Emcee English Script

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May I request everyone, to please stand for the invocation to be led by

the VCMYA/MARIAN CLUB…Let us put ourselves in the Holy presence of

God…Let us all make a sign of the cross…In the name of the father, and
of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen.

My due respect, to our School Principal, Sister Mary Michael G. Pacto,

RSM, to our School Bursar Sister Liza Marie S. Tabios, RSM, to the
CSMPHS faculty and staff, A pleasant morning to each and everyone of

Welcome, to the Culmination of the Holy Rosary Month. October is the

month which Catholic Church celebrates with fervor and holiness. It is
the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary. The Rosary is Christocentric
setting forth the entire life of Jesus Christ, the passion, death,
resurrection and glory. Of course, the Rosary honors and contemplates
not just Jesus but also Mary too. With sincere prayers of the holy
rosary, it is through Mary, that our petitions will be delivered to his only
son Jesus Christ.

It is also, a powerful weapon against evil as well as perfect prayer to

bring peace to the world. For Catholics, it is considered a perfect prayer
for man’s salvation from eternal damnation. As life goes with struggles
and hardships, Faith in God is a powerful weapon for believers. During
this trying time, the rosary serves as our hope and solace.

To formally welcome us all, May I call in sister Liza Marie S. Tabios,

RSM, to deliver her opening remarks. Let’s give her a round of applause

Thank you sister...for that warm welcome…

And now, Ladies and Gentleman, let us welcome our candidates for
Saints look-alike, as they grace us in their parade…ladies and
gentlemen, our candidates, starting from the:

Grade 7: Saint Lorenzo Ruiz and Blessed Imelda Lambertini

Grade 8: The Holy family
Grade 9: Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Claire of Assisi
Grade 10: Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Pedro Calungsod
Grade 11: Venerable Catherine McAuley and Blessed Carlo Acutis
Grade 12: Saint John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila

At this moment, may I request Sir Erwin P. Osayan for the reading of

Thank you so much Sir Erwin,

And now, let’s move on to the Tableau presentation of various grade

levels as they enact the Glorious Mysteries of Jesus.

-Read the introduction

-Opening Prayer (Mabale)
-Start narrate sir Randal for 5 Glorious Mystery (Presentations)

Thank you so much My dear presenters, A big hand for them please…\

Nothing is more inspiring and heart-warming than hearing the message

of our beloved School Principal. May I request, Sister Mary Michael G.
Pacto, RSM, for her message…Let’s give her a a resounding applause.

Thank you so much Sister for that meaningful and remarkable message.
Your words of inspiration, will surely remain closely in our hearts.

Once again, Ladies and gentleman, please help me welcome, our

candidates in their opening number. Let’s give the around of applause
Ladies and gentlemen, our beautiful and handsome candidates, for the
look-alike Saints. Beginning with…the Grade 7, Followed by the Grade
8, Next will be the Grade 9, Followed by the Grade 10, Next on stage
will be the Grade 11 and last but definitely not the least, the Grade 12.

Thank you so much Candidates…

And there you have it, our lovely and staggering contestants in their
Saints Attire.

Thank you so much Candidates…

And this time, we will witness an intermission number to be given to us

by the Champion of This Year’s Religious Dance Competition…Give it up
for the Grade 9 students…
(Living Rosary)

Thank you so much performers for that nerve wracking performance.

To deliver the word of thanks, may I call in Mrs. Pedrita B. Rananlan,


Thank you mam, for that outstanding word of thanks…

Moving on, we all know that our candidates, performers, and

participants including yesterday gave their very best to win. However,
may we remember that the judging is finished and the results are final.
Also, please be reminded that win or lose we are all still winners not
just for us but also in the eyes of God.

But before we’ll announce the winners let me hear first the cheers of
each grade levels.

Where are the cheers from the grade 7?

The Grade 8?
Can I hear the cheers from the grade 9?
How about from the grade 10?
The Grade 11?
Last but not the least the grade 12?

At this juncture, may we call in Sir Erwin P. Osayan, for the

Proclamation of winners.

Congratulations Winners! This Has been Alyssah Wynn A. Cadelina your

host for today. Thank you so much and May God bless us all. In God’s
Mercy, We Sevre With Joy.

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