DNA Replication
DNA Replication
DNA Replication
Key points:
• DNA replication is semiconservative. Each strand in the double
helix acts as a template for synthesis of a new, complementary
DNA replication, or the copying of a cell's DNA, is no simple task!
There are about 3 billion base pairs of DNA in your genome, all of
which must be accurately copied when any one of your trillions of cells
divides .
Let's take a look at the proteins and enzymes that carry out replication,
seeing how they work together to ensure accurate and complete
replication of DNA.
The basic idea
DNA replication is semiconservative, meaning that each strand in the
DNA double helix acts as a template for the synthesis of a new,
complementary strand.
Cells need to copy their DNA very quickly, and with very few errors (or
risk problems such as cancer). To do so, they use a variety of enzymes
and proteins, which work together to make sure DNA replication is
performed smoothly and accurately.
DNA polymerase
One of the key molecules in DNA replication is the enzyme DNA
polymerase. DNA polymerases are responsible for synthesizing DNA:
they add nucleotides one by one to the growing DNA chain,
incorporating only those that are complementary to the template.
Two strands of D N A are base paired together. The top strand consists
of a 5 prime end, labeled primer, and a 3 prime end that is growing and
labeled new D N A strand. The bottom strand runs from 3 prime to 5
prime and is labeled old D N A strand. The growing portion of the top
strand and the corresponding portion of the bottom strand are
surrounded by D N A polymerase. A magnified view of this portion
shows a bottom strand sequence of C T T A G T G A C and a top strand
sequence of G A A T C A C with an arrow showing that T is inserted
• They can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of a DNA strand
• They can't start making a DNA chain from scratch, but require a
pre-existing chain or short stretch of nucleotides called a primer
• They proofread, or check their work, removing the vast majority
of "wrong" nucleotides that are accidentally added to the chain
Specialized proteins recognize the origin, bind to this site, and open up
the DNA. As the DNA opens, two Y-shaped structures
called replication forks are formed, together making up what's called
a replication bubble. The replication forks will move in opposite
directions as replication proceeds.
Bacterial chromosome. The double-stranded DNA of the circular
bacteria chromosome is opened at the origin of replication, forming a
replication bubble. Each end of the bubble is a replication fork, a Y-
shaped junction where double-stranded DNA is separated into two
single strands. New DNA complementary to each single strand is
synthesized at each replication fork. The two forks move in opposite
directions around the circumference of the bacterial chromosome,
creating a larger and larger replication bubble that grows at both ends.
Diagram based on similar illustration in Reece et al. .
How does replication actually get going at the forks? Helicase is the
first replication enzyme to load on at the origin of replication .
Helicase's job is to move the replication forks forward by "unwinding"
the DNA (breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base
Once the RNA primer is in place, DNA polymerase "extends" it, adding
nucleotides one by one to make a new DNA strand that's
complementary to the template strand.
Leading and lagging strands
In E. coli, the DNA polymerase that handles most of the synthesis is
DNA polymerase III. There are two molecules of DNA polymerase III at
a replication fork, each of them hard at work on one of the two new
DNA strands.
DNA polymerases can only make DNA in the 5' to 3' direction, and this
poses a problem during replication. A DNA double helix is always anti-
parallel; in other words, one strand runs in the 5' to 3' direction, while
the other runs in the 3' to 5' direction. This makes it necessary for the
two new strands, which are also antiparallel to their templates, to be
made in slightly different ways.
One new strand, which runs 5' to 3' towards the replication fork, is the
easy one. This strand is made continuously, because the DNA
polymerase is moving in the same direction as the replication fork. This
continuously synthesized strand is called the leading strand.
A diagram showing D N A replication. Separated double strand D N A
is shown in black. The top black strand runs 3 prime to 5 prime and is
attached to a leading strand that is growing from 5 prime to 3 prime
due to D N A polymerase moving towards the 3 prime end of the
leading strand. The 5 prime end of this strand is yellow and the
remainder is blue. The bottom black strand runs 5 prime to 3 prime and
is attached to the lagging strand, which consists of a pair of Okazaki
fragments that run in the opposite direction. The 5 prime end of each
of these fragments is yellow and the remainder of each fragment is
blue. D N A polymerase moves towards the 3 prime end of the right
hand Okazaki fragment and is nearing the gap between fragments.
The other new strand, which runs 5' to 3' away from the fork, is
trickier. This strand is made in fragments because, as the fork moves
forward, the DNA polymerase (which is moving away from the fork)
must come off and reattach on the newly exposed DNA. This tricky
strand, which is made in fragments, is called the lagging strand.
The small fragments are called Okazaki fragments, named for the
Japanese scientist who discovered them. The leading strand can be
extended from one primer alone, whereas the lagging strand needs a
new primer for each of the short Okazaki fragments.
• DNA polymerase III extends the primers, adding on to the 3' end,
to make the bulk of the new DNA.