FMT315 StudyGuide
FMT315 StudyGuide
FMT315 StudyGuide
Sustainable Buildings
2023 Singapore University of Social Sciences. All rights reserved.
No part of this material may be reproduced in any form or by any means without
permission in writing from the Educational Technology & Production, Singapore
University of Social Sciences.
ISBN 978-981-5008-56-2
Release V1.2.0
Table of Contents
Course Guide
1. Welcome...................................................................................................................CG-2
Formative Assessment...........................................................................................SU1-29
Table of
Formative Assessment...........................................................................................SU2-20
Formative Assessment...........................................................................................SU3-26
Formative Assessment...........................................................................................SU4-31
Table of Contents
Study Unit 5: Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole
Life Carbon (Cn), Maintainability (Mt) & Resilience (Re) Sections
Learning Outcomes...................................................................................................SU5-2
Chapter 3: Maintainability.....................................................................................SU5-36
Chapter 4: Resilience...............................................................................................SU5-68
Formative Assessment...........................................................................................SU5-85
Formative Assessment...........................................................................................SU6-18
Table of
List of
List of Tables
Table 2.1 illustrating the different bands of air movement requirements for a
tropical space to be naturally ventilated..................................................................SU2-16
Table 3.1 Types of building cooling systems and related cooling loads
Table 3.5 shows the typical installation capacities and efficiency percentages of
different renewable energy systems..........................................................................SU3-23
List of
List of
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 showing an illustration of sun path in accordance with latitudes and
hence the corresponding response in terms of orientation......................................SU2-6
Figure 2.4 showing the use of high SRI finishes enables a reduction of the
surface temperature of the roof and similar effects have been perceived in
studies on facades as well............................................................................................SU2-9
Figure 2.7 showing that glazed facades are covered with blinds and
Figure 2.8 showing a building with a green façade in Singapore, Credit: SAA
Figure 2.9 showing the different air flow patterns around different
List of
Figure 3.1 showing the overall configuration of a chiller plant and air handling
Figure 3.3 showing motor energy savings with a Variable Speed Drive
Figure 3.5 BIPV installation on roof (left, Sentosa Cove) and façade (right,
Keppel DHCS 1)...........................................................................................................SU3-18
Figure 6.1 Expectations about sustainable project costs: (a) sustainable projects;
(b) funded projects Source: Pearce (2005)..................................................................SU6-8
List of Lesson
List of Lesson
Sustainable Building
FMT3 Course
1. Welcome
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Welcome to the course FMT315 Sustainable Buildings, a 5 credit unit (CU) course.
This Study Guide will be your personal learning resource to take you through the
course learning journey. The guide is divided into two main sections – the Course
Guide and Study Units.
The Course Guide describes the structure for the entire course and provides you with an
overview of the Study Units. It serves as a roadmap of the different learning
components within the course. This Course Guide contains important information
regarding the course learning outcomes, learning materials and resources, assessment
breakdown and additional course information.
FMT3 Course
Course Structure
This course is a 5-credit unit course presented over six weeks.
There are six Study Units in this course. The following provides an overview of each
Study Unit.
This unit explains the need for green buildings in the world. You will be given a brief
overview of the framework for Singapore Legislation and the Green Mark Scheme as
well as the Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP).
This unit will focus on the various passive design strategies for sustainable building
designs to achieve better energy efficiency.
The aim of this study unit is to understand the various active systems that are used
by buildings such as air-conditioning and mechanical ventilations system, and how
the selection and optimization of such systems can lead to better energy efficiency in
sustainable buildings.
FMT3 Course
This unit introduces the new Green Mark 2021 framework. In addition, it looks into
detail the Energy Efficiency section, which is the only section that is mandatory. It also
delves into the Intelligence section and its requirements.
Study Unit 5 – Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life
Carbon (Cn), Maintainability (Mt) & Resilience (Re) Sections
This unit introduces the other 4 sections of the Green Mark 2021 framework, namely
Health & Well-being, Whole Life Carbon, Maintainability and Resilience.
This unit looks at green buildings from a cost point of view, and what are the various
other benefits that green buildings can bring to the building owners and the community
at large.
FMT3 Course
3. Learning Outcomes
FMT3 Course
4. Learning Material
To complete the course, you will need the following learning material(s):
Building and Construction Authority - Green Mark 2021
certification- scheme/green-mark-2021
Singapore Green Building Council
FMT3 Course
5. Assessment Overview
TOTAL 100%
Continuous Assessment:
There will be continuous assessment in the form of three (3) pre-class quizzes of 2
percent each, and two (2) Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs) which together constitute
30 percent of the overall assessment for this course. The two assignments are
compulsory and are non-substitutable. These assignments will test your conceptual
understanding of both the fundamental and more advanced concepts and applications
that underlie green building assessment. It is imperative that you read through your
Assignment questions and submission instructions before embarking on your
FMT3 Course
The end of course assessment will constitute the other 70 percent of overall student
assessment and will test the ability to relate concepts, theories and strategies to
particular situations commonly faced by practitioners in green building assessment. All
topics covered in the course outline will be assessed. To prepare for the end of course
assessment, you are advised to review Specimen or Past Year Exam Papers available on
Learning Management System.
Passing Mark:
To successfully pass the course, you must obtain a minimum passing mark of 40 percent
for each of the two TMA components. That is, students must obtain at least a mark of 40
percent for the combined assessments and also at least a mark of 40 percent for the final
exam. For detailed information on the Course grading policy, please refer to The
Student Handbook (‘Award of Grades’ section under Assessment and Examination
Regulations). The Student Handbook is available from the Student Portal.
Activities for the purpose of self-learning are present in each study unit. These learning
activities are meant to enable you to assess your understanding and achievement of the
learning outcomes. The type of activities can be in the form of Formative Assessment,
Quiz, Review Questions, Application-Based Questions or similar. You are expected to
complete the suggested activities either independently and/or in groups.
FMT3 Course
6. Course Schedule
To help monitor your study progress, you should pay special attention to your
Course Schedule. It contains study unit related activities including Assignments, Self-
assessments, and Examinations. Please refer to the Course Timetable in the Student
Portal for the updated Course Schedule.
Note: You should always make it a point to check the Student Portal for any announcements and la
FMT3 Course
7. Learning Mode
The learning process for this course is structured along the following lines of learning:
a. Self-study guided by the study guide units. Independent study will require at
least 3 hours per week.
b. Working on assignments, either individually or in groups.
c. Classroom Seminar sessions (3 hours each session, 6 sessions in total).
You may be viewing the interactive StudyGuide (iStudyGuide), which is the mobile-
friendly version of the Study Guide. The iStudyGuide is developed to enhance your
learning experience with interactive learning activities and engaging multimedia. You
will be able to personalise your learning with digital bookmarking, note-taking, and
highlighting of texts if your reader supports these features.
Flexible learning—learning at your own pace, space, and time—is a hallmark at SUSS,
and we strongly encourage you to engage your instructor and fellow students in online
discussion forums. Sharing of ideas through meaningful debates will help broaden your
perspective and crystallise your thinking.
Academic Integrity
As a student of SUSS, you are expected to adhere to the academic standards stipulated
in the Student Handbook, which contains important information regarding academic
policies, academic integrity, and course administration. It is your responsibility to read
and understand the information outlined in the Student Handbook prior to embarking
on the course.
Learning Outcomes
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
This introductory Study Unit offers an overview of the crucial information and
knowledge on legislative requirements on environmental sustainability for buildings
in Singapore. It will cover the following areas: the impact of green buildings to the
environment; the supporting legal and administrative structures; the need for
environmental sustainability in buildings; and the role of buildings in environmental
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Buildings generate nearly 40% of annual global Green House Gas (GHG) emissions,
align with the rapid population growth, the urbanization process speeds up the
development of built industry, also directly impacting the global environmental.
Buildings are the very essence of civilization, and we have demonstrated our
technological prowess in building larger and more complex structures over the course
of the human history. Building construction and operation process consumes resources
and energy, and the growing global population has placed immense pressure on the
earth. The growing demand for materials and energy has prompted us to relook at the
way buildings are built and operated around the world. The challenge of climatic
changes couple with resource depletion have prompted many countries to regulate the
buildings. Green building systems and passive architectural design have thus emerged
as strong responses to this challenge.
Lesson Recording
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
have multiple impacts on the environment. Buildings consume resources in the form of
energy, materials, water and other form of utilities. The overall impact of buildings on
the environment can be categorized as the following:
• Land – Building site impacting the existing land including the microenvironment
and habitat
• Embodied carbon – Energy used for extracting of material, manufacturing,
transporting, and constructing of building components
• Operational carbon – The energy consumed in buildings
• Waste – The generation of construction, demolition waste, and the general waste
generated during the building operation
• Air Quality – the impact of indoor and outdoor air quality by the presence of
toxic materials such as paints, adhesives, and pest control insecticides
• Building maintenance and construction activities accounts for water pollution
and potential harm to the water catchments.
After design and construction, the operation has extensive direct and indirect impact on
the environment. The result of a study collated by the US Environment Protection
Agency (2009) concluded that buildings consume 72% of all electricity generated.
Additionally, they also consume 13% of fresh water in the US. Given the large
agricultural sector in the US, this percentage division indicates the magnitude of the
impact that buildings have on the use of resources. Buildings also contribute to 39% of
carbon emissions and 66% of non-industrial waste generated. Thus, the building sector
has a very large footprint on resources, energy, and waste generation.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.”
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
“The practise of increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use energy, water,
and materials, and reducing building impacts of human health and the environment, through
better siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal through the complete life
Green building is a holistic concept that starts with the understanding that the building
environment can have profound effects, both positive and negative, on the natural environment,
as well as the people who inhabit buildings every day. Green building is an effort to amplify the
positive and mitigate the negative of these effects throughout the entire life cycle of a building -
US Green Building Council, USGBC
Green building is the practise of creating structures and using processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life cycle from siting
to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practise
expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability,
and comfort. Green Building is also known as a sustainable or high-performance building. - US
Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA
• the building sector accounts for around 25-40% of the final energy consumption
in OECD countries
• the construction sector accounts for between one-third and half of the commodity
flow in selected OECD countries. Consequently, a great amount of construction
and demolition waste (C&DW) is being generated
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
• indoor air quality can significantly affect human health. People usually spend as
much as 90% of their time indoors
These methods created global interests. The majority of these assessment systems have
a similar approach of utilising credits to assess building sustainability by computing a
score. Typical categories of assessment include energy efficiency, resource consumption,
indoor environmental quality, service quality, economics, pre-operation management,
and commuting transport. In order to understand the nature of these assessments and
compare-and-contrast them with Green Mark, two major Green rating systems from
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
across the world will be reviewed in this section. Globally, the two most common rating
tools are LEED and BREEAM. In Asia, the leading systems are the CASBEE (Japan) and
the Green Star (Australia) systems.
The two most widely recognised environmental assessment methodologies in the global
construction industry today are BREEAM (UK) and LEED. Individually, each rating
tool has its strengths and weaknesses, different philosophies for credit allocation,
and assessment methods. These two systems are cemented as global benchmarks and
reinvented by constantly upgrading the methodology.
1.5.1 LEED
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
The last 5% of the points are allocated to integrative process, and regional priority.
Under each category, a selection of credits is made available for assessment base on
relevant benchmarks or standards of performance. Additionally, a few credits are
deemed as prerequisites that are mandatory for any level of LEED certification.
In the newly introduced LEED v4, the entire scoring scale is set at 110 points. The final
LEED rating is determined as described in the table below:
One of the unique aspects of the LEED system is the prerequisites that are mandatory
for a building to be considered for assessment. These are explained below. To be
considered for certification under new construction, projects must adhere to certain
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Read the LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction document to understand the credit syste
1.5.2 BREEAM
The BREEAM tool was created by the Building Research Establishment. It was
introduced in 1990. There are several positive drivers for the mainstreaming of this
tool in the UK, where local planning authorities require mandatory BREEAM pre-
assessments and accreditation. In some cases, it is also mandatory for all public-sector
buildings in the UK to secure a minimum BREEAM rating. This has forced the private
sector to create voluntary minimum BREEAM rating for all new buildings.
• Retail
• Offices
• Education
• Prisons
• Courts
• Healthcare
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
• Industrial
• Specialised Buildings (assessed under the BREEAM Bespoke method)
• Multi-residential
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
The Design Stage review typically assesses a project based on design intent and post
construction review serves to confirm the interim assessment and, more importantly,
confirms that the “as built” performance matches that of those provided during the
design stage.
The process of determining a BREEAM rating is slightly different from that of the LEED
and the Green Mark. This is because the score for the individual credit is further
multiplied by the weighting of each section, and the sum of all the credit scores
multiplied by the weighting factor that gives you the overall score. The step-by-step
process is explained below. An example is included in the table on the next page (BRE
Global Limited, 2014):
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Singapore is a city state with limited local energy, water and other resources. Due to the
tropic climate condition and the high energy demand, buildings in Singapore generally
consume more energy. This is also an opportunity for Singapore to stand out and
showcase its innovation and strategic planning in advancing the sustainability
development. The government of Singapore introduced comprehensive legislation and
programs to address the concerns of environmental sustainability, which serves as the
role model for other counties.
To address the sustainability under high energy demand, the most effective way is to
start from design integration to address the climate change challenges. Through passive
design, active design, and optimised design, green building has its potential to
contribute to the global sustainability movement, without compromising the quality
and comfort.
After much deliberation, the government of Singapore introduced the “Code for
Environmental Sustainability of Buildings” in 2008. This code forms the legal and
administrative framework on which building sustainability can be governed. This
legislation lays out the broad principles for buildings in Singapore to evolve sustainable
practices and principles for planning, designing and constructing of buildings. These
will help to mitigate the environmental impact of built structures.
The Building Construction Authority (BCA) is the nodal agency identified under this
legislation. It governs the environmental sustainability of buildings in Singapore. The
Building Control Act was enlarged and enhanced with the addition of the Building
Control (Environmental Sustainability) regulations to address necessary concerns. This
regulation has set a new benchmark for environmental sustainability for buildings
called the “Green Mark”. The Green Mark rating system is similar to other rating tools -
it is highly aligned with the local context.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
In late 2012, the legislation was expanded to include existing buildings that are
replacing their building cooling systems, such as air-cooled and water-cooled chillers.
Based on Part IIIB – Environmental Sustainability Measures for Exiting Buildings in the
Building Control Act, the existing building owners have to comply with the Green Mark
minimum requirements, submit periodic building’s cooling system energy efficiency
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
audit data and information with regards to energy consumption as well as other related
information as required by the Commissioner of Building Control.
Industrial buildings, railways, ports and airport services, religious buildings, data
centres, utility buildings, residential, service apartments are exempted from this
In order to ensure that that cooling systems continue to operate efficiently throughout
a building’s lifespan, mandatory periodic energy audits will be required. This will also
help to ensure that building owners continue to gain savings from the reduction of
energy consumption. Upon receiving notice from the Commissioner of Building Control,
building owners must:
Before installing or replacing a chiller, buildings owners have to meet the pre-requisite
requirements as spelt out in the Code on Environmental Sustainability Measures for
Existing buildings. They will also need to meet any other requirements as spelt out in
the code. Additionally, building owners must submit the following documentation to
BCA for approval:
• A design Green Mark score for the building including other documents as spelt
out prior to installing or replacing or any chillers (major energy-use change)
• An as-built Green Mark score for the building including other documents as spelt
out after completing the installation of the new chillers
The plan fee for the legislation submission is: $8,900 for the first 15,000m2 or part
thereof, and $0.15 for every subsequent square metre or part thereof.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
• All new buildings with a gross floor area (GFA) of 2,000m2 or more
• Additions or extensions to existing buildings that involve increasing the GFA by
2,000m2 or more
• Major retrofitting to existing buildings with a GFA of 2,000m2 or more
QPs should use the Green Mark e-Filing System to generate the GM score and form for
submission to the authorities.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
The total number of points obtained will provide an indication of the environmental
sustainability of the building design and operation. Once the overall assessment and
scoring is determined, the building will be certified accordingly to meet the appropriate
Green Mark rating.
The new Green Mark 2021 assessment framework, introduced at the end of 2021,
includes the following criteria:
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
• Mt Framework
• Mt Framework
• Mt Framework
POE Survey
Question Template
POE Results
Template (for
IAQ Report
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Restaurants Restaurants
Supermarket Supermarkets
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
• All new buildings work with gross floor area (GFA) of 2000 m2 or larger.
• Extensions to existing buildings which involve increasing GFA of the existing
buildings by 2000 m2 or larger.
• Building works which involve major retrofitting to existing buildings with
existing GFA of 2000 m2 or larger.
The code clearly states that existing buildings that have alterations made to them and do
not undertake major retrofitting works are not covered under this code.
The minimum standard for different credits was revised back in December 2010 to
provide more options for buildings to achieve the scores. Within each credit, the revised
code offers multiple options for achieving the points. This enhances flexibility. Since the
revision, the code has prescribed compliance methodology based on the date of
submission of the planning permission with the Urban Redevelopment Authority
(URA) and the relevant codes that may be applied are explained in Table 1.1.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
From 15 April 2008 to 30 November 2010 Code for Environmental Sustainability for
Buildings, 1st Edition, Apr 2008 issue
From 1 December 2010 to 14 Jan 2013 Code for Environmental Sustainability for
Buildings, 2nd Edition, Aug 2010 issue
Any mixed-use development which includes any industrial building, industrial retail
building, light industrial building, special industrial building, railway premises, port
services and facilities or airport services and facilities are exempted from this
environmental sustainability standard.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Building Control Act (Chapter 29): Building Control (Environmental Sustainability Measure for Exi
In the 90s, the energy efficiency standards for lighting and air-conditioning systems
were developed. Later in 2005, the Building and Construction Authority started the
green building drive in a big way, introducing the BCA Green Mark Scheme, which
was then followed by three successive Green Building Masterplans to guide the
development of green buildings. New minimum environmental sustainability standard
for both new and existing buildings were also introduced.
The launch of the BCA Green Mark scheme in 2005 formed the backbone of Singapore’s
first Green Building Masterplan. The new focus of the Green Building Masterplan was
to encourage, enable and to engage industry stakeholders in adopting new green
buildings. The Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP), which rolled out in
2006, has also been continually updated since its inception. The first version, which
looked at new buildings, encourage building developers to infuse sustainability as part
of a building’s lifecycle from the design stage onwards. As the built environment sector
embraced the idea of sustainable buildings, BCA then expanded its reach to green the
existing building stock. This involved engaging building owners and occupants of these
existing building to change their energy consumption behaviour. The target is to have
“at least 80% of buildings (by floor area) in Singapore to be green by 2030”.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
In 2018, BCA also launched the Super Low Energy (SLE) Building programme. The SLE
programme encourages firms to go beyond the existing Green Mark Platinum standards
and push the envelope of environmental sustainability in Singapore.
BCA and the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) have worked together to
develop the next edition of the SGBMP together with industry stakeholders and the
community. The new SGBMP captures our collective commitment to pursue more
ambitious sustainability targets and standards in the built environment.
The new SGBMP aspires to deliver three primary objectives of “80-80-80 in 2030”.
The earlier editions of the Green Building Masterplan had set a target of greening 80%
of Singapore’s buildings (by GFA) by 2030. To increase the greening of existing and new
buildings, BCA will publish the energy performance data of all buildings, starting with
commercial buildings in the second half of 2021. The owners of existing buildings will
therefore be able to compare their buildings’ energy performance against similar
building types to determine if additional actions are necessary to improve energy
To future-proof the building stock in Singapore, BCA will introduce new minimum
energy performance requirements for new buildings as well as existing buildings that
undergo major retrofit. These buildings are to be at least 50% and 40% more energy
efficient compared to 2005 levels respectively. This is comparable to the current Green
Mark Platinum standards.
(2) 80% of new developments by GFA to be Super Low Energy (SLE) buildings from 2030
To further push the boundaries of energy performance, BCA will be developing an eco-
system for SLE buildings. Under the new GreenGov.SG initiative, the Government and
its entities will continue to take the lead in bringing Super Low Energy buildings to the
mainstream. BCA will also be pursuing further initiatives to increase adoption of Super
Low Energy buildings in the private sector.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
From March 2021, the initiative known as Public Sector Taking the Lead in
Environmental Sustainability (PSTLES) will be refreshed and renamed as GreenGov.SG.
This will be a primary enabler of the Singapore Green Plan 2030 (SGBP 2030) and
reflects the cross- cutting role of the Government in supporting the national
sustainability agenda mapped out in the Green Plan. In this manner, the
Government will lead the way to pursue
(3) Achieving 80% improvement in energy efficiency for best-in-class green buildings by
Lastly, BCA will increase in its research and innovation efforts to expand the boundaries
of energy and building efficiency. Part of this effort involves the acceleration of the
deployment of cost-effective green technologies through the Green Buildings Innovation
Cluster (GBIC) programme. The GBIC programme supports the development and
deployment of green building solutions and technologies with high potential to be
adopted by the industry. GBIC has thus far, supported more than 60 innovative
technologies. BCA is also continuing in its endeavour to enhance further funding
support for the programme.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
• The impact of buildings on the environment can be summarised into the following:
◦ Land – Building site impacting the existing land including the
microenvironment and habitat.
◦ Embodied carbon – Energy used for extracting of material, manufacturing,
transporting, and constructing of building components
◦ Operational carbon – The energy consumed in buildings
◦ Waste – The generation of construction, demolition waste, and the general
waste generated during the building operation.
◦ Air Quality – the impact of indoor and outdoor air quality by the presence
of toxic materials such as paints, adhesives, and pest control insecticides
◦ Building maintenance and construction activities accounts for water
pollution and potential harm to the water catchments.
• The mitigation approaches for buildings can be summarised into the following:
◦ Regional Context, Location and Structure
◦ Design Efficiency
◦ Energy Efficiency
◦ Water Efficiency
◦ Resource Efficiency
◦ Quality of Indoor Environment
◦ Operations and Maintenance
◦ Optimisation, and Efficient Use of Systems
◦ Reduction of Waste and Toxic Materials
• The Building Control (Environmental Sustainability) Regulations 2008 applies to:
◦ All new buildings with a gross floor area of 2,000m2 or more
◦ Additions or extensions to existing buildings that involve increasing the
GFA by 2,000m2 or more
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Formative Assessment
1. A green building makes the best use of nature’s gift from the site and
microenvironment. Select the appropriate examples of a green building design.
□ a. Using renewable energy in the form of harnessing solar, wind, kinetic and
thermal power
□ b. Saving electricity by integrating passive design techniques
□ c. The use of advanced and suitable sustainable technologies
□ d. Design integration and optimization to minimize environmental impacts
2. The strategies of green building design differ from one location to another to
reflect and integrate with the specific geographic context. Select the appropriate
fundamental principles.
□ a. Regional Context, Location and Structure
□ b. Quality of the Indoor Environment
□ c. Operations and Maintenance
□ d. Optimisation and Efficient Use of Systems
3. The strategies of green building design differ from one location to another to
reflect and integrate with the specific geographic context. Select the appropriate
fundamental principles.
□ a. Energy Efficiency
□ b. Water Efficiency
□ c. Resource Efficiency
□ d. Reduction of Waste and Toxic Materials
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
7. Which of the following sections are part of the new Green Mark 2021 framework?
□ a. Intelligence, Health & Well-being
□ b. Energy Efficiency, Whole Life Carbon
□ c. Biophilic Integration, Infrastructure
□ d. Maintainability, Resilience
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
10. BCA launched the Super Low Energy (SLE) Building programme in 2018. State the
appropriate purpose.
□ a. This is to encourage firms to go beyond the existing Green Mark Platinum
□ b. This approach is to push the envelope of environmental sustainability in
□ c. This is to encourage firms to explore the renewable energy sources
□ d. This approach is to enhance the envelope thermal transfer value effectiveness
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Formative Assessment
1. A green building makes the best use of nature’s gift from the site and
microenvironment. Select the appropriate examples of a green building design.
□ a. Using renewable energy in the form of harnessing solar, wind, kinetic and
thermal power
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, History of Green Buildings.
2. The strategies of green building design differ from one location to another to
reflect and integrate with the specific geographic context. Select the appropriate
fundamental principles.
□ a. Regional Context, Location and Structure
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, History of Green Buildings.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
3. The strategies of green building design differ from one location to another to
reflect and integrate with the specific geographic context. Select the appropriate
fundamental principles.
□ a. Energy Efficiency
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, History of Green Buildings.
□ b. Water Efficiency
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, History of Green Buildings.
□ c. Resource Efficiency
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, History of Green Buildings.
□ c. The construction sector accounts for between 25% to 40% of the commodity
flow in selected OECD countries
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, The Need for Sustainability of
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
□ d. The building sector accounts for around two-third of the final energy
consumption in OECD countries
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter one, The Need for Sustainability of
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
b. 2010
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter two, Code of Environmental
Sustainability of Buildings.
c. 2008
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter two, Code of Environmental
Sustainability of Buildings.
d. 2005
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter two, Code of Environmental
Sustainability of Buildings.
7. Which of the following sections are part of the new Green Mark 2021 framework?
□ a. Intelligence, Health & Well-being
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter two, Code of Environmental
Sustainability of Buildings.
□ d. Maintainability, Resilience
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter two, Code of Environmental
Sustainability of Buildings.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
10. BCA launched the Super Low Energy (SLE) Building programme in 2018. State the
appropriate purpose.
□ a. This is to encourage firms to go beyond the existing Green Mark Platinum
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 1, chapter three, Green Building Masterplan.
FMT3 Overview of Green Buildings in
Gai, J. (2020, January 18). A brief history of sustainability. Joy of Sustainability. https://
SG Green Plan. (n.d.). . SG Green Plan.
Learning Outcomes
• Understand passive design strategies that would enable energy efficient building
design in the context of the tropics.
• Understand the fundamental principles behind the effective use of natural
ventilation in Singapore buildings.
FMT3 Passive Design
There are a number of passive design strategies that enable better energy efficiency in
tropical buildings. Reducing energy demand by doing things right from the outset is the
best way to move towards a stringent energy target.
FMT3 Passive Design
Lesson Recording
FMT3 Passive Design
ETTV value and hence the heat gain through the facades. Also, appropriate
measures to reduce the impact of diffused radiation needs to be considered.
b. Right window to wall ratio – Generally, international green standards
recommend a window to wall ratio (WWR) of 40%. Window to wall ratios
are directly correlated to ETTV and reducing the same is one of the most cost
effective means of reducing external heat gain.
c. Appropriate shading devices – Shading devices not only help in reducing the
direct radiation but also effectively reduce the incident diffused radiation and
hence are extremely an effective means of reducing heat gain through the
facades. Generally, north and south facing facades require only simple
overhangs to shade them from the high altitude sun angles. However, east and
west facades require a dynamically moving shading device design in order to
be protected.
d. Appropriate wall materials – The Air to air thermal transmittance value (U-
value) of wall materials plays a critical role in determining the conduction heat
gain through the facades. A U-value of less than 2 W/m2.K is recommended to
minimize the impact of conduction heat gain through the walls.
e. Appropriate glazing selection – Three properties are critical in selecting a
glazing type. They are:
i. Shading Coefficient (SC) value of glass – lower the value lower is the
radiation heat transmittance through the glazing
ii. Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) of glass – Higher the value, better
is the day light transmittance through the glazing
iii. U-value of glass – lower the value, lower is the conduction heat gain
through the glazing.
FMT3 Passive Design
Figure 2.1 showing an illustration of sun path in accordance with latitudes and
hence the corresponding response in terms of orientation
FMT3 Passive Design
FMT3 Passive Design
Figure 2.3 showing different kinds of shading and the corresponding impacts
External façade finishes play an important role in determining the amount of heat
conducted through the façade.
• The term solar reflectance (SR) designates the total reflectance of a surface,
considering the hemispherical reflectance of radiation, integrated over the solar
spectrum, including specular and diffused reflection.
FMT3 Passive Design
• The infrared emittance (e) specifies how well a surface radiates energy away from
itself as compared with a black body operating at the same temperature.
• The Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) is a measure of a surfaces' (roof) ability to reject
solar heat, as shown by a small temperature rise. It is defined so that a standard
black (reflectance 0.05, emittance 0.90) is 0 and a standard white (reflectance 0.80,
emittance 0.90) is 100. (Source: LBNL Cool Roofing Materials Database)
Figure 2.4 showing the use of high SRI finishes enables a reduction of the
surface temperature of the roof and similar effects have been perceived in earlier
studies on facades as well.
Source: LBNL
FMT3 Passive Design
• When the temperature become warmer, they liquefy, absorb and store heat, thus
cooling the space.
• When the temperature drops, the material will solidify and give off heat,
warming the space at night.
FMT3 Passive Design
Therefore, there is always a constant conflict between light and heat in spaces. The
objective in maximizing daylight is to only avail the visible light quantity in to space
excluding the heat component. However, many times, excluding the heat from the
exterior becomes prioritized and hence daylighting suffers badly. Most buildings in
Singapore designed with glass facades end up with blinds all through the day. Figure 2.7
below show sample images of the same.
Figure 2.7 showing that glazed facades are covered with blinds and curtains
A good design for daylighting enable glare control and allow for light redirection in
to deeper spaces. In conjunction with the above daylighting strategy, the colours of the
interior systems and the design of the same should also synergize in order to harvest
the maximized daylighting potential within a space. Most often, achieving a 3 – 5m
penetration of usable daylight within a space in Singapore becomes a challenge to the
FMT3 Passive Design
b. Vertical green facades add on layers of resistance to the solid walls and help in
reducing the U-value of the walls. This enables reduction of the conduction
heat gain through the facades.
c. Vertical green walls are used as replacements to screens in front of glass
windows, to create a porous, breathing and shading system in front of
windows. This enhances the shading percentage on the glazing and hence
substantially reduces the amount of incident radiation on the façade. However,
care has to be taken to ensure that the lighting is not adversely affected in
Figure 2.8 showing a building with a green façade in Singapore, Credit: SAA architects
• Wind velocity
◦ Wind ventilation is not effective unless wind speed is in excess of 2.5 m/s
• Wind direction
FMT3 Passive Design
◦ Wind direction changes on a daily basis or seasonal basis, so you design for
the majority of the year.
• Temperature difference
◦ As the temperature difference increases, the density of air decreases, air rises.
◦ Temperature difference between inside and outside of the building, and
between different areas of the building, create pressure differences and in
turn air movement. (STACK EFFECT)
Figure 2.9 showing the different air flow patterns around different geometries
Figure 2.10 showing different airflow profiles around buildings in pressure driven
FMT3 Passive Design
Figure 2.11 showing stack ventilation in buildings (wind flow by thermal buoyancy)
FMT3 Passive Design
FMT3 Passive Design
Table 2.1 illustrating the different bands of air movement requirements for a tropical space to be naturally
The study above shows that an indoor space could be deemed comfortable at 31 deg
C with 65% RH at a wind speed of 0.6 m/s. Green mark rating system
( greenmark ) stipulates the indoor spaces in naturally ventilated
areas to achieve an average wind speed of 0.6 m/s in order to satisfy the criteria of
water taps” national strategy to wean the nation’s reliance on water imports1. The target
is to achieve 95% local water generation by 2060. The “4 water taps” are:
FMT3 Passive Design
In addition to the above 4 water taps, PUB also aims to reduce the per capita water
consumption from 160 litres per person per day in 2005 to 130 litres person per day by
For the built environment, there are several ways to support the national water
conservation efforts. These include:
Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is usually done on site. This requires the design to identify the
“catchment areas” within the development, spaces where the rainwater can be
channelled to a storage or holding area to be recycled.
These “catchment areas” are often large open spaces like rooftops, landscaping areas
and gardens as well as paved areas. Depending on the development, the water is then
channelled to a storage tank that is housed within the development.
Once stored, the water can then be used for non-potable purposes such as the washing
of common areas, flushing of sanitary appliances as well as irrigation of landscapes and
Before the rainwater can be reused though, it has to comply with PUB’s
requirements, stated in this document here (
GuidanceNotes.pdf). Some of the requirements include the management of water
quality as well as proper discharge.
FMT3 Passive Design
Ken Yeang’s eco-design book that discusses bioclimatic design for the tropics
Activity 2.1
Use a wind anemometer and measure the wind velocities along the following points within a HDB esta
Outdoor area
Void deck
Master Bed room
Living room
Guest room
FMT3 Passive Design
This unit has provided a summary of the passive design strategies deployable in
tropical buildings. Natural ventilation in tropical buildings is dealt in detail in order to
assess the parameters necessary to make natural ventilation work in Singapore
FMT3 Passive Design
Formative Assessment
1. What are the various factors you should consider when designing for a building
façade in the tropics?
a. Orientation of the building, appropriate shading devices, use of renewable
energy, selection of materials
b. Orientation of the building, appropriate shading devices, right window to
wall ratio, selection of materials
c. Site selection, appropriate shading devices, use of renewable energy,
selection of materials
d. Site selection, right window to wall ratio, use of renewable energy, selection
of materials
FMT3 Passive Design
5. What are some of the various factors to consider when designing for good indoor
natural daylighting?
a. VLT and SC values of the glazing material, orientation of the building,
colours of the building exterior
b. Glare control, redirection of daylight, orientation of the building, colours of
the building exterior
c. VLT of the glazing material, glare control, sunshading devices, colours of the
building interior
d. Glare control, redirection of daylight, VLT and SC values of the glazing
material, colours of the building interior
FMT3 Passive Design
b. Provision of an inlet and outlet, distance between inlet and outlet should be
less than 15m, appropriate position of the inlets and outlets as well as size of
c. Provision of an inlet and outlet, distance between inlet and outlet should be
less than 12m, appropriate position of the inlets and outlets as well as size of
d. Provision of an inlet and outlet, distance between inlet and outlet should be
less than 15m, appropriate position of the inlets and outlets as well as size of
inlets and outlets
9. As part of the national strategy to conserve water, what is the target PUB is aiming
to achieve with regards to water consumption on a per capita basis by 2030?
a. 120 litres/per person/per day
b. 125 litres/per person/per day
c. 130 litres/per person/per day
d. 135 litres/per person/per day
10. What is not considered to be an effective catchment area for rainwater to be recycled?
a. Open rooftops
b. Internal common corridors and lobbies
c. Hardscapes surrounding a building
d. Open turfed area within the site
FMT3 Passive Design
Formative Assessment
1. What are the various factors you should consider when designing for a building
façade in the tropics?
a. Orientation of the building, appropriate shading devices, use of renewable
energy, selection of materials
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
b. ETTV is the total light transmittance gain through the unit area of the
façade. Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
c. ETTV is the total peak heat gain through the total area of the
façade. Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
d. ETTV is the total light transmittance gain through the total area of the façade.
FMT3 Passive Design
c. When the temperature become warmer, they liquefy, absorb and store heat,
thus cooling the space.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
d. When the temperature drops, the material will solidify and give off heat
and light, warming and illuminating the space at night.
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
FMT3 Passive Design
5. What are some of the various factors to consider when designing for good indoor
natural daylighting?
a. VLT and SC values of the glazing material, orientation of the building,
colours of the building exterior
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
d. It helps to reduce both the U-value and SC values of the exterior building
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
FMT3 Passive Design
b. Provision of an inlet and outlet, distance between inlet and outlet should be
less than 15m, appropriate position of the inlets and outlets as well as size
of outlets
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
c. Provision of an inlet and outlet, distance between inlet and outlet should be
less than 12m, appropriate position of the inlets and outlets as well as size
of outlets
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
d. Provision of an inlet and outlet, distance between inlet and outlet should be
less than 15m, appropriate position of the inlets and outlets as well as size
of inlets and outlets
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
FMT3 Passive Design
9. As part of the national strategy to conserve water, what is the target PUB is aiming
to achieve with regards to water consumption on a per capita basis by 2030?
a. 120 litres/per person/per day
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
10. What is not considered to be an effective catchment area for rainwater to be recycled?
a. Open rooftops
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 2, Chapter 1.
FMT3 Passive Design
Green building platinum series. (n.d.). Building planning and massing. https://
Yeang, K. (2006). Ecodesign: A manual for ecological design. Wiley Academy.
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the various active systems in buildings and the key performance
indicators associated with the energy performance of the system
2. Understand the various forms of renewable energy sources available and
deployable in buildings of Singapore.
FMT3 Active Design
Most buildings rely on purchased grid energy and these are traditionally generated by
power stations via the burning of fossil fuels such as coal. However, the process of
burning these fuel sources spew out greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere and thus, contribute to climate change.
“Renewable energy is energy that is derived from natural processes that are replenished
constantly”. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy does not pollute the environment as
they generally do not produce harmful greenhouse gases. Some examples of renewable
energy sources are solar, wind, water (in the form of tides and waves), biomass and
geothermal energy. The potential to generate energy from renewable sources is largely
dependent on the location as well as availability of these natural resources.
Unfortunately, most of these natural resources are either not available or in inadequate
amounts in Singapore for us to harness from.
FMT3 Active Design
Typically, a large air conditioning system within a building has two different systems
Chilled water-based systems have become popular for large-sized installations due to
the enhanced energy performance of these systems. In typical office buildings nearly
60% of the building’s energy footprint is attributable to air conditioning systems. There
are four components that consume energy under the water side:
1. Chiller
2. Chilled water pumps
FMT3 Active Design
Figure 3.1 showing the overall configuration of a chiller plant and air handling system
• Air
• Water
• Evaporative condensed chiller
There are four sub-categories in each of the above categories for chillers:
• Reciprocating
• Centrifugal
• Screw driven
• Absorption
FMT3 Active Design
The first three types are mechanical chillers which are powered by electric motors,
steam, or gas turbines. An absorption chiller is powered by a heat source such as steam
and uses no moving parts.
The Coefficient of Performance - COP - is the basic unit less parameter used to report
the efficiency of refrigerant based systems. For cooling, COP is defined as the ratio of the
rate of heat removal to the rate of energy input to the compressor.
The Coefficient of Performance - COP - is the ratio between useful energy acquired and
energy applied and can be expressed as:
COP = Eu / Ea
Ea =Energy applied
The term kW/ton is commonly used for large commercial and industrial air-
conditioning, heat pumps and refrigeration systems. The term is defined as the ratio of
the rate of energy consumption in kW to the rate of heat removal in tons at the rated
condition. The lower the kW/ton, the more efficient the system.
BCA’s Green Mark rating system limits the minimum design system efficiency (DSE) of
building cooling systems, as follows:
FMT3 Active Design
Table 3.1 Types of building cooling systems and related cooling loads (RT)
• In chilled water systems, centrifugal pumps are the prime movers that create the
differential pressure necessary to circulate water through the chilled and
condenser water distribution system. Primary only and Primary-secondary
pumping systems are two different pumping systems in practice.
• Primary-only systems usually cost less and take up less space than primary-
secondary systems, and with variable-speed drives, primary-only systems also
typically use less pump energy than traditional (non-distributed) primary-
secondary systems.
• The pump energy savings are due to the following:
◦ Reduced system head as a result of the elimination of the extra set of
pumps and related piping and devices (shut-off valves, strainers, suction
diffusers, check valves, etc.).
◦ More efficient pumps.
◦ Variable flow through the evaporator, which allows flow to drop below
design flow down to some minimum flow rate
◦ Near “cube-law” performance of variable-speed drives that yield
significant energy savings for even small reductions in flow.
• A primary-secondary system is probably a better choice for buildings where fail-
safe operation is essential or on-site operating staff is unsophisticated or non-
FMT3 Active Design
• Under the green mark rating system for non-residential buildings version 4.1, the
limiting power consumption of the pumps are as given below:
◦ Chilled water pump power limitation shall be 349 kW/m3/s.
◦ Condenser water pump power limitation shall be 301 kW/m3/s.
Cooling Towers
• Cooling towers use the internal heat to vaporize the water in what is called an
adiabatic saturation process.
• A cooling tower’s purpose is to expose as much water surface area to air as
possible to promote the evaporation of the water.
• The performance of a cooling tower is a function of the ambient wet-bulb
temperature, entering water temperature, air flow and water flow.
• The dry-bulb temperature has an insignificant effect on the performance of a
cooling tower. “Nominal” cooling tower tons are the capacity based on a 3 gpm
flow, 95°F entering water temperature, 85°F leaving water temperature, and 78°F
entering wet-bulb temperature. For these conditions the range is 10°F (95-85) and
the approach is 7°F (85-78).
• Under the BCA’s Green Mark rating system for non-residential buildings (NRB)
version 4.1, the limiting power consumption of a cooling tower is given as
◦ For propeller and axial fans, cooling towers performance shall not be less
than 3.23 L/s/kW
◦ For centrifugal fan cooling towers, the performance shall not be less than
1.7 L/s/kW.
FMT3 Active Design
The air side has the “fan energy” that needs to be accounted for. Generally, air side
systems have two different components of air namely, outdoor air (OA) and return air
(RA). Although OA is a small component of the total air flow, it generally consumes
more energy to cool and dehumidify outdoor air. Hence, monitoring and supplying
adequate outdoor air as demanded is essential to control the energy consumed by the air
distribution system. Depending on whether the air distribution system has a constant or
variable air volume, the limiting efficiencies of the system are spelt out in SS 553 – Code
of Practice for Air- conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation in buildings.
FMT3 Active Design
Green Mark for non-residential buildings suggests two different options to cap the
maximum system efficiency of fans in an air handling unit.
Option 1:
Using SS 553: 2009 Table 8 – Fan power limitation, in which large fans are allowed a
motor name plate power of 0.47 W/cmh and smaller fans have no baseline. Fans with a
name plate motor power of < 4 kW are termed as small fans.
Option 2:
Using Fan system Input power (ASHRAE 90.1: 2010 Clause which caps the
allowable fan system input power at 0.42 W/cmh for larger fans and at 0.17 W/cmh for
small fans.
Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) are thus often used in an electric motor to lower the
energy consumption.
FMT3 Active Design
Figure 3.3 showing motor energy savings with a Variable Speed Drive
• VSDs are variable motor controllers that allow the speed of any three-phase
electric motor to be throttled anywhere from 0 to 120% of its normal rated speed.
The speed is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).
• VSDs help to increase efficiency by throttling the motor speed to be operated at
the optimum speed for differing load conditions. In many situations, VSDs can
help lower motor electricity consumption by as much as 30-60%.
• Most electric motors can be mated with a VSD to achieve energy savings.
However, the highest energy savings are often observed when VSDs are mated to
fan motors and pumping system motors. This is largely due to the fact that most
of these systems are often oversized or have to respond to widely differing load
• For many of these systems, the excess capacity generated is still handled by
mechanically throttling the airflow with either valves or dampers. However, with
VSDs and by altering the speed of the electric motors that power these fans
and pump systems, they are able to align with optimized system loads and
configurations while being able to capture the energy efficiency benefits offered
by the so-called “Fan Laws” at the same time.
• The Fan Laws state that the power required by most fans or pumps varies with
the cube of speed but that output varies directly with speed. For example, if a fan
load is 50% of its total capacity during some periods of its operation, the fan’s
speed can
FMT3 Active Design
be reduced to 50% to exactly meet that load, while the fan power is reduced by over
85% = ((1 - 0.53)*100%).
• The most effective way of recovering energy from ventilation and air –
conditioning systems is to make use of recirculated air.
• Common uses (or 'sinks') for recovered heat include:
◦ pre-heating combustion air for boilers, ovens, furnaces, and so on
◦ pre-heating fresh air used to ventilate the building
◦ hot water generation, including pre-heating boiler feed water
◦ space heating
◦ drying
◦ other industrial process heating/pre-heating
◦ power generation.
• The various technologies available for heat recovery in ventilation systems and
their corresponding efficiencies are given below:
◦ Plate heat exchanger - 55% - 60%
FMT3 Active Design
Lighting Power Density (LPD) is the general term used to express the density of lighting
wattage used within a typical space.
The typical lighting power densities of various spaces that are typically used as baseline
is given in SS 530 and the tabulation below is extracted from the same.
Table 3.2 shows the baseline lighting power densities of some of the typical spaces
found in buildings
Source: SS 530 – Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency standard for building services and equipment
FMT3 Active Design
For luminaires in buildings, the illuminance, lamp efficacies and the light output ratios
shall follow those that are spelt out in SS 531: Part 1 – Code of practice for lighting of
work places – indoor.
Fully enclosed basement and above-ground car parks must employ mechanical
ventilation systems that achieve the minimum operating standards as follows:
Mechanical ventilation systems have been using ducts to carry air around until soffit-
mounted jet or impulse fans were introduced. The former lost much favour to the latter
due to its high costs and visually intrusive characteristics. Soffit-mounted fans control
the airflow both at floor and ceiling heights unlike ducts.
FMT3 Active Design
Receptacle loads vary in terms of extent and diversity depending on the type of
building. ASHRAE 90.1 standard gives the indicative receptacle loads for different types
of building types and the tabulation below shows the same for a few types of spaces:
Source: SS 530 –Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency standard for building services and equipment
FMT3 Active Design
There are primarily five types of renewable energy sources that are more suited for the
tropics namely
1. Photovoltaics
2. Geothermal Energy
3. Biomass
4. Hydrogen
5. Wind Energy
2.1 Photovoltaics
• Photovoltaics (PV), or otherwise known as solar cells, is an energy source that
provides clean, quiet and pollution free energy which generates an electrical
potential output when light falls on it. 1 square metre of PV panels will be able to
generate approximately an average of 100 watts of electrical energy.
• There are three types of PV being produced and in wide use today, namely
monocrystalline silicon (single crystal)), polycrystalline silicon (gallium-arsenide
cells), and amorphous silicon cells. The efficiencies of the different PV cells have
been tabulated below.
• In terms of cost the single-crystal (monocrystalline) solar cells cost more than
polycrystalline and amorphous cells. Polycrystalline cells use metallurgical-grade
silicon that is cheaper compared to the energy consuming semiconductor grade
silicon used in monocrystalline cells.
• Manufacturing processes for amorphous PV cells use far less material than other
cell types and the product of this could be applied as a thin film to a variety of
materials. These thin film panels have shown promising efficiencies as high as
20%. Furthermore, the development of amorphous panels has led to
architecturally integrated solar cells.
FMT3 Active Design
• The main component of the solar PV cell array is the power inverter. It functions
in transforming direct current (DC) produced by the solar cells to alternating
current (AC) at grid voltage.
• Predominantly PV panels are connected directly to the main power grid and this
has been found to be advantageous and cost effective compared to having to own
and maintain a bank of costly batteries for electrical storage.
• Recent developments in the field of PV is the use of nanotechnology in producing
nanocrystals that absorb sunlight and turn it into a high efficient flow of electrons
compared to the less efficient conventional solar cells.
• A recent similar development is the Graetzel cell, which is a dye molecule used to
capture the energy from sunlight. When light is incident on this cell, its molecules
get excited to a higher state and at this state the molecule separates the charge by
passing an electron from the dye molecule to a nanoparticle of a white crystal of
titanium dioxide.
As part of the sustainable drive in Singapore, many new developments are including
photovoltaics as part of the overall design. This is known as Building Integrated
FMT3 Active Design
Photovoltaics or BIPV. There are several advantages to this as opposed to doing it later,
during the building’s lifespan:
Developments with BIPV often integrates the PV into the structure, which allows for the
larger, heavier and more efficient monocrystalline cells. Often, these would be found on
the rooftops, although they can also be installed along the facades.
Figure 3.5 BIPV installation on roof (left, Sentosa Cove) and façade (right, Keppel
Solar Leasing
Aside from on-site installation of PV and generation, there are other alternatives that
building owners can pursue.
PV panels, despite the lowering of costs, are still not cheap to install. One avenue that
building owners can pursue is rooftop leasing. What this means is that if the
development has adequate space on the rooftop for PV installation, the building owner
can enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a company like Sunseap
( Solar PPAs allow the building owners to utilize solar energy
without having to pay any
FMT3 Active Design
upfront investment cost. Depending on the agreement, solar PPAs can sometimes fully
finance the solar systems, as well as cover the installation and maintenance.
Another alternative for building owners is to directly purchase renewable energy from
electricity retailers without having the need (or space) to have on-site PV panels. One
example is the Apple Inc. In 2018, Apple announced that all of its operations 1, be it
offices, data centres or retail outlets, are powered by renewables. Many of its retail
outlets, including the Apple Store in Orchard Road, uses renewable energy directly
Lesson Recording
FMT3 Active Design
2.3 Biomass
• Biomass is a form of agricultural and industrial waste that can be used to
generate electricity, to electrolyse water and produce hydrogen. It is any organic
substance available, which stores solar energy by the process of photosynthesis in
the presence of sunlight.
• Biomass in Singapore is mainly derived from food waste, horticultural waste,
waste paper and wood waste. Once compiled, the waste is then transported to the
local waste-to-energy plants for conversion into energy.
• Bio-energy is the energy obtained from Biomass. SembCorp is one of the
companies which has implemented biomass to generate electricity and process
• Another form of bio-energy can be obtained from bio-diesel, which is generated
from either waste food or waste cooking oil. This energy is usually harnessed in
waste-to-energy plants or cogeneration power plants.
2.4 Hydrogen
• Hydrogen fuel cells are devices that generate electricity via a chemical reaction in
which hydrogen is required for the fuel cell to function.
• In principle, a fuel cell operates much like a traditional battery. Unlike a
traditional battery though, a hydrogen fuel cell does not require recharging but
will continue to function and generate energy as long as hydrogen is provided.
The energy produced is in the form of electrical charges and heat.
• Typically, a single hydrogen fuel cell can only generate power outputs of dozens
or hundreds of watts. For operations in a building or a vehicle, many of these
FMT3 Active Design
FMT3 Active Design
FMT3 Active Design
Table 3.5 shows the typical installation capacities and efficiency percentages of different renewable energy
Read on Introduction to Fuel Cell-Micro CHP Technology for Commercial & Residential Bldg
Activity 3.1
Work out the typical energy consumption of a landed home and calculate the quantity of solar pow
Also, work out the actual roof area required for the solar cells to meet the net zero target
FMT3 Active Design
Activity 3.2
Read on regenerative drives for lifts and attempt the MCQ questions attached therewith:
Activity 3.3
Read the article and video attached and understand how jet fans work:
FMT3 Active Design
The unit gives an overview of active systems in buildings and the corresponding
energy indices that correspond to the performance of the system in the context of the
whole building. It also introduces the various renewable sources of energy possible for
deployment in tropical buildings.
FMT3 Active Design
Formative Assessment
1. What are the recommended indoor physical parameters for good thermal comfort
and IAQ, according to ASHRAE?
a. Temperature – 22.5⁰C to 25.5⁰C, Relative Humidity ≤70%, Air velocity
≤0.25m/ s
b. Temperature – 21.5⁰C to 26.5⁰C, Relative Humidity ≤70%, Air velocity
≤0.35m/ s
c. Temperature – 22.5⁰C to 25.5⁰C, Relative Humidity ≤60%, Air velocity
≤0.35m/ s
d. Temperature – 22.5⁰C to 25.5⁰C, Relative Humidity ≤80%, Air velocity
≤0.35m/ s
2. Which of the following mechanical chillers are powered by electric motors, steam
or gas turbines?
a. Reciprocating, Screw driven, Absorption
b. Centrifugal, Screw driven, Absorption
c. Reciprocating, Centrifugal, Screw driven
d. Reciprocating, Centrifugal, Absorption
3. What is the minimum design system efficiency (kW/RT) for a water-cooled chiller
plant serving a building with a cooling load of more than 500RT?
a. 0.85
b. 0.80
c. 0.75
d. 0.70
4. According to SS530: Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency standard for building
services and equipment, what is the lighting power density (LPD) for an office
FMT3 Active Design
a. 15W/m2
b. 12W/m2
c. 10W/m2
d. 8W/m2
5. What are the minimum operating standards for basement or aboveground car park
ramps with regards to air changes per hour?
a. At least six air changes per hour
b. At least eight air changes per hour
c. At least ten air changes per hour
d. At least twelve air changes per hour
FMT3 Active Design
10. Which of the following statements is not true about solar leasing?
a. Solar PPAs allow building owners to lease out their free rooftop spaces for
PV installation.
b. Solar PPAs allow the building owners to utilize solar energy without having
to pay any upfront investment cost.
c. Building owners can opt to purchase renewable energy directly from any
electricity retailer.
d. Solar PPAs are not popular as they usually cost more than installing on-site
PV panels
FMT3 Active Design
Formative Assessment
1. What are the recommended indoor physical parameters for good thermal comfort
and IAQ, according to ASHRAE?
a. Temperature – 22.5⁰C to 25.5⁰C, Relative Humidity ≤70%, Air velocity
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
2. Which of the following mechanical chillers are powered by electric motors, steam
or gas turbines?
a. Reciprocating, Screw driven, Absorption
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter
FMT3 Active Design
3. What is the minimum design system efficiency (kW/RT) for a water-cooled chiller
plant serving a building with a cooling load of more than 500RT?
a. 0.85
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
b. 0.80
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
c. 0.75
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
d. 0.70
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
4. According to SS530: Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency standard for building
services and equipment, what is the lighting power density (LPD) for an office
a. 15W/m2
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
b. 12W/m2
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
c. 10W/m2
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
d. 8W/m2
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 1.
5. What are the minimum operating standards for basement or aboveground car park
ramps with regards to air changes per hour?
FMT3 Active Design
b. 100W of energy
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
FMT3 Active Design
c. 1kW of energy
FMT3 Active Design
d. 10kW of energy
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
b. Poly-crystalline silicon
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
10. Which of the following statements is not true about solar leasing?
FMT3 Active Design
a. Solar PPAs allow building owners to lease out their free rooftop spaces for
PV installation.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
b. Solar PPAs allow the building owners to utilize solar energy without
having to pay any upfront investment cost.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
c. Building owners can opt to purchase renewable energy directly from any
electricity retailer.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
d. Solar PPAs are not popular as they usually cost more than installing on-site
PV panels
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 3, Chapter 2.
FMT3 Active Design
FMT3 Active Design
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Learning Outcomes
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
• Simple – many pre-requisites have been removed, and the criteria have been
restructured to two broad categories: (1) Energy Efficiency (the only prerequisite)
and (2) Sustainability sections covering Intelligence, Health and Well-being,
Whole life Carbon, Maintainability and Resilience.
• Sustainable – the GM: 2021 criteria have been aligned to meet the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), pushing the energy
efficiency envelope to mainstream Super Low Energy buildings, and recognising
the future requirements from various sustainable finance taxonomies.
• Smart – GM: 2021 keeps digitalisation efforts in mind to facilitate easy, seamless
and secure certification processes.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Globally, consensus is for Green Buildings to be defined through several key issues
BCA has identified the key aspects within these issues, which are relevant to the
marketplace, and translated them into the delivery of the UN SDGs, in alignment with
longer-term sustainable finance considerations. These have been contextualised into the
criteria to define the sustainability sections.
These sections, in addition to energy, are Intelligence (smart buildings), Health and
Wellbeing (the mental, physical and sociological aspects of buildings and their
operation), Whole Life Carbon (which looks at the embodied carbon, construction,
fit out and supports corporate plans to transition to zero carbon), Maintainability (the
design for safe and effective maintenance) and Resilience (nature-based solutions and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
GM: 2021 In-Operation is a simplified version of GM: 2021 for projects that have
previously been assessed and fully certified under Green Mark that have demonstrated
their holistic environmental performance. GM: 2021 In Operation tracks the key
performance indicators, based on actual operational data to ensure the building is
performing in its operation to the same GM 2021 standard.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Project teams can choose either to follow the Green Mark GoldPLUS or Platinum
certification, or Green Mark SLE certification.
For Green Mark In-Operation there is a Green Mark Gold level of certification, to
encourage projects certified under our legacy Green Mark certification tools to continue
to demonstrate their high levels of environmental performance.
Where projects achieve at least 10 GM points in a sustainability section, the BCA GM:
2021 Certificate would have a special mention of the achievement via a ‘badge’ being
awarded. The project team may use a combination of, or individually the associated
logo or graphic along with the BCA Green Mark Logo and level of award in their
marketing collaterals and materials related to the certified building, show casing their
exemplary performance in an area of sustainability.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
1. Off-site REC procurement is only applicable for projects meeting energy saving ≥60%.
REC’s must be generated in Singapore through renewables deployed within Singapore.
2. GM: 2021 includes other sustainable requirement regulated by other agencies
including BCA’s Building Control (Environmental Sustainability) Regulations 2008
and Building Control (Environmental Sustainability Measures for Existing Buildings)
Regulation 2013. Meeting these regulated requirements would have deemed meeting at
least 50 GM points.
3. Building projects that are subject to the Government Land sales, it is a mandatory
requirement to also meet the Building Control (Environmental Sustainability)
Regulations 2008 before Green Mark certification could be conferred.
4. Gold rating is only applicable to projects applying for GM: 2021 In Operation
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Some of the high cost, yet good return strategies in an existing building retrofit includes:
• In general practice, ACMV systems consume most of the energy and hence from
experience, it is found that working with ACMV systems in existing buildings
give you the highest advantage in terms of energy savings as well.
Lighting ECMs
• Higher LPDs not only contribute to the increased lighting energy consumption
but also to the increased cooling load and hence increase air conditioning energy
Envelope ECMs
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
• Typically, facades take up a high percentage of the construction cost and hence
retrofitting facades also is associated with a major renovation of the building and
is possibly perceived as an extremely high-cost item.
• Hence, in general, the pay back from the façade is not deemed extremely attractive.
Electrical ECM
• Sometimes, smaller initiatives could fetch larger benefits in existing buildings. For
instance, having control over how much is consumed. An intelligent, automated
system that is tuned to the operations of the building controlling all electrical
systems gives great energy saving opportunities in buildings.
• The building systems could be primarily divided into four categories namely
structural, envelope, mechanical and electrical and interior systems.
• Of these four, although interior systems have the least impact in terms of
energy savings potential, they become an essential consideration in managing the
integrated performance of the overall building.
• A good design needs to be operationalized the same way. Many green buildings
fail due to improper operations.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
• Data driven and flexible – aligned to real project performance with validated
data. Flexible routes for projects to demonstrate their performance.
• Outcome based – full recognition of passive design strategies and renewable
energy systems contribution to energy savings.
• Supportive of innovation, and encourages the use of new technologies,
approaches and solutions to energy performance.
Total Building annual energy consumption over the gross floor area of the building (kWh/
m2/yr). Based on:
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Key performance metrics (ingredients) that make an energy efficient project. All aspects
must be met individually.
• Any shortfall in performance can be made up with the use of onsite renewables,
subject to the building typology multiplication factor.
• For projects utilising a District Cooling System (DCS) the airside performance
shall be used in lieu of Total System Efficiency (TSE) and shall be as follows:
Demonstrated energy savings following the Green Mark Energy Modelling guideline
which looks at holistic energy performance against a reference model. The default
pathway for projects not covered in Table 1A (refer to link on GM2021 EE section
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Read GM2021 Energy Efficiency Section (Simplified) on the energy requirements on the different bui
Read in conjunction with the above Section.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
The GM 2021 Intelligence section (In) has been created looking at the core principles of a
smart building, looking at integration of systems, processes and technology, the
collection of relevant data and the analytics of this with a view to direct response to
improve aspects of the building performance from energy optimisation, health and
wellbeing to spatial optimisation and user experience.
This section explores the recognition of robust smart building certification systems, and
similar to the Resilience and Health and Wellbeing Sections allowing them to be used in
lieu of the criteria listed below.
This section should be read in conjunction with its Technical Guide (Intelligence Section
Technical Guide).
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
New Existing
i. Share basic information – follow (i) 0.5 Points (i) 0.5 Points
Common Energy Dashboard data
requirements to share basic
information and data.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
ii. Physical and virtual asset information (ii) 1 Point (ii) 2 Points
tagging system aligned with common
data environment that allows for
tracking of maintenance work,
repairs, refurbishments or upgrades,
replacement, decommissioning,
risk assessments, and performance
evaluations of the physical asset to be
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
Smart Cities Council - Guidance Note on Digital Twins
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
The Energy Efficiency Section offers 3 pathways for new and in-operation buildings,
• IN1: Integrated
• IN2: Data Driven
• IN3: Responsive
• IN4: Innovation
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Formative Assessment
1. What are the key sustainability drivers for Green Mark: 2021?
a. Affordable and clean energy, reduced inequalities, life on land
b. Climate action, good health and well-being, resources and circularity
c. Good health and well-being, responsible consumption and production,
industry innovation and infrastructure
d. Decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities
and communities
3. In order to achieve Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy certification, what are
is the energy savings you need to meet?
a. ≥ 40% energy savings
b. ≥ 50% energy savings
c. ≥ 60% energy savings
d. ≥ 70% energy savings
4. How many points do you need to score in a sustainability section in order to earn
a badge?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 15
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
5. For Energy Efficiency, which pathway(s) is available for new High Tech Industrial
a. Only Pathway 1: Energy Use Index is available
b. Both Pathway 1: Energy Use Index and Pathway 3: Energy Savings are
c. Both Pathway 2: Fixed Metrics and Pathway 3: Energy Savings are available
d. All 3 pathways are available
6. For buildings not listed in the table under the Energy Efficiency section, what is the
default pathway available?
a. Pathway 1: Energy Use Index
b. Pathway 2: Fixed Metrics
c. Pathway 3: Energy Savings
d. None of the pathways are available; projects would need to be assessed on
customized matrix.
8. How many points can you score under IN1: Integrated of the GM:2021 Intelligence
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 17
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
9. Which of the following systems or criteria fall under IN2 Data Driven subsection of
the GM: 2021 Intelligence Section?
a. Common Data Environment, Digital Life Cycle
b. Asset Information Model, Digital Twins
c. User Experience, Asset Information Model
d. Digital Twins, User Experience
10. Under IN3.1 Real Time Performance, what are the following data is monitored and
a. Energy and water consumption, indoor air quality, waste disposal
b. Energy and water consumption, indoor air quality, number of emails sent
and received
c. Energy and water consumption, space utilisation, waste disposal
d. Energy consumption, indoor air quality, space utilisation
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Formative Assessment
1. What are the key sustainability drivers for Green Mark: 2021?
a. Affordable and clean energy, reduced inequalities, life on
land Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
b. Resilience
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
3. In order to achieve Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy certification, what are
is the energy savings you need to meet?
a. ≥ 40% energy savings
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
4. How many points do you need to score in a sustainability section in order to earn
a badge?
a. 8
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
b. 10
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
c. 12
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
d. 15
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Certification Standards
5. For Energy Efficiency, which pathway(s) is available for new High Tech Industrial
a. Only Pathway 1: Energy Use Index is available
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Energy Efficiency
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
b. Both Pathway 1: Energy Use Index and Pathway 3: Energy Savings are
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Energy Efficiency Section
c. Both Pathway 2: Fixed Metrics and Pathway 3: Energy Savings are available
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Energy Efficiency Section
6. For buildings not listed in the table under the Energy Efficiency section, what is the
default pathway available?
a. Pathway 1: Energy Use Index
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Energy Efficiency Section
b. 105%
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Energy Efficiency
Section c. 110%
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
d. 115%
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Energy Efficiency Section
8. How many points can you score under IN1: Integrated of the GM:2021 Intelligence
a. 5
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence Section
b. 10
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence Section
c. 15
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence Section
d. 17
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence Section
9. Which of the following systems or criteria fall under IN2 Data Driven subsection of
the GM: 2021 Intelligence Section?
a. Common Data Environment, Digital Life Cycle
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
10. Under IN3.1 Real Time Performance, what are the following data is monitored and
a. Energy and water consumption, indoor air quality, waste
disposal Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence Section
b. Energy and water consumption, indoor air quality, number of emails sent
and received
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Intelligence Section
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Scheme - Overview. Green Mark: 2021.
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Certification Standard. Green Mark:
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Energy Efficiency Section. Green Mark:
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Energy Efficiency Section
Technical Guide (including Super Low Energy Section). Green Mark:
buildsg/ sustainability/20211206_energy-technical-guide_r1.pdf
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 – Introduction to GM2021, Energy Efficiency (EE) and
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Learning Outcomes
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
The world’s resources are finite. With the rapid urbanisation that is occurring within the
last century, we find that it is critical that work is needed to look into the conservation
of these limited resources. Thus, the sections on Whole Life Carbon as well as Resilience
look at how conservation and sustainable practices are put in place to responsibly use
and protect the environment. The section on Maintainability explores the aspect of
ensuring ease of maintenance in the building’s life cycle, from design through
operation. Finally, the section on Resilience looks at climate mitigation and adaption
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
The GM 2021 Health and Well-being section (Hw) has been co-created with the Ministry
of Health Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT) and the Centre for Liveable
Cities (CLC), allowing the translation of leading evidence-based health and physical
environment research, to the development of robust health and well-being indicators for
the built environment.
The section has been refined by a rigorous process involving experts in the field, inputs
from agencies with key roles in administering environmental health, workplace and
welfare standards and our Singapore Green Building Council.
Finally, projects that are certified under the WELL Building Standard will receive
recognition and some exemption under the Green Mark 2021 Hw section. Table HW 0.1
WELL Certification provides the details.
This section should be read in conjunction with its Technical Guide (Health & Well-being
Section Technical Guide)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
i. Safe Access In and Around 1 point (0.5 for 2 points (1.0 for
the Project Site (i) and 0.5 (ii)) (i) and 1.0 (ii))
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
The building must either provide the (i) Residential: (i) Residential:
standing tables and height-adjustable least 90% of all least 90% of all
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Strategies include
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
iii. IAQ Surveillance Audit 0.5 point (once 0.5 point (once
years or annually OR OR
1 point 1 point
(annual) (annual)
Residential: Residential:
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Refer to
guidelines_cleared.pdf for guidance on location of
designated smoking points and areas.
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Residential Residential
2 Points for 2 Points for
relevant relevant
common area common area
lighting lighting
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Internal noise levels to comply with SS553
Amendment 1 noise criteria, otherwise per
AS2107:2016, BB93 or HTM08-01
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
The GM 2021 Whole life Carbon section (Cn) has been created leveraging leading
international movements such as the World Green Building Council’s Net Zero Carbon
Buildings commitment, and professional standards such as the RICS Whole life carbon
assessments for the built environment.
The section has been refined through a collaborative approach with the Singapore
Green Building Council (SGBC), the National Environment Agency (NEA), the JTC
corporation and the Public Utilities Board (PUB).
This section should be read in conjunction with its Technical Guide (Whole Life Carbon
Section Technical Guide).
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Useful references:
• (i) Non- (i) Non-
Building 1. Substructure
elements to be 2. Superstructure
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Industrial 2,000
(Reference values based on A1-A4 emissions for
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
addition of floors
with independent
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Extent of ≥ ≥ ≥
Usage 1.5% 0.75% 1.5%
x x x
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Chapter 3: Maintainability
The GM 2021 Maintainability section (Mt) – through the New Building and Existing
Building frameworks – presents a set of criteria for the basis of demonstrating
maintainability performance. The frameworks are broken down into key sections,
including Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Landscape and Smart FM. The
Maintainability points scored therein are translated into the Green Mark points, as
shown in the table within this section.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
This section should be read in conjunction with its Technical Guide (Maintainability
(Existing Buildings) Section Technical Guide).
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Read as well as
3.2.1 Criteria
There are 8 criteria sections listed for existing non-residential buildings and they are
summarized below.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Points Allocation
Section 3 — MECHANICAL
3.1 Chiller Plant Part A: Air Conditioning
Unitary Air Conditioning Plant Systems frnax 13.5
System @Oft2/SJ
Air Distribution System 8
Domestic Water Supply 0.5
Part B
Sanitary System 1.5
Fire Protection System 3
Sub-total Section 3 26.5
Section 4 — ELECTRICAL
4.1 Lighting System 2.5
4.2 Power Distribution System 2.5
4.3 Extra Low Voltage (ELV) System 3.5
4.4 Lightning Protection System 1
4.5 Vertical Transportation System 1.5
Sub-total Section 4 11
Section 5 — LANDSCAPE
5.1 Softscape 2
5.2 Hardscape 2.5
5.3 Vertical Greenery 0.5
5.4 Roof, Sky Terraces, Planter boxes on building edge/facade 3
5.5 Standalone Structures 2.5
Sub-total Section S 10.5
Section 6 — SMART FM — Innovative Solutions
6.1 Cybersecurity 1
6.2 Adoption of Smart FM Solutions 10
Sub-total Section 6 11
Section 7 — SMART FM — Building Management Systems
7.1 Central Computer 2
7.2 Software Integration 4
7.3 Controllers 2.5
7.4 Integration with M&E systems 2
Sub-total Section 7 10.5
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Category 1 (Cat 1)
Full points for solutions only with 100% applicability in area of application or number of
Category 2 (Cat 2)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Mineral paint
Design Factor 15 FaSade Features / other fasade considerations (3.5 points)
1.5.1 Direct access to all protruding fa5ade features, e.g. canopies,
Access sunshades, niches, fins, ledges, BIPV, facade screens, etc. (0.5
a. Ensure every part of all fa3ade features is accessible for 0.5
maintenance. (Cat 1)
Detailing 1.5.2 Reduce risk of corrosion of exposed steel structures (1 point)
a. Design to avoid direct contact of a steel base with the ground
(at least l00mm above) to mitigate corrosion and entrapment
(Cat 2)
of moisture and dirt.
1.5.3 Reduce risk of water ingress in open joint cladding (i.e.
Detailing cladding serving as a decorative feature and not as a water
barrier) (1 point)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Design slope for different sheet profiles based on the roof pitch 0.5
table (refer to table in technical guide). (Cat 1)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
LCC b. Provide davit arm at the top of cooling tower for repair and 1
replacement of heavy components i.e. motor, fans etc. (Cat 1)
C. Provide cat ladder with metal enclosure (cage) to access top 0.5
of the equipment i.e. cooling tower etc. (Cat 1)
d. Provide metal step-over platform at the main access leading
to the plant rooms to avoid stepping on rooftop services (i.e. 0.5
major ductwork, pipes above 100 mm diameter, trunking (Cat 1)
exceeding 200 mm in width etc.).
e. Provide minimum 1.2 m wide clear access route from the
nearest lift lobby or staircase to the M&E plant rooms for 0.5
regular maintenance (i.e. pump room, chiller plant room (Cat 1)
including cooling tower etc.).
LCC b. For cross flow cooling tower, provide basin cover to mitigate 0.5
dust invasion and algal growth in the upper water basin. (Cat 1)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
C. For counter flow cooling tower, provide air intake louvres to
avoid sun light from entering the cooling tower basin and
(Cat 1)
thus reducing algae formation.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Detailing 3.1.4 Reduce risk of oil/grease deposit on the cooling tower fins (1.5 Points
point) Available
a. The kitchen exhaust outlet must be at least 5 m away from
cooling tower air intake.
(Cat 1)
The kitchen exhaust must be directed either perpendicular or
opposite to the cooling tower air intake.
b. Provide kitchen air cleaning system (i.e. air scrubber,
electrostatic precipitator filters etc.) to avoid grease deposits
(Cat 1)
on the cooling towers.
Detailing 3.1.5 Reduce risk of fouling issue and improve condenser water Points
quality (2.5 points) Available
a. Provide microprocessor based, automatic water quality
LCC monitoring and control system linked to Building
(Cat 1)
Management System (BMS).
b. Provide auto-tube cleaning for water cooled chillers. 1
LCC (Cat 1)
Detailing Reduce risk of dust and debris settlement inside the cooling Points
tower basin (up to 1.5 points) Available
a. Provide basin sweeper system (including side stream
separator) to remove coarse to fine particles and silt deposit
in the cooling tower basin. 1.5
Note: The hdsitt sweeper system shall be provided for each cooling (Cat 1)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
iv. Locate FCU less than 3 m from FFL for easy access and
Detailing 3.3.2 Reduce risk of water ponding and algae growth in the AHU
room (1 point
a. AHU drain pipe must be terminated directly above the floor 0.5
trap to avoid any water spillage. (Cat 1)
b. AHU room floor to be provided with epoxy coating to avoid 0.5
algae and mould growth. (Cat 1)
Detailing 3.3.3 Reduce risk of choke of condensate drain pipes (1 point)
a. The horizontal drain pipes must have minimum slope of 1:100 0.5
for easy flow of condensate drain (Cat 1)
b. Provide T-joint before terminating the individual drain pipe 0.5
from AHU to the main drain stack for periodic cleaning. (Cat 1)
Detailing 3.3.4 Reduce frequency of replacement for AHU filters (2 points)
a. Provide differential pressure switch linked to BMS for real-
time monitoring of filter choke condition. 0.5
Note: Differential pressure switch mosf he provided for both (Cat 1)
primary and secondary filter for PAHMs and AHMs.
b. Specify fibre glass filter media with average initial resistance
not greater than 90 Pa for primary filter (MERV 8 and ISO
LCC ePM10 50%) and 145 Pa for secondary filter (MERV 14 and
(Cat 1)
ISO ePM1 80%).
Note: Synthetic media with ittitiof static charge is ttot acceptable.
c. Specify filters with better Life Cycle cost for increased service
life and lower cost of ownership. LCC should capture the key
parameters such as “Total cost of ownership, service life,
Energy consumption details and Indoor Air Quality
LCC performance”.
(Cat 1)
i. Total cost of ownership must be in Singapore dollars
ii. Energy consttmp/ion is based on S$0.20 / KWh
iii. filters must be complaint to ISO 16890 1 ASHRAE 52.2:2017
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Detailing 3.3.5 Avoid frequent re-alignment of fan parts i.e. pulley, bearings
and belts (2 points)
a. Specify AHU fan system with less moving parts (i.e. fans with
direct drive system) for enhanced reliability and reduced
downtime. 2
Nofe: (Cat 2)
Points drill be prorated for buildings which are served
predominantly ( 75%) by T-CUs.
Design Factor Domestic Water Supply (0.5 points)
Access Access space for maintenance of water tank (0.5 point) Points
a. i. Provide minimum clear width of 1.2 m access walkway
to water tank from the nearest staircase or lift
ii. Provide minimum access space to the water tank for
regular maintenance.
a. For panel tank (FRP/Stainless steel), provide 0.5
minimum 600 mm clear space around the tank. (Cat 1)
b. For RC tank, provide minimum 600 mm clear
access to the access door.
iii. c. Provide minimum 1 m clear headroom above the
water tank (applicable to water tank with top access)
Design Factor Sanitary System (1.5 points)
Access + Access provision and design detailing for sanitary pipes for
Detailing ease of maintenance (1 point)
a. Provide cleaning eyes with viewing panel for better 0.5
maintenance. (Cat 1)
b. Specify hubless elbows for sanitary stacks with horizontal 0.5
transfers. (Cat 1)
Detailing Reduce risk of chokes in the sanitary pipe (0.5 point)
a. For buildings with food and beverage (F&B) units, the AHU
condensate drain must not be linked to kitchen waste
(Cat 1)
discharge pipes.
Design Factor 3.6 Fire Protection System (3 points)
Access 3.6.1 Access to fire detectors at height (0.5 point)
a. Provide alternative access for fire detector maintenance (e.g.
maintenance platform) without having to access from the
atrium floor.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Design Factor Vertical Greenery (0.5 point)
Access Access to all parts of vertical greenery for maintenance and Points
replacement of perished plants (0.5 point) Available
a. Provide direct maintenance access to all vertical greenery
LCC both indoor and outdoor, e.g. catwalk, ladder, access corridor,
(Cat 1)
MEWP, etc.
Design Factor 5.4 Roof, Sky Terraces, Planter boxes on building edge/facade (3 points)
Detailing + 5.4.1 Access for landscape on roof and sky terraces (2 points) Points
Access Available
a. Provide direct maintenance access to landscape on all roof
and sky terraces.
(Cat 1)
For planters more than 1.8 m wide, provide minimally 300
b. 0.5
mm obstruction-free maintenance pathway inside the planter
(Cat 1)
Specify suspended modular metal panel, e.g. baffle metal 1
panels and metal mesh panels (Cat 2)
b Specify moisture-resistant suspended non-metallic modular 1
. ceiling panels with water absorption rate not exceeding 5% (Cat 2)
Specify open ceiling design 1
(Cat 2)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Detailing 7.2.2 Outdated operating system and lack of security features (Up Points
to 2 points) Available
a. Operating system
i) Windows 10 (0.5 point)
ii) Windows Server 2019/ Linux Ubuntu server
p LTS (1 point) Up to 1
iii) Cloud/Virtual computing services (i.e. Microsoft (Cat 1)
Windows Azure, Google Chrome OS)
Note: For cloud computing services, execution and processes of
virtual machines 1 servers and virtual infrastructure, as well as the
back-end hardware and software resources and security patches
b. Web access
i) Internet Service Provider (ISP)/Mobile Data link-up
(Cat 1)
(Example: Remote access, live viewing etc.
Detailing 7.2.3 Lack of interface with other services (1 point) Points
a. Provide IT infrastructure provision for high level integration
with other services (0.5 point each)
i) Provide minimum 20% spare IT port at individual
switch level. 1
ii) Provide a minimum of 20% spare band width for future (Cat 1)
Nofe: The normal usage should not exceed the cable fimif (Ex: For a
10GB fiber optic cable, the usage should not exceed 8 GB).
Detailing 7.2.4 Lack of notification system resulting in increased downtime Points
(0.5 point) Available
a. Provide Short Messaging System (SMS) system
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
b. Electrical systems
i) Lighting system — 0.5 point
Note: Lighiing system monitor and control for the building
common areas such as corridors, carpark and external
Detailing 7.4.2 Lack of integration with Solar PV systems (0.5 point) Points
a. Solar PV system Integration
i) High level Integration of solar PV system with BMS for
continued monitoring.
(Cat 1)
Note: The monitoring should include energy yield, Panel
temperature, current, voltage, Error messages etc.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Detailing 8.6.3 Expense budget management process tracked manually (or Points
FM staff has no access to Finance Department Budget Available
Management System). (0.5 point)
a. Expense budget management processes (new budget
approval, budget adjustment, budget reallocation/ virement)
(Cat 1)
are automated.
Detailing Vendor pre-qualification and regular grading reviews Points
performed manually or not performed (0.5 point) Available
a. Automate vendor pre-qualification and regular grading 0.5
reviews. (Cat 1)
Detailing No vendor self-service web portal (1 point) Points
a. Implement vendor self-service web portal with following
i) Vendor portal for self-registration / pre-qualification.
ii) Vendor portal for viewing procurement opportunities
such as tenders.
(Cat 1)
iii) Vendor portal for submission of bids proposals and
receipt of Purchase Orders.
iv) Vendor portal for submission of progress claims/ goods
delivery or invoices.
Detailing 8.6.6 Contracts are tracked manually (1 point) Points
a. Contracts are in digitalized format and kept in central
(Cat 1)
b. Pro-active reminders or alerts on key contractual milestones
(e.g. reminder for renewal).
Detailing Schedule of rates not in digitalized format (0.5 point Points
a. Schedule of rates for services in digitalized format and kept in 0.5
central database. (Cat 1)
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Chapter 4: Resilience
The Resilience section has been created leveraging on the leading urban studies,
including the work and recommendations of the Urban Heat Island Mitigation
Workgroup, which is mapping the national strategies for reducing urban heat island
and improving outdoor thermal comfort.
Projects that are certified under the Living Future Institute Living Building Challenge
will receive recognition under the Green Mark 2021 Re section. Refer to Table RE 0.1
Living Future Institutes Certification for the details.
This section should be read in conjunction with its Technical Guide (Resilience Section
Technical Guide).
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
3R Plan
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
• Physiological Equivalent
Temperature (PET) of ≤34°C
• Universal Thermal Climate
Index (UTCI) of ≤32°C
• TSV <+2
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
Adoption of UHI mitigation measures such as: 1 point 0.5 point 1 point 0.5 point
• Green and blue spaces for for ≥50% site for ≥50% site
landscaping and roof coverage coverage
• Roofing materials or coatings or
1 point for ≥80% 1 point for ≥80%
cool paints with high Solar
site coverage site coverage
Index (SRI) > 40
• Unshaded hardscape areas with SRI
> 39, inclusive of unshaded carparks,
internal roads, plazas, and
pedestrian walkways
• Use of permeable paving strategies
such as gravel or open paving systems.
• Other performance-based strategies
that demonstrate URH effect
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
i. Accredited professionals GM
0.5 point 1.0 points
(GM AP = (GM AP =
0.25pts GM 0.5pts GM AAP
ii. Firms certified under Singapore
AAP = 0.5pts) = 1.0pts)
Green Building Services (SGBS)
0.5 points 0.5 points
certification scheme and Certified
(1 firm = (1 firm =
FM Company (CFMC)3 accreditation
0.25pts) 0.25pts)
RE2.1b Procurement
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
iii. Waste audits and engagement 0.5 point 1 point for (iii)
a. Annual waste audits to identify for (iii)
areas of wastage, and uncover
opportunities to reduce, reuse
or recycle waste materials
b. Provide waste management/3R
training/education for staff/
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
New Existing
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
• HW1: Physiological
• HW2: Psychological
• HW3: Sociological
• HW4: Innovation
• CN1: Carbon
• CN2: Construction
• CN3: Fit Out
• CN4: Innovation
The Maintainability Section has frameworks for the following building types:
• RE1: Protect
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
• RE2: Manage
• RE3: Restore
• RE4: Innovation
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Formative Assessment
1. Under Health & Well-being section, what are the criteria required for Hw1.1 Active
Movement Design? (Select all that apply)
□ a. Safe access in and around the project site
□ b. Provision of bicycle lots that are more than 50% over and above the LTA/
URA requirements
□ c. Internal staircases that are prominent and well-ventilated
□ d. Provision of furnishing that encourage active behaviour
3. If a project were to be certified WELL Gold, how many points would that net for
Green Mark: 2021?
a. 6 points
b. 8 points
c. 10 points
d. 12 points
4. Under the Whole Life Carbon section, what are the required stages under the
Minimum Scope of WLC assessment?
i. Product Stage [A1-A3]
ii. Construction Stage [A4-A4]
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
5. Which of the following systems and materials are acceptable under Cn2.1
Sustainable Construction? (Select all that apply).
□ a. Advanced precast concrete system (APCS)
□ b. Mass Engineered Timber (MET)
□ c. Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
□ d. Hybrid structural system of MET/structural steel and cast-in situ concrete
6. Under CN2.2 Sustainable Products and finishes, what is the minimum number of
building products and/or finishes required?
a. At least 2 building Products/Finishes
b. At least 3 building Products/Finishes
c. At least 4 building Products/Finishes
d. At least 5 building Products/Finishes
7. Under the GM: 2021 Maintainability Section, how many maintainability points
would one need to net 1 Green Mark: 2021 point under the Existing Non-residential
Building framework?
a. 4 maintainability points to 1 GM point
b. 5 maintainability points to 1 GM point
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
8. Which of the following areas do not fall under the GM: 2021 Maintainability Section?
a. Architectural – Exterior/Interior
b. Structural
c. Landscape
d. Mechanical / Electrical
9. Under GM: 2021 Resilience Section, which of the following needs to be included in
the Asset Sustainable Policy and Action Plan?
i. Energy Management Policy and Energy Improvement Plan
ii. Fitments, Furnishings and Equipment Management and Disposal Plan
iii. Water Management Policy and Water Improvement Plan
iv. Waste Management Policy and 3R Plan
a. (i ), (ii) and (iii)
b. (i) and (iv) only
c. (i), (iii) and (iv)
d. All of the above
10. Which of the following are Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigation measures spelt out
under RE1.2b Urban Heat Island Mitigation? (Select all that apply)
□ a. Green and blue spaces for landscaping and roof
□ b. Roofing materials or coatings or cool paints with high Solar Reflectance
Index (SRI)
□ c. Unshaded hardscape areas with SRI > 39, inclusive of unshaded carparks,
internal roads, plazas, and pedestrian walkways
□ d. Use of permeable paving strategies such as gravel or open paving systems
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Formative Assessment
1. Under Health & Well-being section, what are the criteria required for Hw1.1 Active
Movement Design? (Select all that apply)
□ a. Safe access in and around the project site
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Health & Well-being Section
□ b. Provision of bicycle lots that are more than 50% over and above the LTA/
URA requirements
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Health & Well-being Section
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
3. If a project were to be certified WELL Gold, how many points would that net for
Green Mark: 2021?
a. 6 points
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Health & Well-being Section
b. 8 points
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Health & Well-being Section
c. 10 points
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Health & Well-being Section
d. 12 points
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Health & Well-being Section
4. Under the Whole Life Carbon section, what are the required stages under the
Minimum Scope of WLC assessment?
i. Product Stage [A1-A3]
ii. Construction Stage [A4-A4]
iii. Maintenance Stage [B2] Façade
iv. Repair Stage [B3] ACMV
v. Replacement Stage [B4] ACMV
vi. Operational Energy [B6]
vii. Operational Water [B7]
viii. End of Life Stage [C1-C4]
a. (i), (ii), (iii), (v) and (vi) only
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Whole Life Carbon Section
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
5. Which of the following systems and materials are acceptable under Cn2.1
Sustainable Construction? (Select all that apply).
□ a. Advanced precast concrete system (APCS)
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Whole Life Carbon Section
6. Under CN2.2 Sustainable Products and finishes, what is the minimum number of
building products and/or finishes required?
a. At least 2 building Products/Finishes
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Whole Life Carbon Section
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
7. Under the GM: 2021 Maintainability Section, how many maintainability points
would one need to net 1 Green Mark: 2021 point under the Existing Non-residential
Building framework?
a. 4 maintainability points to 1 GM point
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Maintainability Section
8. Which of the following areas do not fall under the GM: 2021 Maintainability Section?
a. Architectural – Exterior/Interior
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Maintainability Section
b. Structural
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Maintainability Section
c. Landscape
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Maintainability Section
d. Mechanical / Electrical
Incorrect. Refer to GM: 2021 Maintainability Section
9. Under GM: 2021 Resilience Section, which of the following needs to be included in
the Asset Sustainable Policy and Action Plan?
i. Energy Management Policy and Energy Improvement Plan
ii. Fitments, Furnishings and Equipment Management and Disposal Plan
iii. Water Management Policy and Water Improvement Plan
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
10. Which of the following are Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigation measures spelt out
under RE1.2b Urban Heat Island Mitigation? (Select all that apply)
□ a. Green and blue spaces for landscaping and roof
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Resilience Section
□ c. Unshaded hardscape areas with SRI > 39, inclusive of unshaded carparks,
internal roads, plazas, and pedestrian walkways
Correct. Refer to GM: 2021 Resilience Section
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Scheme - Overview. Green Mark: 2021.
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Certification Standard. Green Mark:
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Health & Well-being Section.
Green Mark: 2021.
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Health & Well-being Section Technical
Guide. Green Mark: 2021.
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Whole Life Carbon Section. Green Mark:
Building and Construction Authority. (2021). Whole Life Carbon Section Technical
Guide. Green Mark: 2021.
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Green Mark 2021 Health & Well-being (HW), Whole Life Carbon (Cn),
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Learning Outcomes
1. To understand the financial impact of green buildings, both at the project and
during the life cycle.
2. To study various building projects and understand the cost and environmental
3. Understand sustainability reporting for companies
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
1.1 Introduction
There is evidence that implementing sustainable strategies in the design and
construction of buildings can provide financial rewards for the owners of buildings. Not
only do owners benefit from cost savings in the long term, there are also other
intangible benefits, such as social and environmental benefits for both occupants and
the community.
This chapter outlines the business case for sustainable design and construction, with the
following chapter detailing an example of the business case with regards to the energy
and water consumption of a building. This is one of the key considerations in
implementing sustainability strategies in buildings, because significant opportunities
exist to lower annual costs for energy and water. However, the reduction of annual
operating costs often requires the higher upfront investment costs in sustainable
materials, systems and technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the
relationship between these sustainable systems versus their lifecycle costs within their
payback period.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Lesson Recording
A common goal for sustainable buildings is to reduce energy consumption, and thus
carbon footprint. If this goal is spelt out as a performance standard (for example, the
building should demonstrate at least a 30 per cent reduction of energy as compared to
a similar baseline building), designers and engineers can choose from a whole range of
options that could achieve that target; some of these options available are less expensive
than a generic strategy. In this way, the building designers are encouraged to optimize
the design from a whole-building perspective. This means that the first cost of the
can be lowered while also reducing lifecycle operational costs 1. By integrating the
various design systems across the building, one can optimize the design and thus save
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Pearce et al. 2000; Weizsäcker et al. 1999
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
desired outcomes 2.
When one takes into consideration of other environmental quality factors, the outcome
is that one can provide additional positive benefits as well. In the United States, it is
estimated that nearly 56 million students, teachers and staff spend a significant part of
their day in schools 3, and the physical quality of the environment has been linked to
their performance and health (e.g. Ahn et al. 2011; Ku and Taiebet 2011). In the design
brief, the owner and designer can specify the use of environmentally sensitive building
materials that improve indoor air quality and the performance of heating and lighting
systems. It was reported that some schools have reported lower rates of absenteeism
and vandalism by ‘creating an atmosphere in which students can take pride in their
school’ (Energy Smart Schools 1997). The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
further concluded that by improving indoor air quality in school facilities, it may be
possible to reduce the following issues and problems:
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
3 Pérez-Lombard et al. 2008
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
years) and have better attitudes and attendance rates than their peers in non-daylit
facilities (Nicklas and Bailey 1996). In addition, a study by the Albertan Department
of Education on the effects of natural light in elementary schools found that students
in classrooms with full spectrum light were absent less, grew taller, and had increased
concentration levels and more positive moods (Alberta Dept. of Education 1992). Energy
savings from daylit schools can also be significant: estimates are that USD$500,000 on
average can be saved over a ten-year period in the average U.S. middle school that
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
This approach inhibits the implementation of sustainability for two reasons, particularly
in public agencies. Firstly, projects are often funded based on the principle of efficiency
of first cost. This means that projects with a higher cost estimate are less likely to be
funded when competing with other projects. Secondly, by adding a contingency to the
project estimate, it also means that even if the project does get funded, there is often no
incentive to seek cost savings since the money will be lost if it is not spent. This
essentially creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of increased costs for projects with
sustainability goals. Figure
6.1 below illustrates a method of examining expectations about capital project costs. The
grid illustrates a way to plot the relative cost of a sustainable project against its
Figure 6.1 Expectations about sustainable project costs: (a) sustainable projects;
(b) funded projects Source: Pearce (2005)
Figure 6.1(a) shows what many building owners would expect about a sustainable
project: essentially, that it will cost more at the start, but will probably save money over
the whole the building’s lifecycle due to savings via waste reduction, increased
durability, reduced operations and maintenance as well as lower energy consumption,
and other factors. This expectation is illustrated by the red ellipse in the lower left
corner in the diagram. In most typical funding situations, particularly in the public
sector, those projects that will
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
be funded often lie within the region indicated by green circle in the upper left corner of
Figure 6.1(b): those that cost the same or less from a first cost perspective.
In many cases, restrictions in funding could mean that a low upfront cost is the
objective, even if this means that the overall lifecycle costs may be higher (the third
column in the diagram). This lesser than ideal result is possible because the sources
of funding for upfront cost are often different and disconnected from the funding
sources that accounts for operations and maintenance. This may also be controlled by
different people altogether. The idea of a holistic cost management raises a larger set of
questions. For example, what are the impacts of such design or construction decisions
on lifecycle costs? Are there opportunities to offset increases in upfront costs for design
improvements (such as integrative design)? Are there other external costs and benefits
that should be considered aside from cost savings?
For a holistic cost management model, the base two-dimensional figure is expanded
with an additional third dimension. This third dimension includes additional
cost/benefit considerations that are associated with the project. Figure 6.26 illustrates the
new holistic cost model.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
The bottom level of the figure represents the two-dimensional cost comparison shown
in Figure 6.1. This layer shows the traditional quantifiable costs such as material,
manpower as well as equipment and machinery (Table 6.1). Building owners and
designers sometimes make decisions on systems and products based on a unit cost
rather than them from an integrated systems point of view. This decision making
process means that some systems and products that has sustainability advantages may
seem more costly than they actually are. For example, some building owners think that
traditional materials such as concrete are less expensive than integrated building
systems such as structural insulated panels, or that solar PV panels do not yield
substantial savings.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
money • materials
However, if savings in manpower, construction time savings and lifecycle costs were to
be taken into account, these systems and products could show an immediate cost
advantage to building owners. For example, one federal project manager estimated a
savings of
$3,000 per day due to shortening the construction schedule on his project by using pre-
engineered autoclaved aerated concrete systems – all from avoiding the cost of housing
displaced personnel in hotels instead of the facility being built as their residence. Similar
or even greater savings in opportunity costs can result on many other projects as well.
Other factors, when taken into consideration, could more clearly highlight the benefits
of sustainability in the built environment. Captured in the second level of the cost
model shown in Figure 6.2, these considerations include benefits such as:
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Each of the above benefits reflects a cost savings for the building owners. Having said
that, many of these costs are not usually not associated with specific projects and the
decision-making processes behind their funding. If these potential benefits can be
fulfilled, then more green building projects will have an economic advantage (as well as
other benefits) over their traditional counterparts. Table 6.2 shows examples of these
types of costs that should be taking into consideration when making decisions about
green building projects and their systems. The first category, definite costs, includes all
costs that will happen as part of the project but aren’t usually considered as part of the
building project costs. Instead, these costs are often considered as overhead or
administrative costs. The second category is contingent costs. Contingent costs, consists
of expenses that are unlikely to occur. These contingent costs can be estimated using
probabilistic methods such as decision trees. Although the examples listed are not
comprehensive, it illustrates several types of costs for which values could be calculated.
Again, these costs are usually not included in decision making processes.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Qualitative costs can be further categorised into two types: internal costs and external
costs. Internal costs are those that are difficult to quantify and are experienced directly
by project stakeholders, such as the building owners and occupants. External costs, on
the other hand, are generally borne by society as a whole. While projects have some
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
contribution to these costs, the net cost is a result of all human activities, and allocating
specific responsibilities is difficult.
In this manner, organisations can build trust among their stakeholders, which includes
their clients and customers. As per the business axiom – you can’t manage what you
can’t measure; transparency is a currency that builds trust, which build businesses.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Since December 2017, it is a mandatory requirement for all companies publicly listed on
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Annie R Pearce, Yong Han Ahn. (2018). Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure - Paths to the Futur
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
As sustainable building systems and technologies mature and are increasingly being
adopted and implemented, the cost premiums usually associated with such systems
and technologies are also decreasing. However, in order to optimize the value of green
buildings, a holistic approach has to be adopted from the onset with buy-in from all
stakeholders involved. And beyond the immediate cost savings benefits enjoyed by
such green buildings, there are also many intangible but equally valuable benefits that
extends to both the building occupants and society at large.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Formative Assessment
1. Aside from long term cost savings, green buildings also bring about other non-
tangible benefits. Which of the following statement is false?
a. Reduction of energy consumptions lower greenhouse gas emissions, which
directly reduces the impact of climate change
b. Energy and water-efficient facilities lowers civil infrastructure costs
c. Greening buildings help to utilise non-renewable resources, including fossil
fuels and water aquifers, for future generations
d. Natural day lighting and ventilation in buildings increase psychological and
mental health and comfort via better indoor environmental quality
2. What are the cost effects if the design of the building is optimised from a whole
building perspective?
a. First costs are reduced, while lifecycle costs are increased
b. First costs are increased, while lifecycle costs are reduced
c. Both first costs and lifecycle costs are increased
d. Both first costs and lifecycle costs are reduced
3. What does holistic cost management mean with regards to sustainable building
a. It takes into consideration the selection of various suitable sustainable
building systems.
b. It includes other cost/benefit considerations such as qualitative and non-
traditional quantifiable costs such as quality of life and productivity
c. It takes into consideration the various cost aspects that are associated with
post construction such as operational activities and maintenance.
d. It includes other costs from infrastructural works associated with the project.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
5. In the highest tier of holistic cost management, qualitative costs are also the hardest
to quantify. Which of the following is not considered to be a qualitative cost
a. Quality of life
b. Relationship with community
c. Liability and environmental risk
d. Aesthetics
6. What are some of the external costs borne by the society for a traditionally designed
a. Global warming, ozone depletion, deforestation, ecosystem degradation
b. Air/water pollution, ozone depletion, deforestation, infrastructural costs
c. Noise and smoke pollution, ozone depletion, ecosystem degradation,
infrastructural costs
d. Air/water pollution, noise and smoke pollution, infrastructural costs
7. In Pearce’s revised whole project cost model, what are the 3 cost aspects in addition
to first costs and life-cycle costs?
a. Traditional quantitative costs, Non-traditional quantitative costs, Qualitative
b. Traditional quantitative costs, Non-traditional quantitative costs, External
c. Traditional quantitative costs, Qualitative costs, External costs
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
8. What are some of the contingent costs that may arise under qualitative costs (costs
that have some real impact but are difficult to quantify because of societal values
and other measurement challenges)?
a. Remediation costs, Impacted productivity and/or absenteeism, Impacted
staff retention,
b. Remediation costs, Monitoring and testing of equipment, Disposal costs
c. Remediation costs, Monitoring and testing of equipment, Impacted staff
d. Impacted productivity and/or absenteeism, Impacted staff retention,
Disposal costs
9. According to the case study on the Reedy Fork Elementary School, as part of the
retrofit design, what were some of the alternatives considered for implementation
to lower energy consumption?
a. Improving insulation to walls and roofing elements, to add underfloor air
distribution systems, increase installation of PV panels
b. Improved daylighting, to add underfloor air distribution systems, increase
installation of PV panels
c. Improved daylighting, improving insulation to walls and roofing elements,
increase installation of PV panels
d. Improved daylighting, improving insulation to walls and roofing elements,
to add underfloor air distribution systems
10. According to the case study on the Reedy Fork Elementary School, what method
was done to determine the best, most cost-effective energy-saving strategies?
a. Conducting a pre- and post-occupation survey with the users on the thermal
and visual comfort levels.
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Formative Assessment
1. Aside from long term cost savings, green buildings also bring about other non-
tangible benefits. Which of the following statement is false?
a. Reduction of energy consumptions lower greenhouse gas emissions, which
directly reduces the impact of climate change
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
2. What are the cost effects if the design of the building is optimised from a whole
building perspective?
a. First costs are reduced, while lifecycle costs are
increased Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
3. What does holistic cost management mean with regards to sustainable building
a. It takes into consideration the selection of various suitable sustainable
building systems.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
c. It takes into consideration the various cost aspects that are associated with
post construction such as operational activities and maintenance.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
b. Absenteeism
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
c. Employee retention
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
5. In the highest tier of holistic cost management, qualitative costs are also the hardest
to quantify. Which of the following is not considered to be a qualitative cost
a. Quality of life
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
d. Aesthetics
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
6. What are some of the external costs borne by the society for a traditionally designed
a. Global warming, ozone depletion, deforestation, ecosystem degradation
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
7. In Pearce’s revised whole project cost model, what are the 3 cost aspects in addition
to first costs and life-cycle costs?
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
8. What are some of the contingent costs that may arise under qualitative costs (costs
that have some real impact but are difficult to quantify because of societal values
and other measurement challenges)?
a. Remediation costs, Impacted productivity and/or absenteeism, Impacted
staff retention,
Correct. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter one
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
9. According to the case study on the Reedy Fork Elementary School, as part of the
retrofit design, what were some of the alternatives considered for implementation
to lower energy consumption?
a. Improving insulation to walls and roofing elements, to add underfloor air
distribution systems, increase installation of PV panels
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter two
10. According to the case study on the Reedy Fork Elementary School, what method
was done to determine the best, most cost-effective energy-saving strategies?
a. Conducting a pre- and post-occupation survey with the users on the
thermal and visual comfort levels.
Incorrect. Refer to Study Unit 6, chapter two
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
FMT3 Business Case for Sustainable
Annie R Pearce, & Yong Han Ahn. (2018). Sustainable buildings and infrastructure - paths to
the future (2nd ed.). Taylor and Francis.