The Use and Abuse of Tobacco: Concept 18

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CONCEPT 18: Tobacco and Nicotine


Tobacco and its smoke contain over 400 noxious chemicals, including, 200 known poisons and 50 carcinogens.

Nicotine is the addictive component of tobacco. Smokeless chewing tobacco is as addictive (and maybe more so) as smoking and produces the same kind of withdrawal symptoms on quitting.

The Health and Economic Costs of Tobacco Tobacco use affects all organs of the body and is the most preventable cause of death in our society.
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#1 cause of preventable mortality in the U.S. 44.5 million adults smoke Causes 88 million days of sickness per year

Smoking has tremendous economic costs.


$157 billion in annual health-related economic losses

$75 billion in direct medical costs $81 billion in lost production Millions in neonatal care

Individual financial costs

Increased taxes on tobacco products If smoke 1 pack/day for 10 yrs $18,250

Health effects about smoking:


Increased risk for cancer

87% of all lung cancers 30% of all other cancers

Increased risk of CHD (2x risk if 1 pack/day)

Increased atherosclerosis Increased blood pressure

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Increased risk of ulcers Increased risk of emphysema Increased risk of bronchitis

The health risks from tobacco are directly related to overall exposure.

The more you use the product (the more doses), the greater the health risk.

Several factors determine the dosage

# of cigarettes smoked Length of time one has been smoking Strength (amount of tar, nicotine, etc.) Depth of inhalation Amount of exposure to other lung-damaging substances (e.g., asbestos)

Cigar and pipe smokers have lower death rates than cigarette smokers but still are at great risk.

Secondhand smoke poses a significant health risk.

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Increased risk of heart disease Increased risk of cancer Increased risk of emphysema Mainstream smoke

Smoke that is inhaled and exhaled

Sidestream smoke

Unfiltered smoke from burning tip of cigarette Contains nicotine and 20-100x carcinogens as mainstream smoke

Women and children are especially susceptible to the negative effects of secondhand smoke.

The health risks of smokeless tobacco are similar to those of other forms of tobacco.

Increased risk of cancer (mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus)

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Increased blood pressure Unhealthy teeth and gums

The Facts about Tobacco Usage At one time, smoking was an accepted part of our culture, but the social norm has changed.

The prevalence of smoking is higher in Europe and is especially high in China. Most tobacco users begin "using" during adolescence and find it hard to quit. The media play a role in promoting and preventing tobacco use. Legal claims against the tobacco industry have aided in antismoking campaigns.

Public policy can affect tobacco use.

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Increased taxes Public relations campaigns

4 states have aggressive anti-tobacco campaigns43% decrease in tobacco use

Indoor smoking bans

6 states in 2005 Bans only on workplace smoking Smoking bans that include all public facilities Washington state most restrictive ban

Tobacco companies are finding new ways to recruit smokers. Various factors influence a person's decision to begin or quit smoking. People who smoke cigarettes tend to also use alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs.

The addictive nature of nicotine makes it difficult to quit using tobacco.

Strategies for Action: The Facts About Quitting Some techniques and strategies increase the probability of breaking the nicotine addiction.

Exercising can also help you quit. The good news is that, when you quit, you may feel better right away and your body will eventually heal most of the damage.

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