Articulo de La Clase
Articulo de La Clase
Articulo de La Clase
Corresponding Author:
Natasya Aprila Yusuf
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Raharja, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
In the face of the continually evolving digital transformation era, organizations are not only expected
to adapt but also to understand, adopt, and optimize technology to enhance their performance[1]. The dynamic
nature of the market compels organizations to innovate and adopt the latest technology to improve performance,
adaptability, and even energy efficiency[2]. This research is conducted with the primary goal of exploring an
organization's potential in responding to the impacts of cutting-edge technology[3].
One technology that has captured the attention of many organizations is Business Intelligence System
(BIS)[4]. BIS is not just a data analysis tool but also a key to facing the complexity of business dynamics. The
adoption of BIS technology is directed towards enhancing managerial excellence, enabling organizations to
respond to market changes more quickly and effectively[5].
This research not only aims to synthesize knowledge from relevant literature but also to provide a
holistic understanding of the impact of Business Intelligence System (BIS) technology, especially in the
organizational context[6]. Focusing on aspects such as information management, strategic decision-making,
and operational efficiency improvement, the research results are expected to provide profound insights into
how BIS adoption can shape organizational paradigms, propelling them forward in addressing the demands of
change and modern business complexity[7]
It is important to realize that BIS integration is not just a technological transformation but also reflects
the cultural and strategic evolution of organizations[8]. Therefore, this research will not only provide insights
into the benefits of this technology but also explore how organizations can optimize their potential, respond to
challenges, and seize opportunities in this digital era[9].
Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) go beyond providing insightful analysis, they also streamline the
process of collecting and presenting data, supporting well-informed decision-making[13]. Organizational
performance indicators, such as the efficiency of the decision-making process and productivity levels, serve as
benchmarks for evaluating the positive impact of information technology and information systems[14]. The
adoption of BIS technology transcends being merely a technological tool, it is a pivotal element in an
organization's strategy to sustain competitiveness. Thoughtful utilization of information technology can foster
an environment in which organizations can continually evolve and adapt to market changes[15].
H1: The adoption of technology, particularly Business Intelligence Systems (BIS), demonstrates a positive
correlation with organizational performance
process optimization empowers organizations to unlock the full potential of their information technology, gain
a competitive edge, and swiftly adapt to evolving market demands.
H3: The adoption of technology, particularly through systems such as Business Intelligence Systems (BIS),
exhibits a positive correlation with the optimization of business processes.
This research employs a quantitative approach and specifically focuses on the analysis of
organizations that have implemented technology, particularly Business Intelligence Systems (BIS), to enhance
managerial excellence. Data collection was conducted online, involving 150 respondents from five
organizations in Indonesia. The majority of respondents are acquainted with and have integrated BIS
technology into their organizational operations. Data were gathered through a structured questionnaire,
utilizing a scoring scale ranging from 1 to 5.
The primary objective of this research is to assess the impact of technology adoption on Business
Process Optimization. Utilizing the Smart PLS analysis method, this research empirically examines the
relationship between variables, such as Technology Adoption, which gauges the extent to which an
organization has adopted and integrated technology, particularly BIS, into its operational activities. This
analysis aims to predict the repercussions of technology adoption, ultimately influencing organizational
performance in both the aspects of Organizational Performance and Decision Making
The initial action undertaken by the researcher involved conducting measurements on the model to assess
its validity and reliability. The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value serves as an indicator to gauge the
degree to which an indicator correlates positively with other indicators, and it is deemed satisfactory if it
surpasses > 0.5. Furthermore, a loading factor value is deemed acceptable if it exceeds > 0.7. While an AVE
value above 0.5 is deemed adequate, a value ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 is still considered suitable for further
The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values obtained in this study were 0.769, 0.783, 0.756, and
0.816. Each of these values surpasses the commonly accepted AVE threshold of 0.5. These findings affirm that
all the constructs under examination have effectively demonstrated convergent validity, implying that the
utilized indicators exhibit strong and consistent correlations with one another.
An examination of the research findings presented in Table 2. suggests that the correlation within each latent
construct surpasses the correlation between latent constructs that stem from different constructs. Consequently,
it can be inferred that each variable in this study holds a high level of significance regarding accuracy and
validity. In other words, all constructs adhere to the established standards.
The analysis focused on four constructs: Decision Making (DM), Optimization of Business Processes
(OBP), Organizational Performance (OP), and Technology Adoption (TA). The findings indicate that the
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value for each construct surpasses the correlation between the respective
constructs. Specifically, the AVE for Decision Making is 0.877, exceeding correlations Optimization of
Business Processes (0.829), Organizational Performance (0.823), and Technology Adoption (0.786). Similarly,
the AVE for Optimization of Business Processes is 0.885, surpassing correlations with Organizational
APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM), Vol. 8, No. 1, 2024: 40-48
46 E-ISSN: 2622-6804 P-ISSN: 2622-6812
Performance (0.827) and Technology Adoption (0.853). Additionally, the AVE for Organizational
Performance is 0.869, correlating with Technology Adoption (0.806). Lastly, the AVE for Technology
Adoption is 0.903, indicating a higher value than its correlation with Decision Making (0.786), Business
Process Optimization (0.853), and Organizational Performance (0.806). These results demonstrate that each
variable effectively captures a significant amount of distinct variation from one another.
Table. 3 R-Square
Table 3. presents the R-square values for three distinct groups, Decision Making (0.618), indicating
approximately 61.8%; Optimization of Business Processes (0.804), achieving 80.4%; and Organizational
Performance (0.649), representing roughly 64.9%. These R-square figures underscore the efficacy of the-
regression model in elucidating the factors influencing Readiness to Change and Job Engagement within the
context of this study.
Table. 4 Statistical Hypothesis Testing Results
Original T statistics P values Decision
sample (O) (|O/STDEV|)
Decision Making -> Optimization of 0.273 2.515 0.012 Supported
Business Processes
Organizational Performance -> 0.245 2.287 0.022 Supported
Optimization of Business Processes
Technology Adoption -> Decision 0.786 11.356 0.000 Supported
Technology Adoption -> 0.442 4.476 0.000 Supported
Optimization of Business Processes
Technology Adoption -> 0.806 14.995 0.000 Supported
Organizational Performance
Table 4. reveals that each of the examined relationships (DM > OBP, OP > OBP, TA > DM, TA > OBP,
and TA > OP) demonstrates statistical significance, as evidenced by the initial sample values (falling between
0.245 to 0.806), elevated T statistics (ranging from 2.287 to 14.995), and P values of 0.022, 0.012, and 0.000.
Each hypothesis presented in the table receives support.
The examination of AVE values underscores the distinctiveness of each construct, with Decision
Making (0.877), Optimization of Business Process (0.885), Organizational Performance (0.869), and
Technology Adoption (0.903) capturing significant unique variations. R-square values offer insights into the
efficacy of the regression model, indicating that Decision Making, Business Process Optimization, and
Organizational Performance explain approximately 61.8%, 80.4%, and 64.9% of the variation, respectively.
Furthermore, the results of statistical hypothesis testing, detailed in Table 4, affirm the significance of
the relationships (DM > OBP, OP > OBP TA > DM, TA > OBP, and TA > OP). The statistical significance is
evident in the sample values, high T statistics, and low P values (0.022, 0.012, and 0.000), providing robust
support for each hypothesis.
This research comprehensively explores organizations' capacity to navigate the impacts of cutting-edge
technology, with a specific emphasis on the adoption of Business Intelligence Systems (BIS). The findings
demonstrate that the adoption of technology, particularly through BIS, exhibits a substantial positive
correlation with organizational performance, the quality of decision-making, and the optimization of business
An examination of construct reliability, discriminant validity, and R-square values allows for the
overarching conclusion that each variable under scrutiny Decision Making (DM), Optimization of Business
Process (OBP), Organizational Performance (OP), and Technology Adoption (TA) exhibits robust reliability
and validity. This is underscored by the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values exceeding the 0.5 threshold,
indicating strong convergent validity and met discriminant validity.
Further scrutiny accentuates the distinctiveness of each variable, as evidenced by AVE values
reflecting significant variations. Decision Making (0.877), Optimization of Business Process (0.885),
Organizational Performance (0.869), and Technology Adoption (0.903) successfully capture substantial unique
variations. Moreover, the R-square value signifies the effectiveness of the regression model in elucidating
factors influencing readiness to change and engagement in work.
Consistently, the results of statistical hypothesis testing support a positive relationship between the
variables, affirming that BIS adoption effectively contributes to organizational performance enhancement,
improved decision-making quality, and optimized business processes. This implies that BIS integration
transcends mere technological transformation, encapsulating the evolution of organizational culture and
strategy in response to the demands of the digital era. These conclusive insights provide a robust foundation
for organizational leaders to comprehend and leverage technology's potential in addressing challenges,
adapting to change, and exploring opportunities in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
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