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Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

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Soil recovery in a chronosequence of revegetated coal mine spoils in

Colombian drylands: a view from the assessment of physical-chemical and
biological properties
Jeiner Castellanos-Barliza a, b, *, Juan Diego León-Peláez a
Grupo de Investigación en Restauración Ecológica de Tierras Degradadas en el Trópico, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Calle 59A 63-20, Medellín 050034,
Grupo de investigación en Restauración Ecosistémica y Ecología Urbana, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Magdalena, Carrera 32 #22-08, Santa Marta D.
T.C.H., Magdalena 470002, Colombia


Keywords: Characterizing changes in soil properties is essential to understand the effect of land rehabilitation practices and
land rehabilitation the mechanisms that drive such changes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the recovery of physical-
Open-pit mining chemical and biological properties of Technosols with increasing rehabilitation age in a chronosequence of
Degraded soil
dry forests (7, 10, and 21 years) in the El Cerrejón open-pit coal mine (La Guajira, Colombia). Based on previous
Dry forests
studies that demonstrated a greater effect of surface change on the physicochemical properties of soils, composite
samples taken at two depth levels (0–3 cm and 3–20 cm) were analyzed for each site. The studied properties
improved over time, increasing significantly with respect to non-rehabilitated sites, mainly near the surface (0–3
cm). Particularly, after seven years, the increases in soil N content and soil P solution were significant (32% and
71%, respectively). The increased structural and functional development of the vegetation over time led to
increased inputs of organic materials via fine litterfall. Overall, soil organic matter (SOM) ranged from 63 to 89%
in the rehabilitated sites compared with a reference mature dry forest. Increased SOM is a key indicator of re­
covery in degraded mine spoils, as it has an outsized ability to influence other soil properties. This represents a
positive result for the revegetation/restoration strategy applied at the El Cerrejón mine.

1. Introduction greater extent through the application of revegetation and soil substrate
management programs (Bucka et al., 2021; Sudarmadji and Hartati,
Open-pit coal mining represents one of the most important activities 2021). In particular, revegetation can be employed by applying various
in some countries for regional or local economies, nevertheless it has alternatives, initially using herbaceous cover crops or an association of
also been shown that its negative impacts can affect these communities, grasses and legumes, and subsequently, mixed plantations of native or
and the environment in general (Martins et al., 2022). Among the most exotic fast-growing tree species, timber, and deciduous species, etc.
significant impacts are drastic changes in topography and landscape, the (Gualdrón, 2011; Mukhopadhyay and Masto, 2022; Thakur et al., 2022).
destruction of vegetation, loss of biodiversity, alteration of surface hy­ These revegetation methods have been shown to reverse degradation
drological regimes, nutrient cycling, and soil properties (Castellanos- processes of some soil properties and improve key soil quality properties
Barliza et al., 2019; Zapico et al., 2021). Topsoil is particularly affected such as organic carbon content, microbial biomass, and nutrient avail­
because genetic soil horizons are removed and mixed during extraction ability, leading to an increase in primary productivity at the ecosystem
(Ngugi et al., 2018). Subsequently, these soils are stored and reused to level (Bateman et al., 2021; Bucka et al., 2021; Chaturvedi and Singh,
reconstruct landscapes in the next stages of the rehabilitation process, 2017; Hamidović et al., 2013; Parsapour et al., 2018; Zhang et al.,
negatively altering their physical, chemical, and biological properties 2018b).
(Mushia et al., 2016). The benefit of vegetation on substrate chronosequences in mining
The rehabilitation of these post-mining areas has been achieved to a waste has been demonstrated by numerous studies worldwide (Buta

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Castellanos-Barliza).
Received 29 October 2022; Received in revised form 30 March 2023; Accepted 20 May 2023
Available online 24 May 2023
2352-0094/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Castellanos-Barliza and J.D. León-Peláez Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

et al., 2019; Parsapour et al., 2018; Ruiz et al., 2020; Thakur et al., 2022; vegetation-rehabilitated areas in a chronosequence of dry forests (7, 10,
Wick et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2019; Zhen et al., 2017). Evidence from and 21 years) in El Cerrejón mine. The properties of the soil in these
this research reveals that these effects have been promoted by feedback areas were compared with those of the mature dry forest considered as a
among vegetation development, litter production, and the dynamics reference ecosystem, and with those of areas in which rehabilitation
between microorganisms and fine roots, which can lead for example to activities had not yet been carried out (0 years). Consequently, the in­
pedogenic processes such as melanization and podzolization, as well as formation obtained in this study was used to: (1) characterize the
the development of micro or macro-aggregates into soil (Ruiz et al., physical, chemical, and biological properties of Technosols in the
2020; Wick et al., 2009). Root exudates, for example, can form organic chronosequence of rehabilitation areas; and (2) explore the effect of
acids that favor the disintegration of coarse to finer particles such as rehabilitation age, which is considered in this study as the development
clays, as well as the release of mucilage and organic polysaccharides that over time of structural (basal area) and functional (leaf litter and fine
promote the formation of aggregates and the accumulation of organic litterfall) characteristics, on the changes of the studied soil properties
carbon in the soil (Badri and Vivanco, 2009; Blanco-Canqui and Lal, and their interactions.
2004; Maharana, 2013; Osorio, 2014). Likewise, leaf litter decomposi­ We hypothesized that the successional advance of the ecosystems,
tion favors the gradual incorporation of nutrients and organic materials which in turn determines their greater structural and functional devel­
into the soil, reactivating the nutrient cycle, the growth of vegetation, opment, will produce the integral improvement in the quality of the soils
and the net primary productivity (Bandyopadhyay, 2022; Castellanos- on which the rehabilitation activities were carried out. Particularly, we
Barliza et al., 2022, 2018; David et al., 2021). On the other hand, in expect a more noticeable improvement of physical and biological
open-cast mining areas, good soil quality can be ensured in habitats with properties, as they are usually the most affected by soil removal and
a more developed vegetation structure (Domínguez-Haydar et al., 2018; temporary storage activities, and that such properties, especially near
Eldridge et al., 2022; Valdez-Hernández et al., 2019; Wick et al., 2007), the ground surface, will return to the pre-disturbance condition over
since there is a linear relationship between vegetation structure and time in older rehabilitation sites.
plant productivity and biomass, showing a greater positive response to
the age of restoration. 2. Materials and methods
In general, the recovery of different soil properties does not occur at
the same pace across mining rehabilitation sites, mainly due to the 2.1. Study area
environmental conditions of each study site and the rehabilitation pro­
gram previously employed. For example, Buta et al. (2019) showed that The study was carried out in rehabilitation areas of the open-cast coal
in temperate forests, 30% of soil organic matter can be recovered after mine El Cerrejón (Fig. 1, 11◦ 03′ N, –72◦ 43′ W) in La Guajira (Colombia).
40 years, and this value can be reached more quickly (5 years) with Mean annual temperature is 27.5 ◦ C, and mean annual precipitation is
agricultural crop rotation and high doses of fertilization. In tropical dry 907 mm, which is distributed mainly from August to November (Cas­
forests, Domínguez-Haydar et al. (2018) found that physical indicators tellanos-Barliza et al., 2018). Mean annual potential evapotranspiration
(bulk density, texture, biogenic aggregates) can reach their maximum is above 2000 mm (Moscote and Castellanos, 2018). The mining activity
recovery at 8 years, while biological indicators may take between 8 to 16 takes place in the bio-climatic conditions of the TDFs, with annual water
years (macroinvertebrate diversity), and the chemical indicators (pH, deficit between 1000 and 1500 mm, and an aridity index between 0.50
organic matter, nutrients) may take longer compared to the reference and 0.59 (IDEAM, 2022).
native forest. Soils of the Aridisol order predominate in Cerrejón and its area of
Most of the studies conducted on open-pit coal mining spoil recovery influence, with large groups of calcareous and sodic soils (Jaramillo,
have been carried out in temperate regions (e.g. USA, China, and 2014). Most of the soils in the area are classified in the Aridic Haplustalfs
Polond; Bandyopadhyay and Maiti, 2022). Although there has been subgroup, which comprise moderately deep soils that are well drained
greater interest in understanding the natural dynamics of Technosols with moderately fine textures, high to medium cation exchange capac­
(soils dominated or strongly influenced by material of human origin, ity, and moderate fertility, (Gualdrón, 2011). The parent material con­
Leguédois et al., 2016; Ruiz et al., 2020) in tropical regions in recent sists of highly altered tertiary sediments, which are low in organic
years (Specifically in the India, Maharana, 2013; Chaturvedi and Singh, carbon and high in exchangeable ions, with an ochric and argillic
2017; Thakur et al., 2022; Kumar et al., 2015). Studies in neotropical diagnostic horizon. These soils originate from sedimentary rock mate­
areas are still lacking (South and Central America; Bandyopadhyay and rials, such as claystones, sandstones, and limestones. They also present
Maiti, 2022), particularly in seasonally tropical dry forest ecosystems expandable clays such as montmorillonite and other integrated clayey
(TDFs). Therefore, it is necessary to increase efforts to fill these infor­ materials (Gualdrón, 2011). The vegetation is adapted to a semi-arid
mation gaps, especially in the understanding of the functional aspects condition, dominated by deciduous trees typical of TDFs. The most
related to the effect of revegetation on the physical, chemical, and dominant family is Fabaceae, but there are also abundant species of the
biological properties of soils. Such studies are critical to assess the families Euphorbiaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Myrtaceae, Rubiaceae, and
resilience and sustainability of these dry ecosystems over time (Cas­ Rutaceae (Dominguez-Haydar and Armbrecht, 2011). A characteristic of
tellanos-Barliza et al., 2018). the Technosols present in Cerrejón during their first stages of estab­
On a global scale, one of the largest open-pit coal mining operations lishment, is to present problems of surface sealing and dispersion of fine
has been carried out for more than three decades at El Cerrejón mine (La particles due to the action of rainfall (Gualdrón, 2011), which are
Guajira, northern Colombia), with an annual export of more than 30 intense for four months of the year (60% of annual precipitation, Cas­
million tons, which represents 38% of national production and more tellanos-Barliza et al., 2018).
than 50% of coal exports (Rojano et al., 2017). The revegetation model On reconstructed landscapes with stockpiled topsoil (removed from
used in post-mining areas (ca. 4400 ha, Cerrejón, 2022), consists of the the original site before starting the mining activity), revegetation ac­
initial planting of grasses and native trees of the TDFs, on reconstructed tivities were carried out during the post-mining phase. Buffel grass seeds
landscapes with stockpiled top soil (Castellanos-Barliza et al., 2018). (Cenchrus ciliaris L., Poaceae) were first planted (2 kg of seed per hect­
The evaluation of the changes over time in the properties of these mining are). Two years later, native tree species of TDFs were planted using
soils, characterized as Technosols, is essential to understand the effec­ three-month-old nursery-grown seedlings (240 seedlings per hectare,
tiveness of the rehabilitation techniques that are used and to optimize mainly leguminous species: Acacia tortuosa L., Acacia macracantha Willd,
the intervention of these areas (León and Osorio, 2014). Caesalpinia mollis Kunth, Caesalpinia coriaria Jacq, Prosopis juliflora Sw.,
The objective of this study was to evaluate the recovery of the Mimosa arenosa Willd, and Senna atomaria L. Castellanos-Barliza et al.,
physical-chemical and biological properties of Technosols from these 2019).

J. Castellanos-Barliza and J.D. León-Peláez Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

Fig. 1. Structural and functional characteristics of vegetation present at sites of different ages after coal mining rehabilitation (RS-7, RS-10, RS-21) and on a native
forest in La Guajira, Colombia. D: stand density of trees with DBH: tree diameter at breast height > 2.5 cm, G: basal area, H: height; LL: leaf litterfall rate, LT: total
fine litterfall rate. Mean ± SE (n = 4 plots).

Four forest stands containing three sites each were classified ac­ were selected, where surface soil samples were collected at two depths
cording to years since initiation of revegetation activities (RS-7: 7-year (0–3 cm and 3–20 cm). These shallower layers were selected because
old forest, RS-10: 10-year old forest, RS-21: 21-year old forest), and previous studies have demonstrated an initial effect of greater change on
four stands of native mature forest (reference ecosystem) were selected the physicochemical properties of soils (Gualdrón, 2011; Moscote and
(Fig. 1). Additionally, four sites were selected in which revegetation Castellanos, 2018)
activities had not been initiated (0 years old). In general, the rehabili­ The ten soil sub-samples for each depth level were mixed and ho­
tation sites showed an increase in structural and functional parameters mogenized to obtain a composite sample per depth and per plot. In total,
over time (See Fig. 1). Particularly, basal area (G) and fine litter pro­ eight composite soil samples were collected (four for each depth level)
duction rates (LT, organic material falling from the canopy including according to rehabilitation age, in addition to those corresponding to the
woody material up to 2 cm in diameter) at the 21-year-old site were native forest and the non-rehabilitated site. Subsequently, they were
higher than those observed in native forest. A detailed description of packed, labeled, and transported to the Biogeochemistry Laboratory of
these sites and post-mining rehabilitation activities can be found in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia for processing and analysis.
Castellanos-Barliza et al. (2019, 2018).
2.3. Monitoring of fine litterfall
2.2. Experimental design and soil sampling
In this study, inputs of organic materials via fine leaf litter were
Four rectangular plots (60 m x 20 m, 1200 m2) were established in evaluated to explore their effects on the soil. In each of the plots
each of the three rehabilitation sites (RS-7, RS-10, RS-21), in the native established in the rehabilitation sites, and in the reference mature dry
forest, and in the non-rehabilitated site. In each plot, 10 random points forest, litter traps were set up to monitor fine litterfall, as described by

J. Castellanos-Barliza and J.D. León-Peláez Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

Castellanos-Barliza et al. (2019). In each of these plots 10, fine litter to maintain the soil at field capacity. Subsequently, 2.5 mL of glucose
traps were installed (40 traps per site), which consisted of circular (2%) were added, and a beaker with NaOH (10 mL, 1 M) was placed
containers of 0.5 m2 made of fine mesh cloth. The litter was collected inside the flask. The containers were hermetically sealed and incubated
monthly for 12 months and separated by fractions (leaf litter, woody for ten days at room temperature. CO2 capture was measured by
material, reproductive material, other remains), and after drying at applying BaCl2 (4 mL, 20%) and titrated with HCl (1M) and phenol­
65 ◦ C, the mass of each litter fraction was recorded. In order to incor­ phthalein (0.2%).
porate the contributions of organic matter via litter, as a functional
variable that can play an important role in the analysis of the evolution 2.7. Analysis of data
of soil properties with rehabilitation time, we used the annual rates of
leaf litterfall (LL) and total fine litterfall (FL) for the analysis, reported One-way analysis of variance and mean comparison tests (Duncan, p
by Castellanos-Barliza et al. (2019). These were expressed as kg ha-1. = 0.05) were performed to determine differences in physical-chemical
and biological properties among the different rehabilitation ages,
2.4. Determination of physical properties including the non-rehabilitated site and the reference mature forest.
Logarithmic transformations were performed to meet the assumptions of
Bulk density (BD) was determined by the cylinder method (Han normality and equality of variances. When these assumptions were not
et al., 2016) (4.5 x 5 cm), at eight random points in each plot of each met, the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used. A principal
rehabilitation age. The samples were dried at 105 ◦ C for 48 h, and the component analysis (PCA) was carried out to evaluate the association
dry mass of the soil (Dms) was determined. BD was obtained by dividing among the studied properties and ecosystems at different rehabilitation
Dms (g) by the volume of the cylinder (cm3) (Jaramillo, 2014). Particle ages; litterfall rates (LL, LT) and structural characteristics of forest
density (PD) was determined by measuring by the volumetric balloon stands (basal area, G: m2 ha-1) were included as possible predictors.
method in water (Forsythe, 1985). Porosity (PO, %) was calculated Since the greatest changes in physical-chemical and biological proper­
using the equation: PO = (1-BD/PD)*100 (Jaramillo, 2014). Maximum ties were expected near the surface (Zhang et al., 2019), the results of
water holding capacity (WHC, %) was estimated by the method of Piper this analysis focused mainly on the first depth level (0–3 cm). All ana­
(1966), but instead using perforated Gooch crucibles as the type of lyzes were conducted using the R language package (R Core Team,
container (30 mm diameter, 36 mm height and 0.75 mm diameter holes 2021) and Statgraphics Centurion XVII (StatPoint Technologies, Inc).
in the bottom). A disc of filter paper was placed at the bottom to retain
the soil mass, and 3 g of sieved dry soil were placed in each crucible (2 3. Results
mm). The crucibles with soil were kept for 24 h in a tray with water to
saturate the soil. The WHC was calculated from the weight difference 3.1. Soil properties
between the saturated soil and the dry soil. Weighted mean diameter
(WD) and soil aggregate stability (AS) were determined from undis­ A generalized pattern of improvement of the physical, chemical, and
turbed samples (Yoder, 1936) taken in each plot at the two depth levels biological properties was found at both depths of the soil as age of
(8 samples in total: 1/plot, 2/depth level, 4/rehabilitation age). rehabilitation increased (Table 1). After seven years (RS-7), various
physical properties improved significantly (p < 0.05) near the surface
2.5. Determination of chemical properties (0–3 cm: PO, WHC, WD) compared with the non-rehabilitated sites. PD,
WHC, and AS of the oldest-age (RS-21) samples were similar to those of
Soil samples were air dried and sieved (2 mm). Soil pH was deter­ the mature forest (83–100%) samples; no significant differences were
mined using a glass electrode (soil:water, 1:2). Organic matter (OM) was observed.
determined by wet oxidation (Walkley-Black, volumetry). Soil C and N The chemical properties also improved over time (Table 2), with a
contents were determined by combustion in an elemental analyzer more marked pattern at the first depth level (0–3 cm). The pH pro­
FLASH 2000-CNHS. Phosphorus in soil solution (Ps) was determined by gressively decreased, with significant differences observed among the
applying CaCl2.2H2O 0.01 M, agitation, centrifugation, and filtration non-rehabilitated site and samples from the 10-year-old forests (RS-10:
(Fox and Kamprath, 1970), followed by reading the absorbance of the 7.7). After seven years, OM and N increased 35% and 47%, respectively,
solution at a wavelength of 890 nm (Murphy and Riley, 1962). compared with the non-rehabilitated site, and significant differences in
Exchangeable bases were determined by extraction with 1N neutral N, Ps, K, and Na were observed among the sites. The increases in Ps were
ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) followed by atomic absorption notable, representing almost four orders of magnitude (0.20–0.22 mg L-
spectrophotometry. ), compared with the non-rehabilitated site (0.06 mg L-1). On the other
hand, MO and N contents in the forest with the oldest rehabilitation age
2.6. Determination of biological properties (RS-21) were close to those observed in the reference forest (MF, rep­
resenting about 89% and 71%, respectively). At the second depth level
The activity of the soil microorganisms (AM), and the presence of (3–20 cm), and considering the three rehabilitation ages, only the Ca
various functional groups for each age of rehabilitation were deter­ content and the CEC showed significant differences after 10 years (RS-
mined. Colony forming units (CFU) were isolated and counted for total 10).
bacteria (TB), total fungi (TF), phosphate solubilizing microorganisms For biological properties, AM increased with the age of rehabilita­
(PSM) (Osorio and Habte, 2001), proteolytics (PM) (Wood, 1980), N2 tion; this pattern was more notable in samples from the first depth level
fixing (NF) (Döbereiner and Day, 1976), and cellulolytics (CM) (Wood, (Table 3). Significant differences in AM were found between the non-
1980). For this, a sample of 1 g of soil (0–3 cm) was taken on a dry basis, rehabilitated site and the other sites. A similar trend was observed in
and it was dissolved in 9 mL of a sterile solution of CaCl2 (0.01 M). This the presence of functional groups of soil microorganisms over time, with
solution was stirred for 30 min, serials dilution up to 10-4 were made in significant differences being found for TB and PSM between the oldest
distilled water, and 100 μL were transferred to Petri dishes with selective sites (BR-21) and those not rehabilitated. A clear effect of the passage of
media. The inoculated dishes were incubated (28 ◦ C, 48 h) under natural time was observed in the abundance of PSM, with significant and very
light conditions. Subsequently, the CFU of the microorganisms that noticeable differences seven years after the rehabilitation activities were
presented halos were counted. AM was determined using the respiro­ carried out.
metric technique (Anderson and Domsch, 2010), consisting of quanti­
fying the release of CO2 due to the metabolic activity of the organisms.
For this, 50 g of soil were placed in a wide-mouth glass jar, adding water

J. Castellanos-Barliza and J.D. León-Peláez Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

Table 1
Physical properties of Technosols evaluated in rehabilitated and non-rehabilitated sites, and in a mature tropical dry forest at El Cerrejón coal mine, La Guajira,
Colombia. Mean ± SE (n = 4). BD: bulk density, PD: particle density, PO: porosity, WHC: maximum water holding capacity, AS: aggregate stability, WD: weighted
mean diameter. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05).
Properties Depth (cm) Non-rehabilitated Rehabilitation ages Mature Forest

7-years-old 10-years-old 21-years-old

BD (g cm-3) 0–5 1.39a ± 0.05 1.33a ± 0.03 1.31a ± 0.04 1.28ab ± 0.02 1.19b ± 0.06
PD (g cm-3) 0–3 2.12a ± 0.02 2.09a ± 0.02 2.06a ± 0.04 2.03a ± 0.07 2.02a ± 0.09
3–20 1.88b ± 0.02 2.09a ± 0.03 2.16a ± 0.07 2.16a ± 0.04 2.11a ± 0.02
PO (%) 0–3 34.65e ± 0.54 36.19d ± 0.54 38.00c ± 0.28 39.42b ± 0.56 44.34a ± 0.32
3–20 24.69c ± 1.07 27.82bc ± 1.08 28.52b ± 1.73 30.48ab ± 1.29 33.57a ± 0.69
WHC (%) 0–3 62.13c ± 0.95 74.85b ± 0.69 77.15b ± 1.41 85.40a ± 2.65 103.31a ± 6.95
3–20 65.70ab ± 1.53 69.43a ± 1.17 62.90b ± 2.08 65.75ab ± 1.18 65.23ab ± 3.23
AS (%) 0–3 66.42b ± 0.20 68.58b ± 0.39 78.89a ± 2.21 84.87a ± 4.20 88.61a ± 1.20
3–20 62.49c ± 2.53 84.93ab ± 6.44 77.65b ± 2.70 91.85a ± 3.99 90.50a ± 2.65
WD (mm) 0–3 1.17d ± 0.02 1.78c ± 0.03 2.15c ± 0.08 2.46b ± 0.29 3.61a ± 0.23
3–20 1.53d ± 0.17 2.18cd ± 0.10 2.49bc ± 0.34 3.13ab ± 0.43 3.60a ± 0.22
Sand (%) 0–3 52b ± 0.00 50b ± 4.11 58ab ± 0.94 63a ± 3.06 67a ± 6.62
3–20 48b ± 2.83 49b ± 1.73 58a ± 4.81 55ab ± 2.40 55ab ± 2.56
Silt (%) 0–3 22a ± 1.41 27a ± 3.33 24a ± 3.65 20a ± 2.49 18a ± 6.95
3–20 27a ± 0.71 27a ± 1.11 26a ± 2.49 23a ± 2.00 29a ± 3.32
Clay (%) 0–3 26a ± 1.41 23a ± 1.49 18b ± 2.98 17b ± 1.15 16b ± 4.32
3–20 25a ± 2.12 25a ± 2.75 16a ± 5.89 22a ± 0.94 17a ± 2.21

Table 2
Chemical properties of Technosols evaluated in rehabilitated and non-rehabilitated sites, and in a mature tropical dry forest at El Cerrejón coal mine, Colombia. Mean
± SE (n = 4). OM-C: oxidizable organic carbon, Ps: P in soil solution, CEC: cation exchange capacity. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (p
Properties Depth (cm) Non-rehabilitated Rehabilitation ages Mature forest

7-years-old 10-years-old 21-years-old

pH (1:2) 0–3 8.28a ± 0.07 8.01ab ± 0.10 7.71c ± 0.12 7.76bc ± 0.15 7.31d ± 0.08
3–20 8.04a ± 0.06 7.88a ± 0.13 7.88a ± 0.07 7.83a ± 0.05 7.55b ± 0.09
OM-C (%) 0–3 0.82b ± 0.04 1.54ab ± 0.14 1.72ab ± 0.25 2.20a ± 0.26 2.47a ± 0.53
3–20 0.96b ± 0.01 1.00b ± 0.13 1.03ab ± 0.02 1.12ab ± 0.20 1.55a ± 0.36
C/N 0–3 5.64a ± 0.15 7.43a ± 1.60 7.36a ± 1.15 8.18a ± 0.83 6.60a ± 0.67
3–20 7.29a ± 0.20 7.81a ± 1.27 8.00a ± 0.47 8.42a ± 1.35 6.73a ± 1.10
N (%) 0–3 0.15c ± 0.01 0.22b ± 0.03 0.23b ± 0.00 0.27ab ± 0.01 0.38a ± 0.09
3–20 0.13b ± 0.00 0.13b ± 0.01 0.13b ± 0.01 0.13b ± 0.00 0.23a ± 0.02
Ps (mg L-1) 0–3 0.06b ± 0.01 0.21a ± 0.07 0.22a ± 0.01 0.20a ± 0.07 0.12a ± 0.03
3–20 0.04a ± 0.03 0.05a ± 0.01 0.06a ± 0.04 0.05a ± 0.01 0.05a ± 0.00
Ca (cmolc (+) kg-1) 0–3 48.00b ± 1.46 52.09b ± 3.95 50.33b ± 4.00 71.52a ± 3.78 51.55b ± 6.48
3–20 7.69b ± 2.22 48.35b ± 1.07 63.01a ± 1.50 67.79a ± 3.24 65.49a ± 5.00
Mg (cmolc (+) kg-1) 0–3 4.25ab ± 0.35 4.10ab ± 0.21 3.75b ± 0.03 4.40a ± 0.12 4.57a ± 0.09
3–20 4.11ab ± 0.05 4.68a ± 0.14 3.73b ± 0.35 4.20ab ± 0.33 3.58b ± 0.07
K (cmolc (+) kg-1) 0–3 0.50c ± 0.00 1.07b ± 0.18 1.21b ± 0.05 1.30b ± 0.08 1.78a ± 0.09
3–20 4.11ab ± 0.05 4.68a ± 0.14 3.73b ± 0.35 4.20ab ± 0.33 3.58b ± 0.07
Na (cmolc (+) kg-1) 0–3 0.74a ± 0.01 0.33c ± 0.01 0.36c ± 0.01 0.37c ± 0.06 0.63b ± 0.05
3–20 0.94a ± 0.01 0.39c ± 0.01 0.31c ± 0.04 0.30c ± 0.03 0.60b ± 0.05
CEC (cmolc (+) kg-1) 0–3 53.49b ± 1.11 57.59b ± 4.06 55.64b ± 3.96 77.59a ± 3.74 58.52b ± 6.54
3–20 53.24b ± 2.21 54.06b ± 1.07 67.76a ± 1.27 73.07a ± 3.07 70.19a ± 5.00

3.2. Soil property–vegetation relationships over time 4. Discussion

The first two components of the PCA (Fig. 2) explained 63% of the 4.1. Changes in the properties of Technosols over time
total variability, and the formation of groups between the rehabilitation
ages, with respect to the physical-chemical and biological properties Evaluation of changes in soil properties is essential to understand the
evaluated was observed. Consequently, high values of pH and BD effect of rehabilitation practices and the mechanisms driving these
showed an association with the plots of the non-rehabilitated sites and patterns in soil recovery (Orozco-Aceves et al., 2017). The results of this
the youngest site (RS-7). In general, for the remaining properties, study showed that the revegetation implemented in the rehabilitation
improvement was observed as rehabilitation age increased, with high program mitigated the alteration of some physicochemical and biolog­
values positively associated with older ecosystems (RS-21 and MF). ical properties in the mining substrates, with increasing plantation age
Particularly, the physical variables (PO and WHC) formed a subgroup reaching values similar to those of the reference mature forest. These
that separated the MF from the other sites. A direct relationship was results are probably due to the inclusion of native herbaceous and tree
observed among rehabilitation age, litter production rates (LT and LL) species during the rehabilitation program of these edaphic substrates, as
and the basal area (G), which were associated with high values of well as to the arrival of other non-planted species via natural succession,
physical (PO, WHC), chemical (CEC, C), and biological (NF, TF, AM) allowing the structural development of these rehabilitation forests, in
properties around it. which the biogeochemical cycle was progressively reactivated over time
(Castellanos-Barliza et al., 2019; León and Osorio, 2014; Peláez-Silva
et al., 2019). Among the processes involved are the production of fine

J. Castellanos-Barliza and J.D. León-Peláez Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

Table 3 Singh, 2017; Melo et al., 2018; Thakur et al., 2022).

Biological properties of Technosols evaluated in rehabilitated and non- It is important to note that the Technosols studied represent recently
rehabilitated sites, and in a mature tropical dry forest at El Cerrejón coal formed systems, and their greatest changes can be observed in the first
mine, Colombia. Mean ± SE (n = 4). TB: total bacteria, TF: total fungi, PM: few centimeters (Wang et al., 2018), as found here (Tables 1–3).
proteolytic microorganisms, CM: cellulolytics microorganisms, PSM: phosphate Therefore, continuous inputs of organic materials from the canopy (lit­
solubilizing microorganisms, NF: N-fixing microorganisms, AM: activity of mi­
terfall), as well as inputs from fine roots, favor greater biological activity
croorganisms. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences (p <
in these first levels of superficial soil depth, as opposed to what occurs at
greater depths (Tripathi et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2019).
Properties Depth Non- Rehabilitation ages Mature
The effects on the properties studied were appreciable after 7 years
(cm) rehabilitated Forest
7- 10- 21- (RS-7). Thus, the improvement of PO, WHC, and WD is attributed in part
years- years- years- to the penetration and subsequent death of fine roots and the progressive
old old old
incorporation of surface organic matter (Castellanos-Barliza et al., 2018;
TB (UFC/ 1.1 × 107b
7.5 × 1.3 × 2.6 × 1.4 × Zhang et al., 2018a), which by its light and porous nature also favors the
0–3 106b 107b 107a ± 106b ±
g soil) ± 0.05 formation of aggregates and soil structure, and decreases bulk density
± 0.24 ± 0.14 0.11 0.12
4.8 × 4.0 × 6.8 × 7.0 × (de Carvalho et al., 2018; Flores et al., 2019; Moret-Fernández and
TF (UFC/g 1.4 × 106a Lopez, 2016; Pandey et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2018). Similarly, the in­
0–3 106a 106a 106a ± 106a ±
soil) ± 0.01
± 0.76 ± 0.14 0.25 0.14 crease in organic matter and nutrients (C: 47%–77%, N: 35%–44% and
1.9 × 2.4 × 1.3 × 1.6 × Ps: 70%–73%) observed in the soil with increasing rehabilitation ages
PM (UFC/ 3.8 × 107a
0–3 106b 107ab 107ab 107ab
g soil) ± 0.82 (from non-rehabilitated substrates to 21-year-old forests), is mainly
± 0.00 ± 0.59 ± 0.67 ± 0.55
8.8 × 7.7 × 5.4 × 6.1 × attributed to the contribution of leaf litterfall, whose values were re­
CM (UFC/ 2.1 × 105ab
0–3 105a 104b 105ab 105a ± ported by Castellanos-Barliza et al. (2018) as high for this same
g soil) ± 0.02
± 0.29 ± 0.07 ± 0.37 0.13 ecosystem (Leaf litterfall: 54 g m-2 yr-1; and potential return of N: 1.2 m-
PSM 4.5 × 8.4 × 5.5 × 5.5 × 2
2.0 × 104b yr-1 and P: 0.04 m-2 yr-1). Similar patterns have been mentioned by
(UFC/g 0–3 105a 105a 105a ± 105a ±
± 0.03
± 0.21 ± 0.59 0.45 0.19 Chaturvedi and Singh (2017) in India’s dry forests undergoing mining
5.9 × 6.3 × 3.6 × 7.8 × rehabilitation, where soil organic carbon increased by 72% (0.2%–
NF (UFC/ 1.9 × 106ab
g soil)
± 0.01
106ab 105b 106ab 106a ± 0.7%) in forests 3–12 years old, respectively, showing a positive rela­
± 0.42 ± 0.05 ± 0.56 0.25 tionship between soil organic C as a function of the amount of dry matter
AM (μg C-
0.05a 0.03b 0.05a 0.05a deposited as litter.
CO2 g-1 0–3 0.01c ± 0.00
± 0.00 ± 0.01 ± 0.00 ± 0.00 Among the chemical properties, pH stands out as an informative
AM (μg C- indicator of soil rehabilitation, because it regulates microbial activity
0.02b 0.02b 0.03ab 0.04a
CO2 g-1 3–20 0.03b ± 0.00 and nutrient availability for plants (Moghimian et al., 2017). The
± 0.01 ± 0.00 ± 0.00 ± 0.00
decrease in pH after 7 years of rehabilitation, is also strongly linked to
the progressive incorporation of organic matter provided by the vege­
tation (leaf litter and fine roots) and to microbial activity (Srivastava
et al., 2014), as reported by other studies carried out on degraded sites
(Sroka et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018a).
An important consideration in the analysis of the changes in the
chemical parameters along the studied chronosequence, is that these
presented better characteristics than those usually found in abandoned
mining areas, with low contents of organic matter and nutrients for the
growth and development of vegetation (Adeli et al., 2013; Quadros
et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2016). Thus, the materials on which the
revegetation activities were carried out showed, in general, high con­
tents of OM (1.4%) and N (0.2%), and high values of CEC and exchange
bases. However, despite the abundance of the latter, the participation of
Ca in the exchange complex (ca. 91%) was excessive compared to that
suggested as balanced (70–75%: Patricia Flórez-Flórez et al., 2013),
while the participation of Mg (ca. 8%) was located at the lower end of
the recommended interval (8–15%). In fact, the Ca/Mg ratio (ca. 11)
Fig. 2. Principal component analysis of the physical-chemical and biological indicated a nutritional imbalance between both cations. Of even greater
properties (0–3 cm of depth), analyzed in Technosols in rehabilitated sites (RS: relevance, the low availability of K could limit plant performance in
7–21 years), a non-rehabilitated site (NR: 0 years), and a mature tropical dry these arid conditions, given its role in multiple mechanisms related to
forest (MF) in the El Cerrejón coal mine, La Guajira, Colombia. BD: bulk den­ water use efficiency (Li et al., 2021; Sardans and Peñuelas, 2015). In
sity, PO: porosity, WHC: Maximum water holding capacity, OM-C: organic addition to its low participation in the exchange complex (ca. 1%),
carbon, CEC: cation exchange capacity, C/N: soil carbon/nitrogen ratio, Ps: availability of K could be limited by the antagonistic K–Mg relationship,
phosphorus in solution, AM: activity of microorganisms, NF: N-fixing micro­ with the mean value Mg/K = 8 being much higher than that suggested as
organisms, TF: total fungi, PM: proteolytic microorganisms, PSM: phosphate balanced (3.3: Stover and Simmonds, 1987). In analyzing the effec­
solubilizing microorganisms, LL: leaf litterfall rate, LT: total fine litterfall rate,
tiveness of the rehabilitation activities, our results suggest that the
G: stand basal area.
passage of time determined a favorable evolution in the Mg/K ratio,
with a noticeable reduction at the oldest rehabilitated site (RS-21, Mg/K
litter, nutrient recycling through this pathway, exudation of acids and = 3.4).
organic materials by fine roots, and the constant death and renewal of The microbiological properties also developed with increasing
these roots (Tripathi et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2018a). These results plantation age (Table 2). In fact, after 21 years, the total bacteria counts
coincide with those of other studies that report the improvement of the (UGC g-1 soil) showed significant differences compared with the non-
physical-chemical and biological properties of the soil, after planting rehabilitated sites, corresponding to those reported for tropical ecosys­
tree species for land rehabilitation (Adeli et al., 2013; Chaturvedi and tems (106–107: Osorio, 2014). Similar results in the increase of specific

J. Castellanos-Barliza and J.D. León-Peláez Geoderma Regional 33 (2023) e00652

groups of microorganisms, as well as their activity, have been obtained Consequently, and as a result of the reactivation of the biogeochemical
in revegetated sites after the abandonment of mining activities (Quadros cycle, the gradual improvement of the quality of these Technosols was
et al., 2016; Srivastava et al., 2014). confirmed in relatively short periods of time. Thus, in the rehabilitated
Although P was the nutrient that represented the greatest limitation sites, organic matter contents between 63-89 % of those found in the
at the ecosystem level due to its low availability (Table 2), a high reference forest were recorded. This represents a key aspect in terms of
abundance of P-solubilizing microorganisms was determined (Table 3). rehabilitation, since organic matter can lead to the integral improve­
In fact, the mean values reported for the N/P ratio of leaf litter in these ment of the soil, given its ability to influence other properties. Indeed,
same sites (BR-7: 38.3, BR-10: 38.3, BR-21: 20.9; Castellanos-Barliza the changes in OM content with rehabilitation age were associated with
et al., 2018), indicated some degree of shortage of P for decomposing the improvement of other properties, such as pH, porosity, nutrient
microorganisms, with values higher than those indicated as critical (N/ content, and size and activity of the microbial population. Although
P = 16.5, Aerts and Chapin, 1999). The high abundance of these mi­ these results indicated that the successional advance contributed to the
croorganisms suggests their potential as a functional group for rehabil­ gradual improvement of the properties considered, it should be noted
itation activities in these environments (Osorio et al., 2017). that the timely intervention on restrictive variables for the development
of the vegetation at the beginning of the rehabilitation activities, as
4.2. Interactions between soil properties and functional-structural represented here by the availability of P and ratios between elements,
characteristics of the vegetation in rehabilitated sites will surely result in an increase in the effectiveness of the latter.

In forest ecosystems, primary soil organic carbon resources are Declaration of Competing Interest
usually directly related to factors inherent to their structure and func­
tioning, including plant biomass and litter production (Adeli et al., None.
2013). Thus, plants, soil organic matter, and microorganisms form an
interconnected system, so that if one of these factors is degraded, the Data availability
other two factors can also be negatively affected (Quadros et al., 2016).
Consequently, in this study it was found that soil gradually recovered its The data that has been used is confidential.
OM content and its physical and biological stability as the rehabilitation
age increased, simultaneously producing increases in their fine litterfall
rates and in the structure of the rehabilitated ecosystems (G).
Specifically, higher LT and LL rates corresponded to ecosystems with
This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e
higher successional advance, because of a greater structural develop­
Innovación (MINCIENCIAS), Programa Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología
ment over time (RS-7, G: 4.3 m2 ha-1; RS-10, G: 6.1 m2 ha-1; RS-21, 15.1
e Innovación, Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad y Hábitat (Code 1116-
m2 ha-1; MF, G: 18.1 m2 ha-1), determining increases of the organic
569-34827). We thank the technical and scientific support to the
matter content in these Technosols (Fig. 2). This direct relationship
personnel of the mining company El Cerrejón.
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not only of physical and chemical properties, but also biological ones,
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