الرجاء قراءة االسئلة التالية و حلها على نفس هذا الملف و....الطلبة االعزاء بمادة اساسيات التمريض نظري
من ثم اعادة ارساله عبر المنظومة
Nursing process
والسؤال الثاني ضع دائرة (الرجاء تظليل االجابة الصحيحة فقط بالون االحمر
? What are the data important for Nursing assessment
Subject data : cough , exhaustion, breathlessness, tired , chest tightness,fatigue,
family history, The patient took medication to lower her blood pressure.
Short term goal : After 3 hours the patient Tm will decrease 37.9 to 37.
1. Hand washing is critical to infection control. Which of these is not
considered a cleaning agent?
a) Water
b) Alcohol hand gel
c) Liquid soap
The answer: Alcohol hand gel
2. When handling items which are soiled with bodily fluids, it’s important to
wear gloves. Which of these would not be suitable?
a) Latex
b) Neoprene
c) Polythene
The answer: polythene
5. A staff member who has a cold sneeze. Another staff member sitting nearby
breathes in the microorganism, and later develops a cold. These
microorganisms were most likely carried by which mode of transmission?
a) Direct contact
b) Droplet
c) Airborne
d) Indirect contact