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Phillip Bowden & David Tabor

Leonardo Da Vinci  True area of contact is a very small
 conducted the first systematic study of percentage of the apparent area
friction  As the normal force increases, more
 has detailed study of notes and sketches asperities come into contact and the
that shows how he applied the knowledge average area of each asperity contact
for more than 20 years grows.
 his systematic study of friction underpins the
modern science of “tribology” TYPES OF FRICTION

Tribology Static Friction

 comes from the Greek word “tribos” which  force that keeps an object at rest
means rubbing  friction present between two or more
 science and technology of interacting objects that are not moving with respect to
surfaces in relative motion. each other
 focuses on friction, wear and lubrication of
interacting surfaces Kinetic Friction
 force that acts between moving surfaces
Additional Infos about History  friction present between two or more
500,000 BC objects that are in motion with respect to
 Early humans learn that by rubbing sticks each other
together with great force they could create
fire Rolling Friction
3500 BC  takes place when an object rolls on the
 People learned that rolling motion required surface
less effort than sliding takes place due to the deformation of surfaces

FRICTION Sliding Friction

 takes place when two surfaces are rubbed
 force that hinders or resists the relative against each other
motion of two contacting bodies.  takes place due to interlocking between
 originates from complex molecular and microscopic surfaces
mechanical interactions between
contacting surfaces. APPLICATIONS OF FRICTION
 commonly represented by the coefficient of
friction μ Manufacturing and Engineering
 Improves the efficiency of machines by
Laws of Friction reducing the amount of energy wasted due
 developed around 1495 - 1950 to heat production
 Increase the efficiency of the engine,
1495 reduce fuel consumption, and reduce
 Leonardo Da Vinci formulated the two emissions
basic laws of friction:
 Friction is independent of contact area. Create Heat and Energy
 Friction is proportional to load.  Used to create electricity, such as in
1699  used to create heat for industrial processes,
Guillaume Amontons such as in the production of plastic and
 rediscovered the two basic laws rubber
 friction was primarily the result of work done
to lift one surface over the roughness of the Reduce Wear and Tear of Machines
other  Helps reduce the amount of maintenance
required and extend the life of the engine
Sir Isaac Newton  Used to reduce the wear and tear on
 moving friction was not dependent on fabrics and machines
speed or velocity
Automotive Engineering Sliding Speed
 Used to improve the efficiency of engines,  In dry friction, an increase in sliding speed
reduce fuel consumption, and reduce results in an increase in coefficient of friction.
emissions As the coefficient of friction increases, it will
 Reduce the amount of energy lost due to also increase the wear. More wear on high
heat production speeds however, at extremely high speeds,
the process is reversed, and the wear will
Aerospace Industry decrease again.
 Improves the efficiency of airplanes and  In wet friction, the change in coefficient of
reduce fuel consumption friction is opposite of that of dry friction. As
 Reduce the wear and tear of aircraft, which the speed increases, the coefficient of
can help extend their lifespan friction decreases to a certain extent.

Textile Manufacturing Hardness

 Helps in drafting and drawing process  Hardness is often used in the field of wear
 Modifies the luster and appearance of a resistance as the criteria for judging alloys,
cloth castings, and overlays.
 The harder the material, the greater its wear
resistance is.
Modulus of Elasticity
Static Friction:  Elastic modulus is the material’s resistance
Fs = μs * N to non-permanent, or elastic deformation.
 The higher the material’s elastic modulus,
Kinetic Friction: the higher the resistance of the material to
Fk = μk * N wear. As materials with high elasticity tend
to resist stress and strain more.
Rolling Friction:
Fr = μr * N Load
 At higher load, the wear rate of the material
Sliding Friction: increases considerably. It is due to increase
Fsl = μsl * N and contact pressure resulting in increase in
abrasive wear.
 The increase in load causes the coefficient
of friction to increase, also increasing the
WEAR wear rate and loss of material.
 Is a process of removal of materials from
solid surfaces resulting from mechanical
action exerted by another solid. It occurs TYPES OF WEAR TYPES OF WEAR
when two solid objects are in sliding or
rolling motion with each other. Abrasive Wear
 This action is also called mechanical  Occurs when a harder material is rubbing
abrasion. It always results in a material loss against a softer material
due to friction that constantly removes
material from the surface of the object. Erosive Wear
 The impingement of solid particles, or small
drops of liquid or gas on a solid surface
FACTORS AFFECTING WEAR cause a wear that is known as erosion of
Temperature materials and component
 Increase in temperature results in most
objects to be softer and more ductile Frictional Wear / Adhesive Wear
making it susceptible for wear and abrasion.  Two bodies sliding over or pressed into each
 High temperature also affects the other which promote the material transfer
tribological properties of metals, such as from one to another
coefficient of friction, lubrication, and
surface adhesion. Fatigue Wear
 Type of wear in which the surface of a
material is weakened by cyclic loading.
Fretting Wear  Increased mechanical deformation
 Occurs between two contacting surfaces in enhances fracture toughness, leading to
constant cyclical rubbing of small higher wear rate at interfaces.
amplitude  There are operating conditions such as
applied load, sliding velocity, and
Corrosive and oxidation wear environment which affect the wear rate of
 Occur as a combined effect of chemical the ceramics
and mechanical action.
Effect of Chemical Environment
 Ceramics' interactions with atmospheric
WEARS ON DIFFERENT MATERIALS liquids or gases lead to chemistry changes
at interfaces.
Wear in Metals and Alloys  Surface modifications occur, causing
 Clean metallic surfaces are susceptible to chemical fracture and influencing material
friction and wear, leading to a high wear wear rate.
 Soft metals like Pb and Sn have high wear Effects of Sliding Velocity and Contact Pressure:
rates due to large contact areas even  Operating conditions like sliding velocity
under low loads. and contact pressure impact wear at the
 Hexagonal metals (Co, Mg) and non- interface.
hexagonal metals (Mo, Cr) exhibit lower  Mild wear results from changing conditions,
wear rates, making them useful as alloying producing fine, chemically distinct wear
metals in steels. debris.
 Wear rate of metallic materials is affected  Brittle fracture-induced wear mechanisms
by various factors beyond their physical and lead to high wear rates and rough surfaces.
chemical properties.  Low pressure and velocity result in minimal
 The operating conditions such as wear; high pressure and velocity cause
temperature, applied load and sliding severe wear.
velocity have a significant effect on the
wear rates of the metals. Wear in Polymers
Polymers vs. Metals and Ceramics
Effect of Temperature  Polymers exhibit lower friction coefficients
 Asperity-to-asperity contact at metallic and moderate wear rates compared to
interface. metals and ceramics.
 Temperature rise forms protective oxide films.  They belong to the family of self-lubricating
 Oxide film reduces wear rate. solids.
 Oxidation forms a protective layer at
ambient temperature. Wear Mechanisms in Polymers
 High temperature breaks down the oxide  The main wear mechanisms in polymers
layer, increasing wear rate. include adhesion, abrasion, and fatigue.
 These mechanisms occur when polymers
Effect of Applied Load and Sliding Velocity slide against harder material surfaces.
 Increased loads cause mechanical
damage, leading to wear. Wear Rate and Conditions
 Higher loads and velocity change interface  The wear rate is stable during the run-in
temperature. period.
 Altered temperature forms an oxide layer,  Over time, wear rates increase with higher
reducing wear rate. sliding speeds and changing operational
 Further increased temperature leads to conditions.
severe mechanical damage.  The interface temperature of polymers and
other solid lubricants depends on normal
Wear in Ceramics pressure and sliding velocity (PV).
 Ceramics have high mechanical strength,  Polymers can melt beyond their PV limit,
corrosion resistance, and oxidize at high even at ambient temperatures.
 These properties result in low area contacts, 2 Important Polymers
reducing friction and wear at surfaces. 1. Plastic
 Fracture toughness is a crucial ceramics
parameter influencing wear rate.
 Plastics have higher PV (pressure-velocity) can prevent unnecessary wear and
limits compared to elastomers, especially damage.
under conditions with low lubrication.
 Plastic composites' wear rates are
influenced by fiber orientation, where sliding
against the orientation increases wear rates
and vice-versa.

2. Elastomers
 Elastomers have lower PV limits than plastics.
 Elastomer composites show similar wear
rates to plastic composites.
 Wear and friction characteristics of
elastomers can be adjusted by
incorporating additives like silica and
graphite to enhance wear properties.


Use of Wear-Resistant Materials

 Using wear-resistant materials is a common
and simple approach to prevent wear.

Alteration of Material Properties

 Changing the material properties of
surfaces that come into contact can
prevent wear; this includes methods like
hardening or chemical modification.

 Lubricants create a protective barrier
between surfaces, minimizing direct
contact and reducing frictional forces.

 Regular maintenance and inspection of
machinery and components can help
identify wear issues early and prevent
further damage. This includes tightening
loose parts and replacing worn

Balancing Loads
 Distributing loads evenly across components
can help prevent localized wear. This may
involve using multiple bearings, guides, or

Temperature Control
 High temperatures can accelerate wear.
Proper temperature control, through
cooling or insulation, can help mitigate this

Proper Handling and Usage

 Educating operators and users about
proper handling and usage of equipment
MINERAL OILS which means they are relatively thick
and resistant to flow
What is Mineral Oils?  it changes with temperature. they
 Mineral oils are vital lubricants derived from become less viscous (thinner) at higher
crude oil and they offer advantages and temperatures; and more viscous (thicker)
disadvantages at lower temperatures.
 expressed as VI
 Cost-effective: inexpensive ENGINE OIL
 Abundant Source: Crude oil, available
everywhere  Synthetic motor oil has gone through a
 Reliable Performance chemically engineered process. Synthetic
Disadvantages oil molecules are more uniform in shape
 Limited Temperature Range with fewer impurities and better properties
 Environmental Concerns than conventional oil
 Compatibility Issues
Synthetic Blend Motor Oil (from Germany)
Sources of Mineral Oil
 Originate from the “Fossil Fuel Theory” Man-made
 It involves 4 stages  known as semi-synthetic or synthetic blend
 Organic matter Accumulation engine oil.
 Burial and Compression  provide a balance between the economy
 Hydrocarbon Formation offered by conventional oil and the superior
 Methane Production performacne of full synthetic oil

Types of Mineral Oils High Mileage Motor Oil (75,000 miles)

 Not all minerals are the same; they can be  formulated for late model vehicles or newer
based on: with over 120,000 km
 Chemical form
1. Paraffinic Conventional Motor Oil
 composed of straight-chain  formulated in a range of viscosity grades
hydrocarbons and quality levels.
 excellent oxidation stability, purity  it is recommended for drivers with simple
and low reactivity engine designs
2. Naphthenic
 contains cyclic hydrocarbons Emulsion
 offers good solvency and improved  a mixture of two or more immiscible liquids
low-temp. Fluidity one being oil based and the other a water
 preferred in applications like based or aqueous.
hydraulic  Oil is immiscible in water.
3. Aromatic
 dominated by ring-shaped Synthetic Blend Motor Oil
aromatic hydrocarbons  Also known as Semi Synthetic or Synthetic
 good material solvency and Blend engine oil, these motor oils provide a
enhanced thermal stability balance between the economy offered by
 used in rubber conventional oil and the superior
 Sulfur content (0.1 - 1%) performance of full synthetic oil.
 depends on the source of the crude oil
and the refining process. Small amounts High Mileage Motor Oil
of sulfur in the oil are desirable to give  High-mileage motor oil is specially
good lubrication and oxidation and formulated for late model vehicles or newer
properties vehicles with over 120,000 kilometers. High
 Viscosity mileage motor oil, with its unique additives
 depends on factors such as the specific and formulation, helps to reduce oil burn-off,
type of mineral oil, temperature, and and helps prevent oil leaks that may occur
any additives or treatments it may have in older engines.
 However, mineral oils typically exhibit a
relatively moderate to high viscosity,
Conventional Motor Oil cooling agent because it cannot dissipate
 Conventional motor oils can be formulated heat by convection. The loss of grease's
in a range of viscosity grades and quality semi-solid form determines the substance's
levels. Conventional motor oil is shelf life.
recommended for drivers with simple
engine designs and regular (as opposed to Manufacturing Of Grease
severe) driving styles.  Alkali and fatty acids are added to a
certain amount of oil to create grease.
Manufacturing Of Synthetic Oils  After heating the mixture, soap is created
 made by combining two or more parts and, from the fatty acids and alkali.
in particular, is man- made rather than  Following the reaction, the water required
naturally occurring. Synthetic materials are for the creation of the soap is eliminated,
made artificially by combining two or more and the soap crystallizes.
components together; this usually involves  In the latter stages of production, the
causing a chemical reaction between two grease is mechanically worked to
or more compounds, as in the creation of homogenize the composition and enable
most polymers (a group that includes all the blending of additives and leftover oil.
plastics and rubbers). In this case, the  In the latter stages of production, the
compounds being combined are grease is mechanically worked to
monomers, which join together to form homogenize the composition and enable
polymers. the blending of additives and leftover oil.

Application Of Emulsifier Composition

 Usually used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,  Grease always has a base mineral or
and personal hygiene. synthetic oil, additives, and thickener as its
 Microemulsions are used to deliver vaccines three main active components. Metal soaps
to kill various microbes. and clays are employed as thickeners. The
 It is used in chemical synthesis. mineral oil often has the greatest impact on
 It is used in firefighting. grease performance, however additives
 Nano emulsions such as soybean oil are and thickeners occasionally can make a
used to kill microbes. difference. The kind and quantity of
 Mayonnaise is an oil in water emulsion with thickener (usually 5-20%) have a significant
egg yolk or sodium stearoyl lactylate. impact on the characteristics of the grease.
It is very common to utilize additives that are
Emulsion And Aqueous Lubricant comparable to those found in lubricating
 Emulsion is a mixture of two or more oils. There may also be the addition of fillers
immiscible liquids one being oil based and such as metal oxides, carbon black,
other water based or aqueous. They are molybdenum disulphide,
described as immiscible liquids because polytetrafluoroethylene, etc.
they cannot easily be mixed together
without separating from it. Which in this
case, the best example for this is, wherein oil Applications
is immiscible with/in water. Immiscible liquid  Lubrication
cannot be mixed with another liquid without  Cooling
separating from it: Oil is immiscible with/in  Cleaning
water.  Corrosion Protection
 Fuel Efficiency
 Grease is a mixture of thickeners and
lubricating oils that offers semi- permanent LUBRICANTS
lubrication. They are frequently used in  Lubricants are substances or compounds
rolling contact bearings and gears as low- used to reduce friction and minimize wear
maintenance lubricants, particularly in hard- between moving parts in machinery,
to-reach worn contacts. Except at low engines, or engines, or mechanical systems.
sliding speeds, their lubricating performance They serve as a protective barrier between
is, however, inferior to that of mineral oils. surfaces in contact, allowing them to slide
Despite operating at high temperatures, or move smoothly against each other.
grease must maintain a semi- solid bulk,
increasing the risk of failure. It is useless as a
Physical Properties Of Lubricants specific gravity is often used to characterize
 OIL VISCOSITY crude oils. It gives a rough idea of the
 The parameter that plays a fundamental amount of gasoline and kerosene present in
role in lubrication is oil viscosity. Different oils the crude. The oil density, however, is often
exhibit different viscosities. In addition, oil confused with specific gravity.
viscosity changes with temperature, shear
rate and pressure and the thickness of the Specific Gravity
generated oil film is usually proportional to it.  Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the
 Consequently the power losses are higher mass of a given volume of oil at
and more heat is generated resulting in a temperature 'ti' to the mass of an equal
substantial increase in the temperature of volume of pure water at temperature 't2'.
the contacting surfaces, which may lead to For petroleum products the specific gravity
the failure of the component. For is usually quoted using the same
engineering applications the oil viscosity is temperature of 60 °F(15.6°C)
usually chosen to give optimum  In the petroleum industry an API (American
performance at the required temperature. Petroleum Institute) unit is used which is a
Knowing the temperature at which the oil is derivative of the conventional specific
expected to operate is critical as oil gravity. The API scale is expressed in
viscosity is extremely temperature degrees which in some cases are more
dependent. convenient to use than specific gravity
Types Of Viscosity
 Dynamic Viscosity API GRAVITY FORMULA
 is a measure of internal resistance.
Dynamic (absolute) viscosity is the
tangential force per unit area required
to move one horizontal plane with
respect to an other plane
 The shearing stress between the layers
of a non turbulent fluid moving in
straight parallel lines can be defined for
a Newtonian fluid as


Specific Heat
 Kinematic Viscosity  Specific heat varies linearly with
 Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of - absolute temperature and increases with increasing
(or dynamic) viscosity to density polarity or hydrogen bonding of the
 a quantity in which no force is involved. molecules. The specific heat of an oil is
Kinematic viscosity can be obtained by usually half that of water.For mineral and
dividing the absolute viscosity of a fluid with synthetic hydrocarbon based lubricants,
the fluid mass density like specific heat is in the range from about
 expressed in cm^2/stoke 1800 [J/kgK] at 0°C to about 3300 [J/kgK] at

Thermal Conductivity
 Thermal conductivity also varies linearly with
temperature and is affected by polarity and
Viscosity is influenced by hydrogen bonding of the molecules
 Temperature
 Water Thermal Conductivity Formula
 Contaminants
 Pressure and Shearing

Lubricant Density and Specific Gravity Thermal Diffusivity

 Lubricant density is important in engineering  Thermal diffusivity is the parameter
calculations and sometimes offers a simple describing the temperature propagation
way of identifying lubricants. Density or into the solids
 Automotive Engines
 Industrial Machinery
 Aerospace
 Household Appliance
 Medical Equipment
 Food Processing
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS subsequently, in 1899, he founded the
renowned Timken company, which is now a
 BEARINGS are "parts that assist objects' well-known bearing manufacturer.
rotation". They support the shaft that rotates  This tapered roller bearing was installed
inside the machinery. within the wheel hubs of horse-drawn
 Moving parts in machinery involves relative carriages, greatly enhancing the
sliding or rolling motion. smoothness, speed, and longevity of their
 Examples of relative motion are linear sliding operation, marking a significant
motion, such as in machine tools, and advancement in carriage technology.
rotation motion, such as in motor vehicle
wheels. Bearing Selection Guide
 Understand the Application Requirements
HISTORY OF BEARINGS  Lubrication method and type of lubricant
required for the bearing
The Beginning of the Bearing  Appropriate type of bearing for your
 Ancient Egyptian Times - roller bearings application
 The first conception of bearings can be  Check Tolerance and Fit
dated back to around 2,600 BC during the  Materials and Coatings
Ancient Egyptian era. The Ancient Egyptians  Budget Constraints
were among the pioneers in employing  Consultation with Experts
early versions of roller bearings to transport  Test and Monitor
massive stone blocks for pyramid  Consider Alternatives

Da Vinci and Galileo in the creation of Bearings CLASSIFICATION

Classification of Bearings OF BEARINGS
 (16TH AND 17TH CENTURY) -ball bearings Based On The Direction Of Load
 During the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci  A bearing can be classified as a radial
initiated the creation of blueprint drawings bearing, thrust bearing, or radial-thrust
and plans for an early helicopter, which bearing depending on whether the bearing
incorporated an early rendition of the load is in the radial or axial direction,
modern ball bearing. respectively, of the shaft.
 In the 17th century, Galileo was  All the forces on the shaft must be
documented as the first person to describe supported by the bearings, and the force
a caged bearing. Although he did not on the bearing is referred to as a bearing
physically construct the bearing, he load. The load on the shaft can be divided
provided a clear explanation of the design into radial and axial (thrust) components.
principles, offering subsequent engineers a
foundation to build. Radial bearing - bicycles

 The Bearing is brought to life (18TH CENTURY) Based On Their Geometry

- reduce friction  Bearings can also be classified according to
 It was in the 18th century that bearings their geometry related to the relative
became more than just a design concept, motion of elements in machinery. Examples
as engineers began to put the principles are:
into action.  Journal Bearing
 In 1794, Phillip Vaughan advanced this  Plane-slider Bearing
design by obtaining a patent for the first ball  Spherical Bearing
race. In his patent, he detailed a method
wherein iron balls could be positioned Based On The Nature Of Contact
between the wheel and axle of a train  Sliding Contact Bearing
carriage to diminish friction during its  Rolling Contact Bearing
movement. To ensure the balls remained in
position, they were securely sealed in place Sliding Contact Bearing
with a stopper.  Sliding contact bearings are also known as
sleeve bearings, journal bearings or plain
 The Timken Company - PATENT TURNED TO bearings. These are types of bearings in
BUSINESS which the space between the bearing
 In 1898, Henry Timken secured a patent for housing and the shaft is filled with a
the tapered roller bearing, and
lubricating fluid. The shaft stays afloat on this  Industrial Machinery
lubricant and slides over it.  Aerospace Industry
 The sliding contact bearings, according to  Marine Industry
the thickness of layer of the lubricant  Power Generation
between the bearing and the journal, may
also be classified as : Inner Ring And Raceway
 Thick Film Bearings  The inner raceway is a smaller ring over the
 The thick film bearings are those in shaft. It is positioned inside the outer
which the working surfaces are raceway
completely separated from each other  On roller bearings, the raceway is flat or
by the lubricant. tapered with a flange that holds the rollers
 A. Hydrodynamic Lubricated in place.
Bearings (Journal Bearing).  On ball bearings, a groove is cut into its
 Typically a low-clearance assembly outer circumference.
that relies on a film of oil (and
occasionally air) that develops Rolling Elements
space while the spindle is rotating.  Bearings can rotate freely due to the balls
 Journal Bearing - When the angle of or rollers fixed between the inner and outer
contact of the bearing with the races.
journal is 360
 Partial Journal Bearing - When the Bearing Cage
angle of contact of the bearing  A bearing cage holds the balls or rollers in
with the journal is 120 place in between the inner and outer
 Fitted Journal Bearing - When a raceway. This ensures that the balls/rollers
partial journal bearing has no can rotate freely, but they retain their
clearance having the diameters of spacing
the journal and bearing are equal
Outer Raceway
 Bearings consist of an outer raceway and
 Hydrostatic bearings are a
an inner raceway (ring) that houses the balls
particular type of bearings that work
or rollers inside.
on the principle of separating sliding
 On roller bearings, the outer raceway is flat,
surfaces using pressurized fluid such
spherical, or tapered with a flange that
as air, oil or any other type of
holds the rollers in place.
lubricant. Hydrostatic bearings use
 On ball bearings, a groove is cut along the
an external pump or other means to
inner circumference of the raceway so that
deliver a continuous and controlled
the balls will be held in place.
flow of fluid into the bearing
 Thin Film Bearings
Ball Bearing
 They are characterized by the use of a
 A ball bearing consists of balls that make a
very thin layer of lubricating material,
contact point with ring raceways. As the
typically in the form of a film or coating,
load on the bearing increases, it causes the
between the bearing surfaces. Such
contact area of the bearing to become
types of bearings are also called
boundary lubricated bearings.
 Deep-Groove Ball Bearings
 Zero Film Bearing
 Angular Contact Ball Bearings
 The zero film bearings are those which
 Self-Aligning Ball Bearings
operate without any lubricant present.
 Thrust Ball Bearings
Rolling Contact Bearing/ Antifriction Bearing
Types Of Ball Bearing
 Rolling contact or antifriction bearings are
 Deep-Groove Ball Bearings
used to support the applied load by actual
 The most commonly used bearings
metal-to-metal contact over a relatively
 In addition to radial forces, they absorb
small area. The rolling contact bearing is a
axial forces in both directions
type of bearing where the rolling element is
 Their low torque also makes them suitable
used to reduce friction
for high speeds
 Angular Contact Bearings
Application of Sliding Contact Bearing
Characterized by a contact angle
 Automotive Industry
Suitable for combined loads
 Self Aligning Ball Bearings and stationary machine members, used
 Include a double row of balls guided by a primarily in machinery that has shafts
cage and double row inner ring raceway. requiring support for low friction rotation.
 Special feature of a continuous spherical
outer ring raceway allowing the inner Roller
ring/ball complement to swivel within the  also known as rolling-element bearings,
outer ring. similar to ball bearings in that they are
 This type of bearing is recommended when designed to carry a load while minimizing
alignment of the shaft and the housing friction. However, roller bearings transmit
 Thrust Ball Bearing loads using cylinder rolling elements, rather
 Thrust Ball Bearings consist of two bearing than balls, to maintain the separation
discs with raceways for the balls. between moving parts of the bearing.
 Thrust ball bearings were developed solely
for absorbing axial forces in one direction, Ball thrust
meaning they can locate the shaft axially in  a type of rolling- element bearing designed
one direction to handle axial (thrust) loads, which are
forces acting parallel to the shaft's axis of
Rolling Bearing rotation, thrust ball bearings consist of a
 Roller Bearings are characterized by line series of small balls arranged in a cage and
contact. Line contact offers higher load engineered to handle loads that are
rating than ball bearings of the same size; applied in a straight line along the shaft.
however the speed ability is lower than a
ball bearing due to the increased friction of Roller thrust
a contact line.  a type of rolling- element bearing designed
to handle axial (thrust) loads, thrust roller
Types Of Roller Bearing bearings use cylindrical and are designed
 Spherical Roller Bearing to distribute axial loads over a larger
 Spherical Roller Bearings are very robust and contact area, making them well-suited for
work on the same principle as Self-aligning applications where high axial load capacity
bearings is required.
 Spherical roller bearings are suitable for
absorbing high radial loads and moderate Tapered roller bearings
axial load  feature a cup and cone assembly,
 Cylindrical Roller Bearing Roller Bearing consisting of inner ring. rollers, and cage. It is
 Cylindrical Roller Bearings use line contact used in many industrial applications. It is
between the rolling elements and the ideal for guides that have to undergo
raceways extreme loads. It is also found in
 Have a very high radial load rating. applications where radial loads are
 Tapered Roller Bearing important and rotational speeds are high.
 Have tapered raceways in the inner and
outer rings with conical rollers arranged Specialized
between them  specialized bearing type refers to a specific
 Due to the contact angle, tapered roller type of bearing designed for particular
bearings can absorb high radial and axial applications or industries that require unique
forces in one direction. features or characteristics. Bearings are
 Needle Roller Bearing mechanical components that reduce
 Are a special type of cylindrical roller friction between moving parts and facilitate
bearing which contain long, thin rolling smooth rotational or linear motion.
elements, known as needle rollers
 The ratio of diameter to length is between Magnetic
1:3 and 1:10.  A magnetic bearing is a type of specialized
bearing that uses magnetic forces to
TYPES OF BEARINGS/CLASSIFICATION support and position a rotating shaft or
Ball component without physical contact
 mechanical assemblies that consist of rolling between the bearing and the shaft
spherical elements that are captured Magnetic bearings are designed to provide
between circular inner and outer races. precise control over the position and
They provide a means of supporting rotating movement of the rotating element.
shafts and minimizing friction between shafts
Giant Roller
 A giant roller bearing is a specialized type of
roller bearing designed to handle
exceptionally large and heavy loads. These
bearings are typically much larger in size
compared to standard roller bearings and
are used in applications where massive
forces and loads must be supported. They
are commonly found in industries such as
construction, mining, heavy machinery, and
offshore drilling.

Radial Load
 any load acting at perpendicular to the
bearing axis

Axial Load or Thrust load

 the force acting along the axis

 is where the bearing is installed on the shaft

Surface Velocity Limit

 the maximum amount of surface velocity

Surface Pressure limit

 the maximum amount of surface pressure

Pressure-Velocity limit
 combination of pressure and velocity

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