product:
 RATE1
 RATE2
 TAX1
 TAX2

23.2.5 Interest on Liqd Before Month End on Saving and Current Bank Ac-
counts For Retail Customer

You need to maintain values for the following UDEs under this product:
 TAX1

23.2.6 Interest on Saving and Current Bank Accounts For Retail Customer

You need to maintain values for the following UDEs under this product:

23.2.7 Charge On Less Average Balance

You need to maintain values for the following UDEs under this product:

 TAX3
 TAX3
 TAX3
 TAX3


23.2.8 Stamp Duty Taxation

You need to maintain value for the UDE, STAMP_DUTY, under this product.

In addition to specifying how the SDEs and UDEs are connected through the formulae, you
also need to define certain other attributes for a rule using the ‘Interest & Charges Rule
Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ICDRUMNT’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following parameters in the Formulas section of the Interest & Charges Rule
Maintenance screen:

Select ‘Debit’ from the Debit/Credit list.

Book Flag
Select ‘Booked’ from the Book Flag list.

Select ‘Quarterly’ from the Periodicity list.

Click ‘Formula Wizard’ button and invoke the ‘Formula Wizard’ screen. In this screen, you
need to maintain the following expression:

Case Result


23.3 IC Rates Maintenance
You can maintain rate codes for branches using the ‘Interest & Charges Branch Availability
Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ICDBRSTR’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You need to maintain the following rate code for all branches of your bank:

For the aforesaid rate code, you need to maintain rates and effective dates in the ‘Interest and
Charges Rate Input’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Interest and Charges Rate Input’ screen by

typing ‘ICDRATMA’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
the adjoining arrow button.

These rates are picked up by the CASA module while processing interest applicable on a

Refer the chapter ‘Floating Rate Codes for IC Module’ for details about rate maintenance.

24. Annexure D - Tags
24.1 Account Statement Tags
This Annexure lists the tags supported by different modules to update the remarks during
account statement generation. These tags can be used in the Statement Narratives
Maintenance (CSDSTNRT) screen for the order of display.

Module Tag

















































25. Annexure E - Functions Supporting Financial Inclu-
All the users with financial inclusion role (FIROLES) can access the following functions of Oracle


Teller DEDRTPRM Teller Product Maintenance

Teller IFDATMMN Arc Maintenance

Teller STDBRFUN Branch Function Detail Maintenance

Teller STDDEFAU Default Authorizer

Teller STDENMNT Entity Maintenance

Teller STDFNGRP Function Group

Teller UPDPRDMN Utility Payment Product

Teller STDWFDEF Workflow

Teller STDBRGMT Arc Branch Group Maintenance

Teller DEDONLRV Transaction Reversal

Teller 9050 Multi-level Authorization

Teller MREF MV Refresh

Teller 1075 Bill payment Against Account

Teller CLCS Clear Workflow Cache

Teller DEDQUERY Retail Teller Transactions

Teller CADPBHIS Passbook Details

Branch Parameter GLDBRPRM General ledger Branch Parameter

Branch Parameter STDBRANC Branch Parameter

Branch Parameter STDBNKPM Bank Param

Branch Parameter ICDBRMNT IC Parameter

Branch Parameter DEDBRCON Journal Param

Branch Parameter STDLOCHL Local Holidays

Branch Parameter MSDPREF Messaging Branch Parameter

Branch Parameter RPDPARAM Report parameter

Branch Parameter RPDBATCH Reports batch Maintenance

Branch Parameter STDTBRAN Teller Branch Parameter

Branch Parameter DEDTVSET Till And Vault

Gateway GWDAMDMT Gateway Amendment maintenance

Gateway GWDEXFUN External System Functions

Gateway STDGWINT External System operations

Gateway GWDEXSYS External System Maintenance

Gateway GWDNTFEN Notification Enroot Maintenance

Gateway GWDNTFIN Notification Installed Maintenance

Gateway IFDNOTIF Notification Master maintenance

Gateway CODUPLMN Source Preference Maintenance

Gateway CODSORCE Source Code Maintenance

Switch SWDCHNID Channel Maintenance

Switch SWDCDMNT Card To FCC Account mapping

Switch SWDCDTLM Card Transaction Limit

Switch SWDMRCID Merchant Details

Switch SWDNWDTL Network Details

Switch SWDFCLTL Process Code Mapping

Switch SWDPRDMP Product Code Mapping

Switch SWDTRMID Terminal

Switch SWDUTLPR Utility provide details

Switch SWDCSHDP Cash Deposit

Switch SWDUPLST Settlement upload

Switch SWDTIDUP Terminal ID upload

Switch DEGSWTXN Switch transactions

Query ACDACTRN Account Transactions

Query ACDABLQY Customer Account balance Query

Query ICDRTEQY Interest rate Query

Query ACDCMPTR Passbook Compressed transactions

Query ACDASTQY Customer Account Statistics Query

Query ACDTRNQY Customer Account Transactions


Messages MSDADVFM Advice Format

Messages MSDMDFMT Message Format

Messages MSDMSTYM Message Type

Messages MSSOUTBR Out Going message Browser

Inventory IVDSTKCD Stock Catalog

Inventory IVDSTFMN Stock Flow master

Inventory IVDTXNAS Adjust Inventory balance

Inventory IVDTXNBR Bulk Request Stock

Inventory IVDCONFR Confirm Receipts

Inventory IVDTXNRI Issue Stock

Inventory IVDTXNOR Order Stock

Inventory IVDTXNRO Receive Stock

Inventory IVDTXNIR Request Stock


EOC CSDBRNPS Branch Parallel Stream

EOC STDPGMNT Purge Parameter Configuration



EOC EIDMANPE Mandatory Programs

EOC STDBRREF Manual Refresh Detail

EOC EIDDEOTI Drop End of day Operations

EOC AEDSTOP End of day Control


EOC BABIDBAT Intraday Batch Run

EOC BADEODFE Batch EOD Function Inputs

Customer STDCSCAG Customer Category

Customer STDCUPRT Customer Prefix

Customer STDKYCMN KYC Details

Customer STDKYCTP KYC Types

Customer STDCULOE Location

Customer STDNSMNT NSF maintenance

Customer MSDCUSAD Customer Address

Customer STDFIACC Financial Inclusion Account

Customer Account STDCHGMN Online Charge Product Maintenance

Customer Account STDACCLO Account Address Location

Customer Account MSDCACAD Account Address Maintenance

Customer Account STDACCLS Account Class maintenance

Customer Account STDSTDOR Dormancy Parameter Maintenance

Customer Account CODHOLDT Hold Code

Customer Account STDPRVRL Account provisioning Rule

Customer Account STDACTFR Account class Transfer

Customer Account CADAMBLK Amount Block

Customer Account STDCUSCH Primary party Change

Customer Account STDSTCHN Status change

Interest & Charges ICDLIQAC IC Online Liquidation

Interest & Charges ICDOLIQ IC Multiple Account online Liquida-


Interest & Charges ICDISFMT Interest Statement maintenance

Interest & Charges ICDPRMNT Interest product

Interest & Charges ICDRUMNT IC Rules

Interest & Charges ICDSDEMN SDE Maintenance

Interest & Charges ICDUDVAL UDE Maintenance

Interest & Charges ICDUDEUL Interest & Charges User Data Ele-
ment Amendment

Interest & Charges STDACSTA Monthly Account Statistics

Accounting & MIS GLDCHACC Charts of Accounts

Accounting & MIS GLDREP GL Mis Linkage

Accounting & MIS GLDXPDCL Period Closure

Accounting & MIS MIDXCODE MIS Cost Code

Accounting & MIS GLDCLSMT MIS Classes

Accounting & MIS MIDGRPMT MIS Group

Accounting & MIS MIDXPOLD Pool Code

Accounting & MIS MIDADJ MIS Adjustment

Accounting & MIS MIDREFRT MIS Refinance Rate Input

Accounting & MIS MIDGLPOL MIS Pool Code Linkage

Accounting & MIS MIDPRDMN MIS Code Restriction maintenance

Accounting & MIS MIDDLREF Refinance Rate Input

Bank Parameters STDPRCDE Accounting periods

Bank Parameters STDADMNT Address Code Maintenance

Bank Parameters CSDALGMN Algorithm Maintenance

Bank Parameters CSDALGEN Algorithm Generation

Bank Parameters STDCNMNT Country Code maintenance

Bank Parameters CSDDEMAN Denomination Details

Bank Parameters ACDIBMNT Inter Branch Parameter

Bank Parameters CSDOVDME Override Maintenance

Bank Parameters STDTRNCD Transaction Code

Report STRCIF Customer Details Report

Report STRDOCL Check List Report

Report CARPBALC Account balance List Report

Report CARPACCB Amount Block Report

Report CARPACCL Account Closure Report

Report CARPAOCR Account open Report

Report STRCUSAC Customer Account Report

Report CSRDRMAC Dormant Account Re Activated

Report CARPDACC Dormant Account Report

Report CARINSTM Interest Statement

Report CARPMACC Minor Accounts

Report CARMICUS Minor Customer Details Report

Report CARPASBK Passbook Details Report

Report CARPBISU Passbook issued Report

Report SVRADREP Saving Account Dormant today


Report SVRACREP Saving Account Closed Today


Report SVRAOREP Saving Account opened Today


Report CSRTEMOD Temporary Overdraft Report

Report RTRPTRN Teller Transaction Branch wise

Report STRDAEOD Dormant Activated report

Others OVDAUDEF Multi level Authorization

Others UDDFFLMT UDF Function Field mapping

Others UDDUDFMT UDF Fields

Others CSDACTCL Event Class Maintenance

Others STDTDPAY Term Deposit Paying Parameter

Others SSDUSRDF User Creation

Others SMDUSRDF User Maintenance

Others SMDLMTIL User Limit Maintenance

Others SMDUSHOL User Holiday Maintenance

Others SMDHOTKY User Hot key Maintenance

26. Function ID Glossary

A CASCHKDT .................... 8-12

ACDACTRN ..................4-168 CASPCRDR ...................... 9-6
ACDADCRP ...........3-37, 4-79 CODHOLDT .................... 11-2
ACDASTQY ...................4-162 CORRJDD .................... 19-68
ACDCMPTR ......................7-1 COSHOLDT .................... 11-3
ACDOPTN .......................19-8 CSDPRDRS .................... 4-50
ACDRECNC ..................4-169 CSSJOBBR ............ 3-36, 4-78
ACDUNFDR ....................15-7
ACRSTMOV ..................19-40
DEDDRISB ..................... 15-1
B DQDADLIQ ..................... 16-6
BABIDBAT .............15-8, 18-2 DQDBKPRM ................. 16-10
BADEODFE .....................13-9 DQDONLIQ ..................... 16-8
DQDPRMNT ................... 16-1
C DQDPRPNL .................. 16-15
CADAMBLK .....................11-4 DQDTRNAM ................. 16-13
CADBRMNT ..................4-115 DQSADLIQ ..................... 16-7
CADCAMBL ....................11-9 DQSBKPRM .................. 16-12
CADCHARC ....................8-13 DQSONLIQ ..................... 16-9
CADCHARQ ....................8-16 DQSPRMNT .................... 16-5
CADCHBOO ......................8-2 DQSPRPNL .................. 16-17
CADCHKDT ....................8-10 DQSTRNAM .................. 16-14
CADLDGBK ...................4-143
CADPCRDR ......................9-3
CADSPMNT ....................12-2 ICDBRSTR .................... 23-24
CARDORAC ..................19-38 ICDRATMA ................... 23-25
CARINSTM ....................19-19 ICDRESTR .................... 23-24
CARMICUS ...................19-35 ICDRLMNT ..................... 23-2
CAROPICT ....................19-33 ICDRUMNT ................... 23-23
CAROVDFT ...................19-37 ICDUDVAL .................... 23-20
CARPAACC ..................19-45
CARPACCB ..................19-47
LMDCUSLT ................... 4-154
CARPACCL ...................19-49
CARPAOCR ..................19-51 M
CARPASBK ............7-3, 19-52 MSDADVFM .................... 13-2
CARPBALC ...................19-54 MSDCUSAD .................... 13-8
CARPBISU ....................19-75 MSDMSTYM ................... 13-7
CARPCKDT .....................19-3
CARPCSLM ..................19-55 P
CARPDACC ..................19-57 PDDBLKIN .................... 14-29
CARPDCRD ..................19-59 PDDBULKC .................. 14-36
CARPMACC ..................19-60 PDDDWRMT ................... 14-3
CARPNRAC ..................19-62 PDDDWRST ................... 14-2
CARPSPMT ....................19-5 PDDMNLIQ ................... 14-37
CASAMBLK .....................11-7 PDDPRMNT .................... 14-9
CASCHARC ....................8-15 PDDTRONL .................. 14-16

PDRCHDRF .......19-17, 19-67
PDRDTTOD ..................19-26
PDSBULKI ....................14-33

PDSCHDMT ....................14-9 STDNTUTL ................... 4-179

PDSDWRMT ...................14-5 STDPRVRL ..................... 3-58
PDSONLIN ....................14-27 STDSDNMN .................... 3-15
PDSONREJ ...................14-35 STDSPLRN ................... 4-186
PDSTRONL ...................14-21 STDSTCHN .................... 3-80
STDSWHIS’ .................... 4-95
STDTCLMM .................. 4-159
STCACLOS ...................4-184 STDTCLMT ................... 4-156
STDACCDT .....................4-94 STDTOLMT ..................... 3-83
STDACCLS 3-2, 3-49, 3-55, 13-6 STDTRKDL ................... 4-191
STDACCVD .....................3-79 STDTRKRL ................... 4-188
STDACLGP .....................3-56 STRCASTM .................. 19-29
STDACNET ...................4-194 STRCUSCH .................. 19-74
STDACRST ...................13-14 STRDAEOD .................. 19-22
STDACSTA ...................4-163 STRDOCL ..................... 19-64
STDACTFR .....................3-61 STRFRCAS ................... 19-65
STDACTXM .......................5-2 STRIBRAC .................... 19-27
STDADMNT ..................4-116 STROSTFE ................... 13-21
STDASAUT ...................10-31 STROSTFE’ .................. 13-22
STDASCMP ..................10-32 STRPDEDP .................. 19-44
STDASCNP ...................10-28 STRSPCON .................. 19-31
STDASIBQ ....................10-24 STRSPEOD .................. 19-24
STDASIRQ ....................10-13 STSACLGP ..................... 3-58
STDASIRW ...................10-18 STSACNET ................... 4-195
STDASOBQ ..................10-21 STSACRST ................... 13-16
STDASORQ ....................10-5 STSACSTA ................... 4-172
STDASPRM ...........10-3, 10-5 STSACTFR ..................... 3-77
STDASRDT ...................10-19 STSADMNT .................. 4-116
STDBLINQ ....................4-165 STSASIMS .................... 10-12
STDBSTCH ........4-181, 4-183 STSASOMS .................. 10-11
STDCASAC ...................4-145 STSASORW .................. 10-19
STDCDSMT ..................19-71 STSASPRM .................... 10-4
STDCDSTM ..................13-17 STSCASAC ................... 4-153
STDCPMNT ..................4-118 STSCDSTM .................. 13-20
STDCRSMT ..................13-11 STSCPMNT .................. 4-119
STDCULMT ................5-1, 5-2 STSCRSMT .................. 13-13
STDCUSAC .......................4-3 STSCUSCH .................. 4-126
STDCUSBL ...................4-175 STSFIACC .................... 4-108
STDCUSCH ..................4-120 STSJHMNT ................... 4-131
STDDEDUP ...................4-128 STSMAINT .................... 4-180
STDFIACC ......................4-97 STSTCLM ..................... 4-160
STDJHMNT ........4-129, 4-132 STSTCLMT ................... 4-158
STDMCYAC ..................4-111 STSTRKDL ................... 4-193
STDMCYQY ..................4-113 STSTRKRL 4-189, 4-190, 4-193, 10-4
STDNPMNT ..................4-141


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