Cyclostationarity Detection
Cyclostationarity Detection
Cyclostationarity Detection
M(α, t0 ) =
result can be simplified to a variable ,
t t0
t 0 which is related to cyclic frequency only. After
|Ae jθ | 0
|Ae jθ |
= e j2π( f −α)t
dt = |δ( f0 − α)|
setting a certain and proper detecting time t0,
t0 0 t0
(11) detector can acquire the frequency of received
where the operator δ(⋅) represents for Dirac signal by changing cyclic frequency to find the
function. peak value.
It can be known from Eqs. (11) that, if the In other words, CUs can detect the received
length of detecting time t0 is set as an integer signal for certain and proper detecting time,
multiple of the interval [0,2π], then the result and set different cyclic frequencies in a band.
of detection reaches its peak only According to the peaks of the result ,
when cyclic frequency equals to f0. So we can the probable spectrum of that signal can be
get the frequency of received signal by contin- yielded.
ually changing the value of to find the peak However, noise in channel can affect the
of that result. result of detection practically. In order to miti-
H o w e v e r, g e n e r a l l y e l e c t r o m a g n e t - gate the influence caused by noise, we consid-
ic signals are transmitted in real form, i.e. er using the complex form of received signal
. In this case, we should in detection as shown in Eqs. (11). According
reconsider the Eqs. (11). If we ignore the noise to the theory of Hilbert transformation, the
in channel, and simplify it as follows:
M(α, t0 ) = t1 0 x(α, t)dt = t1 0 r(t) × e− j2παt dt
t 0
t 0
0 0
= 2t |e− jϕ Ψ1 ( f0 , α) + e jϕ Ψ2 ( f0 , α)|
where both and are func-
tions related to frequency f0 and cyclic fre-
quency . And they are given as follows:
It’s obvious that cyclic frequency , so
if the integral interval [0, t0] is an integer mul-
tiple of the interval [0,2π], then ,
. Therefore, from Eqs. (12) Fig.1 The feature of variable
a) The result of simulation with spectrum resolution ratio is 5 kHz in detection versus SNR for different sampling
times N, where 10000 samples are detected for
1 every SNR value in each procedure of statistic
0.9 cyclostationary detection.
0.8 It can be known from figure 5 that the peak
0.7 to average ratio of results increases along with
Value of statistic M
8 signal
In this subsection, statistic cyclostationary de-
4 tection algorithm is used to detect modulated
Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal in
different SNR for testing its performance in
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detecting cyclostationary signals.
It should be noted that although BPSK
signal is cyclostationary, the phase of carrier
Fig.5 Peak to average ratio vs. SNR for different sampling times N can be abruptly changed due to the procedure
Value of statistic M
lation are shown in Table I while the step size
of cyclic frequency is set as 1 MHz, sam-
pling times N=200. The result of simulation
which is normalized to [0,1] is shown in figure
6. From the result of simulation, probable
spectrum of BPSK signal can be illustrated.
If the transmission condition deteriorates, 0 2 4 6 8 10
Cyclic frequency(Hz)
12 14 16
x 10
which leads to decrease of SNR at detectors,
performance of detection will be influenced
and this approach may not yield probable Fig.6 Result of simulation on BPSK signal when N=200, SNR=-5
spectrum of the received signal. In this case,
increasing the sampling times N can mitigate
the influence cause by noise. 1
the increase of sampling times. Furthermore, 0.3 conventional energy detection at SNR=-15dB
conventional energy detection at SNR=-10dB
in order to exhibit the relationship between 0.2 statistic cyclostationary detection N=4 at SNR=-15dB
statistic cyclostationary detection N=4 at SNR=-10dB
sensitivity (Pd) and specificity (Pf) of the sta- 0.1 statistic cyclostationary detection N=8 at SNR=-15dB
statistic cyclostationary detection N=8 at SNR=-10dB
tistic cyclostationary detection algorithm, the 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Probability of False Alarm
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves
are shown in figure 8, where the ROC curves
of conventional energy detection are also illus- Fig.8 ROC curves at different SNR values