AI in Anesthesiology
AI in Anesthesiology
AI in Anesthesiology
, Editor
Artificial intelligence has been advancing in fields including anesthesiology.
This scoping review of the intersection of artificial intelligence and anesthesia
Artificial Intelligence in research identified and summarized six themes of applications of artificial
intelligence in anesthesiology: (1) depth of anesthesia monitoring, (2) control
of anesthesia, (3) event and risk prediction, (4) ultrasound guidance, (5) pain
management, and (6) operating room logistics. Based on papers identified
in the review, several topics within artificial intelligence were described and
Current Techniques, Clinical summarized: (1) machine learning (including supervised, unsupervised, and
reinforcement learning), (2) techniques in artificial intelligence (e.g., classical
Applications, and Limitations machine learning, neural networks and deep learning, Bayesian methods),
This article is featured in “This Month in Anesthesiology,” page 1A. Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are
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Submitted for publication November 26, 2018. Accepted for publication July 29, 2019. Published online first on September 12, 2019. From the Surgical Artificial Intelligence and
Innovation Laboratory (D.A.H., E.W., O.M., G.R.) and Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine (L.G.), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts;
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (G.R.).
Copyright © 2020, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2020; 132:379–94. DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000002960
patient parameters broadly but were not specific to the review papers that covered multiple categories. Included
practice of anesthesia (e.g., general ward-based monitoring articles and their categorization are listed in Supplemental
and alarms, sleep study analysis) were excluded. Digital Content ( From
Four reviewers screened articles for inclusion or exclu- these categories, we identified the major topics of artificial
sion using Covidence (Melbourne, Australia). Each article intelligence that were captured in this search.
was screened by two independent reviewers. A third reviewer The predominant focus across most of these studies
would mediate any disagreement between two screeners. has been to investigate potential ways that artificial intelli-
Reference lists of included papers were hand-searched by gence can benefit the clinical practice of anesthesiology not
one reviewer and included if the inclusion criteria were met. through the replacement of the clinician but through aug-
Emphasis was placed on extracting themes relating to mentation of the anesthesiologist’s workflow, decision-mak-
applications of artificial intelligence. Although specifics ing, and other elements of clinical care. Thus, although
regarding the numerous algorithms that can be used in arti- artificial intelligence is an expansive field, the results of
Fig. 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram of screening and evaluation process.
subfields of artificial intelligence.Traditional computer pro- automatically classified for hypothesis generation for future
grams are programmed with explicit instructions to elicit research.11 Similarly, unsupervised learning can be used
certain behaviors from a machine based on specific inputs to identify patients who could most benefit from certain
(e.g., the primary function of a word processing program drugs, such as asthmatics who would benefit most from glu-
is to display the text input by the user). Machine learn- cocorticoid therapy, based on genomic analysis.12
ing, on the other hand, allows for programs to learn from Reinforcement Learning refers to the process by which
and react to data without explicit programming. Data that an algorithm is asked to attempt a certain task (e.g., deliver
can be analyzed through machine learning are broad and inhalational anesthesia to a patient, drive a car) and to learn
include, but are not limited to, numerical data, images, text, from its subsequent mistakes and successes.13 A biologic
and speech or sound. A common manner with which to analogy to reinforcement learning is operant conditioning,
conceptualize machine learning is to consider the type where the classical example is of a rat taught to push a lever
of learning algorithm used to solve a problem: supervised through the use of food-based reward. However, reinforce-
humans. Natural language processing, however, is not simply anesthetic depth. The attention to these two modalities of
recognizing letters that construct a word and then matching measurement was not surprising given research efforts in
them to a definition. It strives to achieve understanding of reducing the risk of intraoperative awareness and previous
syntax and semantics to approximate meaning from phrases, literature suggesting that low BIS and burst-suppression on
sentences, or paragraphs.28 electroencephalography during anesthesia may be associated
In medicine, the most natural application of natural with poorer outcomes.37,38 In addition, careful monitoring
language processing is to automated analysis of electronic of MAP has also been noted in the literature, likely due to
health record data. Although the move to electronic health the association of low MAP with postoperative mortality.39
records has shifted a considerable amount of documenta- Machine learning approaches are well-suited to analyze
tion to checkboxes, dropdown menus, and prepopulated complex data streams such as electroencephalographies;
fields, free text entry remains a critical component of cli- thus, a range of electroencephalography-based signals was
nician documentation, allowing clinicians to communicate found to have been investigated to measure depth of anes-
typically measured by the Richmond Agitation Sedation of stay, awareness, etc.), and these papers were categorized
Scale.46 Related to depth of anesthesia monitoring, Ranta into those pertaining to operative (immediate preoperative
et al.47 conducted a database study of 543 patients who had assessment; n = 26 papers), postoperative (n = 14 papers), or
undergone general anesthesia with 6% reporting intraop- critical care-related events (n = 13 papers).
erative awareness. Neural networks analyzed clinical data For perioperative care risk prediction, various techniques
from these patients such as blood pressure, heart rate, and in machine learning, neural networks, and fuzzy logic have
end-tidal carbon dioxide but did not use any electroen- all been applied. For example, neural networks were used to
cephalography data. The prediction probabilities for these predict the hypnotic effect (as measured by BIS) of an induc-
networks in predicting awareness was, at best, 66% though tion bolus dose of propofol (sensitivity of 82.35%, specificity
it had a high specificity of 98%.47 As described above about of 64.38% and an area under the curve of 0.755) and was
neural networks and deep learning, the strength of such found to exceed the average estimate of practicing anesthe-
approaches over classical regression techniques is a neural siologists (sensitivity: 20.64%, specificity 92.51%, area under
patients to train a convolutional neural network to identify to operating room logistics, such as scheduling of
the femoral artery or vein while distinguishing it from other operating room time or tracking movements and actions
potentially similar appearing ultrasound images such as of anesthesiologists. Combes et al.86 used a hospital database
muscle, bone, or even acoustic shadow. Closer investigation containing extensive information on staffing, operating
of the network found that it would analyze horizontal edges room use per procedure and staff, and post anesthesia care
in the ultrasound with greater priority than vertical edges to unit use with the electronic health record to train a neural
identify vessels with an average accuracy of 94.5% ± 2.9%.36 network to predict the duration of an operation based on
In addition to specific structure detection in ultrasound the team, type of operation and a patient’s relevant medical
images, researchers have also used neural networks to assist history; however, prediction accuracy of their models never
in the identification of vertebral level and other anatomi- exceeded 60%.86 In a different example, fuzzy logic and
cal landmarks for epidural placement. Pesteie et al.35 used neural networks were used to optimize bed use for patients
convolutional neural networks to automate identification undergoing ophthalmologic surgery by modeling the type
availability of large datasets, (2) the advancement of hard- As described in the Results section, one strength of
ware to perform large, parallel processing tasks (e.g., use of machine learning is its ability to learn from data; and this
graphical processing units for machine learning), and (3) a learning can happen continuously as more data becomes
new wave of development for artificial intelligence archi- available. This provides a distinct advantage over static algo-
tectures and algorithms. As a result, the lay press has written rithmic approaches (e.g., many of the existing risk predic-
of examples of impressive feats of artificial intelligence in tion models that have relied on a regression model run
fields such as autonomous driving, board games (e.g., chess, once) that analyze data once to determine how variables
Go), and complex strategy-based computer games (e.g., might predict outcomes or other clinical factors. A learn-
Starcraft). However, these applications have the advantage ing algorithm can be used statically or continuously as data
of being constrained environments with very specifically are updated, and the choice of the approach often depends
defined rules (as in gaming) or have had catastrophic fail- on its intended use. As of April 2019, the Food and Drug
ures that have gone along with their impressive successes Administration had approved only static or locked algo-
aiding the clinician in maximizing the clinical utility of the accuracy of artificial intelligence’s decisions and predictions
data that is now captured electronically. are based on accepted standards to which we compare the
Intraoperative and ICU monitoring of patients under artificial intelligence. Some accepted standards are objec-
anesthesia has relied on the experience of anesthesiolo- tive and immutable: prediction of mortality can be validated
gists to titrate anesthetics, neuromuscular blockade, and against data that has recorded patient deaths. However,
cardiovascular medications to safely maintain sedation and other accepted standards are subject to interpretation. In
physiologic support. As medical technology has advanced, the studies we reviewed on ultrasound guidance, training of
anesthesiologists are now expected to weigh and consider the selected machine learning method for identification of
multiple sources of data to safely manage a patient’s anes- structures, landmarks, etc., was dependent on human label-
thesia. Although commercially available devices such as the ing of the target in the training set (i.e., supervised learning).
BIS and SEDLINE (Masimo, USA) monitors have offered Thus, assessment of the accuracy of the artificial intelligence
the promise of simplifying the assessment of hypnosis, these method was also based on comparison of the machine label
before automated sphygmomanometry, adept tactile esti- node could be reviewed and assessed while deep learn-
mation of blood pressure from palpation of the pulse was ing is currently assessed through inductive means. That is,
a skill sought after by clinicians. Innovation led to devices each node within a deep learning model may not provide
that leveled the playing field for clinicians to be able to a clear explanation of why certain predictions were made;
provide care based on reliable clinical metrics of oxygen but the model can be asked to present relevant features or
saturation and blood pressure. Currently, the greatest near- examples from its training data of skeletal x-rays to explain
term potential for artificial intelligence is in its ability to why a particular prediction was made on the bone age of a
offer tools with which to analyze massive amounts of data patient.101 In addition to concerns about transparency and
and offer more digestible statistics about that data that cli- trust in models, artificial intelligence can excel in demon-
nicians can use to render a medical decision. Artificial intel- strating correlations or in identifying patterns, but it can-
ligence could thus provide anesthesiologists at all levels of not yet determine causal relationships—at least not to a
expertise with decision support—whether clinical or pro- degree that would be necessary for clinical implementation.
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