Postpartum Hemorrhage
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Maternal Mortality
• Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the single most important direct cause of
maternal deaths in developing countries with an estimated 14 million cases
of pregnancy-related hemorrhage each year. (WHO 1998)
• Even if a woman survives a PPH, she is likely to suffer from anemia and other
health consequences; and she may receive a blood transfusion that can
expose her to HIV or hepatitis.
• Although some conditions may predispose a woman to hemorrhage, PPH
cannot be predicted, and every woman is at risk of developing a PPH.
PPH can also be determined by measuring hemoglobin (Hb) during labor and 24
hours post delivery to see the drop in Hb%.
Contribution of PPH to Maternal
• The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 515,000 women
die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth every year. (WHO 2001)
• Adding to the tragedy of maternal mortality is the fact that when a mother
dies there is a ten-fold increase in the risk of death for her newborn.
• PPH is the single most important direct cause of maternal deaths in
developing countries with an estimated 14 million cases of pregnancy-
related hemorrhage each year. (WHO 1998)
• A woman can die within two hours after the onset of PPH if she does not
receive proper treatment.
Maternal mortality due to PPH is highest in those places where there is:
Consequences of PPH
Even if a woman survives a PPH, she is:
• May receive a blood transfusion that may expose her to HIV or hepatitis
• When using the "risk approach," often only those women who were in a "high
risk" category received active management of the third stage of labor
• This practice, as well as the inability to distinguish those women who will
have PPH from those women who will not, has meant that most women
who develop PPH are in a low-risk category.
• Therefore, every woman should be
Atonic Uterus
• The majority of cases of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) occur in the
immediate postpartum period (within 24 hours after birth).
• One study in Egypt found that 88% of deaths from PPH occurred within the
first four hours postpartum. (Kane 1992)
• Immediate PPH is most commonly due to uterine atony (failure of the uterus
to contract properly after the infant is born) and a retained placenta or
placental fragments (McCormick et al. 2002)
• Lacerations or tears of the cervix, vagina, or perineum are the second most
common cause of PPH.
• Such tears usually occur at the time of the birth of the baby.
Ruptured Uterus
• By the time a ruptured uterus is diagnosed, the fetus is frequently dead and
the mother's life in grave danger.
• Bleeding from a ruptured uterus may occur vaginally and so be visible.
• Or, if the fetal head blocks the pelvis, the bleeding may occur inside the
• Whether the bleeding is vaginal or intra-abdominal, immediate surgery is
necessary if the woman's life is to be saved.
All women should have counseling concerning postpartum family planning, and some
couples may consider voluntary permanent contraception.
However, when a woman suffers a ruptured uterus, she is at increased risk of rupture
with subsequent pregnancies. So, after the emergency is over, the option of voluntary
permanent contraception should be discussed with the woman and her family.
After taking the Knowledge Recap, you’ll get to review the correct answers, and in
some cases, read an explanation.
Prevention of Postpartum
Hemorrhage One
• Healthy practices during pregnancy that help prevent the harmful
consequences of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) are the prevention, early
detection, and treatment of anemia; the early detection and management of
vaginal bleeding problems; and complication-readiness preparations.
• Measures to be taken during labor to prevent PPH are:
Birth Preparedness/Complication
If hemorrhage develops, a woman and her family need to be prepared to act
Therefore, every woman and her family need to prepare for birth and be ready for a
complication by:
It may take only two hours from the time a woman starts bleeding for her to die.
What Should the Plan Include?
A birth-preparedness/complication-readiness plan should include:
Although this plan does not need to be a written document, components may be
included in the client record.
"A skilled attendant is an accredited health professional - such as a midwife, doctor, or
nurse - who has been educated and trained to proficiency in the skills needed to
manage normal (uncomplicated) pregnancies, childbirth, and the immediate postnatal
period, and in the identification, management, and referral of complications in women
and newborns."*
*This definition has been endorsed by UNFPA and the World Bank.
• Preventing dehydration
• Prolonged labor can be the result of an obstruction (the baby is too large or
in an incorrect position to be able to fit through the pelvis and birth canal).
• If not detected and treated, such an obstruction may result in a ruptured
• Likewise, an overdistended uterus (from twins, excess amniotic fluid, large
baby), or induction of labor with oxytocin, or any condition that causes poor
uterine contractions during labor may also result in uterine atony, causing
• Failure of the uterus to contract (atonia) is the primary cause of PPH.
Placenta previa (placenta lying on or near the cervix) - Women with placenta previa
are at higher risk for PPH and placenta accreta (the placenta growing into the wall of
the uterus and so not being able to detach following the birth of the baby). (WHO
Abruptio placenta (a placenta that detaches from the wall of the uterus prior to the
birth of the baby) - A consequence of abruptio placenta may be a failure of the
blood to clot, so that bleeding from the uterus does not stop even if the uterus is
Ruptured uterus - A ruptured uterus that has not been repaired will continue to
bleed after the birth of the baby.
The early detection and rapid management of vaginal bleeding from any cause during
late pregnancy or labor is important in reducing deaths from PPH.
Cervical, vaginal, and perineal tears are the second most significant cause of PPH.
• Several studies within the past few years have confirmed that episiotomy is
associated with a significantly increased blood loss, even when compared to
women who sustain a tear. (Onah and Akani 2004; Gulmezoglu/WHO 2004)
• Therefore, episiotomies should not be routine, but should be restricted to
those situations for which there is a clear indication, such as shoulder
dystocia, breech birth, or forceps delivery.
The birth of the baby should be slow and controlled to allow the vaginal and perineal
tissue to stretch without tearing.
Prevention of Postpartum
Hemorrhage Two: AMTSL
• Key to the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)is the use of active
management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) for all women.
• A systematic review and meta-analysis (Cochrane Library) found that AMTSL
was associated with:
o Approximately 60% reduction in occurrence of PPH and severe
(>1000 mL) PPH
o Decreased need for blood transfusion
o Decreased postpartum anemia (hgb <9 g/dL)
o Approximately 80% reduction in the use of therapeutic uterotonic
The muscle fibers of the uterus are arranged in a "criss-cross" pattern surrounding
blood vessels.
• During the third stage of labor, these muscle fibers contract and
retract, causing the surface area inside the uterus to become smaller.
• The placenta, of course, does not contract, and thus begins to separate as
the surface area of the uterus becomes smaller.
• 500 to 800 ml of blood flow through the blood vessels at the placental site
every minute. (WHO 1996)
• As the placenta separates from the uterus, these vessels break and bleeding
• Continuous, coordinated contractions of the muscles of the uterus form
"living ligatures" that compress the local blood vessels, controlling bleeding
at the placental site and allowing formation of a clot and deposition of
fibrin behind the placenta.
• When the uterus fails to contract, it is said to be atonic, blood vessels at the
placental site are not constricted, and hemorrhage occurs. (McCormick et al.
Active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) is a key evidence-based practice
for preventing postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).
• Waiting for signs that the placenta is separating from the uterine wall (for
example, a gush of blood and/or the uterus becomes firm and globular and
rises in the abdomen)
• Allowing the placenta to deliver spontaneously
A systematic review and meta-analysis (Cochrane Library) found that AMTSL was
associated with:
"Active management of the third stage of labour should be offered to women since it
reduces the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony."
Cost Savings of AMTSL
A study calculating the cost savings of using AMTSL rather than expectant
management of labor for a population of mothers giving birth to babies in Latin
America and sub-Saharan African settings (specifically Guatemala and Zambia)
found a positive net benefit from AMTSL.
1. Routinely administer a uterotonic drug within one minute of the birth of the baby.
(SOGC 2004)
2. Then, during the next strong uterine contraction, apply controlled cord traction on
the umbilical cord.
• Controlled cord traction involves gently, but firmly pulling downward towards
the floor once the uterus has contracted, while pushing at the same time on
the abdomen just above the pubic bone.
3. Following the delivery of the placenta, gently, but firmly massage the uterus
through the abdomen in order to stimulate contractions and decrease vaginal blood
Some have feared that controlled cord traction might be associated with inversion
(when the upper part of the uterus is pulled through the cervix) of the uterus or
separation of the cord from the placenta.
However, in five major controlled trials on AMTSL, no cases of uterine inversion or cord
separation were recorded.
Uterotonic Drugs - Oxytocin
Oxytocin is a posterior pituitary extract that causes the uterus to contract
• The injectable uterotonic drugs given in AMTSL have been evaluated by the
Cochrane Review. (MacDonald et al. 2003)
• Although syntometrine (oxytocin plus ergometrine) resulted in a significant
but small reduction in PPH compared to oxytocin, it was consistently
associated with an increased incidence of such side effects as nausea,
vomiting, headache, and increased blood pressure.
• Although oxytocin is somewhat heat-sensitive, field studies by WHO found no
light-sensitivity and no loss in potency after twelve months of refrigerated
storage, and about 14% loss after one year at 30 degrees centigrade. (WHO
When given intramuscularly, oxytocin acts within two and one-half minutes.
• Is inexpensive
However, ergometrine:
Onset of action for oral ergometrine is too long to be effective for AMTSL.
Nipple Stimulation
Although nipple stimulation has been shown to stimulate the body's own oxytocin
production (which is known to stimulate uterine contractions), no studies to date
have been able to demonstrate that nipple stimulation can effectively reduce
postpartum blood loss or the incidence of PPH.
• A woman's vaginal blood loss, pulse, blood pressure, and the firmness of her
uterine fundus should be monitored every 15 minutes for the first two
hours; then hourly for hours three and four; and then four-hourly until 12
hours after delivery of the placenta.
• During this time also ensure that the mother is clean, warm, comfortable, and
in contact with her baby.
• The woman should also be encouraged to urinate frequently to prevent a full
bladder, which can prevent effective uterine contractions and thus result in
• Teach the mother about danger signs, and tell her that if any occur, she
should let a skilled attendant know immediately.
The delivery of the placenta does not mark the end of risk for bleeding, but rather may
be the point when problems most commonly begin.
Because the first hours after birth are so important to the woman´s health and survival,
some people term this "the fourth stage" so that it will receive the attention it deserves.
Program Considerations
• In order for active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) to be
successful, providers must be trained in the basic knowledge and skills that
are necessary to perform this practice safely and effectively.
• Some uterotonics are heat-sensitive, light-sensitive, or both. So, if their
quality and stability are to be protected, it is essential that these drugs be
protected from heat and light.
• Policy must allow - and provide legal backing for - nurses, midwives, doctors,
and anyone else assisting at births to give a uterotonic drug and perform all
steps of AMTSL.
• Key indicators should be used to measure the success of any program.
Country-Level Implementation
Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) should never be carried out alone as a
vertical program, but rather as part of an integrated package of care provided to
mother and newborn during labor, birth, and the postpartum period.
Country-Level Implementation
• Policy support
• National standards
• Training/education
• Logistics
• Birth preparedness
• Community mobilization
Policy Support
• A core competency of the skilled attendant is to "manage the third stage of
labor actively." (WHO/ICM/FIGO 2004)
• Policy must allow - and provide legal backing for - nurses, midwives, doctors,
and anyone else assisting at births to give a uterotonic drug and perform all
steps of active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL).
o This may require expansion of the role of the nurse or midwife.
• Professional associations, such as midwifery associations, should actively
promote AMTSL for all births in the public and private sectors.
National Standards
• AMTSL must become part of the national guidelines/standards for Safer
Motherhood and the management of all normal births
• National standards can be based on international guidelines/standards from
For AMTSL to be successful, providers must be trained in the basic knowledge and
skills that are necessary to perform this practice safely and effectively.
• Aware of potential side effects and cautions for use of the drugs
• Able to counsel and educate patients effectively about AMTSL, its purpose,
and potential side effects
Training will also need to include:
Besides being part of inservice training programs for all care providers who are involved
with caring for women during labor and birth, AMTSL should be incorporated into the
basic preservice education of all skilled providers prior to licensure and beginning
Even well-trained service providers cannot provide quality care unless effective
uterotonic drugs are on hand to give to the mother immediately after the baby is born.
• Targeted facilities where service delivery staff have been trained in AMTSL
and uterotonics (oxytocin) are available
• Targeted facilities where oxytocin is available
Overcoming Challenges in
Introduction of an AMTSL
A clinic in Afghanistan
In order to address concerns and overcome many challenges that might arise:
Emerging Issues
Preventing PPH at Home Births: The Expanded Role of Misoprostol