PPS3R - Paper - III-Development Administration
PPS3R - Paper - III-Development Administration
PPS3R - Paper - III-Development Administration
1. Meaning, Nature & Scope of Development Administration
2. Development Administration & Administration of Development
3. Understanding Development
4. Development from above and below
5. Administrative Machinery for Development
6. Approaches of Development Administration
10 MARKS :
1. Difference b/w development administration & administrative development (Dec -2019)
2. Examine the Approaches of Development Administration (Dec - 2020)
3. Explain meaning, nature. scope of development administration (May - 2021)
4. Bring out the various approaches of Development Administration. (Dec - 2021)
5. Meaning, nature, scope & importance of Development administration (May-2022)
6. List out the various approaches to Development Administration. (Dec - 2022)
7. Distinguish between Administration for Development and Development
Administration (M.Q.P)
1. Explain the Nature of Development Administration (Dec - 2019)
2. Explain the development from above or development from below. (Dec - 2020)
3. What are the main themes of the theory of development ? (May - 2021)
4. Describe meaning, nature, significance of development administration (Dec 2021)
5. List out the Administrative Machinery for Development. (May - 2022)
6. Differences between Development & Public administration (Dec - 2022)
7. Discuss various approaches to Development Administrations (M.Q.P)
1. Contents of Development Administration
2. Development Administration in the International Context
3. General Context of Development Administration
4. Political, Economic, Cultural, Administrative and Social
10 MARKS :
1. Describe the development administration in the international context. (Dec-2019)
2. Describe the importance of Development Administration (Dec - 2020)
3. Describe the development administration in the international context. (May-2021)
4. Evaluate the development administration in the International Context. (Dec- 2021)
5. Analyze socio-economic context of Development Administration (May - 2022)
6. Explain the cultural context of development administration (Dec - 2022)
7. How far other social systems influence development administration? Comment.
1. Describe the political context of Development Administration. (Dec - 2019)
2. Examine the Economic context of Development Administration. (Dec - 2020)
3. Explain the goals of development administration. (May - 2021)
4. Discuss the political context of Development Administration (Dec - 2021)
5. Describe the Development Administration in International context (May -2022)
6. Explain the cultural context of development administration. (Dec - 2022)
7. Explain the salient features of Administration in developing countries. (M.Q.P)
1. Development of Administration
2. Bureaucracy and Development Administration
3. Development Planning
4. Training for Development
5. Citizen and Administration
10 MARKS :
1. Evaluate the role of Bureaucracy and Development Administration. (Dec-2019)
2. Explain the District Administration and democratic decentralization. (Dec-2020)
3. Discuss the citizens centric administration. (May-2021)
4. Write an essay on citizens and Development Administration. (Dec-2021)
5. Evaluate the Development planning. (May -2022)
6. Write an essay on Bureaucracy and Development Administration. (Dec-2022)
7. Examine necessary conditions for Citizen Participation in development (M.Q.P)
1. Examine the objectives of training and development (Dec - 2019)
2. Describe the bureaucracy and development (Dec - 2020)
3. Describe the purpose of development planning. (May - 2021)
4. Estimate the meaning, role and importance of Development Planning in
Development Administration. (Dec - 2021)
5. Explain the need and importance of Training for Development. (May - 2022)
6. Discuss the training for development. (Dec - 2022)
7. Examine the role of bureaucracy in developing countries. (M.Q.P)
8. There is no development without people’s participation”. Explain (M.Q.P)
1. Decentralization of Powers in India
2. State Planning
3. District Level Planning
4. District Administration and Field Agencies
5. District Collector
6. District Development Officer
7. District Development Committee
8. Development Programmes in India
9. Integrated Rural Development Programme
10. Tribal Development Programme
11. Area Development
12. Educational Development
13. Urban Development
14. Social Welfare
15. Environmental Protection
10 MARKS :
1. Examine the challenges of decentralization in India. (Dec - 2019)
2. Evaluate the integrated Rural Development Programme. (Dec - 2020)
3. Explain the development programmes in India. (May - 2021)
4. Analyze the role and importance of environmental protection in development
administration. (Dec - 2021)
5. List out the Development programmes in India. (May - 2022)
6. Analyze - role, impact and importance of Educational Development. (Dec-2022)
7. Explain problems in the implementation of various programmes in India (M.Q.P)
1. Evaluate the integrated tribal development project. (Dec - 2019)
2. Discuss the importance of Environmental Protection. (Dec - 2019)
3. Discuss the role of State Planning. (Dec - 2020)
4. Critically Examine the District Development Committee. (Dec - 2020)
5. Evaluate the functions of district development officer (May - 2021)
6. Examine the importance of urban development. (May - 2021)
7. Write a short note on Integrated Rural Development Programme. (Dec - 2021)
8. List out the challenges of Urban Development. (Dec - 2021)
9. Discuss the role and significance of Educational Development. (May - 2022)
10. Estimate the role and functions of the District Development Officer. (May - 2022)
11. List out the Development Programmes in India. (Dec - 2022)
12. Write a short note on integrated rural development programme (Dec - 2022)
13. Brief note on various developmental programmes implemented in India. (M.Q.P)
14. Write a note on planning at the State Level (M.Q.P)
1. Explain the Autonomy and Accountability of Administration. ( Dec - 2019)
2. Describe significance of First Administrative Reforms Commission (Dec- 2019)
3. Define the Administrative culture and values. (Dec - 2020)
4. What is Administrative Reform? (Dec - 2020)
5. Explain the different faces of administrative culture. (May - 2021)
6. Examine the advantages of good governance. (May - 2021)
7. Explain the changing administrative culture (Dec - 2021)
8. Discuss the corruption in Administration. (Dec - 2021)
9. Write a short note on Administrative reforms in India (May - 2022)
10. Bring out the impact of e-governance on Development administration. (May-2022)
11. . Explain the role of NGOs in development administration (M.Q.P)
2 MARKS - UNIT : I - V
Sl. Dec - 2019 Dec - 2020 May - 2021 Dec - 2021 May - 2022 June -2022 Model Question
8. District Level People's Civil society. Tribal Social welfare Urban Development
Planning participation Development development. Planning
11. Public New – Red Tape Social Welfare Environmental Social welfare Transparency
Accountability Industrial protection administration.