Data Structure Previous Year Paper - B.C.A Study
Data Structure Previous Year Paper - B.C.A Study
Data Structure Previous Year Paper - B.C.A Study
A study
B.C.A study
Note: Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks. The answer to short questions
should not exceed 200 words and the answer to long answer type questions should not exceed 500
1.(A) What is data structure? Explain various types of data structure in detail.
(B) Differentiate between row major and column major array index notation. How is index
calculated in both.
2.(A) What is sparse matrix? Write a C program to add two sparse matrices and explain the assumed
data structure.
(B) Convert the following infix expression to postfix using stack (A+B*C)/(D-E)+F
3.(A) What is meant by circular queue and priority queue. write a function to insert and delete an
element from a circular queue.
(B) What do you mean by linked list? Write a function to insert and delete a node in linked list.
4.(A) Write a C/C++ program to reverse a linked list by traversing it only once.
(B) What is binary tree? Explain the representation of binary tree? Explain the different operation
an a binary tree.
5.(A) List the types of binary search trees. Explain insertion and deletion operation on a binary search
(B) Show the result of inserting 3,1,4,6,9,2,5,7 into an initially empty binary search tree. Also show
three result of deleting the root.
6.(A) What is B-Tree? Generatea B-Tree of order 5 with the alphabets arrive in the sequence as follows
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a g b k d h m j e s I r x c l n t u p.
7.(A) Explain the concept of hashing division method of hashing. Store the following values in a hash
table of size 11,25,45,96,101,102,162,197,201.
(B) What is the difference between a heap and a binary tree? Obtain heap and binary search tree for
following data set.
Note: Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks. The answer to short questions
should not exceed 200 words and the answer to long answer type questions should not exceed 500
1. (A) What do you mean by complexity of an algorithm? Explain the meaning of worst case analysis
and best case analysis with an example.
(B) Why do we use a sympatotic notation in the study of algorithm? Describe commonly used
asymptotic notation and give their significance.
2. (A) Define list .what are the type of linked list. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
linked list and application of linked list.
3.(A) Given the following inorder and preorder traversal reconstruct a binary tree
Inorder – D,G,B,E,A,F,I,C
Preorder – A,B,D,E,H,C,F,I
(B) What is a binary tree? What is the maximum numbers of nodes possible in a binary tree of depth.
Explain the following term with respect to binary trees 2/4
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(B) Describe insertion sort with a proper algorithm. What is the complexity of insertion sort in
the worst case?
5.(A) Define Hashing. How do collision happen during hashing? Explain the different techniques
resolving of collision.
Describe how the values are hashed by using division method of hashing with a table size of
7. Use chaining as the method of collision resolution.
(B) Write the algorithm for converting from infix to post fix.
7.(A) how do you push and pop elements in a stack. Explain the application of stack?
(B) What are queues? Write down algorithm for inserting and deleting elements from a queue
implemented using arrays.
(C) Explain the application of a stack for implementing function call and return mechanism.
(c) B-Tree
(B) Explain the various collision resolving technique used in hashing functions.
Note: Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks. The answer to short questions
should not exceed 200 words and the answer to long answer type questions should not exceed 500
1. Write a program in C to obtain the sum of two upper triangular matrices of order 3×3.
2. (A) Explain the procedure of converting from infix to postfix with the help of an expression tree.
3.(A) Write a C program to count the number of nodes (elements) in a singly linked list.
(B) Write a program in C to insert an elements (new node) in a singly linked list at the third
position from the start node.
4. (A) What is Binary search tree? Write the application areas that use a binary search tree.
(B) What do you understand by the spanning tree(T) of a given graph G? What is the difference
between a tree and a graph?
(C) How can binary searches trees be used for the creation of index sequential Files.
7.(A) Write the algorithm for binary search and explain it.
8. Explain the technique of ‘Hashing’ as an effective searching technique. What are ‘Collisions’? How
can they be handled ?
(c) Recursion.
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