Grade 4 STF Planning

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Daraga, Albay
A.Y. 2020-2021

In Teaching English in the Elementary Grades Through Literature
Bicol University
Daraga, Albay
A.Y. 2020-2021


BEED 2-2 Course Professor


JUNE 01, 2021

I. Objectives:
At the end of the session the children are expected to:
a. Show willingness and enthusiasm in reading/listening to literary text
b. Infer character traits
c. Realize that kindness begets kindness
II. Subject Matter
a. Skill: Inferring character traits
b. Selection: “Androcles”
c. References: The story was written by Gretel Laura M. Cadiong
AVP- Kindness-
d. Materials:
 Pictures
 Prediction chart
 Cartolina
 Marker
 Enlarge image of a kid
 Colored paper
 Tape
 Strips of paper
III. Procedure:
A. Pre-Reading:
1. Unfreezing Activity
The teacher will play the video clip “Kindness” Then, teacher will ask the class
to give the important message of the animated video.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
a. Imprisoned, escape
The teacher will show a picture of a man behind prisons bar.

Say: This man was imprisoned because he stole someone’s money. But
he was able to make his way out of the jail house secretly. And he was able
to escape.
Ask: What words give us an idea of the word “escape”?
What is the reason behind the man’s imprisonment?

b. Moaning, groaning
The teacher will write the statement on the board.

Grandmother has been sick for several days. Often she cries in a low, soft
sound as if in pain. It is hard to listen to her moaning and groaning.
Bicol University
Daraga, Albay
A.Y. 2020-2021

Ask: What does it mean when one moans and groans?

(The teacher will ask the students to act out when they say the words)

c. Chase, lick
Say: My cat Lit-lit loves to chase her kittens. They would run around the
house. Then, Lit-lit would lick her kittens as if to clean them up.
Ask: How do you chase someone?

The teacher will call two students to do the action.

Ask: Why do cats lick their kittens? How do you lick? Pretend that you are
licking an ice cream.

d. Swollen, bleeding, paw, bound up

The teacher will show a picture of dog treated by a veterinarian. And show
on the picture the swollen and bleeding paw and the doctor about to bind
up the wound.

Say: This is Spot. He got a swollen, bleeding paw. The doctor treated her
wound and bound it up.

The teacher will point out the part of the picture that describes the words.

e. Thorn
The teacher will show a cactus or rose
Say: This plant has thorns.
Ask: Can you point where the thorns are? Can thorns hurt us? How?

3. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students:
 Have you ever helped someone?
 What did you feel as you did so?
 Who helped you when you were hurt?
 How did you feel about the person?

4. Motive Questions
The teacher will post on the board a “Prediction Chart.” And the teacher will let
the students to fill it up with their predictions.

Question Our Guesses What really happened

1. How did
Androcles help
the lion?
2. What did the
lion do after
helped him?
Bicol University
Daraga, Albay
A.Y. 2020-2021

B. During Reading
The teacher will read the story to the students slowly and clearly. And ask some
a. Why do you think the lion did not chase Androcles?
b. Will Androcles and the lion be friends? Why?
c. What will happen to Androcles and the lion?

C. Post Reading
1. Engagement Activity
a. If Androcles had not been brave, would he be able to hep the lion?
b. What happened after Androcles helped the lion?
c. How did the king punish Androcles?
d. How did the lion repay Androcles’ kindness?
e. What did the king learn from the event?
f. Is Androcles worth imitating? Why? Why not?
g. Why do you admire Androcles?
h. Why must we be kind to others?

i. Literary Extender
The teacher will group the class into three. And the teacher will give
clear instructions to each group about the task they have to do. And
the teacher will assign a group leader and will set the standards
before the group work and the teacher will make sure that the
students will follow the time given to them and to work

Group 1- Dramatize the part how Androcles helped the lion and
how they became friends.
Group 2- Draw the part when Androcles was to be fed to the lion
and the lion recognized him.
Group 3- If you were given the chance to talk to Androcles, what
would you tell hime? Write him a message on a cartolina.

j. Skill Development
What do the following statements tell about the specific characters in
our story?

Find the traits from the strips of paper on the table and place it on the

a. Androcles saw that the paw of the lion was bleeding and swollen.
He found out that a big thorn had got into it. He pulled out the thorn
and bound up the paw of the lion.
Androcle is _______. (helpful)
b. Androcles would go to the lion to bring him some meat, until the
Lion got fully well.

Adrocle is ______. (kind)

Bicol University
Daraga, Albay
A.Y. 2020-2021

c. The lion rose and licked the hand of Androcles like a dog as a sign
of thanking Androcles for helping him.
The lion is ______. (thankful)
d. The king forgave Androcles and freed him while the lion was let
loose and brought back to the forest.

The king is ______. (forgiving)

k. Generalization
How do we infer character traits?

l. Application
The teacher will put on the board a drawing of a kid with big belly, big
feet and has a big heart-figure on his chest. The teacher will ask the
students to draw on the half-sheet colored paper about their own
experience of helping other people.

Students Activity:
a. Paste your work on the kid’s heart if you helped someone you do
not know.
b. Paste your work on the kid’s belly if you helped a family member.
c. Paste your work on the kid’s feet if you helped a friend or a

 How many of you have helped someone whom you did not
 How many of you have helped members of the family?
 How many of you have helped a friend or a classmate?
 What makes you and Androcles similar?
 How would others feel if we helped them? What do you get
when helping others?

m. Across the Curriculum

What life lesson did you learn in the story of Androcles?
Why do you think it is important to show kindness?

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will provide a copy of the table from the motive question. And the
teacher will ask the students to write their prediction during the motive question and they
will complete the information needed on the table.

Question Our Guesses What really happened

1. How did
Androcles help
the lion?
2. What did the
lion do after
helped him?
Bicol University
Daraga, Albay
A.Y. 2020-2021

V. Assignment
Capture any scenario that shows kindness to other people or you may capture
yourself showing kindness to other people and paste it on a long bond paper. And prepare
for the presentation on the next day.

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