Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
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Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
Department of Healthcare Epidemiology and Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Texas
Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, Texas 77555-0835
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................686
MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE..........................................................................................................................687
-Lactam Resistance ..............................................................................................................................................687
Aminoglycoside Resistance ....................................................................................................................................687
Vancomycin Resistance ..........................................................................................................................................687
Phenotypic description .......................................................................................................................................687
TABLE 1. Intrinsic and acquired antimicrobial drug resistance been used extensively for the treatment of Clostridium difficile
in enterococcia enterocolitis.
Intrinsic resistance
In 1988, Uttley et al. were the first to report the isolation of
-Lactams (particularly cephalosporins and penicillinase-resistant vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis and E. faecium in England
penicillins) (248). Shortly after the first isolates of vancomycin-resistant
Low concentrations of aminoglycosides enterococci (VRE) were reported by investigators in the
Clindamycin United Kingdom and France (155, 248), similar strains were
Fluoroquinolones detected in hospitals located in the eastern half of the United
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole States (104). Subsequently, VRE have spread with unantici-
pated rapidity and are now encountered by hospitals in most
Acquired resistance states (31, 43, 134).
High concentrations of -lactams, through alteration of PBPs or
production of -lactamase
High concentrations of aminoglycosides MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE
Glycopeptides (vancomycin, teicoplanin)
Tetracycline -Lactam Resistance
mediated by newly acquired gene clusters not previously found resistance (vanR, vanS, vanH, vanX, and vanZ) are located on
in enterococci. VanA and VanB resistance phenotypes were a 10,581-bp transposon (Tn1546) of E. faecium, which often
impair cross-linking of the modified precursors to the growing (iv) VanC glycopeptide resistance. Low-level resistance to
peptidoglycan chain. However, PBPs other than PBP5, which vancomycin is typical of E. gallinarum, E. casseliflavus, and E.
are so far not known to play a role in cell wall synthesis, are flavescens. The nucleotide sequences of the vanC-1 gene in E.
probably required for processing of the altered precursors (6). gallinarum, the vanC-2 gene in E. casseliflavus, and the vanC-3
These high-molecular-weight PBPs display a higher affinity for gene in E. flavescens have been reported, although there is
-lactams. Since VanA resistance is inducible, a shift in the some disagreement about whether E. flavescens is a legitimate
PBPs occurs only in the presence of vancomycin and results in enterococcal species (52). VanC ligase of E. gallinarum favors
-lactam hypersusceptibility. This effect explains the synergy the production of a pentapeptide terminating in D-Ala–D-Ser.
displayed by the combination of the two classes of drugs Substitution of D-Ser for D-Ala is presumed to weaken the
against vancomycin-resistant strains. binding of vancomycin to the novel pentapeptide. Insertional
(iii) VanB glycopeptide resistance. VanB glycopeptide resis- inactivation of vanC-1 unmasks the concomitant production of
tance in enterococci is mediated by an abnormal ligase (VanB) the D-Ala–D-Ala pentapeptide in E. gallinarum (216). D,D-
that is structurally related to VanA ligase (76% amino acid Dipeptidase and D,D-carboxypeptidase activities analogous to
identity). VanB protein also favors the production of the pen- those of VanA and VanB strains have been described. It is
tadepsipeptide terminating in D-Ala–D-Lac (87). Genes anal- presumed that the level of resistance expressed represents the
ogous to their class A resistance counterparts are designated balance achieved between normal and abnormal peptidoglycan
levels of resistance to vancomycin, was demonstrated both in included a number of different species such as E. faecalis,
vitro and on the skin of mice. This gives rise to concern that E. faecium, E. gallinarum, E. casseliflavus, E. avium, and E.
such transfer in humans under natural conditions indeed might mundtii (19). Fortunately, rates of stool colonization with VRE
be feasible (193). Vancomycin resistance genes have already among hospitalized patients far exceed infection rates with
been found in human isolates of nonenterococcal organisms. A these organisms (147, 176). Gastrointestinal tract colonization
vanB-related gene sequence (designated vanB3) has been with VRE may persist for weeks or months, and single negative
found in Streptococcus bovis (208). cultures may be intermixed with positive cultures over time
(viii) Vancomycin-dependent enterococci. An interesting (176). During outbreaks, environmental cultures in hospital
phenomenon that has developed in some strains of VanA- and rooms have yielded VRE (29, 167, 235).
VanB-type VRE is that of vancomycin dependence (64, 261).
These enterococci are not just resistant to vancomycin but now VRE in Long-Term-Care Facilities
require it for growth. Vancomycin-dependent enterococci have
The role of long-term-care facilities (LTCFs) in the epide-
been recovered from apparently culture-negative clinical sam-
miology of VRE has not been well defined. In a study per-
ples by plating them onto vancomycin-containing agar, such as
formed in Chicago, where VRE have been endemic for several
that used for isolation of Campylobacter or gonococci. A likely
years, it was found that 47% of patients admitted to a hospital
explanation for the phenomenon of vancomycin dependence is
TABLE 3. Summary of data from case-control studies in patients infected with VREa
Source of VRE isolates Resistance phenotype and Statistical
Reference Ward type Risk factors
(no. of cases) species (no.) analysis used
164 Medical-surgical/ICU Blood (4), urine (2), VanA, E. faecium (9) Univariate Duration of ceftazidime treatment,
stools (3) no. of days in ICU
69 Oncology Blood (11) VanA, E. faecium (11) Univariate Intestinal colonization with VRE,
use of antibiotics active against
180 Variousb Various (colonization ⫹ VanA, E. faecium (6) Univariate Previous exposure to antibiotics,
infection) (41) use of third-generation
cephalosporins, use of
parenteral vancomycin
181 Various Various (20) VanB, E. faecium (35) Multivariate Use of multiple antibiotics
(ciprofloxacin, aztreonam,
vancomycin), severity of illness
230 Various (mainly Blood (46) E. faecium (40, Multivariate Hematological malignancy, use of
VRE developed urinary retention and urinary tract infection organ transplant recipients, and patients who experience pro-
with a VRE strain that was found to be indistinguishable from longed hospitalization (30, 43, 71, 114, 135, 137, 164, 247, 248).
the woman’s isolate by PFGE (231). Thus, as colonized pa- Several studies have used case-control methods and multivar-
tients leave the hospital environment, the possibility that trans- iate analysis to examine the risk factors for VRE infection
mission might occur in the community cannot be discounted. among hospitalized individuals (Table 3). Among the risk fac-
The situation in Europe is quite different from that in the tors that have emerged are longer duration of hospitalization
United States. In Europe, VRE have been isolated from sew- (181, 235, 247), longer lengths of stay in ICU (176, 201), the
age and various animal sources (19, 139). It has been suggested need for intrahospital transfer to another ward (247), the need
that the use of glycopeptide-containing animal feeds in some for surgical reexploration following liver transplantation (201),
regions of Europe may have contributed to such differences and the use of enteral tube feedings or sucralfate (235). While
(184). In one study, VanA-resistant E. faecium was isolated gastrointestinal tract colonization may precede infection in
from frozen poultry and pork and from the feces of 12 of 100 many patients, in one study stool surveillance culture positivity
nonhospitalized inhabitants in a rural area (139). VanA VRE antedated infection in only half of the cases (255). This may in
have also been found in the feces or intestines of other farm part reflect the limitations of surveillance cultures in detecting
animals or pets, including horses, dogs, chickens, and pigs (65). low densities of microorganisms. Occasionally, VRE will be
These observations suggest a potential for VRE or the resis- detected in surveillance cultures of nose, throat, or mouth
tance genes of VRE to reach humans through the food chain
specimens in the absence of detectable rectal or perineal col-
or through contact with domesticated animals.
onization. Other risk factors that have been associated with
Colonization of healthy individuals with VRE does not nec-
colonization or infection include previous antimicrobial ther-
essarily indicate a risk of infection with these organisms. In
a point-prevalence culture survey at one Belgian hospital in apy, exposure to contaminated medical equipment such as
1993, 3.5% of patient stool isolates were positive for VRE; electronic thermometers, proximity to a previously known
however, to that point, no infections due to VRE had been VRE patient, and exposure to a nurse who was assigned on the
encountered at that institution (111). Van der Auwera et al. same shift to another known patient (30, 137, 164). Risk factors
reported that stool cultures from 11 (28%) of 40 healthy vol- specifically associated with VRE infections such as bacteremia
unteers who were not health care workers and who had not include malignancy, increased Acute Physiology and Chronic
taken antibiotics in the preceding year yielded a heterogeneous Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, neutropenia, pro-
collection of isolates of vancomycin-resistant E. faecium (249). longed hospital stay, antibiotic therapy and preceding therapy
The same group also detected VRE in the stools of up to 64% with agents active against anaerobes, mean number of days on
of volunteers who had received oral glycopeptides in previous antibiotic therapy, renal insufficiency, and hospitalization on a
studies (249). hematologic malignancy/bone marrow transplantation service
(30, 71, 121, 152, 179, 230). Parenteral vancomycin use and
Risk Factors receipt of third-generation cephalosporins have been cited by
others as risk factors for colonization or infection with VRE
Early studies dealing with the emergence of VRE in the (61, 180, 181, 247). In a recent prospective cohort study using
United States revealed that most patients with VRE were in logistic regression, VRE colonization at the time of ICU ad-
ICUs (51). However, VRE are now being seen with increasing mission was found to be associated with second- and third-
frequency among patients with chronic renal failure or cancer, generation cephalosporins, length of stay prior to surgical ICU
admission, more than one prior ICU stay, and history of solid- VRE bacteremia may reach 60 to 70% (70, 71, 247). Approx-
organ transplantation (198). imately half of these deaths may be attributable directly to the
Oral vancomycin use may also be a risk factor for VRE infection. Papanicolaou et al. found VRE infection to be a
colonization (29, 147, 165), and this has led to recommenda- strong predictor of mortality in liver transplant patients (201).
tions discouraging the use of this agent for the primary treat- Linden et al. reported that enterococcal infection-related mor-
ment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (44). However, there is tality was 46% in liver transplant recipients with VRE bacte-
also recent evidence that metronidazole may not be a micro- remia, which was significantly greater than the 25% mortality
biologically innocuous alternative to oral vancomycin for the observed in patients with vancomycin-susceptible enterococcal
treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. The use of oral or bacteremia (161). Patients with neutropenia, chronic renal fail-
parenteral metronidazole (or other agents with significant an- ure, or other serious conditions and liver transplant recipients
tianaerobic activity) was noted as a risk factor for VRE bac- seem to be the most likely to experience prolonged bacteremia
teremia in one study (71), while others have suggested that or to die as a result of VRE (179).
metronidazole or clindamycin exposure is a risk factor for In other studies, comparison of patients with VRE and van-
VRE acquisition (176). comycin-susceptible enterococcal bacteremias revealed no sig-
Vancomycin most probably predisposes patients to coloni- nificant differences in mortality, especially after controlling for
zation and infection with VRE by inhibiting the growth of the factors such as age and APACHE II score (30, 247, 255). There
In the United States, avoparcin is not a licensed feed addi- VRE culture positive for as long as 1 year have been reported
tive for animals, and culture surveys of a limited number of (30). According to the study of Montecalvo et al., some pa-
chickens in several cities have failed to detect VRE (T. S. tients were persistently colonized with the same VRE strain, as
Harrison, S. Qaiyumi, J. G. Morris, Jr., and R. S. Schwalbe, demonstrated by PFGE, whereas others were positive for more
Program Abstr. 35th Intersci. Conf. Antimicrob. Agents Che- than one strain during the follow-up period (176). Because
mother., abstr. J78, 1995; Murray, Editorial response). Further persistently colonized patients may reintroduce VRE into a
studies of animal-based food products are needed to deter- facility on multiple occasions, hospitals should develop means
mine if food items represent a community reservoir for VRE in of prompt identification of such patients at the time of read-
this country. mission so that they can be placed in isolation pending repeat
At present, hospitalized patients with gastrointestinal car- surveillance cultures (30, 44).
riage of VRE appear to be the major reservoir of the organism
in the United States. Because most colonized patients are Modes of Transmission
asymptomatic, this reservoir can easily go unnoticed unless
Transmission of VRE by health care workers whose hands
surveillance culture specimens are obtained from patients at
become transiently contaminated with the organism while car-
risk (32). The gastrointestinal tract is undoubtedly the major
ing for affected patients is probably the most common mode of
reservoir for E. faecium, but positive clinical specimens in the
endogenous flora (185). However, recent reports have demon- To minimize nosocomial transmission of VRE, hospitals
strated that enterococci, including VRE, can be spread by must use a multidisciplinary approach that requires participa-
direct patient-to-patient contact or indirectly via transient car- tion by a variety of departments and personnel (Table 4) (32,
riage on the hands of personnel (30), contaminated environ- 44).
mental surfaces (30, 137), or patient care equipment (164). Prudent use of vancomycin. Efforts to control antibiotic-
In addition to the existing problem with VRE, the potential resistant organisms generally focus on decreasing the use of
emergence of vancomycin resistance in clinical isolates of S. antibiotics and decreasing the opportunities for the spread of
aureus or S. epidermidis is a serious public health concern. The organisms between individuals. The logic behind efforts to
vanA gene, which is frequently plasmid borne, can be trans- decrease antibiotic use is that the presence of an antibiotic
ferred in vitro from enterococci to a variety of gram-positive provides a tremendous advantage to a resistant organism and
microorganisms including S. aureus (193). can increase the number of resistant bacteria manyfold (186).
In response to the dramatic increase in vancomycin resis- The greater the number of resistant bacteria in a given clinical
tance in enterococci, the Subcommittee on Prevention and sample, the easier it is for that resistant organism to be trans-
Control of Antimicrobial-Resistant Microorganisms in Hospi- mitted to another person. This makes efforts at decreasing
tals of the CDC Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory transmission more important but also more difficult.
Committee (HICPAC) had several meetings in 1993 and 1994. Vancomycin use has been reported consistently as a risk
In an effort to control the nosocomial transmission of VRE, factor for colonization and infection with VRE (30, 121, 164,
HICPAC published recommendations in February 1995 (44). 177) and may increase the possibility of the emergence of
These recommendations mainly focused on (i) prudent use of vancomycin-resistant S. aureus or S. epidermidis. Encouraging
vancomycin, (ii) education of hospital staff, (iii) effective use of the appropriate use of oral and parenteral vancomycin is an
the microbiology laboratory, and (iv) implementation of infec- important component of HICPAC recommendations. In an
tion control measures (including the use of gloves and gowns effort to bring about more prudent use of antibiotics, HICPAC
and isolation or cohorting of patients, as appropriate to specific emphasizes the importance of education of medical staff and
conditions). students about the situations in which the use of vancomycin is
considered appropriate. It also gives a long list of situations in a selective advantage for VRE and enhance their survival
which vancomycin use should be discouraged. According to (186). The use of third-generation cephalosporins has long
HICPAC recommendations, situations in which the use of been recognized as a risk factor for enterococcal infections in
vancomycin is appropriate or acceptable are as follows (44): (i) general. Several studies have shown that receipt of third-gen-
for treatment of serious infections due to -lactam-resistant eration cephalosporins and use of agents with significant anti-
gram-positive microorganisms; (ii) for treatment of infections anaerobic activity are risk factors for colonization or infection
due to gram-positive microorganisms in patients with serious with VRE (71, 176, 180, 181, 247). Other measures that have
allergy to -lactam antimicrobials; (iii) when antibiotic-associ- been suggested for the control of VRE outbreaks include for-
ated colitis fails to respond to metronidazole therapy or is mulary policies discouraging the use of third-generation ceph-
severe and potentially life-threatening; (iv) prophylaxis, as rec- alosporins and agents most likely to cause C. difficile colitis
ommended by the American Heart Association, for endocar- (209).
ditis following certain procedures in patients at high risk for Education programs. Continuing educational programs for
endocarditis; and (v) prophylaxis of major surgical procedures hospital staff (including attending and consulting physicians,
involving the implantation of prosthetic materials or devices, medical residents, students, pharmacy personnel, nurses, lab-
e.g., cardiac and vascular procedures and total hip placement, oratory personnel, and other direct patient caregivers) should
at institutions with a high rate of infections due to methicillin- include information about the epidemiology of VRE and the
agar screen plate, Vitek GPS-TA and GPS-101, and MicroScan (iii) Wear a clean nonsterile gown when entering the room
overnight and rapid panels), it was shown that vanA VRE were of a VRE-infected or -colonized patient if substantial contact
detected by all methods but vanB VRE were often not de- with the patient or environmental surfaces in the patient’s
tected by Vitek GPS-TA and MicroScan rapid (sensitivities, 47 room is anticipated or if the patient is incontinent or has
and 53% respectively) (84). All methods except the E-test and diarrhea, an ileostomy, a colostomy, or wound drainage not
the agar screen continue to show problems in the detection of contained by a dressing (30).
VanC1 and VanC2 VRE. The agar screen appears to be the (iv) Remove gloves and gowns before leaving the patient’s
most reliable and easy method for routine screening, if detec- room, and wash hands immediately with an antiseptic soap or
tion of VanA-, VanB-, VanC1-, and VanC2-mediated resis- use a waterless antiseptic agent (66, 133, 192). Hands can be
tance in enterococci is required. The new Vitek GPS-101 contaminated via glove leaks or during glove removal, and
shows improved sensitivity compared to the Vitek GPS-TA bland soap is relatively ineffective in removing VRE from the
without significant loss of specificity (84). When VRE are iso- hands (40, 63, 141, 143, 205).
lated from a clinical specimen, vancomycin resistance should (v) Ensure that after glove and gown removal and hand-
be confirmed by repeating antimicrobial susceptibility testing washing, clothing and hands do not contact environmental
by any of these recommended methods, especially if VRE surfaces potentially contaminated with VRE (e.g., door knob
isolates are unusual in the hospital. While performing confir- or curtain) in the patient’s room (30, 137).
for the discharge of VRE-infected or colonized patients to optimal (89, 151, 181, 235). Accordingly, hospitals that expe-
nursing homes, other hospitals, or home health care as part of rience difficulties in controlling the nosocomial transmission of
a larger strategy for handling patients with resolving infections VRE should consider developing systems for monitoring and
and patients colonized with antimicrobial-resistant microor- improving the compliance of personnel with recommended
ganisms. barrier precautions.
The HICPAC has some additional recommendations for Control of VRE in long-term-care facilities. There are a few
hospitals with endemic VRE or continued VRE transmission studies indicating that colonized residents of LTCFs may serve
despite the implementation of measures (44). These are as as a reservoir for acute-care hospitals (27, 35; Elizaga et al.,
follows. Abstract; Quale et al., Abstract; Revuelta et al., Abstract; Sar-
gent et al., Abstract). These studies suggest that VRE may not
(i) Control efforts should initially be focused in ICUs and on be a frequent cause of infection in residents of LTCFs (58).
areas where the VRE transmission rate is highest (121). Such The cost of control measures that are recommended for acute
units may serve as a reservoir for VRE, from which VRE care may be prohibitive in LTCFs, and these measures are
spreads to other wards when patients are well enough to be impractical for use in LTCFs. VRE have not yet been reported
transferred. to be a cause of serious illness in LTCF patients. It is known
(ii) Where feasible, staff who provide regular care to pa- that highly compromised patients are potential candidates for
changed after contact with materials that have a high concen- onized patients, and (iii) to reduce the reservoir of VRE in the
tration of microorganisms (e.g., stool) and before contact with institutional environment.
the roommate or his or her immediate environment. Hands Combinations of novobiocin with doxycycline or tetracycline
should be washed with an antiseptic agent containing chlor- failed to eradicate VRE from the stools of seven of eight
hexidine or alcohol after the gloves are removed. treated patients (178). Two groups reported more promising
(vii) Gowns are required if it is expected that the health care results with oral bacitracin. In one study, treatment cleared
worker’s clothing will have material contact with the patient, VRE from stools in six of eight patients, with one relapse; in
patient’s secretions, or environmental surfaces. Gowns are es- the other study, bacitracin cleared VRE in eight of eight pa-
pecially important if a patient has diarrhea or a wound with tients, with two recurrences (47, 197). In another study, how-
drainage not contained in a dressing. Care must be taken to ever, while combination therapy with bacitracin plus doxy-
avoid environmental contact by clothing after the gown is re- cycline initially cleared VRE from the stools of all treated
moved. Gowns must be disposed of in a way that will minimize patients, with longer follow-up only 33% remained free of
contamination of the environment. detectable VRE, a proportion comparable to that in an un-
(viii) Patient transport should be limited to situations re- treated control group (M. R. Weinstein, J. Brunton, I. Camp-
quired for medical care, and precautions must be continued, to bell, et al., Program Abstr. 36th Intersci. Conf. Antimicrob.
prevent transmission to other patients and to prevent contam- Agents Chemother., abstr. J10, 1996). Although some patients
mine the MIC of ampicillin. While the level of resistance at sistant. However, Hayden et al. described the in vivo develop-
which no benefit will be derived has not been established, ment of teicoplanin resistance in a VanB E. faecium isolate
based on the half-life and peak drug levels, it will likely be (126). This finding has raised concern about this treatment
difficult to exceed a concentration of ⱖ128 g/ml of ampicillin option and has limited the therapeutic efficacy of this agent.
in serum for a protracted period (186). Strains for which the A number of new approaches to the treatment of VRE
ampicillin MICs are ⬎100 g/ml are now common, and this infections including -lactam–-lactam, -lactam–glycopep-
concentration is close to the limit of concentrations achievable tide, and -lactam–fluoroquinolone combinations have been
in the serum. Mekonen et al. described the failure of ampicillin explored in experimental animal models (34, 42, 265). Each
at a total dose of 20 g/day (mean level in serum, 103 g/ml) approach has limitations. The combination of a glycopeptide
combined with gentamicin to clear VRE bacteremia in a liver and a -lactam is an interesting one whose use derives from the
transplant patient. Substitution of ampicillin-sulbactam at 30 observation that some strains of E. faecium, although resistant
g/day (equivalent to 20 g of ampicillin; mean ampicillin level in to ampicillin and vancomycin, are still inhibited by the combi-
serum, 130 g/ml) led to clearing of the bacteremia (168). The nation of the two. For such strains, the MIC of ampicillin
authors attributed this success to the slightly better activity of decreases in the presence of vancomycin. This is possibly be-
ampicillin combined with sulbactam compared with that of cause the cell, in order to use the vancomycin-induced D-Ala–
ampicillin alone against the clinical isolate of E. faecium (MIC, D-Lac-containing precursor, must shift to using a different cell
concentrations of either antibiotic alone were not effective groups, quinupristin-dalfopristin therapy was associated with a
(150). significantly lower incidence of vancomycin-resistant E. fae-
Newer fluoroquinolone antibiotics with greater activity cium-associated mortality. On the other hand, frank clinical
against gram-positive bacteria have been created (207), and failure was seen in five quinupristin-dalfopristin-treated pa-
while enterococci remain among the least susceptible gram- tients. One failure occurred in a patient with refractory neu-
positive bacteria (with E. faecium in general being less suscep- tropenia following drug-induced bone marrow suppression.
tible than E. faecalis), some compounds at 1 g/ml or less The lack of bactericidal activity of quinupristin-dalfopristin
inhibit 90% of strains (207). Clinafloxacin is the most active may compromise its clinical and bacteriological efficacy in neu-
agent against enterococci among these new fluoroquinolones. tropenia and other conditions where bactericidal activity is
The combination of ampicillin at 20 g/ml with clinafloxacin at required for eradication (174). However, satisfactory outcomes
1 g/ml also had bactericidal activity against similar strains have been reported in other challenging clinical conditions.
when the drugs were present in serum at concentrations that Quinupristin-dalfopristin therapy achieved microbiological
are easily attainable (38). and clinical cure in a patient with vancomycin-resistant E.
Novobiocin is an older DNA gyrase inhibitor with gram- faecium prosthetic valve endocarditis, in an 8-month-old infant
positive activity. Clinical application of novobiocin was aban- with ventriculitis due to a vancomycin-resistant E. faecium-
doned due to the emergence of resistance in staphylococci and infected central nervous system shunt and in three cases of
that ramoplanin could be used for the clearance of glycopep- planin, LY264826, and other glycopeptides with increased
tide-resistant enterococci from the gastrointestinal tract (132), antienterococcal activity (39, 190, 191, 224, 236, 264). Some of
and it might well be used to eradicate C. difficile without a risk them are not bactericidal, some show cross-resistance with
of colonization by glycopeptide-resistant enterococci (22). teicoplanin- and vancomycin-resistant strains, and they are still
One of the most active agents against VRE is a semisyn- at early stages of development. It is clear that before this group
thetic glycopeptide designated LY333328, which demonstrates of antimicrobial agents can offer new treatment possibilities for
bactericidal as well as bacteristatic activity against enterococci these infections, further work is needed to produce a satisfac-
(229). LY333328 is an investigational N-alkyl semisynthetic tory bactericidal glycopeptide that is effective and nontoxic in
derivative of the naturally occurring glycopeptide LY264826 systemic use and lacks cross-resistance with vancomycin and
(56). Its mechanism of action is still unknown but is thought to teicoplanin (91).
be similar to that of vancomycin. The primary mechanism Other investigational agents with activity in vitro against
appears to be the inhibition of cell wall synthesis and assembly VRE include glycylcyclines, oxazolidinones, and ketolides.
by complexing with the D-alanyl–D-alanine precursor. It might Some isolates of VRE are susceptible to tetracyclines. Doxy-
also impair RNA synthesis (90, 171). Several studies have cycline and minocycline have been used in the treatment of
shown that LY 333328 exhibits bactericidal activity against VRE infections, often with other agents. While successes have
VRE (202; S. Zelenitsky, J. Karlowsky, D. Hoban, et al., Pro- been described, it is difficult to assess their overall effectiveness
the potential spectrum of RP 59500 was found to be equal or related elements in the absence of induction. J. Bacteriol. 179:97–106.
superior to that of RU-64004 (130; Ednie et al., 3rd Int. Conf.; 9. Arthur, M., F. Depardieu, C. Molinas, P. Reynolds, and P. Courvalin. 1995.
The vanZ gene of Tn1546 from Enterococcus BM4147 confers resistance to
Fremaux et al., 35th ICAAC). In vivo studies with animal teicoplanin. Gene 154:87–92.
models have shown quite promising results, especially against 10. Arthur, M., F. Depardieu, P. Reynolds, and P. Courvalin. 1996. Quantita-
infections caused by macrolide-resistant strains of gram-posi- tive analysis of the metabolism of soluble cytoplasmic peptidoglycan pre-
tive bacteria, although there are at present few data on their cursors of glycopeptide resistance enterococci. Mol. Microbiol. 21:33–44.
11. Arthur, M., C. Molinas, F. Depardieu, and P. Courvalin. 1993. Character-
antienterococcal activity (Agouridas et al., 35th ICAAC, abstr. ization of Tn1546, a Tn3-related transposon conferring glycopeptide resis-
F158). Results with another ketolide, RU-66647, are similar to tance by synthesis of depsipeptide peptidoglycan precursors in Enterococcus
earlier data reported for RU-64004 (130; Agouridas et al., 3rd faecium BM4147. J. Bacteriol. 175:117–127.
Int. Conf.; Agouridas et al., 35th ICAAC, abstr. F175 and 12. Arthur, M., C. Molinas, S. Dutka-Malen, and P. Courvalin. 1991. Structural
relationship between the vancomycin resistance protein VanH and 2-hy-
F170; H. Dabernat, M. Seguy, and C. Delmas, Program Abstr. droxycarboxylic acid dehydrogenases. Gene 103:133–134.
35th Intersci. Conf. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., abstr. 13. Bailey, E. M., M. J. Rybak, and G. W. Kaatz. 1991. Comparative effect of
F161, 1995; Ednie et al., 3rd Int. Conf.; R. Fabre, J. D. Cavallo, protein binding on the killing activities of teicoplanin and vancomycin.
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