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Original Research
To Ascertain The Level Of Awareness And Adherence To Proper Disposal
Methods For Leftover And Expired Medication Among Nursing And
Dental Students
1Dr. Rana Arun Gopal Krishan Pal , 2Dr. Aarushi Sharma, 3Dr.Raj Kumar Wasan, 4
Varinder Kaur
MD Pathology, Professor, Department Of Pathology, Genesis Institute Of Dental Sciences And Research,
Ferozepur, Punjab, India.
Ph.D. Microbiology, Professor, Department Of Microbiology, Genesis Institute Of Dental Sciences And
Research, Ferozepur, Punjab, India.
Msc Lecturer, Department Of Microbiology, Genesis Institute Of Dental Sciences And Research, Ferozepur,
Punjab, India.
Aim: To ascertain the level of awareness and adherence to proper disposal methods for leftover and expired medication among
nursing and dental students.
Material and methods: The study included senior level students of nursing and dental (2nd, 3rd and 4th year dental and nursing
students). Convenience sampling is a non-probability technique in which study subjects are selected based on certain criteria,
such as availability at a given time, willingness to participate, accessibility, and geographical proximity to the researchers. The
questionnaire consisted of 10 items divided into two parts and included both multiple choice and binary answers. Part A
contained demographic questions, including age, marital status, and methods for obtaining medication. Part B addressed
students’ knowledge and habits regarding unused and expired medicine.
Results: Of the participants, 65% of dental students and 60% of nursing students reported that they check the expiry date of
medicine before procuring it from the pharmacy, while 25% of dental students and 17.5% of nursing students said they do not
check it. A small percentage of both groups (10% and 22.2%, respectively) said they did not know. Nearly half of dental
students (51.2%) and over half of nursing students (67.5%) threw away leftover medicines in household garbage, while 3.7%
and 2.5%, respectively, flushed unused medicine down the sink or toilet. A large majority of both dental (77.5%) and nursing
(91.2%) students said they discard expired medication in household garbage, while 11.2% and 5 %, respectively, flushed
expired medicine down the toilet or sink. Interestingly, only a small percentage of both groups said they return leftover or
expired medicine to the medical store or pharmacy. More than half (72.5%) of dental students and a majority (70%) of nursing
students agreed that the responsibility for creating awareness of proper disposal methods for leftover and expired medicine
lies with the Ministry of Health.
Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate the need for improvement in practices by Indian health care students
regarding the disposal of leftover and expired medicine. Improper disposal of medication can cause contamination of water
supplies, introduce toxins into the environment, and risk unintentional overdose or drug abuse.
Keywords: Disposal, Leftover, Expired, medication, Nursing, Dental
The prevalence of many illnesses among the general population is heightened as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.
It is often seen that once a patient experiences the presence of any health disorders, it necessitates the
administration of various pharmaceutical interventions for their therapeutic management. Pharmaceutical
interventions serve a multifaceted role in the realm of healthcare, including not only the treatment of diseases, but
also encompassing diagnostic and preventive measures. However, it is worth noting that drug adherence has
emerged as a widespread issue on a worldwide scale. Noncompliance with treatment may result in patients not
using all prescribed medications, leading to the accumulation of unused or expired pharmaceuticals inside their
households [1]. Other factors contributing to pharmaceutical waste include discontinuation of pharmacological
treatment owing to improved symptoms, transitioning to other therapies or regimens, and excessive prescribing
by physicians in response to patient or medical representative requests [2]. It is important to provide information
to the general public on appropriate protocols for the disposal of unused or expired pharmaceuticals within
household settings. The dissemination of knowledge to the general population on the several ways of dumping
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
The study population included nursing and dental students who were regular students at the colleges and willing
to participate in the survey. A student who was appointed to collect the data visited the students in their classrooms
during lecture periods. A brief talk was given to explain the purpose of study and to ensure the students of
confidentiality in their responses. Written informed consent was obtained from the students. Participants were
given enough time to complete the questionnaire. Data collection was conducted using convenience sampling and
performed in such a way that all of the dental and nursing students would be included. Students with incomplete
answers to more than a half of the study questionnaires were considered as incomplete responses and therefore
excluded from the study, and students who missed 2 or 3 questions in the survey were considered as a treatable
response and therefore included in the study. Students who did not return questionnaires were considered non-
Statistical Analyses: The data were entered and coded, and descriptive statistics were calculated for all survey
items. All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Version 25.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results
are expressed as numbers and percentages presented in the forms of tables and graphs. In addition, the associations
between variables were determined by performing chi-square tests. A p-value < 0.05 was considered a statistically
significant difference in all analyses.
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
N % N %
Age (years)
19–23 71 88.7 68 85
24–26 08 10 04 5
27–30 01 1.2 08 10
Marital status:
Of the participants, 65% of dental students and 60% of nursing students reported that they check the expiry date
of medicine before procuring it from the pharmacy, while 25% of dental students and 17.5% of nursing students
said they do not check it. A small percentage of both groups(10% and 22.5%, respectively) said they did not know.
Nearly half of dental students (51.2%) and over half of nursing students (67.5%) threw away leftover medicines
in household garbage, while 3.7% and 2.5%, respectively, flushed unused medicine down the sink or toilet. A
large majority of both dental (77.5%) and nursing (91.2%) students said they discard expired medication in
household garbage, while 11.2% and 5 %, respectively, flushed expired medicine down the toilet or sink.
Interestingly, only a small percentage of both groups said they return leftover or expired medicine to the medical
store or pharmacy. More than half (72.5%) of dental students and a majority (70%) of nursing students agreed
that the responsibility for creating awareness of proper disposal methods for leftover and expired medicine lies
with the Ministry of Health. Additionally, 7.5% and 15% of dental and nursing students, respectively, believed
that pharmacists bear the responsibility for this awareness. Large majorities of both groups (91.2% and 96.2%)
accepted that inappropriate disposal of unused and expired medicine can affect the environment and health.
Detailed information is presented in Table 2.
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Globally, the improper disposal of leftover medicine poses a danger to public health and environmental safety
[9,10]. Therefore, it is important to investigate the prevalence of this practice and to create awareness of and
solutions for safe medicine disposal methods, particularly among health care providers. This is the first study of
its kind to survey university health care students on their knowledge and practice regarding unused and expired
medication. The present study results show that majority of the participants prefer to purchase medicines using a
prescription, which is similar to the previous study conducted among health care students and staff, in which
nearly 55% of surveyed participants purchased medicine through prescription [5]. It is believed that health care
professionals such as dentists and nurses work through inter-professional collaboration to dispense medications
to the patients. Additionally, a number of studies revealed that nurses and pharmacists provide counseling and
education regarding the use and administration of drugs, and to emphasize the importance of expiry dates to
patients [5,8]. The results show that a majority of dental and nursing students (65% and 60%, respectively) check
the expiry date of medicine before purchasing it. These results are lower than the findings of a study by Raja et
al., in which 98% of nursing students checked the expiry date of medication [5]. Studies have shown that nurses
and dental students too provide counseling and education to patients about the use of medicine and the importance
of paying attention to expiration dates [5,9]. In the present study, both dental (77.5%) and nursing (91.2%) students
threw away expired medicine in household garbage. These results are in line with those of Raja et al., in which
72% of respondents threw expired medicine in the garbage [5]. A similar study among dental students by Aditya
found that 94% of students threw away unused medicine in the household trash [11]. This practice has been
observed internationally, irrespective of whether the subjects are the general public or health care professionals
[4,5]. In the current study, 1.2% of nursing students and 2.5% of dental students stored leftover medicine.
According to Raja et al., the majority of nursing students discarded leftover medicine [5], while studies done
among the general public showed that leftover medicine was stored until it expired [11,12]. This could be due to
the perception that it might be needed in the future [11]. However, some studies reported that keeping leftover or
unused medicine for a longer time might result in polypharmacy or unintentional consumption of medicine, which
can lead to toxic effects in the individuals [11]. The results also show significant differences between dental and
nursing students regarding ways of purchasing medicine (p=0.001). Additionally, results revealed that nursing
students were more knowledgeable (p=0.001) in regard to purchasing medicine, checking the expiry date of
medicine, and safe disposal practice, compared to dental students. This might be due to the training and clinical
rotation, which starts in nursing from the start of the course, while in dentistry, clinical rotation begins in the last
or senior levels. The majority of the participants in this study said they were aware of the dangers to the
environment from improper drug disposal. This finding is similar to those of other studies among both health care
students and the general public [5,11-14]. Nevertheless, a general belief persists that flushing unused and expired
medication down the toilet or sink is the best practice, particularly for liquid medications [14-16], even in countries
such as the United States and the United Kingdom [15,16]. The present study has several limitations. Firstly, the
sample referred to in this study was small and the research was limited to one university. Therefore, the outcomes
of the current findings can only represent the situation in the current study’s settings. In addition, to address
sampling bias due to respondents who did not respond to the survey, it is recommended that future studies
investigate the factors or reasons that prevented them from participating.
The results of this study demonstrate the need for improvement in practices by Indian health care students
regarding the disposal of leftover and expired medicine. Improper disposal of medication can cause contamination
of water supplies, introduce toxins into the environment, and risk unintentional overdose or drug abuse. The
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
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