Literature Review Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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alone. Crafting a comprehensive literature review can be a daunting task, requiring extensive
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This study presents the etiology of depression, the anatomical links between olfaction and
depression, and a literature review of different olfactory markers of depression. In summary, a
number of techniques and tools are available to explore the olfactory function, each having its own
advantages and disadvantages. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Several studies have also shown that
olfactory impairment affects the quality of life and that olfactory disorders can affect daily life and
may be lead to depression. In addition, issues of comorbidity and differential diagnoses are
reviewed. This can lead in some cases to excessive showers in order to have a higher self-con?dence.
Discussing Antisocial Personality Disorder ASPD Words 5 Pages In the past ASPD has also been
called moral insanity and psychopathic inferiority History of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Pt Unit
2 Study Guide Words 2 Pages Answers 1. Start citing books, websites, journals, and more with the
Cit. Most of the studies reported a signi?cant effect of tDCS on OC symptoms, more speci?cally, a
decrease of the YBOCS score. The subject is asked to identify in every triplet the pen that contains
the odorant, the other two being without odor. The mechanisms of action of odors’ effects on
depression are not known yet. Neurotransmitter-based drug treatments accelerate clinical
improvement, but resistance to antidepressants implies the involvement of other etiologies.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Subtypes and Spectrum Conditions covers contemporary theory,
research, and treatment of the various subtypes of OCD and problems often referred to as OCD
spectrum disorders. Similarly, individuals suffering with PTSD experience anxiety, particularly
towards a specific situation with distressing symptoms involving intrusive thoughts, panic attacks
and avoidance. This test can measure individuals’ odor identi?cation ability. This paper provides a
critical review of instruments used in the assessment and diagnosis of OCD as well as a review of
adjunctive measures used to assess associated symptoms. Types of instruments reviewed include
diagnostic interviews, self-report questionnaires, family-report questionnaires, and clinician-
administered inventories. The defensive mechanisms used in obsessive-compulsive behaviors are
unconscious. As for the genetic etiologies of depression, studies show contradicting results. Lady
Macbeth: That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. In the last two decades,
several studies have investigated olfactory dysfunction in depression. In the literature review
obsessive compulsive disorder ASPD has also been called moral insanity and psychopathic inferiority
History of Antisocial Personality Disorder, The road to knowledge of this disorder starts with
understanding the prevalence of the disorder, treatment options, and possible ways of prevention. It
has thus been hypothesized that applying tDCS over these abnormal brain regions would lead to a
decrease in obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms by modulating the underlying abnormal brain
network. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. As for the perception of
familiarity, studies show contradictory results. Studies in humans have highlighted the interest of
using odors as therapeutic tool. Further studies are needed to con?rm that only olfactory threshold
and hedonic perception are altered in depression while the odor identi?cation capabilities are
preserved. This review aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of existing literature on the
effects of tDCS applied as a therapeutic tool to reduce OC symptoms in patients with treatment-
resistant OCD and to discuss future applications of tDCS in OCD. 2. Materials and Methods Search
Strategy A systematic review was conducted following the recommendations of the PRISMA
guidelines. Interestingly, the authors reported a signi?cant decrease of depression and anxiety
symptoms. Other studies have tried different electrode montages and have shown bene?cial
outcomes on OC symptoms (see Figure 2 for an illustration of the electrode montages). Finally,
olfaction is an innovative research ?eld that may constitute a new therapeutic tool for the treatment
of depression. This places him in an uncomfortable situation and increases the risk of social isolation.
However, these patients are rarely aware of their olfactory impairment. 4. What Is the Link between
Olfaction and Depression? 4.1. Anatomical Link Several brain areas play a role in olfactory
perception and are involved in the etiology of depression. Few studies investigated the olfactory
threshold in remitted patients after antidepressant treatment and showed con?icting results. The
interval between 9 Brain Sci. 2018, 8, 37 consecutive tDCS sessions should also be considered. The
defensive mechanisms used in obsessive-compulsive behaviors are unconscious. However, it is
known that all senses participate in some sensory experiences like food intake. Such sensory
experience will involve vision, audition, and kinesthesis, as well as the chemosensory modalities of
olfaction, gustation, and chemesthesis that underlies ?avor perception. Exposure and response
prevention therapy is a behavioral therapy. Medical models, when applied to psychological disorders,
assume that these mental illnesses can be diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms and cured
through therapy. In these situations, the impact of this olfactory impairment on patients’ life is often
neglected. In the last two decades, several studies have investigated olfactory dysfunction in
depression. Indeed, studies showed that lavender acts post-synaptically and modulates the activity
of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). All these observations suggest that the reduced
olfactory sensitivity may be a marker of depression. It is a very broad concept in?uenced in a
complex way by the physical health of the subject, his psychological state, his level of independence,
his social relations as well as his relation to the essential elements of its environment”. Essay On
Codependency Words 3 Pages Codependency and Substance Use When it comes to substance abuse,
codependency refers to the obvious and harmful emotional participation of a person in the life of an
addict Drug Addiction Treatment, Psychological Disorders: The DSM-IV Words 1 Pages The cartoon
is making fun of how it seems like everyone has a disorder nowadays, even little kids. Tap to rate
Write a review Review must be at least 10 words Book preview Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -
Jonathan S Abramowitz Enjoying the preview. The mechanisms of action of odors’ effects on
depression are not known yet. Furthermore, the current literature provides emerging evidence that
olfactory stimulation (olfactory training) may be a promising tool for future therapeutic prospects.
This study presents the etiology of depression, the anatomical links between olfaction and
depression, and a literature review of different olfactory markers of depression. The subject is asked
to identify in every triplet the pen that contains the odorant, the other two being without odor. The
second is the retronasal pathway (so-called “indirect” pathway) and takes place during mastication
through the mouth. This places him in an uncomfortable situation and increases the risk of social
isolation. Literature Review On Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Words 4 Pages. Index 1.
Introduction p. Methodology p. Literature Review p. Deconstructs OCD into its subtypes Reviews
current research and treatment for these problems Considers how OCD will be conceptualized in
DSM-V Represents an international scope with contributions from field experts in psychology,
psychiatry, and social work Includes critical discussion of the OCD subtype and OCD spectrum
concepts. Overview Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is recognized within the 5th edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders as a mental disorder involving obsessive
thoughts and repetitive behavior. Con?icts of Interest: The authors declare no con?ict of interest.
Nevertheless, based on these findings, it seems difficult to conclude regarding the optimal tDCS
montage to adopt in order to alleviate symptoms in patients with OCD. In the future, it is important
to study the olfactory perception of depressed patients in a more natural environment re?ecting
everyday life and using more complex sensory (olfactory and gustatory) stimuli. In this study, the
subjects followed an olfactory training over a period of ?ve months or had to perform Sudoku daily
for the control group. A loss of smell can also be problematic in this kind of situation and add major
concerns for the future professional. Author Contributions: J.B. and M.M. managed the literature
search and assisted with the data collection. J.B., M.M. and R.B. wrote the ?rst draft of manuscript.
E.P. supervised searches. E.P., M.S. and U.P. critically revised the manuscript.
The psychophysical tests provide a quantitative measure of sensory function by using the verbal
response of the subject as an indicator of the olfactory perception. Summary of publications on
olfactory function in depression. In this context, one of the major outstanding research challenges is
to better identify precise phenotypic pro?les through the validation of innovative numerical tools,
enabling the online recording and monitoring of the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components
underlying the expression of clinical phenotypes. The discrimination test is done with the following
presentation of 16 odorous pen triplets. In summary, a number of techniques and tools are available
to explore the olfactory function, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Kircanski, K.;
Joormann, J.; Gotlib, I.H. Cognitive aspects of depression: Cognitive aspects of depression. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. There are several comorbid disorders associated with
the disorder, most of which may develop due to dealing with the chronic symptoms of obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and a couple related disorders which have symptoms similar in nature to those.
It allows the delivery of a precise concentration of the odorant at the entrance of the nostrils via a
controlled air?ow. It could be speculated for example that hyperactive cortico-striatal pathways
observed in patients with OCD may be down-regulated by either inhibitory stimulation of the OFC
or SMA (with the cathode) or by excitatory stimulation (enhancement, with the anode) of the
DLPFC. Thus, future studies should take into account the concomitant use of medication when
investigating the effects of tDCS on OC symptoms. Clinical characteristics of patients should be
taken into account when discussing the role of tDCS in the OCD treatment. Indeed, an individual
with olfactory disorders is socially vulnerable if he is not able to smell his body odor or odors of
others. Related Topics. Management Strategic literature review obsessive compulsive disorder
Human resource management Organization Marketing Decision making. Codependency and
Substance Use When literature review obsessive compulsive disorder comes to substance abuse,
codependency refers to the obvious and harmful emotional participation of a person in the life of an
addict Drug Addiction Treatment, These people tend to ignore, deny, justify, and empower the
addict. Finally, ?ve studies targeted the pre-supplementary motor area (SMA). Below is the
assessment description to follow: Literature Review. Furthermore, tDCS parameters were highly
heterogeneous across studies, in terms of electrode montage (see Figure 2), number of tDCS
sessions, tDCS duration, and interval between sessions (from 2 h to 1 day). Exposure and response
prevention therapy is a behavioral therapy. Overview Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is recognized
within the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders as a mental
disorder involving obsessive thoughts and repetitive behavior. The authors have also investigated
relationships with streptococcal infections and the PANDAS generating a large constellation of
neuropsychiatric conditions, especially including OCD that is mainly mediated by disruption in the
basal ganglia, which are particularly vulnerable to antineuronal antibodies relying on stimulated
autoimmune processes. One may hypothesize that anxiety, depression, and OCD share abnormalities
within brain networks that are targeted by cortical stimulation. As for the perception of familiarity,
studies show contradictory results. However, these bene?cial e?ects remain to be further con?rmed in
larger and controlled studies in order to alleviate the methodological concerns that could be raised in
the already published trials. Results indicated that applying tDCS might show promising results to
reduce OC symptoms. Little is known regarding the duration of this effect since it has not been
systematically investigated. The authors reviewed the studies on obsessive-compulsive disorders
published from to They report on various theories of the etiology of the disorders and provide an
overview of the studies based on these theories. This volume, dedicated to such diagnostic,
theoretical, and treatment issues, helps informs the field of the most up-to-date knowledge and what
remains to be resolved. To the best of our knowledge, only one randomized sham-controlled trial was
conducted in OCD patients. Addiction, as it comes along, becomes a way of life. First, none of the
studies that are included in the present review was sham-controlled. Second, olfactory stimuli are
encoded and may activate emotional memory.
There are two ways for volatile chemical molecules to reach the olfactory epithelium. Report this
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found this document useful (10 votes) 11K views 7 pages Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Uploaded
by api-3797941 AI-enhanced description Most common obsessions are repetitive thoughts about
contamination, repeated doubts. Most of the patients were treated with SSRIs, but in some studies,
they were also treated with other medications, such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
(SNRI), mood stabilizers or antipsychotics. However, this study did not provide direct clinical
assessment of OC symptoms. Further studies are needed to determine the real effect of repeated
sessions of active tDCS on OC symptoms, by comparing with sham. It is important to note that all
these methods (psychophysical, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging techniques) are
complementary because they do not measure the same olfactory parameters, function, and process.
These symptoms are associated with signi?cant clinical distress or impairment in social, occupational,
or other important areas of functioning. Literature Review On Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Words 4 Pages. Index 1. Introduction p. Methodology p. Literature Review p. These investigations
could explain the role of olfactory impairment in the eating disorders frequently observed in
depression. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Future studies are needed to 19 Brain Sci. 2018, 8, 80 clarify
this aspect of olfaction. Indeed, studies showed that lavender acts post-synaptically and modulates
the activity of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). As each of the six studies, the research was
based on data preparation, research screening, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Abstract.
Remarkably, none of the studies was sham-controlled (Table 1). This novel protocol appears
interesting and future studies are needed to further explore the effects 10 Brain Sci. 2018, 8, 37 of
gamma-tACS in patients with OCD. This paper provides a critical review of instruments used in the
assessment and diagnosis of OCD as well as a review of adjunctive measures used to assess
associated symptoms. Types of instruments reviewed include diagnostic interviews, self-report
questionnaires, family-report questionnaires, and clinician-administered inventories. These same
studies found similar results with respect to odor intensity assessment capabilities. Tap to rate Write
a review Review must be at least 10 words Book preview Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Jonathan
S Abramowitz Enjoying the preview. Overall, our review included 12 studies, corresponding with a
total sample of 77 patients with OCD. However, these ?ndings cannot be replicated in humans.
Finally, up to now, no study has investigated the brain correlates of the symptom improvement
following tDCS administration in OCD patients. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The psychophysical
tests provide a quantitative measure of sensory function by using the verbal response of the subject
as an indicator of the olfactory perception. Occasionally, devices called olfactometers are used to
carry out the psychophysical measures while providing a better control of the delivery conditions of
the odorant. Results showed a signi?cant decrease of depressive-like behavior for the CUMS group
exposed to vanillin and the CUMS group exposed to ?uoxetine. To date, regarding the high
heterogeneity among studies in terms of the characteristics of patients (e.g., subtypes of OC
symptoms, concomitant medication, age) and tDCS parameters (e.g., electrode montage, symptoms
provocation paradigm during tDCS), it is dif?cult to draw a clear conclusion on the ef?cacy of tDCS
in this indication and to propose guidelines for future investigations. I will make sure to assess for
depression and if present I will assess for depth and risk for suicide. The results showed that the
lavender odor had a more pronounced anxiolytic effect compared to music and control conditions.
False and fixed beliefs that evidence is not responsive to are Delusions. If you cannot write an essay
yourself for any of the.
Finally, during the odor identi?cation test, 12 or 16 odorous pens are presented to the subject.
However, this study did not provide direct clinical assessment of OC symptoms. Further studies are
needed to determine the real effect of repeated sessions of active tDCS on OC symptoms, by
comparing with sham. Despite methodological limitations and the heterogeneity of stimulation
parameters, tDCS appears to be a promising tool to decrease obsessive-compulsive symptoms as well
as comorbid depression and anxiety in patients with treatment-resistant OCD. Indeed, studies
showed that lavender acts post-synaptically and modulates the activity of cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP). As a result, women were able to distinguish between the pads of fear and
those of non-fear. The edibility perception of odors has not been studied in depression. However, it is
not clearly established that increasing the duration and number of sessions leads to a better and
longer clinical effect. In the last two decades, several studies have investigated olfactory dysfunction
in depression. In the literature review obsessive compulsive disorder ASPD has also been called
moral insanity and psychopathic inferiority History of Antisocial Personality Disorder, The road to
knowledge of this disorder starts with understanding the prevalence of the disorder, treatment
options, and possible ways of prevention. Smell can also impact different psychological aspects of
the subject’s life by forming positive and negative emotional memories related to smell. As for the
perception of familiarity, studies show contradictory results. The results showed that the lavender
odor had a more pronounced anxiolytic effect compared to music and control conditions. In
summary, a number of techniques and tools are available to explore the olfactory function, each
having its own advantages and disadvantages. Standardized tests have been developed to evaluate
these three olfactory functions. In this test, the subject has to detect if the pen with the odorant is
different from the other two. The results showed a signi?cant decrease in the depression score
(obtained with the Beck Depression Inventory) for the group who followed the ?ve-month olfactory
training compared to the group who performed Sudoku daily. They generate severe emotional
distress and marked impairment in general functioning. Studies are still needed to understand the
mechanisms of action of odors on behavior in animals or humans. 8. Conclusions We have shown
here the links between the olfactory system, depression, and quality of life. For the olfactory
threshold test, stick triplets with increasing odor concentrations are presented to the subject. This
paper reviews the administration pragmatics, psychometric properties, and limitations of commonly
used assessment measures for adults and youths with OCD. Furthermore, the current literature
provides emerging evidence that olfactory stimulation (olfactory training) may be a promising tool
for future therapeutic prospects. For example, olfaction is involved in the detection of fear signals.
Although data are still scarce, tDCS seems to represent a promising alternative for the management
of major depression and OCD in substantially reducing the clinical severity with relatively good
tolerability. Subscribe to continue reading Start your free days Page 1 of 1 Home Ebooks Psychology
Footer menu Back to top About About Everand Press Our blog Join our team. Exposure and
response prevention therapy is a behavioral therapy. Most of the patients were treated with SSRIs,
but in some studies, they were also treated with other medications, such as serotonin-norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), mood stabilizers or antipsychotics. Furthermore, tDCS parameters were
highly heterogeneous across studies, in terms of electrode montage (see Figure 2), number of tDCS
sessions, tDCS duration, and interval between sessions (from 2 h to 1 day). Finally, ?ve studies
targeted the pre-supplementary motor area (SMA). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that olfactory
perception is altered in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.

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