Transfer Policy For Officers 15jul23
Transfer Policy For Officers 15jul23
Transfer Policy For Officers 15jul23
त: सभी शाखाएं/कायालय
5. इस नी त क व तत
ृ जानकार , इस प रप के साथ प र श ट के प म संल न है .
1. The banking industry has undergone tremendous dynamic changes with fast paced
digitization, innovative & customised products & services and stiffer competition.
Considering the available demographic mix, we must leverage upon the expertise
and available resources in a more constructive way for augmenting business
growth and providing more opportunities to our officers. Further, there is a need
to realign the Transfer Policy for Officers as per organizational requirements as
well as Officers' expectations so as to ensure that the entire exercise of transfer is
smooth and it acts as a catalyst in improving the performance of the Officers,
besides boosting their morale.
2. This has necessitated a need to revisit the Transfer Policy for Officers up to
MMGS-III. Accordingly, discussions were held with the representatives of All India
Union Bank of India Officers’ Federation in this regard and thereafter amended
Transfer Policy for Officers was placed before the Board.
3. The Board in its meeting held on 20.06.2023 has approved Transfer Policy for
Officers up to MMGS-III.
4. The objective of the Transfer Policy for Officers is to outline the guidelines for
transfers in the Bank in order to meet the business needs.
6. The Policy will be valid up to 31.03.2025 and its validity may be extended further
for a period of 3 months with the specific approval of the MD & CEO. If required,
the policy may be reviewed/modified during the validity period, with the approval
of the Board.
7. The contents of this Circular should be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Transfer Policy for Officers up to MMGS-III
Transfer Policy for Officers up to MMGS-III Staff Circular 8019 dated 30th June, 2023
Table of Contents
Union Bank of India shoulders the responsibility of catering to the career aspirations as well
as personal fulfilment of a large number of officers who have been delivering their best for
the achievement of corporate objectives. The Bank envisages to be the employer of first
choice among Public Sector Banks and on the same lines Bank believes in fostering a culture
of comprehensiveness, congeniality, and favourable climate for business growth. Bank
endeavours to provide an environment to its officers which aids them in pursuit of their
career growth/mobility, achieve organizational goals, enhance productivity, motivation and
minimize discomfort.
1.1.1 This Transfer Policy aims at bridging the gap between officers’ social / personal
needs and career growth as well as the business growth of the organization,
besides ensuring uniformity and transparency.
1.1.2 Transfers are required for various business reasons, like exposure to banking at
various locations, to reasonably rotate officers from one station to another, to
prevent frauds, to fulfil the needs of various locations, to enable the officer to
gain required rural/semi urban branch experience or on compassionate
grounds, to align with the Bank’s Policy/philosophy of encouraging broad based
skills in its officers and to meet various administrative exigencies.
1.1.3 The objective of the Transfer Policy is to outline the guidelines for transfers in
the Bank in order to meet the business needs. It will be the Bank’s endeavour
to align to the officers’ needs and make the Transfer Policy helpful to their
career progression in the Organization.
1.1.4 To fall in line with the guidelines issued by Central Vigilance Commission and
Government of India from time to time
2. Key Terms
2.1 State
2.1.1 The term ‘State’ will mean geographical area as defined or determined by
the Government of India from time to time. A Centrally Administered area or
Union Territory will also be treated as a separate State for the purpose of this
Policy. However, looking to Bank’s branch network and other operational
constraints hampering the mobility of the officers, following exceptions shall
be made, in order to give a good exposure to the officers, only for the purpose
of this Policy:
2.1.2 All states in North-Eastern Region will be treated as one unit looking to the
limited network of branches and less possibility/ chances of job rotation in
the said Region.
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Transfer Policy for Officers upto MMGS-III
2.1.3 Pondicherry City, its suburbs and Karaikal will be deemed to be a unit of Tamil
Nadu and Mahe will be deemed to be unit of Kerala State.
2.1.4 Entire area of NCR (National Capital Region) under the jurisdiction of Zonal
Office, New Delhi will be treated as same unit.
2.1.5 Chandigarh, for the time being will be treated as a unit within the State of
2.1.6 Diu, Daman, Dadra & Nagar Haveli will be deemed to be unit of Gujarat State.
2.1.9 Andaman and Nicobar Islands will be treated as part of Kolkata Zone.
2.2.1 For the purpose of this Policy, State of Domicile of an officer shall be as per
the records available in HRMS package, Union Parivar.
2.3 Zone
2.3.1 The term ‘Zone’ will mean geographical area as defined in Circular letter
No.00220 dated 12.06.2020 and Circular letter no. 0254 dated 02.07.2020
issued by Amalgamation Management Office, Business Process
Transformation, Central Office, Instruction Circular No. 4028-023 dated
13.04.2023 issued by Operations Vertical or determined by the Bank from time
to time
Similarly, for the purpose as stated above, the annexe / Back offices of
Central Office located in any other Zone such as Hyderabad/Mangalore/ Delhi
(Incl. GB Vertical)/ Bengaluru, Lucknow etc. shall be administratively
considered as part of the Zone where these are located.
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Transfer Policy for Officers upto MMGS-III
2.4.1 Parent Zone is the Zone from where an Officer has been transferred either on
promotion, for meeting Bank’s exigencies, to have required rural/semi-urban
experience to gain eligibility for promotion, synchronization of grades/posts,
on compassionate grounds, on account of longer tenure criterion or
rationalization of manpower.
2.4.2 In case of directly recruited Officers, the parent Zone shall be as per the
place of Domicile of an officer as per records in the HRMS package.
Below are the key policy clauses applicable to the officers governed under
this Policy:
3.1 To fall in line with the guidelines issued by Central Vigilance Commission and
Government of India
3.2 All the officers shall be governed by Regulation 47 and 48 of Union Bank of
India (Officers’) Service Regulations, 1979 as amended from time to time.
Accordingly, every Officer is liable for transfer to any Office or Branch of the
Bank or any place in India and every Officer shall be available for Bank's duties
at any time of the day.
Nothing mentioned in this Policy shall restrict the scope of any of the
provisions of Union Bank of India (Officers’) Service Regulations, 1979, Union
Bank of India Officer Employees’ (Discipline & Appeal) Regulations, 1976,
Union Bank of India Officer Employees’ (Conduct) Regulations, 1976, all
amended from time to time and/or guidelines/rules formulated from time to
time by the Bank in connection with posting/deployment/ rotation of officer
employees up to MMGS-III. The Bank will be free to transfer any officer
anywhere in the Country to meet its exigencies. Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Policy, the Bank reserves its right to retain/transfer any
officer, entirely at its discretion.
4. Eligibility
Transfers of all officers from JMGS-I to MMGS-III will be governed by this Policy.
Accordingly, “Officer” for this purpose shall only mean any officer presently working
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Transfer Policy for Officers upto MMGS-III
5.1.1 Officers who have been transferred from one Zone to another Zone on
account of promotion/longer tenure in a Zone criterion (or lateral transfer)
or due to administrative exigencies like rationalization of manpower/
completion of Rural / Semi Urban Branch Service etc. will be eligible to
request for transfer after completion of 3 years (or more or as per the cut-
off date decided by the Competent Authority) in the Zone in a particular
scale, subject to the availability of vacancies.
5.1.2 The officers who wish to return to their parent Zone or those wish to
request for transfer to another Zone after completion of required tenure
of 3 years in a particular Zone or those seeking transfer on Compassionate
/Spouse grounds shall be required to submit their transfer request
application in Union Parivar.
The officers requesting for transfer to parent Zone/other Zone, other than
on Compassionate/ Spouse Grounds, shall have the option to apply for 2
Zones with 3 Regions per each Zone as per their order of preference,
including their parent Zone, for request transfer. As far as
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5.1.3 For the purpose of reckoning the completed number of years of service in
the Zone, the cut-off date would be 30th June (or as decided by the
Competent Authority) in respect of Officers to be transferred under this
5.1.5 There shall be check system in the Union Parivar request transfer module
which will prevent from submission of request transfer in case of non-
submission of APAR and Statement of Assets and Liabilities. No manual
requests through hard copy/ posts/e-mails shall be entertained in respect
of such cases.
5.2.1 The Bank, at its sole discretion, may consider transfer application
cases, on compassionate grounds independent of the transfer process
applicable in the above clauses. This will include:
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5.2.3 The officers in such cases have to route their application through
Union Parivar and the concerned Regional Office / Zonal Office /
respective Vertical, after satisfaction of the contents therein, shall
recommend or otherwise refer the case to the Competent Authority.
Based on the merits of the case, the decision to transfer an officer
will be taken and it will be at the sole discretion of the Management.
Officers shall be required to submit Health Declaration format along
with the necessary medical records and supporting documents at the
time of submission of request in HRMS Union Parivar. The respective
Regional Office/Zonal Office will meticulously scrutinize and approve
these documents.
5.2.5 Request for Transfers received from spouse of serving Army / Defence
/ Central Armed Police Forces / Central Paramilitary Forces Personnel
whose spouse is posted in War Zone/ disturbed area for posting at
place where parents are residing may also be considered without
being counted as a request to which the officer is entitled during
his/her career.
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5.3.1 A female officer can seek transfer to join her husband after marriage
or due to transfer of her husband from the present location. Such
request may be considered at the sole discretion of the Management,
subject to availability of vacancy in the respective location. However,
the lady officer will not be exempted from transfer as contained in
clause 5.4 & 5.5 on the ground that it will amount to separation from
her husband, and she has to carry out the transfer.
5.3.2 The transfer request for joining spouse is allowed only twice in her
entire career and there should be minimum gap of 3 years between
two such transfers. The exercise of accepting transfer on spouse
ground will be conducted once in a year, preferably in the month of
April / May, along with Annual General Transfer exercise.
5.3.3 In case where both husband and wife are employed as officers in the
Bank, as far as possible, they shall be posted at / around the nearby
station, within the same Region.
5.3.4 In case where both husband and wife are employed in the Bank and
one of them is in clerical cadre, then as far as possible, they shall be
posted at / around the nearby station, within the same Region.
However, movement of the employee in clerical cadre (out of the two)
shall be governed as per transfer policy for Award Staff.
5.4.2 Vacancies identified in the higher Grade/Scale in the Zone will be first
filled in by transferring back the officers who have completed 3 years
(or number of years as decided by the Competent Authority) of
service/posting out of parent Zone, in a particular scale, on
promotion/ longer tenure/ lateral transfer or rural/semi-urban
postings or synchronization of grade/scale or otherwise. Such officers
will be transferred back to their parent Zones in the order of their
date of reporting in the existing Zone where they were transferred on
promotion/longer tenure/lateral transfer, rural/semi urban posting
5.4.3 Officers, who have completed service tenure of 9 years or more, (or
as decided by the Competent Authority) in Officer Cadre, in a
particular Zone will be transferred out of that Zone and will be placed
in another Zone for serving minimum period of 3 years. As
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Officers who get promoted but are coming under the criterion of
longer tenure of 9 years or more (or as decided by the Competent
Authority), shall also be transferred out of Zone.
5.4.4 Transfer of Specialist officers shall be need based and as per the
recommendations received from the concerned vertical.
5.4.5 General Banking Officers who become due for transfer under this
criterion may be given an option to apply for 5 preferred Zones with
3 Regions per Zone, for placement upon transfer. As far as possible,
Zone may be allotted in the order of preference given by the officer,
subject to availability of vacancy. Criterion such as age of the officer/
tenure spent in a particular Zone/ displacement may be considered
while allocating new Zone. However, it shall not be binding on the
Management to accede to such requests and Management may post
the officer as per Bank’s requirements.
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5.5.2 Zonal Offices may decide about retention of promoted officers within
the Region subject to availability of vacancies or movement within
the Zone besides ensuring rotation of officers (once in 6 years) within
5.5.3 However, If the promoted officers (under either Normal or Fast Track
channel) are coming under the longer tenure in a Zone criterion, then
they shall be moved out of Zone.
Transfer of Differently abled Officers and Officers having differently
abled dependent family member(s) shall be governed by clause 10.2
of this Policy.
5.6.2 The Bank will be free to transfer any officer, anywhere (to any office/
branch) in the country to meet its exigencies.
5.6.3 Every officer will be liable to be transferred from one branch / office
to another branch / office, upon completion of 3 years’ service, within
the Region. In the case of administrative offices, duration of retention
may be up to 5 years. It is further clarified that the officers may be
transferred from branch/office before the period of 3 years also,
depending upon the business needs of the Bank. No officer shall
remain posted on a sensitive seat for more than 3 years in the same
Officers due for transfer be transferred within the same job family
during the period of its validity, i.e. 4 years. Further, due to
administrative exigencies, if an officer is to be transferred outside
his/her allotted job family, it is proposed that the same be effected
after obtaining approval from the Competent Authority which shall be
one level higher than the Competent Authority to issue Transfer
Orders as stated in clause 8.2 of the policy. However, for Central
Office, the Competent Authority shall remain CGM (HR).
5.6.6 The officers who have completed 6 years or more in the officer cadre
in a particular Region are liable to be transferred inter-Region, within
the Zone, for accommodating the incoming officers on request
transfers (except in case of any administrative/disciplinary action/
compassionate grounds etc. transfers). Zonal Offices shall undertake
such transfers based on guiding principles in clause No. 5.8
In case of any deviation, approval from next higher authority will have
to be obtained by the Regional Office before posting of such officers
in urban / metro locations.
5.7.4 Such officers shall not be posted to urban/ metro areas on deputation
and such period of deputation, if any, shall not be counted for
reckoning minimum tenure of rural/ semi urban posting respectively.
5.7.5 Those having acquired the required rural service experience may not
be repeatedly posted in rural areas.
5.7.6 In case an officer makes a request for posting in rural branch within
the Region, if otherwise eligible, he shall be immediately posted
there. In case of non-availability of vacancy in rural branch, the
officer may be asked to give his/her choice of another Region within
the Zone where his/her services can be utilized for rural branches.
Such requests shall be considered by the respective Competent
Authority. However, such request should be in compliance to Point
No. 5.7.5 above.
Bank reserves the right to carry out transfer of officers under compliance to or
as per instructions / guidelines received from CVC/RBI/ Government of India or
as a matter of Preventive Vigilance or to meet Bank’s requirement/exigencies or
on account of occurrence of frauds etc. Officers against whom disciplinary action
is underway / officers who are suspended are also liable to be transferred out of
their present Region /Zone.
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Transfer Policy for Officers upto MMGS-III
a) If they are in a family way, the exemption will be for a period of three
years (including 9 months of family way).
b) Having a child below two years of age, the exemption will be till the
period the child turns 2 years of age.
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Transfer Policy for Officers upto MMGS-III
7. Temporary Transfer
8.1.1 Bank has undertaken Project Union Prerna under which Transfer &
Posting Tool has been developed, through which posting & placement
of officers up to MMGS-III shall take place, in a transparent and efficient
manner. It is a tool for the end-to-end Transfer & Posting process for
inter-zonal, inter-regional & intra-regional transfer and movement
based on employee job family & performance, subject to availability of
vacancies. Guidelines contained in the Transfer Policy for Officers shall
form part of the trigger & functioning of the Posting Tool. The transfer
& posting process for Specialist Officers up to MMGS-III shall also be
done through the Transfer & Posting Tool. Further, all orders
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8.3.1 As far as possible all transfers shall take place in the first quarter of
financial year i.e. from 1st April to 30th June through the online Transfer
& Posting Tool / Module in Union Parivar. Normally there shall be no
transfer exercise after 30th June of every year. However, in case, some
transfers have to be effected between 1st July of the year to 31st March
of next year, the same shall be approved by HR Vertical, Central Office.
8.3.2 Transfer of officers after June, other than transfer on following grounds
/ situations, even on administrative exigencies, except on Promotion,
would require prior approval of Competent Authority at Central Office,
HR Vertical. After obtaining approval, transfer orders within the Zone
shall be issued by respective Zonal Office and inter-Zonal orders will be
issued by Central Office, HR Vertical
8.3.3 Since the online transfer module shall be operational only till 30th June
of the year, in case of consequential vacancies concerned RO/ZO may
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seek permission from Central Office for opening the module for
effecting such transfers.
8.5.1 Relieving and reporting has to be implemented and carried out as per the
date mentioned in the Transfer Order In case the relieving is done centrally,
all officers under transfer shall stand relieved as per the date given by Central
Office. In case of non-reporting at new place of posting, action as deemed fit
be initiated by the reporting office.
8.5.2 Sanction of leave and other emoluments to officers who have not reported at
the transferee office
An officer on transfer after being relieved from previous office will cease to
be under the administrative control of that office. He will be under the
administrative control of the transferee office. Accordingly, the matters
relating to sanction of leave, payment of salary etc. shall be dealt by the
transferee office.
i) An Officer shall be eligible for joining time on one occasion and not
exceeding seven days, exclusive of the number of the days spent on
travel, to enable him/her
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ii) During the joining time an Officer shall be eligible to draw the
emoluments as applicable to the place of transfer.
iii) In calculating the joining time admissible to an Officer, the day on which
he/she is relieved from his/her old post shall be excluded but public
holidays following the day of his/her relief shall not be included in
computing the joining time.
iv) No joining time shall be admissible to an Officer when the transfer does
not involve a posting to a different place.
8.6.3 An officer can avail joining time up to 3 months from the date of his/her
relieving. In case the same is denied by the Competent Authority, it is
extendable by another 3 months. The joining time shall lapse after
completion of 6 months from the date of relieving of the officer.
Bank will take steps to make transfer process smoother and more structured.
Transfer process will be completed by 30th June to cause minimum disruption to the
officers’ children’s academic year.
It will be ensured that transfer orders are not kept pending without any cogent
reason, in order to make the transfer process more effective.
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Such Officers will be transferred back to their parent state within a period of 2-
3 years.
10.2.3 Transfer of differently abled officers and those having differently abled
dependent family members shall be governed by Government of India
guidelines as received from time to time.
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Transfer Policy for Officers upto MMGS-III
11 General Guidelines
11.2 For arriving at the requisite period of service for transfers, the period of
temporary transfer, sabbatical leave, leave on loss of pay and allowances, if any,
shall be treated as passive period of service and shall not be counted. However,
if in any case, an officer is not relieved upon completion of temporary transfer
period, due to Bank’s exigencies, such extended period shall be counted as
period of active service.
11.4 All Officers of the Bank shall have to stay at the place of their posting until and
unless permitted otherwise. In case of Branch Managers, such permission will
be granted by the Zonal Head and for other Officers, the same will be given by
Regional Head.
Further, all officers are required to obtain prior permission from the Competent
Authority i.e. Leave Sanctioning Authority before leaving Station Head Quarters
through HRMS – Union Parivar, while availing leave to visit outside station and
for leaving stations during weekends/ holidays.
11.5 The process of handing over of charge by the outgoing Branch Head to the
incoming Branch Head in case of transfer should be followed as per
guidelines/format issued by the Bank on the subject. In case an officer under
transfer is working as Branch Head / In-Charge of MLP, RLP, ALP (Agri. Loan
Point), UMFB, ARB, SAMB, Currency Chest, Mid Corporate Branch, LCB,
CAPS/CMS, Service Branch etc. and gets relieved before reporting of his/her
successor at the branch/office, he/she should hand over the charge to the
second line officer of the Branch as per the format. Thereafter, the succeeding
Branch Head / In-charge shall take over the charge from the second officer.
11.6 No officer shall be posted in the same Office/Branch and in case of Central
Office, same Vertical / Department of his/her Spouse and any other person
related to him /her. Relationship shall include son, daughter, son-in-law,
daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, brother, sister, father, mother, uncle, aunt,
mother-in-law, father-in-law, first cousin, nephew or niece of the employee or
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11.7 It has to be ensured that the officers holding sensitive posts should be removed
from the posts at least 6 months prior to their retirement and arrangement for
suitable replacement must be made in time.
11.9 The Regional Offices / Zonal Offices shall avoid transfer of Branch Heads before
completion of one year tenure at a particular branch, except in case of genuine
requirement(s)/circumstances like longer tenure transfer/ consideration of
lateral requests/ compassionate grounds etc. where it is necessary to change
the Branch Head. In case Branch Head is transferred before completion of one
year tenure, reasons for the same shall be recorded in the approval note and
informed to next Higher Authority.
11.10 Top performers, (as derived from the revamped Performance Management
System under EASE Agenda), to the extent of 10% of the vacancies available in
the respective Region/Zone, will be incentivized by giving preference in
placement/postings, subject to completion of minimum two years’ service in the
existing Region / Zone.
In case delegation rests with the Zonal Office, the same shall have to be
forwarded with the recommendations through respective RO.
12 The Bank reserves its right to amend, vary or rescind all or any of the clauses of this
Policy at any point of time without assigning any reason.
13 For further interpretation of any clause of this policy, CGM (HR) shall be the Competent
Authority to issue such clarifications.
14 The Policy shall be valid up to 31.03.2025 and the validity of the policy may be extended
further for a period of 3 months with the specific approval of the MD & CEO. If required,
the policy may be reviewed/modified during the validity period, with the approval of
the Board.
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