BC1 01 21

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MQF/EQF Level 1


Introductory Certificate in Business

Course Specification
BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Course Description
This programme is aimed at learners who would like to explore the world of studying
business related subjects. During the programme, learners will be exposed to the basics
of business concepts including organisational structures and different business areas.
The course will also provide learners with skills related to subjects such as English,
Mathematics and Maltese as well as other key skills units which will help them in their
progression towards further studies.

Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programme the students is able to

1. Understand basic business principles.

2. Perform simple supervised tasks in an office.
3. Describe basic processes related to the business environment.
4. Apply key skills within a business environment.

Entry Requirements
 Finished Compulsory Education

Other Entry Requirements

 Initial Assessment Tests and/or interview (as may be applicable)

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Key Information

Awarding Body – MCAST

Accreditation Status – Accredited via MCAST’s Self Accreditation Process (MCAST holds
Self-Accrediting Status as per 1st schedule of Legal Notice 296/2012)

Type of Programme: Qualification

Fig.1: p56, Ministry for Education and Employment & National Commission for Further and Higher Education Malta (2016). Referencing Report, 4th
Edition. NCFHE.

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Total number of Hours: 1000 hours

Mode of attendance: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Duration: 1 Year

Target audience for MCAST full-time courses is 16 to 65+

Target group: Learners who have completed compulsory education.

The official language of instruction at MCAST is English. All notes and textbooks are in
English (except for language courses, which will be in the respective language being
instructed). International candidates will be requested to meet English language
certification requirements for access to the course.

This course will be offered at

MCAST has four campuses as follows:

MCAST Main Campus

Triq Kordin, Paola, Malta

All courses except for the Institute for the Creative Arts, Centre of Agriculture,
Aquatics and Animal Sciences are offered here.

Institute for the Creative Arts

Mosta Campus
Misraħ Għonoq Tarġa Gap,

Institute of Applied Sciences,

Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences,
Luqa Road, Qormi

Gozo Campus
J.F. De Chambray Street
MCAST, Għajnsielem

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The programmes offered are vocational in nature and entail both theoretical lectures
delivered in classes as well as practical elements that are delivered in laboratories,
workshops, salons, simulators as the module requirements dictate.

Each module or unit entails a number of in person and/or online contact learning hours
that are delivered by the lecturer or tutor directly (See also section ‘Total Learning

Access to all resources is provided to all registered students. These include study
resources in paper or electronic format through the Library and Resource Centre as well
as tools, software, equipment and machinery that are provided by the respective
institutes depending on the requirements of the course or module.

Students may however be required to provide consumable material for use during
practical sessions and projects unless these are explicitly provided by the College.

All Units of study are assessed throughout the academic year through continuous
assessment using a variety of assessment tools. Coursework tasks are exclusively based
on the Learning Outcomes and Grading Criteria as prescribed in the course
specification. The Learning Outcomes and Grading Criteria are communicated to the
Student via the coursework documentation.

The method of assessment shall reflect the Level, credit points (ECTS) and the schedule
of time-tabled/non-timetabled hours of learning of each study unit. A variety of
assessment instruments, not solely Time Constrained Assignments/Exams, are used to
gather and interpret evidence of Student competence toward pre-established grading
criteria that are aligned to the learning outcomes of each unit of the programme of

Grading criteria are assessed through a number of tasks, each task being assigned a
number of marks. The number of grading criteria is included in the respective
Programme Specification.

The distribution of marks and assessment mode depends on the nature and objectives
of the unit in question.

Coursework shall normally be completed during the semester in which the Unit is

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Time-constrained assignments may be held between 8 am and 8 pm during the delivery

period of a Unit, or at the end of the semester in which the Unit is completed. The
dates are notified and published on the Institute notice boards or through other means
of communication.

Certain circumstances (such as but not limited to the Covid 19 pandemic) may lead
Institutes and Centres to hold teaching and assessment remotely (online) as per MCAST
QA Policy and Standard for Online Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Doc 020)
available via link https://www.mcast.edu.mt/college-documents/

The Programme Regulations referenced below apply. (DOC 003 available at: link

Total Learning Hours

The total learning hours required for each unit or module are determined as follows:

Indicative contact Total Student Self-Learning and

Credits (ECTS)
hours workload (hrs) Assessment Hours

1 5 – 10 hrs 25 hrs 20-15 hrs*

2 10 – 20 hrs 50 hrs 40-30 hrs*
3 15 – 30 hrs 75 hrs 60-45 hrs*
4 20 – 40 hrs 100 hrs 80-60 hrs*
6 30 – 60 hrs 150 Hrs 120-90 hrs*
9 45 – 90 hrs 225 hrs 180-135 hrs*

12 60 – 120 hrs 300 hrs 240-180 hrs*

* The ‘Self-Learning and Assessment Hours’ amount to the difference between the
contact hours and total student workload.

Grading system

All MCAST programmes adopt a learner centred approach through the focus on Learning
Outcomes. The assessment of MCAST programmes is criterion-referenced and thus

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

assessors are required to assess learners’ evidence against a pre-determined set of

Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria.

For a student to be deemed to have successfully passed a unit, a minimum of 50% (grade
D) must be achieved. In case of part time programmes, the student must achieve a
minimum of 45% to successfully pass the unit.

All units are individually graded as follows:

A* (90-100)
A (80-89)
B (70-79)
C (60-69)
D (50-59)
Unsatisfactory work is graded as ‘U’.

Work-based learning units are graded on a Pass/Fail basis only.

Detailed information regarding the grading system may be found in the following
document: DOC 003 available at: link https://www.mcast.edu.mt/college-documents/

Intake Dates

•MCAST opens calls for application once a year between July and August of each year
for prospective applicants residing in MALTA.
•Applications to full-time courses from international students not residing in MALTA
are accepted between April and Mid-August.
•For exact dates re calls for applications please follow this link

Course Fees

MCAST course are free for Maltese and EU candidates. International candidates coming
from outside the EU need to pay fees for the respective course. Course fees are set on
a per-level and course duration basis. For access to course fee structure and payment
methods please visit https://www.mcast.edu.mt/fee-payments-for-non-eu-

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Method of Application

Applications to full-time courses are received online via the College Management
Information System. Candidates can log in using Maltese Electronic ID (eID) or European
eIDAS (electronic identification and trust services) to access the system directly and
create an account as the identity is verified electronically via these secure services.

Non-EU candidates need to request account creation though an online form by providing
proof of identification and basic data. Once the identity is verified and the account is
created the candidate may proceed with the online application according to the same
instructions applicable to all other candidates.

Non-EU candidates require a study visa in order to travel to Malta and joint the course
applied for. For further information re study-visa please access

For access to instructions on how to apply online please visit


Contact details for requesting further information about future learning opportunities:

MCAST Career Guidance

Tel: 2398 7135/6
Email: [email protected]

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Current Approved Programme Structure

Unit Code Unit Title ECTS Semester
BCBST-106-2101 Business Organisations 1 6 YEAR
BCBST-106-2102 Business Organisations 2 6 YEAR
CDKSK-105-1926 Mathematics 5 YEAR
CDKSK-105-1927 English 5 YEAR
CDKSK-105-1928 Maltese 5 YEAR
CDKSK-105-2106 Information Technology 5 YEAR
CDKSK-103-2101 Community Social 3 YEAR
CDKSK-105-1930 Science 5 YEAR
Total ECTS 40 /

BC1-01-21 Course Specification

BCBST-106-2101: Business Organisations

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 6

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 150

Unit Description

The aim of this unit is to develop the learner's understanding of the general business
activity in the public and private sectors, and the role of different departments of a
business. Factors influencing business decision-making, growth and ethical
considerations are essential values. Learners not only study business concepts and
techniques, but also enhance ethical and IT skills. Therefore, corporate social
responsibility, health and safety at the workplace, and the different forms of enterprises
are overviewed. Moreover, graphical representations through the use of organizational
structures and the business environment will help learners understand the role of
employees and the business in a wider holistic framework.

Following the completion of this unit, the learner will be equipped with enough
knowledge to further his/her studies in business as this unit provides a good overview of
the day-to-day operations of organisations in the public and the private sectors.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Assess the nature of the economic problem.

2. Identify general business activities in the public and private sectors.
3. Evaluate the organisational structure and business management within a
4. Evaluate the operational and divisional management within a business.

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

BCBST-106-2102: Business Organisations

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 6

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 150

Unit Description
Upon completion of this unit, learners will be familiar with the basic practices adopted
by employees working within an organisation, with a special emphasis to an office
environment, as well as the techniques adopted by entrepreneurs to come up and
manage their businesses. Therefore, this unit will go over the different mediums and
forms of communication used among several stakeholders within organisations, as well
as barriers that interfere effective communication. Also, the common software and
hardware applications used within an office environment will be explored during this
unit, as well as understanding the steps undertaken by entrepreneurs when coming up
with a business idea and choosing their location.

Then, the unit goes over the day-to-day operations within an office such as when filing
documents (online or physical documents), preparing for meetings, and dealing with
different types of documentation. The employment strategy related to engaging and
training staff will also be explored, as well as dealing with industrial disputes at the

Finally, the unit concludes by reflecting on the pros and cons of eCommerce and the use
of social media within an organisation, as well as the ethical and social responsibilities
that are being expected by organisations today.

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Analyse underpinning core business activities.

2. Perform tasks within an office environment within a business organisation.
3. Manage employees within a business organisation.
4. Identify social, technological and environmental influences on business

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Unit: CDKSK-105-1926: Mathematics

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 5

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 125

Unit Description

The aim of this unit is to help the student to develop basic numeracy skills. It will
enable and motivate the student to use basic mathematical knowledge to solve
problems encountered in real-life situations. By the end of this unit, students will be
able to use simple mathematical language to validate the solutions given to everyday
problems. These problems will involve:

(a) simple numerical calculations,

(b) extraction and interpretation of data from statistical tables and charts,
(c) communication in graphical form,
(d) classification of flat shapes and solids.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Carry out simple numerical calculations with the use of a scientific calculator;
2. Give simple tabular and graphical representations of data;
3. Read and use units of measure;
4. Classify, draw and work with simple shapes and objects.

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Unit: CDKSK-105-1927: English

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 5

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 125

Unit Description

This unit covers the four skills of the English language at MQF Level 1. By the end of
the academic year, learners will have achieved exit-point at said Level 1.

This unit is internally assessed and verified. Assessment is carried out through
assignments based on the Learning Outcomes below.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Listen to and understand simple utterances delivered slowly and clearly

2. Speak and communicate using functional English language used in everyday
social and work environments;
3. Read level-appropriate texts for practical purposes;
4. Write level-appropriate texts for practical purposes.

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Unit: CDKSK-105-1928: Malti

Il-Livell tal-Unità: (MQF/EQF): 1

L-Għadd ta’ Kreditu: 5

Mod ta’ Tagħlim: Preżenti

Total ta’ Sigħat ta’ Tagħlim: 125

Deskrizzjoni tal-Unità

Fil-kors preliminari tal-Ewwel Livell tal-Kulleġġ Malti tal-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-

Teknoloġija, l-ilsien Malti jintgħallem biex l-istudenti:

1. ikunu kapaċi jużawh biex jikkomunikaw u jirrelataw man-nies ta’ madwarhom;

2. ikunu kapaċi jesprimu ħsushom, ħsibijiethom u xewqathom bil-fomm u bil-kitba;
3. jagħrfu l-aħjar mod li bih jitgħallmu u jisfruttaw il-potenzjal tagħhom;
4. jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex isiru persuni indipendenti, responsabbli u
5. jikkomunikaw fl-oqsma vokazzjonali tagħhom.

L-Għanijiet tat-Tagħlim

Biex l-istudenti jiksbu din l-unità jridu juru li kapaċi:

1. jifhmu xi jkun qed jintqalilhom u jwasslu messaġġi bil-Malti;

2. jiksbu l-ħila li jitkellmu b’Malti tajjeb dwar ħwejjeġ ta’ kuljum u l-qasam
3. jiksbu l-ħila li jaqraw testi qosra mibnija b’sentenzi sempliċi u jifhmuhom;
4. jiktbu b’ Malti tajjeb kitbiet qosra u sempliċi skont ir-regoli tal-ortografija u

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Unit: CDKSK-105-1930: Science

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 5

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 125

Unit Description

The word science comes from the Latin word "scientia,” which means knowledge, hence
according to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is
"knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths
of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method
[and] concerned with the physical world."

This means that science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge which uses
observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena.
Therefore, the purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality.

There are 2 fields of science which are: the natural science, which is the study of the
natural world, and the social sciences, which is the study of human behavior and

In this Level 1 key skill, learners will become familiar with the field of natural sciences.
Learners will be covering topics from 3 different areas, which are: the living world, the
physical world and the world of technology.

Learners will become familiar with living and non-living things, the 7 vital functions,
group objects found in the natural environment according to whether they are living or
non-living as well as the diversity of life. Hence, learners will be able to distinguish
between plants and animals in terms of their physical characteristics, observe and group
simple animals into different vertebrate groups according to their characteristics. In
addition, learners will also be able to describe how animals depend on plants for their
survival as well as demonstrate an awareness of the interaction between plants and
animals in a given environment.

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Learners will also study the human life, that is; the body structure, knowledge of and
the position of the main body organs and their function. This would lead to recognising
the importance of physical health and the importance of healthy food, clean water and
unpolluted air, the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise as well as the
harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and smoking.

With regards to the physical world learners will become familiar with matter and the 3
different states of matter, the knowledge about the materials that are used in everyday
life, the basic physical properties including colour, hardness, odour, taste, solubility
and electrical conductivity. Learners will also understand the properties and uses of
natural materials e.g. wood, limestone; group objects used in everyday life based on
their state of matter and physical properties.

Furthermore, learners will increase their awareness about local environmental issues
including energy sources and waste management. Learners will become familiar with
basic laboratory equipment, and the effect of friction in everyday life including
situations where friction is useful and others where friction is unwanted, and situations
where lubrication is used to reduce friction. Learners will be exposed to health and
safety issues including ways of reducing exposure to threats to health, increasing the
body’s resistance to disease and minimising the bad effects of disease including the
need of hygiene and inoculations to prevent disease; recognising situation of risk to
safety in a particular environment and describing how to avoid accidents.

Via an investigation related to their area of study, as part of the last learning outcome,
learners will be encouraged to think, ask questions and develop basic scientific skills
including predicting the outcome/s, carrying out simple measurements, collecting and
interpreting data. They will also be able to work on their communication skills by being
provided with the opportunity to communicate their findings to their colleagues.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Classify objects in the natural environment;

2. Use simple scientific terms related to basic scientific facts;
3. Understand the important role that science plays in everyday life;
4. Develop personal basic scientific skills.

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Unit: CDKSK-105-2106: Information Technology

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 5

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 125

Unit Description

This unit is made up of a number of competences including the competence to use

personal computers; the competence to manage efficiently a personal computer; the
competence to operate effectively within the operating system and the competence to
make productive, creative, and efficient use of the main office application software
packages: word processing software, presentation software, web-browsing software &
e-mail management software. Special attention is also given to the security aspects
when using the internet and related services.

This unit is designed to ensure that learners are not only taught the knowledge and
skills associated with productive, creative, and effective use of personal computers but
should be given sufficient opportunities to find, exchange and share information. This
should also ensure that learners develop the proper and correct attitudes associated
with the use of information and ICT.

This unit should guide the learners to have a broad understanding of how ICT can help
their learning, their work, and their social life. Learners will start to develop the ability
to decide when and how to use ICT and be aware of the limitations associated with this

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Demonstrate basic use of an operating system and file management.

2. Carry out simple tasks associated with a word processing application.
3. Use presentation software to develop basic presentations.
4. Browse the Internet and communicate using electronic communication.
5. Use the main concepts underlying secure ICT practices in daily life.

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BC1-01-21 Course Specification

Unit: CDKSK-103-2101: Community Social Responsibility

Unit Level (MQF/EQF): 1

Credits: 3

Delivery Mode: Fully Face-to-Face Learning

Total Learning Hours: 75

Unit Description

This key skill presents the opportunity for MQF level 1 learners to explore their
individual self and their social environment. Learners will become familiar with and
understand different aspects of their personal self as well as become familiar and grasp
different life skills that would empower them to become active members in society.
Whilst becoming more aware of themselves, learners will have the possibility to further
explore their surroundings and understand their relation and responsibility towards
others. The learners will also be presented with basic tools and techniques, which will
empower them in developing basic organisational skills. Through the completion of a
compulsory community work experience, learners will recognise the benefits of self-
management skills towards the acquisition of balance within one’s lifestyle.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner will be able to:

1. Identify the relation between basic personal traits and interests upon the
development of the self.
2. Identify opportunities for self-development within surrounding
3. Recognise adequate presentation and behaviour within different social
4. Describe the experience acquired through a community work initiative.

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