Lab - Stoma Opening in Response To Light
Lab - Stoma Opening in Response To Light
Lab - Stoma Opening in Response To Light
Aim: Investigate the effect of light on the opening of the plant leaf stoma.
1. The day before, wrap half of a plant's leaves with tin foil
2. On the day of the experiment, make sure that the plant has been exposed to light for at least 2 h
3. Remove and unwrap the leaves
4. Immediately paint a 1 cm3 patch of clear nail varnish on each leaf
5. Label each leaf as light or dark and let the varnish dry
6. Apply clear tape on the varnish and peel off
7. Stick the tape and varnish peel on a microscope slide
8. Observe and count the ratio of open/closed stoma in each prep (count at least 20 stoma per sample)
9. Make sure you observe at least 3 sample for light and dark
10. Record your results and process accordingly (table and graph)