Sample Literature Review On Recruitment and Selection

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Writing a literature review on recruitment and selection is a task that requires a deep dive into

existing research, methodologies, theories, and results in the field of human resources management.
The complexity of this task stems from the need to critically analyze and synthesize vast amounts of
data to identify trends, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature. This process not only demands a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also requires skills in research, analysis, and
academic writing.

The challenge of crafting a literature review in this area lies in the diversity of recruitment and
selection practices across different industries, organizational cultures, and geographical regions.
Researchers must navigate through a plethora of studies, each with its methodologies, populations,
and findings, making it difficult to draw general conclusions. Furthermore, the rapid evolution of
technology and its impact on recruitment strategies adds another layer of complexity, requiring
reviewers to be up-to-date with the latest digital trends and their implications for talent acquisition.

Given these challenges, individuals tasked with writing a literature review on recruitment and
selection may find the process time-consuming and daunting. It involves not just the collection and
review of relevant literature but also the critical evaluation of methodologies, discussion of findings,
and the identification of areas for future research. This requires not only a deep understanding of the
subject but also a high level of analytical and writing skills.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of writing a literature review, seeking
professional assistance can be a valuable option. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that offers
support in academic writing, providing expertise in a wide range of topics, including recruitment and
selection. By choosing to order a literature review from ⇒ ⇔, individuals can benefit
from the knowledge and experience of professionals who specialize in academic research and
writing. This service ensures that the literature review is not only comprehensive and well-structured
but also adheres to the highest academic standards, providing a solid foundation for further research
or study in the field of recruitment and selection.
Typically, this process is based on the levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details,
advertising, job application and interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection
and training (Korsten 2003). This would reflect the fact that the management would particularly
shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of the position they are
applying for, including team work. Hence, Hiltrop (1996) suggests the managers need to develop HR
practices that are more focused on training in order to achieve competitive benefits. However, the
disadvantage associated with internal form of Recruitment and Selection is that; an insider is most
likely going to promote the status quo within the organization, at the expense of introducing further
skillful and strategic changes, which might be suitable for improved organizational growth and
advancement (Bach, 2005 p33). Since possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential
in any management position (Price 2007). As a matter of fact, the primary role of HR is to develop,
control, manage, incite, and achieve the commitment of the employees. Work by Korsten (2003) and
Jones et al. (2006): According to Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006), Human Resource
Management theories emphasize on techniques of recruitment and selection and outline the benefits
of interviews, assessment and psychometric examinations as employee selection process. Report this
Document Download now Save Save Literature Review For Later 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 234 views 3 pages A Comprehensive Literature Review of Recruitment
and Selection Processes: Definitions, Frameworks, and Best Practices Explored Through Numerous
Academic Works Uploaded by AakashSharma AI-enhanced title and description Recruitment and
selection processes are defined as searching for prospective employees and encouraging them to
apply for jobs. There are situations when ex-employees provide unsolicited applications also.
However, up to a certain point in the recruitment and selection process, the firm follows the theory
more in the processes. They further stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or
may also be conducted online. Nevertheless, even under such circumstances, the principle of merit,
as well as the requirement for non-discrimination or favoritism must apply. There existing
competition among business enterprises for recruiting the most potential workers in on the pathway
towards creating innovations, with management decision making and employers attempting to hire
only the best applicants who would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the
company (Price 2007). The nature of recruitment and selection for a company that is pursuing HRM
approach is influenced by the state of the labour market and their strength within it. EXTERNAL
SOURCES: external sources have to be solicited from outside the organization. Various researchers
have contributed to the field of HRM, and have offered intensive and profound knowledge on the
branches of HRM such as scientific recruitment and selection, Manpower management, Job analysis,
Need and purpose of Recruitment, and so on. Thus, the principle guidance policy of the Recruitment
and Selection process is the merit principle, requiring that the process should be done on the basis of
merits, by ensuring that the candidates are selected based on their suitability for the job vacancy,
without any favoritism or discrimination of the candidates based on any other factors. The original
research was based on employees and candidates of Emirates Airlines. It helps in discovering the
potential and capabilities. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Furthermore, it is necessary for such
companies to monitor how the state of labour market connects with potential recruits via the
projection of an image which will have an effect on and reinforce applicant expectations. By the end
of the interviewing process, the details of the qualifications of different individuals should be well
documented, in readiness for the final stage of the process. Most of the government undertakings
and concerns employ people through such exchanges. This newspaper is available online as well as in
print form, which is an increasingly popular electronic magazine by the Emirates Group. Since
possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential in any management position (Price
2007). Essays, 280 words Community Worker Code of Ethics Codes of ethics are quite widespread
for community workers, and in Australia they are one of the main priorities of work. This study was
based on the fact that efficient HR planning is an essence of organization success, which flows
naturally into employee recruitment and selection (Taher et al. 2000). Therefore, demand rather than
supply must be the prime focus of the recruitment and selection process and a greater emphasis must
be put on planning, supervising and control rather than mediation. Internal sources such as surveys
and Safar newspaper were used to gather information about the process. Several studies examined
the relationship between recruitment practices and organizational performance. Types of Recruitment
and Selection The Recruitment and Selection function of Human Resource Development can take
the form of either internal or external selection or recruitment.
This study was based on the fact that efficient HR planning is an essence of organization success,
which flows naturally into employee recruitment and selection (Taher et al. 2000). Therefore,
demand rather than supply must be the prime focus of the recruitment and selection process and a
greater emphasis must be put on. However, up to a certain point in the recruitment and selection
process, the firm follows the theory more in the processes. Report this Document Download now
Save Save Review Recruitment and Sel. Now-a-days recruitment in
government agencies has become compulsory through employment exchange. Nevertheless, while
filling the available job vacancies with an organization remains the major focus of the Recruitment
and Selection function of Human Resource Development, the selection and recruitment of the best
candidate must be subject to various legal and ethical requirements. As such, theories of HRM can
give insights in the most effective approaches to recruitment even though companies will have to
employ their in house management skills for applying generic theories across particular organizational
contexts. This relationship being the essence of a company’s manpower development, failure to
acknowledge the importance of determining expectation during recruitment and selection can lead to
the loss of high quality job seekers and take the initial stage of the employment relationship so down
as to make the accomplishment of desirable HRM outcomes extremely difficult. If the organization
hires bad fit for any position then it will impact the work and cost incurred for the replacement of
the bad fit will be quite high. Due to the significance of the recruitment and selection process, I have
selected the topic for writing project. Furthermore, small and medium sized enterprises lay their
hands on interviews and assessment with main concern related to job analysis, emotional intelligence
in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social responsibility. There are situations when ex-
employees provide unsolicited applications also. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. They further stated that recruitment
process may be internal or external or may also be conducted online. Moreover the finding that there
is a positive connection existing between firm performances and training is coherent with the human
capital standpoint. Procedural Equity — perceived fairness of the processes and procedures used to
make decisions regarding the allocation of pay. And recruitment and selection plays a pivotal role
during such situations. The researcher considers issues in education such as hiring minorities and
women and current issues faced by students and administrators. Report this Document Download
now Save Save Literature Review For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 835
views 8 pages Literature Review Uploaded by Sandip Kashyap AI-enhanced description The
document summarizes several pieces of literature on recruitment and selection processes. The
findings of Hiltrop’s (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a positive impact on
organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and
officials involved. Internal sources such as surveys and Safar newspaper were used to gather
information about the process. They significantly differ from each other and are essential
constituents of the organization. The process of recruitment and selection in Coca-Cola India.
Screening, monitoring and short listing This stage in the Recruitment and Selection process entails
the screening and monitoring of all the applications that have been delivered by the interested
candidates to the job, to evaluate whether such applications meet the minimum standards and
requirements as set out in the job description and the job vacancy advertisement (Bach, 2005 p63).
This would reflect the fact that the management would particularly shortlist able candidates who are
well equipped with the requirements of the position they are applying for, including team work.
With recruitment and selection techniques for efficient hiring decisions, high performing companies
are most likely to spend more time in giving training particularly on communication and team-work
skills (Hiltrop 1999). Literature review of effectiveness of recruitment and selection Each committee
member is expected to be well versed in the recruitment and selection process. Retention of the
selected employees cant be ignored from the scope of effectiveness of recruitment and selection
strategies. Each of these objectives requires special attention and accurate planning and execution.
Regardless of a well-drawn practical plan on recruitment and selection as well as involvement of
highly qualified management team, companies following recruitment processes may face significant
obstacles in implementation.
The illustration shows the selection process is all about organizations choosing between job
candidates. Selection focuses on matching candidate capabilities to job demands. Typically, this
process is based on the levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job
application and interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training
(Korsten 2003). Further the individual recruited internally will need less time for training and
subsequent fitting into the post. Various researchers have contributed to the field of HRM, and have
offered intensive and profound knowledge on the branches of HRM such as scientific recruitment
and selection, Manpower management, Job analysis, Need and purpose of Recruitment, and so on.
Approaches to Managing and Staffing Global Subsidiaries In research text book by Ball, et al. The
only solution to resolve the concern of attaining efficient talent management was by adopting fully-
executable recruitment techniques. Types of Recruitment and Selection The Recruitment and
Selection function of Human Resource Development can take the form of either internal or external
selection or recruitment. It helps in discovering the potential and capabilities. How to evaluate the
effectiveness of recruitment processes. Various researchers have contributed to the field of HRM,
and have offered intensive and profound knowledge on the branches of HRM such as scientific
recruitment and selection, Manpower management, Job analysis, Need and purpose of Recruitment,
and so on. With shortage of skills and the rapid spread of new technolog exerting considerable
pressure on how employers perform recruitment and selection activities, it is recommended to
conduct a step-by-step strategic analysis of recruitment and selection processes. If the organization
hires bad fit for any position then it will impact the work and cost incurred for the replacement of
the bad fit will be quite high. Literature Review For Recruitment And Selection Competency-Based
approach It refers to the group of related behavior that dirty needed for selection performance.
Human Resource Planning is, by far, an essential ingredient for the success of any organization in the
long run. The team carefully considers the candidates' qualifications, assessments and interviews to
determine whom to offer the job. It is of utmost importance for every organization to employ a right
person on a right position. He conducted his research on HR manager and company officials of 319
companies in Europe regarding HR practices and policies of their respective companies and
discovered that employment security, training and development programs, recruitment and selection,
teamwork, employee participation, and lastly, personnel planning are the most essential practices
(Hiltrop 1999). The findings of Hiltrop's (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a
positive impact on organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for
executives and officials involved. Justification for use Recruitment and selection process is very
significant process as hiring right human resources will help in increasing the performance of the
organization as a whole. Due to its importance, there have been several attempts at the creation of
effective, yet efficient selection processes. Now that you have a job created, you need to find
someone. As a matter of fact, the primary role of HR is to develop, control, manage, incite, and
achieve the. Since possessing qualities of being a team player would be essential in any management
position (Price 2007). It is a link between the jobs and those seekin g jobs. Online Application The
internet is one of the fastest and cheapest mechanisms of recruiting workers when compared to other
traditional methods of recruiting workers. With reference to the current context, this paper presents
an incisive review of previous literature on the recruitment and selection process. These applicants
are called as unsolicited applicants. The nature of recruitment and selection for a company that is
pursuing HRM approach is influenced by the state of the labour market and their strength within it.
The findings of Hiltrop’s (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a positive impact on
organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and
officials involved.
Nonetheless, the researchers have also seen that such models, largely derived from competency
frameworks, foster strength in companies by generating the appropriate knowledge against which the
job seekers can be assessed. Successful recruitment requires analyzing jobs, market conditions, and
finding candidates' potential. Their existing competition among business enterprises for recruiting the
most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating innovations, with management decision
making and employers attempting to hire only the best applicants who would be the best fit for the
corporate culture and ethics specific to the compan y (Price 2007). Enhanced customer expectations
coupled with increased global competition means that growth, or even survival of a firm is difficult.
It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies. 2. It should be flexible enough to meet
the changing needs of an organization. 3. It should be so designed as to ensure employment
opportunities for its employees on a. Most of the government undertakings and concerns employ
people through such exchanges. However, the disadvantage associated with internal form of
Recruitment and Selection is that; an insider is most likely going to promote the status quo within
the organization, at the expense of introducing further skillful and strategic changes, which might be
suitable for improved organizational growth and advancement (Bach, 2005 p33). This kind of
recruitment is applicable generally where factory workers are to be appointed. In order to determine
if the recruitment process is a science or an art, the papers give a detailed analysis of recruitment
processes, techniques tools, and steps involved. There are different steps in the recruitment and
selection process which includes sourcing the candidates, tracking the reviewing the applicants and
conducting the interviews for finally selecting the candidate. He conducted his research on HR
manager and company officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding HR practices and policies of
their respective companies and discovered that employment security, training and development
programs, recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation, and lastly, personnel
planning are the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). Typically, this process is based on the levels
of recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and interviewing
process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training (Korsten 2003). As a matter of
fact, the primary role of HR is to develop, control, manage, incite, and achieve the commitment of
the employees. EXTERNAL SOURCES: external sources have to be solicited from outside the
organization. The methods for selection includes just sorting through resumes, conducting tests to
judge individual's or potential employee's aptitude, intelligence, trainability and personality, group
discussion, interviews and also the assessment centers. Topic: Lecturer: Presentation: Section
Personnel Requirements for Job Vacancies Human resource planning is crucial in all organisations
that wish to a gain competitive advantage. Thus, the principle guidance policy of the Recruitment
and Selection process is the merit principle, requiring that the process should be done on the basis of
merits, by ensuring that the candidates are selected based on their suitability for the job vacancy,
without any favoritism or discrimination of the candidates based on any other factors. References
Bach, S. 2005, Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition. Furthermore, one
technique of developing the view, suggested by Bratton and Gold (1999), are realistic job previews
or RJPs that may take the form of case studies of employees and their overall work and experiences,
the opportunity to “cover” someone at work, job samples and videos. Affirmative action, Computer
program, Employment 312 Words 3 Pages different countries providing professional employment
solutions and services. As such, theories of HRM can give insights in the most effective approaches
to recruitment even though companies will have to employ their in house management skills for
applying generic theories across particular organizational contexts. Nevertheless, while filling the
available job vacancies with an organization remains the major focus of the Recruitment and
Selection function of Human Resource Development, the selection and recruitment of the best
candidate must be subject to various legal and ethical requirements. Furthermore, staffing and
selection remains to be an area of substantial interest. They further stated that recruitment process
may be internal or external or may also be conducted online. This would reflect the fact that the
management would particularly shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the
requirements of the position they are applying for, including team work. And recruitment and
selection plays a pivotal role during such situations. The illustration shows the selection process is all
about organizations choosing between job candidates. The strategic manpower planning of a
company, training and development programme, performance appraisal, reward system and industrial
relations, was also appropriately outlined in the study. It provides definitions and descriptions of
recruitment from several researchers.
Commonly, the objectives of Human Resource Planning department include resource, planning,
recruitment and selection, career planning, training and development, promotions, risk management,
performance appraisal, to name a few. EXTERNAL SOURCES: external sources have to be solicited
from outside the organization. The nature of recruitment and selection for a company that is pursuing
HRM approach is influenced by the state of the labour market and their strength within it.
Furthermore, one technique of developing the view, suggested by Bratton and Gold (1999), are
realistic job previews or RJPs that may take the form of case studies of employees and their overall
work and experiences, the opportunity to “cover” someone at work, job samples and videos. And
recruitment and selection plays a pivotal role during such situations. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The
original research was based on employees and candidates of Emirates Airlines. Retention of the
selected employees cant be ignored from the scope of effectiveness of recruitment and selection
strategies. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. According to these theories, the recruitment process can be
largely enhanced by means of Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold grading system,
personal interviews, as well as psychological tests (Jones et al. 2006). Work by Alan Price (2007):
Price (2007), in his work Human Resource Management in a Business Context, formally defines
recruitment and selection as the process of retrieving and attracting. Typically, this process is based
on the levels of recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and
interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training (Korsten 2003).
Recruitment and selection are important for hiring qualified candidates that fit an organization's
needs and culture. The strategic manpower planning of a company, training and development
programme, performance appraisal, reward system and industrial relations, was also appropriately
outlined in the study. For Later 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 745 views 5
pages Literature Review Recruitment and Selection Process Uploaded by pooja2891 AI-enhanced
title recruitment Full description Save Save Review Recruitment and Sel.
The findings of Hiltrop's (1996) work also showed that selectively hiring has a positive impact on
organizational performance, and in turn provides a substantial practical insight for executives and
officials involved. In addition, the internal recruitment of individuals to fill in a job position that has
fallen vacant or that has been newly created serves as an incentive, to motivate the individuals
within the organization to keep working hard and improving on their knowledge and competencies.
The process of recruitment begins with job analysis which entails collecting information about the
job through tools. The document also discusses the recruitment and selection process, including job
analysis, attracting candidates, application processes, selection techniques, interviews and making
offers. It emphasizes the importance of recruitment and selection for organizational success. It
provides definitions and descriptions of recruitment from several researchers. Various researchers
have contributed to the field of HRM, and have offered intensive and profound knowledge on the
branches of HRM such as scientific recruitment and selection, Manpower management, Job analysis,
Need and purpose of Recruitment, and so on. Essays, 280 words Community Worker Code of Ethics
Codes of ethics are quite widespread for community workers, and in Australia they are one of the
main priorities of work. However, the disadvantage associated with internal form of Recruitment and
Selection is that; an insider is most likely going to promote the status quo within the organization, at
the expense of introducing further skillful and strategic changes, which might be suitable for
improved organizational growth and advancement (Bach, 2005 p33). Recruitment is described as
attracting qualified candidates and selection is matching candidates to job requirements. He
conducted his research on HR manager and company officials of 319 companies in Europe regarding
HR practices and policies of their respective companies and discovered that employment security,
training and development programs, recruitment and selection, teamwork, employee participation,
and lastly, personnel planning are the most essential practices (Hiltrop 1999). Jones et al. (2006)
suggested that examples of recruitment policies in the healthcare, business or industrial sector may
offer insights into the processes involved in establishing recruitment policies and defining managerial
objectives. People became less and less focused on the future and began to relish. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection
process, while it needs management decision making and broad planning in order to appoint the
most appropriate manpower. Enhanced customer expectations coupled with increased global
competition means that growth, or even survival of a firm is difficult.

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