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Cinderella Play Script

Characters : Narrator, Cinderella, Stepsister 1, Stepsister 2, Fairy godmother,

Guest 1, Guest 2, Prince
Stepsister 2: (laughing) Have a great night working, Cinderella.
Narrator: After the evil stepsisters had left, suddenly, a fairy
Scene 1 (at Cinderella’s home) appeared.
Narrator: O nce upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella: O h my! Who are you?
Cinderella. She had two ugly stepsisters who were very
Fairy godmother: I’m your fairy godmother, beautiful Cinderella. I am here
cruel to her.
to help you go to the ball tonight.
Stepsister 1: Did you clean the kitchen?
Narrator: The fairy godmother waved her magic wand.
Cinderella: Yes, I did. Cinderella’s rags turned into a beautiful dress.
Stepsister 2: Did you polish my shoes? Cinderella: Wow! It’s so beautiful.
Cinderella: Yes, I did. Narrator: O n her feet were sparkling glass slippers.
Stepsister 1: Did you iron my clothes? Cinderella: O h, I love them!
Cinderella: Yes, I did. Narrator: The fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into an amazing
Stepsister 2: And...did you make breakfast? coach and some mice into horses.

Cinderella: Yes, breakfast is ready. Cinderella: What a lovely coach and handsome horses.

Narrator: The evil stepsisters made Cinderella do all the hard work. Fairy godmother: You are ready now, my dear. Have fun tonight, but be
back by midnight, or else!
Cinderella: (calling out) Stepsisters! A letter from the royal palace has
arrived for you. Cinderella: O kay, fairy godmother! Thank you.

Stepsister 1: (fighting) Give it to me! I want to open it.

Scene 2 (at the ball)
Stepsister 2: (fighting) N o! I want to open it.
Narrator: At the ball, everyone wondered who the beautiful
Stepsister 1 & 2: (looking at the invitation card) Look! We are invited to the princess was.
Prince’s ball at the royal palace.
Guest 1 (lady): Who is that beautiful princess?
Cinderella: (crying sadly) I wish I could go, too.
Guest 2 (man): I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in my life!
Narrator: The night of the ball arrived.
Stepsister 1: O h no! The Prince is going to dance with her.
Stepsister 1: (laughing) Ha, ha! We are going to have a great time at
Stepsister 2: This is not fair! He was meant to dance with me.
the ball.

Cinderella Cinderella
Cinderella Play Script

Prince: Would you like to dance with me? Narrator: Their feet were much too big. Then the Prince saw
Cinderella: O h, yes, your highness. Cinderella.

Narrator: The Prince danced every dance with her. Suddenly, the Prince: Let this girl try.
clock began to strike twelve. Stepsister 1: But that’s only Cinderella.
Cinderella: I must go! Thank you for the dance. Stepsister 2: She didn’t go to the ball. The slipper won’t fit her!
Prince: Please stay! (shouting) What is your name? Narrator: Cinderella sat down and tried on the slipper.
Narrator: Cinderella did not answer and ran back to the coach, but Prince: It fits!
she lost one of her glass slippers on the way. Then, the Cinderella: It fits!
coach and horses disappeared. Cinderella’s beautiful dress
Stepsister 1 & 2: (surprised) It fits?
turned back to rags.
Prince: (smiling) You are the one I’ve been looking for! What is
Cinderella: O h no! Everything’s gone. My beautiful dress and my
sparkling slippers, where are they? Was it a dream? your name?
Cinderella: (smiling) My name is Cinderella.
Scene 3 (at Cinderella’s home) Narrator: The Prince had found his princess and they lived happily
Narrator: The next day, the Prince set out to find Cinderella again. ever after.

Prince: I want every girl in the kingdom to try on this lost glass
slipper. I must find my princess.
Narrator: But the glass slipper didn’t fit anyone. The Prince then
arrived at Cinderella’s house.
Stepsister 1: G ood morning Prince. I am so happy that you found my
Stepsister 2: It is my slipper. I am the princess you are looking for.

Narrator: The ugly sisters tried to fit into the slipper.

Stepsister 1: Let me try first!

Stepsister 2: N o. Your feet are much too big. Give it to me!

Cinderella Cinderella
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Goldilocks, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear, Baby Bear

Narrator: G oldilocks tasted Daddy Bear’s porridge.

Goldilocks: O w! It’s much too hot.
Scene 1 (in front of the cottage)
Narrator: G oldilocks tasted Mummy Bear’s porridge.
Narrator: O nce upon a time there were three bears.
Goldilocks: Yuck! It’s much too cold.
Daddy Bear: (waving and smiling) I’m Daddy Bear.
Narrator: G oldilocks tasted Baby Bear’s porridge.
Mummy Bear: (waving and smiling) I’m Mummy Bear and this is...
Goldilocks: Yum! It’s just right!
Baby Bear: (excited) I’m Baby Bear!
Narrator: G oldilocks was so hungry that she ate all of Baby Bear’s
Narrator: The three bears loved to eat porridge every morning. porridge.
Mummy Bear: I made hot porridge. I put some berries in it today. Goldilocks: I’m full now. I think I’ll take a rest.
It smells nice, doesn’t it?
Narrator: G oldilocks sat down on Daddy Bear’s chair.
Baby Bear: Yum! It smells very nice and it looks delicious. Can I eat
Goldilocks: This is much too hard!
mine now?
Narrator: G oldilocks sat down on Mummy Bear’s chair.
Narrator: But their porridge was too hot to eat now.
Goldilocks: This is much too soft!
Mummy Bear: The porridge is hot this morning.
Narrator: G oldilocks sat down on Baby Bear’s chair.
Daddy Bear: Let’s all go for a walk. It will be cool when we get back.
Goldilocks: This is just right!
Baby Bear: That’s a great idea, Daddy! Let’s go!
Narrator: But G oldilocks was too big for Baby Bear’s chair, so the
Narrator: A little girl called G oldilocks was out walking, too. She
chair broke!
passed by the three bears’ cottage.
Goldilocks: (falling down from the chair) O uch! O ops! The chair is
Goldilocks: What a lovely cottage!
Scene 2 (inside the cottage) Narrator: G oldilocks decided to go upstairs for a sleep. She tried
Daddy Bear’s bed.
Narrator: G oldilocks went inside the three bears’ cottage and found
their porridge on the kitchen table. Goldilocks: This is much too hard.

Goldilocks: (sniffing) What a smell! What’s that? Wow! Look at that! It Narrator: G oldilocks tried Mummy Bear’s bed.
looks delicious! Goldilocks: This is much too soft.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Play Script

Narrator: G oldilocks tried Baby Bear’s bed. Three bears: Who are you and what are you doing here?
Goldilocks: This is just right! Narrator: G oldilocks woke up and jumped out of the bed.
Narrator: G oldilocks lay down in Baby Bear’s bed and fell fast asleep. Goldilocks: O h my!
Narrator: G oldilocks ran away as fast as she could.
Scene 3 (inside the cottage)
Goldilocks: (running away) Ahhhhhh!
Narrator: Soon, the three bears came back from their walk.
Baby Bear: (crying) O h dear! I didn’t want to scare her away!
Baby Bear: I’m so hungry!
Narrator: The three bears never saw G oldilocks again.
Daddy Bear: Grrrrrrr! Someone’s been eating my porridge.
Mummy Bear: Ahhhhh! Someone’s been eating my porridge.

Baby Bear: Hmmmph! Someone’s been eating my porridge, and

they’ve eaten it all up!
Narrator: The three bears were so sad. Daddy Bear went to sit
Daddy Bear: Grrrrrrr! Someone’s been sitting in my chair.
Mummy Bear: (running from the kitchen) Ahhhhh! Someone’s been sitting
in my chair.
Baby Bear: Hmmmph! Someone’s been sitting in my chair and they’ve
broken it!
Narrator: N ow, Daddy Bear and Mummy Bear were very angry. The
three bears went upstairs.
Daddy Bear: Grrrrrrr! Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.
Mummy Bear: Ahhhhh! Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.

Baby Bear: Hmmmph! Someone’s been sleeping in my bed and she’s

still there!

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Hansel and Gretel Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Father, Hansel, Gretel, Witch

Narrator: Then, Hansel and Gretel saw a pretty cottage.

Hansel: Let’s go and ask for some food.
Scene 1 (at home)
Gretel: That is a great idea, Hansel.
Narrator: Hansel and Gretel lived near a dark forest with their father
Narrator: As Hansel and Gretel got closer to the house, they
and their stepmother.
realized it was a special house.
Father: G ood morning, children. Did you sleep well?
Hansel: Look! It’s made of sweets.
Hansel: Yes, I slept very well.
Gretel: ...and gingerbread!
Gretel: Me too, Father.
Hansel: Let’s try some.
Father: Excellent. What are you going to do today?
Gretel: It’s delicious!
Hansel: We are going to get some sticks in the woods.
Narrator: Hansel and Gretel nibbled away like hungry mice.
Father: But, you do that everyday! Suddenly an old woman opened the door.
Gretel: We know! But stepmother told us she needed firewood Witch: You are eating my house. Are you hungry?
everyday to keep our cottage warm.
Hansel and Gretel: (jumping in shock and dropping their food) We’re so
Father: Well, be careful. You may get lost if you go too deeply into sorry.
the woods.
Hansel: We didn’t mean to eat your house...
Hansel: Don’t worry, Father.
Gretel: ...but we were so hungry.
Scene 2 (in the forest) Witch: (smiling sweetly) Come inside, dear children.

Narrator: O ne day, they got lost deep among the trees. Narrator: Hansel and Gretel stepped inside the house. Then the
old woman locked the door.
Gretel: Hansel, where are we? It’s getting late.
Witch: How dare you eat my cottage! N ow, I will eat you,
Hansel: I don’t know, Gretel.
boy! And you, lazy girl, can get to work!
Gretel: I’m very hungry.
Hansel and Gretel: (scared and starting to cry) N o, we didn’t mean to.
Hansel: Me too. We’re sorry.
Gretel: Father will come and find us. Narrator: She was a wicked witch!

Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel Play Script

Scene 3 (at the witch’s cottage) Witch: Stupid girl! Like this!

Narrator: The witch locked Hansel in a chicken cage. Narrator: Suddenly, Gretel had a great idea. As the witch bent
right over, clever Gretel pushed her inside the oven
Witch: You are too skinny to eat now, but I will fatten you up. Little girl,
and slammed the door.
get me some gingerbread.
Witch: (screaming) It’s too hot! Let me out, little girl. LET ME
Gretel: N o, I won’t.
O UT!!
Witch: Then, I could eat you first!
Gretel: (opening the chicken cage) Come out, Hansel.
Hansel: Please Gretel, do as she says.
Hansel: Where is the wicked witch?
Narrator: Each day, the witch fed Hansel lots of sweets and gingerbread.
Gretel: I pushed her into the oven and locked the door.
And each day, she felt Hansel’s finger to see if he was fat
enough to eat, but he knew she couldn’t see well. Hansel: You are so clever and brave!

Witch: Show me your finger, boy! Narrator: They took the witch’s stolen treasure. Then, Hansel
and Gretel found their way out of the dark forest, and
Hansel: (holding out a chicken bone) Here it is.
soon found their way home again.
Witch: (grumbling) Still too thin!
Hansel and Gretel: (shouting with joy and running towards the house) Father!
Narrator: Soon the witch grew tired of waiting. Father! We are home.
Witch: I can’t wait any longer! I shall eat you tomorrow! Father: Hansel! Gretel! Where have you been? I have been so
Hansel: O h no! worried.

Gretel: (crying) O h dear! Hansel: We got lost in the woods and the wicked witch tried to
eat us.
Witch: Little girl, go and cut the wood to make the oven nice and hot.
Father: O h my! I am sorry I let you go into the forest. I missed
Narrator: Hansel began to worry and Gretel couldn’t stop crying.
you very much. Your stepmother has gone. She can
never hurt you again.
Scene 4 (at the witch’s cottage)
Narrator: Hansel, Gretel, and their father lived happily ever after.
Narrator: The next morning, the witch decided to eat both children.

Witch: (craftily) Gretel, climb into the oven to see if it’s hot enough.
Gretel: I don’t know how. Show me.

Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel

Jack and the Beanstalk Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Jack, Mother, Old man, Giant

Mother: Did you get a good price for the cow?

Jack: N o, Mom. But I got these magic beans instead!

Scene 1 (at home)
Mother: (angry) What? O h, you foolish boy!
Narrator: O nce upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived in a
Jack: Mom, they will make us rich! Trust me.
small cottage with his mother. Jack and his mother were very
poor. All they had was a cow. Mother: N o way! These beans are useless!

Mother: Jack, we don’t have any money. So, I think we have to sell the Narrator: Jack’s mother was very cross and threw the beans out of the
cow. window.
Jack: O kay, Mom. I will take the cow to the market.
Scene 2 (on the ground & in the castle)
Mother: Be careful, Jack.
Narrator: During the night, the magic beans grew into a huge beanstalk.
Narrator: O n the way to the market, Jack met a little old man.
By morning, the beanstalk reached high into the sky. Jack was
Old man: G ood morning, young boy. Where are you taking that cow? so surprised.
Jack: I’m taking it to the market, sir. My mother and I are poor, so we Jack: Wow! This beanstalk is huge!
need some money.
Narrator: Jack climbed and climbed and when he reached the top, he
Old man: I would like to buy the cow from you. found a huge castle.
Jack: Really? Jack: O h my! There is a castle in the sky! I can’t believe this.
Old man: I don’t have money. Instead, I’ll give you five magic beans. Narrator: Jack crept inside.
Jack: Magic beans? Mmm. Jack: (whispering to himself) Everything is so big in here. Who lives in
Old man: They will make you rich. this big castle?

Narrator: Jack had to think about it. He wanted to make his mother Narrator: Suddenly, the floor began to shake.
happy. Jack: (scared) What is that noise?
Jack: O kay! You can take the cow! Giant: (shouting) Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman ...
Narrator: Jack ran all the way home. He was so excited to tell his mother Be he alive or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.
about the old man and the magic beans. Jack: (whispering) O h no! It’s a giant! What can I do? Is there any place
Jack: (running home) Mom, Mom, Mom! Look what I have got! to hide? O h, there is a place.

Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk Play Script

Narrator: Jack hid in a cupboard and watched as the giant ate five sheep Jack: I have to chop this beanstalk down right now!
for his meal. Then he called for his hen. Narrator: With his axe, Jack chopped down the beanstalk.
Giant: Lay me a golden egg. Giant: Ahhhhh!
Narrator: Jack watched in amazement as the hen laid a perfect golden
Narrator: The giant fell to the ground with a thud. That was the end of
egg. him!
Jack: It’s amazing! I wish I had that hen. Then Mom and I would be Mother: O h my! It’s a giant! Jack, what is going on?
Jack: The magic beans grew into this huge beanstalk. So, I climbed
to the top and found the giant’s castle. I watched this hen lay a
Scene 3 (in the castle & at home)
perfect golden egg.
Narrator: As soon as the giant was full, he fell fast asleep.
Mother: Are you telling me the truth, Jack?
Jack: N ow he is asleep. I will take the hen and climb back down the
Jack: (smiling) Yes, Mom. You’ll see.
Narrator: Jack was right. The hen laid a golden egg every day and Jack
Narrator: Jack quickly picked up the giant’s hen. But the hen began to
and his mother were never poor again.
squawk and flap its wings.
Jack: Shh! Be quiet! The giant might wake up!
Narrator: The giant woke up!

Giant: (shouting) Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!
Jack: (running) O h no! Time to go!
Narrator: Jack ran back to the beanstalk and climbed down as fast as he
Giant: (yelling) I’ll get you!
Narrator: Jack reached the bottom of the beanstalk.

Mother: Jack, where have you been? Why do you have a hen?

Jack: Mom, hurry! Give me an axe!

Mother: Here you are. What are you going to do with an axe?

Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Beanstalk

The Little Red Hen Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Little Red Hen, Cat, Dog, Rat, Miller

Dog: I don’t like to work!

Rat: I have to drink some juice.
Scene 1 (on the farm)
Little Red Hen: Then I must do it myself.
Narrator: O ne day on the farm, the Little Red Hen found some
Narrator: So the Little Red Hen did it herself.
grains of wheat.
Little Red Hen: Wow! Look what I found on the ground. I want to plant Scene 2 (on the farm)
them. Who will help me plant them?
Narrator: As time went by, the wheat grew ripe.
Cat: N ot I!
Little Red Hen: The wheat is ready now. Who will help me cut the wheat?
Dog: N ot I!
Cat: N ot I!
Rat: N ot I!
Dog: N ot I!
Cat: I am going to take a nap.
Rat: N ot I!
Dog: Me too!
Cat: (yawning) I’m tried.
Rat: I am going to read a newspaper.
Dog: (yawning) Me too.
Little Red Hen: Then I must do it myself.
Rat: (yawning) So am I.
Narrator: The Little Red Hen worked hard all day and planted all the
grains of wheat herself. Little Red Hen: Then I must harvest it myself.

Little Red Hen: It was hard to plant all those grains. Narrator: The Little Red Hen worked hard by herself all day in the
hot sun. Soon the wheat was ready to carry.
Narrator: The Little Red Hen’s wheat grew, but the weeds grew,
too. Little Red Hen: It is very heavy. Who will help me carry the wheat?

Little Red Hen: O h, look! Weeds are all around. Who will help me weed? Cat: N ot I!

Cat: N ot I! Dog: N ot I!

Dog: N ot I! Rat: N ot I!

Rat: N ot I! Cat: (grumbling) We are going for a walk.

Cat: I don’t know how to weed! Dog: (grumbling) We can’t help.

The Little Red Hen The Little Red Hen

The Little Red Hen Play Script

Rat: (grumbling) Don’t ask us anymore! Cat: But, I’m hungry.

Little Red Hen: Then I must carry it to the mill myself. Dog: Me too.
Narrator: So, the Little Red Hen carried it to the mill. Rat: So am I.
Miller: G ood afternoon, Little Red Hen. How can I help you, Little Red Hen: You never wanted to help me. Why should I share my
today? bread with you?
Little Red Hen: Here is all the wheat that I have grown. Will you grind it Narrator: So Cat, Dog, and Rat stayed hungry and the Little Red
into flour? Hen and her chicks ate up all the bread.
Miller: O f course.
Little Red Hen: Thank you.

Narrator: So the miller ground the wheat into flour.

Scene 3 (on the farm)

Narrator: O nce all her wheat had been ground into flour, the Little
Red Hen returned to the farm.
Little Red Hen: Who will help me make and bake my bread?

Narrator: N obody answered. Cat, Dog and Rat were all sleeping.
Little Red Hen: Then I will make and bake it myself!

Narrator: When the bread was ready, Cat, Dog, and Rat smelt
something delicious.
Little Red Hen: Who will help me eat my bread?

Cat: Me!
Dog: Me!
Rat: Me, me, me!
Little Red Hen: (laughing) Ha! Ha! Ha! Who is asking you? I am calling all
my little chicks to help me eat my bread.

The Little Red Hen The Little Red Hen

Little Red Riding Hood Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Mother, Father, Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf,
Grandmother, Woodcutter
Wolf: I see. Take care of yourself. G ood-bye, little girl.
Little Red Riding Hood: G ood-bye, Mr. Wolf.
Scene 1 (in the forest)
Narrator: The wolf had a plan.
Narrator: O nce upon a time, there was a girl called Little
Wolf: (looking at the little girl’s back) I know the fastest
Red Riding Hood. She lived with her mother and
way to get there. Before she arrives, I’ll eat her
father in a cottage in the forest.
grandmother, and then I’ll eat the little girl.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood, your grandmother is ill. I
would like you to take this cake to her. It will make Scene 2 (in Grandmother’s cottage)
her feel better.
Narrator: The wolf took a short cut to Grandmother’s
Little Red Riding Hood: O kay, Mother.
cottage and knocked on the door.
Father: Remember, walk straight there. Do not stop or
Wolf: Hello, Grandmother. It’s Little Red Riding Hood.
talk to strangers.
May I come in?
Little Red Riding Hood: Don’t worry. I will not talk to any strangers.
Grandmother: (whispering) That’s not Little Red Riding Hood. I
Mother & Father: Be careful, Little Red Riding Hood. should hide somewhere.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood started to walk through Narrator: Grandmother quickly hid in the cupboard. The
the woods to her grandmother’s house. wolf opened the cottage door and went inside.
Little Red Riding Hood: O h! What beautiful flowers! Grandmother loves Wolf: (grumbling) There’s no one here! I will get into bed
flowers. I’ll pick some for her. and wait for the little girl.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood stopped to pick some Grandmother: (whispering) O h no! But Little Red Riding Hood is
flowers. The big, bad wolf crept up behind her. clever. She will be okay.
Wolf: Hello, little girl. Where are you going? Narrator: The wolf jumped into Grandmother’s bed and put
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m taking this cake to Grandmother. on a nightgown and cap. Soon, Little Red Riding
Hood knocked on the cottage door.
Wolf: How kind of you! Your grandmother will be happy.
Where does your grandmother live? Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, Grandmother! This is Little Red Riding
Hood. May I come in?
Little Red Riding Hood: She lives in a cottage right next to the big tree
over the hill. Wolf: (in Grandmother’s voice) Come in, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood Play Script

Little Red Riding Hood: Where are you, Grandmother? Woodcutter: You’re safe now, little girl.
Wolf: (in Grandmother’s voice) I’m in bed, dear. Little Red Riding Hood: (whimpering) Thank you for saving me.

Little Red Riding Hood: My, what big ears you have, Grandmother! Woodcutter: You’re welcome.
Wolf: (in Grandmother’s voice) All the better to hear you Little Red Riding Hood: Grandmother, where are you?
with. Grandmother: I’m in the cupboard, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: My, what big eyes you have, Grandmother!
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood ran to the cupboard and
Wolf: (in Grandmother’s voice) All the better to see you let her grandmother out.
with. Little Red Riding Hood: Are you okay?
Little Red Riding Hood: My, what big teeth you have, Grandmother!
Grandmother: Yes. I’m okay. (to the woodcutter) Thank you for
Wolf: (roaring) All the better to eat you with! saving my granddaughter.
Narrator: The wolf jumped out of the bed and went straight Woodcutter: It was no problem.
for Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood: I’ll never talk to strangers in the forest again!
Wolf: I’m going to eat you, little girl!
Little Red Riding Hood: (screaming and running) Ahhhhh! Help me!

Wolf: Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to

strangers? Ha, ha, ha...
Little Red Riding Hood: O h no! Please don’t eat me! Help!

Scene 3 (in Grandmother’s cottage)

Narrator: Just then, a woodcutter walked past the cottage

and heard the screaming.
Woodcutter: O h my! What a bad wolf!
Narrator: The woodcutter ran inside and chopped the wolf’s
head off!
Wolf: (screaming) O h no! Ahaaaa!

Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood

Puss in Boots Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Puss, Miller’s son, King, Princess, Ogre’s servant 1, Ogre’s
servant 2, Ogre
Narrator: Puss took other gifts to the palace.
King: Who has sent these gifts?
Scene 1 (at home & in the palace)
Puss: All of these gifts are from the Marquis of Carabas.
Narrator: The miller’s son was very poor. All he owned was a
Narrator: The King and Princess were very pleased.
talking cat called Puss.
Puss: Why are you so sad, Master? Scene 2 (outdoors)
Miller’s son: Puss, I am poor.
Narrator: O ne day, the King and Princess came riding by.
Puss: I have an idea! Give me some boots and a bag, and I’ll
Puss: Master, take off your clothes and jump into the river.
make you rich!
Miller’s son: Why should I do that, Puss?
Narrator: The miller’s son gave Puss a pair of boots and a bag.
Puss: Trust me, Master. Just do as I say.
Miller’s son: What are you going to do with these?
Miller’s son: O kay.
Puss: I’ll call you the Marquis of Carabas. Do everything I say
and your dreams will come true! Narrator: So the miller’s son jumped into the river as Puss had told
him. Puss hid his clothes and started to shout for help.
Miller’s son: Are you sure, Puss?
Puss: (shouting) Help! Help! The Marquis of Carabas has been
Puss: Trust me! Just do everything I say, okay?
robbed! He’s drowning! Help! Help!
Miller’s son: O kay! I’ll do everything you say.
Miller’s son: (drowning) Puff! Puff!
Narrator: O ne day Puss went into the woods.
Princess: Father, please help him.
Puss: I will catch a rabbit with my bag and take it to the royal
King: Servants, go and save that man now! It is the kind
palace. The King will be impressed.
Marquis of Carabas.
Narrator: Puss caught a rabbit and took it to the royal palace.
Narrator: The King’s servants saved the miller’s son and gave him
Puss: (presenting the rabbit to the King) This is a gift from the some clothes.
Marquis of Carabas, your Majesty.
King: Marquis of Carabas, are you ok?
King & Princess: (pleased) O h!
Miller’s son: Yes. Thank you for saving me, your Majesty.
King: That is an excellent rabbit. Thank the Marquis of Carabas
King: Can we take you back to your castle?
for his kindness.

Puss in Boots Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots Play Script

Miller’s son: (whispering to Puss) But I have no castle. Narrator: The King and Princess were delighted.
Narrator: Puss had a plan. King: Marquis of Carabas, would you like to marry my
Puss: (whispering) Don’t worry. Follow me. daughter? She is a beautiful girl and will make a
good wife.
Narrator: N earby was a beautiful castle, owned by a terrible
ogre. Puss spoke to the ogre’s servants. Miller’s son: I would be honored, your Majesty.

Puss: Tell the King that the Marquis of Carabas is your Princess: (smiling) Thank you, Father.
master, or there’ll be trouble. Puss: O h, I’m so happy.
Ogre’s servant 1 & 2: O kay. We don’t want any trouble. Narrator: The Princess and the miller’s son got married and
Narrartor: Then, the King rode by the ogre’s castle. Puss lived happily ever after.

King: Who owns these woods and fields?

Ogre’s servant 1 & 2: (bowing) The Marquis of Carabas, your Majesty.

Scene 3 (in Ogre’s castle)

Narrator: Puss ran ahead to the ogre’s castle. Then he went to

find the ogre.
Puss: Dear O gre, I have heard that you can turn into a lion.
Ogre: O f course, you strange talking cat. I can turn into a
lion. See. (turning into a lion) RO AR!
Puss: That’s good! But I bet you can’t turn into something
small, like a mouse.
Ogre: O f course I can. See! (turning into a mouse) SQ UEAK!
Narrator: Puss liked mice, so he ate him up! Soon the King
King: Who owns this beautiful castle?
Puss: The Marquis of Carabas, of course!

Puss in Boots Puss in Boots

The Sleeping Beauty Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Queen, King, Wicked fairy, Fairy 1, Fairy 2, Fairy 3,
Good fairy, Princess, Prince
Wicked fairy: (flying away) It’s too late. See you in fifteen years, everyone.

King: Can you break the spell, G ood fairy?

Scene 1 (in the castle)
Queen: (crying) Please save my daughter!
Narrator: O nce upon a time a beautiful princess was born.
Good fairy: I cannot break the spell, but I can make it better. The
Queen: O ur baby girl is beautiful. Why don’t we celebrate her birth? princess will not die, but she will sleep for a hundred years.
King: That is a great idea! Let’s have a big party! Queen: (crying) A hundred years? N o!
Narrator: The happy King and Q ueen gave a feast. They invited all King: Burn all the spindles in the land!
the good fairies in the land.
Narrator: The King and Q ueen burned all the spindles in the land.
King: Hello, fairies. You are all very welcome.
Queen: Thank you for coming. Scene 2 (in the tower)

Fairy 1, 2, & 3: Thank you for inviting us. Narrator: Fifteen years passed. O n her fifteenth birthday, the princess
Narrator: O ne by one, each fairy gave the baby princess a gift. climbed up a tower she had never visited before.

Fairy 1: I give my gift of beauty to the baby princess. Princess: I have never seen this tower before. I wonder what’s inside.

Fairy 2: I give the gift of kindness. Narrator: Inside, an old lady was spinning.

Fairy 3: I give her the gift of all good things. Wicked fairy: O h, come on in, Princess.

Good fairy: I give my gift of... Princess: Hello. What are you doing?

Narrator: As the last fairy stepped up to present her gift, a wicked Wicked fairy: I am spinning.
fairy flew in. Princess: Please, let me try.
Wicked fairy: (flying in with evil laugh) Hello, everyone! So you didn’t invite Wicked fairy: O f course, young lady. Come closer.
me! Well, when that baby is fifteen she will prick her finger
Narrator: While the princess was spinning, she picked up the spindle.
on a spindle and die!
Princess: O W! I pricked my finger!
Queen: (crying) N o! Please, no!
Wicked fairy: (evil laughing) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Long ago, your parents
Fairy 1, 2, & 3: O h no! This is horrible.
should have invited me!
King: I’m very sorry. Please break your spell.
Narrator: The princess fell asleep.

The Sleeping Beauty The Sleeping Beauty

The Sleeping Beauty Play Script

Wicked fairy: (flying away) Ha, ha, ha, ha! Princess: Yes, I will.
Narrator: Everyone else in the castle fell asleep, too. Narrator: The prince married the beautiful princess. And they lived
Years passed by. A thorn hedge grew up around the castle. happily ever after.
N obody could get through.

Scene 3 (in the castle)

Narrator: After a hundred years, a prince came to the castle. The

thorns parted.
Prince: This is very strange. There is a castle behind these thorns.
Narrator: The prince went into the courtyard, through the hall, and
up to the tower. There he found the beautiful sleeping
Prince: She is so beautiful. (kissing)
Princess: (yawning and waking up) O h my! You saved me. Thank you.
Prince: The pleasure is all mine, princess. You are beautiful.
Princess: (blushing) Thank you.
Narrator: Everyone else woke up, too.
Queen: Princess! You are awake.
King: You are back!
Princess: This prince woke me up.
King: Thank you, Prince. The good fairy’s spell worked.
Prince: It was my pleasure, your Majesty.
Princess: Thank you for saving us.
Prince: Dear Princess, you are so beautiful. Will you marry me?

The Sleeping Beauty The Sleeping Beauty

Snow White Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Queen, Snow White, Little Mouse, Mirror, Huntsman, Scene 2 (in the woods)
Dwarf 1, Dwarf 2, Dwarf 3, Prince
Narrator: The Q ueen asked Snow White to get some flowers in the
woods. There, the huntsman was waiting for Snow White to
Scene 1 (in the castle) kill her.
Narrator: O nce there was a beautiful but wicked queen. She hated Huntsman: Snow White, the wicked Q ueen has ordered me to kill you.
her pretty stepdaughter, Snow White. Snow White: (crying) O h no! Why?
Queen: (talking to herself) Why does everyone like her? She is not as
Huntsman: I do not know, Snow White. You must run far far away.
beautiful as me.
Snow White: O h dear, Huntsman! Thank you for letting me go.
Little Mouse: You are beautiful, Snow White and you have a beautiful
mind, too. Narrator: The kind huntsman let Snow White go. Snow White walked
far into the woods. Suddenly she found a house with small
Snow White: Thank you, little mouse. You are kind.
beds inside.
Queen: (growling) I hate her!
Snow White: I’m so tired. I should rest here for a while.
Narrator: The Q ueen had a magic mirror. Everyday she asked it the Narrator: Snow White fell asleep. When she woke up, she found
same question. seven dwarfs there!
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Snow White: O h! Are these your beds? Sorry, I just wanted to take a rest.
Narrator: The mirror always answered ... Dwarf 1, 2, & 3: Who are you and why are you here?
Mirror: You, Q ueen. You are the fairest of them all. Snow White: I’m Snow White. My stepmother, the Q ueen, wants to kill
Narrator: But one day it answered ... me.
Mirror: Snow White! Dwarf 1: That is awful.
Queen: (screaming) N o! I will ask you again. Mirror, mirror on the Dwarf 2: O h, heaven! You can stay with us, Snow White!
wall, who is the fairest of them all? Dwarf 3: Yes, please stay with us, Snow White!
Mirror: Snow White. Snow White is the fairest of them all. Narrator: The next day, the Q ueen once again asked her magic
Narrator: The Q ueen was very angry. She ordered her huntsman to mirror.
kill Snow White. Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
Queen: Huntsman, go and kill Snow White! Mirror: Snow White! She’s living in the woods.
Huntsman: Yes, your Majesty. Queen: (shouting) What?

Snow White Snow White

Snow White Play Script

Narrator: The Q ueen was even angrier. She made a plan to kill minutes, Snow White woke up.
Snow White herself. Dwarf 3: She’s all right! It was the Q ueen again. How horrible she is!
Queen: I will kill Snow White myself. N o one can be more
beautiful than me. Scene 3 (in the woods)

Narrator: The Q ueen dressed as an old lady and knocked at the Narrator: A few days later, the Q ueen found out that Snow White
dwarfs’ cottage. was still alive. This time she came dressed as a farmer’s
Queen: Hello, young lady. Try these laces! wife.

Snow White: O h, they are beautiful. Queen: G ood morning, beautiful girl. Would you like to share my
Narrator: The Q ueen pulled and pulled and pulled the laces.
Snow White: It looks delicious! Thank you, kind lady.
Snow White: O h, I can’t breathe. Help!
Narrator: Snow White took a bite and fell down as if dead.
Narrator: The Q ueen ran away. The dwarfs came home and saw
Snow White. They undid the laces and soon Snow White Queen: Finally, she’s dead! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
was well again. Dwarf 1, 2, & 3: O h no! The Q ueen has finally killed Snow White.
Snow White: Thank you! I couldn’t breathe. The old lady pulled the Narrator: The dwarfs were so sad. They put Snow White in a glass
laces so tight. coffin. O ne day a prince rode by.
Dwarf 2: She must be your stepmother, the Q ueen. You must be Prince: What a beautiful girl! I think I have fallen in love with her.
very careful, Snow White.
Narrator: As the Prince went to kiss her, the apple fell out of Snow
Narrator: The next day, the Q ueen knocked at the door again. This White’s mouth and she woke up.
time she was dressed as a pedlar.
Prince: Are you okay? What is your name, beautiful girl?
Snow White: Who is it?
Snow While: (blushing) My name is Snow White. Thank you for saving
Queen: Don’t be afraid young lady. I am just a pedlar. Here’s a me.
pretty comb.
Prince: Will you marry me, Snow White?
Snow White: O h, wow! Thank you.
Snow White: Yes, I will.
Narrator: When the comb touched Snow White’s hair, she fainted.
Narrator: The Prince and Snow White got married and lived
Narrator: The dwarfs quickly took the comb out. After a few happily ever after.

Snow White Snow White

The Elves and the Shoemaker Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Shoemaker, Shoemaker’s wife, Customer 1, Customer 2,
Customer 3, Elf 1, Elf 2
Shoemaker’s wife: Again? Really? Wow, they are beautiful too. Where are
they coming from?
Scene 1 (at the shoemaker’s home)
Shoemaker: I don’t know what’s going on.
Narrator: O nce there lived a poor shoemaker. The shoemaker Narrator: A couple entered the shop as soon as the shoemaker
was so poor that he could only buy leather for one pair opened the door.
of shoes.
Customer 2 (lady): O h, these are lovely shoes, dear! I want to buy them.
Shoemaker’s wife: It’s very late, darling. Are you going to make the shoes
Customer 3 (man): Yes, they are. And look at these shoes.
Customer 2 (lady): They look great!
Shoemaker: (sadly) N o, I will make the shoes tomorrow morning.
Let’s go to bed, dear. Customer 3 (man): (looking at the shoemaker) We’ll take both pairs of shoes,
Narrator: The shoemaker and his wife went to bed.
Shoemaker: O f course. Thank you very much, sir.
Scene 2 (at the shoemaker’s shop) Narrator: The shoemaker sold the shoes straight away.
Narrator: The next morning, the shoemaker was amazed. Months passed. Each day, the shoemaker bought more
leather. And next morning, he found new shoes. Soon,
Shoemaker: Wow! It’s a miracle. The leather has been made into a
the shoemaker was rich.
pair of beautiful shoes!
Shoemaker’s wife: We must find out who is helping us!
Shoemaker’s wife: (surprised) I can’t believe this!
Shoemaker: You’re right! Let’s stay up one night and find out who it is.
Narrator: That day, two customers came into the shoemaker’s
shop. Narrator: So, one night the shoemaker and his wife hid and
Customer 1 (lady): Those shoes are beautiful. I’ll take them.

Shoemaker: Thank you, madam. Please come back again. Scene 3 (at the shoemaker’s shop & home)
Narrator: The shoemaker sold the beautiful shoes and bought Narrator: At midnight, two tiny elves jumped in through the
more leather with the money. The next morning, he window. They had ragged jackets and bare feet.
was astounded.
Elf 1: Here’s some new leather.
Shoemaker: O h my! There are two pairs of beautiful shoes this
Elf 2: Let’s make shoes! Hurry!

The Elves and the Shoemaker The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Elves and the Shoemaker Play Script

Narrator: As quick as a flash, the elves made the leather into

beautiful shoes.
Elf 1: I’m finished.
Elf 2: Me too. Let’s leave now.
Narrator: Then they disappeared. The shoemaker and his wife
were very surprised.
Shoemaker: They are so small. How do they work so quickly and
make such beautiful shoes?
Shoemaker’s wife: We must do something for the elves. I will make them
some warm clothes to say thank you.
Shoemaker: And I will make them new shoes!
Narrator: The shoemaker and his wife left the new clothes and
shoes on the table and waited until midnight.
Shoemaker’s wife: Here they come, dear.

Shoemaker: Shhhh!
Elf 1: Look! There are tiny, beautiful shoes here!
Elf 2: And there are tiny, beautiful clothes, too. Let’s try them
Elf 1: These new clothes and shoes fit perfectly.
Elf 2: And they are so warm.
Narrator: Then the elves danced for joy and skipped out of the
window. They never came back, but the shoemaker
and his wife lived happily ever after.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Littlest Billy Goat, Middle-sized Billy Goat,
Biggest Billy Goat, Troll
Scene 2 (on the bridge)

Narrator: The three Billy G oats kept walking. First, the littlest
Scene 1 (across the bridge from the sweet grass) Billy G oat clattered onto the bridge.
Narrator: O nce upon a time, there were three Billy G oats Troll: Who’s that trip-trapping across my bridge?
Littlest Billy Goat: (squeaking) It’s only me.
Littlest Billy Goat: G ood morning!
Troll: (roaring) I’m going to eat you up!
Middle-sized Billy Goat: G ood morning, Littlest Billy G oat.
Littlest Billy Goat: But my brother is much fatter than me.
Biggest Billy Goat: G ood morning, everyone. Did you sleep well?
Troll: Really? O K, I will let you cross my bridge.
Littlest Billy Goat: I did. I am very hungry.
Narrator: Then, the middle-sized Billy G oat clattered onto
Middle-sized Billy Goat: So am I. the bridge.
Little Billy Goat: I want to eat the sweet grass across the river. Troll: Who’s that trip-trapping across my bridge?
Middle-sized Billy Goat: I want it, too. It looks delicious. Middle-sized Billy Goat: It’s only me.
Biggest Billy Goat: Yes. Let’s go and eat! Troll: (roaring) I’m going to eat you up!
Narrator: The three Billy G oats wanted to cross the bridge, Middle-sized Billy Goat: But my brother is even fatter than me.
but a wicked troll lived under the bridge.
Troll: Really? O K, I will let you cross my bridge.
Littlest Billy Goat: I heard about a troll under the bridge. I’m so
Narrator: N ow, it was the biggest Billy G oat’s turn. Could he
cross the bridge safely?
Biggest Billy Goat: Don’t worry.
Littlest Billy Goat: The troll will not let us cross the bridge. Scene 3 (on the bridge & in the meadow)

Middle-sized Billy Goat: There must be a way. Narrator: Finally, the biggest Billy G oat clattered onto the
Biggest Billy Goat: Come on. Let’s go.
Littlest Billy Goat: (worried) I hope big brother will be okay.
Middle-sized Billy Goat: He will. He is strong and brave.

Troll: (roaring) Who’s that trip-trapping across my bridge?

The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Billy Goats Gruff Play Script

Biggest Billy Goat: (bellowing) Me!

Troll: (roaring) I’m going to eat you up!
Biggest Billy Goat: (roaring) O h no, you’re not!
Troll: (roaring) O h yes, I am!
Narrator: The biggest Billy G oat snorted, put down his
head and charged.
Biggest Billy Goat: (shouting and butting) G o away, stupid Troll!
Narrator: The biggest Billy G oat butted the troll up into the
air, right off the bridge and into the river.
Troll: (screaming) Ahhhhh!
Littlest Billy Goat: (happily) Yeah!! He made it!
Middle-sized Billy Goat: I told you he was strong and brave!

Narrator: The wicked old troll was never seen again.

Biggest Billy Goat: (walking to his brothers) Well, that was easier than I
Littlest Billy Goat: I hope I am as strong and brave as you someday!
Biggest Billy Goat: I am sure you will be.
Middle-sized Billy Goat: I like this place!

Biggest Billy Goat: N ow, we can eat all the sweet grass we want.
Littlest Billy Goat: (eating) Yummy! It is delicious.
Narrator: The three Billy G oats Gruff ate the sweet grass in
the meadow and lived happily ever after.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Ugly Duckling Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Ugly duckling, Other duckling 1, Other duckling 2, Other
duckling 3, Farm animal 1, Farm animal 2, Swan 1, Swan 2, Swan 3
Scene 2 (in the reeds)

Ugly duckling: I should hide there so no animals can find me.

Scene 1 (on the pond)
Narrator: The ugly duckling hid in a reed bank all through the
Narrator: O nce upon a time, there was a sad and lonely duckling. summer and all through the autumn.
He was the ugliest duckling on the pond.
Ugly duckling: (lonely and sad) Why am I so big and ugly? All I want
Ugly duckling: I wish I had a friend. are some friends to play with.
Other duckling 1: Ugly Duckling! Why are you so big? Narrator: O ne day, the ugly duckling saw beautiful, large, white
Ugly duckling: (sadly) I don’t know. birds flying in the sky.
Other duckling 2: Ugly Duckling! We are brown. Why are you that ugly Ugly duckling: (looking up to the sky) They aren’t ugly and grey like
grey? me. They are beautiful. I wish I could be like them.
Then I would fly away.
Ugly duckling: (sadly) I don’t know.
Narrator: But the ugly duckling didn’t fly away.
Other duckling 3: You don’t know why? That’s because you are the stupid
ugly duckling. Ha, ha, ha! Ugly duckling: That’s just a dream. This is the only place I will be for
my whole life.
Ugly duckling: I can’t get along with other ducklings. I will go to the
farm. Maybe, I can find a friend there. Narrator: He hid in the reeds all through the cold winter, always
by himself.
Narrator: The ugly duckling went to the farm and met some
animals. Ugly duckling: (shivering) I’m so cold.

Ugly duckling: Hi, how are you?

Farm animal 1 & 2: (laughing) What a strange-looking duckling! Scene 3 (in the river)

Narrator: All the other farm animals kept teasing and laughing. Narrator: In spring, the ugly duckling swam through the reeds
into the river.
Farm animal 1 & 2: G o away, ugly duckling!
Ugly duckling: I feel lonely.
Narrator: The farm animals chased the ugly duckling far away.
Narrator: Then, three beautiful, large, white birds came flying
Ugly duckling: (running) They are so bad. I need a place to hide myself.
towards him.

The Ugly Duckling The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling Play Script

Ugly duckling: (hiding in the reeds) O h no! I will hide so that they won’t
laugh at me.
Narrator: But it was too late. The three white birds had seen the
ugly duckling.
Swan 1: Why are you all by yourself?
Ugly duckling: (crying) I was hiding because I’m so ugly.
Swan 2: But you’re not ugly. You’re as beautiful as we are.
Ugly duckling: N o way. I am a big, grey, and ugly duckling.
Swan 3: N o, you are not. Look at yourself in the river.
Narrator: The ugly duckling looked at himself in the river and
saw not an ugly duckling, but a beautiful, white swan.
Ugly duckling: (whispering) I’m white, not grey! I’m not an ugly
duckling anymore!
Swan 1, 2 & 3: Why don’t you come and join us?
Ugly duckling: Really? Will you be my friends?
Swan 1, 2, & 3: O f course, we will.
Narrator: Then, four beautiful swans rose up into the air and
flew away together.

The Ugly Duckling

The Three Little Pigs Play Script
Characters : Narrator, First little pig, Second little pig, Third little pig,
Mother pig, Wolf
Second little pig: Well, I am going to build a house of sticks. They are
stronger than straw and easy to find in the forest.
Scene 1 (at the pigs’ home)
Third little pig: I think I will build my house of bricks. They are
Narrator: O nce upon a time, there were three little pigs. stronger than straw and sticks.
First little pig: I want to see the bigger world. First & Second little pigs: Bricks?

Second little pig: Let’s leave home and build our houses. Third little pig: Yes. I want to build a strong house.
Third little pig: Yes, a very strong house! Second little pig: But, bricks are heavy.
Mother pig: That’s a good idea, my children. G o and see the Third little pig: I know, but I want to build a strong house.
world. Narrator: So the three little pigs began to build their houses.
Narrator: So the three little pigs left their home. First little pig: I finished my house of straw.
Mother pig: (waving) Watch out for the big, bad wolf. Second little pig: I finished my house of sticks, too. Let’s ask our
First little pig: O kay, I will. brother if he needs any help.
Second little pig: I got it, Mom. First & Second little pigs: Brother! Would you like us to help you?

Third little pig: Don’t worry, Mom. Third little pig: N o, thank you. I can build my house by myself.
Three little pigs: G ood bye, Mom! Narrator: The third little pig kept building a house for a while.
Mother pig: G ood bye, dear children. Third little pig: (shouting with excitment) N ow I finished building my
house of bricks! It is very strong. The big, bad wolf
Scene 2 (near the first, second, and third little pigs’ houses) can’t get me!

Narrator: The three little pigs walked and walked. Finally First & Second little pigs: We are not afraid of the wolf!
they found a nice place to live.
Scene 3 (at the house of straw)
First little pig: Brothers, let’s build our houses here.
Second little pig: That’s a great idea! Narrator: O ne day, the big, bad wolf crept up to the house
of straw.
Third little pig: This is a lovely place.
Wolf: (growling) Let me in, little pig, let me in.
First little pig: I am going to build a house of straw. They are
light and easy to find in the field. First little pig: N ot by the hairs on my chinny chin chin.

The Three Little Pigs The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs Play Script
Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!
Narrator: So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the Narrator: Then the wolf crept up to the house of bricks.
house in. Wolf: (growling) Let me in, little pig, let me in.
Wolf: (puffing) Whooooo! Third little pig: N ot by the hairs on my chinny chin chin.
First little pig: (running away) Ahhhhh! Help! Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!
Narrator: The first little pig ran to the second little pig’s house. Narrator: So, he huffed and he puffed and he HUFFED and
Scene 4 (at the house of sticks)
Wolf: (puffing) Whooo! Whooo!
Narrator: The big, bad wolf crept up to the house of sticks. Narrator: But he couldn’t blow the house of bricks in.
Wolf: (growling) Let me in, little pig, let me in. Wolf: What’s wrong?
Second little pig: N ot by the hairs on my chinny chin chin! Third little pig: My house of bricks is strong!
Wolf: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in! Wolf: Then I will climb onto the roof.
Narrator: So, he huffed and he puffed and he blew the (shouting down the chimney) I’m coming to get you!
house in. Narrator: The third little pig quickly put a pot of boilng water
Wolf: (puffing) Whoooo! underneath the chimney. The wolf fell down right
First & Second little pigs: O h my! Run to our brother’s house. into the pot.
Wolf: (screaming) O uch!
Scene 5 (at the house of bricks)
Three little pigs: H O ORAY!
Narrator: The first and second little pigs ran to the third little First little pig: My house of straw was so weak.
pig’s house, and knock on the door.
Second little pig: My house of sticks was weak, too.
First & Second little pigs: Let us in!
First & Second little pigs: Thank you for saving us. Your house of bricks is the
Third little pig: What’s the matter with you? strongest.
First & Second little pigs: The big, bad wolf is chasing us! Third little pig: N ow, we all can live together in my strong house of
Third little pig: O h my! Come on in. Hurry up! bricks.
First & Second little pigs: We are in danger! The wolf is going to eat us all up! Narrator: The three little pigs lived happily ever after in their
house of bricks.
Third little pig: Don’t worry. He can’t get us.

The Three Little Pigs The Three Little Pigs

Thumbelina Play Script
Characters : Narrator, Thumbelina, Toad, Fish, Butterfly, Beetle, Fieldmouse,
Mole, Swallow
Beetle: I am taking you to my friends. They’ll like you.
Narrator: But the beetle’s friends thought she was ugly, so he left her
Scene 1 (outdoors)
on a daisy.
Narrator: Long ago, there was a beautiful, tiny girl called Thumbelina. Beetle: G ood bye now. My friends don’t like you.
Thumbelina: I like singing songs. La, la, la, ... Narrator: All summer, she listened happily to the birds singing sweetly,
Narrator: O ne night a toad stole her away but winter soon came along.
Thumbelina: (crying) What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Thumbelina: It’s getting colder. I need to find somewhere warm to stay.

Toad: I’m taking you to my son. Narrator: Thumbelina walked in the snow. She tried to find
Narrator: The toad trapped Thumbelina on a lily pad so she could not somewhere warm.
get away. Thumbelina: O h, I’m freezing. Help me!

Toad: You will marry my son! Narrator: Just then, a fieldmouse came and rescued her.
Thumbelina: (crying) O h no! Your son is horrible! Fieldmouse: You can stay with me, but you must marry my friend, the

Narrator: A fish heard Thumbelina crying and nibbled the lily pad free. mole. He lives underground.
Thumbelina: (crying) O h no ... not again!
Fish: (whispering) Thumbelina, Thumbelina! Don’t cry. I will save
you. Narrator: It was too cold outside, so Thumbelina had to stay with the
Thumbelina: (smiling) Thank you, Fish!

Narrator: When Thumbelina floated away, a beautiful butterfly came

Scene 2 (underground)
Narrator: The fieldmouse took Thumbelina underground to meet the
Butterfly: Hello, Thumbelina. Hold on to this string and I will pull you
along until you are safe.
Fieldmouse: Hi, Mole. This is Thumbelina and she is going to marry you.
Thumbelina: How kind of you. Thank you, Butterfly!
Mole: She is beautiful. Thank you, Fieldmouse. Hello, Thumbelina!
Narrator: Then suddenly, a beetle swooped down and grabbed
Thumbelina. Thumbelina: (sadly) Hello.

Thumbelina: (frightened) Help! Help me! Narrator: Then the mole showed Thumbelina a dead swallow at the
end of his tunnel.

Thumbelina Thumbelina
Thumbelina Play Script

Mole: (kicking the bird) Stupid bird! Thumbelina: O kay, I will.

Thumbelina: Don’t do that. Please! Narrator: Thumbelina climbed onto the swallow’s back. They flew over
Mole: It’s okay. He’s already dead. fields, seas, and mountains.
Thumbelina: Thank you for saving me, Swallow!
Thumbelina: (kissing the bird) Poor bird... Thank you for singing so sweetly
last summer. Swallow: You’ll be safe here, Thumbelina.
Narrator: Thumbelina made a blanket and covered the swallow. Narrator: Thumbelina and the swallow landed in the swallow’s snug
Thumbelina: It will keep you warm.
nest. Thumbelina was safe and happy at last.

Swallow: (moving) Mmmmm!

Thumbelina: O h my! You are alive! But your wing is torn.

Narrator: Thumbelina nursed the swallow better until springtime.

Scene 3 (underground & outdoors)

Narrator: It was springtime now. The swallow was almost strong

enough to leave.
Swallow: Thank you, but I must go soon. What will you do,
Thumbelina: (sadly) I must stay here. The fieldmouse is planning my
wedding to the miserable mole.
Swallow: Well, good luck, Thumbelina. G ood bye.
Narrator: The day before her wedding, Thumbelina took a long, last
look at the outside world.
Thumbelina: I’ll miss this beautiful land and blue sky.

Narrator: Thumbelina would live underground from then on. But just
then, the swallow saw her and flew down.
Swallow: Dear Thumbelina, do come with me!

Thumbelina Thumbelina

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