Nso Level1 Class 4 Set 7
Nso Level1 Class 4 Set 7
Nso Level1 Class 4 Set 7
1. Which shape is third to the right of eighth shape from the right end?
A. B. C. D.
2. Find the correct mirror image of Fig. (X), if the mirror is placed vertically to the left.
Fig. (X)
A. B. C. D.
3. Which of the following figures is exactly embedded in Fig.(X) as one of its parts?
Fig. (X)
A. B. C. D.
4. Ananya is facing the Church. She will be facing ____________, if she makes a 2 turn to her right.
A. B. C. D.
6. Select the INCORRECT statement.
A. Roughage is indigestible but helps in proper functioning of digestive system.
B. Eating a lot of junk food can make us put on extra weight.
C. Water is a very important part of our diet.
D. Fruits and vegetables are not a part of the balanced diet.
A. B. C. D.
10. Match column-I planet with column-II time taken for one revolution and select the correct option.
Column-I Column-II
(a) Venus (1) 30 years
(b) Jupiter (2) 225 years
(c) Saturn (3) 365 days
(d) Earth (4) 12 years
A. (a) – (2), (b) – (1), (c) – (4), (d) – (3) B. (a) – (2), (b) – (4), (c) – (1), (d) – (3)
C. (a) – (4), (b) – (2), (c) – (1), (d) – (3) D. (a) – (4), (b) – (3), (c) – (2), (d) – (1)
11. The parts of the body which are mainly damaged by excessive intake of alcohol are
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
13. Read the following statements regarding the given figure and choose the INCORRECT one.
A. It has six legs.
B. It’s body is divided into three parts, head, thorax and abdomen.
C. It has a hard outer covering made up of a substance called chitin.
D. It breathes through gills.
14. Parasites are the animals that live either on or inside the bodies of other animals to obtain food.
Which out of the following groups belongs to parasites?
A. Lice and bed bugs B. Roundworms and tapeworms
C. Leeches and hookworms D. All of these
16. The given diagram shows what a captain of a ship sees one dark night from the ship's bridge.
The captain immediately steers the ship away from going forward. Which form of energy tells him
to do so ?
200 ml level
17. When 100 ml of water is poured in 100 ml of soil in the measuring cylinder, level of water goes down.
From this, we can conclude that the soil
A. Has a lot of mineral salts B. Contains a lot of water
C. Lets water to go through it easily D. Has a lot of air spaces.
18. After the addition of water, which of the following types of soil is expected to show highest decrease
in the level of water?
A. Sandy soil B. Loamy soil C. Clayey soil D. Garden soil
21. The given diagram shows different body parts of an insect. The parts that are wrongly labelled are
Thorax Abdomen Head
A. Thorax and abdomen
B. Abdomen and head
C. Thorax and head
D. Thorax, abdomen and head
24. Which of the following forces is/are able to affect objects from a distance?
1. Gravitational force 2. Magnetic force 3. Frictional force
A. 1 only B. 3 only C. 1 and 2 only D. 1, 2 and 3
25. Which of the following statements is true regarding the impact of deforestation on water cycle?
26. Which of the following energy conversions takes place when a person switches on his mobile phone?
A. Electrical energy Kinetic energy Sound energy + Light energy
B. Chemical energy Electrical energy Sound energy + Light energy
C. Kinetic energy Chemical energy Sound energy
D. Electrical energy Sound energy + Light energy
27. Take a well-watered potted plant (plant P) and keep it in a dark room for 2 days. Keep another
plant (plant Q) in the sunlight. Water the plants regularly. Now pluck a leaf from each of the
plants and bleach the two leaves separately. Put a few drops of iodine solution on each leaf.
Plant P Plant Q P Q P Q
Which observation you are most likely to make after putting iodine solution on the leaves?
A. Leaf of plant P turns blue-black whereas leaf of plant Q does not turn blue-black.
B. Leaf of plant Q turns blue-black whereas leaf of plant P does not turn blue-black.
C. Leaves of both the plants P and Q turn blue-black.
D. None of the leaves turn blue-black.
29. On which basis the given plants have been classified into two separate groups?
A. The way they reproduce
Jasmine, Hydrilla,
B. Their edible plant parts Rose, Water hyacinth,
C. The habitat they live in Tulsi Lotus
D. All of these Group-I Group-II
30. Study the given Venn diagram. Which of the following simple machines can be placed at X?
Lever X Wedge
A. B. C. D.
31. A weightlifter tries for one minute to lift a weight but it does not move. Which of the following
statements about work and energy is true in this regard?
A. Neither work is done nor energy is used up. B. No work is done but energy is used up.
C. Work is done but energy is not used up. D. Work is done and energy is used up.
Choose the correct statement with respect to L, M and N.
A. L can be iron, M can be vitamin D B. L can be calcium, N can be milk
C. M can be vitamin D, N can be fruits D. L can be calcium, M can be vitamin C.
34. Given is a figure of flowering plant. Identify the different parts labelled as L, M, N, O and P and select
the correct statements out of the following.
1. Part L absorbs water and mineral salts from the soil.
2. Part M transports water and mineral salts to all the
plant parts. N
3. Part N absorbs water from air and transports it to all
other plant parts.
4. Part O protects the seeds inside it.
5. Part P grows into flower after fertilization.
A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4 C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5