Organic Dyes
Organic Dyes
Organic Dyes
Organic dyes have emerged as a reliable class of photoredox catalysts. Their great structural variety combined with the easy fine-
tuning of their electronic properties has unlocked new possibilities for the generation of reactive intermediates. In this review, we
provide an overview of the available approaches to access reactive intermediates that employ organophotocatalysis. Our contribu-
tion is not a comprehensive description of the work in the area but rather focuses on key concepts, accompanied by a few selected
illustrative examples. The review is organized along the type of reactive intermediates formed in the reaction, including C(sp3) and
C(sp2) carbon-, nitrogen-, oxygen-, and sulfur-centered radicals, open-shell charged species, and sensitized organic compounds.
In the last decade, synthetic organic chemistry has experienced sion of photocatalytic methods [12]. These catalysts typically
the renaissance of photocatalysis. Since the early seminal absorb light in the blue region and promote different activation
reports [1-4], inspired by pioneering works in photochemistry modes, including photoinduced electron transfer (PET) and
[5-7], this field has attracted increasing attention, and organic energy transfer (EnT), which respectively lead to the formation
chemists have developed a wide variety of photocatalytic reac- of open-shell and electronically excited species. These reactive
tions [8-11]. One of the reasons for this rapid growth resides in intermediates are then used to forge new chemical bonds or to
the availability of visible light-absorbing transition metal com- induce structural modifications within the organic substrates.
plexes. These catalysts can harvest the energy of visible-light The versatility of these metal complexes is due to their wide
photons and transfer it to organic molecules, giving access to operational redox windows, which allows them to interact via
key reactive intermediates. For instance, ruthenium and iridium their excited states with different classes of molecules. Howev-
polypyridyl complexes played a central role in the rapid expan- er, the relatively high cost of these photocatalysts, their toxicity,
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
and the limited abundance of the coordinating transition metals able electron acceptor A or electron donor D. In an oxidative
can hamper their applicability [13]. For these reasons, the quest quenching cycle, PC* acts as a reductant donating an electron
for cheaper, more sustainable, and environmentally benign to A. This generates the oxidized form of the photocatalyst,
photocatalysts is of high importance, and organic dyes repre- PC•+, and a reduced acceptor, A•−. Alternatively, in a reductive
sent a powerful platform for pursuing this goal. quenching cycle, PC* acts as an oxidant promoting an SET oxi-
dation of the electron donor D. This leads to the reduced photo-
The ability of organic dyes to absorb light and promote transfor- catalyst PC•− and the oxidized donor D•+. Following this initial
mations is known since the early stage of photochemistry, and SET, a second electron transfer must occur to ensure the cata-
they represent attractive alternatives to the established transi- lyst turnover and restore the ground state photocatalyst: PC•+
tion metal-based photocatalysts [14-18]. In addition to their needs to be reduced by an electron donor D, whereas PC•−
ready availability and low cost, these molecules are often needs to undergo an oxidation by an electron acceptor A. In
biocompatible, and they can be easily functionalized in order to each of these steps, the role of A or D is assumed by a redox-
modulate their spectroscopical and redox features. active agent, either the substrate, a sacrificial electron donor/
acceptor, or a reactive intermediate. This approach, usually
In the last years, several classes of organic dyes, such as acri- named photoredox catalysis, has known a remarkable growth in
diniums (OD1–4), cyanoarenes (OD5–8), diaryl ketones (OD9/ the last decade and has given access to both neutral and charged
10), flavins (OD11/12), xanthenes (OD13–15), thiazines radical species. The thermodynamic feasibility of these SETs is
(OD16/17) and various other dyes, such as OD18–21, have related to the redox potentials of the species involved. The
been exploited (Figure 1), and the field of organic photocataly- values of the redox potentials discussed in this review are gen-
sis has been extensively covered by various reviews [16,19-25]. erally taken from the original publications described in the cor-
Most of these reports are organized according to the structural responding paragraphs.
features of the dye and/or their applications in synthetic chem-
istry. In contrast, this review will focus on the different possible In the second case (Scheme 1, box 2), the excited photocatalyst
conceptual approaches based on organic photocatalysts for the can engage in an EnT mechanism. Upon the excitation and
generation of reactive intermediates. After a short introduction intersystem crossing, the triplet state photocatalyst 3PC* can
on activation modes in photocatalysis, selected case studies interact directly with a ground state species Sub and transfer the
where organic dyes have been exploited for generating carbon- triplet energy to generate an excited state Sub* and the ground
centered radicals, charged open-shell species, and heteroatom- state PC. In most cases, Sub* is in the triplet state if it is an
centered radicals will be covered. The last short section will be organic molecule. A common exception to this is molecular
devoted to activated organic substrates generated by energy oxygen, which upon excitation attains a more reactive singlet
transfer. C(sp) radicals will not be discussed. To the best of our state.
knowledge, no report on an organophotocatalyzed generation of
a C(sp) species has been disclosed yet. Each presented ap- In the third mode of activation, atom transfer (AT, Scheme 1,
proach will be accompanied by one selected example, which we box 3), the excited state photocatalyst PC* can abstract an
found particularly illustrative. This report is therefore in no atom, typically hydrogen, from a suitable substrate Sub-X,
means comprehensive, and readers searching to gain deeper leading to the direct formation of an open-shell species, Sub•. In
insight into photocatalytic processes and/or for an exhaustive this case, the catalytic cycle is closed by a subsequent atom
coverage of applications should refer to more complete special- transfer that restores the ground state photocatalyst PC.
ized reviews and books [26-30]. We hope this report can moti-
vate general synthetic chemists to consider photocatalytic ap- C(sp3) radicals
proaches mediated by organic dyes as valuable tools for Carbon-centered sp3 carbon (C(sp3)) radicals are important
accessing important reactive intermediates and guide them in reactive intermediates for the construction of C–C and
the first choice of a catalyst and a method. C–heteroatom bonds [31]. Their addition onto unsaturated
systems, such as olefins and arenes, is particularly efficient. Ad-
Activation modes in photocatalysis ditionally, alkyl radicals can undergo translocations, abstracting
Electronically excited photocatalysts interact with organic mol- atoms from different sites. Recently, the ability of transition
ecules via three main pathways: electron transfer (ET), EnT, metal complexes to intercept alkyl radicals has been exploited
and atom transfer (AT). for expanding the possibility of C–C bond formation reactions
to cross-couplings. In all of these transformations, the substitu-
In the first case (Scheme 1, box 1), the excited photocatalyst ents on the alkyl radical determine if it reacts as a nucleophile
(PC*) undergoes a single-electron transfer (SET) with a suit- or an electrophile [32].
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
Figure 1: Selected examples of organic dyes. Mes-Acr+: 9-mesityl-10-methylacridinium, DCA: 9,10-dicyanoanthracene, 4CzIPN: 1,2,3,5-
tetrakis(carbazol-9-yl)-4,6-dicyanobenzene, 4DPAIPN: 1,3-dicyano-2,4,5,6-tetrakis(N,N-diphenylamino)benzene, PHTH: 10-phenylphenothiazine,
dArBPTH: 10-([1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl)-3,7-bis(4-butylphenyl)-10H-phenothiazine, Py-BTz-Py: butyl-4,7-bis(1-methyl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)-2H-benzo[d][1,2,3]tri-
azole, PDI: N,N-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)perylene-3,4,9,10-bis(dicarboximide).
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
Recently, photoredox catalysis has emerged as a powerful tool cals from carboxylic acids relies on the oxidation of the CO2H
to access C(sp3) radicals, and organic dyes (ODs) have been group. However, the high oxidation potential of these species
demonstrated to act as competent photocatalysts for these light- makes them difficult to be directly activated by the excited state
mediated reactions. The main strategies used include decarbox- photocatalyst. For these reasons, the photocatalyzed decarbox-
ylations from carboxylic acid derivatives (CO 2 X), such as ylation often proceeds on the corresponding carboxylates,
carboxylates or RAEs (Redox Active Esters), oxidative frag- which are easier to be oxidized. This photoinduced SET, fol-
mentations, and reductive fragmentations of various redox- lowed by the loss of CO2 as the sole byproduct, gives access to
active groups (X) as well as hydrogen atom abstractions the desired C(sp3) radicals. Organic dyes are competent photo-
(Scheme 2). catalysts for these transformations, with many reports having
appeared in the last five years.
Carboxylic acids are naturally abundant functionalities that
provide an easy access to C(sp3) radicals. Since the dawn of
organic chemistry, several radical decarboxylations have been
developed, including the Kolbe electrolysis [33,34], the Huns-
diecker reaction [35], and the Barton decarboxylation [36-38].
More recently, photoredox catalysis has appeared as a mild al-
ternative to these venerable transformations [39,40], allowing Scheme 3: Illustrative example for the photocatalytic oxidative genera-
the smooth generation of alkyl radicals from carboxylic acid de- tion of radicals from carboxylic acids: the hydrodecarboxylation re-
ported by Nicewicz and co-workers [41].
rivatives. One of the main strategies for accessing C(sp3) radi-
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
3.1 to the corresponding alkanes, e.g., 3.2. The scope includes which undergoes a radical conjugate addition with a suitable
carboxylic acids that were previously recalcitrant to other oxi- Michael acceptor 4.2, providing the desired alkylation products
dative photocatalytic decarboxylations due to their high oxida- 4.3.
tion potential.
A similar strategy for radical generations was applied by
Other organic dyes, including several acridinium salts, have Glorius and co-workers. They exploited a combination of
been successfully applied in organophotocatalytic decarboxyl- organophotoredox and copper catalysis to achieve the conver-
ation protocols. For example, rhodamine 6G (OD14, sion of carboxylic acids into alkenes using N,N-diaryldihy-
E(PC + */PC) ≈ 1.2 V) [42] was used for the photocatalytic drophenazine as an organic photocatalyst [46]. Rose bengal
decarboxylative azidation of cyclic amino acids and rose bengal (OD15) was also exploited as an organic photocatalyst to
(OD15) [43] for a decarboxylative amination of indoline-2- trigger the reductive fragmentation of phthalimide-based redox-
carboxylic acids with azodicarboxylate esters. active esters [47].
Another photocatalytic strategy for accessing C(sp3) radicals Other oxidative fragmentations
from carboxylic acids proceeds through a reductive decarboxyl- In addition to the decarboxylation reactions, organic photoredox
ation pathway. This approach relies on the conversion of the catalysis can be exploited to access C(sp3) radicals via the oxi-
acid into an easy reducible moiety, such as a redox-active ester dative fragmentation of different redox-active functional groups
(RAE). These species can accept one electron from the photo- (Figure 2) [48]. Among them, dihydropyridines (DHPs), sili-
catalyst, and the ensuing reduced species releases the corre- cates, and tetrafluoroborate salts were recently exploited in
sponding C(sp3) radical after a fragmentation and CO2 loss. organophotocatalytic reactions. These functionalities can act as
This approach represents an alternative to oxidative decarboxyl- donors in reductive quenching manifolds and release the desired
ations, allowing the design of a photocatalytic cycle based on C(sp3) radicals after the fragmentation of the oxidized form.
the SET reduction of the substrate. Furthermore, the relatively Due to their attitude towards SET oxidations, these substrates
low reduction potential of these species (E red ≈ −1.1 V for are valuable alkyl radical precursors; however, they are general-
N-acetoxyphthalimide) [44] brings them into the operational ly less available than carboxylic acids, and the fragmentations
range of various organic dyes, allowing mild reaction condi- release stoichiometric amounts of byproducts.
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Other organic dyes can promote the reductive fragmentation of In this report, the excited state of a push–pull benzophenone
alkyl halides. For instance, König and Zeitler demonstrated that OD10 can abstract an H atom from the substrate tetrahydro-
a combination of eosin Y (OD13) with a sacrificial electron furan (8.1), giving access to the key C(sp3) radical. The nickel
donor can trigger the reductive debromination of several α-car- catalyst, after an oxidative addition with the aryl bromide 8.2
bonyl halides [53]. Riboflavin (OD11) [54] and thiaporphyrin and intercepting the alkyl radical species, gave the radical cross-
[55] have been applied as well as organic photocatalysts for coupling product 8.3 upon a reductive elimination.
similar reductive dehalogenations.
Other diaryl ketone dyes, such as 9-fluorenone, have been suc-
Hydrogen atom transfer cessfully employed for the generation of C(sp3) radicals via
Photocatalytic hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) represents a valu- HAT [58]. Interestingly, Wu and co-workers demonstrated that
able strategy for accessing C(sp3) radicals. This method allows eosin Y (OD13) can also act as a direct HAT catalyst under
the direct cleavage of a C–H bond and the consequent genera- visible-light irradiation [59]. Organic photoredox catalysis can
tion of alkyl radicals without relying on the presence of redox- also drive indirect HAT processes. In these reactions, the
active functional groups. This results in a superior atom excited state of the photocatalyst engages in SET or energy
economy compared to other methods for radical generation transfer events with suitable cocatalysts for hydrogen shuttling,
[56]. Within this field, organic dyes can act as competent photo- such as thiols. This results in the formation of active species
catalysts for direct HAT processes. Specifically, upon light ex- that promote the H abstraction from the substrates. MacMillan
citation, photoactive carbonyl compounds, such as benzo- exploited this strategy for the deuteration and tritiation of bio-
phenone and its derivatives, reach an electronically excited logically relevant compounds using D2O and T2O as hydrogen
triplet state: a biradical capable of abstracting an H atom from isotope sources (Scheme 9) [60]. The SET oxidation of the thiol
C–H bonds. Recently, Martin exploited this feature in a nickel- cocatalyst 9.2, triggered by the excited photocatalyst 4CzIPN
catalyzed process for the alkylation of arenes (Scheme 8) [57]. (OD6), generates a sulfur-centered radical capable of driving
the HAT process with the substrate 9.1. The trapping of the
ensuing C(sp3) radical with the deuterated or tritiated thiol
results in the incorporation of deuterium or tritium in multiple
positions within the product 9.3.
C(sp2) radicals
Aryl radicals
Considering the importance of arylation reactions in organic
synthesis [61], aryl radicals are important intermediates to
Scheme 8: Illustrative example for the photocatalytic generation of develop new synthetic methods [62]. Their reactivity was first
C(sp3) radicals via direct HAT: the cross-coupling with aryl bromides explored in the Meerwein arylation as well as the
reported by Martin and co-workers [57].
Gomberg–Bachman and the Sandmeyer reaction [63-65]. Simi-
Scheme 9: Illustrative example for the photocatalytic generation of C(sp3) radicals via indirect HAT: the deuteration and tritation of C–H bonds re-
ported by MacMillan and co-workers [60].
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
lar to C(sp3) radicals, aryl radicals add to unsaturated systems, key aryl radical was trapped with heteroarenes, such as 11.2, to
such as (hetero)arenes, alkenes, or alkynes. They can also give the arylation products 11.3. Recently, similar methodolo-
perform atom abstractions, in particular HATs and halogen gies for aryl radical generations have been developed exploiting
abstractions [66]. The generation of such species generally flow techniques [74] and different organophotocatalysts, such
occurs through the homolytic cleavage of a peripheral σ bond as a metal-free porphyrin [75] and rhodamine 6G (OD14) [76].
[67,68]. In the majority of the cases, a leaving group is reduced
and fragments to the aryl radical. The precursors of choice Aryl radicals from aryl halides. Aryl halides are generally
encompass aryl diazonium salts, haloarenes, and sulfur(IV) or more difficult to reduce than aryl diazonium salts
sulfur(VI) compounds (Scheme 10). (Ered < −1.2 V) [77,78]. However, they are more available and
bench-stable. Their reduction potential is dependent on the sub-
stitution pattern and on the nature of the halide: as a trend, aryl
iodides are easier to reduce than aryl bromides and aryl chlo-
rides [67,77]. Under organophotocatalytic conditions, the reduc-
tion can be achieved following two main strategies for
accessing stronger reduction potentials: (a) tuning the elec-
tronics of the organic dye or b) tuning the stability of the
reduced photocatalyst, allowing a second photoexcitation.
Scheme 11: Illustrative example for the photocatalytic reductive gener- For the second strategy, König and co-workers developed an
ation of aryl radicals from aryl diazonium salts: the photocatalytic organic dye-based consecutive photoinduced electron transfer
Meerwein arylation reported by König and co-workers [73].
(conPET) strategy for the reduction of various aryl halides in
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
Scheme 13: Illustrative example for the photocatalytic reductive generation of aryl radicals from aryl halides using a conPET strategy. Box 1: conPET
mechanism and box 2: the dehalogenation and heteroarylation of aryl radicals reported by König and co-workers [81].
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desired carbamoyl radical. The latter can be intercepted by an (NHPI, OD22, similar to the benzophenone photocatalysts OD9
organonickel species resulting from the oxidative addition of and OD10) can abstract an H atom from the aldehyde substrate
the nickel catalyst to the aryl bromides 19.2. The arylamides 20.1. The resulting acyl radical adds to the (E)-β-nitrostyrene
19.3 are obtained following a reductive elimination, and the re- 20.2, and the following denitrosylation affords the chalcones
sulting Ni(I) species is reduced by the photocatalyst, and thus 20.3.
closing the catalytic cycle.
Scheme 21: General reactivity of a) radical cations; b) radical anions; c) the main strategies towards aryl and alkenyl radical ions used in organopho-
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
neutral free radical and a charged species (Scheme 21b) [77,95]. sulfonic acids) [99]. During these studies, they optimized the
When a fragmentation is not favored, these charged radicals can structure of the Mes-Acr+ dye to improve the catalyst turnover.
be intercepted and lead to different selectivities when compared When changing the group on the nitrogen atom of the acri-
to a traditional two-electron chemistry (e.g., anti-Markovnikov dinium scaffold from an alkyl group (Me in OD2) to an aryl
vs Markovnikov or ipso-SNAr reactions). Heteroatom-contain- group (Ph in OD3), they could limit the photocatalyst bleaching
ing radical anions, such as ketyl radicals, constitute a special due to the demethylation of the organic dye.
class of substrates that usually undergo a protonation to form
C(sp3) radicals. Alkene radical anions have been less exploited than their
cationic equivalents. In 2017, the Lei group developed a
Alkenyl or aryl radical ions are generally accessed through Markovnikov-selective hydrosulfonylation reaction
SET. The presence of electron-donating groups facilitates the (Scheme 23) [100]. The alkynes 23.1 could be successfully con-
oxidation of the precursor to the radical cations, while electron- verted to the vinyl sulfones 23.3 in the presence of the aryl
poor alkynes and arenes can undergo SET reductions to sulfones 23.2 using eosin Y (OD13) as a photocatalyst. A tenta-
generate the corresponding radical anions (Scheme 21c). tive mechanism was proposed by the authors: under visible-
Organophotocatalysis has been successfully exploited to light irradiation, the arylsulfinic acid could be oxidized to the
promote these SETs and access charged alkenyl and aryl radi- corresponding sulfonyl radical by the excited state of eosin Y
cals. The reduction of carbon–heteroatom double bonds is espe- (OD13). The resulting reduced eosin Y•− could then perform a
cially easy and leads to the formation of ketyl radical anions or reduction of the alkyne to generate a radical anionic species.
their equivalents with other heteroatoms. However, organopho- The latter would be subsequently protonated before recom-
tocatalysts have been only rarely used for this type of reduction. bining with the sulfonyl radical to afford the desired vinyl
C2-charged radical species
Since 2013, the Nicewicz group has developed a multitude of
methodologies for the anti-Markovnikov hydrofunctionaliza-
tion of alkenes, exploiting the reactivity of alkene radical
cations generated using organic dyes [96,97]. Their seminal
work reported the oxidation of the alkenols 22.1 by the
Fukuzumi dye (OD2, Scheme 22) [98]. The so-formed radical
cation undergoes an intramolecular nucleophilic 5/6/7-exo-trig-
cyclization to give the cyclic ethers 22.3. Mes-Acr-Me+ (OD2)
is a strong enough oxidant (E(PC+*/PC) ≈ 2.1 V), allowing the
oxidation of unactivated alkenes (1.2 ≤ Eox ≤ 1.9 V). In this
transformation, the cocatalyst 22.2 acts as an H atom shuttle.
This alkene radical cation-based strategy has been extended to Scheme 23: Illustrative example for the reductive photocatalytic gener-
various hydrofunctionalizations of styrenes with mineral acids ation of an alkene radical anion from alkynes: the Markovnikov-selec-
tive sulfonylation of alkynes reported by Lei and co-workers [100].
(hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acids, and
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
iminium compounds, gives access to α-amino radicals [106]. various N-heterocycles 25.2 for the synthesis of the C–H func-
Most approaches are based on inorganic photocatalysts. As a tionalization products 25.3 with fine-tuned Mes-di(t-Bu)Acr+
rare example of the use of an organic dye, Dixon and (OD4) as a photocatalyst. In this transformation, the arene is
co-workers used eosin Y (OD13) to reduce imines and generate first oxidized by the excited state of the photocatalyst, gener-
the α-amino C(sp3) radical upon protonation (Scheme 24) [107]. ating the arene radical cation I. The latter then undergoes a
This radical is then trapped with a suitable Michael acceptor nucleophilic attack of the N-heterocycle, affording the radical
24.2 to obtain the corresponding allylation product 24.3 after a adduct II. TEMPO and O2 act as oxidants for the formation of
desulfonylation. the final aromatic compound via the peroxo radical III when
using O2. Nicewicz and co-workers noticed that the presence of
nucleophilic peroxide radicals generated from O2 led to the deg-
radation of the classical Mes-Acr+ photocatalyst. The presence
of bulky tert-butyl groups in the 3- and 6-positions provided a
greater catalyst stability in presence of such nucleophilic radi-
cals. This arene radical cation strategy has been further extend-
ed to cyanations, aminations, and fluorinations [111-116].
Figure 3: Structure of C–X radical anions and their neutral derivatives.
Enones can also be subject to SET reductions through Scheme 25: Illustrative example for the oxidative photocatalytic gener-
photoredox catalysis, and this can lead to [2 + 2] cycloadditions ation of aryl radical cations from arenes: the C–H amination of arenes
reported by Nicewicz and co-workers [110].
[2,108]. Similar intermediates can also be generated through the
direct activation of the ß-C–H bond [109]. However, organic
dyes have not yet been broadly applied for such transformat- Arene radical anions, resulting from the reduction of aromatic
ions. compounds, are transient species that can enable aryl radical
generations, in particular with haloarenes (see the section on
Charged aryl radical species aryl radicals from aryl halides). Notably, cyanobenzenes have
Arene radical cations are valuable intermediates that enable the been reported to undergo reductions and lead to ipso-substitu-
direct C–H functionalization of the aromatic species. They can tion in place of the cyano group [117]. However, these method-
be accessed through the oxidation of arenes under relatively ologies rely on either a transition metal photocatalyst [118,119]
strong oxidative conditions (Eox > +1.0 V). or the formation of EDA complexes (electron donor–acceptor
complexes) [120-123], and no method involving organophoto-
Following up their work on alkene oxidations, Nicewicz and catalysts has been reported yet to the best of our knowledge.
co-workers have developed several strategies for arene func-
tionalizations through arene radical cation intermediates. Their Nitrogen-centered radicals (NCRs)
work relies on the careful tuning of the Mes-Acr+ scaffold. In Biologically relevant compounds often contain C–N bonds,
2015, they developed a site-selective C–H amination of arenes rendering the development of efficient methodologies for their
(Scheme 25) [110]. The arenes 25.1 could be aminated by formation of paramount importance. Building on the seminal
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
work of Zard [124], NCRs have emerged as key reactive inter- Iminyl radical generation
mediates. The reductive cleavage of weak N–X (X = halogen, Hydroxylamines have emerged as key precursors for iminyl
S, O) bonds using a stoichiometric initiator or high tempera- radical generation [128]. Their redox properties can be easily
tures set the path for key developments for the generations of tuned through the substitution pattern of the electrophore. They
NCRs, for instance, in the Hofmann–Löffler–Freytag reaction. can be subjected to either oxidative or reductive SET with an
With the rise of photoredox catalysis, they could be accessed excited photoredox catalyst. The most used scaffolds consist of
under milder conditions in the last years [125-132]. electron-poor O-acyl and O-aryl hydroxylamines, which are
prone to reduction, and α-N-oxy acids, which undergo oxida-
NCRs can be organized into four main classes depending on the tions followed by β-scission [128,136,139].
nitrogen atom hybridization and the substitution of the N atom,
including iminyl, amidyl, aminyl, and aminium units Leonori first described how O-aryl oximes 27.1 can be used to
(Scheme 26). The reactivity depends on the philicity of each efficiently generate an iminyl radical in the presence of eosin Y
species. In a general manner, NCRs are prone to the addition to (OD13, Scheme 27) [140]. This methodology was employed in
unsaturated systems, either inter- or intramolecularly as well as hydroimination and iminohydroxylation cyclization reactions
HAT and Norrish type I fragmentations. Each of these steps to give the pyrrolines 27.2. The transformation proceeds
generates a C-centered radical, later subject to termination. The via a SET reduction of the electron-poor aromatic moiety on the
variety of possible transformations has already been reviewed oxime to give a radical anion, which then fragments. Electro-
[125-132]. chemical studies highlighted that O-aryl hydroxylamines bear-
ing nitro groups were within the reduction range of excited
Iminyl radicals have an ambiphilic character. Amidyl radicals eosin Y (E red between −0.55 and −0.93 V vs SCE, OD13,
are electrophilic, with the substitution playing an important role E(PC •+ /PC*) ≈ −1.1 V).
[133-135]. As they are prone to efficient HAT, C(sp 3 )–H
couplings at remote positions have been intensively studied
[128,130,132,136]. Aminyl and aminium radicals display the
opposite philicity: aminyls are nucleophilic, whereas upon pro-
tonation, the generated aminium is strongly electrophilic.
N-Centred radical cations have been employed as key interme-
diates in amine syntheses [137,138]. These species can further
react, according to the structure of the substrate, to form either
iminium ions or C-centered radicals, such as α-amino radicals.
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electrophore, p-CF3-substituted hydroxamide, was later pro- centered radicals with various reagents. Studer and co-workers
posed by the Yu group with a different dye, (2,4,6-tri(9H- disclosed an amidofluorination of unactivated alkenes and the
carbazol-9-yl)-5-chloroisophthalonitrile (3CzClIPN) [147]. styrenes 33.1 to give the fluorinated amides 33.3, employing the
α-amido-oxy acids 33.2 and Mes-Acr-Me+ (OD2, Scheme 33)
[149]. The same electrophore allowed a remote functionaliza-
tion of amides to take place, as disclosed by the Leonori group
[135]. 4CzIPN (OD6) was reported to be a suitable dye for the
SET oxidation of such carboxylates.
The N-aminopyridinium salts 32.2 are another scaffold for the Scheme 33: Illustrative example for the photocatalytic oxidative gener-
generation of amidyl radicals via SET. After the reduction, a ation of amidyl radicals from α-amido-oxy acids: the amidofluorination
of unactivated alkenes reported by Studer and co-workers [149].
fragmentation affords the desired amidyl radicals together with
the corresponding pyridines. The reduction potential of such
species was around −0.75 V vs Ag/Ag+, depending on the sub- Aminyl and aminium radical generation
stitution pattern. This scaffold was employed recently by the The prevalent strategy for accessing aminium radicals is SET
Hong group to achieve an intermolecular alkene 1,2-aminopy- oxidations. The efficiency of this approach is closely related to
ridylation to give the difunctionalized products 32.3 the stabilization of the generated radical on the substrate (delo-
(Scheme 32) [148]. Eosin Y (OD13) was an efficient dye for calization, electronic effects) or through a strain release ring-
the SET reduction of the N-aminopyridinium salts, which act as opening driving force.
bifunctional reagents as the released pyridine later added to the
olefin 32.1. N-Aryltetrahydroquinolines 34.1 have been intensively studied
as a privileged scaffold for N-centred radical cation formations
[138]. After iminium formation, formed by subsequent HAT on
the amine radical cation, various nucleophiles can add, result-
ing in diverse functionalizations. In 2011, König and
co-workers [150] demonstrated that eosin Y (OD13) was an
efficient dye for an aza-Henry reaction [151], affording the
tetrahydroquinolines 34.2 (Scheme 34). Simultaneously, the
Tan group described the use of rose bengal (OD15) in the same
transformation [152].
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
Sulfur-centered radicals
Thiyl (sulfenyl) radicals
Thiyl radicals are common, versatile, strong nucleophilic radi-
cals. They are efficient at performing atom abstractions, in par-
ticular with H-atoms, adding to π-systems and electrophiles,
such as carbonyl compounds [166]. They can be generated from
the UV irradiation of disulfides, sulfides or even thiols [167].
However, their use in organophotocatalysis is scarce. In substoi-
chiometric quantities, they are efficient H atom shuttles and
play a primordial role in hydrogen transfer mechanisms. For
Scheme 39: Illustrative examples for the photocatalytic generation of this reason, one of their major applications is the HAT to the
O-radicals from N-alkoxypyridinium salts reported by Hong, Baik and cocatalyst (Scheme 3 and Scheme 9) [41,60]. In stoichiometric
co-workers [160,161].
amounts, they generally add efficiently to π-systems and can be
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
applied in thiol-ene reactions. Recently, Dilman and co-workers The fragmentation of sulfonyl chloride derivatives requires rela-
published a hydrosulfenylation of the β-difluorostyrenes 41.2 tively strong reductive conditions. Most reductions occur at
for the synthesis of the thioethers 41.3 using 9-PhAcr (OD1) as −1.30 V or lower values (with the exception of CF 3 SO 2 Cl:
a photocatalyst (Scheme 41) [168]. The formed thioethers 41.3 Ered = –0.18 V). Organophotocatalysis has been exploited to
could then be used as a gem-difluoroalkyl radical source for promote this reduction. For example, Chen and co-workers de-
further transformations. Interestingly, 9-PhAcr (OD1) can only signed the new organic dye OD17 in 2018 (Scheme 43,
act as a photocatalyst in its protonated form. The thiol 41.1 acts E(PC•+/PC*) ≈ −1.9 V), able of reducing the arylsulfonyl chlo-
as a proton source for OD1, allowing it to undergo a photoexci- rides 43.1 (Ered = −0.94 V) to initiate the synthesis of the poly-
tation, leading to the excited state that can then oxidize the thio- acrylates and polyacrylamides 43.3 [173].
late and generate the key S-centered radical. The latter then
adds to the styrene. Other reports describe the use of phenyl
glyoxylic acid [169] or eosin Y (OD13) for thiol-ene [170] and
thiol-yne reactions [171].
Scheme 41: Illustrative example for the oxidative photocatalytic gener- To bypass the strong reductive conditions communally used for
ation of thiyl radicals from thiols: the thiol-ene reaction with β-difluo- the activation of sulfamoyl chlorides to form the corresponding
rostyrenes reported by Dilman and co-workers [168].
sulfamoyl radicals, Gouverneur and co-workers developed an
efficient method based on chloride abstractions. They could
Sulfonyl radicals successfully convert the sulfamoyl chlorides 44.1 to the alkyl
Sulfonyl radicals show a good reactivity with π-systems, sulfonamides 44.4 using eosin Y (OD13) as a photocatalyst and
allowing the synthesis of nonsymmetrical sulfones [172]. How- the supersilane 44.3 for a halogen abstraction (Scheme 44)
ever, they are also prone to fragmentations, resulting in the [174]. Under visible-light irradiation, the excited state OD13*
desulfonylation of the substrate and the generation of the corre- can oxidize the silane, generating, after deprotonation, a silyl
sponding C-centered radical. Sulfonyl radicals can be obtained radical, which can efficiently abstract the chlorine atom, result-
from the fragmentation of sulfonic acid analogues, such as sul- ing in the nucleophilic sulfamoyl radical. The latter can then
fonyl chlorides or sulfonyl hydrazides under reductive or oxida-
tive conditions. Sulfinic acids can also be readily oxidized in
the presence of a base, affording the desired sulfonyl radical
(Scheme 42).
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
undergo a Giese addition to an electron-deficient alkene 44.2, Additionally, energy sensitization has emerged has a powerful
affording the desired alkyl sulfonamides 44.4. strategy for promoting the contrathermodynamic E-to-Z isomer-
ization of olefins. Inspired by the mechanism of vision in
The SET oxidation of sulfinic acids and sulfinates for the gener- mammals, which implies a triplet state-mediated E-to-Z isomer-
ation of sulfonyl radicals has been thoroughly explored over the ization of retinal, Gilmour and co-workers reported an
past decades [172]. These oxidations occur under mildly oxida- organophotocatalytic method for the isomerization of the α,β-
tive conditions, and eosin Y (OD13) stands out as an efficient unsaturated esters 46.1 (Scheme 46) [180]. In this protocol,
photocatalyst for these steps [175-177]. This strategy is also (−)-riboflavin (OD11) is exploited as an organic photocatalyst,
compatible with transition metal catalysis, as shown by Lei and capable of absorbing light, transferring its triplet energy to the
co-workers with an organophotocatalyzed radical cross-cou- E-substrate and triggering the isomerization of the double bond
pling method using the aryl sulfinic acids 45.1 and the styrenes with a high level of selectivity.
45.2 to generate the allyl sulfones 45.3 (Scheme 45) [178].
Under visible-light irradiation, the aryl sulfinic acid 45.1 is
oxidized by the excited-state photocatalyst, a bis(tetrabutylam-
monium) salt of eosin Y, OD23, generating the desired sulfo-
nyl radical. The latter adds to the styrene 45.2, and the formed
benzylic radical is intercepted by the cobalt catalyst, which can
promote a dehydrogenation to form the allyl sulfone 45.3. The
colbalt cocatalyst secures the turnover of the photocatalyst by
reducing it back to its ground state.
Excited reactive intermediates (energy Another application of photosensitization is related to the devel-
transfer) opment of thermally forbidden [2 + 2] cycloadditions. These
In addition to electron transfer and atom transfer, EnT is one of reactions can be promoted by the direct excitation of the sub-
the key modes of activation employed in photocatalysis. In strate, generally using UV light. However, the key triplet state
order to act as a good energy transfer catalyst, an organic mole- intermediate can also be accessed by the energy transfer from a
cule, upon light irradiation, should undergo a productive inter- suitable photosensitizer. Seminal reports by Bach [186] and
system crossing (ISC) and reach an electronically excited triplet Sivaguru [187] demonstrated that thioxanthone-based organic
state. The latter can transfer its energy to a ground-state sub- dyes can promote these transformations. It has been shown that
strate in a process named “sensitization”. The so-formed excited flavin-based dyes can also act as photosensitizers for this reac-
substrate is a valuable reactive intermediate for achieving tion (Scheme 47) [188]. In particular, alloxazine (OD12), which
various transformations and structural modifications. This ap- is structurally similar to flavin, has been used for promoting an
proach has been widely exploited to generate singlet O 2 , a intramolecular [2 + 2] cycloaddition of the dienes 47.1 to form
versatile oxidant often applied in organic synthesis [179]. the cyclobutane 47.2.
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 1163–1187.
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