CSC153 Computational Biology Study Spring 2019 3

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1. Which is the chemical name of H2O?

a. Manganese dioxide
b. Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate
c. !Dihydrogen Monoxide
d. Ammonium chloride

2. The humerus, paired radius, and ulna come together to form what joint?
a. !Elbow
b. Sholder
c. Ankle
d. Knee

3. Which of the following blood vessels carries deoxygenated blood?

a. Aorta
b. !Pulmonary Artery
c. Coronary Artery
d. Pulmonary Vein

4. The Axiom of Preventive Medicine states that people with risk for a disease
should be screened and we should treat of those people.
a. high, some
b. !low, all
c. high, all
d. low, some

5. What stage of development do the majority of eukaryotic cells remain in for most
of their life?
a. Stasis
b. Telophase
c. !Interphase
d. Prophase

6. A positron is an antiparticle of a what?

a. Proton
b. Neutron
c. !Electron
d. Photon

7. What do you study if you are studying entomology?

a. Fish
b. the Brain
c. Humans
d. !Insects

8. An organism described as quot;heliotropicquot; has a tendancy to move towards

which of these things?
a. !Light
b. Water
c. Pollen
d. Trees
1. A carnivorous animal eats flesh, what does a nucivorous animal eat?
a. !Nuts
b. Fruit
c. Seaweed
d. Nothing

2. What is the name of the family that the domestic cat is a member of?
a. !Felidae
b. Felis
c. Cat
d. Felinae

3. Which species is a quot;mountain chickenquot;?

a. !Frog
b. Fly
c. Horse
d. Chicken

4. What is the collective noun for a group of crows?

a. !Murder
b. Gaggle
c. Herd
d. Pack

5. What is the scientific name of the Common Chimpanzee?

a. Gorilla gorilla
b. !Pan troglodytes
c. Pan paniscus
d. Panthera leo

6. By definition, where does an abyssopelagic animal live?

a. !At the bottom of the ocean
b. On top of a mountain
c. In the desert
d. Inside a tree

7. What colour is the female blackbird?

a. Black
b. White
c. Yellow
d. !Brown

8. How many teeth does an adult rabbit have?

a. 24
b. !28
c. 30
d. 26

9. What is the collective noun for bears?

a. Husk
b. Drove
c. !Sloth
d. Tribe

10. What bird is born with claws on its wing digits?

a. Cormorant
b. Cassowary
c. !Hoatzin
d. Secretary bird

11. quot;Decapodsquot; are an order of tenfooted crustaceans. Which of these are

NOT decapods?
a. Lobsters
b. !Krill
c. Shrimp
d. Crabs

12. The freshwater amphibian, the Axolotl, can regrow it039;s limbs.
a. False
b. !True

1. In the hexadecimal system, what number comes after 9?

a. !The Letter A
b. The Number 0
c. 10
d. 16

2. A universal set, or a set that contains all sets, exists.

a. !False
b. True

3. The binary number quot;101001101quot; is equivalent to the Decimal number

a. !False
b. True

4. If you could fold a piece of paper in half 50 times, its039; thickness will be
34th the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
a. !True
b. False

5. What is the alphanumeric representation of the imaginary number?

a. n
b. e
c. x
d. !i
6. The decimal number 31 in hexadecimal would be what?
a. 2E
b. !1F
c. 1B
d. 3D

7. How many sides does a heptagon have?

a. !7
b. 6
c. 8
d. 5

8. L039;Hocirc;pital was the mathematician who created the homonymous rule that
uses derivatives to evaluate limits with indeterminations.
a. !False
b. True

9. You can square root a negative number with an imaginary number quot;iquot;.
a. !True
b. False

10. An equilateral triangle always has every angle measuring 60deg;.

a. !True
b. False

11. Which greek mathematician ran through the streets of Syracuse naked while
shouting quot;Eurekaquot; after discovering the principle of displacement?
a. Homer
b. Eratosthenes
c. Euclid
d. !Archimedes

12. Which mathematician refused the Fields Medal?

a. !Grigori Perelman
b. Andrew Wiles
c. Terence Tao
d. Edward Witten

13. In the complex plane, multiplying a given function by i rotates it

anticlockwise by how many degrees?
a. 180
b. !90
c. 270
d. 0

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