2021 Article 1599
2021 Article 1599
2021 Article 1599
Human milk is the gold standard for nutrition of infant growth, whose nutritional value is mainly attributed to human
milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). HMOs, the third most abundant component of human milk after lactose and lipids, are
complex sugars with unique structural diversity which are indigestible by the infant. Acting as prebiotics, multiple
beneficial functions of HMO are believed to be exerted through interactions with the gut microbiota either directly
or indirectly, such as supporting beneficial bacteria growth, anti-pathogenic effects, and modulation of intestinal
epithelial cell response. Recent studies have highlighted that HMOs can boost infants health and reduce disease risk,
revealing potential of HMOs in food additive and therapeutics. The present paper discusses recent research in respect
to the impact of HMO on the infant gut microbiome, with emphasis on the molecular basis of mechanism underlying
beneficial effects of HMOs.
Keywords: Human milk, Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), Oligosaccharides (OS), Infant gut microbiota,
Bifidobacterium, Prebiotics, Infant formula
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Zhang et al. Microb Cell Fact (2021) 20:108 Page 2 of 16
Fig. 1 Structures of main HMOs. HMO is made up of five basic units: Sia, GlcNAc, Fuc, Gal, and Glc [28]. All HMOs contain a lactose core which can
be further lengthened by LNB (type-1 chain) or N-acetyllactosamine (type-2 chain) via either β1–3 or β1–6 linkage [30]. Based on the core HMO
structures are sialylated and/or fucosylated, they can be mainly classified into three groups: FucOS, SiaOS, and neutral OS [30]. Structures of the
main HMO are showed
Fig. 2 Four phenotypes of FucOS were produced by Se and Le genes [41, 44]. Se and Le genes play an important role in determining the
composition of FucOS [34]. FUT2 is encoded by the first gene whereas FUT3 is encoded by the second one [40–43]. According to the activation
state of genes, mothers can be classified as either positive (+) or negative (−) for both genes, where 70% are Se(+)Le(+), 20% Se(−)Le(+), 9% Se(+)
Le(−), and 1% Se(−)Le(−) [36, 45–47], and phenotypes to production of FucOS and main FucOS synthesized are showed
Zhang et al. Microb Cell Fact (2021) 20:108 Page 4 of 16
II, LNFP III, and 3-fucosyllactose (FL). Mothers with the HMO concentration [60]. When it comes to the effect of
Se(+)Le(−) genotype can synthesize LNFP I, LNFP III, maternal age, weight, body mass index, and parity on the
2′-FL, and 3-FL. Those identified as Se(−)Le(−) are capa- endogenous synthesis of HMO, there is a contradiction
ble of producing FucOS with α1,3 bonds such as LNFP between different studies [45, 47, 57, 61]. In brief, stud-
III, LNFP V, and 3-FL. However, under some circum- ies mentioned above all suggest that wide variability of
stances the biosynthesis of FusOS cannot be perfectly HMOs due to the genes polymorphism and environmen-
elucidated by the expression of Se and Le genes, implying tal condition may have different effects on gut microbiota
that there might be an unknown FUT taking part in this development, infant health, and disease risk.
process or an unidentified synthetic pathway independ-
ent from FUT [19, 44, 48–51]. Metabolism of HMOs
As for biosynthesis of SiaOS, two genes namely Le and HMOs are resistant against an infant’s digestive enzymes
ABH are implicated in this process. Low levels of SiaOS and can remain their special structural configuration
are observed in the milk of mothers with the ABH(−) through the proximal intestine, which has been affirmed
Le(−) genotype, while those representing the ABH(+) by several clinical studies [54, 62–64]. Then they would
Le(+) genotype can express high levels of SiaOS such reach the distal intestine serving as a substrate fermented
as disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT), LS-tetrasaccharide by specific intestinal microbiota, such as Firmicutes,
(LSTa), 3′-sialyllactose (SL), and 6′-SL [52–54]. Proteobacteria, and especially Bifidobacterium spp. [39,
Moreover, biosynthesis of core OS contributes to 63, 65–67]. In particular, HMOs degradation mediated
increased variability of HMO structures in human by Bifidobacterium spp. can be divided into two strate-
milk. There are four glycosyltransferases activated gies. The first approach is initialed by the importation of
in this course: β3-galactosyltransferases and β4- complete HMOs into the cytoplasm through adenosine
galactosyltransferases are responsible for Gal reloca- triphosphate binding cassette (ABC) transporter, which
tion, while β1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (iGnT) will be hydrolyzed by intracellular glycosidases, while the
and β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (IGnT) are other one depends on cell wall-anchored secretory glyco-
involved in the GlcNAc transfer [55, 56]. syl hydrolases (GHs), which hydrolyze HMOs and release
Of note, besides various genes participating in HMOs monosaccharides and disaccharides [68, 69]. For exam-
biosynthesis, it is believed that there are other factors ple, B. bifidum uses extracellular hydrolases releasing
also influence endogenous synthesis of HMO. Though LNB which is the core structure of type-1 HMO, while
total HMO concentration decreased substantially over B. infantis and B. breve use oligosaccharide transport-
the course of lactation [35], a more significant decrease in ers [70]. However, the HMOs degradation pattern of B.
HMO would occur in the effect of the seasonal changes longum depends on strains and the existence of lactam-
and certain nutritional conditions of the mother. In Gam- N-biogenase (LnbX). LnbX-negative B. longum utilizes
bia, lactating mothers who nursed their children during oligosaccharide transporters to assimilate HMO deriva-
the wet season produce milk with lower HMO concen- tives internally, whereas LnbX-positive B. longum utilizes
tration in comparison to those nursing in the dry sea- extracellular hydrolases [71]. Furthermore, depending on
son when the food is more plentiful and energy intake the consumption of certain HMOs, some microbes that
is higher [57]. Besides, a Canadian study suggests that are capable of catabolizing HMOs will obtain predomi-
other seasonal factors such as climate, sunlight, and aller- nation over others [72, 73], which function as a probiotic
gen exposures might influence HMO synthesis in Cana- shaping the infant’s intestinal microbiota [74, 75]. For
dian population [45]. Similarly, the HMO composition in instance, the predominant presence of intestinal bacte-
breast milk may be changed when mothers are supple- ria from Bifidobacterium spp. has been related to human
mented with a mixture of probiotics during late stages of milk with a higher content of sialyllacto-N-tetraose b
pregnancy. Seppo et al. showed that the concentrations (LSTb), monofucosyllacto-N-hexaose (MFLNH)- III,
of 3-FL and 3′-SL were significantly higher in the colos- DSLNT, LNFP I, LNFP III, and LNFP V; whereas 2’-FL,
trum of mothers who received probiotic supplementation lacto-N-hexaose (LNH) and two of its isomers found in
than in control participants; however, the total concen- human milk benefited the growth of Bacteroides spp. [63,
tration of HMOs still decreased in colostrum from the 66, 76].
mothers in the probiotic supplementation group due After ingested, about 99% of HMO reach the intes-
to the lower levels of difucosyllacto-N-hexaose, lacto- tine and nearly 45% of them are fermented by intesti-
N-tetraose (LNT), LNFP I, and 6′-SL [58]. Another nal microbiota, while 1–4% and 40–50% of total HMOs
study also indicated the positive association between ingested are excreted in the urine and feces, respectively
SiaOS concentration and vitamin A intake [59], while a [54, 62]. The remaining 1% are absorbed at concentra-
lipid-based nutrient supplement showed no effect on tions of 0.10–0.20 g/L, resulting in plasma concentration
Zhang et al. Microb Cell Fact (2021) 20:108 Page 5 of 16
of 0.01–0.10 mg/L [20, 77, 78]. According to Goehring species, such as B. longum, B. pseudocatenulatum, and B.
et al. [54] and Vazquez et al. [78], 2′-FL and lacto-N-ne- bifidum are likely to inhabit both in the infant and adult
otetraose (LNnT), which are smaller molecular weight gut microbiome [101, 102]. Besides, Bifidobacterium
HMOs, are absorbed quickly into bloodstream and spp. remain the dominant bacteria in infant gut micro-
excreted in the urine without metabolism, suggesting that biota during breast-feeding, yet the relative abundances
certain HMOs in urine may reflect the mother’s secretor/ quickly decline after weaning [98, 103], during when the
nonsecretor status, whereas HMOs with fecal excretion compositional change takes place at species level [104],
varies remarkably correlating with infant’s different intes- indicating the direct correlation between HMOs and
tinal microbiota [62]. Notably, some novel HMOs that developing infant microbiota. According to several stud-
not related to common HMOs are found in infant’s urine ies, a significant decline in fecal HMOs was positively
and feces due to microbial metabolism [62], showing dif- correlated with high levels of HMO-consuming bifido-
ferences in the metabolism patterns of HMOs. Further- bacteria [76, 97]; furthermore, a specific β-galactosidase
more, in contrast to traditional cognition that the infant from B. longum was applied to catabolize HMOs in vitro,
has contact with mother’s HMOs through postnatal feed- whose catabolized fragments were found to match with
ing, recent studies revealed that the fetus might have compounds identified in infant fecal samples [105]. Sub-
been already exposed to HMOs in utero given the pres- sequent studies focus on the consumption of HMOs by
ence of HMOs in mothers body fluid during pregnancy Bifidobacterium spp. As Ward et al. reported, B. infantis
and in amniotic fluid at delivery [79, 80]. ATCC 15697 was observed to use HMOs as a sole car-
bon source [106], and studies conducted by Garrido et al.
Microbiota showed a similar result that isolates of B. infantis grew
HMOs once ingested begin to interact with various well on pooled HMOs and individual HMO sugars while
microbes including bacteria, viruses, protozoan para- some examined strains of B. bifidum could not grow with
sites, and fungi inside the infant body leading to a series 2′-FL and 6′-SL as a sole carbon source [68]. Notably,
of constructive effects indirectly [81]. Therefore, a bet- while HMOs are mainly consumed by bifidobacteria, it
ter understanding of neonate microbiota will definitely is undoubted that certain isolates of bifidobacteria have
advance our insight into the positive role of HMOs. stronger capability to ferment HMOs, meanwhile, some
After the process of giving birth, bacteria colonize in types of HMO are more frequently assimilated by bifi-
the relatively sterile gastrointestinal tract of the newborn dobacteria than others. Therefore, accumulating studies
rapidly, which marks the beginning of the highly com- have tried to figure out the mechanisms of how bifidobac-
plex formation of the microbiota [82, 83]. Therefore, the teria catabolize HMOs and revealed that the consump-
first year of newborn’s life is crucial for the establishment tion of HMO is well conserved among B. infantis strains,
of the intestinal microbiome, which underlies the folate fermenting all classes of HMO [68, 107, 108]. Take B.
production, reduction of allergic diseases, increased infantis ATCC 15697 for example, this strain of B. infan-
immune responses to vaccinations, synthesis of essential tis can utilize several types of HMO including sialylated
vitamins and other molecules that serve as modulators of and fucosylated molecules [108]. The genome sequence
physiological responses and are used as energy source by of B. infantis ATCC 15697 showed a great number of
the intestinal epithelium [84–89]. The earliest gut micro- HMO-utilization genes located in a specific segment of
biome is characterized by the colonization of facultative the genome, namely HMO cluster I [109], whose expres-
anaerobes, such as streptococci, enterococci, and staphy- sion led to up-regulation of GHs [110] and family 1 solute
lococci [82]. As the main component of infant diet, the binding proteins (SBPs) that is a part of ABC transport-
wide presence of HMO in human milk act as one of the ers for HMOs [111]. The process of HMO consumption
most vital factors shaping the latter gut microbiome that begins with the SBPs-mediated importation of intact
represented by Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp., and HMOs inside the cytoplasm, then HMOs were assimi-
especially Bifidobacterium spp. with up to 90% of total lated intracellularly by several GHs releasing large quan-
microbes within the first 3 months of the baby’s life [90, tities of lactic and acetic acid, who play an important role
91]. in modulating intestinal physiology and protecting infant
Bifidobacteria are gram-positive and heterofermenta- gut from pathogen colonization [112–114]. Besides,
tive obligate anaerobes which are among the first bacte- RNA-seq transcriptomic analysis also revealed that 6’-SL,
ria to inhabit human digestive tracts [92], with 78 species lacto-N-tetraose, and LNnT could induce the expression
and 10 subspecies classified to date [93–96]. About ten of HMO-utilization genes in the HMO cluster I, whereas
(sub)species were isolated from human feces and certain alternate gene clusters other than HMO cluster I seem
species seem to be frequently found in the infant gut, to be induced to utilize Fuc during growth in presence of
such as B. breve and B. infantis [97–100], while other 2’-FL and 3-FL [68]. In brief, all these analyses are crucial
Zhang et al. Microb Cell Fact (2021) 20:108 Page 6 of 16
for further studies to deepen the understanding of regu- to the degradation of HMOs [135]. The expression of
latory networks behind HMO consumption and of how HMOs-degrading enzymes is mainly limited to B. breve,
HMO consumption is associated with the gut microbiota B. bifidum, B. longum, and B. infantis [136, 137]. Besides,
establishment in breast-fed infants, underlying the design Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli express sialidases and
of novel HMO analogs targeting selected beneficial bifi- fucosidases to cleave Sia and Fuc, respectively, indicating
dobacteria [70, 115, 116]. the coevolution of these species and HMOs [107].
Apart from promoting the growth of beneficial bac- Bifidobacterium also have an impact on other micro-
teria, HMO-mediated anti-bacterial effects have been organisms composition. Asakuma et al. found that B.
observed in Campylobacter jejuni [117], Escherichia bifidum can secrete GHs to degrade HMOs extracellu-
coli pathogenesis [31, 118], and Listeria monocytogenes larly, and then leave metabolized sugars outside the cells,
[119–121]. HMOs can also act as antiviral agents to pro- which are utilized by other bacteria to produce short
vide protection against a number of viral pathogens, such chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as butyrate and propion-
as norovirus [122, 123], rotavirus [124], and respiratory ate [138]. Butyric acid and propionic acid are essential
virus [125, 126], through several mechanisms. Besides, for intestinal health given that they can interact with
despite the limited studies which assess the activity of host epithelial cells to stimulate mucin release, increase
HMOs against protozoan parasites and fungal species, mucosal blood flow, and regulate immunity [139, 140].
the findings from these studies demonstrated that HMOs E. hallii, which is a common member of the adult gut
can reduce infection by Entamoeba histolytica [127] microbiota, cannot grow by using Fuc. However, when
and Candida albicans [128]. In conclusion, HMOs have cocultured with B. infantis, it can utilize 1,2-propan-
a great influence on infant microbiota, indicating their ediol (1,2-PD), which is produced by B. infantis through
potential as novel candidates for further developments in resolving Fuc, revealing a trophic interaction between E.
food additive to infant formula milk and therapeutics tar- hallii and B. infantis [141].
geting pathogenic infection. Apart from the capability of HMOs to modulate the
composition of Bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract, they
Effects of HMO on infant gut microbiota can directly interact with other bacteria and affect the
Diverse functions of HMOs have been demonstrated, distribution of gut microbes. 2’-FL, 3-FL, 3’-SL, 6’-SL,
such as regulating microbiota composition, protecting and lactodifucotetraoseare (LDFT) are metabolized by
against pathogen adhesion and infection, and modulat- many Bacteroides [142]. Besides, HMO-derivatives LNB
ing epithelial cell response. In the section below, we will and Lacto-N-Triose II can be used by L. casei [143]. In
focus on the functions that attribute to HMOs and the conclusion, though the species of gut microbes except
mechanism underlying the beneficial effects of HMOs. bifidobacteria have low capacity, they still play an impor-
tant role in intestinal homeostasis of breastfed infants
Effects of HMO on microbiota composition [144].
HMOs have an important influence on bacteria coloniza- Additionally, HMOs can pass gut-barrier so that they
tion in the intestine that is necessary for infant health. In have an effect outside the intestines [145]. HMOs have
014 bacteria colonized the intestine [129]. The
early life, 1 been demonstrated to activate G protein-coupled recep-
first year of infant life is critical for intestinal microbiome tors (GPCRs) which can influence almost every physi-
establishment, and infant diet is of importance for gut ological function, such as development, taste, olfaction,
microbiome development [90]. HMOs are not digested regulating heart rate, hormone signaling, and neuro-
in the top half of the gastrointestinal tract of infants, transmission [146] in two ways: one pathway is direct
due to the lack of GHs and intestinal membrane trans- activation by 6′-SL and LNT, the second is increased
porters [130, 131]. As a consequence of high concentra- production of kynurenic acid (KYNA) by the microbiota
tion, HMOs can reach both the small and large intestine, which in turn activates GPR35 [147].
where they serve as substrates for resident microbes,
affecting the composition and activity of the gastrointes- Effects of HMO on preventing pathogen infection
tinal microbiota [132] (Fig. 3A). HMOs are specifically Several bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan parasite
known to support the growth of beneficial microorgan- need to adhere to the glycocalyx (the carbohydrate-rich
isms, such as Bifidobacterium [133], which is generally layer coating epithelial cells) first to invade the host and
calculating for 50–90% of the total bacterial population cause diseases [148], while HMOs can prevent the infec-
detected in the feces of breastfed infants [134]. Genomic tion by acting as soluble decoy receptors, which combine
analysis of particular infant-derived Bifidobacterial with pathogens to avoid them from binding to epithelial
strains has revealed that aggregation of transporters, cell surface receptors, therefore, the pathogens would
GHs, and carbohydrate-binding proteins contributes pass gastrointestinal tract harmlessly [149] (Fig. 3B).
Zhang et al. Microb Cell Fact (2021) 20:108 Page 7 of 16
Fig. 3 Schematic summary of main effects of HMOs. A HMOs stimulate growth of beneficial bactria, such as Bififidobacteria, and inhibit growth of
harmful bacteria to regulate gut microbiota composition [132]. B HMOs serve as pathogen binding decoy receptors to prevent pathogens from
binding to epithelial cell receptors [149]. C HMOs alter glycocalyx [171], influence epithelial cell proliferation [168] and modulate tight junction
protein expression [167], thereby reducing permeability of the gut barrier
[173]. Angeloni et al. discovered that the expression of allergy [184]. Especially, 6′-FL can suppress the immune
sialyltransferases ST3Gal1, ST3Gal2, and ST3Gal4 would system greatly by decreasing inflammatory factors and
be decreased in the presence of 3′‐FL, leading to the chemokines, which inhibit inflammatory cells from flock-
reduction of α2-3-, α2-6-sialylation on Caco-2Bbe sur- ing in the intestine [184]. Analogously, FUT2-dependent
face, which results in the reduced adhesion of E. coli by breast milk oligosaccharides reduced the occurrence
50% [174]. of IgE-associated disease and IgE-associated eczema in
HMOs also show indirect effects on epithelium after cesarean section born infants [185]. In contrast to these
fermented by B. infantis. A study has reported that findings, pro-inflammatory effect of 3′-SL was reported
the conditioned media of B. infantis (BCM) enhanced in a mesenteric lymph node CD11(+) dendritic cells
expression of occludin and junctional adhesion molecule exposed to 3′-SL, which can generate cytokines that
in either HT-29 or Caco-2Bbe, which can improve intes- increase the quantity of Th1 and Th17 immune cell [186].
tinal barrier function [175]. BCM also increased clau- Besides, clinical studies have confirmed that HMOs
din-1 protein expression, by which the gut barrier was contribute to the positive effects of human milk against
strengthened [176]. And the BCM might prevent IL-1b necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) which is a fatal gastroin-
stimulation to protect Caco-2Bbe through NF-κB path- testinal disease in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants
way as well [177]. [187]. DSLNT in breast milk could be used to prevent
NEC in formula-fed infants, and its concentration in
Conclusion and future perspectives the mother’s milk could act as a potential non-invasive
HMOs are complex carbohydrates synthesized in breast marker to identify whether infants are at risk of NEC
gland which are abundant in human milk. Different kinds [187], while another study including 96 mothers and 106
of HMOs directly or indirectly modulate the infant’s VLBW infants demonstrated a contradictory result that
physiological systems by regulating microbial composi- DSLNT was not significantly associated with NEC [178].
tion, preventing pathogens adhesion and invasion, and 2′-FL, 3′-SL, 6′-SL, and LNnT also have a protective effect
regulating intestinal epithelial cell response. on the development of autoimmune diseases such as
Currently, HMOs have been synthesized artificially as type-1 diabetes (T1D) which is caused by autoimmune
additives in infant milk formulations for the infants who destruction of insulin-producing β cells of the pancreas.
cannot be fed with breast milk to support their growth Animal research revealed that HMOs were prone to bal-
and provide protection against different diseases which ance Th1/Th17 immune responses of non-obese diabetic
have a high morbidity in babys’ early years [171, 178]. (NOD)-mice, which would reduce T1D occurrence rate
Some studies have shown the superior assimilation and and inhibit pancreatic insulitis progress [125]. Metabolic
toleration of 2′-FL and LNnT by infants [179, 180], mean- products of HMOs have been demonstrated in field of
while other HMOs still have challenges in expensive syn- cognition development [67]. An animal study showed the
thesis. Given that, the European Union and the United dietary 2′-FL improved cognitive abilities, learning and
State consider 2′-FL and LNnT are qualified to be used memory in rodents [188]. Furthermore, 3’-SL and 6’-SL
in infant formula [181]. A clinical study showed that for- were able to supported normal microbial communities
mula with 2’-FL can inhibit inflammatory cytokine pro- and behavioral responses in stressor-exposed mice to
duction and the results of the formula group are similar prevent stressor-induced effect, and the result revealed
to the breastfed group [182]. The other study revealed the evidence of gut microbiota-brain axis [189].
that the formula 2′-FL and LNnT would keep infants HMOs not merely affect infants, but also have an influ-
healthy whose parents have respiratory tract infections ence on adults. 2′‐FL and LNnT can change the micro-
and bronchitis [180]. Recently, it was found that the addi- organisms composition of adults, which increasing the
tion of 2′-FL and LNnT to infant formula would shift the amount of Bifidobacterium and Actinobacteria, and
microbiota toward the microbiota of breastfed babies, decreasing Proteobacteria and Firmicute [190]. Another
which would increase the quantity of Bifidobacteria and study revealed that Caco-2Bbe treated with 2′-FL for
decrease the number of Clostridium difficile [183]. 3 weeks showed reduced permeability of monolayers,
The application of HMOs in therapeutic area has been and tight junction proteins, such as claudin-5 and clau-
reported in recent years. For instance, HMOs have thera- din-8 were upregulated, which strengthen the gut barrier
peutic potential in food allergies. HMO supplementation in adults [191].
study was conducted in an ovalbumin sensitized mouse In conclusion, HMO plays a special role in the preven-
model consuming 2′-FL and 6′-FL. As a consequence, tion and treatment of diseases, thereby maintaining the
2′-FL and 6′-FL would indirectly stabilize mast cells by health of infants and adults. Therefore, the prospect of
inducing expression of T regulatory cells, and activate the HMO will be exciting, both for the prevention of single
IL-10(+) regulatory cells to reduce the symptoms of food disease and multiple combined diseases.
Zhang et al. Microb Cell Fact (2021) 20:108 Page 10 of 16
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