Diagnosing The Causes of Quackery in Quantity Surv

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JCBM (2021) 5(1).28-37.

University of Cape Town

Journal of Construction Business and Management

Diagnosing the Causes of Quackery in Quantity Surveying Practice in Lagos State,


J. O. Dada1 and G. O. Bamigboye2

Department of Quantity Surveying, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Received 14 July 2020; received in revised form 16 October 2020, 12 Feburary 2021 and 13 May 2021; accepted 20 May 2021.


The purpose of this paper is to examine the causes of quackery in quantity surveying practice to address the menace for
enhanced service delivery. Using survey research design, primary data were collected through the administration of
structured questionnaires on quantity surveyors in the 125 registered quantity surveying firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. The
respondents were asked to rate the identified 34 causes of quackery in quantity surveying practice on a 5-point Likert scale.
The elicited data were analysed using mean score analysis. Factor analysis was, after that, used to explore and detect the
underlying relationship among the identified variables and categorise them into key factors. The results of the mean score
statistics identified 32 important causes of quackery in quantity surveying practice, with the four most important ones being
an unwillingness to seek professional advice and consultation, unwillingness to pay for professional services, lack of effective
systems of punishment for quacks and inadequate monitoring by the quantity surveying professional association and
regulatory body. It was concluded that the causes of quackery in quantity surveying are multidimensional and can be
narrowed down to unethical practices, client engagement, job security, regulatory and corruption-related issues. The
identified causes of quackery in quantity surveying practice will be useful in formulating policy and serve as future research
agenda towards eradicating the menace and engendering an enhanced service delivery.

Keywords: Causes of quackery; Nigeria; Quackery; Quantity surveying; Service delivery.

1. Introduction profession is being encroached by quacks. This is making

the profession suffer continuous poor public perception
Quackery is a menace that has plagued virtually every (Iyortyer, 2016).
profession, including Engineering, Health, and Law, Currently, the quantity surveying profession is
across all nations of the world (Adeyemi, 2015). The act witnessing unregulated practices occasioned by incursion
of quackery, as widely experienced across all professions and invasion of quacks, by an army of unprofessional
in the built environment (Adeyemi, 2016), has caused personnel of all manners, into the fields unrelated to their
many damages in the industry. For quantity surveying area of competency (Njoku, 2011; Ibrahim, 2012). This
practice, the roles of quantity surveyors have evolved has led to unhealthy competition from allied
significantly in recent times. However, they are constantly professionals, outright disrespect for professionalism and
confronted with the issue of the incursion of quacks and far-reaching untoward consequences on construction
invasion of unprofessional personnel, as well as unhealthy project delivery (Nnadi and Ugwu, 2014). Traditionally,
competition from allied professionals. While the quantity surveyors are responsible for construction
regulatory body of the profession in Nigeria, the Quantity projects' cost and contract management functions (Shafiei
Surveyors Registration Board of Nigeria (QSRBN), has and Said, 2008; Ekung and Okonkwo, 2015). They
taken measures to regulate the practice of the profession possess expertise that enhances the design process
within the codes of professional ethics and conduct, the through the logical use of cost parameters to sustain viable

Corresponding Author.
Email address: [email protected]
©2021 The Author(s). Published by UCT Library. This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.
J.O. Dada and G.O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37 29

links relating to price, utility and forms, which assist in six possible causes of the incursion of quacks into the real
attaining construction project objectives within the estate profession and considered "misinterpretation of
predetermined budget (Maarouf and Habib, 2011). roles by professionals in the built environment" as
Quantity surveyors add value, predominantly, to the "major". Nemieboka (2010) argued that the activities of
financial and contractual management of projects. They quacks in the real estate sector are responsible for the high
contribute to overall project performance by deploying sales and rental values of real estate. A study by Oladokun
appropriate competencies (Nkado and Meyer, 2001; Dada and Ojo (2011) looked into the incursion of non-
and Jagboro, 2012). These competencies are aimed at professionals in property management practice in Nigeria,
accomplishing projects that meet clients’ value while Oloyede et al. (2011) discussed the issues
expectations (Olanrewaju and Anahve, 2015). However, confronting the estate surveying and valuation profession
quackery has caused many damages to the practice of the in Nigeria and gave four reasons why trespassers continue
profession, with attendant consequences on the patronage to flow into real estate business. The first reason was
of quantity surveying services and construction project given as the inadequacy of registered estate surveyors and
delivery at large. This paper, therefore, reports the results valuers to satisfy the local demand for their services. The
of an exploratory survey aimed at examining the causes second reason was poor service delivery, while the third
of quackery in the profession and factorising them into was given as greed and high financial gain derivable from
key components. property management practice. Finally, the fourth reason
was identified as a shortage of qualified personnel.
2. An Overview of Quackery in Built Environment The activities of quacks have resulted in a lot of
Professions in Nigeria confusion and problems within the industry and society.
Didigwu (2017) and Nwannekanma (2016) confirmed a
The term ‘built environment’ refers to the man-made high influx of other professionals into the town planning
surroundings that provide the setting for human activities profession. They opined that most land surveyors engage
(Olapade, 2016). It consists of professionals who involve in layout plans design even when the law categorically
in the design, construction and maintenance of the built vests the power to prepare a layout plan on the registered
environment. These built environment professionals town planner. It was further posited that some architects,
include Architects, Engineers, Builders, Estate Surveyors draftsmen and numerous quacks interfere with the
and Valuers, Quantity Surveyors, Land Surveyors and practice. Thus, quackery in the built environment
Urban and Regional Planners (National Building Code, professions is causing much damage to the construction
2006; Owolabi and Olatunji, 2014; Olapade, 2016). Each industry.
of these professionals has a unique role to play in the
successful development of a nation. However, quack 3. Causes of Quackery in Quantity Surveying
practices cut across all professions in the built Practice
environment (Adeyemi, 2016). This corroborates
Kuroshi's (2017) view and Chendo and Obi (2015) as they Akomolade (2006) classified quacks, who often
confirmed quack activities in the building profession and parade themselves as professional quantity surveyors, into
showed how their activities have contributed to two groups. The first category is the educated ones who
substandard buildings resulting in building collapse in studied other disciplines different from quantity surveying
Nigeria. Kuroshi (2017) defined a quack in the building at a University or Polytechnic. This category takes
profession as a trained professional not registered and advantage of lack of work or economic viability in their
licensed by the Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria hitherto business areas to venture into other disciplines
(CORBON) and is involved in building production diametrically. If they had been successful in their
management. Kuroshi condemned the way and manner professional callings, the need for encroaching on other
construction processes were being managed and executed fields would not have arisen. The second class are
in the country because of the belief that all the professions quantity surveying graduates without professional
should be involved in the building process. Tanko et al. certification or licence. Finally, the worst quacks are
(2013) affirmed that quacks had penetrated the persons from fields unrelated to the construction industry
engineering profession at all levels, from design to like Economists, Lawyers, Accountants, and quantity
construction and maintenance phases of engineering surveying practices for which they have no clue.
structures and services. They explicated how these Studies have revealed the possible causes of quackery
activities have led to human and financial losses due to in the quantity surveying profession. Osubor (2017)
the engineering failure of buildings by pointing out typical submitted that in Nigeria, the quantity surveyor's
examples of the failure of buildings either during or after relevance/value and services are not maximised,
construction being experienced regularly. They also noted especially in civil and heavy engineering projects. This
how the profession's integrity is being eroded gradually has resulted in leaving construction cost experts forced
because of the activities of quacks. out of their professional role by others not competent in
Asor (2015) classified quacks into three groups. The those areas. Osubor (2017) further posited that external
first group are real professionals who engage in the act of threats from other professions usurping the duties of the
quackery. Second are non-professionals who claim to be quantity surveyor, lack of publicity of the quantity
professionals and engage in the act of quackery. The last surveyor, and ignorance of global best practices are other
group are those who have no knowledge of a particular factors that contribute to the situation. Olapade (2016)
profession but learn the trade and practice the profession explained that unlike other professions such as Medicine,
because of their intelligence. Olapade (2016) identified Pharmacy and Law, where graduates are subjected to
30 J. O. Dada and G. O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37

further practical training before being licensed to practice, In all, a total of 57 filled (appropriate for analysis) copies
further training in the built environmental courses is of the questionnaire were returned. This represents 45.6%
acquired in active and non-active professional firms upon of the total number of copies of the questionnaire
graduation. This has accounted for the lack of uniformity administered. Data obtained were analysed using both
of practical training. Nnadi and Alintah-Abel (2016) descriptive and inferential statistics.
added the issue of unwillingness to pay for professional
services, especially by private building clients. Jimoh et 5. Data Analysis
al. (2016) opined the difficulty of clients in identifying the
right professionals and the opinion that the same results Thirty-four possible causes of quackery in quantity
will be obtained when non-professionals are given surveying practice were used for the study. These were
construction projects to handle as instrumental to the synthesised from the reviewed literature. Most of the
prevalence of quackery. Omeife and Windapo (2013); variables were identified from Olapade (2016); Osubor
Dahiru, Salau and Usman (2014); and Babalola and (2017); Nnadi and Alintah-Abel (2016); Jimoh et al.
Anifowose (2015) have also alluded to the naivety of (2016); Anthony and Kehinde (2015); Inuwa et al. (2014);
clients, owing to restriction to professional service Omoife and Windapo (2013) and Olanrewaju and
advertisement in compliance with the professional code of Anifowose (2014). The variable constructs were set out
conduct, as contributing to the menace of quackery. for the respondents to rate their significance levels. The
Aniekwu, Anthony and Kehinde (2015) and Inuwa, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used
Usman and Dantong (2014) identified corruption as a to rank the variables based on the mean values of the
cause of quackery. Olanrewaju and Anifowose (2014) responses. In order to gain insights into the variables,
established that rivalry among the professionals in the factor analysis was employed to analyse the structure of
industry causes professional quackery. Njoroge (2013) interrelationships among the variables by defining a set of
submitted that lack of an effective regulatory framework common underlying factors. Given the plethora of
(i.e. poor implementation of existing policies and variables involved, several significant variables will
programmes or lack of harmonisation and coordination) measure the same criteria. The fundamental concept
causes quackery in a profession. Jimoh (2012) also underlying factor analysis is the ability to statistically
supported the fact that the roles of a particular profession, manipulate the empirical relationship among several
when not well appreciated by the public, can cause variables to help reveal conjectural constructs of
quackery. Ede (2011) opined that when trained relationships (Neuman and Kreuger, 2003). This view is
professionals operate illicitly (without a license) in the usually adopted to reduce several variables to a smaller
different fields of construction, quacks tend to infiltrate set of underlying factors that summarise the essential
into the profession. From the review carried out, it is information contained in the variables (Pallant, 2010;
evident that quackery, in the quantity surveying practice, Coakes and Steed, 2001). The sample size determines the
is prevalent and cannot be underestimated. There are reliability of factor analysis as correlation coefficients
many factors responsible for the actions that need to be change from one set to another. The suitability of the data
critically examined to enhance the quantity surveying collected was assessed through Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
service delivery. (KMO – test) to measure sampling adequacy and Bartlett's
Test of Sphericity.
4. Research Method
6. Results and Discussion
This research examined the causes of quackery in
quantity surveying practice. The survey research method 6.1 Respondents’ information
was adopted for the study. The method is based on The demographic features of the questionnaire
statistical sampling through questionnaire, has been administered to the respondents include the present
frequently used for data collection in exploratory position in their firm, years of experience in the industry,
research. It is appropriate for collecting data because of its academic and professional qualification. This was to
advantage in yielding responses in standard format from ascertain the suitability and reliability of their responses.
many respondents and the benefit of collecting data from As presented in Table 1.
respondents from geographically dispersed locations.
A structured, self-administered questionnaire was Table 1: Background Information of the Respondents
used in eliciting the necessary data required for the Parameters Frequency %
research. The first part of the questionnaire elicited
general information about the respondents, including Present position in the firm
respondents' designation, years of experience, academic Principal Partner 9 15.8
and professional qualifications, and their organisations. Associate QS 15 26.3
The other part dealt with issues relating to the causes of Senior QS 28 49.1
quackery in quantity surveying. The respondents' answers Assistant QS 5 8.8
ranged on a 5 - point Likert scale from least significant to Years of experience in the construction industry
most significant. The study was carried out in Lagos State, 6-10 years 16 28.1
given the high concentration of respondents in the State. 11-15 years 14 24.6
A copy of the questionnaire was administered to a 16-20 years 12 21.0
quantity surveyor in each of the 125 registered quantity Above 20 years 10 17.5
surveying firms practising in Lagos State (NIQS, 2018). Academic qualification of respondent
J.O. Dada and G.O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37 31

Higher National Diploma (HND) 11 19.3 important attribute for quantity surveyors. Also, the level
BSc./B.Tech 30 52.6 of experience and years spent in quantity surveying
MSc./M.Tech 13 22.8 practice provides a solid foundation for any survey
PGD 3 5.3 (Smith, 2009).
Higher National Diploma (HND)
11 19.3 6.2 Awareness of Environmental Waste Management
Professional qualification of respondent Practices
MNIQS 41 71.9 The results of the causes of quackery in quantity
FAQS 9 15.8 surveying practice are as presented in Table 2, show that
RICS 2 3.5 the mean scores (MS) range from 2.82 to 4.33.
Other 5 8.8 Unwillingness to seek professional advice and
Total 57 100 consultation was the most important cause of quackery in
the study area with MS = 4.33 (SD = 1.11). Unwillingness
the results indicate that most respondents were in the to pay for professional services was ranked second most
top echelon of their firms with over ten years of important cause of quackery with MS = 4.33 (SD = 1.22).
experience and requisite academic and professional The third most important cause of quackery was lack of
qualifications. Furthermore, the results show that the effective punishment systems for quacks with MS = 4.28
respondents were both academically and professionally and the fourth being inadequate monitoring by the
qualified, and therefore, the information given by them is quantity surveying professional association and
reliable. Ho and Ng (2003) considered experience as an regulatory body (NIQS and QSRBN) with MS = 3.98.

Table 2: Causes of Quackery in Quantity Surveying Practice

Causes of Quackery in quantity surveying MS SD Rank
Unwillingness to seek professional advice and consultation 4.33 1.11 1
Unwillingness to pay for professional services 4.33 1.22 2
Lack of effective systems of punishment for quacks 4.28 1.00 3
Inadequate monitoring by the QS professional association and regulatory body (NIQS & QSRBN) 3.98 0.98 4
Politics in the award of contract/Godfatherism 3.97 0.93 5
Weaknesses of the legal and regulatory framework 3.90 0.78 6
Societal corruption 3.81 0.97 7
Clients inability to identify professionals 3.79 0.80 8
Loss of priority by the professional association and regulatory body 3.64 0.85 9
Excessive love for money/greed 3.63 0.84 10
Unfair award of contract to quacks 3.63 1.02 11
Underpayment of consultancy fees 3.63 1.11 12
Lack of transparency in contract award procedures 3.61 1.07 13
Leaking of tender information to quacks 3.60 1.03 14
Lack of fairness in the award of quantity surveying jobs 3.60 1.11 15
Weaknesses in investigative structures of the professional association and regulatory body 3.58 0.92 16
Lack of political will in regulating the quantity surveyors’ activities 3.58 0.99 17
Socio-economic challenges 3.53 0.97 18
Monopoly of practice 3.52 0.88 19
Collusion between quacks and procurement officials 3.52 1.00 20
Lack of discretion by the professional association and regulatory body 3.50 0.95 21
Tailoring of a contract to favour quacks 3.48 1.05 22
Professional indiscipline and unethical behaviour 3.44 0.99 23
Availability of national database of skilled quantity surveyors 3.38 1.29 24
Hiding tender document information from professionals 3.38 1.35 25
Profit maximisation by professionals 3.37 1.25 26
Lack of interdisciplinary collaboration to live up to professional expectations 3.36 1.08 27
Attitudes of procurement officials 3.35 1.17 28
High cost of engaging professionals 3.35 1.28 29
Job insecurity 3.34 0.96 30
Procurement officials demanding money from quacks 3.25 1.08 31
Lack of transparency by the professional regulatory body 3.08 1.03 32
Lack of uniformity in practical training 2.99 1.20 33
Ageing population of highly skilled quantity surveyors 2.82 1.09 34

The results of the survey are aligned with the findings unwillingness to pay for professional services, clients'
of Nnadi and Alintah-Abel (2016), Jimoh et al. (2016); inability to identify the right professionals, corruption,
Inuwa, Usman and Dantong (2014); Njoroge (2013) and lack of effective regulatory framework and unwillingness
Omeife and Windapo (2013), who identified to seek professional advice as causes of quackery. Quacks
32 J. O. Dada and G. O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37

believe in the value of the services they offer and reject Hutcheson and Sofroniou (1999) recommended values
both the contrary evidence provided by professional between 0.7 and 0.8 as good, values between 0.8 and 0.9
associations and regulatory bodies and the authority of as excellent and values above 0.9 as superb. As shown in
these bodies to influence their behavior. Dada and Table 3, the KMO is 0.719, which falls into the good
Jagboro, (2012) opined that quantity surveyors need to category; hence, factor analysis is appropriate for the data
continuously engage in lifelong learning to keep abreast set.
with rapid advances in technology and knowledge that
have profound impact on their current and evolving Table 3: KMO and Bartlett's Test of Causes of
service offerings. In doing this, quantity surveyors will be Quackery in Quantity Surveying Practice
able to deliver excellent services thereby increasing Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling 0.719
quantity surveying awareness, win clients’ trust and limit Adequacy
their patronage for individuals who cannot give them Approx. Chi-Square 1537.577
professional services. On a general note, there exist more Bartlett's Test
Df 496
possibilities of recording higher rates of quackery in of Sphericity
Sig. 0.000
developing nations of the world due to issues ranging
from poverty to weak government policies and Similarly, Bartlett's test of Sphericity is highly
enforcement of the same. significant (p = 0.000), suggesting that the responses were
valid and suitable. Also, the communality, which
6.3 Factor Analysis of Causes of Quackery in Quantity describes the total amount of original variance shared with
Surveying Practice all other variables in the analysis and useful in
In exploring the underlying relationship among the determining the final variables extracted, was established.
identified variables, the factor analysis statistical The average commonality of the variables after extraction
technique was used to categorise them into key factors. was 0.62. This indicates the significance of the variables
Bartlett's measure tests the null hypothesis that the for further analysis (Kaizer, 1974; Braeken and van
original correlation matrix is an identity matrix. For factor Assen, 2016).
analysis to be adequate, Kaiser (1974) recommended a
minimum value of 0.5 as acceptable. Furthermore,
Table 4: Reduced Component of Factors Causing Quackery in Quantity Surveying Practice
Factor Component Initial Extraction
Loss of priority by the professional association and regulatory body 1.000 0.606
Lack of political will in regulating the quantity surveyors’ activities 1.000 0.725
Lack of interdisciplinary collaboration to live up to professional expectations 1.000 0.641
Excessive love for money/greed 1.000 0.709
Politics in the award of contract/Godfatherism 1.000 0.515
Professional indiscipline and unethical behaviour 1.000 0.327
Societal corruption 1.000 0.581
Unwillingness to pay for professional services 1.000 0.653
Unwillingness to seek professional advice and consultation 1.000 0.547
Underpayment of consultancy fees 1.000 0.724
Job insecurity 1.000 0.614
Lack of transparency by the professional association and regulatory body 1.000 0.547
High cost of engaging professionals 1.000 0.450
Profit maximisation by professionals 1.000 0.610
Inadequate monitoring by the QS professional association and regulatory body (NIQS, QSRBN) 1.000 0.737
Lack of transparency in contract award procedures 1.000 0.692
Lack of discretion by the professional association and regulatory body 1.000 0.507
Weaknesses of legal and regulatory Framework 1.000 0.556
Attitudes of procurement officials 1.000 0.540
Monopoly of practice 1.000 0.392
Weaknesses in investigative structures of the professional association and regulatory body 1.000 0.609
Lack of fairness in the award of quantity surveying jobs 1.000 0.463
Tailoring of a contract to favour quacks 1.000 0.747
Leaking of tender information to quacks 1.000 0.770
Collusion between quacks and procurement officials 1.000 0.840
Hiding tender document information from professionals 1.000 0.830
Procurement officials demanding money from quacks 1.000 0.686
Unfair award of contract to quacks 1.000 0.604
Lack of effective systems of punishment of quacks 1.000 0.590
Clients inability to identify professionals 1.000 0.634
Lack of national database of skilled quantity surveyors 1.000 0.656
Socio-economic challenge 1.000 0.681
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
J.O. Dada and G.O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37 33

Having established that data collected were suitable purpose. Six out of the 32 variables met these criteria
for conducting factor analysis, using varimax (Table 5). The six extracted factors cumulatively
normalisation, the data were subjected to factor analysis, explained 61.817% of the variation in the data. This
presented in Table 4. The results were subjected to further supports the proportional variance criterion of at least
analysis to extract the eigenvalues of the factors that cause 50% variation of the extracted variables (Coakes and
quackery in quantity surveying practice. The factors with Steed, 2001; Pallant, 2010).
eigenvalues greater than 1.0 were retained for this

Table 5: Total Variance Explained for Causes of Quackery in Quantity Surveying Practice
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared
Loadings Loadings
NO Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative
Variance % Variance % Variance %
1 8.672 27.099 27.099 8.672 27.099 27.099 5.863 18.320 18.320
2 3.014 9.418 36.518 3.014 9.418 36.518 3.719 11.621 29.942
3 2.363 7.385 43.903 2.363 7.385 43.903 3.043 9.508 39.450
4 2.158 6.742 50.645 2.158 6.742 50.645 2.930 9.155 48.604
5 1.947 6.084 56.730 1.947 6.084 56.730 2.270 7.093 55.697
6 1.628 5.088 61.817 1.628 5.088 61.817 1.958 6.120 61.817
7 1.421 4.441 66.258
8 1.269 3.965 70.224
9 1.170 3.657 73.881
10 1.070 3.345 77.225
11 0.917 2.865 80.091
12 0.728 2.276 82.366
13 0.631 1.973 84.339
14 0.564 1.763 86.102
15 0.495 1.547 87.649
16 0.464 1.451 89.100
17 0.419 1.309 90.408
18 0.399 1.246 91.654
19 0.373 1.165 92.819
20 0.335 1.047 93.866
21 0.297 0.928 94.794
22 0.248 0.776 95.570
23 0.240 0.750 96.320
24 0.218 0.682 97.006
25 0.209 0.652 97.654
26 0.173 0.541 98.195
27 0.156 0.488 98.683
28 0.112 0.349 99.032
29 0.091 0.285 99.317
30 0.084 0.262 99.579
31 0.074 0.233 99.811
32 0.060 0.189 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis

This shows that 61.817% of the common variance Table 6 presents the rotated component matrix of the
shared by the 32 variables can be accounted for by six five major factors. Before interpretation of the five
components. However, following the recommendations extracted factors, it is essential to name them. The name
of Field (2005); Gosling, Rentfrow and Swann (2003); given to each factor was generated based on the
Little, Linderberger and Nesselroade (1999) and Velicer interrelated characteristics and coupled with the loading
and Fava (1998), stating that a limit should be set to the value. The five factors extracted for this study were
maximisation process since the number of items per factor named unethical practice related factor, client
is crucial and thus recommended adherence to no fewer engagement related factor, job security related factor,
than three items per factor. It was found that one of the six regulatory factor and corruption-related factor. The
components had less than three loading items. Therefore, loading values of variables in all the factor components
the component with less than three items was discarded. range from 0.579 to 0.860. From the overall ranking of all
The observed variance of the five remaining variables the variables based on their factor loadings, the top most
accounted for 56.728% of the observed variance. ranked cause of quackery factor was collusion between
quacks and procurement officials with a factor loading of
34 J. O. Dada and G. O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37

0.860. Other causes of quackery include hiding tender monopoly of practice, the attitude of procurement
documents/information from professionals, leaking of officials and lack of fairness in the award of quantity
tender information to quacks, procurement officials surveying jobs. This result considerably agrees with the
demanding money from quacks, unfair award of contracts results of top-ranked causes of quackery in quantity
to quacks, tailoring of contracts to favour quacks, surveying practice in Table 2.

Table 6: Principal Factor Extraction and Total Variance Explained of Causes of Quackery in Quantity Surveying Practice
% of total Cumulative
variance % of total
Factor Initial
Components explained variance
Loadings eigenvalue
before explained
extraction after rotation
Component 1-Unethical practice related factor 8.67 27.09 18.32
Collusion between quacks and procurement officials 0.860
Hiding tender document information from professionals 0.853
Leaking of tender information to quacks 0.829
Procurement officials demanding money from quacks 0.792
Unfair award of contract to quacks 0.707
Tailoring of the contract to favour quacks 0.662
Monopoly of practice 0.580
Attitudes of procurement officials 0.556
Lack of fairness in the award of quantity surveying jobs 0.552
Component 2-Client engagement related factor 3.01 9.41 11.62
Unwillingness to pay for professional services 0.784
Clients inability to identify professionals 0.744
Lack of effective systems of punishment of quacks 0.671
Unwillingness to seek professional advice and consultation 0.645
Lack of national database of skilled quantity surveyors 0.592
Component 3-Job Security related factor 2.36 7.38 9.51
Lack of transparency by the professional association and
regulatory body
Job insecurity 0.638
Socio-economic challenge 0.630
Profit maximisation by professionals 0.588
Underpayment of consultancy fees 0.545
Component 4-Regulatory factor 2.15 6.74 9.16
Inadequate monitoring by the QS professional association and
regulatory body (NIQS, QSRBN)
Weaknesses of legal and regulatory Framework 0.700
Lack of transparency in contract award procedures 0.655
Lack of discretion by the professional association and regulatory
Component 5-Corruption related factor 1.94 6.08 7.09
Excessive love for money/greed 0.832
Politics in the award of contract/Godfatherism 0.598
Societal corruption 0.579
Extraction Method: principal component analysis, rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalisation, rotation converged
in 11 iterations.

Factor 1: Unethical practice related factor Factor 2: Client factor

As detailed in Table 6, factor 1 was labelled unethical The second factor, which explained 9.418% of the
practice. It accounted for 27.099 % of the observed total variance and named client factor, has five loading
variance, with nine loading variables having load scores variables with scores within the range ≥0.592≤0.784.
that ranged ≥0.552≤0.860. Variables loaded under this Notable variables loaded under this component factor
factor included collusion between quacks and include unwillingness to pay for professional services,
procurement officials, hiding tender document clients' inability to identify professionals and
information from professionals, leaking of tender unwillingness to seek professional advice and
information to quacks, procurement officials demanding consultation. These variables are related to the bidding of
money from quacks, among others. These are purely clients. The results obtained agree with Nnadi and
unethical practices that are unacceptable in any Alintah-Abel (2016); Jimoh et al. (2016), who confirmed
professional clime. unwillingness to pay for professional services and
J.O. Dada and G.O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37 35

difficulty of clients to identify the professionals as factors in the award of contract/Godfatherism and societal
causing quackery. The study confirms that these key corruption. As postulated by Inuwa, Usman and Dantong
variables need adequate consideration in mitigating the (2014) and Hogarth-Scott and Owusu (2007), corruption,
quackery of quantity surveying practices. The quantity inefficient legal system, and lack of transparency in
surveying professional association and regulatory body contract awards promote institutional quackery.
must make a concerted effort to advocate and showcase
the profession. The issue of remuneration for service 7. Conclusion and Recommendations
rendered should also be examined.
Factor 3: Job security-related factor This paper examined the causes of quackery in
The third factor was job security-related factors that quantity surveying practice in Lagos State, Nigeria, based
accounted for 7.385% of the observed variance, with five on an explorative survey of quantity surveying
loading variables with loading scores ranged between practitioners. Among the thirty-four causal variables
≥0.545 and 0.661. Notable among the variables that investigated, the survey showed thirty-two of them as
loaded under this component factor were: lack of important. The topmost of these are: “Unwillingness to
transparency by the professional association and seek for professional advice and consultation”,
regulatory body, job insecurity, and socio-economic “Unwillingness to pay for professional services”, “Lack
challenge. A stable political environment that promotes of effective systems of punishment for quacks”,
job security, adequate legislation to protect services being “Inadequate monitoring by the quantity surveying
rendered, and a supportive, vibrant economy where jobs professional association and regulatory body (NIQS and
are readily available will seriously limit the involvement QSRBN)”, “Politics in award of contract/God fatherism”,
of quacks in quantity surveying practice. On the other “Weaknesses of legal and regulatory framework”, and
hand, competition, unavailability of alternative jobs and “Societal corruption”. From the initially identified causes,
high demand for quantity surveying services could be why factor analysis was used to determine the underlying
other professionals dabble into quantity surveying principal grouping of the causal variables. The findings
practice. Therefore, job security and the social needs of revealed that the causes of quackery in quantity surveying
professionals should be taken seriously for more practice are multidimensional. These are unethical
proficient service. practices, client factor, job security factor, regulatory
Factor 4: Regulatory factor issue and corruption-related issues. The identified causes
Factor four accounted for 6.742% of the observed of quackery in the quantity surveying profession can help
variance, with four loading variables having loading in policy formulation and serve as a base for future
scores in the range of ≥0.516≤0.707. Variables loaded research towards eradicating the challenge of quackery in
under this factor were: inadequate monitoring and the profession. By dealing with quackery, quantity
weaknesses in investigative structures (of "who is who" in surveying professional service delivery will be enhanced,
the professional practice) by the QS professional which promotes an improved construction project
association and regulatory body (NIQS and QSRBN). For delivery. Therefore, there is a need to reposition the
quackery of quantity surveying practices to be profession by ensuring that quacks and non-professionals
exterminated, the support of the professional regulatory do not bastardise it. In this regard, a lot has to be done in
body is highly vital to develop strong investigative guarding against the activities of quacks in the profession.
structures, legal and regulatory framework to curtail The outcome of the study calls for far-reaching actions to
quackery (Pheng and Ming, 1997). The ideology and be taken. Thus, the following recommendations are
operations of the professional regulatory body will proffered.
enhance and maintain the functionality of quantity It is crucial that licensed professionals and established
surveying practices. These results agree with the opinion professional governing bodies maintain the forefront in
of Njoroge (2013) that lack of effective regulatory proactively blowing the whistle against unethical
framework, harmonisation and coordination causes practices in the profession on the unethical practice issue.
quackery in a profession. Activities of the professional There should also be effective systems in the
association and regulatory bodies are very crucial to the implementation of disciplinary action against unethical
growth of a profession. Regulations provide a basis for the conduct by professional members. Furthermore, there is a
enforcement of good professional practice (Opaleye and need for continuous sensitisation and education of the
Talukhaba, 2014). Regulatory bodies are forces that help general public about the quantity surveying profession
curb quackery and create effective firms and competent and services rendered and the future benefits on the client
professionals (Geroski, Mata and Portugal, 2007). The issue. Finally, regarding clients' inability to identify the
findings of this study, in this regard, were in harmony with right and authentic professionals, there is a need to publish
Njoroge (2013) and Ede (2011) that lack of an effective a regularly updated database of practising quantity
regulatory framework of quantity surveying activities and surveyors continuously.
priority by the professional regulatory bodies to check For job security, there is a need to develop a structure
professionals operating illicitly (without a license) are distinguishing the roles and functions of quantity
factors causing quackery. surveyors, which could guard against function overlap
Factor 5: Corruption related factor among the professionals in the construction industry.
The fifth factor accounted for 6.084% of the observed Furthermore, the issue of underpayment for service
variance, with three loading variables having loading rendered should be examined. In all this, the issue of
scores that ranged 0.579≤0.832. Variables loaded under regulation cannot be overemphasised. As such, the
this factor were: excessive love for money/greed, politics development of the regulatory framework and a good
36 J. O. Dada and G. O. Bamigboye /Journal of Construction Business and Management (2021) 5(1).28-37

implementation plan by the professional association and quantity surveyors, the antigraft agencies must do their bit
regulatory body (NIQS and QSRBN) will play a in ensuring transparency in the award of contracts and
significant role in curbing the activities of quacks. Lastly, eventual construction processes. If these
the anti-corruption crusade in Nigeria should be faithfully recommendations are faithfully implemented, it will
implemented in the process of construction project strengthen the effort to eliminate the infiltration of quacks
procurement. While this may be beyond the purview of into quantity surveying practice.

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