Core Pump iLS Brochure EN
Core Pump iLS Brochure EN
Core Pump iLS Brochure EN
intelligent Low Stroke – for more power and maximum service life
Operations under high pressure –
lasting, reliable, cost-saving
Designed for maximum relia-
bility and hence outstanding
system performance.
Easy to handle vative technologies and durable quality need
to adapt to your ever-changing daily chal-
S transfer tube S transfer tube
lenges. This is how our new generation of
The process-optimised, swivel bearing
pumps has emerged. They stand for opti-
hardened valve operates The hopper wall thickness
Outstanding smoothly and guarantees and the bearing surface
mum output with low fuel consumption,
performance wear and costs.
extreme durability. have been doubled for maxi-
mum reliability. Your Putzmeister Team
2 3
Each and every detail Hopper
25 %
The dead points (Fig. D) throughout the hop-
per have also been consistently eliminated,
Precisely matched for significantly reducing deposits and saving
high economic efficiency time during the cleaning routine.
10 %
concrete flow
3% Concrete cylinders
17 iLS / 19 iLS
4 5
The iLS pumps are setting new standards –
high performance with reduced operating costs
Maintenance costs
Transition to the Longlife pistons for
S transfer tube long-lasting thrust
The transition from the cylinder to the We can fit all iLS pumps with longlife pistons
S transfer tube is designed without a dia as an option. These high-quality pistons cut
meter reduction. This prevents the so-called operating costs by 50% compared to stand-
“dead spaces” in which used concrete accu- ard pistons. We call this efficient concrete
mulates. As a result, maintenance costs are conveying: Standard pistons
significantly reduced, service life is ex-
tended, the fill level is maximised and clean- ■■ S ervice life 2 to 3-times longer than
ing is simple and effective. standard pistons
The uniform tapering of the S transfer tube ■■ L ow wear costs and high machine
optimises the flow behaviour and also con- availability Standard piston
tributes to the extremely long service life. replacement optional
interval Longlife piston Longlife pistons
pumped m3
Lubrication system Usual grease cycle iLS grease cycle Control centre for maximum efficiency
The shorter lubrication interval for all con- If our core pumps are the heart of the machine, Ergonic® is its head. As a control
crete bearings can minimise damage caused centre, the microprocessor-supported control systems regulate the functions of concrete
by the penetration of cement slurry. In addi- pumps, truck mixers and PUMI®. Greater profitability, lower costs, more flexibility –
tion, manual lubrication is possible with a this is the result when Putzmeister machines with Ergonic® manage the tough daily
Grease quantity
grease gun at the distributor. conditions on job sites. In combination with EOC, fuel savings of up to 25 %
can be realistically achieved.
Hydraulic pump control
Wear limit
The position of the conveying cylinder is
continuously monitored and the stroke com-
pensation mechanism automatically elimi-
nates position deviations. The pump process 0 Min 20 Min 0 Min 20 Min
is not interrupted and the pistons do not Pumps: Select the power
travel to the end positions to compensate
the stroke. Type Output m3/h Pressure bar Stroke mm Cylinder Ø mm Strokes/min
Abrasion-critical period Optimum grease supply
17 iLS 170* 85 2 100 250 27
19 iLS 190* 85 2 100 250 30
Technical changes and errors excepted © by Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH 2019 All rights reserved Printed in Germany (1901Sc) CT 4857 EN
of leaks
■■ Maximum quietness