Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property Management: Workstation Setup Guide Release 5.6.x
Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property Management: Workstation Setup Guide Release 5.6.x
Oracle Hospitality OPERA Property Management: Workstation Setup Guide Release 5.6.x
Workstation Setup Guide Release 5.6.x
November 2022
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Revision History
Date Description of Change
2 Workstation Setup Utility
The workstation setup utility is designed to simplify the configuration required to run
OPERA 5 on Microsoft Edge with IE11 compatibility mode." Please see MOS article (Doc
ID: 2869285.1)
If you use the Workstation Setup Utility, skip over chapters 3 and 4.
3 Installing the Java Runtime Client
Note: If upgrading from 5.5.0.x to 5.6.x.x it is necessary to clear your Java cache.
Please see the section on Clearing the Java Runtime Client Cache for instructions on
how to do that.
1. To find the required JRE version (for example, JRE 7 or JRE 8), refer to the OPERA
Property Management Client and Server Compatibility Matrix document on the Oracle
Help Center at
Note: While the latest update of a supported JRE is recommended, the specific
versions of JRE used during QA of an OPERA patch can be found in the application
release notes.
2. Log on to the workstation with a user account that has local administrator rights.
Note: Only 32-bit versions of the JRE are supported with OPERA.
5. When asked if you want to run or save from, click Run.
After the installation has completed, the Java Setup - Uninstall out-of-date
versions screen appears.
8. Click Uninstall.
10. Click in the Search programs and files field, type configure java and then press
11. On the Java Control Panel screen, click the Security tab.
14. Click in the Location field, enter your OPERA application URL with http and then
click Add.
For example, depending on your OPERA application version and hosted location,
your URLs should look something like:
• http://<yourOPERAURL>
• http://<yourSSD>-prod-<yourENV>
Note: Do not enter a URL that includes ‘OAM’, also do not include any paths beyond
the hostname that ends in .com.
15. Click in the Location field, enter your OPERA application URL with https http and
then click Add.
For example, depending on your OPERA application version and hosted location,
your URLs should look something like:
• https://<yourOPERAURL>
• https://<yourSSD>-prod-<yourENV>
Note: Do not enter a URL that includes ‘OAM’, also do not include any paths beyond
the hostname which ends in .com.
17. Ensure that the Use TLS 1.2 check box is checked. If not, select it.
Note: Older releases of OPERA 5 may also require SSLv3 or TLS1.0 to function.
19. Close Microsoft Internet Explorer, open it again, and log into OPERA.
When upgrading from 5.5.0.x to 5.6.x.x it is necessary to clear your Java cache after
installing the new JRE version.
Java Cache Clearing is necessary when there is a larger version gap between the
source version and the upgraded target version because we changed the Java
Workstation Cache a few times since lower versions of 5.5.0.x.
4. The options 'Trace and Logs Files' and 'Cached Applications and Applets'
should already be ticked when you open this screen > Click OK
This following section explains the changes required to enable IE 11 Compatibility Mode
in Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium).
Note: OPERA 5 is not compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and other
The Windows version should match with one of the versions listed here:
2. Click on System
4. Navigate to the location where the Setup file is downloaded. Select the file and
right click and then select Run as Administrator. Wait for the Setup to Complete
1. Click on the following URL to download Enterprise Mode Site List Manager
Download the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.2)
2. Navigate to the location where the .msi file has been downloaded. Install the
EMIESiteListManager.msi, Enterprise Mode Site List Manger Setup window is
5. On the Destination Folder do not make any change and click in Next button
This section will explain on how to add OPERA 5 Sites in Enterprise Mode Site List
Manager and then configure the following settings in local Group Policy Editor.
Once the sites are added and the above mentioned settings are configured, the sites can
then be launched from Microsoft Edge Chromium browser.
NOTE :- Make sure that no protocol is specified when adding the URL.
Using a URL like, will automatically applies both and
Open In :- IE11
Standalone IE :- Unchecked
Allow Redirect :- Checked
Compat Mode :- Default Mode
Notes about URL :- Provide some description for the URL (This step is optional)
Click on the Save button.
5. On the Enterprise Mode Site List Manger for v.2 schema popup window,
navigate to File > Save to XML
For Ex: if you save the file as “IEMode.xml”, next time when you add a
new site, see that you choose the same file.
7. Now Edit the Group Policies, Go to Windows > Edit Group Policy
On the popup window set the below, And click on the Apply button and then click on
5 Setting Adobe Acrobat Reader
Depending on your Adobe Acrobat Reader version, the steps below may differ.
2. Select Edit, select Preferences, select Security Enhanced, and unselect the Enable
Protected Mode at startup check box.
3. Select Edit, select Preferences, select Security (Enhanced), and unselect the Enable
Enhanced Security check box.
4. Select Edit, select Preferences, select Security (Enhanced), and select the
Automatically trust sites from my Win OS security zones check box and verify that
the OPERA URL is listed.
• 0x800f0906: Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make
sure that you're connected to the Internet, and click Retry to try again.
• 0x800F081F: The changes could not be completed. Please reboot your computer and try
Use the Microsoft Windows operating system installation media and the workaround:
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All / LimitAccess
Now Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installs correctly and the BI Publisher installation
can continue. For additional information about installing BI Publisher, see http://