सरं क्षक
ी नवीन जैन (आईएएस)
सिचव, कूल िशक्षा, भाषा एवं पु तकालय िवभाग, राज थान सरकार, जयपरु
मुख्य मागर्दशर्क
योित ककवानी
अितिरक्त रा य पिरयोजना िनदेशक
राज थान कूल िशक्षा पिरषद् जयपरु
रमेश चंद मान
सहायक िनदेशक, राज थान कूल िशक्षा पिरषद् जयपरु
राके श कुमार सैनी
विर अ यापक, रा.उ.मा.िव. नटाटा, जयपरु (राज.)
Sr.No. Topic Marks
4 Story writing 4
5 Short Paragraph Verbal/Visual 4
6 Section C Grammar – Tense 4
7 Reported Speech 2
8 Subject-Verb-Concord 2
9 Voice 2
10 Framing Questions &Que Tags 2
11 Section D Text Book First Flight Passage 6
12 Textual Questions First Flight Prose (short answer 6
13 Textual Questions First Flight Prose (long answer 5
14 Textual Questions First Flight Prose (The 3
15 First Flight Extracts from Poetry 4
16 First Flight Poetry (short answer type) 4
17 Foot print Without Feet Textual Question(long 5
answer type)
18 Foot print Without Feet Textual Question(short 4
answer type)
19 Foot print Without Feet Textual Question(MCQ) 3
( Unseen passages 100 words )
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
1. Swami Vivekananda's inspiring personality was well known both in India and in
America during the last decade of the twentieth century. The unknown monk of India
suddenly leapt into at the parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893, at which he
represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture as well as his
deep spiritual insight, fervid eloquence, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy,
colourful personality and handsome figure made an irresistible appeal to the many types
of Americans who came in contact with him. People who saw or heard Vivekananda
even once still cherish his memory after a lapse of more than half a century.
(v) Choose the opposite word of 'ineptness' from the below given options-
(a) fervid (b) irresistible (c) insight (d) inspiring
(vi) Choose the similar word of 'ardent' from the below given options-
(a) brilliant (b) fervid (c) spiritual (d) cherish
2. One of the greatest mysteries of bird's life is travelling. Every year during autumn
and early winter birds travel from northern regions of Asia, Europe and America to the
southern warmer lands. They make the return journey again during spring and early
summer. They are very punctual unless they are delayed by bad weather. They face
many dangers and hardships while travelling long distances through the air over hills,
forests, plains and large stretches of water. Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive
them far out of course. Often they are blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild
waves. At night brightlights attract and confuse the birds. They cannot fly at their
of the risks involved. I have often wondered why they take such risks, is it because they
want to exude a sense of independence or is it that they want to tell the world to stop
bothering them? Or is it that they just want to show how cool they are? Whether it is a
workman or an executive, earphones have become an inseparable part of our lives,
sometimes even leading to tragicomic situations.
(i) What is not unusual to see these days?
(a) Listening to music (b) Using electronic gadgets
(c) Both(a) & (b) (d) None
(ii) People are regardless of risk involved.
(a) On busy roads (b) Travelling on public transport
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None
(iii ) In author's view, why they take such risk?
(a) To tell the world to stop bothering them. (b) To flaunt about their lifestyle.
(c) Because they are addicted. (d) To pass their time happily.
(iv) What have become inseparable part of our lives?
(a) Television (b) Earphones (c) Music (d) Public transport
(v) Choose the opposite word of 'hot' from the below given options-
(a) exude (b) tragicomic (c) cool (d) inseparable
(vi) Choose the similar word of 'surprised’ from the below given options-
(a) wondered (b) bothered (c) unusual (d) sense
4. Florence Nightingale was the first woman who was awarded "The order of merit
for her pioneering work in nursing profession. She was born on May 12, 1820 in a
rich family in Florence, Italy. It was unthinkable for a woman of a respectable
family to go out for a job in those days. She offered herself to provide healing
touch to the wounded soldiers in the Cremean war. She served them so well and
with great love that she became a legend in the nursing profession. We remember
her as an embodiment of love, sacrifice and dedication for mankind. At the over-
crowded Scutori Hospital, she was often found serving the wounded soldiers even
in the midst of night by holding a lamp in her hand.
(1) Florence Nightingale was a-
(a) doctor (b) nurse (c) ward boy (d) surgeon
(ii) The order of merit' is an-
(a) award (b) book (c) officer (d) engineer
(iii) Where was Nightingale born?
(a) India (b) Italy (c) America (d) France
(iv) In which profession did she become a legend?
(a) Nursing (b) Teaching (c) Architect (d) Chef
(v) Write the opposite word of 'revoked' from the below given options-
(a) healing (b) wounded (c) awarded (d) served
(vi) Write the similar word of 'icon' from the below given options-
(a) sacrifice (b) legend (c) dedication (d) mankind
5. Mary was blind at birth. Doctors during those years had been unable to do
anything to correct the situation and although her parents lived in anguish, not being
able to see was normal for her. After years of training to live in a dark world, Mary got a
job and moved into her own flat. Several years later the doctors she occasionally visited
for check-ups told her that a new technique had been found. This technique could
restore her sight. One would think that Mary would have jumped at the possibility to
see, but actually she was not at all happy about this situation. She had never seen
anything before. She had established a life for herself in a world without sight and the
thought of changing this lifestyle was frightening. She was more frightened of seeing
than of not.
(i) One who cannot see is called:
(a) deaf (b) dumb (c) lame (d) blind
(ii) Being able to see was:
(a) Something Mary was not happy with
(b) A welcome surprise for Mary
(c) What Mary wanted
(d) What Mary was accustomed to
(iii) According to the passage, Mary's inability to see was:
(a) A handicap caused by her doctors (b) What had upset her
(c) Present from her birth (d) What had caused her to move into her own flat.
(iv) Mary got a job after:
(a) She could see.
(b) Years of training to live in a dark world.
(c) She had left her studies.
(d) The doctors had found a new technique.
(v) Find out the word from the passage which is similar to 'pain':
(a) Several (b)Sight (c) Frightened (d) Anguish
(vi) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to 'abnormal':
(a) Sad (b)Normal (c) Happy (d) Able
6. You must have heard the name of Red Cross. The Red Cross Society is an
international organization. Its aim is very noble. It helps the mankind suffering from
disasters like earthquake, flood and famine. It helps the sick and the wounded during
wars. It helps without any consideration of nationality, creed or colour. Sir Henri
Dunant founded the Red Cross Society in 1863 in Switzerland. In 1920 the Indian Red
Cross Society was formed. To inculcate the spirit of Red Cross in students, junior Red
Cross was started. Students under 16 can be enrolled in junior Red Cross (J.R.C.). The
motto of J.R.C. is 'I serve'. Its main objectives are Health, service and Friendship. The
teacher in charge of J.R.C. is called the Counsellor. The students as members of junior
Red Cross. work under the guidance of their counsellor in the service of human beings
who need care and support.
i. Red Cross Society is an-
a. National Organization b. Local Organization
c. Intemational Organization d. State Organization.
ii. Who founded the Red Cross Society?
a. Sir William Shakespeare b. Sir William Wordsworth
c. Sir Henri Dunant d. Sir Macaulay
iii. When did Red Cross Society found?
a. 1920 b.1863 c. 1947 d. 2000
iv. The teacher in charge of J.R.C. is known as:
a. Captain b. Lieutenant. c. Counsellor d. None of these
v. Find out the word from the passage which is similar to 'counsel':
(a) Friendship (b) Society (c) Guidance (d) Support
vi. Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to 'oppose':
(a) Service (b) Support (c) Friendship (d) Care
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a
child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is
improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do
anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things
that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child
finds pleasures in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a
marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains he is not so free to do as he wishes as he
thinks older people are; he is continually being told not to do things or being punished
for what he has done wrong. His life is therefore not perfectly happy.
When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free-from the
discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept
responsibilities. He can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his
room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time
playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. If he breaks the
laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If,
however, he works hard, keeps out of troubles and has good health. He can have the
great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job and of building up for
himself his own position in society. Old age has always been thought of as the worst age
to be, but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age should come
wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely.
(i) What will be marvellous adventure for a child?
(ii) When does a young man become free from the discipline of school and
(iii) What ability does come with old age?
(iv) What does happen if a child has good parents?
(v) What pain a child has?
(vi) What will happen when a youth breaks the laws of society?
(vii) In what does a child find pleasure?
(viii) Write the opposite word of 'absurdity' from the passage.
(ix) Write the similar word of 'awesome' from the passage.
2. Forests are considered the 'green gold' of a country. The very survival of humans
and other living beings is dependent on trees and plants which are a major source of
oxygen-the vital gas for our respiration. They also act as a 'sink' for the carbon dioxide
exhaled by humans and animals and spewed from the chimneys and by the automobiles
Forests play a vital role in sustaining our life and the nation's economy. They provide
oxygen without which life is not possible on earth. They maintain a healthy gaseous
balance in the atmosphere. They are great moderators of climate. Plants increase the
humidity of water vapour from their exposed surfaces by way of transpiration.
As one may be aware, forests extensively control soil erosion and landslides.
Forests in the hilly areas keep the soil of riverbanks intact with their extensive root
system. They also maintain the stability of the mountain slopes. The aerial parts of the
plants intercept rain, decreasing its erosive power. Ground flora and the thick layer of
litter and humus in the forests act as sponge and help to retain the water received in the
form of rain or through the melting of snow; this prevents floods in the plains. By
decreasing the velocity of water coming down the hills, forests help in greater
absorption of water by the soil in the plains and thus preventing droughts. As the soil
retains its moisture, it is released slowly, giving rise to perennial streams and rivulets
The material advantage offered by forests needs no mention. Through centuries forests
have provided us fuel, fodder and timber wood. Our several industries are based on
certain resources which are found in the woods.
What are considered 'green gold' of a country?
Which gas is vital for our respiration?
For which gas do the trees and the plants act as a sink?
How do the trees maintain a healthy gaseous balance in the atmosphere"
How do forests control soil erosion?
How do forests prevent droughts?
Mention two material advantages offered by forests.
Find from the passage the word which means 'continuing to live'
Find from the passage the opposite of inhaled"
3. Shivaji, the great, was a very wise and brave king. When Aurangzeb imprisoned
him at Agra, he thought of a clever plan, and escaped from there in 1666. At this, the
whole of Maharastra was filled with great joy. Aurangzeb, on the other hand, got
furious, and broke all the treaties made by him with Shivaji and began to trouble the
small Maratha Kingdom in many ways. Shivaji did not watch all this quietly. He at once
decided to take suitable steps to face the new danger. He consulted his brave and trusted
generals, like Pratap Rao Gurjar and Niraji Raoji, organised his own forces and began to
wrest fort after fort from the hands of Aurangzeb. The Maratha soldiers were
determined even to die for Shivaji. This bravery and determination helped them to
recover the forts under the Moghul possession one after another. Such was the state of
affairs in January, 1670.
Though Shivaji's forces captured many forts in the Deccan, he did not feel very
happy till he took back the great and important fort of Kondana. His mother Jijabai was
also equally anxious that her son should get back the strategic fort soon. She said to
him. "Shivaji, I love the fort of Kondana because of its importance, and unless that is
taken back from the Moghuls my heart will never be at rest. I am pleased to see the
brave deeds of your Mavalas and faithful generals who have so far driven out the
Moghuls from many a fort. I shall be happier if they can recapture Kondana too as soon
as possible."
Shivaji felt immensely happy at this, for he too had the same keen urge. He said.
"Dear Mother, your wish will be carried out and that too without delay. I will not enjoy
a hearty meal or sound sleep till we recapture Kondana."
(i)Who imprisoned Shivaji at Agra?
(ii)Which fort was the strategic fort?
(iii)Who were Shivaji's trusted generals?
(iv)How did Shivaji come out of the prison of Aurangzeb?
(v)What did Shivaji do to get back his forts?
(vi)What helped the Maratha to recover the forts?
(vii)What pledge did Shivajı make to recapture Kondana?
(viii)Find from the passage the word which means 'win back from the enemy'
(ix)Find from the passage the opposite of 'coward'
4. India is a great country with rich heritage where since Vedic times doing one's
duty has been preached and practised. In the Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishna stresses the
performance of duty in the Karma Yoga. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his
commentary on the Geeta explains: "It is our duty to act but not to expect reward
thereof. Expectation of fruit causes bondage. Action should therefore be performed
without seeking the fruit, but it should not be forsaken. The former leads to salvation
and the latter to sin, i.e, action must be performed as a duty without attachment."
This philosophy of the Karma Yoga was pursued further when Niti Shastras were
written. In Kautilya's Arthshastra, non-performance of duties was made punishable
under law. Kautilya championed the cause of civilized society and specifically laid
stress on the concept of neighbourhood. For instance, one of the duties for which he
made laws was "No one shall interfere in the affairs of a neighbour without due cause.
However, everyone has the duty to run to the help of a neighbour in distress." Our
country achieved freedom after a long period of slavery. Therefore, the framers of our
Constitution thought it proper to grant certain fundamental rights to the citizens of India
so that they might experience a sense of freedom. Some of the main rights given to the
people are the right to equality, to freedom, to life and individual freedom, to religious
freedom, to cultural and educational freedom.
It is human nature to desire rights first and then to think of duties. That is to
say, every individual wants only rights, not the fulfillment of his/her duties.
(i) Since when it has been preached that one shoud do one's duty?
(ii) Who has preached about duties without expectations in the Bhagwad Geeta?
(iii) Who has written Arthshastra?
(iv) How, according to Kautilya, should one behave with his neighbour?
(v) Write down the fundamental rights mentioned here.
(vi) Which human tendency of our citizens does the author criticise?
(vii) How, according to Tilak, should we perform our duty?
(vii) Find from the passage the word which means 'example' .
(ix) Find from the passage the opposite of 'former.'
5. Very few persons know how to read. Considerable experience with literature is
needed before taste and discrimination can possibly be acquired; and, without these, it is
almost impossible to learn how to read. I say, almost impossible; since there are some
rare men who, through a kind of inherited literary instinct are able to read very well
even before reaching the age of twenty-five years. But these are great exceptions, and I
am speaking of the average; for to read the characters of the letters of the text does not
mean reading in the true sense. You will often find yourselves reading words or
characters automatically, even pronouncing them quite correctly, while your minds are
occupied with a totally different subject. This mechanism of reading becomes altogether
automatic at an early period of life, and can be performed irrespective of attention.
Neither can I call it reading to extract the narrative portion of a text from the rest simply
for one's personal amusement, or in other words, to read a book "for the story". Yet
most of the reading that is done in the world is done in exactly this way. Thousands and
thousands of books are bought every year, every month, I might even say every day, by
people who do not read at all. They only think that they read. They buy books just to
amuse themselves, "to kill time" as they call it; in one hour or two their eyes have
passed over all the pages, and there is left in their minds a vague idea or two about what
they have been looking at, and this they really believe is reading. Nothing is more
common than to be asked, "Have you read such a book?" or to hear somebody say, "I
have read such and such a book."
(i) Who, according to author, knows how to read?
(ii) About which readers is the author speaking?
(iii) Whom is this passage about?
(iv) What is needed before taste and discrimination can possibly be acquired?
(v) What is the mechanism of reading at an early period of life?
(vi) How is most of the reading done?
(vii) Which type of readers is the author speaking about?
(viii) Find from the passage the word which means 'entertainment'
(ix) Find from the passage the opposite of 'after'.
6. From the beginning, children should be allowed to develop in their own natural
happy way within the control of parental love, guidance and care and without too much
pressure. A change of some conventional parental attitudes may help to prevent many
cases of drug dependence and other adolescent problems.
We should also understand our parental responsibilities to the world environment.
Remember that the living space of this world is limited and we must leave enough space
for our future generations to live happily. To achieve that aim, we must practise family
planning and limit the birth rate by having only one or two children per couple. Between
each birth there should be a gap of three or four years so that each child is not deprived
of the right to sufficient parental love and care. Family planning really means family
welfare, as it helps to keep women healthy enough to contribute to a happy home
environment. A happy healthy mother is a key to the welfare of the whole family.
The mind is most important in the maintenance of positive health. To develop a
healthy mind it is important to learn to relax properly and to develop ways to deal with
day to day stress. Many diseases such as high blood pressure and some heart problems
are thought to be related to stress, so by using relaxation techniques you may avoid
many health problems.
However, even when we enjoy good health, diseases may occur. According to
international statistics, each person is at risk of becoming sick or injured about twice a
year on average. It is important to deal with any sickness or injury in a realistic and
intelligent way without panic.
(i) What should we also understand?
(ii) Who is the key to the welfare of the whole family?
(iii) What is most important in the maintenance of positive health?
(iv) How should we allow the children to develop?
(v) What can help to prevent adolescent problems?
(vi) How can we develop a healthy mind?
(vii) How should sickness and injury be dealt with?
(viii) Locate from the passage the word which means 'traditional".
(ix) Find from the passage the opposite of 'ending'.
( Letter Writing- Personal,Official,E-mail )
(i) Imagine that you are Prakash living in Jaipur. You have received a very bad
report about your younger brother Ashok from his principal. Write a letter to
Ashok advising him to work hard and avoid the company of bad boys.
(ii) Suppose you are Sumana/Sunil living at Civil Lines, Jaipur. Write a letter to your
friend describing about your new school.
(iii) Imagine that you are Ram Narayan Sinha and the monitor of your class X reading
in Government Senior Secondary School, Sikar. There are no proper library
facilities in the school. Write an application of complaint to your Principal.
(iv) Imagine that you are Geeta living in Ajmer. Write an application to the Secretary,
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer to issue you a duplicate copy of
(v) You are Prakash Sethia living at 128, Vyas Colony, Bikaner. Write a letter to the
Chairman, Municipal Board, of your town complaining about insanitary
conditions in your locality.
(vi) Imagine you are Kailash living in Jaipur. Your younger brother Mohan living at
Shahpura, is very good at studies but he is physically weak. Write a letter
advising him to improve his health by taking part in games and sports.
(vii) You are Khushi living in Jaipur. Your friend Tejasvita has passed Secondary
Examination with first division. Write a letter to her congratulating her on her
success in the examination.
1) You have formed an online group of your friends. You were sick for some days.
You have come to know of second tests. Write an email to your friends requesting
them to share the syllabus for all subjects of your class. The email id is:
[email protected].
3) You are Parul of X class. Write an email to your father to send you 700/- for
Board Exam Fee. The email address is [email protected].
4) You are Sachin, the captain of football team of your school. Your team wants to
play a friendly football match with Govt Secondary School, Sarola. Compose an
e-mail to be sent to your headmaster for getting the permission for the same.
5) Suppose you are Sunita/Roshan. Write an e-mail to be sent to your friend who has
asked you to make arrangements for the stay of an uncle of his/her in your town.
6) Suppose you are the owner of the New Ajanta Furniture, Suratpur. You have
supplied some furniture in Govt Senior Secondary School, Kekari. Send an e-
mail to the principal requesting him to send the payment of the furniture. His e-
mail address is : [email protected].
( Story Writing)
Write a story with the help of given outlines in about 80 words. Give the title and
moral to it.
(1) A good boy...........falls............bad company..........disobeys............father advises
to shun............all in vain............decides to teach a lesson............brings
apples............puts them in almirah............notices one rotten day
all apples rotten............teaches a lesson.
(2) A bee...........falls into a in danger............a dove ............greatly
moved............drops a leaf............bee rides............saved............later on.............a
hunter aims his gun.............kill the dove.............dove unaware.............bee flies to
the hunter............. stings...........gun goes off.............aim missed.............loud
sound.............dove flies off.............saved.
(4) Two friends ..............tavel to earn money .............. through forest .............. wild
animals .............. they promise to help each other .............. one climbs up a tree
.............. the other does not know how to climb .............. danger ..............lies on
the ground .............. bear smells .............. thinks dead .............. leaves ..........
never rely on false friends.
(5) A wood-cutter ..............honest ..............goes to woods .............. axe falls into the
river .............. cries ..............god mercury appears .............. brings axe of gold
.............. no ..............jumps. back ..............axe of silver .............. no
..............repeats ..............axe of iron .............. yes ..............pleased .............. gives
all the axes.
(6) A farmer ..............four sons .............. do not work .............. falls ill .............. calls
his sons .............. a treasure buried in the field .............. dies ..............sons dig
field .............. no treasure .............. friends advise .............. sow seed ........... rich
crop .............. understand meaning .............. work hard . ........... become rich.
( Short Writing Task- Based on Verbal and Visual Stimulus)
Write a paragraph in about 80 words on the event shown in the picture.
(Correct Form of the Verb)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in the brackets:
1. ……………….. you ……………….. this man? (recognize)
2. I……………… a single letter yesterday. (not, post)
3. He………………… his mistake. (not, admit)
4. When I first met her, she ………………….. in a small school. (study)
5. It ………………. late so they left. (get)
6. …………………… he ……………………. Madam? (not lie)
7. Mother ………………. to someone over the telephone. (talk)
8. All the students ……………a noise in the class at that time.
9. They ………… to leave this company after the incident. (plan)
10. She ………………….. to persuade me but failed. (try)
11. The boys said that they ……………….. their work. (finish)
12. We………. the ground before the match started. (reach)
13. He …………….. on his clothes before the bell rang. (not put)
14. The Principal was happy to find that the clerk ………… all letters. (type)
15. Water ……………… on heating. (evaporate)
16. Shantanu …………………… all the chocolates. (eat)
17. If I …………….. you I would not repeated that mistake. (be)
18. I ……………… this book for last four years. (write)
19. I …………. you in writing the essay. (help)
20. He …………… back yet. (not come)
21. While I …………. to the music, my younger son was dancing. (listen)
22. Some of my friends …………….. theTajMahal last week. (visit)
(Reported Seech)
Rewrite the following sentences changing them into Indirect Speech:
1. Kanhaiya said, “I am going to see father tomorrow.”
2. Our lecturer said to me, “Have you prepared well for your examination?”
3. Mother said to father, “Can you spare some time for me?”
4. The old lady said to us, “Go away from here immediately.”
5. We said to him, “You were wandering here at night.”
6. He said to me, “Whose book did you borrow last night?”
7. He said to me, “You did not take lunch with me today.”
8. Uncle said to Sonu, “May you pass with very good marks!”
9. The maid-servant said, “Alas! I have lost my bag.”
10. Father said to his daughter, “We should not tell a lie.”
11. Reeta said to Veena, “Where will Mohan go tomorrow?”
12. He said to them, “Why did you laugh at me?”.
13. The guide said to visitors, “Don’t drive so fast.”
14. Mohan said to Ram, “Please don’t tease me.”
15. I said to Rama Kant, “He plays cricket in the morning.”
16. Mahesh said to Suresh, “When will you return my money?”
17. The teacher said to the students, “Where did you go yesterday.”
18. I said to my teacher, “Please give me a book of History.”
19. Mother said to her sister, “I had finished my work.”
20. Johnson said to Howard, “I am going to New York next month.”
21. I said to her, “Is your money safe in the bank?”
22. The physician said to him, “You may have to stay in hospital for one month.”
23. They said to their cook, “Prepare the breakfast early today.”
24. Mother said to her daughter, “You should not forget your jewellery.”
25. They said to me, “The Earth moves round the Sun.”
26. My brother said to me, “Do you have any problem?”
(Subject –Verb Concord)
Fill in the blanks with a verb in agreement with its subject:
1. My father ........... (know/knows) as much as my teacher.
2. A great many sheets of fine paper ............ (was/were) on the bed-table.
3. There ............ (was/were) a regular traffic of rats.
4. A shower of young flowers ........... (fall/falls) upon the child.
5. One of my aunts ........... (come/comes) near him.
6. People ............ (was/were) watching the scene.
7. Winds ............. (beats/beat) against the hourses.
8. Slow and steady.......the race. (win/wins)
9. Cattle........grazing in the field. (is/are)
10. The jury......divided in their opinion. (was/were)
11. Hari besides his school by car. (go/goes)
12. The number of questions in this paper.........twenty-five.(is/are)
13. The cost of all these articles.........risen. (has/have)
14. All the students of my class...... English. (learn/learns)
15. The policeman.......caught the thief. (have/has)
16. Dal and Bati...............the famous dish of Rajasthan. (arelis)
17. Each of the boys.......... punished. (was, were)
18. Two and two.........four. (make, makes)
19. Neither Sita nor her sisters....... playing. (was, were)
20. Everyone........a football match. (has seen, have seen)
21. Neither of the girls...........brought tiffin-box. (has, have)
22. Mohan and Sohan............ gone to Delhi. (has, have)
23. The captain with all his soldiers.......killed in the war. (was, were)
24. Either you or I.........a thief. (is, are, am)
25. Either of his friends........sitting in the room. (is, are)
26. My friend as well as I.......going to cinema. (is, are, am)
27. Bread and butter......... necessary for him. (is, are)
28. The poet and writer.........dead. (is, are)
29. The poet and the writer.........dead. (is, are)
30. One hundred miles............a great distance. (is, are)
Change the following sentences into Passive Voice:
1. Ramesh does not sing a song.
2. The Principal punished the naughty boys.
3. Will Sanju not help Manju?
4. We should not tease the poor.
5. Students are taking exercise in the open air.
6. Who teaches you English?
7. Have you polished your shoes?
8. Someone has stolen my ornaments.
9. The mechanic has repaired the watch.
10. When did you take bath?
11. Why did he punish you?
12. We bring cloth from the draper.
13. Daniel had killed the scorpion with a stone.
14. They were playing volleyball.
15. Children have finished the work.
16. Switch off the fan.
17. Let him play cricket.
18. I am going to open a new shop.
10. I am sitting under a tree.Where ………..?
11. I want to see you.Whom ………..?
12. Your scooter was stolen yesterday. Whose ………..?
13. I went to Agra to see the TajMahal.Why ………….?
14. Your brother came here yesterday in the morning. When ………..?
15. He does his work very carefully.How ………..?
16. Bikaner is 225 kms. from Jaipur.How far ………..?
17. I like English most.Which subject ………..?
18. Yes, I have visited Agra. ………………………?
19. No, I will never do it again. . ………………………?
21. Few people are grateful in this world, …… ?
22. A few people helped her, ……………… ?
23. None of us liked to stay there, …………………….. ?
24. You should write down what you hear, ………. ?
25. Everybody likes money, ……… ……………?
26. There is no use waiting here, ……………………..?
27. Mrs. Sharma teaches us English, ………………..?
28. You aren’t very strong, ……………….. ?
29. Look at the board, …………..?
30. He wouldn’t tell it to anyone, ……….?
(Seen passage from First Flight)
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. He wrote "To God on the envelope, put the letter inside and, still troubled went to
town. At the post office, he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbox.
One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to his
boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter to God. Never in his career as a
postman had he known that address. The postmaster-a fat, amiable fellow- also broke
out laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and. tapping the letter on his
desk, commented, "What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter.
Starting up a correspondence with God!"
So, in order not to shake the writer's faith in God, the postmaster came up with an
idea answer the letter. But when he opened it, it was evident that to answer it he needed
something more than goodwill, ink and paper.
(i) The postman went to his boss laughing heartily because-
(a) he had heard a joke from Lencho.
(b) someone had addressed a letter to God.
(c) he had seen a funny sight
(d) none of the above.
(ii) What idea did the postmaster form about the writer of the letter?
(a) The writer had great faith in God (b) The writer did not know the correct
(c) The writer was mad. (d) All of the above.
(iii) To whom the letter was written?
(a) God (b) Postmaster (c) Postman (d) One of the employees
(iv) What had the postman never known in his career?
(v) What impressed the postmaster about the writer of the letter?
(vi) Find out the word from the passage which means-‘friendly and pleasant in
2. A few moments later we all lifted our eyes in awe as a spectacular array of South
African jets, helicopters and troop carriers roared in perfect formation over the Union
Buildings. It was not only a display of pinpoint precision and military force, but a
demonstration of the military's loyalty to democracy, to a new government that had been
freely and fairly elected. Only moments before, the highest generals of the South
African defence force and police, their chests bedecked with ribbons and medals from
days gone by, saluted me and pledged their loyalty. I was not unmindful of the fact that
not so many years before they would not have saluted but arrested me.
Finally a chevron of Impala jets left a smoke trail of the black, red, green, blue
and gold of the new South African flag.
(i) The air-show by the South African jets and helicopters demonstrated-
(a) Pinpoint precision and military force.
(b) The military's loyalty to democracy and to the new government.
(c) Both(a) and (b).
(d) None of the above.
(ii) The highest generals of South African defence force and police a few years
(a) would have saluted. (b) would not have saluted but arrested.
(c) would have pledged their loyalty. (d) None of the above.
(iii) The colours in new South African flag are-
(a) black, red, green, blue, gold (b) red, black, green, blue, white
(c) green, black, red, blue, yellow (d) blue, black, red, green, saffron
(iv) What did the air-show symbolize?
(v) What did the highest generals of the South African defence force and police do
and why?
(vi) Find out the word from the passage which means-striking or wonderful.
3. Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then again, when
he returned after emptying his huge basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us up
from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him. Why was it so? Was it for the love of the
loaf? Not at all. The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastine, the maid-servant
of the house! What we longed for were those bread bangles which we chose carefully.
Sometimes it was sweet bread of special make.
The baker made his musical entry on the scene with the jhang. jhang' sound of his
specially made bamboo staff. One hand supported the basket on his head and the other
banged the bamboo on the ground.
(i) Who set out for a selling round?
(a) Beggar (b) Priest (c) Friend (d) Baker
(ii) Why did children run from their sleep?
(a) To see the procession (b) To meet and greet the baker
(c) To meet and greet the priest (d) Due to illness
(iii) Which hand banged the bamboo?
(a) one (b) other (c) both (d) none
(iv) What noise woke the children up?
(v) Who brought the loaves of bread in the house? .
(vi) Find out the word from the passage similar in meaning to-big.
4. “CHAI-GARAM...... garam-chai", a vendor called out in a high-pitched voice.
He came up to their window and asked, "Chai, sa’ab?"
"Give us two cups." Pranjol said.
They sipped the steaming hot liquid. Almost everyone in their compartment was
drinking tea too.
"Do you know that over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk every day throughout
the world?" Rajvir said.
"Whew!" exclaimed Pranjol. "Tea really is very popular."
The train pulled out of the station. Pranjol buried his nose in his detective book
again. Rajvir too was an ardent fan of detective stories, but at the moment he was keener
on looking at the beautiful scenery.
It was green, green everywhere. Rajvir had never seen so much greenery before.
Then the soft green paddy fields gave way to tea bushes.
(i) How many tea cups did Pranjol order?
(a) One cup (b) Two cups (c) Three cups (d) None of the above
(ii) What book was Pranjol reading in the train?
(a) A book of religious stories (b) A book of army stories
(c) A book of detective stories (d) He was reading a newspaper
(iii) Who is keener on looking at the beautiful scenery?
(a) Pranjol (b) Rajvir (c) Pranshu (d) Rajir
(iv) What had Rajvir never seen before?
(v) How many cups of tea does the world drink every day?
(vi) Find out the word from the passage which is similar in meaning to ‘cried out’.
5. Gautama Buddha (563 B.C. 483 B.C.) began life as a prince named Siddhartha
Gautama, in northern India. At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu
sacred scriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess. They had a
son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty. At about the age of twenty-five, the
Prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced
upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk
begging for alms. These sights so moved him that he at once went out into the world to
seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed. He wandered for seven
years and finally sat down under a peepal tree, where he vowed to stay until
enlightenment came. Enlightened after seven days, he renamed the tree the Bodhi Tree
(Tree of Wisdom) and began to teach and to share his new understandings.
(i) Prince Siddhartha had
(a) a son (b) a son and daughter
(c) two sons (d) two sons and two daughters
(ii) When was Siddhartha sent to school?
(a) at the age of 12 years (b) at the age of 6 years
(c) at the age of 15 years (d) he never went to school
(iii) How many years did they live as befitted royalty?
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40
(iv) What was the prince shielded from?
(v) What was the effect of the sights he saw on his way?
(vi) Find out the word from the passage similar in meaning to-religious books.
2. What made him angry when he counted the money ?
3. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter
4. How did the postmaster help Lencho?
( Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom )
5. What ideals does he set out for the future of South Africa ?
6. Why were two national anthems sung ?
7. What does courage mean to Mandela ?
8. What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention?
9. Why did such a large number of international leaders attend the inauguration?
What did it signify the triumph of ?
(Two Stories about Flying-His First Flight )
10. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly ?
11. What was the reaction of his family on the seagull's soaring successfully?
(Two Stories about Flying-The Black Aeroplane)
12. "I'll take the risk." What is the risk ? Why does the narrator take it?
13. What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)
14. Why does Anne want to keep a diary?
15. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?
16. Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?
(Glimpses of India-A Baker from Goa)
17. What are the elders in Goa nostalgic about?
18. Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?
19. What does a 'jackfruit-like appearance' mean?
20. Why did the writer not wash and clean his mouth?
(Glimpses of India-Coorg )
21. Where is Coorg ?
22. What is the story about the Kodavu people's descent ?
(Glimpses of India-Tea from Assam)
23. What is the Chinese legend associated with the discovery of tea?
(Mijbil the Otter)
24. Why was the otter named 'Maxwell's otter'?
25. Why does Maxwell say the airhostess was "the very queen of her kind"?
26. What happened when the box was opened?
( Madam Rides the Bus )
27. What was Vall's favourite pastime ?
28. Why does the conductor call Valli 'madam'?
29. Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
30. How did Valli save up money for her first journey?
31. What was Valli's deepest desire ?
( The sermon at Benares )
32. Why did Kisa Gotami go from house to house?
33. What did she understand the second time that she failed to understand the first
9. How can it be said that the people of Coorg are men of valour?
( Mijbil the Otter )
10. How was Mij to be transported to England?
( Madam Rides the Bus )
11. Draw a character-sketch of Valli.
12. What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
( The sermon at Benares )
13. What sights of sufferings did prince Siddhartha see and why did he leave his
palace and family?
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
( First Flight- Poetry )
(Dust of Snow)
1. The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree.
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
Q. 1. How do roots and leaves labour to escape from the confines of the house?
Q. 2. How do the boughs move ?
(The Fog)
6. The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbour and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
Answer the following questions in about 20 words:
( First Flight- Poetry )
(Dust of Snow)
1. What is the central idea of the poem, 'Dust of Snow'.
2. How does ‘the dust of snow’ change the poet’s mood?
11. Who do you think is speaking to her?
12. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
13. Why did Rapunzel live in a tower?
(The Trees)
14. What is the central idea of the poem The Trees'?
15. How will the empty forests change overnight?
(The Fog)
16. How does the fog come?
(The Tale of Custard the Dragon)
17. Where and with whom did Belinda live?
18. How did the dragon face the pirate?
(A Triumph of Surgery)
1. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery as “a triumph of surgery”?
(A Question of Trust)
5. How did Horace plan carefully to steal in the house at Shotover Grange ?
(The Necklace)
10. How do they replace the necklace?
11. What was the cause of Matilda's ruin ?
12. Give a character-sketch of Matilda.
13. How did Bholi's teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
14. Give a character-sketch of Bholi.
(A Triumph of Surgery)
1. Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
2. How does he treat the dog?
3. Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
4. What was Tricki's only fault that made him sick?
5. How did Mrs Pumphrey thank Mr Harriot?
(The Thief’s Story)
6. What does he get from Anil in return for his work?
7. How does the thief think Anil will react to the theft?
8. Why does Anil not hand the thief over to the police?
9. Why did Hari Singh take a new name every month?
(A Question of Trust)
13. What does Horace Danby like to collect?
14. Why does he steal every year?
15. How did Horace plan carefully to steal in the house at Shotover Grange ?
(The Necklace)
22. What fresh problem now disturbs Mme Loisel?
23. What kind of a person is her husband?
24. How is the problem solved ?
25. Why was Mme Loisel delighted at the party?
26. Why is Bholi's father worried about her?
27. Why do Bholi's parents accept Bishamber's proposal?
28. Why did Bholi refuse to marry Bishamber?
Choose the correct answer:
(MCQ from Text Book-Footprints Without Feet)
(A Triumph of Surgery)
1. Mrs Pumphrey was worried about Tricki because he looks:
(a) lean and thin (b) over active (c) offensive (d) listless and unwell
2. Mr Harriot was a :
(a) Mrs Pumphrey's family member (b) a veterinary surgeon
(c) a child specialist (d) Mrs Pumphrey'sassistaut
3. Mr James Harriot was:
(a) more rich than Mrs Pumphrey (b) less rich than Mrs Pumphrey
(c) as rich as Mrs Pumphrey (d) none of these
4. What kind of person was Mr James Harriot?
(a) A currupt and clever man (b) A silly and senseless person
(c) A tactful and skilled veterinary surgeon (d) A great politician
5. How long did Tricki live at Mr Harriot's hospital?
(a) a week (b) a fortnight (c) a month (d) twenty days
(The Thief’s Story)
3. Hari Singh was a :
(a) writer (b) thief (c) labourer (d) tachnician
4. How old was Hari Singh?
(a) 20 yrs (b) 15 yrs (c) 25 yrs (d) 30 yrs
5. In this story, the word 'I' refers to narrator:
(a) Anil (b) Hari Singh (c) Ruskin Bond (d) None of these
6. How old was Anil?
(a) 30 yrs (b) 40 yrs (c) 25 yrs (d) 35 yrs
(The Midnight Visitor)
7. Ausable was a pan:
(a) soldier (b) writer (c) secret agent (d) press-reporter
8. From his personality look, Ausable appeared as a/an:
(a) police man (b) actor (c) common man (d) officer
9. What was the name of the man present in Ausable's room ahead?
(a) Wilson (b) Marten (c) Max (d) David
10. Who had pistol in his hand?
(a) Ausable (b) Fowler (c) David (d) Max
11. Ausable was living in Paris for more than :
(a) 10 yrs (b) 20 yrs (c) 30 yrs (d) 32 yrs
12. Ausable can speak French and German:
(a) fluently (b) easily (c) difficultily (d) none of these
(A Question of Trust)
13. Horace Danby was a skilled:
(a) goldsmith (b) blacksmith (c) thief (d) locksmith
14. How old was Horace Danby?
(a) 40 yrs (b) 50 yrs (c) 60 yrs (d) 55 yrs
15. How long did Horace study the house of Shotover Grange?
(a) One week (b) One month (c) Two weeks (d) 10 days
16. How old was landlady of the house?
(a) 40 yrs old (b) 50 yrs old (c) 60 yrs old (d) 70 yrs old
(Footprints Without Feet)
17. Whose footprints were on the steps ?
(a) Mrs Hall's (b) MrJaffer's (c) Mr David's (d) Griffin's
18. Griffin was a :
(a) doctor (b) teacher (c) businessman (d) scientist
19. Who had discovered a way to make the human body transparent?
(a) Newton (b) Griffin (c) Flemming (d) Dalton
20. The local inn belonged to:
(a) Mrs Hall (b) Jaffers (c) Mr Patch (d) none of these
21. Drury Lane was famous for:
(a) doctors (b) business centres (c) book-stores (d) theatres
(The Making of a Scientist)
22. What was the age of Richard when his first article was published?
(a) 20 yrs (b) 22 yrs (c) 24 yrs (d) 25 yrs
23. Richard was grew up in :
(a) California (b) Atlanta (c) Pensylvania (d) None of these
24. The book 'The Travels of Monarch X' was gifted to Richard by his:
(a) mother (b) father (c) teacher (d) friend
(The Necklace)
25. Matilda's husband was a/an:
(a) doctor (b) engineer (c) clerk (d) teacher
26. Matida's husband worked in department of:
(a) Water Supply (b) Education (c) Health (d) Public Works
27. Matilda's husband had saved four hundred francs to buy a:
(a) bike (b) necklace (c) gun (d) house
28. Matilda borrowed the necklace from her friend:
(a) Mme Forestier (b) Mme Jennifer (c) Mme Annie (d) None of these
29. Matilda and her husband bought the necklace for:
(a) 30,000 francs (b) 36,00 francs (c) 20,000 francs (d) 46,000 francs
30. How many children did Ram Lal have?
(a) Two (b) Four (c) Six (d) Seven
31. What was the real name of Bholi ?
(a) Narmada (b) Sushila (c) Sulekha (d) Suruchi
32. At what age did Bholi fall off from her cot?
(a) Ten months (b) Ten years (c) Twenty weeks (d) Ten weeks
33. How old was Bholi when small pox attacked her?
(a) One year (b) Two years (c) Three years (d) Five years
34. When Bholi was prepared for school, she thought that school was a :
(a) strange place (b) deadful place (c) nice place (d) none of these
35. The behaviour of lady teacher towards Bholi was:
(a) friendly (b) unfriendly (c) non-cooperative (d) improper
(The Book That Saved the Earth)
36. Who is the ruler of the Mars?
(a) Noodle (b) Omega (c) lota (d) Think-Tank
37. What is the name of the nursery book that had saved the Earth?
(a) Little Star (b) Mother Goose (c) Baby Book (d) Short Stories
38. The incident described in the play is related to:
(a) 2025 CE (b) 2030 CE (c) 2035 CE (d) 2040 CE
39. Which century has been named as The Era of the Book in the play?
(a) 21st century (b) 25th century (c) 20th century (d) 22nd century
40. The play is being played in:
(a) 20th century (b) 21st century (c) 25th century (d) 22nd century
41. When did the people of Mars decide to invade Earth?
(a) In 25th century (b) In 20th century (c) In 2040 CE (d) In 2035 CE
1) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
One of the greatest mysteries of bird's life is travelling. Every year during autumn and
early winter birds travel from northern regions of Asia, Europe and America to the
southern warmer lands. They make the return journey again during spring and early
summer. They are very punctual unless they are delayed by bad weather. They face
many dangers and hardships while travelling long distances through the air over hills,
forests, plains and large stretches of water. Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive
them far out of course. Often they are blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild
waves. At night brightlights attract and confuse the birds. They cannot fly at their
(i) What is one of the greatest mysteries of a bird's life? [1]
(a) Flying (b) Travelling (c) Eating (d) Nesting
(ii) They are very punctual unless they are delayed by - [1]
(a) Charming weather (b) Cloudy weather
(c) Shiny weather (d) Badweather
(iii ) At night what confuses the birds? [1]
(a) Sudden storms (b) Bad weather (c) Bright lights (d) Wild waves
(iv) When do they make return journey? [1]
(a) During autumn (b) Early winter
(c) During late summer (d) During spring and early summer
(v) Choose the opposite word of 'clearness' from the below given options- [1]
(a) Mysteries (b) Return (c) Punctual (d) Sudden
(vi) Choose the similar word of 'difficulty' from the below given options [1]
(a) Mysteries (b) Warmer (c) Hardship (d) Arise
2) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Very few persons know how to read. Considerable experience with literature is needed
before taste and discrimination can possibly be acquired; and, without these, it is almost
impossible to learn how to read. I say, almost impossible; since there are some rare men
who, through a kind of inherited literary instinct are able to read very well even before
reaching the age of twenty-five years. But these are great exceptions, and I am speaking
of the average; for to read the characters of the letters of the text does not mean reading
in the true sense. You will often find yourselves reading words or characters
automatically, even pronouncing them quite correctly, while your minds are occupied
with a totally different subject. This mechanism of reading becomes altogether
automatic at an early period of life, and can be performed irrespective of attention.
Neither can I call it reading to extract the narrative portion of a text from the rest simply
for one's personal amusement, or in other words, to read a book "for the story". Yet
most of the reading that is done in the world is done in exactly this way.
Thousands and thousands of books are bought every year, every month, I might even
say every day, by people who do not read at all. They only think that they read. They
buy books just to amuse themselves, "to kill time" as they call it; in one hour or two
their eyes have passed over all the pages, and there is left in their minds a vague idea or
two about what they have been looking at, and this they really believe is reading.
Nothing is more common than to be asked, "Have you read such a book?" or to hear
somebody say, "I have read such and such a book."
(i) Who, according to author, knows how to read? [1]
(ii) About which readers is the author speaking? [1]
(iii) Whom is this passage about? [1]
(iv) What is needed before taste and discrimination can possibly be acquired? [1]
(v) What is the mechanism of reading at an early period of life? [1]
(vi) How is most of the reading done? [1]
(vii) Which type of readers is the author speaking about? [1]
(viii) Find from the passage the word which means 'entertainment' [1]
(ix) Find from the passage the opposite of 'after' [1]
3) You are Parul of X class. Write an email to your father to send you 700/- for
Board Exam.Fee. The email address is [email protected] [5]
Imagine that you are Ram Narayan Sinha and the monitor of your class X reading
in Government Senior Secondary School, Sikar. There are no proper library
facilities in the school. Write an application of complaint to your Principal.
4) Write a story with the help of given out lines in about 80 words. Give the title and
moral to it. [4]
A good boy...........falls............bad company..........disobeys............father
advises to shun............all in vain............decides to teach a lesson............brings
apples............puts them in almirah............notices one rotten day
all apples rotten............teaches a lesson.
A wood-cutter ..............honest ..............goes to woods .............. are falls into the
river .............. cries ..............god mercury appears .............. brings axe of gold
.............. no ..............jumps. back ..............axe of silver .............. no
..............repeats ..............axe of iron .............. yes ..............pleased .............. gives
all the axes.
5) Write a paragraph of about 80 words using the visual aid given below: [4]
Write a paragraph in about 80 words on "The Annual Function of My School"
6) Choose the correct form of the verbs:
ii. All the students ……………a noise in the class at that time. [1]
iii. We………. the ground before the match started. (reach) [1]
i) He said to me, “You did not take lunch with me today.” [1]
ii) Mahesh said to Suresh, “When will you return my money?” [1]
11) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
“CHAI-GARAM...... garam-chai", a vendor called out in a high-pitched voice.
He came up to their window and asked, "Chai, sa’ab?"
"Give us two cups." Pranjol said.
They sipped the steaming hot liquid. Almost everyone in their compartment was
drinking tea too.
"Do you know that over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk every day throughout
the world?" Rajvir said.
"Whew!" exclaimed Pranjol. "Tea really is very popular."
The train pulled out of the station. Pranjol buried his nose in his detectivebook
again. Rajvir too was an ardent fan of detective stories, but at the moment hewas
keener on looking at the beautiful scenery.
It was green, green everywhere. Rajvir had never seen so much greenerybefore.
Then the soft green paddy fields gave way to tea bushes.
One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to his
boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter to God. Never in his career as a
postman had he known that address. The postmaster-a fat, amiable fellow also broke out
laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and. tapping the letter on his desk,
commented, "What faith! I wish I had the faith ofthe man who wrote this letter. Starting
up a correspondence with God!" So, in order not to shake the writer's faith in God, the
postmaster came up with an idea answer the letter. But when he opened it, it was
evident that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper.
(i) The postman went to his boss laughing heartily because- [1]
(a) he had heard a joke from Lencho. (b) someone had addressed a letter to God.
(c) he had seen a funny sight (d) none of the above.
(ii) What idea did the postmaster form about the writer of the letter? [1]
(a) The writer had great faith in God (b) The writer did not know the correct
(c) The writer was mad. (d) All of the above.
(iv) What had the postman never known in his career? [1]
(v) What impressed the postmaster about the writer of the letter? [1]
(vi) Find out the word from the passage which means-friendly and pleasant in
Temperament [1]
12) Answeranythreeofthefollowingquestionsinabout20-30word: [2x3=6]
(i)Why were two national anthems sung ?
[Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom]
(ii)Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
[Madam Rides the Bus]
(iii)Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?
[Glimpses of India-A Baker from Goa]
(iv)Why was the young seagull afraid to fly ?
[ Two Stories about Flying-His First Flight]
13) Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: [5]
(i) Why did Lencho call the post office emloyees ‘a bunch of crooks’?
[A Letter to God]
(ii) What sights of sufferings did prince Siddhartha see and why did he leave
his palace and family? [The sermon at Benares]
14) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 words: [3]
(i) What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov has come for?
[The Proposal]
(ii) What does Lomov say about the Oxen Meadows?
[The Proposal]
15) Read any one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
But he's locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
Q. 1. Where is the tiger imprisoned now ?
Q.2. Why is the tiger ignoring the visitors?
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbour and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
16) Answeranytwoofthefollowingquestionsinabout20words: [2×2=4]
i. How is the leopard described by the poet? [How to Tell Wild Animals]
ii. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid? [Amanda!]
iii. What does an old religious man say about God’s love? [For Anne Gregory]
(i) Why did Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery as “a triumph of surgery”?
[A Triumph of Surgery]
(ii) How did Bholi's teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
18) Answer any two of the following questions in about 20 words: [2×2=4]
i. Why does Anil not hand the thief over to the police? [The Thief’s Story]
ii. Why was he wandering the streets ? [Footprints Without Feet]
iii. Why was Mme Loisel delighted at the party? [The Necklace]
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Swami Vivekananda's inspiring personality was well known both in India and in
America during the last decade of the twentieth century. The unknown monk of India
suddenly leapt into at the parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893, at which he
represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture as well as his
deep spiritual insight, fervid eloquence, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy,
colourful personality and handsome figure made an irresistible appeal to the many types
of Americans who came in contact with him. People who saw or heard Vivekananda
even once still cherish his memory after a lapse of more than half a century.
(i) Swami Vivekananda had- [1]
(a) An insipid personality (b)A discouraging personality
(c) An inspiring personality (d) An insensitive personality
(ii) Where was the parliament of religions held? [1]
(a) in India (b) in Newyork (c) in Chicago (d) in Seatle
(iii) Which religion did Swamiji represent in America? [1]
(a) Buddhism (b) Hinduism (c) Christianity (d) Jainism
(iv) Which of the following qualities did Vivekananda had? [1]
(a) Vast knowledge of Eastern and Western Culture.
(b) Broad human sympathy.
(c) Colourful personality.
(d) All of the above.
(v) Choose the opposite word of 'ineptness' from the below given options- [1]
(a) fervid (b) irresistible (c) insight (d) inspiring
(vi) Choose the similar word of 'ardent' from the below given options- [1]
(a) brilliant (b) fervid (c) spiritual (d) cherish
6) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a
child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is
improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do
anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things
that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child
finds pleasures in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a
marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains he is not so free to do as he wishes as he
thinks older people are he is continually being told not to do things or being punished
for what he has done wrong. His life is therefore not perfectly happy.
When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free-from the
discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept
responsibilities. He can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his
room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time
playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks
the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If,
however, he works hard, keeps out of troubles and has good health. He can have the
great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job and of building up for
himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age
to be, but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age should come
wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely.
3) You are Parul of X class. Write an email to your father to send you 700/- for
Board Exam.Fee. The email address is [email protected] [5]
Imagine that you are Ram Narayan Sinha and the monitor of your class X reading
in Government Senior Secondary School, Sikar. There are no proper library
facilities in the school. Write an application of complaint to your Principal.
4) Write a story with the help of given outlines in about 80 words. Give the title and
moral to it. [4]
A good boy...........falls............bad company..........disobeys............father
advises to shun............all in vain............decides to teach a lesson............brings
apples............puts them in almirah............notices one rotten day
all apples rotten............teaches a lesson.
A wood-cutter ..............honest ..............goes to woods .............. are falls into the
river .............. cries ..............god mercury appears .............. brings axe of gold
.............. no ..............jumps. back ..............axe of silver .............. no
..............repeats ..............axe of iron .............. yes ..............pleased .............. gives
all the axes.
5) Write a paragraph of about 80 words using the visual aid given below: [4]
Write a paragraph in about 80 words on "The Annual Function of My School"
6) Choose the correct form of the verbs:
ii. All the students ……………a noise in the class at that time. [1]
iii. We………. the ground before the match started. (reach) [1]
11) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
“CHAI-GARAM...... garam-chai", a vendor called out in a high-pitched voice.
He came up to their window and asked, "Chai, sa’ab?"
"Give us two cups." Pranjol said.
They sipped the steaming hot liquid. Almost everyone in their compartment was
drinking tea too.
"Do you know that over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk every day throughout
the world?" Rajvir said.
"Whew!" exclaimed Pranjol. "Tea really is very popular."
The train pulled out of the station. Pranjol buried his nose in his detectivebook
again. Rajvir too was an ardent fan of detective stories, but at the moment hewas
keener on looking at the beautiful scenery.
It was green, green everywhere. Rajvir had never seen so much greenerybefore.
Then the soft green paddy fields gave way to tea bushes.
postman had he known that address. The postmaster-a fat, amiable fellow also broke out
laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and. tapping the letter on his desk,
commented, "What faith! I wish I had the faith ofthe man who wrote this letter. Starting
up a correspondence with God!" So, in order not to shake the writer's faith in God, the
postmaster came up with an idea answer the letter. But when he opened it, it was
evident that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper.
(i) The postman went to his boss laughing heartily because- [1]
(a) he had heard a joke from Lencho. (b) someone had addressed a letter to God.
(c) he had seen a funny sight (d) none of the above.
(ii) What idea did the postmaster form about the writer of the letter? [1]
(a) The writer had great faith in God (b) The writer did not know the correct
(c) The writer was mad. (d) All of the above.
(iii) To whom the letter was written? [1]
(a) God (b) Postmaster
(c) Postman (d) One of the employees
(iv) What had the postman never known in his career? [1]
(v) What impressed the postmaster about the writer of the letter? [1]
(vi) Find out the word from the passage which means-friendly and pleasant in
Temperament. [1]
12) Answeranythreeofthefollowingquestionsinabout20-30word: [2x3=6]
(i)Why were two national anthems sung ?
[Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom]
(ii)Why didn't Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
[Madam Rides the Bus]
(iii)Where were the monthly accounts of the baker recorded?
[Glimpses of India-A Baker from Goa]
(iv) Why was the young seagull afraid to fly ?
[ Two Stories about Flying-His First Flight]
13) Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: [5]
(i) Why did Lencho call the post office emloyees ‘a bunch of crooks’?
[A Letter to God]
(ii) What sights of sufferings did prince Siddhartha see and why did he leave his
palace and family? [The sermon at Benares]
14) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 words: [3]
(i) What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov has come for?
[The Proposal]
(ii) What does Lomov say about the Oxen Meadows?
[The Proposal]
15) Read any one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
But he's locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
Q. 1. Where is the tiger imprisoned now ?
Q.2. Why is the tiger ignoring the visitors?
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbour and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
Q. 1. Where does the fog come from?
Q. 2. Why does the poet compare the fog with a cat?
16) Answeranytwoofthefollowingquestionsinabout20words: [2×2=4]
i. How is the leopard described by the poet? [How to Tell Wild Animals]
ii. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid? [Amanda!]
iii. What does an old religious man say about God’s love? [For Anne Gregory]
17) Answeranyoneofthefollowingquestionsinabout80words: [5]
(i) Why did Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery as “a triumph of surgery”?
[A Triumph of Surgery]
(ii) How did Bholi's teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
18) Answer any two of the following questions in about 20 words: [2×2=4]
i. Why does Anil not hand the thief over to the police? [The Thief’s Story]
ii. Why was he wandering the streets ? [Footprints Without Feet]
iii. Why was Mme Loisel delighted at the party? [The Necklace]
19) Choose the correct answer: [1×3=3]
5) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Swami Vivekananda's inspiring personality was well known both in India and in
America during the last decade of the twentieth century. The unknown monk of India
suddenly leapt into at the parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893, at which he
represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture as well as his
deep spiritual insight, fervid eloquence, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy,
colourful personality and handsome figure made an irresistible appeal to the many types
of Americans who came in contact with him. People who saw or heard Vivekananda
even once still cherish his memory after a lapse of more than half a century.
(i) Swami Vivekananda had- [1]
(a) An insipid personality (b)A discouraging personality
(c) An inspiring personality (d) An insensitive personality
(ii) Where was the parliament of religions held? [1]
(a) in India (b) in Newyork (c) in Chicago (d) in Seatle
(iii) Which religion did Swamiji represent in America? [1]
(a) Buddhism (b) Hinduism (c) Christianity (d) Jainism
(iv) Which of the following qualities did Vivekananda had? [1]
(a) Vast knowledge of Eastern and Western Culture.
(b) Broad human sympathy.
(c) Colourful personality.
(d) All of the above.
(v) Choose the opposite word of 'ineptness' from the below given options- [1]
(a) fervid (b) irresistible (c) insight (d) inspiring
(vi) Choose the similar word of 'ardent' from the below given options- [1]
(a) brilliant (b) fervid (c) spiritual (d) cherish
6) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a
child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is
improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do
anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things
that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child
finds pleasures in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a
marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains he is not so free to do as he wishes as he
thinks older people are he is continually being told not to do things or being punished
for what he has done wrong. His life is therefore not perfectly happy.
When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free-from the
discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept
responsibilities. He can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his
room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time
playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks
the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If,
however, he works hard, keeps out of troubles and has good health. He can have the
great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job and of building up for
himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age
to be, but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age should come
wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely.
7) Imagine that you are Prakash living in Jaipur. You have received a very bad
report about your younger brother Ashok from his principal. Write a letter to
Ashok advising him to work hard and avoid the company of bad boys. [5]
Imagine you are Kailash living in Jaipur. Your younger brother Mohan living at
Shahpura, is very good at studies but he is physically weak. Write a letter
advising him to improve his health by taking part in games and sports.
8) Write a story with the help of given out lines in about 80 words. Give the title and
moral to it. [4]
A good boy...........falls............bad company..........disobeys............father advises
to shun............all in vain............decides to teach a lesson............brings
apples............puts them in almirah............notices one rotten day
all apples rotten............teaches a lesson.
A bee...........falls into a in danger............a dove ............greatly
moved............drops a leaf............bee rides............saved............later on.............a
hunter aims his gun.............kill the dove.............dove unaware.............bee flies to
the hunter............. stings...........gun goes off.............aim missed.............loud
sound.............dove flies off.............saved.
9) Write a paragraph of about 80 words using the visual aid given below: [4]
Write a paragraph in about 80 words on "Morning Walk"
1. Choose the correct form of the verbs:
i. Water ……………… on heating. (evaporate)[1]
ii. He …………… back yet. (not come)[1]
iii. I……………… a single letter yesterday. (not, post)[1]
iv. When I first met her, she ………………….. in a small school. (study)[1]
20) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then again, when
he returned after emptying his huge basket. The jingling thud of his bamboo woke us up
from sleep and we ran to meet and greet him. Why was it so? Was it for the love of the
loaf? Not at all. The loaves were bought by some Paskine or Bastine, the maid-servant
of the house! What we longed for were those bread bangles which we chose carefully.
Sometimes it was sweet bread of special make.
The baker made his musical entry on the scene with the jhang. jhang' sound of his
specially made bamboo staff. One hand supported the basket on his headand the other
banged the bamboo on the ground.
enlightenment came. Enlightened after seven days, he renamed the tree the Bodhi Tree
(Tree of Wisdom) and began to teach and to share his new understandings.
(i) Prince Siddhartha had: [1]
(a) a son (b) a son and daughter
(c) two sons (d) two sons and two daughters
21) Answer any three of the following questions in about 20-30 word: [2x3=6]
(i) How did the postmaster help Lencho?[A Letter to God]
(ii) Why does Anne want to keep a diary?[From the Diary of Anne Frank]
(iii) What is the story about the Kodavu people's descent ?
[Glimpses of India-Coorg]
(iv) Why does Maxwell say the airhostess was "the very queen of her kind"?
[Mijbil the Otter]
22) Answeranyoneofthefollowingquestionsinabout80words: [5]
(i) How did Mandela's understanding of freedom change with age and experience ?
[Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom]
(ii) Draw a character-sketch of Valli. [Madam Rides the Bus]
23) Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 words: [3]
(i) Why did Lomov want to marry Natalya immediately ? [The Proposal]
(ii) How did Chubukov react at the proposal of Lomov? [The Proposal]
24) Read any one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
Though to distinguish beasts of prey
A novice might nonplus.
The Crocodile you always may
Tell from the Hyena thus:
Hyenas come with merry smiles;
But if they weep they're Crocodiles.
25) Answer any two of the following questions in about 20 words: [2×2=4]
i. How does ‘the dust of snow’ change the poet’s mood? [Dust of Snow]
ii. How does the tiger terrorise the villagers? [A Tiger in the Zoo]
iii. What is the central idea of the poem The Trees'?[The Trees]
26) Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: [5]
(i) How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached
to his room ?[The Midnight Visitor]
(ii) How did a book become a turning point in Richard Abright’s life?
[The Making of a Scientist]
27) Answer any two of the following questions in about 20 words: [2×2=4]
(i) Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
[A Triumph of Surgery]
(ii) Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric?[Footprints Without Feet]