TOP 100 New York City Business Ideas For 2023 BusinessNES
TOP 100 New York City Business Ideas For 2023 BusinessNES
TOP 100 New York City Business Ideas For 2023 BusinessNES
5. Urban farming
A viable small business idea to start in
New York City is urban farming. There
are many types of urban farming to
consider, the most profitable of which
include microgreens farming,
mushrooms farming, or auaponic
farming, vertical farming or greenhouse
farming. Agricultural products produced
in this way are ideal for nearby
restaurants, stores and individual
customers (you can find them through
social media, among other things!). Such
a business lends itself well to scaling.
You can even start it in the basement of
your own home, or in your garden, and
then gradually expand it (check out this
successful example of urban farmers).
6. Secondhand retail
A great business idea in New York City is
second hand retail. New Yorkers buy and
also dispose of masses of items. Many
such items have value and can be
repurchased and then resold at a high
profit (you can find many e.g. on eBay,
Poshmark, ThredUp, Bonanza or
Facebook Marketplace). To succeed in
such a business, it is advisable to start by
specializing in one niche of such
seconhand retail, achieve a high level of
professionalism in it, and only then
expand into other niches.
9. Innovative entertainment
New Yorkers love entertainment fun and
excitement. This is a very important and
broad area full of many great business
opportunities. Examples of such
entertainment business ideas for New
York include clubs, restaurants and bars
in which people wear VR googles,
entertainment lounges in which robots
work, mobile sauna and cold showers
and other mobile entertainment
services, drone display or augmented
reality games set in New York (like the
well-known Pokemon Go). Emerging
new technologies are creating a whole
lot of good opportunities for a new
profitable entertainment business.