This document is the introduction to a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses with the theme "Powerful by Faith". It welcomes attendees and explains that the convention will focus on answering what faith is, what faith can do, and how to build faith. It provides definitions of faith from the Bible and examples to illustrate having faith in unseen realities. It emphasizes that faith is essential to please God and gain his blessings.
This document is the introduction to a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses with the theme "Powerful by Faith". It welcomes attendees and explains that the convention will focus on answering what faith is, what faith can do, and how to build faith. It provides definitions of faith from the Bible and examples to illustrate having faith in unseen realities. It emphasizes that faith is essential to please God and gain his blessings.
This document is the introduction to a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses with the theme "Powerful by Faith". It welcomes attendees and explains that the convention will focus on answering what faith is, what faith can do, and how to build faith. It provides definitions of faith from the Bible and examples to illustrate having faith in unseen realities. It emphasizes that faith is essential to please God and gain his blessings.
This document is the introduction to a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses with the theme "Powerful by Faith". It welcomes attendees and explains that the convention will focus on answering what faith is, what faith can do, and how to build faith. It provides definitions of faith from the Bible and examples to illustrate having faith in unseen realities. It emphasizes that faith is essential to please God and gain his blessings.
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Greetings, brothers and sisters!
Welcome to this special edition of JW
Broadcasting® originating from the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our programs this month and next will feature the entire regional convention program for 2021. On behalf of the Governing Body and all the brothers and sisters working here at world headquarters, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to the convention. This year’s convention has the theme “Powerful by Faith!” The theme scripture for today’s program is Luke 17:5: “Give us more faith.” We begin this first session with the music-video presentation. As you watch the video, notice how Jehovah’s people show faith by reaching out in his service and how parents can help their children to build faith. Please enjoy the presentation. We are delighted that you could join us for this opening session of the “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Let’s sing together song number 5, entitled “God’s Wondrous Works.” Again, that’s song number 5. What is faith, and why is it essential for us to have it? Brother Mark Sanderson, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, will answer these questions in the talk “How Powerful Is Faith?” Dear brothers and sisters: Welcome to this 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. And let me begin by extending to all of you the warm Christian love and greetings from the Governing Body and the United States Bethel family. And let me assure you that we continue to pray on your behalf. “Powerful by Faith!” — what a motivating and what an encouraging theme for this convention! What are we going to learn? Well, we’re going to concentrate on answering three questions at this convention. The first one is, What is faith? The second one is, What can faith do for us? And the third is, How can we build our faith? Well, it’s appropriate, since this is the introduction to the convention, for us to spend some time talking about each one of those questions. So let’s begin with that first question: What is faith? Now, brothers and sisters, we know that faith is something that is produced in us by God’s holy spirit. In fact, Galatians chapter 5 says that faith is a part of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit. So if we have God’s spirit, we will have faith. But what exactly is faith? Well, let’s go in our Bibles. Let’s see the definition the Bible gives at Hebrews 11:1. Would you read it with me? Hebrews 11:1 says: “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, “the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.” Now, you’ll notice that the definition of faith is given in two parts. What is the first part? Well, first, it says: “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for.” Well, what does that mean? Well, faith is the conviction that we will have the things that we hope for. Maybe we could illustrate it this way: You know, it’s like the conviction we have when we go to bed at night —that the sun is going to rise in the morning. It’s the conviction that the farmer has when he sows his seed —that those seeds are going to sprout and they’re going to grow. Faith makes future things promised by God as real as if we already have them now. That means that the person with faith firmly believes that everything that Jehovah says is true and that all of the promises that Jehovah has made are going to come to reality. But what’s the second part of that definition? Faith is “the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.” Hmm. What does that mean? Well, maybe we could illustrate it with something simple like this cell phone. Now, if you have a cell phone and you have cell phone service, then wherever you may be on the earth, I could call you right now. But now, there are no wires attached to this phone. How could that possibly work? Well, of course, we know that this technology relies on radio waves. Now, you and I can’t see radio waves, but every time we make a call on our cell phones, we see the evidence, or the “evident demonstration,” that radio waves are real, even though we cannot see them. What’s the point? If we really have faith, it means that we can believe in something that is verified by strong evidence, even though it is unseen. Well, that means that faith as described in the Bible is not unquestioning; it is not irrational; it is not foolish or gullible; it’s not being quick to believe something with little or no evidence. True faith comes from a careful analysis and study of God’s precious Word, the Bible. The accurate knowledge that we gain from God’s Word helps us to build our faith. It’s there in the Bible that we learn about God, we learn about his name, we learn about his promises that have already come true, and we learn about promises that he’s made —exciting promises for our future. But faith is also built and established by something else. What is that? Well, it’s creation. When we look up into the night sky and we see the exact order in the universe, how does it make us feel? Or when we look at the human brain and its complexity or the complexity of the human eye, we have to come to the conclusion that there must be a Designer. There is strong evidence for an intelligent Creator. Well, now, why is it so important that you and I grow in our faith and develop faith? Well, the Bible answers that question too. Would you look with me at Hebrews 11:6? At Hebrews 11:6, it says: “Moreover, without faith it is impossible “[isn’t that interesting? it is impossible] “to please God well, “for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” Well, did you see the point? “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” So faith is essential if we are going to please God and have his blessing. Well, we’ve talked quite a bit about what faith is, but here are two things that faith is not. Faith is not simply believing that God exists, because the Bible says that even ‘the demons believe in God, but they shudder.’ It involves coming to know Jehovah, coming to trust him, forming an unbreakable friendship with him, so that Jehovah is so real to us that we sense his love and sense his approval in our day-to-day life. What’s the other thing that faith is not? Faith is not simply hoping for something. The Bible uses the example of Abraham. Now, Abraham had the demonstration of the things that he hoped for; he had evidence that God was real. But how did that affect Abraham? What was the result? Let’s read together this important scripture —Romans 4:20. At Romans 4:20, it says: “But because of the promise of God, “he [that is, Abraham] “did not waver in a lack of faith; “but [notice, what did he do?] “he became powerful by his faith, giving God glory.” You see, Abraham was moved; he was motivated; he was empowered. “He became powerful by his faith.” Well, how appropriately, then, that Romans 4:20 has been chosen as the theme text for this convention. Now, in a moment, we are going to talk about the power of faith, but before we do, we have a wonderful treat now. Please give your attention to a recorded message from our dear Brother Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body, as he explains to us how important faith is for Christians today. Welcome to the “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses! You’ll certainly be happy that you made the effort to attend all three days of this convention. The expression “powerful by faith” is drawn from the apostle Paul’s words at Romans 4:20. Why did the Governing Body choose faith as the theme for this year’s convention? Because we need strong faith to deal successfully with our present trials and with those we’ll face in the near future. At Matthew 17:20, Jesus assured his disciples: “If you have faith “the size of a mustard grain, “you will say to this mountain, “‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Yes, faith enables us to do things we could never imagine doing on our own. For Christians, faith is essential. In fact, God commands us to have faith. At 1 John 3:23, we read: “Indeed, this is his commandment: “that we have faith “in the name of his Son Jesus Christ “and love one another, just as he gave us a commandment.” And Hebrews 11:6 tells us: “Without faith “it is impossible to please God well, “for whoever approaches God “must believe that he is “and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” Clearly, to receive Jehovah’s blessing and gain the reward of everlasting life, we need to build and maintain faith. At Romans 1:17, quoting the prophet Habakkuk, Paul wrote: “The righteous one will live by reason of faith.” With these words, Paul emphasized that Jehovah will reward all who show real faith. Based on our faith in Jesus’ ransom, Jehovah forgives our sins and grants us a righteous standing with him even now. And during Armageddon, Jehovah will protect God’s people and then give them the opportunity to live forever in Paradise. That’s what we want for all of you. Most of us here today already have a large measure of faith, and as Paul wrote at 2 Corinthians 1:24: “It is by your faith that you are standing.” Reports from around the globe testify to your genuine faith and the good that Jehovah is accomplishing through you because of your faith. We feel as Paul expressed at Colossians 1:3, 4: “We always thank God, “the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, “when we pray for you, “since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love you have for all the holy ones.” But constant pressure from Satan and the demons, the old world, and our own imperfections can weaken and wear down our faith. The purpose of this convention is to strengthen that faith. We’ll learn how to cultivate true faith, how to exercise it in our daily lives, and how to maintain it during difficult times. So please pay close attention to each part of the program. As scriptures are read, follow along in the Bible. And may God’s Word empower you to be a man, woman, or child of faith! Thank you so much, Brother Jackson. Well, let’s come back now to the point we were discussing. What is the power of faith? Well, now, to open this discussion, let’s open our Bibles and let’s go to Matthew chapter 17 and let’s read together verses 19 and 20. That’s Matthew 17:19, 20: “Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said: “‘Why could we not expel it?’ “He said to them: ‘Because of your little faith. “‘For truly I say to you, “‘if you have faith the size of a mustard grain, “‘you will say to this mountain, “‘“Move from here to there,” “‘and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.’” Wow! Jesus said that faith is powerful. He said: “Nothing will be impossible for you.” Well, just as Peter because of his faith was able to get out of the boat and walk on the water, our faith can enable us to do things that from a human perspective seem to be completely impossible. Let’s consider six different things. Here’s the first one: Faith opens up the privilege of being able to walk with our wonderful, amazing God, Jehovah. Now, what does that mean? Well, the Bible says that men of faith like Noah “walked with the true God.” But what does it mean when it says that? Well, Noah followed Jehovah’s commandments and instructions so carefully and Noah loved Jehovah so much that it was just as though Noah and Jehovah were walking down the street together as the closest and most intimate of friends. That is something that faith made possible for Noah. But brothers and sisters, here’s the really wonderful and amazing thing: That was true for Noah, but it’s also true for you, and it’s also true for me. We too can experience what seems impossible —to be actually walking with our heavenly Father day by day. That is the power of faith. Let’s look at a second one: Faith moves us to obey the commands of God without hesitation. Now, as an example, we think of Abraham. He’s called in the scriptures “the father of all those having faith.” Now, how is Abraham an example? Well, he was quick to obey Jehovah even when Jehovah asked him to do things that were very difficult, like leaving Ur and offering up his only son. Abraham was willing to obey because of his faith. But now, brothers, think —think about what this makes possible today. People who have been addicted to drugs, to tobacco, to alcohol, to gambling, to pornography; people who have been living immoral lifestyles of all sorts; people who have said they would never be able to give up those habits —that they would never be able to change their lifestyle— what happened? As they developed faith, through their faith and through their desire to please Jehovah, they broke free from all of those things. We have seen people like that. You have seen them. I have seen them. We know that people like this have conquered all of these bad things because of their faith. Maybe you are one of those people. Brothers and sisters, that is the real power of faith —not something theoretical, not something imagined, but in action. People experience that power in their own lives. Let’s go to the third one: Faith in the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises moves us to want to go out and preach the good news of God’s Kingdom. Well, now, let’s read what the Scriptures say about this. At 2 Corinthians 4:13, it says there: “Now because we have the same spirit of faith “as that of which it is written: “‘I exercised faith, “therefore I spoke’; “we too exercise faith and therefore we speak.” Well, what does it mean? Without faith, without exercising faith in the promises of God, we would never ever be able to do the preaching work. In fact, maybe when you were first studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, maybe you said something like this: ‘I’ll never go from door to door. You’ll never see me walking down the street, knocking on doors.’ But what happened? As you grew in your faith, you wanted to share the things that you were learning and you wanted to talk about all the wonderful things that you were hearing about Jehovah. Yes, faith helps us conquer our fears. It helps us overcome shyness. It helps us overcome indifference in the territory. It helps us overcome opposition or even government bans. Hitler, Stalin, the Soviet Union, and even Russia today —all of them have said that they would crush Jehovah’s Witnesses and that they would put an end to our preaching. But what happened? Our brothers and sisters kept on preaching despite whatever opposition came, and our brothers today who are living under similar circumstances under ban continue preaching also. They do not give up. Why? Why are they able to keep going? Because of the power of faith. Faith moves them to action and to continue telling the good news, no matter what the circumstances may be. Let’s go on to the fourth point: Our faith moves us to act in ways that bring blessings to us. Now, think about this: Some people who saw and heard the teaching of Jesus and his works put faith in him. They believed that Jesus was able to heal them, and so that faith led to blessings. Well, in what way? Well, sometimes when Jesus healed individuals, what did he say? He said: “Your faith has made you well.” In other words, if those people had not exercised faith in Jesus, they would not have come to him and they would never have experienced the healing that he gave them. What’s the point? Today, we are not looking to be physically healed through our faith in Jesus, but many of us have made major decisions —made major changes in our lives— in order to become disciples of Christ. Perhaps we left promising careers; perhaps we left fame; perhaps we gave up higher education, or whatever it may be. But what is the promise that Jesus made to all of us who have made these decisions based on faith? At Mark 10:29, look what Jesus said: “No one has left house “or brothers or sisters “or mother or father or children “or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news “who will not get 100 times more “now in this period of time “—houses, brothers, sisters, “mothers, children, and fields, “with persecutions— and in the coming system of things, everlasting life.” What’s the point? You see, we’ve made these decisions. We may have walked away from many things in the world, but by putting faith in Christ Jesus, what amazing blessings have come to us, just like Jesus said —“100 times more” than what we have given up! That is the power of faith. Let’s look at number five: Faith helps us to win our struggle against the superhuman spirit forces. Well, now, how so? Let’s read together Ephesians 6 and verse 16. At Ephesians 6:16, it says: “Besides all of this, “take up the large shield of faith, “with which you will be able to extinguish all the wicked one’s burning arrows.” Well, now, what is the point? Did you notice that here in Ephesians chapter 6, faith is compared to a “large shield”? Just like a large shield that covers most of the body, faith in Jehovah God and his promises for the future can shield us from —what does it say in verse 16?— “all the wicked one’s burning arrows.” We can be completely protected. Well, what does that mean? It means that through our faith, we have the power to get up and turn off that television. We have the power to walk out of that movie theater. We have the power to unplug that computer, if necessary, to get rid of those temptations or bad ideas that could motivate us to enter into a course of wrongdoing. It is no wonder that 1 Thessalonians 5:8 compares faith to a “breastplate” that can protect our figurative heart from temptation and from the power of sin. That is real power. But now, let’s go to our sixth point: Faith moves us to trust that our prayers to Jehovah God are heard and that Jehovah will answer them if they are in harmony with his will. This is what Jesus said. Will you read it with me? It’s Mark 11:24. Jesus said: “This is why I tell you, “all the things you pray and ask for, “have faith that you have received them, and you will have them.” Well, now, brothers, when we have that faith that the things we are asking Jehovah, he’s hearing us and he’s listening to us, especially during these troubled times —in the midst of this pandemic— when we have many anxieties and concerns. How wonderful that we can believe that Jehovah God is hearing us and that he is going to provide an answer to us, just exactly in harmony with what we need! So after considering these six different factors, wouldn’t you agree with me that faith is powerful? It has real power to make things that seem impossible to men become realities for those who have faith in Jehovah. Well, how thankful we can be that Jehovah is helping us to develop this wonderful quality through solid evidence, through accurate knowledge, and through his precious holy spirit! Well, that brings us to that third question: How can we build up our faith? And maybe more specifically, How is this convention going to help us to build our faith? Well, of course, the convention is going to include many talks, symposiums, interviews, and we’re going to have a two-part Bible drama. So there is much to look forward to. But maybe just for a few minutes, would you open up your program, perhaps on your device like I’m using here today? And let’s consider some of the highlights that we can expect to see in our convention. So you’ll notice that on day one, the theme for the day is from Luke 17:5: “Give us more faith.” Would you like to strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? Well, pay attention to the dramatic Bible reading. That’s where we’re going to learn about how faith moved Noah to be able to obey Jehovah, even though the things Jehovah asked of him were very, very large. Take notice of that audio drama. And then in the afternoon— Are you a person that loves Jehovah’s creation? Well, the second symposium of our convention, “Use Creation to Build Your Faith,” is going to show us how Jehovah’s love, his wisdom, and his power are reflected in all the beautiful things that he made. And it’s going to show us also that Jehovah not only has the ability but the desire to fulfill his promises for the future. And then how about this? How strong is your faith? Well, take notice of the final talk on Friday afternoon. That’s where we’re going to hear the talk “‘Keep Testing Whether You Are in the Faith’ —How?” That’ll give us an opportunity to look at our own faith and see just how strong it is. Let’s go to day two. There we see that the theme for the day is going to be Jude 3: “Put up a hard fight for the faith.” Have you begun to use our new study publication, Enjoy Life Forever!? Well, we’ll all want to listen carefully to the talk “Build Faith Using Enjoy Life Forever!” That’s going to discuss how we can use this new study publication to reach the heart of our student and also to help our student to build faith. Within Jehovah’s organization, we have many brothers and sisters who have unbelieving mates, we have many who are part of single-parent families, and we have many who are single. The symposium entitled “Successful Fighters for the Faith” is going to show us what we can learn from these faithful Christians. Take note! And then looking in the afternoon, although we can’t travel right now, we’re going to have the opportunity to go on an around-the-world tour because the video How Our Brothers Are Showing Faith in . . . is going to take us all around the world and show us how our brothers are manifesting faith in many, many different parts of this beautiful earth. And then you are all in for an amazing treat with Part I of the Bible drama Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith. Now, I think I can say confidently that this is absolutely the best drama that we have ever produced. You are going to love it! Well, the last talk on day two is a serious one. It’s going to contrast faith destroyers with faith builders, and it’s going to show us how we can strengthen our trust in Jehovah’s Word and also in his organization. Well, finally, on day three, our theme is going to be Matthew 21:21: “If you have faith . . . , it will happen.” We’re going to look at what we can learn from faithful women of God. You’ll notice, there is an eight-part symposium that shows us how the women featured in each talk showed faith and also how we can imitate their faith. And then in the afternoon, we have the thrilling finale of that Bible drama Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith. And finally, then, the convention will conclude all too soon with the very motivating and moving talk “Become Powerful by Your Faith!” Well, brothers, would you like to see just a taste of what’s in store and some of the videos we’re going to be seeing? Let’s watch. I could tell from the doctor’s voice that the news wasn’t good. I just didn’t expect my health to worsen so quickly. If a gun is what I need to protect my family, won’t Jehovah understand? I knew how Mom felt about the holidays. But I also learned how Jehovah felt. Do I really want fear of man to stop me from becoming Jesus’ disciple? It was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes. That was the moment Jehovah introduced himself to me. In my darkest times, Jehovah’s words brought me comfort. I knew these words would build my faith. “Trust in Jehovah and do what is good.” Well, doesn’t that whet your appetite for what is coming at this convention? Now, keep in mind that some of the videos at the convention present real accounts, but many others are just dramatizations. Now, what does that mean? Well, the dramatizations don’t portray real people or real events, but they depict situations that help to teach us the truth. Jehovah God loves and appreciates men and women of faith —men and women just like you. He is determined to reward men and women like that with an amazing reward. Would you read it with me? Let’s look at John 6:40. At John 6:40, it says: “For this is the will of my Father, “that everyone who recognizes the Son “and exercises faith in him “should have everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day.” Those “[exercising] faith” can be certain of receiving this reward. At John 3:36, Jesus said: “The one who exercises faith in the Son has [has] everlasting life.” So dear brothers and sisters, as we begin this wonderful convention, please be determined to take notes. Be determined to meditate on the things that you will hear so that you may cultivate, maintain, and strengthen your faith. If you do, you too will become powerful by faith and receive the wonderful, amazing reward of everlasting life! Thank you, Brother Sanderson, for laying a foundation for the program parts to follow. We are confident that each session will help us strengthen our faith. Real faith is based on evidence. In the first symposium of this convention, we will examine evidence that provides the basis for our faith. Brother David Schafer, a helper to the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body, will begin with the talk “Why We Have Faith in . . . God’s Existence.” Each speaker will then introduce the one to follow. Does something exist because you believe it does? Does something not exist simply because you don’t believe in it? No. Truth is based on evidence. But what kind of evidence convinces you that something exists? We believe in many things we can’t see —air, wind, atoms, electricity, gravity, time. And we believe in things we can’t hear — galaxies, dog whistles, microorganisms. We also believe in things we can’t feel, such as our brain or the rotation of the earth. But why? What convinces you? The effects —effects that you can see, hear, feel, and measure— and the testimony from those who know the facts. Evidence —evidence is the basis for faith. Today, many people don’t believe that God exists. Their lack of faith can affect us. Indeed, our faith is under attack. This symposium will remind us of our reasons for faith and will help us to strengthen our faith. We’ll consider why we have faith in God’s existence, in his Word, in his moral standards, and in his love. First, why is faith in God’s existence important? Please find Ephesians chapter 2, and notice how the apostle Paul describes Christians in Ephesus before they knew the true God. Ephesians 2:1 reads: “Furthermore, God made you alive, though you were dead in your trespasses and sins.” And verse 12 continues: “At that time you were without Christ, “alienated from the state of Israel, “strangers to the covenants of the promise; you had no hope and were without God in the world.” The same was true for us. But faith in the existence of the Creator has given our lives meaning and purpose. It has unlocked the answers to such questions as, ‘Why does the universe exist?’ and ‘What does the future hold?’ True, there are people who shy away from such questions, thinking that the answers are just beyond us. Some even teach that there is no purpose, no ultimate meaning in life. But where does that leave them? Without reliable guidance. In contrast, notice what Psalm 111:10 teaches us about the effect of our faith. Psalm 111:10 says: “The fear of Jehovah “is the beginning of wisdom. “All those observing his orders “show good insight. His praise endures forever.” Yes, clear thinking and practical application of knowledge begin with regarding the Creator with awe and profound respect. And as indicated in the very next verse, this makes us happier people. That’s why we need to safeguard our faith. It’s the foundation for our relationship with God, the basis for our hope, the key to our future. So let’s remind ourselves why we can have faith in God’s existence. Let’s go back to the chapter of the Bible that defines faith —Hebrews chapter 11. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is the convincing evidence of “realities that are not seen.” But now, what would be an example of that? Let’s read together Hebrews 11:3. It says: “By faith we perceive “that the systems of things were put in order by God’s word, “so that what is seen has come into existence from things that are not visible.” “The systems of things” —what might be some of those systems? Could this include our solar system —and the galactic system that it’s a part of— and the smaller cycles that occur within our solar system? Think about our earth’s atmosphere, which protects us from the sun’s harmful rays while at the same time allowing the entry of essential heat and light. Just think what would happen to us were it not for our atmosphere’s protective shield. We’d burn up in seconds. And besides blocking out harmful rays, the atmosphere, along with earth’s magnetic field, also absorbs much of the debris that flies through space. By faith, we perceive that these “systems” were put in order by God’s word. Or think about the earth’s amazing cycles. Imagine what would happen if a city’s water supply —it’s fresh air, it’s water— were disrupted and the sewers were blocked? What would be the quality of life in that city? And yet, our planet is a closed system. Clean air and water are not shipped in from outer space. Waste matter is not rocketed out. So how does the earth remain healthy and habitable? The water cycle, the carbon and oxygen cycles, and the nitrogen cycle are all tuned precisely to sustain life. Of course, this doesn’t mean that we can be careless stewards of our planet. But what remarkable systems! And much more could be said about the earth’s perfect location in our solar system or about the planet’s perfect orbit, tilt, rotational speed, an unusual moon, or about our solar system’s perfect position in the Milky Way. Are all of these precise locations and elegant measurements the result of blind chance or of purposeful design? As you watch the following video, note yet another example of how the order evident in creation clearly points to an all-wise Creator. Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells. Yet, each individual cell is a marvel of design and organization. Inside our cells, biological processes signal specific proteins to assemble themselves into tracks called microtubules. Tiny molecular machines called kinesins then transport various components to different parts of the cell by “walking” along the tracks. From microscopic proteins to enormous galaxies, our organized universe abounds with examples of elegant design. How can you strengthen your faith in God’s existence? Consider three things that we can do. Please open your Bibles to Romans chapter 1. When we consider examples like these, of God’s power and wisdom, doesn’t that make us wonder, ‘How could anyone deny the evidence of an intelligent and loving Designer?’ Romans 1:18 indicates that such denial requires suppressing the truth. Why? Well, notice what it says at Romans 1:19: “Because what may be known about God “is clearly evident “[clearly evident] among them, for God made it clear to them.” Verse 20 says: “For his invisible qualities are clearly seen “from the world’s creation onward, “because they are perceived by the things made, “even his eternal power and Godship, “so that they [namely those who suppress the truth] are inexcusable.” God’s existence and his qualities were apparent the moment mankind first appeared on earth. And the evidence has only become clearer with the passage of time and the advancement of technology that enables us to discover what God has done. So that’s the first way that we strengthen our faith in God’s existence —through study and meditation— meditating on the evidence. And to help us with this, we find an abundance of published material about creation on, where we find brochures, articles in the series “Was It Designed?” and interviews with scientists. The second way that we strengthen our faith is by earnestly praying for more faith. Jesus said, as recorded at Luke 11:13, that ‘God will give his holy spirit to those asking him for it,’ and part of that spirit’s fruitage is faith. Third, we strengthen our faith by building the faith of others. How? By drawing attention to the evidence that supports the truth. Parents, patiently build the faith of your children. If they have doubts, address them promptly, kindly, calmly. Don’t dismiss their questions, and don’t get upset. Be glad they asked. It shows they care, and they want to understand. Accept the challenge; present the evidence. Look for it together “when you sit in your house . . . when you walk on the road . . . when you lie down and when you get up.” In the following video, note what strengthens the faith of one of our brothers who is a scientist. As a mechanical design educator, I view even natural things from a design perspective. Mechanical design considers not only the individual components of a machine but also how they interact. From this viewpoint, human vision is a magnificent example of design. For a single eye, the cornea, the iris, and the lens interact to focus an image on the retina. The light-sensitive cells of the retina, called photoreceptors, produce nerve signals. Signals from the rod and cone photoreceptors are transmitted by the optic nerve to the brain, where they are processed to produce a perceived image. Now just imagine the multiplied complexity when two eyes interact. Particularly mind-boggling is the amount of information being constantly processed by more than 130 million retinal receptors and then transmitted through the 1.2 million nerve fibers of the optic nerve to the brain. To me, the sheer complexity of how all these components flawlessly interact is evidence of a superior Designer. Some disagree. They propose that the eye evolved from a light-sensitive patch in some ancestral creature through small random changes. I find the proposed process unrealistic. Unlike design, it is unplanned and without a goal. We are asked to imagine that a complex system can develop without direction, while in the natural world things tend to become disorganized. But consider something even more mind-boggling: The design of the eye, the optic nerve, and the brain and how they function and interact are completely documented in our DNA. In fact, our DNA contains all the instructions for building an entire human body. While science relies only on physical explanations, many individual scientists reason that highly ordered natural systems are evidence of a Designer. My personal conclusion is that there is a God who is revealed in the magnificent designs of nature. How does faith in God’s existence benefit us? Having genuine faith in the loving, intelligent Designer of this universe gives our lives meaning and purpose. That faith is the basis for obedience to Jehovah’s righteous standards —standards that benefit us. And we don’t fear the future, because faith gives us hope. We don’t fear death, because our hope is in the Source of life. How happy we are that Jehovah has provided abundant evidence that he exists! And yet, are there facets of Jehovah’s personality that we couldn’t fully comprehend from a study of creation alone? Yes. And for this we need to study his inspired Word. How can we strengthen our faith in God’s Word? Please pay careful attention to Brother Mark Noumair, a helper to the Teaching Committee, as he now presents the next talk of this symposium, “Why We Have Faith in . . . God’s Word.” Have you experienced an unexpected financial setback? Is your child struggling to resist peer pressure or unwholesome influences from the Internet? Have you been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease? Life in this wicked system can seem like a dark wilderness. We may feel alone, discouraged, and like we just don’t know where to turn. This is why more than ever, we need to strengthen our faith in God’s Word. When we study the Bible and take it to heart, our faith in God grows and something amazing happens. Let’s find out what that is at 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, and let’s read verse 13 —1 Thessalonians 2:13: “Indeed, that is why “we also thank God unceasingly, “because when you received God’s word, “which you heard from us, “you accepted it not as the word of men “but, just as it truthfully is, “as the word of God, which is also at work in you believers.” How does God’s Word work in us? It has already transformed us into faithful servants of Jehovah God, but it also gives us the power to remain strong under difficult circumstances. This subject is timely because we live in a world where so many plant seeds of doubt about the Bible. They say it is something outdated or inaccurate. It is our determination not to allow the world’s mistaken views to erode our faith in the Bible. In this talk, we’re going to look at three proofs to help us maintain our love and confidence in God’s inspired Word: its prophecies, what it says about the earth, and its survival against all odds. Let’s take the first point —Bible prophecies. Beyond man’s reach is the ability to foresee the future in detail. Only Almighty God can do this. For example, secular history tells us that in the year 539 B.C.E., a man named Cyrus conquered the land of Babylon and allowed thousands of Jewish captives to return home to restore true worship in Jerusalem. The Bible also tells us about these events, with one notable exception. While secular history recounts these events after they happened, the Bible foretold these events before they took place —in fact, some 200 years before. Let’s take a closer look and see for ourselves. Let’s turn to Isaiah chapter 44 —Isaiah chapter 44— and we’re going to read verses 27 and 28. And as we read these verses, please take special notice of how many times the word “will” appears. “The One saying to the deep waters, “‘Be evaporated, and I will dry up all your rivers’; “the One saying of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, “and he will completely carry out all my will’; “the One saying of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ and of the temple, ‘Your foundation will be laid.’” This isn’t Jehovah God just guessing or trying to figure out the future. He’s decided what will happen, and he will make it happen. How could the Bible predict this kind of detail some 200 years in advance? There is only one explanation. Turn a couple of chapters over to Isaiah chapter 46, and let’s read verse 10. “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, “and from long ago the things that have not yet been done. “I say, ‘My decision will stand, and I will do whatever I please.’” It’s fulfilled prophecies like these that build trust and confidence in God’s Word. Now, another reason we have faith in the Bible is because of what it says about the earth. Let’s consider an example at Job chapter 26, and let’s read verse 7. Job 26:7: “He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing.” Now, this was stated some 3,500 years ago. Job’s statement would have appeared ridiculous to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who taught that an object must rest upon or be attached to something or else it will fall. It was not until 1687 that the scientist Isaac Newton explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force appearing as if it were suspended on nothing. Now, how did the Bible know the truth more than 3,000 years ago? The answer: It is the Word of God, and “God . . . cannot lie.” Let’s take our third line of evidence, and that is the Bible’s survival. Although the original books of the Bible have disappeared, accurate copies of the Bible manuscripts have survived to our day despite natural decay, fierce opposition, and deliberate tampering with its message. Isaiah 40:8 tells us: “The word of our God endures forever.” The Bible has not endured as a mere museum display; its message has endured. That inspired message has been conveyed in over 3,000 languages. This is irrefutable proof of its divine origin. The following video presents additional evidence that the Bible is God’s Word. Please pay attention to this. The Bible is a book of facts. It’s about real people, real events, real history in real places. In the Hebrew Scriptures, there are at least 53 people confirmed archaeologically. One example is Pharaoh Shishak of Egypt. The Bible mentions his invasion of Judah, specifically dating it “in the fifth year of [Judean] King Rehoboam.” For a long time, the only record of that invasion was the one found in the Bible. Then a relief on the wall of a temple at Karnak, Egypt, was discovered, depicting Shishak with captives. It also records names of conquered Israelite towns, many of which have been identified with Biblical sites. It also mentions the “Field of Abram,” the earliest reference in Egyptian records to the Biblical patriarch Abraham. This strengthens our confidence and faith in the Bible as God’s Word. The Bible was written on perishable materials, such as papyrus and parchment. While no originals are known to exist today, the number of ancient copies available now is staggering: some 11,000 Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, more than for any other ancient piece of literature. By comparing the earliest, most authoritative manuscripts, scholars can identify inaccuracies and mistakes that have crept in. But the vast majority of differences do not change the meaning at all. One example is found at Luke 4:17, which says that Jesus “opened the scroll” of Isaiah. But some manuscripts say that he “unrolled the scroll.” But isn’t the meaning the same? God’s message has even survived changes in language. Writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted the Hebrew Scriptures, but often from the Greek Septuagint translation. At times, they paraphrased such quotations, using slightly different wording. But the message remained the same. And most of Jesus’ words, likely spoken in first-century Hebrew, were recorded in Greek. Still, his message is clear. Today, at least parts of God’s Word can be read in more than 3,000 languages. The Bible’s survival reveals a puzzling paradox: Throughout history, people were willing to die to preserve the Bible and make it available to everyone. Others were willing to kill to prevent access to it and wipe it out of existence. Why? It’s the book’s content. God’s Word “is alive and exerts power.” It changes people’s lives in ways that some welcome but others resist—violently at times. For example, responding to Roman Emperor Diocletian’s edict in 303 C.E. “to destroy the sacred Scriptures by fire,” Felix, a bishop of Thibiuca, reportedly said, “It is better for me to be burned than the sacred Scriptures.” He paid with his life. Efforts to destroy God’s message for mankind continue today, “but the word of our God endures forever.” Wasn’t that faith-strengthening —to see more evidence that the Bible is God’s Word? How can we strengthen our conviction in God’s Word? We can do so by creating study projects to build our faith. One fascinating project involves the prophecy at Genesis 3:15. Perhaps you can quote it by heart, but have you ever sat down and taken the time to make a timeline, listing key scriptures that show how God bit by bit shed light on the individuals and the arrangement referred to in this verse? When we take time to really study the Bible and meditate on these golden threads running through the Bible, our faith in God’s Word will be strengthened. Have you had doubts about something? Then write it down. Then use our research tools such as the Study Bible, JW Library®, Watchtower ONLINE Library® to dig deeper. It’s worth the effort. And if you’re a parent, help your children come to know and fall in love with the Author of the Bible. We are so close to begin the real life in the new world. Now is the time to strengthen our trust and confidence in the Bible. When we have strong faith in God’s Word, we can feel as did our young brother Ruslan from Turkmenistan who faces his second prison term because of his faith. He declared: “I have strong faith that Jehovah will reward me. . . . “Where there is a strong hope, there is endless joy; “where there is joy, there is strength and endurance. And a strong person can never be broken.” You too will never be broken if you maintain your faith in God’s Word. Brother Samuel Herd of the Governing Body will now present the next talk in this symposium, “Why We Have Faith in . . . God’s Moral Standards.” Pressure from the world can erode our determination to do what is right. At times, even a mature Christian may be inclined to do what is bad. Please find Romans 7:21-23. The apostle Paul was certainly mature, but notice what he said of himself as we read Romans 7:21-23: “I find, then, this law in my case: “When I wish to do what is right, “what is bad is present in me. “I really delight in the law of God “according to the man I am within, “but I see in my body another law “warring against the law of my mind “and leading me captive to sin’s law that is in my body.” Like Paul, we might find that we have a war, or a struggle, inside us as we fight against the law of sin. However, like Paul, we know that for us to please Jehovah, we must live in harmony with His standards. Look at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10. What are some of Jehovah’s moral standards? Notice the list of moral issues that we choose not to succumb to. At 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, it says: “Or do you not know that unrighteous people “will not inherit God’s Kingdom? “Do not be misled. “Those who are sexually immoral, “idolaters, adulterers, “men who submit to homosexual acts, “men who practice homosexuality, “thieves, greedy people, “drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.” We must be firmly convinced that these moral standards of Jehovah are right and beneficial. Why can we have faith in these standards? To find out, find Isaiah 48:17. Here you will see that we can have faith in God’s standards because they always benefit us. Isaiah 48:17 says: “This is what Jehovah says, “your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: “‘I, Jehovah, am your God, “‘the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One guiding you in the way you should walk.’” Did you see the point? Jehovah is teaching us to benefit ourselves. We can have faith in his standards of right and wrong. They’re unchanging, and they produce good results under all circumstances and in all cultures. Consider God’s standard for marriage. Jehovah created marriage as a permanent, loving union between a man and a woman. Jehovah gave Adam a wife, Eve —not Eve and B and D— just Eve. He told them: “Be fruitful and become many . . . Fill the . . . earth.” Let’s look at 1 Corinthians 6:18. It is making the point that sex outside of marriage is prohibited by Jehovah. First Corinthians 6:18 says: “Flee from sexual immorality! “Every other sin that a man may commit “is outside his body, “but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body.” When family members follow Jehovah’s standards, the family is secure, stable, and happy. In the following video, note how a couple benefited from applying God’s moral standards. We met at a party when I was in the military. I was on the dance floor, and I saw Frenchie. And I was like, ‘Oh! I’m going to talk to this girl right here.’ The whole time we were just smiling at each other —this instant attraction. It was mutual. Gradually, we were living together. And a few months go by, and things are going well, and then I find out I’m pregnant. And he left. I was shocked (though I shouldn’t have been), but I was shocked. And truthfully, I was scared, like, ‘What am I going to do now?’ I felt like a failure, and I kept asking myself, ‘How did I let this happen?’ I knew that I had to be there, and I wanted to be there. I just didn’t know how. We prayed together for the first time as a couple. That was a Friday night. Saturday morning, we had a knock on the door. We decided to have a Bible study. They had us study the chapter on family life and marriage. At that moment, I knew that I wanted to have our relationship be honorable before Jehovah. You learn that Jehovah meant for marriages to be a permanent bond. The insecurities of every disagreement ending in a breakup or a divorce —all of that went away. We started to see Jehovah’s training in practical ways, just learning how to be a husband who respected and cared for his wife. We became partners —a team, a complement— and that was only because Jehovah taught us how to do it. Though it was difficult at the outset, we made that decision to dedicate our life to do Jehovah’s will, and we got baptized together. We’ve been married 25 years, and the insecurities are gone. I focus on all the blessings that have come just from keeping Jehovah in our life, and that’s the best feeling in the world. You can go at it on your own, but you’ll never find the joy, you’ll never find the peace, you’ll never find the security that comes from doing it Jehovah’s way. It was only after coming to know Jehovah and having faith in his standards that the couple came to have a stable and enduring marriage of 25 years. What about us? How can we strengthen our faith in God’s moral standards? Contemplate the benefits of obeying God’s moral standards and the consequences of disobeying them. Note two Bible principles. Deuteronomy 32:29 says: “[Be] wise! . . . Ponder over this . . . Think about [the] outcome.” In other words, contemplate the benefits of obeying God’s moral standards. In contrast, the consequences of disobeying God’s moral standards can be severe. Galatians 6:8 says: “[Sow] with a view to his flesh [and] reap corruption from [the] flesh.” The world’s entertainment industry often ignores this fact. Your faith in God’s standards will grow as you experience the benefits of living by them. Obeying God’s moral standards protects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Jehovah’s standards make us wise so that we do not have to learn from painful experiences. To illustrate: You’re driving, and you see a sign. It says: “School speed limit: 15 miles an hour.” What if you do not adhere to that standard of law? Suppose you are driving at 50 miles an hour. You hit a child crossing the road. The consequence for not obeying the standard— that would be an extremely painful experience. Jehovah’s standards protect us from the pain. Let’s conclude by sharing some verses from Psalm 19. Please turn there. This psalm is speaking about Jehovah’s standards, his laws, and reminders. We will first read Psalm 19:7: “The law of Jehovah is perfect, “restoring strength. “The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise.” We do not need to remain naive and inexperienced. We become wise. Now read with me verses 8 and 9: “The orders from Jehovah are righteous, “causing the heart to rejoice; “the commandment of Jehovah is clean, “making the eyes shine. “The fear of Jehovah is pure, “lasting forever. “The judgments of Jehovah are true, altogether righteous.” Living by God’s standards brings approval from Jehovah. We enjoy a clean conscience and a good relationship with him. Finally, verse 11 says: “By them your servant has been warned; in keeping them, there is a large reward.” It says “a large reward” awaits us. Have faith in God’s moral standards. Obey them and become wise. They will protect you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You will have a clean conscience and Jehovah’s approval —and in the end, everlasting life. Brother Gerrit Lösch of the Governing Body will now present the final talk of this symposium, “Why We Have Faith in . . . God’s Love.” Many people believe in God. In what sense? They believe that there must exist a God, a Creator. Sheer logic causes them to believe this. Why? Because of being aware that there is creation. If the Creator would not exist, no creation would exist. Why? Because nothing comes from nothing. This is also why we know that God has always existed. If there would have been a time when he did not exist, then nothing would exist today. The fact that creation exists proves there must be a Creator. It also shows that God exists from all eternity, although with our imperfect human mind we have a hard time grasping this. We are the product of his creation. But is it enough to believe in him as the Creator because without a Creator there could be no creation? No. Is it enough for a child to believe he has a father because without a father he would not exist? No. A child should love his father; a father normally loves and cares for his children. The Creator, our Father, not only cares about his creation, but he also loves us and cares for us as individuals. He cares about you. Jehovah God loves you. Do you love him? Are you a lover of God? This is not automatic. The apostle Paul says at 2 Timothy 3:4 that most people in this time of the end would be “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” Sometimes we may have feelings of worthlessness, and such feelings could dampen our zeal in serving Jehovah, could dampen our love, or even could cause us to stop serving him. Therefore, we need to build up and deepen our love and trust in Jehovah. Jehovah loves mankind. What evidence is there for that? We see Jehovah’s love in nature. He created numerous trees, plants, and flowers so that we can enjoy them. He created for us not only things that we need to keep living but things that impress our hearts with awe and love for God, the Giver of “every good gift.” Man is not able to create one single animal or even a fruit or flower. The things God created help us to live and enjoy living for as long as we do. But Jehovah loves mankind so much that he gave his firstborn spirit Son, whom we came to know as Jesus Christ, as a ransom for the sins of us imperfect humans (for those who love him) so they may live and enjoy God’s love forever. Although the first humans rebelled against Jehovah God, Jehovah knew that there would be many others who would choose to serve him out of love. Please turn with me to John chapter 6. Your listening in to this program is proof not only of your love for Jehovah God and Jesus but also of their love for you as an individual. At John 6:44, Jesus said: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.” The Scriptures show that Jehovah has given humans free will. Everyone has a choice when it comes to serving him. God gently draws to himself those who have a heart that is “rightly disposed.” Jehovah does so through the Bible’s message and through his holy spirit. How does Jehovah draw us? The Greek verb rendered “draw” is used in reference to hauling in a net of fishes. Does Jehovah drag us against our will, forcing us to serve him? No. Jehovah gave us free will, so he does not force our heart open. One scholar puts it this way: “There is no handle on the outside of the door of the human heart. It must be opened from within.” Jehovah searches through the billions of hearts in this world, looking for individuals who are inclined toward him. When he finds such a person, he responds in a touching way. Are you such a person? We trust you are. Jehovah gently attracts, or tugs, at the hearts of ones who are “rightly disposed.” Jehovah does so in two ways —through the Bible’s message of good news and through his holy spirit. When Jehovah sees a heart that is responsive to Bible truth, he uses his spirit to help the individual to grasp and apply that truth in his life. Without divine help, we could never become genuine followers of Jesus and devoted worshippers of Jehovah. Jehovah draws people because he sees something good in their heart and cares about them as individuals. Does knowing that Jehovah cares about his worshippers as individuals move you to want to open that door of your heart and open it wide? As you watch the following video, notice how a brother named Carlos came to appreciate that Jehovah is the loving Father whom he had always yearned for. When I went through difficult times during my childhood, Jehovah was like my Father. He was my refuge. The first memory I have of my dad is when I went to visit him in the prison where he was being held. I asked Jehovah so many times for my dad to come back home. One day, my mom said, “Dad’s coming home today.” I went to school, and when I came back, he was there. I thought that he was finally back for good and that it would be forever. But soon after that, I heard my mom and my grandmother crying, and they started to explain that my dad was back in prison. From then on, I felt hatred, resentment, and anger toward my dad and also toward Jehovah. I started to take drugs and to lead an immoral and violent lifestyle. One day, a couple of sisters gave me a magazine. As I was looking through it, I saw the experience about Dustin. I began to think about the times during my childhood when I would take refuge in Jehovah and would feel the same way Dustin did. I would say: “Jehovah is there. He hasn’t abandoned me.” Dustin never doubted Jehovah’s love, right up until the day he died. That very night, I prayed to Jehovah. I asked him to forgive me because, well, it wasn’t his fault. That night I poured out all my feelings to Jehovah. That burden that I felt was finally gone. I felt Jehovah’s love every step of the way. He showed it through the brothers who didn’t judge me for what I had done. It doesn’t matter how many problems we have or how far we’ve drifted away from Jehovah. He never abandons us. Jehovah has lovingly helped many brothers and sisters because of his love for them. This can reassure you that Jehovah will help you as well because Jehovah loves you too. Did you notice how Jehovah demonstrated his love for Carlos? Through his worshippers, Jehovah lovingly cared for this young man. Please turn with me to Psalm 119. Jehovah had not forgotten Carlos, even though he had strayed for a time. This reminds us of the words at Psalm 119:176: “I have strayed like a lost sheep. “Search for your servant, for I have not forgotten your commandments.” There are indications that Psalm 119 may have been written by young Prince Hezekiah. Hezekiah poured out his heart to Jehovah, and Jehovah responded. Brothers and sisters, please pour out your hearts to Jehovah, and take note of how he will answer your prayers. Please turn with me to Ephesians chapter 3. Jehovah can and will intervene positively in your life. Notice what it says at Ephesians 3:20: “Now to the one who can, according to his power “that is operating in us, “do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive.” The expression “his power that is operating in us” —is this not something very encouraging and faith- strengthening? His power is not just “operating in us” but “operating in us . . . superabundantly” —no, but “more than superabundantly,” beyond what we can envision or comprehend. “He will draw close to you,” says James 4:8. Whether he wrote Psalm 119 or not, Hezekiah strengthened his faith in Jehovah and trusted him. He did so even though he was surrounded by false worshippers and may have been ridiculed by members of the royal court. Jehovah blessed Hezekiah. If you trust Jehovah, he will bless you as well. With reliance on God, you too can endure trials as integrity- keepers. Apply Bible principles in your life, and see how following Jehovah’s advice will always work out for your good. Strong faith in God’s love helps us to see beyond our imperfections or the negative experiences that we may have had in the past. We see ourselves the way Jehovah sees us —as a cherished part of his household. We are a family member of Jehovah’s family. Notice the encouragement we receive at Psalm 119 and verse 32. Faith in God’s love gives us the confidence that we need to keep going. At Psalm 119:32, it says: “I will eagerly pursue the way of your commandments because you make room for it in my heart.” The footnote says: “Or possibly, ‘you make my heart have the confidence.’” We will be able to endure any trial. Are there things that can separate us from Jehovah’s love toward us? Do you recall what we are told at Romans chapter 8? Nothing can separate us from Jehovah’s love toward us. Let’s read this together, Romans chapter 8 and verses 35 to 39: “Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? “Will tribulation or distress or persecution “or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword? “Just as it is written: “‘For your sake we are being put to death all day long; “we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.’ “On the contrary, in all these things “we are coming off completely victorious “through the one who loved us. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life “nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come “nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation “will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” But there are things that can diminish or kill our love for Jehovah, so we need to be careful. This symposium has reminded us of why we have faith in God’s existence, his Word, his moral standards, and his love. As the world around us grows more hopeless, we are determined to become more and more powerful by faith! About Abraham, Romans 4:20 says: “But because of the promise of God, “he did not waver in a lack of faith; but he became powerful by his faith, giving God glory.” Similarly, Jehovah has also given promises to us. And as he progressively fulfills them, we become more and more “powerful by [our] faith” and give glory to Jehovah God! Thank you, brothers, for highlighting our reasons for faith. We will now sing song number 37, entitled “Serving Jehovah Whole-Souled.” Again, that’s song number 37.