Mother Tongue GR 123 (2ND Quarter)
Mother Tongue GR 123 (2ND Quarter)
Mother Tongue GR 123 (2ND Quarter)
Quarter 02 Week 02 Day 01 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Genre: Song
Domain / Strand: Oral Language (OL) Vocabulary and Concept Development (VCD) Listening Comprehension (LC)
MT1OL-IIa-i-1.3 MT2OL-IIa-c-10.1 MT3OL-Iia-6.2.2 Observation Observation Observation
Talk about oneself and one’s Relate one’s own Participates actively Unlocking of words in a story to be read: checklist checklist checklist
personal experiences (friends, experiences and ideas during story reading
Unlock words through Use words unlock words in sentences
favorite toys. related to the topics by making comments
a. realia, b. picture clues
MT1OL-IIa-i-6.1 using a variety of words and asking questions
c. actions or gestures
Participate actively during story with proper phrasing and using complete
d. context clues*
reading by making comments and intonation. sentences/
and use them in
asking questions. paragraphs.
MT1VCD-IIa-e-1.1Use vocabulary MT2VCD-IIa-i-1.2Use
referring to: words unlocked during MT3VCD-IIa-b-1.4 Reading of the story to the pupils
People (Self, Family, Friends), story reading in Uses words unlocked Class discussion about the story:
Animals, Objects meaningful contexts. during story reading in Share personal Relate one’s own Ask questions and
MT1OL-IIa-i-5.1 meaningful texts. experiences related to the experiences and ideas comments about the
Listen and respond to others in oral MT2LC-IIa-b-4.5 story related to the story using sharing of grade 1 and 2
conversation. Identify the important MT3LC-IIa-b-4.5 a variety of words with pupils using complete
MT1VCD-IIa-i-2.1 story elements. Identifies the proper phrasing and sentences
Give meanings of words through: important story intonation
a. Realia, b. picture clues elements
c. actions or gestures Discussion about the Independent Activity Independent Activity
d. context clues* character, setting and Writing the character, Writing the character,
MT1LC-IIa-1.1 events of the story setting and events of the setting and events of the
Note important details in grade level story in charts or graphic story in charts or graphic
narrative texts listened to: organizers organizers
a. Character
b. setting Independent Activity Presentation and Presentation and
c. events Sequencing events of the discussion of work discussion of work
MT1LC-IIa-b-2.1 story using
Give the correct sequence of three pictures/drawing
events in a story listened to.
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 02 Day 02 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Genre: Song
Domain / Strand: Phonological Skills/Awareness (PA) Fluency (F) Reading Comprehension(RC) Phonics and Word Recognition (PWR) Attitude Towards Reading (ATR)
MT1PA-Ie-i-5.1 MT2F-IIa-i-1.4 MT3F-IIa-c-1.4 Teacher-guided reading Silent reading of story Observation
Isolate and pronounce the beginning Read aloud grade level Reads aloud grade developing the written Writing the characters, setting and events through Checklist
and ending sounds of given words. text with an accuracy of level text with an competencies charts and other graphic organizers
MT1PA-Ih-i-6.1 95 - 100%. accuracy of 95 - - group
Add or substitute individual sounds MT2F-IIa-i-1.5 100%. * -pair
in simple words to make new words. Read grade level texts - individual
MT1F-IIa-i-1.2 with appropriate speed.* MT3RC-IIa-b-4.5
Read grade 1 level words, phrases (Note: should include Identifies the Independent Activity Presentation and discussion of pupils’ work Rubric Observation checklist for:
or sentences with appropriate benchmarks on number important story Match words with pictures -proper speed and accuracy
speed, accuracy, and proper of words per minute once elements. and objects Oral reading of the story - intonation, expression and
expression. research and data have MT3ATR-IIa-i-4.2 -draw the given word punctuation cues
MT1OL-ld-i-3.1 been gathered)* Shows love for -labeling objects
Orally segment a two - three syllable MT2F-IIa-i-1.6 reading by listening -jigsaw puzzle .
word into its syllabic parts. Read grade level texts attentively during
MT1OL-Ic-i-4.1 with appropriate story reading and
Say the new spoken word when two intonation, expression, making comments or
or more sounds are put together. and punctuation cues reactions
MT1OL-Id-i-4.2 when applicable
Say the new spoken word when two MT2PWR-IIa-d-7.5
or more syllables are put together. Read with understanding
MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.2 grade level text*.
Give the beginning letter/sound of MT2PWR-IIa-b-7.3
the name of each picture. Read a large number of
MT1PWR-IIa-i-5.1 regularly spelled multi-
Blend specific letters to form syllabic words
syllables and words. MT2RC-Ia-b-4.5
MT1PWR-IIa-i-4.1 Identify the important
Match words with pictures and story elements
objects. MT2ATR-IIa-c-5.1
MT1ATRII-a-i-1.1 Express individual
Listen attentively and react choices and taste for
positively during story reading. texts
Browse books read to them
Request more stories to be read to
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 02 Day 03 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Genre: Song
Domain / Strand: Grammar Awareness (GA) Spelling (S) Study Skills (SS)
MT1GA-IIa-d-2.2 MT2GA-IIa-e-2.2.2 MT3GA-IIa-b-2.2.3 Reading announcement (with different pronouns) and telling/writing the different Paper and Paper and Observation
Identify pronouns: Identify and use the Identifies interrogative kinds of pronouns in the announcement Pencil Test Pencil Test checklist
a. personal following pronouns when pronouns.
Discussion on personal Independent Activity Independent Activity
b. Possessive applicable MT3SS-IIa-c-4.4 Oral Oral Oral
and possessive pronoun Group Activity Group Activity
a. demonstrative pronouns Gets information from Questioning Questioning Questioning
Discussion about the map Listing of demonstrative, Answer questions about
MT1PWR-IIa-i-3.1 (e.g. ito, iyan, yan, dito, published announcements
of the classroom subject, object and the announcement
Write the upper and lower diyan, doon)
possessive pronouns List the interrogative
case letters legibly, b. subject and object
observing proper sequence pronouns
Independent Activity Discussion on the
of strokes. c. possessive pronouns
Writing the upper and different kinds of
lower case of the focused pronouns and review on
MT1SS-IIa-e-3.1 MT2VCD-IIa-i-3.4
letters on their paper simile and metaphor
Interpret a map of the Identify and use simile and
classroom/school. metaphor in sentences.*
Group Activity Independent Activity Discussion on the
Drawing a map of their Using pronouns in writing announcement and
classroom sentences with simile and interrogative pronouns
Quarter 02 Week 02 Day 04 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Genre: Song
Domain / Strand: Composing (C) Spelling (S)
MT1C-IIa-i-1.2 M MT2PWR-IIa-i-6.3 MT3F-IVa-i-1.6 Independent Activity: Spelling Test: list of Spelling Test: list of Rubric Rubric Rubric
Express ideas through words Correctly spell grade level Correctly spells the words Writing opinions about vocabulary words vocabulary words
or phrases, using both words in the list of vocabulary the story read in words or
invented and conventional words and the words in the phrases Independent Activity: Discussion on writing
spelling.* T2C-IIa-i-2.2 selections read. Writing opinions about the paragraph
Write paragraphs using story read in a paragraph
MT1OL-IIa-i-7.1 subject, object and MT3C-IIa-i-3.3 using pronouns
Supply rhyming words to possessive pronouns, Observes the conventions Presentation and Independent Activity
complete a rhyme, poem, observing the conventions of writing in composing a 2 discussion of pupils’ Writing two paragraph
and song. of writing. – paragraph narrative that answers narrative
includes the elements of
setting, characters, and Reading the syllabic parts
plot. of words Paper and
pencil test
Independent Activity Checking and discussion Checking and discussion
Completing rhyme, song about the pupils answers about the pupils answers
or poem with rhyming
words (word with
-with picture cues
-with letter cues
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 02 Day 05 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Genre: Song
Domain / Strand:
. Paper and Paper and Paper and
Pencil Test Pencil Test Pencil Test
A. A. A.
-identifying -Identifying -Identifying
pronouns pronouns pronouns
-rhyming words B. B.
-vocabulary -Identifying -Identifying
Summative Assessment
-interpreting a elements of elements of
simple map story story
B. C. C.
-Writing lower -writing a -writing a
and upper case paragraph paragraph
Quarter 02 Week 03 Day 01 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem
GR. 3 Theme: Community / Our Neighborhood (Care for the Environment) Genre: How to..Procedural e.g. Washing, cleaning the house and surroundings
Domain / Strand: Oral Language (OL) Vocabulary and Concept Development (VCD) Listening Comprehension (LC) Phonological Awareness (PA)
MT1OL-IIa-i-1.3 MT2OL-IIa-c-10.1 MT3OL-IIb-c-10.1 Observation Observation Observation
Talk about oneself and one’s Relate one’s own Relates one’s own Individual singing of pupils Checklist Checklist Checklist
personal experiences experiences and ideas experiences and ideas Class discussion about the experiences and ideas of the pupils related to the songs
(friends, favorite toys) related to the topics using related to the topics using a Talk about one’s Tell one’s own experiences Tell one’s own
MT1OL-IIa-i-5.1Listen and a variety of words with variety of words with proper personal experience and ideas related to the experiences and ideas
respond to others in oral proper phrasing and phrasing and intonation. about friends/favorite topics using a variety of related to the topics
conversation. intonation. toys using common words with proper phrasing using a variety of words
MT1OL-IIb-c-3.1Use expressions and polite and intonation. with proper phrasing and
common expressions and greetings intonation.
polite greetings. (Encourage the pupils to
MT1OL-IIc-d-4.2 react to their classmate’s
Recite and sing individually, answers)
with ease and confidence,
songs, poems, chants, and
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
MT1VCD-IIa-e-1.1 Use MT2VCD-IIa-i-1.Use words MT3VCD-IIc-e-1.5Uses
Unlocking of unfamiliar words through realia, picture clues, actions or gestures,
vocabulary referring to: unlocked during story the combination of
context clues*
- People (Self, Family, reading in meaningful affixes and root words as
Friends) contexts.* clues to get meaning of Use unlocked words in Use words unlocked in Give the meaning of
- Animals words. (Note: Align with phrases sentences words through the use of
- Objects MT2VCD-IIa-i-3.4 specific competencies in combination of affixes and
- Musical Instruments Identify and use simile and Grammar Awareness) rootwords
- Environment metaphor in sentences.* MT3LC-IIc-d-5.1
MT1VCD-IIa-i-2.1 MT2LC-Iic-3.1 Predicts possible ending
Give meanings of words Infer character feelings and of a story.
through: traits in a story
a. realia MT2ATR-IIa-c-5.1
b. picture clues Express individual choices
c. actions or gestures and taste for texts.
d. context clues* Story Reading
Discussion about the Independent Activity Independent Activity
Identify cause and/or effect of
cause and/or effect of Group Activity Group Activity Rubric Rubric
events in a story listened to.
events Making character sketch Predicting possible ending
-drawing with captions -dramatization
Participate actively during
-comparing charaters to -drawing
story reading by making
persons and other things -telling
comments and asking
Independent Activity Presentation and Presentation and
Determining the cause discussion about the pupils’ discussion about the
Listen attentively and react
and event in a picture answers pupils’ performance
positively during story
Browse books read to them.
Request more stories to be
read to
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 03 Day 02 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem
GR. 3 Theme: Community / Our Neighborhood (Care for the Environment) Genre: How to..Procedural e.g. Washing, cleaning the house and surroundings
Domain / Strand: Reading Comprehension (RC) Oral Language (OL) Fluency (F)
MT1OL-IIa-i7.1 MT2LC-Iic-3.1 MT3RC-IIc-d-5.1 Independent Activity Observation Rubric Rubric
Supply rhyming words to Infer character feelings Predicts possible ending of a Teacher-guided Silent reading of a story checklist
complete a rhyme, poem, and and traits in a story story. reading Independent Activity Independent Activity
song. MT2F-IIa-i-1.4 developing the written Group Activity Group Activity
MT1O-ld-i-3.1 Read aloud grade level MT3A-IIa-i4.2 competencies Making character sketch Predicting possible ending
Orally segment a two - three text with an accuracy of 95 Shows love for reading by -group -drawing with captions -dramatization
syllable word into its syllabic - 100%. listening attentively during -pair -comparing charaters to -drawing
parts. MT2F-IIa-i-1.5 story reading and making -individual persons and other things -telling
MT1OL-Ic-i-4.1 Read grade level texts with comments or reactions.
Say the new spoken word appropriate speed.* (Note: MT3F-IIa-c-1.4
when two or more sounds are should include Reads aloud grade level text
put together. benchmarks on number of with an accuracy of 95 - Independent Activity
MT1OL-Id-i-4.2 words per minute once 100%. * Supplying rhyming Presentation and Presentation and
Say the new spoken word research and data have words to complete a discussion about the discussion about the
when two or more syllables been gathered)* rhyme, poem, and pupils’ answers pupils’ performance
are put together. MT2F-IIa-i-1.6 song.(word with Read their work with
MT1PA-Ie-i-5.1 Read grade level texts with drawing) appropriate speed, Read aloud story
Isolate and pronounce the appropriate intonation, -with picture cues accuracy, and proper appropriate speed, Observation Observation
beginning and ending sounds expression, and -with letter cues expression, intonation accuracy, and proper checklist checklist
of given words. punctuation cues when and punctuation expression, intonation and
MT1PA-Ih-i-6.1 applicable punctuation
Add or substitute individual MT2PWR-IIc-d-7.4
sounds in simple words to Read with understanding
make new words words with consonant
MT1F-IIa-i-1.2 blends, clusters and
Read grade 1 level words, digraphs when applicable
phrases or sentences with MT2PWR-IIa-d-7.5
appropriate speed, accuracy, Read with understanding
and proper expression. grade level text*.
MT1PWR-IIa-i-5.1 MT2PWR-IIe-i-7.6
Blend specific letters to form Read content area-related
syllables and words. words.* (Math and Science
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 03 Day 03 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem
GR. 3 Theme: Community / Our Neighborhood (Care for the Environment) Genre: How to..Procedural e.g. Washing, cleaning the house and surroundings
Domain / Strand: Grammar Awareness (GA) : Phonics and Word Recognition (PWR)
MT1GA-IIa-d-2.2 MT2GA-IIa-e-2.2.2 MT3G-IIc-d-1.3.2 Review of the story read by the pupils
Identify pronouns: Identify and use the Uses singular and plural Presentation of sentences with pronouns that were used in the story
a. personal following pronouns when interrogative pronouns in Telling the personal Independent Activity Independent Activity
b. Possessive applicable sentences (when applicable). and possessive Independent Activity Group Activity Oral response Paper and pencil Paper and
MT1PWR-IIa-i-2.1 a. demonstrative pronouns pronouns in given Group Activity List the interrogative test pencil test
Identify upper and lower case (e.g. ito, iyan, yan, dito, sentences Listing of demonstrative, pronouns and use them in
letters. diyan, doon) Modeling of the subject, object and sentences
MT1PWR-IIa-i-3.1 b. subject and object beginning letter sound possessive pronouns
Write the upper and lower pronouns of name of the name and using them in
case letters legibly, observing c. possessive pronouns Matching words with sentences
proper sequence of strokes. pictures
Give the beginning Modeling on writing
letter/sound of the name of upper and lower case
each picture. letter
Match words with pictures Independent Activity Presentation and Presentation and Rubric
and objects Writing the upper and discussion of pupil’s work discussion of pupil’s work
lower case of the
focused letters on
their paper
Quarter 02 Week 03 Day 04 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem
GR. 3 Theme: Community / Our Neighborhood (Care for the Environment) Genre: How to.. Procedural e.g. Washing, cleaning the house and surroundings
Domain / Strand: Composing (C) Spelling (S) Study Skills (SS)
MT1C-IIa-i-1.2 MT2PWR-IIa-i-6.3 MT3F-IVa-i-1.6 Independent Activity Spelling Test Rubric Rubric Observation
Express ideas through words Correctly spell grade level Correctly spells the words in Coloring of the school Independent Activity Question and answer Checklist
or phrases, using both words.* the list of vocabulary words map Write paragraphs using about a published Rubric
invented and conventional MT2C-IIa-i-2.2 and the words in the subject, object and announcement
spelling.* Write paragraphs using selections read. Class discussion possessive pronouns,
MT1SS-IIa-e-3.1 subject, object and MT3C-IIa-i-3.3 about the school map observing the Independent Activity
Interpret a map of the possessive pronouns, Observes the conventions of conventions of writing Writing a
classroom / school. observing the conventions writing in composing a 2 – Independent Activity Teacher gives guide 2 -paragraph narrative that
of writing paragraph narrative that Group Activity questions includes the elements of
includes the elements of Gallery Walk setting, characters, and
setting, characters, and plot. Draw the map of the plot.
MT3SS-IIa-c4.4 classroom. Write Teacher gives guide
Gets information from comments about the Checking ang discussion questions
published announcements. drawing of other group about pupils’ answer Checking ang discussion
about pupils’ answer
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 03 Day 05 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem
GR. 3 Theme: Community / Our Neighborhood (Care for the Environment) Genre: How to.. Procedural e.g. Washing, cleaning the house and surroundings
I. Multiple Choice I. Multiple I. Multiple
-Identify Choice Choice
pronouns -inferring -predicting
-identify cause character traits possible ending
and effect and feelings of story
-giving meaning -identify -getting
of words pronouns information
-interpreting map II. Spelling from
Summative Assessment
II. Writing upper III. Writing announcement
and lower case paragraph -use
letter interrogative
II. Spelling
III. Writing
Quarter 02 Week 04 Day 01 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: History of the Community, How the Community Got Its Name Genre: Legend / Folktale
Domain / Strand: Oral Language (OL) Vocabulary and Concept Development (VCD) Listening Comprehension (LC)
MT1OL-IIa-i-1.3 MT2OL-IId-e-6.3 MT3OL-IId-e-3.6
Individual reciting/singing of songs, poems, chants, or riddles(Grade 1)
Talk about oneself and one’s Participate in and Use expressions appropriate to
personal experiences (friends, initiate more extended the grade level to react to local Sharing of local news for the day
favorite toys) social conversation or news, information, and Class discussion about the news
MT1OL-IIa-i-5.1 dialogue with peers, propaganda about school, Share personal Answer questions, ask, Give reaction to the
Listen and respond to others in adults on unfamiliar community and other local experiences related to restate and solicit news
oral conversation. topics by asking and activities. the news information from
MT1OL-IIa-i-6.1 answering questions, MT3VCD-IIc-e-1.5 Give reactions to the classmates
Participate actively during story restating and soliciting Use the combination of affixes sharing of other pupils
reading by making comments information and root words as clues to get
and asking questions. MT2VCD-IIa-i-1.2 meaning of words. (Note: Align
MT1OL-IIc-d-4.2 Use words unlocked with specific competencies in Unlocking of unfamiliar words
Recite and sing individually, with during story reading in Grammar Awareness) Give meanings of words Use unlocked words in Give meaning of
ease and confidence, songs, meaningful contexts.* MT3LC-IIc-d-5.1 through: sentences unfamiliar words
poems, chants, and riddles. MT2VCD-IIa-i-3.4 Predict possible ending of a a. realia through the use of Observation
MT1OL-IIa-i-7.1 Identify and use simile story. b. picture clues affixes and root words checklist
Supply rhyming words to and metaphor in c. actions or gestures
complete a rhyme, poem, and sentences.* d. context clues*
song. MT2LC-IId-e-2.5 Use vocabulary in
MT1ATR-IIa-i-1.1 Give the summary of a phrases Observation Observation
Listen attentively and react story Reading a story checklist checklist
positively during story reading. MT2LC-IId-e-8.1
Determining the cause Independent Activity Independent Activity
MT1VCD-IIa-e-1.1 Retell a story.
and effect of the events Group Activity Predict the possible Rubric for
Use vocabulary referring to:
in the story Summarize the story using: ending of the story group
- People (Self, Family,
-matching pictures -story map Group Activity presentation
-dyad activity -story grammar -brainstorming
- Animals
-fan fact analyzer -drawing with caption -comic strip/dialogue
- Objects
- Musical Instruments
- Environment
Independent Activity Presentation and Presentation and
Give meanings of words
Supplying rhyming discussion of work discussion of work
words to complete a Retell the story
a. realia
rhyme, poem, and
b. picture clues
song.(word with
c. actions or gestures
d. context clues*
-with picture cues
-with letter cues
Identify cause and/or effect of
events in a story listened to
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 04 Day 02 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: History of the Community, How the Community Got Its Name Genre: Legend / Folktale
Domain / Strand: : Phonological Awareness (PA) Reading Comprehension (RC) Fluency (F) Attitude Towards Reading (ATR) Phonics and Word Recognition (PWR)
MT1PA-Ie-i-5.1Isolate and MT2RC-IId-e-2.5 MT3RC-IIc-d-5.1 Silent reading of a story
pronounce the beginning and Give the summary of a story Predict possible ending of a Teacher-guided reading Use checklist Rubric for group Rubric
ending sounds of given MT2RC-IId-e-8.1 story. developing the written Independent Activity Independent Activity to observe : presentation
words. Retell a story. MT3F-IId-g-1.5 competencies Summarize the story Give the possible -reading with
MT1PA-Ih-i-6.1 MT2F-IIa-i-1.6 Read grade level texts with -group -story map ending of the story appropriate
Add or substitute individual Read grade level texts with appropriate speed.* (Note: -pair -pictomap through: speed,
sounds in simple words to appropriate intonation, should include benchmarks -individual -synopsis -drawing accuracy and
make new words expression, and punctuation on number of words per Retell the story -acting out proper
MT1F-IIa-i-1.2 cues when applicable minute once research and Independent Activity expression
Read grade 1 level words, MT2F-IIa-i-1.4 data have been gathered)* Match words with Presentation of work Presentation of work -proper
phrases or sentences with Read aloud grade level text MT3A-IIa-i-4.2 pictures and objects Oral Reading of the story Oral Reading of the blending of
appropriate speed, accuracy, with an accuracy of 95 - Show love for reading by -draw the given word story letter sounds
and proper expression. 100%. listening attentively during -labeling objects -blending and
.MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.2 MT2F-IIa-i-1.5 story reading and making -jigsaw puzzle segmenting of
Give the beginning Read grade level texts with comments or reactions. syllabic parts of
letter/sound of the name of appropriate speed.* (Note: words
each picture. should include benchmarks
MT1PWR-IIa-i-4.1 on number of words per
Match words with pictures minute once research and
and objects. data have been gathered)*
MT1PWR-IIa-i-5.1 MT2F-IIa-i-1.6
Blend specific letters to form Read grade level texts with
syllables and words. appropriate intonation,
MT1OL-ld-i-3.1 expression, and punctuation
Orally segment a two - three cues when applicable
syllable word into its syllabic MT2PWR-IIc-d-7.4
parts Read with understanding
MT1OL-Ic-i-4.1 words with consonant
Say the new spoken word blends, clusters and
when two or more sounds are digraphs when applicable
put together. MT2PWR-IIe-i-7.6
MT1OL-Id-i-4.2 Read content area-related
Say the new spoken word words.* (Math and Science
when two or more syllables terms)
are put together. MT2ATR-IId-f-2.1.1
MT1ATR-IIa-i-2.1 Browse/read books for
Browse books read to them various purposes such as
MT1ATR-IIa-i-3.1 for learning or for pleasure.
Request more stories to be
read to them.
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 04 Day 03 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: History of the Community, How the Community Got Its Name Genre: Legend / Folktale
Domain / Strand: Grammar Awareness (GA)
MT1GA-IIa-d-2.2 MT2GA-IIa-e-2.2.2 MT3G-IIc-d-1.3.2 Game: Giving different kinds of pronoun Paper and Pencil Paper and Paper and
Identify pronouns: Identify and use the Use singular and plural Circle the personal Independent Activity Independent Activity Test Pencil Test Pencil Test
a. personal following pronouns when interrogative pronouns in pronouns used in the Write the correct pronoun in Underline the
b. Possessive applicable sentences (when applicable). sentence. each sentence. interrogative pronoun
MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.1 a. demonstrative pronouns in each sentence.
Give the name and sound of (e.g. ito, iyan, yan, dito, MT3SS-IId-f-9.2 Modelling the sound Write on the space
each letter. diyan, doon) Arranges 8-10 words with name and sound of a provided if it is singular
MT1PWR-IIa-i-2.1 b. subject and object different beginning letters in given letter. or plural.
Identify upper and lower case pronouns alphabetical order Modelling how to write
letters. c. possessive pronouns the upper and lower
MT1PWR-IIa-i-3.1 case letter
Write the upper and lower MT2SS-IId-e-4.4
case letters legibly, observing Get information from Independent Activity Checking and discussion of
proper sequence of strokes published announcements Writing the upper and pupils’ answers Checking and Observation
lower case of the Reading announcement discussion of pupils’ Checklist
focused letters on their -answer guide questions answers
paper -inform other persons about
the announcements Independent Activity
Arranging words
Independent Activity alphabetically
Practice Exercises -metacards
-numbering of the
given words
Quarter 02 Week 04 Day 04 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: History of the Community, How the Community Got Its Name Genre: Legend / Folktale
Domain / Strand: Spelling(S) Composing (C)
MT1C-IIa-i-1.2 MT3F-IVa-i-1.6 Independent Activity Observation Rubric Rubric
Express ideas through words MT2PWR-IIa-i-6.3 Correctly spell the words in the School Survey Spelling Test Checklist
or phrases, using both Correctly spell grade level list of vocabulary words and Pupils draw happy or Independent Activity Independent Activity
invented and conventional words.* the words in the selections sad face on the different
spelling. . read parts of the school map Rewrite the paragraph by Write a 2-paragraph
MT1SS-IIa-e-3.1 MT2C-IIa-i-2.2 . Write their reason. supplying the subject, narrative summary of
Interpret a map of the Write paragraphs using MT3C-IIa-i-3.3 object, and possessive the story. Observe
classroom/school. subject, object and Observe the conventions of Discussion about the pronouns. punctuation marks,
possessive pronouns, writing in composing a 2 – pupils’ work spelling and
observing the conventions paragraph narrative that capitalization.
of writing includes the elements of
setting, characters, and plot
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 04 Day 05 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: History of the Community, How the Community Got Its Name Genre: Legend / Folktale
Domain / Strand: Study Skills (SS)
Written Test Written Test Written Test
Presentation of work
Independent Activity Presentation of work and and discussion
Group Activity discussion
Completing the poem
with drawing of objects
which names rhyme
with the cue pictures in
the poem
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 06 Day 02 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: People in our Community Genre: News / Feature Article
Domain / Strand: Reading Comprehension (RC) Attitude Towards Reading (ATR)
MT1O-ld-i-3.1 MT2RC-IIf-g-2.11 MT3RC-IIf-g-11.1 Teacher-guided Silent reading of a story Observation Paper and pencil Rubric
Orally segment a two - Note important details in Responds to a story through, reading developing Independent Activity Independent Activity checklist
three syllable word into its grade level informational dramatization, songs or art the written Comprehension check up Group Activity
syllabic parts texts. activities. competencies -answering guide Make song, art activates
MT1OL-Ic-i-4.1 MT2RC-IIf-g-3.4 MT3A-IIa-i-4.2 - group questions about the story or
Say the new spoken word Infer important details from an Shows love for reading by -pair -completing graphic dramatize the story
when two or more sounds informational text. listening attentively during story - individual organizers They will identify the
are put together. MT2VCD-IIa-i-3.4 reading and making comments figures of speech used in
MT1OL-Id-i-4.2 Identify and use simile and or reactions. List down the simile and the story and use them in
Say the new spoken word metaphor in sentences.* MT3F-IId-g-1.5 metaphor used in the story their presentation
when two or more MT2ATR-IId-f-2.1.1 Reads grade level texts with and use them in
syllables are put together. Browse/read books for appropriate speed.* (Note: sentences
MT1PWR-IIa-i-5.1 various purposes such as for should include benchmarks on
Blend specific letters to learning or for pleasure. number of words per minute Independent Presentation of work and Presentation of work and
form syllables and words. MT2PWR-IIe-i-7.6 once research and data have Activity discussion discussion
MT1PA-Ie-i-5.1Isolate and Read content area-related been gathered)* Free time Oral reading of the story Oral reading of the story
pronounce the beginning words.* (Math and Science -browsing of picture -group -group
and ending sounds of terms) books -pair -pair
given words. MT2PWR-IIe-i-7.7 -drawing -individual -individual
MT1PA-Ih-i-6.1 Read content area-related -art work, etc.
Add or substitute sight words.*
individual sounds in (Math and Science terms)
simple words to make new MT2F-IIa-i-1.4
words Read aloud grade level text
MT1ATR-IIa-i-1.1 with an accuracy of 95 -
Listen attentively and 100%.
react positively during MT2F-IIa-i-1.5
story reading. Read grade level texts with
MT1ATR-IIa-i-2.1 appropriate speed.* (Note:
Browse books read to should include benchmarks
them on number of words per
MT1ATR-IIa-i-3.1 minute once research and
Request more stories to data have been gathered)*
be read to them. MT2F-IIa-i-1.6
Read grade level texts with
appropriate intonation,
expression, and punctuation
cues when applicable
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 06 Day 03 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: People in our Community Genre: News / Feature Article
Domain / Strand: Grammar Awareness (GA)
MT1GA-IIe-f-1.3 MT2GA-IIf-i-2.6 MT3G-IIe-f-2.2.4 Present sentences used in the story and other sentences related to the story
Use the correct pronouns in place of Identify and use a variety Identifies indefinite (Sentences should be of different types and have pronouns) Observation Paper and Paper and
naming words in sentences a. of sentences: pronouns (when Teacher-guided activities Independent Activity Independent Activity checklist pencil test pencil test
personal a. declarative applicable) -discussion on the use of Classify the given Determine indefinite
b. Possessive b. interrogative pronouns sentences according to pronuons in the given
MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.1 c. exclamatory -modelling in giving name kind sentences
Give the name and sound of each d. Imperative and sound of letter -labelling -listing Rubric on
letter. MT2GA-IIf-i-5.1 -modelling in wriing upper -writing in table chart -underlining proper writing
MT1PWR-IIa-i-2.1 Construct sentences and lower case letter - conduct parade of
Identify upper and lower case letters. observing appropriate Write examples of each indefinite pronouns
MT1PWR-IIa-i-3.1 punctuation marks. Independent Activity kind of sentence
Write the upper and lower case letters MT2PWR-IIe-i-3.4 Writing the upper and
legibly, observing proper sequence of Write/copy words, lower case of the focused
strokes. phrases, and sentences letters on their paper Checking and discussion Checking/presentaion
MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.2 with proper strokes, of work and discussion of
Give the beginning letter/sound of the spacing, punctuation and work
name of each picture. capitalization using
MT1PWR-IIa-i-4.1 cursive writing.
Match words with pictures and objects.
Quarter 02 Week 06 Day 04 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: People in our Community Genre: News / Feature Article
Domain / Strand: Spelling(S) Composing (C) Fluency (F)
MT1PWR-IIf-i-6.1 MT2PWR-IIa-i-6.3 MT3F-IVa-i-1.6 Spelling Test of words in respective grade levels
Spell and write correctly grade one Correctly spell grade Correctly spells the Present pictures with captions showing the important scenes from the story Observation Paper and Paper and
level words consisting of letters level words.* words in the list of listened to checklist pencil test pencil test
already learned. MT2C-IIa-i-2.2 vocabulary words and Teacher-guided Independent Activity Independent Activity
MT1C-IIa-i-1.2 Write paragraphs using the words in the reading of grade Write paragraphs using Writing 2 parangraph
Express ideas through words or subject, object and selections read. level text subject, object and narrative that include
phrases, using both invented and possessive pronouns, MT3C-IIa-i-3.3 -group possessive pronouns, the elements of setting,
conventional spelling.* observing the Observes the -pair observing the conventions of characters and plot
MT1F-IIa-i-1.2 conventions of writing. conventions of writing in -individual writing.
Read grade 1 level words, phrases or composing a 2 –
sentences with appropriate speed, paragraph narrative that Write ideas about the
accuracy, and proper expression includes the elements pictures in words or
of setting, characters, phrases Presentation and checking of Presentation and Rubric on Rubric on
and plot. work checking of work composition composition
Independent writing writing
Copying sentences
with previously
learned letters
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 06 Day 05 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: People in our Community Genre: News / Feature Article
Domain / Strand: Study Skills (SS)
MT1SS-IIf-i-4.1 MT2SS-IIf-h-4.5 MT3SS-IId-f-9.2 Teacher-guided Independent Activity Independent Activity Paper and Paper and Pencil Paper and
Get information from Get information from a table Arrange 8-10 words with activity on getting Answer questions about the Arranging 8-10 words in Pencil Test Test Pencil Test
simple environmental different beginning letters in information from presented table alphabetical order I. Spelling I. Spelling I. Spelling
prints. alphabetical order. environmental prints -metacards -grade level -grade level words -grade level
-question and answer -numbering the words words II. Multiple choice words
-Relaying information II. Multiple -identify the II. Multiple choice
to others choice meaning of words -identify the
-identify the -get information meaning of words
meaning of from a table -arranging words
words -identify types of alphabetically
-getting sentences -identify and use
information III. Reading indefinite pronoun
from simple (Multiple Choice) -identify and use
prints -note details from figures of speech
-identify story read III. Reading and
words that IV. Writing writing
rhyme -complete the -write paragraph
III. Writing paragraph with narrative about
-write upper correct subject, the characters,
and lower object and setting and plot of
case letter P possessive the story read
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 07 Day 01 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Important Places in the Community (Map of the School) Genre: Factual Story
Domain / Strand: Oral Language (OL) Vocabulary and Concept Development (VCD) Listening Comprehension (LC)
MT1OL-IIa-i-1.3 MT2OL-IIg-h-1.2 MT3OL-IIh-i-12.1 Class sharing about famous people, places and events Paper and
Talk about oneself and Talk about famous people, Speaks clearly and Share personal Share something about Reacts to the topic with Oral pencil Oral
one’s personal places, events, etc. using comprehensively by using experiences about the famous people, places, appropriate expression Questioning Questioning
experiences (friends, descriptive and action words standard language and topic. events
favorite toys) in complete sentences. appropriate grammatical forms, Respond to other pupil’s
MT1OL-IIa-i-5.1 MT2LC-IIf-g-3.4 pitch, and modulation. sharing
Listen and respond to Infer important details from an MT3VCD-IIf-h-3.6
others in oral informational text. Identifies and uses Unlocking of unfamiliar words
conversation. personification, hyperbole, and
Give meanings of words Use words unlocked in Give meaning of
MT1OL-IIa-i-6.1 idiomatic expressions in
through: sentences unfamiliar words
Participate actively during sentences.
a. realia through the use of
story reading by making MT3LC-IIh-i-2.5
b. picture clues affixes and root words
comments and asking Gives the summary of a story
c. actions or gestures
questions. Observation
d. context clues*
MT1OL-IIa-i-7.1 checklist
Use vocabulary in phrases
Supply rhyming words to
complete a rhyme, poem,
and song. Interactive story reading
MT1VCD-IIa-i-2.1 Class discussion Independent Activity Independent Activity
Give meanings of words Identify the problem and Answer questions about Group Activity Observation
through: solution the story Gives the summary of a checklist
a. realia in the story story listened to
b. picture clues -T chart -story map
c. actions or gestures -brainstorming -pictomap
d. context clues* -synopsis
Identify the problem and Independent Activity Presentation and Presentation and
solution in the story read. Fill in the blanks with discussion of work discussion of work
rhyming words to Retell the story
complete a rhyme, poem,
or song.
-with the use picture cues
-with the use letter cues
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 07 Day 02 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Important Places in the Community (Map of the School) Genre: Factual Story
Domain / Strand: Phonological Awareness (PA) Reading Comprehension (RC) Fluency (F) Phonics and Word Recognition (PWR) Attitude Towards Reading (ATR)
MT1PA-Ie-i-5.1 MT2LC-IIf-g-3.4 MT3RC-IIf-g-11.1 Teacher-guided reading . Silent reading of a story
Isolate and pronounce the beginning Infer important details Responds to a story developing the written Independent Activity Independent Activity
and ending sounds of given words. from an informational through, dramatization, competencies Comprehension check Group Activity Observation Paper and Rubric for group
MT1PA-Ih-i-6.1 text. songs or art activities. - group up Make song, art checklist pencil presentation
Add or substitute individual sounds in MT2VCD-IIa-i-3.4 MT3F-Ih-i-1.6 -pair -answering guide activates about the
simple words to make new words Identify and use simile Reads grade level texts - individual questions story or dramatize the
MT1O-ld-i-3.1 and metaphor in with appropriate -completing graphic story
Orally segment a two - three syllable sentences.* intonation, expression, organizers -song adaptation
word into its syllabic parts and punctuation cues -revising related song
MT1OL-Ic-i-4.1 MT2F-IIa-i-1.5 when applicable.* List down the simile and
Say the new spoken word when two or Read grade level texts MT3A-IIa-i-4.2 metaphor used in the They will identify the
more sounds are put together. with appropriate speed.* Shows love for reading story and use them in figures of speech used
MT1OL-Id-i-4.2 (Note: should include by listening attentively sentences in the story and use
Say the new spoken word when two or benchmarks on number during story reading and them in their
more syllables are put together. of words per minute once making comments or presentation
MT1F-IIa-i-1.2 research and data have reactions.
Read grade 1 level words, phrases or been gathered)*
sentences with appropriate speed, MT2F-IIa-i-1.6 Independent Activity Presentation of work Presentation of work
accuracy, and proper expression. Read grade level texts Match words with and discussion and discussion
MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.2 with appropriate pictures and objects Oral reading of the story Oral reading of the
Give the beginning letter/sound of the intonation, expression, -draw the given word and content area- story
name of each picture. and punctuation cues -labeling objects related words -modelling
MT1PWR-IIa-i-4.1 when applicable -jigsaw puzzle -modelling -group
Match words with pictures and objects MT2PWR-IIe-i-7.7 -group -pair
MT1PWR-IIa-i-5.1 Read content area- -pair -individual
Blend specific letters to form syllables related sight words.* -individual
and words. (Math and Science
MT1PWR-IIf-i-6.1 terms)
Spell and write correctly grade one MT2PWR-IIe-i-7.6
level words consisting of letters Read content area-
already learned. related words.* (Math
MT1ATR-IIa-i-1.1 and Science terms)
Listen attentively and react positively MT2PWR-IIe-i.7
during story reading. Read content area-
MT1ATR-IIa-i-2.1 related sight words.*
Browse books read to them (Math and Science
MT1ATR-IIa-i-3.1 terms)
Request more stories to be read to
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 07 Day 03 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Important Places in the Community (Map of the School) Genre: Factual Story
Domain / Strand: Grammar Awareness (GA)
MT1GA-IIg-h-1.3.1 MT2GA-IIf-i-5.1 MT3G-IIg-h-1.3.3 Present sentences used in the story and other sentences related to the story Oral Paper and Paper and
Use demonstrative Construct sentences Uses singular and plural (Sentences should be of different types and have pronouns) Questioning pencil pencil
pronouns in sentences observing appropriate indefinite pronouns in Teacher-guided activities Independent Activity Independent Activity
MT1PWR-IIa-i-1.1 punctuation marks. sentences. -discussion on the use of Classify the given Determine indefinite
Give the name and sound demonstrative pronouns sentences according to pronuons in the given Observation Oral
of each letter. -modelling in giving name kind sentences checklist Questioning
MT1PWR-IIa-i-2.1 and sound of letter -labelling -listing
Identify upper and lower -modelling in wriing upper -writing in table chart -underlining
case letters. and lower case letter - conduct parade of
MT1PWR-IIa-i-3.1 Write examples of indefinite pronouns
Write the upper and lower each kind of sentence
case letters legibly, observing proper
observing proper punctuation marks
sequence of strokes.
Independent Activity Checking and
.Writing the upper and discussion of work Checking/presentaion
lower case of the focused and discussion of work
letters on their paper
Quarter 02 Week 07 Day 04 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Important Places in the Community (Map of the School) Genre: Factual Story
Domain / Strand: Spelling(S) Composing (C) Study Skills (SS)
MT1C-IIa-i-1.2 MT2PWR-IIe-i-3.4 MT3F-IVa-i-1.6 Independent Activity Spelling test
Express ideas through Write/copy words, phrases, Correctly spells the words in Copy simple Independent Activity Independent Activity
words or phrases, using and sentences with proper the list of vocabulary words and environmental prints in Write in cursive form Group Activity
both invented and strokes, spacing, punctuation the words in the selections their notebook -previously written Present a table
conventional spelling.* and capitalization using read. paragraph Pupils answer questions Oral Rubric for Paper and
MT1SS-IIf-i-4.1 cursive writing. MT3C-IIa-i-3.3 Class discussion about -selected sentences about the table Questioning proper copying pencil
Get information from Observes the conventions of the environmental prints
simple environmental writing in composing a 2 – -question and answer
prints paragraph narrative that -relay information to other Checking of answer Checking of work and Oral
includes the elements of pupils and discussion discussion Questioning
setting,characters, and plot.
Independent Activity Independent Activity Independent Activity
MT3SS-IIg-i-12.2 Graffiti Technique Rewrite previously Rewrite previously
Identifies and discusses Answer question about an written paragraph in written paragraph Observation Rubric for
information from a table environmental print cursive writing checklist writing
Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Activities
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Quarter 02 Week 07 Day 05 GR.1 & GR.2 Theme: My Family and I / Likes and Dislikes Genre: Poem GR. 3 Theme: Important Places in the Community (Map of the School) Genre: Factual Story
Quarter 02 Week 10