More and more people are moving from the countryside to urban areas in
order to live a better,higher,stronger,And better life.0020Achieving sustainable
urbanization is essential to address the challenges of rapidly growing cities,
ensure a high quality of life for urban residents, and minimizethe environmental
impact of development. There are therefore several causes and effect why people
doing Urbanization.
1.Economic Opportunity; Urban areas typically offer more job opportunities,
higher wages, and access to more industries and services, attracting rural
residents seeking better economic prospects.
2.Education; Urban areas tend to have better educational facilities, which can
be.a big draw for families looking for a high-quality education for their children.
3.Infrastructure And Service; Urban areas tend to have better infrastructure such
as medical fasilities, transportation networks, and public fasilities, making them
attractive for better living conditions.
1.Population Pressure; Urban migration can lead to overpopulation of cities,
straining resources and infrastructure, and leading to challenges such as
congestion, housing shortages, and increased pollution.