Kirje 2023 10
Kirje 2023 10
Kirje 2023 10
Even easier tasks are more difficult than school tasks, and it is not assumed that you can solve them without effort.
Persistence pays off. Even if the task could not be completed, those who think about it for a long time will learn more about
model solutions. Even in easier tasks, it is essential to write the reasons and not just calculate the final result with e.g. a
calculator. The tasks are not necessarily in order of difficulty.
We are well aware that there are many sources on the internet where you can find solutions; https:// and https:// are probably the most famous. There is no harm in using them and you can learn a lot from them,
but we recommend you try it yourself first. Also thinking about tasks with other trainees, if the opportunity presents itself,
should be instructive.
Sometimes mistakes slip into tasks. The detected errors are reported on the coaching page
Note! Below, we will also pay attention to the spelling of the answers, and you will have negative
also give feedback if you write the answers unclearly.
We draw attention to e.g. to the following matters:
• The decision-making steps must be justified with reasonable precision, and too long leaps of intuition must not be made.
However, it is difficult to define what is a "too long leap of intuition". For example, the following jump is too long:
Now x1, . . . , x40 is a queue of a regular 20-sided P arm. So there exists 1 ÿ i < j ÿ 40 for which xi = xj .
Now x1, . . . , x40 is a queue of a regular 20-sided P arm. Since a regular 20-hedron has only 30 edges, there
exist 1 ÿ i < j ÿ 40 for which xi = xj .
• A correct mathematical text consists of complete sentences, and formulas are also part of the sentences.
An example of this style can be found in the recent model answers for letter coaching. This is worth striving for. Since
you are not yet a university student, I will also accept as an answer, e.g., the beginning of a united sequence using
only equivalence signs, if the task allows for such a solution.
• If you are unsure about the legibility of your test, type the answers.
You learn to produce good mathematical text only by practicing. When you write your answers well in a competition
situation, you can be sure that you won't lose points because the judges didn't understand your great ideas.
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Easier tasks
1. The escalator goes up one step in two seconds. Janne is in the middle of the escalator.
He walks one step per second. First one up, then two down, then one up, then two down, etc.
Is Janne moving up or down as a whole?
2. Let A be the set of points in the plane whose coordinates are both integers. In this task, we examine the division of the plane
into quadrilaterals that fulfill the following conditions
• All vertices of all quadrilaterals are points of set A, and every point of set A is a vertex of at least one quadrilateral.
• Each point in the plane is either an interior point of exactly one quadrilateral, exactly two quadrilaterals
a common edge point, or a vertex of several quadrilaterals.
The division of the plane into square squares like on graph paper, and the side length of the square is 1, is clearly a division
into quadrilaterals that fulfills the above conditions. Give an example of another division of the plane into quadrilaterals that fulfills
the above conditions.
3. We have a regular cube-shaped dice with faces numbered 1-6, each number is used once. These numbers are called eye
numbers. Faces 1 and 6 are opposite, likewise faces 2 and 5 are opposite and faces 3 and 4 are opposite.
Faces t are selected from the dice, and the numbers of all the faces that have a common edge with Tahko t are added up,
except that Tahko t's own number of cells is not included in the total. What are all the values that sum can have?
2x _ +y = 10(x + y)
= 2(x ÿ y)
1 1 1 1
< ++···+n+1n+ <1
2 2n+n
6. Let the triangle have sides a, b, c, using the same letters also as the lengths of the sides. The medians drawn on sides a and b
are perpendicular to each other. 2 2 2 + b = 5c
Prove that it doesn't .
7. Let x1, . . . , x101 between real numbers of different sizes. Let's form the sums x1 + x2, x2 + x3, x3 + x4, x101 + x1.
What is the smallest possible number of different numbers that can appear in these sums?
8. Three ballerina figures spin on their pedestals. The first completes a complete circuit in 30 seconds, the second in 50 seconds
and the third in 70 seconds. At instant 0, everyone faces north.
What is the first moment when everyone's face is pointing south?
9. Find all solutions of the following equation when a, b, c are positive real numbers.
1 1
a+b+c= 1++b = 3.
a c
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11. The crew of a spaceship consists of n spacemen. The spacemen accuse each other of being Cylons, however, so that the
following are valid:
Prove that there are no two spacemen so that they blame each other.
a a
12. Let a, b be positive integers for which b
> ÿ 2. Prove that b
1 2ab
> ÿ 2.
ÿ 2x _ = yz + 1
2 = zx + 1y
2z = xy + 1
14. Let a, b be rational numbers for which a + b and a are are integers. Prove that aa, b are total
15. There are 37 students in the class. The teacher gives each student 36 crayons so that the following conditions are met:
• If A and B are any two students, A and B have exactly one chalk of the same color.
What is the smallest amount of different colors that a teacher should have available?
16. Let n be a natural number. The game board consists of 40 numbered dots evenly spaced around the circumference of the
circle. Anne and Bertta play the next game. At the beginning, Anne places a piece on a point on the game board.
Bertta doesn't see the game board, but on her turn Bertta announces the four points on the game board, and if the checker is
in one of them, Bertta wins.
On her turn, Anne moves the checker one step in either direction or leaves the checker in place.
18. 128 people sit in a row around a long table. The type on the left has 128 paper pin cashiers. The bell rings every minute.
Whenever the bell rings, each person can do one of the following operations if they wish: • Divide the piece of paper they have into
two pieces of
People try to distribute the papers so that at the end everyone has one paper. How long does it take at least?