Summary and Explanation Principle: Biomérieux Sa English - 1
Summary and Explanation Principle: Biomérieux Sa English - 1
Summary and Explanation Principle: Biomérieux Sa English - 1
VIDAS® CA 15-3®(153)
VIDAS CA 15-3 is an automated quantitative test for use on the VIDAS family instruments for the quantitative
measurement of CA 15-3 levels in human serum or plasma (lithium heparin or EDTA) using the ELFA technique
(Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay).
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VIDAS® CA 15-3® (153) 08814 J - en - 2017/10
Hazard statement
H318: Causes serious eye damage.
Precautionary statement
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present
and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
For further information, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.
MATERIALS AND DISPOSABLES REQUIRED BUT • This kit contains products of animal origin. Certified
NOT PROVIDED knowledge of the origin and/or sanitary state of the
- Pipette with disposable tip to dispense 100 µl. animals does not totally guarantee the absence of
- Powderless, disposable gloves. transmissible pathogenic agents. It is therefore
- For other specific materials and disposables, please recommended that these products be treated as
refer to the Instrument User’s Manual. potentially infectious and handled observing the usual
- Instrument of the VIDAS family. safety precautions (do not ingest or inhale).
• Do not use the SPRs if the pouch is pierced.
• Do not use visibly deteriorated SPRs (damaged foil or
• For in vitro diagnostic use only. plastic).
• For professional use only. • Do not use reagents after the expiration date indicated
• This kit contains products of human origin. No on the label.
known analysis method can totally guarantee the • Do not mix reagents (or disposables) from different lots.
absence of transmissible pathogenic agents. It is • Use powderless gloves, as powder has been reported
therefore recommended that these products be to cause false results for certain enzyme immunoassay
treated as potentially infectious and handled tests.
observing the usual safety precautions (see • Kit reagents contain sodium azide which can react with
Laboratory Biosafety Manual - WHO - Geneva - lead or copper plumbing to form explosive metal azides.
latest edition). If any liquid containing sodium azide is disposed of in
the plumbing system, drains should be flushed with
water to avoid build-up.
• The optical cuvette with substrate (well 10) contains an
irritant agent (6.6% diethanolamine). Refer to the hazard
statements "H" and the precautionary statements "P"
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VIDAS® CA 15-3® (153) 08814 J - en - 2017/10
Samples with CA 15-3 titers > 400 U/ml should be RANGE OF EXPECTED VALUES
reassayed after maximum dilution by 1/10 in CA 15-3 These figures are given as a guide; it is recommended
diluent. that each laboratory establish its own reference values
If the dilution factor has not been entered when the Work from a rigorously selected population.
List was created (see User’s Manual), multiply the result The following results were obtained using 543 samples
by the dilution factor to obtain the sample concentration.
collected from 134 healthy subjects, 347 subjects with a
Interpretation of test results should be made taking into
consideration the patient’s history, and the results of any diagnosed malignant pathology, and 62 subjects with a
other tests performed. non-malignant affection:
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VIDAS® CA 15-3® (153) 08814 J - en - 2017/10
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 Sample 1 2 3 4 5
Mean (U/ml) 5.3 10.9 22.0 105.1 374.9 Mean (U/ml) 6.1 11.4 22.5 100.4 354.8
CV % 3.6 3.2 3.5 2.7 3.4 CV % 5.4 4.8 4.8 4.0 4.9
Dilution test
The serum matrix of the sample can influence the results of the dilution test. When printing out results, it is
recommended to indicate the level of dilution used.
2 samples were diluted in the CA 15-3 diluent and tested singly in 3 runs. The ratio of the mean concentration measured
over the expected concentration is expressed as a mean recovery percentage.
Sample Dilution factor Expected concentration Mean measured Mean recovery
(U/ml) concentration percentage
(U/ml) (%)
1 1/1 186.2 186.2 100
1/2 93.1 96.8 104
1/4 46.5 49.6 107
1/8 23.3 25.2 108
1/16 11.6 13.5 116
2 1/1 266.5 266.5 100
1/2 133.2 152.4 114
1/4 66.6 85.0 128
1/8 33.3 43.3 130
1/16 16.7 22.9 137
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bioMérieux SA English - 6
VIDAS® CA 15-3® (153) 08814 J - en - 2017/10
Change type categories :
N/A Not applicable (First publication)
Correction Correction of documentation anomalies
Technical change Addition, revision and/or removal of information related to the product
Administrative Implementation of non-technical changes noticeable to the user
Note: Minor typographical, grammar, and formatting changes are not included in the
revision history.
Part Number Change Type Change Summary
2015/01 08814 I
BIOMERIEUX, the BIOMERIEUX logo, SPR and VIDAS are used, pending and/or registered trademarks belonging to bioMérieux, or
one of its subsidiaries, or one of its companies.
CA 15-3 is a trademark belonging to Fujirebio Diagnostics Inc.
Any other name or trademark is the property of its respective owner.