HMS Synopsis3

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Hotel Management System

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mr. Sandeep Vishwakarma (Assistant Professor)




(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Project members
App ID – 111679 SarfarazAli R. Miller

App ID – 111671 Pratiksha D. Kore

App ID – 111676 Hitesh C. Jawharkar

 Objective and Scope

 Process Description

 Flow Diagram

 Resources & Limitations

 Conclusion
Objective and Scope

The Hotel Management System’s objectives is to

provide a system that can cater to small scale to large
scale hotels.

Reservation and Booking System to keep track of

reservations and room availability.

Tracking and Selling Food System that charges the

current room.

General Management Services and Automated Tasks

System which generates reports to audit all hotel
operations and allows modification of subsystem
Process Description
The software product to be produced is a Hotel Management System which will automate the major hotel
operations. Below are the subsystems, which we will be working on to ensure that the system is catering to basic needs
of managing the Hotel sector:

 Customer management
 Room and Food management
 Room booking
 Food table booking
 Payment module
 Admin console
 Reports

These subsystems’ functionality will be described in detail in section 2-Overall Description.

The Hotel Management System’s objectives is to provide a system that can cater to small-scale to large-scale hotels.
Without automation the management of the hotel has become an unwieldy task. The end users’ day-to-day jobs of
managing a hotel will be simplified by a considerable amount through the automated system. The system will be able to
handle many services to take care of all customers in a quick manner. The system should be user appropriate, easy to
use, provide easy recovery of errors and have an overall end user high subjective satisfaction.

 Customer Management
 The system shall record/create new customer

 The system shall allow user to update customer details

 Reservation/Booking
 The system shall record reservations

 The system shall record the number of occupants

 The system shall record the room number

 The system shall display the default room rate

 The system will generate a unique confirmation no for each reservation

 The system shall allow reservations to be modified without having to reenter all the customer information

 The system shall checkout customers

 The system shall display the amount owed by the customer

 To retrieve customer information mobile no/room number shall be used

 The system shall record that the room is empty.

 The system shall record the payment.

 The system shall record the payment type.

 The system shall record customer feedback

 Food
 The system shall track all meals purchased in the hotel (restaurant and room service).

 The system shall record payment and payment type for meals.

 The system shall bill the current room if payment is not made at time of service.

 The system shall accept reservations for the restaurant and room service.

 Admin Console
 The system shall allow for the addition of information, regarding rooms, rates, menu items, prices, and user

 The system shall allow for the deletion of information, regarding rooms, rates, menu items, prices, and user

 The system shall allow for the modification of information, regarding rooms, rates, menu items, prices, and user

 The system shall allow managers to create a new user

 The system shall allow managers to assign user a new password

 Report Management
 The system shall display the hotel occupancy for a specified period of time (days; including past, present, and
future dates).

 The system shall display projected occupancy for a period of time (days).

 The system shall display room revenue for a specified period of time (days).

 The system shall display food revenue for a specified period of time (days).

 The system shall display an exception report, showing where default room and food prices have been
Resources & Limitations
 External Interfaces:Standard input/output devices for a personal computer.

 Software Interfaces:All databases for the HMS will be configured using MYSQL. These databases include hotel
rooms and customers information. The room database will include the room numbers and if they are vacant or
occupied. The customers information database will contain all the information of the customer such as first name,
last name, number of occupants, assigned room, default room rate, phone number, confirmation number, check in
date and time, check out date and time, amount owed by customer, and abbreviated customer feedback.

 Hardware Interfaces: Microsoft Windows based system (Core i3 processor, Min 8 GB RAM, 250GB HDD)

 Functional Requirements:The functional requirements for the system are divided into three main categories,

 Customer management

 Reservation/Booking

 Food

 Admin Management

 Report management

 Accessibility: Application will only be accessible within Hotel network. This will protect the application from Hackers
and prevent data breach.

 This will help Hotels in keeping accurate records of their billing

 Complete set of information will be available with the staff about current price, room availability and total
bill of the customer

 Application can be accessed by any machine within hotel network

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