Otto Cycle

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The Otto Cycle

The four stroke engine was first demonstrated by the German engineer Nicolaus Otto in
1876; hence the name “Otto cycle”.

The technically correct term is actually four stroke cycle.

The four stroke engine is probably the most common engine type nowadays. It
powers almost all cars and trucks.

EAT248 Thermofluids and Engines

Internal combustion engine
Internal combustion engine

Actual four-stroke spark ignition engine

Ideal Otto cycle

Otto cycle

Adiabatic - Isentropic Isochoric Adiabatic - Isentropic Isochoric

Otto cycle

P3V3 = P4V4
V2 = V3

V4 = V1
P1V1 = P2V2
Heat and work analysis
Thermal Efficiency

Wout Q in − Q out Q out

Qin = = = 1−
Qin Q in Q in

Qout Q in = mcv (T3 − T2 ) Qout = mcv (T1 − T4 )

P1V1 = P2V2 P3V3 = P4V4

 −1  −1
T1V1  −1  −1
= T2V2 T3V3 = T4V4

 −1  −1
T2  V 1  T2  V 1 
=   =  
T1  V 2  T1  V 2 
Heat and work analysis

With a bit (!) of rearranging, we get the following

important result:

 = 1− = 1 − rv1−
rv −1

where rv is the volume compression ratio:

V1 V4
rv = =
V2 V3

and γ = cp/cv
Thus, the thermal efficiency depends only on the compression ratio.

Higher rv means higher efficiency

This is because it increases the temperature ratios between the two isentropic processes
Gas constant

The gas constant is equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, but expressed in units of energy
(i.e. the pressure-volume product) per temperature increment per mole (rather than
energy per temperature increment per particle).

PV = nRT where R= 8.314 J / mol⋅K

PV = mRT where R= 287 J / Kg⋅K

1. 1lt of air at 100 kPa and 20oC is compressed reversibly and adiabatically in an
Otto cycle. The air is then heated at constant volume to 1500oC. It then expands
reversibly and adiabatically to the original volume and is cooled at constant
volume back to the original temperature and pressure. The volume compression
ratio is 8. Calculate:

i) The thermal efficiency [56.5 %]

cv = 718 J/kg
ii) The heat input per kg of air [789.7 kJ/kg]
γ = 1.4
iii) The net work output per kg of air [446.2 kJ/kg] R = 287 J/kg K
iv) The maximum cycle pressure [4.84 MPa]
v) P, V, T values at all point of the cycle
 −1 1−
1 1− T2  V 1   P2  
 = 1−  −1
= 1− r v =   =  
rv T1  V 2   P1 
V1 V4
rv = =
V2 V3
2. An Otto cycle has an efficiency of 60%. The pressure and temperature before
compression are 105 kPa and 25oC, respectively. The net work output is 500 kJ/kg.
i) The volume compression ratio [9.88:1]
ii) The heat input [833 kJ/kg] cv = 718 J/kg
iii) The maximum temperature [1906 K] γ = 1.4
[6.64 MPa] R = 287 J/kg K
iv) The maximum pressure
3. An Otto cycle has a volume compression ratio of 9.5:1. The pressure and
temperature before compression are 100 kPa and 40oC respectively. The mass of air
used is 11.5 g/cycle. The heat input is 600 kJ/kg. The cycle is performed 3000 times
per minute. Determine:

i) The thermal efficiency [59.4%] cv = 718 J/kg

ii) The net work output/cycle [4.1 kJ/cycle] γ = 1.4
R = 287 J/kg K
iii) The net power output [205 kW]
4. In an air standard Otto cycle the maximum and minimum temperatures are 1400
oC and 15oC respectively. The heat supplied per kilogram of air is 800 kJ. Calculate:

The compression ratio [5.24]

The thermal efficiency [48.4%]

The ratio of maximum to minimum pressures in the cycle [30.4]

cv = 718 J/kg
γ = 1.4
R = 287 J/kg K

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