ACG Diameter Peering

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Establishing a Diameter Peering


In This Chapter
This section provides information about establishing a diameter peering session.

Topics in this section include:

• Applicability on page 2344

• Overview on page 2345
• Configuration on page 2346
• Conclusion on page 2357

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2343


This example is applicable to all 7750 SR/SR-c and 7450 ESS chassis.

The configuration was tested on release 12.0.R3.

Page 2344 7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide

Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

Diameter is an Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) protocol that has been
defined by the IETF in RFC 3588, Diameter Base Protocol, as a replacement for other AAA
protocols like TACACS and RADIUS. While wireline access networks are largely based on
RADIUS for subscriber authentication, authorization, and accounting, it was decided by 3rd
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) that wireless access networks will be largely based on
Diameter. Over time, operators are looking to converge both types of networks, and one of the
aspects of this is to replace RADIUS in wireline access networks by Diameter.

Diameter is based on three layers: the transport layer, the Diameter base protocol layer and the
Diameter applications as shown in Figure 369.

on-line charging authorization

Diameter Gy Gx
Applications (SR-OS 10) (SR-OS 12) Other Applications...

Base Protocol Diameter Base Protocol: IETF RFC 3588

Transport TCP SCTP


Figure 369: Diameter Protocol Stack

The bottom layer is the transport layer and can be either TCP or SCTP, but only TCP is supported
by SR OS. The Diameter base protocol implementation is based on RFC 3588. The top layer
contains the Diameter applications. SR OS 10.0 introduced the Gy Diameter application for on-
line charging, and SR OS 12.0 introduces the Gx Diameter application for authorization.

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2345


The Diameter base protocol and the Diameter applications have to be configured separately, where
the Diameter base protocol has to be configured first, and the Diameter applications next. The
transport layer configuration is part of the Diameter base protocol layer. This example only
describes the Diameter base protocol configuration.

The diameter-peer-policy configuration resides in the aaa context and contains the full Diameter
base protocol configuration. An example diameter-peer-policy configuration is shown below.

configure aaa
diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206" create
applications gx
origin-host "wlangw-2.SRrealm"
origin-realm "SRrealm"
router 10000
peer "DSC.26.206" create
destination-realm "Tc3eRealm"
no shutdown

The diameter-peer-policy is identified by name (DSC.26.206 in the example above). This name is
used by the Diameter application configuration. The Diameter application making use of this
Diameter peer policy must be specified (for instance Gx), and so is the Diameter identity. The
Diameter identity consists of 2 parts: the Diameter host name and the Diameter realm, wlangw-
2.SRrealm and SRrealm, respectively, in the example above. Configuration of the Diameter
application making use of the Diameter peer is required such that the Diameter connection
including the capability exchange, which negotiates the Diameter application with the peer, can
already start without configuration of the specific Diameter application.

By default the system originates the Diameter peering session from the Base router but a different
routing context (a VPRN or the management routing context used for out-of-band management)
can be used (VPRN 10000 in the example). Also a source address (belonging to an IP interface in
the configured routing context) can be specified ( in the example), but when no source
address is specified an address is selected automatically. As such, best practice is to explicitly
configure the source address.

One or more peers can be configured, with a maximum of five peers. In case more than one peer is
configured, these peers can provide redundancy when supported by the Diameter application
making use of the Diameter peer policy. Each peer is identified by name (which could be the same
as the Diameter peer policy as in the example above) and has an IP address and a destination
Diameter realm ( and Tc3eRealm, respectively, in the example). The IP address is that
of the device terminating the TCP session, which either is the final destination or a Diameter
Routing Agent (DRA) (intermediate destination). The destination realm is typically the realm of
the final destination. Optionally the destination host can be configured. If the destination host is

Page 2346 7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide

Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

not configured, then it will be dynamically learned from the received Diameter application
messages (learned from the received origin-host). This means that if it is not configured, the first
Diameter application message does not contain a destination-host, only a destination-realm, but all
subsequent messages will include the learned destination-host. If destination-host is configured, it
will be included in the first Diameter application message. The destination host is configured per
peer using following command:

*A:BNG-1# configure aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206" peer "DSC.26.206" destination-

- destination-host <destination-host-string>
- no destination-host

<destination-host-*> : [80 chars max]

Configuration of the origin-host, origin-realm, destination-realm and at least 1 peer is mandatory.

These attributes do not have default values and are needed before a peer can be put in a no
shutdown state. Doing a no shutdown of a peer fails in case any of these attributes are not
configured, for instance:

*A:BNG-1>config>aaa>diameter-peer-plcy>peer$ no shutdown
MINOR: DIAM #1205 Origin-host is not configured yet

*A:BNG-1>config>aaa>diam-peer-plcy# peer "test" no shutdown

MINOR: DIAM #1206 Origin-realm is not configured yet

*A:BNG-1>config>aaa>diam-peer-plcy# peer "test" no shutdown

MINOR: DIAM #1208 Destination-realm is not configured yet

When doing a no shutdown of the peer, the system tries to establish the TCP session. Once the
TCP session is up, the system starts the Diameter capability negotiation using the configured
attributes: the Diameter identity is advertised together with the configured Diameter applications.
An example of a capability negotiation is examined in detail in the troubleshooting section. All
Diameter messages are sent with a DSCP set to AF41. The DSCP value cannot be changed.

The status of the Diameter peers can be verified as follows:

*A:BNG-1# show aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206"

Diameter Peer Policy : DSC.26.206
Last Mgmt Change : 03/18/2014 17:50:50
Diameter Base Values (config)
Origin Host : wlangw-2.SRrealm
Origin Realm : SRrealm
Connection Timer : 30 (default) Source Address :
Transaction Timer : 30 (default) Router : 10000
Watchdog Timer : 30 (default)
Vendor Support : 3GPP (default)
Peer Name Oper PSM State Susp Cooldown Pref Order Pri/Sec

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2347


DSC.26.206 Yes I-Open No - 50 1 Primary

An important information is the PSM State of each peer. The state I-Open indicates that the peer
is up and running. The full Peer State Machine (PSM) is described in RFC 3588.

More advanced configuration can be done as well. Timers can be configured: connection timer,
transaction timer and watchdog timer:

• The connection timer is called the Tc timer in RFC 3588. This timer controls the
frequency at which a new connection is attempted to be established. The default value is
30 seconds as recommended by RFC 3588.
• The transaction timer is started each time a request is sent to the peer and indicates the
time the system waits for an answer before resending the request to one of the other
configured peers. In case the Diameter request is retransmitted to another peer, the T-flag
(Potentially re-transmitted message flag) is set. Failure of a peer is typically detected by
the watchdog messages, but in some cases it is possible that a peer is not responding
although watchdog messages are received. This could happen, for instance, when there is
a Diameter relay agent or Diameter proxy agent between the system originating the
Diameter messages and the final destination.
• The watchdog timer controls the frequency at which device-watchdog-request messages
are transmitted to the peer, and is called the Tw timer in RFC 3539, Authentication,
Authorization and Accounting (AAA) Transport Profile. A small timer results in a faster
detection of a peer failure at the expense of generating more messages. The default is 30

These timers can be configured at two levels: at Diameter peer policy level and at peer level. If
configured at the peer level, then this value is taken for the specific peer, otherwise the
configuration is taken from the Diameter peer policy level. If it is also not configured at the policy
level, then the default values are used, which is 30 seconds for these three timers.

In case multiple peers are configured in the profile, a preference can be assigned to each of the
peers. A lower preference value indicates a more preferred peer. Up to five peers can be
configured, and all can be in the I-Open state, but the Diameter application will only select a
single primary peer on a per application session basis. By default the preference is 50, and the
selection on which peer is active and which one standby is shown in following CLI command:

*A:BNG-1# show aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.Geo.Red"

Diameter Peer Policy : DSC.Geo.Red
Last Mgmt Change : 04/23/2014 15:18:24
Diameter Base Values (config)
Origin Host : wlangw-2.DSC.Geo.Red.SRrealm
Origin Realm : SRrealm

Page 2348 7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide

Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

Connection Timer : 30 (default) Source Address :

Transaction Timer : 30 (default) Router : 10000
Watchdog Timer : 30 (default)
Vendor Support : 3GPP (default)
Peer Name Oper PSM State Susp Cooldown Pref Order Pri/Sec
DSC.Simul Yes I-Open No - 10 1 Primary
DSC.26.206 Yes I-Open No - 20 2 Secondary

The configuration corresponding to the above show command is as follows.

*A:BNG-1# configure aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.Geo.Red"

*A:BNG-1>config>aaa>diam-peer-plcy# info
applications gx
origin-host "wlangw-2.DSC.Geo.Red.SRrealm"
origin-realm "SRrealm"
router 10000
peer "DSC.Simul" create
destination-realm ""
preference 10
no shutdown
peer "DSC.26.206" create
destination-realm "Tc3eRealm"
preference 20
no shutdown

Which redundancy features are supported as well as redundancy behavior is Diameter application

The transport configuration is part of the Diameter peer policy and is configured per peer. SR OS
uses TCP as transport and the TCP destination port number is configurable. By default the
standard port 3868 is used.
*A:BNG-1# configure aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206" peer "DSC.26.206" transport
- transport tcp port <port>
- no transport

<tcp> : keyword
<port> : [1..65535]

The source port is randomly chosen from the ephemeral port-range.

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2349


Statistics of each peer can be displayed as follows:

*A:BNG-1# show aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206" peer "DSC.26.206" statistics

Diameter Peer Policy : DSC.26.206 (statistics)
Diameter Peer : DSC.26.206
time statistics cleared : 04/18/2014 07:52:28
Client initiated tx/rx Server initiated tx/rx
TCP Send Failed : 0 TCP Send Failed : 0
Diam Rx Drop Count (Resps): 0 Diam Rx Drop Count (Reqs) : 0
Diam Tx Requests : 3 Diam Rx Requests : 94
Diam Rx Responses : 3 Diam Tx Responses : 94
Pending Messages : 0
Request Timeouts : 0
Diameter message breakdown
CCR initial Tx : 1 CCA initial Rx : 1
CCR update Tx : 1 CCA update Rx : 1
CCR terminate Tx : 1 CCA terminate Rx : 1
CER Tx : 0 CEA Rx : 0
DWR Tx : 0 DWA Rx : 0
DWR Rx : 94 DWA Tx : 94
ASR Rx : 0 ASA Tx : 0
RAR Rx : 0 RAA Tx : 0
DPR Tx : 0 DPA Rx : 0
DPR Rx : 0 DPA Tx : 0

The above command shows several statistics including the number of transmitted and received
messages per message type. There is a command to clear the above counters, for instance:

clear aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206" peer "DSC.26.206" statistics

Furthermore, debug at peer level of all Diameter message types are available:

detail-level high
no dest-realm
diameter-peer DSC.26.206 psm-events
no diameter-policy
message-type ccr cca cer cea dwr dwa dpr dpa rar raa asr asa
no origin-realm

Page 2350 7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide

Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

The above debug example will display the detailed output of all Diameter messages sent to and
received from peer DSC.26.206. A shorter command to obtain the same output is the debug
diameter message-type all command. Some of the Diameter message types are application
specific with certain overlap between the applications. In other words, not all Diameter message
types are used by all applications. The message types are:

• ccr credit-control-request
• cca credit-control-answer
• cer capability-exchange-request
• cea capability-exchange-answer
• dwr watchdog-request
• dwa watchdog-answer
• dpr disconnect-peer-request
• dpa disconnect-peer-answer
• rar re-auth-request
• raa re-auth-answer
• asr abort-session-request
• asa abort-session-answer

Note that debug of a request message and the corresponding answer message requires enabling
debug for 2 message–types. Common practice is to enable debug for all message types, or for all
message types except for the watchdog messages because typically these messages do not contain
much interesting information. Including the periodic DWR and DWA messages would make the
debug output harder to read.

Every Diameter application supports at least the CER/CEA messages. An example output of CER/
CEA messages is shown below. In the CER sent by SR OS, the attributes origin-host, origin-
realm, host-ip-addr, and auth-appl-id are coming from the diameter policy configuration. Note that
a CER has no destination-host. Other information in the CER is the product-name (set to SR-OS)
and firmware-revision (set to 1203 in the example below indicating that this debug trace is taken
from 12.0R3). The CEA is received from the PCRF, and contains similar information.
5 2014/06/26 14:27:32.79 CET MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn10000 DIAMETER
"DIAMETER: Message Transmission
CER from [DSC.26.206, DSC.26.206] to
ver 1 len 196 flags R------- code 257
app-id 0 hbh-id 8652 e2e-id 659536111
origin-host (264) -M------ [24]
data [16] (DiameterIdentity) : wlangw-2.SRrealm
origin-realm (296) -M------ [15]
data [7] (DiameterIdentity) : SRrealm
host-ip-addr (257) -M------ [14]
data [6] (Address) : ipv4

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2351


vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]

data [4] (Unsigned32) : 6527
product-name (269) -------- [13]
data [5] (UTF8String) : SR-OS
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777238 : Gx
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 6527
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 10415
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 13019
vend-specific-appl-id (260) -M------ [32]
data [24] (Grouped)
vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 10415
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777238 : Gx
firmware-revision (267) -------- [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 1203

01 00 00 c4 80 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 cc
27 4f b8 ef 00 00 01 08 40 00 00 18 77 6c 61 6e
67 77 2d 32 2e 53 52 72 65 61 6c 6d 00 00 01 28
40 00 00 0f 53 52 72 65 61 6c 6d 00 00 00 01 01
40 00 00 0e 00 01 0a 17 00 82 00 00 00 00 01 0a
40 00 00 0c 00 00 19 7f 00 00 01 0d 00 00 00 0d
53 52 2d 4f 53 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 40 00 00 0c
01 00 00 16 00 00 01 09 40 00 00 0c 00 00 19 7f
00 00 01 09 40 00 00 0c 00 00 28 af 00 00 01 09
40 00 00 0c 00 00 32 db 00 00 01 04 40 00 00 20
00 00 01 0a 40 00 00 0c 00 00 28 af 00 00 01 02
40 00 00 0c 01 00 00 16 00 00 01 0b 00 00 00 0c
00 00 04 b3

6 2014/06/26 14:27:32.79 CET MINOR: DEBUG #2001 vprn10000 DIAMETER

"DIAMETER: Message Reception
CEA from to [DSC.26.206, DSC.26.206]
ver 1 len 776 flags -------- code 257
app-id 0 hbh-id 8652 e2e-id 659536111
origin-host (264) -M------ [25]
data [17] (DiameterIdentity) : stefaan.Tc3eRealm
origin-realm (296) -M------ [17]
data [9] (DiameterIdentity) : Tc3eRealm
result-code (268) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 2001 : DIAM_RESCODE_SUCCESS
host-ip-addr (257) -M------ [14]
data [6] (Address) : ipv4
vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 637
product-name (269) -------- [36]
data [28] (UTF8String) : Alcatel-Lucent 5780 DSC (PS)
origin-state-id (278) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 1364308599
firmware-revision (267) -------- [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 600450000

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Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]

data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777217 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777266 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 1 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777267 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777302 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777303 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777236 :
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777238 : Gx
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 111 :
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 28458
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 10415
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 12951
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 9
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 7898
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 5535
supported-vendor-id (265) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 637
vend-specific-appl-id (260) -M------ [32]
data [24] (Grouped)
vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 10415
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777236 :
vend-specific-appl-id (260) -M------ [32]
data [24] (Grouped)
vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 10415
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777267 :
vend-specific-appl-id (260) -M------ [32]
data [24] (Grouped)
vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 10415
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777238 : Gx
vend-specific-appl-id (260) -M------ [32]
data [24] (Grouped)
vendor-id (266) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 9
auth-appl-id (258) -M------ [12]
data [4] (Unsigned32) : 16777238 : Gx
vend-specific-appl-id (260) -M------ [32]

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2353


It is also possible to debug all messages from a specific Diameter policy, origin realm, or
destination realm.

Note that these debug commands only show Diameter messages but no TCP messages like TCP-
SYN. TCP layer issues must be debugged differently. For instance when there is a routing issue
between client and server, then typically the state of the Diameter peer is Wait-Conn-Ack:

*A:BNG-1# show aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206"

Diameter Peer Policy : DSC.26.206
Last Mgmt Change : 06/16/2014 13:21:26
Diameter Base Values (config)
Origin Host : wlangw-2.SRrealm
Origin Realm : SRrealm
Connection Timer : 30 (default) Source Address :
Transaction Timer : 30 (default) Router : 10000
Watchdog Timer : 10
Vendor Support : 3GPP (default)
Peer Name Oper PSM State Susp Cooldown Pref Order Pri/Sec
DSC.26.206 Yes Wait-Conn-Ack No Pending 50 - -

Wait-Conn-Ack means that the client has sent a TCP-SYN but no SYN-ACK is coming back. If
the state is Closed, the client is no longer listening for a SYN-ACK and a new attempt to bring up
the transport connection is made when the connection timer expires:
*A:BNG-1# show aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206"
Diameter Peer Policy : DSC.26.206
Last Mgmt Change : 06/16/2014 13:21:26
Diameter Base Values (config)
Origin Host : wlangw-2.SRrealm
Origin Realm : SRrealm
Connection Timer : 30 (default) Source Address :
Transaction Timer : 30 (default) Router : 10000
Watchdog Timer : 10
Vendor Support : 3GPP (default)
Peer Name Oper PSM State Susp Cooldown Pref Order Pri/Sec
DSC.26.206 Yes Closed No Pending 50 - -

Page 2354 7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide

Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

The countdown of the connection timer can be seen with this command:

*A:BNG-1# show aaa diameter-peer-policy "DSC.26.206" peer "DSC.26.206"

Diameter Peer Policy : DSC.26.206
Diameter Peer : DSC.26.206
Peer IP address :
Last Mgmt Change : 06/26/2014 14:27:31
Peer Runtime Values (main)
Peer Table Entry : DSC.26.206::DSC.26.206
Peer Operational : Yes Watchdog Algorithm Active : No
Peer State Machine : Closed Watchdog Answer Pending : No
Connection Timer (Tc) : 16 Connection Suspended : No
Transaction Timer (Tt) : - Cooldown Sequence Pending : Yes
Watchdog Timer (Tw) : - Cooldown Sequence Active : No
Primary/Secondary Peer : - Cooldown Sequence Progress : -
Peer Removal Pending : No

In the above example, a new attempt to bring up the TCP session will be made in 16 seconds.

7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide Page 2355


Three events are defined for Diameter:
*A:BNG-1# show log event-control "diameter"
Log Events
ID# Event Name P g/s Logged Dropped
2001 tmnxDiamPolicyPeerStateChange MI gen 8095 0
2002 tmnxDiamAppMessageDropped MI gen 6 0
2003 tmnxDiamAppSessionFailure MI gen 0 0

Trap tmnxDiamPolicyPeerStateChange is generated for all changes in the state of the Diameter
peer. The second trap, tmnxDiamAppMessageDropped is generated when the system drops a
Diameter message because it is malformed. Failures in the Diameter application sessions are
reported in the trap tmnxDiamAppSessionFailure. Note that each Diameter application can have
its own specific behavior for each of these traps. These traps are generated when a log is created
from security:

configure log log-id 88

from security
to …

Page 2356 7750 SR Advanced Configuration Guide

Establishing a Diameter Peering Session

Diameter is an alternative to RADIUS. Although it is mainly used by mobile operators, it is
finding its way in fixed access networks. Diameter peering provides reliable and secure transport
with peer redundancy. Its functionality is defined in a base Diameter protocol specified in
RFC3588. Various applications can be layered on top of base Diameter and they can utilize the
robust transport capabilities that Diameter provides.

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