Module 5
Module 5
Module 5
A transducer is a device that converts a signal in one form of energy to another form
of energy. It is a device or combination of elements, which responds to the physical
condition or chemical state of a substance and converts it into an output signal.
Classification Based on Operation
Based on the operation, transducers are classified into active and passive
1. Active Transducer
It develops a voltage or current as the output signal from the physical
parameter being measured. It does not require any external source of power for
its operation. Examples: Thermocouple, piezoelectric transducer, photovoltaic
cell, photoelectric cell, etc.
2. Passive Transducer
It requires an external source of power. It produces a change in the electrical
parameters such as resistance, inductance or capacitance in response to the
physical parameter being measured. Examples: Resistance strain gauge,
thermistor, LVDT, resistance thermometer, etc.
Table 1 Comparison between active and passive transducers
They produce electrical parameter such They produce a change in the electrical
as voltage or current proportional to the parameters such as resistance,
physical parameter being measured inductance or capacitance in response
to the physical parameter being
Examples:Thermocouple, Examples: Resistance strain gauge,
piezoelectric transducer, photovoltaic thermistor, LVDT, resistance
cell, photoelectric cell, etc. thermometer, etc.
Resistive Transducers
A resistance transducer produces a resistance variation in accordance
with the physical quantity sensed.
The resistance of a conductor is given by
𝑅 =
𝐴 ………… (Aeqn ())
where 𝜌 = resistivity in Ω𝑚
𝐿 = length of conductor in 𝑚
𝐴 = area of cross-section in 𝑚2
Both ac and dc voltages and currents are suitable for the measurement of
resistance change.
Potentiometric Transducer
In some cases, deposited carbon, platinum film, and other techniques are
used to provide the resistance element. The basic elements of the
potentiometric transducer are given in Fig below.
Inductive Transducers
The self-inductance of a coil or mutual inductance of pair of coil is altered in value
due to a variation in the value of the quantity under measurement.
Displacement measurements
Thickness measurements
Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
Principle of Operation:
As shown in Fig. 6, when the iron core is at the centre, the secondary emfs
are equal to each other. i.e. 𝐸𝑠1 = 𝐸𝑠2. The secondary coils are connected
in series, but in phase opposition so that net voltage is zero.
When the core is moved to the right (Position A), more flux links the right-
hand coil than the left -hand coil. i.e. 𝐸𝑠1 < 𝐸𝑠2. Therefore, 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 is negative.
When the core is moved to the left (Position B), more flux links the left-
hand coil than the right-hand coil. i.e. 𝐸𝑠1 > 𝐸𝑠2. Therefore, 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 is positive.
1. Wide range of displacement
2. Frictionless operation as there is no physical contact
3. Ruggedness
4. Insensitive to temperature change
5. High sensitivity
6. Linearity of output
1. Sensitive to stray magnetic fields
2. Large displacements are necessary for differential output
Capacitive Transducer:
The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor is given by
C= (farads)
where A = the area of each plate, in m2
d = the plate spacing, in m €0 = 9.85 X 1012 in F/m
k = dielectric constant
From the equation it is clear that the value of capacitance C and the distance
between the parallel plates are inversely proportional to each other.
An increase of distance between the parallel plates will decrease the
capacitance value correspondingly. The same theory is used in a capacitive
This transducer is used to convert the value of displacement or change in
pressure in terms of frequency.
As shown in the figure below, a capacitive transducer has a static plate and
a deflected flexible diaphragm with a dielectric in between.
When a force is exerted to the outer side of the diaphragm the distance
between the diaphragm and the static plate changes. This produces a
capacitance which is measured using an alternating current bridge or a tank
Thermal transducers:
• Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) are another sort of thermal
(temperature) transducer.
• Resistance of a conductor changes when its temperature changes. The
resistive element is usually made of a solid material, a metal, a metallic alloy
or semiconductor compound.
• The resistivity of the metal increases with temperature, but in semiconductor
and insulator gradually decreases. It is also called as “Resistive Temperature
• Wire-wound elements employ considerable length of wires, and it is free to
expand. The length also increases with increase in temperature. Hence, as
temperature changes, the change in resistance will be due to changes in both
lengths and resistivity.
• The temperature co-efficient of resistance is given by:
1 ∆𝑅
∝= ……….. (1)
∆𝑇 𝑅𝑜
Where, ∆𝑇 = change in temperature
∆𝑅⁄ = fractional change in resistance.
Ro = Resistance at 0 C
• The resistance RT at any other temperature T oC is given by
RT = Ro (1 + T)…………(2)
High accuracy
Does not require temperature compensation.
Excellent stability
Good sensitivity.
Optoelectronic transducer:
Optoelectronic transducer is a device which convert light beam into an
electrical signal.
By proper interruption of the light signal due to motion input, the electrical
signal produced can be related to the input.
Operate on principle that when light strikes special combination of materials
then following may result.
1. Electrons may flow
2. A voltage may be generated
3. A resistance change may take place.
Types are
o Photo-emissive
o Photo-conductive
o Photo-voltaic
Light beam strikes a photo-emissive cathode, which releases electrons.
Electrons are attracted towards the anode producing a current I in the
Current I depend upon intensity of radiation and anode cathode voltage.
It uses semiconductor material whose resistance changes in
accordance with the radiant energy received.
Resistivity of selenium, cadmium sulphaide, lead sulfide and thalmium
sulphide is decreased when irradiated.
Used for detecting ships & aircrafts by the radiations given out by their
exhausts and for telephony by modulated infrared lights.
Piezoelectric transducers:
They convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and are based on the direct
piezoelectric effect observed in certain non-metallic and insulating dielectric
Principle of Operation
Electrical charge is developed on the surface of the crystals, when they
are under mechanical strain due to application of stress. This is called
piezoelectric effect.
Piezoelectric transducers are having high mechanical rigidity so it is used
to measure force, pressure, acceleration, torque, strain and amplitude of
The basic piezoelectric phenomenon is the effect of force applied in
longitudinal and transverse directions.
The three modes of operation are:
• Thickness expander mode
• Length expander mode
• Volume expander mode.
1. Smaller in size
2. High natural frequency
3. Linearity
4. High sensitivity
5. Wide measuring angle
6. Polar sensitivity
7. High mechanical rigidity
Piezoelectric transducers are used to measure force, pressure, acceleration,
torque, strain.
The modulated signal from the modulator is transmitted or radiated into the
atmosphere using an antenna as the transducer. Which converts the signal
energy in guided wave form to free space electromagnetic waves and vice
Need of modulation:
• Increases operating range of communication.
Noise is an unwanted signal which interferes with the original message signal and
corrupts the parameters of the message signal. This alteration in the
communication process, leads to the message getting altered. It is most likely to
be entered at the channel or the receiver.
Effects of Noise:
The noise might distract the receiver, causing them not to hear the sender's
message properly. Or it might distract the sender, making it difficult for
them to communicate the message effectively.
Communication refers to the transmission of information from one place to the other.
Figure shows the generic block diagram of a communication system. Any communication
system will have five blocks, including the information source and destination blocks.
The modulated signal from the modulator is transmitted or radiated into the atmosphere
using an antenna as the transducer. Which converts the signal energy in guided wave
form to free space electromagnetic waves and vice versa.
Block diagram of an AM super heterodyne receiver:
The receiver block receives the incoming modified version of the message signal from
the channel and processes it to recreate the original form of the message signal.
There are a great variety of receivers in communication systems, depending on the
processing required to recreate the original message signal. Most of the receivers do
conform broadly to the super heterodyne type, as does the simple broadcast receiver
whose block diagram is shown in Fig.
Modulation is the process of changing the parameters of the carrier signal, in accordance with
the instantaneous values of the modulating signal. Types of modulation are AM,FM and PM.
2. Frequency Modulation:
A modulating signal may vary the frequency of the carrier keeping the amplitude and phase
constant. This type of modulation is called Frequency modulation. Broadly speaking, the
frequency modulation is the process of changing the frequency of the carrier voltage in
accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating voltage.
3.Phase modulation:
Phase modulation is the process in which the instantaneous phase of the carrier signal is varied
in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal.
Need of modulation:
• Increases operating range
• Reduces size of transmitting & receiving antennas
• Permits transmission without wire
• Extremely difficult to radiate low frequency signals through earth’s atmosphere in form
of electromagnetic energy.
Noise is an unwanted signal which interferes with the original message signal and corrupts the
parameters of the message signal. This alteration in the communication process, leads to the
message getting altered. It is most likely to be entered at the channel or the receiver.
Effects of Noise:
Noise is an inconvenient feature which affects the system performance. Following are the
effects of noise.
Noise indirectly places a limit on the weakest signal that can be amplified by an amplifier. The
oscillator in the mixer circuit may limit its frequency because of noise. A system’s operation
depends on the operation of its circuits. Noise limits the smallest signal that a receiver is
capable of processing.
Sensitivity is the minimum amount of input signal necessary to obtain the specified quality
output. Noise affects the sensitivity of a receiver system, which eventually affects the output.
The noise might distract the receiver, causing them not to hear the sender's message
properly. Or it might distract the sender, making it difficult for them to communicate
the message effectively.