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Assignment _one


‫الرجاء قراءة االسئلة التالية و حلها على نفس هذا الملف و‬....‫الطلبة االعزاء بمادة اساسيات التمريض نظري‬
‫من ثم اعادة ارساله عبر المنظومة‬

‫ اقرا االسئلة بدقة ومن ثم اجب عن االسئلة‬-1 :‫مالحظات عامة‬

2- ‫يوجد سؤوالين االول في حالة مريض و المطلوب اسئلة حول‬

Nursing process

‫والسؤال الثاني ضع دائرة (الرجاء تظليل االجابة الصحيحة فقط بالون االحمر‬


Case study: A 68-year-old female patient [Alia] is admitted with a history of

chronic, productive cough, breathlessness, and generalized malaise over the past
year. Over the last two months she has noticed trouble with sleeping at night due to
coughing and is generally feeling increasing tiredness. She is having difficulty with
activities of daily living (ADL) due to weakness, exhaustion and breathlessness.
For the past 24 hours he has also been suffering from chest tightness; however, the
patient denies any pain. The patient exercises occasionally and has gained weight
over the past 20 years however over the last 6 months has lost weight. Alia smoked
one packet per day of cigarettes since her early 20’s and describes herself as being
‘prone to chest infections’ including wheeze and chest tightness for the past
number of years. Alia’ father died from complications related to ischaemic heart
disease at 58. Her mother suffered a stroke at age 67 and lived in high care for her
remaining 4 years. She has been admitted to hospital for treatment of lower
respiratory tract infection (LRTI) twice in the last year. The patient has recently
commenced on a low dose thiazide diuretic for hypertension. The patient denies
any other history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or hypercholesterolemia. The
vital signs were RR= 28 breaths per minute, Sp02 90% on 3L via nasal cannula,
HR= 90 beats per minute, BP= 150/ 83 mm Hg, Temp= 37.9°C.

? What are the data important for Nursing assessment
Subject data : cough , exhaustion, breathlessness, tired , chest tightness,fatigue,
family history, The patient took medication to lower her blood pressure.

Objective data : cough , wight loss , Tm = 37.9 , BP = 159/83 , RR= 28 , HR = 90

1) Write TWO nursing diagnosis.
 Infection breathing pattem related to : cough, breathlessness

 Infective airway clearance ( Tachypnea) related to to breathlessness AMP

2) Write TWO goals (long and short) for one nursing diagnosis
 Long term goal: The patient after 3 months , her breathing pattern will
improve and she will breathe comfortably

 Short term goal : After 3 hours the patient Tm will decrease 37.9 to 37.

3) Write THREE possible & actual nursing interventions for one

diagnosis only.
 Place patient with proper body alignment for maximum breathing
pattern. A sitting position permits maximum lung excretion and chest expansion.

 Evaluated the appropriateness of inspiration muscle training.This training

improves conscious control of respiratory muscles and inspiratory muscle strength.

 Provide respiratory medications and oxygen , per doctor’s

orders. Bate -adrenergic against medications relax airway smooth muscles and cause
bronchodilation to open air passages.

1. Hand washing is critical to infection control. Which of these is not
considered a cleaning agent?

a) Water
b) Alcohol hand gel
c) Liquid soap
The answer: Alcohol hand gel

2. When handling items which are soiled with bodily fluids, it’s important to
wear gloves. Which of these would not be suitable?

a) Latex
b) Neoprene
c) Polythene
The answer: polythene

3. Which of the following is not included in Standard Infection Control


a) Management of blood and bodily fluid spillage

b) Patient’s personal hygiene
c) Safe handling of linen
d) Cleanliness of care equipment
The answer: patient’s personal hygiene

4. What is the definition of a ‘single use’ item?

a) An item that can be used by a single patient, multiple times

b) An item that can only be used once before it needs disinfecting
c) An item that can only be used once before being disposed of
d) An item that can only be used for a single day
The answer: An item that can only be used once before being disposed of

5. A staff member who has a cold sneeze. Another staff member sitting nearby
breathes in the microorganism, and later develops a cold. These
microorganisms were most likely carried by which mode of transmission?

a) Direct contact
b) Droplet
c) Airborne
d) Indirect contact

The answer: Droplet

Good luck for all

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