MIC Miroprojct

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Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student:1) Ahire Samyak Pravin Enrolment No:2100790195

Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester:- IV
Course Title: Microprocessor
Code: - 22415
Title of the Micro Project: Factorial Of Number

Course Outcomes Achieved:-

a) Analyze the function all block diagram of 8086.
b) Write an ALP for given problem.
c) Use instructions for different addressing modes.
d) Develop an ALP using assembler.
e) Develop an ALP using procedure, macros & modular programming approach.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:

Poor Average Good Excellent
No. Characteristic to be assessed
(Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
(A) Process and Product Assesssment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
Literature Survey / Information
Completion of the Target as per
3 project proposal
Analysis of data and
5 Quality of Prototype / Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
8 Presentation
9 Viva
Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:
Process Assessment Product Assessment
Part Project Part Individual Total
A – project Methodology B – Project Presentation / Marks 10
Name of Student Proposal (2 marks) Report / Working Viva (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model(2 marks)

Ahire Samyak Pravin

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter – personal communication (if any)
Any Other Comment

Name and designation of the faculty Member: Miss. A. B. Shinde Signature

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student:2) Bachhav Siddesh Vikas Enrolment No:2100790241

Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester:-IV
Course Title: Microprocessor
Code : -22415
Title of the Micro Project: Factorial Of Number

Course Outcomes Achieved:-

A) Analyze the function all block diagram of 8086.
B) Write an ALP for given problem.
C) Use instructions for different addressing modes.
D) Develop an ALP using assembler.
E) Develop an ALP using procedure, macros & modular programming approach.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:

Poor Average Good Excellent
No. Characteristic to be assessed
(Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
(A) Process and Product Assesssment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
Literature Survey / Information
Completion of the Target as per
3 project proposal
Analysis of data and
5 Quality of Prototype / Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
8 Presentation
9 Viva
Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:
Process Assessment Product Assessment
Part Project Part Individual Total
A – project Methodology B – Project Presentation / Marks 10
Name of Student Proposal (2 marks) Report / Working Viva (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model(2 marks)

Bachhav Siddesh Vikas

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter – personal communication (if any)
Any Other Comment

Name and designation of the faculty Member: Miss. A. B. Shinde signature

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student:3) Burad RonakManish Enrolment No:2100790204

Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester:-IV
Course Title: Microprocessor
Code : -22415
Title of the Micro Project: Factorial Of Number
Course Outcomes Achieved:-
A) Analyze the function all block diagram of 8086.
B) Write an ALP for given problem.
C) Use instructions for different addressing modes.
D) Develop an ALP using assembler.
E) Develop an ALP using procedure, macros & modular programming approach.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:

Poor Average Good Excellent
No. Characteristic to be assessed
(Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
(A) Process and Product Assesssment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
Literature Survey / Information
Completion of the Target as per
3 project proposal
Analysis of data and
5 Quality of Prototype / Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
8 Presentation
9 Viva
Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:
Process Assessment Product Assessment
Part Project Part Individual Total
A – project Methodology B – Project Presentation / Marks 10
Name of Student Proposal (2 marks) Report / Working Viva (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model(2 marks)

Burad Ronak Manish

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter – personal communication (if any)
Any Other Comment

Name and designation of the faculty Member: Miss. A. B. Shinde signature


CHANDWAD-423101 (Nashik)

Academic year 2022-23

Factorial Of Number

Program: Computer Technology Program Code: CM

Course: Microprocessor Course code:22415


Sr.No. Name of Student Roll No Enrollment No Seat No

1. Ahire Samyak Pravin 06 2100790195

This is to certify 1) Ahire Samyak Pravin

Of 4th Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute, SHHJB POLYTECHNIC,
CHANDWAD (Code: 0079) has completed the Micro-Project satisfactorily in Subject Microprocessor
(22415)for the academic year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the curriculum.


Date: / 5 /2023

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

(Miss. A. B. Shinde) (Mr.P.R.Sali) (Dr.V.A.Wankhede)


Sr.No. Name of Student Roll No Enrollment No Seat No

2 Bachhav Siddesh Vikas 47 2100790241

This is to certify :2) Bachhav Siddesh Vikas

Of 4th Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute, SHHJB POLYTECHNIC,
CHANDWAD (Code: 0079) has completed the Micro-Project satisfactorily in Subject Microprocessor
(22415) for the academic year 2022- 2023as prescribed in the curriculum.


Date: 15/4/2023

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

(Miss. A. B. Shinde) (Mr.P.R.Sali) (Dr.V.A.Wankhede)


Sr.No. Name of Student Roll No Enrollment No Seat No

3. Burad Ronak Manish 15 2100790204


This is to certify 3) Burad Ronak Manish

Of 4th Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute, SHHJB POLYTECHNIC,
CHANDWAD (Code: 0079) has completed the Micro-Project satisfactorily in Subject Microprocessor
(22415)for the academic year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Date: / 5 /2023

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

(Miss. A. B. Shinde) (Mr.P.R.Sali) (Dr.V.A.Wankhede)



Part A

1.0 Brief Introduction 9

2.0 Aim of Micro Project 9

3.0 Action Plan 9

4.0 Resources Required 9

Part B

1.0 Brief Description 10

2.0 Aim of Micro Project 10

3.0 Course Outcome Integrated 10

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed 10

5.0 Actual Resource Used 11

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-projects 12

7.0 Skill Developed 12

8.0 Source code 12


Title of micro-project: Factorial Of Number

1.0 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project-

like other programming languages like c,c++,java,etc like that By Using the assembly language
programming we can also find the factorial of the numbers.

2.0Course Outcomes Addressed-

A) Analyze the function all block diagram of 8086.

B) Write an ALP for given problem.
C) Use instructions for different addressing modes.
D) Develop an ALP using assembler.
E) Develop an ALP using procedure, macros & modular programming approach.

3.0 Proposed Methodology-

By using some of the interesting instructions of the Assembly language programming we can find the Factorial of the
numbers. By that we can do this assembly language can perform of the asthmatic tasks.
At last of the report I have given the Source code.

4.0 Action Plan-

Planned Start Planned Finish
Sr no. Details of activity
Date Date
1. Finalization of topic 23-01-2023 31-1-2023
2. Preparation of Abstract 1-2-2023 10-2-2023
3. Collection of data 11-2-2023 1-3-2023
4. Preparation of concept 2-3-2023 25-3-2023
5. Seminar / Presentation 26-3-2023 20-4-2023
6. Submission of Micro Project 20-4-2023 4-5-2023

5.0 Resources Required:

Sr.No Name of Resource/Material Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Computer (Desktop/Laptop) i3,RAM 2GB 1
2. Microsoft Notepad 2010 1
3. Books - -
4. Websites - -
5. Software's Tasm 1

Title of micro-project: Factorial Of Number

1.0 Brief Description:

Important –
If the Given Number is a 16-bit number, the AX register is automatically used as the
second parameter and the product is stored in the DX:AX register pair. This means that the
DX register holds the high part and the AX register holds the low part of a 32-bit number.

In 8086 microprocessor, user have direct instruction (MUL) to multiply two numbers, so
we don’t have to add Multiplicand by Multiplier times like in 8085
Advantage of 8086 over 8085 (In case of Multiply):
 Don’t have to write a bulky code as 8086 has a small code
 Easy to remember
 Already have multiplication Instruction

2.0 Aims/Benefits of Micro Project:like other programming languages like c,c++,java,etc like that By
Using the assembly language programming we can also find the factorial of the numbers.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:

A) Analyze the function all block diagram of 8086.

B) Write an ALP for given problem.
C) Use instructions for different addressing modes.
D) Develop an ALP using assembler.
E) Develop an ALP using procedure, macros & modular programming approach.

4.0 Actual Methodology/Procedure Followed:

By using different types of instructions of the assembly language programming we can find the factorial
of the numbers. But for that we want use some instructions like mul, mov,etc.
By using that we can find the factorial of the numbers in the assembly language program.

Sr.No Name of Resource/Material Specification Quantity Remarks 5.0

1. Computer (Desktop/Laptop) i5,RAM 2GB 1 Actual
2. Microsoft Notepad 2010 1 Resources
3. Books - -
4. Websites - -
5. Software’s TASM 1
Algorithm –
1. Input the Number whose factorial is to be find and Store that Number in CX
Register (Condition for LOOP Instruction)
2. Insert 0001 in AX(Condition for MUL Instruction) and 0000 in DX
3. Multiply CX with AX until CX become Zero(0) using LOOP Instruction
4. Copy the content of AX to memory location 0600
5. Copy the content of DX to memory location 0601
6. Stop Execution

Program –


0400 MOV CX, [0500] CX <- [0500]

0404 MOV AX, 0001 AX <- 0001


0407 MOV DX, 0000 DX <- 0000

040A MUL CX DX:AX <- AX * CX

040C LOOP 040A Go To [040A] till CX->00

0410 MOV [0600], AX [0600]<-AX

0414 MOV [0601], DX [0601]<-DX

0418 HLT Stop Execution

Explanation –
1. MOV CX, [0500] loads 0500 Memory location content to CX Register
2. MOV AX, 0001 loads AX register with 0001
3. MOV DX, 0000 loads DX register with 0000
4. MUL CX multiply AX with CX and store result in DX:AX pair
5. LOOP 040A runs loop till CX not equal to Zero
6. MOV [0600], AX store AX register content to memory location 0600
7. MOV [0601], DX store DX register content to memory location 0601
8. HLT stops the execution of program

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